Repair Design Furniture

What is Andulin. Ondulin: what is it, the advantages of roofing ondulin flooring, the scope of the material. What is ondulin, composition

Not everyone can answer the question "What is ondulin?" Someone generally refers it to the construction field, someone knows that it is roofing material, and someone hears this word for the first time.

Ondulin - material High Quality with a host of advantages for roofing, which is characterized by a number of subtleties and properties. This article will reveal all the secrets of using ondulin, methods of its installation and technical characteristics.

General information about ondulina

Ondulin is a durable roofing material. The guarantee for it is issued directly by the manufacturers for a period of 15 years (in fact, it can last up to 50 years).

The sheets of material do not contain asbestos, the presence of which is typical for slate. This is noted because it is very harmful to human health, in contrast to ondulin - an environmentally friendly material. It is quite resistant to various weather conditions: it will endure both extreme heat and severe frosts.

In addition, ondulin is able to withstand a large weight of snow, but on condition that a special crate is correctly arranged.

According to scientists who conducted experiments on ondulin, it is able to withstand a hurricane at a speed of about 53 m / s, which cannot be said about other types of roofing materials.

Advantages of ondulin in roofing

The ondulin coating has the following advantages:

  • low level of water absorption;
  • high percentage of resistance to weather conditions;
  • resistance to the biological influence of fungi and other microorganisms;
  • resistance to contact with alkali, acid, gases, etc .;
  • high environmental friendliness;
  • ease of cutting, preservation of the integrity of the material when hammering nails;
  • large range of colors;
  • durability in use.

If we compare the technology of installation and repair of this material with slate, then they are almost the same. The difference lies only in some characteristics and compositions.

So, ondulin consists of profiled waste in the cardboard industry, which are saturated with bitumen.

Most often, ondulin can be found in the following colors with an element of matte:

  • brown in various shades;
  • red of different tones;
  • green of all sorts of shades;
  • matte black in various colors.

It is worth noting that earlier this material was used in the reconstruction of existing roofs, but today it has acquired self-sufficiency and has become a separate option for overlapping roofs.

Composition, production technology, TX and FMH ondulin

In the manufacture of ondulin, waste paper, mineral components, bitumen are used. Before making sheets, raw materials are checked for full compliance with the established requirements.

The production of ondulin sheets is carried out in several stages:

  1. Waste paper is cleaned of debris, and paper pulp (pulp) is harvested from it, which in the future will form the basis of the sheet.
  2. The pulp is sent to a conveyor belt to wavy and dry.
  3. The resulting dry fabric is cut lengthwise and sent to the impregnation department. Here, at high temperature and pressure, the sheets are completely impregnated with bitumen, and then they are neatly stacked on pallets.
  4. The formed sheets are stacked, wrapped with heat-shrinkable film in order to exclude various mechanical damages during delivery to retail outlets.

In a section and a more detailed examination of ondulin, you can see:

  • cellulose fibers;
  • bitumen that has been cleaned at a deep level;
  • mineral based filler;
  • resin with hardening properties.

TX sheet of ondulin:

  • length - 200 cm;
  • width - 95 cm;
  • thickness - 0.3 cm;
  • height - 3.6 cm;
  • weight - 6.5 kg.

FMH of the ondulin sheet:

  • destruction load - 960 kg per 1 sq. m .;
  • the minimum modulus of elasticity is 3.940, the maximum is 8.160 kgf per 1 square meter;
  • the level of thermal conductivity at +35 degrees - 0.19 Kcal / mch0C, at +40 degrees - 0.2 Kcal / mchoC, at +50 degrees - 0.195 Kcal / mchoC;
  • thermal resistance indicator is up to +110 degrees;
  • noise insulation of the material - 40 dB.

In addition, ondulin is able to withstand 25 repetitions of freezing / thawing and at the same time does not change at all in appearance, maintain the integrity of its structure.

Where is ondulin used

Ondulin sheets of undulating shapes are most often used to cover cottages and private houses. The explanation for this is the extraordinary lightness of the material, which allows not only covering new roofs, but also laying them over slate or metal.

At the same time, the roof rafter system is almost not burdened with overload.

On the "crest" of the war years. Ondulin went on sale after World War II. Material created by Gaston Gromier. The Frenchman took into account that Europe is in ruins, and there is a minimum of money for reconstruction.

This prompted to organize production of ondulin... In Russia, the company's plant appeared in 1994, after 50 years of work in Europe. It is in its third decade, and the company continues to work in the Nizhny Novgorod region.

This is an indicator of the success of the building material. Savings combined with decent quality are always in demand, not only in the post-war years. This is the foresight of Gaston Gromier's idea.

Initially, his company was called OFIC SA. Later, given the success of the main product, the company was renamed Onduline. It's time to find out what kind of material this is.

What is ondulin?

Ondulin in the photo similar to slate. The same corrugated sheets. Difference in composition. Concrete and asbestos - this is what the classic slate. Ondulin- cellulose with mineral impregnation and bitumen coating.

That is, at the heart of both products natural materials... Concrete is composed of sand and crushed gravel. Sometimes rubbed brick and limestone are added to the mixture. From chemistry - only plasticizers.

These are binding agents that improve the properties of concrete. However, they are rarely used for slate. Here the concrete, as they say, is in its original form.

Asbestos in concrete slate is also a stone. It belongs to the silicate class, that is, it contains silicon oxide. In the periodic table, the element is called silicium. In asbestos, silicon with oxygen is drawn into filamentary fibers.

A number of silicates have this structure. They are all varieties of asbestos. Eat with toxic additives, for example, amphiboles. But, they are mined mainly in Australia, the USA and Europe. There are more deposits of chrysolite asbestos in Russia.

Its harm is associated exclusively with the structure. Fibers make slate stronger, but when the material breaks, they can fly into the air and fall into the lungs. It irritates the respiratory tract.

The smallest needles scratch the tracheal walls, causing scarring. But, for this you need to constantly be near decrepit, broken roofing material, or in the production of asbestos raw materials. Dust is blown into the air when cutting slate.

Now, consider the composition of the hero of the article. Ondulin roof made on the basis of wood fibers. It is from them that cellulose is obtained. It is a natural polymer of glucose, born during photosynthesis.

This is the basis of the paper, and the latter is the main component of ondulin. For its production, they buy waste paper. The mineral mixture added to ondulin does not contain asbestos.

The move intends to eliminate consumers' fears for their health. Upper layer European slate - resin. They are obtained by chemical synthesis. There are natural analogues left over from oil production.

Installation of an ondulin roof

But, they are polluted. Cleaning takes a lot of time and money. A mixture of resins in construction is called bitumen. Why is it needed in ondulin and what properties does European slate have? Let's figure it out.

Properties of ondulin

Properties of ondulin are determined by the composition and, in many respects, go as opposed to conventional slate. The latter is solid due to the cement-stone base. However, this also causes the brittleness of the coating.

Remember the crackle when you step on a regular slate? Ondulin leaf due to the paper base it is flexible and pliable. Cellulose also makes the material soft. This makes it easier installation of ondulin.

Classic slate is cut with a grinder, preferably with diamond disc... Will do the same electric jigsaw... Even a clerical knife divides the European coating.

Correct laying ondulin coupled with its flexibility and pliability allow the coating to withstand wind gusts up to 192 kilometers per hour. This is a stormy, hurricane indicator.

Besides, best ondulin withstands the severity of snow drifts. Such, usually, are in mild winters... In severe frosts, snow is usually in short supply. The crackling cold makes the ondulin crack. In cold weather, it becomes brittle than usual, it can crack.

The fragility of the usual slate complicates not only its operation, but also its transportation. Ondulin is transported without damage. Plus, cellulose makes the sheets lightweight.

Easy and color matching. Concrete is more difficult to paint than paper and resins. The latter are given any shades. Eventually, roof of ondulin suitable for the aesthetics of the structure.

However, cellulose is water permeable. In order to exclude leaks, a resin coating is used. However, bitumen happens of different quality, since it includes hydrocarbons of a different plan.

These are paraffins, asphaltenes, and oily fractions. The abundance of asphaltenes, for example, increases the softening point of resins. This is true for bitumen, because it can flow around the chimney. But, at the same time, the abundance of the solid fraction increases the brittleness of the coating.

The Onduline factories have found the optimal "formulation" of the resin coating ondulina. Shingles withstands temperatures over 100 degrees. However, at 250, soft slate can ignite.

