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Summer Solstice: practices, rituals, history. Strong conspiracies on the solstice

Traditionally, the solstice days were considered holidays of family, relationship and love. In addition, on this day the Sun passes into the sign of Cancer, which is ruled by the Moon, which means that the connection with the astral world is strengthened. Everything that is connected with the world of the mysterious and magical acquires special power.

These days are favorable and effective:

Work with stones and crystals, as well as stone products

Gather herbs, prepare herbal teas and drinks

Communicate with the subtle astral world - with mermaids, elves, gnomes, with the spirits of forests and fields

Work with honey and wax, as they carry solar energy

Guessing, developing intuitive abilities

Here are some simple rituals for the Solstice.

The ritual of charging the crystal in the Sun. This is a very powerful ritual that allows you to charge the crystal, thus creating an energy solar battery that will feed you and your intentions in winter months when we are so short of solar energy. Take, or hold it in your hands for a while, get to know him. Place the crystal on the Sun and ask the Sun to give its strength and its power to this crystal:

O great life-giving Yarilo!

O all-warming Sun!

Give me and this crystal your power, your strength, your life!

May the crystal retain your power and essence!

May it be so! Amen!

Leave the crystal for 1-1.15 hours in the Sun, then remove the crystal. Now it stores the energy of the Sun - you just have to hold it in your hands for 2-3 minutes and you will immediately feel a noticeable surge of energy. This can be used before important meetings or public speaking, during periods of particularly difficult situations or for treatment. It is worth attaching a crystal to a sore spot - the diseased organ will receive the necessary boost of energy and the disease will recede.

Ritual for wealth. For the ritual you need a small coin. Put a coin in a container of water, drop essential oil into the water, or expose it to the sun. Ask the Sun to sanctify the water and the coin, charge the coin with its strength and power. Leave the coin to charge in the sun for 1-1.5 hours. The combination of the Sun and water will give a huge power to the coin, while the Sun and water will give various qualities coin. After you have pulled the coin out of the water, again drop a drop of essential oil on it, which will fix the ritual, and put it in your wallet. The aroma of the essential oil will remind you of the ritual and create pleasant emotions, attracting energy to your wallet. A charged coin will fill the wallet with strength and power.

Ritual for relationships. This strong ritual, which strengthens and at the same time cleanses the relationship. For this ceremony you will need. Place a crystal in front of you, imagine vivid and emotional situations where you are together with your soulmate, where you hug and kiss each other. Place this image in a crystal and expose the crystal to the sun. Imagine how solar energy enters the crystal, strengthening the image, and the image already begins to glow from the inside with sunlight.

Ask the Sun for energy and strength, and ask the crystal for stamina and protection. If there was any negativity in the relationship, then rock crystal will easily dissolve it, and the stone will make the relationship stronger. Leave the crystal in the sun for a while, and then put it in a prominent place in your home, where it will radiate the energy of the sun and work to strengthen relationships.

Ekaterina Nikiforova

Copyright © Open School "Seven Peaks of Excellence"

Steam a day summer solstice in the bath - especially great. And if you do this with a whisk collected on the same day, then this will have a particularly cleansing effect on the entire body, diseases and negative thoughts will go away.

Children born on June 21 and 22 are usually happy and in good health, as the powerful sun protects them all their lives. But at the same time, they can easily “jinx” other people if they get angry.

Solstice days have always been considered successful for magical rites, primarily to attract something (health, love, money). Saturating the powerful solar energy your requests to the universe, on this day it is easier than ever to get closer to your goal.

Conspiracy for health
On the Solstice, rituals for receiving solar recharge must be done on the street. If not possible, open the windows wide open to Sun rays illuminated you.
Stand up and say the words of the conspiracy better by heart, without a piece of paper. Do not be afraid to deviate from the text a little - the main thing is that the essence is conveyed correctly and you are completely sincere.

Illuminate me, the Sun is clear, warm me with your rays, expel illnesses, illnesses, endow me with good health. As the Sun drives away the darkness, so my illness will also go away. May it be so!

Repeat the spell three times. At the end, be sure to thank the Sun.

Conspiracy for love
It is carried out only on a specific chosen one. If there is no loved one at all and there is no one you like in your environment - do not use the plot for love at the Solstice, wait for the days of Ivan Kupala.
The conspiracy is also carried out on the street, in an open area, in the early sunny morning.

I stand on the damp earth, I look at the eastern side, where the red Sun will shine. How it shines to everything that exists on earth, as if in the servant of God (the name of the man) a tender feeling for me, the servant of God (the name of the woman) lit up. May it be so!

Conspiracy for money on the day of the Solstice
For the ceremony you will need 3 church candles, it is better to buy the most expensive of those that are. The rite turns money luck to you, but the result is not earlier than 40 days.

At dawn (the main thing is not later than 7 am) on the day of the summer solstice, put the candles in a row, light them from left to right and say the following words by heart:

Bayar-Anastyr, stay at the zenith, shine on everyone. But to me, Bayar-Anastyr, on the day of the solstice, help me especially, make it brighter and more noticeable for countless wealth. On you, Bayar-Anastyr, I hope, I ask for your help in this matter so that I can live in wealth and joy. I ask you, Bayar-Anastyr, and I recognize you!

Then leave the candles - they should burn out completely.

If you plan to perform any ritual on this day, you need to prepare for it in advance. First, you must not eat meat or drink alcohol for a week, not even beer or other weak alcoholic beverages. Secondly, the last day it is better to observe complete hunger, drink only water.

You should buy or make your own black candle, the higher it is, the better, just do not overdo it so that it is stable enough. Buy a small piece of fabric, preferably a solid color, black or green. Take three nickels, if possible, the oldest you can find while you prepare for the ritual. On the day of the solstice, you should have everything ready.


At midnight, lay a canvas on the table, put three nickels on it and light a black candle. You must be alone in the room, the doors must be closed so that no one disturbs you and interrupts the ritual. Turn off your phone too. And you start reading the plot.
"With the flame of a black candle,
What's burning in hell's mouth
He scorches the demon's beard, torments him with bodily pain.
Redeem from bodily pain, pyatakov redemption.
Mine, in a word, by the witch's limit,
I'll leave the demon to you.
A child of hell, do not be tormented by flour.
As long as I (name) in wealth.
In dashing gold, daring mansion.
I have no murmuring restraint to have everywhere.
Taki you three nickels at the mercy.
At the mercy of them I throw, through the black path.
Besu is the mistress in hell's luggage,
I have wealth in the human path,
So, I close everything with a psalm from the black book.
Amen. Amen. Amen".

After you read this plot three times, the candle should be extinguished, and the next day the coins should be taken to the cemetery along with the canvas and buried under any tree. If the tree grows near the grave, be sure to leave a ransom on the grave. It can be sweets, cookies, wine or vodka.
Remember and never break this rule, always coming to the cemetery, bring the cemetery spirits at the mercy of the work that you ask them to do. If you ask to take away your poverty and give wealth in return, then you need to pay for it.
They won’t ask you for a soul for this, but always bring something material from products. In such a matter, how to pay off you need to know when to stop. The principle does not play here, the more the better, you thank the spirits, and do not buy them. From the cemetery immediately go home, you can not talk to anyone or look around.

Even if someone calls out to you, pretend not to hear. Take a shower or wash and change clothes, be sure to wash the things in which you were at the ritual and went to the cemetery. Please note that you should take a shower, not a bath, do not wash in stagnant water on the day of the solstice. Water must be flowing. If it's hot outside, you can go to the river.
A candle should be lit the next evening, open a window or window, and it should burn out completely. Collect cinders and take them to the crossroads. This ritual is very powerful and almost always works if you do it right. Never tell anyone what you have been talking about. dark forces for help.

Many of your entourage will already begin to suspect something when money starts coming to you literally from nowhere. Don't even joke to anyone. For chatter, higher powers can turn away from you, and wealth will be replaced by deep lack of money.
Take care of what you have, money loves silence, remember this Golden Rule. Such a conspiracy will be valid for exactly one year. The following year, the ritual must be repeated.
Twice a year there are such days, do not miss the opportunity to change the life of your family and friends for the better. We didn’t come up with this, for many centuries people have been using these rituals, and they really change lives for the better, you just need to put in a little work.

The summer solstice marks the start of astronomical summer. The shortest night of the year is filled with powerful magical energy, which should be used to your advantage.

This day was of great importance for our ancestors, who existed in harmony with nature and lived according to the laws of natural cycles, using the energy of the elements to achieve the desired result.

On the day of the summer solstice, no one should sit idle, because it is at this time that you can use powerful energy flows to fulfill your most cherished desires. On the day when the Sun stays in the sky for the longest time, it is customary to draw strength from nature and be closer to water, a natural conductor of energy.

ritual for love

This ritual can be performed in three stages. In the morning on a holiday, bake pancakes, which symbolize the Sun. When kneading the dough, say the words of the conspiracy:

“The dough is sticky, sticky, like love is sweet and viscous. I will bake pancakes for my beloved, I will share my love power with him. As a pancake is baked, so our fate will be connected, weaved together. I will feed my beloved with sunny pancakes, I will divide my love into two.

Feed a treat to your loved one to strengthen your relationship.

Second ritual you will be able to attract early marriage into your life. To do this, in the evening on the summer solstice, girls need to collect exactly twelve field herbs and put a bouquet under the pillow, saying:

“I collected fragrant herbs, inhaled the smells of fields and meadows. I’ll put a cherished bouquet under the pillow, I’ll happily fall asleep on it. I’ll wake up not as a girl, but as a lawful wife, a true betrothed.”

Be sure to remember your dream on the shortest night. If he was pleasant, then the magic began to work.

Third stage you are speaking to future relatives from the betrothed for a friendly attitude and affectionate communication with you as with the bride and future wife of their son. Use a needle with red thread, with which you need to embroider the names of the father and mother of your loved one. While you embroider, say:

"How am I in midsummer night She conjured her short fate, personally embroidered, made even stitches and neat ones. The names of future relatives appear on the canvas, they don’t know the lapel from me. I will like a bride, I will enter the house as a wife chosen and blessed by the will of my parents.

Wear this amulet next to your heart until you meet the parents of your young man.

Ritual to attract good luck

Before the holiday, bake any round cake. Put it on the windowsill. In the morning, open the window, bow to the Sun and say the words of the conspiracy:

“Sun, Father, look at me. I baked a cake for you, round and ruddy. Fulfill my cherished desire, the most important (name). And I’ll take the loaf to the water so that she delivers it to you, ferries it to the sky.

Your treat must be attributed to natural source water and push towards the sun.

Ritual for wealth

On the day of the summer solstice, light a church candle, peer into the flame and say the words of the conspiracy:

“I illuminate the house with a cleansing fire, I look into the darkest corners. I bring destruction to the negative that I have accumulated, brought by strangers. A wax candle pours tears on the tablecloth, mourns my poverty, wax new destiny draws me, shows the way to wealth. As the hot flame burns out, so the long-awaited wealth will come to me.

According to popular rumor, money after such a magical ritual will come to you at the end of summer. However, remember the main rule: do not tell anyone and never about the ritual, so as not to frighten away the abundance of money. You should also be silent so that Fate does not give you a painful lesson for boasting.

Second ritual, helping to gain material independence, can be called a rite of collection medicinal herbs. Look for exclusively young shoots of fern, which has a special power on this day. Bring a few branches (odd number) home, tie with green thread and leave to dry. Then carefully place in a box or a beautiful box, after laying out its bottom with small coins. This talisman will help you find benefits and successfully overcome difficulties on the way to wealth and prosperity.

On the day of the summer solstice, any magic is enhanced by unprecedented energy power. You will be able to learn the secrets that will help you prepare to meet the trials, to new love or other surprises. We wish you good luck in all your endeavors, and do not forget to press the buttons and

Lita is the name given by our ancestors to the summer solstice. It was believed that on this day everything is subject to the rules of the Sun God Yaril.

The calendar date of this day is June 21. On this day, the day of the year is the longest, and the night is the shortest. On this day, you need to pronounce conspiracies on the solstice.

Rites on this day

Our pagan ancestors also actively celebrated the day of the solstice. In the evening, a high fire was kindled, there are many rituals that can be performed on this holiday:

  • The simplest rite on the summer solstice was to jump over a high fire. It was believed that those who succeeded this year would definitely have good harvest and great wealth in the house.
  • People believed that if the weather was bad that day, which preceded the kindling of a fire, it means that the god Yarilo was angry with them for something and this year you should not expect a rich harvest.
  • If a child was born on the day of the summer solstice, then he was credited with extrasensory abilities.
  • The holiday on this day lasted until the morning, and that's all, because it was considered a good omen to meet the dawn on this day, this was also an omen of a successful year in every respect.
  • Among the youth on this day there was such a sign that if you climb over 12 fences, then the desire will definitely turn into life.
  • We also considered whether there was dew on those days. If it was, then it meant that there would be a lot of harvest in the fall.
  • If the sky is starry on this day, then there will be a lot of mushrooms in the forest.
  • It is useful to take a steam bath in the bathhouse these days. It was believed that on such a day it is easy to get rid of all diseases.
  • Healers, sorcerers in the summer solstice were sure to collect herbs, at that moment they had a special energy.

Conspiracies for tea

And, of course, conspiracies have special power on this day. Even just brewing herbal tea, you can give it a special energy with the help of these words:

“The Sun God shed his light on these herbs, charged the water with his energy. Let all this energy be transferred to me, so that a surge of strength through grass comes to me. So that he washed bad thoughts out of my head, and from my body all diseases, brought happiness to my body and spirit. To be as I say, and nothing else, so that it doesn’t happen. ”

After that, drink such tea with great pleasure, imagine what benefits it will bring you.

Pancakes to attract love

On the winter and summer solstice, you can bake pancakes if you want to lure love into your life. Pancake is a symbol of the sun, so you worship the Sun God Yarila.

This ritual is especially good for unmarried girls who want to meet their betrothed. They need to bake delicious pancakes and say these words:

“I bake not for myself a girl, but for my dear. You, Yarilo, accept this delicious gift, and bring my betrothed to visit me as soon as possible. I will feed him, treat him, appease him with my communication. And I will not forget you, Yarilo, for a century, you will be my guest in the house, I will worship you until the end of my life. Amen".

You need to perform such rituals in a good mood. By the way, in 2016, the winter solstice will be December 21. If the rituals where you need to bake pancakes fall out during the Fasting period, then the dish should be lean, without the use of dairy products. This is also important to consider.

For marriage

On the summer solstice, you can perform such a ritual for marriage. If a girl wants to get married as soon as possible, then on the evening of June 21, she needs to collect 12 types of herbs or 12 types of flowers. It is important to do this alone. Such a bouquet is folded under the bed, and the following words are said:

“Field and meadow aromas, you will help me fall asleep with a sweet dream. So that at first I saw myself in a dream as a wife, and then sooner and in reality I became a happy wife.

After reading the plot, you need to immediately fall asleep. In the morning, when you wake up, burn a bunch of herbs.

Ritual to change life

There are times in life when there is a sense of impasse. And what to do with it is completely unclear. It seems that there is no power to change something in fate on their own. At times like these, it's good to ask for help. Higher Forces. If the moment of impasse coincided with the day of the winter or summer solstice, then rituals can be performed to attract changes in life.

In the evening, go to the spring, pour water into a glass and drink it, and then say the following plot:

“Vodichka runs all the time, changing and renewing, so my life will flow in a new way from tomorrow.”

After that, do not talk to anyone else, go home without looking back, immediately go to bed. The next day, you will wake up in a determined mood that will help you accomplish something important in life.

rituals for wealth

Of course, this unusual day was not without magical rituals to attract wealth. In the winter and summer solstice, attracting money into your destiny is a very grateful thing.

For you to have more money, take out all the pennies from the wallet that you have and leave it under the threshold of the house where rich people live. Say this spell:

“They have money, I have money, as they have money, so I have money. Together we will grow rich, happiness and wealth to all.

Cross the threshold of the house three times and go home.

Thus, you order the increase of funds for both these people and yourself. By the way, if you have potential business partners with whom you are going to earn money together, then perform such a ritual at their home.

On the day of the summer solstice, after such a ritual, you can still walk through the forest, collect meadow grasses, weave a simple wreath out of them, run it into the river and say:

"A gift to Yarila to attract wealth."

Rituals for health

Of course, you can also ask Yarila for health, for this there are also appropriate rituals.

On the day of the summer solstice on June 21, in the evening, go to the forest or field. Gather 12 types of herbs there. Bring them home. Wash, boil in a saucepan for 15 minutes. Then pour the broth into a glass, let it cool, then say the words to it:

“I prepared a decoction for Yarila himself, especially before his birthday. I praise you Yarilo respect, but I'm going to ask for myself. As you sated, Father, these grasses with the light of the sun, so saturate me, a servant of God (your name), with heroic health. So that all ailments come out of my body, so that only health accumulates in me. And I'll take you up last day to praise oneself, to praise, kind word recall".

After such a prayer-conspiracy, drink the decoction in one gulp. Magic will begin to act immediately, and the next morning you will feel a significant surge of strength. Such magical rituals work well for relieving acute conditions.

Conspiracies for the fulfillment of desires

There are conspiracies for the day of the solstice that help to fulfill all desires. For the ritual, you need a candle, a candlestick, loose clothing.

You need to be alone. Put on loose clothes made of natural fabric and stay alone in the room. Take a position in which you will be most comfortable. Light a candle. For a while, just look at the candle, let your eyes defocus, then relax your mind. Think about what you want. Imagine a state of happiness when you already have it. As you rejoice at what your smile will be, catch this sensation in your body and concentrate on it. After that, vigorously and quickly say what you want, looking at the candle flame.

Look at the candle again. Let it burn to the end, and then go and go to bed. So that you do not have to wait several hours for a thick candle to burn out, purchase a thin church candle for the ritual.

Ritual for the fulfillment of a wish with a bath

Women will really like this ritual for the fulfillment of a desire, because it must be done while taking a fragrant bath.

On the day of the winter or summer solstice, take a bath with warm water. The temperature should be pleasant for you. Add whatever your soul desires to this bath. It can be essential oils, scented bombs, rose petals, bath foam. In the bathroom itself, put candles, light pleasant incense. If you are doing this on June 21, then add meadow herbs to the bath as well.

Thus, you create a small oasis of abundance, from which you will draw energy to fulfill your desires. Then undress, plunge into the bath, think about your desire and at the same time say:

“It turns out, it turns out, it turns out!”

Say it as inspirationally and emotionally as possible. The more energy there is in your words, the faster your cherished desire. After that, completely relax and enjoy the process of taking a bath.

Can I choose my own rituals?

You can choose conspiracies for the winter solstice and summer solstice yourself. If you conduct them according to all the rules from the days of the solstice on June 21 or in winter, then these magical rituals will be more effective.