Repairs Design Furniture

Adjust idle on the carburetor Chainsaw Echo. Adjusting the carburetor any chainsaws with your own hands. Re-checking at idle

Counting construction and repair do not cost without the use of chainsaws, like gardening. Due to the tool malfunction, all work can stand, so it is important to be able to disassemble it yourself, find problems and eliminate them. With sufficient experience and skill, even adjustment of the carburetor chainsaws is possible - the procedure is complex, or rather, the jewelry. How to spend adjustment procedures, we suggest you today to disassemble.

The diagram shows the interaction of fuel and air flow

Principle of operation: Air jet in the diffuser spray fuel, creating a mixture entering the cylinder. The more the amount of incoming fuel, the higher the engine turnover. Carburetors of various models work on the same scheme.

When does the adjustment need?

Specifically, the adjustment of the carburetor chainsaws is required in rare cases, problems associated with the flow of fuel or wear of parts arise. But sometimes "symptoms" indicate that it is necessary to adjust the mechanism. Here are some signs:

  • After the engine started, he immediately stalls. As an option - it does not start at all. The reason lies in the rebupping of air and fuel shortage.
  • Increase the fuel consumption, and as a result - a large number of exhaust gases. This is due to the reverse process - the oversaturation of the mixture with fuel.

Causes of adjustment failure can be mechanical:

  • Due to the strong vibration, a protective cap is damaged, as a result, all three bolts lose the established fixation.
  • Due to the wear of the piston part of the engine. In this case, the adjustment of the carburetor chainsaws will only rescue for a while, it is better to replace the worn item.
  • Due to the blockage, which occurs due to poor-quality fuels, scale or filter damage. The carburetor requires full disassembly, flushing and adjustment.

If the chainsaw suddenly stopped working, to determine the reasons, it is necessary to disassemble it

Step-by-step instruction on disassembly

The device of the carburetor models of different brands is almost the same, so take for example chainsaw Partner. Each element is gently removed and put it in order, so that it was easier to collect.

Carburetors chainsaws of different manufacturers if different, then not fundamentally

The top cover is removed by unscrewing three bolts. Following it - foam rubber part of the air filter.

The arrows are the bolts that need to unscrew to remove the lid

Then we remove the fuel hose, behind it - the drive thrust.

The upper arrow indicates the fuel hose, lower - on the drive thrust

The arrow shows the tip of the cable to remove

To the left of the fitting we are tightened by a gasoline hose.

Also carefully remove the gasoline hose to which the arrow indicates

The carburetor is finally disconnected, it is ready for adjustment. Its mechanism is quite complicated, so if further disassembly of the carburetor is required, it is necessary to remove the items very carefully - they are small, so they can be lost.

The carburetor consists of a plurality of small parts, which when disassembling should be laid in order

Features settings and adjustment

To find out how to adjust the carburetor on a chainsaw, you should learn to distinguish between three screws (some models are only one).

Screws L and H are similar only to the sight, in fact they are different

Each screw has its letter designation:

  • "L" is used to configure low revolutions;
  • "H" is needed to adjust the upper revolutions;
  • "T" is needed to adjust the idle course (only it is present at the models with one screw).

The factory adjustment is optimal, and with the help of screws set the engine operation in special situations (work associated with different climatic conditions).

The diagram shows the outputs of the screw adjustment screws with a closed lid

The setting is performed only by the screws L and N. To increase the speed, they are rotated clockwise. To downgrade - counterclockwise. Screw use sequence: L - N - T.

It can be useful: how to repair benzokos with your own hands:

If there are doubts about the adjustment, it is better to contact a specialist, since the wrong setting is able to withdraw the engine.

Chainsaw is an indispensable tool in a private household basis. Therefore, his uninterrupted functioning is very important. High-quality chainsaws in a large extent depends on how effectively carburetor performs its functions. We will try to figure out how to adjust the carburetor on a chainsaw.

Construction and principle of functioning of carburetor chainsaws

As with any other mechanism, before doing something, it is necessary to figure it out in its device and the principle of work. So, the carburetor is part of the engine intended for mixing in certain proportions of oxygen and fueland feeding this mixture into the engine. Violation of the proportions leads to poor motor operation or to overcaps fuel, or to its full stop.

The device of the carburetor, in general, in all saws is equally, the exception is Chinese production chainsaws. But, in principle, it will not be superfluous to look into the toolpasport and explore the structure of the carburetor. Its main components are as follows:

  • the tube is an element responsible for the portion of air by opening or closing the damper;
  • the diffuser is an element located at the inlet through which the fuel is supplied and is designed to accelerate the air flow;
  • sprayer - fuel injection mechanism into air flow;
  • the float chamber is a cavity designed to maintain a combustible mixture at one level. It is from the jam, fuel falls into the sprayer.

In the mode of operation of the carburetor, the air passes into the tube and comes along with the speed adjustable by the damper. The opening of the tube activates the float. Air flow by passing through the diffuser, stirred with flammable and sprayed. The resulting mixture enters the cylinder through the inlet channel. The pressure in the chamber with the float is close to the atmospheric, and in the air tube pressure is sparse. This difference in pressure indicators is needed to suck the fuel into the tube. The more fuel comes, the greater the engine turnover. This is the overall structure and principle of operation of the carburetor chainsaws.

Symptoms talking about the need to adjust the carburetor

There are several signs that the carburetor works incorrectly and it is required to adjust.

If you have some of the signs described above, it's time to engage in the adjustment of the carburetor chainsaws.

Preparation for adjustment

Adjusting the carburetor chainsaws occurs with the help of three screws:

  • "H" - a screw regulating maximum turnover and the main jib;
  • "L" - a screw for adjusting the small revolutions of the motor and the jibera idle;
  • the third screw regulates idle and may designate in different ways: "La", "S", "T".

It is also possible that in your chainsaw screws will be less dependent on the manufacturer.

So, we found out the designation of the screws, proceed to the preparatory procedures. Everything is simple here.

Now you can proceed directly to the adjustment itself, which is made in two stages.

Adjusting the carburetor chainsaw

In principle, the adjustment of the carburetor chainsaw is quite simple in the presence of experience or accompanying skills. The first thing to do is slow motion screw the screws along the clockwise arrow, designated L and H before stop. And then one and a half turn to unscrew them back. All this is done when the engine is turned off.

After completing the procedure, launch the engine and warm it up for 10 minutes by setting it on average speed. Now we will deal with idling screw, which, as we remember, can be marked differently. It is necessary twist against clockwisewhile the motor does not start working evenly. Keep track of whether the chain moves or does not move. If so, then the screw must still be twisted counterclockwise. If the engine in this mode stalls, turn the screw clockwise slightly.

Upon completion of all manipulations, be checked: acceleration, idling and revolutions.

Checking Chainsaws after setting the carburetor

Were you correctly adjusted the carburetor on a chainsaw show the following tests. Smoothly press the accelerator and, if the engine turnover almost immediately increased to the maximum, it means it works fine when accelerated. Under the maximal, the values \u200b\u200bfrom 2800 to 15,000 are understood. If this does not happen, turn the screw L by one eighth turn counterclockwise.

Maximum number of rotational motors per minute must be within 11500 - 15000. If the revolutions exceed these values, the ignition process will violate. Therefore, we check how ignition occurs if there are failures to check the screw of the screw H, thus reducing, thereby, the number of revolutions per minute.

After these tests, it is necessary to test the operation of chainsaws in idle mode. You can talk about the correct adjustment of the idling screw if the circuit is not moving when checking, and the motor when you press the accelerator quickly gains the maximum number of revolutions. The sound of the motor should fall into four tact.

The internal combustion engine chainsaws requires special attention due to rigid operating conditions, and especially the carburetor. Without periodic service, no motor system will last long. Today we will talk about the process of adjusting and eliminating various failures in work.

Chainsaw carburetor device

For independent adjustment of the carburetor, the chainsaws do not need to be a professional engine technician. However, to memorize some aspects of the carburetor's work concerning the process of training the fuel mixture, still have to.

The overwhelming majority of chainsaws are completed by the carburetors of Walbro Chinese production. In the device, they are simple, if not primitive. There is a monoblock case of a pass-through type with through hole. Inside the hole is placed the diffuser is a narrowing of the passage with the fuel injection channel. From both sides there are dampers: the smaller is throttle, it adjusts the amount of fuel mixture to feed into the cylinder. The larger damper is air, serves to limit air flow during a cold start.

Walbro carburetor device: 1 - input fuel fitting; 2 - pulse channel of the membrane pump; 3 - inlet valve; 4 - the fuel pump membrane; 5 - exhaust valve; 6 - filter grid; 7 - air damper; 8 - throttle; 9 - fuel channel; 10 - Welder adjustment screw; 11 - needle; 12 - idle jets; 13 - control membrane; 14 - fuel chamber; 15 - the main jetwork; 16 - Diffuser; 17 - Main Adjustment Screw

All fuel preparation magic occurs in hidden channels and a membrane pump chamber. When turning the throttle, the channel cross-section on which fuel injection is underway in the mixing chamber, slightly increases and fuel is income in a larger volume. At the same time, the carburetor has two kind of valve: for feeding on small and high revs. When changing the position of the throttle damper, the fuel duct changes in proportion between these two valves.

The need for such a device is that at idle and under load the quality of the mixture should be different. At the same time, the channel, through which fuel is supplied to the mixer at idle, does not overlap completely when the engine is accelerated and vice versa - the channel of maximum revolutions is slightly subcuting at idle.

The internal combustion engine works, burning the pre-prepared mixture of air, oil and gasoline. The adjustment of the carburetor chainsaws is needed to prepare the mixture in the required proportion. The carburetor depends on the engine whether the engine will work with the stated power or stall.

Regardless of the company of the manufacturer, the principle and order of operation of the carburetor engines of internal combustion of the same. To mix air and fuel, the carburetor represents the device comprising:

  • air tube with narrowing;
  • fuel supply system;
  • adjustable air damper.

The air under atmospheric pressure, passing the air cleaner, is supplied to the zone of narrowing, where its consumption is adjusted overlapping cross-section, flat flap. After narrowing in the pipe there is a discharge. As a result, the vacuum sucks fuel from the fuel feed tube, the yield of which is regulated by the fuel needle connected to the fuel chamber by the jicle. The device of the carburetor chainsaws in principle does not differ from other internal combustion fuel mixers.

The principle of mixing is to regulate the air damper, the level of the float, depending on the degree of discharge. Open air - more fuel goes, the engine increases the turnover. The correct ratio of combustible mixture depends on the exact adjustment of the carburetor chainsaws. If in the fuel a lot of air, power drops, the mixture is called depleted. With a lack of air, there is a great fuel consumption, incomplete combustion, a naughty on the cylinder and the exhaust of the unlawful fuel. It says that a mixture mixture.

According to the instructions, it requires running using a enriched fuel mixture. Therefore, the carburetor from the plant comes with the setting for the running time period. When you go to the operating mode, the node is adjusting again.

Signs of good work Carburetor Chainsaws:

  • the engine operates exactly, reminding the sound of four-stroke;
  • fast rpm;
  • at idle the circuit is not scrolled.

When the carburetor setting is required

New chainsaw is adjusted to the recommended mixture. It is necessary only to finish with the help of three screws, you do not need to disassemble the carburetor. Purpose of regulating screws:

  • "L" regulates the supply of fuel at low revs;
  • "H" is needed to regulate the maximum fuel supply;
  • "T" idle regulator.

Since the saw carburetor adjustment occurs on the hearing when the engine is running, security measures must be observed. The saw should be placed steadily with cutters directed to the safe for the present side.

Before the start of the manipulation, it is necessary to mark the original position of the screws with paint or felt-tipper. The exact values \u200b\u200bof the adjustment of the carburetor chainsaws for each model are in the instruction manual.

However, it is more often a carburetor tincture after eliminating the tool failure. Causes can be:

  • violation of the protective cap and the unbalance of screws;
  • motor piston wear, requiring another composition of the mixture for work;
  • the unsatisfactory work of the carburetor himself.

How to adjust the carburetor on a specific model? Perform a successively operation, guided by the instructions. Here is the algorithm, the overall sequence of actions.

There are two setup stages:

  • basic, when the engine is turned off;
  • thin - on a heated engine, at idle work.

Basic settings are carried out only for fuel supply screws on low and high revs. Smoothly slowly should be completely overlapping the damper until it stops. Also smoothly open a 2.5 turnover counterclockwise. After that, run the engine and warm it for 10 minutes.

How to set the carburetor on a chainsaw with an engine on:

  • adjust the idle rotation of the "T" screw, rotating counterclockwise to the stable operation of the motor at idle;
  • check the speed of a set of revolutions, with slow promotion, turn the screw L to 1/8 turns additionally;
  • the greatest speed of rotation is to the tachometer with screw N;
  • check the operation of the carburetor at idle finally.

How to find a carburetor malfunction

However, the adjustment can be preceded by the repair of the carburetor itself, when it cannot perform its fuel mixer function.

If the fuel for any reason does not enter the engine, you need to check the status of the fuel supply node. Often the reason is the supply of poor-quality gasoline, as a result, fuel moves are clogged.

If a mixture of fuel stood for a long time, the additives were collapsed, the mixture can score the precipitate, the grid. In this case, a long flushing is required, which is made using solvents in the service workshop.

Independent troubleshooting

If the troubleshooting is carried out with their own hands, it is necessary to free the place and decompose small details. The tool will be required:

  • brush;
  • drill for heads with a cross;
  • end key or head M6;
  • clean gasoline.

The main thing is to correctly release the node from the installation site, clearing it outside the dirt. The air intake is removed, opening access to the carburetor and the supply craving. Remove the accelerator lever by lowering the carburetor flap. Release the part, removing the suction lever, raising the wire along with the lever, picing on the left.

Flaped carburetor rinse in gasoline, blow air, clean the grid, making the injection with a thin needle.

Having gathering a node in the reverse order, you should make sure that the sprout under the needle lever is put in place. If you forget it, the fuel does not cut off, the candle is raw and does not give sparks.

It happens, the gas key is slightly clinically. In this case, it is necessary to clean the choke from the tax. Need after cleaning to protect the damper with a tincture.

Having gathered a carburetor by setting it into place, to adjust, as written above.

Video instructions for adjusting the carburetor chainsaws

The possession of the chainsaw largely facilitates life even an amateur, and in some professions this tool is actually indispensable. However, as any relatively complex device, chainsaw requires periodic service. Due to the late or not the highest quality maintenance, as well as as a result of the impact of both planned and excessive loads, various malfunctions may appear. For professionals interruptions or unstable working saws, the saws reduces the efficiency of work or may cause a damaged working day. One of quite often occurring faults is the wrong setting of the carburetor chainsaw, which is confrontated due to unsuccessful attempts to adjust or displace adjustment screws for other reasons.

Symptoms of faults and breakage in which the carburetor is required.

The following signs and malfunctions are indicated about the need to adjust the carburetor:

  • the engine starts with Natogi and almost instantly stalls;
  • gasoline consumption is excessively large, the exhaust is too thick, the combustible mixture in the cylinder does not completely burn;
  • the factory settings of the carburetor chainsaw (due to vibrations or unsuccessful regulation attempts) are shot down;
  • malfunctions of the air purification system that led to the fraud particles in the separating fuel mixture mechanism;
  • significant wear of the piston group - the adjustment of the carburetor in this case acts as a temporary measure.

It is clear that when you hit the fuel system in one setting, it is not solved by one setting - it is necessary to flushing it. In the case of worn out, the piston is required overhaul. However, in all these cases, the carburetor is also held.

Purpose, design and principle of the carburetor.

The carburetor is needed to prepare the fuel and air mixture to power the engine. If the proportions in this mixture are incorrect, the operation of the motor is disturbed. If the proportion is not compared to increasing the amount of fuel, the mixture is called an oversaturated, if fuel, on the contrary, is poorly poor. At the operation of the engine and the fact, and the other affects not the best way.

In different models, chainsaw carburetors differ in design, but according to the principle of action they are similar. The air flow at high speed moves through the aircraft. The damper, overlapping channel, allows you to change the speed of the air jet. Fuel through the sprayer is supplied to the channel, where it is mixed with the incoming air, forming the fuel and air mixture. The resulting mixture enters the engine.

The pressure in the float chamber, where the fuel is located before mixing, is almost equal to atmospheric. But there is a vacuum in the air channel, due to which the fuel is drawn into the air flow. The more the damper opens, the faster the air moves, and the amount of fuel also increases - the frequency of the engine revolutions is growing. So simplified can be the principle of the carburetor.

For effective, smooth operation of the instrument, obtaining maximum returns and at the same time economical fuel consumption requires a chainsaw carburetor setting. Before adjustment it is necessary to check the fuel and air filters - they must be clean. On most chainsaw setting is carried out by three screws: idling, high revs, low revs. On properly adjustment of the carburetor, such signs are indicated:

  1. The chain is not moving at idle.
  2. The engine accelerates smoothly and quickly.
  3. The sound of the working motor is smooth, similar to the sound of a four-stroke engine.

To adjust the carburetor, you need to treat with all possible accuracy, because errors in the settings can lead to very serious consequences, up to the occurrence of engine malfunction. If there is no one hundred percent confidence in your abilities, you need to contact the service center.

Khuskvarna saw carburetor adjustment.

For the routing mode, the parts obtained the lubricant in sufficient quantities, the Khuskvarna chainsaw carburetor is done in such a way that the maximum speed is 600-700 rpm. Below work. If there is no possibility to set the working maximum frequency on the tachometer, you should not change the preliminary settings of the H screw. Exceed the value of the maximum number of revolutions by the manufacturer is prohibited. If after completing the adjustment, when the engine is idling at idle, the saws chain moves, it is necessary to force it to stop at the tilt of the screw ton.

For precise adjustment, the saw should be made for at least 10 minutes, installed on a flat surface. The tire must be directed in the opposite side of the person conducting the setting. At the initial stage, you should detect the highest idle frequency. For this, the screw L smoothly turn first from left to right, then on the contrary. When the maximum turnover was performed experimentally, the screw l counterclockwise should be turned out to be pulled out from 1/8 to a quarter of a complete turn.

The idle move is tuned by a jet, labeled letter T. It must be rotated from left to right until the chain starts movement. Then smoothly sue in the opposite direction until the chain rotates. The screw H is considered to be established correctly, if the noise of operation of the saw with a full gas without load remains small. If the exhaust is too smoky and drank is very noise - the mixture is too rich. You need to turn the jokes H clockwise before installing the correct sound. How to configure the carburetor correctly, you can look at the video below.

Chainsaws partner and calm, their adjustments.

In the chainsaws, the valve and partner by the adjusting screws H and L is set to the proportion of air and gasoline in the mixture. When weakening the screws, the mixture is enriched, revolutions increase. Screwing leads to the dining of the mixture and, accordingly, a decrease in engine speed.

Customization of the carburetor Chainsaws The partner on idling is carried out by screw t (the calm marks this adjustment with letters LA). The basic commissioning of the tool is made at the factory during the final tests. In most cases, the carburetor is adjusted for the supply of a slightly more enriched fuel-air mixture than the optimal-calculated one. The settings set by the manufacturer must necessarily be saved in the first few hours of operation during the run period. After that, a thinner adjustment can be performed, although it is not necessary, the saw will work normally on the basic settings.

For fine control, the carburetor requires a tachometer, in addition, it will take technical documentation to carry out work in strict accordance with the requirements of the manufacturer. The best solution will entrust the jewelry setting of fuel equipment to specialists.

If it's still decided to adjust yourself, it should be started from the screw l, after which they go to the jokes H, after which it is exposed to a nozzle turning the screw t (or La - if it saw the calm).

A smooth turn of the screw L in both directions is a position in which the speed of rotation at idle will be maximum. After this point is found, you must unscrew the screw L per 1/4 turn. If at the same time the chain continues to move with the engine running at idle, the screw T (LA) slowly dismisses until the chain is stopped.

After adjusting the h with the maximum revolutions, the value of their frequency is checked by tachometer. If the speed of rotation at the maximum does not correspond to the values \u200b\u200bthat are specified in the documentation, the adjustments are repeated. If the mixture is too rich on the maximum turnover, too much smoke goes out of the muffler, with a poor mixture, the squeezing sound and the engine is superfluous. The adjustment ends with the installation of the idling - the position is correct if the motor operates exactly at a minimum of revolutions and the chain is worth it. Installation of idling can be found on the video presented below.

Setting up a carburetor Chinese chainsaw

Almost any Chinese chainsaws are the same as branded analogs. There are the same screws L, H and T. Sometimes there are saws that are subject to regulation only idle. However, according to the reviews of the owners and service workers, not every chainsaws to adjust the carburetor is removed without problems. Even in experienced repairmen, some models can take a decent amount of time before it turns out to get an acceptable result.

The position of the screw of the screw is considered standard for the carburetors of "Chinese", at which it is reduced by one and a half revolutions from the fullest position. For the screw H is one turn from the same state. In many videos, the screw l is called the quality adjustment of the mixture, and the screw H is its quantity. Idling is regulated in the same way as described above, on a heated engine.