Both paper and resins are flammable. Under normal conditions, critical roof temperatures do not occur. But, for example, in the event of a fire, ondulin will throw “wood into the fire”. If you work with ordinary slate, it will not ignite, but it can explode. The danger lies in small fragments, scattering like a grenade.

The low resistance of ondulin to high temperatures limits its use in kindergartens, schools and other social facilities. If the customers give the go-ahead for the euro slate, they require it to be divided into autonomous segments during installation. For this, special dividers are sold. They will increase the estimate, but they will allow you to localize fires in time.

Moss often appears on concrete slate. In the pores of the sheets, the earth is clogged. Moisture does not seep through the slate, so the grains of sand are often damp. This is an ideal environment for moss, especially if the concrete sheets are placed in the shade.

There are almost no pores in the resin coating of ondulin. Hydrocarbons cannot be the “soil” for moss. Therefore, European slate retains its aesthetics longer. The warranty is given for 15 years. At the same time, the real service life is up to 50. In part, the persistence is due to the chemical inertness of ondulin.

Standard dimensions of ondulin- 0.3 by 94, 200 centimeters. However, they also produce square sheets. The classic weighs 6 kilos. Analogs, made due to the demand for the original, weigh 9 kilos and have 9 waves instead of 10 on a standard sheet. Copies rarely match the quality of Onduline products.

Ordinary slate is heavier than even replicas of factory ondulin. But in terms of sound insulation, the usual and European coatings are equal. As for the ability to retain heat, it is higher in ondulina.

What to lay under euro slate? Firstly, you need to withstand more frequent lathing than when working with ordinary sheets. The flexibility of the ondulin contributes to its failure, more points of support are needed.

The lathing can be either wooden or metal. In the latter case, the ondulin is fastened with self-tapping screws, and in the first case, with nails for euro slate. The wide caps of the latter are equipped with a seal.

It excludes the penetration of moisture into the roof. If the ondulin is of high quality and correctly laid, it is able to withstand 940 kilograms / force for each square meter... The elasticity of the material reaches 8 kilos per square.

Types of ondulin

Onduline has 3 types of coverage. The classic is said. There is also onduvilla. This covering is made in the form of tiles. It differs from ordinary sheets colors, profile and dimensions. The standard of the latter: - 100 by 40 centimeters. The width of the tiles is the same as that of the familiar ondulin.

Painting onduvilla gives a 3D effect. Due to it, the coating looks more prominent and more expensive. Euroslate, in principle, costs more than usual. This is partly due to the breadth of choice of forms. Have concrete sheets there is no subclass of shingles.

Since 2010, Nulin has been included in Onduline's products. The European company has bought out the main shareholding American company... Its products are - large sheets with 10th and 8th waves.

The first ones weigh 10 kilograms and measure 200 by 122 centimeters. The 8-wave Nulin weighs a little less than 7 kilos and measures 200 by 102 centimeters. At the same time, the warranty for products manufactured in the USA is 25, not 15 years.

Other coatings offered by the market are not related to Onduline. Often, entrepreneurs try to sell waterproofing sheets under the guise of the famous slate, which are not intended for the final roofing.

In general, you need to keep your ears open. It is advisable to order material from the manufacturer. If the purchase is carried out through a dealer, it is not out of place to ask for a quality certificate for the product. Onduline products have a branded barcode on the edges of the roofing plates. It also helps trace the original soft slate.

The use of ondulin

Ondulin is a popular roofing material for private construction. The plant in the Nizhny Novgorod region produces about 30,000,000 square meters of euro slate per year. Approximately 100,000 small residential buildings can be covered. But, buy ondulin strive for gazebos, outbuildings, shops.

When deciding, for example, what better ondulin or metal tiles, many people opt for the former because of the possibility of laying soft slate over the old roof. In addition, the roof configuration is taken into account.

With an abundance of bends, the plasticity of ondulin is useful. This is especially important when self-assembly roofs. Euroslate does not require special skills. The material is taken by those who expect to make construction or repair on their own. The same metal tile requires professionals in laying hands.

In multi-storey construction, euro-slate is used, as a rule, only when renovating roofs. In a programme overhaul such projects will most likely meet, since they are attractive in price and easy to execute, mainly due to the same installation on a worn-out roof.

The additional covering is so light that it does not significantly increase the load on the roof. However, it is worth considering the pressure in winter period... Ondulin is rough, which prevents the drifts from slipping. You will often have to free the roof from their mass.

As a rule, it is not difficult for private traders to try for themselves. In apartment buildings, as a rule, housing and communal companies are engaged in roof cleaning. Their labor costs to maintain high-rise buildings in order are rare.

Price and reviews about ondulin

Price per sheet of ondulin depends on the size, color. Roof tiles are sold by square meters. One costs 230-250 rubles, if taken from the manufacturer. It is difficult to predict how dealers will cheat.

If you take soft slate in sheets, they will ask for a standard one from 400 to 470 rubles. As you can see, the cost of the coating is much higher than that of the classic slate. In addition, 20 nails are needed for each sheet of ondulin.

It is worth taking with a margin, since the consumable is lost, bent. However, it is better to talk with the consumers of the euro slate about working with the material and the impression about it. I can't do it in real life? Welcome to the vastness of the web. Let's study the reviews here.

Ondulin - what is it? Many, even those who are far from the construction industry, have probably heard this word. Someone knows that this is a building material, and someone knows that it is a material for roofing. However, not every professional builder knows about all the intricacies and properties of this material, even those who are faced with its installation every day.

Today we will try to fill this gap and talk about ondulina and everything connected with it in as much detail as possible.

Ondulin - what is it? This is a very durable material for roofing, the manufacturer's warranty for which is 15 years, although in practice the service life reaches up to half a century.

The material has passed mandatory certification and received a hygienic certificate and a fire certificate.

Ondulin roofing is very resistant to different kinds climatic conditions, it is able to withstand both extreme heat and severe frosts.

In addition, the material does an excellent job with significant snow load subject to a properly arranged lathing.

According to scientists from the United States and Great Britain, who tested the ondulin roof, it is able to withstand hurricane winds of up to 53 m / s, unlike other types of roofing.

Advantages of roof decking made of ondulin sheets

Ondulin coating has the following undeniable advantages:

  • Low water absorption, which allows not to let even a small amount of moisture into the under-roof space, and also prevents the destruction of the structure of the sheets with a subsequent decrease in temperature below zero.
  • Good weather resistance. The material is not afraid of rain, snow, hail, wind, or other climatic influences.
  • High resistance to biological effects on the leaf surface of fungi, bacteria and other types of microorganisms.
  • Resistance to contact with acids, alkalis, industrial gases and other chemical compounds.
  • Environmental friendliness. The water flowing down from the ondulin roof is suitable for watering plants and drinking animals.

And although Andulin is also called Euroslate, it has a rather indirect relationship to the latter. It is easy enough to cut, does not crack when hammering in nails, has a wide selection of colors, is beautiful and elegant, and also durable.

Advice! If the coating has lost its richness after decades of use, you can try to paint it. However, before painting ondulin with acrylic, vinyl or epoxy vinyl paints, it is necessary to prepare and prime the surface of the coating well.

The technology of both installation and repair of ondulin is somewhat similar to slate, the difference is only in the characteristics and composition of materials.

The composition of ondulin includes profiled waste of cardboard production, highly saturated with bitumen.

V Lately it has become a self-sufficient roofing material, although it was originally created as a material for the reconstruction of existing roofs. The main colors of ondulin are matte shades of brown, red, green and black.

The composition of ondulin, its production technology, technical and physical and mechanical characteristics

Now let's look at how and from what ondulin is made. For the manufacture of ondulin roofing sheets, waste paper, bitumen and mineral components are used.

Before starting production, the raw materials included in composition of ondulin, are checked for compliance with all the requirements.

At the first, so-called "wet" stage, paper pulp is harvested from waste paper cleared of garbage - pulp, which will serve as the basis of the ondulin sheet in the future. In the second, drying stage, the pulp is sent to a conveyor, which gives it a wavy shape and dries it.

The dry sheet is cut to length, after which it is sent to a special impregnation department, in which, under the influence of high temperature and pressure, the dried sheets are completely impregnated with bitumen, and then stacked on pallets.

Ondulin: what is this material made of?

Impregnation with bitumen after painting the material has crucial, since this is precisely one of the main differences between ondulin and analogs - with the help of bitumen, sheets are protected from loss of color.

The final stage in the creation of ondulin is packaging - the sheets are stacked and protected by wrapping the pallet with heat-shrinkable film to prevent mechanical damage to the material before it is delivered to retail outlets.

Conveyor capacity is 1 sheet in 4 seconds. The complete sheet production cycle takes approximately 45 minutes from the moment the pulp enters the conveyor until the sheet is placed on a pallet.

If we consider ondulin in more detail, the composition of the material is as follows:

  • Cellulose fibers.
  • Deeply purified bitumen.
  • Mineral filler.
  • Hardening resin.

Now let's consider what technical parameters the ondulin sheet has:

  • Sheet length - 2000 mm.
  • Width - 950 mm.
  • The total thickness is 3 mm.
  • Wave height - 36 mm.

In addition, ondulin - the sheet weight of which is 6.5 kg, is one of the lightest roofing coatings.

  • The breaking load is 960 kgf / sq. M., And it is not the roofing sheet that is destroyed, but the base (lathing and rafter system).
  • The minimum modulus of elasticity of ondulin is 3.940, the maximum is 8.160 kgf / sq.
  • Thermal conductivity at a temperature of 35 degrees - 0.19 Kcal / mh o C, at 40 degrees 0.20 Kcal / mh o C, at 50 degrees - 0.195 Kcal / mh o C.
  • Thermal resistance of the sheet is up to 110 degrees. At the same time, the roofing material does not lose its properties, retains its elasticity and shape.
  • The sound insulation value of ondulin is 40 dB.
  • The material withstands 25 freeze and thaw cycles in water without change appearance and maintaining the integrity of its structure.

Applications of ondulin

Wavy ondulin sheets are widely used for covering cottages and private houses. Since the material is very light, it is convenient to use it to overlap old roofs even over metal and slate.

In this case, the additional load on rafter system practically no roof is created.

By using this system, there is no need to open indoor spaces and in putting them at risk of exposure to atmospheric influences.

Advice! Ondulin should be chosen from the official distributors of the company of the same name, since they will be able to offer the whole range of funds required to cover the roof.

The aesthetic appearance, ease of installation and flexibility made ondulin quite popular when covering roofs, trade pavilions, cafes, various sheds, canopies and other similar buildings and elements.

A lightweight roof for commercial prefabricated structures is the way to go.

Ondulin sheets also bend well along the wave. If the radius of curvature of the curved plane is 5m or more, sheets of material can be safely used to cover it.

For fans of the appearance of shingles who do not accept extra costs, with the help of ondulin and special technology styling can be created like this soft tiles ondulin, surprisingly similar to the real tile floor.

To do this, sheets of ondulin are sawn into strips 50 cm in length and placed on a crate, the pitch of which is 30 cm.

The ondulin system of ondulin sheets is a method of using the material as a backing for tiles. Such a substrate makes the flooring of the tiles more technological, while the risk of leakage is significantly reduced.

Ondulin sheets are used not only for roofing, but also as cladding of vertical surfaces, for example, to create fences or a waterproof screen.

Now you know what ondulin is, how it can be used and what advantages it has.

Almost no one has any doubts about prof. the suitability of this material as a roof, and we are sure that you, having tested this material in practice, will not be an exception.

For its external resemblance to asbestos-cement slate, ondulin for roofing is often called bituminous euro-slate. However, these materials differ significantly in terms of operational characteristics, palette of colors and composition. Sheets of this material are more competitors to metal tiles. It is their owners of private houses that are most often compared when choosing a building material for roofing. They are more similar in color solutions and the price.

What is ondulin?

Ondulin was created in France (Europe) at the ONDUliNE firm. It is customary to refer to it as environmentally friendly organic building materials... This cheap roofing is based on conventional cellulose. But so that it does not get wet under the precipitation on the roof, the canvas pressed from it is treated with bitumen impregnation.

The composition for roofing includes:

    Cellulose (paper).

    Mineral filler.

    Bitumen with polymer resins.


In production, cellulose is pressed into plates with a thickness of 2-3 mm and to give waves the right size corrugated. Then it is impregnated with a mixture of bitumen with pigment additives. The output is a corrugated sheet that looks like slate or metal with a wave-shaped profile.

Sectional view

Specifications are as follows:

Physical and mechanical characteristics table

The considered roofing material is resistant to alkalis, oil products and acids. It can easily withstand a column of snow of 2.5-3 meters and heavy showers. Manufacturers claim a warranty period of 15 years, but in fact, ondulin can last up to half a century after being laid on the roof of a cottage or household. It has excellent water resistance, but frankly poor performance in terms of resistance to fire (included in the last highly flammable group of building materials).

Be careful - the material is poorly resistant to fire

When burning, ondulin releases toxic substances and strong smoke. But it can ignite on roofs from sparks or flying coals only where the flame is able to reach the cellulose - in damaged places or from the end of the sheet. The surface of the latter is impregnated with fire retardants. It will flare up only if it turns out to be red-hot up to 200-230 C.

Sheet dimensions

All sheets produced in Russia by the ONDUliNE concern have standard standard sizes in 2000 x 960 mm or 2000 x 760 mm. Their thickness is 3 mm, the wave height is 36, and the number of waves is 10 or 8. Other sizes of onduline roof coverings are not manufactured at domestic factories. However, in the USA and Europe, some manufacturers make them 1–1.22 meters wide.

Sheet dimensions

Standardized sheet sizes simplify the calculation of the roof, its installation and the purchase of material. Laying flexible slabs less than two square meters can be handled by one person. Sailability and weight are minimal. The waves are also of the same size in all cases. The best roofing building material for the roof in terms of lightness and ease of installation can not be found.

Advantages and disadvantages

Ondulin for the roof has a lot of advantages, among which are:

To cut ondulin sheets, it is enough to have a hacksaw in your hands for wood. For the price - slate is 30–40% cheaper than its bitumen counterpart, but contains harmful asbestos. At the same time, it is comparable in cost to a sheet with metal roof tiles, but it is easier to install.

Among the disadvantages of an onduline roof, it is worth noting:

Often, cottage owners mention as a minus that paper-bitumen ondulin is too soft. Roofs with it allegedly are not able to withstand snow and even a person, and it is better to choose a more expensive and durable metal sheet. But here the question is more about the correct execution of the crate. Its step under the roof should be less than 0.6 meters, otherwise the covering will necessarily bend. Whereas it can be laid on a crate with a large distance between the slats.

Make the crate correctly

Which is better: ondulin or metal?

Compare 2 materials

When choosing "ondulin or metal tiles", it is necessary to focus on the capabilities of the wallet, then in what conditions the roof and the shape of the latter will be used. At a price per square meter, such a roof, taking into account the installation costs, is comparable to a metal roof.

The material itself is cheaper than metal. However, the shape of the waves and the size of the sheet are such that as a result of cutting, there are fewer scraps. Plus self-tapping screws per square meter of onduline coating will require much more than for corrugated board.

As a result, the cost of the roof in both cases is approximately the same.

In terms of service life, the professional sheet wins - 30-50 years versus 10-15 years. But much depends on the quality protective coating metal tiles. The more durable it is, the more expensive the professional sheet will cost. The situation is similar with fire resistance. Thin profiled sheet, comparable in price with ondulin, from impact open fire burns out as quickly as bitumen-paper coating. A thicker a good option and is more expensive.

More significantly, the metal tile differs from the ondulin competitor in terms of strength. The roof of the former tolerates frost, heat and precipitation better. But it is easier to cut, any complex curved roof can be covered with it. And a metal profiled sheet is not always possible to bend at the right angle.

The use of ondulin

It is enough to look at the photo of the varieties of roofs of houses that are covered with ondulin to understand - more universal material for roofing works can not found. They can cover any bends and corners. And you do not have to throw away the numerous scraps resulting from the need to impose exactly wave on wave. However, if the roof is single-pitched without exotic visors and turrets, then it is better to prefer metal tiles or less expensive slate.

It costs about 400-500 rubles / m2. The sheets are marked for special roof fasteners that are included with each package of this material. Everything is calculated in advance, the consumption of nails for this roof is 20 pieces / sheet. She does not need special care. The rains themselves will wash everything. If the technology is observed, ondulin will last 30-40 years. But if the installation is done unprofessionally, then it will have to be changed in 3-4 years.

