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How feelings are born. Formula of love: how does real feeling appear? Feelings of anger and fear - tonsils

Scientists have been studying the brain for over 100 years, but it still remains the most difficult mystery for humans. How does the brain work? No neuroscientist will answer this question today. We are only able to understand some of the phenomena that occur in the neural networks of the brain and how they are reflected in our state. So how are human emotions formed, and in which areas of the brain are feelings generated?

A few words about emotions

Emotions are one of the manifestations of a person's attitude to himself and the surrounding reality. Today, scientists know a lot about the formation of emotions and the mechanisms of their occurrence, which made it possible to control them. So, a competent psychologist can work well with a person's emotions, giving him the opportunity to cope with their negative manifestations, in particular, to overcome fear, anger and other conditions that prevent a person from enjoying life.

There are many words that explain certain emotional shades - joy, grief, compassion, fear, anger, jealousy, pity, indifference, love, and many others. If we consider emotion from a purely physiological point of view, then it represents the body's response to the effects of some internal and external stimuli. Such reactions are clearly subjective and, as a rule, cover all types of sensitivity.

You need to understand that emotions are manifested not only in certain subjective experiences, but also in completely objective manifestations. For example, with a particular emotion, a person performs certain actions, his facial expressions are expressed and vegetative reactions specific to this emotion are manifested.

Feelings of guilt and shame - temporal lobes

It is easy enough for us to understand how the brain operates with memory and thought process. But what about feelings? We are so used to phrases like “break my heart” when it comes to sadness, or “blushed” when we describe shame. In this sense, it is rather difficult for us to accept the fact that emotions and feelings, as well as the thought process and memory, are formed in the brain. And yet it is so. Emotions are a neurophysiological process that takes place in the tissues of the brain. Today, thanks to neuroimaging technologies, scientists can evaluate this process.

A group of scientists from the Ludwig Maximilian University (Munich), led by Petra Michal, conducted a series of interesting studies to identify areas of the brain that are responsible for feelings of guilt and shame. After taking multiple MRI scans of the brain, scientists found that anatomically, these two emotions coexist.

The experimenters asked the study participants to imagine that they felt intense guilt or shame, and in both cases, such emotions activated the temporal lobes of the brain. It should be noted that shame involved in them the anterior cingulate cortex, which is responsible for communication with the external environment and informs a person about mistakes, as well as the parahippocampal gyrus, which is responsible for remembering scenes and memories from the past. As for the feeling of guilt, it, in turn, activated the lateral occipitotemporal gyrus and the middle temporal gyrus. This is the center of the vestibular analyzer.

In addition, the anterior and middle frontal gyri began to activate in shamed people, and in those who felt guilty, the amygdala and insula were also activated. As for the last two areas of the brain, they are part of the limbic system, which regulates our basic emotions, such as "fight or flight", as well as the work of internal organs, blood pressure and other processes and reactions.

When comparing MRI scans of the brains of people of different genders, scientists discovered an interesting fact. So, in women, for example, guilt affected only the temporal lobes, and in men, the frontal lobes, occipital lobes and tonsils also began to work. These are some of the most ancient elements of the brain that are responsible for feelings of fear, panic, anger, and pleasure.

Feelings of anger and fear - tonsils

The limbic system of the brain is responsible for the feelings, actions, and reactions necessary for the survival of the species. The limbic system is formed during intrauterine development of the fetus. The most important element of the limbic system is the tonsils - structures located near the hypothalamus. The tonsils are activated when a person sees food, a sexual partner, crying children, rivals, and so on. The body's response to the source of fear is also the work of the amygdala. For example, if you return home at night, and on the way it seems to you that someone is following you, then this is also the work of the tonsils. In the course of several independent studies, which were carried out in various centers and universities, specialists managed to find out that even artificial stimulation of these areas causes a person to feel the approach of imminent danger.

As for anger, it was found that it also arises from the activity of the amygdala. At the same time, scientists managed to find out that in terms of physiological parameters, anger is very different from fear, sadness and other unfavorable emotions. Paradoxically, but in this sense, human anger is surprisingly similar to happiness. Thus, anger pushes us forward, like joy and pleasure, while fear and grief force a person to withdraw. In a state of anger, rage and anger, a variety of areas are activated in the brain, because in order to realize this emotion, the brain needs to assess the situation, as well as turn to memory, experience, normalize the production of necessary hormones and do a lot of other work in order to fully prepare the body for such a feeling ...

Feelings of Joy and Laughter - Prefrontal Cortex and Hippocampus

At the moments when we experience joy, happiness, laugh and smile, then at this time a large number of different areas are activated in the brain. This also involves the familiar amygdala, as well as the prefrontal cortex, hippocampus and cortex of the anterior insular lobe of the large brain. Thus, joy, as well as anger and fear, permeates almost the entire brain.

Scientists have found that in a person's moment of joy, the right amygdala becomes slightly more active than the left. It is a fairly widespread belief that the left hemisphere of the brain is responsible for logical processes, and the right one for creativity. However, scientists today know that this is not the case, because the brain actually needs both parts to perform most of the functions, despite the fact that the asymmetry of the hemispheres does exist. For example, large speech centers are located on the left side, and the area that is responsible for intonation processing is located on the right side.

The prefrontal cortex is closely connected with the limbic system of the brain. The latter represents several areas of the frontal lobes of the brain, located in the front of the hemispheres, directly behind the frontal bone. The prefrontal cortex is responsible for our ability to set goals and plan, achieve results, change direction, and even improvise. Studies show that in women, the prefrontal cortex of the left hemisphere is slightly more active than the right in moments of happiness.

The hippocampus is another anatomical structure of the brain that helps a person separate important emotional events from minor ones. Thus, a person retains strong emotions in memory for a long time, and insignificant ones - quickly forgets. That is, the hippocampus evaluates the significance of a happy emotion for placing it in the memory archive. This is achieved, among other things, due to the activity of the anterior insular lobe of the brain, which is also associated with the limbic system. It has been established that the insular lobe of the large brain behaves most actively when a person experiences pleasant or sad feelings.

Feelings of tenderness and comfort - somatosensory cortex

At the same time, many other studies show that companionship is beneficial for a person physically and spiritually. It prolongs life and improves its quality. Even the touch of the hand of someone you care about can greatly relieve sadness and pain. This is due to the release of specific neurotransmitters - oxytocin and opioids. They are developed in moments of tenderness.

With the help of tomographic studies, it was found that affection and tenderness cause a strong surge of activity in the somatosensory cortex of the brain, which is responsible for our tactile sensations. Scientists have come to the conclusion that the impulses that arise when someone gently touches our body, especially in difficult times, are associated with the process of isolating critical stimuli from the general stream that can change everything for us. The researchers also noticed that the participants in the experiment experienced grief more easily when they were held by a stranger, and much easier when they were touched by a loved one.

Instead of a conclusion

Despite the active study of the brain, scientists have not yet been able to figure out exactly what emotion is. Today, many feelings are known to originate in the limbic system, which is an ancient structure of the brain. However, scientists are aware that not everything that we traditionally recognize as emotions is in fact emotions. For example, if we consider such a state as lust, then from a physiological point of view, it is not at all like fear or joy. It was found that with lust, impulses are formed not in the tonsils, but in the ventral striatum - the so-called "reward center". For example, this area is also activated when we eat delicious food and during orgasm.

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For many centuries, mankind has been struggling to solve the formula of love, trying to understand why the presence of a specific person can turn our life around, why do we fall in love with some and do not notice others, and can someone be made to love us? There are still no answers to these questions. But still science has advanced far in the study of the mechanisms of love. For example, I found out with whom we fall in love more often.

For example, biologist Claus Wedekind found a direct connection between attraction and smell. As it turned out, we are drawn to those whose immune systems are different from ours. That is, nature gives us a signal - offspring with this partner will be strong and beautiful. Therefore, the color of the hair, the shape of the eyes and lips, the natural smell, the pitch of the voice - all these physical characteristics can become “identification marks” for the ideal partner, the most harmonious couple from the genetic point of view.

Another important nuance in the birth of love is an emotional connection. Love arises from a feeling of closeness, which can be even stronger than physical attraction. And in order to better determine compatibility, you just need to show who you really are as quickly and honestly as possible.

How do you know that your new relationship has a future?

Do opposites attract?

Are we more often attracted to “soul mates” or are we constantly faced with our own antipodes? Experts believe that warm relationships are best developed by people who are alike. This feeling of closeness, a kind of similarity, fuels the relationship. "Shared views help us better understand each other," says psychologist Gian Gonzaga of the University of California. “And disagreements in the future will only cause a growing misunderstanding on both sides, which will have to be overcome all the time.”

