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Labor model of a medical sister. Features of the professional motivation of the medical sister in domestic and foreign psychology. Patient as a behavioral system

Ø Honesty

It is important not only to never lie, but also do not hide the shortcoming in the work, your mistake, if they never asked about them and there is a possibility that they never know about them.

Pirogov said that from the very beginning of his medical field, he adopted the rule not to hide her misconceptions, or his failures, and proved it, promulgated all his mistakes. He believed that it was necessary to have an internal need to share his missions to warn others from them People. Do not only go about medical errors, - every omission should be fixed in a timely manner.

Recognition of errors will not reduce respect for the health worker.

A hidden mistake, the girl remaining not detected, may have serious consequences, both for the health of the patient and for the psychology of the health worker himself.

Becoming a behavioral stereotype, this habit can increase the risk of problems and conflicts in professional activities.

Ø Personal maturity.

It assumes the ability to take responsibility, courage and determination, the ability to overcome difficulties in work.

Ø Accuracy

This is a guarantee of good care for patients, compliance with professional image. Modesty and accuracy should manifest itself in appearance. Excessive chic in clothes, the abuse of cosmetics involuntarily causes the thought of the patients: "Will she be so busy, think and take care of us?"

Ø High self-control

It is aimed at own actions, for example, when distributing medicines, performing procedures, prescriptions.

Ø Optimism

It is necessary for a medical professional as the basis of suggestion to the patient's hope for a favorable outcome, helping him to mobilize all the forces on the fight against the disease.

Medic with a pessimistic worldview can project it on a patient and thereby deprive the patient of faith in the success of treatment. Supply the formation of pathological: apathetic, depressive attitude towards the disease.

Ø Observation

The high level of development, visual, auditory and tactile sensations is of great importance for determining, for example: body temperature, vein detection, etc.

It is important to note minor changes in the state of patients who are manifested in the expression of the face, body temperature, mood, appetite.

Ø Attentiveness

Polite behavior attentive attitude towards the patient is important features of professional behavior.

Necessary familiar relations or behavior, bordering rudeness, can injure the patient's psyche and adversely affect the course of treatment and disease.

Ø Intellect level

Of particular importance is the concentration of attention and the RAM required during the patient care process, during manipulations, issuing medicines.

Ø High emotional stability

Excessive emotional reactivity as well as emotional stupidity may be an obstacle to the implementation of clear and rapid actions in extreme conditions.

Ø Sensomotor development

The activities of the Medical Sitter makes high requirements for the sensorotor sphere: movements must be accurate, commensurate and clever, for example: in the implementation of injections, dressings, etc. manipulations.

Labor model nurse

Nursing as a form of activity refers to the professions of the group "Man - Man". Under the working terms, this group is considered to be the work "in conditions of increased responsibility for the life and health of people" (according to the classification of E.A. Klimov).

WHO defines 4 nurse functions.

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"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-RU "LANG \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Lecture number"XML: Lang \u003d" EN-US "LANG \u003d" EN-US "\u003e 5

"XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Subject:"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-E "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e model of nursing business.

Training goals Classes:

Know: - The content of the term

  • "XML: Lang \u003d" RU-R "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Value of Sister's models for the development of a nursing specialty
  • "XML: Lang \u003d" RU-R "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e The main provisions of the model of the nursing business
  • "XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e variety of models (for example, V.Khenderson, D. Iron, D. Johnson, K. Troy)
  • "XML: Lang \u003d" RU-RU "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Conceptual provisions of the model V.Khenderson, the relationship of the basic needs of a person by A. Mashloau and species of daily activities in Virginia Henderson

"XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e To be able to: - Apply the model V. Henderson when analyzing a specific situation

"XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Educational goals:

  • "XML: Lang \u003d" RU-RU "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e to educate through the performance of training activities The best features: kindness, purposefulness, accuracy, discipline, durability
  • "XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e to educate the desire to raise knowledge
  • "xml: lang \u003d" ru-ru "lang \u003d" ru-ru "\u003e teach students to be collected

"XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "lang \u003d" ru-ru "\u003e Type of classes: lesson - lecture

"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-E "LANG \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Method of Keeping: Lecture - Story

"XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Duration: 80 minutes

Intracmotive connections: Lecture number 5 "Human needs in health and

"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-RU "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Diseases"

"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-RU "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Interdisciplinary connections: foreign language

"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-RU "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Location: lecture hall

"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-E "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Equipment of classes: - lecture on the topic

"XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e - Purchase plan

"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-RU "LANG \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e

  1. "XML: Lang \u003d" RU-RU "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Virginia Henderson and her theory of nursing business. // Medical assistance. - 1999. - № 1. - p. 13 - 17.
  2. "XML: lang \u003d" RU-RU "LANG \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Nursing: the evolution of concepts and the development of theories. // Medical assistance. - 1996. - № 4. - p. 7 - 9.
  3. "XML: Lang \u003d" RU-RU "LANG \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Obukhovets T.P., Sklyarova T.A., Chernova O.V. Basics of nursing care. Series" Medicine for you ". Rostov N / D : Phoenix, 2000. - 448 p.
  4. "XML: Lang \u003d" RU-R "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Nursing, Volume 1 / Ed. A.F, Krasnova. - S.: GP" Perspective ", 1998. - 368 p.

