Repairs Design Furniture

Plasterboard on wooden slats. Mounting drywall on wooden rails Tree of plasterboard

Plasterboard is a polyfunctional building materials of modernity, with which you can see any room in house. To create a frame base under Glk, you can use wooden or metal profiles.

Most often in repair work use a metal frame, which provides greater structural strength. But it is much more complicated to make it than from wooden plates. Therefore, along with the metal, a wooden frame for plasterboard is often used quite often. The tree is an environmentally friendly material and this is another reason why many prefer it as a basis for repairs in the house. Moreover, such a framework is much easier to make at home.

So that the wooden design in the house served for a long time, the tree must be properly prepared. This material is very susceptible to biological corrosion, climatic exposure and burns well. Therefore, before making a wooden frame or partition, the tree should be prepared according to the rules.
Note! Make a partition or frame is best made of coniferous rocks.
Before starting, we usually conduct chemical treatment. For this, wooden rails are treated over the entire surface with antiseptic substances. It will help you prevent:

  • death of wood mold or fungal microorganisms. And under their influence, the tree is very quickly cleaned;
  • risk of wood damage to wood insects that use wood as food;
  • biological rotting;
  • damage to rodents bars, which can be found in the house, especially country.

Today, the market is replete with the most diverse antiseptics. But the best is the fluorinist sodium. It penetrates very deep into the wood and is poorly washed out of it.

It is worth noting that the fluorine sodium does not decompose and cannot lead to metal corrosion. It is also not toxic for people and does not smell, which is an excellent advantage for processing this substance wooden bars and rails at home.
In addition to fluoride sodium for wood treatment, the sodium silicinated soda is used.
In residential premises it is strictly forbidden to apply the following types of oil antiseptics:

  • coal;
  • creoshot;
  • anthrancene oils;
  • shale.

When processing a tree with such substances, a person can harm her health!

Before installing wooden planks, the rails must be in the room where they are fixed. Thanks to this, they will pass sufficient acclimatization.
Remember that the rails must be made of high-quality lumber, which must necessarily comply with the requirements of fire safety and humidity.

The seller at the request is obliged to provide you with a certificate or certificate that the material was processed by the flame retardant and passed a special examination by authorized bodies.

Creating a drawing

Before starting installation Wooden design elements, you should draw the drawing.
It is as follows:

  • measuring the length of the room;
  • we measure the height of the room;
  • we multiply the resulting numbers and get the perimeter of the room;
  • next, measure the perimeter of windows, doorways and apply them to the drawing.


By creating a scheme, you can evaluate the range of upcoming work and determine the number of materials. You will make the right frame with him, and you will not have to bend the elements and to tighten them to be perfectly fit into the design.

Tools for work

Make a wooden frame for drywall using the following tools:

  • screwdriver;
  • a hammer;
  • construction knife;
  • drill on concrete with a shock drill;


  • wood hacksaw;
  • plumb, roulette and pencil;
  • building level;
  • screwdriver, fomka;
  • brackets, dowels and screws.

Having at hand this toolkit, make a wooden partition or framework will be very easy even newcomer.

Mounting work

Installation of a wooden design for plasterboard implies the following processes:

  • tracing (marking) walls. On the wall we apply all the elements of the drawing;
  • measure the distance of the plane of the future partition and retreat from it to the width of GCL. Starting from the ceiling. We score a nail and hang a plumb on it. We celebrate the point on the floor;
  • by connecting these two points, you will receive the first line;
  • next, we repeat the procedure;

Note! You can do a little easier. Attach a sheet of GLC to the wall (short side) and simply swipe perpendicular from the specified point.

  • then begin to make the installation frame. On the lines fasten bars. Wooden beams should not be bend, otherwise they can be simply broken. You can mount both self-draws and spikes (in a wooden house). In a stone house, we use screws, dowels, brackets or direct suspensions;
  • along the walls and the ceiling, fasten solid bars. Remember that it is impossible to be a solid bar, so it will not be possible to change the design. In this regard, do all attachments with reconciliation in terms of level;
  • along the floor, the discrepancy between the bars in both directions from the doorway;
  • when the opening is location, the wall use a solid timber, which runs on one side from this opening;
  • next, we carry out the installation of vertical regions. Rake set strictly by level. It is possible to bend them slightly if the rake is not even smooth. But do not overdo it, otherwise it will break.

Ready frame

Note! In order to make a wooden design, you can use bars and rails of different sections. The selection of the section should be done depending on the method of plating and the height of the partition. It is also necessary to take into account the level of the load that the frame will be experiencing in the future so as not to bend its elements.
When the frame is ready, the doorway can be installed:

  • on the side of the opening it is necessary to install two risers. The width of the doorway should be 4 cm more than the width of the door box itself;
  • risers strengthen additional bars;
  • at the level of the door frame, add 2.5 cm and making the horizontal jumper mounting. To fix the jumper, bending it optionally;
  • jumper with ceiling rails connect with two vertical bars. They will make the design more rigid. They will also be needed for fastening sheet cabarton sheets in the future;
  • next, secure rack. Their step to not bend the framework is 60 cm;
  • in the case when the ceilings are somewhat higher than the leaf sheet length, make a horizontal jumper to ride the sheets at the installation stage.