We are unconsciously looking for someone who would help us "mold" ourselves into perfection

Opposites can indeed attract thanks to the Michelangelo phenomenon. Just as we define the ideal of a future partner, we create an image of an ideal ourselves and sometimes unconsciously look for someone who would help us "mold" perfection out of ourselves. And we fall in love with a person who contains all those qualities that we lack in ourselves.

Attractive disadvantages

“Each of us, as a teenager, has formed for himself a set of those character traits of other people, their values, preferences and behaviors towards us that draw us in, says anthropologist Helen Fisher, but at the same time, these traits do not have to be pleasant. Imagine a girl whose alcoholic father turned her life into chaos, and in the end she decides that she will never marry such a person. Having matured, she does not choose an impulsive alcoholic as her husband, but marries a constantly busy actor. What was she looking for in a partner? She will not say that spontaneity, but she is so used to it. This is part of her ideal. "

People tend to think that their view of the world is the only correct one. It is not surprising that a person who agrees with our opinion immediately seems attractive to us.

Falling in love, we may not notice the negative qualities of a partner, but with age and experience, our judgment will become more accurate and deeper. “We are able to draw conclusions from small notes and guesses, based on the experience gained,” explains Gian Gonzaga. "For example, when you break up after a long relationship or marriage, you are likely to feel insecure on a date, but you will have the experience that can help you avoid problems and mistakes in new relationships."

Love hates fuss?

We don't always fall in loveat first sight, the feeling may come later. More often than not, it takes time to develop sincere and lasting relationships. “Kate and I joined the same company a month apart, and I immediately had the feeling that we could be good friends, but she worked in a different department,” John recalls. - Once we met with her at one meeting, and I noticed in her purse a book by my favorite author. I asked how she was to her, and her eyes lit up. So our first conversation started. "

Acquaintance is an exciting event, because it is an instant assessment of each other. It is important not only to boldly declare your interests and tastes, but also to try to delve into others. This can be key in nascent relationships, as people tend to think that their view of the world is the only correct one, says Gian Gonzaga. “So it’s not surprising when a person who agrees with our opinion immediately pleases us even more.”

Why doesn't it work?

There can be many reasons why the relationship does not work out, and all of them, of course, are individual. But if it seemed to you that you found the perfect match, but the union did not work out, perhaps you will recognize yourself in these situations.

You have similar disadvantages

Sometimes we meet people with whom we formally have a lot in common, we pursue similar goals and are proud of similar achievements, but on an intuitive level we feel some flaw in them. Why is this happening? “We often project past experiences onto new people,” explains psychotherapist Toby Ingham. “We have a tendency to interpret the behavior of others with the help of our own ideas about life, to pass events through the filter of our experience - all this is the influence of a scenario embedded in our unconscious.”

Antipathy can be caused by recognizing your own flaws in the rejected person.

Antipathy can be caused by recognizing your own flaws in the rejected person. For example, a woman who constantly refuses men because they are "too nice." In fact, it is her fear of looking weak that makes her suspect a similar quality in other people and condemn them for it.

Are you afraid to open up

We always try to please new acquaintances, to make a pleasant impression. For example, we come up with interesting hobbies to attract attention at a party. This kind of manipulation is usually harmless. Such people can be called approval seekers - they immediately calculate what the interlocutor likes and adjust to his expectations and needs.

Approval hunters are easily adaptable in the group, immediately disposing the members of the team to themselves. But when it comes to creating deeper relationships, those who seek approval have a difficult time: close, intimate communication is difficult for them. Their ability to quickly adapt to other people hides those of their true features that they do not want to discover. In relationships, they are distrustful and suspicious, which prevents them from opening up to their loved one.

But to experience real feelings, you need to show your face. This is the only way you can understand if you really fit together.

Women who believe that a man can be made to fall in love with themselves are deeply mistaken. This is explained by the fact that the stronger sex falls in love with the subconscious, so seducers should not rely only on external gloss, showiness or deliberate manipulation.

Everything that men are aware of has absolutely nothing to do with love. That is why quite often attractive, intelligent, gentle and sexy women are left alone, wondering why "men always choose just which one."

How do manipulative templates work? A vivid example: a girl puts on a mini, a blouse with a deep neckline, does catchy makeup. This helps to play on the "animal instinct" of the opposite sex, however, we are not talking about real seduction yet. Looking at you, the "male" thinks roughly the following: "Here are the cool ass and chest. I wish I could squeeze them tighter!" Seduction begins only when the man himself cannot explain why he is so attracted to you.

So, your challenge is not thrown down to passions hidden in someone else's soul, but only to gross lust, which is not connected with you personally, but with the weaker sex in general. Unfortunately, situations like this are common. Only one thought ripens in a man's head: "This chick is wearing provocative clothes to turn it on, and I want this woman. However, if that beauty or her friend is wearing the same mini-skirt, I will be pulled on them."

Of course, visual effects, a woman's behavior, her words are capable of attracting attention, catching, that is, influencing the consciousness of a representative of the stronger sex. But the subconscious, in which feelings arise, remains unconquered, because neither intrigue, nor playful behavior, nor lust will help here.

Perhaps some readers will immediately ask themselves the question: why do men who are indifferent to me sometimes fall in love with me? This happens for the reason that in the company of "uninteresting" men, a woman does not think about how she will please the audience; she is liberated, because the subconscious is not blocked. Men do not feel threatened either: nothing foreshadows that they will be seized, and then they will take all measures to "ring" the chosen one.

Any representative of the stronger sex subconsciously knows how to distinguish between "his" and "someone else's" woman - the enemy, which uses "violent" seduction for their own purposes, for the sake of a future with a "victim". A popular saying immediately comes to mind that you cannot be cute forcibly. So it is with the subconscious: access to it through compulsion, attack is impossible!

In order to fall in love with a man, you need to find the key to his subconscious through ... your own! A woman should not only take care of how to look beautiful or how to properly handle, for example, cutlery and glasses in a restaurant, but also comprehend a more subtle and complex science - the ability to feel men as themselves.

Already in a conversation you will know what and how to say to another person, where to pause, ask a question, use facial expressions, etc. The result will not be long in coming: you will see that you are constantly hitting the target, that you manage to win over a man who opens up more and more, reaches out to you, begins to communicate more naturally. To put it simply, it lets you in, gradually opening your soul.

So, let's draw some conclusions from what we've read:

  • Men are seduced by those women who do not show obvious interest, do not try to impress.
  • The stronger sex circles only around those ladies who perceive them as a "species", but feminists are left behind.
  • Love, groom, pamper yourself, dear women! Believe me, people around you (including men) will begin to treat you the same way. He who treats himself with tenderness and care makes him want to take care of his person. Not a single woman who skillfully uses an ax and an oar evokes a desire to approach her and help, but on the contrary, arouses a desire to watch the picture to the end, with obvious interest and a question in her head - "whether she will rake it or not rake it down", will she cut down this tree or will not master it.
  • If you can let go of a man at the subconscious level, then 99% of him will not rush to leave you. It’s a paradox, but it’s a fact.

And now, an example from life:

Once a middle-aged woman came to me for a consultation for advice. (Let's call her, for example, Natasha, for the convenience of the narrative, I won't say her real name, so as not to accidentally injure a person). How should she be. I met a man - Valery. Everyone is good: good-looking, money is, housing is also available, not married, but ... one thing. The man immediately set his conditions. He told Natasha something like this: "I am a handsome man, not deprived of female attention, I have a good position in society, I am financially secure and practically do not need anything, so I do not intend, like a freshman, to run after you and fulfill all your whims. me". Natalia is in a panic, what should I do? I read so many books, went through so many women's trainings, they say everywhere that a man is a hunter, give him the opportunity to run after you, but this one flatly refuses, and even on the first date he almost issued an ultimatum.

Natasha is a lonely woman raising one child. But with all this, it is also provided: an apartment, a car, a decent salary, and beauty is not deprived. But I’m tired of living alone, pulling the strap, being both dad and mom.

She clung to this Valery, as if it were the last train.

I had no choice but to convince her of the worthiness of this man. I bonfired this man (God forgive me) as best I could, saying at the end that he is mentally unhealthy, that normal men do not behave like that on the first date. Having added that this is only the first date and so many demands and claims to you - an almost unfamiliar woman, what will happen next? In general, she criticized the man both in the tail and in the mane. She asked several leading questions, Natalya thought about it and finally let go of this situation. After 2 days, a call with gratitude. Is talking: "Eva, do not believe it, as soon as I decided for myself that Valery is not the hero of my novel, as soon as Itold myself- "I will not go on this train, there is another one," so the man immediately changed his tactics. Valery began to call, remind of himself, and suddenly presented a bouquet of roses. And earlier he said: "Flowers are not a gift, they are money down the drain."

And the relationship began to develop in a completely different scenario. This is one particular example, but there are a lot of such examples in my practice.

Draw your own conclusion.

Scientists have been studying the brain for over 100 years, but it still remains the most difficult mystery for humans. How does the brain work? No neuroscientist will answer this question today. We are only able to understand some of the phenomena that occur in the neural networks of the brain and how they are reflected in our state. So how are human emotions formed, and in which areas of the brain are feelings generated?

A few words about emotions

This is one of the manifestations of a person's attitude to himself and the surrounding reality. Today, scientists know a lot about the formation of emotions and the mechanisms of their occurrence, which made it possible to control them. So, a competent psychologist can work well with a person's emotions, giving him the opportunity to cope with their negative manifestations, in particular, to overcome fear, anger and other conditions that prevent a person from enjoying life.

There are many words that explain certain emotional shades - joy, grief, compassion, fear, anger, jealousy, pity, indifference, love, and many others. If we consider emotion from a purely physiological point of view, then it represents the body's response to the effects of some internal and external stimuli. Such reactions are clearly subjective and, as a rule, cover all types of sensitivity.

You need to understand that emotions are manifested not only in certain subjective experiences, but also in completely objective manifestations. For example, with a particular emotion, a person performs certain actions, his facial expressions are expressed and vegetative reactions specific to this emotion are manifested.

Feelings of guilt and shame - temporal lobes

It is easy enough for us to understand how the brain operates with the thought process. But what about feelings? We are so used to phrases like “break my heart” when it comes to sadness, or “blushed” when we describe shame. In this sense, it is rather difficult for us to accept the fact that emotions and feelings, as well as the thought process and memory, are formed in the brain. And yet it is so. Emotions are a neurophysiological process that takes place in the tissues of the brain. Today, thanks to neuroimaging technologies, scientists can evaluate this process.

A group of scientists from the Ludwig Maximilian University (Munich), led by Petra Michal, conducted a series of interesting studies to identify areas of the brain that are responsible for feelings of guilt and shame. After taking multiple MRI scans of the brain, scientists found that anatomically, these two emotions coexist.

The experimenters asked the study participants to imagine that they felt intense guilt or shame, and in both cases, such emotions activated the temporal lobes of the brain. It should be noted that shame involved in them the anterior cingulate cortex, which is responsible for communication with the external environment and informs a person about mistakes, as well as the parahippocampal gyrus, which is responsible for remembering scenes and memories from the past. As for the feeling of guilt, it, in turn, activated the lateral occipitotemporal gyrus and the middle temporal gyrus. This is the center of the vestibular analyzer.

In addition, the anterior and middle frontal gyri began to activate in shamed people, and in those who felt guilty, the amygdala and insula were also activated. As for the last two areas of the brain, they are part of the limbic system, which regulates our basic emotions, such as "fight or flight", as well as the work of internal organs, blood pressure and other processes and reactions.

When comparing the brains of people of different genders, scientists discovered an interesting fact. So, in women, for example, guilt affected only the temporal lobes, and in men, the frontal lobes, occipital lobes and tonsils also began to work. These are some of the most ancient elements of the brain that are responsible for feelings of fear, panic, anger, and pleasure.

Feelings of anger and fear - tonsils

The limbic system of the brain is responsible for the feelings, actions, and reactions necessary for the survival of the species. The limbic system is formed during intrauterine development of the fetus. The most important element of the limbic system is the tonsils - structures located near the hypothalamus. The tonsils are activated when a person sees food, a sexual partner, crying children, rivals, and so on. The body's response to the source of fear is also the work of the amygdala. For example, if you return home at night, and on the way it seems to you that someone is following you, then this is also the work of the tonsils. In the course of several independent studies, which were carried out in various centers and universities, specialists managed to find out that even artificial stimulation of these areas causes a person to feel the approach of imminent danger.

As for anger, it was found that it also arises from the activity of the amygdala. At the same time, scientists managed to find out that physiological parameters are very different from fear, sadness and other unfavorable emotions. Paradoxically, but in this sense, human anger is surprisingly similar to happiness. Thus, anger pushes us forward, like joy and pleasure, while fear and grief force a person to withdraw. In a state of anger, rage and anger, a variety of areas are activated in the brain, because in order to realize this emotion, the brain needs to assess the situation, as well as turn to memory, experience, normalize the production of necessary hormones and do a lot of other work in order to fully prepare the body for such a feeling ...

Feelings of Joy and Laughter - Prefrontal Cortex and Hippocampus

At the moments when we experience happiness, laugh and smile, then at this time a large number of different areas are activated in the brain. This also involves the familiar amygdala, as well as the prefrontal cortex, hippocampus and cortex of the anterior insular lobe of the large brain. Thus, joy, as well as anger and fear, permeates almost the entire brain.

Scientists have found that in a person's moment of joy, the right amygdala becomes slightly more active than the left. It is a fairly widespread belief that the left hemisphere of the brain is responsible for logical processes, and the right one for creativity. However, scientists today know that this is not the case, because the brain actually needs both parts to perform most of the functions, despite the fact that the asymmetry of the hemispheres does exist. For example, large speech centers are located on the left side, and the area that is responsible for intonation processing is located on the right side.

The prefrontal cortex is closely connected with the limbic system of the brain. The latter represents several areas of the frontal lobes of the brain, located in the front of the hemispheres, directly behind the frontal bone. The prefrontal cortex is responsible for our ability to set goals and plan, achieve results, change direction, and even improvise. Studies show that in women, the prefrontal cortex of the left hemisphere is slightly more active than the right in moments of happiness.

The hippocampus is another anatomical structure of the brain that helps a person separate important emotional events from minor ones. Thus, a person retains strong emotions in memory for a long time, and insignificant ones - quickly forgets. That is, the hippocampus evaluates the significance of a happy emotion for placing it in the memory archive. This is achieved, among other things, due to the activity of the anterior insular lobe of the brain, which is also associated with the limbic system. It has been established that the insular lobe of the large brain behaves most actively when a person experiences pleasant or sad feelings.

Feelings of tenderness and comfort - somatosensory cortex

At the same time, many other studies show that companionship is beneficial for a person physically and spiritually. It prolongs life and improves its quality. Even the touch of the hand of someone you care about can greatly relieve sadness and pain. This is due to the release of specific neurotransmitters - oxytocin and opioids. They are developed in moments of tenderness.

With the help of tomographic studies, it was found that affection and tenderness cause a strong surge of activity in the somatosensory cortex of the brain, which is responsible for our tactile sensations. Scientists have come to the conclusion that the impulses that arise when someone gently touches our body, especially in difficult times, are associated with the process of isolating critical stimuli from the general stream that can change everything for us. The researchers also noticed that the participants in the experiment experienced grief more easily when they were held by a stranger, and much easier when they were touched by a loved one.

Instead of a conclusion

Despite the active study of the brain, scientists have not yet been able to figure out exactly what emotion is. Today, many feelings are known to originate in the limbic system, which is an ancient structure of the brain. However, scientists are aware that not everything that we traditionally recognize as emotions is in fact emotions. For example, if we consider such a state as lust, then from a physiological point of view, it is not at all similar to or joy. It was found that with lust, impulses are formed not in the tonsils, but in the ventral striatum - the so-called "reward center". For example, this area is also activated when we eat delicious food and during orgasm.

Any event or phenomenon on the path of life evokes a particular feeling in a person. A person is inclined to experience certain feelings not only for specific objects, things or other individuals and animals, but also for certain qualities of all objects that surround him. Man also, unlike animals, can experience an emotional response to abstract concepts. The sphere of human feelings is enormous. It is joy and sorrow, benevolence and disgust, dislike and sympathy, fear and surprise, rage and calmness.

Human life is very difficult to imagine without experiences and public displays of feelings. Many science fiction writers and directors of science fiction films have tried to imagine the structure of human society, completely devoid of any feelings. And these dystopias are even more frightening than war or violence. In fact, the only justification for all doubts about negative feelings experienced by a person on a daily basis is the feeling of love and kindness to his neighbor.

When feelings are born and why

In fact, scientists cannot fully answer the question of when human feelings are born. Many tend to believe that the fetus is emotionally sensitive as early as the second trimester of pregnancy. It is not for nothing that the child in the mother's womb reacts to all the experiences of the mother, worries from loud music, calms down from the timbre of the parents' voices. Thus, we can assume that it is the feeling of affection and love between children and parents that is the first thing that a person experiences in life.

The most developed and complex form should be considered feelings, which are abstract conceptual reflection. For example, patriotism, love for the homeland, humanity, respect, tolerance, religious feelings. Such feelings, first of all, are characterized by an extremely complex structure and are called higher.

They, as a rule, do not change for a long time and do not directly depend on changes in social status, the state of the body, a variety of life situations. The complexity of the higher senses arises from their complex structure. The highest feeling is made up of many small sub-feelings, including emotions that are opposite to each other.

It is interesting that even the illusion of a lack of feelings is so terrible, it is so difficult to imagine that certain curses, such as "insensitive person" in a negative sense, have even been fixed in speech. A person needs to experience emotions constantly.