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Exercises for the development of various qualities of voice. Exercises for vocal for beginners. Voice development

At the beginning of training, your task is to learn how to breathe correctly. Pay this section. Moving forward, periodically return to it, repeating breathing exercises. It is useful to use them as a warming gymnastics before combustion. First, try to test the operation of the respiratory muscles.

Put your palms on the stomach and make some calm breaths and exhale. So that breathing was more intense, warm their hands to them or inflate the imaginary fire in the oven. You will feel that the stomach rises and lowers. If this does not happen, then you use the most non-rational kind of breathing - clavical. It is correct that the intercostal muscles of the lower walls of the abdomen and the diaphragm - the membrane separating the pectoral region from the abdominal are most actively working. This type of respiration is called a diaphragm. The easiest way to check the diaphragm movement in the lying position. You need to lie on the back, put your hands just above the abdomen, where there is a solar plexus / the diaphragm region / and take a breath and exhale. When inhaling the hand will necessarily rise due to the movement of the diaphragm. With an exhalation, the hand goes down. Simultaneously with the test of the movement of the diaphragm, the movement of the abdominal muscles, which work rhythmically and coincide with the movements of the diaphragm during inhalation and exhalation. The diaphragm and abdominal muscles in the positions standing and sitting should be in the same way. Check will show you the advantages and disadvantages of your physiological breathing.


Naturally, our breath is functioning during laughter. We will notice how and where the muscles of the abdominal press are strained, the bottom of the back / loins /, the belly is served forward.


Now I will put your hand on the stomach to control the breath and make a slow breath, considering it up to four. Do not delay the breath, slowly exhale, again counting to four. Feel like the stomach inflates when inhaling and blown away when exhaling. If the motion of the belly is badly tangible, let's try to do this exercise, tilting the body forward and putting your hands on the lower back area. The inhalation should be felt the expansion of this area of \u200b\u200bthe back. With each subsequent breath-exhalation, we increase the bill per unit (five, six, seven, etc.).


Active exhalation. We warm up the muscles, alternating fast breaths-outflows open mouth. Close how the sides of the dog are raging, breathing language breathing, and you will understand why this exercise is called the "dog". This exercise is useful to perform at the mirror. Sit on the chair, learn on his back and relax your shoulders and neck. Performing an exercise, watch the shoulders do not rise.


One of the essential flaws of breathing is the uneven exhalation. The voice sounds jolts, trembling and swinging. Training smooth exhalation, we lay the basics of smooth voice sounding. Having pre-exhausted, we will make a sharp breath, sending the air to the abdomen. With the sound of TC-C-C ... Slowly exhale air through closed teeth. In order for the air pillar to be uniform and did not swing, it is necessary to leave the abdominal muscles after the inspire, and the abdomen itself is round, like a ball. Try to maintain the tension until all the air comes out. Gradually, it is necessary to extend this exercise from 20-30 seconds to one minute.

While singing uses specific muscles that do not work in everyday life. Therefore, to swing the press or resort to another kind of exercises for their workout should not be! Help yoga, medical breathing exercises and swimming. The diaphragm breathing must be brought to automatism: breathe "belly" in the subway, studying and walking. Characteristic errors: constant looting or twitching shoulders during the breath - testimony of a clavary breathing, the deliberate protrusion of the abdomen and its unnatural pulling or another inconvenience in respiration means that the exercise is incorrect. The diaphragm type of breathing is the most natural and useful for the entire body. This type of breathing is commonly common for professional singers, athletes, lecturers and speakers. He is part of Medical gymnastics, yoga, oriental martial arts. So breathing animals and you breathe in early childhoodSo far the costs of civilization in the form of various physiological complexes have not led to the fastening of the wrong skill. Do not forget at first at the time of singing constantly put your hand on the stomach to control the breath. In the future, it is useful to use a tightly fitting wide rubber belt. It helps to control the breath and takes a slightly load on the muscles, performing the functions of the simulator.

Auxiliary exercises

Often proper singing interfere with muscle clips, excessively voltage of individual muscle groups, their discordination. The proposed exercises will help properly organize the work of the muscles. First of all, you should take care of the right posture: the back is straight, the shoulders are spinned and lowered down, the head is in the middle position. Do not downhill your head up - it is overnight straining the larynx and vocal cords. Work rhythmically.


Neck relaxed. Soft movements of the head in a circle in the right and left side.


Mildly lower the lower jaw down, then return to the place. Perform gently, carefully. The correct position of the lower jaw can be found by opening the mouth to the maximum width, and then slightly weakening the muscle.


The lips are elongated into the tube, perform movements to the left-right, rotation in a circle back and forth and left-right.


The language takes various forms: folded into the tube, takes the shape of the bathtubs rising lateral walls and the tip of the language / or sail / mouth open, the language concerns the upper sky as far as possible from the front teeth.

If you can't do all exercises, - do not despair. It is enough if you limit the regular execution of the simplest. Follow the larynx Kadyk - the most wide place. Take it with two fingers and follow his movements during the yoke. Kadyk lowers down. It is necessary to learn to fix this condition during singing. This is called vocal zoo. Omitted, which means free and slightly extended larynx contributes to the beautiful natural sound output. The lack of extra tension on the larynx is the key to the artist's creative longevity. But it is not necessary forcibly to pull the larynx down and all the more keeping it with your hands. Its proper discovery is achieved only by the feeling of Zovka. I will open your mouth in front of the mirror and try to "show your doctor's throat" - omit the root of the tongue, raise the soft sky with a small tongue and say "a", opening rear wall Things.

  1. Wrong: the tongue is the hump, closing the passage in the throat, the soft sky is lying in the language.
  2. Correctly: The throat is open, the language lies freely, almost touching the tip of the lower teeth, the soft sky is raised. At the same time, the sensations of the recorded zovka are preserved.

A low-live curtain / soft sky / and the language interfere with the output of the free sound. It becomes flat, hollow. The following exercises train the mobility of a soft sky, language and larynx.


3-4 Finger-coated finger insert in the mouth as an expander. The most self-consistently, distinctly and loudly pronounce the location of NGA, NGO, NGU, NGU, NSU, NGA. I do not let your head, do the exercise to the feeling of fatigue in the area of \u200b\u200bthe larynx.


Open your mouth. Throughly push the language to the outside with such an acceleration, so that he hike himself jumped himself. We assign yourself a frog, catching a mosquito. Try to touch the chin tongue. The mouth is open, it does not twitch and does not close, the jaw is relaxed. At first, you can hold yourself for the chin.

Work rhythmically at a convenient pace before the feeling of fatigue of the muscles of the larynx. Watch that only the needed muscle group acted in each exercise. Learn to differentiate the work of the individual muscles of the vocal apparatus and manage them arbitrarily. Watch out for breathing, posture, do not strain your shoulders, neck.

Free resonator sound

In the process of finding the right sound, we will use various devices that allow you to put into the course of various natural mental and physiological mechanisms. Usually this conditional representations that we call in your imagination. They help to penetrate the nature of sensations arising from proper singing.

IN previous sections We have already used similar devices: remember the exercises "Doggy", "Frog catches mosquito." Naturally, they should not be understood literally. It is only necessary to call these pictures in your imagination. This greatly facilitates you finding the right sensations.


Open your mouth. Let's make a slow breath with a slight sound of "surprise." Feel chill on the soft sky and lowering Kadyk. On the exhalation, I will publish extensive, free, similar to moan sound "A". Mountains along with Kadyku remains in the lower position. Language should not close the throat. Lips should not tremble. Check yourself with the mirror. Follow the right breathing. Inhale Do not fix / exhale - immediately after the inhalation without delay /. Lanes do not rise. The involuntary birth of free sound contributes to peace, internal discrepancy and even some relaxation.

Vocal exercises.

General rules for their implementation

Now that you got acquainted with the basics of correct singing - a diaphragm breathing and free resonator sound, you can go directly to the exercises.

First, listen, how do the teacher performs. Then try to repeat.

Exercises must be sitting on the chair, smoothly holding the back and not bother.

Initially, it should be done within the first 6-7 most comfortable sounds, gradually expanding the range of votes. Keep your breath. To control, keep your hand on your stomach. Control the operation of the lower resonator. Make sure that the lips are not trembling, do not pull up the shoulders and head, do not pull the neck. Keep the feeling of peace, comfort and some relaxation. Only stomach should work, as if pumping air for singing. To the upper note, the stomach is strained more than during the previous one. It feels your hand lying on the stomach. All of the above is mandatory for both exercises and directly execute things.


Sound concentration exercises

These exercises are needed by those of you who have the following problems during singing: deaf, swallowed sound, difficulties with the execution of upper and medium notes, sapper sound on all or some vowels / often on "and" \\, tendency to incline notes.


Closed syllable "M". Make a quick breath. At the same time, lower the larynx, as during Zovka and discover the nostrils. In exhalation, we sing one note on the consonant "M". Glows remain below. The lower jaw is lowered so that the teeth do not touch each other. Tongue lies freely. The lips are closer, but not tense. Nostrils are open. You must achieve a deduction of long smooth sound. Vibration \\ Easy oppression \\ Feels in the area of \u200b\u200bthe nose, bridges, cheeks, chin. The vibration epicenter is located on the front upper teeth. Try not to allow the beacon of the gloom. Do not pull to the note from the bottom, attack on top, as if by pressing the imaginary key. Otherwise, the note will succeed in a slightly understated, or the feeling will be present that you "drive up" to the note without exactly intonating. It is necessary to start this exercise with anyone comfortable notes that are in the middle of the range, and gradually increase and lower the tone. The author does not recommend doing this exercise in a high register, stay low and medium.


M-and-and-and-and-and-and-and. In this exercise, the first note should sound the same as in the previous one. For the execution of subsequent notes, it is necessary to open a little mouth, tracking however, so that any voltage does not appear. The sound "and" during singing should not differ from the usual conversational \\ as in the word "snail" \\.


Mr.-E-A-oh-oh-ah-u-and. When you feel control over the letter "And", go to this exercise. All vowels must be executed by the same sound - a ringing, without chic and the product. It is necessary to constantly feel the point of the concentration of sound on the upper front teeth.

Exercises to achieve sound strength, depth and beauty timbre

These exercises are designed for everyone, but special attention to them should be paid to those who have the following disadvantages of singing: the vigilance of votes, votes, inability to guess elegant vocal decorations \\ little things \\. If, as it approaches the top notes, your voice becomes thin, it lacks a powerful dramatic tone, so necessary for the execution of fatal compositions, then these exercises are undoubtedly for you. Performing them, use all useful skills acquired when working on the exercises of the previous cycle.


Ro-oh-oh-oh about mouth is open wide, the jaw is in the lowest position. Lips are relaxed. Do not try to form a letter of lips. It should be as if inside the larynx. With this position, the sound will resemble something among the average between O and A. Take the mirror and check the position of the language on the vowel. Do not forget that the ladins slightly climbing on the r, must fall on O. again. It must be remembered about the state of the frozen yawk. Control the operation of the lower resonator. To do this, it is necessary to imagine that the mouth moved to the chest and the sound goes from there.


RO! -O! - Well! -Oh! -Oh! In this exercise, after each syllable, a sharp exhale is performed and a quick breath, as if good air. Exhalation occurs due to a sharp reduction in the muscles of the press, as during laughter. This reception is called an active exhalation. If it is completed correctly, the good air takes place automatically. The higher you climb, the deeper there should be sound. The sound more and more should be like a moan, as if on the chest lies a heavy girome and you sing through strength. Do not close your mouth and strain your neck.


RO-O "O-O" O-O "O-O" O-O "O-O" O during the execution of this exercise after every two sounds about doing a small exhale and breath breathing marked with an apostrophe sign /, as if good air / see. UPR.2 /. Try not to jump from the notes on a note, but smoothly transfer, making Glissando. There should be a feeling as if you stretch the lower note on the top. At the same time, a higher sound must be disconnected in the chest deeper than the previous one.


PO-O "O-O" O-O "O-O" O-O "O-O" o Unlike the previous one, this exercise is performed easily jumping from notes on a note. Gradually, accelerate the tempo, but make sure not to stretch behind the sound, pulling the neck and throwing the head, and lower it on the chest. The sign of the apostrophe is marked active exhalation and good respiration.

Exercises for the development of the subton


A, Ma-Ri-I-I. Waire hands with breathing, as they do in the cold. Now add a little sound to breathing. This technique is called splitting or subton. Here you also got the feeling necessary to perform exercise 3. Watch the mouth widely discovered and the priests do not disappear throughout the phrase. Exercise is designed to use greater than usual, air quantities. If breathing is hardly enough, it means that the sound is found correctly. To facilitate the task, lean forward, put your hands on the lower back and feel the air penetrates there. Now you have formed " lifebuoy"Around the waist. Do not rush, spend the air economically, - do not exhale a lot on the first note. Inhales do the nose, rhythmically, quickly and sharply, feeling how the air" Rescue circle "is filled with air. If vowels and clamp or sounds in the nose, replace it On s / a-ve Mary-s-I /. When you learn how to lean it correctly, it will be possible to return to the original sound. This exercise can be done within the octave. Cut the breast resonator vibration - it should not disappear at high notes.

To AK is known, the voice serves a person not only to the means of transmitting information, but also helps to express their emotions and feelings. The human voice can be pleasant, melodious, strong or, on the contrary, barely distinguishable, sharp and irritating. Voice development is useful for any person. Lucky, from nature with a sonorous low voice, units, and what to do the rest, who would also like to talk beautifully? In no case should not give up! The voice can and need to develop, it is just the result of the work of the muscles of the larynx, the chest, as well as the correct breathing. Let's turn to the advice to the experts and find out how to develop a voice to gain self-confidence and popularity among others.

Voice statement

Before answering the question of how to put a voice, we suggest you to deal with what characteristics our voice has. There is such a thing as a voolence of votes is the ability to vote to fill the space. At the same time, the flightiness does not mean the volume, as most people think. The voice can be flight, but at the same time completely quiet. There is also an inverse situation when it seems to be a loud voice, striking by his sound, "fines" the maximum to the 4th row in the hall.

The following voice characteristic is its volume. This feature You can work quite easily and quickly. Breathing and voice are directly related, therefore, the more more correctly you work on the production of your breathing, the sooner your voice will sound brightly and loud. In order to develop the volume of the voice, you need to work on the breathing depth, increasing the active volume of the lungs. For these purposes, it is ideally suited to run, swimming, football, boxing and other physical exertion that require long-lasting deep breathing.

The latter in our list the characteristic of the voice is its timbre. Unlike the previous two, the voice of the voice is completely natural, which is extremely difficult to influence. However, the technique of votes can be adjusted by deepening voice sounding and testing of diction. If you deliberately speak quietly and as much as possible, i.e. Use the low sound range, your voice will be automatically perceived as the chest low and pleasant that, ultimately, will affect its timbre.

Summarizing the foregoing, we note that the statement of the voice is a painstaking labor-intensive work that requires a serious versatile approach. You will have to work for a long time (from 6 months or more) daily, best in the morning, performing a variety of exercises that will be described below, and also engage in sports for improvement general status Physical health and lung volume, in particular.

Exercises for voice

In the modern world exist various techniques Voice formulations, each of which has its own adherents and opponents. If you collect them together, we can conclude that all the exercises for voice can be divided into several categories.

The first category is breathing exercises for voice development. To perform them, you must get up to the mirror and take a deep breath, and on the exhalation of sounds in the following sequence: "and", "u", "a", "o", "y" on one exhale. The sound "and" is the highest, with it and start an exercise to gradually develop the range of the sound of your voice. The sound "e" is needed in order to activate the area of \u200b\u200bthe throat and neck, the sound "A" is "descending" into the region of the chest, and the survey of the sound "O" is needed to strengthen the heart and improve its blood circulation. The sound "y" is needed to develop a diaphragmal respiration. Each sound you must repeat 3 times. If you put your task deepening voice, repeat the sound "y" more often.

Another exercise on the activation of the area of \u200b\u200bthe abdomen and breasts is to pronounce the sound "M". You should repeat this exercise three times, and first very quiet, gradually increasing the volume. To check whether you are doing correctly, put your palms on the stomach, if you feel the vibration, it means that everything is correct.

The final exercise for the development of respiratory force is called Tarzan. To fulfill it, you must get up directly and first breathe deeply, and then inhale. Next, you need to squeeze your hands in the fists and vote all the sounds from the previous exercise in the same sequence, at the same time the crushing fists on your chest. As a result, your lungs will be cleaned of mucus, and breathing will become freer.

Another category of voting development exercises - Exercises for the pronouncement of different sounds. We wrote about them in detail in the article on the development of diction. Here we only mention that to improve the pronunciation it is useful to read the spells with those letters who cause you to have the greatest difficulties, as well as to declerate and read out loud, carefully listening to the sound of your own voice, putting one hand to the ear, and the second hand sympathizes the microphone. So you will understand how your voice surrounding is heard, and you can correct it more accurately.

The combined person is considered to be charged for the purpose of which is the release of the throat and the transfer of the main work on the pronouncement of words lips and the diaphragm. With the help of this charging you travelets your ligaments, and they will be less tired. You need to slowly and clearly pronounce the "Kew" and "X" syllables, rounding the lips on the "Kew" and stretching them into a smile at "X".

If you plan to perform on a big scene or you just like to sing in the company of friends or loneliness, then you just need to first put your voice. 1. BreathingBreathing is very important for a proper voice, affecting its strength and expressiveness. If you learn how to manage your breathing correctly, it will later save you from possible injuries that may be caused by overvoltage of voice ligaments. Several exercise complexes in the attention, you will learn to control the correct breathing in singing:

    1. It is important to learn to control the power of your exhalation. Take for this exercise the pen of any size, and jump on it. Your task is to ensure that all the guns flutter. Now it becomes more complicated: jerk so that only the tips of the flocks 2. Now take a light disposable polyethylene bag. Your task is to keep the bag with your breath in the air, without falling on the floor. Make a deep breath in the mouth, stretching on the exhalation "z-zz". Let the sound go from the inside, as if filling out the lungs. When you get the desired sound, experiment with other consonant letters, subsequently adding a vowel "A" to them.
When you sing, your breath should be capacious, but short, but exhale should be slow. It is on the exhalation that sound happens, so it should be smooth and continuous. 2. ResonatorsTo begin with, we will define what "resonators". As you know, they are part of the voice apparatus, and help to strengthen the sound. Simply put, without resonators, we would not have been able to communicate with each other, because we would not hear our interlocutors. It would noted that the singing sound becomes heard when the air that we exhale from the lungs is trying to break through the closed voice gap. After that, the oscillation of ligaments begins. As a rule, the ability to correctly use the resonators comes gradually - after the singer learn to keep their own singing under control. Subsequently, with the help of this skill, you will learn how to direct the sound at the desired point. This thing that is breast and head resonation. In the first case, you provide your vote power and strength, and in the second - the "Flight of the sound" appears, endurance. 3. Voice timbreVirtually any voice can find a professional sound if its owner learn how to manage its emotional color. Let's decide on which voices in general exist. So, among men - tenor (highest), Bariton, bass. Women's timbres: soprano, mezzo-soprano, alto, contralto. You are hardly able to determine how much the timbre - with this task a spectrometer or vocal teacher can cope with this task. 4. Vocal support - what it isThe vocal support can be called singing at which the diaphragm is involved. If there is a vocal support, there is no need for vocal tension of voice ligaments. Having a vocal support, you can sing a few hours in a row, so the future singers, of course, need to develop it. How to sing on the support? To be able to sing on a support, practice abdominal breathing. Usually people breathe breasts, but if you want to sing on the support, then this can be achieved, only breathing through the stomach. To begin with, put on the stomach left, and right - on the chest. Now learn to inhale so that the right hand remained fixed, and under the left - it was inflated and the belly was blown away.

Where to start learning

The main thing in this matter does not harm yourself. Remember that in order to have a good voice, it should be done a lot and diligently, and not to wait for quick results. Bundles need training, and immediately cannot be prepared for the execution of the most complex parties. You can know a lot about how to sing correctly, but if you do not start with training, then all this theory will not mean anything. It follows from the grinding - do not take the top or bottom notes right away, you will conquer them later, after the middle range .

Special vocal configuration exercises for singing

The regular repetition of these exercises is positively affected by the ligaments:
    imagine that I put the throat, while not throwing up my head - instead, slowly turn it out of side to the side. Publish these sounds until you have enough breathing on this. Make a deep breath in the mouth, and when you exhale "Mile up", at the same time with the pads of the index fingers on the nostrils. Let's the pads of the fingers along the upper lip, while making the sounds: " "It would be" (as far as the breath is enough). Nowaday the pillow of the finger on the bottom of the lip, similarly to saying "ZE-ZE-ZE" or "you-you". The broad yawk can also be attributed to the category of exercises. With the help of the yawn, the Contractor is easiest to relax the neck and aperture. In order to cause the yawns, just actively imagine it, and also wide open your mouth and breathe. Also it will not be superfluous. You should imagine how you gradually extrude the air out of the throat, thereby carrying the abdominal muscles, as well as the bottom of the chest - it is those that are recommended to use when singing. Easy lip vibration. Slightly squeezing the mouth, blow the air, while singing any song (the lips remain closer). It is important that the throat remains relaxed. Go from low notes To high, and back. If you want to "warm up" the voice, then singing with the closed mouth will be very useful. This exercises can be done at any time - taking a shower, preparing lunch and so on.

Lessons vocal for beginners

Now almost in any city there are many schools that you will help to put a voice and become a professional singer. If so far you can not decide to start studying with the teacher, then you have online lessons that lead experienced vocalists. Undoubtedly, you can learn a lot of interesting things for yourself and reveal all the singing talents.

Permanent training will help develop a beautiful and pleasant voice

If you do regularly, it will contribute to the development of a strong and beautiful voice. At the same time, it is important not to forget to take care of the bundles! For this, a small and easy massage will help you. Start with a slight pressing with a thumb into the area of \u200b\u200bthe larynx. Massaging the throat in the process of singing, you lay a much smaller load on bundles. This action can be done during the protracted workout.

Songs for voice development

In general, you can sing any song you like and well-known for you, but, of course, it is important to do this in unison with the performer. You can include some kind of musical composition, singer. It will be fine if this occupation you will write down. Then, listening to the resulting entry, try to determine in what few moments you had shortcomings.

How to cut the voice yourself

Start with a simple exercise for the union

Looking in front of the mirror, breathe and when you exhale, pronounce the sounds "and, e, a, oh, y". Repeat the sounds in such a sequence until the breath is enough. Note that the sequence of written letters is important. "And" is the highest frequency, and it is from it that the voting exercise should be proceeded. In turn, with the help of "E" you activate the throat area. "A" involves the chest, and "O" will have an impact on heartfall. Well, finally, we note that "y" involves low part belly. By the way, it is the last sound to pronounce as often as possible if you want to make your voice lower. After this is required to activate the chest area and abdomen - for this, closing your mouth, try to pronounce the sound "M". Start quietly, gradually reinforcing pressure. At the end, say this sound so that the voltage in voice ligaments was felt. Next, go to "P". It is this sound that makes a voice energetically, and has a positive effect on pronunciation. First you need to prepare a little, so that your tongue relaxed a little: lift his tip to the sky, speaking for the upper front teeth, try to "straighten." Exhalation, breath, growl. After that, with expressiveness say: rice, growth, rank, cheese, fence, fence, etc.

Preparation of voice ligaments to singing

Note that simple mint tea can help bundles to prepare for tension - just drink a cup of this warm drink. Also, sharp dishes contribute to ligaments. It is important to use B. sufficient quantity Water - can with honey and lemon. It is important not to abuse before singing dairy products, chocolate, alcohol and coffee beverages. Also should be completely eliminated smoking.

Causes of voice loss

Some beginners and experienced singers may encounter such a serious problem as a loss of votes. We define the main reasons for such a phenomenon:
    Regular loads on voice ligaments. Such a problem is not only in singers, but also in teachers, actors and people of any professions related to oratory art. The infectious diseases of the larynx. Activities of cold drinks, smoke. Like (thermal or chemical). Liga.
If the voice is lost, the person first begins to "hoarse", subsequently moving to a whisper. The case can lead to a complete absence of a voice. In the recovery period, one time should not overload the bundles with telephone conversations or performances. By the way, doctors are convinced that the telephone conversation is able to harm even more than living communication. Also try not to go out once again on the cold air, and, of course, eliminate smoking.

How to develop the necessary voice voice

Many people are trying to develop a deeper voice of the voice, in order to give him more sensuality and mysteriousness. It is not easy to do, but still, with due diligence, everything will turn out:
    First of all, it is important to learn to breathe a diaphragm, it is capable of making the depth to your voice. In fact, try to extract sounds from the diaphragm. Try consciously lower your voice. One way is to press the back of the back of the tongue. You have to find right position, Navigating the language. In general, train to undertake the timbre of your voice until it becomes a habit. However, if you have a uncomfortable feeling, it is better to take a little break.

How to learn how to sing well if there is no voice

How to improve existing vocal data

First of all, it is important to track your own shortcomings and try to fix them. This can help your own voice audio records. Do not think that you will be able to determine your skills on the rumor - it is better to use a voice recorder, and if not yet, try to close one ear in singing to hear yourself better. Do not be too fascinated by singing, if you feel fatigue - in this case, you can only harm in yourself. Please note that if you felt weakness in your stomach, it means that while you have a weak support, but the point will still go to the mountain. Much worse, if you locked in my throat - most likely you overload a bundle, and in this case you should be taken a break. Tracking these moments. Many people are convinced that they do not have a singing talent only because in childhood they did not speak with the songs on the matinee. In fact, after class classes, it is possible to achieve not small heights in singing even to those people who are not in childhood to him. If you wish to get into high notes, it is important to train your body. Starting to sing, draw the bottom of the abdomen, relaxing its upper part, thereby providing support to the lower press. Also try not to raise the larynx too high, increasing the tone, in order not to break the voice. Try to control the situation, putting your fingers during singing over the larynx. Over time, you will succeed in ensuring that under the singing, the ladies are located at the bottom. It should be glanced under the singing of high notes. Look forward, do not bend the throat, thereby making the sound intense. Note that if you promote a little thumb forward, it will give high notes a brighter sound.

So that the voice was strong - breathe right

In order for your voice to be strong, you need to learn how to properly and deep breathing. Inhaling and exhale, inflate belly. Make sure you do everything right: attach your palms to the waist (on the sides, closer to the ribs), so that the thumb is on the back, and others on the stomach. Inhaling and exhausted you need to feel like palms diverge and converge again. Perhaps, deep breathing still requires you serious effort. In this case, lie on the floor with your back, putting the palm on the stomach. Watch then, that if inhaling, exhale, your hands rose and lowered. Shoulders should stay still!

Working with voice - the lessons of the right vocal

If you are planning to visit vocal lessons, it is important to know that you are waiting for them, and the teachers usually pay attention to them:
    complex exercises that promote voice development; expansion of the range, study of intonation, voice flexibility; theory and practice of singing; singing breathing; improvement of diction and articulation; study of the peculiarities of the voice apparatus.
Remember that before you learn to sing, it can leave a lot of time, but this is not a reason for the disorder - prepare in advance for such developments. If you can't learn the singing craft at home, then, by sure, contact your teacher, which will help you find your own perfect sound.

Wonderful finds. I found the words described: and for diction, and for the muscles of the tongue, and for the ruin of the right speech breathing !!!
There are many letters, and every useful.

Although the materials of this article are devoted to the importance of voting and diction when reading affirmations, both of these parameters and independent meaning, therefore the development of the techniques described in this article will be useful for you regardless of your intention to engage in affirmations. As you know, the impressions of people from communicating with each other by 55 percent are based on the body language, 38 percent on votes and dictations and only 7 percent in the words they say, so the problem of a good voice for a person is extremely relevant because it determines almost 40 percent of his life success.

the list of the most common definitions of an unpleasant voice that interferes in life and which will not allow to make good affirmations:
- benus;
- sharp;
- Squeaky;
- hoarse;
- trembling;
- high tone (squeaky);
- shrill;
- blossom;
- with shortness of breath;
- timid;
- Ripple;
- too loud;
- weak, sweaty;
- colorless;
- pompous;
- sarcastic;
- uncertain;
- monotonous;
- tense;
- boring.

But the characteristics of the voice promoting your self-realization and perfectly suitable for affirmations:
- pleasant;
- vibrating;
- calm;
- well modulated;
- low tone;
- trust;
- warm;
- melodic;
- caring;
- confident;
- domineering;
- friendly;
- well intonated;
- expressive;
- Natural;
- sonorous.

Exercises for the development of the right speech breathing.

1. Select a convenient position (lying, sitting, standing), put one hand on the stomach, the other side to the bottom of the chest. Make a deep breath through the nose (while the stomach is drawn forward, and the lower part of the chest is expanding, which is controlled by the other hand). After the breath, immediately make a free, smooth exhalation (the stomach and lower part of the chest takes the former position).

2. Clean the short, calm breath through the nose, hold the air into the lungs for 2-3 seconds, then make a long, smooth exhalation through the mouth.

3. Make a short breath with the open mouth and on a smooth, excessive exhale, say one of the vowels (A, O, O, and, E, S).

4. Say smoothly on one exhale a few sounds:


5. Consider on one exhale to 3-5 (one, two, three ...), trying to gradually increase the score to 10-15. Follow the smoothness of the exhalation. Catch off (ten, nine, eight ...).

6. Read the proverbs, sayings, patter on one exhale. Be sure to follow the installation given in the first exercise.

A drop and stone is hammering.

Right hand Build - left break.

Who lied yesterday, then tomorrow they will not believe.

On the bench at the house all day sobbed Tom.

Do not spit into the well - it will be useful to get drunk.

On the courtyard of grass, on the grass of firewood: time of firewood, two firewood - not the rudy firewood on the grass of the courtyard.

Like a slide on the hill, thirty-three yorks lived: Odd York, two Echorka, three York ...

I wonder how many EGOROK do you get on one exhale?

7. Read Russian folk fairy tale "Repka" with the correct reproduction of the inhalation on the pauses.


Put grandfather repka. Rain big rectuant.
I went grandfather to tear. Pulls, pulls, can't stretch.
Called grandfather grandmother. Grandma for the grandfather, Dage for Rack, pull-pull, can't pull out!
I called grandmother granddaughter. Granddaughter for the grandmother, grandmother for grandfather, Dedka for repka, pull-pull, can't pull out!
I called the granddaughter of the bug. Bug for granddaughter, granddaughter for the grandmother, grandmother for the grandfather, Dage for the repka, pull-pull, can't pull it out!
Cook a bug cat. Cat for a bug, bug behind his granddaughter, granddaughter for the grandmother, grandmother for the grandfather, Dedka for repka, pull-pull, can't pull out!
Call a cat mouse. The mouse for the cat, a cat for a bug, a bug for granddaughter, granddaughter for the grandmother, grandmother for the grandfather, Dedka for a repka, pull-pull - stretched out the repank!

All subsequent exercises given in this article are calculated on the execution of the described technique of speech respiration.

Psychological exercises for voice development.

You can develop your voice with these exercises, just as the muscles develop with physical education. As a result, the voice will change, your voice will develop and become lower and harmonious, its range will expand, pronunciation will become clearer, modulation is expressive, and the expressiveness is convincing. The additional effect of exercises will be expressed in the activation of your strength. It is best to perform these exercises regularly, and in the mornings, because it charges you with vigor for a whole day. You will not only develop a more nice voice, but your overall health improves. As voice develops, your personality will be improved.

1. Stand in front of the mirror. Make exhale, then inhale and pronounce every sound until you have a breath. So, inhale and start:

This sequence is not accidental, you start with the sound itself high frequency - "And". If you put your palm on your head at this, then feel the light vibration of the skin. This is a certificate of more intense blood circulation. Sounding the sound "E" activates the area of \u200b\u200bthe neck and throat, you can feel it, putting your hands to the neck. Sounding sound "A" has a beneficial effect on the chest area. When pronouncing the sound "O", the blood supply to the heart increases, and the exercise with the sound "y" has a positive effect on the lower part of the abdomen. Try all the sounds of all the sounds slowly. If you want a voice to be lower, and the voice was deeper and expressive, then during the day, repeatedly utter the sound "y".

2. Now you need to activate the chest area and abdomen, and for this you need to say the sound "M" with a closed mouth. Exercises for the sound "M" Do three times. Once quite quiet, the second time is louder and for the third time - as louder as possible so that the voice ligaments tighten. Putting the palm on the stomach, you will feel a strong vibration.

Special attention should be paid to the sound of "P", because it contributes to improved pronunciation and gives voting strength and energy. In order to relax language, spend preliminary training: Raise the tip of the tick to the sky behind the front upper teeth and "suffer" as a tractor. So, do the exhale, then inhale and start "lying": "rrrr". After that, expressively and emotionally with an emphasized roller "P" say the following words:
role Ring Ring Rhythm Rice Carpet Cook Fence Cheese Product Grass Wing Lilac Frost, etc.

3. "Exercise Tarzan" in addition to the method of developing a voice is a preventive agent against colds and myocardial infarction. Stand straight, make an exhale, then deep breath. Squeeze your hands in the fists. Loudly utter the sounds of "IIIAIIII" and at the same time run yourself to your chest fists, as Tarzan did in the famous film.
Now do the same exercise with sounds:

At the end of the exercise, you will notice how your bronons are cleaned from mucus, how your breathing becomes free, as you charge the energy. Clear well, get rid of all unnecessary! This exercise should be performed only in the morning, since it has an exciting and activating effect.

4. Indian yoga is known for their deep beautiful voice, which is achieved with this simple exercise.

Stand straight and put your legs on the width of the shoulders, make some calm breaths and exhale, after which type the air in the stomach and make one sharp exhale accompanied by the sound "ha-a". Exhalation should be complete, and the sound is so loud as it is possible (echo in neighboring houses). In this case, you can slightly bend the housing forward.

After a few weeks of workout on the proposed technique, compare your current voice with the same, which you recorded on the recorder, and you will make sure that the timbre of your voice has changed, and the voice has a much improved significantly, because now he has gained a greater suggestive force, which means that outgoing From you, charismatic radiation has become more intense, you began to speak more convincingly and more influence the world around the world.

As a result of such training and performing the exercises described calmer and deeper, not only the voice becomes, but also your thoughts. The deeper and below the voice, the deeper he settles in consciousness, the greater the impression of pronounced words, and thanks to this you start talking not just differently, but much better. Due to this, everything that worries you and worries, retreats, and then disappears at all. Therefore, never stop working on your voice and then you never stop working on your own personality.

Work on diction.

Under diction is a clear, clear and distinct pronunciation of all the sounds of the native language with their proper articulation with a clear and intelligible utility of words and phrases. A clear and clear pronouncement of words is ensured by the correct articulation of each sound, and, above all, the skills in the process of speech freely and quite widely open the mouth, because with a poorly discovered, the sounds are pronounced as if through their teeth.

Articulation is also managed on a subconscious level, as well as voice formation, therefore it is advisable to first understand those reasons why you have a bad dictation and reprogram them already known to you by acceptors. The reprogramming situation can be formulated as follows: "I have a bad dictation", "I speak unbelievable", "I am a Carture", "I am incorrectly pronounced (I can not say) Sound" L "(sounds" p "," s ", "C", "F" or others in accordance with your feelings.) ". The causes of bad dictation most often are self-tie thoughts like "My business" or "in my family there is no ciceron", which are simply reprogrammed.

After reprogramming the subconscious, diction, as a rule, is significantly improved, and for the further development of mobility of the muscles of the lower jaw, the skills are quite widely opening the mouth during the speech, special exercises are used.

Exercises for the development of mobility of the lower jaw.

1. Freely lower the lower jaw until the gap between the teeth is in two fingers.

2. Silently, long (on one exhale), say vowels:
y(the distance between the teeth in two fingers);
yejёёёёёёёёёёёёёёёёёёёёёёёёёёёёёёёё (the distance between the teeth in one finger);
iiiiiiiiiiiiii (mouth is slightly open).

4. Solo and pass through several vowels on one exhale:

Make sure that when pronouncing sounds, the opening of the mouth was fully complete.

5. Say proverbs, sayings, patters that are saturated with vowels, requiring wide disclosure of the mouth. For example:
Mal, yes delete.
Two of a Kind.
I found a braid on a stone.
Know the edge, do not fall.
What a fisherman is also fish.
A rolling stone gathers no moss.
Has Horror, hedgehog's hedgehog.

6. Read the poem, clearly uttering sounds A, I:

The sky is breathing in autumn,
Sometimes the sun shone,
In short, it became a day,
Forests mysterious Sen.
With sad noise was bare
Went to the field fog,
Gusey criquid caravan
Stretched south: approached
Pretty boring time;
There was no yard ...

A. Pushkin

In the process of performing exercises, make sure that the lower jaw falls freely down, vowel sounds first pronounce a little emphasized.

Exercises for the development of lip mobility.

With lethargy and insufficient lips, the clarity and clarity of the pronunciation of many vowels and consonant sounds suffer. So, to pronounce the sounds of y, it is required to pull the lips ahead with the tube, for sounds oh, it is rounded the lips, and for sounds C, s stretch the lips in a smile. For the development of lips, it is useful to use the following exercises:

1. Stretch your lips in a smile without finding teeth.

2. Stretch your lips in a smile with the exposure of the teeth with the mouth closed.

3. Tightly closed lips pull forward (like a whistle).

4. Pull your lips forward in the shape of the tube.

5. Alternately alternate lip pulls into a tube with stretching them in a smile.

6. Raise the upper lip, exposing the top teeth, then lower the bottom lip, exposing the lower teeth.

7. Contact public sounds (first without voice, but with an underlined articulation, then with voice):

iiiii (lips stretched in a smile);

oooooo (lips oval);

uuuuuu (lips tube).

8. Consider consonant sounds (first silently, then with voice):

ssssss, ZZZZZ (lips stretched in a smile);

shershshshsh, Lzhzhzhzh (lips stretched forward with oval).

9. Diajointly and passing a few sounds on one exhale:

iIUUUUUU (lips first stretched, then take the shape of the tube);

uuuiiii (lips from the shape of the tube pass into the form of a smile);

owwiiii (rounded, tube, smile);


sssssssshshshshsh (when pronouncing sound from the lips stretched, when pronouncing it, sh is stretched forward);

zZZZZZZhzhzhzhzhzh (when pronouncing s stretch her lips, when they pronounce it to pull forward).

10. With tightly closed lips to form an explosion when pronouncing sounds P, b (dad, baba, bagel, cereals, drum, stick).

11. Secure the clarity and clarity of sound pronunciation in the words IVA, game, iron, lesson, duck, perch, donkey, yula, lawyer, south, hedgehog, tree, Irina, Institute, incubator, Emerald, shelter, snail, rod, feeling, Okulist, equipment, juice, lock, wheel, hat, school, beetle, belly, dryers, sun, iron, folder, drum, broom, bike, apron, fuffy, jacket.

When pronouncing words, watch the position of the lips in front of the mirror.

12. Read the proverbs, sayings, patterings. Watch out for proper position Lips, clarity and clarity of words and phrases.

Behind each other and win the fight.

From smart to learn, from stupid to seek.

Cabbage loves water and good weather.

The wasp is not a mustache, do not weigh, but the mustache.

Wolves are chipped, food is looking for.

The tree has a needle rolling.

13. Read the story out loud and make sure that the lips take an active part in the pronouncement of sounds and words.


I love these very much simple flowers - Merry bells. You will leave the forest to the faded, overgrown with a high grass meadow and the joy of Ahnesh - so much bangs all sorts of colors, similar to a festive dance. Over the green meadow whiten daisies, yellow dandelions, blooms mouse peas. And above all, all fun - lilac bells. From the easy breath of warm summer wind pegs, bow the bells, happily greeting the guest. All summer blooms, the bells, acquaintances and cute flowers of our meadows and forests, are silent.

Exercises for the development of muscles of the language.

The language takes an active part in the formation of most speech sounds. The clearness of speech depends on his work. Special difficulties arise when pronouncing words with consonants when necessary to quickly switch the movement of the language from one position to another. To strengthen the muscles of the language, improve its mobility and switchability, before using the exercises in the pronouncement of sounds, words and phrases with the bumps of consonants, clearly spend the following movements.

1. Tighten the language outward and make them movement to the left, right, up, down.

2. Tighten the language and make circular movements from left to right, then on the contrary - right left.

3. With the open mouth and slightly dried tongue, make it a wide, narrow, cup (tip and side edges slightly raised).

4. Slightly raised tense tongue "Clean" the upper teeth from the outer and inside, in the direction of the inner side of the teeth to the outer and vice versa.

Control over the correctness of the movement is performed using a mirror. Get all the movements to the tongue easily and freely, without much voltage.

Exercises in the clarity of uttering consonant sounds in the syllables.

Read syllables:

1. PA, PU, \u200b\u200bPU, \u200b\u200bPO, PE, PU, \u200b\u200bPO, PU, \u200b\u200bPI, PE, TA, TU, TU, TE, TA, TE, TY, TY, TE, CA, SU, SU, SY, SE, Xia, Syu, Si, Si, Ms., Jo, Zhu, zh, same;

2. AP, OP, UE, EIP, EP, AT, from, Ut, Et, AS, OS, Us, Os, Es, Ash, Osh, Os, Bysh, Ash

Exercises in the clarity of pronouncing words with consonant sounds.

Read out loud words with a streak of two, three and four consonant sounds: entrance, attach, foil, tourist, map, flowerbed, service, tail, brush, match, gather, roach, stamp, pimple, shatter, platoon, split, dug, correct , shift, spark, split, canvas, view, grotesque, germ, stress, instant, smooth, tetanus, smooth, tetanus, barrel, hawk, bonfires, sprats, emerge, open, health, scramble, meet, supervision, uniform, oracter , Metrostroevin, colander, travel, transcription.

Exercises in the clarity and clarity of pronouncing sounds and words in phrase speech.

To test the clarity and clarity of the pronouncement of consonants and words, it is useful to use patters that are built on a combination of consonant sounds, difficult to pronounce. Reading spells should be started in slow motion, distinctly pronouncing each word and every sound. Gradually accelerate the tempo, but make sure that the clarity and clarity of pronunciation do not decrease.

Prokhor and steamed riding.

Galka sat on a stick, a stick hit a tank.

From the topot of the hoof dust flies on the field.

By Bull Bela's lip was Tup.

Water carrion drilled water from the water pipeline.

Funny fucked, Fai shoes.

On seven Sanya on seven in Sanya sang themselves.

Chicken Quickens cling to chain.

Came proof - boiled dill. Prokop went - she boels dill. As in the proof, Dill was boiling, and dill was boiling without proof.

Mamas Romashus gave serum from under the prokubvashi.

He sentenced the bee, the spider was reasonable.

Scratching in a pinchka, a bristle in the banks.

She sews the cap is not in Kolpakovski, to overlap the cap, but to discard.

On the courtyard of grass, on the grass of firewood: time of firewood, two firewood - not the rudy firewood on the grass of the courtyard.

The ships were lavored, lavished, but did not hesitate.

You will not protigue all twigs, you will not re-outgrow.

Small patters pronounce on one exhale. Observe the smoothness and fusion of their pronunciation.

Further consolidation of good diction is carried out when reading aloud poetic and prosaic texts. At the same time, at first, it is necessary to continue to follow the work of the lips, the language, the lower jaw, for the distinct utterance of vowel sounds (shock and unstressed), for clearly pronunciation of consonants, but not allow them to be reinforced or emphasized their pronunciation.

Each exercise is manifested until it is performed easily and freely, without much voltage.

When working on diction, it is necessary to take into account proper use Speech breathing and voices. So, when pronouncing patterings, it is necessary to correctly convey their content, it is appropriate to take pauses, to achieve air in a timely manner.

Classes for the development of good dictations are held daily for 10-15 minutes. The transition to the next exercise is carried out only after the previous one will be clearly worked out.

For personal success, many people are largely owned by their own voice. Voice timbre is important for us just as the appearance, image and manners of communication are important. This is the tool, by which we denounce your thoughts to other people. The mutual understanding between us and other people depends on our speech and voice data. Well delivered voice makes speech expressive and enjoyable for others, helps perform the first impressioncan help convince a person in our rightness to attract it to our side.

Voice Development It should be given enough time, because our voice (like magnetic look) This is a powerful tool, with which you can charm or push a man to put it on or on the contrary, stir.

If you strive for perfection, if for you " self-development personality"And" Personal Growth "is not just words, pay attention to the development of the voice.

Attach the left hand to the left ear, making the "shell" from it - it will be a headset.

The right will become a microphone - bring it to the mouth.

Loud, playing with sound, pronounce different words And suggestions, count.

You can improve the sound of your own voice if you understand exactly how they hear others.

This exercise should be performed daily within 9 days to 5-10 minutes.

Exercises for voice development number 2

Check for the face. Her goal is to pass the main work of lips and aperture, freeing the throat.

Pronounce Kewo-Iks signs: rounded the lips on Kewu, and «X» Talk with a wide smile.

Repeat this exercise thirty times, and after to make sure its benefits say a short speech.

When speeches and long monologues, voice ligaments will be less tired, and the muscles of the mouth will be easier to perform commands sent by the brain.

Once a day, 5-10 minutes read any text loudly, but only without consonant sounds. For example, the phrase "Exercises for the development of voiced me to move up career stairs "It will sound like" U-A-E-I-I-Ya-A-and-I-oh-oh-oh-oh-e-oh-oh-ya-eh -A-e-oh-e-е ".

Read the same text, but only without vowels.

Putting hands on the sunny plexus and trying to be the sounds from the area of \u200b\u200bthe abdomen, say any text. At the same time, we must remember something that lately You are very angry. Let's release anger, wide opening your mouth and clearly pronouncing consonants.

Try as much as possible in this way to express your emotions - anger, sadness or joy. The voice will become less official, more rich and sincere.

Standing barefoot and calmly breathe, inflated the belly with every breath.

Slowly endure the stop of the foot from the toe on the heel and back.

Continue this exercise with closed eyes. You lose balance if your energy is more concentrated in the head area. Do not control yourself, relax and completely focus on footsteps.

Feeling the result and change in the sound of your own voice, you will probably want to continue (you can pronounce funny patters). On the Internet there are quite a few sites dedicated to the development of voice, and you can always find the necessary information.

P.S. Beautiful voice can contribute career Growth- A person who owns a clear speech and the ability to perform publicly, well suited for guidelines and high posts. In order for your voice to become truly beautiful, the exercises described in these articles should be performed - " Development of articulation"And" Development of Diction ".

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