Repair Design Furniture

Application of alarms and emergency stop signs. Application of hazard warning lights and emergency stop signs. Cases of mandatory activation of the alarm

Last update: 09.12.

7.1. The alarm must be turned on:

  • when forced to stop in places where stopping is prohibited;
  • when the driver is blinded by headlights;
  • when towing (on a towed power-driven vehicle);
  • when children get into a vehicle bearing the identification marks "Carriage of Children" (hereinafter, the identification marks are indicated in accordance with the Basic Provisions), and disembark from it.

The driver must turn on the hazard warning lights and in other cases to warn road users about the danger that the vehicle can create.

The warning light is activated by a special button with a triangle symbol. When the warning light is turned on, all direction indicators start to work (flash) simultaneously.

In the cases listed above, the activation of the alarm is mandatory, but the driver can also use it in other situations that he considers dangerous, i.e. these situations are determined by the driver himself.

For example, having seen an accident ahead, you can turn it on in advance to warn drivers who are driving behind - for them it will be a warning signal that something is wrong ahead.

When someone is reversing out of a parking lot, they may not be able to see the situation on the rear right of the road. You can stop in front of the person leaving, as if blocking the road to others along the extreme lane, and turn on the emergency signaling.

Those driving behind will pay attention to the situation, and the leaving driver will be able to safely and safely leave the parking lot. As a token of gratitude, he can "blink" the emergency gang a couple of times - this is one ands on the road. Alternatively, it will be possible to call in later on the vacated seat.

7.2. When the vehicle stops and the alarm is turned on, as well as when it is malfunctioning or absent, an emergency stop sign must be immediately displayed:

  • in case of a road traffic accident;
  • when forced to stop in places where it is prohibited, and where, taking into account the visibility conditions, the vehicle cannot be noticed in time by other drivers.

This sign is installed at a distance that provides timely warning to other drivers about the danger in a specific situation. However, this distance must be at least 15 m from the vehicle in built-up areas and 30 m outside built-up areas.

The warning triangle is an equilateral triangle with a red reflective border (outside) and an orange border (inside). It is advisable that he was on a stable stand, so that later it would not have to be “fenced off” from something.

In the cases listed in clause 7.2, an emergency stop sign should be displayed not only when the alarm is faulty or absent, but also when it is on (working).

7.3. In the absence or malfunction of hazard warning lights on the towed power-driven vehicle, an emergency stop sign must be attached to its rear.

Therefore, you need to take care of where in the back of the car you will have to fix the warning triangle.

7.1. Hazard warning lights must be on:

The driver must turn on hazard warning lights and in other cases to warn road users about the danger that the vehicle can create.

7.2. When the vehicle stops and the hazard warning lights are turned on, as well as when it is malfunctioning or absent, the emergency stop sign must be immediately displayed:

This sign is installed at a distance that provides timely warning to other drivers about the danger in a specific situation. However, this distance must be at least 15 m from the vehicle in built-up areas and 30 m outside built-up areas.

The rules allow stopping and parking of cars on the left side of one-way roads in populated areas. However, in the situation under consideration (picture below), the driver stopped in the zone of action of the “Stop prohibited” sign due to a malfunction. In this case, that is, during a forced stop in places where stopping is prohibited, the driver must display an emergency stop sign. The sign is displayed not only when the hazard warning lights are absent or faulty, but also when it is turned on.


The rules prohibit the operation of a car unless it is equipped with the following three mandatory accessories: a first aid kit, a fire extinguisher and an emergency stop sign. All of these can be purchased at retail and must be stored in an easily accessible place in the vehicle.

An emergency stop sign is a red triangle, which, if necessary, you must put on the carriageway from the side of the approaching vehicle. It is clearly visible not only during the day, but also at night, as it has the ability to reflect the headlights falling on it. Even in the dark on a country road, drivers will see it, understand in advance that there is danger ahead, slow down and will be ready to stop or go around you. And this must be done immediately and without delay!

A few words about what hazard warning lights are.

