Repairs Design Furniture

What is the rafting system of the roof. The device of the rafting roof system. Stropil farms for different types of roofs

The rafting system is the basis of any roof. The complexity or availability of the rafter design depends on the selected roof type. Today we will talk about the simplest embodiment - the system of rafters for a double roof. About the device of roofing frame, features and functions of its elements, and how the solid system of the two-tie roof is performed with her own hands, experienced specialists tell.

Duscate Roof: Types and Benefits

Recall that the bartal roof is a kind of roof consisting of two planes (rods) connected at an angle of a certain degree. It can be simple (symmetric or asymmetric) and complex - broken.

The rationality of the choice of the roof of two slopes is determined by its advantages:

  • Efficiency and simplicity of construction, in comparison with other roofing structures.
  • Ease and availability of service at any time of the year.
  • Reliability and strength in wind, snowfall, hay and other natural impacts.
  • The possibility of arrangement of attic.
  • High-quality hydro and thermal insulation.

Necessary theoretical minimum for the construction of the rafter system

The design of the pitched roof is made of metal or wooden beams. Metal - more "problem" material. He weights all the roofing system, quickly cools and heated, more complicated in the installation and requires the use of professional welding equipment. Based on this, the construction of private houses (especially, with your own hands) is used mainly wood.

There are two main options for performing a solid system for a two-tie roof - a drill type device (each rafter foot has two points of support) and a slot method (the rafters are connected at the bottom of the tightening, forming a triangular farm, the carrier beam is installed in the middle). The urban design is necessary if there is a distance of more than 10 meters between the bearing walls. Look at the image:

What is the system of rafting elements? Imagine 3D projection. The skeleton of the roof consists of Maurolalat (rafting base), rafting legs, skate, racks, runs, chunks, tightness, dysproke and crates. Maurylalat, Liezhalan and tightening - the lower parts of the system where the entire future roof is erected. First, check out the illustration below, and then consider each item separately:

Mauerlat - the basis of all the basics

Mauerlat is a timber bar (mostly coniferous rocks) with a cross section of 10-15 cm. This is the optimal dimensions for the desired strength and durability of the entire roofing design. The bar is laid on the bearing walls of the house for the redistribution of spacer load on them.
There are two ways to install the timing of a rafter base - with the transfer of the load on the walls and without gravity transmission. The selection of the Maurolat attachment variant should depend on the severity of the roofing system, coatings, the thickness of the bearing walls and the perimeter of the roof.

In the last version, Mauerlat is stacked in a pocket, closer to the inner edge of the wall, and is attached to wooden corks with brackets (each plug corresponds to the size of the brick and is part of the top row of brickwork).

Bruks taking the load are mounted on the bearing walls from above with anchors. Masters advise putting a rigid frame on a concrete base in the form of a belt in the wall. Under Mauerlat, high-quality waterproofing is necessarily laid.

You can find out the details from the video:

Lena - Basic Load Dispenser

Liezhalan performs functions similar to Mauerlat, and has the same dimensions. The beams are stacked on the inner bearing walls to evenly distribute the loads from vertical racks and pods.

Look Master Class Look at Illustrations:

Stropile legs - roofing skeleton ribs

The rafted can be called the main component of the roofing frame. This item cannot but use or replace another detail. The legs rafters are wooden bars, the size of the cross section of which can vary from 5 to 15 cm. The rafters are based on the Mauerlat and are combined with a skate.

The installation process of rafters can be viewed on this video:

Konk - a small nuance with a big meaning

The final element of the joint of two slopes is called the roof ridge. This is a rib located vertically at the uppermost point of the roof. At the place of the adjuncing rafters mounted the ski run. After it, the lip of the roof is installed. This element fastens rafters, performs a ventilation function and gives roof aesthetics.

Racks - Basic Load Receivers

Racks - powerful beams that take part of the load of the rafter design. They are installed vertically, as a rule, in the center of the farm. If the project provides for the attic, then the racks are placed on both sides, closer to the roofs of the roof. When the attic is divided into two rooms, then the racks have both centered and sides.

Ramans - support rafters

Sking and side runs serve as an amplifier of rigidity of rafting farms. The larger the load on the system (snow winters, heavy roofing, a large roof area, etc.), the more runs should be installed on the roof rods.

Tightening - Connector of the Stropile Element

This design detail performs the fixation function of the rafted at the base. Thus, a stray triangle is formed - the farm. Tightening may not be installed in the slope systems.

Podcopes - Construction Fortress

Slopes serve as supporting racks and strengthen all design elements. Experts recommend setting the soot at an angle of 450. This increases the strength of the system and protects it from deformation under the influence of snow masses and wind.

Doom - Base for Roofing Cake

Doom - horizontal wooden rails with a cross section of 40-50 mm, located on the rods perpendicular to the rafters. The main purpose of the crate is fixing the roofing material. From its type and the frequency and thickness of the cerebral rails depends. In addition, the lamp helps move the materials during the roof and serves as an additional element of the structure of the design.

Svet elements - final moments

The edge of the roofing system is called Sve. This is a protrusion of a rafter system over the wall of about 40 cm. The sink box consists of such elements: Flocks (Reiki Connection with rafters), windy and eaves. The purpose of the sweep is to protect the walls from wetting during the rains and melting of snow.

Step-by-step manual for the installation of the solo-roof

To begin with, we suggest familiarize yourself with the illustration that we have prepared for you:

And now consider the three main stages of the process of the device of the rafter system of a simple bone roof:

1 Stage: Calculations and Project Drawing

Starting work follows from the preparation of the roof project. It will contain all the sizes, shapes and types of fastenings of design elements. To create a high-quality project, you need to make such calculations:

  1. Calculation of constant and variable loads on the solry system. Continuous loads include roofing and finishing materials (attic also taken into account additionally). Load variables are the power of the wind, rain, snow, etc. Maximum can be considered the main load of up to 50 kg per square meter of the roof, and the variable is up to 300 kg (given the possible snow dilutions).
  2. Accounting for seismic activity, storm winds and features of the location of the house. For example, if the house is surrounded by other buildings, the load on the roof is significantly reduced.
  3. Choosing an angle of inclination of a double roof. When calculating the angle of inclination into account, such factors are taken: the higher the angle, the more materials go to the roof (and money, respectively); The tilt depends on the roofing material - the softer the roof, the lower the angle of inclination (for example, the angle of 5-200 is selected for soft tiles, and if you use slate or ondulin, you need to select a tilt 20-450).
  4. The calculation of the step and the length of the rafter. The length of the step between the rapid farms varies from 60 to 100 cm. The heavier roofing, the more often the rafter is needed. To calculate the length of the rafyroid, use the Pythagore's theorem, taking the triangle hypotenuse of the triangle. We will consider half the width of the house, and the second is the selected roof height. Then the hypotenuse we found would add another 60-70 cm of stock.

When all calculations are made, you need to make a drawing of details, connections and the whole project as a whole.

Stage 2: Acquisition and Preparation of the necessary materials and tools

To work, it is necessary to purchase a lumber, according to calculations, bolts, corners, anchors and other connecting parts, and prepare the appropriate tools (drills, levels, meters, logsik, etc.). Wood for carrying beams and rafters should be solid and high-quality - knots and worms are unacceptable.

Antiseptic, anticorrosive and fireproof wood processing - a mandatory moment at this stage. With the material you can start work in a day after processing.

3 Stage: Installation of the Terminal Roof Design

Mount the roofing frame is better in dry not windy weather, so as not to face additional difficulties during operation. At this stage, we will dwell in more detail and consider step-by-step instructions for the installation of the charter system.

Setting the rafter system: step-by-step guide

Step 1. Laying Mauerlat and Lenzny. Lyzhenny may not be if there are no bearing walls inside the house. Before laying Maurylalat on the walls, it is necessary to ax a waterproofing material, such as rubberoid. Measure the ribbon of the desired width, cut and cut the waterproofing to the edge of the wall (where the frame is installed).

We place the beams of the desired section and length, make trimming and begin to form a frame of the foundation. Mauerlat should be located with the outer edge of the wall (if the hanging design is planned) or in a special niche on the wall in front of the threshold (if the roof system is a sleeper). Lecks under the racks are stacked on the inner bearing partitions. Mauelalat is attached to the wall and wooden corks brackets, studs and anchors.

And we suggest familiarizing yourself with the illustration that we prepared for you:

Putting the frame along the entire length of the wall, we can face the need to connect the base of the base. It should be done by cutting bars at an angle strictly 90 degrees. Fastening we carry out high-quality bolts.

How not to damage the brick or blocks when picked up the roof boards?

Choose the edge of the wall through which the most convenient to serve the beams for the roofing frame. This edge needs to be protected by wooden coal. Two trimming of a rough board length about a meter, which need to be shot down with each other at right angles. Put the square to the outer edge of the working wall. Now you can raise the boards, without fearing to damage the walls or window sills.

Step 2. Mounting rafters. First of all, it is necessary to set extreme rafters. In order for the rafters to keep smoothly, install the racks in the center. Racks Breeping to Mauerlat with an iron corner and self-tapping screws. This temporary detail is cleaned after installing all rafters. We fasten the extreme rafylans and install the skunk run. Type of fastening - metal corner, self-tapping screws and studs.

The illustration shows the process of mounting the rafter feet and attaching rafters to run:

But how to attach rafters to Mauerlat:

Between the extreme farms, it is necessary to pull the construction thread, according to which we will smooth all the rafyroids of the skate.

Now we mount all the rafter elements on a predetermined scheme. I connect rafters over the skate run.

Read more about the installation process of the rafter, see this video:

Strengthen the rafting legs will help the system of special racks. On Mauerlat, wooden bars from the boards of the same thickness are attached as rafters. Bruks should be fixed in a step equal to the selected distance between the rapid legs on the markup. The length of each board is approximately 40 cm. These racks will transmit the load on Maurylalat and carrying overlap. Bruks need to fix with steel corners. Now the rafting legs need to be installed so that one side of each lightened to the rack. Then, on the other side of each rafter, the crepension is the same rack and grab all three parts with studs of 12 mm.

After mounting all the legs, the racks are cut by a flush of the Skower of Stropili from the street. From the inside between the racks, an empty angle is formed to close with a wooden triangle (you can use cropping from the bevels).

All the rafter footsteen should additionally strengthen the beegles, racks, pins and enhance the joints with metal plates. The complete strengthening process can be viewed on the video:

Step 3. Waterproofing and doom. On the finished rafter ribs, you need to lay high-quality waterproofing vapor-permeable material under the crate. The occurrence of the insulation canvase (sheet on the sheet) is made by 15 cm. On the waterproofing is hampered by the disintegration of wooden plates on the ribs of the rafter. From above, the lamp is installed from the same rails perpendicular to the rafter feet.

When mounting the frame, you need to take into account the presence of chimney and mandatory ventilation of the skate. The distance between the shawl boards on average is 300 mm. Such a scheme is suitable for all types of solid roof. When choosing a soft roofing material, the lamp is made with a solid out of the moisture-resistant plywood.

The solo system is ready. Now it was a queue of installation of roofing material, internal insulation of the roof and arrangement of the attic (if such a project is provided).

So, it's time to answer the main question of our topic: Is it worth doing it all with your own hands? Do not believe to someone who tells you that it is easy and simple. But if you have golden hands and a huge desire to make a high-quality roof "for yourself", then ahead! We wish you good luck!

The roof of the building protects it from the cold, rain and wind. This is the same important element as the outer walls and the foundation. The rafting system is the carrier roof frame. She takes on all loads: from structures, from snow and wind. So that no problems arise during operation, the roof design of the house should be durable and reliable. The installation of the rafter system should be carried out only after careful preparation and study of all the necessary information.

Roof and roofing

Before starting the device of the roof of a private house, you need to distinguish between two concepts. Non-professionals are often confused, but the builders clearly separate the determinations of the roof and roof. The roof is the whole design that separates the building from the street from above. The construction of the roof of the private house includes rafters, all other bearing elements, thermal insulation material, roofing.

Rafyl - carrying roof structures

The roof is the upper part of the roof. It is roofing. The roofing device requires a careful selection of material. After all, it is from him that the reliability of waterproofing and the comfort of living will depend on it.

System requirements

To properly mount the rafter system with your own hands, you need to consider a specific set of rules. Without their accounting, the structure will not be able to effectively resist negative impacts from the outside.

First of all, it is worth considering the strength. All items must withstand the load without destruction.. The device of the rafting roof system involves the preliminary calculation of the supporting structures in the first limit state. It is he who checks the elements of the rafter system for strength.

The rafter system must be durable and tough

Second requirement - rigidity. The maximum deflection is taken into account here. The design of the roof of a wooden house or any other should not be saved too much. Permissible deformations in the middle of the span are equal to the length of this span, divided into 200. Before starting the construction, the construction of the rafter system should be calculated on the second group of limit states - on rigidity.