Structure occupation

"XML: Lang \u003d" EN-US "LANG \u003d" EN-US "\u003e I"XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e. Organizational moment:

  1. "XML: Lang \u003d" RU-R "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Greeting of the teacher.
  2. "XML: lang \u003d" RU-RU "LANG \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e readiness to the audience.
  3. "XML: Lang \u003d" RU-E "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Appearance of students.
  4. "XML: Lang \u003d" RU-E "LANG \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Mark of missing.

"XML: Lang \u003d" EN-US "LANG \u003d" EN-US "\u003e II"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-E "LANG \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e. Message Topics Lectures and Training Goals.

"XML: Lang \u003d" EN-US "LANG \u003d" EN-US "\u003e III"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-R "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e. Formation of new concepts and representations:

  1. "XML: Lang \u003d" RU-EN "LANG \u003d" RU-EN "\u003e The teacher sets out a lecture material with relevant explanations. Questions:
  • Conceptual model of nursing business as a necessary condition for professional nursing practice.
  • The main provisions of the nursing model: the patient's determination, the source of the patient's problems, the priority task of the nurse, the role of the medical sister, the focus of intervention, the methods of nursing interventions, the expected result.
  • A variety of models of nursing business. Comparative characteristics of the most famous models of nursing business.
  • Theories and models aimed at overcoming the deficit of self-temperature in a patient (for example, V. Henderson, D. Orem).
  • The main provisions of the V. Henderson model. The relationship of the basic needs of a person according to A. Maslow and species of daily activities in Virginia Henderson. The needs of the patient in adequate breathing, nutrition and reception of fluid, physiological shipments, movement, sleep, the implementation of personal hygiene measures and changing clothes, maintaining normal body temperature, security, communication, work and recreation. Value for nursing business.
  • Theories and models aimed at adapting the patient and his family members to a health-related situation (for example, K. Roy).
  • The use of nursing models when analyzing specific situations in the hospital and home.
  1. "XML: Lang \u003d" RU-EN "LANG \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Students abstract lecture material under the teacher's dictation.
  2. "XML: lang \u003d" RU-RU "LANG \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e In the course of the lecture, the teacher:

"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-E "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e a) Specifies questions and exercises to students,

"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-RU "LANG \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e B) answers students.

IV . Summing up the classes - the teacher verbally summarizes the told


"XML: Lang \u003d" EN-US "LANG \u003d" EN-US "\u003e V"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-R "lang \u003d" ru-ru "\u003e. Homework:

"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-R "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e" Models of a nursing case ".

Models of nursing business

; text-decoration: underline "XML: lang \u003d" RU-RU "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Scientific theories of nursing

If the content of the process or phenomenon is too large or abstract to contact them, then it is replaced by the model that facilitates its study and analysis. Distinguish political models, economic, social, medical, etc.The medical model has existed for centuries, it is focused on the disease when the doctor's efforts are aimed at making the diagnosis and treatment of pathological conditions.. All of his attention is focused on the search and treatment of deviations, dysfunctions and defects. Most of the activities of the doctor - treatment, teaching or research work, one way or another are aimed at various aspects of the disease and ailments.

"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-RU "LANG \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e"xml: lang \u003d" ru-ru "lang \u003d" ru-ru "\u003e a model of nursing business is focused on a person, and not on the disease"XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "lang \u003d" ru-ru "\u003e. This model should be applied to the needs of patients, their families and societies, to provide a wide choice of roles and functions for work not only with patients and dying patients. , but also with a healthy contingent of the population. Models of nursing care reflect the existing reality, make it possible to compare the various concepts of nursing business for a long time.

"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-E "Lang \u003d" RU-E "\u003e for example,"XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "lang \u003d" ru-ru "\u003e"XML: Lang \u003d" EN-US "LANG \u003d" EN-US "\u003e XIX"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-E "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e A century, the nursing case was reduced to the care of the patient. As a rule, there were no attempts to actively influence the course of the disease. A model of a nursing case, which pretended in the US at the end."XML: Lang \u003d" EN-US "LANG \u003d" EN-US "\u003e XIX"XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e -"XML: Lang \u003d" EN-US "LANG \u003d" EN-US "\u003e XX"XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "lang \u003d" ru-ru "\u003e beginning of the century, reflects the activities of Florence Plantneyale, which believed that the patient's condition can be improved by affecting the environment"XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "lang \u003d" ru-ru "\u003e, for this, fresh air, heat, light, power and appropriate hygiene. Gradually, these factors have become important for everyone, and not just for patients, it laid Fundamentals of prevention.

"XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e with the development of medical care Many duties of the doctor began to move to a medical sister"XML: lang \u003d" RU-E "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e (measurement of temperature, arterial pressure, performing a number of procedures, etc.)."XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e In addition to care for the patient, the sister takes an active part in rehabilitation and prevention"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-R "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e.

"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-RU "LANG \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-RU "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e in the 60s."XML: Lang \u003d" EN-US "LANG \u003d" EN-US "\u003e XX"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-RU "LANG \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e A century Nursing School of Yale University of USA put forward new approaches to the interpretation of nursing business. It was proposed to consider the nursing:

  • "XML: Lang \u003d" RU-E "LANG \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e as a process, and not the final result;
  • "XML: Lang \u003d" RU-E "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e as interaction, not content;
  • "XML: Lang \u003d" RU-E "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e as a relationship between two specific individuals, and not the connection between the abstract nurse and the patient.

The proceedings are based on a systematic approach to the provision of nursing care, oriented to the patient's needs..

"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-EN "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Therefore, other models of nursing aid appeared. Each model reflects the worldview and beliefs of medical sisters engaged in building it.

Conceptual models of nursing business

as a necessary condition for professional nursing practice

"XML: lang \u003d" RU-RU "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e conceptual model of nursing business -"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-RU "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Escape or structure, which is based on the philosophy of the nursing case, includes four paradigms of nursing and developed as a guide for curriculum or practice. All conceptual models Nursing affairs include four aspects of nursing:

  1. "XML: Lang \u003d" RU-R "lang \u003d" ru-ru "\u003e patient,
  2. "XML: Lang \u003d" RU-RU "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Nursing,
  3. "XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Environment,
  4. "XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Health.

"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-RU "LANG \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-RU "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Currently, in the world practice of nursing, there are more than 30 conceptual models of nursing care. They contain the following"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-RU "LANG \u003d" RU-R "\u003e Basic positions:

  • "XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "lang \u003d" ru-ru "\u003e patient definition
  • "XML: Lang \u003d" RU-R "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Patient Problem Source
  • "XML: lang \u003d" RU-RU "LANG \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Sister priority task
  • "XML: Lang \u003d" RU-RU "LANG \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Sister's role
  • "XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "lang \u003d" ru-ru "\u003e intervention focus
  • "XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e intervention methods
  • "xml: lang \u003d" ru-ru "lang \u003d" ru-ru "\u003e expected result"XML: Lang \u003d" EN-US "LANG \u003d" EN-US "\u003e

"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-RU "Lang \u003d" RU-EN "\u003e The nursing model can be defined as a basic structure reflecting the essence of the nursing case. It plays an important role in the development of nursing affairs, aiming education, research and practical activities. It also contributes to the formation of professional consciousness and strengthening ties between nurses working in various fields of nursing.

"XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e the greatest distribution received"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-R "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Five models:

Evolutionary - Adaptation (Canadian Sisters Association).

; text-decoration: underline "XML: Lang \u003d" RU-R "Lang \u003d" RU-EN "\u003e Patient Definition:"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-E "Lang \u003d" RU-R "\u003e (examines the patient as a person, an individual) a unique biological and psychosocial existence, which is functioning due to innate and acquired adaptation.

; text-decoration: underline "XML: Lang \u003d" RU-EN "LANG \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Patient problem source:"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-R "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Real or upcoming changes in his life, especially in its critical periods that have a negative impact on health.

; text-decoration: underline "XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Sister's priority task:"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-E "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Assisting the patient in achieving and maintaining the optimal level of health in critical periods of life.

; text-decoration: underline "XML: Lang \u003d" RU-RU "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Role of sister:"XML: lang \u003d" RU-R "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Mentor - coordinator (assistance to the patient throughout life in the development and use of all adaptation methods).

; text-decoration: underline "XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Focus intervention:"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-EN "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Methods for adapting the patient to the environment during the changes in its life, requiring efforts or changes to maintain the optimal level of health.

; text-decoration: underline "XML: Lang \u003d" RU-RU "LANG \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Intervention methods:"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-E "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Application of various ways to stimulate the patient.

Expected Result:achieving the optimal level of patient health in critical periods of his life.

Added - complementary (Virginia Henderson, 1955)

; text-decoration: underline "XML: Lang \u003d" RU-R "Lang \u003d" RU-EN "\u003e Patient Definition:"XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "Lang \u003d" RU-EN "\u003e Complete and independent existence is to satisfy 14 basic needs.

; text-decoration: underline "XML: Lang \u003d" RU-EN "LANG \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Patient problem source:"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-R "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Lack of force, will and (or) knowledge.

; text-decoration: underline "XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Sister's priority task:"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-R "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Ensuring freedom and independence in satisfying the basic needs.

; text-decoration: underline "XML: Lang \u003d" RU-RU "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Role of sister:"XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "Lang \u003d" RU-EN "\u003e Restoration actions and maintenance of independence in satisfying basic needs.

; text-decoration: underline "XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Focus intervention:"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-R "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Patient Problem Source

; text-decoration: underline "XML: Lang \u003d" RU-RU "LANG \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Intervention methods:"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-R "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Actions aimed at hardening the body, strengthening the force of will, the replenishment of knowledge.

Expected Result: Increasing independence (independence) of the patient in meeting 14 basic needs.

"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-E "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e This theory has the greatest fame and popularity among nurses. It is based on the satisfaction of the 14 basic needs of the patient (normal breathing, adequate power and drinking mode, movement and saving the desired position. , sleep and recreation, maintaining normal body temperature, communication with others, etc.). "The unique task of the nurse is to assess the patient's attitude to the state of their health and help him in the implementation of those actions to strengthen and restore the health that he could do Himself, if I had enough strength, will and knowledge for this. "

Model of the behavioral system (Dorothy Johnson, 1968)

; text-decoration: underline "XML: Lang \u003d" RU-R "Lang \u003d" RU-EN "\u003e Patient Definition:"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-E "LANG \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e The behavioral system represented by the eight subsystems.