The material is perfect for difficult roofs

With it, you can provide roofs with a light radius

Old slate houses are best replaced with onduline flooring.

Ondulin dark Green colour

An old house with such a roof does not look quite old.

Gable roof with red version

A neat house with a dark burgundy coating

A roof made of this material can be either under a sharp or gentle slope.

Baths are often covered with it.

Dark red looks good with brick

Also, this option is suitable for white walls.

Leftover material can also be used for small outbuildings

Looks good with a wooden house

Small bath

Steep slope roof

Most often, owners choose red. But the green version also looks great.

Another option for green with red walls

For these buildings, 3 types of roofs were used

The red version with yellow walls also looks great.

Construction does not stand still and all materials are being improved every now and then, or newer and more reliable ones appear. Ondulin has recently become one of these new materials. It does not hit the pocket hard, is easy to install and durable. This is not the whole list of its benefits. But will he be able to fight back bad weather and will he catch fire? Don't worry, I'll tell you everything now.

Features of ondulin

As you probably could already understand, ondulin is a fairly convenient roofing material. Even a beginner in the construction industry can work with it. But convenience is not its most important positive traits... It is inexpensive, practical and very reliable. And the slate is reliable, you say, but I will give you a couple of advantages of this type of roof, and you will definitely vote in its favor.

Pros of ondulin:

  • Light weight for 1m 2
  • Simplest installation
  • All accessories necessary for laying are immediately included with the material
  • When raindrops fall, it does not create noise, does not accumulate moisture from the inside
  • There are no asbestos and other poisonous elements, which makes this product environmentally friendly
  • Ideal for renovating old roofing

It was not for nothing that I touched on the topic of ecology, because today more and more people around the world are striving to reduce the emission of harmful substances into the atmosphere and thereby keep the planet healthy. If it is environmentally friendly, what is its composition?

Ondulin recipe

For some reason, all developers, when I tell you what ondulin is made of, they listen in surprise and often they immediately like this material.

This is due to the fact that construction really moves forward with each period of time and somehow develops, decent products appear.

If you have not met this material before, then you will never guess what lies at its basis.

Okay, let's not guess - cellulose. Are you surprised? Still would! But it's worth noting right away that this is not the same plain paper that we meet in everyday life.

Pulp, before its direct molding, must go through several more stages of cleaning, preparation, and then pressing.

Well, of course, a roof cannot be made of paper alone, so special bitumen is added to it. It undergoes complex cleaning, as a result of which it is saturated with hardening resin, pigments and some fillers. Despite the fact that it contains resin, all components are environmentally friendly, making this material more profitable than others in this price category. And often, developers make the right choice between poisonous asbestos sheets (slate) and ondulin.

We learned a little about the recipe and now it is more or less clear from what ondulin is made, but how does this happen? I just learned this from my comrade in production and now I will tell you.

Technological process for the production of ondulin:

  • Cellulose is supplied in a ready-made form for production, and pulp is immediately produced from it, i.e. a mass that looks like flakes. It is she who will become the sheet base through several stages.
  • The next process involves adding fillers and pigmentation. Then the entire mass is transferred to the dryer and at the exit it is obtained in the form of corrugated sheets.
  • And at the final stage, due to very high temperatures and pressure, the product is impregnated with bitumen. At the end it is dried and stored

Despite the fact that the material is an innovation in the construction industry, it does not have a rich selection of colors and scales. The choice is rather scarce, but thanks to your imagination, you can play with its installation on the roof, thereby setting a unique pattern.

Available colors of ondulin:

  • Green
  • Brown
  • Red
  • Black

Alternatively, you can take several colors, but only if you are covering a non-residential building. The fact is that although this roofing material is made at the same plant, the batches with different pigments will be different and may contain some differences, despite the same composition of ondulin.

Positive and negative features of ondulin

All materials in construction must have their pros and cons. Ondulin, although very good roof covering, and the composition of the material it is quite harmless also has its drawbacks. But let's start with the good ones, and I'll describe the benefits in more detail.

