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Konk Gorboon Russian folk fairy tale in reducing. Encyclopedia of fabulous heroes: "Konk-Gorbok"

The magnificent tale of "Konk-Gorbok" is known to us from childhood. Some may mistakenly think that its author is A. S. Pushkin, but it was created by Russian writer Peter Ershov in 1830. Only at the end of the work, Pushkin made a correctioner for text and spoke very approvingly to her. The work was folk, so the Ershov himself believed. "Konk-Gorboon", the brief content of which was everyone for hearing, is a fairy tale in a poetic form. The writer heard the story of the storytellors this story, and then supplemented and led to a slim view.

Ershov. "Konk-Gorbok": summary

One old man had three sons. The older was called Danila, and he was a clever kids, Middle - Gavrille, they say about such - neither fish, nor meat, and the younger Ivan turned out to be a fool at all. The brothers grown wheat and sold it in the capital. But once the misfortune happened: someone had sowed their crops. The brothers immediately wanted to find out who did it, and decided every night in turn of the guard. Two older brothers decided not to bother themselves, they were scary and cold, and therefore they didn't find out so much, returned home.

Non-crushed guest

This is this popular fairy tale brief content. "Konk-Gorbok" has a very interesting plot. Then the writer tells about what has come to younger brother. However, he sat down in ambush until midnight and the eye did not bull down, as suddenly saw a white mare with a golden mane. Ivan was not confused, saddled her aside on the back and set off, holding his tail tightly. Soon the mare was tired and asked to let her go, promising that she would give birth to him three horses for it. But immediately warned that two horses can be sold, and the third dugorby did not give anything.

Zlatogryvy Koni.

Ivan was delighted and removed the mare in the stable stall. After a while, she had two zlatniy stallions and one "toy" bit. Once the fucking brother Danilo accidentally noticed horses in the stall. Conscable with Gavrille, secretly from the younger brother, they decided to sell animals in the capital. But Ivan found a loss in front of the evening.

Further very fascinatingly describes the events of a summary. Konk-Gorboon tells the owner what happened, and offers to catch up with the brothers. Ivan instantly overtake the brothers, they immediately repented, and then he permits to sell horses. They go to the capital.

Jumping feather

The summary of the fairy tale "Konk-Gorboon" further tells that the night lasted the brothers in the field, and then there was a sponge of some light. Ivan on the skate went to look and saw that it was burning the feather of magic heat-bird. But Konk advised not to take it, as it can bring a lot of trouble. Ivan did not obey, raised the pen and put it in his head. He did not talk to his brothers about their mysterious find.

In the morning in the capital, horses were exhibited by brothers for sale. The king himself bought stallions and offered Ivan the work of the head of the royal stables. He agreed and walked into the palace.

Cunning of the royal servant

And the brothers, delivering money to the robust, went home and healed Naughty. Ivan served on the stable until time until the royal sleeping bag wanted to expel him. He decided to follow a string and hid in the stall. Ivan comes at midnight, pulls out the feather of magic heat from his cap, and with his bright light begins to wash her horses. A sleeping bag about everything reported to the king and added from myself that, they say, Ivan boasted that he could get the fire-bird itself.


Soon they found themselves in the forest in the midst of the Polyana, on which there was a rude mountain from silver. Konk immediately explained that the festivals arrive here at night and punish him to put a trough with a millet, filled wine, and at the other to hide himself, and when one of the birds will peck out, you have to have time to catch it. Everything happened. Worn-bird Ivan caught and brought to the king, and he gratitude to his royal striving. Further, even more amazing events describes the summary of the tales of Yershov "Konk-Gorbok".

The cunning sleeping bag prepared Ivan a new test, having heard the story that on the ocean she lives the beautiful king maiden, who sings, playing the feet and swims in the golden sword, he goes and reports the king that Ivan can bring her king to his wife. The king immediately sends the guard for Ivan. Again, the intrigue is filled with a summary. Konk-Gorboon and this time is taken to help its owner. He says that it is necessary to take a golden tent from the king, two towels, cutlery and a bunch of different sweets.


