Repairs Design Furniture

Fastening the corrugated floor when installing roofing and the device of the main nodes. How to fix profile correctly: all the ways are available than to screw the straws on the roof

Reflections on the topic, how to fix the roof corrugated floor, are relevant not only with a complete replacement of the roof. This material allows and partial renewal of the roof of the house, it is characterized by good maintenance and long-term quality.

Professional flooring for the roof of my house - the characteristics of the material

Country, cottage and other individual construction can not attach cheap pleasures. The use of modern profiled sheets allows you to significantly save at a responsible repair stage - on the performance of roofing works. This savings applies to both the value of the material itself and the possibility of its independent installation. Compared to metal tile, the profiled sheet is cheaper by 2-3 times, the coating of natural tiles will cost even more. In addition to financial advantages, factory plating materials from sheet metal possess other advantages:

  • A small mass of the units of useful area, minimal among existing materials. This quality allows the use of smaller carrying rafters than in the case of a massive roof - that is, the savings will touch the entire roof;
  • Durable corrosion resistance. A typical profiled sheet is a multi-layered structure, where steel is only the basis for total strength. Polymer and zinc coatings are applied to steel, resistant to mechanical and chemical exposure to varnishes and spraying;
  • Large selection of color options. The finishing layer of the polymer can generally make any color - the directories of leading manufacturers of professional sheets have a full-scale rainbow look. Note that the dark sheets of dark tones (brown, born oak, etc.) has a property to quickly fade under sunlight. It is better to stop your choice on standard shades of red, brick, blue or silver color. Then you will not have to be thoughtfully, how to edit the roof carefully on the roof, every few years, due to the loss of the original form of color;
  • The simplicity and ease of installation work due to the small weight of the sheets and the ability to "smooth out" the irregularities of the roofing frame. Other materials for roofs suggest a greater geometric severity of the rafted rafters, floors between floors and other supporting structures.

The profiled sheet also has characteristic disadvantages precisely as roofing material. First, it is the risk of damage to the zinc-polymer layers when unloading, transporting or mounting. Even a minor chip of the protective coating will lead to rapid corrosion of the steel base under the influence of atmospheric precipitation or simply from dampness. A damaged element will have to be changed - and for this you will need to disassemble almost the entire roof, the installation of the professional flooring is performed with a reliable adhesive sheets to each other.

Secondly, the cheapness compensation of the proflift is the so-called "drum effect". In heavy rain, the sound from the drops falling on the roof is enhanced by the vibration of sheets and can enter the resonance with their oscillations. As a result, people on the upper floors feel as if they were placed inside the huge drum at the time of the festival procession - and muscular drummers do not regret the forces to demonstrate their drum skills ...

The "drum effect" is compensated by the insulation of the roof and the creation of an acoustic barrier from porous materials between rafters and roofs. But the sound comfort of natural tiles for any sheet of profiled metal remains unattainable - perhaps mostly than for a state employee an exotic carnival in tropical latitudes.

Masters of the site site prepared a special calculator for you. You can easily calculate the right amount of roof.

Application areas of the professionalist ...

... roofing works are not limited. Metal professional flooring can be used for the following repairs:

  • Facing ventilated facades as replacing expensive siding on the back sides of the walls, for utility buildings, etc.;
  • The arrangement of solid fences from the professional flooring as a budget method of combating malicious excitement and curious views;
  • Creating walls in low-loaded structures (greenhouses, booths, poultry houses, etc.).

Before learning how to mount the roof corrugated floor, you can put the repair "miniature experiment", independently finishing a professional flooring visor over the door. All major mounting techniques must be used for such a small design, their development will significantly help with full-scale roofing works.

How to mount the roof corrugated floor - a step-by-step assembly instruction

Reliable and durable metallized roofing in its arrangement must pass several repair stages:

How to mount the roof corrugation - a step-by-step scheme

Step 1: Stropile Frame

Slingers for the profiled sheet should have a certain degree of slope, not less than 8 °. In practice, such an angle corresponds to a lifting per meter with a linear length of the roof of 7 meters

The greater the roof slope, the smaller the requirements for the sealing of the joints between the sheets. If the roof is attached (less than 8 °), it is wiser to cause professional roofers - to achieve tightness at a small bone angle very hard.

If the house already has a rafter frame, all damaged and dubious boards should be replaced, as well as finish insulation and sound insulation of the roof. All the movements on the roof should be thought out in advance, to provide for legs, use the mounting belt, and the like. - Traumatic fall does not cost all the roofs of the world.

Step 2: Rigger

Install the professionalist on the reliable system of rafters is easier than raising the material into the working area. If the installation itself is quite forces to one employee, then for the rigging stage, an assistant will need, and better two. It is most convenient to raise the professional flooring on rafters more convenient in packs of 5-10 sheets, and it is necessary to do it carefully. Damage to the coating will lead to the rapid development of slotted corrosion in the metal. Consign the packs of sheets with the help of individual bars or several Reta Lag.

Step 3: Start Mounting

Roof roofs profiled sheets always starts upwards, from the sink to the skit, from the visible end. The fastening of a thin membrane is pre-performed to protect the heat-insulating layers from condensate. It is best to choose a diffusion type membrane, it is nailed to the crate of rafted nails with wide and flat hats. An exemplary gossip between nails is 20-25 cm, make sure that their caps are fully entered into the wood.

The first row of sheets is stacked with the "departure" over the rod of the roof by 30-50 cm, the specific size depends on the roof drainage system and the presence of a drainage at the foundation. Even before mounting a straightfinder on the roof, it is necessary to determine the size of the adolescence. It takes at least one full wave between adjacent panels. If the wave of professional flooring is small (up to 20 mm), and the roof of the common - the overlap between the sheets needs to be done into two waves. Do not be afraid of the overrun, reliability and moisture resistance is more important.

The joints between the leaf flooring need to be sealed, and it is better to use a special tape, and not frozen sealant. Then, if necessary, it will be possible to disassemble the roof and replace individual sheets. The fastening of the professional flooring to the rafter frame is performed by self-tapping screws with sealing washers, in the amount of 6-10 screws per square meter of material. First, the dowel hole is planned on the sheet, then we kill his drill, then screw the screw.

