Repairs Design Furniture

What to do if Linoleum sank: Simple instruction. Why did the linoleum appear bubbles and how to remove them? How to remove air bubbles in linoleum

On the incorrectly laining linoleum, with its intensive operation, air bubbles may appear after a certain period of time, which over time increases in size. Outdoor coating acquires an unsightly, flaky look and loses most of their former advantages. In addition, bubbles on linoleum are also dangerous than the fact that the material in these places wear out noticeably faster than on other sites.

Before removing bubbles on linoleum, you need to accurately install, whether it was glued to the floor or simply laid on it. This circumstance will determine the choice of a suitable way to get rid of bubbles.

Free Linoleum Option

For linoleum adhesive glue, the following alignment options are possible:

  • removing bubbles by their extrusion;
  • heating bubble formations;
  • condition (fit) of linoleum sheets.

Consider each of these options in more detail.

It is well known that any PVC material (and linoleum - in particular) is reduced with intense heating. Taking into account this, some experts recommend using the people called a "water bath" and in the applied rag bag with salt and sand directly to the bubble. This method can "work" in cases of alignment of a soft (domestic) linoleum and is not always effective. That is why at living conditions most often attempts are made to squeeze the bubbles on the parties. To implement this receipt, it is recommended to do the following:

  • loosen the fasteners of the plinths (or remove them at all);
  • take the board with smooth edges or rule to "remove" bubbles to the wall;
  • spend this operation several times, because in one pass to completely eliminate bubbles usually fail.

Often bubbles arise due to the fact that Linoleum did not serve its period required for alignment. In this case, it is necessary to simply trim one edge of the linoleum web, so that the distance between its edge and the wall is about 0.5-1 cm.

In cases where bubbles are formed by plinths, the following options are possible:

  • With a very strong plugging of the plinth to the floor on the linoleum, and dents are formed under the plinth. To eliminate them, it is necessary to loosen the fastening of the plinth to the lowest possible.
  • On the floor there are irregularities in the form of a protrusion or deepening. To eliminate them, it is necessary to remove the plinth, and then bend the linoleum and close the deepening with the solution (the protrusion can be knocked down with chisel).

Reliability may occur due to frequent movement of furniture, which leads to stretching the material and the formation of convexities. Under these circumstances, the damaged section of the coating can be fixed with a special glue.

Option of glued linoleuma

Since it is possible to remove bubbles on linoleum in this case only by updating areas with irregularities - to such a repair should be approached, having the following tool and material in service:

It is necessary to start with a cautious bubble cutting into four parts (cross-crosswise), after which it is necessary to attach pieces to the floor and firing their edges, so that their articulation is perfect. Then with the spatula squabble the old glue and apply a thick layer of a new adhesive composition. Now it is necessary to press pieces of linoleum to the floor and remove the excess glue by a wet rap. After that, the plaque should be put on the place of the gluing and press it on top with any heavy.


How to care for the floor, including linoleum, see below:

Linoleum as a floor covering is used for more than one decade, but despite the fact that a large number of types of products with improved characteristics and properties have appeared on the market, many defects are mostly the same. And the reasons why linoleum is swept, they are also unchanged.

First of all, they are associated with violations in the process of its laying. In this case, the floor with bubbles, waves, swollen, etc. Not only looks not aesthetic, but it is reduced by the life of its operation, since plots with defects, naturally, will wear out and weigh much faster.

Causes of appearance of blinks and other defects of linoleum coating

Linoleum, unlike wooden, parquet or laminate floors, is not afraid of high humidity indoors or spilled water on it. The reasons for the bloating of him are different, and we will consider in detail in this article.