They traveled a whole week, and finally found themselves on the ocean. Ivan spread the tent, as he told him a horse, put the cutlets and sweets on the towels, and hid himself.

Having waited when the princess went into the tent, treated with a delicious meal and began to play hobsls, he ran into her hour, grabbed her and took her to the king. And he, having seen the beauty of the unearthly, immediately wanted to marry her. But Tsarevna demanded its feature from the bottom of the ocean. The king again calls Ivan, and he goes back on his skate again. And the princess asked towards going to bow down the month and the sun.

Visiting a month and sun

Near the ocean, they suddenly saw a huge whale, who had a whole village on his back. Having learned that they were going to the Sun, Keith asked to ask, for what such sins he suffers. Ivan promised to find out and drove further. Already soon they discovered the tsar-maiden, in which the month was resting during the day, and at night - the sun.

Ivan caught the month at home and handed him hello from the king of the maiden, he was glad to hear good news, but when he learned that a seventiary king wanted to marry her, said that he would not have it, and her husband would have a young handsome man. And about China, the month said that he once swallowed thirty ships, and will be forgiven if he will release them.

Rides Ivan back home. On the way, he conveys the Whale Word of the Month, he lets the ships, and the residents of the village hastily leave the village. Free whale in gratitude wants to serve, and then Ivan asks to get a cherished ring from the bottom of the ocean. After many searches, Kit finds this jewel.


Ivan is in a hurry to the capital with Pisps. The happy king presents his princess, but she refuses to marry him and says that he is old, but with the help of one tool can immediately wear out. Just need to put three boilers: two with cold and hot water, the third one with boiling milk, but in turn in them to plunge.

The king made himself, again calling Ivan and orders him to twitch in the boilers. Konk suggests that he jumped into the boiler only after he likes the tail, then the mockup of the face in the boilers, spin on him twice and hang. But after that, Ivan can jump in boiling water. He fulfilled everything according to rule and became a handsome writing.

This is such a beautiful fairy tale invented P. Ershov. "The Little Humpbacked Horse". A summary of it ends with the fact that the king, seeing such miracles, hurried to jump into boiling water, and it was welded there.

Once the king is not, then the people recognize the maiden to the Tsaritsa, and the transformed Ivan the king. Young go under the crown and arrange a feast to the whole world.

"Konk-Gorbok": brief content for reader diary

Only the most important events of the read plot are usually written to the reader's diary to remember them at any time when it is necessary. Having read "Konk-Gorbok" (summary) for reader's diary It should be noted all the main characters and their actions, but no less important is the need to understand the entire meaning of the fairy tale enclosed in deep satire, which is overwhelming human vices.

The fairy tale "Konk-Gorboon" Ershov wrote in 1834. The work was based on Slavic and Scandinavian fairy tales, fairy tales of the peoples of the coast of the Baltic Sea, Folklore. "Konk-Gorbok" was written by four-star choree and is one of brightest examples Russian children's literature.

main characters

Ivan. "The younger son of the peasant," the fool was at all. "

The Little Humpbacked Horse - Magic Konk, Comrade Ivan.

King - Old monarch, from whom Ivan served as a barn.

Other characters

Danilo - Senior Son, Brother Ivan, "Smart Safety".

Gavrilo - Middle Son, Brother Ivan, "And so and Syak".

Sleeping bag - The royal servant, the former boss over the stable.

Tsar-Maiden. - Beautiful queen, 15 years old, which Ivan brought to the capital by order of the king.

Part 1

In one village there was an old peasant who had three sons. The brothers grown wheat and drove it to sell to the capital. But someone began to "smoother", to pull the crops. The brothers decided to make turns in the field in the field so that the "evil thief burst." Senior and middle brothers, frightened cold and bad weather, lied that all night stayed on the field and did not see anything (actually left duty).

On the third night, Ivan went to the field. At midnight, a snow-white mare with a golden mane appeared. Ivan grabbed her tail and jumped over, "only backwards". The horse wore him in the mountains and the forests for a long time, trying to lose, but Ivan kept tightly. Finally, the mare was tired and said that now let Ivan care for her three days, after which she will lead to him two horses and a little skate with "two humps and with Arsh, ears." Two horses he can sell, let him not give up for any values: he will be a comrade. Ivan driven the mare in the barn, and the brothers told the brothers to the brothers that at night saw the line.

After that, "Lee, two, two flew". Somehow Danilo went into the barn and saw there two goldcraft horses and "toy-skate". He agreed with Gavrila, and "on the first week" the brothers secretly from Ivan was lucky to sell horses to the capital.

Seeing the loss, Ivan was very upset, but he calmed him down, and they quickly caught up with thieves. Ivan went to the capital along with the brothers. On the way, they noticed in the distance of the light, and the brothers were sent there to Ivan. Having arrived at the illuminated glade, Ivan saw the feather of the febrile. Konch was trying to dissuade to take the find with him, but Ivan did not listen to him and hid the feather into the header.

Having arrived in the capital, the brothers took the horses to the market, and the king immediately bought the king. But when the horses were taken to the royal stables, they were shot down with everyone and returned to Ivan. Then the king appointed Ivan the boss over the stable. Danilo and Gavrilo returned with the revengeted money in the village.

Part 2

Ivan lived at the courtyard without needing. But "weeks after five" the royal servant - a sleeping bag, began to notice that Ivan "Horses does not hurt", "not cleansing and not a squit", and they are always "as if from under the ridge." Sleeping bag decided to learn the cause and hid in the stable. At midnight, Ivan entered the stable, took out the feather-bird feather. In the stable immediately became light. Ivan cleaned the horses, worked off the mane, poured the grain and, finishing the work, fell asleep.

At the dawn, the sleeping bag had imperceptibly pulled out the feather from Sleeping Ivan and went to the king. Showing the pen, the servant reported that Ivan was allegedly boasting to get a fire-bird for the king. The king ordered Ivan to bring a magic bird in three weeks, otherwise the bray is waiting for the execution.

Upset Ivan came to the skate, but he reassured him. According to the advice of Gorboon, Ivan took with him two troughs of the millet and overseas wine, and at dawn they went on the road. "On the day of the area" the way they arrived to the dense forest. Ivan in one trough mixed wine with grain, hidden himself under the other. At midnight, firebands flew. Ivan quickly grabbed one, and they went back to the way back. As a reward for brought fire-bird, the king appointed Ivan the Tsarskoy, striving, which even stronger the sleeping bag.

After three weeks, the servants discussed the book in which there was a fairy tale about the Tsar Device. Hearing this, the sleeping bag immediately went to the king and said that Ivan was boasting to bring Tsarevna. The king immediately called his dumbfounded and ordered for three weeks to get the tsar-maiden.

Konk said to Ivan before the road to ask the Tsar tent, two large canvases and treats. On the "Owning" day, they came to the forest, from where the "Road to Okiasu" came from. Ivan spread the tent, and he hid himself. At noon, the tsar-girl sailed and began to play hobslies than Ivan's whipped. But the next day, when Tsarevna appeared again, Ivan overworked drowsiness, grabbed the maiden and brought to the capital.

Seeing the beautiful princess, the king said that tomorrow morning they marry. The girl replied that he would marry, only if "at three days" from the Oxian will deliver her ring. The king sent Ivan behind him.

Part 3.

On the road, at Okiasna Ivan saw the seamel of the sea "Miracle Yudo Fish-Kit", on which "stood the village." Fish-Kit asked to learn from the sun, brother Tsarevna, whether he was still long to suffer.

Ivan, at the request of the tsar-maiden, came to her "Emerald Terem". Ivan met a month - the mother of the princess. The month told that they and the Sun strongly "grieved that the princess was lost." To the question of Ivan about fish-whale, the month replied that he swallowed three dozen ships and free himself if they were released. On the advice of Ivan, Fish-Keith threw off all the ships and gratefully took from the ring of the tsar-maiden.

The king was in a hurry to be married, but Tsarevna said that he is too old for her. To raise, the king was needed to swim in three boilers: with student water, with "boiled water" and with milk, "boiling his key." The king said that Ivan would swim first. Before swimming Ivan, the hunchback is mucked into all boilers with a muzzle. Having plunged into the three boilers, Ivan had swore, became the priest. Seeing such a transformation, the king immediately jumped into the boiler - "And there it was welded."

Then the tsar-maiden rose and said that it would be now the princess, and Ivan will become new king and her spouse. All the people celebrate the wedding and famous the king with the queen.


The main character of the fairy tale "Konk-Gorbok" P. P. Ershova - the peasant son Ivan, whom the author of the work calls the "fool", is depicted as simple and kind, but at the same time a bold and responsible young man. He forgives his brothers, helps fish-whale, but not afraid to go to long journeys by order of the king. A special role in the fairy tale is played by the image of a humpback, which supports Ivan, helping him to successfully pass all the tests.

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December 24, House Advisor Medicine Stalbaum. Everyone is preparing for Christmas, and the children - Fritz and Marie are building guesses, which this time they will be presented as a gift for a gift and artist's godfather, the senior adviser to the court Chokeselmeyer, who often reinforced the clock in the House of Stalbaums. Marie dreamed about the garden and a lake with swans, and Fritz said he liked the gifts of parents who can play (the toys of the godfather were usually held away from children so that they didn't break), and make whole sad Cross not under power.

In the evening, children were let in the beauty-christmas, near and on which there were gifts: new dolls, dresses, hussars, etc. The godp made a wonderful castle, but the ducks dancing in it performed the same movements, and it was impossible to get inside the castle, so The miracle of technology is quickly tired of children - only the mother became interested in a complex mechanism. When all the gifts disassembled, Marie saw a nutcracker. The ugly outward doll seemed very cute to the girl. Fritz quickly broke the nutcracker a couple of teeth, trying to split solid nuts, and the toy began to patronize Marie. At night, the children removed toys in glass cabinet. Marie was detained by the cabinet, placing his ward with all the amenities, and became a participant in the battle of the mouse seeds of the king and the army of dolls under the ledity of the Nutcracker. Dolls surrendered under the onslaught of mice, and when mouse king Already came up to the Nutcracker, Marie threw her shoes to him ... A girl in bed with an elbow chopped by a broken glass of the cabinet woke. No one believed her story about the night incident. The godfather brought a renovated Nutcracker and told a skaz about a hard nut: the king and queen were born a beautiful princess pyllipat, but the queen of Myshilda, mushrooms, who were killed by the headwaters of the Hello Drosselmeyer (they devoured fat, intended for the royal sausages), turned the beauty in the freak. Suffer her now only cracked nuts. Chokeselmeyer under the fear of the death penalty with the help of a court star, the princess horoscope was calculated - the Krakatuk walnut, the split young men with a special method help her. The king sent the chokeselmaleeer and the star in search of salvation; and the nut, and the young man (the pedestal of the watchmaker) were found at Brother Chokeselmeer in his hometown. Many princes broke their teeth about Krakatuk, and when the king promised to give the daughter to marry the Savior, a nephew came forward. He split the nut and the princess, Siev, became a beauty, but the young man could not fulfill the whole rite, because Mushildy rushed to his feet ... The mouse died, but the guy turned into a nutcracker. The king drove chokeselmera, his nephew and star. However, the latter predicted that the Nutcracker would be a prince and the deformity will disappear, if he defeats the mouse king and his lovely girl will love him. A week later, Marie recovered and began to roighten the chokeselmeyer in the fact that he did not help the shortcut. He replied that only she could help, because he rules the bright kingdom. The mouse king fell to extort from the mariee of her Salty in return for the safety of the Nutcracker. Parents were alarmed by the fact that mouse began. When he demanded her books and dresses, she took the hands of the Nutcracker and buried - she is ready to give everything, but when nothing remains, the mouse king will want to bite her. The Nutcracker came to life and promised to take care of everything, if a saberoids - Fritz helped with this, who had recently dismissed Colonel (and punished hussar for cowardice during the battle). At night, the Nutcracker came to Marie with a bloody saber, a candle and 7 gold crowns. I will give trophies to the girl, he led her to his kingdom - the country of fairy tales, where they got through the father's furs. Helping the sisters of the Nutcracker by the Economy, offering crowned in the golden mortar caramel, Marie suddenly woke up in his bed. Of course, none of the adults believed her story. About the crown chokeselmayer said that this is his gift Marie on her biennium and refused to admit a nutcracker with his nephew (the toy stood in his place in the closet

Peter Pavlovich Erschov

"The Little Humpbacked Horse"

A peasant lives in one village. He has three sons: Senior - Danilo - Smart, Middle - Gavrilo - "And so, and Syak", the younger - Ivan - Fool. The brothers earn the living in that they grown wheat, take it to the capital and sell there. Suddenly the trouble happens: someone at night begins to pull sowing. The brothers decide to dudge in turn in the field, in order to find out who is this. The eldest and middle brothers, frightened the cold and bad weather, go away from duty, so without finding out. When the cherief of the younger brother comes, he goes to the field and sees how white mare appears at midnight with a long golden mane. Ivan managed to bother the mare on the back, and it is started to drag. Finally, the charter, the mare asks Ivan to let her go, promising him to give birth to three horses: Two - handsome people, whom Ivan, if he wants, can sell, and the third - skate "height only in three tops, on his back with two humps yes with Arsh, her ears - Ivan it is impossible to give anyone for any kind of treasures, because it will be Ivan the best comrade, assistant and defender. Ivan agrees and removes the mare in the shepherd Balagan, where three days of the mare and gives him three promised horses.

After some time, Danilo, accidentally going to Balagan, sees there two beautiful gold-greeted horses. Together with Gavrila, they solve the secret from Ivan to take them into the capital and sell there. In the evening of the same day, Ivan, coming, as usual, in Balagan, discovered the loss. The horse-hunchback explains Ivan what happened, and proposes to catch up with the brothers. Ivan sits on horseback riding horse, and they instantly overtake them. The brothers, justifying, explain their deed of poverty; Ivan agrees to sell horses, and together they go to the capital.

Stopping in the field for the night, the brothers suddenly notice away the light. Danilo sends Ivan to bring a spray, "To Kurian times-news." Ivan sits on the horse-hunchback, drives up to the fire and sees something strange: "The wonderful light is flowing around, but does not warm, do not smoke." The horse-humpkin explains him that it is the feather of the febris, and does not advise Ivan to pick it up, as it will bring him a lot of trouble. Ivan does not listen to the council, picks up the pen, puts it in the header and, returning to the brothers, about the re-silent.

Having arrived in the morning in the capital, the brothers exhibit horses for sale in the equestrian row. Horses sees the city and immediately goes with a report to the king. Gainting so praises wonderful horses that the king immediately rides the market and buys them from the brothers. Tsarist bonds lead their horses, but expensive horses knock them off and return to Ivan. Seeing this, the king proposes Ivan in the palace - appoints him by the head of the royal stables; Ivan agrees and go to the palace. The brothers, having received the money and dividing them to equally, go home, both married and calmly live, remembering Ivan.

And Ivan serves in the royal stable. However, after a while, the royal sleeping bag - Boyar, who was before Ivan the boss brand and now decided to drive him out of the palace, - notes that Ivan horses do not clean and does not hurt, but nevertheless they are always fed, And cleaned. Deciding to find out what the case is here, the sleeping bag makes its way to the stable and hides in the stall. At midnight, Ivan enters at a stable, gets from the cap wrapped in the rag of the feather-birds and begins to clean the horses when it starts to clean. Having finished the work, feeding them and drinking them, Ivan immediately in the stable and falls asleep. A sleeping bag is sent to the king and reports to him that Ivan is not enough that the feather-bird feather hides from him, but also supposedly boasts that he can get sick-bird. The king immediately sends for Ivan and demands that he takes him a fire-bird. Ivan argues that he did not say anything like that, however, seeing the wrath of the king, goes to the skate-Gorbunka and tells him about his grief. Cracker is called Ivan to help.

The next day, according to the advice of Gorbunk, having received the Tsar "Two trough Beloyarov milleta and overseas wine", Ivan sits on horseback riding and goes for the fire-bird. They go for a whole week and finally come to a dense forest. In the midst of the forest - Polyana, and in the glade - a mountain of pure silver. Konon explains to Ivan that hot-birds fly to the stream at night, and Melting him in one tricky to pour a militant and pour him wine, and he himself climbs onto another trough, and when birds arrive and begin to peck grain with wine, grab one of them . Ivan obediently fulfills everything, and he managed to catch the firebird. He brings her king, who awards him with a new position: now Ivan is the royal strive.

However, the sleeping bag leaves the thoughts of Ivan's lime. After a while, one of the servants tells the rest of the fairy tale about the beautiful tsar-maiden, who lives on the ocean, rides the golden boat, sings the songs and grace on the hurs, and in addition, she is a native daughter of the month and sister Sun. A sleeping bag immediately goes to the king and reports to him that I supposedly heard Ivan boasted, as if I could get the king-maiden. The king sends Ivan to bring him a king-maiden. Ivan goes to the skit, and that again is called to help him. To do this, you need to ask the king two towels, sealed with gold, a lunch device and different slosts. The next morning, having received everything you need, Ivan sits on the horse-hump and sent for the king of the maiden.

They go for a whole week and finally come to the ocean. Konona Melit Ivan to spread the tent, put a dining device on the towel, decompose the sloant, and hide behind the tent and, waiting for the princess in the tent, will take, get to go and start playing the hurs, run into the tent and grab it. Ivan successfully performs everything that told him a horse. When they all return to the capital, the king, seeing the Tsar-Maiden, invites her tomorrow. However, Tsarevna demands that her ring from the bottom of the ocean. The king immediately sends me for Ivan and sends it to the ocean for Persnet, and the king-girl asks him along the way to bow her mother - month and brother - the sun. And on the other day, Ivan with a skate-Gorbunk again go on the road.

Handing to the ocean, they see that the earture is a huge whale, who has a village on his back, on the tail of cheese-bor noise. " Having learned that the travelers were sent to the Sun to the Palace, Keith asks them to find out what kind of gentlemen he suffers. Ivan promises him this, and travelers go further. Soon, the Tsar-Maiden, in which the sun sleeps at night, and during the day it rests. Ivan enters the palace and gives the month from the king-maiden. The month is very happy to receive the news of the missing daughter, but, having learned that the king is going to marry her, angry and asks Ivan to give her words to her: not an old man, and the young handsome man will become her husband. To the question of Ivan about the fate of China, the month is responsible that ten years ago, this whale swallowed three dozen ships, and if he will release them, it will be forgiven and released into the sea.

Ivan with Gorbunkk ride back, drive up to the Whale and give him the words of the month. Residents hurry to leave the village, and Keith lets on the will of ships. Here he is finally free and asks Ivan than he can serve. Ivan asks him to get the ring of the maiden from the bottom of the ocean. Keith sends sturgeon to search all seas and find a ring. Finally, after a long search, the chest with a minor was found, and Ivan delivers him to the capital.

The king brings the tsar-girl to the ring, but she again refuses to marry him, saying that he is too old for her, and suggests him, with the help of which he succeeds to ravine: you need to put three large boilers: one - with cold water, Other - with hot, and the third - with boiling milk - and swim in turn in all three boilers. The king again calls Ivan and demands that he perfect all this. Herboon ripper and here promises Ivan his help: he will wave a tail, Musk Mordea in the boilers, is spinning twice on Ivan, loudly whistles - and after that, Ivan can jump even in boiling water. Ivan does everything like that - and becomes writing with a handsome man. Seeing this, the king also jumps into boiling milk, but with another result: "Buk in the boiler - and there it was welded." The people immediately recognize the tsar-maiden with their queen, and she takes the hand of the transformed Ivan and leads him under the crown. The people welcome the king with the queen, and the wedding feast rattle in the palace.

In one village, the peasant was three sons, the youngest of which Ivan did not differ special intelligence. The brothers were engaged in agriculture, and the grown grain harvest was sold in the capital. But unexpectedly, every night someone unknown reads to pull their wheat. To catch the villain, it is going to guard the field. But the elders refuse to vigil duty, frightened by bad weather. Ivan cares for midnight on the white mare field with a golden mane and catches it.

The animal asks to let her go, for which she will give him two beautiful horses and one little skate with two humps. With the first, he can do what wishes, even sell, and the humpback can not be given to anyone, because he will always help him. Ivan agreed, and after three days the mare gave birth to him three horses, whom the older brothers are revealed by chance. They take two beautiful horses to sell in the capital. In the evening, Ivan discovers only the Holboon's skate, who informs him about the act of the brothers and invites them to catch up. Having overtook them on the way, Ivan forgives his brothers, and they all go to the capital together.

In the way, they caught the night, and they are located for the night. But suddenly the light appeared appeared, and Ivan groaned him at the skate-Gorbunkka to make a fire. Approaching the younger of the brothers saw the light that did not grab and did not smoke. Konk-Gorboon tells that this is a feather of the poultry, which brings the welfare of its owner. But Ivan still hides his feather into his head, and he says nothing about his brothers.

The king himself buys beautiful horses, but the animals do not want to go without their owner. Therefore, Ivana is prescribed the main stables at the courtyard. And the older brothers get money from sale, travel back to the village, where they soon marry.

One boyar, a sleeping bag, unbelievable Ivan, because he took his place the boss stable. A sleeping bag is watching him and at midnight notes how Ivan with a feather-bird pen cleans the horses. The next morning boyar reports the king, as if his head of the stable boasted about the possibility of getting the fire-bird itself. The king causes Ivan and orders him to fulfill his barrack. The young man is upset, but it calms the horse-humpback, promising to help. He brings his master for a week to the dense forest, among which was a silver mountain, and tells how to act further. Listening to the Soviets, Ivan managed to catch the fire-bird, for which his king appoints his strive.

After some time, the sleeping bag repents the king that Ivan can bring him a king-maiden. And this time the hunchback helps his master. He advises to make beauty with different sweets and grab it in the tent. When Ivan brought the tsar-maiden to the palace, the king immediately decided to marry, but she refuses until she deliver the ring from the bottom of the ocean. This task is again entrusted to the strive, and the beauty also orders the way to knock on a bow for a month and brother of the Sun. On the way, Ivan helps to get rid of whale from suffering, for which he in gratitude pulls from the depths of the ring. But the queen again refuses to marry, while the king does not look forward, it happens alternately in the cold and hot waterAnd then - in boiling milk.

The king orders try to try to bathe at the beginning of Ivan, who, with the help of a humpback, not only survived, but also became a handsome man. Seeing the result, the king jumped into the boiler, but welded. The people wereveling, so that they manage the Queen, and she takes to Ivan's husband.


The image of Ivan in the fairy tale of Konk - Gorbok What I liked in the fairy tale "Konon Gorbok" Satyric orientation of the fairy tale "Konk Gorbok" Life P. Hershova and his fairy tale "Konk Gorbok" The image of the main character in the fairy tale "Konk Gorbok"

December 24, House Advisor Medicine Stalbaum. Everyone is preparing for Christmas, and the children - Fritz and Marie are building guesses, which this time they will be presented as a gift for a gift and artist's godfather, the senior adviser to the court Chokeselmeyer, who often reinforced the clock in the House of Stalbaums. Marie dreamed about the garden and a lake with swans, and Fritz said he liked the gifts of parents who could play (the toys of the godfather usually kept away from children so that they did not break), and make a whole garden with a critical harm.

In the evening, children were let in the beauty-christmas, near and on which there were gifts: new dolls, dresses, hussars, etc. The godp made a wonderful castle, but the ducks dancing in it performed the same movements, and it was impossible to get inside the castle, so The miracle of technology is quickly tired of children - only the mother became interested in a complex mechanism. When all the gifts disassembled, Marie saw a nutcracker. The ugly outward doll seemed very cute to the girl. Fritz quickly broke the nutcracker a couple of teeth, trying to split solid nuts, and the toy began to patronize Marie. At night, the children removed toys into a glass cabinet. Marie was detained by the cabinet, placing his ward with all the amenities, and became a participant in the battle of the mouse seeds of the king and the army of dolls under the ledity of the Nutcracker. The dolls surrendered under the onslaught of mice, and when the mouse king was already cracked up to the clutch, Marie threw her shoes into him ... A girl in bed with a cousin chopped with a broken glass of the cabinet woke. No one believed her story about the night incident. The godfather brought a renovated Nutcracker and told a skaz about a hard nut: the king and queen were born a beautiful princess pyllipat, but the queen of Myshilda, mushrooms, who were killed by the headwaters of the Hello Drosselmeyer (they devoured fat, intended for the royal sausages), turned the beauty in the freak. Suffer her now only cracked nuts. Chokeselmeyer under the fear of the death penalty with the help of a court star, the princess horoscope was calculated - the Krakatuk walnut, the split young men with a special method help her. The king sent the chokeselmaleeer and the star in search of salvation; And the walnut, and the young man (pediatrician) were found at Brother Chokeselmeyer in his hometown. Many princes broke their teeth about Krakatuk, and when the king promised to give the daughter to marry the Savior, a nephew came forward. He split the nut and the princess, Siev, became a beauty, but the young man could not fulfill the whole rite, because Mushildy rushed to his feet ... The mouse died, but the guy turned into a nutcracker. The king drove chokeselmera, his nephew and star. However, the latter predicted that the Nutcracker would be a prince and the deformity will disappear, if he defeats the mouse king and his lovely girl will love him. A week later, Marie recovered and began to roighten the chokeselmeyer in the fact that he did not help the shortcut. He replied that only she could help, because he rules the bright kingdom. The mouse king fell to extort from the mariee of her Salty in return for the safety of the Nutcracker. Parents were alarmed by the fact that mouse began. When he demanded her books and dresses, she took the hands of the Nutcracker and buried - she is ready to give everything, but when nothing remains, the mouse king will want to bite her. The Nutcracker came to life and promised to take care of everything, if a saberoids - Fritz helped with this, who had recently dismissed Colonel (and punished hussar for cowardice during the battle). At night, the Nutcracker came to Marie with a bloody saber, a candle and 7 gold crowns. I will give trophies to the girl, he led her to his kingdom - the country of fairy tales, where they got through the father's furs. Helping the sisters of the Nutcracker by the Economy, offering crowned in the golden mortar caramel, Marie suddenly woke up in his bed. Of course, none of the adults believed her story. About the crown chokeselmayer said that this is his gift Marie on her biennium and refused to admit a nutcracker with his nephew (the toy stood in his place in the closet