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Large American Companies: Rating

The history of mankind is inextricably linked with the history of the production created by him. From a long time, the man produced and sold goods, performed certain works, provided services.

Since the organization of any company, its leadership dreams of expanding production, increasing the sales market and obtaining maximum profits.
In the modern world, large companies have become the main level of the market economy. They are different in the direction of economic activity and types of services provided, but everyone has the same criteria - the amount of revenue and the number of employees.

It is these criteria that we will take to consider the largest companies in the world on modern stage The development of mankind.


The most powerful automotive manufacturer has established the production of its cars in 35 countries around the world.

General Motors firmly occupies 3rd place in the world for sales after Toyota and Volkswagen.

Having survived the difficult periods in the early 2000s, the concern was able to avoid full bankruptcy and revived again.

Recent years, the company actively conquers the automotive market of Russia, having 154 dealers only the brand "Chevrolet", which specialized in the sale of cars "Opel" and "Cadillac".

AXA. France

A group of French investment and insurance companies united under the general name "AXA Group". The largest company is recognized as systemically significant for the activities of the global economy.

The firm with the office in Paris has a nice and long history. Under the name "Mutuelle de L'Assurance Contre L'Incendie" began its financial activities in 1816.

Since the beginning of the 2000s, it began to actively explore, and will expand into the financial space of Asia and Latin America.

Lending activity allows AXA to constantly enter the 20-ku leading companies in the world with a large volume of annual profit.

Daimler. Germany

The headquarters of the transnational automotive concern is located in German Stuttgart. One of the oldest European enterprises was formed in 1886.

Daimler leading global automaker. In 2014, the concern was sold 2.5 million cars worldwide.

From the pure German brainchild today, the concern became the world. Shares are evenly distributed among American, Eastern and European shareholders.

Car sales company also occupies the leading position in the world in lawsuits about bribery.

Samsung. South Korea

Apple's eternal competitor in the production of smartphones, South Korean Samsung began work in 1938.

Specializes in the production of telecommunications equipment, high-tech components, audio and video devices, as well as household appliances.

More than 70% of Samsung sales worldwide accounted for electronic industry.

The quality and reliability of the products of the Seoul Concern allowed to conquer the love of consumers and popularity around the world.

Exor Group. Italy

For more than a hundred years, the Italian company Exor has been operating in the investment market. The capital of the company that belongs to the Agnelli family is 13 billion dollars.

From this capital, 53% belongs to the head of the company Giovanni Agnelli.

The company actively invests its capital in leading trading companies worldwide. In Italy itself, Exor Group has a part of the shares of the Fiat car concern and the famous Football Club "Juventus".

Active investment activity allows the company to stay in the twenty of the world's largest companies in terms of aggregate profits.

British Petroleum. Great Britain

In the energy carrier market, British Petroleum ranks second in the world in terms of mining and processing of petroleum products.
The company began his way in 1901 with the preparation of a patent for the search and oil production in Persia. And today, the annual turnover of the oil and gas giant is about 230 billion dollars.

In 2011, a large transaction was broken down by the actual merger of "British Petroleum" with Rosneft. British concern is a public company, 95% of the shares of which are in free circulation.

Toyota Motor. Japan

Famous worldwide Japanese automotive company "Toyota" in addition to cars is engaged in investment activities. And the history of the largest public company in the world began in 1937 from the production of weaving machines.

Toyota Motor turnover in 2016 amounted to $ 236.592 billion, which allowed her to take 8th place in the Fortune Global rating.

In the history of the concern there was a period of participation of cars "Toyota" in the prestigious competition "Formula-1".

For a long time of the company, it is possible to implement the philosophical concept of continuous improvement.

Chevron. USA

Energy American Chevron, despite the crisis, continues to maintain leading positions in the ranking of leading companies in the world.

Cevron formed in 1879, thanks to the absorption of smaller companies, became the leading energy company in the United States.

Falling world oil prices affected the profits of the oil giant. For example, in 2015, income of firms decreased by 10%.

But thanks to successful marketing and aggressive protectionist politics, Chevron is the undoubted world energy leader.

Total. France

The French oil and gas company Total began to conquer the energy market in 1934.

Absorbing minor companies, the Energy leader of France expanded not only the spheres of influence, but also increased the authorized capital.

The company conducts its active activities in 11 countries of the world. Since 1999, Total has been developing oil fields and in Russia.

For many years, the company has been firmly ranked 4th in the world among oil and gas concerns in terms of production and annual profit.

McKesson. USA

The global leader in pharmaceutical production and the largest distributor of McKesson drugs was founded in the distant 1833.

Annual profit of activities is about $ 1.5 billion. Pharmacies, except the United States, are located in Australia, as well as large western European countries.

The head office of the pharmaceutical firm manufacturer and dealer is located in San Francisco.

Glencore International AG. Switzerland

The Swiss trading company Glencore International AG occupies a leading position in the world for commodity supplies and rare-earth materials.
For 40 years of its work, Glencore has achieved good results and won world confidence in the supply of petroleum products, metals, agricultural, food and automotive products.

According to 2016, 110,378 employees are employed in the company's departments.

In 2011, Glencore shares were posted on the leading trade exchanges of the world, in Hong Kong and London. This allowed the Swiss company to even more strengthen its position in the global market.

Apple. USA

Apple's American company has stood from the origins of the development of computer production. Today it is one of the leading firms for the production of computer equipment, telephones and software in the world.

In 1976, Apple has released its first programmable microcomputer, and today in all countries of the world, the production of electronic giants is used.

Volkswagen. Germany

In 2007, the largest German automotive manufacturer implemented a record 5 million 20 thousand cars under the trademark "Volkswagen".

About 503 thousand workers are employed in the production of a "folk car" around the world. In 2015, VolkSwagen engines with a volume of 1.6 liters began to produce in Kaluga. IN lately The automotive company began to master the southeastern market, due to which increased sales.

Few people remember, but one of the founders of the concern in 1933 was Adolf Hitler. But the project manager and the developer of the first car company became Ferdinand Porsche.

Berkshire Hathaway. USA

The holding company with headquarters in the city of Omaha is managed by a talented financier Warren Buffett.

Every year the investment firm is only increasing its turnover and constantly expands the sphere of his interests.

The main activity of Berkshire Hathaway is concentrated on investing, insurance and reinsurance. The company gives a job 318 thousand people.

At the meeting of shareholders a record number of participants is collected. For example, in 2007, the number of those gathered at the meeting amounted to 27 thousand people.

Royal Dutch Shell. Netherlands United Kingdom

Back in 1907, with the aim of creating the competition of American Standard Oil, a large oil and gas corporation Royal Dutch Shell was created by a merger of two firms.

Today, one of the most recognizable brands in the production of petroleum products occupies the leading positions in the world in terms of annual revenue.

Oil company Shell is engaged in active charitable activities. Every year 60 million dollars allocated for the content of schools and medical infrastructure in Nigeria. In Europe, the company invests large in the development of solar power plants.

Exxon Mobil. USA

According to the size of the mother capital, the American oil company Exxon Mobil for a long time It remained the largest in the world. Only in 2015, Apple bypassed them on this indicator.

In 1999, the merger of two companies was formed by Exxon Mobil, retaining subsidiaries in the title.

The corporation successfully conducts exploration and oil production in different regions of the world. The US energy giant belongs to the 30% of the Sakhalin 1 project to develop the subsoil of this Russian island.


This company is more famous for the global consumer under the trade name Foxconn. Products with stigma of this company can be found in the best copies. electronic technology world manufacturers.

The company, founded in 1974, cooperates with such well-known manufacturers of electronic equipment as Canon, Apple, Sony, Microsoft.

In 2010, the Taiwanese company opened production in Russia. Of the latest high-profile stocks, this is a purchase of 66% of the shares of the Japanese manufacturer Sharp.

National Petroleum Corporation. China

The largest Chinese company CNPC has 1668072 employees in its state. The main scope of the enterprise is the supply of oil and gas to China.

Since the foundation in 1988, CNPC also is also engaged in the development of oil and gas fields in China.

In a short period of existence, the Chinese company ranked leading positions on the global oil and gas market. The company is fully in state ownership.

State Grid Corporation of China. China

The large power grid company STATE GRID CORPORATION is leading in this industry not only in China, but also in the world.

The company mainly specializes in the implementation of hydropower engineering projects on all continents of the planet, construction and operation of electrical networks.

In 2011, State Grid Corporation was implemented a project for the construction of infrastructure and power lines for the import of electricity from Russia to China.

In 2016, in terms of the volume of revenues, the Chinese state-owned enterprise took second place in the world.

Walmart. USA

The Rieteltor company, which owns the largest retail chain in the world, was formed in 1962. For the period of existence, the German and South Korean Walmart projects closed, and in the early 2000s, the American company became the leader of the world retail.

The amount of revenue of the network of hypermarkets and Walmart stores in 2016 amounted to 482.130 billion dollars.

In 2008, the company went to the Russian market. Today, Walmart has more than 10,200 stores in 27 countries around the world, and staff has 2.2 million people.

Thus, for these two Walmart indicators the largest company in the world.


Considering large companies, it should be noted that, according to the results of 2015, Russian firms also hit the Fortune Global 500 rating. So, Gazprom with revenue of 99.464 billion dollars took 56 lines. At 76 positions, with revenue of 84.677 billion dollars, the Russian "LUKOIL" was. In the third and fourth ten, the leading Russian banks "Sberbank" and "VTB" are accommodated.

Studies of the American business magazine Fortune show that the largest companies have a cumulative annual revenue of about 27.6 trillion. dollars. In addition to a huge role in economic Development Planets, these are also major employers. The companies operate millions of people in 33 countries in the world.

Many corporations invest cash in the implementation of social programs and the development of the world's weak economic plan.
Another area of \u200b\u200bactivity was the financing of developments of new energy Saving Technologies and cosmos development programs.

When the National Committee of the Democratic Party decided to turn his contempt for Bernie Sunders to contempt to Russian and Donald Trump, they spoke about this New York billionaire that he regularly divides the bed with Russian oligarchs and dreams of concluding transactions with Moscow. But since when have the desire to do business with the Russians, has become something bad?

Today, the rules of political correctness demand to hate Russia. If you at least a little bit love it, then you support Vladimir Putin or are impressed by the Russian mafia. And probably you hate white bears or something like that.

But if you do business with the Russians or even wanting to do it - very bad, then maybe these companies need to wipe fishing rods and run, until the righteous people threatened them with a boycott and did not fade their names in the press?

That's who do business with bad guys.

On July 13, Pfizer concluded an agreement on the establishment of a joint venture with the Russian pharmaceutical company NovaMedica.


Good weather in the Russian economy

JB Press 04.08.2016

Putin - the enemy of its economy

Bloomberg 07/27/2016
Boeing works in Russia for decades. About five years ago, this company reported on its plans to invest 27 billion dollars in Russia in Russia. In July 2015, an agreement was signed on Joint R & D projects (research and development and development) between russian manufacturer Titanium "VSMPO-AVISMA", Boeing and the Urals Federal University.

Ford has been working in Russia for 13 years. In April 2015, the joint Russian-American enterprise Ford Sollers began production of the Ford Transit machine. Last year, this American firm launched the production of four new cars in Russia, including those sold on the Russian Focus and Fiesta model.

Among the American companies operating in Russia, PepsiCo, Procter & Gamble, McDonald's, Mondelez International, General Motors, Johnson & Johnson, Cargill, Alcoa, and General Electric. The latter recently signed an agreement on the establishment of a joint venture with Rosneft oil company in anticipation that someday Washington will still remove sanction with oil firms.

According to the company Knight Frank, the main American investor in Russian real estate is not TRUMP International, but Morgan Stanley. In April, the fund controlled by Morgan Stanley began negotiations on the acquisition of several shopping centers in Moscow. In the same month, its investment fund investing in real estate acquired in Moscow from Kazakhstan developer Capital Partners Office building Metropolis for 1.2 billion dollars.

American retailers also continue to develop their commercial relations with Russia. Over the past two years, many new American brands came to the Russian market, including Forever 21 and Crate & Barrel in 2014.

Expand their business and American food companies, although Russia actively annivers Ukrainian territories and arms the rebels in the Donbas, for which in 2014 the sanctions were imposed against it. Last year, Starbucks opened his hundredth institution in Russia. In 2013, Kristen Kreme opened its first pastry shop. Now there are five there.

As New York Times wrote in April 2015, even the Clinton Foundation in 2013 loved Russians very much. Russian State Rosatom Company from 2009 to 2013 in three stages of individual contracts acquired Canadian Uranium One. According to information from Canada, it was done on the recommendation of Hillary Clinton. And then to the Hillary Foundation and her husband, the former US President Bill Clinton, received a donation by 2.35 million dollars.

In other words, Russians cannot be so bad.

Of course, not everyone wants to work in Russia. Yes, everything is not needed there. CEO CARLYLE GROUP Billionaire David Rubenstein (David Rubenstein) said in October Bloomberg TV, which is too risky to work there. And then he spoke and closed his business in Russia.

In September 2014, Russia left the American investment firm Blackstone, making it two months before the ruble fell twice - from 35 to 75 rubles per dollar.

And now ask the New York real estate merchants, whether they will turn away from the Russian buyer, because he, you know, from the country that the oligarchs refuel and - ah! - Putin, or Putler, as some call it.

The most expensive New York apartment went in 2014 for $ 100.5 million. I bought her man whose name is not called. This is a penthouse in a 90-storey house in Midtown on the 57th street. Many apartments own wealthy Russians. Another sensational deal took place in 2011, when the Russian buyer acquired Penthouse for $ 88 million in the house near the Central Park.

London is called LondonGrad - and not without reason. The most expensive real estate is mainly bought by Russians. And now ask London developers, it's good or bad - selling housing by Russians.

Trump argues that he has no business in Russia. However, Morgan Stanley, which, according to information on the Open Secrets website, allocated $ 148,660 to the Hillary campaign, could say Donald: "Well, in vain."

For the third year in a row, Russian Forbes has published a list of foreign agents - commercial and industrial companies, which more than half belong to foreigners and make a business in Russian expanses. And, I must say, they are doing things well - according to the results of 2016, the aggregate revenue of the "Foreign Legion" rose by 9%. Ahead with an impressive margin goes German companies (together they earned 1.2 trillion. Rubles in 2016), they catch up with the French (936 billion rubles.), Which Americans (884 billion rubles) breathe in the back.

Total B. rating of the largest foreign companies in Russia In 2017, 50 "foreigners" entered. When drawing up a rating, Forbes experts took into account the data of all Russian assets of each company. But what foreign brands overtook the revenue of their competitors.

Communication of Russia with a drink "Pepsi" long and durable. Hrushchev appreciated him, and in 1974 in the USSR even opened a plant for its production. But not "Pepsi" robes a single Pepsico, because in addition to other carbonated drinks, one of the most innovative companies of the world produces juices ("Fruit Garden" - also their brand), as well as dairy products under the brands "House in the village". In 2016, the company earned 177 billion rubles in Russia.

9. British American Tobacco

The manufacturer, known to the Russians on the cigarettes "Java Golden", as well as on the brands of Dunhill, Vogue, Lucky Strike, etc., in 2016, rescued 182 billion rubles. This is one of the largest tobacco companies in the world (and after REYNOLDS American will be bought, it will be possible. But the share of sales in Russia in its income is relatively small - 14%.

8. Leroy Merlin.

Plans for the French company Napoleonic - in the nearest five-year plan more than double the number of its supermarkets in Russia. Now they are 60, and 140 are planned. In the meantime, the Russians left 188 billion rubles in Leroy Merlin last year.

7. Volkswagen Group Rus

In 2016, the revenue of one of the most popular automotive companies in Russia amounted to 191 billion rubles. The plants belonging to her in Kaluga and Nizhny Novgorod continue to work and produce cars and components. Moreover, in the plans from the German company to revive the Moskvich brand, making it a budgetary machine for residents of Eastern Europe and the CIS.


Swedish furniture company, the names of the goods of which are distinguished by nonsense creativity, earned in Russia last year in Russia, 198 billion rubles. And even the arrest of Ikea accounts in December last year at the request of a businessman K. Ponomarev was not a hindrance to its triumphal march in the post-Soviet space.

Perhaps in the future buyers of goods IKEA do not have to pick up with a screwdriver, trying to figure out how this item fit here to this chalkboard. The company bought a startup, allowing quickly and effortless to find furniture assembly specialists.

5. Philip Morris International

Despite the terrible warnings of the Ministry of Health and repenting pictures on cigarette packs, the Russians continue to smoke actively. Including the cigarette brands produced by the Swiss company Philip Morris are Parliament, Marlboro, Chesterfield, L & M, as well as the "Union Apollo" and many others. In just last year, the tobacco company has rescued 269 billion rubles in Russia, which allowed her to get into the top 5 largest foreign companies in the Russian Federation. At the same time, the company cares about the health of Russians - new cigarettes, the latest development of the company, went on sale in Russia earlier than, for example, in England. According to the manufacturer, in the smoke of these new cigarettes, with the same nicotine content of 90% less than harmful substances.


An ordinary consumer of tobacco potion JT International (J.T.I) is known primarily by brands Glamor, Sobranie, LD. Last year, the Japanese earned 276 billion rubles in Russia.

It is curious that the share of revenue from the sale of tobacco, cigarettes and other interrelated products in the Russian Federation is a very significant proportion of annual income J.T.I - as much as 27%. This is the highest indicator in the ranking.

3. Toyota Motor

As a national love for quick ride and trust in this Japanese quality - two whales, which are based on the popularity of Toyota in Russia. Last year, despite all sorts of crises, the Japanese high-rise company sold cars in Russia by 278 billion rubles. And even at the company's automotive factory in St. Petersburg, where in 2015 there were big abbreviations, reiterated life. Now he sells its products in the Japanese "Lecales" to neighboring Belarus and Kazakhstan.

2. Metro Group.

Although in 2017 Metro (supermarkets) and Media Markt (technique, electronics) was decided to divide by departments. However, in 2016, they were still uniform, and precisely as a whole are taken into account in the ranking of the largest foreign companies in Russia. Totality last year german company Earned 310 billion rubles in Russia. Will she go after separation in the top 10 of the year? Time will tell.

1. Auchan, attacks

Has the head of the Mulier family thought, opening the first Hypermarket "Auchan" in the Russian Federation that he would go so successfully? For 2016, both brand - and "Auchan", and "attacks" (this is the same "Auchan", only the size of smaller than the so-called "walking distance") together earned 404 billion rubles to their owners, with a significant separation of the second place and Becoming leaders in the top 10 largest foreign companies in Russia 2017.

And even trade wars, drastic-leading under the counters, whose echoes from time to time reach readers in the form of news: "Irina Yarova requires checking" Auchan "or" In Ashan "in the pigs found a horse's DNA" this is not a hindrance.

American Forbes has prepared its annual ranking of the 2000 largest public companies in the world. Forbes in his calculations equally took into account the four indicators: revenue, profits, asset size and market capitalization.

The total indicators of the fallen list in the last year have increased markedly. Together, the ranking participants generated $ 32 trillion (growth - $ 2 trillion), and the total profit was $ 2.4 trillion against $ 1.4 trillion a year earlier. Assets of the 2000 largest Forbes corporations estimated at $ 138 trillion, and the total capitalization is $ 38 trillion.

The greatest representation is still in the United States who delegated 536 companies in the list. American leadership does not yet cause any questions: from the main competitor - Japan - 260 companies have fallen into the rating. In addition, if in the first hundred, American companies have occupied 28 seats at once, then Japanese only five. At the same time, the largest of them - Nippon Telegraph & Tel - is located only in the 48th place. For the USA and Japan, China followed by China (121 Company), Canada (67 companies) and South Korea (61 Company).

Representatives of the financial sector (480 companies) dominate the ranking. Huge assets, of course, their chief trump card. With a big lag, oil and gas companies are in the ranking turned out to be 127. In terms of profit gains, insurance companies (624%) are occupied by the earnings of semiconductors (45%), for capitalization growth - autoconcens (57%).

On the first line of the ranking of the second year in a row is the bank JPMorgan Chase. For the year, JPMorgan has further improved its results: revenue amounted to $ 115.48 billion ($ 115.63 billion - last year), profits $ 17.37 billion ($ 11.65 billion), assets $ 2117 billion ($ 2031 billion), capitalization $ 182,21 billion ($ 166.19 billion a year ago). At the same time, these indicators are difficult to call outstanding - neither of them JPMorgan does not fall even in the top 10.

The second place is now occupied by HSBC. The rapid growth of profits helped with the eighth line with the British Bank: from $ 5.83 billion to $ 13.3 billion. Closes the top of the once unconditional leader American ELECTRIC Corporation. GE revenue for the year decreased from $ 156.78 billion to $ 150.21 billion, and the cost of assets from $ 781 billion to $ 751 billion.

This is followed by three oil companies: ExxonMobil (world capitalization leader - $ 407.2 billion), Dutch Shell and Chinese Petrochina. ICBC, the largest Chinese bank occupies 7th place: when revenue of $ 69.19 billion, ICBC profits amounted to $ 18.84 billion. Tens of investment fund Warren Buffett Berkshire Hathaway, Brazilian State Oil Company Petrobras-Petróleo Brasil and Citigroup Bank.

The number of Russian companies in the list decreased by two - to 26. In the first hundred, it was possible to break through three: Gazprom (15th place), LUKOIL (71st) and Rosneft (77th). Gazprom, moreover, turned out to be the third profit company - $ 25.72 billion. More Russian gas giants earned only ExxonMobil ($ 30.46 billion) and Nestle ($ 36.65 billion).

Company name, foundation date



Revenue / profit / Assets / Capitalization (billion)

Short description

115,5/17,4/ 2,117.6/ 182,2

JPMorgan Chase (NYSE: JPM, TYO: jpm.t) is one of the oldest and most respected financial companies on the planet. The company, quartered in New York, is a leader in investment banking, financial services, trust management.

Great Britain

103,3 /13,3/ 2,467.9/ 186.5

The HSBC Group is one of the world's largest united organizations providing banking and financial services. The HSBC Group successfully leads its activities in Europe, the Asia-Pacific region, North and South America, in the Middle East and Africa.

Energy, Conglomerate

150,2 /11,6/ 751,2/ 216,2

American Corporation, the world's largest producer of many types of equipment, including locomotives, energy installations, gas turbines, aircraft engines, medical equipment, also manufactures lighting equipment, plastics and sealants.

Oil and gas

341,6 /30,5/ 302,5 / 407,2

Exxon Mobil Corporation (NYSE: XOM) is an American company, the largest private oil company in the world.


Oil and gas

369.1 /20,1/ 317.2/ 212.9

Concern "Shell" - one of the world leaders of the energy sector - plays a key role in ensuring the growing global needs for energy resources.

She has been searching for oil and gas production for more than a hundred years. The concern employs about 101 thousand people in more than 90 countries.

Oil and gas

222.3 /21,2/ 251.3/ 320.8

China largest oil and gas company.

69,2 /18,8/ 1,723.5/ 239.5

Industrial and Commercial Bank of China - the largest Chinese commercial bank. It is included in the "big fourth" of China's largest state banks (along with Bank of China, Agricultural Bank of China and China Construction Bank).

Investments, insurance

136,2 /13/ 372,2/211

Berkshire Hathaway Holding Company is investing and insurance. It controls more than 40 companies in sectors such as financial services, confectionery, publishing, jewelry business, furniture manufacturing, carpets, building materials, etc.


Oil and gas

121,3 /21,2.6/ 313,2/ 238,8

Brazilian state oil company. The headquarters of the company is located in Rio de Janeiro.
The company managed the world's largest Petrobras 36 Oil Platform oil platform, which exploded and drowned on March 15, 2001.

130,4 /10,5/ 2,680.7/ 88

E. the world leader in the global banking and financial services market and one of the six strongest banks in the world according to the Standard & Poor agency "S. Together with Société Générale and Crédit Lyonnais makes the" big three "of the French banking market. Headquarters - in Paris, London and Geneva.

Financial services, insurance, banks

93,2 /12,4/ 1,258.1/ 170,6

Wells Fargo formed as a result of the merger of the California company WELLS Fargo & Co. And Norwest, companies from Minneapolis in 1998. The Board of the new company was decided to leave the name of WELLS Fargo in order to use the well-known name of the company from 150 summer history And its famous symbol is a carriage. Wells Fargo operates 6062 compartments, serving more than 23 million customers.

109,7 /12,8/ 1,570.6/ 94,7

The largest financial and credit group in Spain. Financial institutions of the company are presented in almost all countries of Central Europe and in Latin America. The key structure of the group is Banco Santander - the largest bank of Spain. Headquarters - Apartment - in the city of Santander (Cantabria).


124,3 /19,9/ 268,5/ 168,2

AT & T has become the largest telecommunications company, and with a large margin: the Spanish Telefónica ranks in second place in the industry ranks just 32nd.

Oil and gas

98,7 /25,7/ 275,9/ 172,9

The gas-producing and gas distribution company, the largest company in Russia, the largest gas company in the world, owns the most extended gas transmission system (more than 160,000 km). He is the world leader in the industry.

Oil production and refining

189,6 /19/ 184.8/ 200,6

The company leads oil production in various regions of the world. She owns a number of refineries, as well as an extensive gas station network.

58,2 /15,6/ 1,408/ 224,8

One of the largest banks of China. The bank was founded on October 1, 1954 and initially worn the name "People's Construction Bank of China", on March 26, 1996 by changing it to China Construction Bank.

Trade network, retail trade

421,8 /16,4/ 180,7/ 187,3

Wal-Mart is the world's largest retail chain, which includes (in mid-February 2007) 6782 stores in 14 countries. Among them - both hypermarkets and supermarkets selling food and industrial goods. The Wal-Mart strategy includes such a component as the maximum range and minimal, striving for wholesale, prices.

Oil and gas

188,1 /14,2/ 192,8/ 138

Oil and gas company, fourth in terms of production in the world after Royal Dutch Shell, BP and ExxonMobil. Headquarters is located in Paris.
The company operates more than 130 countries of the world; The company has 111,000 employees.

In addition to production, the company carries out oil refining and owns a network of gas stations, and also owns a number of chemical industries, as well as in other industries.



142,9 /6,7/ 838,4/ 67,7

Insurance company, one of the leading financial companies in the world. In 1985, Allianz was transformed into an international holding. Today, Allianz is 600 subsidiaries in more than 70 countries of the world in which 181 thousand staff members and 500 thousand insurance agents work.

49,4 /11, 9 / 1,277.8/ 143

The oldest Chinese bank. Headquarters - in Beijing. It has more than 13 thousand offices in China and 550 representative offices in 25 other countries.

The main business is corporate and retail lending; Also engaged in investment banking, insurance and maintenance of plastic cards.
Since 1993, Bank of China has a subsidiaries bank - Akb "Bank of China (Elos)".


175,8 /11,4/ 156,3/ 109,1

The company's shares are sold on the New York Stock Exchange (New York Stock Exchange) under the symbol "COP". Capitalization of ConocoPhillips on March 20, 2006 - about $ 85 billion. The largest shareholders are American investment companies (73%), 1.6% belongs to the company's management.

Oil and gas

284,8 /10,9/ 148,7/ 107,7

Chinese integrated energy and chemical company. The second in the amount of production of the oil and gas company (after Petrochina).



168,3 /9,1/ 267,5/ 70,3

Volkswagen Group owns 48 automotive enterprises in 15 European countries and six countries in America, Asia and Africa. At the enterprises of the group there are more than 370 thousand people, more than 26,600 cars are produced daily, authorized sales and car service are carried out in more than 150 countries of the world.

49,4 /9,5/ 1,298,2/ 134



112 /36,7/ 117,7/ 181,1

The world's largest food producer. Nestle also specializes in the release of pet food, pharmaceutical products and cosmetics. The company's main office is located in the Swiss city Vevey.

Great Britain


67,5 /13,1/ 236,6/ 148,2

The British company, the world's largest in terms of revenue, cellular operator. Headquarters - in Newbury, Berkshire county.


113,1 /6,2/ 245,5/ 85,2

Large French Energy and Gas Company. The headquarters of the company is located in Paris.

Production of consumer goods

79,6 /11,2/ 134,3/ 172,2

In January 2005, Procter & Gamble announced the absorption of Gillette; The cost of the transaction was $ 56 billion. As a result of this purchase, P & G has become the world's largest company to produce consumer goods, overtaking Unilever.


67,8 /8,3/ 195/ 155,7

The company produces drugs for a wide range of consumers under famous brands of Benadryl, sudafed, Listerine, Desitin, Visine, Ben Gay, Lubderm, Zantac75 and CortiSone. Pfizer is an inventor and manufacturer of the world-famous drug Viagra.

Financial services, investments

46 /8,4/ 911,3/ 90

Business companies are divided into 3 key divisions: investment banking, stock sales and assets and securities management.



124,6 /7,9/ 205,1/ 64

The largest German power company. Headquarters - in Dusseldorf. The company supplies electricity, gas and water with more than 21 million consumers. E.ON together with Gazprom participates in the project for the construction of the North European gas pipeline.


Finance, insurance

149,2 /4,3/ 1,665.3/ 46,8

Financial Group, providing services in the field of banking, insurance and property management. An ing abbreviation is decrypted as Internationale Nederlanden Groep (International Netherlands Group).


49,8 1 /7,7/ 1,403/ 70,8

The largest Swiss bank providing various financial services around the world. Based in Basel and Zurich.

Great Britain

63,9 /5,6/ 2,328.3/ 58,3

One of the largest financial and banking groups in the United Kingdom with a wide representative office in Europe, the USA and Asia. Group operations are carried out through the subsidiary Barclays Bank PLC.


127,2,4 /9,1/ 119,9/ 90,3

The company provides solutions in the field of IT infrastructure, personal computing systems and access devices, system integration services, service support and outsourcing, as well as printing devices and image output tools for large enterprises, small and medium-sized businesses.

85,4 /5,3/ 1,518.7/ 46,9

One of the largest French banks. Headquarters - in Paris. In Russia, Société Générale has several subsidiaries: OJSC AKB ROSBANK, CJSC "Bank Suck Genement East", LLC Rusfinan Bank, Bank "Deltacredit".

Computers, Software

76,3 /16,6/ 86,7/ 324,3

Apple Inc. - American Corporation, manufacturer of personal computers, audio players, telephones, software. One of the pioneers in the field of personal computers and modern multi-tasking operating systems with a graphical interface.


162,4 /3,7/ 981,8/ 46,4

French company specializing in the provision of insurance services. The company's headquarters is located in Paris, France.

Computer Software

66,7 /20,6/ 92,3/ 215,8

Machines Windows (VI? NDO), Office Applications Microsoft Office Family, Server Application Sets, Games, Multimedia Products, Program Development Tools, and Xbox Game Consoles. Leads a policy of active buying promising companies - software developers. In particular, as a result of the absorption of Navision, Solomon, Great Plains in the Microsoft assortment, a new major direction of Microsoft Dynamics appeared (previously called Microsoft Business Solutions). In Russia, three solutions of this area are presented: AXAPTA, NAVISION ERP Systems and Relationship Management System - Microsoft Dynamics CRM.


68,9 / 7 , 1 / 488,7/ 48 , 5

The main system-forming Brazilian bank with headquarters in Brasilia. The bank was founded in 1808 and is considered to be therefore the oldest in Brazil and one of the oldest in Latin America.

The Bank is controlled by the state, but its shares are treated at the São Paulo Stock Exchange.


51/4,2/ 2.177,4/ 74 , 5

The world-famous Japanese group of companies. Headquartersira - in Tokyo. Mitsubishi founded in the early 1870s Yataro Ivasaki. Mitsubishi trading brand arose from the merger of family coat of arms of the founders. Mitsubishi Electric entered the Russian market around 1997.


Mining iron ore

50,1 / 18 , 1 / 127,8/ 162 , 5

VALE DO Rio DOCE (VALE TO RIO DOS) (FSD), since 2007, renamed Vale (Vale) was founded in ITABIRA as state company Brazilian federal government. For 69 years, VALE has become the largest diversified mining company in America and the second largest in the world. It works in 14 Brazilian states and on five continents. The company has more than nine thousand kilometers of their own railway tracks and 10 port terminals.


129 / 6 ,6/ 164,7/ 54 , 3

Sev Eroa American automotive company, car manufacturer under the brands "Ford", "Lincoln" and Mercury. This headquart room is located in Dirborn. For more than 100 years, Ford Motor has been controlled by the Ford's family for more than 100 years, thus one of the largest companies under family control in the world.


96,5 / 5 , 9 / 217,4/ 54

The largest Yezha Italian energy company, one of the largest energy companies in the world. Headquarters - in Rome. It ranks second in Europe by installed capacity.


202,8 /2, 2 / 323,5/ 137 ,8

The largest Japanese automotive corporation, also providing financial services and has several additional business areas. Headquarters - in the city of Toto.

Products for body and medical equipment

61,6 / 13 , 3 / 102,9/ 163 , 3

American company, major medicine manufacturer, body care products and medical equipment. In 2006, the company acquired a division for the production of goods for the care of body care among the major American pharmaceutical company Pfizer.


Copper mining, diamonds, gold and iron ore

56,6 / 14 , 3 / 112,4/ 131 , 6

Australian-British concern, the second largest transnational mining group in the world. Consists of two operating companies - Rio Tinto Limited and Rio Tinto PLC. Group management is carried out from Melbourne and London.


53,9 / 5 , 2 / 1.097,1/ 50 , 7

SHV Yetsar Investment Bank. Headquarters is located in Zurich, Switzerland. The bank was founded by Alfred Esher as Schweizerische Kreditanstalt (SKA) to finance construction railways (Nordostbahn) and industrialization of Switzerland. More sorter ...


90,4 / 6 , 5 / 110,3/ 83 ,8

The company is one of the largest crude oil suppliers in the global market, as well as the largest supplier. natural Gas to the European market. Statoil provides about 60% of Norway hydrocarbon shelf production. Statoil owns a network of modern gas stations in Murmanskaya, Pskov, Leningrad regions and in St. Petersburg.


135,6 / 6 , 2 / 138,9/ 49 ,8

The largest American automotive corporation, until 2008, for 77 years, the largest car manufacturer in the world (from 2008 - Toyota). Production has been established in 35 countries, sale in 192 countries. Headquarters is located in Detroit.


61,2 / 3 , 1 / 2.556,5/ 59,6

"Deutsche b Ank", the largest banking concern of Germany. Includes commercial, mortgage, investment banks, leasing companies, etc. Board - in Frankfurt am Main. 13 million customers, more than 1,500 branches in the country, numerous participation, branches, representation abroad (in 76 countries of the world including in Moscow).



50,6 / 9 , 8 / 123,3/ 125,2

Transnational Pharmaceutical Corporation, the second largest market share in Europe manufacturer of pharmaceutical preparations. The company operates in 140 countries with headquarters in Basel, Switzerland.


106,6 /2, 5 / 220/ 101 , 3

Ame Rican Telecommunications Company, one of the largest in the United States and all over the world. Headquarters - in New York. Provides fixed and mobile services, satellite broadband Internet access services, as well as information services. In addition, the company owns a large business for the release of telephone directories.


37,8 / 6 , 1 / 596,4/ 69 , 3

The fourth largest bank in Australia. Operations in Australia make up the greatest weight in the volume of the bank's business. It is also the largest bank in New Zealand, where his subsidiary is working - Anz National Bank.

43,4 / 6 , 3 / 734,1/ 52 , 3

Banco Bilbao was founded in 1856. In 1980, he was united with the Bank of Banco Vizcaya, and in 2000, Banco Agentaria was excavated. It has 7,700 branches around the world, of which 4,400 in Spain.


Mining of coal, copper, iron ore, diamonds, silver, as well as oil and natural gas.

52,8/12,7/ 84,8/ 231,5

The world's largest mining company. Openbowls - in Melbourne, Australia, Additional - in London.

Founded in 2001 by association of business Australian Broken Hill Proprietary Company (BHP), and British Billiton.


48,2 / 4 , 8 / 179,6/ 96 , 6

China Life Insurance Company, China's largest insurance company.

31,8 / 5 ,6/ 720,9/ 87 , 2


34,3 / 4 , 8 / 544,8/ 79 , 2

One of the leading financial services providers in Australia, including service of individuals, commercial enterprises and organizations, Fund management, Pension Programs, Insurance, brokerage services and maintenance of financial companies. Shares of the group are included in the top five capitalized valuable papers on the Australian Stock Exchange.

86,1 / 9 / 84/ 59 , 2

The main activities of komPANI - Operations for the exploration and production of oil and natural gas, production and sale of petroleum products. The second after Gazprom on the volume of revenue is the company in Russia.



80,2 / 4 , 3 / 146,1/ 51

German car manufacturer, motorcycles, engines, as well as bicycles. The motto of the company is "pleasure driving."


85,5 / 6 , 1 / 78,2/ 74 , 2

Crue a mineship in Germany and the world of the Chemical Concern. Headquarters - in the city of Ludwigshafen in the land of Rhineland-Palatinate in the south-west of Germany. The interests of BASF SE in Russia are represented by CJSC BASF, BASF Construction Systems, Basf East, Wintershall Ruseland, as well as several joint ventures.


60,9 / 6 , 5 / 120,5/ 56 , 7

The largest telecommunications company France. The most important divisions of France Telecom: Orange (cellular operator and Internet provider), Orange Business Services (fixed-line services and Internet access for corporate clients). At the moment, 220 thousand people operate in the company; The company has about 91 million customers worldwide.

68,8 / 2 , 4 / 1,318/ 47 , 3

One of the largest financial organizations, whose geography22 states of Europe and 27 more countries of the world. In Central and Eastern Europe, Unicredit Group has the largest international banking network presented by more than 4,000 branches and offices in which about 78,000 employees are operating and more than 28 million customers are serviced.

49,9 / 4 / 889 / 41 , 2

The banking group, which is the leader in the banking services market in Italy and one of the largest banking groups of the eurozone, is based in Milan. Italy has 6.090 branches distributed by the country serving more than 11.1 million customers. Bank representative offices specializing in corporate clients are present in 34 countries, including in the US, Russia, China and India.


36,9 / 4 , 1 / 662,2/ 54

46,1 / 10 , 4 / 93 ,9/ 85

Russian oil company. Headquarters - in Moscow. In 1991, the State Oil Company Rosneftegaz was created on the basis of the disbanded ministry of the oil and gas industry of the USSR. In 1993, she was transformed into the state enterprise Rosneft.



67,8 / 3 , 4 / 375,7/ 39 , 9

Swiss group of companies providing services in the field of insurance. It has a network of divisions around the world. Headquarters is located in Zurich, Switzerland. There are about 60 thousand employees in the Group companies in 170 countries. In Russia, "Zurich" operates in about 200 settlements.


91,8 / 2 , 9


40,7 / 7 , 3 / 110,3/ 89 , 2

One of the leading global pharmaceutical corporations, the first largest pharmaceutical company in Europe and the world in the world. The company was formed on August 20, 2004 by merging the company Sanofi-Synthelabo and Aventis.


52,7 / 2 , 8 / 730,9/ 48 , 4

World famous
The American company, which was established in 1863 by a group of New York
Businessmen. She specializes in / 4, 4 / 514.1 / 60, 5

Fourth largest bank in Australia after Commonwealth Bank, National Australia Bank and WestPac. Operations in Australia make up the greatest weight in the volume of the bank's business. Anz is also the largest bank in New Zealand, where his subsidiary is working - Anz National Bank.


57,8 / 6 , 3 / 68,2/ 102 , 6

American food company. Headquarters - in Perechaz, New York. Founded in 1965 by merging the Pepsi Cola Company and Frito Lay. Until 1997, the company owned KFC fast food networks, Pizza Hut and Taco Bell.

network hardware

42,4 / 7 , 6 / 82 / 99 , 2

American transnational company developing and selling network equipment. It seeks to present a full range of network equipment, and thus provide the opportunity to the client to purchase absolutely all the necessary network equipment exclusively at Cisco Systems. The headquarters of the company is located in San Jose, California.


49,2 / 7 , 3 / 69,7/ 110 , 1

Mexican Telecommunication Holding. Fifth cellular operator in the world by the number of subscribers. One of the largest companies in Latin America. The headquarters of the apartment is located in Mexico City (Mexico). Her Mexican subsidiary Telcel is the largest mobile operator in Mexico, the market share exceeds 70%.



50,8 / 9 , 3 / 62,9/ 120 , 9

Swiss pharmaceutical company, one of the leading companies in the world in the field of pharmaceuticals and occupies the first place in the world in the field of diagnosis. It is one of the leading manufacturers of biotechnological drugs in the field of oncology, virology, rheumatology and transplantology. The company has received special fame due to the invention Tamiflu - the drug against influenza.



78 / 2 , 9 / 130,9/ 53 , 6

The largest metallurgical company in the world, at the end of 2008, which controlled 10% of the world market became. Registered in Luxembourg. Companies belong whole line enterprises for mining of iron ore, coal, as well as metallurgical enterprises, including a large plant "Krivorozhstal" in Ukraine.


35,1 / 11 , 8 / 72,9/ 148 , 7

American food company, the largest global manufacturer and supplier of concentrates, syrups and non-alcoholic beverages. The most famous product of the company is a Coca-Cola drink. Headquarters - in the capital of Georgia - Atlanta. In Russia, the company sells about 17% of its own products in the world. In Russia, "Coca-Cola Aichbisi Eurasia" owns 15 factories.



83,6 / 2 , 3 / 164,6/ 60 , 7

German telecommunications company, the largest in Europe and the third largest in the world. Headquarters - in Bonn. In Russia, Deutsche Telekom has been represented for over 14 years.


43,6 / 11 , 5 / 63,2/ 114 , 5

American Corporation producing a wide range electronic devices and computer components, including semiconductors, microprocessors, system logic sets (chipsets), etc. Headquarters - in Santa Clara, California, USA.


118 / 2 , 3 / 564,6/ 33 , 4

The largest insurance company Italy and one of the largest in Europe. Headquarters is in Trieste. The company is concentrated in Europe, the Middle East and East Asia.

Saudi Arabia

Metal, chemical industry

40,5 / 5 , 7 / 84,3/ 81 , 2

SABIC is one of the world leaders in the production of metals, chemicals, fertilizers and plastics. It is the largest manufacturer of steel in the Middle East, produces strip steel and long steel products.

Beer production

36,8 / 4 , 1 / 113,8/ 90 , 6

American brewing company, the second largest in the world after InBev and the largest in the United States. Headquarters - in St. Louis (Missouri). In July 2008, it was announced that the Belgian brewing company INBEV agreed with the shareholders of Anheuser-Busch about the absorption of the latter. Companies belong 12 large brewing factories in the United States, as well as 15 factories in other countries of the world, including in China.

33,1 / 2 , 9 / 1,310.3/ 49

One of the largest Japanese banks. Headquarters is located in Tokyo, Japan. It is part of the Sumitomo and Mitsui groups.

24,2 / 4 , 4 / 541,1/ 63 , 6

It is one of the main financial institutions of North America and the most international of Canadian banks. Scotiabank Group and his subsidiaries, whose staff has about 60,000 people, provide services for approximately 12.5 million customers in about 50 countries. Scotiabank offers a number of diverse products and services, including personal, commercial, corporate and investment banking services. Read more ... 2.

The largest electric company France. Electricite de France manages 59 NPPs, providing power supply to 25 million homes. EDF interacts with Toyota in the development of batteries, chargers for cars and deployment of electric power infrastructure in Europe. Read more ...


Place in the list defined in accordance with revenue indicators Organizations in 2014. The rating did not include banks, insurance, leased, investment and other financial companies due to the fact that they have significant differences from commercial and industrial enterprises In terms of business and accounting.

Leader fixed French Auchan Group, uniting store chains "Ashhan" and "Attacks". At the end of the year, the group's revenue was 372 billion. On second place, the publication put the German Metro Group (Metro Cash & Carry stores), whose revenue was at the level of 294 billion rubles. The third place went to the Japanese automaker Toyota - 249 billion.

On the fourth line turned out to be another car manufacturer - German Volkswagen with revenue 231 billion rubles. Top 5 closed the tobacco company Japan Tobacco International (222 billion).

Next, the list is as follows: the sixth place is the tobacco company Philip Morris (194 billion rubles), it is located behind it the Swedish manufacturer of IKEA furniture with an indicator of 184 billion. Next, PepsiCo and automaker Nissan (171 and 152 billion revenues, respectively). Closed Top 10 Concern Daimler with an indicator of 148 billion rubles.

According to the results of 2014, the overall revenue of the participants in the rating (total 50 companies) increased by 13%, to five trillion rubles. According to the total revenue in the rating, companies are leading from Germany (1.1 trillion rubles), in second place - French business (828 billion rubles), followed by the company with a small margin from the United States (820 billion rubles). In the share of Russian revenue in total sales lidate companies from France (8%) and Japan (4.4%).

We add that the list of major foreign companies in Russia was based on officially published data and reports of companies. Currency revenue translated to Russian Currency at the rate of 2014.