Repairs Design Furniture

Cement-chipboard - characteristics, properties, types, use. Features of laying floor from DSP on wooden lags, pluses, cons of the CSP on the floor by lags reviews

In this article we would like to tell about the laying technology on the floor of such a material as CSP - cement chipboard. A little about the material itself. In appearance, it looks like a flat slate, except that it often has a much greater sheet thickness, and the size of the sheet is greater. From the slate CSP differs in the way asbestos is not based, but ordinary sawdust and cement.

But the article is not at all about the material, but about its laying (if necessary, you can read all the necessary information in the article: where you will find not only a description of the material and technology of its production, but also positive and negative characteristics, pros and cons of the given and minuses. ).

1. CSP laying on the wooden floor.

We note immediately, to make an excellent basis for example from a wooden floor with minimal cash costs it is using CSP. In this case, there is no need to shift the boards.

1. Fastening the base.

For starters, all the boards that they would not creak are additionally fixed. It is best to do this by self-drawing. For our purpose, galvanized universal screws 4x51 are suitable. Pre-climb the board directly above the lag drill on 3 mm and tighten the screw. So reinforce the entire floor.

2. Drawing up a plan.

Then make up the laying plan for plates. To do this, measure the size of the room and the size of the sheets of CSP, after which on the sheet in a decreased scale, the simulation plan. Try so that the long sides of the plates lay across the boards on the floor, then the final surface is greater. Of course, all the plates will not close everything, you have to cut one or more. Based on the plan, we determine the sizes of pieces of plates.

Cutting CSP plates is carried out by the usual grinder, although it is possible to do it with manual tools - for example with a hacksaw. The main thing that the cut passed perpendicular to the sides, otherwise the seams between the plates will turn out uneven. In the process of drawing up a plan, it is necessary to take into account that there will be a small gap between the plates, therefore the cutting of the pieces of pieces of pieces is better carried out as needed during the flooring.

3. Laying plates on the floor.

Stacking the plates start with the corner of the room and move to the opposite corner. Initially put entire plates, and where it is not included, complement with pieces. Between the plates we leave a small clearance of 2-3 mm. Fastening of CSP plates to the floor we carry out galvanized screws through the wooden floor to lags. The sizes of self-sufficiency are selected on the basis of the floor thickness and CSP slabs so that the self-tapping screws leave at least 30 mm in the lags. Previously, at the places of fastening, the CSP slab is sprinkled under the thickness of the self-pressing taking into account the thread. Saws must be included in the slab freely. The inlet in the stove can be slightly expanding the larger drill. This will help hide completely head screws.

4. Final finish.

After the floor is laid, with a putty or sealant, close all the seams and fastening sites. By the way, the silicone sealant will not fit in this case. It is extremely poorly tolerating dynamic loads and begins to lag behind the adjacent surface. Before climbing the seams, it will be better to preliminarily progress. For this, any primer of deep penetration is suitable.

2. CSP laying on the floor metal floor.

Floor finishing with a CSP is a wonderful way out for those who make a trailer or stall with a frame of metal products. First of all, this is determined on the basis of such qualities of CSP, such as good strength and inertness to moisture. You can put the CSP to metal products without an additional base, directly fixing the sheets with self-assembly on metal sufficient length. At the same time, if there is a need for insulation of gender, it is possible to initially fix on metal wooden bars, between which the sliced \u200b\u200bslabs of the insulation, such as mineral wool, and baptize the CSP plates to the bars.

In essence, the technology of laying is no different from the one that was described in the first part of the article, so it will not be written in detail. It should be noted that in case you are attached to the sheets directly to the metal, then you will need special metal screws. As a rule, they usually have a different design of the cap and hide them, so that they do not protrude above the level of the slab will be somewhat more complicated.

Today offers a wide selection of new building and finishing materials, but the tile has not yet lost the relevance and is also in demand, as before. And all because the material is distinguished by high performance characteristics and mass of advantages that other materials cannot boast.

Among the advantages of ceramic tiles allocate service life, durability, attractive appearance, environmental friendliness and high moisture resistance indicator, which allows you to lay it on any basis, including on wooden.

But many argue that it is impossible to put tiles on the wooden floor, because the natural tree is distinguished by mobility, which will not provide a reliable clutch of tiles with a tree. However, this is not the case, the tile floor will serve faithfully and truth, if when laying on cement-chipboard, comply with the installation technology, to properly prepare the base and use the necessary glue. In the article, let's talk how to lay a tile on the CSP floor. First we will find out what the pluses and minuses have CSP.

Facing a floor

The advantages and disadvantages of CSP

Advantages of material mass. Cement-chipboard are used in construction for plating flooring and for wall decoration. The installation process is not complicated even for those who are first taken for such work. In addition, preparatory work is not needed.

The material is resistant to moisture, thanks to this, use for laying in bathrooms under the installation of ceramic tiles. Since the material is not scary exposure to moisture, it does not swell in direct contact with water, which cannot be said about many materials.

The surface of cement-chipped plates is distinguished by smoothness, so it is not necessary to prepare for the installation of a facing coating, everything that is needed is to apply a primer layer to increase adhesion and carry out cladding. However, there are no perfect materials, and the cement-chipboard is no exception. Despite the fact that the installation of the material does not cause difficulties, there are several points that require attention.

Plates - base for mounting a tile

The fact is that the material has a significant weight that entails difficulties in self-installation. The following drawback is fragility. When installing, attention is paid to ensure that the material does not damage, but after laying the damaged plate has high strength indicators. The costs include costs, it is an order of magnitude greater than that of similar materials for the trim.

These are all disadvantages, there are no others from CSP. Although many are attributed to the material another drawback - the impossibility of laying under the installation of the tile. We talked above that such a skin is suitable for a tiled flooring. But to dispel doubts, let's understand whether it is possible to perform a tile laying on a cement-chipboard.

Is it possible to install ceramic tiles on a cement-chipboard?

Very often, those who are engaged in the repair on their own, ask a question if you can put the tile on the trim from the DSP. Of course, it is possible, moreover, the tile laying is better to do on this material, because it is characterized by such indicators:

  • High degree of moisture resistance.
  • The material strength is high.
  • Smooth surface.

CSP is made of wood sawdust by pressing. In addition to sawdust in the board, cement is present and other additives, so high-strength material is obtained, which will serve for a long time and does not lose properties. Thanks to the excellent characteristics, the stoves are used in frame house-building and as a base under the tile and other flooring.

The stove is fixed to the base

Cement-chipsticks (CSP) are not afraid of the impact of humidity, so the material can be used without the adjustment of additional protection, and since the plates do not twist and swell at long-term direct contact with water, then such a trim is laid in those rooms where high humidity regimen prevails. Today there are not so many wood materials on the market, which would be distinguished by the same properties and characteristics as CSP.

Laying the tile on the cement-chipboard: features of the technological process

Specialists argue that ceramic flooring is not the best solution in combination with a tree, because materials have different characteristics:

  • When exposed to the wood of external factors, the material varies in size: with increasing moisture, wood expands, and when decreasing, heels, which leads to the deformation of the tile floor and the occurrence of cracks.
  • Wood does not differ resistant to destructive processes and therefore the service life is less than that of ceramic tiles. It often happens that the substrate from the tree with time is destroyed, and to repair or replace it, dismantle the ceramic tiles.
  • On the flooring from the CSP is possible installation of light tile tiles. If the tile is heavy for the flooring, then over time it may fail.

On the surface of the plates put a lightweight tile

Therefore, many suggests the question, can I carry out the installation of a tile on a wooden basis? The answer is positive, however, you need to understand that this is a difficult process, you will have to make a lot of effort, and there will be a lot of time. However, the final result is worth it, because if the work is done correctly, then the ceramic floor will delight for many years.

Attention! It is impossible to lay the tile on top of the wooden base, if no one and a half years have passed since the installation. The fact is that during the shrinkage of wood, the tile cracks.

The main requirement for such works is as follows:

  • Provide to the lower layers of the tree a free inflow of oxygen.
  • Loads evenly distribute on the area of \u200b\u200bwooden base.
  • The chipboard is fixed to completely immobile.

Given the importance of listed items, they are required to comply. Works on laying tiles on a cement-chipboard begins with surface preparation.

How to prepare the surface of the slab under the cladding

The surface of cement-chip slabs is smooth, but the shortcomings are present, but defects will remain under the tiled glue. We start mounting the tile.

First, the surface is treated with moisture resistant.

So that the tiles have better fixed on the CSP, it is necessary to enhance the adhesion of the materials, for this, on top of cement-chipboard laying the plastering mesh and process to. The primer use the one that is designed to work on the tree.

Glue is applied. It is important to cook the glue correctly, otherwise the tile fixation will be bad and a short time, it will begin to slowly fall off and crack under the influence of gravity.

Plates allow you to equip a smooth base for installation of floor coverings

How to cook glue

To lay a tile on CSP, it is better to apply cement glue. In the container pour water and fall asleep dry mixture. The proportions are on the package. To improve the adhesion of ceramic tiles with glue, add special plasticizers, their number in the mixture is approximately 15%. The mixture is stirred to homogeneous mass. For stirring it is better to use a building mixer. The prepared mixture is applied to the surface of cement-chipboard with a toothed spatula.

The size of the teeth depends on the gabarites of the tile, for example: for ceramic tiles 30, 30 cm is suitable for a toothed spatula, which has a tooth value from 8 millimeters to 1 centimeter. Since the glue dries in 15 minutes, it should be applied and quickly. Prepare yourself Tile glue will not submit difficulties, because the proportions and components are spelled out in the instructions on the package with the mixture.

Preparation of tile glue

We perform laying ceramic tiles on a cement-chipboard

For such work it is better to use elastic glue, because it is capable of providing a high degree of tile clutch with the surface of cement-chipboard. The laying can be performed from the center or from the angle depends on the scheme used, from the climbing of the tile, if necessary. As soon as the first row is laid, it is necessary to check for vertically and horizontality, for this use the construction level. After three four rows of tiles are laid, it is better to suspend work for one hour.

This time is necessary that the cement-chipboard can perceive the load on it well. If you do not take interruptions, then during operation there will be deformation of the surface and the tile cracks. So that the intercutric seams and masonry are smooth, use separation crosses, which are located in the corners between each ceramic tile and 2 cross on each side. After laying the tile is completed, the surface is left alone for a day.

How to place cross when laying tiles

This time is enough so that the glue grabbing. After 24 hours, it is possible to follow the facing operations - filling the seams with a mixture and grout. And to understand how the laying of the tiles on the CSP is performed, watch the video:

When arranged by one of the most important points, the question of choosing a coverage can be considered. In these premises a large humidity, water often turns out to be water, and this can turn into swollen, mold, cracks. As a result, the owner has to either change the coating, or spend money on its repair. To date, there is a lot of options to avoid such problems. Repair professionals often apply cement-chipboard. What are their characteristics, what application, pros and cons of use, as far as they are suitable for the floor of the bathroom, reviews - All of this are read further in the article, see the thematic video.

The main characteristics of cement-chipsticks (CSP)

With the currently rich choice of construction and finishing materials, the inhabitants sometimes run away, and it is quite difficult to stop on a particular product. To facilitate this task, we give a list of CSP characteristics:

  • the warranty plate should serve 50 years (in an aggressive environment, without additional protection about 15-20);
  • product density 1300 kg / m3, 55 MPa hardness;
  • refractory (almost an hour cement-chipboard can withstand the effect of flame, not allowing fire to spread);
  • low level of moisture absorption;
  • zero level of toxicity;
  • environmental purity;
  • high reliability.

CSP has a high degree of environmental friendliness

The CSP plates are intended for premises with constant humidity, the advantage of this material is also in the fact that it will be able to work as a master specialist and a man in the street. The use of such a plate is capable and accelerated and significantly reduce the cost of arrangement of the bathroom and a bathroom. In addition, this material is distinguished by the resistance to mold, various fungi.

Dignity and disadvantages of material

Cement-chip plates possess the following advantages:

  • durable and durable;
  • resistant to temperature changes;
  • excellent decorative properties;
  • the possibility of finishing with any materials;
  • simplicity in working with coating, its processing;
  • adequate price;
  • lack of rotting processes even with constant contact with water;
  • fire resistance due to the presence of cement as part of the plates.

There is definitely some minuses in the use of plates:

  • when installing, without proper skill, a slab small thickness can be broken;
  • the coating has a high density;
  • the stove is quite much weighs, so it will not work for the lining of high walls.

The disadvantages are insignificant, therefore this material is very in demand.

Before buying, check quality certificates

Cement-chipboard is a practical, modern, favorable material that makes a lot of problems. But it needs to be used correctly. Here are some tips that will help in working with these plates:

  1. When drilling holes, you need to indent from the edge of 2-3 cm, not less, then the plate will not crack and will not be reassigned.
  2. If the plate is fixed on any surface, except for the tree, only the screws are used from the metal.
  3. Working with these slabs you need to be very careful, the material of the CSP can be rather fragile.
  4. Before final finish, you need to brand the plate.
  5. If you need cutting slabs with certain fragments, then it is necessary to use a special cutting tool with a diamond coating.

Given the all the above information, it can be said that CSP took its niche in the construction and finishing industry. They are practically indispensable when building grounds on rough floors from wood, ideal in rooms with constant humidity and sharp fluctuations in temperatures.

Due to the high stove strength, in the bathrooms with such a floor and finish, you can easily install any types of baths, dryers, large, other indispensable in the farm. They can be used and where there is a possibility to undergo a floor covering with significant mechanical loads. Another plus of CSPs are good sound insulation qualities. The aesthetic qualities of the plates are also at the height, while they are undemanding in care, they are very easy to wash and clean.

Cement-chip slabs are widely used as a substrate for various facing materials, such as mosaic, tiles, natural stones. They are also used in the arrangement of "warm floors". The minimum thickness of the material with its high strength allows you to use it without losing the height of the room.

Tools required for mounting cement-chipboard

  • glue for tiles or other cladding;
  • primer;
  • screws, screws;
  • reinforcing tape to dock the plates.

Attention! Before laying, all sheets need to be carefully prepared and extinted that they come to the parameters of the repaired room. Sheets need to be decomposed, carefully fit and place, so that it is not confused during the finishing laying.

According to the reviews of the meters, the plates are very convenient when installing the floor, especially when you need to shorten the timing of the work. Many prases precisely universality and elasticity (two external layers are made from minimal chips, and internal, from longer and large). We appreciate consumers and an ideally flat surface that these plates can provide. They can easily replace the usual concrete tie.

CSP is perfect for the floor in the bathroom

Choice of CSP

By purchasing plates (actually concerns all other construction and repair materials), it is necessary to check for the presence of the necessary certificates. It is better to buy a CSP from major reliable manufacturers, then there will be no doubt as and comply with all the rules.

Council. Many manufacturers of building materials exists a good discount system for wholesale buyers, which means that you can significantly save, having calculated in advance how much material is needed, and make a one-time order at the best price.

During production, no dangerous impurities and chemical compounds, such as formaldehydes, harmful resins, etc., Therefore, the material should not have any sharp odors.

Council. The stove thickness is chosen depending on the needs. It is better to consult or in the store, or with a repair and finishing specialist.

In any case, cement-chipboard is an excellent choice for furnishing of floors in the bathroom, and information from this article will help you to navigate. See the thematic video, and use only the best materials when repairing.

CSP Test: Video

Cement-chipboard: Photo

Preparation of horizontal structures under the final finish always requires a weighted approach. If it is incorrect to choose a material for the base, then there may be problems in the subsequent. Application for Floor CSP-Plates is a great solution. Products have the necessary performance and can be mounted on different types of surfaces in various ways.

