Repairs Design Furniture

Homemade CNC from the printer drawings. CNC milling machine in home (garage) conditions. Do all the necessary holes

To the question of how to make a CNC machine, you can answer briefly. Knowing that the homemade milling machine with CNC, in general, is a difficult device having a complex structure, designer is preferably:

  • acquire drawings;
  • purchase reliable components and fasteners;
  • prepare a good tool;
  • have a turning and drilling machines with CNC to quickly make.

It will not hurt to watch a video - a kind of instruction learning - where to start. And I will start with the preparation, I will buy everything you need, I will deal with the drawing - this is the correct decision of the novice designer. Therefore, the preparatory stage preceding the assembly is very important.

Work preparatory stages

To make a homemade CNC for milling, there are two options:

  1. Take the finished chassis set of details (specially selected nodes), from which we collect equipment yourself.
  2. Find (make) all components and start assembling CNC machine with your own hands, which would have answered all the requirements.

It is important to determine the purpose, dimensions and design (how to do without a picture of the CNC homemade machine), find the schemes for its manufacture, acquire or make some details that are needed for this, get the move screws.

If it is decided to create a CNC machine with your own hands and do without ready-made sets of nodes and mechanisms, fasteners, you need the scheme assembled on which the machine will work.

Usually, finding a fundamental scheme of the device, first simulate all parts of the machine, prepare technical drawings, and then on them on turning and milling machines (sometimes it is necessary to use both drilling components) manufacturers from plywood or aluminum. Most often, work surfaces (called another desk) - plywood with a thickness of 18 mm.

Assembling some important machine knots

In the machine that you started collecting personally, it is necessary to provide a number of responsible nodes that ensure the vertical movement of the working tool. In this list:

  • screw transmission - rotation is transmitted using a toothed belt. It is good because they do not slip on the pulleys, evenly transferring efforts on the shaft of milling equipment;
  • if a stepper motor (shd) is used for a mini-machine, it is desirable to take a carriage from a more overall model of the printer - more powerful; Old matrix printing devices had enough powerful electric motors;

  • for a three-way device, you will need three shd. Well, if each there is 5 control wires, the mini-machine functionality will increase. It is worth estimating the value of the parameters: supply voltage, winding resistance and angle of turning shd per step. To connect each SD, a separate controller is needed;
  • with the help of screws, the rotational movement from the shd is converted into linear. To achieve high accuracy, many consider it necessary to have ball-screw pairs (SVP), but this is not cheap component. Picking for the installation of blocks a set of nuts and fastening screws, choose them with plastic inserts, this reduces friction and eliminates the backlash;

  • instead of a stepping type engine, you can take a conventional electric motor, after a small refinement;
  • the vertical axis, which provides the movement of the tool in 3D, encompassing the entire coordinate table. It is made of aluminum stove. It is important that the axis sizes are adjacent to the dimensions of the device. If there is a muffle furnace, the axis can be pulled in size in the size of the drawings.

Below is the drawing made in three projections: side view, rear, and from above.

Maximum attention - bed

The required stiffness machine is ensured by the bed. It is installed onto a movable portal, a system of rail guides, shd, work surface, z axis and spindle.

For example, one of the creators of the CNC homemade machine, the carrier frame made Maytec aluminum profile - two parts (cross section 40x80 mm) and two end plates with a thickness of 10 mm from the same material, connecting the elements by aluminum corners. The design is amplified, a frame of smaller profiles is made inside the frame in the form of a square.

The bed is mounted without using welded connections (welds are poorly removed to carry the vibration loads). It is better to use T-shaped nuts as an attachment. On the end plates, an installation of the bearings block is provided for installation of the running screw. You need a sliding bearing and spindle bearing.

The main task made by its own hand the machine with CNC CNC was determined by the manufacture of aluminum parts. Since it was approached by the workpiece with a maximum thickness of 60 mm, he made the clearance of a portal 125 mm (this is the distance from the top transverse beam to the working surface).

This uneasy installation process

Collect homemade CNC machines, after preparing components, better strictly according to the drawings so that they work. The assembly process, applying the running screws, should be performed in such a sequence:

  • the knowledgeable sample begins with fastening on the body of the first two shd - behind the vertical axis of the equipment. One is responsible for the horizontal movement of the milling head (rail guides), and the second for moving in the vertical plane;
  • the movable portal moving along the X axis carries the milling spindle and the caliper (z axis). The higher the portal will be, the greater the workpiece can be processed. But the high portal, in the processing process, reduces the resistance to emerging loads;

  • for the attachment of the Z axis, the linear guides use the front, rear, upper, middle and lower plates. There, make a lodgment of the milling spindle;
  • the drive is collected from carefully selected nuts and studs. To fix the motor shaft and attach to the heel, use the rubber winding of the thick electric circular. As a retainer, there may be screws inserted into a nylon sleeve.

Then the assembly of the rest of the nodes and aggregates of the homemade begins.

Intim the electronic stuffing machine

To make your own CNC hands the machine and manage it, it is necessary to operate correctly selected numerical control, high-quality circuit boards and electronic components (especially if they are Chinese), which will allow on the CNC machine to implement all the functionality, processing a piece of complex configuration.

In order for no problems in management, self-made CNC machines, among the nodes, are required:

  • stepper engines, some stopped for example NEMA;
  • the LPT port through which the CNC control unit can be connected to the machine;
  • drivers for controllers, they are installed on the milling mini machine, connecting in accordance with the scheme;

  • switching fees (controllers);
  • 36V power supply unit with a downstream transformer converting to 5V to power the control circuit;
  • laptop or PC;
  • the button responsible for an emergency stop.

Only after that the CNC machines are tested (at the same time, the sample will make its trial start, downloading all programs), the existing disadvantages are detected and eliminated.

Instead of imprisonment

As you can see, make a CNC that will not give way to Chinese models - real. Having made a set of spare parts with the desired size, having high-quality bearings and fastened enough for the assembly, this task is under power to those interested in software technology. The example does not seem to search for a long time.

In the photo below - some samples of machine tools that have numerical management, which are made by the same craftsmen, not professionals. No detail was made hastily, an arbitrary size, but a suitable block with great accuracy, with careful recovery of the axes, using high-quality driving screws and with reliable bearings. True statement: As you collect, you will work.

The CNC is the processing of dural billet. Such a machine that gathered the craftsman, you can perform many milling works.

Another sample of the assembled machine, where the Fiberboard plate is used as a desktop on which the manufacture of a printed circuit board is possible.

Everyone who starts to make the first device will soon go to other machines. Perhaps he wants to test herself as a collector of a drilling unit and, unnoticed, will replenish the army of the craftsmen who gathered a lot of self-made devices. Classes of technical creativity will make the life of people in an interesting, diverse and rich.

Thanks to the full implementation of computer technologies and automation systems, modern woodworking machines operate according to predefined programs, which makes it possible to provide the highest quality of wood processing. Used on specialized woodworking factories and large sawmills, CNC machines can easily produce and process wood, while it is possible to make appropriate changes to the work of such equipment. Thereby ensures the maximum possible universality of using such wood processing machines.

If you wish, you can independently perform such machines with numeric software control, which will ensure complete processing of wood with excellent quality of work performed. Tell you in more detail about how to make a homemade CNC machine with your own hands.

Despite the seeming complexity of the design of such equipment, it will not make much difficulty assembled independently. Today, you can find ready-made kits for making such machines with CNC, which allows you to minimize your costs, while it is possible to make the necessary CNC milling machine with 3D, which will perform a full range of working with lumber.

Such equipment is characterized by universality to use, which has been positively affected by his demand and popularity in the market. Such devices can be used to work with the following materials:

  • Wood.
  • Plastic.
  • Composites and polymers.
  • Thin metal.
  • Rubber.
  • Other materials.

The most sought-after CNC machines that are fully controlled by automatic and provide maximum wood processing accuracy. With such woodworking machines you can perform the following work:

  • Sleep the tree.
  • Cut the Phane.
  • Perform accurate grinding.
  • Make a complex three-dimensional and curly wood cutting.
  • Produce various building materials from wood.

In each case, depending on the functionality of such a device, its execution scheme and the components used will differ. That is why you need to first decide with functional features Such equipment and already depending on this choose one or another type and scheme for self-making machine with CNC.

Advantages of equipment

If we talk about the benefits of the manufactured With your own CNC machines, we note the following:

  • Efficiency in work.
  • Universality use.
  • The possibility of simplified reconfiguration of the equipment.
  • Reliability.
  • Available cost.

Assembly instructions

We offer you a fairly simple instruction for assembling a CNC milling machine, which will allow you to independently perform such equipment for wood processing. This scheme implies the use of already ready-made component sets that include specially selected elements for the manufacture of such equipment. However, nothing prevents you from finding yourself or manufacture all components, and later you not only be able to significantly save, but also make such a machine that will fully meet your requirements.

Subsequently, it will be possible to connect a computer or a software control unit with a software that allows you to fully set the trajectory of the milling working head. At the same time, we note that if you are used by a carriage from an old filter, then use such a CNC machine can only be for wood processing, plastic or thin metal.

If you need a CNC machine capable of performing full milling of workpieces from various materials, then a powerful stepper motor must be responsible for moving the used working tool. It is possible to perform it from an ordinary electric motor or to purchase ready-made small power models.

The use of such engines will avoid the need to use a screw transmission that complicates the entire design. At the same time, the characteristics of such homemade equipment and its functionality are significantly expanding. If you have no reason for any reason or do not want to use a powerful stepping motor, we recommend choosing carriages from the printers of powerful top models, which will ensure the maximum possible amplitude of the movement of the milling workhead.

Machine diagram and drawings

The basis of an independently performed CNC machine will become a milling mechanism. In the event that you are using ready-made sets to perform such equipment, you can choose such a mechanism that will fully comply with the engine power and carried out in subsequent work with wood and other materials.

On the Internet, you can find numerous schemes for performing such a milling mechanisms for CNC machines. In each case, the mechanism used will differ depending on the installed motors and carriages. Choosing one or another drawing of such a milling machine, it is necessary to give preference to the equipment that combines the simplicity of the structure and at the same time fully comply with your requirements.

Collect the CNC machine

First of all, it is necessary to implement the basis of the equipment to which the mill, carriage and electric motor will be fixed. You can perform such a base from the beams of the rectangular section, to which metal guides are welded or fixed on bolts.

The base for the machine must differ in rigidity, which is necessary for accurate positioning of the milling head. Experts are advised to combine all metal elements of such supporting design using screws, which makes it possible not only to provide the desired strength, but also in the subsequent easily to upgrade your machines.

A mechanism must be provided in the CNC executed machine to move the working tool in the vertical plane. We can recommend to use screw gear tool for such a vertical movement, rotation from which is transmitted using a toothed belt.

The vertical axis, which will be required to be made of an independently CNC machine, can be made from aluminum stove. The dimensions of such a vertical axis should be accurately customized under the overall dimensions of the device you collect.

Having made or purchasing all components for such equipment, you can start an assembly of the machine. You need to mount two stepping electric motors that are attached to the base for its vertical axis. The first electric motor is responsible for moving the head in the horizontal planewhereas the second ensures the cutter movement already vertically. Used nodes and aggregates are mounted, while the quality of their fixation should be given due attention.

In the course of operation of such equipment, it accounts for an increased load with vibration, and problems with the accuracy of positioning the heads can begin with a low-quality attachment. The drive of all moving elements and working milling heads should be carried out exclusively using belt gears.

Selection of stepper engines

Most models of independently manufactured CNC machines are equipped with stepper motors that allow moving the work tool in three planes. Depending on the design, such equipment can be equipped with two or three stepping motors, as well as additionally with electromotors from computer printers.

Choosing the stepping motor used, you need to pay attention to the number of control channels. The best models have five control channels, which increases the functionality of the manufactured mini-machine. Also, choosing specific models of such engines, you should familiarize yourself with their specification and clarify how much degrees change the position of the head on the coordinate table in one motor step. This characteristic will directly depend on the accuracy of the positioning of the cutting tool.

Electronic equipment filling

Today, you can find various ready-made microcircuits to manage the work of the march engines. It will not be difficult to find the appropriate software that will serve control signals to engines, and, accordingly, they will, changing their position, lower and raise the working tool.

Important moment in choicethe software is that it must necessarily support Arduino controller drivers installed on your mini-machine. Connecting the control board directly to the CNC homemade machine is carried out via the LPT or CNC port.

The easiest is the electronic equipment for the CNC machine to order directly from Chinese auctions and sites. There you can easily find both ready-made sets for machine tools and separate electrical equipment. The cost of such microcircuits, software and controllers will be at an affordable level.

CNC milling with your own hands is a universal equipment that allows you to significantly simplify and automate the work on the processing of sawn timber, plastic, thin metal, etc. With appropriate work experience, you can independently make such a CNC machine that will provide the necessary accuracy. and high performance performance. You just need to find a qualitative scheme for the execution of such equipment and acquire already ready-made sets of components, select the used marching engines and automation.

And so, as part of this article, the instructions, I want, what would you, together with the author of the project, 21 years old mechanic and designer, made their own. The narrative will be carried away from the first person, but know that to greatly unfortunately, I share not with my experience, but only freely retell the author of this project.

This article will have enough drawings, Notes to them are made in English, but I am sure that the real tech will understand everything without unnecessary words. For the convenience of perception, I will deal with the narrative on the "steps".

Preface from the author

Already at 12, I dreamed of building a car that will be able to create various things. The car, which will give me the opportunity to make any item homemade. Two years later, I came across the phrase CNCor if we talk more precisely, then on the phrase "CNC milling machine". After I learned that there are people able to make such a machine on their own for their needs, in their own garage, I realized that I could also do it. I must do it! Within three months I tried to collect suitable details, but did not move from the spot. Therefore, my obsession gradually faded.

In August 2013, the idea to build a CNC milling machine again captured me. I just graduated from the undergraduate of the University of Industrial Design, so I was quite confident in my capabilities. Now I clearly understood the difference between me today's and five years ago. I learned to work with the metal, mastered the technique of work on the handwritten metalworking machines, but the most important thing I learned to apply tools for development. I hope that this instruction will inspire you to create your CNC machine!

Step 1: Design and CAD Model

It all starts with thoughtful design. I made a few sketches to better feel the size and shape of the future machine. After that, I created a CAD model using SolidWorks. After I simulated all the details and machine nodes, I prepared technical drawings. I used these drawings for the manufacture of parts on handwritten metalworking machines: and.

I admit honestly, I love good convenient tools. That is why I tried to make it so that the operations for maintenance and adjusting the machine were carried out as simple as possible. Bearings I placed in special blocks in order to be able to quickly replace. Guides are available for service, so my car will always be clean at the end of work.

Files for download "Step 1"


Step 2: Stanna

The bed provides the machine to the need hardness. A mobile portal will be installed on it, stepper motors, z axis and spindle, and later the work surface. To create a carrier frame, I used two aluminum profiles of Maytec with a cross section of 40x80 mm and two end plates from an aluminum thickness of 10 mm. All elements I connected to aluminum corners. To enhance the design inside the main frame, I made an extra square frame from the profiles of a smaller cross section.

In order to further avoid dust from entering guides, I installed aluminum protective corners. The corner is mounted using T-shaped nuts, which are installed in one of the grooves of the profile.

Bearing blocks are installed on both end plates to install the drive screw.

Carrier frame assembly

Corners to protect guides

Files for download "Step 2"

Drawings of the main elements of the bed

Step 3: Portal

The movable portal is the executive body of your machine, it moves along the X axis and carries the milling spindle and the Caliper of the Z axis. The higher the portal, the thicker the workpiece you can process. However, high portal is less resistant to loads that occur during processing. High side portal racks perform the role of levers relative to linear rolling bearings.

The main task I planned to solve on its milling machine with CNC is the processing of aluminum parts. Since the maximum thickness of the aluminum blanks of 60 mm suitable for me, I decided to make the portal's lumen (the distance from the working surface to the upper transverse beam) is 125 mm. In SolidWorks, I converted all my dimensions into a model and technical drawings. Due to the complexity of the details, I processed them on the industrial processing center with CNC, this additionally allowed me to process the chamfer, which would be very difficult to do on a hand milling machine for metal.

Files for download "Step 3"

Step 4: Caliper axis Z

In the design of the Z axis, I used the front panel, which is attached to the bearing of movement along the Y axis, two plates for amplifying the node, the plate for fastening the stepper motor and the panel for installing the milling spindle. On the front panel, I installed two profile guides for which the spindle will be moved along the Z axis. Please note that the screw Z's screw does not have a counterface at the bottom.

Files for download "Step 4"

Step 5: Guides

Guides ensure the possibility of moving in all directions, provide smoothness and accuracy of movements. Any backlash in one of the directions can cause inaccuracies in the processing of your products. I chose the most expensive option - profiled hardened steel rails. This will allow designs to withstand high loads and will provide me with the accuracy of positioning. To ensure the parallelism of the guides, I used a special indicator during their installation. The maximum deviation relative to each other was no more than 0.01 mm.

Step 6: Screws and Pulleys

Screws convert rotary motion from stepper motors to linear. When designing your machine, you can choose several options for this node: a pair of screw nut or ball-screw pair (SVP). The screw-nut is usually more exposed to friction for operation, as well as less accurate relative to the SVP. If you need increased accuracy, it is definitely necessary to stop your choice on the SVP. But you need to know that the ShvP is quite expensive.

The machine from the printer is easy. To do this, it is enough to have equipment that is not sorry to disassemble on parts. The CNC machine can be made with a stepping type electric motor. With it, you can carry out milling or engraving of various wood blanks, plastics, some metals. Homemade aggregates from the printer (CNC) can provide high processing speeds - up to 2 mm per second.

What will serve as the basis?

Making a homemade CNC machine from the printer is possible from the equipment of the matrix type. You can use any, which is available, regardless of the brand of the manufacturer. Also for high-quality management and efficient operation of aggregates from the printer, other parts are needed - engine, carriages, gear belts, guides, various gears.

Necessary materials and tools

For the manufacture of CNC machines, they will need such materials:

  • plywood (used for the device body, therefore should have a thickness of at least 15 mm);
  • aluminum corners that have 20 mm shelves;
  • self-tapping screws to connect the main elements of the aggregate;
  • bearings 608 (3 pcs.);
  • m8 bolts with a length of 2.5 cm (several);
  • stud M8;
  • rubber hose;
  • m8 nuts (2 pcs.);
  • dremel;
  • linear type bearings (4 pcs.);
  • bracket 80;
  • glue.

The milling machine will not work, if not to prepare some tools - pliers, screwdriver, vice, hacksaw, file, sideboard. If you manage to find an electric door, work will also greatly ease.

Manufacturing technology

  1. From plywood, it is necessary to cut the walls of the housing - the side 37x37 cm, the rear 34x37 cm, 9x34 front. The fixation of these items should be made using self-tapping screws, having done small holes by electric drill.
  2. On the Y axis, you can use corners as guides. They are attached to the side walls at a distance of 3 cm from the bottom. For a more accurate installation in the right place, 2 mm spool is made. The corners themselves (recommended length 34 cm) are screwed using self-tapping screws.
  3. The working surface should be formed from the corners of a length of 14 cm. One bearing is fixed below, and from above two. During the execution of this operation, it is necessary to comply with high accuracy, which will ensure the correct movement of the countertop.
  4. At a distance of 5 cm from the bottom on the Y axis, the hole for the engine is drilled with a diameter of 2.2 cm. Also on the front wall of the case should be done holes with a size of 7 mm. It is necessary to set the stroke screw support bearing.
  5. Screw the stroke can be made independently from the construction stiletto.
  6. A rubber hose coupling is installed. It quenches the vibration from the screw of the progress and increases the service life of the motor bearings. For the manufacture of the coupling, pick a hose having the same diameter as the axis of the motor. From one end it is put on the pulley of the drive and glue. On the other hand, the hose is attached to the stroke screw.
  7. The nut is done with a screw hole with a diameter of 2.5 mm and M3 thread. After that, it is twisted on the axis.
  8. On the axes, the guides from the printer are installed.
  9. Finished carriages are installed on the axis.
  10. To obtain the Z axis, the base of the plywood is 6 mm thick, which is made using PVA glue. Subsequently, bearings are installed on it using epoxy resin. Also make a hoding nut using the former scheme. Guides - from the printer.
  11. Instead of the spindle in a homemade machine, a dense will be set with a bracket holder. This node is fixed to the Z axis using self-samples.
  12. The supports for the carriage z axis are also made from plywood (base 15x9 cm, bottom and top 9x5 cm). On the top board make a hole under the bearing, and on the bottom - under the guides.
  13. After assembling all elements of the z axis, they are mounted on the housing.

The kit with which you can collect your CNC milling machine.
In China, ready-made machines are sold, an overview of one of them on Muske has already been published. We will collect the machine themselves. Welcome…
Upd.: Links to files

I still give a link to the review of the finished machine from Andybig. I will not repeat, I will not quote his text, write everything from scratch. The title shows only a set with engines and drivers, there will be more parts, I will try to give links to everything.
And this ... I apologize in advance in front of the readers, the photos in the process did not specifically did, because At that moment, the review was not going to make, but I will raise the maximum of the pictures of the process and I will try to give a detailed description of all the nodes.

The purpose of the review is not so much boast how much to show the opportunity to make an assistant for yourself. I hope this review sudden someone's idea, and it is possible not only to repeat, but also to do it even better. Go…

How the idea was born:

It so happened that with the drawings I was associated for a long time. Those. My professional activity with them is closely related. But one thing, when you make a drawing, and after already completely different people embody the object of designing to life, and completely different when you embody the object design to life itself. And if I seem to be with construction things, it turns out normally, then with models and other applied arts are not particularly.
So I have long been a dream of an image drawn in autocada, to make a shrike - and it is in kind of in front of you, you can use. The idea of \u200b\u200bthis time has slipped from time to time, but I could not undertake anything for a specific time ...

While I did not see the year three or four back-rap. Well, 3D printer was a very interesting thing, and the idea of \u200b\u200bcollecting for a long time was drawn up, I collected information about different models, about the advantages and cons of different options. At one point, by one of the links, I got to the forum where people were sitting and did not discuss 3D printers, and CNC milling machines. And hence, perhaps, the passion and starts his way.

Instead of theory

In a nutshell about milling machines with CNC (I write in your own words, it is intentionally, not copying articles, textbooks and benefits).

The milling machine works directly opposite to the 3D printer. In the printer, step by step, the layer of the layer the model is increasing by moving polymers, in a milling machine, with the help of a cutter from the workpiece, "all unnecessary" is removed and the desired model is obtained.

For such a machine, you need the necessary minimum.
1. Base (body) with linear guides and transmitting mechanism (can be screw or belt)
2. Spindle (I see someone smiled, but it's called it) - actually the engine with a colangoy, in which the working tool is installed - the cutter.
3. Stepper motors - engines that allow controlled angular movements.
4. Controller - control board, transmitting voltages to engines in accordance with the signals obtained from the control program.
5. Computer, with a managing program installed.
6. Basic drawing skills, patience, desire and good mood.))

The points:
1. Base.
By configuration:

Separate on 2 types, there are more exotic options, but the main 2:

With a moving portal:
In fact, the design selected by me, it has the basis on which the guides along the X axis are fixed. According to the guide axis x, the portal is moved, on which the guide axis Y is placed, and the Z axis moving along it is located.

With static portal
Such a design also represents the housing itself and is the portal on which the guide axis y is placed, and the node of the z axis moving along it, and the x axis is already moving relative to the portal.

By material:
The housing can be made of different materials, the most common:
- Dural - has a good mass ratio, stiffness, but the price (precisely for the Hobbide Self-Line) is still depressing, although if there are species for serious money earning, then without options.
- Plywood - good stiffness with sufficient thickness, low weight, the ability to handle anything :), well, the price itself, the plywood sheet 17 is now quite inexpensive.
- Steel - often applied on machines of a large area of \u200b\u200bprocessing. Such a machine of course should be static (not mobile) and heavy.
- MFD, plexiglass and monolithic polycarbonate, even chipboard - also seen such options.

As you can see - the machine design itself is very similar and with a 3D printer and laser engravers.
I intentionally do not write about the design of 4, 5 and 6-seed milling machines, because On the agenda is the homemade hobby machine.

2. Spindle.
Actually, spindles are with air and water cooling.
Air cooling in the end cost cheaper, because For them, it is not necessary to burn an additional water circuit, they work a little louder than water. Cooling is provided by an impeller installed on the back side, which in high revs creates a tangible air flow, coolant engine housing. The more powerful the engine, the more serious cooling and the greater the air flow that may well blow in all directions
Dust (chips, sawdust) of the processed product.

Watery cooling. Such a spindle works almost silently, but in the end, it is still not to hear the difference between them in the course of work, since the sound of the material being processed will block the material. A draft from the impeller, in this case, of course not, but there is an additional hydraulic circuit. In such a circuit there must be pipelines and pump pumping fluid, as well as a cooling place (blowing radiator). In this circuit, not water, and either toosol or ethylene glycol are usually poured into this circuit.

Also there are different power spindles, and if low-power can be connected directly to the control board, then the engine power from 1kW must already be connected through the control unit, but it is no longer about us.))

Yes, even often in homemade machines are installed straight grinders, or milling mills with a removable base. Such a solution can be justified, especially when performing work for short duration.

In my case, a spindle with air cooling with a capacity of 300W was chosen.

3. Stepper motors.
Motors of 3 sizes received the greatest distribution
They differ in size, power and working point
NEMA17 is usually used in 3D printers, for milling machines they are small, because It is necessary to carry a heavy portal, to which the lateral load is additionally applied during processing.
NEMA32 For such a craft, it would also have to take another control board.
My choice fell on the NEMA23 with a maximum power for this board - 3a.

Also, people use heads from printers, but because I didn't have them and still had to buy chose everything in the kit.

4. Controller
Control board receiving signals from the computer and the transmitting voltage to stepper motors moving the axis of the machine.

5. Computer
We need a separate computer (possibly very old) and the reasons for this, perhaps, two:
1. You are unlikely to decide the milling machine next to the place where you are accustomed to reading online, play toys, lead accounting, etc. Just because the milling machine is loud and dusty. Usually the machine either in the workshop or in the garage (better heated). My machine stands in the garage, in winter it is predominantly idle, because No heating.
2. For economic considerations, computers are usually applied not yet relevant for domestic life - strongly used :)
Requirements for the machine by and large:
- from Pentium 4
- availability of a discrete video card
- RAM from 512MB
- The presence of the LPT connector (I will not say about the USB, the name of the driver running on LPT has not yet studied the new
Such a computer either gets out of the storage room, or as in my case is bought for a scentual.
Due to the low power of the car, we try not to put additional software, i.e. Only the axis and the management program.

Further two options:
- We install Windows XP (the computer is weak, remember, yes?) And the MATCH3 control program (there are others, but this is the most popular)
- put Nixes and Linux CNC (they say that everything is also very good, but I did not master Nixes)

I will be added, perhaps, not to offend unnecessarily secured people, that it is quite possible to put and not Prenok the fourth, and some A7 - please, if you like it and you can afford it.

6. Basic drawing skills, patience, desire and good mood.
Here in a nutshell.
To work the machine, you need a control program (essentially a text file containing displacement coordinates, movement speed and acceleration), which in turn is prepared in the CAM application - usually it is ArtCAM, in this application the model itself is to prepare, it is set to the cutting tool.
I usually do a little more long way, I make a drawing, and AutoCAD then, retaining it * .dxf loading in ArtCam and already prepare UE.

Well, proceed to the process of creating your own.

Before designing the machine, we accept several points for the starting points:
- The shafts of the axles will be made from the studs of the construction with the M10 thread. Of course, more technological options are indisputable: a trapezoidal thread shaft, a ball-screw transmission (ShvP), but it is necessary to understand that the issue price leaves much to be desired, and for a hobby machine the price is at all space. Nevertheless, over time, I am going to undergrade and replace the hairpin on the trapezium.
- Material material - plywood 16mm. Why plywood? Available, cheap, angry. Options are actually a lot, someone does out of Durally, one of the plexiglas. It is easier for me from plywood.

Making 3D model:


Then I did this, the snapshot was left, but I think it will understand. Printed a scan on transparent sheets, cut them out and pasted on a sheet of plywood.
Sawed parts and drilled holes. From the tools - the electrolovka and the screwdriver.
There is another little trick that will make life easier in the future: all pair parts before drilling holes to squeeze the clamp and drill through, so you get holes equally located on each part. Even if a small deviation is turned out when drilling, the inner parts of the connected parts will coincide, and the hole can be drilled slightly.

In parallel we do the specification and begin to order everything.
What happened to me:
1. The set specified in this review includes: Stepper Motor Management Board (driver), stepper motors NEMA23 - 3 pcs., 12V power supply, LPTi cooler cord.

2. Spindle (this is the easiest, but nevertheless it performs its work), fastener and 12V power supply.

3. Used Pentium 4, most importantly on the motherboard there is an LPT and a discrete video card + CRT monitor. Took Avito for 1000r.
4. Steel shaft: F20mm - L \u003d 500mm - 2pcs., F16mm - L \u003d 500mm - 2pc., F12mm - L \u003d 300mm - 2pcs.
I took here, at that time in St. Petersburg it was more expensive. It came within 2 weeks.

5. Linear bearings: F20 - 4pcs., F16 - 4pcs., F12 - 4 pcs.



6. Fastening for shafts: F20 - 4pcs., F16 - 4pcs., F12 - 2pcs.



7. Nuts Caproolone with M10 - 3pcs thread.
Took with the shafts on
8. Rotation bearings, closed - 6pcs.
There, but the Chinese have them too
9. Wire PVS 4x2.5
This is offline
10. Coins, tongues, wrenches, clamps - a handful.
This is also offline, in hardware.
11. It was also bought a set of cutters

So, we order, wait, drink and collect.

Initially, the driver and power supply for it installed in the case with the computer together.

Later it was decided to place the driver in a separate package, it just appeared.

Well, the old monitor somehow changed to more modern.

As I said at the beginning, I did not think that I would write a review, so I would create photos of the nodes, and I will try to make explanations on the assembly process.

First we collect three axes without screws in order to maximize the shafts.
We take the front and rear walls of the body, fasten the flanges for the shafts. We ride on the x axis of 2 linear bearings and insert them into the flanges.

Fresh bottom portal to linear bearings, try to ride the base of the portal there and here. I am convinced of the curvature of our hands, we all disassemble and take a little reassuring the holes.
Thus, we get some freedom to move shafts. Now I'm caught in the flanges, insert the shafts in them and move the base of the portal forward-back to achieve smooth slip. Tighten the flanges.
At this stage, it is necessary to check the horizontal of the shafts, as well as their alopeciousness along the Z axis (in short, so that the distance from the assembly table to the shafts is the same) to then not fill the future working plane.
With the axis of x dealt.
Fresh portal racks to the base, I used furniture barrels for this.

Rock flanges for Y axis to racks, this time outside:

Insert trees with linear bearings.
Breep the rear wall of the z axis.
We repeat the process of setting up the parallelism of the shafts and fix the flanges.
We repeat the same process with the Z axis.
We obtain a fairly funny design that can be moved by one hand in three coordinates.
Important moment: all axles should move easily, i.e. A slightly tilting design The portal should be freely, without any creak and resistance to move.

Next, secure running screws.
We cut off the construction heap of the M10 required length, screw the caprolone nut at about the middle, and 2 m10 nuts on each side. It is convenient for this, while screwing the nuts, pinch the hairpin into the screwdriver and holding the nuts.
Insert the bearings into the socket and go to them from the inside of the stud. After that, fix the studs to the bearing with nuts on each side and the second in the second to do not break.
Fresh caprolone nut to the base of the axis.
Push the end of the hairpin into the screwdriver and try to move the axis from the beginning to the end and return.
Here we are still waiting for a couple of joys:
1. Distance from the axis of the nut to the base in the center (and most likely at the time of the assembly, the base will be in the middle) may not coincide with the distance in extreme positions, because Shafts under construction can be fed. I had to put the card on the axis x.
2. The stroke of the shaft can be very tight. If you excluded all the distillation, then the tension role can play, here it is necessary to catch the moment of tensioning nuts to nuts to the installed bearing.
Having understood with the problems and having received free rotation from the beginning to end, go to the installation of other screws.

We attach stepper motors to the screws:
In general, when using special screws, whether it is a trapezoid or ShvP on them to process the ends and then the connection to the engine is very conveniently made by a special coupling.

But we have a building stud and I had to think how to fix it. At that moment I was caught in the hands of a gas pipe, and applied it. It is on the heel right "winding up" on the engine comes into the wipe, dragged the clamps - it keeps very well.

To secure the engines, I took an aluminum tube, cut. Regulated by washers.
To connect the engines, these connectors took:

Sorry, I do not remember what they say, I hope someone in the comments will tell.
GX16-4 connector (thanks to Jager). I asked collega to buy in the electronics store, he just lives next to, and I worked very uncomfortable. They are very pleased: they are securely held, designed for a larger current, you can always disconnect.
We put the working field, he is a sacrificial table.
We attach all the engines to the control board from the review, connect it to 12B of BP, connect to the LPT cable computer.

We install on the Mach3 PC, make settings and try!
About the setting separately, perhaps, I will not write. This is a couple more pages to roll.

I have a whole joy, the roller of the first launch of the machine is preserved:

Yes, when there was a terrible stray on this video, I unfortunately, I still don't remember exactly, but in the end I found something puck spent, or something else, in general it was decided without any problems.

Next, it is necessary to put the spindle, while ensuring its perpendicularity (at the same time along x and along y) the working plane. The essence of the procedure is so, to the spindle with a tape with a pencil, thus obtaining an indent from the axis. With a smooth lowering of the pencil, he begins to draw a circle on the board. If the spindle is littered, then it turns out not a circle, but an arc. Accordingly, it is necessary to equalize the drawing of the circle. The photo from the process was preserved, the pencil is not in focus, and the angle is not the same, but I think the essence is clear:

We find a ready-made model (in my case the emblem of the Russian Federation) prepare the UE, they feed it Machu and go ahead!
Machine operation:

Photo in the process:

Well, and naturally pass the dedication))
The situation both fun and generally understandable. We dream to build a machine and immediately cut out something supercourse, and in the end we understand that at this time it will take just a lot of time.

In a nutshell:
With 2D processing (simply discharge), the circuit is set, which is cut out for several passes.
With 3D processing (here you can plunge into the holivar, some claim that it is not 3d and 2.5d, because the workpiece is processed from above) the complex surface is set. And the higher the accuracy of the desired result, the thinner it uses the cutter, the greater the passages of this cutter.
Black processing is used to accelerate the process. Those. First, a sample of the main volume is made with a large cutter, then finishing a fine milling processing.

Next, try, tune in experimenting etc. Rule 10,000 hours works and here;)
Perhaps I will not tire more about the construction, configuration, etc. It's time to show the results of using the machine - Product.

As you can see, it is basically dug out contours or 2d processing. It takes a lot of time on the processing of bulk figures, the machine stands in the garage, and I visit there for a short time.
Here I will rightly notice - and on ... build such a bandor, if you can cut the shape of a U-shaped jigsaw or an electrolovka?
You can, but this is not our method. How to remember at the beginning of the text, I wrote that it was the idea to make a drawing on a computer and turn this drawing in the product and served as an impetus to the creation of this beast.

Writing a review finally pushed the upgrade of the machine. Those. The upgrade was planned earlier, but "the hands did not reach everything." The last change before this was the organization of a house for the machine:

Thus, in the garage during the operation, the machine was much quieter and much less dust flies.

The latest upgrade was the installation of a new spindle, more precisely, I now have two replaceable databases:
1. With the Chinese spindle 300W for shallow work:

2. With domestic, but from a not less Chinese milling "Enkor" ...

New features have appeared with the new milling.
Faster processing, more dust.
Here is the result of using a semicircular dummy cutter:

Well, especially for MySku
Simple direct groove mill:

Video process:

On this I will turn around, but according to the rules it would be necessary to sum up the results.

- Expensive.
- Long.
- from time to time it is necessary to solve new problems (the light, the tip turned off, was unwound something and others)

- The creation process itself. Only this already justifies the creation of the machine. Search for solutions of emerging problems and implementation, and is that for which instead of sitting on the pope exactly you get up and you go to do something.
- Joy at the time of the gift of gifts made by their own hands. It is necessary to add that the machine does not make all the work itself :) In addition to milling, it is necessary to still process it, pour painting, etc.

Thank you so much if you still read. I hope that my post albeit that even does not fit you to create such a (or other) machine, but it will expand the horizon and give food to reflections. Also thanks, I want to say to those who persuaded me to write this opus, without him, I didn't have an upgrade apparently, so everything is in positive.

I apologize for inaccuracies in the wording and all sorts of lyrical deviations. Much had to cut, otherwise the text would be just an immense. Clarifications and additions are naturally possible, write in the comments - I will try to answer everyone.

Good luck to you in your endeavors!

Promised Links to Files:
- drawing of the machine,
- scan,
Format - DXF. This means that you can open the file by any vector editor.
3D model detailed interest per 85-90, many things did, or at the time of the preparation of the scan, or at the place. Please "understand and forgive".)

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