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Collection and drying of herbs, plants by months. Collection of medicinal plants. Calendar Time for collecting medicinal herbs and plants

The collection of medicinal herbs is a mixture of raw materials, which is either as a whole or in crushed form.
Additional drugs can be added to the collection, and the phytopreparation is used with the purpose of making informants, decoctions or tinctures.

Does some kind of problem torment? Enter the "symptom" or "name of the disease" press Enter and you will learn all the treatment of this problem or illness.

The site provides reference information. Adequate diagnosis and treatment of the disease are possible under the supervision of a conscientious doctor. Any drugs have contraindications. Consultation of a specialist, as well as a detailed study of the instruction! .

Collection of medicinal plants

There are a number of rules that are followed for the proper collection:

  • Before the start of collecting specific grass, it is necessary to study the specifics of this plant;
  • Those departments that belong to the above-ground parts of the plants should be collected only in dry weather with the sun when water evaporates;
  • When collecting, you need to adhere to the calendar deadlines in each specific plant;
  • Plants that were collected in crude and cloudy weather, especially immediately after the rain, are not suitable for collection, they have a small shelf life and quickly deteriorate;
  • You can collect completely healthy plants without the slightest signs of rot or withering, flowers and leaflets must be completely dissolved;
  • Before the collection process, it is necessary to carefully examine the structure of the desired plant and distinguish it from others that can have a similar appearance, but to have a harmful effect on the body;
  • At certain times, the plant has a maximum content of all beneficial substances, and this should be taken into account when collecting a collection;
  • It is important to know which part of the plant is needed for a particular collection, different deposits of the plant have a different composition of nutrients - different vitamins;
  • Different parts of one plant should not come into contact with each other after their collection, ideally, they must be collected in different containers, and it is better not to add them too tightly or umbling the contents of the container;
  • Plants in their natural habitat will contain much more valuable substances than those that were artificially grown in greenhouses or in pots;
  • Plants should be collected as far as possible from large roads, cities and industrial enterprises, they accumulate many harmful substances that are absorbed from air and soil;
  • If the collection is carried out annually, then it is necessary to carry out it, in different places, so as not to make the complete destruction of medicinal plants in a particular area;
  • Keep herbs from medicinal fees needed in cool dark rooms with good ventilation.

Each particular part in the plant must be harvested at one time to achieve the best concentration of nutrients.

Proper garbage and bark

The bark in plants take more often in the spring when the massive movement of juice is going, and young plants with tender bark are better suited for this purpose.

During this period, it contains a lot of useful substances, and also, it is much easier to separate its plants from the trunk. The area of \u200b\u200bthe cortex selected to collect should be clean without any growths.

The grass is usually collected in the most initial flowering period. Cut it better at the lands of the sharp knife or sickle. If the plant has a hard stem, then the side shoots are taken. If the grass is in thick thickets, then it is better to mock them entirely, and then choose the necessary plants.

Combination of leaves and colors

Leaves better collect manually before blossom. The leaflets can be broken as with a cutlets and without it.

A number of plants, such as coltsfoot, large leaves carry a large concentration of useful ingredients immediately after flowering.

For collection, only completely healthy leaves are suitable without any signs of rot and diligence. Flowers are always collected in the period of their full heyday, and only in dry weather.

Flowers for collecting should be fresh, without the slightest wilt. They are usually collected only manually, and breaking only flowers without a flowerp.


Roots, berries and kidneys

All parts of the plants underground are collecting when the plant comes the rest stage, in this time interval, all valuables needed for the manufacture of medicinal collection are localized. These parts of the plants need to deviate well from the ground and rinse with water.

The kidneys are collected in the spring, until the moment when their dissolves occurs. Sew kidney is better in a cool place without the sun, to prevent their early blooming.

Fruit collection is produced only when they fully ripen. It is better to hold a fee in the morning or evening hours, during the day in hot time they can quickly spoil. The fruit must be without the slightest dents or cracks.

Calendar for months to collect

Each plant has its time to collect. The preparation calendar of medicinal plants is targeted when you need to collect the most common components.

  • Birch kidneys;
  • Kidney pine.
  • Oak bark;
  • Bark willow;
  • Ginseng root.
  • Grass dandelion;
  • The grass of the plantain.
  • Grass of the Hypericum;
  • Col and stepmother leaves and flowers;
  • The grass of the plantain;
  • Herbal herb;
  • Sad leaves.
  • Grass of the Hypericum;
  • Calendula flowers;
  • Col and stepmother leaves and flowers;
  • Grass dandelion;
  • The grass of the plantain;
  • Herbal herb;
  • Chamomile inflorescences;
  • Sad leaves.
  • Valerian roots;
  • Calendula flowers;
  • Col and stepmother leaves and flowers;
  • Grass dandelion;
  • Herbal herb;
  • Chamomile inflorescences;


  • Valerian roots;
  • Calendula flowers;
  • Root dandelion.
  • Valerian roots;
  • Root dandelion.

Types of healthy herbs and their use

There are many types of fees that differ in their integral components, by action and the spectrum of the diseases under which they apply.

Ecology of consumption. The moon strongly affects the quality of those collected by certain parts of the plants. In this regard, the rules for collecting medicinal plants are applied in practice.

The moon strongly affects the quality of those collected by certain parts of the plants. In this regard, the rules for collecting medicinal plants are applied in practice; In the first phase of the moon, it is best to collect rhizomes, roots and roots, especially in the sixth and seventh lunar days. During this period, energy and trace elements are as much as possible in the underground part of the plants.
The second phase of the moon is most favorable for collecting overhead organs of plants. The energy that goes upwards takes place a lot of trace elements. Collect herbs best when the moon is visible.
The third phase of the moon is similar. During this period, it is also good to dry herbs: microelements and other useful substances are better saved. The fourth phase of the moon is similar in its properties when collecting herbs.
Quarterly short development cycles (phases) are conveniently simulated on our seven-day public cycle, - put on. So seemingly absurd at first glance, the approval of experienced herbalists, for example, the plantain must be collected on Sunday, in fact, has a solid scientific basis, namely, knowledge of the peculiarities of the rhythms of plants.

Plants of the Sun.

The sun is a men's "planet", so plants help to cope with specific male diseases. Sun plants activate the processes in the body - increase blood pressure, increase hair growth, accelerate the ripening of the dishes. Solar plants swallow, increase the body's tone, strengthen the immunity. The plants of the Sun are dry, bright, blooming, round, yellow or golden color, odorless or with a weak odor, grow in open places. Stem solid, rigid leaves. If the tree is high and straight, with a lush crown. Such plants are:orange, Arnika, Immorter, Valerian, Grapes, Carnation, Heliotrop, Hyacinth Red, Granki, Mustard, Nather, Diagel, St. John's wort, Ivan-da Marya, Raisin, Ginger, Calendula, Cornean, Cornean, Korosal, Lavr, butt, mother-in-law, mint, almond, juniper, mint, spanking, sea buckthorn, cucumber, dandelion, drain, mistletoe, walnut walnut, shedding, parsley, pyrhem, peony, primrose, plane, sunflower, sunfolor, dust, Chamomile Pharmacy, root fragrant, sandalwood, pine, pin, poplar, a series, cleanliness, fennel, saffron sowing, ash.

Sun Grass Collection Time

Ninexil - in early August, at noon, on the growing moon and full moon.
St. John's wort - in July, August from sunrise to noon, on the growing moon.
Ivan-da-Marya - before sunrise, in the second quarter of the moon.
Calendula (flowers) - at noon at the bright sun, immediately after the new moon.
Mother-and-stepmother - in the morning at dawn, on the growing moon.
Melissa - in the morning of dew, near the full moon.

Sea buckthorn - from noon to sunset in full moon.

Dandelion (flowers) - in the morning after sunrise, on the growing moon.
Sunflower - at noon, to the new moon.

A series - in the evening before sunset, near the full moon.

Plants of the Moon

The moon gives plants a multiplay. It affects the pestle, protective covers of plants and fruit. The plants of the moon contain a lot of juices, they are thickened with stems and leaves with a non-launch of painting and not a strong smell. They have flowers whites. According to US scientists from Illinois University, in full moon vegetable plants grow more intensively and increase yields by 15-20%. Potatoes grown on the experimental site.
Lunar plants are well absorbed by the disease. For example, skin cabbage leaves are applied to inflamed dairy gland. Magic plants of the moon - Lotus and Lilia White lake, Will and all trees, prone to water.
Moon plants: AIR Bolotnaya, Watermelon, Banana, Birch, Verba, Algae Sea, Mushrooms, Melon, Snacking, Iva, Issoop, Cabbage White, Potatoes, Waterproof, Waterwear, Laurel, Lily, Lily Water, Linden, Lotus, Loose, Juniper, Carrots, sea buckthorn, cucumber, aspen, shepherd bag, plantain, Portulak, daisy pharmacy, lettuce salad, sabelnik Bolotnaya, poplar, tour, pumpkin, violet tricolor, field, rosehip white, apple tree.

Moon herbs picking time

Bereza (Kochki) -Well in the summer solstice, on the growing moon.
Cabbage, white - until noon, on the growing moon.
Lily of the Lily - on the ascending Sun in the morning dee, near the full moon.
Sea buckthorn - from noon to sunset, full moon.
Cucumber - before the sunrise, on the growing moon.
Placement (leaf) - during flowering, in the evening dew, on the growing moon.
Chamomile pharmacy - in the morning for dew in sunny weather, in the first quarter of the moon.

Plants of Mercury

Curly, dry creeping semi-stabiliques, mellular plants and plants with motley color, as well as all multi-storage mixtures (including fine salads). Mercury plants include: Azalea, Bugger, Birch, Barberry, Valerian, Heath, Bindweed, Algae Anthealth, Highlander Bird, Peas, Nine, Dimony Drug, Blackberry, Strawberries, Ivan-da Marya, Kalgan, Cabbage Color, Creeps, Clover, Coriander, Lavender, Papers, Liana, Major, Raspberry, Juniper, Carrot Wild, Moss Coral, Mint, Mistletoe Birch, Oshnik, Fern, Pasternak, Shepherd Bag, Parsley, Wormwood, Dress, Chamomile Pharmacy, Celery, Speech, Thyme, Timnik Passing, reed, dill, horsetail, hops, winter, cloak, blueberry, silk, rosehip, sorrel horse, endive.

Mercury Plant Collection Time

Lamberry (sheet) - until noon, in the second phase of the moon.
Lingonberry (berries) - until noon, in the first phase of the moon.
Dynamon medicinal - before noon, on the growing moon.

Strawberry (leaf) - before noon, in the second phase of the moon.
Strawberries (berries) - in the morning dew, on the growing moon.
Raspberry (leaf) is the first half of the day, in the second phase of the moon.

Mint - at sunrise, on a growing moon.
Mistletoe Birch - after sunset, in full moon.

Chamomile pharmacy - in the morning of dew in sunny weather, in the first phase of the moon.
Toloknyanka - in the morning, in full moon.

Sorrel Konsky - after sunrise.

Venus plants

The planet gives plants the following signs: beauty, tenderness, fragrance, attractiveness and charm, affects petals and flowers. Flowers of plants are red-purple; White with a predominance of gentle tones, pleasant to the touch and taste. Venus has fertile strength and rejects all malicious. Under its exposure to plants accumulate the necessary nutrients and vitamins. It gives the beauty and harmony of flowers, gives them a wonderful smell.
Venus plants apricot, alta, a richness, birch, elder, Valerian, Vasilek, Verbena, Strawberry, Ivan-Da-Marya, Ivan Tea, Kalina, Kolozhnitsa Bolotnaya, clover, nettle deaf, gooseberry, lavender, lily, left, lily, burh, lovers, raspberries, coltsfoot, bear berries, almonds, meloded, melissa, mint, daffodils pale yellow, forget-me-not, alder black, ostolist, peach, plantain, wheat, wheat, rose, chamomile, Ryanka Wild, Rosyanka, Sabelnik Swamp, scope, licorice, cumin, tolnaya, grass, yarrow, yarrow, dill, beans, fennel, violet, chicory, cherry, blueberries, sage, rosehip, etragon, apple tree, yatrynik.

Venus Plant Plant Time

Bagube is a wow, half a day, near the full moon.
Valerian (root) - near the sunset, on a decreasing moon.

Oral - at the end of July, after sunrise, on the growing moon.
Ivan-da Maria - before sunrise, in the second phase of the moon.
Ivan tea - before noon, on the growing moon.
Clover - at sunrise, on a growing moon.
Lily of the Lily of the Sunrise in the morning dew, near the full moon.
Lipa (color) - at noon under the scorching sun, on the growing moon.
Raspberries (berries) - in the morning for dew, on the growing moon.
Melissa -Utro on dew, near the full moon.
Peppermint - at sunrise, on a growing moon.
Cumin - at sunset, on a growing moon.
Dill - in the morning, on the growing moon.

Plants Jupiter

Jupiter, together with the Venus, ensures the absorption of nutrients by plants, protects and directs their development. Under its beneficial influence is the ripening of fruits, harvest. Jupiter plants -rupnoliste, spread, often with umbrella inflorescences and hollow trunks. Plant plants help restore forces after severe illness. They purify blood and liver. The oak is especially useful - a symbol of longevity and power. Plants Jupiter - Ayir Marsh, Aloe, Astra, Allas, Anis, Watermelon, Birch, Belena, Lingonberry, Vasilek, Cherry, Carnation Wild, Grab, Dormnik Yellow, Oak, Dudnik, Duram, Honeysuckiness, Strawberries, Calendula, Cabbage, Chestnut, Cranberry, hoofer, coriander, lemon, larch, linden, burdock, leek, loving, daisy, melissa, moss liver, sparking, sea buckthorn, cucumber grass, dandelion, socket, nut nut, Pasternak, shepherd bag, Pijm, Playground, Playground Ordinary, mother-in-law, rhubarb, reurenger, beet, currant red and black, pine, cumin, cings grass, yarrow, dill, fig, chicory, mulberry, rose rose rose, sorrel horse, eucalyptus, apple tree, ash.

Jupiter Plant Collection Time

AIR Bolotnaya - near the sunset, in the third phase of the moon.
Allas (root) - after sunrise, on a growing moon.
Cabbage - until noon, on the growing moon.
Cranberries - in the morning or evening dew, on the growing moon.
Lipa (flowers) - at noon, under the scorching sun, on a growing moon.
Burning (sheet) - at the end of July to noon, on the growing moon.
Lovers (root) - at the end of August before the sunrise, on a decreasing moon.
Pattern - near the sunset, in the third phase of the moon.
Sea buckthorn - from noon to sunset, full moon.
Shepherd bag - until noon, on the growing moon.
Plantain - about noon, on a growing moon.
Chicory (root) - before sunrise, on a decreasing moon.
Soul Konsky - after sunrise, in the second phase of the moon.
Apple tree - from sunrise to noon, on a growing moon.

Plants Marsa

AIR Bolotnaya, Aermone, Artichoke, Basil, Barbaris, Belen, Hawthorn, Barberry, Valerian, Wolf Lyko, Buckwheat, Cabinet, Cake, Cactus, Cappers, Cranberry, Coriander, Nuts Docus, Cress Salad, Gooseberry, Bow, Buttercip crumpled, mint, sparkler, sea buckthorn, fern, pepper sharp, plantain, sunshine, dyeing, powder, radishes, roses, saber marsh, samshet, pine, smolder, thorns, tolknyanka, tomato, chernoborch, black , garlic, cleanliness, rosehip, hops, horseradish, etragon.

Mars Plant Mars

Air Bolotnaya - Before sunset, in the third phase of the moon,
Lingonberry (sheet) - until the full moon, in the second phase of the moon.
Cranberries - in the morning or evening dew, on the growing moon.
Sea buckthorn - from noon until sunset in full moon.
Motherboard is about noon, on a growing moon.
Toloknyanka is the first half of the day, in full moon.

Rosehip - in the morning, how dew will come down, in full moon.

Plants Saturn

Saturn gives plants the following signs; Stability, endurance, long-term preservation, crystallization, thickening, affects the root. Plants, sown or planted not on time and forced to grow in the inappropriate phase of the Saturn cycle, are developing slowly and often die.
Plant Saturn: AIR Bolotnaya, Altet, Akonit, Pansies, Bagien, Belen, Immimentant, Ploshnik, Bowlers Blue, Bean, Lingonberry, Valerian, Vasilek, Heather, Damnik, Dynnnik, Oilsman, Dymyanka Drug, Blackberry, Spruce, Snishness, Calgan, Kiparis, Cranberry, Header, Crush, Flax, Lichen, Bearing ears, Juniper, Moss, Mushmula, Okopnik, Osin, Nuts, Fern, Ivy, Plaintfout, Pasternak, Panlar, Wormwood, River, Ruta, Rowan, Bleet, Soliveca, Pine, Turn , tice tree, thuja, yarrow. Horsetail, chemacher black, cherry, blueberry, thisthers, sage, etaragon.
A decoction of lingonberry leaves, bearish ears or blueberries has a strong diuretic effect, so helps to lose weight. But in order not to wash out of the body with extra kilograms and precious calcium - do not forget to eat cottage cheese or apricots rich in this element.

Saturn Plant Collection Time

AIR Bolotnaya - near the sunset, in the third phase of the moon.
Allas (root) - after sunrise, on a growing moon.
Baghone - about noon, near full moon.
Belen - after sunset, near the full moon.
Immorter - about noon, on the growing moon.
Valerian (leaf) - at the transition of the Sun of Cancer to Lion, the second half of the day, on the growing moon.
Valeriana (root) -Tell sunset, on a decreasing moon.
Vasilek - in the morning, on the growing moon.
Heather - in the first decade of the Virgin, on a decreasing moon.
Blackberry - from noon to sunset, on a decreasing moon.
The socket - before the sunrise, on the growing moon.
Yarrow - near the sunset, in a sunny-haired day, and in the last quarter of the moon.
Blueberry - in the morning dew, before the full moon.
Estragon - in front of the sunset, on the growing moon. Published

Medicinal plants are used to prepare pharmacy drugs and folk agents for treatment. To preserve the useful trace elements contained in plants, you should know the rules for the collection. For this, the features of medicinal herbs are studying. One species useful leaves, shoots, inflorescences, and other roots, fruits or flowers. There is a calendar of collecting for months, which is important to achieve the maximum effect of the raw materials used.

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    Medicinal Herbs Rules

    To obtain quality material it is necessary to comply with a number of rules:

    1. 1. It is necessary to study the specifics of each plant.
    2. 2. Overhead parts of the plant to collect in sunny dry weather. Moisture should evaporate. The material collected in rainy weather is not suitable for raw materials, as it flies faster and loses its healing qualities.
    3. 3. Adhere to the calendar timing for a specific plant.
    4. 4. Collect a completely healthy raw material without signs of rot and fading.
    5. 5. Take leaves and flowers that are completely dissolved.
    6. 6. Before you start collecting raw materials, the features of the structure of the required plant should be examined, so that it is not to confuse when collecting it, since it may adversely affect the health status.
    7. 7. It is important to take into account the time of day.
    8. 8. Consider part of the grass for a particular collection, since different components of the plants are suitable for the treatment of different diseases.
    9. 9. Flowers, roots, leaves, the stalks of one species are advised to add separately, because they should not come into contact when collecting. To do this, prepare individual containers or any other dishes. It is necessary to carefully handle the collected raw materials so as not to damage the collection.
    10. 10. Artificially grown families poorer on the content of beneficial substances, so it is better to take species growing in a natural habitat.
    11. 11. Collecting further from production enterprises, cities and roads, since plants absorb harmful substances from air and soil.
    12. 12. In order not to destroy the medicinal plant completely in a particular area, the annual collection of a certain variety in different places should be produced.
    13. 13. Store medicinal raw materials in dark rooms with ventilation.

    Parts of the plant

    If different parts of the plant need to prepare the drug preparation, then you need to carefully study some of the characteristic properties:

    1. 1. Bark. When using the bark of trees and shrubs, young plants are chosen with tender and smooth crust and low croon height. It is better suited for this time when it is characterized by intense movement of juice. During this period, it is rich in the content of beneficial substances and from the tree trunk easily. The growths must be absent.
    2. 2. Leaves. Usually, the leaves are collected in front of the flowering manually, and their mother-and-step mustache have commodity parts value after flowering. Therefore, the knowledge of the features of each species is required.
    3. 3. Field grass. It is taken during the flowering period, cutting off the knife at the earth itself. Side shoots are taken with rigid stems. The grass of thick thickets choose, squinting a manual oblique.
    4. 4. Flowers. They must be completely healthy, in the period of complete heyday. Fading instances are not taken. Flooring should not be taken.
    5. 5. Underground parts. Underground parts of the plant are useful in the stage of rest, that is, when they were fighting. During this period, useful substances are localized in rhizome. Dirt roots are washed with water and dried at room temperature in the dark in the ventilated room.
    6. 6. Fruits. They are collected only when completely ripen. The best time for this is morning or evening, since the sun's rays negatively affect the properties of raw materials. The product must be without cracks and dents.

    Calendar Collection by months

    Each plant is harvested at a certain time. Calendar collection oriented at the time of year:

    Plant namePart of the plantSeasonStorage period, year
    Birch whiteKidneyFrom January to March3
    Cinnamine RosehipFruitSeptember October2
    CelandineGrassMay- July2
    Garden dillGrassMay June July1.5-2 years
    Swamp driedGrassJune July August2
    Wormwood ordinaryGrassIn the summer months and September3
    Bagulin.GrassJune July August2
    Sunny HighlanderGrassJune July August2
    Spring GorikesGrassApril May2
    Drug dononGrassJune July August2
    Oilsman ordinaryGrassJuly August3
    Ordinary oakBarkApril May4
    Natherish HighRootSeptember October4
    Air BolotnayaRoot partJune, July, August, September, October3
    Altei medicinalRootsapril-May, September-October2
    Barbecue ordinaryLeavesmay - Fucks1
    • flowers;
    • fruit
    • september October
    Barbaris Chinese
    • flowers;
    • fruit
    • may June;
    • september October
    Black Bezin
    • flowers;
    • fruit
    • june July;
    • aug. Sept
    34 years
    Blue Vasilek.FlowersJune July2
    Trilisny watchLeavesMay-July2
    Doco nettleLeavesJune July2
    Drug CalendulaSocuagementJune2
    Calina ordinary
    • bark;
    • fruit
    • april May;
    • september October
    Medicine hemboilRootsSeptember5
    Chamomile ordinarySocuagementJuly August2
    Wild strawberryLeavesMay June2
    Laxative jokerFruitAug. Sept3
    HuntherGrassJuly August3- 4
    Meadow cloverFlowersJune July2
    • grass;
    • roots
    • august;
    • october
    Up to three years old
    Gray and sticky alderShishki.january-April, September-December4
    Linden heartsInflorescenceJune July2

    The medicinal herbs is a huge amount, this table lists the most common.

    On the lunar calendar

    luna is able to affect the quality of the assembled funds. There are some rules:

    1. 1. In the first phase of the moon, the underground part of the plants are collected, namely in the sixth and seventh days of the growing moon, since useful trace elements are in the root part of the cultures.
    2. 2. In the second phase, overhead parts of plants are useful.
    3. 3. The third phase is similar to the first.

    Books about herbs

    If it is difficult to navigate in the healing herbs, you should contact books on their description. There are special encyclopedias, reference books. Here are some of the huge list of special literature:

    • The invaluable information contains the book M. A. Kuznetsov "Medicinal vegetative raw materials and drugs" and reference book V.K. Lavrenova "500 of the most important medicinal herbs."
    • Valuable advice is possible to find in the special literature edited by A. P. Popova "Medicinal Plants in Folk Medicine".


    Medicinal herbs, which have in their composition, along with biologically active substances, and the compounds needed for normal life, are used in the form of different decoctions, tinctures and infusions, ointments, scrubies, add to tea, dishes.

    They advise not to take plant funds without consulting a doctor, since along with benefit they can adversely affect the state of the body. Persons prone to allergic reactions recommend with caution to treat the means of traditional medicine.

    Use only freshly prepared decoction and infusions stored in the refrigerator. The collection of grasses is included in the complex therapy of all diseases. To achieve a positive result, the dosage is mandatory.

    The fees differ not only in their composition, but also by the action on the human organs and in the spectrum of diseases, in the treatment of which they are applied. For example, collecting for the treatment of diseases of the respiratory system or gastric agents used in the treatment of diseases of the digestive system. Conditionally divide into the following types:

    1. 1. Vitamin common. Accepted with avitaminosis, to restore the body after the disease, in atherosclerosis, hypertension, ORVI, cold, with damage to liver and kidney, gastritis, insomnia and headaches. It is suitable for adults, and for children over 12 years old. The composition of the funds in the weights: rosehip (2), rowan (2), currant (2), oregano (grass), dear, tricky, nettle sheet for one part. For the preparation of infusion take 200 milliliters, boiling water, adding the above ingredients, boiled in a water bath about fifteen minutes. Cooking and insisted more than half an hour, filter and take three times a day before meals. The decoction is kept no more than 48 hours in a cold place.
    2. 2. Breast expectorant. From diseases of the upper respiratory tract - cough, bronchitis, acute bronchial asthma, as well as in Larygitis and ORZ. Ingredients: Root nine, calendula flowers, coltsfoot, the root of Aira, licorice root one part, flax seeds, dear, plantain, peppermint leaves in two parts and three parts of Nather's roots. The principle of preparation is the same as in the first assembly. A third of glasses take food in the morning, day and evening.
    3. 3. Collection of diuretic. Crop diuresis, gout, pyelonephritis, diabetes mellitus, hepatitis, cholecystitis, are taken with bricken diseases. The shoots of the richness, the grass of the yarrow takes in equal amounts (one part), and the claims of calendula and mint leaves, rich fruits - two parts. Pullen 200 milliliters boiling water and boil five minutes, take before eating in the morning, day and evening.
    4. 4. Golden. Indications for use: cystitis, hepatitis, pyelonephritis, angiorati and other diseases. 7 grams immorteller flowers, hormour grass, calendula flowers, mint leaves, Pijmas flowers for 1 spoon and 4 teaspoons of yarrow grass takes for cooking. Bay boiling water, insist hour, covering a warm blanket, the cooled mixture drink for two weeks after eating.
    5. 5. Laxative. With constipation, ulcerative ulcer of the stomach or diseases of the duodenum, at elevated acidity. Nettle leaves, plantain for 25 milligrams, seeds of flax seeds - 100 milligrams, fruits of rosehip - 50 milligrams, licorice roots - 25 milligrams boiled in 250 milligons of water 45 minutes, insist before cooling, add boiled cold water, bringing to 200 milliliters. Drink a decoction at half a glass for half an hour before eating food. Treatment continues for three weeks.
    6. 6. Gastric - pinning. In diarrhea, weak appetite, meteorism, gastro-enterocolite, with reduced acidity ZHS. For the preparation of the medicine, you need to take calendula flowers, nine root, peppermint leaves, ledge and yarrow grass in a 2: 2: 1: 4: 2 ratio. 50 grams of the composition are poured a liter of water and brew tea. Reality for about an hour, take a third of a glass after eating twice a day.
    7. 7. Diabetic. If the patient suffers from gout, osteochondrosis, rheumatism or diabetes mellitus, they advise to take infusion on the seeds of the flax, herringbones, hoodies, the fruits of the hawthorn, rosehip, on the shoots of the lingonberries, birch leaves and peppermint leaves. All take in equal amounts. Drink thirty days once a day before eating 75 milligram medicine. Once in three or four days they are preparing a new decoction.
    8. 8. Fruits of rowan, hawthorn, rosehips, licorice roots, lingonberry shoots, nettle leaves and Senna, birch leaves are suitable for weight loss. They help and in disruption of metabolism. They insist two weeks to alcohol in a dark place, drink 25 milliliters in the morning and in the evening in twenty minutes before meals.
    9. 9. Gynecological. Inflammatory processes occurring in female genital organs, erosion of the uterus and colpit. The composition is poured by two liters of cold water, bring on a slow heat to a boil and boil ten minutes, then leave for 12 hours in the dark, flickering. Take 100 milliliters within 12 days before meals. Needs the following medicines: herbs shepherd bags, souls, wormwood, yarrow, dispatch and roots of Badan, AIR, as well as chamomile flowers, flax seeds in equal proportions.

    This list does not end. There are still articular, endocrine and others.

With a separate collection of medicinal plants, it is necessary to adhere to certain terms and collection rules, since only at a certain time the plant has the properties necessary for treatment, besides, they can only be saved with the right assembly and storage.

When collecting plants, you need to know:

  1. what parts of a particular type medicinal plants have the use of B. people medicine;
  2. what time should collect and how technically it is performed;
  3. how the drying of plants should be carried out;
  4. what measures should be taken to better preserve the harvested material.

The number of existing principles contained in the drug plant, in different periods of growth and the development of the latter, it is no way and fluctuates, so the acquisition of medicinal plants is timed at the time of the greatest content in them the existing principles. So, if the whole plant goes, it is collected at the beginning of flowering; At the same time, plants are collected from which all overhead parts are used - grass. Collection of leaves is usually made before flowering, With the exception of "mother-and-stepmother", which is bought after flowering. Roots, rhizomes and tubers are bought in autumn, after stopping the plant in the plant, or early spring before it started. Seeds and fruits - during their full ripening, for some exceptions. Collecting the above-ground parts of the plant, especially colors, should be carried out in dry weather and in terms of dewSince only at the same time it is possible when dried, to preserve their natural color from the parts of the plant and protect against self-heating (processes of bacterial and fungal decomposition), the result of which is often the loss of the current start. We now list the rules for collecting individual parts of plants.

Kidneys collect early spring, in the period of swelling, before their dissolve. Pine kidneys are cut off with a branch with a knife, small (for example, birch) are cut together with branches. Dried, spreading with a thin layer, in well-ventilated rooms. Dried branches are arched or kidneys are cut by hands.

Corah is collected during the period of reinforced Spring Softness, Before the dissolution of the leaves. Make two seasureblings with a knife at a distance of 20 - 30 cm, combine two longitudinal cuts and jerk the bark in the form of grooves. Bark Removed from the trunks and branches (Crošin), and oak - only with branches. Dry Corra in the sun, under sheds or in closed ventilated rooms.

The leaves are collected in the period of bootonization, flowering plantssometimes in the phase of fruiting. Thick juicy stiffs that are not containing nutrients (mother-and-stepmother) are removed as they make drying. Small leathery leaves (lingonberry) are cut together with branches, and then separated leaves. Dried in the shade under sheds, in closed rooms, laying out a thin layer.
Flowers are collected during the period of full bloomingSometimes in the bootonization stage. Dried in the shade, sometimes in a darkened room (cornflowers).

Herbs are collected during the period of complete flowering or bootonization, Sutting the entire above-ground part at the level of the lower leaves, plants with rigid stems (wormwood, a series) are collecting separately leaves and flowering tops. Dried in thin beams suspended on a draft, or lay a thin layer in the shade on a well ventilated place, for example in the attic.

Fruits and seeds are collected in the period of complete maturity, and sometimes a little unplanned (rosehip) in the event that, with full maturation, the fruits are tremendous, or, become soft, impenetrate when collecting. Juicy fruits are collected in the morning or in the evening, because in the daytime assembly in a strong heat they quickly deteriorate. Before drying, they are versed in the sun for 1 - 2 days, and then dried at a temperature of 70 - 90 ° C in the furnaces. Washing the fruits before drying is impossible.
Before drying raw materials sort, Removing randomly included parts of the same or other plants. Enclosed plants with a thin layer, stirred 3 - 4 times a day (except for flowers). Raw materials should save green, do not rear. The drying finish when the leaves and flowers are easily rubbed into the powder, the stalks break with a characteristic crackle, the roots break, but not bend, the berries when compressing in the hand are scattered, without giving merging lumps.

Dry raw materials stored in a bag of fabric, paper bags, boxes, banks. Parking medicinal plants need to be stored separately from nonpauchy. Dry berries are hygroscopic, so it is better to keep them in a dry place on drafts in paper bags. Raw materials must be separate from substances with specific smells - kerosene, naphthalene, etc. Typically, the storage time of colors, herbs and leaves do not exceed 1 - 2 years, and roots, rhizomes, bark - 2 - 3 years.

For the middle strip of Russia is relevant as follows drug Plant Collection Table. It is traveled in it, when it is best to collect and cook raw materials.

Drug Plant Collection Table

Birch - kidneys
Lamberry - Leaves
Pine - kidneys

Birch - kidneys
Lamberry - Leaves
Snake Highlander - Rhizome
Nine high - root rhizomes
Oak - bark
Calina Ordinary - Bark
Olhovoid Crushina - Bark

Pine - kidneys

Poplar black - kidney

Adonis Spring - Grass

Bearded Bearded - Leaves, Kidneys

Lamberry - Leaves
Dyagil Medicinal - Root
Oak - bark
Calina Ordinary - Bark
European hoofer - leaves
Neprug djoomed - leaves
Olhovoid Crushina - Bark
Crush Brick - Bark

Burning big - roots

Male fern - rhizome
Shepherd Damaging
Primorce Spring - Leaves, Flowers
Peony Escape - Roots
Siberian fir - kidneys, needles

Drubwear - Rhizome
Currant Black - Leaves
Pine forest - needles, kidneys
Tolochang Ordinary - Leaves
Poplar black - kidney
Violet tricolor - grass
Horsetail field - grass
Rough Ordinary - Root
Cherry - Flowers, Fruits

Adonis Spring - Grass
Bowls Bag - Difficult branches
Belen black - leaves

Hawthorn Red - Flowers, Fruits
Vasilek blue - flowers
Three-lines watch - leaves
Highlander Bird - Grass
Dormon Medicinal - Grass
Dyagil Medicinal - Root
Groceless gray - grass

Mall gold cake - grass

European hoofer - leaves
Neprug djoomed - leaves
Lily of the Lily May - Grass, Leaves, Flowers
Linden heart-shaped - flowers
Burning big - roots
Coltsfoot - flowers, leaves
Dandelion medicinal - grass, roots
Phosnik medicinal - roots
Pasternak Sowing - Grass
Shepherd Bag - Grass
Peony Escape - Roots
Siberian fir - kidneys, needles
Blood-like - Grass, disputes
Plantain big - leaves
Organiza Ordinary - Grass
Halfweight Gorky - Leaves

Pine forest - needles, kidneys
Timyan Creeping - Grass
Triumphant - Grass
Violet tricolor - grass
Horsetail field - grass
Rough Ordinary - Root
Treated series - grass
Cherry - Flowers, Blueberry Fruits - Leaves
Yatryshnik - Crowner

Adonis Spring - Grass
Air Bolotnaya - Grass
Bowls Bowl - Grass
Belen black - leaves, kidneys
Beard birch - leaves, kidneys

Vasilek blue - flowers
Three-lines watch - leaves
Blueberry - fruit
Highlander Pepper - Grass
Highlander Suncheuy - Grass
Dormon Medicinal - Grass
Ordinary Oil - Grass
Dyagil Medicinal - Root
Groceless gray - grass
Networks Calibone - Grass
St. John's wort - grass
Forest strawberries - fruit, leaves
Mall gold cake - grass
Icelandic lichen - layer
Calendula Drug (Nail) - Inflorescences

Cyprus narrow-walled - grass
European hoofer - leaves
Skiper Corovyan - Cutters of Flowers
Neprug djoomed - leaves
Lipa heart-shaped - inflorescences
Burning big - roots
Onion onion - bulbs
Linenha Ordinary - Grass
Raspberry Raspberry - Fruits, Leaves

Coltsfoot - flowers, leaves
Juniper - Shishkoodiyod
Field Mint - Grass
Dandelion medicinal - grass, roots
Phosnik medicinal - roots
Male fern - rhizome
Pasternak Sowing - Grass
Shepherd Bag - Grass
Ordinary Pijm - Inflorescences
Peony Escape - Roots
Siberian fir - kidneys, needles
Blood-like - Grass, disputes
Plantain big - leaves
Organiza Ordinary - Grass
Halfweight Gorky - Grass, Leaves
Wormwood - Grass
Motherboard Pyathadny - Grass
Chamomile fragrant - Flower baskets
Currant Black - Fruits
Pine forest - needles, kidneys
Timyan Creeping - Grass
Tsmina Ordinary - Fruits
Tolochang Ordinary - Leaves

Violet tricolor - grass
Horsetail field - grass
Rough Ordinary - Root
Treated series - grass
Ordinary cherry - fruit
Blueberry - Fort
Rosehip Cinnamon - Flowers, Fruits
Yatryshnik - Crowner

Adonis Spring - Grass
AIR Bolotnaya - Rhizoma, Grass
Bowls Bowl - Grass
Immorter sandy - inflorescences
Hawthorn Red - Flowers, Fruits
Valerian medicinal - roots, rhizome
Blueberry - fruit
Highlander Suncheuy - Grass
Dormon Medicinal - Grass
Ordinary Oil - Grass
Dyagil Medicinal - Root
Groceless gray - grass
Mall gold cake - grass
Icelandic lichen - layer

Calina Ordinary - Bark, Fruits
Cyprus narrow-walled - grass
Skiper Cowbody - Hands of Colors
Neprug djoomed - leaves
Ordinary Cross - Grass, Roots
Burning big - roots
Onion onion - bulbs
Calina Ordinary - Fruits
Sophie carrots - seeds, root
Coltsfoot - flowers, leaves
Dandelion medicinal - grass, roots
Phosnik medicinal - roots
Male fern - rhizome
Shepherd Bag - Grass
Suriable parsley - grass, roots
Ordinary Pijm - Inflorescences
Peony Escape - Roots
Blood-like - Spores, herbs
Plantain big - leaves
Halfweight Gorky - Grass
Chamomile fragrant - Flower baskets
Rowan Ordinary - Fruits
Pine forest - needles, kidneys
Tsmina Ordinary - Fruits
Tolochang Ordinary - Leaves
Yarrow-grass - grass
Violet tricolor - grass
Horsetail field - grass
Hop Ordinary - Cones
Rough Ordinary - Root
Treated series - grass
Ordinary cherry - fruit
Blueberry - Fort
Garlic sowing - bulbs
Rosehip Cinnamon - Fruits


Highlander snake - rhizomes with roots

Calendula Drug (Nail) - Inflorescences

Cranberry - fruit
Neprug djoomed - leaves
Medicinal heel - roots, rhizome
Crushina laxative (Joster) - Fruits
Pepper Perevosting - Rhizome
Burning big - roots
Onion onion - bulbs

Sophie carrots - seeds, root

Alder gray - bumps
Male fern - rhizome
Shepherd Bag - Grass

Suriable parsley - grass, roots
Peony Escape - Roots
Blood-like - Disputes
Plantain big - leaves
Halfweight Gorky - Grass
Chamomile fragrant - Flower baskets
Rowan Ordinary - Fruits
Blue blue - rhizomes with roots
Triumphant - Grass
Tolochang Ordinary - Leaves
Yarrow-grass - grass
Violet tricolor - grass
Horsetail field - grass
Hop Ordinary - Cones
Rough Ordinary - Root
Chicory wild - roots
Rosehip Cinnamon - Fruits
Sorrel horse - rhizomes and roots

Valerian Drug - Roots with roots
Snake Highlander - Rhizome
Dyagil medicinal - root rhizoma
Valina Ordinary - Fruits, Bark
Cranberry - fruit
Medicinal heel - Rhizomes and roots
Pepper Personal - Rhizome
Juniper Ordinary - Hitch
Dandelion medicinal - roots
Phosnik medicinal - roots
Alder gray - bumps
Male fern - rhizome
Primorce Spring - Rhizoma with roots
Drubwear - Rhizome
Field Indian - Root
Tolochang Ordinary - Leaves
Chicory wild - roots
Rosehip Cinnamon - Fruits
Sorrel horse - rhizomes and roots

Alder - Spealing
Field Indian - Root

Herbal time to obtain a healthy result is considered to be very significant, it is necessary to take into account and what part of the plant for treatment will be used in the future. Substances acting in different parts of plants accumulate at different times of the year, so the collection is necessary at the time when they are the most healing force.

At the beginning of the spring, the leaves are harvested if plant flowers are not needed, then their collection is carried out before flowering, since then they give their entirety their social action. If the grass is used with flowers, then they break it at the beginning of flowering. We recommend navigate to the calendar of collecting herbs, according to which professional herbalists are focused when and what herbs collect.

After collecting leaves, flowering, inflorescences and flowers are very gentle and collect them early in the morning, the weather should be dry. You should not collect flowers if they languishes for a long time in the sun, the lifeful strength in them is significantly less.

Often for treatment uses a bark of plants, its collection is carried out early in spring after the snow. It is better to collect better before the start of the Socialization or as soon as this process has begun, because during this period, the bark is saturated with life juice and it is easy to shoot it. You only need to take a smooth bark, for this you choose young branches, in old actors no longer.

Fruits and seeds are usually assembled as they are matured, yet it is no longer necessary to take it, because there are few sensitive fruits.

The harvesting of roots and rhizomes is carried out in late autumn, when on the outcome of the growing season or the early spring, when the plant has not yet gone. In this stage of the plant, its entire healing force focuses in the underground part. Experienced herbalists always observe the collection time of certain herbs and can find the place of growing the desired plant on faded leaves for the production of root.

If not take into account the collection time, the effect of the treatment of the assembled drug will be small.

In addition, the quality of the plants collected is affected by the moon. In this regard, there is a collection rule:

  • the first phase of the moon - rhizomes, root, roots and roots are collected;
  • the second phase is the above-ground parts of the plants;
  • the third phase is similar to the first;
  • the fourth phase is similar to the second.

Not all herbs grow in the terrain where we live. Therefore, many plants can be quite cultivated at home, but their healing force will be significantly less. Collect plants are better in the natural environment and be sure to take into account at what time it needs to be done.

Graduate collection calendar

Schedule of the billets of the healing herbs is approximate, since the collection depends on climatic and weather conditions.

January and February

  • Olha gray nozzle;
  • Chaga.


  • Birch buds;
  • (leaves and shoots);
  • Crošin (bark);
  • Pine ordinary (kidney);
  • Toloknyanka ordinary (leaves and shoots).


  • Birch buds;
  • Pine (kidney);
  • Lamberry (leaves);
  • Oak (bark);
  • Nather (roots);
  • Toloknyanka (leaves);
  • Phackle (root);
  • Toplar black (kidney);
  • Male fern
  • (rhizomes);
  • Kalina (bark).


  • Lily of the valley;
  • Sourness;
  • Badan;
  • Fabric paw;


  • Bowls Bowl;
  • Lily of the Lily May (flowers, grass and leaves);
  • Mother and stepmother;
  • Plantain big (leaf);
  • Horsetail field (grass).


  • Three-lines watch (sheet);
  • Strawberry Forest (fruit);
  • Raspberry (fruits);
  • St. John's wort;
  • Pepper is straightforward (roots);
  • Papestry silver (grass);
  • Drying (grass);