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Letter N and NN in adjective suffixes. A13. NN in the suffixes of words of different parts of speech

E.A. Macoves, teacher of the Russian language MOU SOSH No. 1 of Adygeysk,
A.I. Arkhipova, Professor of the Kuban State University

§ 3. Spelling of suffixes

Suffix - Lat. Suffixus - "Attached"; Literally: "Stacked to the root" is a significant part of the word, which usually serves to form words.

3.1. Spelling nn in suffixes of different parts of speech
3.1.1. N and nn in adjectives formed from nouns

Choice N. or NN. In adjectives formed from nouns, it is determined from what exactly the word and with the help of what suffix this adjective was formed.
Rat .. like poison; living room; Non-Razy ... Nature.

Find out what noucent the word is formed

Write NN

Write N.

If one H is based on the substantive, and the second H is the subjective suffix:
truth - True +

If you have a suffix -In-:
beast - animal

If you have suffixes -Nag- / -ONN-:
foliage (a) - deciduous
station (I) - Station
but without windy
under windy

If you have suffixes -An- / --yan-:
silver) - Silver
leather) - leather

The rule is suitable for brief adjectives (SHOWPICTURE road ("image011.gif"); deserted).

3.1.2. N and nn in complete exclusive adjectives and communities

Dried up .. flesh .. "speed; Implemented..y goods.

In complete exclusive adjectives and communion NN is written If there are any conditions noted below.
Conditions for writing NN:

Exceptions worn, chewed and wounded They can be written with two N, when dependent words are worth it (see condition 2)) or consoles (see condition 1)).
TO the sword washedral (gunmaker - dependent word).
Wounded in the shoulder fighter (in the shoulder - dependent word).
Hands (C-).
Posted finger (prefix in-).

Pay special attention to words with several roots of the type of ferocked and fast-frozen. In itself, the presence of two roots is not a condition for double N.
Severely wounded.

In order for such words in the suffix, two N appeared, one of the conditions marked in the rule should appear.
Fresh-mounted (prefix C- before the root of -kash-).

It often happens that in the word there are several conditions for writing NN.
Bathroom lined with a fabric is a compiler, suffix -OV, dependent on the word cafeter.

3.1.3. N and nn in brief exclusive adjectives and short communities

It is modest and brought up ..a; She was educated .. in the boarding house; It is always assembled .. and organized .. and.

3.1.4. N and NN in adverbs on -o /e and in nouns formed from adjectives and communities

Petroleum..ik; captivity..ik; confused .. well said; excited ..o listened.

All similar words are formed from the forms of the / -th (from the communities or adjectives). They are written as much as H, how many H was in the appropriate form.

GReranny (from adjective hryvnia);
Occasually spoke (from the communion concerned).

3.2. Spelling of suffickers of nouns
Most nouns name suffixes should be memorized. Some suffixes have special spelling rules.

3.2.1. The spelling of these suffix should be remembered.

3.2.2. Choice -

3.2.3. Selection of suffixes - / -K-

The choice is carried out in the form of a genitive case (there is no one? What?).

3.2.4. Choice -

3.2.5. Selection - sleep- / hack

3.3. Spelling of adjective suffixes

Most of the suffixes of adjectives should be memorized.
Some suffixes have special spelling rules.

3.3.1. The spelling of these suffixes of adjectives should be remembered.


- history



3.3.2. The choice of suffixes -k- and -sk-

3.3.3. The selection of suffixes -Av-,

3.4. Spelling of Suffix verbov.

3.4.1. In the uncertain form of the verb and in the forms of the past time, the same verbal suffix is \u200b\u200busually written:
hope - hoped;
mean - I remembered.

When this suffix is \u200b\u200bin an unstressed position, it should be memorable.

Split verbs execute(to become powerless) and execute(anyone, anything) and others starting with the prefixes O- + -Bez - / - Bes- defore deforestation; Decide, detect, etc.).


Cf. Forms of the future time (writing depends on the hiding):
exhaust - extensive, existentize
dismissed - exhaust, exhaust

For example: The travelers will soon exist. Diseases are existed by anyone.

3.4.2. Selection - Hope- / Wow - in the verbs

Research, Tip .., Saying ..

According to the special rule, the verbs are written on the strike-in. Before the shock, the vowel root is usually written,
put - Maintenance; Submit - Serve.

3.5. Spelling suffix communals

3.5.1. Spelling of the suffix of valid communities of the present

Dreml .. Introduction; ver..y to himself; Steel .. the shrub.

3.5.2. Spelling of suffering commuits of present

Sweat .. " opening .. Praise.

3.5.3. The spelling of the vowel before -V- / -Th- in the suffixes of the actual communion of the past

Rasta .. Pith ... Posy ..

3.5.4. The spelling of the vowel in front of the N / NN in the suffixes of the suffering communion of the past time

Hello .. paint .. Hennch ..

3.6. Spelling of Sufifix Deeprichesis
Check .. Pie ... Making .. in.

In the designers of the perfect species, the same vowel is written as in the suffix of an indefinite form of the corresponding verb.
See - seeing;
Listen - Having heard.

3.7. The spelling of suffix-and -o in adverbs formed from brief adjectives
They came to light ..; clogged brazen ..; stands on the slaves ..

The suffix in the adverbs formed by the submissive suffix method from brief adjectives can be determined by substituting the word "window" under the appropriate pretext:
predated (from the window);
right (from the window).

This rule should not be applied to adverbs formed by a suffix method from full adjectives: trusting (from crediting), soulless (from the soulless), hidden (from hidden). In such adversions, the nareny suffix is \u200b\u200bwritten in the end.
Dryness - Educated from a brief adjective dry with the help of the prefix to and suffix -a (to the window).
Apartment - Educated from the complete adjective intelligible with the help of a nareny suffix -o.

N and NN in all parts of speech

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Rules of 1956:

§ 61. The double H is written in suffixes -Anno, -On-adjective, formed from nouns, for example: straw, painful, cranberry, artificial, internal, burst, peculiar, dining, revolutionary, positional.

Note. In the word windy and in derivatives, one H is written from it, but in submissive formations, it is written - (windless, leveled).

Adjectives with suffix -yan- (-an-),educated from noun, written with one n, for example: hair, wood, clay, leather.

Adjectives wooden, tin, glass Writing with double n.

With one n writes suffix --in- In adjectives, for example: a nightingale, chicken, living room, as well as a noun hotel.

§ 62. Double n Written in the suffering gestures of the past, for example: reports purchased at the ceremonial meeting; fighter wounded by enemy bullet; collective farm, organized in 1930; reinforced by two numbers detachment; Deputies elected to the Supreme Council.

§ 63. Double n written in all adjectives formed from the persistent communities of the past time (or by their type) if these adjectives have consoles either end -Own, -Un (except for vigorous and wrought), for example: the patient is appointed enhanced nutrition, the fact that elected works of Pushkin, an exalted style, inscribed triangle, aged wine, a trusted man, a moderate climate, refined manners, distracted question, a scattered student, a worn dress, used books, Planken face, a rusted key, a risky step, a bald child, a cortex.

But with one n, it is necessary to write adjectives, formed from the persistent communities of the past, if these adjectives do not have consoles and are not formed from the verbs, it is not formed, for example: scientists, wounded border guards, torn clothes, smoked sausage, boiled milk, Drier fish, greased lime, salty cucumbers, urinary apples, boiled potatoes, smooth cloth.

The words desirable, sacred, lack of, unprecedented, unheard, unexpected and some othersdefined in vocabulary, written with two n.

§ 64. Double n Written in adverbs on -o and in nouns with suffixes to -ik, -Oit, the disease formed from the adjectives, if the latter are written with two N, for example: inadvertently, unheard of, excitedly, excitedness (agitated); confident, confidence (confident); pupil, pupil, pupil (educated); Miller (styled); prisoner (cooked); Birthday (birthday); dentition (hay); Koreannik (root); Property (peculiar).

If the adjective has one H, then the adverbs and nouns are written from it with one n, for example: confused, putanic, confusion (confused); Scientific, learning (scientist); hemp (hemp); Silverman (silver business master). Also with one n write the words of Srebrenik (in the meaning of the coin) and a debris (disinterested person).

§ 65.. Double N.writing in a variety h. and in female and middle agencies. h. Brief adjectives formed from the persistent communities of the past, in the full form of which - double N, for example: groups disciplined and organized, the girl is brought up and clever; They are very scattered.

Brief Praiseing Participants are written with one n, for example: broken, broken, broken, broken, the young man is brought in Komsomol; The girl is fought by upbringing; We are limited to time; Pupils are organized in the group.

Clear sign

The rule is quite difficult. We do not recommend learn it yourself. Better, if everything is explained by an experienced teacher. Learn to apply this rule on courses of our site.


Head n.biing onions (ungalled adjective in full form: there is no console, dependent word, isnounted, -aned-, formed from ch. carried. View).

Grilled nN.bow (Communion in full form, there is a prefix).

Head nN.bow on a frying pan onion (Completion in full form, there is a dependent word).

Canned nN.biing onions (Communion in full form, there is a letterpart-book.

Onions Fire n. (Communion in brief form).

Territory restriction n.and the fence (communion in brief form).

These people are immoral and limit nN.(A brief adjective that occurred from the communion).

He is concerned nN.oh looked at me (adverb from concerned).

Ozaboche Society n.about what is happening (communion in brief form).

Silver n.broken knife (subjective, suffix -yan-).

Picture nN.aya Gallery (one letter N is rooted, the other is in the suffix).

Celebration nN.meeting (dedicated adjective with suffix -enn-).

Everything was very celebration nN.o (adverb from solemn).

What words need to remember (here exceptions + difficult cases).

One letter N writes in words:

Supil Sunday, Disadvantaged Guest, Uninvited Guest, Living Room, Hotel, Hotel, Living Room, Celaneous, Playing Father, Little Brother, Windy, Candy Man, Drawing, Surprised, Outdoor, Crumpled, Young, Ruddy, Drunk, Spicy, Mad, Redian, zealous, pork, vigorous, forged, cooked, dumplings, diank, worm, martyr, worm, martyr, silver, stray, carnival, bounds, pudripers, isolanik, confusion, peatlar, length, truth.

Two letters of NN are written in words:

Glass, tin, wooden, Unnamed, desired, sacred, slow, unprecedented, unheard, unexpected, non-pecled, desperate, desperate, ileny, detached, shank, chased, chemamy, homegrown, given, solved, bought, vented, captured, abandoned, Explosive, offended, embarrassed, executed, finished business, defeated, born, peclevoy, undersensible, broken.

This note is addressed to those who still have not learned to determine how many letters n. Write in one way or another. Or to those who reread rules for the tenth time and cannot understand them. Welcome tea to yourself, make sandwiches. The conversation will be serious.

How to lower the likelihood of proper writing

Easily. Writing at random or because it looks beautiful. Or the first and second at the same time.

How to increase the likelihood of proper writing

Do not be lazy and do not miss any of the points of the algorithm. Only then will you bring the skill to determine the number of letters n. In the word before automatism.

Supreme pilot - determine the number n. on the run.

You can, but not immediately.


To begin with, always define a part of speech. You need to do this on the question that we ask for the Word.

  • Noun - who? what?
  • Adjective - what?
    • Brief adjective - what?
  • Adverb as?
  • Participle - what?
    • Brief Communion - what?
  • Ungalled adjective - what?

You have already called the question: how to distinguish those parts of the speech that answer the same question?

The names of adjectives and communion

Adjective is formed from the noun, and the communion is formed from the verb.

A long - This is an adjective because it answers the question what? and formed from noun length.

True - this is a communion because it answers the question what? and formed from the verb sleep.

By the way, the communcies have characteristic suffixes. In the forms of the present time: -the-, - ,- ,-, -, -th-, -th-, -im- In the forms of the past time: -In-, -t-, -in-, -t-, -nn-, These suffixes are used as an additional check of whether you have determined part of speech.

Communions and exclusive adjectives

Now we have another problem: both the communion, and the exclusive adjectives are formed from the verb. Both answer the question what?. How to distinguish them?

Firstly, the exclusive adjective is formed from the verb of an imperfect species, and the communion is formed from the verb of the perfect species.

How to determine the type of verb? Easily. If he answers the question what to do?The view is imperfect (denotes an incomplete action). If he answers the question what to do?The view is perfect (denoted by the completed action).

Secondly, there are no dependent words among the exclusive adjectives.

The dependent word is the word to which you can ask a question from the main word.

Try to independently determine which of these words is communion, and what is the exclusive adjective: solved problem, loaded machine.

Answer. Solved - participle. That's all the arguments: it answers the question what?; Educated from verb decide; This verb of the perfect species, because it answers the question what to do?.

Loaded - Otgal adjective. And that's why: answers the question what?; Educated from verb ship; This verb of an imperfect look, because it answers the question what to do?; Dependent words are absent.

In order for the ungalled adjective to become communion, it is enough to do one of two:

  1. Add a dependent word.
    Man-loaded car. Loaded by whom? - man. Now it is a communion.
  2. Change the type of verb.
    Uploaded machine. Educated from verb downloadwho answers the question what to do? And therefore refers to the perfect form.

Brief adjectives and brief communities

The sequence of action is:

  1. Realized that the word answers the question what?.
  2. We think from what complete form the word is formed.
  3. We determine the part of speech in the full form (the differences between the adjectives of the ads are read above).

Here is a table for clarity.

Hooray. Now we know what part of speech our word is.

We apply rules

See how simple it is when we know part of speech:

We also write two letters n. In communities with suffixes - and -Eve-.

In a word asphalted We write nN.because there is a suffix -.

Make sure that - or -Eve- They were suffixes. In words forged and chew There are no such suffixes. They have roots car and zhev-. One letter is written in these words n.Because they belong to the exclusive adjective.

We still need to remember the words: an unexpected, neganded, seen, unprecedented, visible, readable, heard, unheard, desirable. Just remember them.

It remains to deal with the names of adjective, noun and adverbs.

In adjectives and nouns we write one n. Only in one case: if there is a suffix -an-, -, -in-: leather an.silver jan.yi, Kur. iN.hay, sand an.iR. Exceptions: Glass, tin, wooden.

In adjectives write nN. In the following cases:

  1. In suffixes -he N-, -n: Station he Na time eNN.
  2. If the word is formed from the noun, the basis of which ends on -N.: Tuma nN..
    Pay special attention to the second item. Without him you would write in the word fog One letter n.because there is suffix -an-. But in this word there is no suffix -an-! Why? Because -an- is part of the root. The word is formed from the noun fog, the basis of which ends on n.. By analogy, the adjectives are written pocket, a long, citric and many others. Do not forget about this rule.

The words windy, oil, oil are not adjective because they are formed from verbs: wind, oil. Everything works according to the rules of ungalled adjectives and communities. Or just remember that these three words are written with one letter n.. In other cases, with two (wind n.cleverver nN.hay).

Okay. How to deal with brief adjectives?

Here everything is simple: the same letter is written in them much and complete.

How to deal with adverbs?

Here is the same story. We write as much n.As in the Word, from which the impurity is formed.

Slow - adverb, because answers the question as?. Educated from the adjective slow. In this adjective we write nN. in Suffix -n, therefore, in adverbs we write the same way.

Attention! Advanced can be formed not only from the adjective, but also from other parts of speech. For example, putano explain. Logic here is tricky. Adverb putano Educated from the Word confusedwhich is a deductive adjective (answers the question what?; no dependent words; Educated from the verb of an imperfect confuse). Insofar as confused - the exclusive adjective, then we write one in it n.. And if so, then in the adverb, which is formed from him, write as much.

Small exercise. Explain the production nn. in a sentence.

Marinated Mushrooms, Podzhannnaya Savbas, Oil Rzhana Pellet, Condensed OE Milk, Beef Liver, liver potatoes, slightly reserved in ash, and a sip of a drink, infused on some kind of ohm drug, will seem delicious in the fresh air He is superprograkennyy Gourman.

Communion and adjective. In these two parts of speech, so much in common, which is often difficult to distinguish that there is something. But from the right definition depends the error-free spelling. This also applies to the rules governing the use of N and NN in adjectives and communities.

Communion: one or two

Communion is a verb form that contains both verb signs and signs of adjective. Reflecting how many letters H in writing in the writing of the communion, note that in this part there are always two N.

However, there is a special group - exclusive communion. N and NN and the subtleties of their spelling in these parts of the speech in detail below, but for now we will give examples to the main rule. In complete suffering communities with suffixes - and -n Two letters N are written under the condition:

  1. The communion has a prefix, for example: plowed field, stewed vegetables, roasted fish.
  2. The presence of the communion dependent on it: dried on the balcony fish, apples died in a barrel, smelling in the morning field.
  3. This is the communion of the perfect species: a purchased cloak, solved equation, captured warrior.
  4. In the formation of communion participated verb with suffix -OVA - (- Eva-, -Yova-): Asphalt road (asphalt), studied area (explore).

If at least one of these conditions is observed, you can safely use two letters of N.

One n in adjectives

It is much more difficult about the fact of adjectives. Here the spelling of one H or two depends on many factors.

Consider cases when one N is needed:

  1. If the adjective has suffixes -In-, -an - (- Jan-). The first, as a rule, belongs to the animal (eagle beak, rooster tail, swan loyalty). The second indicates what the subject is made: the leather belt, oil paint (oil-based paint, should be distinguished from the word oil-soaked in the value impregnated with oil - oil damn), silver spoon (should also be distinguished from the word silver, with an emphasis on E - the value of The words "silver treated", in the word in this value of the suffix -en-). This item has three words that are exceptions: glass, tin, wooden.
  2. In adjectives, in the formation of which no part of speech (primitive) was not involved: blue, young. There is no such adjective suffix.
  3. The word-exception is adjective windyHere it is required to write one H, but its derivatives with consoles will have NN: the weather was windless, we came up with a leeward side. It is also worth distinguish the word with a different lexical value: windmill (wind-based) - wind engine, chickenpox.

NN in adjectives

NN should be written with adjectives in the following cases:

  1. Letters stand at the junction of the root and suffix: depth - deep; fog - foggy; Million - Million.
  2. Adjective formed with suffixes -New-, -n: Operational (from operation), station (station), deliberate (intent).
  3. Ongoing on - ": Balked, smelled, organized.

Otgal adjective

There is a whole group of adjectives - ungalled. It is with their distinction in the text make mistakes, incorrectly apply the rule n and nn in communations. Why? The fact is that they have a very pronounced value of the action: fried, paired, boiled. The rule "spelling n and nn in communations" does not suit. In the exclusive forms of the adjective name, one N. is always consumed

In such adjectives, there are a number of specific signs that you can easily guess that we are precisely this part of speech:

  1. No console. Compare: painted - painted. In the second word there is a prefix, therefore the rule "H and NN in communations" is applicable to it - NN should be used. But the first is the exclusive adjective that you need to write with one N.
  2. Lack of dependent words. Compare: confused trace - pushed with a special thorough track. In the first case, we see the exclusive adjective, in which we write one H (there is no dependent word). They are in the second case - we write, according to the rule "N and NN in the communities", with two N.

Otgal adjective or sacrament: algorithm

It is possible to determine the spelling of H and NN in adjectives and parties in the algorithm, the main thing in which is to learn how to find part of the speech. It should be remembered that in the communion it takes a formulation of two N, and in the exclusive adjective one. We will analyze two examples.

  • First: in a decanter, boiled water . To begin with, we define the presence of a prefix: in the formation of the word used the verb "boil", respectively, the prefix is \u200b\u200bmissing. Next, let's see if there are dependent words. There is none of them. If these two points did not coincide, then most likely, we have a separable adjective. The only thing that remains to be done is to check if the word is formed from the verb. Boil (what to do? - imperfect). So, the rule "spelling N and NN in communations" does not work here. This is an adjective name - we write one letter N.
  • Second: in a declaring, recently boiled water . We look at the presence: boiled, formed from the verb to "boil" using the console -. Although this could be stopped, to apply the rule "H and NN in communations" and write two N, check on. Words « hospitable "There is a dependent word -" recently ", it means that we are definitely the communion.

So, briefly the algorithm of the use of N and NN in the subfixes of communities comes down to the following: Determine whether the words of the prefixes or dependent words are. If there is a communion where NN is written. If not one nor the other - check the type of verb that participated in the formation of the word: imperfect - one H, perfect - NN.

Spelling H and NN in brief adjectives and communities

Another aspect of the rules regarding the use of H or NN in the communion and adjectives names are their brief forms.

A brief form of the name of the adjective answers questions "What? », "What? » This form requires so many letters of H, how much and in full form: Solemn speech is a solemn, a long way - the path is long, mysterious nature - the nature of mysterious or wounded fighter - the fighter is injured, windy weather - weather windy, confused rule - Rutano rule .

In short combatants, one H is always used, even if there are two in full form. For example: learned lessons - lessons learned, read newspaper - newspaper read, written poem - poem written, built house - House built.

Recognition algorithm " N or nn write in words"Expeses the ability to determine:

  1. part of speech Analyzed word (adjective, communion, noun, adverb);
  2. grammatical form in which it is used (complete or brief);
  3. part of speech producing words ( the words from which the analyzed ), and if it is a verb - then his view ;
  4. availability dependent words .

In nouns, adverbs and complex adjectives, write so much much in the original word. First find the generating word, then work according to the algorithm: dumplings - boiled - cook (Nesov. View); putano (respond) - confused confuse (Nesov. View); confusing (thinking) - confusing - confuse (sov. View), fresh-frozen - ice cream - frost (non-rings. View), violated - ice cream - (not) frost (non-view).

Remember: It is necessary to find the nearest adjective or sacrament.

Do not jump through the step - do not form a noun or adverb immediately from the verb or a noun: oilman Educated from oil (Oil industry worker), but oil Already OT. oil . According to the laws of word formation, all adverbs on -ABOUT produced from adjectives ( restrained - discreet etc.)

N and nn in full forms of communion and adjectives

The most difficult thing is to delimit n - nn in full forms Adjectives and communities. Here, the distinction actually on adjectives and the communion is insignificant: the sequence of actions and the result for those and others are the same.

Exceptions for the specified algorithm:

  1. N - windy (but: windless ), dowry, young, ruddy, crimson, pork (non-derivative words);
  2. NN - glass, tin, wooden , unheard, unprecedented, (not) visible, unexpected, neganded, desired, sacred, slow, readable, believed, puffy (from the statute. Oakati \u003d condemn, owls), unexpected, unexpected, non-permeable, fan, made and some others.
  3. From one n written also attractive adjectives (answer the question of whose?) With the basis of on-one: Barbines, Pheasses, Voronius, Kabania.
  4. Verb raise - the so-called bivalve: it can act in a sentence in the meaning of both perfect and imperfect species. In order to properly write nn (with the exception of particularly difficult cases), it is enough to work with it as with the verb of an imperfect type: a wounded fighter - wounded soldiers wounded in a shootout, severely wounded, wounded hard.
  5. The adjectives differ oil (formed from the noun oil + -yan-; in the meaning "for oil, oil, on oil" (oil stain, oil paints, oil pump) and oil In the meaning "impregnated with oil", formed from the verb of an imperfect Outlee-type verb (remember, a vowel and infinitive nn is changing to E): Oil porridge, oil damn, butya week (Carnival), as well as in portable value - Oil eyes (Eyes that shine, as if impregnated with oil). Compare: windy man - chickenpox, windmill; Salted ground (from the verb to saline) - hydrochloric acid.

N and nn in brief forms of communion and adjectives

Brief form most commonly used persistent communions of the past (abandoned - thrown, broken, thrown) and adjectives (cheerful - cheerful, cheerful, fun).

The spelling of N and NN in the communations and adjectives is quite clear and concisely:

  1. brief suffering gestures are written by N;
  2. in brief adjectives - as much as in full.

Therefore, it is only important to determine exactly what part of speech - adjective or commander - is the word .

Remember semantic and grammatical signs, distinguishing adjectives and communion.

  1. Participle denotes action , Usually it can be replaced by a synonymous verb, "turning" the offer or by building the uncertain-personal (impersonal): Barge is discharged by workers Workers unloaded barge ; What is written in pen - what they wrote to the pen.
  2. With the communion there or you can come up dependent word in the apparent case which denotes the manufacturer of this action or tool: unloaded (by whom?) workers ; posted (than?) pen.
  3. Those words that do not satisfy these two criteria described above, those. are not communions - brief adjectives. Add for greater reliability that they answer the question what? What? , usually relate to noun and designate quality: the girl was beautiful and well educated (a homogeneous member is a hint - a brief adjective beautiful).

Seeing the word with the final -ABOUTfirst check without adverb whether it (adverb refers to the verb and answers the question as? ). If yes, write so much much in full form. If not, then look, a brief communion is or a brief adjective.

Sample. He arrived Nelauuma..O. - did it go? needless ..O. , this is adverb (in the sentence is a circumstance), therefore, I define the generating word - thoughtful (from the verb of the perfect species). Writing: nelands .