Step 4: We continue the installation

Neighboring rows of proflists in height are performed with a displacement, on average, half of their end-sized. They cut sheets of acute hacksaw for metal, and on the ground - to cut on the stroking rafters is unsafe. The backstage between the rows is limited to the roof slope. On a gentle roof, the lamb is greater (up to 30 cm), on a steep slope (more than 20 °) is enough 10 cm. Careful sealing of horizontal joints with the same ribbon. Screws for such junctions are screwed into every deepening of the deflection, that is, "through the wave". If the rubber washer performs from under the screw of the screw for 1-2 mm evenly throughout the diameter - it means that it is tightened well, not weakly and without a "hawk".

Step 5: Complete installation

Upon reaching the ridge of the roof, the responsible stage occurs - water and other atmospheric precipitates have a property to flow from above. Putting the last sheets, on top of them, a wide end bar is mounted. It is fastened with a step of no more than 30 cm, withsting the nesting between the placams themselves at 10 cm for water flow. Each end plank before installation is carefully examined for the integrity of the coating - leakage from the rod of the roof is diagnosed with great difficulty and can manifest itself on a high distance from the defective element. The latter are installed on the design and skate plates for the design of the new roof.

If you have a neat and stylish roofing professional flooring, then this article is just for you! After all, it is important not only to correctly choose high-quality coverage, but also to properly fix it. Then the metal roof will serve for a long time, not disturbed by a periodic need for local repairs.

But how to mount a corrugation on the roof by self-drawing and how difficult it is? The subtleties and nuances here are really quite a lot: starting from the choice of suitable screws and ending with a puzzle, which wave a sheet of them is fixed - upper or lower. Tell me?

In order for the roof of the professional flooring to be durable and flawlessly exploited at least decades, there is its own special fastening technology. You just imagine for a minute that some people really come to mind thin metal sheets simply nail to nails! Straight to the wooden support!

As a result, water is easily seeping into the holes and the sense of such waterproofing at all:and literally after a month, the first traces of rust will appear in these places, and there will be chronic dampness under the sheets.

Next, the rust will turn around the roof until it destroys it completely. That is why it is extremely recommended to mount the roofing nails of the corrugation, especially since they simply do not keep sheets under the influence of a strong wind.

Specifically, professional roofing screws are produced for a modern metal roof - with a rubber gasket, which, compressing, completely overlaps the path of any drop of water:

We are talking about special cut-through high quality screw screws!And even similar in appearance, the screws are not suitable for the decoration of the roof, because such capable will soon relate to weaken fasteners and to be covered with a corrosive raid.

By the way, at the most extreme case, if you used not the most suitable for the roof of the screws (or they were imagined by chamber workers), then do not donate them with meat!

Even if there is a rubber gasket there, all the holes are necessarily around the fastener close the sealant. But still, it is better not to resort to such a way.

Professional roofing screws are always made of galvanized doped steel. It is the material directly affects the final quality of the roof fasteners, provides the right fastening and eliminates the violation of the metal structure around the drilled opening. What does it affect?

First of all, whether corrosion will appear near the roofing sheet near the self-press. If you have ever seen a roof with cheap screws, you probably found out it precisely on rusty flocks from the washers. Going down, such in the same way destroy the whole sheet!

In the case of the use of the correct roofing screws, this does not occur. After all, in the factory conditions, they are galvanized by an electrolytic method of a layer of at least 20 microns.

Then the hat is covered with polymer paint at once from all sides to protect against corrosion. High-quality self-tapping screws are a powder polyester paint, which has a color, respectively, RAL catalog. A rubber rubber gasket is resistant to temperature change, ultraviolet rays and changes in loads.

By the way, among the most appropriate precisely for the professional foot, it is recommended to take the self-tapping screws from Essve, Gunnebo and SFS-INTEC.

For metal and wooden crates: how to distinguish the drill

Depending on how precisely the grounds will be attached to the ground, you will need different types of self-tapping. And they can not be confused!

You also meet roofing screws with an enlarged drill that are capable of passing a metal to 12 mm thick.Therefore, the very first step that you need to do is ask the seller of the roofing material accompanying instructions for installation.

There are such a certified material. Otherwise, we do not recommend anything in such a trading point, otherwise the roof will last relatively long.

Of course, the installation of professional flooring from different manufacturers is practically no different, but in this manual you will find valuable advice on the selection of the most successful screws under the specific thickness of the metal and coating.

So, today we produce two main types of self-samples for crates from different materials: fasteners for metal and wood. So, for the wooden crate, the screws are needed 4.8x28 mm or 4.8x35 mm. Self-tapping screws for metal runs are taken:

  • 4.8x19 mm for metal thickness from 3 mm;
  • 5.5x25 mm for metal thickness up to 6 mm;
  • 5.5x35 and 5,5х50 mm for metal up to 12 mm thick.

It looks like a fastening of its counterpart for wood:

All these self-tapping screws are similar to among themselves that they have a hex head, a sharp drilling tip and a durable rod with carvings. And only the thickness of the rod differ.

Also, the step of the thread in the tree screws is more rare than that of metal screws: the difference ranges from 1 to 1.5 mm and it is visible to the eye. The thicker the base of the metal, which must be drilled, the more often the thread and longer drill.

Usually, in order to find out what thickness of the metal is able to drill the screws, it suffices to measure the length of the drill. It is logical that the thickness of the metal base, in the amount of the thickness of the screwable metal, should not exceed the length of the drill of the self-press:

Also, according to the general rule, the thicker sheet of the professional flooring and a densely nephette, the sharper and longer should be drill.

By the way, experienced roofers have its own technology for selecting a drill length. Often they take long and short drills in such a proportion - 80% short and 20% long.

Of course, it is possible to take all the screws long to be reinforced, but short twists easier and slightly break off the drill. Generally correctly, if we are talking about a wooden crate, then short self-buildings need to be attached to the net in the bottom comb, and long through both sheets. Just pick up the screws of such a length so that they come out a little from the back of the run.

How to calculate the number of screws for one sheet?

In total, the mounting schemes of the basic floor are the main two:

  • verticalwhich is ideal for professional flooring with a drainage groove. In this case, first put the first sheet in the first row, fix it for a while, and then the first sheet of the second row. As a result, a block of four sheets should be turned out to be aligned and secured on the roof. In the same scheme, all other sheets are placed.
  • 3 sheetswhich is suitable for professional flooring without drain groats. In this case, first first the first sheets in the first row, the sheet of the second row is fixed to them and after alignment on the eaves, the block is already securely attached to the roof.

