Repairs Design Furniture

Interesting design kitchens. Modern kitchen design. Kitchen interior design stages

Kitchen layout

The issue of planning a new kitchen requires careful attention. It should be convenient for cooking (including compliance with the principles of ergonomics), beautiful (fashionable, cozy - here everyone chooses suitable qualities), roomy and acceptable by budget. In addition, kitchen furniture needs to enter into a framework of a particular space, often limited not only by form, but also ready-made engineering communications schemes in the apartment.

The kitchen highlights 5 main zones:

  • wash - the arrangement of the sink;
  • working - Countertop, area for product preparation;
  • culinary - Actually cooking surface and oven;
  • pantry - refrigerator, cabinets for croup, canned, other products;
  • place for storage - appliances, dishes, accessories.

The area of \u200b\u200bthe plane, washing and refrigerators are inextricably linked with the cooking process, so they must be combined with an efficient way. Designers call it the rules of the working triangle. Ideally, the length of one side should vary within 120-170 cm. Based on this, you can pick up a different type of kitchen. Below are the most popular planning.

The main task of the heads intended for this layout is to maximize the feeling of the harmonious integrity of the space. For this, a functionally perfect working area is organized (most often it is an angular module design), smoothly turning into place for friendly communication and family dinners.

To determine the border of the kitchen and dining area, a bar counter is most often used, which can be attached to one of the walls, perform a separate "island" or to be part of the furniture headset. This layout allows you to implement in the interior any designer concept - from the classics to High-Tek.

Such a layout allows you to significantly expand a small working area and at the same time set back a comfortable place to eat. Depending on the nuances of the space architecture, you can choose the optimal location of the furniture: along one wall, in two rows, with the "island" in the center.

Kitchen-dining room allows modern hostess to save time, aligning the process of cooking food, business and live communication with loved ones. The choice of layout is fully justified for small rooms, but it can be appropriate for a large area.

Kitchen-living room, or living, is a type of planning used in Studio apartments. The choice in favor of the kitchen-living room is dictated mainly not by space (such a kitchen can be both big and small), but rather lifestyle and interior style requirements.

If the kitchen is interesting to you first as a place not for cooking, but for communication, or you want to recreate the Loft style in your apartment, the concept of which is a single and extended space line, - a kitchen-living room for you!

This configuration usually requires a lot of space - minimum of 16 square meters. The islands can be designed with embedded shells and burners, but perfectly work as a unifying element without unnecessary household appliances. Inside the island you can hide the dishes, ready breakfasts, etc. This option is suitable for creating a cozy space of the house where you can cook and simultaneously communicate with loved ones. To make the island special, use spectacular materials for countertops, such as a stone or tree.

In contrast to the previous version, the additional element is attached to the single wall to the single wall and is open to access only from three sides. It is considered a good layout for homes with small kitchens, since it provides all the advantages of the work surface of the island, but takes less square.

M-shaped kitchen design is fashionable thanks to its practicality. This is a classic triangle based on two adjacent walls, which involves usually not used angular space. This option is well suited for medium-sized areas (8-15 square meters. M) and just perfect if you want to include a dining table in the schema. There is already enough space for the simultaneous work of two people

Such a kitchen occupies three walls and creates a cozy zone for a cook, closed from prying eyes. Such kitchens are perfect for large families and studio type apartments. They are simultaneously included in the overall space, and give the necessary isolation. If the place allows, the dining table can be installed in the center of the P-shaped kitchen. But make sure that there is no too long distance between the work zones.

Furniture and techniques are placed along two parallel walls, usually a washing and a stove are located on the one hand, and on the other - the refrigerator. The distance between them should be at least 120 cm. This layout allows you to effectively use the area of \u200b\u200ba large elongated room. Double kitchens can be placed in passing areas and corridors leading to another room. So that this placement does not cause the feeling of constraint, you can make one row headset shorter than the other, and also use light colors.

In fact, in this layout, the triangle is almost not used. Furniture and equipment are placed along one wall, and the refrigerator and stove are located on different sides of the sink. But for optimal efficiency, the countertop length should not exceed 3.6 m. Suitable for narrow premises, as well as those who want to reduce the kitchen area to a minimum. Work together in such a kitchen will not be very convenient.

Idea design project

The basis is based on the idea is the basic approach of architects and professional designers. Therefore, before developing kitchen design, it is important to understand how it will be used. Ask yourself such questions:

  • How many things do you need to store? Someone wants the items to cook even the most original dishes in his kitchen, and someone prefers minimalism in this plan.
  • What household appliances will be installed? For example, if the bathroom is small, you can transfer the washing machine into the kitchen.
  • How often will you cook? Lovers of culinary experiments will need more space than those who prepare infrequently or simple dishes.
  • Who else will use the kitchen? Remember that the elderly people are more difficult to bend, and for children, on the contrary, it can be difficult to reach the upper boxes.
  • How much time do you usually spend on it? Today, multipurpose cuisines are popular, which are used in parallel to work and rest. Consider solutions such as islands and bar racks for breakfast, bookshelves, winecases, additional outlets for laptops and chargers.

What color to choose for a kitchen?

The correctly selected palette of colors is the first step towards creating a cozy, comfortable and stylish interior. Various colors, shades and combinations change the visual and psychological perception of space: expand bottlenecks, making them lighter and warmer, mask the problem areas. Choosing colors for the kitchen, it is important to determine what style they should support and what to set the mood.


This color visually expands the space and serves as an ideal base for the embodiment of almost any designer ideas. White versatility allows you to use it to create harmonious combinations with bright and pastel colors, textured and smooth surfaces of furniture.


Yellow allows you to create a sunny mood. However, pure color and its shades are quite capricious and can quickly bother the eye. Therefore, the yellow to use in the interior of the kitchen, where a person usually spends a lot of time, it should be very careful, competently by setting accents.


Each shade of green in its own way affects the visual perception. It helps to visually increase the size of the kitchen, distract attention from architectural defects, give a feeling of calm, awaken energy and appetite. Correctly pick up and texture, you can use green to create an interior in almost any style.


Gold a priori emphasizes the prestige of the interior and the well-being of the owners of the house. In order for the precious luxury in the kitchen space organically and did not create an artificial museum atmosphere, such a color is used for decorative nuances allocation. As a successful dominant, you can choose a cardinal black, elegant white, pastel and natural shades.


This color allows you to create an active, dynamic, festive and hospitable interior. It is important to avoid overabraging red, which is easily achieved by various design techniques. You can dilute passionate and rich color using wood, gray, calm bright shades, glass facades and open shelves.

Natural / Tree

The noble aesthetics of wood is able to organically join almost all classic and modern styles - from a luxurious baroque to a laconic urbanism. Natural wood in the design of kitchens attracts the versatility of its combination with various textures - from cold metal surfaces to colorful brickwork and weightless glass.

Light coloured

It is rational and sometimes the only reasonable solution for visual expansion of small and dark space. The extensive gamma of light shades will allow you to choose the perfect base for designing a kitchen in a classic or modern style. As an accompaniment, saturated but not causing colors and wood are perfectly suitable.


Provides a beneficial effect on the psychological and emotional background. Most of the blue tones belong to the cold palette. Therefore, they do not suit the design of the kitchen overlooking the windows to the north. Make the color warmer can combine it with shades of wood, beige, sandy, curry.


Such shades will add to the spacious premises of majesty, but will reduce the dimensions of the small kitchen. Dark color self-sufficient. If such a solution is chosen for furniture, all other elements of the interior (walls, floor, ceiling, decor) should not be dark. Excellent option - combination with light shades, single bright accents, mirrors, facades with glasses, stained glass windows.

Interior features

Directly work on the design of the kitchen interior begins with the analysis of the possibilities of your room. There are a number of nuances that should be taken into account, as they may require additional financial investments.

Water submission. The location of the washing and the dishwasher depends on the outlet points of the water supply and sewage. To transfer the wet zone to another place, you will need to lay additional pipes.

Wiring. Outlets for household appliances and switches It is important to locate in convenient places. Usually it is to the kitchen account for the main load on electricity, so in old houses it is sometimes necessary to replace the network completely. Note that in addition to overall lighting it is desirable to organize the working surface light or other zones (if necessary).

Gas supply. When developing kitchen design, it is necessary to provide competent placement of the gas column and the cooking surface. It is not recommended to place such a technique next to the window or sink. It is also important to take into account that if the initial location of the equipment and the column will change, gas communications will also be transferred.

Dimensions of the room. If you have conceived to increase the kitchen, you will need to redevelop, but this may prevent the presence of bearing walls. However, a small room or low ceilings are not upset. Modern designer tricks help visually expand the spaces without capital intervention - with the help of light colors, glossy surfaces, built-in lamps (instead of bulk chandeliers), etc.).

Five main errors in the design of the kitchen

Linear layout. This configuration is rational only for small kitchens. In a large space and room with a long wall, the organization of the work triangle is the location in different angles of washing, refrigerators and stoves in different angles.

Lack of workplace next to the sink. Sometimes the desire to save space and accommodate as many technology in it brings to the absurdity. So, setting the sink next to the fridge or stove does not leave the ability to organize a place to dry the dishes after washing.