  • Hydrophobicity. Do not be afraid that the material will somehow allow moisture to pass through. It can only pass through the slots if installed incorrectly.
  • High resistance to any atmospheric precipitation
  • Rotting, mold and various bacteria will never take place on this material
  • Ondulin will perfectly withstand aggressive chemical environment (acids, alkalis). Naturally, if you do not experiment and water your roof with sulfuric or more aggressive acid
  • Petrochemicals cannot damage roofing
  • Slopes from debris and other unwanted elements can be cleaned by sprinkling with water from a hose
  • Low weight. Thanks to him, you can arrange over the old roofing
  • Economically beneficial

These are probably the most basic positive properties of this coating, which take place in real life, but now I will show you the other side of the coin, on which you will recognize the cons of ondulin.

  • Some difficulty in repair. It lies in the fact that after you have completely finished the work on the roofing, you cannot walk on it. This is due to the fact that ondulin is a very soft roofing material and is easily subject to deformation, so if you need repairs, you will have to change a significant part of the roof
  • Rapid loss of pigments. In other words, it fades quickly when exposed to sun rays and in a couple of years you will have a faded roof
  • The warranty given by the manufacturers covers a small area. For example, if your imported material turns out to be of different shades or the material burned out not in 5 years, but in 2 years, then such ondulin does not belong to the replacement. A guaranteed replacement will only be available if your roof leaks shortly after installation.
  • Pigments in the form of spots are not a defect, if you did not notice them when buying right away - your problem
  • Cellulose, which is part of this coating, gives it another disadvantage. The fact is that when moisture gets on it, sagging occurs, and in order to avoid this, the crate must be perfectly flat
  • Contains recycled materials

At correct arrangement and following all the recommendations of the roofing manufacturer, you can write off all the disadvantages, having received only the positive aspects.

Supporting materials

It will not be a secret for you if I say that when installing any element in construction, what the manufacturer provides you will not be enough. Therefore, a few recommendations regarding the installation of the coating will not harm you.

Make sure that you have before starting installation:

  • Nails with a colored head. Of course, you can choose non-colored ones, but then the color scheme of the roof as a whole will be violated. They come in packs of 100 pieces, the diameter of the cap is 3.55mm, and its color, as a rule, is taken depending on the roof. Average cost per cover sheet - 20 pieces
  • Skate. The required length is calculated purely individually, but be aware that in stores they are sold at 1m, but the useful length will be 85cm
  • Ramp and gable tongs
  • Elements for ventilation pipe, valleys
  • Cornice filler. Standard length and thickness 85x2.5cm
  • Rubber tape or aluminum insulation
  • Aprons. Length 0.94m. Pack of 25

Difficult choice

I would touch on such a topic as a crate for ondulin. In fact, it is the key to the reliability of your roof as a whole, because if you make mistakes during its installation, you can achieve that roofing sheets just flow and tear. But this is not the worst thing that can happen, you can choose a material that, even with an ideal crate, will peel off and leave you with nothing. So how to make the right choice of the future roof?

Here are some tips from me:

  • Study all purchased sheets carefully. Oftentimes, dishonest sellers will try to foist on you the worst quality. Pay your attention to the number of waves. V quality version there should be exactly 10 of them, and the sheet parameters should be 950x2000x3mm. As for the weight, it should not vary in the range of 3-3.5 kg. Therefore, if you notice any differences in these values, then you should not take such a product.
  • Thoroughly study the labels on the packaging. Nowadays, people looking for a lower price can make mistakes more easily. They do not look at the inscriptions and do not delve into details, they just take it, and then come back and complain. The fact is that insulation has appeared in construction, very reminiscent of ondulin, and even comes in identical packaging. So be careful
  • Make sure that all sheets are of the same type. Today, two types of this roofing are known - corrugated sheets and tiles. By the way, the latter are a little more difficult to install, but have a more attractive appearance.
  • Don't be afraid to ask. For example, if you are told that the life of the material you are buying is 10-15 years, refuse. The current period is up to 25 years, and the warranty period is 15 years, but no less
  • If your roof does not have complex design and her slopes are simple, then take the wave type, and if there are complex elements on it - tiled.

As a conclusion, I can say ondulin is a decent roofing for country house and what kind of material used in it you can not worry, because it consists exclusively of environmentally friendly components.

With good water resistance and resistance to atmospheric precipitation, it can stand for several decades. Therefore, the choice is only yours.