The mounting scheme also depends on the length of the acquired profiles:

Separately, we will focus on how the backstage should be from the professional flooring:

  • At an angle of less than 15 °, itch should be at least 200 mm, and preferably in two waves.
  • At an angle to 30 °, the nest is made from 150 to 200 mm, depending on what the width of the wave.
  • At an angle of more than 30 °, the nesting can already be from 100 mm.

If the proflist has horizontal adhesions, then they need to do not less than 20 cm, with mandatory sealing of each. To do this, use bitumen mastic or silicone sealant that are suitable for vertical.

To calculate the number of screws for modern professional flooring, you need to fold the entire coverage area in square meters plus the number of all the good products that will be used (these are planks, bypass and sinks). INfrom the most rational mounting scheme:

Also consider that the step of fastening of the professional flooring for different brands of professional flooring:

After that, the finished digit to multiply by 6 or 8, depending on how much you are worried about the final quality. The more, the stronger the professionalist will be mounted on the skat, but at the same time, it will have to pay more for the fasteners and for rainwater here already above the chance to find a way to the underpants space.

The resulting amount of self-tapping screws simply give to the multiplicity of 250. Why? The fact is that the screws are sold in packs of 250 pieces or boxes in which they are laying from 1000 to 4000 pieces.

Therefore, do your digit so that it is integrally divided by 250, and at the same time increase the number in the big face - let it be a small supply.

Which wave do you need to mount the screws? Terms and practices

And now go to the most delicate matter. The fact is that how much professional flooring exists (and this is a lot of time), the disputes about its installation so much do not duck.

Still, how to fix the touch self-sufficiency, in the upper or lower wave? Why do such questions arise at all if the manufacturer clearly indicates that it is in the bottom?

In fact, there is a sense. Saws in the lower wave reliably presses the professionalist to the crate, and the roof itself looks protected. But at the same time, water on the skates always goes along the lower wave, and such a fastening is always in water, unlike the top.

Any error in the installation process - roof leaks and fast corrosion of roofing material. Therefore, the funniest and at the same time faithful in the practical terms of the question offer the roofers themselves:

  • If the roof is assembled by professionals in which you are sure, then let them screw in the lower wave;
  • If the brigade is unreliable, consisting of harmonious guys in Russian - better in the upper. On the overall strength of the roof, this method will not affect anywhere, but during the rain, the troubled places of attachment will not create problems.

It is worth listening! But remember that the warranty on the roof is given only when it is fixed in all the rules of the manufacturer, without their violation. But then the guarantor and durability of the roof itself turns out in the scales of the scales. You decide.

We disassemble popular installation errors: have something to learn!

Let's analyze the main mistakes - the more you will know about them, the better, and the more reliable then the roof will be:

  • Too big drill. The result is no tightness and carrier connection ability.
  • Too thin drill. This will probably lead either to the broken fasteners, or the bite of thread - its partial destruction. And there is a qualitative attachment, of course, you will not call.
  • Saws is twisted too weakly. In this case, the rubber gasket will not firmly fit into the surface of the metal sheet, and moisture will easily fall under it.
  • Saws is twisted too much. In this case, the rubber gasket due to overvoltage will quickly go cracked and will pass water.

To understand this will help you illustration:

To avoid dragging the washer or a bummer of drill, you need to know what better to take a tool for a profile. For this purpose, a screwdriver is suitable with a low speed of rotation, which allows you to control the angle of the self-container in the roof.

Be careful: special self-tapping screws for professional flooring are equipped with a puck, which sensitively reacts to a recovery when screwing.

But what to do if you twisted the self-taking place (for example, they did not get into the crate), and twice? After all, after this, it is practically unrealistic to pull it out! There is a way out: you just need to close it so that the wrong fastener is not noticeable on the new roof:

Another good advice on the same issue:

As you can see, it is not difficult to persuade, but if you know about all these moments, and to prepare, then the nestles can be avoided.

Mounting process in detail

Professional flooring is customized on the roof with a distance between rafters from 600 to 900 mm. In the process, screwing the screws always make sure that they go to the professional flooring only at a right angle, and the rubber washer of self-drawing squeezed not more than 1 mm. If you break one of these rules, then you cannot avoid moisture from entering the attachment site.

To make it convenient to screw the roofing screws, use a screwdriver with a nozzle under the hexagon. In this case, specially necessary to drill the professional flooring already:

Samores themselves evenly distribute on the joints of sheets on the waves, on the joints of sheets,when approaching the skate, ridges, along the frontones and on the cornice line.

Adjust the restriction of a rotating screwdriver in advance - so that in the process, when you press the sheet of professional flooring to the crate, the rubber gasket only slightly pressed. Only slightly! Here is an example of the wrong (left) and the right (right) compression of rubber gasket:Here you just increase the restriction of the rotating item, do screw yourself and return the previous settings.

Try all my forces to get a self-tapping screw to the center of the crate - this will ensure the absence of the deformation of the corrugations.Next, twist the screws in a chess order. Points for fastening high profiles. Place through one wave, and low through two - it will increase the reliability of the roof.

Tip: If the professional flooring is too long, like roofs of industrial facilities, and the profile is high, then at the run of the run more than one meter, attach sheets into each lower corrugation.

As soon as you finish the installation of the corrugated floor, watch the roof carefully. Its general visual form, reliability of transverse and longitudinal joints, dents and the correctness of the attachment by self-drawing.

Fixation by self-drawing of challenges

But its technology at the fastening of good items. So, as a skate plate, smooth skate elements are used, which are stacked with an adhesive of 10 cm and step up to 30 cm.

Additionally, the planets and professional flooring have a seal. If the sheets have a small wave, then the usual seal will be enough if the waves are large or trapezoids - then the seal is needed ventilated:

At the same time, the screws themselves take more lengths than for the crate, because sometimes they will have to be attached to the top of the wave. That is why the length of the self-press should be chosen so that it exceeds the thickness of the material with the wave height of the proflist.

Technology is as follows:

  • Step 1. Apply the sealant to the seal and press the bar.
  • Step 2. Secure the bar with self-draws with a press washer.
  • Step 3. Cut and adjust the skate bar, then also fasten on the roof.
  • Step 4. Now, if you have a hip roof, then you will need a range plank.
  • Step 5. Here in this order you need to work with it.
  • Step 6. And in this order, the roofing material in the eaves is fixed.

Here you know all the secrets of professional roofers. Ask questions, share your experience and thoughts about how it is still correct to mount modern professional flooring.

Roofing-type profile provides reliable roof protection against weather and comfort in the house. It is important for this purpose correctly consolidate the material on the roof, following the correct technology and applying high-quality fasteners.

The best fastener for the corrugated roof

The profiled metal sheets are convenient when installing as roofing, as they do not require complex actions. For proper fixation of the coating, you should choose the reliable version of the fastener. This is necessary to ensure the stability of the material to the strong wind and the snow load, as well as to prevent the roof leaks.

With the right attachment, the roof straws will last about 30 years

When the coating flooring in each sheet, it is necessary to create holes through which moisture can get into the undercase space, leading to corrosion of the metal, the occurrence of mold and fungus. Therefore, when installing, only a special fastener is used, having a thoughtful design to eliminate such consequences. To ensure maximum strength and durability of the roof, galvanized screws with a wide hat are used, greater than the usual self-building. Additionally, the masters set rubber seals in the form of rings that protect the design from moisture from entering the coating.

Roofing screws provide the highest quality fixing of the profilters

Self-tapping screws equipped with a polyurethane or rubber press washer prevent moisture penetration in places of holes for fasteners. Hats of elements can be painted in different colors, which allows you to choose the parts into the roofing. With the help of such a fastener, it is possible to firmly fix the sheets of metal without damaging the protective layer, the formation of cracks and holes. The length of the screw for the roof should be in the range from 25 to 250 mm, and the thickness is 6.3 or 5.5 mm.

The color of the visible part of the roofing screws can be chosen to the main coating

Nails, ordinary self-tapping screws, welding and other similar methods categorically cannot be used when installing profiled sheets on the roof. This will significantly reduce the service life of the coating and lead to leaks.

Video: Review of the Roof Self-Reference Set

How to mount the proflists on the roof

Easy installation makes profiled sheets in demand for creating roofing. In this case, there are several rules governing this process. Before work, the following features should be taken into account:

Preliminary work

Under the metal coating of the roof, moisture accumulates in the form of condensate, which leads to the decoration of the structure. Therefore, before creating an external coating, preparatory work should be carried out:

  1. Installation of vapor barrier. The protective layer preventing the output of wet air vapor from the room is shuting up from the inside under the roof. To do this, the vaporizolation membrane is carefully laid in each angle and fixed with a construction staple and brackets. On top of the membrane, the inner decoration of the room is mounted.

    The vaporizolation membrane is fixed to the rafters from the side of the room

  2. Warming roof. Above the layer of vapor insulation are insulation, for example, mineral wool. Plates of the material tightly laid between the rafters. Sometimes it is more convenient to pave the insulation first, and only then consolidate a vapor barrier film.

    The insulation plates are stacked tightly in the joints between the rafters without any mounting elements.

  3. Device controls. Outside, the insulation is mounted a doom and waterproofing film that protects the space attic from moisture. On top of the waterproofing should be equipped with a controller, providing a vent hole through which an excess moisture is eliminated.

    The waterproofing film is stacked along the rafters and is attached to the transverse brus

  4. Installation of the root. Brucks are laid along the rafter, the main doomb is attached to which sheets of corrugated will be laid.

    The presence of an additional layer of bars Controlling allows you to get a ventilation clearance under metal sheets that will contribute to the removal of condensate during the cold season

Methods and features of fixing proflists

The fixation of profiled sheets on the roof is carried out by general technology, some points of which can be adjusted depending on the individual features of the roof. The main points of work with the corrugated floor are expressed as follows:

  • for the roof covering, one-piece sheets are used, the length of which is approximately 5-10 cm. Length. If you can order a material of this size, it is impossible to join the elements in length with a falsestone from 100 to 250 mm depending on the angle of inclination of the roof;
  • when installing on the roof with a zero or very small bias, the elements are placed with a flaw from 200 mm and using a seal that prevents moisture from entering the sheets;
  • from the bottom and on top of the roasters, it is fixed by the profilters into each second wave, and in the middle of the roofing fasteners are installed in two or three waves;
  • in longitudinal joints, the screws are installed in a step of no more than 50 cm;
  • the average number of self-samples per 1 m 2 should be 6-8 pieces.

Step between fasteners of profiled sheets

When installing sheets, it is important to take into account not only their location, but also a step between the mounting elements. This parameter affects the quality of the coating. For example, an excess of self-samples located very often will lead to deformation of sheets. As a result, the appearance of the roof will deteriorate, its operational characteristics are disturbed. Therefore, self-tapping screws are screwed only into the lower part of the wave coming into contact with the cut.

Self-tapping screws install strictly perpendicular to the crate to the bottom of the wave of sheet

In the distribution of fasteners on the sheet, it should be considered that the maximum step between self-pressing should be 50 cm. At the same time, in the central part of the sheet, the fastener can be installed in a checker manner, following the distance of 50 cm. If the professional flooring requires more reliable fixation, then the fastening of the sheet on The edges in each lower wave. On the ends you need to mount the screws into each line of the rootwork to ensure the strength of the coating.

Installation scheme professional flooring

In order to avoid mistakes in work, professional masters advise not only to take into account the basic rules, but also study the scheme of the location of the screws on each sheet. This makes it possible to eliminate the serious disruption of the sealing of the coating as a result of using too much fasteners or screwing the insufficient number of elements.

Self-tapping screws can not be screwed too hard and uneven

For sheets with a thickness of less than 0.7 mm, it is suitable in increments of about 50 cm. If a thicker professional flooring is used, then the distance between the rows can be increased to 1 m. This approach allows you to create a reliable basis and ensure the strength of roofing. In this case, the general rules for the location of the fasteners are followed.

In the joints of the sheets of the sheets, screws are screwed into each wave, in the upper and lower parts of the skate - through the wave, and in the other places from the calculation of 8 self-sneakers per square meter of coating

Stepped laying of professional flooring

Professional flooring is easy to assemble on a simple duplex roof, if the roof has many inclined planes, then the sheets are neatly cut off with special scissors. It is strictly prohibited to use a grinder or saw. This will result in the formation of uneven edges and damage to the protective layer of metal. Next, the following steps:

  1. The first sheet is placed in the lower area of \u200b\u200bthe end with a predetermined protrusion for the edge of the cornice (5-10 cm). Thus, the entire lower row is assembled, while the self-tapes are installed along the bottom through the wave, and at the edges - every 30-40 cm.
  2. The sheets of the upper row are attached with a fallen to the bottom. If the angle of the skate is less than 15 °, then be sure to handle the joints with a sealant and fix the seal. Each sheet element is attached to the extreme reikas, which will reach the sheet, and the remaining fasteners are installed in the staggered order. Self-tapping screws fixed to the lower part of the wave and necessarily observe perpendicularity in relation to the incise.

    Profile sheets are installed from the bottom up, gradually moving away from one front to another

  3. At the ends of the hollow roofs or the roofs of complex forms of sheets are cut to the necessary shape and fixed to the shapper with self-draws. Upon completion of the work, the components are mounted, for example, an end bar, anness, drip, etc.

    If the front of the roof does not provide a frontal sve, then it is closed with an end plank

Video: Installation of rugs on the roof

Possible errors when installing the root on the roof

The roof arrangement of the profiled sheets is simple and affordable even for inexperienced masters. Metal fixation technology does not require complex actions, however, in the process of work, the main rules should be taken into account. At the same time, the following situations and errors can often occur, which can be easily avoided:

Fasteners of profiled sheets are simple, but only thorough compliance with technology will provide roofing the durability and reliability at any loads.

If you have a neat and stylish roofing professional flooring, then this article is just for you! After all, it is important not only to correctly choose high-quality coverage, but also to properly fix it. Then the metal roof will serve for a long time, not disturbed by a periodic need for local repairs.

But how to mount a corrugation on the roof by self-drawing and how difficult it is? The subtleties and nuances here are really quite a lot: starting from the choice of suitable screws and ending with a puzzle, which wave a sheet of them is fixed - upper or lower. Tell me?

Fastener selection for high-quality mount

In order for the roof of the professional flooring to be durable and flawlessly exploited at least decades, there is its own special fastening technology. You just imagine for a minute that some people really come to mind thin metal sheets simply nail to nails! Straight to the wooden support!

As a result, the water easily seeps into the holes and the sense of such waterproofing at all any: in the same time after a month, the first traces of rust will appear at these places, and there will be chronic dampness under the sheets.

Next, the rust will turn around the roof until it destroys it completely. That is why it is extremely recommended to mount the roofing nails of the corrugation, especially since they simply do not keep sheets under the influence of a strong wind.

Specifically, professional roofing screws are produced for a modern metal roof - with a rubber gasket, which, compressing, completely overlaps the path of any drop of water:

We are talking about special cut-through high quality screw screws! And even

How to fix the roof career

Construction of a country house is a noble thing, but very expensive. That is why the developers, seeking to reduce costs to the maximum, decide on the independent laying of roofing material on the roof. The indisputable advantage of such a material as a profiled sheet is its low weight and ease of installation, so that the fastening of the roof of the roof will not require any special skills from the developer, and its laying will not cause any difficulty.

Review Characteristics of the profiled sheet

One of the most multifunctional building materials is professional flooring. It can be used both for roofing and finishing walls, gender, and even constructions of temporary and constant fences. The undeniable advantages of this material are high reliability, strength, environmental friendliness and durability. It does not need regular painting and does not fade in the sun.

Profiled sheets are made of galvanized steel with possible application of polymer coating and externally resemble slate. They are produced different sizes and diverse indicators of anti-corrosion resistance, rigidity and strength.

Professional flooring is the following brands:

  • C - applied to the facilities of light coatings, has a corrugation height from 8 to 44 mm;
  • Ns - most often used in roofing, wave height from 35 to 44 mm;
  • H - has reinforced rigid ribs and is suitable for capital roofing, corrugation height from 57 to 114 mm.

To cover the roof, it is recommended to use profile sheets with a wave height of 20-60 mm and the presence of a special moisture groove. Their thickness depends on engineering calculations that take into account all types of possible loads: operational, wind, snow.

By purchasing professional flooring, it is necessary to check the presence of instructions for laying this roofing material in advance and, if it was not available, you should contact the seller.

Every owner of the house wants his roofing to serve as long as possible and pleased the eye not one ten years. That is why in order to properly choose profile metal, you must first take into account the climatic features of the region. For areas with elevated snow cover in the winter period, you should choose a professional sheet with a corrugation height of at least 20 mm, while the angle of the roof of the roof should be at least 15 °. In private construction, professional flooring of the NS35 and NA 44 brand is most often used.

Basic rules for laying corrugated

Installation of profiled material, as well as any other roofing, is carried out with overlapping sheets, the value of which depends on the slope (tilt angle) of the skate.

Putting the roof professional flooring, you need to be guided by the following rules.:

  1. When the roof bias is less than 14 °, horizontal leafles are made of about 20 cm.
  2. The optimal coat of material when the roof bias from 15 to 30 ° will be 15-20 cm.
  3. An acceptable overlay when the roof is the roof of more than 30 ° will be 10-15 cm.

Table. The dependence of the launch of the profile from the corner of the roofing corner

In the event that the angle of inclination of the skates does not exceed 12 °, the sheets overlap at least 25 cm, while all the longitudinal and transverse joints are additionally "associated" with silicone or thiocol sealant.

Regardless of the complexity and steepness of the sheets of sheets, it is necessary to lay parallel eaves, pre-aligned according to a strict horizontal line, with a sink for cornice. Neighboring sheets will correctly be attached to one self-tapping screw, while excluding the risk of violation of the decorative and protective coating.

Before mounting a corrugated roof, it is necessary to measure the magnitude of the cornese swell, which depends on the height of the profile:

  • for the professional leaf, the depth of the wave of which is 8, 10 and 20 mm, the length of the sink will be in the range of 50 to 100 mm;
  • in all other cases, the backbone sinks will exceed 200 mm.

The mounting of the corrugated flooring on the roof is carried out by self-tapping screws (self-pressing) with a length of 19-250 mm and a diameter of 4.8, 5.5 and 6.3 mm. Self-tapping screws EKT, Hilli, Fisher, SFS are equipped with drilling beards, thanks to which they can be screwed without prior scratching holes. Roofing self-drawing high quality screws possess EPDM gaskets that prevent moisture penetration through the holes.

Choosing a self-tapping screw, you need to pay attention to the length of the cylindrical threaded part - it must be longer than the package of sheets of a minimum of 5 mm. An exemplary consumption of fastening material is 6-8 pieces per 1 m 2 coatings.

It should also be remembered that the fastening of sheets to the crate is carried out on rubber sealing washers, and in the lower "waves" you need to screw the screws with a size of at least 28 × 4.8 mm. Kind should be attached to the top "waves" on the self-drawing of the required length.

Insulation device for roofs made of corrugated

During the operation of the building, the formation of condensate under the roof. In order to avoid the accumulation of moisture, it is necessary to build a roof in such a way that the temperature of the outside and in the undercase space coincides. To do this, it is necessary to equip special structural elements:

To extend the service life of the roof before installing the professional clothes, it is necessary to make a gasket that prevents the accumulation of condensate. It is best to use a pair-waterproofing membrane, and you need to start with the cornice towards the skate. The membrane is fastened with a large hat with a pitch of 20 cm.

The waterproofing film is stacked with an adhesive in 10-15 cm and the required provision between the rafters in 2-3 cm. After connecting the joint of the adhesion, the adhesive tape is glued.

Top of the rafter feet is nailed a counterbarrum with a thickness of 40-50 mm, which protects the membrane from damage during the fastening of sheets. To ensure the air intake between the gasket and the first board, the gap is 5 cm, after which the edge of the gasket is touched to the top and fixes from the inside side of the end board. If necessary, pressing fabric can be easily cut by a conventional knife.

The free movement of air flows in the underfloor space is achieved by means of the ventilation holes, which need to be closer to the skate as possible. The correct output of air is carried out using the following elements.:

  • ventilation channels;
  • special gaps between roofing stove and skate;
  • lattices for ventilation located at the end of the building.

With the device of ventilation gaps on the waterproofing membrane, wooden railings are fastened, contributing to the derivation of excess condensate and moisture. Each node at the same time requires reliable fixation.

Direct consolidation of professional flooring on the roof

By mounting the profile, you need to observe a certain subtlety: the sheet must lie so that in its edge it was in the edge, and not the vertex. Moreover, the capillary groove located along the edge side also must be the front side up. On the roof, the roofing material is drained along the lags using a long rope.

If the long staircase turn over the steps down and put to the wall, then you will get a great "transport path" for the professional knots that will move along it as on rails.

The laying of the professional flooring is made by the belts across the skate, and the first belt is placed with a visor on a visor 10-15 cm. Material needs to be attached to roofing screws with a hexagon head, in which the sealing rubber gasket is already provided. You need to screw them out strictly perpendicular to the coating, excluding possible breaks. In order for the screws not to stand out on the canvas, their color should coincide with the color of the professional flooring. Fasteners are produced at the edges of the sheet, in the middle and in the joints of the joint, it turns out that one sheet should take at least 6 sams.

The following belts of the professional leaf are stacked by the allen at 10 cm on the previous ones also along the Skate. The installation of sheets continues to the roof of the roof, after which the laying stops and starts from another slope again below.

Easy movement on the roof will provide a small staircase equal to the length of the roof. It is very easy to make it, it is enough to fill the steps on the board, then consolidate it for the corner of the skate.

The roofing horse is overlapped by a conventional galvanized strip of a width of 40-50 cm or a special profiled sheet, which is also fixed by self-draws. After the end of the installation from the roof surface, chips and garbage are removed, scratches and cuts are tinted to avoid edge corrosion. Three months later, it is recommended to produce feeds of screws, as the fastening of a tree over time can weaken.

And, finally, some taboa on working with professional flooring, which will certainly not be superfluous:

  • The fastening of profiled sheets is not allowed using nails, since the likelihood of their separation under the action of wind is not allowed.
  • Also not allowed welding and gas cutting of professional knots.
  • It is strictly forbidden to cut the profile of "Bulgarian", otherwise the high temperature screams the polymer coating together with the zinc, which will lead to rapid corrosion and rusty subpeacards. Scissors for metal can only be used for longitudinal cutting sheet. The correct transverse slice with their help will not be able to do, as they are in a doubt corrugated wave. The deformed sheet right enough, but even the most careful editing will not be able to ensure the coincidence of profiles when laying.

If the sheets of professional flooring still do not correspond to the size of the roof or it is necessary to make cutouts under the chimney, then you can use cuttinglers or electrolovka. Also, a circular saw with large winned teeth for cutting material is used.

How to choose a screw for the roof of a corrugated floor and how to fix the coverage for the crate

Roofing professional flooring - construction material from sheet metal. It has in cross section the waveform from symmetric ridges (corrugations) of a trapezoidal or rounded species that attach ease and strength of the structure.

The low part of the profile is often called the sole or lower shelf, and the top - the ridge or the upper shelf.

Made from cold rolled metal with a thickness of 0.3-1 mm with different protective coating.

In this article we will look at how to fasten the roof to the roof correctly and how much the roofing screws need 1 m2 of professional flooring.

Roofing is considered a professional flooring from which:

  • thickness metal not less than 0.7 mm;
  • height corrugations at least 35 mm;
  • available action Sustainable Coverage solar radiation, precipitation and mechanical damage;

Unlike metal tile, professional flooring has a single profile over the entire length of the section and it can fit on a single roof with a small slope angle - 6-11 °.

Device of roofing cake

Roofing cake consists of the following layers:

Preparation of cladding

Before laying is necessary make a high-quality crate. It is made of wooden planks treated with antiseptic composition. It prevents rotting under the action of condensate dripping from the inside of the roof. When installing, it is necessary to correctly determine the distance between the planks ( sTEP of the crate) And the distance between the self-drawing.

  • with height profile 35 mm (NS35) and angle of inclination to 15º - to 0.5 m, more than 15º - 1 m;
  • with height profile 60 mm (H60) and inclination corner from 8º - no more than 3 m;
  • with height 70 mm profile (H75) and angle of inclination from 8º - not more than 4 m;

What kind of self-drawing is to mount a corrugation on the roof?

The screws for the roof of the corrugated floor are made of high carbon steel and covered with high-quality galvania. They are equipped with a special high-strength washer and plastic gasket (EPDM), insulating the edge of the hole from the fall of water and contact with the head of the self-press. The self-sufficiency hat itself has a wide hex head with a metric size M8.

When installing the roof three types of self-tapping screws with a diameter of 4.8 mmdiffering in its intended:

  • for fastening in the bottom shelf (sole) Profile of the Profile of the Profile of 35 mm long with a thinner edge in the form of a narrowed drill and a wide thread rate;
  • for fastening sheets on the top shelf of the ridge 20 mm long with a wide drilling edge and a small thread rate;
  • for mounting skate slats - 50 to 80 mm long.

Self-tapping screws

Consumption of roofing screws per 1 m2 of professional flooring

Usually the mount is produced in increments of 0.5 m. In the sizes of the sheet 8, 1.1 meters per square meter will account for 4 screws. But the lower edge of the first row of the roof and the seaside zone of subsequent rows is recommended to be attached to each lower profile shelf.

The edges of the sheets overlooking the roofs are recommended to be attached to the interval of 200-300 mm. Side adhesions, end and skate slats also increase the number of required fasteners.

On average, 1 m² of roofing professional flooring is consumed by 8 self-sizes of all sizes. Approximately four of them - a length of 35 mm, two - 20 mm, two more - 50 mm and more. You should not use these values \u200b\u200bas final, as many self-tapping screws are rejected during the installation process.

A more accurate calculation depends on the overall dimensions of the sheet, the shade of the crate, the angle of inclination of the roof, the thickness of the metal, as well as the number of roofing rods.

How to fix the roof for self-drawing

Competently twisted self-tapping screws does not deform the clamping puck in the opposite directionBut at the same time tightly presses the gasket to the metal, not leaving gaps and cracks. The axis of rotation of the self-press should be strictly perpendicular to the metal surface. So let's consider in detail how to mount the roof of the roof by self-drawing:

  • How to mount a corrugation on the roof crate? Fastening the first sheet of professional flooring on the crate begins on the left side of the lower row. It is made with an insolence of 4 cm above the edge of the roof and the allowance of 15 cm under the next row. Mounting at the bottom of the sheet should be made "through the wave" - In each lower shelf (sole), the profile comes in contact with the crate - the strength of the entire structure of the roof depends on this. In order not to have breakdown, the sheets should be thoroughly aligned with respect to the eaves.
  • The next sheet is laid with a side overlay in one wave (Low-profile sheets - in two waves) on the previous sheet, so that the edge goes out and was mounted with short screws in a step of 300 mm on the ridge of the waves (it warns the water flow). It is also recommended for tight docking sheets to the lower shelf of the top sheet to twist fasteners with a deviation of 50 mm in the side of the adhesive.
  • The middle part of the sheet is fixed in a checker, in a step of two waves, which corresponds to 500 mm.

  1. The second and subsequent ranks are laid with an overlap at 10-20 cm on the previous one. Self-tapping screws in the forefrenched zone are also twisted through one wave. When determining the width of the allen zone, it should be borne in mind that the higher the lip of the roof and the angle of inclination of the slope, the less the nesting is done.
  2. The top edge of the last row of sheets, adjacent to the skin of the roof is fixed through the wave.
  3. At the second stage, sufficient roof elements are fixed - end and wind strips, smoking aprons, snow-saw holders. At the same time, the fastening of 50-90 mm with self-draws and the fastening step is up to 300 mm. If the end plank consists of several enough items (which is extremely undesirable), then it is necessary to observe a nest of 100 mm.
  4. The final stage is the installation of the roof skate. The horse is a special form profile having two shoulders width 100-300 mm. His appointment is to protect the roof from moisture from entering the undercase and giving the additional stiffness of the structure.
  5. It is necessary to make sure that the conjugate edges of the roof rods have a discrepancy in a height of no more than 2%. More important leads to deformation under the action of wind and severity of snow and the formation of the slots.

Stacking the skate starts from the end, opposing to dominant wind. Fasting of challenges make the same as the end planks. Rain and melt water falls under the horse through the gaps of the lower shelves of the corrugated.

Therefore, under the shoulders of the skate laid special sealing gaskets that repeat the profile form. Self-tapping screws up to 80 mm Spin on the bottom edge of the shoulder of the skate with an indent of 3-4 cm through the top shelves (ridges) waves of professional flooring in the crate.

Fastening wind strap

It is imposed on top of the final series of sheets and the method "through the wave" mix skate screws up to 80 mm long to the crate through the top shelves (ridges) professional flooring.

The use of special self-fasteners as a fastener is the only right solution. Properly manufactured installation does not deform the metal and does not damage the protective coating than prevents corrosion and moisture penetration. It significantly increases the service life of the roof.

Many factors affect the problem of proper fastening of the roof of the roof: the length of the skate, its tilt, the rafter system, the quality of the material and many others. An important moment will be - what type of sheet type is used, according to which the design of the framework under the crate is selected.

Before starting the installation work, it is worth understanding all these nuances to really get high-quality roofing flooring, which will withstand the warranty period.

What factors affect the laying of professional flooring?

There are several parameters that need to be taken into account when assembling the roof of the corrugated floor. Their non-compliance can lead to a reduction in the terms of operation of the roof, as well as its flow after a slight time:

  • The design of the rafter system. Under the professional flooring necessarily use the corresponding rafters and a doom. Especially carefully to this question should be suitable when using a professional flooring intended for the walls of the walls. He is thinner than others and may simply deform in winter. To level this opportunity, apply a solid crate.
  • The angle of slope. Professional flooring cannot be attached on slopes of less than 8 degrees, although there are some manufacturers that recommend laying a carrier sheet with a slope of 5.5 degrees. Another nuance is backbet. On the gentle roofs it should be more than steep.
  • Length of the skate. The easiest all overlapping the roof of the professional floor, if the skate length does not exceed 6 meters. If this parameter is larger, then the material is more convenient to secure in 2-3 rows, while observing the laying and technique of connecting neighboring rows.

Proper laying of professional sheets

So, how to put and put on the roof of the roof and attach and how to know about such a type of work?

  1. Installation should be started from the bottom right corner, setting the first sheet with the sink of the edge not more than 50 mm, the center screws the screws, hereinafter, if required, the circulators' revolutions adjust the position along the edges of the skate.
  2. The next line is attached up (if there are more than one rows) or left, if a number is one. That is, the scheme is observed from the bottom up and right to left.
  3. If there are capillary grooves, the neighboring sheets are joined so that they coincide, otherwise the gaps are formed.
  4. Also laying the neighboring sheets, it is always followed. At the same time, all joints are treated with a sealant and additionally fasten them with self-draws screwed into the wave.
  5. When moving along the roof, it is impossible to step onto the protrusions of the corrugations, the shoes are selected with a soft sole, and the legs put in the locations of the shells.

Important! With a small length of the slopes (up to 6 meters), it is best to make laying sheets in one row. If it is impossible, so that you will withstand the exact order you need to pull the marking cord.

Some experts advise to make laying according to the scheme on the right to left, increasing the ranks after laying the lower. This option is quite admissible.

By laying in several rows, it is very important to comply with the installation of the mustache, after having after calculating it under the angle of inclination.

How to count on the back of the proflists?

The overlap of the corrugated floor is counting on the design of the roof. After all, not only the tightness of the roof depends on this indicator, but also the consumption of material.

There are online calculators, with which you can count the costs of expenses. However, no program will replace the accurate calculation under a certain roof, especially made according to an individual project.

Specifically, you can be guided by the data below in the tables:

For the wall and non-wall-wall types of professional flooring, the nestrest can be estimated in accordance with the labeling (and of course thick) sheet.

When laying a roofing professional flooring with labeling "NS", it is best to make calculation in accordance with the slope of a specific roof slide.

Important! Designing the roof, it is worth remembering that the more the slope slope, the higher the structure itself, and therefore its sailboat. As a result, with insufficient and incorrect mounting, a strong wind can destroy the structure!

Types of fastening of professional flooring

In roofing works with a profiled sheet, two types of fasteners are used: to bend corrugations to reshetinam and in a wave when docking sheets. How do it and with the help of which fasteners?

Fastening in deflection

In this way, there are basic points of fixing sheet to the roof crate. The material is used with a roofing self-refrigese of 4.8 × 35 mm with a hex hats or standard, having a cross-shaped flue. An important feature of the screws is the presence of a rubber lining ensuring the tightness of the hole.

The screws are screwed strictly perpendicular to the shap in the wave deflection. It is necessary to ensure that the hat for tightening does not deform the gasket and tightly pressed against the surface.

It is important to know that under the fasteners it is not necessary to drill sheets. The high-speed drill will burn the polymer spraying, and under the screw screwing the metal will rust.

Fasteners in the wave

This is the second type of fixation, it is used to connect adjacent sheets in a row and fastening apo's apartments.

As a fastener, apply the same to the appointment of screws, as well as when installed to the crate, but in short - 4.8 × 20 mm. When screwed down, such a self-sufficiency reliably twists two sheets of metal, but he does not reach the reshetin himself and does not deform the professional flooring.

There is an opinion that screwed screws is necessary in the wave - the upper point of the professional flooring, especially if a small bias. This reduces the likelihood of leakage. In addition, in spring time, many cycles of freezing-melting of water in the gutters. In such conditions, rubber linings on the screws will lose much faster, elasticity and simply rotate. But the thickness of the rolled in this case should be from 0.5 mm. This profile marking is higher - C44, HC-35, etc.

For fasteners, a screwdriver is needed with an appropriate bat under a specific hats of self-press. You can use a drill, but it must have speed adjustment so that the screwing is not too intense.

Fasteners need to be purchased in the required quantity by making preliminary calculations on consumption.

How to calculate the required amount of screws?

Self-tapping screws will be required to fix sheets to the crate and for fastening in places of the junctions of adjacent elements and rows. Calculations are carried out on the basis of quantity per 1 sheet. But if large slotting slopes are designed, it is calculated in pieces per square meter.

On 1 profiled sheet

In case of laying 1 sheet for the entire length of the skate, the mounting points will be located at the edges in each deflection of the corrugations and on its length in a checker order. And also for connecting to the adjacent element, screws screwed into a wave in 500 mm increments. Depending on the length and width of the sheet, the fastener consumption will be up to 18-20 pieces.

To calculate the Sadlko Self-Disputes is necessary on 1 sheet, we look at how much corrugations on this sheet and multiply on 2. It turns out the required amount for fixation at the bottom and top of the sheet. Add 6-8 pieces to this value, which will go to the fitting of the middle part of the roofing element. Naturally, a stock is required in the amount of 10-15%.

On 1m²

When calculating the consumption of fasteners for 1 square meter, it is recommended to proceed from the requirements - 6-8 screws per square 1 × 1 m. If the slope of the roof skate is designed steep, you need to add several more pieces to this number.

V-shaped fasteners

This type of fastening is used to lay the lines of communications in buildings having walls and ceilings trimmed by professional flooring. For example, for mounting air ducts of ventilating systems.

The peculiarity of this type of fastening is that it is very easily adjusted for any type of professional flooring with various bends of the corrugated surface.

Installation and fitting carried out a marker of bending points of a V-shaped bracket, after which they are fixed with pins to protrusions. Such brackets are installed before laying sheets on the frame, and the installation takes place directly along with the professional floor.

Installation of wind stripe

Wind strips or sofa are designed to cover the gaps between the flooring from the proflist and the surface of the roofing cake. The main task is to protect the space from the access of moisture, wind and birds. Sofits are two types: cornice and front-line. Eaves are laid before mounting roofing flooring, and front-line at the end of roofing works.

  • The planks are laid along the edge of the scope of 100 mm, with the mandatory processing of such sealant sections.
  • The step of the mounting points is 350-400 mm, the same roofing screws with a sealing lining are used as fasteners.
  • The edge of the waterproofing film must be lifted and lay on top to the bar.
  • Front planks are fed to the edge of the professional leaf and fasten, screwing the screw through the flooring to the crate.

If the roof has a non-standard form, then you may have to order windscreen strips according to an individual project.

Compliance with the basic rules of fasteners of the professional flooring will provide the service life of the roof within 40-45 years. And when conducting preventive repair work and longer.