Advantages of using cement-chipboard for floors

This material is becoming increasingly popular, which is explained by the presence of excellent parameters.

The main benefits include:

You can lay items with your own hands without attracting specialists, but the work has certain nuances.

Disadvantages of material

Cons of products:

When buying a material, it is necessary to check the availability of security certificates.

Features of laying

To properly put the products, you need to choose the thickness of cement-chipboard:

  • The optimal value when working with a concrete or pavement is 10-16 mm.
  • If the installation is performed on lags in 50-60 cm increments, it is selected with a thickness of 20 to 26 mm thick. On the first floor it is recommended to fill products with a thickness of 10-14 mm in two layers.
  • Fast-based floors in domestic and technical premises can be performed by sheets with a thickness of 24 to 36 mm.

For guaranteed high-quality flooring in a private house on lags, it is advisable to use plates with a thickness of 20 mm, and for solid laying on the slabs of the overlap in the apartment will be suitable for any material

The further process consists of consecutive stages, the observance of which will provide a qualitative result.

Preparatory work

In order for the installation of floors from CSP, it did not take much time, you need to pre-conduct all the preparatory procedures.


Algorithm of actions:

  1. The area of \u200b\u200bthe room is measured and a detailed scheme is compiled with the data obtained.
  2. It is very important to pay attention to complex areas. If there is a narrowing part or niches in the room, it is necessary to split such places into several sections to get the right result.
  3. The walls are left from the walls that leveral deformations during the plant shrinkage.
  4. According to the plan, taking into account the selected slab size, it is determined how the sheets will be attached. The technology of flooring to lags implies the laying of parts across.
  5. Preparation of cement-chipboard. For this, the dimensions according to the location on the floor covering are transferred to the details.

When drawing up a laying plan, plates are placed with a shift, it is also necessary to take into account the magnitude of the damper gap


Further works can cause some difficulties: it is necessary to choose than to cut the CSP.

To cut the slab, the following tools apply:

  • Bulgarian. This is the most efficient option if panels are used more than 12-14 mm. For work, special diamond discs will be required, providing fast and reliable cuts.
  • Electrolzik. The use of such a tool is limited: only thin parts can be cut. Thicker elements will require a set of good pylons, which are selected by the experimental way, and much more time and effort.
  • Construction knife. It is possible to cut the latitive plates with this device as follows: the blade with an emphasis on the edge of the line or rack along the line is formed a deepening, after which the product is shifted abroad and is bottled.

On a note! With the flooring of the CSP to the floor, all edges must be extremely smooth, so the last version of the cutting may require additional preparation due to the presence of defects.

The most clean and even thread gives the use of a grinder with a diamond disk or a hand circular saw with high turns

Installation plates

To put the parts on the horizontal base in a private house or apartment, you can use different methods that depend on the type of surface.

Fastening for glue or screws

The method of fixation is selected based on the specific situation:

In some situations, methods can be combined.

Laying on lags

A wooden bar is selected for the process with a cross section of 5 * 8 cm, which will ensure the best reliability and rigidity. Details must be sucked and processed by protective compositions.

For the ideal alignment of wooden floors on the lags, it is equipped with a decreased from CSP with insulation

Scheme of work:

  1. Lagged are mounted. All items are aligned with each other and fixed. It is recommended to place a heater under them, sliced \u200b\u200bby strips, which will avoid the appearance of cold bridges. If required, then jumpers are arranged.
  2. The empty space is filled with thermal insulating material. A similar screed is created in a similar way.
  3. CSP plates are stacked according to the composed scheme with a clearance from the walls. If the house has recently erected, it is advisable to leave a small distance between all the details, closeing it with a putty or sealant.
  4. Rock panels are needed on a screw with a step of 20 to 35 cm. The hat is necessarily immersed by flush.

The choice of a method of arrangement of the seam between the flooring plates is selected depending on the place of installation and the final coating, which is planned to be placed on top

If two layers are laid, they are perpendicular to close the previous joints.

