Repairs Design Furniture

Wind generator for the house of a washing machine. Construct the generator from the engine of the washing machine Generator from the engine washing machine

To get such a generator is not easy, as work requires patience and some turning works. For it, use the usual asynchronous electric motor, which is available at the washing machine guns. It has a capacity of 170 ... 180 W; The generator made on the basis of such an electric motor will have a 1.5 kW of power.

In addition to the engine directly, you should stock: cold welding; 32 neodymium magnets of different (5, 10, 20 mm) diameters; glue; rectifier; Emery paper. It will take a lathe; scissors; Different screwdrivers; pliers.

Initially, the engine rotor is reworked to install magnets on it. Remove cores and, placing in a lathe, produce their cut on a 2 mm depth. Also satisfied the grooves of a 5 mm depth.

To plant magnets make a coating that then wrap the core. Apply tin. The diameter of the resulting template, the holes in it must match the core, which is necessary for the dense adjuncing to the surface of the latter.

Magnets are placed with the same gaps between each of their pair. If not to do this, then in the future their sticking and loss of power of the electric generator will occur. The placement of magnets is carried out on a strip of tin, which is first glued to the superclosure core. Do it exactly, excluding any slopes of elements.

After the template with glued magnets will be scented on the rotor, fill with epoxy resin, cold welding all spaces that are available between the items. Then clearing the rotary surfaces with sandpaper to smoothness.

The stator find wires that lead to the operating winding. They are searched with a multimeter. They are characterized by the same resistance. The remaining wires are not needed and can be cut.

To check the generator, the working winding is connected to the rectifier, which should be through the controller connected with the battery. Multimeter clips are connected to the latter in Voltmeter mode.

Then, using a drill, a screwdriver, spin the generator rotor up to 800 ... 1000 revolutions per minute. The multimeter should show the output voltage of 200 ... 300 V. If it is small, then when the magnets are placed, inaccuracies are allowed - they are decomposed on the template with different intervals between pairs.

Having made the generator and installing on benzopil, got a small power plant. Electricity that she gives out is enough to light two small rooms, give a job with TV, computer. Instead of chainsaws for rotation of the rotor, you can arrange a windmill.

Clean energy obtained on the basis of natural resources is one of the most popular topics today. Imagine that you have a generator in the country or country house, which feeds all the resources of your economy with free electricity. This may be wind or hydroturbine - no matter. Do you think this is all fairy tales? Not at all.
In fact, these are technical developments that are not so difficult and expensive to carry out their own homes at home.
One of these options based on a non-micolster engine of DC, we want to submit today. The author offers such an engine from the washing machine to remount to the generator, overlooking the presenter of the stator coils. After such a rework, the engine can be used for wind turbine. And if it is equipped with a water intake device like a pelton turbine, then a hydroelectric generator can be built.

Necessary materials and tools

As you probably understood, today we will need only the engine itself from the washing machine. The author used the inverter DC motor from the American Fisher & Paykel Washing. Such engines use LG in their products present in our domestic market.
We also need:
  • Soldering iron, flux and solder;
  • Hot glue;
  • Small-graffitable sandpaper - zero.
Tools: nippers, pliers, greasy knife.

Getting started engine renovation

To work, it will be necessary to dismantle the engine from the machine housing. It consists of three main parts:
  • The stator is a round platform with leading winding coils located along the outer edge of the circle;
  • Rotor - plastic or metallic with plastic core cover. On the perimeter of its inner wall, constant magnets are placed;
  • The shaft is the central part of the engine equipped with bearings for transferring the kinetic energy to the drum of the washing machine.
    We will work directly with the starter.

Stator preparation

We place the engine platform on the table, and proceed to work. Our goal is to repaid phase compounds on another scheme other than the original (photo).

For convenience, you can place groups of 3 coils with a marker. Floors cut each of the 6 coil outlets according to the scheme.

Cropped edges need to bendled with a screwdriver or from hand so that with them it is more convenient to work.

We clean every contact with fine-grained sandpaper to improve the spike.

When everything is ready and cleaned from the garbage, we combine each second group of three contacts together. Manual twist amplify pliers.

The soldering iron is rooted by a twice with a flux, and with a tin solder. Locking a twist, and pecking it on the reverse side. The same is done with the rest of the contacts. As a result, we should get seven scrubs.

Farming of phases

We clean the contact group used to supply the power to the engine.

Now it is necessary to scammer the remaining 3 phases. We select the ring for the first phase. It is made of a segment of a copper stranded cable. Location and cut it off the size of the internal circumference of the platform.

Give insulation in places of connection with free contacts, and we clean their sandpaper. We begin to solder the ring from the contact group, passing each of the seven, finish the last contact. To reliably, we link the end of contact on the ring.

The second and third phases are squeezing by analogy with the first. It is necessary to ensure that you do not solder neighboring contacts with each other.

Homemade generators are not news. Many craftsmen make them, alieve electric motors from different household appliances or construction tools. Our task in this article is to deal with the ability to make a generator from the engine of the washing machine with your own hands. Immediately make a reservation, what to make this unit, so to speak, it will not work quickly. This is a sufficiently long process where you have to use Tokary services.

Stages of work

What exactly should Turner do? First, you will have to disassemble the asynchronous electric motor from the washing machine, which is designed to work from a voltage with a voltage of 220 volts. After that, the motor core is transmitted to the turner, which must cut a part of the element to the depth of two millimeters on the machine. Further, in the core, the grooves are made in depth of 5 mm, where you have to insert several neodymium magnets. The grooves are best done after the magnets themselves are purchased, because the size of the groove is done under the magnet dimensions. By the way, the latter is not a problem. You can buy them today in the store or order in the online store.

Preparation of template

So, the core is ready, now you can go to the processes that belong to the category "do it yourself". To secure magnets on the core of washer, it is necessary for some kind of device. It can be made of tin strip or from another similar material characteristics.

The length and width of the strip of the neck is adjusted under the size of the diameter of the core and the width of the grooves. That is, the template must accurately lie at the place of installation of magnets. Pay special attention to the fact that the distance between magnets should be the same.

Assembling generator

Everything is ready, you can go to the assembly of the generator electric motor with your own hands. Immediately, let's say that this process requires special patience. It is not necessary to hurry here. The thing is that the magnets will be installed in the grooves of the electric motor for glue. Small sizes create difficulty and inconvenience in the installation, glide glide, its splashes will fall into the hands, sometimes even on face. So neglect the measures of labor protection is not worth it. Still, the adhesive composition is a chemical solution, quite active.

So, here is the assembly scheme, how to make a generator with your own hands:

  • across the rotor passes a cooked tin pattern;
  • the neodymium magnets are then installed in the cooked grooves, it is very important, as mentioned above, accurately observe the installation distance and the angle of the elements, because even a small deviation from these two parameters may cause stabbing, which will definitely reduce the power of the self-made generator;
  • now the gap between the magnets should be filled with a special material, which is called cold welding, it is very similar to plasticine;
  • and the last stage - grinding the surface by sandpaper, it can be carried out by installing the rotor in vice, and you can on the floor or table;
  • makes the whole electric motor with your own hands.

Testing generator

To check how the generator assembled by us, several additional elements are necessary. Namely:

  • battery of a small capacity, from a motorcycle;
  • rectifier;
  • multimeter to determine the power of charging;
  • charge controller.

The generator connection scheme for testing is as follows: two generator windings are connected through a rectifier with charge controller. The latter connects to the battery. The multimeter also connects to the battery terminals.

The most difficult check is to twist the electric motor rotor. Manually achieve the required speed of rotation will not work. Therefore, it is recommended to use for these purposes or drill, or a screwdriver. Connect one of these tools to the engine rotor (options here are different, and there are a lot of them) and start twist with the speed of rotation 800-1000 rpm. If the generator made by you gives a voltage of 220-300 volts, then this is a great indicator. If the voltage is very low, then it means that the assembly of the rotor was carried out poorly. This is mainly due to the installation of magnets (uneven installation and not all elements are attached under the same angle).

Where to use

We managed to make a generator from the electric motor. Testing has shown that it works. So, what is next? Where can I use this unit?

In principle, if you find an energy that could rotate the rotor, then there would be no problems with electricity, for example, in a small country house. Therefore, home masters offer several frequently used options:

  • Install the generator to the gasoline engine. For example, it may be an old drucity saw or a motorcycle motor.
  • Connect to the windmill, thereby making the wind generator current.
  • Connect with a hydraulic turbine, which is installed in a homemade waterfall or quickly flowing stream.

The last two options are the cheapest, since there is no need to buy an additional energy carrier. These are environmentally friendly installations operating on alternative fuel.

And one moment. Make a washing machine with a power generator with a capacity of 5 kW and no longer work. Therefore, do not mention that from this unit you can make a device fully replaced by an electrical network. But for a pair of rooms or for a bath (garage and so on) is suitable. Maximum that such a generator can work out is 2 kW. In addition, 380 volts also do not wait.

We add that the generator can also be made from the DC motor. Moreover, in some washing machines, such aggregates are installed. In such motors, graphite brushes protrude with a distinctive feature.

The electric motor from the washing machine is very easy to find in mind that it rarely fails compared to other nodes, and the machines themselves are thrown into the dump. The thing for homemade workers is very valuable, considering how many simple machines can be built at its base.
This motor may well work as a generator. But unfortunately, it's just that it will not be it will not produce energy, since there are no permanent magnets that can create EMF in its windings.

How to start the engine from a washing machine as a generator for 220 V

The engine from the washer has a classic structure of the collector electric motor. And it can work both from constant and alternating current. It's all about managing them.
Typically, the motor from the washer has 6 conclusions on the connection block: the first pair from above is the output of the tachometer sensor, to control the speed of rotation - they will not be needed. The second two in the middle - the output of the stator winding. The third lowest pair is the output of the rotor.

To force the motor to produce the current, you need to submit some voltage to the rotor. This will create a magnetic field on it, which in turn, when rotating, will create an EDC on the stator winding.
We connect the wires to the rotor to which the power supply will be connected hereinafter.

Connect the wires to the Stator. To the ends of the wires - the multimeter to measure the outlet voltage.

To show, steep the motor shaft without a source connected to the rotor.

As a result, the multimeter showed zero volts and it is understandable.
Connect the power supply. The role of Him will serve as a lithium-ion battery at 3.7 V. Again, steep shaft with hand.

The multimeter issued some value, which means the energy is produced.
We change the battery 3.7 V to the battery of 12 V. Rotating hand.

Result: Voltage rises.
To create a larger point corresponding to the engine's working turnover, wrap the winch to the pulley.

Dare, creating rotation.

Although the multimeter shows 75 B, but in real life, the voltage is greater, since the electronic device has a delay and cannot count the instantaneous splashes of electricity.
For clarity, connect the incandescent lamp by 220 V. We also wander the winch and turpentine it.

The light bulb will break into a short time.


The motor from the washing is quite suitable as a voltage generator, but it is difficult to "attach" somewhere ", as it: it gives a constant current, requires high revolutions, requires additional power to work and, if it stops it, it is necessary to somehow disable.
But there are also advantages: the output current can be easily controlled by means of adjusting the circuit of the rotor circuit, there is no magnetic sticking, small sizes compared to generators on permanent magnets.

The generator is an electrical device that is engaged in the transformation of thermal or mechanical energy into an electric current, that is, it makes the usual operation of the electric motor in the reverse order. The purpose of creating a generator from an asynchronous engine of the washing machine (of any other engine from the domestic device of suitable power) can be the creation:

  • inverter welding machine;
  • source of uninterruptible nutrition of a private house (apartment);
  • charger and so on.

But in order to better understand how the generator is made from the engine of the washing machine, let's see what an asynchronous engine represents from an unnecessary washing machine.

Asynchronous engine and principles of its work

The electric motor (asynchronous) is a device that transforms the electricity obtained by them into the mechanical (thermal), which thus leading the device into which it is mounted, into action. The transformation of one type of energy to another occurs due to the rotor and stator of the engine of electromagnetic induction that occurs between the rotor windings (School Course of Physics).

Buy the finished asynchronous generator today will not be a lot of work. But this device of the factory manufacture will be quite expensive. Yes, and the goal of creating a similar device is not in the finish of finance, but just, on the contrary, for their savings, by using an asynchronous type electric motor, free time, personal knowledge and experience. Immediately make a reservation. If you do not have (do not remember) the basic, initial knowledge in electrical engineering, it is better to immediately leave the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a self-made generator from a single-phase engine washing machine with your own hands.

Step-by-step instruction

Required devices and details necessary:

  • Asynchronous single-phase motor from the washing machine machine. It is quite suitable for an electric motor with a capacity of 170-180 watts. The manufacturer and the engine production time do not matter. The main thing is that it is in working condition;
  • Neodymium magnets in the amount of 32 pieces. With dimensions: 20-10-5 millimeters. Photo. You can purchase magnets in a specialized store of electrical engineering or to order on the Internet;
  • Device charging controller;

  • Rectifier of suitable power. You can purchase ready-made, use from another instrument or collect your own hands using D242 diodes;
  • Glue (epoxy resin, super moment);
  • Wax paper;
  • Scissors;
  • Sandpaper;
  • Home lathe;
  • Spanners, Passatia, Screwdrivers and other little things.

The procedure for performing work with your own hands:

  1. Remove the rotor (native) engine of the washing machine. This operation consists in removing on the lathe on the protrusions of the side core layer with a thickness of two millimeters.
  2. Then, with the help of the same machine, we cut out deepening in five millimeters by the number of magnets, which will be mounted in them.
  3. We measure the length of the circle conveyed with your own hands of the rotor and on the basis of the obtained measurements from the steel (tin) strip we make the template.
  4. Using a template, we divide the rotor on equal shares.
  5. Based on the fact that each of the four poles of the rotor will need 8 magnets, we divide them into parts.
  6. Glue neodymium magnets into a pre-made deepening, given that magnets are very strong, sufficient physical effort should be made, while holding them in the desired position. The installation process of all 32 magnets will require quite considerable time and attention.
  7. After their consolidation, check the strength and correctness of the location of the magnets.
  8. Free space between magnets fill with epoxy resin. For this:
  • in several layers, we wind the rotor with wax paper and fix it with any convenient way (glue, tape);

  • the end sides also seal, can be conventional plasticine;
  • cut in paper a hole of a small diameter;
  • pour into the resulting cavity with epoxy-resin magnets before its full filling;
  • we leave the retainer to dry;
  • after resin frozen, we remove paper and plasticine.
  1. We process the surface of the rotor with emery paper before getting the desired result (smoothness).
  2. If necessary, the screws and engine bearings are replaced with new ones.
  3. Of the 4 electromotor wires, we highlight 2 operating winding. Remaining (starting) wires remove.
  4. We connect the controller, rectifier and single-phase asynchronous engine from the washing machine in one chain and we produce work testing of the asynchronous generator of electricity collected by your own hands.

Options for making asynchronous generators do it yourself

In our article, we led to the example of the engine of the washing machine into the generator using neodymium magnets. But, besides this, you can make the following types of generators:

  • Electric generator with self-pitch;
  • Wind electric generator;
  • 3-phase benzogenerator;
  • Phase generators on any engines from household appliances.

Safety in the use of electric generators

Considering that any electrical equipment is a potential threat to her user, it must be reliably exhausted.

Ground the electric generator is mandatory.

Do not neglect the prophylactic inspection of equipment.

Equip the device with separate buttons for turning on and off, as well as measuring devices that control the correct operation of the generator.

Homemade generator from the engine of the washing machine with their own hands: video instruction.