Errors in the process of laying

Of the mains, you can allocate:

  • poorly treated with adhesive composition (mastic) base, so in those places where the linoleum is not combined, bubbles are formed;
  • too thick layer, more than what the instructions for it recommends, can also be the culprit of the appearance of defects;
  • when laying, small air cavities were formed between the coating and the base of the floor; From the temperature drops in the linoleum indoor expands or shrinks, which is the answer to the question, why the linoleum swept;
  • if all the work on gluing is done correctly, the problem may be at the very basis - all irregularities after a few months or even weeks of operation are imprinted on linoleum or form waves, bubbles, influx, the floor can even be "sailing";
  • the error is also considered to be laying the material to a new screed, which did not have time to dry.

Result Operation

Over time, even a qualitatively laid linoleum can appear.

Causes of this:

  • temperature oscillations affect the material that is compressed from the cold until the exit from under and expanding in heat, but not having the ability to "folel" back under the plinth, assembled by waves, "accordion" and bubbles;
  • the permutation of furniture indoors also has its impact on the quality of the coating, shifting it, which leads to a digestion from the base or banal stretching.

Violations of technology allowed in the manufacture of linoleum initially give marriage, and it is impossible to eliminate its disadvantages of fully even very high-quality stacking in most cases.

Activities that will help avoid the appearance of a linoleum

Linoleum is although there is a common type of flooring, the price per square meter of which is quite accessible and attractive, especially if you consider high performance, nevertheless, there are no cases of violation of the technology of its laying.

Smooth and prepared foundation - Pledge of durability

The reason for the appearance of bloats may be neglecting the preparation of the qualitative basis and the use of materials for the alignment, for example, Fiberboard, insulation, etc.

It is also important to let the material on the smooth surface on average 2-3 days. Ideally, the linoleum should be deprived of indoors where it will be laid, but if there is no such possibility - then in conditions similar to the conditions in which it will be operated.

It is important during the work on gluing the linoleum to roll out air from under it. For this, professionals use a special rubber roller. But if the styling is performed with your own hands, it is permissible to use fir-handed tools, for example, the so-called "iron" is a board, which from the center to the edges smoothed the surface.

It is necessary to lay linoleum using adhesive compositions and an expulsion of air from under it in order to prevent the formation of bloat.

Elimination of blinks

Tools and materials to eliminate fuses

If the problem of the fuses already exists, it should be eliminated.

And before this it is necessary to prepare tools and materials that will be needed for these works:

  • acute building knife;
  • awl;
  • putty knife;
  • rubber roller or board;
  • cargo (for example, sand bag);
  • mastic or other adhesive composition.

Ways to eliminate blinks

There are several ways to eliminate swirling, waviness and some other defects of linoleum coating, and the choice of a specific option depends on the localization of the defect, its size and features.

  1. Small bloatings are eliminated quite easily, for this it follows:
    • pierce a selection bubble in the center;
    • squeeze air;
    • put the load for alignment or using an iron and a sheet of white paper to try the place.
  2. If the swelling has decent sizes or a fold on it was formed on it, they do this:

    the construction knife is smoothly cut bubble in the center;
  • the accumulated air is squeezed;
  • for a while, the load is installed for alignment;
  • under the linoleum, a certain amount of adhesive composition is started, the coating is pressed to the base of the cargo to complete drying;
  • if the material has stretched, as a result of which a fold was formed, its pre-knife should be excised in such a way that two parts of each other.
  1. In the case when the blistering of the linoleum has large sizes, numerous bubbles were formed on the floor:
    • it is necessary to remove all floor coverings;
    • clean the base from the adhesive composition or mastic, if necessary to align it;
    • linoleum needs to turn over the back side and also clean it from the remnants of the adhesive, then turning back, give it to be closed;
    • further, all works are carried out as at primary laying.
  2. When forming the frenches along the plinths it is necessary:
    • remove them;
    • align linoleum, including using a load or stroking iron;
    • if the cloth is stretched, it should be trimmed around the perimeter, taking into account the required gap between it and the wall in 5 mm;
    • fasten the plinth.

You can clearly see the subtleties of the elimination of bloatings in the video in this article.


This method can be considered permissible in the premises without a large pavement, for example in the bedroom. But still, in order to avoid problems in the future, it is recommended to glue it. "Width \u003d" 640 "Height \u003d" 480 "frameborder \u003d" 0 "AllowFullScreen \u003d" AllowFullScreen "\u003e


Due to the fact that the market presents products of different widths that can be laid in one piece, sometimes the coating is laid without gluing to the base.

The swollen linoleum is incorrectly laid by linoleum in its saturated use at the end of a certain period, air bubbles appear, which with some period become larger in size.

The floor covering acquires an ugly, flaky look and loses a large number of their own pros. Also, bubbles on linoleum are also dangerous than the fact that the material in these places is worn much faster than in other sites.

Before removing bubbles on linoleum, you need to accurately install whether it was glued to the floor of the floor or simply laid on it. This circumstance will determine the selection of a possible way to save from bubbles.

Free Linoleum Option

For a linoleum-improved glue mixture, the following alignment variations are possible:

  • removing bubbles in the way of their extrusion;
  • heating places of bubbles;
  • condition (fit) of linoleum sheets.

Consider any of these options in more detail.

Perfectly led that each PVC material (and linoleum - in particular) decreases with intensive heating. Given this, some experts advise to take advantage of a grandmother called "water bath" and in the applied rag bag with salt and sand specifically to a bubble. This method can "work" in the variants of the alignment of soft (domestic) linoleum and is not permanently renabutive. Actually, in terms of life, attempts to oust bubbles on the sides are very often performed. To motomealize this receipt, it is recommended to perform the following:

  • loosen the fasteners of the plinths (or remove them at all);
  • board with perfect edges or rule Try to "remove" bubbles to the wall surface;
  • spend this operation a couple of times, because in one pass to fully remove bubbles as a rule.

Often bubbles appear due to the fact that the linoleum did not serve its own period required for alignment. In this embodiment, it is simply to cut one edge of the linoleum cloth so that the distance between its edge and the wall is about 0.5-1 cm.

In the case when bubbles appear in plinths, the following variations are possible:

  • With a very strong pressing of the plinth to the floor surface on the linoleum, and dents appear under the plinth. To eliminate them, it is necessary to make a weaker fastening of the plinth to the minimally expected.
  • On the floor there are irregularities as a protrusion or recess. To eliminate them, you need to remove the plinth, and then beat linoleum And close the deepening solution (the protrusion can be knocked down with chisel).

Ortheless may occur due to the cause of constant movement of furniture, which leads to the stretching of the material and the appearance of convexities. Under these circumstances, the damaged section of the coating can be fixed using a special glue.

Option of glued linoleuma

Linoleum planted on an adhesive mixture

As remove Bubbles on linoleum in this option will be possible only by changing areas with irregularities - it is necessary to approach similar repair, having the following material and tool.

It is subject to the formation of swirling. This can be facilitated by several reasons that we will consider in this article. In addition, you will learn how to remove bubbles from linoleum yourself, without experiencing any problems. All you need is to find out the reason for the formation of bubbles.

In the case when the linoleum is not glued to the floor

The reasons

So, if your floor, fitted in size and fixed under plinths, then may be immediately several reasons for the formation of bubbles:

  • So, the first reason we look at, the simplest thing is: for your flooring some "foreign body" fell, not due to being there.
  • The second option - under the linoleum there is no superfluous subject, and he simply stretched in connection with the permutation of furniture, poor-quality material, a bad edge of the edge or you just immediately spread it to the floor and knocked, not allowing the right time.

How to get rid of

In the first case, you just need to remove the plinth, raise the part of the linoleum on which a bubble formed, and remove the "foreign object" from under it. After the ranks again, the flooring and enjoy his smoothness.

If you recently rearranged furniture indoors, then just call for the help of a neighbor or buddy, ask him to raise the closet and start smooth out your legs or hands from the center and to the edges. Must happen!

If you have not rearranged furniture, then, as an option, you need to check the gap between the flooring and the walls. Remove neatly plinths that are fastening linoleum, then look at the gap. If it does not have either he is less than one centimeter, then cut the edges again, then adjust the plinth into place. But before putting the plinth, we advise you to smooth out your flooring once again.

The same method will help you to remove bubbles from linoleum if you, having bought it on the market and come home, threw it on the floor, cut and swapped the plinth. Everything is logical - the material stretched out. Remember that he needs to be given to be seen within a day, or even more.

Also, if very much, because of the high pressure, it could contribute to the formation of bubbles on the surface. After removing it, swing back, but this time is not so strong.

Defect of the material

If your linoleum causes the formation of bubbles, the quality, storage method, etc., and you just bought the last roll, then eliminate such bloats will have to be somewhat different method.

Go to the kitchen, put the frying pan on the fire and pour salt into it. Heated this salt, pour out or tight sock into the handkerchiefs, without forgetting it to tie it. Estate a piece of cloth on a bubble and attach a sock with a heated salt. Wait about 15 minutes until the bubble is heated, then remove the fabric with the sock and squeeze your hands or legs bubble from the center to the edges. If you have a heater, you can use it. Heat the water, pour into the heating floor, lay on blooming a piece of fabric and put on top of a heating with hot water. Expect about the same period of time, then try to smooth out the place. Alternatively, you can take an industrial hairdryer or a regular hairdryer and, then smooth out. When the bubble is eliminated, then place some kind of cargo to the place where he was. This will make rid of bloating forever.

In the case when the linoleum is glued to the floor

The reasons

The reasons for the sweat, if the material is glued to the floor, can be exactly the same. So, for him could get any item, he stretched out due, poor quality and many others.

How to get rid of

It all depends on what kind of appearance is this bubble. So, if the swelling is quite large in height, then it will have to cut it. Take a knife in your hands, cut one strip or crosswise, after which you will squeeze all the air from under the floor covering. Enter the linoleum on each other, in any case, one of the edges will be left on the other - so that the linoleum is completely satisfied. Buy special glue, squeeze a little under the cut piece and glue. From above, you can put some kind of cargo. By the way, in this case, if the seams are visible and it does not suit you, you can get acquainted with the article on how to remove scratches from linoleum!

The second option is if the bubble on the floor is not so high, almost flat. Then find the syringe with a thick needle, fill it with glue and pour the bubble. From the syringe under the floor covering, then add any cargo. Wait for glue drying and enjoy a smooth floor surface.

Another way to get rid of the blown, which will require the availability of a spare part of the linoleum. So, if you have it, cut out such a piece that will be slightly more formation. Take it to the spot of bloating, then carefully with the help of a stationery knife cut the linoleum glued to the floor. Pull out this piece, read the place from the residues, then pour glue and impose a new part.

But before smelling with glue, you can put the greasy tape at the edges. This will help to avoid extra contaminants. After that, it is desirable to deliver any furniture here (if possible).

Tips for smoothing and removing bubbles with linoleum:
  1. It is best to smooth out the linoleum with the help of a spatula, wrapped with a piece of fabric (and not by hand and legs, as described above).
  2. Do not forget to use the rule (such tool) when smoothing.
  3. Perhaps you put Linoleum, hoping that he would be good at her; In this case, take a chisel in your hand and remove all the bulbs under the coating, plus you don't forget to smell all the foxes in the cement-sandy solution.
  4. You should not put a swift on top of the sock with such a salt, which is heated to a high temperature (a temperature is required that still allows your hand to touch the sock with salt).
  5. Press the bubble if you glue the linoleum or just exposed it to heat treatment, follows flat level items.
  6. By gluing the torn floor after the discrepancy of the blink, turn on top of the greasy tape, so that the layers of dust do not fit on this place, as they can adhere to the adhesive layer.


Now you know how to smooth out bubbles on linoleum and give it the necessary look with a smooth surface. If you can't do anything, then describe the situation in the comments below. We will try to help you with advice!

Remove bubbles on linoleum

With incorrect laying or active operation, and usually, when combining these factors, air bubbles or even whole bugs appear on the linoleum. With a small amount, they are almost not noticeable, except if you look a linoleum sings in the sun. Over time, it is starting to grow, the linoleum looks like a flabby and not even, the floor begins to "play" under his feet. Bubbles are dangerous by the fact that the linoleum on them and beside them faster than in other places.

Eliminate bubbles, it is necessary on the basis of whether the linoleum was glued to the floor when laying, if so, then you have only one repair script, it will be described at the end of the article. If the linoleum is not glued, then there are several options. Let's start with universal funds.

Let's make a bubble on linoleum draw back
Any PVC and linoleum in particular compressing when heated. You can heat the water sack of a rag bag of salt or sand, and put on a bubble. This method is effective mainly for household soft linoleum, I would take it to folk medicine, because the effect of it may not be, and maybe there is a deplorable, use it at your own risk. Main start with small temperatures.

If the linoleum is not glued
At the beginning, before conducting other repair work, you must try to "expel" a bubble to the walls. To do this, relax the attachment of the plinths or remove them at all and a long rule or board chase a bubble to the nearest wall. After that, the borgon may appear 1-2 times, as well, "Keep up" it and only for the third time, proceed to other options.

Very often, bubbles on the non-glued linoleum arise due to the fact that the linoleum has not selected the desired time. To eliminate, open the plinth on the two closest walls, the distance between the linoleum and the wall should be 0.5-1 mm, if it is not so cut the linoleum. I also advise you to familiarize yourself with the material about how much time Linoleum needs to be searched and how to do it.

If bubbles are located along the plinths, then 2 options are possible:

The plinth is too much pressed to the floor, if so, then on linoleum, under the plinth, dents are very often formed. You need to rearrange the plinth slightly higher or even with a small gap.
Next to the wall on the floor is irregularity, usually this is a deepening. You need to remove the plinth to unscrew the linoleum and sharpen or pour into the solution with a solution, the bump can be knocked down a chisel. Then to wait for a complete drying of the solution, further align this place with sandpaper. If the deepening is small and located along the wall, you can pour it with the mounting foam, and then cut off the excess with a knife.
Bubbles may occur due to furniture, which is often shifted, it is not about permutation in the room, but about small offsets that arise, for example, when you lay a sofa or chair-bed, do on the exercise bike. The borger on the linoleum arises from its stretching, in this case you need to glue the linoleum to the floor or at least one part of it, which is under furniture, if you glue only the place of the bubble, it can be formed near after a while.

If the linoleum is glued to the floor
In this case, bad laying or humidity under linoleum is to blame (which, by the way, also part of bad stacking). You can eliminate these violations, but, only rebeling the linoleum again. But get rid of the annoying bubble is possible without excess spending time and finance.

Requires tools and materials:

Glue for gluing linoleum to the floor,
Construction or stationery knife,
small spatula
Fiberboard sheet or board (something flat, to cover a bubble),
Something heavy.
Elimination of a bubble on linoleum by steps:

Cut the bubble from one edge to another 2 halves or crosswise.
Fold the linoleum slices back and press it to the floor if they go to each other, cut them. For this, put 2 pieces of linoleum on each other and swipe along the edge of the upper, cutting down the bottom layer.
The spatula carefully drupt the old glue under the bubble.
Put the rubber gloves and apply a new glue with a thick layer under the bubble.
Hurry up the pieces of linoleum to the floor. Excess glue, released through incision, remove with a damp cloth.
Put in place gluing clean cloth, board and something heavy.
Wait for glue drying, disassemble the design and carefully examine it. If the edges of the linoleum go to the joint in the joint, then you can further enhance the design with cold welding. If they diverged, then the instructions for repairing cuts on linoleum will help you.
If bubbles on the glued linoleum appear often, it makes sense to acquire a special syringe to make glue, without cutting linoleum. It leaves behind a small puncture that can be chopped with cold C-type welding.