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Day of the Air Force (Air Force). Day of the Air Fleet of Russia

Military air forces of any country perform a serious work. This is a reliable state protection in the air. In Russia, this forces are given a serious role, so they could not not get their own holiday. Every year the day of the Air Force is celebrated on August 12. This is a Russian holiday, because neighboring countries this celebration is scheduled for other days. On this day, not only pilots are in the spotlight, but all people relating to military aviation, providing her work.

history of the holiday

The twelfth of August is the date that is not chosen in vain. For Russian aviation, it has a serious meaning. But here are some disputes. So, in some sources it is indicated that on August 12, 1912, Nicholas II signed a decree, thanks to which the history of the air fleet in our country began. But no accurate confirmation of this moment was found.

There is another historical document - the military minister of Sukhomlinins is related to its creation. We are talking about an order with a similar content, but in this case a particular part (aeronautical) was created under the command of M. I. Shishkevich. It was signed on August 12, if you count on a new style, so this date was chosen for the celebration.

An interesting fact is that the first air units were not combat, they were mainly used for intelligence and had a limited number of possibilities. But over time, this sphere has grown significantly, which is why much more people began to work in it. They all celebrate their holiday on August 12.

In our country, there are not many public holidays that contribute to the revival and development of domestic military traditions and an increase in the prestige of military service. One of them is the Day of the Air Force Russia.

A little about the history of the Air Force

It all started with the fact that since 1910 the first military air fleet appeared in the Russian Empire. More than a hundred years ago (or rather - on August 12, 1912), the military department issued an order to form the state of the aeronautical part, the function of which was in military intelligence. He existed only seven years, receiving the title of one of the best in the world. Therefore, he played an exceptional role in the formation of world aviation.

Russia already at the beginning of the First World War could boast the largest number of aircraft, the number of which was three times in just four years. Despite this, the history of the Imperial Fleet ends immediately after the revolution of 1917.

Global industrialization has a positive effect on the production of aircraft. After a few months from the beginning of the second world daily released 100 units of aircraft. Record pace of aviation development was observed after the completion of the war. The Soviet Union has significantly expanded the importance and obligations of the Air Force. The development of aviation during this period stepped far forward.

Therefore, for no accident in 2006, raising the documents of the century ago, by the decree of the President of the country, it was on August 12, it was officially recognized by the Day of the Air Force of Russia. Since then, all military pilots of our country celebrate their professional day.

Interesting facts about the date of celebration of the Day of the Air Force

With the history of the holiday we figured out. But there are still other facts confirming that not always the day of the Russian Air Force of Russia celebrated on August 12. It is curious that the date of the celebration was changed four times.

So, at the beginning of the last century, at the dawn of aviation, Russian pilots obeyed the Decree of Nikolai II, and celebrated their professional holiday on the day of the Holy Prophet Ilya, August 2. Now this day is celebrated by airborne troops.

Then in 1924, Mikhail Frunze postponed the celebration on July 14 for the air fleet. And then, in 1933, Stalin, announcing the creation of the Aviation Industry in the USSR, installed the Day of the Air Fleet on August 18.

The official celebration of the Day of the Russian Air Force occurs on August 12. In our time, the Air Force is performed defense, intelligence and strategic functions, which plays an important role to increase the defense capability of Russia.

Congratulations on the Day of the Air Force

To emphasize the importance of the profession and show respect for a person who is related to military aviation, do not forget to congratulate it on time. Express the sincere thanks to our defenders, because it is so important - to be proud of the achievements of the Motherland.

Today, you can safely consider the events of 2015, that is, when the air force has become part of the air-space forces of the Russian Federation.

The holiday is combined with the Air Fleet Day and so that there is no disagreement of which day to celebrate this day in Russia, in 2018 they celebrate the holiday on August 12th.


The Education of the Air Force is found in 1910. At this time, the purchase of aircraft was produced in France. In this connection, an aviation school was opened. In 1912, an aviation part was formed, which was soon disbanded, but after 6 years later resumed.

The State Air Force of the Air Force originated in 1933. The successful industry of aviation of the USSR is closely related to the date of occurrence of the holiday. Moreover, the first aircraft planned to use exclusively for intelligence. Today, there is a somewhat different burden on aviation, which requires many efforts and actions (intelligence, bombardment, assault, delivery). Consumer holiday date was fixed in 2006.


The special range of the holiday can be noted on the databases of the Air Force. Where excursions are held, the fighting vehicles are "in all its glory" and introduce them to their work and the device. Many cities conduct "flying speeches" that are preparing in advance. The spectacular tricks not only capture the spirit of eyewitnesses, but also remain in memory for life.

Professionals show their skills jumping with parachutes. On television a few days before the holiday, moving films about military aviation are starting. People honored the memory of the dead pilots, visiting their burial places and placing flowers there.

Interesting! The first aircraft were not equipped with devices that would allow to see the enemy, so the pilot had to closely monitor himself, constantly turning his head.

It was very uncomfortable, and the collar constantly rubbed her neck. Therefore, silk scarves attached to military uniform, which rescued from rubbing. Nowadays, many pilots, having traditions of those times, wear silk scarves on the neck.

How to celebrate

In this important day for the whole country, people decorate cars with flags. Congratulations to all those related to this profession and express good wishes in connection with the choice of such a serious profession. Give flowers. In the evening, the salutes are launched with shouts "Hurray!".

When celebrated in the USSR

The leadership of the USSR fully supported the development of objects under construction. Constructing plants were built. From flight schools, which opened at the time talented specialists were produced. The released technique was not inferior to bought abroad. In 1933, the date of the celebration on August 18 was established.

Work in the air is associated with daily risk, large loads and stress for the entire body. The profession of heroes, respect it, she is admired, they strive for her, she is worthy of awards and generous, high-profile holidays and congratulations on the Aviation Dem. Holidays of aviation are those days in which you simply must congratulate familiar and relatives working in this area. Pro I. congratulations on Aviation Day Read below.

If heaven for you spread

So you are wing wizards,

And the wonderful expanses spread out,

And parity, from dawn to sunset you.

Daily life trust

Hundreds, thousands and more people

You heart and souls entrust all

So that they carry them in the distance quickly!

Take care of them, take care and store,

Party so that the trouble went around,

We transfer on your wings

We will always pray for you!

Of course, such a large-scale multifaceted profession associated with daily risk has not one date for the celebration.

  • The progress of aviation internationally could not be unnoticed. In 1992, the UN General Assembly established the celebration of the International Civil Aviation Day, which since then it is possible to celebrate December 7th.
  • February 9 - Russian Civil Aviation Day
  • December 23 - Far Aviation Day
  • June 1 - Military Aviation Day
  • July 17 - Marine Aviation Day
  • August 12 - Day of the Russian Air Force
  • 3rd Resurrection of August - Day of the Air Fleet.
  • And of course, every 13th day, of each month, as if in a section of fate, celebrate their prosperous, countless landings.

Air Fleet Great Holiday

His among many we allocate.

And he is assembled in the hearts of various

About whose expressions we do not know.

Heroes, quickly cheer up in heaven,

Risking daily life for you

Whose endlessly continuous band

Both take-off and your own.

Civil or military

You honor everyone and congratulations

Immortal, steel and permanent,

We wish you from around the world:

Take off ... fly ... fly ...

Always, at any time of the year,

So that the angel could give his defense,

And on sunny days, and in bad weather!

How to congratulate the pilot?

If a person close to you tied your life with heaven and such a special profession like a pilot, then congratulates it in a special way. Fine beautiful, words reflecting the essence of the profession, create an unforgettable entourage and, of course, interesting gifts.

What is the man's wings for?

To fall into the sky infinite

How are the tops of the planet small,

And the little people are not visible at all.

You sweep up, you wipe up,

Daily, hand on the pulse holding

Responsible for life responsible for all

So, beautifully steam above the ground, and stew!

We wish you health, strength and patience,

We wish the weather good always

Let the luck flying with you, lucky,

And there is never a bad clock!

Probably the most magnificent sense of the holiday for pilots is to stay at home with your family, so you should not offer hiking in restaurants or other institutions. The holiday should be family, if, of course, this is no longer corporate.

Fly a pilot, fly, cheer

Be daily above all

And the strength is all your throw,

On landing without interference!

And on the sides fly with you

Let your angels

And for you they look,

To the very earth!

Registration of the holiday, at home.

Order a cake in the form of a helmet or shaped cap, you can arrange lunch, both on the plane, serve all dishes on separation and disposable packages, but, of course, exceptionally home cooking. Or prepare them in the form of an airplane, emblems and other flight attributes, give interesting names related to this profession. For example, come up with cocktails and originally called them, "takeoff strip", "turbulence zone" or "seven thousand above". Salads to arrange and also call - "Chassis", "steering wheel", "Drapp" (for the color palette we use black olives, brown nuts, purple onions and cabbage). It is hot to decompose on the dish in the form of an airplane or an emblem of the airline.

For the apartment to raise small paper airplanes, balls and other little things associated with air.


Invitation to the banquet in the view of tickets. The service personnel of your banquet should be moved to the uniform of the company, which is celebrating, in the entrance to distribute "take-off-land" candies. The hall to issue balloons with the emblems of the airline to find the appropriate music, periodically diluting it with ads, sounding in airplanes and airports.

Chairs can imitate the semblance of aircraft chairs, for example, to equip headrests or safety belts. Dishes can be supplied in disposable containers, foil or simply reflect the specialized subject.

Event itself is organized in the form of flight, exotic travel, exam for employees of the air industry, unplanned landing. In retro style, for example "Flight 60 - E", and maybe, on the contrary, "Heaven, 3100 year" and so on.


It is very difficult to surprise a person who has seen many times more than you, but you still have to try. One option is to approach the issue with humor and give him a train ticket, a bus or sea vessel for any tour of the cities, Europe. Press the model of the aircraft, cufflinks or cigaretches with symbols, a nominal watch, a comfortable leather chair, like in the cockpit of pilots.

Of course, this is exclusively thematic gifts and nuances of the holiday, you can choose the topics completely unrelated with flight cause.

Rows of congratulations.

Pilots, flight attendants and flight attendants! Every third person in the world, at least once trusted you your life and life of your loved ones. And you, at the highest level, millions of times coped with this task. And all because you do not occupy or professionalism, nor courage, no courage, nor dedication. From the heart, in your holiday, we want to wish, most importantly - health! After all, only it gives you the opportunity to look up in heaven, and we can be in safe hands. Incredible luck, from which our fate also depends. Cloudless sky, endless expanses, strongest guardian angels and thousands of flight hours ahead! With the holiday you are the Heavenly Flight Industry officers!

Russian aviation did not once prove his courage in battles, protecting our homeland from the enemy. As a sign of respect for the exploits of military pilots, in memory of those who died in the fulfillment of their debt and the formation of an honorary image of military service in civilians, including young people, in Russia every year it is customary to celebrate the day of the Air Force.

Day of the Air Force: Honor and heroism above the clouds

Russia's military-air forces are given such tasks as an intelligence of enemy groups, transportation of material resources, live strength and technology, landing, support for land forces, warning about attack, protection against air strikes and important military-economic regions of the country, and Also applying a strike on the military-economic regions of the enemy and its military groups. How to see the air force playing one of the key roles in ensuring the protection of the Russian Federation from the invasion of the enemy.

Moreover, today, the presence of the country of powerful air force is considered an excellent deterrent in the eyes of a potential enemy. After all, with the development of weapon systems, one combat unit of the Air Force is able to unexpectedly apply significant damage to the enemy's troops, destroying all the plans for the attack on the initial stage. In addition, Army Aviation provides mobility of the armed forces, which makes it possible to ensure the formation of a decisive advantage in the technique and the alive force in a particular direction.

At the time of the Great Patriotic War, the Germans made a bet on the tactics of a lightning war, which was supposed to bring a quick victory over Soviet troops. One of the main points was hitting the airfields. The location of the military airfields for the Germans was not a mystery, as long before the start of the war, the intelligence (including air) provided data on the map of the Wehrmacht and Luftwaffe. Having received a directive from the center, command of the Western, Kiev Special, Odessa, Leningrad and Baltic special military districts, failed to transfer aviation to spare airfields, which were not prepared in a wide number, and the masking of the main positions left much to be desired. Thus, on the first day of the war, the Germans managed to destroy about 1,200 aircraft, which provided the fascist Germany full domination in the air.

Experienced Assa Luftwaffe on airplanes, which, according to technical characteristics, were superior to Soviet, shot down our pilots. Including the preparation of the flight formulation of the USSR Air Force was often erroneous. After all, they taught the officers on the fact that the fight should be kept at high altitude, and the Germans acted sometimes even at the lowest altitudes. But over time, our learned to beat Fritz, both on Earth and air. Slavs are the exploits of the heroes of the pilots: Kozhevab, Tashkin, Amemet-Khan Sultan, Gastello, Rukalova, Evstigneeva and many others, whose name instilled in the opponent fear. They have formed their heroic actions the tradition of the air forces of our country: resistance, courage, debt (motto of one of the flight parts of Russia).

* To combat German asams, a special flight part was created in the USSR, which was gained by talented fighter pilots who won a lot of victories in air battles. The 9 Guards Fighter Aviation Regiment was created in 1942. During the war years, 558 enemy aircraft were shot down by the pilots of this military unit, which is the third indicator in the Soviet Union. 28 heroes of the Soviet Union fought in this regiment, four of whom were twice with heroes.

Slavs and feats of pilots who fought far from their homeland, fulfilling the order and international debt. In the mountains of Afghanistan, over the Korean Peninsula, in the sky of Spain, our pilots risking their lives have rarely saved the life of soldiers and officers of land connections. It clearly shows that the oath, duty, honor is the concepts of saints, which from generation to generation live in the hearts of Russian pilots.

The day of the Air Force proves how the role of military aviation is highly appreciated. On this day, the pilots are remembered, who have not returned from combat departures, those whose names forever are inscribed in the history of the Great Victory Gold Letters of Glory and courage, those who participated in other armed conflicts, fulfilling their international duty in heavenly needs. And it is also customary to congratulate those who have ever served in the air force, or now carry straps with the emblem of the Air Force.

When the day of the Air Force is celebrated

For honoring pilots and all those associated with army aviation at the state level, there is a holiday day of the Air Force, the number of celebration of which by the decree of the President of the Russian Federation of August 29, 1997 No. 949 was established as August 12. The year of the foundation of the Air Force in modern Russia is 1992. In 2006, in connection with the signing of the Decree of the President of Russia "On the establishment of professional holidays and commemorative days in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation", the celebration of the Air Force Day was postponed for one day with the Day of the Air Fleet of Russia, on the third Sunday of August.

History of the Day of the Air Force

The history of the Formation of the Air Force takes its beginning back in 1910, when France has a Russian empire purchased aircraft. Then two flight schools were founded in Gatchina and Sevastopol, which were under the protection of Prince Alexander Mikhailovich. Later, with his active participation in Sevastopol, the school of officer composition for aviation was created. But at that time, the aircraft were considered an integral part of engineering troops.

On August 12, 1912, the date of birth of military aviation in Russia is considered. It was on this day that the second was signed by a decree on the creation of the first aviation part in the Russian Empire. We are talking about the order of July 12, 1912 No. 397 of the Military Minister Sukhomlinova V.A. About the fact that all the affairs of aviation and aeronautics are transferred to the conduct of aeronautical part of the General Staff. In 1913, the aviation part was disbanded.

Already in 1918, the Bolsheviks create a worker-peasant red air fleet. In 1933, the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR on August 18 approved the date of celebration of the All-Union Day of Aviation, dedicated to the outstanding merits of the Soviet Aviation Industry, the Field and Technical and Flight Makeup of the RKKA Air Force. Thus, for the first time in the history of the country to celebrate such an event as the Day of the Air Force, the date was established at the state level.

In 1980, the celebration of the Day of Army Aviation was postponed by the third Resurrection of Augustus with the relevant decision of the Supreme Presidium of the USSR. In 1992, the corresponding regulatory document was adopted in the Russian Federation, which the date of the celebration of the Day of Military Aviation remained unchanged. In 1997, the Day of the Air Force was established.

Given the historical realities, for the military pilots, the new date of the celebration was August 12 until 2006, when the appropriate presidential decree was signed. To date, a professional holiday for all who are involved in military aviation is the third Resurrection of the last summer month.

In 2012, on August 11-12, a large-scale celebration of the 100th anniversary of the creation of Russian Air Force was held. On this day, a grandiose airshow was held in the Moscow region Zhukovsky, with the participation of foreign and rare samples of equipment (including biplans of the seasons of the First World War). In addition, aerobatic groups from Poland, France, Great Britain, Turkey, Latvia, Finland and Italy took part. This day ended with the grand salute. On the occasion of the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the air force, an anniversary medal was released.

As in Russia marks the Day of the Air Force, video:

Festive events on the day of the Air Force in the cities of Russia

In Russian cities, the holiday of military aviation is widely noted where parts of the Air Force are deployed. All those wishing to be allowed to have a battle appliance. Some lucky manners can sit behind the helm of a combat aircraft or behind the simulator's steering wheel. In major cities, aviation shows are held in which a group of Russian Assov "Russian Vityazi", "Rus" take part. On TV on this day, the Soviet cinema "Heavenly Skin" and "One old men" and films about military pilots of different production (including the United States) are in battle. Flowers and wreaths are assigned to the graves of pilots. Of course, in small cities, villages, where the remains of the dead flyers are buried, the flowers are assigned only to May 9. In cities where there are sports aircraft clubs pass small speeches of parachutists and planyrists.

Day of the Air Force Balashov

In the city where the Balashovsky training Aviation Center is deployed on the day of the Air Force, the solemn construction of cadets on the anniversary square is being held. After the solemn rally, the settlement of cadets passes through the central square. Not only leaders of local governments come to congratulate the personnel of the Center, but also members of the "combat fraternity" (societies of the city officers).

Day of the Air Force Moscow

In the capital of the Russian Federation at the airfield Monino, the parade with the participation of all complexes that are in service with the Air Force is held on this day. Concerts are held in Monino, contests where the prize is a ticket back and back to any city of Russia by plane. At the same time demonstrates special purpose technique, transport aviation. In the squares and parks, all the robes are going to the holiday.

Day of the Air Force St. Petersburg

In the village of Nikolskoy, in the third Resurrection of August, events dedicated to the Day of Air Force are held annually. The program usually represented: indicative jumps, competitions for the accuracy of landing among parachutists, an indicative pilot of sports aircraft, creative teams and artists entertain the audience. In addition, soldier's cuisine works for everyone.

Day of the Air Force Kaliningrad

In the western city of Rossi in this date, celebrations are also held. Usually under the patronage of the command of the Western Military District, an exhibition of both military and civil flight equipment is organized.

Day of the Air Force Volgograd

The door of the Stalingrad Battle Museum is open to the hero city for everyone. Often there are an airline show or exhibition of combat aircraft. And on the embankment Volzhan every year there is a concert.

Ekaterinburg Air Force Day

At the Uchtus airfield, the grandiose airshow is held every year, where a large variety of military aviation techniques are represented, ranging from front-line bomber and ending with the giant helicopters of the family of the family. The city's Day in Yekaterinburg is celebrated in the third Saturday of August, which allows you to combine two holidays in one, making it a truly interesting.

Day of the Air Force Krasnoyarsk

In Krasnoyarsk, local aircraft suits the show. Excoring parachute jumps are a tribute to tradition, but the flight on the excursion "Boeing" is a novelty. Also at the airfield, entertainment sites and extreme attractions.

Day of the Air Force Irkutsk

Usually all celebrations are held in the city international airport. The Kirov Square is a rally and a solemn construction of the personnel of military units and the Irkutsk Higher Military Aviation Engineering School (Eveva). After laying the wreaths to the eternal fire, the day of open doors passes in Eveva, where everyone will be able to familiarize themselves with the samples of technology at the educational airfield.

Day of the Air Force Rostov-on-Don

Very many military personnel from the parts of Rostov-on-Don took part in armed conflicts in the North Caucasus, including pilots. In addition, Rostov-on-Don is a major city where the command of the Air Force and Air Force of the Southern Military District is located. Accordingly, the festivities are held with the widest swing: airshow, demonstration performances (including landing of the landing from helicopters, imitation of the battle) and concerts to the attention of Rostov.

Day of the Air Force Vladivostok

The local air force is notable for the fact that maritime aviation takes part in the holiday.

According to the Day of the Air Force in Khabarovsk, an interesting video: