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Technique foresight peripheral vision. Astral vision. How to develop astral eyesight and see with closed eyes

It is absolutely not difficult to develop astral vision, usually this ability is revealed in people by the middle of the first course. However, I want to immediately give a little advice: before you start seeing a thin plan, you would feel good to master the concentration of the mind. The fact is that astral vision can be turned on and off at will, for this you need a certain proportion of concentration and, of course, it is necessary for better configuration for a vision.

When you open astral vision, you will see that extraneous minds of others can have a certain effect on clairvoyant, which can lead to inaccuracies in interpretations. For example, with meditations for some idea, the mind of a clairvoyant can be confused by incomprehensible additional characteristics, which are tracked during astral eyesight and come to the trickut in the form of an image.

This problem is easily solvable if you have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe nature of your thinking, you know how to focus only on one purpose. A new clairvoyant who opened astral vision should be aware of the game of his subconscious, as well as the possibilities of subconscious of other people with whom he is connected.

Often not only at the opening of astral view, but also in meditations on abstract principles, a person receives the so-called revelation, which considers the direct decree of God or higher entities or his teacher. What is not always, unfortunately, corresponds to reality. Most of these revelations people get from their own subconscious, in which, of course, all the information is stored that a person has learned over the entire period of his life from various texts.

Only when clairvoyant will acquire the ability of some revenue at the domestic level from sensual astral images of his own subconscious and learn how to rise over his emotions and wishes of the Ego, only in the event he can receive direct information without distortion through astral vision.

For the development of astral vision, the purity of the mind is especially important, because you will begin to see the astral plan, and it is densely populated by various creatures, both friendly to people and the most different entities, and here the skills of instant switching of vision you, oh how come.

Astral vision allows you to see the aura of people around people and observe the contents of their psyche and the inner world. Thus, you yourself can see what kind of person is your new or old friend, as he actually applies to you. Astral eyesight helps to see the true intentions and recognize insincerity.

Why do you need to develop a concentration? If the human consciousness constantly resonates with the astral images of his own desires, passions and other illusions (and there are a lot of them in the astral world), it will only lead you to the other side of the knowledge of yourself, and to some extent will even stop your development at the stage of astral vision. But we need to develop further, astral vision in clairvoyance only the initial step.

To train your mind is the only right solution. So you relieve yourself from excessive waste of energy to maintain unnecessary thinking and will become a true structure of reality, not meditated by its own ideas.

Mystery training can be started with concentration in one lesson. For example, some idea occupies you, we will completely concentrate only on it, so that nothing can disrupt your concentration.

Concentration This is a necessary tool in the processing of the will, which we will use in connection with the kettle-chakra.

The first level of clairvoyance is associated with "essential vision" or the ability to perceive the subtleter (essential) entities and creatures. At the same time, according to ledge, essential vision allows you to perceive "Different discharges of creatures, elementals and others whose bodies are unable to reflect the rays within the ordinary visible spectrum. Among these creatures are some of the lower spirits of nature, the bodies of which consist of a more dense essential matter. To this class belongs to almost all the faces, gnomes, houses, which have survived as many stories in the mountains of Scotland and Ireland and in secluded country places throughout the light. "

The "essential vision" includes the ability to see through dense obstacles, screens, as well as the ability to see the internal organs of a person. Characteristic examples of aerial view are the Chinese woman Jigaline and her native brother who have a unique gift that was inherited from the grandfather. So, it is perhaps diagnosed - it is able to see internal organs. Her brother helps the police, watching criminals through the walls.

The healer from Yoshkar-Ola A.Biderezhnaya, who is able to "see" internal organs, and the Bulgarian clairvoyant M. Penchev and the Spanish healer of M.Tehada and the Spanish healer M.Tahada and the Spanish healer of M.Tehad were possessed by such "internal vision. At the same time, the witness of the manifestation of the gift of the latter was the doctor of Technical Sciences V. Jaja, known in our country in its ufological studies. It should be noted that among the healers this ability is by no means uncommon.

For example, a similar gift was also possessed by Y. Vorobyva from Donetsk, in which these abilities opened after the state of clinical death, which occurred as a result of electrical shock.

The fact that a similar type of perception has nothing to do with physical vision, indicate the abilities of many clairvoyant perfectly see the surrounding environment with tied eyes. And D. Savkin from Rostov-on-Don with tied eyes see even better than physical vision. This fact was fully confirmed during research in France. And such abilities are not single. Back in the XIX century in the United States, Andrew Jackson Davis was used to "see through the walls" and observe human energy bodies.

"Astral vision" is already associated with the perception of other parallel realities and the creatures of them belonging. It was this type of clairvoyance initially opened with Swedenborg, when he became able to communicate with the "Angels and Demoni". Astral vision allows not only to see internal organs, but also to carry out energy diagnostics, perceive the aura - the energy shell of people. In the form, coloring and intensity of the glow of this aura, you can do well-defined conclusions about the health, the inclinations and character of a person.

Tibetan Lama Lobsang Ramp described this ability as follows: "Aura, the surrounding body, regardless of who and how to see it is to see, there is nothing but the life force, burning inside the living being. We believe that this force, like zipper, electric origin ... Subsequently, I learned to diagnose the color and intensity of the aura of human health status. In the same way - on changing the colors in Aure - I could unmistakably determine, says the man of the truth or lies. "

Have a similar gift and Indian magicians. This is how I was described by K.Kasanheda:
"... For someone who sees, people look like glowing creatures, consisting of something similar to the fiber of light, which, wrapped in front of the back, form a spatial structure, in shape resembling an egg."("Separate reality").

"Don Juan explained that the luminosities of people are filled with formations that may be desires, problems, sadness, concerns, and so on. He said that only a very mighty magician can decipher the meaning of these formations and that I should be pleased with the fact that I simply see common outlines of people. " ("Tales of strength").

According to Ch.Lebiter, the perception of the etheric twin allows you to judge the human health. The perception of the astral body allows you to judge emotions, passions, desires and sense of man. The development of astral vision allows a person to commit and conscious "astral travels" during sleep. Magi call this practice "the art of dreams."

Here is how I described the manifestation of such a gift Vanga: "When a person comes to me, I have a feeling that the window opens in my head, through which I am watching the paintings, and the life of this person passes in front of my eyes, like a film, and I have to hear" voice "that tells me What exactly needs to be transferred to the visitor. "

As we see, in this case, the clairvoyant receives information in the form of "voices". But it also happens that the information obtained by clairvoyant comes visually in the form of certain pictures. The Indian Magician Don Juan has repeatedly demonstrated K. Kistanted such a kind of simple clairvoyance.

Meanwhile, one of the clairvoyants can consciously use their gift, others have been manifested spontaneously. To temporary clairvoyance, the manifestation of this gift under the action of psychotropic substances and certain ceremonies. This is the degree of clairvoyance of sorcerers, shamans, and unlike the developed gift, it is the initial stage of the manifestation of clairvoyance.

Flexible glimpses can be manifested in people with unbalanced psyche and weakened physical health. Such people are "open" for the negative impact on them entities of the astral world. Such phenomena include the perception of the essences of the lower rods of the astral world by an alcoholic in a state of "white and hot chuck". It is the vulnerability of an alcoholic or drug addict for these entities and the destruction of their energy "frame" make these entities visible to them.

Often phenomena associated with clairvoyance are associated with the development of "astral vision and hearing". What is meant here? As we have already noted, clairvoyant gets information in a visual or sound form at the level of energy and at the same time perceives it not physical, but with its energy bodies (essential, astral, etc.). This, just, is explained by the fact that the usual, "physical" feelings do not receive such information.

The ice leaf indicates a large role of "energy centers" in the development of energy shells, and, therefore, the abilities corresponding to them. So, we again bump into chakras - these spiral vortices of human energy, which are peculiar "communication channels" with all sorts of worlds of the multidimensional reality of the spatial-temporal continuum. Thus, developing energy centers can be traveting consciousness in the past and the future, which is just a type of travel of time consciousness or clairvoyance in time.

The researcher of Shamanism K. Mededez adheres to: "Thin energies are drawn into an energy body through a system of rotating disc-shaped energy funnels located vertically along its center. These spiral discs are more widely known as chakras. In the Sanskrit language in ancient India, the word Chakrum meant a "spiral wheel", although the chakra retractor movement is more similar to the whirlpool than with a rotating disk. However, chakras are more than energy centers; These are gates to new levels of awareness. The initiation rituals that noted the passage of neophytes through the "gates" in the Western esoteric tradition (School of Mystics) were actually attempts to access the chakras to other levels of awareness. Ultimately, it gave a dedicated to the right to the title of seer or adept. " ("Where eagles fly").

To apply clairvoyance directly to our physical world, it is necessary to develop the most coarse from the energy bodies - the etheric twin, which is sometimes also called the terms "double", "body of the magician", "the body of a dream". Dreaming is just one of the effective magical techniques that contribute to the "learning" of the etheric body with all sorts of phenomena, inaccessible to us in the physical body. It is not by chance that many prophets received their revelations during sleep, people of art - found the idea of \u200b\u200btheir works, and well-known scientists came to fundamental solutions. Interest in this aspect and the phenomenon of "prophetic dreams" as one of the ways to obtain information about the future.

Of course, the ratio of the orthodox part of scientists to the phenomenon of clairvoyance is strictly negative and skeptical. But this is just a weak attempt to cover your fear of unknown, impotence to explain the phenomenon in traditional "scientific" framework and a receipt in its own incompetence caused by the lag from an advanced scientific thought that has never been afraid to "break" the outdated framework of generally accepted scientific dogmas.

This is what V.I. Safonov wrote about this: "Can every person believe in the reality of the experiments and observations described by me? No, there can be no illusions on this. And if we are talking about a scientist of the world, the absolute majority of his representatives "know", alas, a priori, which may be, and what is not.
The skepticism of many people arising from familiarizing such messages is usually based on the assessment of their own capabilities. But skeptics do not take into account that their personal abilities do not reflect, and they cannot reflect all the possibilities of both humanity as a whole and individuals. But self-confidence in the infallibility of its point of view and lead to trample on the spot.

On the other hand, there are phenomena, which is not so easy to understand. The formation of a person is far from completed, and mistakenly think that it goes evenly, without taking into account the individual characteristics of each. The avalanche of facts from the past and the present convincingly suggests that in the psyche of people the ability of the so-called spiritual vision is laid, or as more often they say clairvoyance. "

The famous clairvoyant A.will considers two major ways to achieve clairvoyance phantom visualization of an event or an object in his consciousness and travel in the space and time of our energy body, "double", the energy "double", which is also also called the "Body of Dream".

That's what he writes in one of his works: "So, the image of an event or object can be built in my mind, in space next to you or" just "send your double at the desired point of time. And how can this be done and when it is advisable to choose a specific option?

Often, the image appears in front of us by chance. In a dream, usually in a halfway at the time of falling asleep or before waking up. With very strong fatigue. At the moment of strong stress, shocks, illness. Finally, very often, during clinical death. It is believed that in the latter case, the astral outlet always happens ...

Any options can be realized deliberately and purposefully. But then a person must or already have appropriate abilities, or to specially learn. For information, it must enter into a modified state of consciousness, characterized by relaxation and a certain focus of attention, or to meditation, which is almost almost the same. "

So, despite the considered methods and methods to achieve clairvoyance, its species unites one - the changed state of consciousness, without which the manifestation of this phenomenon is impossible at all. But it is the meditating and similar to them methods of disconnecting "mental dialogue" are the safest for health and contributing to the further disclosure of this gift.

Essential and astral vision

We define simple clairvoyance, as the disclosure of essential or astral vision, which gives the possibility of the owner of this vision to see what can be around it at the appropriate level; But this kind of clairvoyance is usually accompanied by the ability to see anything at a great distance, or read the past and future. Of course, it is almost possible to completely eliminate these recent abilities, because the region of astral vision is undoubtedly much wider than the scope of physical, and fragmentary paintings of the past and future can often be quite accidentally introducing even those clairvoyants who do not know exactly how they need them search; But nevertheless, there is a very significant difference between similar random glimpses and a certain ability of visual projection into space or during.

We find all the degrees of this kind of clairvoyance, starting by vague impressions, hardly at all worthy of visual names, and up to full possession of essential or astral vision. Perhaps the easiest way to start with the description of what can be seen with the full development of the ability, since then the cases of partial possession of it, of course, will occupy their proper places.

Let us turn first to essentially vision. As already mentioned, it is simply in sensitivity to more than usually, a number of physical vibrations; But nevertheless, before who possesses this vision, is revealed by much that most people are completely blind. Let's see what changes will cause the acquisition of this force in the appearance of ordinary items, animated and inanimate, and see what brand new conditions it introduces into our lives. But you need to remember that something that will now be discussed, there is a result of only the full and completely conscious possession of this ability, and that most of the examples we will meet in real life will be far behind or another.

The most striking change in the appearance of inanimate objects caused by the acquisition of this ability is that many of them become almost transparent, due to the difference in the length of the waves of some vibrations, to which a person has become susceptible. Now it is very easy for him to make a fabulous focus - "see through the brick wall", since for its newly acquired vision, the brick wall is now not denser than light fog. And OK sees everything that happens in the next room almost as if there is no intermediate wall; It can accurately describe the contents of the locked box or read the sealed letter; With little practice, he can find any place in a closed book. This last focus, quite lightweight for a person possessing astral vision, is considerable difficulties for the one who uses the sight of the essential, due to the fact that in the latter case, each page has to look through the tops that are from above.

Often asked - is it always in such cases a person sees with this superphone vision or only when wants to see so much? The answer to this is as follows: if the ability is perfectly developed, it will be fully under the control of clairvoyant, and it can use it or her, or its usual vision - at will. It moves from one way to another as easily and naturally, as we will now mix the focus of our vision, when we raise your eyes from the book to keep track of the movements of the subject in the distance. It's like the direction of the focus of consciousness on the one or another aspect of the observed phenomenon, and at least a person very clearly saw the aspect that his attention was directed at that moment - he would always vaguely conscious of the other aspect, just like guiding the focus Our view on some subject we keep in your hands, we still vaguely see the opposite wall of the room in the background.

Another curious change, which is with the possession of essential vision, is that the solid land on which a person walks, becomes to some extent transparent for him, so that he can see down the decent depth, like how we can see in Clean water. This allows it to consider the creature, which swallows underground, distinguish between the core of coal or metal, if they are not very far from the surface, etc.

The limits of aerial view when they look through dense matter, apparently similar to the limits that are superimposed on us when we look through water or fog. We cannot see on the famous distance, because the medium, through which we look, is not completely transparent.

The appearance of animated objects also change significantly for a person who has developed their visual abilities to such an extent.

The bodies of people and animals for him, in general, are transparent, so he can observe the activities of various internal organs, and sometimes even make a diagnosis of their diseases.

Extended vision also allows it to more or less clearly see various discharges of creatures, elementals and others whose bodies are unable to reflect the rays within the ordinary visible spectrum. Among these creatures there are some of the lower spirits of nature, the bodies of which consist of a more dense essential matter.

Almost all fairies, gnomes, houses, which have survived as many stories in the mountains of Scotland and Ireland and in secluded suburban places have been preserved to this class.

The extensive kingdom of nature of nature, mainly the kingdom is astral, but still a significant part of it belongs to the Essential Area of \u200b\u200bthe Physical Plan and this department, of course, more affordable for ordinary people than others. And in fact, reading ordinary magic stories, very often meet certain instructions on what we are dealing here in this class. All learning magic legends will remember how often there is mentioned about some mysterious ointments and potions, which give the eyes of a person's ability to see the inhabitants of the magical kingdom, where they would not meet.

Stories about the use of these ointments and potions and about what came out of this, they repeat constantly and go from all over the world, so probably be behind them some truth should be hidden as all the world famous traditions. One such lubrication of the eyes cannot in any way to reveal to his astral view in man, although some ointments, if you rub them into the whole body, help the astral body to leave the physical consciousness, - the fact that was known, apparently and in the average A century, as can be seen from the testimony, which gave the witches during some processes.

But the use of these funds to the physical eye can easily arouse its sensitivity that it is made susceptible to some essential vibrations. In these magical fairy tales, it is also often said about how a person who used by this mystical lubrication sometimes gives him fairy, and how this fairy beats him in his eyes or pumps them to him, depriving him in this way not only a terrible view, but also vision is more dense Physical Plan.

If the acquired vision was astral, such a measure would be completely useless, because no harm caused by the physical conductor cannot act on astral ability; But if the vision caused by ointment was essential, then the destruction of the physical eye would destroy the essential vision, because the eye is a mechanism with which it acts. Any, possessing the sight, which is about, can also see the ether twin of a person; But this last to such an extent is similar in size with a physical person, which is hardly attracted to his attention, unless if it is partially separated - in a trance or under any anesthetic influence. After death, when the air double is completely separated from a dense body, he is visible very clear, and a person with essential vision, passing through the church yard or cemetery, will often see it over fresh graves.

Presenting on a spiritual session, such a person will see the essential matter emanating from the medium and can observe what kind of various ways are used by the reporting creatures. Another fact that is hardly slow to discovery is to expand its susceptibility to paints. He will see completely new colors, Nimalo is not similar to the color of the spectrum now known to us, and therefore, of course, the inactible words that are at our disposal. He will not only see new items, completely painted in these new colors, but it also detects that the colors of well-known items change it if there are any shades of these new paints mixed with the old ones. Thus, two colored surfaces that will seem exactly the same as the usual eye, for its more acute view, completely different shades will often be presented.

We touched upon some of the most important changes that will occur in the world of a person when he will acquire essential vision. And you should always remember that in most cases the corresponding change will occur simultaneously in all its susceptibility, so he can hear and, perhaps, even feel more than most of others. Suppose now that in addition to this, he will receive the vision of the astral plan, - what further changes can be noted?

Change will be much and very significant. Truly, a whole new world will open before his eyes. It is briefly briefly in the same order as before, and first see - as the appearance of inanimate objects will change.

There is a completely definite difference between vision essential and astral and, apparently, the latter corresponds to the fourth dimension.

It is easiest to understand this difference in the example. If you look at a person, using one or other eyesight alternately, you, for example, will see buttons, sewn from behind to his coat, in both cases; But, using essential vision, you will look at these buttons through the person and in every button will see first ear, as the nearest to you, and then the rest of it; If you look astrally, you will see this button not only in the same way, but also for sure you would stand behind this person.

Or: if you look, using the essential vision, on a wooden cube with inscriptions on all his sides, you will have such an impression, just this cube glass, so you can see through it, and you will see the inscription on the opposite side of the cube ; The inscriptions with the right and left side will be unclear for you, because you will see them at an angle. But if you look at the cube astrally, you will see all of his parties immediately and everything is completely correct so that the whole cube is pulled out in the plane in front of you, and just as well you will see each part of its inner sides and not through others, but everything is gluable . The direction from which you will look at the cube, other and lies at right angles to all the directions you know.

If you look, using essential vision, on the back cover of the clock, you will see all the wheels through it, and through the wheels - the dial, but the backward. If you look at the lid astrally, you will see the dial right and all the wheels separately, and nothing will lie one on the other. "

Here we have the main tone and the main factor of change: a person looks at everything from a completely new point of view, beyond everything that ever imagined before. Now he can read any page in a closed book without any difficulty, because now he looks at her without all the other pages lying on top or bottom, but right on it, as if it is the only visible page. The depth on which the metal or stone coal lies, no longer serves an obstacle for him, because now he looks no longer through the earth lying between him and residential.

The thickness of the wall or the number of walls between the observer and the object of observation may greatly interfere with the clarity of a terrible view; But they will not imagine any difficulty for astral vision, because in the astral plan they will not be between the observer and the observed. Of course, it sounds like something paradoxical and impossible, and this is absolutely impossible to explain the mind that is not trained in this direction, but nevertheless it is absolutely true.

As it is known, E. P. Blavatskaya, hinting on the theory of the fourth dimension, noticed that this is only a clumsy method of setting the idea of \u200b\u200bthe full permeability of matter, and V. T. Stad walked in the same direction, submitting to his readers this concept called "Craneness ". However, thorough, repeated and detailed studies seem to indicate that this explanation does not cover all the facts; It can be perfectly applied to essential vision, but only the later and completely new idea about the fourth dimension outlined by Hinton can explain to us constantly observed facts of astral vision. Therefore, we decide to assume that when E. P. Blavatskaya wrote it, she meant the essential vision, and not astral, and that the opportunity to apply this phrase to another, higher ability, which she did not think about that minute to the head. When subsequently, it is necessary to keep in mind the possession of this extraordinary, almost indescribable force. Thanks to her, each point of any solid body is made quite accessible to the clear look, quite as every point inside the circle is available to the view of a man looking at this circle on top.

But even this is far from all the fact that this force gives its owner. It begins to see well not only the inner and outdoor side of each subject, but also his astral duplicate.

Each atom and each physical material molecule has appropriate astral atoms and molecules, and the mass composed of them is clearly visible to our clairvoyant. Correctly, the astral of any subject is discarded several outside the physical part of it and, thus, metals, stones and other items are surrounded by the astral aura.

Immediately it can be noted that even when studying inorganic matter, a person wins terribly, acquiring this vision. He not only sees the formerly completely hidden astral part of each subject; Not only sees much more in the physical structure of this item than he saw before, but even what he apparently even before, he now sees much clearer and more correctly.

Immediately it can be understood that his new vision is much closer to the right perception than physical vision. For example, if he looks astrally on the glass cube, then the sides of this cube will seem equal to him, and we know that it is so; Meanwhile, as on the physical plan, he sees the long side in the future, that is, it seems to him less than the close side, and this is, of course, a simple illusion that occurs due to its physical limitations.

We still see all the advantages of astral view, when we take into account all those new features that it gives in the observations of animated objects. It shows a clairvoyant aura of plants and animals; And therefore, in the latter case, the desire, emotions and thoughts that these animals can be clearly revealed before his eyes.

But most of all the clairvoyant will appreciate the meaning of this ability during relations with human beings and will often be able to provide them with much more efficient assistance, guided by the instructions that she gives it.

He will see a man's aura as far as his astral body stretches, and although at the same time the highest side of a person will still remain hidden from him, nevertheless he can with attentive observation, on the basis of what is available to him, to learn a lot relating to this high-face. His ability to see an ether twin will give him great advantages in determining any defect or disease of the nervous system, and in the appearance of the astral body, it will be able to judge all the emotions, passions, desires and the inconsistencies in front of him and even many of his thoughts.

For him, a person will be surrounded by a luminous cloud of astral aura, sparkling all sorts of bright colors and incessantly changing their color and gloss with each variation of thought or a sense of man. He will see this aura, sprung by a wonderful pink color of pure attachment, luxurious blue devotion, tough, dull-brown colorful selfishness, bright grinding of anger, terrible, sullenly redness of sensuality, a bluish-gray hint of fear, black hate and malice clouds; And many other instructions, so easily read by an experienced eye, he will see. And it will be impossible to hide from him the true state of his feelings about anything.

In Astral Aure, a clairvoyant can read temporary traces of emotions currently passing through it; And not only this: by location and proportions of the paints of Aura, when it is in a state of comparative peace, he can judge the general mood and character of its owner. The astral body constantly expresses a person, because it can be manifested on the subject, and on the basis of what is visible in it, you can withdraw quite correct conclusions in many ways that belongs to the highest plans. When our clairvoyant wants to judge the nature of this person, he really helps the thoughts of this person, as they are expressed on the astral plan, and, therefore, enter the circle of his observations. The true focus of thoughts is on a mental or devascanic plan, and every thought is primarily manifested there as the vibration of the spiritual body. But if it will be at least any selfish thought, or if it is at least anything connected with excitement or desire, it will immediately go down to the astral plan and takes on the visible form of astral matter.

Most people almost every thought falls under the same these columns, so actually the whole of their personality is completely clear to the astral impact of our friend, and their astral bodies, as well as the thinking, continuously emitting them will be for him as an open book. In which their characteristics are written so clearly that it is very easy for them to read them.

We pointed to some of the changes in the appearance of animated and inanimate objects when they sees a person who has a clear clairvoyance of the astral plan. We now specify now - what brand new items will see clairvoyant. He will be aware of the much greater fullness of nature in all directions, but mainly his attention will attract the living inhabitants of this new world.

Clairvoyant will be amazed by the changeable forms of an infinite flow of elemental entity, all the time worrying around it, often threatening it, almost always retreating before a certain effort of will. He will be surprised at the huge army of creatures, temporarily caused for a particular existence of this ocean with good or bad thoughts of human desires. It will observe numerous spirits of nature for their work or their games; And sometimes he may be with increasing joy to follow the lush flourishing of some creatures from the beautiful kingdom of DEV, which approximately correspond to the legions of the angels in Christian terminology.

But, perhaps, the human inhabitants of the astral world will be introduced to him even more acute interest, and he will find that they can be divided into two large classes: on those whom we call alive, and on those infinitely more alive, which we are so reckless and mistakenly call the dead. Among the first, he can sometimes meet someone awake and quite conscious, may be sent to bring him some news, or carefully observing it, to see - what successes he does; Most of the living people who are outside their physical bodies on the astral plan during sleep will rush past, too immersed in themselves and therefore completely unconscious to what is happening around them.

Before him there will be crowds of recently dead and among them, he will find all the degrees of consciousness and development and all shades of characters, because death that seems to be a limited vision of such unconditional variation, actually does not change anything in the man itself. Another day after his death, he is absolutely the same as the day before it, with the same inclinations, the same properties, the same virtues and vices, with the difference only because he threw away his physical body; But the loss of this body changes not more than throwing out the outerwear. Thus, among the deceased student will find people of smart and stupid, kind and sullen, serious and frivolous, spiritual and sensual, completely the same as among the living.

Since he will be able to not only see the dead, but also to speak with them, he will be able to bring them great benefit and give them information and instructions, it is extremely important for them. Many of them are in a state of complete amazement and confusion, and sometimes acute longing, because they find the phenomena of the new world to such an extent to all children's legends, to all that popular religion in the West reports on this transcendental and important issue; And therefore a person who understands this new world and that can give different explanations in the need for the need.

A person, perfectly owning these abilities, can be useful and lively and dead many other ways;In addition to astral creatures, he will see astral corpses - the shadows and shells of all degrees;

Another striking result of complete astral clairvoyance is that now a person has no more interruptions of consciousness. Lives at night, it provides his physical body to rest in which it needs, and himself goes to wander in a much more convenient astral conductor. In the morning he returns to his physical body and again enters it, but at the same time does not lose any consciousness, no memories of what was between two states. Thus, he can live, so to speak, a double life, which at the same time merges in one, and be useful in continuing his life instead of a third of their existence to be useless to spend in full unconsciousness.

It is possible that another strange strength will appear in it (however, the full control over it is most likely to even higher, devascanic ability: it will be able to increase the slightest physical or astral particles to any desired value, as if with the help of a microscope, although there is no such Microscope (and hardly), which would have at least a thousandth share of this mental magnifying force. Thanks to it, hypothetical molecule and an atom postulated by science, become visible and lively reality for the occult student, and watching them carefully, it finds that the structure is much more complicated than the scientists think so far. This force allows him to also with a living interest and to observe various electrical, magnetic and other essential processes very closely. If some specialists in these sectors of science were able to develop the ability to see those things about which they with such ease, it would be possible to expect amazing and excellent discoveries.

This is one of the "siddhi" or the strength of the person described in the eastern books, which devotes to spiritual development, although the name under which it is mentioned there, perhaps, can not immediately find out. It says about it, as about "the ability to make yourself big or small at will"; The reason for this definition, which, apparently, is so strange to contradict the fact, it is that in essence this focus is done just with the help of the method specified in these ancient books. The world of infinitely small values \u200b\u200bcan be visible so clear due to the use of the temporary visual mechanism of the incomprehensible subtlety; and in the same way (or rather by opposite), i.e., using a temporary strongest increase in the size of the used mechanism, it becomes possible to increase the breadth of vision - in the physical sense, as well as, we hope, and in moral - far beyond the limits about What science ever ever could dream as about the person available for humans. Thus, the ability to change the magnitude is in fact in the conductor of the consciousness of the student, and not in anything outside it. And the old eastern book, in the end, establishes it more precisely than we.

T. a regeniced researcher who has complete astral vision can be seen in that infinitely wider world where it will introduce this vision. But we did not say about that amazing spiritual change that will happen in it due to the fact that he will be aware of the experience of the existence of the soul, about its posthumous experiences, about the action of karma laws and about other things performed by high meaning. The difference between the deepest mental conviction and accurate knowledge extracted with the help of direct personal experience should be fought in order to evaluate.

For the first time about this ability of the human body, as an alternative vision, they spoke in the twentieth century. The outstanding scholars were investigated: Bekhtereva, Pytyev and many others. Vyacheslav Bronnikov acquired wide fame, which created and a substantiated practical method, allowing to see the surrounding items without the help of a conventional visual body, without the help of the eyes using the so-called inner vision. The theory caused an ambiguous reaction in scientific circles. However, over the years, students of the Bronnikov school demonstrate the striking results of the vision with their eyes closed andswelling diseases.

Alternative and astral vision

Alternative vision implies a person's ability to see, read, navigate in space without using the usual visual path. At the same time, we are talking about the performance of standard visual functions - a vision of a person at an angle of view of a person equal to 220 degrees alternatively, applying the abilities of human consciousness and brain activity.

The human body is capable of greater. His astral (essential) body, devoid of physical restrictions, has a detailed vision of 360 degrees around him. Such an ability called astral (essential) vision is achievable using special training, allowing to realize the infinity of the vision.

Development of alternative vision. Method V. Bronnikova

Disputes in the scientific community about the V. Bronnikov method do not subside to this day. A number of studies designed to verify the effectiveness of the methodology conducted by leading scientists, confirmed the existence of an alternative vision, however, and not be able to establish its nature. The reality of the ability recognized N. Bekhtereva as a result of a study by the group of employees of the Institute of Human Screen Brain. Having found direct evidence, Bekhtereva suggested the implementation of an alternative view function with skin.

In early 2011, experts of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus announced the safety and effectiveness of the development of alternative view according to the V. Bronnikov method.

Created and popular V. Bronnikov is based on perennial studies of the human brain and the firm conviction of the scientist in the fact that each person has the abilities, ancient brain structures that are not in demand in the body due to thousands of years of evolutionary transformations. The method allows you to enable them in real life gradually, passing 3 practical steps.

First stage Actively develops the bioenergy of the human body, awakening phantom feelings and teaching them to manage them, create inside itself and in the surrounding space. Such technology is based on qigong, wushu and other oriental teachings.

In the second stage The internal vision is activated, which opens a new world of human capabilities. A person learns to consciously create an internal screen that translates any given images, taste, olfactory and other sensations. It is important to comply with accurate technology and safety elements.

On the third steps A direct vision becomes available when, with closed eyes, an image is formed on an internal mental screen, a similar picture in the material surrounding space. The direct perception method allows the brain to overcome the world around the world without the use of standard visual organs.

The development of internal and external vision, the acquisition of phantom feelings opens the colossal prospects in front of a person. In the fourth stage, the ability of an alternative vision is similar to the biological computer, into which the person itself lays the desired program.

The Vyacheslav Bronnikov method lay down the basis for the training program aimed at developing all forms of vision, intuition, the management of energy of its own body, the full diagnosis of the state, the development of super-memory, super-sensitivity, restoration of the body's functions, thesis of diseases.

Other techniques for the development of alternative vision

Today, alternative vision is active in developing specialists around the world. The possibilities that open the opening of phenomenal functions in front of a person are truly limitless.

Mark Commissioner, American scientist Russian origin, is widely known, which allows to intensify the ability of the human brain to directly perceive the surrounding world without the use of visual bodies. Practice indicates the effectiveness of the methodology in the acquisition of the visual function by blind people.

The development of a person's ability to directly perceive the surrounding reality is engaged in Russia's famous School of Nikolay Denisov, students of which demonstrate the phenomenal results of the vision without the help of the eyes, as well as obtaining information to the brain directly.

The development of hidden abilities of the human brain, allowing to perceive information from the surrounding world, without applying the usual senses, kinesiology is engaged. The Carol Ann Honz "One Brain" approach restores the ability of the brain to the free choice in the present, efficiently eliminating the traumatic situations of the past.

Exercises for the development of direct vision according to the method of V. Bronnikova

From the editorial board: Dial the word "Bronnikov" in the search on our website and familiarize yourself with the views of other authors, sometimes very much disagreened with each other.

Development of astral vision

Development of astral vision

The development of essential and astral vision is justified in many cases. Those who seek to push the framework of their vision and develop clairvoyance, will understand how important it is.

Many massage students, psychics and healers want to raise their work to a new level, improve their practice. Often they manage to develop new methods. If you are just interested in a similar topic to expand the horizons, I invite you to participate in practically exercises developing all these abilities. Suddenly you will see yourself from another angle, know something at the unknown?

There are many theories, terms and techniques associated with essential and astral vision. Some people (inborn healers) can quickly inspect the body of the patient and immediately correctly identify the problem bodies, without even knowing how to formulate the cause and name of the disease by medical language. Some can see the colors of aura and moving energy fields. These abilities can be subject to scientific experience and study, and not at all magic or magic.

If these energy fields really objectively exist, then people studying them can eventually develop the ability to work with these fields and even see them.

Wanting to develop the essential and astral eyesight, you can try the following exercises.


This is the easiest of the initial methods, and it precedes any targeted effort in this direction. The technique is to mentally imagine or visualize everything with whatever you get in touch. Hearing a kind of movement in the distance, conversation outside the window or feeling the smell of a ready-made dinner, or the sound of a car on the street, try in your imagination to present a visual continuation of these impressions. Namely, what is the sound and from what he comes, who speaks outside the window, that this car drove and so on.

It is necessary to imagine a picture that completed the sound image coming from far or caught the smell. You must learn how to create something like an interactive video that continues your audible and other impression.

Also try to look from your back, try to imagine that it is behind you behind your back, from the sides, etc. Try to consider the world where it is not available in conventional vision. This method is suitable not only for the development of essential and astral vision, but also creates wonders, at the moment you need to get out of deep depression.

To take advantage of this therapeutic effect, imagine a flower that is tied to your ankles and direct its roots through the floor, through the ground to the center of the earth itself.


For this exercise you need to learn to be aware of how exactly you see each specific object. Usually we prefer either left or right eye when we look at something, although we do not notice it.

Try without closing your eyes, focus on any one subject. At the beginning, within a few seconds, look at it only through the left eye, and then, for a few seconds, (without closing the eye), try to look at the subject only through the right eye. All this happens only at the level of your attention - focus.

At the same time, you do not need to squint or close your eyes, but only switch your vision (attention) from the right to the left eye using the focus of your attention.

After you mastered the switching of the dominant eye, select any simple object (crystal, other hand, burning candle, etc.) for use as a meditative tool. This object should be approximately at a distance of an elongated hand from your eyes, at eye level. Close one eye with palm. Now look at the meditation object with a closed eye.

This requires some practice, because it seems very illogical, and this is a very delicate effect. But you will immediately understand when the experience of such a vision comes.

Each person has the ability to see an object not in the usual way, but to see it to our astral vision. This is also called clairvoyance. You will get an unusual vision experience through a closed eye. As soon as this feeling is achieved, try to keep the focus in this direction as long as possible.

After a long practitioner and constant attention, visual phenomena, such as aura, astral, perfume and much more will be subject to your vision.

Peripheral vision

This is the most efficient and simple method in the development of essential and astral vision. The dynamics participating in peripheral vision is also involved in the etheric and astral vision. This may be due to the use of retinal components of your eye.

The technique is simple and can be changed in any way that is convenient for you. First, select an object or stain that you can find directly in front of you. Take it for the reference point. Divide your hands on the parties (your body forms the 'T' form), and start moving your fingers. Keep your vision focused on the selected reference area in front of you, but pay attention to the vision of your hand to your peripheral vision. Your task to learn how to see both hands immediately, your side vision.

Some ideas and options

Use the flame candles to fix your attention. Keeping attention to the movements of your fingers, keep a fixed look at the candle flame. Please note how the flame of the candle moves and simultaneously look at changes in the movements of your fingers, with the sides of the hands. Try to make the movement of your fingers not synchronously, but in different ways. This will help develop both hemispheres of the brain, which contributes to the development of astral vision.

Contemplation of a candle flame is an excellent meditative exercise even after you set up your peripheral vision, but without pulling hands to the sides.

Try to keep your peripheral vision on various objects or fingers. Try to distinguish different items or the number of your fingers using peripheral vision.

The development of peripheral vision skills does not require much time, and even within one session, you can significantly improve your skill.

See with closed and open eyes

This technique is to simply relax, close the eyes and look at those pictures that appear with you before closed eyes, on the back of the eyelid. So you can see a lot of interesting things. This is one of the best techniques for the development of clairvoyance.

Lying on a sofa or in bed with eyes closed, try to get away from all the valet's thoughts and retain the focus only on your observation. It is just like you would consider paintings in the museum or watched the movie in the cinema. However, in this experience you look at those pictures that appear on your back side.
After some training (from 15 to 30 minutes.) Open your eyes and look not directly on the ceiling, but as if in front of it, in the air. So you will see a lot of astral visual effects.

These technicians have a mixed result. You can see real astral visions, as well as pictures that come from your subconscious or brain. This effect develops in you the skill to look inside yourself and see your inner world.