Council. To determine the location of the jumper over the scene, you need to apply a plasterboard sheet and to navigate the jumper in the place of its edge so that it goes to its middle.
To increase the stiffness of the structure and the level of it withstanding the load at the site of the BRUSEV connections, metal corners and lining, which are designed to collect rafting systems. Thus, you will prevent the mechanical destruction of the frame and make it more resistant to mechanical effects from the side.
Ready design and each item should be checked during the installation of a building level. Racks should go strictly vertically, and all jumpers - horizontally. At the same time, the racks should be positioned in such a way that the maximum possible amount of plasterboard sheets is fitted on the wall. As a result, you will save not only time, but also reduce the consumption of the material.
The wooden drywet for plasterboard is quite easily done with their own hands while respecting a number of rules and technologies. The main thing is to clearly follow the instructions and you will have even the most complex items.

Over time in every home, the apartment needs to be repaired. This is especially important with the advent of children in the family. To create a children's room in a studio apartment, it is not necessary to build a brick wall. , Created by your own hands, will distinguish the room, while improves the design. The frame of the partition under plasterboard is created from wooden bars or metal profiles.

Plasterboard Partition for Room Zoning

In both cases, an action plan should be carefully examined, familiar with the generally accepted rules.

To create a plasterboard partition on a wooden frame, you need to take into account some factors from which the duration of the structure of the structure will depend on, its functionality.

  1. Wooden frame is installed only in a dry room.
  2. The partition is put in the room without sudden temperature drops.
  3. Wooden frame is installed in apartments, houses without obvious moves.
  4. In a private house there is a high probability of lesion to the tree insects and rodents.

Creating a frame for partitions from GCL on a wooden frame

If all of the listed factors are excluded, the room has a partition with a frame from wooden bars.

Materials for wooden frame partition

To create a frame of wood, materials will be required. Before working, some materials should be prepared.

Mandatory condition for creating a partition, wood for a wooden frame should be dry

Wooden bars for partition frame

Which wood is needed for partition frame? For high-quality frame bases of the partition, the wood is ash, beech, pine, maple - I-II variety. Coniferous breeds contain a large amount of wood resin, which prevents rotting, they are less susceptible to insect and rodents.

The size of the material is selected based on the size of the partition. We will need a cross section of 60x80 mm. For greater stability to the framework of the frame (top, bottom), the bars 50x100 mm are purchased.

Wooden bars 60 * 80, 50 * 100

Before applying wooden bars for mounting, you need to spend some operations:

  1. The entire tree used in the creation of the frame base should be dried. It can last up to 1 week.
  2. After drying, the tree is processed by an antiseptic. There are many solutions for wood processing on the construction market. The pricing policy depends on the manufacturer's company.

Antiseptic Tool Treatment

For confidence in the processing is used by Olife. It dries for a long time, but it is 100% processed material. For processing, Olif should be heated in a water bath. In a warm form, the remedy penetrates the tree deeper. The ends of the bars should be very carefully treated with Olife. In some cases, the timber should simply be lowered by the end to the container with the antiseptic.

Cooked Olife on Water Ban

When drying 20% \u200b\u200bof the tree changes its appearance, which should be considered when purchasing.

Other materials


To create a frame of wooden bars for a plasterboard partition, you will need a set of tools:

  1. Pencil or chalk.
  2. Meter, plumbing, level.
  3. Perforator.
  4. Screwdriver.
  5. Saw or hacksaw.
  6. Roller
  7. Set of spatulas with different blades size.

Set of necessary tools for working with GLC

If there is no possibility to purchase power tools, you can rent it.

Plan of work on the installation of a wooden frame for partition from GLK

To build a durable wood frame for a drywall partition, you should act on the planned plan.

Preparatory work and drawing

The first step in the installation is the preparation of the surface. This requires an analysis of the floor surface, adjacent walls, ceiling. The whole surface should be smooth. If you attach a smooth wooden bar to the wall, there will be a 0.3 mm gap. It is not critical, but the gap of 0.5-0.8 and will be more affected by the design, because when fixing the bar, it will come. Therefore, the entire surface must be smooth.

The deviation of the surface from the norm should be no more than 0.8 mm.

Mandatory in the room should be dry and clean. To do this, remove all objects interfering for installation. Remove the garbage, remove dust and cobweb. It is desirable to process the surface of the surface with an antiseptic mixture.

When the surface is prepared, you can proceed to the drawing on paper. To begin with, it is necessary to determine the type of partition. Will she take half of the room or in the form of a wall? Will there be windows, doors or arch? This should be reflected on paper.

The next step is measurements. All dimensions dropped around the perimeter, as well as alleged window and doorways, are applied to the drawing of the partition.

Scheme of plasterboard partition on wooden frame

Every 40 cm is installed vertical racks. Horizontal jumpers are installed in the joints of the drywall shest. In the place of the doorway there is an increase in the horizontal beam. In a niche, which will be functional, also enhanced. In case of covering the septum with two HCL layers, the calculation is required for horizontal jumpers of the first layer of GLC (joints) and the second layer of sheets of sheets.

Marking for wooden frame partition

Markup will need a level or laser. It is necessary to mark with accuracy on the ceiling and semi horizontal lines, on the wall strictly vertical strip. On these lines, fasteners are marked. And it should also be noted the borders of the doorway.

Marking for future plasterboard partition

In order for the markup to be accurate, pinch should be applied. They are descended from the ceiling down. The cone tool does not reach the floor 1-2 mm. A fixed plumb on the ceiling line with its end of the ship shows the exact point on the floor. The plumbings should be kept at least three points through the entire width of the partition.

Montage of wooden frame

Mounting frame base begins with the fastening of a wooden bar to the ceiling. There are some nuances here. If the ceiling overlap is wooden (private wooden house, duncan), then conventional wood screws are used 3.5 * 35. If the base is concrete or brick, then to the wall, the wooden bars are mounted with nails dowels, to the ceiling anchor-wedge.

Originally attached a wooden timber to the ceiling

All guides (basic) bars are attached with a step of 30-40 cm. It will give the reliability and strength of the entire design. If the plaster layer is unreliable, there is an option to replace the dowels on wooden pegs. They are tightly driven into the wall, sometimes they are labeled with alabaster solution on top, after which the self-tapping screw is screwed.

Vertical Bar fixed on the wall

After fastening the guide above, you should attach the bar at the bottom. It should be done very carefully, since the fitting partition depends on this procedure. The last bar is fixed to the wall, thereby tying outdoor and ceiling fixed materials. There should be a frame. In all inner angles, 90 degrees are attached metallic corners. This is an additional fixation of the reliability of the frame. The corner is manufactured independently in the absence of furniture parts.

Installation of vertical racks

Now you should install vertical racks. They are created from the tree of the same section as the binding. Fixing the racks comes in wood screws. For strength, metal corners are installed. In the location of the planned door, vertical racks are enhanced (2 shot down bars).

Horizontal jumpers are installed at the junction seat of the plasterboard sheet. And also reinforced horizontal jumpers are put in places of the niche created and at the top of the doorway.

Installing and fixing horizontal jumpers

In the place of the doorway at the bottom of the wooden bar will serve the threshold. But, if this element is not provided, the tree is cut, and the edges of the bar are additionally attached to self-drawing dowels.


In the design of this type, communications is not possible. But, if you need to make backlight, the socket, switch, then along the path of laying wires, the drill in the tree are made of a small diameter holes.

It should be noted that the conducting of wires through the holes in the tree should be only with the use of corrugations or inserted metal tubes to avoid fire.

Wires are launched into these holes. Wiring should be made according to the electrical component. It should be saved. In places of switches and sockets, it is necessary to highlight place under the box.

Installed boxes for sockets and switches in a wooden frame

The mounting of plasterboard on the bar is one of two ways to finish the room on the frame, although less common. Conjugate many nuances that are missing when used. Still, the use of wood is possible and does not even lose relevance, especially when. Is it possible to mount plasterboard sheets on a wooden bar, and what should be known and take into account in working with such a material?
The process of fastening plasterboard on a wooden timber

Collect the frame from the bar under drywall in any premises of the residential and non-residential fund.

  • residential rooms having wooden walls;
  • utility rooms of the dwellings of wood;
  • at dachas;
  • economic buildings (sheds, garages and others);
  • in residential buildings and apartments;
  • on balconies and in apartment buildings.
    Ready wooden frame for mounting drywall in loggia

    However, when used in unheated utility rooms, good waterproofing is required, and the bar itself should be dried and treated at least paintwork.

    It is best to use modern protective impregnations for wood, or Olifu, but the last option is practically not produced today.

    Why use a frame from a bar if it may well be replaced by a metal profile, and is it possible to do it?

    Advantages and disadvantages of wooden frames

    What advantages have wooden framework in front of the already classic counterparts from metal products:

    But, the perfect material does not exist, there is a bar and its shortcomings. This is a smaller service life in comparison with metal counterparts, flammability, the possibility of injury to insects and rodents.

    Mounted wooden frame under plasterboard sheets
    However, the main mines of wooden crates can be called low resistance to moisture and the inability to collect a non-standard curvilinear frame.
    However, GLC can be mounted on a bar, but by observing technology and carefully choosing the material.

    Choosing a bar for crate

    If it is decided to collect, then you need to get it very carefully.
    The list is as follows:

    After buying a material, all rails need to be examined and handled with protective impregnations or at least paint. This will protect the forest from the penetration of moisture.
    It is important to remember that stored the timber and rails are needed in a horizontal position, otherwise, after the expiration of time, with vertical storage, curved racks will be obtained.

    What you need to work

    The list of necessary tools for assembling the wooden frame is different from the equipment for working with metal profiles.
    Required tools:

    It is necessary to purchase additional materials :,
    The mounting corners in size are selected according to the cross section of the bar, if it has the parties 50 × 50, then the methome is desirable the same. This will ensure reliable mount.

    Different types of mounting corners

    How to assemble a frame and secure plasterboard

    The assembly work is starting with marking and fastening a bar that will perform the functions of the guide profiles. Collected according to the following algorithm:

    • If the room has a flooded from a tree, then on the ceiling you can simply collect the crate, attaching the rails across the beams across;
    • On the floor and the ceiling, the lines are carried out, where the guides will be laid, the distance from the wall is chosen optimal for alignment of the surface and laying the heat insulation at (if it is planned);
    • On the marks put the guide bar and drill through it holes under the fasteners. At this stage, you will have to change the drills, drilled by the originally holes in the wood, it will be necessary to change them under the ceiling and floor concrete;
      Playing guides on the floor
    • on the right and on the left along the walls are installed on the stand with a focus on the guides, they are also attached to the walls of dowels-nails. Additionally strengthen the mounting corners at the top and below;
    • At a considerable distance from the carrier wall along the lines where the racks will be installed, direct suspensions are fixed. Fixation of accessories is also provided by dowels-nails, or fittings suitable under the material;
      Wood frame mounting diagram to cut
    • The racks are mounted on the guides, they are connected to the bearing bars and combine with suspensions. Fastening accessories to wooden racks is better to perform press-washers, their wide hats securely fix all the elements. The number of racks is calculated 3-4 pieces per 1 sheet of plasterboard;
      Scheme of attaching racks to Brus
    • In a checker order to the frame between racks, it is necessary to establish crossings. Mounts are provided by corners. The location is changed alternately at the top and below, alternating after 1-2 sheet;
    • Laying insulation in a wooden frame, it is sure to close the steam to the barrier. The wiring concludes a corrugated plastic pipe and mounted brackets on the racks.
      Mounting scheme insulation inside wooden frame

    Such technology is used and for assembling a frame of a bar on the ceiling. At the same time make a solid crate, without being coatless in a checker order. The video describes the installation of a wooden frame for plasterboard.

To date, plasterboard is rightly recognized by one of the most popular and sought-after materials. This is explained by his pricing accessibility and indisputable ease. It is very often treated for alignment of overlaps in the house. Today we will talk about how to mount plasterboard to the walls, as well as get acquainted with all the advantages and disadvantages of this common finishing material.

What it is?

Before proceeding to the study of such a finishing material, such as plasterboard, it is worth understanding what he represents.

Plasterboard is a finishing material that consists of two layers of cardboard with solid plaster and special fillers inside. It is used in various purposes. For various works, sheets with different thickness are produced. Looking plasterboard panels can not only on the walls, but also on the floor or ceiling. The main thing is to choose the materials of the appropriate category.


Today in the stores of construction and finishing materials you can find absolutely any products for any repair work. For alignment of walls, customers are offered high-quality putty, plaster and other practical compositions. However, many people choose for such works "dry" material - plasterboard.

To date, the problem of uneven walls familiar to many.It is faced with owners of private houses and urban apartments. However, it is quite possible to make the overlaps of smooth, not attracting the brigade of the finishes.

Uneven floors are bad not only what they look unpainted, but also the fact that many finishing materials cannot be applied on them. This can be attributed to the tile, most types of paints and wallpapers. Based on the drops and potholes, such coatings are held unreliable, and they look very inaccurated. Many of the finishing materials and emphasize irregularities on the walls.

In such cases, do not do without perfectly smooth and smooth drywall. After its installation, the walls acquire a more aesthetic and neat look. In addition, the sheets of this popular material are as simple as possible in processing and can be coated with practically any canvases and paints.

Plasterboard sheets are attached to the wall with a special wooden or metal frame. There is also a frameless montage method, which specialists consider more complex.

Choosing one or another installation method, it is worth considering that it is necessary to work with drywall. This is due to its feature consisting in the fragility and the possibility of crumbling. If you accidentally damage the plasterboard, then it is hardly possible to return to him the primordial species. That is why for the manufacture, for example, arched structures, the usual plasterboard will not fit, because when it is easy to flexure it will just break.

Another distinguishing quality of plasterboard is its multitasking. It is used not only to align different bases, but also for the manufacture of interesting multi-level ceilings, racks with shelves, niches and cabinets. This once again confirms the unpretentiousness of this material and the ease of working with it.

Pros and cons

Like any other finishing material, plasterboard has advantages and disadvantages of which you should know if you decide to install it on the walls in your home.

To begin with, you will get acquainted with the list of positive qualities of plasterboard sheets:

  • They differ in a smooth and smooth surface, due to which they are chosen to align different bases.
  • The advantage of plasterboard is also its thermal conductivity. Indoor, where the walls are covered with this material, will always be warm and cozy.
  • Plasterboard is recognized as an environmentally friendly material. It has no dangerous and harmful substances in its composition, so it can be safely used even in the decoration of children's rooms.
  • The sheets of GLC fireproof and do not support burning.

  • Another weighty advantage of plasterboard is its vapor permeability. Thanks to this quality, such material is not subject to the formation of mold and fungus.
  • Often, consumers buy precisely plasterboard, as it has an affordable price, but applied in various purposes.
  • Plasterboard walls can be complemented by various insulation (more often prefers polyplex and mineral wool).
  • Work with plasterboard is quite simple. To do this, you do not need to be purchased by expensive tools.

  • Using this finish material, you can implement any bold designer ideas. That is why plasterboard uses many designers in their developments.
  • Plasterboard does not require expensive and regular care.
  • From the GLK does not come unpleasant chemical smell.
  • He is fragilely processed. To do this, you can use almost any materials from conventional paper wallpapers to tile.

  • Plasterboard sheets can be installed in any rooms. It may be not only a dry living room or bedroom, but also a bathroom or kitchen. Of course, for the latter it is necessary to select moisture-resistant canvas.
  • Thanks to the gypsum sheets, you can hide unattractive communications and wires in the room.
  • With a skeletal method of fastening drywall, rough walls do not need long and scrupulously prepared with special compositions. It is enough to treat them with antiseptic means to avoid the reproduction of harmful microorganisms.
  • Many consumers are purchased for repairing drywall, because it can be used immediately after the purchase, giving them to lie 2-3 days without exposing additional preparation.
  • To date, the selection of plasterboard sheets allows you to choose the optimal option for any conditions.

As you can see, a list of positive qualities at drywall is quite impressive.

However, he has its weaknesses:

  • Normal plasterboard is not recommended to mount in rooms with high humidity. For such conditions, it is worth choosing extremely moisture-resistant types of material. However, according to specialists, even such plasterboard in wet conditions begins to lose its properties and deteriorate.
  • Plasterboard sheets can begin to crumble, especially under the action of large loads. That is why the gypsum walls are not allowed to hang heavy items such as large hours, suspended shells in the bathroom, lighting devices, large paintings and other objects with considerable weight. Otherwise, these things will take long on their places, and then just fall off and damage the plasterboard.

  • Working with plasterboard needs very careful not to damage it. Do not bend this material if only it is arched.
  • Plasterboard on the frame will "eat" some space in the room, so this method of installing the material is not suitable for all squares.

As far as the listed minuses are - each consumer must decide for itself. But it is worth noting that many problems can be avoided if you can easily select the material and when you fasten the walls to the walls to strictly follow the instructions.

Materials and tools

If you decide to independently install plasterboard on partitions in your home, then you should be in withdrawing tools and materials.

From the toolkit you will be useful:

  • special knife for cutting plasterboard sheets;
  • special glue (for frameless installation method);
  • construction level, plumbing, special markup cord, roulette, long line (instead you can take the rule), pencil / marker - these tools will be needed to mark the walls and for competent control over the vertical surfaces;
  • ordinary and rubber hammers;

  • spatula (instead you can take trowel);
  • separate container for kneading the adhesive composition;
  • screwdriver;
  • perforator;

  • self-tapping screw;
  • dowel;
  • screws;
  • electric drill with a nozzle mixer;

  • roller with a long handle;
  • soft tassel;
  • planned (needed to cut the chamfer);
  • putclone (for applying the finish layer after all works).

From the materials you will need:

  • the sheets of GLC (ordinary, moisture-resistant or fire-resistant - it all depends on the room in which the installation of sheets is planned);
  • galvanized profile or wooden bar (for frame formation with the corresponding installation method).

Application area

Plasterboard is a versatile material. It is used in a variety of conditions and fragilely fixed on various bases.

Without this material, just do not do if we are talking about a wooden house or building from the cut.In such conditions, the walls are almost always uneven and require competent alignment. However, it should be borne in mind that the houses from the tree always give shrinkage and plasterboard plates in them can only be installed after the completion of this process. Otherwise, sheets can be damaged in such conditions or deform.

To install drywall on the walls in wooden houses, it is necessary:

  • provide space for mounting the insulation (if you, of course, plan to insulate the room further);
  • have a free space for laying communication systems.

Align the walls in wooden houses is not easy. In this case, the optimal option will be the frame installation. However, some owners first fasten on the boards and bars sheets of plywood or chipboard, and then plasterboard are glued to them.

Plasterboard is permissible to attach to walls with a concrete basis. For such surfaces, it is not necessary to make a complex frame. Plasterboard can be glued to such bases using a special glue. Such adhesive compositions today are found in stores very often. For example, the qualitative composition of PERLFIX offers a well-known company Knauf.

Plasterboard is often used to align brick walls.Here you can also refer to the usual stance of the material without the manufacture of the frame. In such cases, immediately before installation, it is necessary to find out with the help of a level as far as the overlap is curved, after which any contamination, dust and fat stains are removed from the brick. In addition, the brick wall should be absolutely dry, otherwise sufficient adhesion with drywall will not succeed even when using high-quality glue.

In case you want to level the walls of foam blocks, you should contact the framework of the installation. This is explained by the softness of such grounds. However, some users turn to the frameless installation, but before this foam must be prepared - to separate the ground or plaster.

Walls made of aerated concrete also often require alignment. In such cases, it is possible to use frame, and frameless mounting methods. In the second case, it is necessary to treat aerated concrete bases for the primer of deep penetration. Glue in such cases it is necessary to select especially carefully, as in cases with overlappings from foam blocks. Experts recommend applying the compositions from Knauf and "Will Montage".

Plasterboard will be able to make walls even in saman houses.Such buildings are full composites built from clay, land, straw and sand. Of course, with such materials, the construction of perfectly flat partitions does not have. For this reason, they simply need aligning plasterboard fabrics.

Methods of fastening

We have already mentioned above that plasterboard sheets are attached to the walls by making a frame or a frameless way. The selection of this or that installation variant largely depends on the structure and conditions of the room and, of course, the owners preferences.

On profile

This option is the mounted plasterboard is the most popular. It is quite possible to make it yourself. With this method, the gypsum sheets are installed on a pre-prepared frame consisting of metal profiles recorded along the wall.

It is worth considering some nuances of this common installation method:

  • Between the wall and the profile you can position the insulation, if necessary. Most often consumers choose mineral wool, penplex or foam. However, it is impossible to forget that the draft walls before laying the insulation layer must be processed by the antiseptic composition.
  • In the cavity of the frame you can hide various engineering communications. It can be water pipes, heating batteries or wiring.
  • Do not forget that in rooms with high levels of humidity, only moisture-resistant plasterboard is permissible. Conventional sheets in such conditions will serve not long.

Installation of plasterboard sheets on the frame has a number of advantages:

  • with a similar installation in the room, additional noise and thermal insulation are ensured;
  • frame mounting allows you to align even ugly wall curves;
  • before installing the frame and fastener of drywall, black partitions do not require preparation (enough to go through them with antiseptics).

Consider more than step-by-step instructions for mounting drywall on the frame:

  • First you need to measure the walls and make marking on the installation of metal profiles and suspensions.
  • Marking under the guides should be started from the top profile. At the same time, the necessary indent is made from the overlap, then the line is carried out and with the help of a plumb is transferred to the floor.
  • Vertical profiles need to be located at least 60 cm from each other. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that each plasterboard leaf relies on three racks.
  • As for the installation of the suspensions, it is necessary to withstand a certain distance - 60-80 cm will be quite enough.

  • After that, you can move directly to the mounting of the frame. First, around the perimeter needs to consolidate the guide profiles. To fasten their ceiling and floor, you need to use a perforator, dowels and screws.
  • In the points marked during measurements it is necessary to attach the suspensions.
  • In the guide profiles should be inserted bearing and secure their suspensions.
  • Configure all the details as securely and tight as possible, since the durability and strength of the entire design will depend on the quality of the frame.

  • Before installing plasterboard sheets, it is necessary to strengthen horizontal guides.
  • When the frame will be ready, you should switch to the installation of plasterboard sheets on it. They must be fixed in a vertical position. To do this, you can use special 25 mm metal screws. But they need to fasten them in such a way that the caps were slightly "drowning" into the plasterboard.
  • After installing all sheets, the joints between them must be treated with putty using the reinforcing tape.
  • When the putty finally dries, the drywall attached to the frame should be fully sharpened. After that, the surface of the wall finish will be perfectly even smooth (without any flaws).

According to experts, such a installation technology is simpler. However, it is worth considering that a similar design takes part of the area indoors, so in a very small room it is better to use a frameless way, if, of course, it allows you to take overlap.

Blind designs

Frameless fastening of drywall is differently called adhesive, since it is fixed with the sheets at it with a special adhesive composition.

Choosing this installation option, you need to observe the following conditions:

  • on draft floors there should be no fungus or mold;
  • sowing plots should not be;

  • walls should not be processed;
  • they must be protected from dampness and excessive moisture;
  • from the surface of the walls it is necessary to remove old finishing materials, as well as dust, dirt and any other contamination.

It can only be applied to the frameless fastening of drywall in the event that the curvature of the walls does not exceed 4 cm. Otherwise, it is better to build a profile framework.

You can glue drywall on bases in different ways.

The optimal option must be selected, based on the technical condition of the overlaps:

  • The first method of installation is designed for more smooth surfaces. Under it, the fixing of plasterboard sheets occurs directly on the wall using mounting gypsum glue. It is transferred to the base around the perimeter (longitudinal lines).
  • If the overlaps have on their surface of irregularities, then drywall is recommended to be glued to them with the help of the "Perlfix" glue. It must be applied portion along the entire length of the back side of the gypsum web (withstand the distance between the glue heaps of 35 cm), as well as on its perimeter.

Now it is worth considering the Instructions for the Filly Installation of Plasterboard Sheets:

  • First you need to measure the floors and plan the placement of plasterboard plates.
  • Then it is necessary to competently prepare the surface of the base. If the wall is distinguished by a porous structure, then it should be covered with a primer mixture.
  • Now you need to cut down the sheets of GLK, as you will be useful to not only the entire panels, but also prepared inserts.
  • To make a cut straight, it is better to use a sharp construction knife. If you are going to make cut curves, then you should use electric jigsaw.

  • Prepare glue. To do this, you can use modern gypsum solutions that frozen sufficiently.
  • If the glue dries too quickly and you wish to extend the time of breathing, it is worth adding an adhesive composition for wallpaper or good old PVA into water.
  • Now you can start glitting on the walls on the walls. Pay attention to the thickness of the adhesive layer. It directly depends on the area of \u200b\u200birregularities on the ground. If the overlaps are smooth enough, then the mixture can be superimposed immediately.
  • To eliminate considerable curvature it is worth putting beacons. It is possible to build from drywall strips with a width of 10 cm. These elements must be glued throughout the perimeter in a vertical position, withsting a step at 40-50 cm.

  • Right and left beacons (extreme) should be mounted using a plumb.
  • After that, focusing on the mounting line (or thread), stretched between extreme beacons, you need to establish the remaining bands.
  • Align lighthouses by rule.
  • Plasterboard sheets need to be pressed using the rule installed in various positions. Touch the panel with a rubber hammer and correct their position.
  • When the glue dries, the seams between the plasterboard panels must be separated by putty.

Plasterboard is a rescue circle in matters of wall leveling. Installation of gypsum sheets can not be called unbearable and energy-intensive.

So that you have a more aesthetic and reliable design, the following advice and recommendations from professionals should be taken into account:

  • The installation of plasterboard plates in the room is permissible only after laying outdoor coatings. Also by the time of alignment of overlaps in the room, all questions should be solved on the laying of communications and heating systems.
  • Printing plasterboard (with a frameless way), try to avoid cross-shakes. It is better to lay out sheets with offset.
  • Pay attention to the width of the gaps between the gypsum sheets with the distrofile mounting. This indicator should be from 5 to 7 mm, the gap from the floor is 7-10 mm, and from the ceiling - 3-5 mm.
  • In order for the plasterboard to securely hold on overlaps, it is necessary to pay attention to their technical condition. The walls should not be shrouded and sprinkling areas.

  • With a frame installation method, it is recommended to create a chamfer on the cropped material (it is needed for a better sealing of all finishing seams). To do this, it is recommended to use a special edge planer.
  • All tools and materials are recommended to prepare before starting installation work. This will allow you to work without distracting and not spending time on extra action.
  • Adhesive compositions need to be breeding, based on the instructions. It must be applied on the packaging.
  • Do not tighten the fasteners on the drywall too much, as this can lead to deformation of a fragile material.
  • To work with plasterboard you will need a level. Of course, you can choose the instrument yourself, to work with which you are more convenient, but experts advise to contact laser devices.

  • Pay attention to the temperature regime during installation work. The temperature is +10 degrees recommended. If the room is tangible, then you should take care of additional heating systems in advance.
  • Plasterboard sheets are recommended to install on the walls not immediately after the purchase, and after it will lie at home for 2-3 days in dry and warm conditions.

This article outlines instructions, how to mount plasterboard to wooden bars and make the installation of drywall on a wooden frame light and fast.

Is it possible to mount plasterboard on a wooden frame

Facing the walls and ceilings of indoor premises is a quick, inexpensive and sufficiently non-robous modern method of finishing the interiors of civil and public houses.

There are several trimming options with a plasterboard sheet (GLC):

  • Direct installation, it can be done using a gypsum solution or special adhesive mastic if the walls and ceilings have a flat prepared framework
  • Wooden or metal frame under drywall must be used if the work surface has a skewer, strong waviness, and other irregularities.

The framework of the frame can serve as a metal galvanized sheet profiles, and wooden elements - rail, timber, board. A possible frame for plasterboard from a tree may be preferable to a metal profile, since the installation of drywall does with their own hands on the wooden frame does not represent a special complexity and does not require special skills. Wood is easily processing - dried, sawing.

Is it possible to mount plasterboard on a wooden frame? Yes, and besides, it allows you to save on the finish, refusing to acquire sufficiently expensive metal profiles. However, the carcass for drywall from the tree is not recommended to use when the room has increased humidity - in the bathrooms, boiler, shower and private bathrooms.

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Wooden frame for plasterboard do it yourself

How to make a wooden frame for plasterboard? If the partition is trimmed, it is usually a three-layer construction of a cutting board with a thickness of 25-30 mm. The outer layers are formed from vertical boards, and the inner layer is from horizontal. If the partition installation is neatly and competent, without distortion, then such a partition actually forms a frame for drywall from the boards to which without any preparation using self-samples, you can mount the panels from GOC.

The use of the board for the manufacture of framework designs in other cases is inappropriate, as this will lead to the consumption of material and an increase in the cost and complexity of work. For cladding concrete, bricks, logs, as well as old peashed walls and ceilings, it is better to use a frame from a bar under plasterboard.

Many are interested, is it possible to mount plasterboard on wooden slats? Since the difference between wood products (such as a rack and rack) is insignificant to the installation of GLCs, the installation of drywall on wooden rails and the installation of drywall on the bars almost does not differ among themselves.

Mounting drywall to the wall on a wooden frame

Is it possible to mount drywall on wooden bars if simply fasten them on the walls or ceiling? This option is possible, but it is better to make a carcass for drywall from wooden bars. In how to mount the timber to the plasterboard, a small instruction on the installation of drywall on a wooden frame of timber will be helped.

For drywall, the largest distribution was obtained with the following dimensions: in width of 1200 mm and a length of 2500 mm. In this case, the installation of panels on the design of the framework of the tree of different types and characteristics (moisture-resistant, hardening, etc.) has the same composition of the work.

Preparation of necessary materials, fixtures and tools

To determine the required number of HCL plates, it is necessary to draw a sketch plan for the scan of walls and the ceiling with all door and window openings, slopes and technological niches (for example, under heating radiators). After counting the working area, it should be divided into an area that one GKK has. The resulting value should be increased by 20% (on trimming and unforeseen expenses), which will be the number of required panels.

  • for mounting adjacent plates - with dimensions of 80 x 25 mm (first type)
  • for intermediate vertical and horizontal mounts - with dimensions of 40 x 25 mm (second type)

It is necessary to put the vertical and horizontal axes on the plan, which will be installed on the wall elements of the frame, which ensure the mounting of the plasterboard onto the wooden bars. Its structural scheme will be:

  • two vertical timers of the first type of 2500 mm long along the edges of the plate with a distance between them along the axis line 1200 mm
  • two vertical bars of second type 2500 mm long, with a distance of each other and the bars of the first type in the axes of 400 mm
  • six horizontal bars of the second type installed in the upper and lower plate
  • three intermediates that need to be installed on the axes located at a distance of 1250 mm from the upper and lower edge of the plate; The length of the extreme bars will be 400-80 / 2-40 / 2 \u003d 340 mm, the length of the average - 400 - 40/2 - 40/2 \u003d 360 mm

Additionally, the bars of the second type should be used for the framework of window and door openings and technological niches. If the height of the room exceeds 2500 mm, the upper horizontal timber is replaced by a timber with a cross section of 80 x 40 mm and is installed so that the additional 40 mm is used to fasten the top panel from the Cut-off to the corresponding length of the GLC leaf, the length of the vertical bars of the first and second should also be increased. Type and installed upper second type bar.

After calculating the total length of the required number of bars and also increases it by 20%, they can be purchased in the construction market or to do in a workshop engaged in wood processing. Particularly need to pay attention to the missing space and increased batch.

Before use of at least one week, the entire set of wooden bars should be designed in the room in which it will be used. Thereafter, rejection should be carried out, and the remaining trees with special compositions - antiseptics that prevent rotting and damage to fungi and mold, with antipirens that attach flame retardant properties. Currently, there are impregnation of deep penetration impregnation, providing protection of wood and preventing moisture in indoor vibrations in fairly wide limits.

In the manufacture and mounting of the frame, you must follow the drawn plan.

Required tools

Tools and inventory that will be required to perform work:

  • handsman on a tree
  • construction knife
  • construction corner
  • steel rail-rule 1200-1500 mm long
  • bubble level
  • water level (when cladding the ceiling)
  • plumb
  • a hammer
  • electric screwdriver
  • staircase, stepladder, allowed to build and use homemade building goat-scaffolding
  • protective devices (Hand gloves, glasses, respirators)

General provisions

The frame assembly and its installation from individual harvested elements with their own hands directly on the ceiling or on the wall presents some difficulties - it is required to constant alignment and fitting in horizontal and vertical planes with constant use of a plumb, level, construction kit and rail-rules.

If the length and width of the room, the enlarged assembly of large frame fragments can be made directly on the floor. At the same time, the framework of the frame, both on the wall and on the ceiling, and to align and attach in vertical and horizontal planes, will be substantially easier.

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The horizontal and vertical elements are well connected together with the use of a rigid metal segments bent under the right angle of the rigid metal of the desired width (25 mm) or through small lumps. Both those and others are fixed in the necessary places with screws.

The installation of frame fragments on the walls and the ceiling can be performed using a wood screw, if the walls and ceiling are wooden, with the help of the so-called "plugs", when in a brick or stone in the right place, in a predetermined point of the wall, the hole is drilled in which it is installed Wooden Cupik, in which, in turn, through an element of the frame, a nail is clogged or screwed down, while instead of a chopper, plastic beats with a metal self-tapping screw can be used.

After installing and equalizing the frame with significant tubes and skews between it and the wall (or ceiling), gaps can be formed to fill with a gypsum solution (if the tree was previously protected by moisture impregnation), use the mounting foam or wooden wedges and lining together with glue glue for Tree, for example, PVA. Otherwise, a wooden frame for drywall on the wall (or ceiling) will have an increased increment and can be deformed when installing the GCC panels.

Installation of plasterboard on a wooden frame

After installing and aligning on the wall or on the ceiling of the frame design, you can begin mounting drywall on a wooden frame by directly editing the GCL panels. In how to fix bars to plasterboard, the following instruction will help.

To mount the drywall sheet, it must be tightly pressing to the mounted frame design of the wood frame, so that the long edges of the leaf lay down exactly along the axes of the bar of the first type by cross section of 80 x 25 mm per distance of 40 mm, and so that it is possible to fix it to the remaining 40 mm adjacent sheet.

Fasteners are carried out using self-tapping screws with a length of 20 mm. Using a screwdriver, it is necessary to start fixing the GCL leaf on the frame, starting with the average intermediate horizontal element of the second type. In order not to be mistaken with twisting, on the sheet of drywall from the outside, it is better to put a line with a pencil that corresponds to the axes of the framework of the frame.

After that, you need to secure the sheet to the upper and lower horizontal frame elements. If the panel should be mounted on the wall, behind its verticality and absence of distortions you need to look using a plumb, and on the ceiling - using the level.

Then the sheet can be fastened with vertical racks. When spinning screws, it should be noted that the distance from them to the edge of the sheet should be at least 20 mm. The step between adjacent screws should be 100-120 mm.

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Instructions, how the plasterboard must be mounted on the ceiling, is not much different from how to mount the GLK on the wall. On the horizontal surface of the ceiling, the horizontal doom in the form of a frame, which should be attached to the ceiling designs and align horizontally using a water level. The enlarged elements of the framework for the convenience of its installation is also better to be appropriate on the floor.

In order to mount a frame from a bar for drywall on the ceiling and to strip his GLC, his hands may not be enough. For installation, assistant may be required. In exceptional cases, you can use the backups and disclosures that will be able to assist the installation of drywall on bars alone, but this method should be used with caution, since unforeseen situations may arise related to the fall and destruction of plasterboard sheets.