Concrete tie

Put the plates on such a base as follows:

This method is excellent for warm water floors, but all the gaps between the tubes are pre-closed with a bulk mixture.

Cement-chipboard as it is impossible to suitable for the arrangement of the "Warm floor" system in a wooden house

To achieve a better result, you can use some recommendations:

  • Installation of CSP on the floor is most relevant when laying a tile: in this case, the highest quality clutch is achieved.
  • Before use, the material is better to withstand in the room during the day. This will eliminate possible errors.
  • If the work is carried out according to the "wet" screed, then it should be waiting for its complete burial.
  • The procedures are better to implement with the assistant, especially when using thick plates.

Subject to the correct implementation of all work, the surface will be distinguished by increased reliability.

In the arrangement of private houses, cement-chip plates are used everywhere. They are especially in demand if it is necessary to urgently align the surface, reduce the time of repair. The material is environmentally friendly, has an affordable cost, and the floor from the CSP on wooden lags is reliable. The main thing is to explore the rules of laying, have time and patience.

Using CSP

Characteristics of cement-chipboard

The CSP has a multi-layered structure, as it is manufactured by pressing from small chips, wood fibers, cement, plasticizers. This is a universal material that is used for different construction, repair work at any climate for any finish. It does not have complete perfection, but has a lot of advantages:

  • High resistance to mechanical influences. Its mechanical strength is 3 times higher than the strength of the chipboard.
  • Immunity to the appearance of mold, fungi due to alkaline medium.
  • The ability to resist humidity, critical temperatures.
  • Fire safety due to the presence of additives that reduce the risk of fire.
  • Long service life.
  • Convenient installation, ease of drilling, fasteners, cutting.
  • There is no need for additional alignment - the surface is smooth, smooth.
  • Environmentally friendly - as part of natural wood and cement.
  • Good noise insulation (up to 30 dB).
  • Low cost due to the simple manufacturing technology, the formation of voids, internal defects is excluded.

Only two are isolated from the disadvantages: cement dust is released when the material is cut, and when installing, it delivers the inconvenience of a large weight of the slab.

Given the characteristics of the material, the manufacturing method, it becomes clear why the CSP is popular laid on the wooden floor.

Characteristic features of the use of CSP

Type of cement-chipboard

The material has a high degree of strength due to the structure that includes 4 layers. The outer layer in the composition has a fine-dispersion chips - it gives hardness. Internally contains a long scer, which gives the stove the strength of bending.

The use of CSPs in different areas of construction, repairs is justified by absolute security for people and the environment. As a result of the research, it was revealed that the stove even after long-term contact with the water medium does not change the original qualities.

Using the floor for floor

  • Because of its characteristics, the CSP replaces the concrete screed, since it is easier to fit.
  • Such a web due to the ability to withstand large loads will last long years.
  • The product is chosen in thickness, necessarily paying attention to the passability of the room.
  • CSPs are used for finishing inside, outside the room, but is particularly popular for floor alignment. CSPs are used in rooms with high humidity.

Attention! It is most in demand for the floor under ceramic tile, since this material requires a smooth base.

  • Floors from CA plates are used to arrange a three-dimensional floor, as in this case, a reliable black floor is required.
  • Apply to laying "warm floors", in which a smooth surface and thermal insulation are combined.

A great way to mount the DSP - on the lags of a wooden floor. To preserve the positive quality of the material, you need to follow the rules of laying.

Preparation for flooring with plates

To lay the material on the wooden floor, it will take a draft floor (old wooden), insulation, vapor insulation material, CSP sheets. Before laying the CSP, they equip the base, laid lags, and to perform work it is required to prepare a tool:

  • hacksaw;
  • a kapron fishing line;
  • pencil, feltaster, ruler;
  • nails, dowels, selflessness;
  • drill;
  • shipmashin.

The following materials will be needed: Bar, antiseptic, putty.

Base for Lag.

The base (primer, reinforced concrete) for laying the floor should be durable. In a private house on the outdoor ground, an alignment of the surface is initially carried out, a sand-gravel pillow is arranged a layer of 20 cm, which is well tumped.

Lag supports are laid out on the ground in the form of brick columns, the cement mortar is poured inside. The distance between the supports (0.5-1 m) depends on the bar used for the lag. In order to improve hydro and heat insulation, the waterproofing material is laid, for example, a thick polyethylene film. It is placed in the walls on the walls.

Concrete flooring is checked by horizontal levels. The gender is considered suitable if the deviation is no more than 3 cm, and the drops are eliminated by plating the gaskets.

If there are serious irregularities, they make a screed, otherwise the draft floor will be unstable and will lead to deformations, damage to the decorative coating. Small cracks, pits put sand, close in cement mortar.

Installation of lag under the stove

Lagges for the installation of CSP
  • First of all, you need to choose lags. The moisture content of the tree should not exceed 25%.
  • If the timber is mounted on a concrete screed, then a section is suitable 5 × 5 cm. Most often, the lags are made of ate, pine. Lags of more thickness it is impractical, as it takes the height of the room.
  • Every lag is treated with an antiseptic. This procedure is particularly relevant if ladies are installed.

Attention! Before installing the lag, leave the gap to remain a stock to expand the material.

  • The bar is installed horizontally from opposite walls, aligned in terms of level. On them, the remaining lags are picked up with a step of 50 cm - this is an acceptable distance for mounting inlet materials.
  • The same step is used for fixing the ribs of the transverse crate. Fixed materials with self-draws, dowel-nails. Between the concrete and the lag layes of plywood, which gives strength.
  • Located insulating material using the appropriate material: foam, minvatu.

Installed lags are placed cement-chip.

Preparation, CSP cutting

Before laying the sheets on the floor, the cement-chip layers are pre-prepared:

  • The floor from the CSP on lags is laid, distributing sheets with a thickness of 1-1.5 cm around the perimeter of the room.

  • Where the plate does not fit completely, the marker is applied to the material in pruning places.
  • Cutting sheets is carried out by a grinder with a diamond disk.
  • When cutting the slab with a hacksaw on the part, the groove is carried out with a hacker blade on the markup.

Attention! For cutting, a hacksaw with a small cannist is used, which will reduce the amount of dust, make the edge smooth.

  • The stove is covered down, the knee rests into most of the sheet, and for less slowly pulling on itself - part of the slab when pressing is chosen in the right place.
  • The cutting plates are treated with water-based primer from all sides.
  • If there is a hole on the surface, for example, the sewer, the following actions are carried out: cause solidol to the edge of the holes, put a sheet of CSP and pressed. Occasionally cut a hole in the stove.
  • After cutting the plates and location on the floor plane without skips, they are numbered, not to be mistaken when laying.

Installation of plates on glue, screws

Laying of the CSP is carried out using glue, self-tapping screws.

If you work with glue, then a building mixer at a low speed is used to obtain homogeneous mass. The finished mixture is applied with a toothed spatula. They laid, fixes, placing them with an indent of 5 mm. The clearance is needed that when shrinking the material is not damaged. These gaps are filled with adhesive composition.

After complete pouring, the surface is covered with water-repellent composition, primer.

Installation of CSP

If the CSP is mounted on lags with a step of 40-60 cm, then plates 2-2.6 cm with self-draws are installed.

2 layers of plates with a gap between them are placed on the lags, and between the stove and the wall - 12 mm. Shakes of layers should not coincide. The short edges of the sheets are joined on the support lags - the joints are located in the middle. To improve contact, the surface is treated with mounting glue. Self-tapping screws into the slab to lags with a step of 150 mm along the edge of each panel.

Attention! At the joints, the tubercles are sometimes formed, which should be seated, sharpen separate sections.

The cement-chipboard is considered a durable, durable building material with a smooth surface. Decorative flooring on such a base is stacked perfectly. The material is considered thermal insulating, so its installation saves funds on insulation, noise insulation. Stacking plates in any room, at any time of the year can spend each.

Installation of cement slabs: