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Summary of chapters of the Tale of the present person. My reader's diary

Boris Polevoy wrote his famous story in 1946, in heavy post-war. The work of the work of a real pilot Alexei Meresyev, a well-known in the USSR and Russia, the work of the real pilot Alexei Meresyev, for his feat honored the title of Hero Soviet Union.

What is this book about

Boris Field wrote about strong man With an increambable will, about true friendship, love for the Motherland and True patriotism. Reading the "Tale of the Real Man", everyone penetrates the power of the Spirit of Meresyev, who managed to overcome a huge personal tragedy, stand up again and return to the ranks of pilots to continue the protection of the Motherland.

In its work, the field challenges such qualities of individuals as:

  • willpower
  • love to motherland
  • decency
  • honesty
  • perseverance

Basic heroes

In his work, Boris Polevoy describes several heroes, each of which is a bright, self-sufficient person and plays a significant role in the events occurring.

At present, the work of the field is one of the recognized masterpieces of classical Soviet literature. The sequence of events in the book is as follows:

  • Fight with the enemy.
  • Hospital treatment.
  • Treatment in the sanatorium. Meresyev convinces doctors to send him to the school retraining of pilots.
  • And again into battle.

If you analyze the plot of the work, it can be divided into several basic parts, each of which can be described as an independent story. But in each of them weighing the weave of the fate as the main heroes of the work and new persons with whom the author introduces the reader. In all parts, you can trace the power of the will of the main character, his long, full pain and obstacles to achieving its main goal - returning to the sky, to flights, to battles with the enemy for their homeland, for loved ones, for their love.

Fight with the enemy

Accompanying assault planes, Fighter Meresyev got into the "double ticks" and fell by an enemy fighter. With the fall of the aircraft, Alexei threw out of the cab, but the blow softened soft fir brancheswho fell a pilot. After waking up, the pilot discovered a bear near himself. Shooting it from the tablet pistol, turned out in his pocket of his overalls, the pilot tries to stand on his feet to start the path to his.

Oriented on the ground, Meresyev understands that it is located near the Black Forest 35 kilometers from the front line. Having tried to get up, he feels a strong pain in his legs and, having pulled the Unputa, discovers that his feet feet are fragmented. Aid a pilot waiting for it was nowhere. So the only salvation in this complex and dangerous situation It was up and go to the front line.

On the first day of his trip, he finds a knife and jar of stews, which was his only food margin for the whole road. On the third day, extending to the bones, he discovers a homemade lighter in his pocket and the first time he warm in the heat by the fire. After the erection ends, an exhausted pilot moves crawling around, riding the side on the side and feeding the cranberry leaves found.

As a result, the semi-winning pilot find residents of the village burned by the Germans and transport it to a native squadron for subsequent sending to the hospital.

Hospital treatment

Meresyev falls into the Moscow hospital. One day, the famous professor of medicine, passing along the corridor, finds out that the 18-day pilot, lying there, tried independently with the crawled feet crawling out of german captivity. After that, Meresheva is transferred to the wardintended for the highest officer.

Together with him in this chamber there are three more people. One of them is a tanker, the hero of the Soviet Union of Grigory Gvozdev, who burned hard in battle with the enemy. The nails were severe patients who were not interested in absolutely nothing. He just waited for the onset of death and wished her. For wounded worked nurse, Casual woman Claudia Mikhailovna.

Professor made everything possible, I tried various methods Treatment, but Meresyev did not go to the mandrel. On the contrary, the fingers on the legs of the pilot were sparkled and Gangrena began. Then to save the life of a pilot, the unnecessary doctors are accepted correct solution - amputing legs until the middle of the caviar. Alexey steadko struggles with such a heavy blow of fate, rereading letters from his mother and the bride of Olga, who he does not find the strength to admit that he has no more legs.

In the ward to Meresyev, another patient will be selected - the Commissioner of the Red Army Seeds Sparrow. Despite the heavy contusion, this strong spirit man managed to disperse his neighbors, bring them the desire to live. With the arrival of spring, the burnt tanker novels also comes to life and turns out to be a merry and melagour. Sparrow organizes for Gregory correspondence with a young student of the Medical University of Mushroom Anna, in which the tankman falls in love.

For Mereshyev, aviation was the meaning of life and without legs he felt lost and useless. And when the Commissioner showed him an article about the pilot World War II Karpov, who was able to manage the aircraft without a foot, Alexey first doubted his own forces. But over time, convinced by the Commissioner and who believed in own forces, the pilot begins to actively prepare for returning to aviation. But the Commissioner itself becomes worse - every movement gives him a strong pain, but he tries not to show at sight. His bed at night is on duty at the medical sister of Claudia Mikhailovna, who managed to love the Commissioner.

May First Commissioner dies. And it was his death that Meresyev was advocated to take the final decision to stand up on his feet and return to his squadron. He with even more perseverance began to engage in gymnastics and master prostheses. And after the Tankist, the nail began to look for Annie, Meresyev decided after the first aircraft shot down by him in battle to report in Olga's letter about what happened to him.

Treatment in sanatorium

In the summer of 1942, Meresyev is discharged from the hospital and send the Wounds to the Air Force Sanatorium. In the sanatorium, Alexey asks the nurse Zinok to teach him to dance Waltz and digest dance daily visits the lessons. After some time, the pilot was already well dancing and participated in all the evenings of the dance. And no one was noticeable - what pain is hidden behind the lung smile of dancing Meresyev.

Alexey receives a letter from Olgawhere the girl writes to him that he is offended by the distrust of Alexey and that he would not be forgiveness, if not a war. Olga also reports that it is occupied on the works of the copper of anti-tank RVs near Stalingrad. At that time, the situation near Stalingrad worried each of the holidays in the sanatorium and eventually the military demanded an urgent statement and sending to the front.

On the commission of the commissioning department of the Air Force Meresyev, first were going to categorically refuse, but he managed to persuade the warrorist of the worldwide to visit the dances organized in the sanatorium. There, the militaryormism saw with surprise, as a dance of a legless pilot and gave Meresyev's conclusion about the possibility of retraining and further sending to the front.

Arriving in Moscow, Meresyev persistence and long walking in the cabinets, to be sent to a flying school. After five-month training, Meresyev brilliantly passed the exam in the head of a flying school and went to the school retraining of a flight, where Alexei was taught to the early spring to manage the most modern La-5 fighter at that time.

And again into battle

After the arrival of Meresyev to the headquarters of the regiment, it was issued in the squadron captain Cheschal. And on the very first night, the pilot of Meresyev has already attended the legendary battle on the Kursk arc.

Now Alexey flew on the new fighter La-5 and participated in battles with fascist single-engine Picklers Yu-87. On Day, Meresyev had several combat departures and letters from Olga he read occasionally, at night. But Meresyev was in no hurry to open Olga the truth - he did not consider the Yu-87 standing opponent.

Finally, during one of the battle departures, Alexey It was possible to bring down the three modern fighters "Foke Wolf" and save their slave. After that battle, he was appointed commander of the squadron and wrote Olga the truth about amputated legs.

In the epilogue of his work, the field also talks about how the fate of the heroic pilot was in the future: he received the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, married Olga and her son was born.

Short retelling "Tale of this person" will not be able to convey that wide range of feelings covering anyone when reading this work. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you read the book itself.

Part one

Accompanying the il sent to the assault to the enemy airfield, the fighter pilot Alexei Meresyev got into the "double ticks". Understanding that he threatens shameful captivity, Alexey tried to turn away, but the German managed to shoot. The plane began to fall. Mereleyev pulled out of the cab and threw on a sputter fir, whose branches softened.

After waking up, Alexey saw the skinny bear next to him. Fortunately, there was a gun in a flight jamb pocket. Getting rid of the bear, Meresyev tried to stand up and felt burning pain in the feet and dizziness from the contusion. Looking around, he saw the field at which once walked battle. A little bit, I could have seen the road leading to the forest.

Alexey turned out to be kilometers at 35 from the front line, in the middle of a huge black forest. He was attended by a difficult way to reserved wilds. With difficulty, having pulled off Onti, Meresyev saw that his feet was stripped and crushed. No one could help him. Squeezing his teeth, he got up and went.

Where there used to be a sanitary company, he found a strong German knife. Growing in the city of Kamyshin among Volga steppes, Alexey knew nothing about the forest and could not prepare a place for the night. Having spent the night in a young pine throat, he was once again examined and found a kilogram jar of stew. Alexey decided to do twenty thousand steps a day, resting through every thousand steps, and only at noon.

It became harder to go with each hour, did not help even carved sticks from juniper. On the third day, he found a homemade lighter in his pocket and was able to warm up by the fire. Having loved on the "photograph of a thin girl in motley, a colorful dress", which always wore gymnasters in his pocket, Meresyev stubbornly went on and suddenly heard noise of motors ahead on the forest road. He barely managed to hide in the forest, as a column of German armors drove him past him. At night, he heard the sound of the battle.

Night Buran lifted the road. It was even harder to move. On this day, Meresyev invented new way Movement: He threw forward a long stick with a bowl at the end and squeezed his scarked body to her. So he beat another two days, feeding out young pine bark and green moss. In a jar of stew, he boiled water with rabbish leaves.

At the seventh day, he came across the barricade made by partisans, which had German armors, having overtook him earlier. Noise of this fight he heard at night. Meresyev began to shout, hoping that the partisans would hear him, but they apparently went far. The front line, however, was already close - the wind came to Alexey sounds of canonades.

In the evening, Meresyev discovered that a fuel ended in a lighter, he remained without heat and tea, which at least a little dulled hunger. In the morning he could not go from weakness and "some terrible, new, itching pain in the feet." Then, "he rose on all fours and in the animal crawling east." He managed to find some cranberries and old hedgehog, which he ate raw.

Soon the hands stopped Holding him, and Alex began to move, rolling with side on the side. Moving in half female, he woke up in the midst of cutting. Here, a living corpse, in which Meresyev turned, picked up the peasants burned by the Germans, who lived in the dugouts nearby. The men of this "underground" village went to the partisans, who remained the women who were commanded by Grandfather Mikhail. He was settled by Alexei.

A few days later, held by Meresyev in half feces, the grandfather arranged to him a bathhouse, after which Alexey became very bad. Then Grandfather left, and a day later brought the squadron commander, in which Meresyev served. He took a friend at his native airfield, where a sanitary plane was already waiting, which sent Alexei to the best Moscow hospital.

Part two

Meresyev got into the hospital, which was ruled by the famous professor of medicine. Bed Alexei put in the corridor. Once, passing by, the professor came across it and found out that there was a man here, 18 days crawled out of the German rear. Campering, Professor ordered to translate the patient to the empty "Colonel" of the Chamber.

Besides Alexey, three more wounded in the ward. Among them is a strongly burnt tanker, the hero of the Soviet Union, Grigory Gvozhev, who Mvenila the Germans for the deceased mother and the bride. In his battalion, he walked the "man without measure." Already the second month of the nails stayed, and apathy, was not interested in anything and expected death. Claudia Mikhailovna, a pretty walled sister of middle age, caught patients.

The feet of Meresyev handled, and the fingers lost sensitivity. Professor tried one treatment after another, but could not defeat Gangren. To save Alexey life, the legs had to amputate until the middle of the caviar. All this time, Alexey reread letters from Mother and his bride Olga, who could not admit that both legs were taken away.

Soon in the Chamber of Meresyev, the fifth patient was hosted, a seriously contused commissar seeds of Vorobyov. This elderly man managed to stir and console his neighbors, although he himself constantly felt a strong pain.

After amputation, Meresyev went to his senses. He believed that now Olga will be for him only from pity, or because of the sense of duty. Alexey did not want to take such a sacrifice from her, and therefore did not answer her letters

Spring came. The tankman came to life and turned out to be a "cheerful, talkative and light man." Having achieved this commissioner, having organized a pen-up with an Anenhi-Annie Mushroom's medical university. The Commissioner itself, meanwhile, became worse. His contudate body was swept away, and every movement caused severe pain, but he violently resisted the disease.

Only Alexey Commissioner could not pick up the key. FROM early childhood Meresyev dreamed of becoming a pilot. Having gone towards the construction of Komsomolsk-on-Amur, Alesa with the company of the same as he organized the airlub. Together they "wanted a taiga space for the airfield", from which Meresyev first rose to the sky on the school. "Then he studied at a military aircraft, he himself taught young on it," and when the war began, went to the operating army. In aviation consisted of his life.

One day, the Commissioner showed Alexey an article about the pilot of the time of the First World War, the guarantion Valerian Arkadyevich Karpov, who, having lost his feet, learned to manage the aircraft. On the objections of Meresyev, that he does not have both legs, and modern aircraft are much more difficult in management, the Commissioner responded: "But you are the Soviet man!".

Meresyev believed that he could fly without legs, and "they took the thirst for life and activity." Daily Alexei made a set of exercises for legs developed by him. Despite the strongest pain, he increased the charging time for one minute every day. Meanwhile, Grisha Gvozdyev became more and more in love with the Anyuta and now often considered his disfigured face in the mirror. And the commissioner became worse. Now at night near him, Nurse Claudia Mikhailovna duty, who was in love with him.

Alexey's bride never wrote the truth. With Olga, they were familiar with school. Severators, they met again, and Alexey saw in the old friend beautiful girl. He did not have time to tell her the decisive words - war began. Olga The first wrote about his love, Alesa believed that he, legless, such love is not fit. Finally, he decided to write a bride immediately after returning to the flight squadron.

The Commissioner died first of May. In the evening, the same day in the ward settled the newcomer, the fighter pilot Major Pavel Ivanovich Podlkov with damaged knee cups. It was a cheerful, sociable person, a big lover of women, to which they treated pretty cynical. The next day, Horoni Commissioner. Claudia Mikhailovna was inconspicuous, and Alexey very much wanted to become a real man, the same as the one who was now taken into last way”.

Soon Alexey's cynical statements of Strochkov about women. Meresyev was confident that not all women are the same. In the end, the pods decided to charm Claudia Mikhailovna. The chamber has already wanted to defend a favorite nurse, but she herself managed to give the Major a decisive response.

Summer Meresyev received prostheses and began to master them with his usual perseverance. He walked around the hospital corridor for hours, first relying on the crutches, and then on a massive old cane, a gift of the professor. Nailing has already managed to absentia to explain Annie in love, but then began to doubt. The girl has not yet seen how disfigured it is. Before the disciposition, he shared his doubts with Meresyev, and Alexei riddled: if Grisha is formed everything, he will write Olga the truth. Meeting of lovers, followed by the whole chamber, turned out to be a cold - the girl embarrassed the scars of the tanker. Major Stolovkov was also not lucky - he fell in love with Claudia Mikhailovna, who almost did not notice him. Soon, the nails wrote that he was sent to the front, without informing the anell. Then Meresyev asked Olga not to wait for him, but to marry, secretly hoping that true love Such a letter will not bend.

After some time, Annie sama himself called Alexey to find out where the nails disappeared. After that, Mereisev's call was encouraged and decided to write Olga after the first shot of the aircraft.

Part of the third

Merelesyev was discharged in the summer of 1942 and sent to those of the Air Force Sanatorium near Moscow. Behind him and Strokkov sent the car, but Alexey wanted to stroll in Moscow and try his new legs on the strength. He met Annie and tried to explain to the girl why Grisha suddenly disappeared. The girl admitted that at first she was embarrassed by the scars of the nail, but now she does not think about them.

In the sanatorium, Alexei was settled in the same room with Strokkov, who still could not forget Claudia Mikhailovna. The next day, Alexey persuaded the red nursing source, which danced the best in the sanatorium, to teach him to dance. Now the lessons of dance have been added to his daily exercises. Soon the whole hospital knew that this guy had no legs with black, gypsy eyes and clumsy gait, but he was going to serve in aviation and was fond of dancing. After some time, Alexey has already participated in all dance evenings, and no one noticed what a strong pain is hidden behind his smile. Meresyev less and less "felt the protest action of prosthesis."

Soon Alexey received a letter from Olga. The girl reported that for a month, along with thousands of volunteers, anti-tank Rips were digging under Stalingrad. She was offended latest letter Meresyev, and for nothing I would have forgiven if it was not for war. At the end of Olga wrote that he was waiting for him. Now Alexey wrote his beloved every day. The sanatorium was worried as a ruined anthill, everyone had the word "Stalingrad". In the end, vacationers demanded an urgent shipment to the front. The commission of the commissioning department arrived in the sanatorium.

Having learned that Meresyev wants to lose his feet, and the aviation, the arrival of the first rank of the worldwalk, gathered him to refuse him, but Alexey persuaded him to come to the dances. In the evening, the militaryormality watched with amazement as a dance of a legless pilot. The next day, he gave Meresyev a positive conclusion for managing the personnel and promised to help. With this document, Alexey went to Moscow, but there was no worldwide in the capital, and Meresyev had to submit a report common order.

Meresyev remained "without non-stale, food and cash certificates," and he had to stay at the Anyuta. Alexey report rejected, and sent a pilot to the general commission in the formation department. For several months, Meresyev walked through the office of the military administration. He sympathized everywhere, but could not help - too strict the conditions for which they took into flight troops. Alexey's joy, the general commission was headed by World War. With his positive resolution, Meresyev broke through to the highest command itself, and he was sent to flight school.

For the Stalingrad battle, many pilots were required, the school worked with the utmost burden, so the head of the headquarters did not check the documents of Meresyev, but only ordered to write a report to receive non-fermented and food certificates and remove the scoop cane away. Alexey found a shoemaker who smeared straps - they fastened the prostheses to the foot pedals of the aircraft. Five months later, Meresyev successfully passed the examiner's exam. After the flight, he noticed the cane of Alexey, got angry, and wanted to break, but the instructor stopped him on time, saying that Mereisev had no legs. As a result, Alexey recommended how a skillful, experienced and volitional pilot.

At the school of retraining, Alexey stayed to early spring. Together with the Strokkov, he learned to fly on La-5, the most modern fighters at that time. At first, Meresyev did not feel "that magnificent, complete contact with the car, which gives the joy of flight." Alexey seemed that his dream would not be fulfilled, but he helped his school colonel Kapustin. Merelesyev was the only fighter-fighter in the world, and the departure provided him with additional flight hours. Soon Alexey seized La-5 by improving.

Part four

Spring was in full swing, when Meresyev arrived at the headquarters of the shelf, located in a small village. There he was issued in the squadron captain Cheslov. The battle on the Kursk arc began on the same night.

Capant Chesls entrusted Meresyev New La-5. For the first time after amputation, Meresyev fought with a real opponent - single-engine Picklers Yu-87. He did several combat departures per day. Letters from Olga he could only read late in the evening. Alexey found out that his bride commanded a sperm platoon and had already managed to get the Order of the Red Star. Now Meresyev could "talk to equal with her", but did not hurry the truth to open the girl - he did not consider an outdated Yu-87 with a real opponent.

The fighters of the Air Division "Richtgofen", which included the best german acesflying on modern "Foke-Wulf-190". In difficult air battle Alexey shot down three "Foke Wolfa", saved his lecturer and hardly stretched to the airfield on the residues of fuel. After the fight, he was appointed commander squadron. In the regiment, everyone knew about the uniqueness of this pilot and proud of them. On the same evening, Alexey finally wrote the truth Olga.


At the front, the field fell as the correspondent of the newspaper "True". He met with Alexei Meresyev, preparing an article about the exploits of the guards flyers. Filler's flight story recorded in the notebook, and the story wrote four years later. She was printed in magazines and read on the radio. One of these radio programs heard Guard Major Meresyev and found the field. In 1943-45, he shot down five German aircraft and received the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. After the war, Alexey married Olga, and their son was born. So, life itself continued the story about Alexei Meresyev - this Soviet man.

Option 2.

The fighter pilot Alexei Meresyev, accompanying the link bombers, enters double ticks. In unequal battle, Alexey catapults from the cockpit and landed in the middle of a huge black forest. Alexey is in dozens of kilometers from the front line, from the equipment of the wounded pilot only a gun. And his injuries are serious - the feet of the pilot were badly damaged. Aid to wait for nowhere, and therefore Alex goes to the front line. On the way, he finds the parking lot where a good army knife finds, and later on the third day of a hard path, a homemade lighter. The wounds of the feet do not give Meresyev freely move, do not help even carved homemade crutches from juniper.

Many days of the path were depleted by Alexey, he moves with difficulty, losing forces, the pilot no longer goes, but simply rolled into right direction. It is incredibly difficult to extradite food because of the full loss of forces, and therefore it feeds on berries, pine bark and moss. Once again, having lost consciousness on a forest cutting, Alexey turns out in the hands of local peasants, whose village destroyed the forces of the Wehrmacht. A few days later the sanitary plane takes the wounded pilot to Moscow.

In Moscow, Meresyev falls into the best military hospital. However, despite all the efforts of doctors, blackened, nothing felt feet have to be amputate. The postoperative period passes for the pilot not only in physical pain, but also in mental torments. Alexey cannot confess his bride, Olga, in that he took away both legs. Such. industrial injury Paints the pilot into depression. Later, the wage wounded Commissioner, a man with an optimistic character falls into the ward. It is the Commissioner who helps the rest of the wounded to cope with depression. The Commissioner persuades Meresyev seriously to engage in its prostheses, and also organizes the correspondence of another wounded, tanker Grisha, with a nurse Anya.

Meresyev believes the commissioner that he can fly and without legs, thirst for life boiled in the soul of Alexey, and therefore it makes exercises for the development of legs every day. Despite the spiritual ascent, he is afraid to write his bride about the injury and just ignores her letters, and when he sees that a pretty nurse rehes the disfigured burns, a pretty nurse rejects, then in despair writes Olga letter with wish to quickly find another man and get married.

Meresyev is sent to the sanatorium. There he finds an amateur dance, which is asking for lessons. Now a legless pilot is engaged not only by therapeutic physical education, but also dancing. The dream again return to the sky completely occupies Alexey's thoughts. He comes to the medical commission, where he decides to refuse to enter an aviation regiment. However, Alexey convinces the Doctor to come on the dance in the evening. The doctor gives permission for the personnel department, and Alexei falls into flight school. Here he passes training, exams exams and heads for Stalingrad as a pilot of the fighter.

Later, during the battle on the Kursk arc, Alexey comes into battle first with the PI-87 Picker, and then with the modern "Fok-Fulf 190". Only after victories in the sky, Meresyev is decided to write Olga that he lost his legs as a result of injury.

Summary Tale of the present Field Man

Boris Polevoy "Tale of this man" was written in 1946. The prototype of the main character of the work was the real historical character - the Hero of the USSR, the pilot Alexei Maresyev. Boris Polevoy's book was awarded the Stalin Prize.

"The story of the real man" is a work that tells about a strong, volitional man. The main character Books with dignity overcomes the personal tragedy, finds the strength not only to stand up on his feet, but also continue to fight for his native land. The work belongs to K. literary direction social realism. On our site you can read summary "Tale of this person" on chapters.

main characters

Alexey Meresyev - Pilot fighter, after the crash of the aircraft 18 days CH winter forest With damaged legs. Lost his legs, was the only man in the world who flew with prostheses.

Sparrow Semen. - The Regimental Commissioner, who even from death did not lose their will to life, "a real man."

Grigory Gvozdev - Lieutenant of tank wax, hero of the Soviet Union. During one of the battles burned in the tank.

Podlkov Pavel Ivanovich - Major, pilot fighter from the air cover division of the capital.

Other characters

Vasily Vasilyevich -doctor, professor of medicine.

Stepan Ivanovich - Stornish, Sniper, Hero of the Soviet Union, "Sibiryak, Hunter".

Kukushkin Konstantin - Pilot, "Nepny and non-advisive person."

Claudia Mikhailovna - Nurse in the Moscow hospital.

Annie (Anya) - Student of Medin Institute, beloved Gvozdeva.

Zinok. - Nurse in the sanatorium, taught Meresyev to dance.

Naumov - Lieutenant, instructor Meresyev.

Part one

Chapters 1-2.

Winter. In battle, the pilot Alexei Meresyev "fell into double" ticks "" - he was surrounded by four German aircraft. The pilot tried to get around the enemy, but the Germans "tumbled" his plane. Meresyev began to fall rapidly, rebel the top of the pine. Alexei was thrown out of the plane and threw on her fir, whose branches softened.

Waking up, Meresyev saw a bear in front of him.

Chapter 3.

The bear began to tear Meresyev's jumpsuit to claws. The last effort of will, Alexey snatched a pistol from his pocket and a shot into an animal. Bear died.

Meresyev tried to stand up on his feet, "the whole body burned in the feet" - the man realized that during the fall he damaged his legs. Having overcame severe pain, Alexey removed the Unit - the feet were swollen, it is obvious that during the fall, the pilot crushed small bones.

Looking around, Alexey noticed that he was on the field where there was once a battle. Despite the fact that Meresyev lost a tablet with a map, he approximately focused in the forest and decided to go to the east. Overcoming the strongest pain, Alexey slowly headed forward.

Chapters 4-5

In the evening, Meresyev came out to the "sanitary zone" - the place where the wounded was stacked. Alexey removed from the dead leather sheaths and knife. In the morning, a hungry man found in a bag with a red cross can canned jar. Meresyev decided to eat once a day - at noon.

To distract, Alexey began to think over the route, count the steps. Since it was more difficult to go, a man cut out two juniper sticks.

Chapters 6-7

On the third day, Meresyev found a lighter in his pocket, which completely forgot. The man was finally able to register a fire and warm up. On the way, he barely noticed the Germans passed by the Colon on the armors. Alexey began to go more carefully.

Chapters 8-9

To somehow feed, Alexei chewed Corra, brewed tea from Liste Bralovers, pulled cedar nuts from the cones.

On the seventh day, Meresyev's path went to the place of traveling - the Germans were broken. The sounds of artillery dueli were heard.

Chapters 10-14.

In the evening, Alexey discovered that gasoline ended in the lighter. During the night, he froze and could not move more to move. A man without losing their will, crawl forward in his arms. On the way, he found hedgehog, which he eaten raw.

Alexey from the last strength promoted forward. Suddenly, he heard children's voices that spoke Russian. Meresyev's excitement rocked. Alexey on Salazki was taken to the dugout.

Chapters 15-16

Meresyev was among the people who fled from the native village and now lived in Bor. Alexei settled grandfather Mikhailo to himself. Meresyev tried to find out the entire village.

Chapters 17-19

Grandfather Mikhailo, seeing that Meresyev is worse, led to him the squadron commander, in which Alexey served. Considering the days, the commander realized that Meresyev stayed in the forest eighteen days.

At the native airfield, where everyone was glad to Alexey, he was waiting for a sanitary plane. Meresyev was sent to the best Moscow hospital.

Part two

Chapter 1

Before the clinic war, in which Meresyev was placed, was the Institute. Making a trap, chief of the hospital, Professor Vasily Vasilyevich, came across the bed, who stood staircase. He was explained that these are the pilots who were brought at night - at one fracture of the hip and hands, in another gangrene feet.

Vasily Vasilyevich ordered them to put them in the "Colonse" of the Chamber.

Chapter 2.

In the ward with Meresyev there were three more people. Fully bandaged Lieutenant of the Tank Troops Grigory Gvozdev, the famous sniper Stepan Ivanovich and the Pilot of Cukushkin. The novels have already been "on the verge of life and death," almost no one speaks during one of the battles, he burned in a tank.

Vasily Vasilyevich became increasingly spoken with Alexey about amputation. Mereisev, heavily surviving, did not write that he had neither a mother, or his bride Olga.

Chapters 3-4

A week later, the Regiment Commissioner Seeds Vorobyov was hosted in the ward. Sparrow, who all began to call "Commissioner", was able to "Each to choose his special key." "With the arrival of the commissioner in the Chamber, something similar to what happened in the morning when the nurse opened the window and in the tedious silence, along with the funny streets of the streets, the fresh and wet air of the early Moscow Spring was broken."

Chapters 5-6.

Alexey could not help anything other than the operation. Meresyev amputated legs until the middle of the caviar. After the operation, the man went to his senses, hardly experiencing that now he will never be able to fly on the plane. Alexey could not write his mother and Olga about the operation.

Chapter 7.

Spring came. The nails gradually began to talk to other men in the ward, "no longer comes alone."

Everyone, in addition to the nail, came letters. FROM light hands Commissioner and Nurses of Claudia Mikhailovna Grigory received letters from the girls from the Med Institute. One of them is Annie, even sent her photo card. Soon with her, the novels had a correspondence.

Chapter 8.

Commissioner, wanting to return to Meresyev will to life, found an article about the pilot, who continued to manage the aircraft without one feet. After reading, Alexey noticed that the pilot was easier, but the Commissioner answered him that "You are the Soviet man!" . That night, Meresyev could not fall asleep for a long time, thinking that he could fly again.

The commissioner was becoming worse, but despite this, the man found the strength to joke and calm the nurse. Claudia Mikhailovna, who spent more and more time at the bed of Vorobyeva, fell in love with him.

Chapter 9.

The first was written by Stepan Ivanovich.

Feeling in love with Any, nails, who had a whole face in scars, was afraid that the girl would not want to communicate with him when he sees personally.

Chapter 10.

Meresyev did everything to become a full pilot again. Alexey came up with a special set of exercises that regularly performed. Despite the fact that the gymnastics hurt a strong pain, the man tried to increase the load every time.

Meresyev increasingly came to letters from Olga. Previously, they tried not to talk about their feelings, now the girl is the first, not embarrassed, wrote about his love melancholy. Alexey, hiding his condition, answered Olga briefly and dry.

Chapter 11.

"Commissioner died on May Day." It happened "somehow imperceptibly" for everyone - under the official speech on the radio.

In the evening, the fighter pilot, Major Paul Ivanovich Strokkov, was hooked in their ward. Men had knee cups damaged. He was sociable and cheerful, loved women very much.

"The next day Kononi Commissioner". The mourning music played, the soldiers spent on the last path of Vorobyeva. To the question of Strokkov about who bury, Kukushkin replied: "A real man bury ... Bolshevik buried." "And I really wanted to become a real person, the same as the one whom was taken away on the last path."

Chapter 12.

The pods offered Alekseev to argue that he would be seduced by Claudia Mikhailovna. Everyone in the ward was outraged and were going to entertain a woman, but Claudia Mikhailovna refused Paul.

Soon Konstantin Kukushkin was written.

Chapter 13.

In one of the earliest summer days Meresyev brought prostheses, shoes in new shoes. Doctors explained to Alexey that now he will have to learn to walk like a baby. With a habitual perseverance for him, Meresyev, relying on the crutches, began to move along the corridor.

Nipers and Annie fell in love. In letters, they confessed to each other in love, but Grigory was very nervous, because the girl did not see his face in the scars.

Chapter 14.

In mid-June, the nail was discharged from the hospital. Soon, Meresyev came from Grigory letter. Gvozdyev said that although Annie at a meeting and did not give rise to the girl it was noticeable as far as the appearance of Gregory scares. Not wanting to torment her, the nails left him.

After reading the letter of a friend, Alexey wrote Olga, which is not known how much the war will last, so she is to forget about him. In the secret of Meresyev hoped that this would not let true love bend.

Vasily Vasilyevich found Alexei as he himself tried to learn how to walk without crutches. In the evening, he handed over for Meresyev as a gift the eating cane of the black tree.

Chapter 15.

The pods fell in love with Claudia Mikhailovna. On the recognition of Paul, a woman replied that he didn't love him and could never love.

Meresyev called Anuta, which was very worried because of the unexpected disappearance of the nail. Alexey was glad - now everything has been formed.

Part of the third

Chapter 1

In the summer of 1942, Alexei was discharged from the hospital and sent to fill in a sanatorium Air force under Moscow. Before leaving, Meresyev decided to take a walk in Moscow. Suddenly, he met Anuta. The girl offered to go to visit her. Having learned that Grigory decided to grow a beard in order to lather her, Anyuta called the Gvozdeva "Crank".

Chapter 2.

In the Office of the Sanatorium, first were surprised that they were sent to "Meresyev without legs," but then they figured out that Alexey prostheses. Meresyev was settled in the same room with a string.

Chapter 3.

Alexey asked the nurse Zinok, the office of the office, to teach him to dance. The girl agreed. The dance was difficult to Meresyev, but he did not show anyone, what pain causes him "this is a complex, variekteric trample."

Chapter 4.

Over time, dance exercises began to give results - Alexey less and less "felt the drainage effect of prosthesis."

For the first time for a long time The letter came from Oli. The girl wrote that among the volunteers Roet the trenches. Olga outraged his past letter - she was ready to accept it any: "Here you write that something can happen to you in the war. And if any misfortune happened to me "on the trenches" or I would cripple me, would you have retreated from me? " . After that, Alexey began writing her daily.

Chapter 5.

The commission of the commissioning department arrived in the sanatorium. The doctor, having learned that Mereleyev was amputated by legs, did not want to send him to aviation. However, having seen in the evening, as Alexey dances, writing a conclusion that, with due training, Meresyev will be able to fly.

Chapter 6.

The flight part did not turn out to be Worldwide, to which Alexei sent Vivigar. Meresyev had to file a report with a general order. Not taking care of a mean and food certificate, Alexey stops at the Anyuta.

Meresyev tried to move through the military administration for several months, but he was denied everywhere.

Chapter 7.

Having received a referral of the commission to the formation department, Alexey finally met with the people needed by him. He sent Meresyev to the "TAP TAP". Alexey, who really wanted to fly again, managed to break through to a high command. Meresyev was sent to the school training learning.

Chapter 8.

Meresyev feared that finding no legs, he was expelled from the training school. However, before the Stalingrad battle, there was too much work at school, so the colonel did not check the documents of Alexey - it was outraged only that Meresyev walked with a "Pzhonskaya" cane.

Alexei's instructor appointed Lieutenant Naumov. To make it convenient to control the aircraft, Meresyev fastened the prostheses with leather homutics (which ordered in advance from the shoemaker) to pedal control. Having learned that Alexey had no legs, Naumov decided to deal with him on a special program.

Chapter 9.

Meresyev trained more than five months. Finally, the instructor appointed him tests. Understanding that his fate is now being solved, Alexey performed the most complex figures in the air. Mereisev's admiring flight suggested to remain an instructor at school, but Alexey refused.

Noticing that Meresyev again walks with a cane, the colonel was outraged and even wanted to break her. However, learning that Alexey without feet, appreciated the greatness of the pilot's feat of the pilot and gave him the highest recommendations.

Chapter 10-11

"Winter residue and early spring spent Meresyev at the retraining school." At first, Alexey did not feel coherence in the fighter management. It became a serious blow for a pilot. Wanting to pick up Meresyev, the school deputies came to him - Lieutenant Colonel Kapustin. As Alexey was the only person In a world that flies without legs, the colonel gave him the opportunity to train separately. In one of the March days, Alexey finally felt that the plane completely listens to him.

Part four

Chapters 1-2.

Summer in 1943. Meresyev arrived in the regiment on military service. Judging by the state of the roads, Alexey realized that active military actions were unfunded at the front.

Chapters 3-4

"The battle on the Kursk arc flared up." Before the first combat flight, Meresyev was somewhat worried, "but it was not the fear of death." During the battle "On one of the plots Kursk Dougi. After a powerful two-hour artillery training, the army broke through German defense and entered the breakthrough, clearing the way soviet troopswho swallowed in the offensive. "

After the battle Alexey, lying on the Moss, read a new letter Olga, in which the girl sent her photo in a gymnaster with the Order of the Red Star on his chest. She was already a commander of the Supper platoon, which was engaged in the restoration of Stalingrad.

Chapters 5-6.

During one of the following battles, Meresyev knocked down three Foke-Wulf-190 aircraft, which managed "German aces from the famous Division" Richtgofen ", saved the younger companion and was barely reached on the remnants of fuel. After the battle, Alexei was appointed commander of the squadron.

Finally, Alexey decided to write Olga about everything that happened to him in the last 18 months.


"In the days when the Oryol battle was nearing his victorious end," the correspondent of the Pravda newspaper became acquainted with Mareshev, whom he recommended as the "best flyer of the regiment." Alexey personally told the author his story.

"Much at one time I did not have time to record, a lot for four years lost in memory. Much, by the modesty of its own, then Alexei Maresyev was silent. I had to think, supplement. "

Already after the story was printed, Maresyev heard the book he read on the radio and called the field. After a few hours of Guard, Major Alexei Maresyev came to visit the author. "Four military years almost did not change it." Maresyev participated in the combat campaign of 1943-1945, received the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. After the war, Alexey married Olga, they had a son Victor.

"So myself, life continued this story written about Alexei Maresyev - this Soviet man."


The book of Boris Polevoy "The Tale of the Real Man" is a work of true patriotism, humanism and human resistance. The book was transferred to many languages, she was published more than one hundred and fifty times around the world. In 1948, the "Tale of this person" was filmed by the director A. Tsper. In 1947 - 1948, S. Prokofiev wrote on the book of the field opera in three actions.

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A brief retelling "Tale of this person" in the reduction prepared Oleg Nikov.

Alexey Meresyev plane was shot down over the forest. Left without ammunition, he tried to escape from under the German convoy. The baked plane fell apart and fell on the trees. Come into consciousness, the pilot thought that near the Germans, but it turned out to be a bear. An attempt to attack Alexey predator reflected a shot. The bear was killed, and the pilot lost consciousness.

After waking up, Alexey felt pain in his feet. Cards did not turn out with him, but he remembered the route by heart. From pain Alexei again lost consciousness. Having woken up, he drove off the legs of the Unit and wrapped the fragmented feet of scarf scraps. So it became easier. The fighter moved very slowly. The exhausted and tired Alexey came to the glade, which saw the corpses of the Germans. He realized that the partisans had to be shouting. No one responded. Souring a voice, but, without losing hope, the pilot listened and heard the sounds of canonades. From the last strength, he moved towards sounds. Clear he got to the village. There were no people there. Despite fatigue, Alexey Polz forward. He lost his time bill. Each movement was very hard for him.

The pilot is passing to the forest cutting, where he heard the trees whisper. Spoke Russian. This was pleased with Alexey, but the pain sled him. He did not know who hides behind the trees, and took out a gun. These were boys. After making sure that a shot down by the "His" pilot, one of them went beyond the help, and the second remained near the fighter. Grandfather Mikhailo came and together with the guys transported the pilot to the village. Locals came to the dugout and brought products for Alexey. After some time, Grandfather left.

Through the sleep, Alexey heard the sound of the engine of the aircraft, and then the voice of Andrei Detyarenko. The squadron commander did not immediately recognize the fighter and was very happy that Alexey is alive. Meresyev got into the hospital.

Hospital's chef saw Meresyev who was lying on the bed on staircase. Having learned that this is a pilot, who had broken out of the enemy rear for a long time, he ordered to translate Meresyev to the Chamber and honestly admitted that Alexei Gangrena. Alexey was gloomy. He threatened amputation, but the doctors were no hurry. They tried to keep foot pilot. A new patient appeared in the ward - Sergey Vorobyev Regional Commissioner. He turned out to be a vitality, despite the pain, which no longer saved the strong doses of drugs.

The doctor announced Alexey about the inevitability of amputation. After surgery, Alexey closed. The Commissioner shows Meresyev an article about the pilot Karpovic, who invented the prosthesis to stay in the army. This was inspired by Alexey, and he began to restore strength. Commissioner died. For Alexey, he was a model of a real man.

The first steps with prostheses were difficult, but Alexey forced himself to train himself. Meresyev was sent to the sanatorium. It increased loads. Alexey defeated Sister Zinok to teach him to dance. It was very difficult. Superozing pain, Alexey circled in dance.

After the hospital, he asked him to send him to the training school. Front needed pilots. Alexey did not immediately hit flight school. After the first workout, his instructor struck the news that the student flies without having a leg. After two months, Meresyev's training was offered to stay in the school instructor. Head of Staff gave Alexey enthusiastic recommendations, and the pilot went to the retraining school.

Alexey Meresyev and Alexander Petrov entered the regiment commander. In battle, Alexey shot down two German aircraft, and miraculously remained alive. He ended the fuel, but, not wanting to throw the car, he "retired" to the airfield. High level Alexey's professionalism admired colleagues and even the commander of the neighboring regiment.

Accompanying the ils sent to the assault to the enemy airfield, the fighter pilot Alexei Meresyev got into the "double ticks". Understanding that he threatens shameful captivity, Alexey tried to turn away, but the German managed to shoot. The plane began to fall. Mereleyev pulled out of the cab and threw on a sputter fir, whose branches softened.

After waking up, Alexey saw the skinny bear next to him. Fortunately, a pistol was in a flying jamb pocket. Getting rid of the bear, Meresyev tried to stand up and felt burning pain in the feet and dizziness from the contusion. Looking around, he saw the field on which the battle once went. A little bit, I could have seen the road leading to the forest.

Alexey turned out to be kilometers at 35 from the front line, in the midst of a huge black forest. He was defended by a hard way to the protected wildlings. With difficulty, having pulled off Onti, Meresyev saw that his feet was stripped and crushed. No one could help him. Squeezing my teeth, he got up and went.

Where there used to be a sanitary company, he found a strong German knife. Growing in the city of Kamyshin among Volga steppes, Alexey knew nothing about the forest and could not prepare a place for the night. After spending the night into a young pine frightened, he looked around again and found a kilogram jar of stews. Alexey decided to do twenty thousand steps a day, resting through every thousand steps, and only at noon.

It became harder to go with each hour, did not help even carved sticks from juniper. On the third day, he found a homemade lighter in his pocket and was able to warm up by the fire. He loved on the "photograph of a thin girl in a pedrine, a colorful dress", which he always wore gymnastrics in his pocket, Meresyev stubbornly went further and suddenly heard noise of motors ahead on the forest road. He barely managed to hide in the forest, as a column of German armors drove him past him. At night, he heard the sound of the battle.

Night Burane drove the road. It was even harder to move. On this day, Meresyev invented a new way of movement: he threw a long stick with a bowl at the end a long stick and squeezed her scolded body to her. So he burled two more days, feeding out young pine bark and green moss. In a jar of stewing, he boiled water with ramberry leaves.

At the seventh day, he came across the barricade made by partisans, which had German armors, having overtook him earlier. Noise of this fight he heard at night. Meresyev began to shout, hoping that the partisans would hear him, but they apparently went far. The front line, however, was already close - the wind came to Alexey sounds of canonades.

In the evening, Meresyev discovered that a fuel ended in a lighter, he remained without heat and tea, which at least a little dulled hunger. In the morning he could not go from weakness and "some terrible, new, itching pain in the feet." Then "He rose on all fours and in the animal crawling east." He managed to find some cranberries and old hedgehog, which he ate raw.

Soon the hands stopped Holding him, and Alex began to move, rolling with side on the side. Moving in half female, he woke up in the midst of cutting. Here, a lively corpse, in which Meresyev turned, picked up the peasants burned by the Germans, who lived in dugouts nearby. Men of this "underground" village went to the partisans, who remained the women who were commanded by Grandfather Mikhail. He was settled by Alexei.

After a few days, held by Meresyev in half feces, the grandfather arranged to him a bathhouse, after which Alexey became very bad. Then the grandfather went away, and a day later led the squadron commander, in which Meresyev served. He is a friend of a friend at his native airfield, where the sanitary aircraft was already waiting, which sent Alexei to the best Moscow hospital.

Part two

Meresyev got into the hospital, which was ruled by the famous professor of medicine. Bed Alexei put in the corridor. Once, passing by, the professor came across it and found out that there was a man here, 18 days crawled out of the German rear. Campering, Professor ordered to translate the patient to the empty "Colonel" of the Chamber.

In addition to Alexei, there were three more wounded in the ward. Among them are a strongly burnt tanker, the hero of the Soviet Union, Grigory Nailov, who Mvented the Germans for the deceased mother and the bride. In his battalion, he walked the "man without measure." Already the second month of the nail was also apathy, was not interested in and expected death. Claudia Mikhailovna, a pretty walled sister of middle age, caught patients.

The feet of Meresyev handled, and the fingers lost sensitivity. Professor tried one treatment after another, but could not defeat Gangren. To save Alexey life, the legs had to amputate until the middle of the caviar. All this time, Alexey reread letters from Mother and his bride Olga, who could not confess that both legs took him away.

Soon in the Chamber of Meresyev, the fifth patient was hosted, seriously contused commissioner Semyon Vorobyov. This elderly man managed to stir and console his neighbors, although he himself constantly felt a strong pain.

After amputation, Meresyev went to his senses. He believed that now Olga will be for him only from pity, or because of the sense of duty. Alexey did not want to take such a sacrifice from her, and therefore did not answer her letters

Spring came. The tankman came to life and turned out to be "cheerful, talkative and easy man." Having achieved this commissioner, having organized a pen-up with an Anenhi-Annie Mushroom's medical university. The Commissioner itself, meanwhile, became worse. His contudate body was swept away, and every movement caused severe pain, but he violently resisted the disease.

Only Alexey Commissioner could not pick up the key. From early childhood, Meresyev dreamed of becoming a pilot. Having gone towards the construction of Komsomolsk-on-Amur, Alesa with the company of the same as he organized the airlub. Together, they "wanted a taiga space for the airfield", from which Meresyev first rose to the sky on the school. "Then he studied at a military aircraft, he taught young himself in him," and when the war began, went to the existing army. In aviation consisted of his life.

One day, the Commissioner showed Alexey an article about the pilot of the time of the First World War, the guarantion Valerian Arkadyevich Karpov, who, having lost his feet, learned to manage the aircraft. For Meresyev's objection, that he does not have both legs, and modern airplanes are much more difficult in management, the commissioner answered: "But you are a Soviet man!".

Meresyev believed that he could fly without feet, and "they took the thirst for life and activity." Daily Alexei made a set of exercises for legs developed by him. Despite the strongest pain, he increased the charging time for one minute every day. Meanwhile, Grisha, the nail was more and more in love with the Anyuta and now often considered his disfigured face in the mirror. And the commissioner was getting worse. Now at night near him, Nurse Claudia Mikhailovna duty, who was in love with him.

Alexey's bride never wrote the truth. With Olga, they were familiar with school. Severators, they met again, and Alexey saw a beautiful girl in an old friend. He did not have time to tell her the decisive words - war began. Olga The first wrote about his love, Alesa believed that he, legless, such love is not fit. Finally, he decided to write a bride immediately after returning to a flying squadron.

The Commissioner died first of May. In the evening, the same day in the ward settled the newcomer, the fighter pilot Major Pavel Ivanovich Podlkov with damaged knee cups. It was a fun, sociable person, a big lover of women, to whom it was pretty cynical. The next day, Horoni Commissioner. Claudia Mikhailovna was inconspicuous, and Alexey wanted to become a "real person, the same as the one who was now taken to the last path."

Soon Alexey's cynical statements of Strochkov about women. Meresyev was confident that not all women are the same. In the end, the pods decided to charm Claudia Mikhailovna. The chamber has already wanted to defend a favorite nurse, but she herself managed to give the Major a decisive response.

Summer Meresyev received prostheses and began to master them with his usual perseverance. He walked around the hospital corridor for hours, first relying on the crutches, and then on a massive old cane, a gift of the professor. A nail has already managed to explain to Annie in love in absentia, but then began to doubt. The girl has not yet seen how disfigured it is. Before the discharge, he shared his doubts with Meresyev, and Alexei riddled: if Grisha is formed everything, he will write Olga the truth. The meeting of lovers, followed by the whole chamber, turned out to be cold - the girl embarrassed the shrama tanker. Major Stolovkov was also not lucky - he fell in love with Claudia Mikhailovna, who almost did not notice him. Soon the nail wrote that he was sent to the front, without informing the Annut. Then Meresyev asked Olga not to wait for him, but to marry, in secret, hoping that this letter would not move such a letter.

After some time, Annie Same called Alexey to find out where the nail disappeared. After that, Meresyev's call was encouraged and decided to write Olga after the first aircraft shot down.

Part of the third

Merelesyev was discharged in the summer of 1942 and sent to those of the Air Force Sanatorium near Moscow. Behind him and Strokkov sent the car, but Alexey wanted to stroll in Moscow and try his new legs on the strength. He met Annie and tried to explain to the girl why Grisha suddenly disappeared. The girl confessed that at first she was embarrassed by the scars of the nail, but now she does not think about them.

In the sanatorium, Alexei was settled in the same room with Strokkov, who still could not forget Claudia Mikhailovna. The next day, Alexey persuaded the red nursing source, which danced the best in the sanatorium, to teach him to dance. Now the lessons of dance have been added to his daily exercises. Soon the whole hospital knew that this guy had no legs with black, gypsy eyes and clumsy walks, but he was going to serve in aviation and was fond of dancing. After some time, Alexey has already participated in all dance evenings, and no one noticed what a strong pain is hidden behind his smile. Meresyev less and less "felt the drainage effect of prostheses."

Soon Alexey received a letter from Olga. The girl reported that for a month, along with thousands of volunteers, anti-tank Rips were digging under Stalingrad. She was insulted by the last letter of Meresyev, and for nothing for him if it were not for war. At the end of Olga wrote that he was waiting for him. Now Alexey wrote his beloved every day. The sanatorium was worried as a razoring anthill, everyone had the word "Stalingrad". In the end, vacationers demanded an urgent shipment to the front. The commission of the commissioning department arrived in the sanatorium.

Having learned that Merelesyev wanted to be lost back and aviation, the warrorist of the first rank Worldwide gathered him to refuse him, but Alexey persuaded him to come to dancing. In the evening, the militaryormality watched with amazement, as a dance of a legless flyer. The next day, he gave Meresyev a positive conclusion for managing the personnel and promised to help. With this document, Alexey went to Moscow, but there was no worldwide in the capital, and Meresyev had to submit a report to the general order.

Meresyev remained "without non-broad, food and cash certificates," he had to stay at the Anyuta. Alexei report rejected, and sent a pilot to the general commission to the formation department. For several months, Meresyev walked through the office of the military administration. He sympathized everywhere, but could not help - too strict the conditions for which they took in flight troops were too strict. Alexey's joy, the general commission was headed by World War. With his positive resolution, Meresyev broke through to the highest command, and he was sent to a flying school.

For the Stalingrad battle, many pilots were required, the school worked with the utmost load, so the head of his headquarters did not check the documents of Meresyev, but only ordered to write a report to receive non-fermented and food certificates and to remove the Schoogol cane away. Alexey found a shoemaker who smeared straps - they fastened the prostheses to the foot pedals of the aircraft. Five months later, Meresyev successfully passed the examiner's exam. After the flight, he noticed the cane of Alexei, got angry, and wanted to break, but the instructor stopped him on time, saying that Mereisev had no legs. As a result, Alexey recommended how a skillful, experienced and volitional pilot.

At the school of retraining, Alexey stayed to early spring. Together with the Strokkov, he learned to fly on La-5, the most modern fighters at that time. At first, Meresyev did not feel "that magnificent, full contact with the car, which gives the joy of flight." Alexey seemed that his dream would not be fulfilled, but he helped his school colonel Kapustin. Meresyev was the world's only fighter-fighter-fighter, and deposits provided him with an extra flight. Soon Alexey seized La-5 by improving.

Part of fourth

Spring was in full swing, when Meresyev arrived at the headquarters of the shelf, located in a small village. There he was issued in the squadron captain Cheslov. The battle on the Kursk arc began on the same night.

Capant Chesls entrusted Meresyev New La-5. For the first time after amputation, Meresyev fought with a real opponent - single-engine Picklers Yu-87. He did several combat departures per day. Letters from Olga he could only read late in the evening. Alexey learned that his bride commanded a sapper platoon and had already managed to get the Order of the Red Star. Now Meresyev could "speak with her on an equal footing", but did not hurry the truth to open the girl - he did not consider an obsolete Yu-87 with a real opponent.

The fighters of the Richtgofen Air Division fighters became a worthy enemy, which included the best German aces flying on modern "Foke-Wulf-190". In a complex air battle, Alexey knocked three "Foke Wolf", saved his slave and hardly stretched to the airfield on the residues of fuel. After the fight, he was appointed commander squadron. In the regiment, everyone knew about the uniqueness of this pilot and were proud of them. On the same evening, Alexey finally wrote the truth Olga.


At the front, the field fell as the correspondent of the newspaper "True". He met with Alexei Meresyev, preparing an article about the exploits of the guards pilot. The tag of a pilot Field recorded in the notebook, and the story wrote four years later. She was printed in magazines and read on the radio. One of these radio programs heard Guard Major Meresyev and found the field. In 1943-45, he shot down five German aircraft and received the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. After the war, Alexey married Olga, and their son was born. So, life itself continued the story about Alexei Meresyev - this Soviet man.

Summary "Tale of this person" option 2

  1. About the work
  2. main characters
  3. Other characters
  4. Summary
  5. Part one
  6. Part two
  7. Part of the third
  8. Part four
  9. Afterword
  10. Conclusion

About the work

Boris Polevoy "Tale of this man" was written in 1946. The prototype of the main character of the work was the real historical character - the Hero of the USSR, the pilot Alexei Maresyev. Boris Polevoy's book was awarded the Stalin Prize.

"The story of the real man" is a work that tells about a strong, volitional man. The main hero of the book with dignity overcomes the personal tragedy, finds the strength not only to stand up on his feet, but also continue to fight for his native land. The work refers to the literary direction of social identity. On our site you can read the summary of the "Tale of this person" on the chapters.

main characters

Alexey Meresyev - Pilot fighter, after the crash of the aircraft 18 days plenty in the winter forest with damaged legs. Lost his legs, was the only man in the world who flew with prostheses.

Sparrow Semen. - The Regimental Commissioner, who even from death did not lose their will to life, "a real man."

Grigory Gvozdev - Lieutenant of tank wax, hero of the Soviet Union. During one of the battles burned in the tank.

Podlkov Pavel Ivanovich - Major, pilot fighter from the air cover division of the capital.

Other characters

Vasily Vasilyevich -doctor, professor of medicine.

Stepan Ivanovich - Stornish, Sniper, Hero of the Soviet Union, "Sibiryak, Hunter".

Kukushkin Konstantin - Pilot, "Nepny and non-advisive person."

Claudia Mikhailovna - Nurse in the Moscow hospital.

Annie (Anya) - Student of Medin Institute, beloved Gvozdeva.

Zinok. - Nurse in the sanatorium, taught Meresyev to dance.

Naumov - Lieutenant, instructor Meresyev.

Part one

Chapters 1-2.

Winter. In battle, the pilot Alexei Meresyev "fell into double" ticks "" - he was surrounded by four German aircraft. The pilot tried to get around the enemy, but the Germans "tumbled" his plane. Meresyev began to fall rapidly, rebel the top of the pine. Alexei was thrown out of the plane and threw on her fir, whose branches softened. Waking up, Meresyev saw a bear in front of him.

Chapter 3.

The bear began to tear Meresyev's jumpsuit to claws. The last effort of will, Alexey snatched a pistol from his pocket and a shot into an animal. Bear died.

Meresyev tried to stand up on his feet, "the whole body burned in the feet" - the man realized that during the fall he damaged his legs. Having overcame severe pain, Alexey removed the Unit - the feet were swollen, it is obvious that during the fall, the pilot crushed small bones.

Looking around, Alexey noticed that he was on the field where there was once a battle.
Despite the fact that Meresyev lost a tablet with a map, he approximately focused in the forest and decided to go to the east. Overcoming the strongest pain, Alexey slowly headed forward.

Chapters 4-5

In the evening, Meresyev came out to the "sanitary zone" - the place where the wounded was stacked. Alexey took off the dead leather sheath and knife. In the morning, a hungry man found in a bag with a red cross can canned jar. Meresyev decided to eat once a day - at noon.

To distract, Alexey began to think over the route, count the steps. Since it was more difficult to go, a man cut out two juniper sticks.

Chapters 6-7

On the third day, Meresyev found a lighter in his pocket, which completely forgot. The man was finally able to register a fire and warm up. On the way, he barely noticed the Germans passed by the Colon on the armors. Alexey began to go more carefully.

Chapters 8-9

To somehow feed, Alexei chewed Corra, brewed tea from Liste Bralovers, pulled cedar nuts from the cones.

On the seventh day, Meresyev's path went to the place of traveling - the Germans were broken. The sounds of artillery dueli were heard.

Chapters 10-14.

In the evening, Alexey discovered that gasoline ended in the lighter. During the night, he froze and could not move more to move. A man without losing their will, crawl forward in his arms. On the way, he found hedgehog, which he eaten raw.

Alexey from the last strength promoted forward. Suddenly, he heard children's voices that spoke Russian. Meresyev's excitement rocked. Alexey on Salazki was taken to the dugout.

Chapters 15-16

Meresyev was among the people who fled from the native village and now lived in Bor. Alexei settled grandfather Mikhailo to himself. Meresyev tried to find out the entire village.

Chapters 17-19

Grandfather Mikhailo, seeing that Meresyev is worse, led to him the squadron commander, in which Alexey served. Considering the days, the commander realized that Meresyev stayed in the forest eighteen days.

At the native airfield, where everyone was glad to Alexey, he was waiting for a sanitary plane.
Meresyev was sent to the best Moscow hospital.

Part two

Chapter 1

Before the clinic war, in which Meresyev was placed, was the Institute. By traveling, the chief of the hospital, Professor Vasily Vasilyevich, came across the bed, standing at the staircase. He was explained that these are the pilots who were brought at night - at one fracture of the hip and hands, in another gangrene feet.

Vasily Vasilyevich ordered them to put them in the "Colonse" of the Chamber.

Chapter 2.

In the ward with Meresyev there were three more people. Fully bandaged Lieutenant of the Tank Troops Grigory Gvozdev, the famous sniper Stepan Ivanovich and the Pilot of Cukushkin. The novels have already been "on the verge of life and death," almost no one speaks during one of the battles, he burned in a tank.

Vasily Vasilyevich became increasingly spoken with Alexey about amputation. Mereisev, heavily surviving, did not write that he had neither a mother, or his bride Olga.

Chapters 3-4

A week later, the Regiment Commissioner Seeds Vorobyov was hosted in the ward. Sparrow, who all began to call "Commissioner", was able to "Each to choose his special key." "With the arrival of the commissioner in the Chamber, something similar to what happened in the morning when the nurse opened the window and in the tedious silence, along with the funny streets of the streets, the fresh and wet air of the early Moscow Spring was broken."

Chapters 5-6.

Alexey could not help anything other than the operation. Meresyev amputated legs until the middle of the caviar. After the operation, the man went to his senses, hardly experiencing that now he will never be able to fly on the plane. Alexey could not write his mother and Olga about the operation.

Chapter 7.

Spring came. The nails gradually began to talk to other men in the ward, "no longer comes alone."

Everyone, in addition to the nail, came letters. With the light hand of the Commissioner and Nurses of Claudia Mikhailovna Grigory received letters from girls from the Med Institute. One of them is Annie, even sent her photo card. Soon with her, the novels had a correspondence.

Chapter 8.

Commissioner, wanting to return to Meresyev will to life, found an article about the pilot, who continued to manage the aircraft without one feet.
After reading, Alexey noticed that the pilot was easier, but the Commissioner answered him that "You are the Soviet man!" . That night, Meresyev could not fall asleep for a long time, thinking that he could fly again.

The commissioner was becoming worse, but despite this, the man found the strength to joke and calm the nurse. Claudia Mikhailovna, who spent more and more time at the bed of Vorobyeva, fell in love with him.

Chapter 9.

The first was written by Stepan Ivanovich.

Feeling in love with Any, nails, who had a whole face in scars, was afraid that the girl would not want to communicate with him when he sees personally.

Chapter 10.

Meresyev did everything to become a full pilot again. Alexey came up with a special set of exercises that regularly performed. Despite the fact that the gymnastics hurt a strong pain, the man tried to increase the load every time.

Meresyev increasingly came to letters from Olga. Previously, they tried not to talk about their feelings, now the girl is the first, not embarrassed, wrote about his love melancholy. Alexey, hiding his condition, answered Olga briefly and dry.

Chapter 11.

"Commissioner died on May Day." It happened "somehow imperceptibly" for everyone - under the official speech on the radio.

In the evening, the fighter pilot, Major Paul Ivanovich Strokkov, was hooked in their ward. Men had knee cups damaged. He was sociable and cheerful, loved women very much.

"The next day Kononi Commissioner". The mourning music played, the soldiers spent on the last path of Vorobyeva. To the question of Strokkov about who bury, Kukushkin replied: "A real man bury ... Bolshevik buried." "And I really wanted to become a real person, the same as the one whom was taken away on the last path."

Chapter 12.

The pods offered Alekseev to argue that he would be seduced by Claudia Mikhailovna. Everyone in the ward was outraged and were going to entertain a woman, but Claudia Mikhailovna refused Paul.

Soon Konstantin Kukushkin was written.

Chapter 13.

In one of the early summer days, Meresyev brought prostheses, shoes in new shoes. Doctors explained to Alexey that now he will have to learn to walk like a baby. With a habitual perseverance for him, Meresyev, relying on the crutches, began to move along the corridor.

Nipers and Annie fell in love. In letters, they confessed to each other in love, but Grigory was very nervous, because the girl did not see his face in the scars.

Chapter 14.

In mid-June, the nail was discharged from the hospital. Soon, Meresyev came from Grigory letter. Gvozdyev said that although Annie at a meeting and did not give rise to the girl it was noticeable as far as the appearance of Gregory scares. Not wanting to torment her, the nails left him.

After reading the letter of a friend, Alexey wrote Olga, which is not known how much the war will last, so she is to forget about him. In the secret of Meresyev hoped that this would not let true love bend.

Vasily Vasilyevich found Alexei as he himself tried to learn how to walk without crutches. In the evening, he handed over for Meresyev as a gift the eating cane of the black tree.

Chapter 15.

The pods fell in love with Claudia Mikhailovna. On the recognition of Paul, a woman replied that he didn't love him and could never love.

Meresyev called Anuta, which was very worried because of the unexpected disappearance of the nail. Alexey was glad - now everything has been formed.

Part of the third

Chapter 1

In the summer of 1942, Alexey was discharged from the hospital and sent to those in the Sanatorium of the Air Force near Moscow. Before leaving, Meresyev decided to take a walk in Moscow. Suddenly, he met Anuta. The girl offered to go to visit her. Having learned that Grigory decided to grow a beard in order to lather her, Anyuta called the Gvozdeva "Crank".

Chapter 2.

In the Office of the Sanatorium, first were surprised that they were sent to "Meresyev without legs," but then they figured out that Alexey prostheses. Meresyev was settled in the same room with a string.

Chapter 3.

Alexey asked the nurse Zinok, the office of the office, to teach him to dance. The girl agreed. The dance was difficult to Meresyev, but he did not show anyone, what pain causes him "this is a complex, variekteric trample."

Chapter 4.

Over time, dance exercises began to give results - Alexey less and less "felt the drainage effect of prosthesis."

For the first time in a long time, a letter came from Oli. The girl wrote that among the volunteers Roet the trenches. Olga outraged his past letter - she was ready to accept it any: "Here you write that something can happen to you in the war. And if any misfortune happened to me "on the trenches" or I would cripple me, would you have retreated from me? " . After that, Alexey began writing her daily.

Chapter 5.

The commission of the commissioning department arrived in the sanatorium. The doctor, having learned that Mereleyev was amputated by legs, did not want to send him to aviation. However, having seen in the evening, as Alexey dances, writing a conclusion that, with due training, Meresyev will be able to fly.

Chapter 6.

The flight part did not turn out to be Worldwide, to which Alexei sent Vivigar. Meresyev had to file a report with a general order. Not taking care of a mean and food certificate, Alexey stops at the Anyuta.

Meresyev tried to move through the military administration for several months, but he was denied everywhere.

Chapter 7.

Having received a referral of the commission to the formation department, Alexey finally met with the people needed by him. He sent Meresyev to the "TAP TAP". Alexey, who really wanted to fly again, managed to break through to a high command. Meresyev was sent to the school training learning.

Chapter 8.

Meresyev feared that finding no legs, he was expelled from the training school. However, before the Stalingrad battle, there was too much work at school, so the colonel did not check the documents of Alexey - it was outraged only that Meresyev walked with a "Pzhonskaya" cane.

Alexei's instructor appointed Lieutenant Naumov. To make it convenient to control the aircraft, Meresyev fastened the prostheses with leather homutics (which ordered in advance from the shoemaker) to pedal control.
Having learned that Alexey had no legs, Naumov decided to deal with him on a special program.

Chapter 9.

Meresyev trained more than five months. Finally, the instructor appointed him tests. Understanding that his fate is now being solved, Alexey performed the most complex figures in the air. Mereisev's admiring flight suggested to remain an instructor at school, but Alexey refused.

Noticing that Meresyev again walks with a cane, the colonel was outraged and even wanted to break her. However, learning that Alexey without feet, appreciated the greatness of the pilot's feat of the pilot and gave him the highest recommendations.

Chapter 10-11

"Winter residue and early spring spent Meresyev at the retraining school." At first, Alexey did not feel coherence in the fighter management. It became a serious blow for a pilot. Wanting to pick up Meresyev, the school deputies came to him - Lieutenant Colonel Kapustin. Since Alexey was the only person in the world that flies without legs, the colonel gave him the opportunity to train separately. In one of the March days, Alexey finally felt that the plane completely listens to him.

Part four

Chapters 1-2.

Summer in 1943. Meresyev arrived in the regiment on military service. Judging by the state of the roads, Alexey realized that active military actions were unfunded at the front.

Chapters 3-4

"The battle on the Kursk arc flared up." Before the first combat flight, Meresyev was somewhat worried, "but it was not the fear of death." During the battle, "on one of the sections of the Kursk Arc after a powerful two-hour artillery training, the army broke through German defense and entered the breakthrough, clearing the way with the Soviet troops who passed on the offensive."

After the battle Alexey, lying on the Moss, read a new letter Olga, in which the girl sent her photo in a gymnaster with the Order of the Red Star on his chest. She was already a commander of the Supper platoon, which was engaged in the restoration of Stalingrad.

Chapters 5-6.

During one of the following battles, Meresyev knocked down three Foke-Wulf-190 aircraft, which managed "German aces from the famous Division" Richtgofen ", saved the younger companion and was barely reached on the remnants of fuel.
After the battle, Alexei was appointed commander of the squadron.

Finally, Alexey decided to write Olga about everything that happened to him in the last 18 months.


"In the days when the Oryol battle was nearing his victorious end," the correspondent of the Pravda newspaper became acquainted with Mareshev, whom he recommended as the "best flyer of the regiment." Alexey personally told the author his story.

"Much at one time I did not have time to record, a lot for four years lost in memory. Much, by the modesty of its own, then Alexei Maresyev was silent. I had to think, supplement. "

Already after the story was printed, Maresyev heard the book he read on the radio and called the field. After a few hours of Guard, Major Alexei Maresyev came to visit the author. "Four military years almost did not change it." Maresyev participated in the combat campaign of 1943-1945, received the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. After the war, Alexey married Olga, they had a son Victor.

"So myself, life continued this story written about Alexei Maresyev - this Soviet man."


The book of Boris Polevoy "The Tale of the Real Man" is a work of true patriotism, humanism and human resistance. The book was transferred to many languages, she was published more than one hundred and fifty times around the world. In 1948, the "Tale of this person" was filmed by the director A. Tsper. In 1947 - 1948, S. Prokofiev wrote on the book of the field opera in three actions.

Summary "Tale of this person" |