The rafaling of the roof is made with their own hands, taking into account the design to have a small weight. Otherwise, the load on the walls and foundations is growing. It is for this reason that the wood was widespread as the main material. The wooden rafter system has sufficient strength, but weighs relatively a bit. Attention should be given not only to the design of the roof, but also to correctly choose the roofing material. He should not be too heavy. Ceramic tile lost its popularity not only because of the cost, but also due to the fact that the roof of the house, its walls and foundations should be enhanced under it.

The weight of the roofing material for the wooden rafter design should not be too large

Special requirements are presented to the quality of the material. The manufacture of wooden elements should be performed only from good raw materials. It is worth considering the following recommendations:

  • For the main elements, wood 1 or 2 varieties are used. 3 Grade can only be applied to the crate and other small parts.
  • The rafting structures of the pitched roofs are recommended to be made from coniferous rocks. They have greater resistance to rotting and other troubles because they contain resin. With the same cross section, the allowable span for hardwood will be less.
  • Previously, all the elements are necessarily treated with an antiseptic. Such a preparation step allows preventing many troubles in the future. Also, if desired, you can treat the tree with antipirens. This will increase the resistance to fire.
  • It is better to buy wood from the northern regions, which is harvested in the winter. It is such a material that has the highest quality.

Parts of construction

The scheme of the rafter system includes a plurality of elements. To understand the drawings and correctly perceive information, you need to know at least the main of them. So what is the roof?

Horse, cornice and rods - the main part of the roof

First of all, it is a horse, eaves and rods. These elements are the main parts.. The horse is the most upper part of the design. Corvenis or Sve - bottom. Skates are inclined surfaces that are located between the skate and the cornice.

The construction of the rafter system requires knowledge of carrier elements. These include:

  • Mauerlat - Bar, which is placed on the edge of the walls of the building. Mauerlat is needed to evenly pass the load from the rafter feet, which are based point. Typically, it is used for its manufacture, a timber is used with dimensions of 150x150 mm or 200x200 mm (for large buildings).
  • Slinged legs are sloping beams that transmit the load from their own weight of the roof, snow and wind to Mauerlat. Such beams are usually installed from the skate to the cornice. But when the hip roof is erected, elements that have only one of the specified points appear. They are based on the horse or on the cornice. Such details are called nurses. They usually have the same cross-section as rafters. In fact, these narcents are cropped on one side of the rafter legs.
  • Run - beam on which the roof elements are based on. Run can be installed under the rack. Another option is the ski run (Rigel). It relieves rafters at the top point. The proceed cross section depends on its span, is usually taken 200х200 mm.
  • Sound legs are needed only for holm roofs. They are diagonal rafters relying on Mauerlat in the corners. The section is accepted enlarged, usually 150x200 or 100x200 mm.
  • The design of a wooden roof assumes the presence of tighters, ducts and racks. They are designed to reduce the burden on the main elements. When building a house with your own hands it is important to remember that the racks can not be described on the span of overlaps. Installation is possible only on the underlying walls or on the runs, percked between the walls. Mounting such elements on the overlap can only be possible if it is designed for such a load and reinforced in the desired zone.
  • Doom Need to make the base under the coating. For metal tile and folded roof, the doom can be sprinkled from a 32-40 mm thick boards. For bituminous tiles, a solid base of 25-32 mm thick boards or plywood moisture resistant is needed.
  • In order to make the carnis departure, install the kills. They become a continuation of the rafted. The fastening of the falcue to the rafter is performed for a length of at least 1 m. The element cross section is usually taken 50x100 mm.
Carrier elements of a hip roof

Another element of the rafter system is a farm. This is a solid design that consists of rafters, tensions, dies and racks, rigidly interconnected. The farm has a triangular shape, and within a few smaller triangles inside, which ensures good stability.

Forms of roofs

The roofs of the pitched roofs are different forms. It is worth highlighting here:

Types of Stropil

Two designs are distinguished:

  • with urban rafters;
  • with hanging rafters.

The wooden house roof device is possible only using the first. This is caused by two rules:

  • hanging rafters must be attached to Mauerlata rigidly;
  • in a wooden house, rafters must be attached to Mauerlata hinged.

The two of these statements contradict each other, so the rafter system of the wooden house may contain only the rolling elements.

Only sprinkled rafters are mounted in a wooden house.

Cover beams are elements that are based on Mauerlat at the bottom point and on the ski run in the upper. This allows you to reduce the horizontal space that acts onto the wall when the rafters are trying to disperse and take a horizontal position. Elements can be reinforced with racks or pins. Fight in this case can be placed through one pair of legs.

Hanging tanks are based only at the bottom point at Mauerlat. At the top, they simply rest in each other. So that the system from the wooden elements does not dispersed, necessarily draw tightening. It is better to install them for each pair of legs. This option is characterized by a strong action of the retrieve on the outer walls, but it allows you to get more free space inside the attic.


Before making a rafter system with your own hands, you need to carefully study the nodes. To build your home, you should not save time or money. Only in this case the result will delight for many years.

Basic connecting nodes

The attachment assemblies of the rafter system of the roof, which deserve special attention, are presented as follows:

  • mounting Mauerlat to the wall;
  • fastening rafted to Mauerlat;
  • fastening rafters at the top point;
  • splicing rafters in length.

Maurylalat to the wall

This node can be performed in several ways. The choice largely depends on the material of the wall. Construction of a building from brick, blocks or concrete allows you to use the following methods:

  • on wire;
  • on brackets;
  • on studs;
  • on the anchor with the device of the monolithic belt on the edge of the wall.

Connection of Mauerlat with a wall in the construction of brick buildings is performed using anchors

Rafters to Mauerlat

Fasteners are carried out in two ways:

  • rigidly for buildings from brick, concrete or concrete blocks;
  • hinged for wooden houses.

Hard fastening can be with a wrinkle or without it. Wide recommended to do on rafters, and not on Mauerlat, as it loosens it. In both cases, the leg is rigidly fixed with nails, screws, brackets or metal corners.

With a hard fastening of the word, it is better to do on rafters and fix the design with fasteners

For hinge attachment use a special detail - Salazki. They allow the beam without obstacles to shuffle in the shrinkage of the walls of the building.

Hinged connection gives the beam the possibility of offset

Additionally, the rafting legs are attached to the wall. It is necessary so that the roof does not break the wind. For mounting, a twist of two wires with a diameter of 4 mm are used, fixed into the wall on the anchor or the ERS. In a wooden house, a twist can be replaced with brackets. The mount is carried out on each beam or through one.

In the level of the skate

Curvas elements are based on the ski run with wrinkle. Optionally, on both sides make a lining from the board. The pad is needed for hanging elements. It can be wooden or metal with screw holes.

Skown run and rafters are connected by wrinkling

Splicing timing

There are several methods of splicing rafters on the roof with their own hands. The choice between them largely depends on the experience of the wizard. The splicing place is located at a distance of 0.15 of the flight of flight from the support. At the same time, the supports are considered not only the skunk run and Maurylalat, but also the soot and racks.

Splicing rafters in length

Severate five ways:

  • butt joint;
  • oblique harbor;
  • messenger;
  • composite legs;
  • paired legs.

To build a high-quality roof, you need to carefully examine the technology, choose the right type of rafters and connecting elements in important nodes. This is especially important when the rafter system is erected with his own hands.

21.02.2017 1 comment

The soling system of the two-tie roof is a simple design that is suitable for the device with your own hands even a novice developer. It is only necessary to pre-draw counts, familiarize yourself with the details and stages of the construction of the roof, calculate the materials necessary for installation. When calculating, it should be noted that the carrier's ability of the two-tie roof depends on the effect on it from winds from wind, snow, weights of materials.

In order for the construction of the soling system of the two-sheet roof, the detailed step-by-step instruction on the installation of the rafter system is presented below.

In contact with


Requirements for building materials

For the device of the chalk system, the best option will be the use of lumber from coniferous wood - pine, spruce or larch, I - III varieties.

The material for the rafted is not lower than II varieties, Maurylalat is made of a board or timber II, for racks and runs, the material II material is taken, the lamp is manufactured from the sawn timber III, it depends on the roof. Rigels, tightening are performed from variety I material. On the lining, the lining can be used material III variety.

Note! The sawn timber should be dry with humidity no more than 20%. Before installing it, it should be treated with flame retardant compositions and antiseptics against fungal diseases.

Store sawn timber is needed under a canopy, providing protection from the sun and moisture. Playground for warehousing align, lumber shock lining for ventilation.

For installation, fasteners will be required: screeds, plates, studs, bolts with washers and nuts, screws with EPDM gaskets, 2,8mm thick, mounting tape, galvanized brackets.

The brackets are used when attaching Mauerlat, fasten them with nails or self-drawing.

KR Corners serve to attach rafters to Mauerlat, prevent the shifted rafters.

The entire fastener must be made of high-quality material and have corrosion protection.

Tools for the construction of a rafter system

To mount the rafter system of the two-tie roof, the following set of tools will be needed:

  • roulettes, different lengths 5, 10, 20 meters;
  • markers, pencils;
  • cord, for stretching;
  • hammers, different appointments, nail-holder;
  • scissors for cutting;
  • roofing knife;
  • putty knife;
  • scotch;
  • hacksaws, electric saw, electric drill with various drills and nozzles;
  • screwdriver with nozzles;
  • markings, levels horizontal and vertical;
  • reiki, ruler;
  • foam assembly;
  • safety strap and rope - for safe operation.

The entire tool on the roof contains in the bag for the tools, for security purposes.

Types of rafting systems for a two-tie roof

Naked rafters

Rely on Maurylalat and racks installed on the inner wall, with equal rafaling steps. To give stiffness with flights 6 m, additionally put so-in.

Scheme of sprinkled rafted bone roof

Hanging rafal

If the building is a small width, you can arrange a rafter system when the rafters are based on Maurylalat or walls, without intermediate supports. Maximum span - 9 meters. Such roofs sometimes, you can arrange without Mauerlat. The rafters are installed on the wall, using pads, on rafters in such an embodiment, a bending moment acts.

To unload, wooden or metal lining are put. They strongly strengthen the angle. For hanging rafters, a larger span is installed grandmother and soot. For hanging systems, the rafter is suitable for more sections, and the sawn timber is chosen at least II of the variety.

Scheme of hanging rafters of a bone roof

Calculation of the rafter system

It is possible to determine the desiccate roof vehicle in the truss system, you can collect all the loads that affect it: the weight of the coating, crates, snow, the wind pressure, precipitation.

Permanent loads can be determined by weight 1 m 2 roofing, crates. It is important that the weight of 1 m 2 of the roof was within 40-45 kg.

Variable loads from snow, winds are calculated on table values \u200b\u200bof normative documents SNiP, depending on the height of the building, the temperature zone. Snow load is equal to its weight multiplied by a coefficient depending on the slope of the skate. All these calculations are performed when project.

And if there is no project, and the roof is erected on a small building? It is necessary to look at the construction of the house in the neighborhood, which is performed on the project, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe roof the same with your construction. The slingful system of the two-tie roof will serve as a sample.

Sizes of timber for rafters

At the top point, the horse is stacked, which connects the rafyled. The height of the skate depends on the inclination of the roof. The slope is influenced by the choice of coating material. The minimum dimensions are:

  • for tiled roofs, slate 22 gr.;
  • for metal tile - 14 gr.;
  • ondulin - 6 grams;
  • professional flooring - 12 gr.

Optimum angle of 35-45 gr. Tilt, ensures quick discharge of water and snow. In the regions with strong winds, the roofs make gentle and then the angle of inclination within 20-45 degrees.

It is possible to determine the height by the formula: H \u003d 1 / 2LPR * TGA. Where and the angle of inclination, the L-width of the building.

The task is simplified when using the finished table. The width of the building and angle of inclination depends on the coefficient. Coefficient multiply by 1/2 width of the building.

The rafters are made of pine or spruce bars, with a cross section of 50 × 100 mm, 50 * 150 mm.

The size of the rafter depends on the step. The step of the rafted is less, a larger amount is set, the cross section will decrease. The distance between the rafters near the double roof is in the range from 600 mm to 1800 mm, it all depends on the design of the roof and used for its construction of materials.

Size table rafters, depending on the steps of their installation


slinge, mm.

Distance between rafyles, mm Size section of timber rafal, mm
up to 3000. 1200 80 × 100.
up to 3000. 1800 90 × 100.
up to 4000. 1000 80 × 160.
up to 4000. 1400 80 × 180.
up to 4000. 1800 90 × 180.
up to 6000. 1000 80 × 200.
up to 6000. 1400 100 × 200.

The roof does not end at the level of the walls, it is extended by 500 mm outward. The rafting leg can act, or the board or bar is increasing. In this case, the moisture does not fall on the wall, the foundation does not fill.

Step-by-step installation of the construct of the solo system of the two-tie roof

The soling system of the two-sheet roof consists of the following elements:

  1. Maurylalat.
  2. Lecky.
  3. Racks.
  4. Rafters.
  5. Truck.
  6. Tightening.
  7. Obsek.

Montage Mauerlat.

Maurelata fasteners to a monolithic reinforced concrete belt

Mauerlat distributes uniformly load on the wall walls, its installation can be performed in several ways:

  • attached to the wall through the reinforced concrete belt with studs;
  • studs are inserted into the masonry;
  • a simple and common way for simple roofs, attaching a rod.

For it take a timing with a cross section of 100 × 100 mm, 150 × 150 mm or 200 × 200 mm. What section to choose depends on the size of the roof and its coating. Maurylalat is joined in length, for this, it was made of 100 mm, 500 mm long, fold the bars and grind up with studs.

In the corners, Mauerlat is associated with wrists in the floor of the bar, fasten with brackets or bolts. At wooden buildings, Mauerlat is, the last crown. On brick walls, perform monolithic reinforced concrete belt, cross section 400 × 300 mm. In the belt, set pins with 12 mm thread in diameter, after 120 mm, for fastening.

In Mauerlate, drill holes with a diameter of 12 mm, put it, so that the pins pass into the holes. Top tighten with nuts. Pre-under the bar are placed two layers of rubberoid or roofing. From the outside of the wall, Mauerlat lay a brick. Maurelala stacking to accumulately horizontally and vertically base. You need to check the level horizontal surface. Check diagonal. If necessary, align the lining.

Installation instructions of a drop, racks, rafters, pods and tightening

The device of the rafter system of the two-tie roof is performed in the following order:

  1. Making the installation of Lenzny, with the soaked rafters.
  2. Post the step of installation of the rafter feet.
  3. Prepare on the size of the rack.
  4. Install them if there is a need to detect struts.
  5. Lay a run. Check geometry. Install fasteners.
  6. Tracing the first rafter foot, place the seats of trimming.
  7. Make marking points and set rafters at the beginning and end of the roof, pull the cord between them, in order to align the remaining elements on it.
  8. Having installed a rafter foot, I attach it first to Mauerlat, then to the rone of the skate, to each other.
  9. Fasten to Mauerlat every second leg.

Mounting rafters to Mauerlat is done with the help of wrist, stubborn corners and a stitched reference bar. Strengthen nails or brackets.

Molding methods rafters to Mauerlat

Reference racks set on a litter or lining and lining. Liezer is a 50 × 100 mm or 50 × 150 mm timber, laid on the middle wall on the gasket from the runneroid. Under the lining lay out brick columns, 2 brick height.

The rafting legs are connected to the skate. Consider the common nodes of the connection of the charter system:

  1. They make the cuts from one foot and washed from another. Insert one leg into cut the other and fasten the bolt.
  2. Install overlays, wooden or metal.
  3. With the help of wrinkles, fasten with nails or bolts.

Methods for connecting rafters on the skate

For the stability of the roof to wind loads, set tightening, saws and runs. The tightening is a 100 × 150 mm bar, runs and crackers are performed from a bar of 50 × 150 mm or 100 × 150 mm.

With the installation of fasteners, the reliability of the construction rafters rises. The cross sections of the bar is equally with rafters. To the legs are mounted with bolts or nails. The dysproof device adds the stiffness of the structure. They are installed tight, to the surface of the rafted

The sawn timber has a standard length of 6 m. The rafters may be longer. Then you need to go to them. There are several ways to connect:

  1. Credit, impoverishing the bars from two sides at the place of the joint, connect them with nails in a checker order.
  2. Connect the adoleste, one part of the rafter to another, at a distance of 1 meter, mounted nails in alternating order.
  3. Fulfurgery cut out, cut out the part of the legs of the rafted, connect them, strengthening the bolts.

Cutting device

In terms of rafters, the roof is satisfied. It serves to distribute the load from roofing material, snow on rafal. Plays the role of the air gap between the roof and the rafter system.

The design of the crate depends on the resulting roofing material:

  • under the soft tile, the crate to do solid, the anti-condensate film is stacked on the rafter, the control of the rail is pressed on top, the doomle is nailed, then the OSP plate and the lining carpet, and put the tile on top.
  • under the roof from the profile of the crate to perform sparse. The shaft step depends on the brand of professional flooring, its thickness and angle of inclination of the roof.
  • crane under the standard slate to do with a step of 500 mm from a bar of 75 × 75 mm or 50 × 50, as well as boards from 30 × 100 mm. The features of the roof design should be taken into account when the appropriate option is finalized.

The sawn timber from which the lamp is manufactured is the pine of the first or second variety. It is advisable to take the width of no more than 14 cm. With more width, the boards may be swore and damage roofing flooring. The length of the nails three times should exceed the thickness of the crate. Boards put along the skate. The first board to establish greater thickness to the height of the roofing coating.

A solid crate to arrange a roof on the drill.

The first layer laying along the skate on the board from it at a distance of 500-1000 mm in touch and so on. The second layer to sharpen the crate direction along the rafter. The junction between the boards is arranged only on rafters in the dispersion. The nail is completely completely with the head into the flesh.

Farmery Sve.

It is arranged to protect against atmospheric precipitation, play aesthetic role. Farmers are arranged tightly without cracks. The final stage on the roofing device.

Double Roof Carnaceous Sight Device Scheme


Two-screw roof has two fronton. They have a triangle shape, with the top of the skate and the side sides coincide with the rocks of the roof. Fronton support rafters and protect the attic room. Protect from wind and precipitation, the roof resistance is given.

In wooden buildings, the frontton makes a frame. In brick buildings, frame or brick. Fronttones of brick or gas block, erected earlier roofing devices. Require very accurate performance.

Frame frontones fit into the finished opening when the rafter system is already collected.

Frames make from bars or boards. Frame elements are connected on spikes or in the floor of a tree, fasten all nails. Clean, feeding boards, lining or siding, withsting colorist in the building facade of the building. For the window opening device, an additional framework is made by the window size. If the attic warmed, then the frontone needs to be inspired. The insulation is laid in the middle of the frame. Used mineral wool with reduced flammability insulation. From the outdoor side, the framework is out of the hydro-windproof film or windproof membrane, from the inside, under the finishing material nourishes a steamproof film or a steamproof membrane.

In contact with

In order for the building to be built more than one year, it is necessary for both a reliable foundation and a strong roofing system opposing the weather becoming. The roof should with dignity to withstand heavy loads: strong snowfalls, sharp gusts of wind, abundant shower. The rapid roof system is best suited for this.

Stropyl roof farms and its types

The rapid system is the base of the roof that focuses on the bearing elements of the structure and also serves as a frame for various types of materials for the roof: insulation, waterproofing, various coatings.

The dimensions and construction of the rafter depend on:

  • acquired material;
  • the size of the structure;
  • dimensions of the house;
  • building materials for rafters;
  • individual preferences of the customer;
  • relevant for a certain roof load region.

The rafter system has:

  • cinema - bars, in the perpendicular direction stacked on rafal legs;
  • screeds that perceive stretching efforts;
  • tree racks located in a vertical position;
  • mauerlat - Bar, the installation of which is carried out along the wall, the stopper focus on it;
  • stropile legs are a kind of tree beams that make up the main load of the roof.

Each of the resulting factors is very important because it is necessary to understand what type of the rafter system will be optimally suitable for a particular situation.

When it comes to low-rise buildings, the greatest prevalence is obtained by structures from wood. In many cases, three types of rafter farms are used: hanging rafters, sprinkled rafters and a mixed system of rafters.

Characteristic hanging rafyl

Hanging rafters are the most elementary type of rafter systems, their characteristics:

If the roof of the house of a complex design, the types of rafters can be alternating. For example, in the presence of a support or the middle main wall, they make the installation of spots, and in the absence of such elements - hanging rafters.

Features of the revolving rafalle

For the sling of the rafted, the house must be additionally equipped with a bearing wall located in the middle. Distinguish with sputum rafters on such grounds:

The design of the combined system is the most complicated, since it includes the parts of the two other types of rafted - hanging and the ulissory. It is used for the attic roof. The walls of the rooms that are on the second floor form vertical supports, these supports are and intermediate racks for rafting beams.

Part of the rafter that connects one end of the racks, functions as a rigle for the skates, located on the side, and for the upper part of the design, they are tightened.

At the same time, horizontal bars perform such functions: for the upper rods - Mauerlat, for the side - the ski bar. In order to increase the strength of the roof, the struts are mounted, which connect the side skates and vertical racks.

The combined system of sling in the manufacture of the most complex and time-consuming, but these shortcomings are completely compensated by an increase in the roof carriers in the absence of unnecessary supports, especially when there is a need to overlap significant spans in the building.

It is possible to increase the carrier quality of the roof using a mixed rafter system.

Stropil farms for different types of roofs

During the construction of a certain building, rafter systems of a particular type are necessarily used, and the roof type will fully depend on the project of the future structure.

Stropil Farm for Duscate Roof

The bartal roof is the usual roof construction for residential buildings that have no more than three floors. Preference is given to this design due to the technical characteristics of the inclined form of the rafter system, as well as due to the fact that the installation works are carried out easily and simply.

The composition of the rafter system of the bartal roof includes two rectangular inclined planes. The upper part of the building from the end side resembles a triangle. The main components of the duplex roof are Maurylalat and rafting legs. In order to properly distribute the load on the raps and walls, the struts, rigleels and racks are mounted, due to which you can create a durable, hard, elementary and light design of the structure for a bantal roof.

The bartal roof is considered the simplest system for the roof, use it for residential buildings no more than three floors.

On top of the rafted can be mounted a rarefied inches or solid, and then attach a bitumen coating, tile or any other type of material on it. The rafter and the shelter itself is usually made from bars or boards, which fasten with nails, bolts or connective parts from metal. Metal profiles can be applied as a rafted, thereby overlapping significant spills. It does not need to use extra racks and sores.

The device of the rafter system for a bantal roof allows you to evenly distribute the entire existing load on the perimeter of the building. The lower ends of the system make focus on Maurylalat. They are fixed with fasteners or metal brackets. At the corner of the tilt of bars for rafters, it is possible to determine, at what angle will be touched by the rocks of the roof.

The rafting system for a bartal roof allows you to evenly distribute the load from the roof around the perimeter of the building

Slinge system for holmic roofing

When setting up a system for a holmic roof, a set of different types of rafters will be required:

  • nasi members (shortened);
  • side;
  • walm main;
  • sound (diagonal elements that form a triangle shape).

The rafting legs, located on the side, are made from the board, and they are mounted, they are identical to the details of the traditional pitched roof with a slope or hanging design. Walm main rafters are the sleeves. For these narons, boards or bars are used, fastened not only to Mauerlat, but also to diagonal beams.

To install this type of construction, the angle of inclination is precisely calculated, as well as the cross section of the invoice beams. From the length of the span depend on the size of the parts.

To the hip roofing is not deformed from a strong load, you should accurately calculate the angle of inclination of diagonal beams for rafters

Observe symmetry when installing diagonal beams for rafters, otherwise the roof is deformed from a significant load.

Slinge system for broken roof

The broken roof is a construction of rafters that consist of several separate items. At the same time, they should be located at different angles relative to the horizon. And since the lower lines is almost vertically, the attic room of the building receives an additional area, which can be used as a residential. The device of this type of roof is performed during the construction of a four-orxcade construction of the rafter.

Calculate the four-fold system of rafters need professionals, but it can be done with a bustling broken roof independently, since its installation is very simple. To do this, you need to install a reference frame, which should consist of runs, as well as racks. Horizontal parts are fixed with hanging rafters. But to Mauerlata, the supports of the broken roof with shortened legs rafters are fixed.

The assembly of the rafter for the broken banta roof is under the power to perform and non-professional, since the installation of such a roof is very simple

"Cuckoo" in the rafter farm

The so-called cuckoo on the roof is a small protrusion that is on the attic floor. Here is a window for better lighting of the attic room. The installation of "Cuckoo" is carried out carefully, while controlling the parameters of the entire design: the depth of the mesh, the angle of inclination and other factors. However, before this makes the necessary measurements.

The first stage of work begins with the installation of Mauerlat (a timber with a cross section of 10x10 cm, which is needed for the support of the sling). The rafting system acts as a skeleton for roofing material. To give the structure of stiffness, struts are used, which are mounted between the two legs of the rafted.

After the installation of the rafter farm is completed, the presence of which depends on the purchased roof coating. Mounting dohes is done solid or with a definite step. For her, boards, OSB and plywood sheets are usually used. In addition, the installation of roofing material should be identical throughout the roof.

The main difficulty in the installation of such a system of rafters is the location of the inner angles. Snow can accumulate in these places, and therefore the load will increase, because of which they make a solid doom.

"Cuckoo" on the roof called a small protrusion on the attic floor, under which an additional window is located

Farm rafted roof chalet

The peculiarity of the device of such a design is the removal of visors, as well as the soles outside the home. In addition, there must be rafters and beams for the roof, produced up to three meters from the side of the building. Each of these elements is fixed by the bracket to the wall of the structure at the bottom. Next tied the edges of the beams. They serve as a support for covering the roofing of the structure.

But creating large sinks, it is necessary to install the reinforced belt in parallel with the installation of studs for Mauerlat. It is necessary to make anchors that contribute to console fixing. In this case, the rafter is perfectly fixed by anchors and, moreover, inserts.

To make side eaves, the skiing bar is made, after which the beams are made at the Mauerlaland level, which must be identical length of the skate. The design of the design details is based on the farm, and in the future - building material for the roof.

When designing the structure, the roofing angle is calculated based on the characteristics of the local climate and other factors. At the corner of the skate, about 45 o do not take into account the load from snow, because at this option it will not be delayed on the roof. At the same time, the canopy roof will endure the burden of snow, but it is necessary to do the installation of a reinforced rafter farm. Before installing the roofing chalet, a building is prepared, because the originality of the roof itself, as well as long eaves and its sinks obliges to this.

For the roof in the style of the chalet, visors made a few meters beyond the house

Stropil Farm Designed for Soft Blood

The soft roof is made in various ways, however, there are general characteristics in technological methods. Initially, it is necessary to prepare. Having placed the root for the house of foam concrete or other material, first install Mauerlat, then in the upper crowns of the building produce a word under the ceiling beams in a step of up to one meter. The distance between the boards is calculated based on the type of rafter design.

  1. Mount individual parts of the rafter system. In order to completely exclude the risk, the planks of the rafter legs on the ground are attached with screws. After creating a rafter farm, it is raised to the top of the building.
  2. All elements of rafters are fixed with ceiling overlap, internal boards, diges, as well as rigels. Next, this base for the roof will become a single whole design.
  3. The next stage is a doomer, which is installed under a soft roof with small gaps or without any. Not more than 1 cm are allowed. Quite often on top of the boards, installation of aligning plywood is made. Her sheets are steel according to the brickwork method. The resulting joints are not combined with gaps between plywood and board.

If the lengths of the boards do not have enough doomes, the keys must be placed in different places. In this way, you can correctly distribute the sections that were weakened.

Independent manufacture of the rafter system

Before the installation of the rafter system is started, to the longitudinal walls it is necessary to fasten Maurylates anchors. Next, you need to decide on the desired cross section of the legs for rafters, depending on the distance and their length. If there is a need to increase the length of the rafters, then connect them with various mounting elements.

When using various insulation, you need to select the perfect distance between the rafted elements in order to reduce the amount of heat insulation trimming.

Installation of the rafter system must be performed in this order:

  1. A template is made for which a farm is going. Two boards are taken, corresponding to the length of the rafted, and are connected to each other with the edge of the edge of the nail.

    The template for rafters called "Scissors" will help quickly collect the entire roofing system

  2. It turns out the design called "Scissors". Her free edges are put on the supports in the places of contact of the rafter feet. As a result, a final angle should be turned out, that is, the angle under which the shelter's skate will be tilted. It is fixed with several long nails and transverse boards.
  3. The second template is made, thanks to which the installation of marbles on rafters is performed. It is made of plywood.
  4. Special mounting is cut on the rafters (used for these purposes a prepared pattern) and connect them at the angle of inclination. There should be a triangle rising to the roof along the stairs. Next, it must be attached to Mauerlat.
  5. Initially two lateral frontal rafters are mounted. The correct installation in the vertical and horizontal plane occurs due to the time ducts attached to the rafters.

    For the correct installation of the entire rafter system, the first pair of rafters on the roof is installed

  6. Cord stretches between these vertices of the rafted. He will indicate the future rustle and the level of other rafters located in the interval.
  7. The remaining rafters at the originally calculated distance, which should be at least 60 cm from each other.
  8. If the cumbersome construction of the rafter is envisaged, then it is additionally strengthened with pins, pouiffs, and so on.

    The cumbersome construction of the rafter is additionally strengthened by pins and backways

  9. On special supports, the ski bar is installed, to which not only short, but also diagonal, and intermediate elements of the rafter are fixed.

    Proper mounting of the skate timber ensures the reliability of the entire system of rafters

Typical nodes of the standard rafter system

The strength of the construction of the rafter depends on the perfectly selected cross section of the boards, as well as from the high quality of the rafter nodes. The connection of parts for the roof design is made according to the established rules.

Main typical nodes in the rafter system:

  • support node rafted on Mauerlat;
  • skidding;
  • node for combining the upper tightening and the entire rafter system;
  • fixing pan, racks, as well as rafters and beams.

After the design of the rafter system was chosen, it is necessary to make a plan in which all the nodes are highlighted. In each design, they are made in different ways, since it depends on different nuances: the type of roof, its size, angle of inclination.

The rafter from the profile pipe is a metal structure that is assembled using lattice rods. The production of such farms is a very time-consuming process, however more economical. For the manufacture of rafters, pair material is used, and the jacks are connecting elements. The design of the rafter from profile pipes is assembled on Earth, and clans or welding are used.

Thanks to such systems, any spills overlap, but it is necessary to produce the right calculation. Provided that all welding work will be made qualitatively, in the future it remains only to transfer the design elements to the top of the building and collect them. Bearing rafters from the profile pipe have many advantages, such as:

Rigel in the rafter system

Rigel is a fairly broad concept, however, in the case of roofs, it has a definite meaning. Rigel is a horizontal bar that binds rafters. Such an element does not give the roof "Space". It is made of wood, reinforced concrete, and metal - everything depends on the type of structure. And serves a beam for the load distribution, which the rafter system has.

It can be secured in a variety of places between the legs of the sling. There is a straight pattern - if the rigl is fixed above, the bar for its installation must be selected with a large cross section.

The methods of fixing the riglel to the rafter system set:

  • bolts;
  • nuts;
  • stiles with washers;
  • special fasteners;
  • nails;
  • mixed fasteners when different types of fasteners are used in parallel.

Fastening exists with insert or overhead. In general, the rigleel is a calculated node, as, however, the entire roof sling system.

Rigel in the rafter system is designed to enhance the design of the roof

Fastening the rafter system

To ensure reliability of the system, the rafter should be initially found out how they are fastening with supporting roofs and a skate. If the mount is made to prevent the roof deformation during the shrinkage of the house, then the hinge plate is fixed on top of the rafter or a bolt with a bolt with a sliding support from below.

Hanging rafters need a more dense and reliable fastening of the skate, so in this case you can apply:

  • overhead metal or wooden plates;
  • wide method;
  • connection with long nails.

In the rolling system, the rafting legs are not connected, as they are attached to the skate run.

The attachment of the rafter to Mauerlat occurs by deforestation, which is done in the rafter foot. Thanks to this method of fastening, the roof support will not weaken. Cutting is also done when installing rafters on the beam overlap. In this case, the cut is made in the support beam.

Video: how to make rafters do it yourself

Thus, the perfectly selected system of rafters and their design features will help create the basis for the reliable roof for your home.

A row roof due to a simple, reliable and presentable design has been popular for many years. Depending on the magnitude of the slope, it is used in the regions with different amounts of precipitation. The slinging system of the bone roof provides a natural slightness of precipitation.

  1. Symmetric - both skates have the same length and mounted at one angle. Such a roof is a chain triangle with a stupid or sharp angle.
  2. The broken roof is created to accommodate the attic room, its rafter system implies a complex, two-level construction.
  3. Various corners of the skates are an original design, emphasizing the unusual architecture of the house.

The value of the angle of inclination

The angle of inclination is selected after analyzing several indicators: the type of roofing, the amount of precipitation, wind load. For regions with abundant precipitates, a small corner of the skates is recommended, but not less than 5 degrees. On a steep surface, snow masses are not delayed. Side roofs with a stupid angle of skates are suitable for windy climate.

The rafting system of the bone roof must comply with the adopted safety standards and to be built according to standards.

Systems of Stropil

The bearing elements and rafters take over the load from the external strength and redistribute it on the walls of the building. The strength of the whole roof depends on their reliability. When building a construction, two systems of the device rafters are used:

  • Hanging - rafting legs have two points of support on the walls of the building. They experience the load on compression and bending. With a distance of a span in excess of 8 meters, the installation of a grandmother with pins is required. To reduce the impact of rafted on the wall of the building, they are connected by a tightening.
  • Current - these bars have a support on an inner wall or a special design.

If it is impossible to use one of the systems in pure form, resort to a hybrid design that allows you to alternate the hanging and sprinkled rafters.

The device of the rapid system of the bone roof allows you to carry out calculations yourself, based on the knowledge of the geometry. To calculate the design area you need to set the length of the skate. The amount of the required material depends on the angle of inclination. The sharp angle saves, but at the same time the attic space is minimized.

The height of the skate, the length of the rafted and the area of \u200b\u200bthe roof is calculated using geometric formulas. For clarity will suit scheme at home. Example - Take an angle of inclination of the slope of 45 degrees, the width of the house (the base of an in-beamed triangle) is 6 m, length - 10 m.

First divide the triangle in half a height, lowered from the top corner. It turns out two rectangular triangles, and one of their cathets is the desired height of the roof. The height divides an equally chaired triangle in half, which means one or 3 m. The second is calculated by the formula:

3 × TG 45 0 \u003d 3 m.

Knowing catts, according to the Pythagora theorem, calculate the hypotenuse, which is a rafter:

3 2 + 3 2 \u003d x 2.

The length of the rafter will be equal to square root from 18, approximately 4, 25

The number of rafters is calculated by dividing the total length per step (0.6 m):

10: 0.6 \u003d 16.6 - This value must be double.

The area is calculated by moving the length of the skate and at home and, multiplying the value to 2:

4.25 × 10 × 2 \u003d 85 m 2.

The carrier base for the roof is Mauerlat - a durable timber with a cross section of 150 × 150 mm from treated coniferous wood. Its fastening is performed on an anchor closed in the upper row of masonry. They must rise by 2-3 cm above the timber to provide a place to twist the nut. Under Mauerlat, a layer of rubberoid for protection against moisture is laid. A transverse bar is stacked between the walls, fastening Mauerlat and leaving from longitudinal loads. To maintain the skate, they laid a special bar along the skate - a litter, with a cross section of Mauerlat. With a significant width of the building, installation of runs is required.

The cross section of the rafter is due to a step and length of the rafting element, usually this boards 50 × 150 mm. Stropile farms are easier to collect on Earth and ready to serve on the roof. For the template there are two boards, equal to the length of the rafters, and are connected by a nail. Free ends are placed on supports, the resulting angle fix the crossbar. Places and form of marbles are noted using a second template made of plywood. The bars are fastened under the desired corner of the bolts, they are taken on them, and after the farm raise up to the edge.

The first rafters are installed on the frontions. To Mauerlat they are attached with the help of corners or brackets. The first farms are set strictly by level. Between them stretch the cord, which is a reference point for the installation of other elements.

In order to give sufficient stiffness of the entire design to the rapid foot, the pins and riglets are attached. The ski run is attached to bolts to each rafter farm. This connecting element should be made from a solid timber.

With a significant width of the building, the installation of runs is necessary, this is a horizontal timber in size of 50 × 150 mm, which supports rafters. For its installation, vertical racks based on a litter are installed. These elements will be the basis of a frame for an attic room.

To avoid flowing water onto the walls, it is necessary to envisage Sve, for this rafter makes 330 cm hanging or attach additional boards "Film".

A doomle is hampered on ready-made rafters, for each roofing material, the desired step is selected, solid flooring is performed for bitumen tiles. Insulation of the roof is an important part of construction. It is possible to reduce to a minimum of heat loss, in competently laying insulation. To do this, the basalt wool is taken, the width of the material is equal to the step between the rafters, which allows you to quickly and reliably perform insulation. Provide reliable protection of the roof from moisture will help to lay waterproofing.

The symmetric model of the bartal roof is the easiest in the construction and reliable when operating the option. The load in the rafter system is distributed evenly, which allows you to extend the construction service time. Visual video lessons will help learn the subtleties.


In this video, it is explained how to build a rapid system of a bone roof:

In this video, you can see the rafter system using the example of one bone roof: