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Node on productive activities. Abstract Node on productive activities. The space "Cosmos" plan-abstract drawing classes (preparatory group) on the topic. Children perform breathing exercises

Malakhova Anna Ivanovna

Municipal budget pre-school

educational institution No. 89 "Kindergarten

combined type "UMKA"

educator, compliance with the position

Abstract directly organized educational

activities "Tree of desires for forest animals"

Educational regions:

Informative - speech development;

Artistic - aesthetic development.

Objective: to introduce children with unconventional Christmas tree drawing technology with New Year's toys.


Develop creative activity in children, imagination, shallow motorcy;

Form artistic taste, aesthetic perception of the world, the ability and desire to bring the case to the end;

Learning to perform a bulk image using a shaving foam;

Brief love and careful attitude towards nature and animals.

Preliminary work: Watching a Christmas tree while walking; learning the poem K. Chukovsky "Christmas tree"; The hearing of the children's song "The Christmas tree was born in the forest"; Conversation with children about the coming New Year holiday.

Equipment and materials: Billets with carved children's palms and Christmas tree for Christmas trees; Shaving foam, gouache, glue, napkins, magnetic board, toy "White", basket for protein with reserves (mushrooms, bumps, riddles).

Children's age: 4 years

Structure occupation

Organizing time

Children hear a knock at the door. The educator offers to see who came, goes out of the door and returns to the toy - a squirrel.

Educator (for a protein) "Hello guys! Did you find out me? I came up from the forest to you and the riddles brought you in a basket from forest bells. Guess them? Well, then listen.

∙ Right in needles, yes no hedgehog to our home under the New Year

There are paws, but there is no legs who will come from the forest

In beads all, yes no maiden all fluffy, in needles

In the new year she is the queen! And the name is that guest - .........

(Christmas tree) (Christmas tree)

Educator (for a protein, sad): Well done boys! Of course this is a Christmas tree.

Educator: Squirrel, why are you so sad?

Educator (for a protein): In the fall, there was reserves for the winter, collected mushrooms, bumps and so far ran away from the house, which was lost. And I had a good house on a big fluffy Christmas tree and I lost it. But I was told animals in the forest, which in the middle group of kindergarten "Snow White" lives very responsive, kind, funny and skillful guys, and if I ask them, then they will help me.

Educator: help, guys, protein?

Children (choir): Yes!

Educator: How can we help the protein? (children's proposals)

Educator: Do not be sad, squirrel, swell, rest. And with the guys you will make such a Christmas tree that it will be painful in the forest and will not find.

Main part

The educator invites children for previously cooked tables with materials for work and offers children first to stretch a little fingers.

Finger gymnastics:

"Before us a Christmas tree (fingers are intertwined, from large fingers - the top of the Christmas tree)

Shishchki, needles (hands in cams, index fingers put forward)

Balls, lanterns ("balls" from fingers compress, squeeze)

Bunnies and candles ("ears" from index and middle fingers)

Stars, little men "(palms are folded, fingers are stripped, index and medium

"Go" on the table)

Educator: Guys, remember. Yesterday we wrapped your palms on green paper, and then cut them out? Now our palms will come to us for the manufacture of a very beautiful fluffy Christmas tree. Well, what will try? Let me show you how to do.

(The tutor sticks the harvesting of children's palms from green paper to the bottom layer of the high triangle - the billets for a fir, the fingers of the palmus are looking down. They continue sticking until the silhouette of the Christmas tree turns out)

Educator: What are you, well done! Tried to glory! Umnick! We instead of one it turned out several Christmas trees. Let the squirrel choose one of themselves, and the rest will give their forest girlfriends. In the meantime, the squirrel admires our beautiful Christmas trees, I suggest you, guys to warm up a little, and then we dressed.

Stop in the circle and repeat the movements behind me.

Fizkultminutka: Children repeat different movements for the educator

Ate outside the window

In the sky is blue

Branches on the sides sticking

Squirrels on the branches are sitting

We sit under the trees

And look at the squirrels

The sun shines in heaven

Rides on the field of fox

Well, we'll walk a little bit

And go home to yourself

(Children again sit at the tables)

Educator: Guys, and who remembers what holiday is approaching us?

Children: New Year.

Educator: That's right, the new year will come to us soon. What are we doing in the new year? How do you get ready for this holiday? (Binds children to the thought that the Christmas tree needs to decorate the Christmas toys) I offer and Christmas trees that we have prepared for squirrels, too, decorate that they become even more beautiful. Agree? But since our Christmas tree is not quite ordinary, then the decorations for them should also be magical.

(shows the children of the billet of Christmas tree toys from white paper, suggests choosing those that most liked the most)

These toys are your desires. But that your desires are fulfilled to have these toys to paint "magic" paints. They are such bright and air.

(offers children a bowl with pre-prepared multi-colored colors shaving cream + gouache)

We will pick these magic paints on your fingers and apply a thick layer on our Christmas toy, and when the paint dries away, we will see what they have turned out volumetric and beautiful.

Children, fading a desire, paint toys, and then attach them to the finished Christmas tree.

Educator (for a protein):

Oh, what beauty turned out! I am very pleased with my house, and the rest of the Christmas tree will give your girlfriends. And I will definitely give all your desires by Santa Claus.

(children say goodbye to a squirrel)


Educator: Well, what guys, let's remember what we did today at our lesson (children's answers). What did we help? And for which the white is needed a Christmas tree? What did you like to do today? (children's responses). Well done guys, I want to thank you all for your work, for your kindness and responsiveness.

MBDOU "Kindergarten combined type number 68"

Engels municipal district of the Saratov region

Abstract of directly educational activities

productive activity "Drawing"

Topic: "Snowfall"

Group: Senior

Educator Kuznetsova E. P.

Engels 2013

Sample basic educational program: "School 2100"

Comprehensive program: "Kindergarten - 2100"

Age group: older

Subject Direct educational activities: "Snowfall"

Priority Education Area: Productive Area

Integration of educational areas: Cognition, Communication, Socialization, Labor, Game, Reading Artistic Literature, Artistic Creativity.

Purpose: Create conditions for identifying and verifying the ideas of children about the ability to draw up a fairy tale on the proposed topic and depict it on paper, transferring the features of the fabulous genre.

Tasks: To contribute to the accumulation of ideas about the selection of synonyms and antonyms, definitions of specified words. Develop the artistic and creative abilities of children, free communication with adults and children. Brief interest in the phenomena of inanimate nature.

Activities: Game, productive, labor, communicative.

Forms for the implementation of children's activities: the transformation of children in fairy tales and artists, the game.

Equipment: Winter landscapes on slides; Toy "White Cat" and "Snowflake"; Dark-blue paper sheets, white gouache, 2-dimensional brushes (per child).

Prior work: Viewing snowfall illustrations, watching a walk, reading poems about winter, solving mysteries on winter phenomena of nature.

Node's move.

Children go to a group of calm music.

IN.: Guys, listen. Don't you hear anything? Who stuck so quietly outside the window?

Who came so quietly - quiet?

Well, of course, not an elephant,

And of course hippo

It could not go quietly.

And everywhere silence.

This means that it means:

Winter came quieter.

IN.: So winter came to us. You have probably guessed that we will say today about the winter. Guys, you know that every word has words - relatives. This winter will fall a lot of snow. Bill in words - relatives to the word "snow".

D:: Snowflake, snowflake, snowy, snowman, snowdrop.

IN.: Guys, think, what can I say "Winter"?

D:: Month, garden, plot ...

IN.: Come up with definitions for the word "winter". What is she?

D:: Cold, snowy, frosty, fun, blizzard.

IN.: Well done! That's how much good and beautiful words we remembered!

Knock at the door

IN.: Someone came to visit us. Who is it? This winter sent us their magic snowflake. Now this kind wizard will touch each of you, and you will turn into great fairy tales! Let's delight our guest in the winter fairy tale. Oh, guys, hear who is purr in the window? Why is it white like snow cat. Now we will compose a fairy tale. And she will be called "Snowflake and Cat"

"There was a cat. Called him ...... .. He loved to walk very much, but the hostess rarely released him in the autumn. What do you think why? (children's responses). But the long-awaited, snow-white ....... A cat came out on the porch, just rushed, how suddenly something fell on his nose. I looked up and saw a brilliant ...... ". And what happened further (the children tell their tales endings).

IN.: And now Snowflake will again touched you and turn children into artists.

(The tutor is touched by snowflake to each child)

I want to suggest to draw a snowfall. Which of you knows what it is?

D:: This is when there is a lot of snow, snow falls from the sky, ...

IN.: Go beyond the tables and pay attention to what color I have prepared you for drawing leaves. And why?

D:: Dark blue, because if you draw snow with white paints on white paper, it will be badly visible.

IN.: Right. Today we will draw evening snowfall. Here see how I painted.

(show the teacher of his drawing, examination)

Now close your eyes and imagine your snowfall.

(music sounds)

Now you will start your work. And in order for the drawing to be more beautiful, let's get out of our fingers.

Finger game.

We went to the courtyard to walk

One, two, three, four, five.

(flexing fingers one by one)

We went to the courtyard to walk,

Baby snowy loined.

(imitate lpak lumps)

Bird crumbs fed.

(crumbling bread)

From the slides, we then rode,

(by index finger on palm from top to bottom)

And in the snow they were lying.

(palm on the table one side and the other)

Everyone in the snow came home.


Ate soup, and went to sleep.

IN.: Now you can proceed to your work.

(children perform their work)

IN.: Guys, the magic of snowflakes ended and we became ordinary guys. Let's look at what snowfalls we did. What do you think who better coped with the work? (saying by children of his opinion on the work of comrades)

What did you like today in turning? (....)

What's new you learned today? (...)

At the end of the direct educational area, together with the children, we organize the exhibition of drawings, compare with snowfall shown on the slides.

Abstract Node on productive activities on the topic "Cosmos"

Subject: Cosmos.

Node view: Drawing

Integrable educational areas: "Cognition", "Communication", "Socialization".

Purpose: cause interest in space space; Expand the ideas of children about the profession of the pilot - astronaut, to bring up respect for the profession.

Educational. Cause interest in children to space. To acquaint children with constellations, with the structure of the solar system. Secure the knowledge of children about the sun, planets and space objects.

Developing. Development of imagination, memory, connected speech, thin motility, development sense of composition. Enrich the vocabulary of children with the names of planets, space objects, develop the ability to solve puzzles on the planets. Teach children depict parts of the solar system. Improve technical skills.

Educational. Creating a sense of success, erudition in space in the sphere of space, willingness to apply their knowledge, interest in the secrets of space.

Benefits: Demonstration material. Illustrations about space, solar system; Picture of the artist A.K. Sokolova "On the Moon"; V. Shipunova's poem "On a distant planet ..."; The belonging is the storage "Planet of the Solar System".

Handout: Paper tinted, gouache, brush, cup with water, toothbrush, foam rubber.

Wordwork: Conversations with children on the topic: "Cosmos and Man", "Planets of the Solar System", memorizing poems about space.
Travel course:

Children stand near the teacher and view pictures.
Educator: Guys, we watched the sky on the sky. How did it remember you? (Blue, bright, sunny, gray)

That's right, guys, the sky is bright, blue - on a sunny day, gray - in a cloudy, orange - pink at sunset.

Guys, do you like to look at the sky at night? And what can be seen in the sky? How many stars in the sky? (Requirement).

A cloudless clear evening, the sky above our head is sleeping in many stars. They look like small sparkling points and are located far from the ground. In fact, the stars are very big. And very beautiful.
- Before the person flew into space, animals visited there. The first "cosmonauts" - intelligence rates were mouse, rabbits, insects and even microbes. And then two dogs went to space - squirrel and arrow. In space, they stayed only one day and successfully landed on Earth.
- On April 12, our country notes "Cosmonautics Day". Performed 50 years from the moment of the first flight to the human space. This is a holiday of astronauts and people who participate in the creation of space missiles.
- After a successful flight to the space of animals, it became an open road to the man to the stars. After 8 months on the same spacecraft, on which the dogs of the squirrel and the arrow flew, a person went to space.
- April 12, 1961 at 6:07 pm from the Baikonur cosmodrome launched the East Rocket. The ship piloted Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin.

Who are the astronauts?

What do you think there should be a cosmonaut? (Healthy, strong, knowledgeable, hardworking, courageous, hardy, etc.).
- Our Planet Earth is in the endless outer space. There are many other planets, billions of stars, colossal masses of small stones, dust, gases. And all this is called the Universe.
- Let's dream, imagine that we rose so high that the earth has turned into a blue ball at the bottom. How will heaven look now? (The color has changed, it became brighter, the races have become more and multicolored.)
- What are you talking about, no longer the sky, scientists call it outer space. It is even airless, but filled with stars, planets, comets. Especially distant stars seem to dust, they form nebulae and the Milky Way, (show illustrations).
- This is our galaxy - it is called the Milky Way. Part of the Milky Way is our solar system, which includes 8 planets. All of them rotate around the sun (showing illustration with the image of the solar system). The teacher offers children to call each planet.
Reading the poem V. Shipunova "On a distant planet ...".
On a distant, amazing planet

(We do not fly for ten years)

Sun emerald shines brightly

And the orange bear lives.

On silk lilac grass

Quietly wanders pink deer -

Pearl horns on the head -

Silver hoofs bays shadow.

Guys, what do you think unusual on this amazing planet? What mystery is hiding in it? (Emerald Sun, Orange Bear, Lilac Grass, Pink Deer).

And who else can live on an amazing planet? (Lunatic). Let's turn with you to Lunatic and dance.

Look, children, what our solar system looks like. What planet is closest to the sun? (Mercury). This planet resembles a mountainous country. On its surface there are many collers from collisions with meteorites. People cannot take care of Mercury, as it is located very close to the sun. The surface of the planet is studied by automatic interplanetary stations and space probes that run from the ground (show illustrations). What planet is sometimes called the "sister of the Earth"? (Venus). Yes, it is Venus. In size, it resembles the Earth. Thunderstorms and storms are constantly ragged on Venus. On this planet there is an atmosphere, but it can not breathe carbon dioxide, it cannot breathe (show illustration).
- What planets do you still know? (Mars, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, etc.). By space space you can travel for a very long time. There is a lot of interesting and unusual here if you see the green planet in the porthole - it's uranium, red is Mars; Around Saturn will definitely have rings, they consist of ice and stones. And the smallest planet is Pluto.
Teacher shows children illustration with the image of the planet Earth.
- And what is this ball of blue? (Land). That's right, this is our favorite Planet - Earth. How interesting it looks from the side! Who was the first cosmonaut? (Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin) Where did the Space Rocket started? (from the Baikonur cosmodrome). How are you usually dressed astronauts? (in Spacks). By space space you can travel for a very long time. There is a lot of interesting and extraordinary.

You pleased me with my knowledge about space. And now I suggest to draw our journey. (Children draw in their intent and imagination). Music sounds, children paint themselves.
Dynamic pause "Cosmonaut" (Sost. I. Kovlko, author of Leonov N.N.).

In the dark sky, the stars are shining, (the fingers are compressed and squeezed)
Cosmonaut flies in rocket. (Palms are closed above your head)
Day flies and the night flies

And it looks down on the ground.

He sees on top of it fields, (connects the fingers)

Mountains, rivers and sea. (Hands are bred to the sides)

He sees the whole ball earthly

Bowl Earth - our home is native. (Palms above the head of the "roof").

An analysis of finished works is carried out.

This cosmic fantasy flashes before his eyes! And this

did you do the guys?! What are you great!

Abstract of directly educational activities for the children of the senior group on productive activity: "We do Charging" (collective modeling

Author: Gorbacheva Marina Aleksandrovna, Educator MBDOU D / C №2 "Bells" Stary Oskol
Description of material. I offer you an abstract of directly educational activities for productive activities for children of the senior group. This material will be useful to educators of children of senior groups when conducting classes aimed at developing work skills with plasticine, upbringing skills to work in the team.

Abstract of directly educational activities for the children of the senior group on productive activities: "We do Charging" (collective modeling)

Learning to create a collective plot composition, analyze the features of the image of a person in motion, correlate parts by magnitude and proportions; develop the skills of working with plasticine; educate the ability to work in the team; instill a desire to lead a healthy lifestyle
Fasten the ability to work collectively creatively, the ability to coordinate your actions, to negotiate with each other; Develop a fantasy, a feeling of color, aesthetic taste, accuracy.
Preliminary work:
Conversation about a healthy lifestyle.
Material and equipment:
Scene pictures on the topic, plasticine, stacks, rolling plank, napkin, cardboard.
Structure occupation
1. Creating a gaming motivation.
On the board weighing scene pictures. Song sounds "If you want to be healthy."
Educator. He lived - the boy named Alesha was in the world. Once he visited the circus and saw the artist, who raised the cars, a dozen acrobats. He really liked it, and he decided ...
"Street I want to become
I come to Sulich:
- Tell me about what
How did you become strong?
I looked at me,
The chair threw the ceiling.
And then, catching it,
Like a mushku, raised the closet.
Here it came to the table,
Grabbed the table behind the leg
He began to juggle him deftly.
- It's just training!
My secret does not hide.
Early in the morning I get up
And with the sun, and in bad weather
I open the windows manifest.
I proceed to charging.
Together heels, apart socks,
Satisfied and jumping.
One hundred fun exercises
With a rope and ball!
You will do them without laziness -
Also become strong! "
- This Council gave an artist to our Aleche. But charging not only makes us strong. Have you noticed that after it improves the mood? In general, so that the day is going to go smoothly, I will start Him from Fizamenta.
Do you remember what exercises are we doing? (Children, if desired, show exercises.) What exercises do you have your favorite? No - no, do not show me them. Let's cut out themselves performing these exercises.
2. Showing work techniques.
The educator shows the techniques of modeling a person's figures, paying attention to the proportions, changes the position of hands and legs, showing the most expressive postures.
3. Finger gymnastics:
"Finger tired, curled into the cam
One, two, three, four, five wanted to play
Knocked into the house of the neighbors,
There we woke up: six, seven, eight, nine, ten
Everything is having fun! But it is time back to everyone:
Ten, nine, eight, seven,
Six cutter curled,
Five yawned and turned away
Four, three, two, one
Again in the houses we sleep! "
4. Practical work.
Task: Perform a modeling on the topic, make up the composition "We do Charging"
5. Outcome.
The composition of children is exhibited on the stand.
Educator. Look at our composition. Each of you makes different exercises: Dima loves to jump on one leg, Katya to make slopes, Misha likes to make the slop of the body, and Alain is happy to do with the ball. But whatever exercises do neither, the main thing is that they all bring our health and good mood.
We did the charge,
Jump and ran.
Became tanned
Strong and bold.

An abstract of classes on artistic creativity in the Origami technique in the senior group "Snowdrop"
Educational: to bring up aesthetically moral attitude to plants through the image of their images in non-traditional techniques.
1. Camping: a) Fine - Create the expressive image of the "Snowdrop"; b) technical - continue to teach children to make blanks, connect the details, get the model of the blossomed flower, create a general composition in the Origami technique.
2. Developing: develop attention, memory, creative abilities, fine motility hands.
3. Valid: Continue to educate interest in the art of origami, the desire to make crafts from paper.
White paper squares, glue, blue blue format paper for background, green paper for stem.
The educator collects children and reads the poem of Samuel Marshak "April":
April, April!
Drops rings on the courtyard.
Brooks run through the fields,
On the roads of the puddles.
Anti will come out soon
After winter jellows.
Bear breeding
Through the forest dog.
Steel bird song sing,
And bloomed ... (Snowdrop)
The tutor shows a photograph of a snowdrop. Educator: - Guys, we reviewed pictures and photos with the image of snowdrops. Want to make a gift for your mom? (children's responses) Let's make a gift for them. But before proceeding to work a little cheer.
Physical traffic.
Slept a flower and suddenly woke up -
I did not want to sleep anymore.
Moved, reached out
Up and flew.
The sun will only wage the sun,
Butterfly circles and goes.
2. Basic part (show and explanation of the method of action).
Educator: - Guys are sitting at the tables. Now we will start to make the first spring flower - a snowdrop. Snowdrops We will do from white paper, and stem and leaves cut out of green paper. (Showing the method of action of the educator) First we add the square diagonally, then fold in half and raise the lower corners of the folded triangle to the top along the fold line. Turn over the workpiece to the other side. Lower side lift to the inflection line, pulling triangles on the other side. Bend corners, and a snowdrop turned out. Do not forget all lines of folding smooth your finger.
1. 2. 3.
- Flower ready! Cut the stem and leaves from the green paper. Flower, stem and leaves stick on paper.
3. Summage of children.
Children independently perform work, the educator provides the necessary assistance
4. Analysis of the results of activities.
- Well done boys. Here are such beautiful flowers for your mothers we turned out.

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