Only central lighting. Multitasking kitchen requires competent local illumination of individual functional zones. This will ensure comfort in the process of fulfilling all economic affairs - from cooking and storing utensils before washing dishes and table setting.

Beautiful but impractical materials. The kitchen is a source of high humidity, bold splashes and spots. It is not always advisable to use wooden floors and countertops from marble, which, due to its porous structure, can absorb pollution and smells.

Uncomfortable storage systems. The use of too highly located upper cabinets with swing facades causes no less irritation than the opening and closing of deep and high retractable boxes stuffed up to failure.

Avoid these and many other mistakes at the design stage is easier and cheaper than then try to fix annoying flaws already in the finished space. To do this, it is enough to immediately entrust the kitchen layout to a professional designer who will take into account all the nuances and the individual needs of the customer.

Organization of the dining area

The central element of the dining area - the table. Its dimensions must correspond to the number of people permanently residing in the house. The hospitable hosts can pay attention to the sliding models transformers. Choosing a place for the table, you need to take into account that it is convenient to approach it and it does not block access to other functional elements of the kitchen.

Competent lighting not only contributes to good perception of the kitchen and demonstrating it in all its glory, but also increases comfort from using the room and its separate functional areas. These tasks solves the central ceiling chandelier and local lighting sources located above the dining table and in the working area. Mount the lamps can be easily in the design headset.

How to zonate space?

The task of competent separation of space is relevant for both separate cuisine and for the room combined with a dining room, living room or studio. You can designate the boundaries of different functional zones using a number of efficient design techniques.

Lighting. For the working area, quite bright lighting is selected, which increases comfort when cooking and performing other home affairs. The dining part of the room creates conditions for cozy family gatherings. This is achieved by setting the table by the window or using lamps that give soft light.

Finish. You can clearly distinguish between the working and dining area using the use of various in the color and texture of materials for finishing walls, floor and even the ceiling. It is important to envisage that the surfaces differ in resistance to moisture and easily cleaned with fat and other contaminants.

Partitions. You can equip stationary partitions from drywall, having an arched or semi-aitual form. They will not look at cumbersome. Glass zoning elements look easily and air. It may not be just a partition, but a large aquarium. The task of zoning the kitchen is solved using sliding shirms from wood or fabric, bar counter, open rack and other furniture elements.

Storage systems

Functional and convenient storage systems will significantly save time and effort to perform household tasks. To do this, it is important to consider everything from the depth and height of the modules, their intuitive location in space and ending with the introduction of ergonomic mechanisms for opening the facades - smooth, silent and providing free access to content. Cabinets and cabinets can be equipped not only by traditional drawers and shelves, but also with retractable cutting boards, narrow polarons, folding countertops. To fill storage systems, you can choose special devices: bottle, holders for covers, etc. When arranging modern interiors, open storage systems are often used - hinged shelves and open racks.

  • 2. Combine the kitchen area with a dining room, living room or even a balcony, refusing interior doors and partitions.
  • 3. Get the additional functional zone will allow replacing the windowsill with a tabletop or bar counter.
  • 4. Use a small design as a table. It may well be foldable, sliding, retractable.
  • 5. Visually expand the room will allow open upper shelves instead of ordinary attached lockers and facades with glazing.
  • 6. It will significantly increase the convenience of finding a small room using headlopes with smoothed corners and radius facades.
  • 7. To save free space and not infringe on the functionality of the kitchen, you can replace several standard storage modules with a narrow, but high wardrobe.
  • Fashion trends in 2018

    The design of the interior of the kitchen is changing almost with the same kaleidoscopic speed as fashion trends in clothing. So, fans of the loft and other styles with a bias in urban landscapes of stone jungle can safely afford to use bright details. Let it be a refrigerator "fire" colors.

    According to experts in the field of interior design, the most stylish headsets in 2018, in which one color is selected for the upper section, and for the bottom - another, a contrasting, but harmonizing with it. Fashionable colors - muted azure, matte pink, lilac gamut, dark wood.

    In trend - non-standard lamps, decorative columns, the use of wall panels and "aprons" with a 3D effect.

    Collections Bestsellers and New Kukhomans "Maria" will help you successfully realize any bold modern ideas in a spacious private house or typical urban apartment. We offer to familiarize yourself with the photos that reflect the most recent decisions of space design.

    Any hostess desire to see its kitchen not only functional, practical and convenient in terms of carrying out workflows, but also cozy, beautiful, modern. Of course, in many ways, the design of the kitchen depends on its sizes, but we offer ideas for organizing storage, preparation or food intake can be used in kitchen premises of any scale. The advantage is also in the fact that many of the accessories and design techniques can be carried out independently, without the involvement of specialists and serious financial spending. So, you are over 70 ideas on the organization of a practical, comfortable and aesthetic interior of the kitchen space.

    Ideas for the optimization of space and saving the useful area of \u200b\u200bthe kitchen

    In small kitchen premises for gold weight every square centimeter, so it accounts for all available space, for example, the height of the room. The location of the upper tier of kitchen cabinets from the ceiling itself allows you to increase the number of storage systems. This method is good for kitchen premises in standard apartments, with low ceilings.

    If you add to the embedding a kitchen headset from the ceiling itself and to the floor, add snow-white facades, then not only the number of storage systems can be brought to the optimal, but also visual increase in space can be achieved.

    Organization of the dining area in a small kitchen

    If you have a spacious kitchen, then with the organization of the dining area for the whole family there will be no problems - you can install a spacious table. But what if the area of \u200b\u200bthe kitchen room is different as modest not to call? There are a lot of options, but it all depends on the number of households, their age (small children and older people will inconveniently sit at the bar counter, for example) and lifestyle (as often all family members are going for meals). One of the options for organizing a place to take food - the extension of the kitchen island's countertops. Then the number of storage systems, cutting surfaces or built-in home appliances can be increased, and leave the dining area within the framework of the kitchen space (not to endure the table segment in the living room).

    In the kitchen space with a deficit of the useful space for the organization of the dining area, you can use the model of the folding table, with a form of a semicircled. There are models on sale that can entirely lean and rely on one leg, as well as tables that are lowered by part, leaving almost a rectangular countertop to use.

    Round portable table - a great option for organizing a place for trapping in a small kitchen.

    Rational storage or saving of useful space

    There are no storage systems, especially if we are talking about a kitchen room - any homeowner agrees with this statement. But it is not enough to have enough kitchen cabinets, it is important to organize storage in such a way as you can spend as much time as possible to find the right object, store hazardous cutlery and various kitchen accessories in the safest way. Modern furniture manufacturers often offer us a ready-made solution for the organization of storage - kitchen cabinets with built-in dispensers, separators, rotating shelves, retractable organizers and other devices that help keep the kitchen space in order. But there are a lot of solutions that are already used in the finished furniture ensemble or even besides him.

    Object items and food that need to use daily (spices, oils, sauces and other additives) are best stored on open shelves. Then the whole range will be in front of the eyes (you can quickly find the desired ingredient), and the doors of kitchen cabinets do not have to crack. If your jars and flasks are not transparent, it is easiest to use stickers-stickers on which you can sign the title of seasoning or sauce. Yes, and transparent ass. This technique concerns - many products look very similar (the salt and sugar will be hurt, spoiling a dish, for example).

    Square and rectangular containers occupy less space, both on open shelves and in drawers.

    You can use the following options for stands and shelves to store bottles. The advantage of mounted wooden shelves is that not only bottles are in a reliable container, but also for glasses there was a place. Metal holders can be fixed anywhere - even on the side walls of mounted cabinets. Saving useful kitchen space on face.

    And how do you like this approach to the organization of space to create notes, recipe recordings and generally create a mini home office in the kitchen space? It took only the side wall of the cabinet-pool and a small tray (or tray) for stationery.

    Another option of using a black magnetic board for organizing a place for notes, recipe recordings and product lists - the inside of the door of any attached cabinet.

    Conventional tin cans (from under children's nutrition or large canned foods) become creative stands for cutlery, just wrap their burlap. It is noteworthy that such decorative elements will be organically looked not only in various variations of the country style (Scandinavian, Provence, Mediterranean), but also in the kitchen space, decorated in modern stylistics.

    Organizers may also come in handy in the form of wooden trays, containers or boxes with low sides. The convenience of using such supports is that a whole complex of necessary items is at hand, in the right place.

    For products that are undesirable to store in the refrigerator (onions, garlic, potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, etc.) You can use special perforation boxes. They can be made of plastic, metal, woven from the vine or rattan.

    A few ideas of how can you store various cleaning products and devices for washing dishes and caressing behind the kitchen surfaces that you would not want to put on the universal review, but I would prefer to hide.

    And for storing a set of knives and other metal kitchen accessories, magnetic stripes are perfect. They can be attached directly to walls or inside storage systems.

    Decorative Elements with Function Load

    Almost any object of kitchenware can become a decorative element. For example, the original mixer is under ancient in brass or copper design, golden or in a snow-white ceramic version, it is capable not only to perform its water supply functions, but also decorate the interior, bring originality or support the overall concept of design of the kitchen.

    The combination of various finishing materials can become a decorative element. And it is not only about the original or bright design of the kitchen apron. For example, you can combine ceramic outdoor tiles or laminate or parquet in the working and dining areas of the kitchen space. You can also lay out a segment to the rear courtyard (option for kitchen premises of private houses).

    Shelves and tabletops from wood, which looks like raw (in fact, it is impregnated with special antiseptics and covered with moisture-repellent varnishes) not only bring natural heat into modern kitchen design, but also perform many functions.

    The socket-tee, which is put forward directly from the table top when it is necessary? Nothing is impossible. Only the obvious savings of space and the convenience of operation must be planned in advance, at the stage of ordering a kitchen headset and countertops to it.

    Another convenient device is a hole in the worktop for collecting garbage. From waste cooking is completely easy to get rid of - just throw off all unnecessary to the hole in the table top, which is located a trash can.

    Almost any element becomes decorative if it is highlighted. The use of point lamps or tape lights allows not only to create the desired level of illumination of the kitchen, but also to create a special atmosphere of the room, a cozy atmosphere.

    Nothing adds the blows of nature, freshness and spring-summer mood even in the frosty day, like a bright greens of live plants in the interior. And if these plants are not only beauty and freshness kitchen design are added, but can also be used to prepare delicious and useful dishes, they deserve the most original design. Ordinary flower pots on the window sill for a long time do not surprise anyone, and often this surface is construed into the worktop. How to organize the placement of indoor plants and growing greenery for the family table and make it decoratively, decorating the design of the kitchen space?

    How about hanging pots or containers from ceramics, plastic, glass and even metal on special holders, fastened to the wall? As a result, a whole green wall may appear in your kitchen, and the greens for tasty and healthy dishes will be at hand.

    If your home does not have a pet who likes to climb on curtains for curtains, such a way to place pots with indoor plants can be a highlight of the interior. The perfect option for sun-bred plants.

    If the area of \u200b\u200bthe kitchen room allows you to use really large plants in floor pots or tubs. Even the most strict, modern interior design "softens" from the presence of such an abundance of greenery.

    1000 1500 DIX. https: //www..png.DIX.2017-04-23 14:11:10 2018-11-30 11:15:34 Original ideas for kitchen design

    The kitchen is the most functional room in a house or apartment. The design of the kitchen assumes the presence of several working zones and high demands for the safety level of finishing materials. With all its practicality, it is necessary to create a cozy nest for cooking to family dinners.

    Modern designers offer many comfortable and interesting solutions, both for spacious premises and for a small-scale kitchen.

    Main trends of modern kitchen

    Fashion on the kitchen design does not stand still. Modern style is rapidly developing, offering homeowners a wide variety of forms, color solutions, as well as textures for creating a kitchen of their dreams.

    But there are general trends in the design of the modern temple of food. Designers recommend:

    • visually expanding space due to light tones in decoration, mirror surfaces, lighting.
    • zonate space;
    • use functional modern embedded equipment adding high-tech small kitchens in the interior;
    • use laconic kitchen headsets;
    • add the premises of strict lines and geometric shapes as tribute to modern style;
    • hide accessories;
    • use chrome surfaces, glass in decoration;
    • add "eco-notes" with wooden inserts, living plants;
    • develop a high-tech storage system. Minimalism does not tolerate the cluttered space of the room.

    Choosing style

    The kitchen is the place of family dinners and romantic breakfasts. That is why it should be framed in harmony with the inner world and tastes of the owners. To date, there are applicable to this room. Of course, everyone can find a version of himself like:

    Classic style. It is an unsalted design style. When decorated, the classic will not be too good solution, as the feature of this direction is furniture from dark flowers of wood or materials disguised below it. The main colors will be beige, gold and brown.

    Country style. The type of interior echoes the classics, but is a simpler and cozy version. Preference is given to natural materials and a transmitting color of the countryside decor: braided motif, original forms, natural colors, patchwork fabrics.

    High tech. Complete opposite of country style. The emphasis is placed on the abundance of chromium, metal, glass, modern technology, which will become the main decor of the room. The use of simple lines in the headset will emphasize its functionality. The use of one bright dominant color and one neutral is welcomed.

    Modern style or modernwhich will fit perfectly in. It has concise and desire for minimalism. The predominance in the interior of the white color and a large amount of natural lighting will further expand the space of even the smallest kitchen. For modernity, the use of geometric forms and the functionality of each part is typical.

    Eclecticism. Mixed style replete with decor. Loads the space by a multitude of elements. Combines various textures and colors.

    Color solution

    Choosing the color of the kitchen design is an important step. It is from the color solution that the overall mood of the room will depend on and the effect created by it.

    Beautiful design of the kitchen of a small area involves a visual increase in space. Such an effect will help achieve a combination of two colors. The light color should prevail from above, and the dark - downstairs.

    The monophonic interior also fits well into a small square kitchen design. But when choosing a dominant color, you should use a palette from light beige to brown.

    White selection as a monophonic design will make the kitchen too strict, the wooden decor will help soften this effect.

    The background largely depends on the initial selection of the style of the room, as well as from the planned coloring of the furniture: it is impossible to combine a mixed headset with a bright color of the walls.

    It should also be remembered about the effect of color per person. Red color is able to accelerate the metabolism, contributes to a good appetite. And the use of blue and green shades, on the contrary, is suitable for those who follow the figure and want to eat a little less than usual.

    Diversify the usual setting will help non-standard selection of the color of the ceiling. A good choice will be bright warm shades.

    Cuisine Finishing

    Different kitchen surfaces are suitable for different finishes. Let us dwell on each of them.

    Finishing the ceiling

    Special requirements are presented to the ceiling in the kitchen. In addition to aesthetic appearance, it must be practical, moisture and heat-resistant. The most common are:

    • pasting wallpaper;
    • decoration by plastic panels;
    • coloring;
    • pasting polystyrene foam plates;
    • installing the stretch ceiling;
    • installation of plasterboard ceiling.

    Naturally, at least the ceiling pasting and it will be a cheap way to finish, but the durability of these methods will not brag exactly.

    The most common until recently was the method of plaster and subsequent coloring of the ceiling of water-mounted paint. This is a rather time-consuming and "dirty" process, but the result justifies itself. When the paint begins to yellow with time, it is easy to update the ceiling one more layer.

    The most modern methods are the design of stretch and tail ceilings. These are more expensive options, but such ceilings are durable and functional. Thanks to the point lighting, it is possible to additionally highlight the working surface, and the multi-level ceiling will help zonate space.

    Unusual design of small size kitchens emphasize mirror ceilings. They look original, and the space is visually expanding.

    Wall decoration

    In cases where the kitchen is divided into working and dining areas, it will be appropriate to emphasize this separation by different finishing materials. Among the most popular options for finishes:

    Ceramic tile and mosaic. Kitchen Registration Leader. Popularity is obliged to their durability, strength, ease of care, as well as a huge selection of colors for every taste. It is rarely found as finishing material of the kitchen, usually fills the apron space or the entire working wall.

    Paint. Washing paint is an excellent option for both the working and dining area. Color mixing can give a lot of beautiful shades for high-quality finishes. Another reason for the popularity of paint is the ability to implement, without resorting to the help of specialists in the presence of a finished smooth surface.

    Wallpaper. Considering the specifics of the room, the usual is not a place. Fliseline, fiberglass, vinyl wallpapers are suitable for decoration of this room.

    Yellow rectangular kitchen in interior with wallpaper

    Finishing with concrete, brick, putty. The type of pristine "bare" walls of the usually illuminated building materials makes a spectacular touch and a droplet of rebellion into a modern concise style.

    Wall MDF panels. Modern manufacturers offer a wide selection of aesthetic panels covered with a special protective film. They are easy to install and look well in the interior of the room.


    The choice of flooring is a rather difficult task for a simple alignment. There is a wide variety of modern materials meeting the requirements of the kitchen space. The practicality of the finishing should be in the first place compared to the appearance.

    The favorite, as in the case of the walls, remains a ceramic tile, especially since its coloring imitating popular wooden surfaces.

    The second most popular material is. It is distinguished by an inexpensive price, possessing all the quality it is necessary for the outdoor coating of the kitchen.

    A beautiful, practical, but expensive option outdoor coating can be parquet. This material is qualitatively referring to the room, without fear of moisture and temperature due to special protection.

    The inexpensive alternative to the wooden floor will be laminate. In addition to the advantages of price, appearance, the material boasts the simplicity of the installation with which even an inexperienced builder will cope.

    The extravagant solution will be the floor in the style of Loft. The primordial concrete floor is a win-win option due to its functionality and cost.


    A variety of modern kitchen furniture is greatly disorienting an inexperienced buyer. How not to get lost, choose a suitable set?

    Regardless of the size of the kitchen, there are 5 standard layout options:

    • island placement;
    • peninsular placement;
    • parallel placement;
    • P-shaped placement;
    • M-shaped accommodation.

    Whatever type of planning is selected, there are general trends in the design of kitchen furniture. So, today, the boom is the system of effective storage. Even the most hard-to-reach places are used rationally.

    Given the diversity of modern technology, for organic embedding it in the overall silhouette of the kitchen, the perfect version will be the manufacture of furniture to order.

    It is not necessary to save on the quality of finishing materials of the kitchen headset: very soon unfairly made furniture will lose its appearance due to instability to moisture and temperature, demanding significant funds for its complete replacement.

    Design of dining area

    In most apartments, the place of food reception is in the kitchen. Designers recommend highlighting a dining area in the interior, visually separating it from working surfaces.

    If there is free space, it will not be difficult. You can use the designer reception of zoning using different decoration of the walls and the ceiling. Another option will be a slight screen in the design color, which closes the functional part of the room. Mosaic looks well or

    Popular is the use of instead of a conventional combination of tables and chairs, bar racks and high stools. But this option is hardly suitable for a family with children.

    Make an additional focus on the dining area will help decor and lighting items. Replace the floor finish will help a well-selected carpet.

    Decorating the room

    Despite the desire of modern designers to minimalism, the decor remains part of the interior, although it undergoes some changes. Compared to the fashion of the past years, the number of non-functional elements is significantly reduced. Preference is given to one bright accent, instead of a variety of small parts that create the effect of cuisine litter.

    The kitchen decor uses:

    • screen drawings and ornaments on the functional wall;
    • thematic stickers;
    • self-adhesive paper on the refrigerator
    • decorative dishes;
    • unusual lamps;
    • hand-Made items;
    • wood;
    • original carpet or panel;
    • glass decor;
    • eco-Items: Flowers, Plants;
    • decorative curtains.

    When choosing a decor and place of its location in the kitchen, you should not forget about the rules of fire safety.


    The kitchen, as a functional room of any housing, requires a well-thought-out highlighting system.

    Example Design design kitchen with backlit

    The placement of lamps should be taken care immediately after the final decision on the kitchen layout. It is at this stage that it is possible to determine the finding of working zones that require additional backlight, the method of dispersion of light and carry out all the missing elements in advance (sockets, releases, switches, etc.).

    In modern kitchen, the only lighting source is not a place. For example, due to the combination of point lighting and suspended lamp, it is convenient to highlight the working surface and the perimeter of the room.

    It will be best to make the main light neutral and not too bright, and with the help of additional sources of light, fold the necessary combinations of lighting.

    To illuminate the kitchen space uses:

    • Illumination by LEDs;
    • Spotlights;
    • Tire lamps;
    • Suspended lamps;
    • Overhead lamps.

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    What is the difficulty of creating a small kitchen interior? Highlights that need to be taken into account in order to equip the room correctly and increase the area. Receptions that allow you to expand the space visually, without transferring walls in the apartment. Examples of successful kitchens from 5 to 9 sq m.

    Do you have a kitchen up to 10 sq m? Polyista:

    • Real photo of the kitchen: and

    Live examples of planning

    6 square meters m. The single-row location of the modules frees the place for the dining table. There was no place for the brass cabinet, but the washing machine was placed.

    With an angular location of furniture by 6.5 square meters. M It turned out a lot of storage places and a separate table. There is no oven, dishwasher. In this case, a narrow part of the countertop can be increased to 600 mm and place a dishwasher. For a brass cabinet, you can use a module under a cooking surface.

    For 5 square meters. M placed all the necessary furniture, minuses - the close location of the detached plate and washing. The module with a sink is better to shift into the left edge, thus, the space for the dishwasher is released, and a working surface will appear between the stove and sink.

    The advantage of planning in one row is that the room remains a place to accommodate the dining table.

    But if the walls of the wall does not allow you to fit into one line washing, refrigerator, stove and work surface of the desired size, use an angular layout.

    A good location of all major elements.

    Headset in an area of \u200b\u200b7 square meters. M is properly designed and compensated. Possible minus: The refrigerator will be blown out the light from the window during the daytime. Use for the design of the opening light fabric so that more light penetrates into the room.

    The angular layout should use the room to the maximum functionally. For example, a carousel mechanism for storing various accessories is mounted into the angular tube.

    The optimal option for a small headset is a built-in technique. A similar choice allows you to use the working surface fully.

    Safety is needed that the washing and slab separated one or more modules.

    The windows of the window is replaced by a worktop.

    In the roller, the hostess tells in detail how she chose the kitchen, which in the end it turned out what was pleased, but what not. Voices for kitchen furniture and equipment. Design, review of technology with reviews and prices, Lifehaki.

    How to fit everything?

    1. Establish furniture and equipment

    • On a small kitchen appropriate angular and linear device modules;
    • Exclude a two-row, P-shaped, peninsular and island location of furniture. Such a design is suitable for spacious rooms;
    • It is necessary to make a small-sized room of furniture to the maximum. For example, all loose walls can be used to store objects (additional shelves, rails or small cabinets);
    • The refrigerator should be placed in the corner of the room, thus, the layout is formed more harmoniously.
    • The distance between the cooking surface and the refrigerator must be 60 cm or more.
    • If a gas stove is used, it must be installed near the pipe with gas;
    • Retractable drawers with liners for cutlery and dishwasher should be near washing. This approach optimizes the cleaning process;
    • The minimum distance from the plane to the wall with a window is 20 cm, especially if the opening is decorated with an elongated model of the curtain;
    • Instead of the windowsill, you can install a worktop, thereby increasing the workspace;
    • Thanks to the possibilities of modern plumbing, the sink can be installed anywhere. The popular option is a washing device on the site of the windows.

    Opening the door of the refrigerator orient towards the wall - so you will save the area for movement.

    2. Replacement of interroom doors

    In order to free a little useful area, instead of the disintegration design of the door, you can install a sliding mechanism or "accordion".

    If you remove the door at all, then at the design of adjacent rooms it is better to stick to one style.

    3. Additional lighting

    Installation of additional sources, as well as an increase in the natural flow of light, allows you to visually expand compact area. To do this, mirrors are used, a tile with reflective effect, glass, glossy surfaces, chrome elements, dot lamps.

    Mirror mosaic perfectly reflects the falling light. The effect of ease is created.

    Thanks to the local illumination of the working surface, it is possible to operate an intended room at any time of the day.

    Lighting is another zoning method. A part of the room with a bright light is a soft light in the dining area, a soft lighting is organized in the dining area.

    Glossy materials contribute to a visual increase in the area, due to reflections.

    The apron of glossy tiles and facades with glass inserts are perfect for a small area.

    The working surface should be well lit, therefore, more powerful lamps are installed on the headcard, or increase the number of devices.

    Various combinations of lighting make it possible to reduce energy consumption, as well as zonate space, creating a cozy atmosphere.

    What colors make a small kitchen?

    A lot of color solutions depends on the color solution. Specialists advise you to choose a neutral gamut in the decoration (beige, sandy or light gray).
    Light tones in design headset.

    Neutral gamma of furniture facades is the perfect option for a small room.

    Pastel shade of facades headset.

    Prefer the pastel and monochrome shades, as well as stylized patterns that look unobtrusively.

    Contrast details will allow you to make the interior diverse. Be careful using this technique - active colors may be fattered.

    Suitable color wallpaper

    • Combinations of the neutral base (shades of milk, pearls, peach) with saturated tones;
    • A bright accent on the wall looks good in the dining area and creates a special mood;
    • Background wallpapers should not drag all attention to themselves;
    • Choose warm or pastel gamut for low ceilings.

    Beige wall color is combined with a full-color apron.

    Wallpapers highlight the dining area using a saturated color and texture. Lighting devices also contribute to the separation of space.

    Monophonic light wallpaper are well combined with such a headlome in a color of Wenge.

    Curtains like a bright accent

    A small room is better to arrange rolled or Roman curtains, as well as curtains made of lightweight fabric. Curtains in this case are inappropriate.

    • Choosing curtains, be careful in the use of textiles with a pattern so that the interior is comfortable for staying;
    • Making the window, it is not necessary to close it completely, even if you use light fabric;
    • Textiles should be well to skip sunlight;
    • Alternative to fabric curtains - blinds.

    General style design

    The most successful option for small kitchens - (modern, minimalism, high-tech). Form conciseness and clear lines perfectly complement the small room. The use of glossy surfaces adds the effect of lightness, due to the reflection of light and glare.
    Modern style.


    High-tech style.

    Often, the modern style of furniture involves the use of built-in models of technology, and this significantly saves square meters consumption.

    A characteristic feature of these styles is the minimum decor during arrangement.

    Ideas for storage. Mix everything!

    1. Increase the height of the upper boxes up to 90 cm (standard 72 cm). You will have an extra regiment in each box.

    2. In the angular boxes, install the carousel shelves, in the lower and upper modules - special baskets. Minus use - high cost of mechanisms;

    The module with a basket can be different dimensions in width and height, its capacity depends on this.

    3.. Protect the optimization of the cooking process because there are daily use and spices for dishes.

    Railings are fixed on apron and filled with different fasteners at personal discretion. Railing length can be any.

    4. (almost at the floor level) will allow you to place some products and objects.

    Expansion of space

    1. If the refrigerator completes the composition headset, the height of the room will slightly increase (visual effect), due to the vertical perspective;
    2. To enhance the effect of lightness, use furniture from glossy or transparent materials (plastic, glass);
    3. Small-sized objects create a feeling of clutter. The presence of such furniture will visually reduce the space.
    It is better to equip a small room with objects of real sizes, despite the fact that they occupy a lot of space;
    4. Folding facades for upper cabinets will also save space during operation;
    5. The table must be a streamlined form (oval or round);
    6. Purchase the sliding dining table model and retractable products for the cutting of products.
    Round table can be sliding. In the assembled state, it takes a minimum of space.

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