Absolutely every car has such a key (or button) - if you press it, then all direction indicators and two more repeaters on the side surfaces of the front fenders begin to flash simultaneously. That is, as many as six orange light bulbs are blinking at once on all sides of the car. The driver, turning on the hazard warning lights or applying an emergency stop sign, as if shouts to the rest of the road users:

"I have a problem's! Be careful! Now, without wanting it, I am a danger to everyone! "

This is something like a special language (let's conditionally call it "emergency language"). This language has only a few words and you need to know them. Moreover, both the one who “shouts” and those who hears this “cry” need to know them. Then you can not only see that something happened, but also understand what exactly happened. Either there was an accident, or it is one towing the other, or the children are being put on a bus intended for their organized transportation.

Hazard warning lights must be on:

When towing (on a towed power-driven vehicle);

When the driver is blinded by headlights;

When children get into and out of a vehicle with the identification marks "Carriage of Children":

The driver must turn on hazard warning lights and in other cases to warn road users about the danger that the vehicle can create.

An emergency stop sign must be displayed:

In case of a road traffic accident;

When forced to stop in places where stopping is prohibited;

In case of a forced stop in any places where a standing vehicle cannot be seen in time by other drivers.

In case of a traffic accident.

In the event of an accident, the first thing to do is to immediately turn on the hazard warning lights. Then also immediately display an emergency stop sign. And only after that - everything else.

When forced to stop in places where stopping is prohibited.

You already know how to behave in case of a forced stop - also the first step is to turn on the emergency gang and put up an emergency stop sign.

Moreover, if you happen to break down in a place where stopping is not prohibited, or you managed to roll the car to a place where stopping is not prohibited (for example, to the side of the road), then the Rules do not oblige you to "shout" everyone about your problems.

However, if you are going to be repaired right on the road, then this is a different situation. Now you, of course, create a danger for yourself and for the movement of other vehicles. And, therefore, they must turn on the "emergency gang" and put up an emergency stop sign.

Rules. Section 7. Clause 7.2. Paragraph 3.

This sign is installed at a distance that provides timely warning to other drivers about the danger in a specific situation. However, this distance must be at least 15 meters from the vehicle in built-up areas and at least 30 meters outside built-up areas.

Have you noticed: The rules have established only the lower border (at least 15 meters in settlements and at least 30 meters on the road outside settlements). About "no more" in the Rules nothing is said. Drivers must determine the upper limit themselves, guided by safety considerations in each specific situation.

In all likelihood, something happened around the corner. And the driver put up an emergency stop sign, moving away from the scene much more than 30 meters.

In this situation, this is exactly what you need to do!

When towing.

Just try to make sure that the warning triangle does not cover the registration plate of your car.

When the driver is blinded by headlights.

Night time. The road outside the settlement without artificial lighting. A car with the main beam headlights on is driving towards. Just imagine - you do not see the roadbed, you do not see the markings, you do not see the edge of the road, you do not see that the road is making a turn. It's deadly!

The most correct thing now is to portray a forced stop. That is, there is no need to put up a sign, just turn on the hazard warning lights and smoothly stop without changing the lanes. I assure you, this is the most correct and safest decision. Moreover, the Rules require the same.

Rules. Section 19. Clause 19.2. Paragraph 5.

In case of blindness, the driver must turn on the hazard warning lights and, without changing the lane, slow down and stop.

Then, when the car that blinded you passes, start moving and, having accelerated to the average flow rate, turn off the emergency gang.

When children are boarding a vehicle with identification marks

"Transportation of children" and disembarkation from it.

For the organized transportation of children, buses are specially hired, and these buses must be equipped with signs “Transportation of children” in front and behind.

Children are children. Carried away, they may forget that they are on the road. Therefore, every time children are embarked or disembarked, the driver of such a bus must turn on the hazard warning lights. This is also one of the words "emergency language", and it is very important that drivers understand it correctly.

The driver must turn on hazard warning lights and in other cases to warn road users about the danger that the vehicle can create.

Well, we have already considered one such case. This is when you decide to fix it right on the road, and you are standing in a place where stopping is not prohibited.

Suppose this happens on the side of the road outside the settlement, that is, where stopping is not only allowed, but even prescribed by the Rules. After all, now you will be walking around the car, opening and closing doors, hanging out under the hood and perhaps even crawling under the car, leaving your feet on the roadway. And all this time, cars will fly by. Of course, from the fact that you turn on the hazard warning lights and put up an emergency stop sign, they will not stop "flying", but the drivers will be more attentive and, just in case, will increase the lateral interval in relation to you.

And one more suitable case is when your vehicle has a malfunction with which its operation is prohibited. For example, the windshield was knocked out with a stone. Well, now what to do now? The rules allow in this case to drive to the house or to the place of repair (do not leave the car on the road). But with observance of all necessary precautions! That is, firstly, you will move in the extreme right lane. Secondly, you need to move at a low speed (and it won't work at high speed - the wind will blow in your face, carrying road dust and sand with it). And, thirdly, during such (!) Movement, you must turn on the hazard warning lights.

The rules do not cover all such cases. They simply allow you to apply the alarm whenever you feel the need to do so.

The rules prohibit the operation of a car if it is not equipped with three mandatory accessories: first aid kit, fire extinguisher and warning triangle... All of these can be purchased at retail and must be stored in an easily accessible place in the vehicle.

An emergency stop sign is a red triangle, which, if necessary, the driver must put on the carriageway from the side of the approaching vehicle. The sign is clearly visible not only during the day, but also at night, as it has the ability to reflect the headlights falling on it. Even in the dark, other drivers will see it, will understand in advance that there is danger ahead, will slow down and will be ready to stop or go around you.

A few words about what hazard warning lights are.

Absolutely every car has such a key (or button) - if you press it, then all direction indicators and two more repeaters on the side surfaces of the front fenders begin to flash simultaneously. That is, as many as six orange light bulbs are blinking at once on all sides of the car. The driver, turning on the hazard warning lights or applying an emergency stop sign, as if shouts to the rest of the road users:

"I have a problem's! Be careful! Now, without wanting it, I am a danger to everyone! "

This is something like a special language (let's conditionally call it "emergency language"). This language has only a few words and you need to know them. Moreover, both the one who “shouts” and those who hears this “cry” need to know them. Then you can not only see that something happened, but also understand what exactly happened. Either there was an accident, or it was one towing the other, or the children were being put on a bus intended for their organized transportation.

Hazard warning lights must be on:

- when towing (on a towed power-driven vehicle);

- when the driver is blinded by headlights;

- when children are put into a vehicle with the identification marks "Carriage of Children" and disembarked from it:

- the driver must turn on hazard warning lights and in other cases to warn road users about the danger that the vehicle can create.

An emergency stop sign must be displayed:

- in case of a road traffic accident;

- in case of a forced stop in places where stopping is prohibited;

- in case of a forced stop in any places where a standing vehicle cannot be seen by other drivers in a timely manner.

In case of a traffic accident.

In the event of an accident, the first thing to do is to immediately turn on the hazard warning lights. Then also immediately display an emergency stop sign. And only after that - everything else.

When forced to stop in places where stopping is prohibited.

You already know how to behave in case of a forced stop - the first step is to turn on the emergency gang and put up an emergency stop sign.

Moreover, if you happen to break down in a place where stopping is not prohibited, or you managed to roll the car to a place where stopping is not prohibited (for example, to the side of the road), then the Rules do not oblige drivers to "shout" everyone about their problems.

However, if you are going to be repaired right on the road, then this is a different situation.

Now you are certainly creating a danger to yourself and to the movement of other vehicles. And, therefore, they must turn on the "emergency gang" and put up an emergency stop sign.

Rules. Section 7. Clause 7.2. Paragraph 3 . This sign is installed at a distance that provides timely warning to other drivers about the danger in a specific situation. However, this distance should benot less than 15 meters from a vehicle in settlements andnot less than 30 meters - outside settlements.

Notice: The rules set only the lower bound ( not less15 meters in settlements and not less30 meters on the road outside settlements). About "no more" in the Rules nothing is said. Drivers must determine the upper limit themselves, guided by safety considerations in each specific situation.

In all likelihood, something happened around the corner. And the driver put up an emergency stop sign, moving away from the scene much more than 30 meters.

And he did the right thing!

In this situation, this is exactly what you need to do!

When towing.

Everyone who has ever been towing or being towed has fully tasted all the "delights" of such a movement.

The distance between cars is from 4 to 6 meters (this is the length of the towing cable), both are very limited in maneuvering, they can only accelerate slowly, and brake only smoothly. In a word, it’s also “pleasure”.

In this situation, all you need is to competently "shout" to everyone that you are being towed - when moving, the towed one must be switched on emergency light signaling.

Moreover, it is the towed and only towed!

But what if the alarm does not work?

Rules. Section 7.Clause 7.3. In the absence or malfunction of hazard warning lights on the towed power-driven vehicle, an emergency stop sign must be attached to its rear.

Just try to make sure that the warning triangle does not restrict your view and does not cover the state registration plate of your car.

When the driver is blinded by headlights.

Night time. The road outside the settlement without artificial lighting. A car with the main beam headlights on is driving towards. Just imagine - you do not see the roadbed, you do not see the markings, you do not see the edge of the road, you do not see that the road is making a turn. It's deadly!

The most correct thing now is to portray a forced stop. That is, of course, there is no need to display a sign, just turn on the hazard warning lights and smoothly stop without changing the lanes. I assure you, this is the most correct and safest decision. Moreover, the Rules require the same:

Rules. Section 19.Clause 19.2. Paragraph 5. In case of blindness, the driver must turn on the hazard warning lights and, without changing the lane, slow down and stop.

Then, when the car that blinded you passes, start moving and, having accelerated to an average flow rate, turn off the emergency gang.

When children get into a vehicle with the identification marks "Carriage of Children" and disembark from it.

For the organized transportation of children, buses are specially hired, and these buses must be equipped with signs “Transportation of children” in front and behind.

Children are children. Carried away, they may forget that they are on the road. Therefore, every time children are embarked or disembarked, the driver of such a bus must turn on the hazard warning lights. This is also one of the words "emergency language", and it is very important that drivers understand it correctly. That is, when going around such a bus, you must be extremely careful and take all precautions.

The driver must turn on hazard warning lights and in other cases to warn road users about the danger that the vehicle can create.

Well, we have already considered one such case. This is when you decide to fix it right on the road, and you are standing in a place where stopping is not prohibited.

Suppose this happens on the side of the road outside the settlement, that is, where stopping is not only allowed, but even prescribed by the Rules. After all, you will now walk around the car, open and close the doors, hang out under the hood and perhaps even crawl under the car, leaving your feet on the roadway. And all this time, cars will fly by. Of course, from the fact that you turn on the hazard warning lights and put up an emergency stop sign, they will not stop flying, but the drivers will be more attentive and, just in case, will increase the lateral interval in relation to you.

And another suitable case is when your vehicle has a malfunction, with which its operation is prohibited. For example, the windshield was knocked out with a stone. Well, now what to do now? The rules allow in this case to drive to the house or to the place of repair (do not leave the car on the road). But with all the necessary precautions! That is, firstly, you will move in the extreme right lane. Secondly, you need to move at a low speed (and it won't work at high speed - the wind will blow in your face, carrying road dust and sand with it). And, thirdly, during such (!) Movement, you must turn on the hazard warning lights.

The rules do not cover all such cases. According to the Rules, drivers must turn on the hazard warning light whenever, voluntarily or involuntarily, they create a danger to traffic.

For those in distress who are deprived of emergency and help signals, another way to send distress signals has been invented - the international code table of distress signals.

The code table includes generally accepted signals, which are laid out in open, well-visible places from the air - on the slopes of hills, glades. In different sources, the recommended signal sizes are indicated different, depending on the tastes and departmental preferences of the authors.

Therefore, it is better to focus on the international standard: 10 meters long, 3 meters wide and 3 meters between signs. But in any case, not less than 2.5 meters. Otherwise, the sign will be difficult to read from a great height. There are no upward restrictions - the more significant the signal, the higher the likelihood that it will be noticed. For example, on one of my travels I was able to observe with my own eyes a sign with sides much larger than one hundred meters. True, it was not a sign of distress, but rather a symbol of human stupidity. Someone was not too lazy, tore off the slope of the hill overlooking the surrounding area in order to perpetuate one very short, but capacious Russian word, which I cannot quote here for censorship reasons.

Local pilots, not without pride, asserted that this titanic structure of lovers of Russian literature is used to guide aircraft to their native airport and can be easily read even from space. So the content is the content, and the example that the more the better, is very visual. What can be used to make a signal? Almost everything. From sleeping bags laid out on the ground, a cut tent, spare clothes, life jackets, pieces of cloth secured with pegs driven into the ground or stones imposed on top. From the wreckage of a vehicle, stones, spruce branches and tree branches. On the seashore - from pebbles or seaweed thrown by the surf.

You can not spread the signal, but for example dig it out, for which you can remove the sod with a shovel or a knife and deepen the resulting trench. In this case, the sod itself must be carefully laid along the trench on the grass with the inner, dark side up, which will double its width. On the snow, the signal is drawn with the help of ash from a burnt fire or trampled down by the heels of shoes. It is advisable to line the bottom of the trampled trenches with spruce branches, branches, etc. dark material. Only, trampling trenches in the snow, you do not have to stomp next to them, so that instead of a clearly readable signal sign you do not get a meaningless pattern from dozens of paths and paths going in different directions. The construction site should be approached only from one side and only along one pre-marked path.

In all cases, it is necessary to strive to ensure the maximum contrast of the color signal and the background on which it is decomposed. In other words, on light soil, the signs should be as dark as possible, on dark soil - light. In the desert, where there is no need to choose building material, low sand shafts are raked up. This sign works twice a day - in the morning and in the evening, when the sun is low above the horizon.

The dense shadows cast by artificial sandy ramparts are readable enough from the air. But it is even better to hang it on stakes driven into the sand, cloth or even thick paper. The fabric itself can be of any color, even yellow, because the signal will be drawn not by the panels, but by the shadow cast by them. In the absence of tissue, one can try to construct such a shadow signal from plants tied into long ropes and stretched between stakes a meter from the ground.

The distress code table includes signs that have one single meaning known to the search aircraft pilot. It's not worth inventing your own signals, and if for some reason you forgot how this or that sign is deciphered, you can lay out the well-known SOS signal on the ground. For a long time I doubted whether it was worth telling the reader about another way of alarm signaling. On the one hand, it is ridiculously simple and therefore accessible to every person, does not require any additional technical devices, it is effective - solid weighty pluses.

On the other hand, it causes objective damage to the surrounding nature - at present, it is a very serious minus. Well, how will people, carried away, begin to apply it, where it is necessary and where it is not necessary? But then I thought that he was better than the "signal". In addition, this method is laborious enough for a person to take on it only for boredom or prank. The essence of this method of signaling is that the victims are trying to change the natural appearance of the surrounding area by all means available to them. Large geometrical figures are burned, trampled on the ground, artificial glades are cut down in dense forest.

Of course, it is more convenient not to cut down large trees, such work is too laborious, but, for example, pruning low shrubs on the edges of a forest or on the banks of a reservoir. The size of the sign (circle, triangle, etc.) must be 20 meters or more, the width of the strip is 3-4 meters. Close up, such a sign is almost invisible, but from a height of several hundred meters, it immediately catches the eye. In general, it should be noted that in an emergency situation, one cannot limit oneself to setting one or two signals. The signaling should be varied and, so to speak, multi-stage, only then it is effective. For example, having caught a glare from the signal light on the cockpit glass, the pilot will take a closer look at the terrain and notice a geometric figure carved into the bushes.

Having descended, he will take apart the signs of the code table and the smoke of the signal fire and, finally, examine the people themselves. By the way, the latter should make sure that they are clearly visible. Put on bright, preferably orange, and in the steppe white clothes, go out of the shade of trees into a sunny, open place, wave bright pieces of fabric over your head, at night - a torch or flashlight.

International Aviation Signal Signals.

Better yet, disaster survivors know the international aviation sign-off signals used to communicate information by pilots of search and rescue planes and helicopters.

1. Please take on board.
2. Requires technical assistance.
3. It is convenient to land here.
4. It's okay.
5. Understood, I'm doing it.
6. I have a radio station.
7. It is dangerous to land here.
8. I can't move, medical attention is needed.
9. Ready to accept a pennant, a written message.
10. Yes.
11. No.

Another form of signaling is used for the same purpose of communicating specific information to search aircraft pilots. Only not international, but ours, domestic, adopted by the Air Force. With whom the victims will have to communicate in an accident - with our or not our aviators and which of them adheres to which gesture system, it is impossible to say in advance, so it is better, just in case, to know both.

1. "An incident has occurred, there are casualties"- a person lying on the ground, or a circle made of cloth (a straightened parachute), in the middle of which is the figure of a lying person.

2. "We need food, warm uniforms"- a person sitting on the ground, or a triangle made of fabric.

3. "Show me which direction to go"- a person with arms raised and slightly spread apart, or a thin, long triangle made of fabric in the form of an arrow.

4. "You can land here"- a person in a shallow squat with arms extended forward, or a square of fabric.

5. "Land in the direction indicated"- a standing person with arms outstretched in the direction of the approach or landing "T" made of fabric.

6. "You can't sit here"- a standing person with arms crossed over his head or a cross made of fabric.

Simplified distress signals and universal SOS signal.

In addition to special ones, there are simplified distress signals, about which rescuers of almost all departments are more or less aware. For example, an SOS signal that is universal in all respects, or any other light or sound signal repeated three times in a row at short intervals. It doesn't matter what it will be - three lights, three pillars of smoke, three loud whistles, three shots, three light flashes, etc. - as long as the signal is triple.

There should be a minute pause between each group of signals. Three light or noise signals - one minute of rest - and again three signals. An international distress signal received in the mountains looks a little different: six whistles, flashes of light or waves of the hand per minute, then a minute pause and repeat the signal.

Actions when someone else's distress signals are detected.

If during a hike or travel you notice someone else's distress signal - take all measures to provide assistance. First of all, fix the location of the signal - remove using the bearing, notice the landmarks in the indicated direction. If the victims are in a hard-to-reach place, a few of the most experienced travelers should come to their aid. It is unacceptable to send a rescue team light - without a tent, warm clothes, food. Rescuers who leave must be fully autonomous, even if those in distress are several hundred meters away.

The rest (safety group) must immediately begin to equip the emergency camp. Set up tents, build shelters, make fires, boil water, set up signal signs around the camp and in the direction of movement of the rescue team, organize intermediate camps. If possible, it is necessary to immediately inform the rescue services and the authorities about the incident and then act according to their instructions. During the work of full-time rescuers, independent actions that are not coordinated with them are unacceptable. The route can be continued only with the permission of the relevant services after the end of the rescue operation.

Emergency Alarms, Distress Signals and Human Ethics.

The last piece of advice is less about alarm technology than about human ethics. Any rescue operation distracts a large number of people from their main work, puts their lives at increased risk, in addition to large financial costs. Therefore, before you decide to send a distress signal, you need to think seven times. Any distress signal should be used only in a truly critical situation that directly threatens the life or health of people.

Several tens of kilometers to be traveled, worn legs or failure to comply with the terms of the hike, I'm not talking about such mercantile reasons as the fear of being late from vacation, missing air tickets, etc. - not a reason to issue an emergency signal and deploy large-scale rescue operations.

For the same purpose, after the successful completion of the accident, all emergency signals should be removed or, if this is not possible, the local authorities, rescue services, aviators should be notified that in the indicated areas the signals (specify which ones) are “inoperative”. Unfortunately, there are cases when travelers have been at home for many days, and rescue teams, raised by alarm, continued to comb the area in search of victims.

Based on materials from the book "School of survival in case of accidents and natural disasters."
Ilyin A.

Actions of the victims of the disaster, if they decided, without waiting for the help of rescuers, to get out to people, in populated places, on their own.