; text-decoration: underline "XML: Lang \u003d" RU-EN "LANG \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Patient problem source:"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-E "LANG \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e functional and (or) structural stress.

; text-decoration: underline "XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Sister's priority task:"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-R "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Ensuring the equilibrium of the behavioral system and the functional stability of the patient.

; text-decoration: underline "XML: Lang \u003d" RU-RU "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Role of sister:"XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "lang \u003d" ru-ru "\u003e Nurse acts as a regulator and controller.

; text-decoration: underline "XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Focus intervention:"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-E "LANG \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Control and Regulation Mechanisms, as well as the requirements for the patient.

; text-decoration: underline "XML: Lang \u003d" RU-RU "LANG \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Intervention methods:"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-R "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Actions Warning, protecting, deterrent and relaxing patients in situations of functional or structural stress.

Expected Result:adequate patient behavior in response to the stressful situation.

"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-E "LANG \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Special attention is paid to how the patient adapts to his illness and as stress, real or potential, can affect the ability of a person to adapt. The main goal of nursing care - Reducing stress in the patient so that it makes it easier to transfer the process of recovery.

Model deficit model (Dorothy Orev, 1971)

; text-decoration: underline "XML: Lang \u003d" RU-R "Lang \u003d" RU-EN "\u003e Patient Definition:"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-E "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e a creature providing self-service activities of 14 universal needs.

; text-decoration: underline "XML: Lang \u003d" RU-EN "LANG \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Patient problem source:"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-E "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Self-service deficit (inability to take care of itself).

; text-decoration: underline "XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Sister's priority task:"XML: lang \u003d" RU-E "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Creating conditions for the implementation of the patient of self-temperature to achieve and maintain the optimal level of health.

; text-decoration: underline "XML: Lang \u003d" RU-RU "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Role of sister:"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-EN "LANG \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Sister acts as a teacher and controller.

; text-decoration: underline "XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Focus intervention:"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-R "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Violation of the execution of self-temperature elements.

; text-decoration: underline "XML: Lang \u003d" RU-RU "LANG \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Intervention methods:"XML: lang \u003d" RU-E "LANG \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e assistation.

Expected Result:achievement of the optimal level of self-service patient.

"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-RU "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e" In nursing business, the needs of the patient in care must be focused on. Care is needed to every person - a woman, a man, a child. In the absence of due assisted, there is ailment, illness and Death. Nurse sometimes provides continuous care for completely disabled patients. In other cases, it only helps patients to provide the necessary journey by providing them with certain types of assistance, by learning and directions of patients as they move them to independent care. The purpose of the nurse is supporting the skills Patient take care of yourself.

Adaptation model (Callista Roy, 1976)

; text-decoration: underline "XML: Lang \u003d" RU-R "Lang \u003d" RU-EN "\u003e Patient Definition:"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-R "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e A person in constant interaction with the environment and adapting to it with various adaptation methods.

; text-decoration: underline "XML: Lang \u003d" RU-EN "LANG \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Patient problem source:"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-R "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Activity deficiency (passivity) as a result of the existing disease.

; text-decoration: underline "XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Sister's priority task:"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-R "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Patient training to adapt to the surrounding atmosphere during the disease.

; text-decoration: underline "XML: Lang \u003d" RU-RU "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Role of sister:"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-RU "LANG \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Sister acts as a teacher-innovator.

; text-decoration: underline "XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Focus intervention:"XML: lang \u003d" RU-R "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Use of various ways to stimulate a patient learning to adapt to the surrounding atmosphere.

; text-decoration: underline "XML: Lang \u003d" RU-RU "LANG \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Intervention methods:"XML: lang \u003d" RU-E "LANG \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e dosage use of incentives (saving, cancellation, increasing, decrease).

Expected Result: Adaptation of the patient as a result of adequate perception of the incentives used.

"XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e I can also offer you some other theories of nursing business. For example:

  • Theory Hildegard Peplau, 1952

"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-R "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Subsequently, the model of nursing practice in psychiatry:" Nursing is a complex process of interpersonal and therapeutic interaction between the sister and the patient, where the nurse acts as an assistant, the counselor and guardian For the patient, and the process of their interpersonal interaction includes a number of consecutive stages, orientation, identification, explanation and solution. "

  • "XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Theory of Fay Abdelch, 1960

"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-RU "LANG \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e" At the heart of the patient's care is the principles; text-decoration: underline "XML: lang \u003d" RU-R "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e HOLISM"XML: lang \u003d" RU-R "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e - a holistic attitude to personality, taking into account the physical, psychological, emotional, intellectual, social and spiritual needs of the patient and their families. Consequently, the nurse must own the skills of interpersonal communication. , knowledge in the field of psychological, physiological, sociological, basic and special nursing disciplines.

This theory identifies 21 patient's need arising in 4 main areas:

"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-RU "LANG \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e; font-face: "Symbol" "XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e "XML: Lang \u003d" ru-ru "lang \u003d" ru-ru "\u003e Comfort

"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-RU "LANG \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e; font-face: "Symbol" "XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e "XML: Lang \u003d" RU-R "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Physiological Equilibrium

"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-RU "LANG \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e; font-face: "Symbol" "XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e "XML: lang \u003d" RU-RU "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Psychological and social factors

"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-RU "LANG \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e; font-face: "Symbol" "XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e "XML: Lang \u003d" RU-RU "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Sociological and Communicative Factors

"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-EN "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e The number of researchers of nursing business and theories increased literally in their eyes. For example:

  • "XML: Lang \u003d" RU-RU "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Marta Rogers, 1970
  • "XML: Lang \u003d" RU-RU "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Betty Newman, 1972
  • "XML: lang \u003d" RU-RU "LANG \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Madenin Leinger, 1978, etc.

All of them in their own way defined the nursing cause, bringing something new in his theory, practice and science.

Such successful development of theories contributed to the development of nursing programs in universities. The first doctoral programs began to appear in the United States by the beginning of the 1960s. By the end of the 70s. The number of nurses with a doctor of science reached 2000. None had any doubts that the nursing case is transformed into an independent scientific discipline. In 1973, the National Academy of Nursing Sciences was established in the United States, and in 1985, the Congress of this country adopted legislation, in accordance with which the National Center for National Research was created in the country in the country.

"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-RU "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Not bad, of course, that the nursing did not inherit the models from another era, another society. Thanks to this, it has the opportunity to work out its own models that have numerous changes. With a place in our healthcare, its structure and purposes, models associated with health care tasks"XML: Lang \u003d" EN-US "LANG \u003d" EN-US "\u003e XXI"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-E "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e century.

The main provisions of the model V. Henderson

In his theory, V. Henderson so determined the essence of the nursing profession: the unique function of the nurse during the patient's care is to assess the patient's attitude to the state of their health and help him carry out the actions that are necessary to preserve health or life. The assistance provided to the patient is a nurse must contribute to the acquisition of them in the shortest possible time of independence and independence.

This classical definition of Henderson was adopted by the International Council of Nurses, and the theory itself had a huge impact on the subsequent development of the theories of the nursing.

"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-RU "LANG \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e"XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e The basis of the theory of V. Henderson is the concept of human needs. The awareness of these needs and assistance in their satisfaction are prerequisites for the actions of a nurse providing a patient health, recovery or decent death.

The essential elements of the theory

"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-RU "LANG \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-R "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e according to the approval of Henderson, all people, both healthy and sick, have certain vital needs."XML: lang \u003d" RU-RU "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e to the needs of the research related to food, dwelling, clothing, love, recognition of others, demand, feeling belonging to the human community and at the same time a sense of independence from others."XML: Lang \u003d" RU-RU "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e According to Henderson, ideas about the need and how they should be satisfied, different people are very different depending on the cultural and social environment of the individual, his personal features. The nurse must proceed from the perception of needs a specific patient, from his ideas about how these needs should be satisfied to achieve the fact that he himself considers health, recovery or decent death.

"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-EN "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Henderson also lists the factors that affect the main needs of a person and its ability to satisfy them. Among others, it highlights the socio-cultural environment, physical and mental ability of the patient, His volitional qualities, motivation and age.

"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-RU "LANG \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-RU "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e According to Henderson, the purpose of the nursing cause is to achieve the health and recovery of the patient. It focuses on the fact that it is the patient who lays down in all of the concepts listed. In this case Before the nurse, the task of achieving exactly the state, which is perceived by the patient as health, recovery or decent death"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-R "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e. Henderson invests in the concept of" health "immeasurably more than just the absence of a disease. She notes that the duties of nurse include actions aimed at creating the most full-fledged life. For a patient with all the joys, productive activities and a full-fledged vacation.

"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-EN "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Henderson also emphasizes that in cases where death is inevitable, the task of the nurse will be the creation of conditions for a decent patient's care from life.

The most detailed researcher has developed provisions on the main actions of the nurse for patient care. She amounted toclassification of 14 points, which, in her opinion, cover the most important areas of the nurse:

  1. "XML: Lang \u003d" RU-E "LANG \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e to ensure a patient normal breathing.
  2. "XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e to ensure the patient adequate nutrition and drink.
  3. "XML: Lang \u003d" RU-R "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Ensure the patient removal from the body of life products from the body.
  4. "XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "lang \u003d" ru-ru "\u003e help the patient maintain the correct position of the body when he lies, sitting, walks, and help him change the situation.
  5. "XML: Lang \u003d" RU-R "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Ensure the patient a rest and sleep.
  6. "XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e help the patient pick up the necessary clothes and put it.
  7. "XML: Lang \u003d" RU-R "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Help the patient maintain a normal body temperature.
  8. "XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Help the patient to keep the body clean through the order, as well as ensure skin protection.
  9. "XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "lang \u003d" ru-ru "\u003e Help the patient to avoid all sorts of dangers from the outside and make sure that it does not harm others.
  10. "XML: Lang \u003d" RU-E "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e help the patient maintain contact with others, express its desires and feelings.
  11. "XML: Lang \u003d" RU-R "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Assist that the patient can send his religious rites and follow its principles.
  12. "XML: Lang \u003d" RU-RU "LANG \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e help the patient find an opportunity to engage in any case.
  13. "XML: lang \u003d" RU-R "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Facilitate the rest and entertainment of the patient.
  14. "XML: lang \u003d" RU-R "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e to promote patient learning.

"XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Each of the listed items Henderson illustrated various examples. In some cases, the nurse acts on its own initiative, in others it performs the prescription of the doctor. Henderson draws attention to the fact that The nurse must be inventive in its activities and always focus on the opinion of the patient.

Definition of the area of \u200b\u200bnursing

; text-decoration: underline "XML: Lang \u003d" RU-R "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e 1. Patient."XML: Lang \u003d" RU-R "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e According to Henderson, each person creates such a lifestyle to satisfy and maintain health. In cases where a person is not able to lead that way of life, Which allows him to satisfy his vital needs and keep health, he resorts to nursing care.

; text-decoration: underline "xml: lang \u003d" ru-ru "lang \u003d" ru-ru "\u003e 2. What is the area of \u200b\u200bproblems, the solution of which is engaged in a nurse?"XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Henderson believes that the nurse is responsible for the patient's actions aimed at meeting his life needs. The task of the nurse is to help the patient in the implementation of those actions that He could implement himself, being healthy. In this regard, the nurse delves into the problems of the patient to help him.

; text-decoration: underline "XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e 3. The most important aspects associated with the external patient environment."XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Henderson considers only those aspects associated with the external environment that affect the satisfaction of the patient's vital needs. These needs depend on how the patient's personal views have already been.

; text-decoration: underline "XML: Lang \u003d" RU-E "LANG \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e 4. High goal of nursing business."XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "lang \u003d" ru-ru "\u003e - is to satisfy the patient's life needs to achieve his recovery, improving the health of health and independence. For incurable patients, this goal will be to enter into Creating conditions for decent leaving. The goal of the nursing case is also to help the patient to lead such a lifestyle that would contribute to restoring or maintaining health.

; text-decoration: underline "XML: Lang \u003d" RU-E "LANG \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e 5. Methods to achieve a goal.

  1. "XML: Lang \u003d" RU-R "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e to fully apply all efforts to perceive and comprehend what the patient's life needs are concluded, as physical, so their spiritual, sensitively listening, competing and realizing the limited The ability to penetrate the needs of another.
  2. "XML: Lang \u003d" RU-R "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Create a" constructive relationship "with a patient, i.e. strive to ensure that relations with the patient develop naturally and positively. Make a consistent plan for care activities. patient.
  3. "XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e perform the necessary actions for the patient so that it will satisfy your needs.
  4. "XML: Lang \u003d" RU-R "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Act in accordance with the patient's health, taking into account other important factors.
  5. "XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "lang \u003d" ru-ru "\u003e so to ensure the care of the patient to take into account his habits
  6. "XML: Lang \u003d" RU-EN "LANG \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e to reduce suffering and console patient (exercise emotional support).
  7. "XML: Lang \u003d" RU-R "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e to explain to the patient and his close measures necessary to meet his life needs.
  8. "XML: Lang \u003d" RU-EN "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e to ensure safety measures due to the satisfaction of the patient's needs and with various procedures and medical events.
  9. "XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Perform a doctor's prescriptions.

; text-decoration: underline "XML: Lang \u003d" RU-R "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e 6. The context of the nursing business."XML: Lang \u003d" RU-RU "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Key concept of the concept of Nursing V. Henderson is a patient, a sick person. A list of basic life needs is considered universal for all people, but it is particularly important for nursing. .

"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-R "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Henderson argues that the most important for the patient physical and moral support for the nurse.

Basic thesis of the theory

Nursing should proceed from the concept of human vital needs. The most important in the activities of the nurse, in other words, its direct responsibility is to meet these needs if the patient himself is not able to do this.

Moral and ethical values \u200b\u200bof theory

According to Henderson concept, a person is an independent, actively acting individual with certain needs that are associated with its

social and cultural affiliation. Under normal conditions, a person can satisfy his needs. Due to the disease or other changes in the body, it cannot attach the necessary efforts to satisfy its needs. In such situations, a person needs nursing care.

"XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "lang \u003d" ru-ru "\u003e The ability to understand the needs of another person is limited. According to the theory, this is an essential fundamental prerequisite in the implementation of nursing care. Nurse must come from awareness of this fact and make every effort, To understand what a person needs.

"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-RU "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e According to Henderson theory, the nurse works in a hospital or any other medical institution. In connection with this, the most important defining dominant for it will be the directions of the doctor affecting planning. And the process of care. Henderson cites many examples of how the doctor sends the work of the nurse: "The nurse decides with the doctor how it will carry out the patient's care, it informs a doctor about the work done." From this quote it follows that the doctor has Significant influence on the work of the nurse.

"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-R "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e approach to the patient in this theory of individual, oriented on a particular person. Its close are also actively involved in the care.

Justification of the theory

The theory of Henderson is an attempt to determine the unique role of nursing. She plans to the actions of a nurse, relying on common universal principles regardless of the diagnosis and treatment.

"XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "lang \u003d" ru-ru "\u003e describing the fundamental human needs, Henderson refers to recognized psychologists and sociologists. Henderson denies a hierarchical approach to consideration of these needs, such as it makes Abraham Maslow, which Great influence on the psychology of the nursing business.

"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-RU "LANG \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e

Comparative table of nursing models

"XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "lang \u003d" ru-ru "\u003e definition of nursing

"XML: lang \u003d" RU-RU "LANG \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e What causes the activities of the nurse

"XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Representations of the author of the theory

"XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e about man

"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-RU "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e about health

"XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e on the environment


"XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "lang \u003d" ru-ru "\u003e a female profession, the purpose of which is to identify and use the laws of nature, having favorably affecting human health

"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-R "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Creating optimal, natural conditions for restoring or preserving human health, prevention and treatment of diseases and injuries

"XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e a set of physical, intellectual and spiritual qualities and forces

"xml: lang \u003d" ru-ru "lang \u003d" ru-ru "\u003e no disease and ability to maximize the possibilities of their body

"XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "lang \u003d" ru-ru "\u003e external factors affecting the state of a healthy or patient person

"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-RU "LANG \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Pepleu

"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-E "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Practical discipline, the purpose of which is to promote productive energy conversion

"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-E "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e a targeted interpersonal process of interaction between nurse and patient

"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-E "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Independent system with biochemical, physical and psychological characteristics and needs, among which the most important component is psychological

"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-R "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Productive level of activity, which makes it possible to interpersonal communication and solving evolutionary tasks

"XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e a set of subjects meaningful to the patient with which it interacts

"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-RU "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Orlando

"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-R "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Interaction with the Help Help, with the aim of improving its health, including confirmation by the patient's need and adequacy of the assistance received

"XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "lang \u003d" ru-ru "\u003e patient needs determine the actions of the nurse

"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-R "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e functioning human body; patients - persons under medical supervision or undergoing treatment

"XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e state of physical and mental comfort, feeling of adequacy and well-being

"XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "lang \u003d" ru-ru "\u003e time and place, i.e. circumstances in which the need for nursing assistance arises

"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-R "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e VIDENBAH

"XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "lang \u003d" ru-ru "\u003e a thoughtful combination of thoughts, feelings and practical actions towards a person in need of help

"XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "lang \u003d" ru-ru "\u003e patient's behavior expressing the need for help serves as a signator for nurse actions

"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-R "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e functioning and thinking creature capable of determining their need for assistance

"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-E "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e There is no special definition of health state. Vedebach comes from the assumption that the patient's need for a nurse's assistance is determined by its health status.

"XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "lang \u003d" ru-ru "\u003e environmental definitions. It is assumed that it may contain a cause or cause a cause that generates a need for assistance.

"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-RU "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Henderson

"XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "lang \u003d" ru-ru "\u003e Help with an individual, a patient or healthy, in preserving or restoring health, which he could provide himself, if he had for this strength, desire and knowledge

"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-RU "LANG \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e The conscious desire to implement in practice 14 components constituting the essence of the nursing case

"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-RU "LANG \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Biological creature, spiritual and physical essence of which are inseparable

"XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "lang \u003d" ru-ru "\u003e ability to independently function, estimated by 14 components

"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-E "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e No clear definition; the impact of the patient can be both positive and negative

"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-RU "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Levin

"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-R "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e interaction between people; the use of scientific principles in the implementation of the nursing process

"XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Holistic (holistic) care, oriented to the individual needs of the patient; Nurse helps the patient in the process of adaptation

"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-R "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e complex individually organized individual, which is in collaboration with the internal and external environment and capable of adapting to a change in these factors

"XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Adaptive change model" whole "

"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-E "LANG \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e The inner medium determines the physiology of a person; the external environment has the components being made by feelings, intelligence, as well as in the process of practical activity

"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-RU "LANG \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Johnson

"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-R "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Professional discipline, combining science and art elements, functioning as an external regulatory strength of the behavioral system

"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-E "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e The actions of the nurse are due to the occurrence of instability or impaired balance of the behavioral system

"XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "lang \u003d" ru-ru "\u003e behavioral system recognized by actions and reactions; is a combination of 7 interconnected subsystems

"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-E "Lang \u003d" RU-EN "\u003e Mobile state determined by psychological, social, physiological factors and recorded as such by health care professionals; a change of equilibrium state resulting due to changes in health status

"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-E "LANG \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e is not given a definition within this model; it is understood that it belongs to it all external in relation to the behavioral system

"XML: lang \u003d" RU-RU "LANG \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Ore

"XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "lang \u003d" ru-ru "\u003e service created to fill the limited personality of a person to act independently in health-related situations

"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-EN "LANG \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Medses is making certain actions on the basis of their own judgments about the patient's need for care; i.e. patient needs for help to maintain health and life

"XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "lang \u003d" ru-ru "\u003e man - integrated integrity, functioning biologically, spiritually and socially

"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-E "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e a state at which all human organs function as a single whole

"XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "lang \u003d" ru-ru "\u003e component required for human existence; in the aggregate person and the environment make up a single system capable of independent improvement

"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-RU "LANG \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Roy

"XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "lang \u003d" ru-ru "\u003e analytical process and actions related to care for sick or potentially sick person

"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-RU "LANG \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e The actions of the nurse are determined by the model of behavior prescribing assessment and intervention; the practical activity of the nurse is conducted in the context of the total content of the nursing case and includes manipulation of various incentives

"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-E "Lang \u003d" RU-E "\u003e Biopsychosocial creature, constantly interacting with a changing environment; representing an open, capable of adapting the system

"xml: lang \u003d" ru-ru "lang \u003d" ru-ru "\u003e ratio of health - the disease is a continuum, reflecting stage or levels of health or disease, characteristic of a person at each moment; health ratio - the disease is an integral characteristic of human life

"XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e all conditions, circumstances and factors that exist and affect the development of the body or group of organisms

"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-RU "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e PATERONS AND ZDEAD

"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-E "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e a targeted reaction focused on promoting quality improvement and an increase in the life expectancy of a person who has problems in the field of" Health - Disease "

"XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "lang \u003d" ru-ru "\u003e interpersonal interaction of the patient and nurses about the quality of life determined by the health parameters - illness

"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-RU "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e The material being in constant interaction with people and items in time and space

"XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e something more than the absence of a disease; definition or correlation with the concepts of quality or life expectancy is absent

"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-R "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e inner world of man, subjectively perceived, reflected reality, as well as the real world of people and things in time and space

"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-RU "LANG \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Neuman

"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-R "Lang \u003d" RU-EN "\u003e a unique profession, considering a person as a holistic phenomenon, i.e. all variables that determine the person's reaction to the factors causing stress

"XML: Lang \u003d" ru-ru "lang \u003d" ru-ru "\u003e nurse is an active acting person leading to work or to reduce the possibility of factors causing stress, or to mitigate the effects of the impact of these factors

"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-R "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Personality is a physiological, psychological, sociocultural and developing; personality should be perceived in integrity; the concept of integrity is related to the dynamic interaction of variables

"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-E "LANG \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Human health is a state of illness or its absence, determined by 4 variables: physiological, psychological, sociocultural factors and a development factor; health - the concept is relative and is in the process Continuous change

"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-E "LANG \u003d" RU-EN "\u003e Environment can be internal and external; external - this is all external in relation to person; internal environment is an internal personality state defined by physiological, psychological, sociocultural factors and development factor

"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-RU "LANG \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e King

"XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e The process of interpersonal interaction between nurse and patient

"XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "lang \u003d" ru-ru "\u003e nurse and patient get acquainted with each other and with the situation exchange information, jointly determine the goals and take actions to achieve these goals

"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-R "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Open system with permeable borders, allowing to exchange matter, energy and environmental information

"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-R "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Dynamic adaptation to stressful situations arising both in the internal and external environment by optimal use of resources in order to achieve maxim. Potential for everyday existence

"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-R "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Open system with permeable boundaries, allowing to exchange matter, energy and information with human beings (individuals)

"XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Rogers

"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-RU "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Profession, obtained by learning, the main task of which is to preserve and promoting health, care for recovering and disabled

"XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e the desire to promote comprehensive interaction between the environment and man (for all people everywhere)

"XML: lang \u003d" RU-R "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e 4-honne. Negentropine. Energy. The field defined in the form and method of the organization and characterized by the qualities of behavioral models that are different from the qualities and models of the behavior of its parts. and can not be predicted on the basis of acquaintance with these parts

"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-E "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Health is an estimated category, widely used by cultural communities and individual individuals to determine the states attributable to the category of" high-quality "or" low-quality "

"xml: lang \u003d" ru-ru "lang \u003d" ru-ru "\u003e four-dimensional non-neutropic energy field, determined by form and method of organization and including all that is outside the limits of any given human field

"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-RU "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Newman

"xml: lang \u003d" ru-ru "lang \u003d" ru-ru "\u003e nursing science focused on promoting people's health

"XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e The work of the nurse is to help people use their own resources to increase their consciousness

"XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "lang \u003d" ru-ru "\u003e Man is an energy field, which is an integral part of life

"XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "Lang \u003d" RU-EN "\u003e Health As an integral part of the life of life is a disease symbiosis and its absence and is a starting point for each person who seeks to raise the level of self-consciousness.

"XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Environment is an energy field, which is an integral part of life and beyond the limits of any given human field.

"XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Pars

"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-RU "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Science and Art, the focus is like a living organism

"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-R "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Qualified human complicity in health sector

"xml: lang \u003d" ru-ru "lang \u003d" ru-ru "\u003e synergistic open creature living on earth and free in their actions

"XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e man experienced by man

"XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "lang \u003d" ru-ru "\u003e Mutual energy exchange process contributes to the formation of a person

"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-RU "LANG \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Fitzpatrick

"XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Science and professional sphere, in the spotlight of which - Questions of life (health) of a person

"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-R "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e is designed to promote the direction of development of health process

"XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e an open system, a single integer, characterized by basic rhythms inherent in the human being

"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-R "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Constantly developing quality of human life; full life potential; awareness of life

"XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Open system in constant interaction with people

"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-RU "LANG \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e



State budgetary educational institution

secondary vocational education of the city of Moscow

"Medical School No. 30

Department of Health of the City of Moscow

(GBOU SPO MU № 30)

Extracurricular independent work

Professional competence and individual activity style

(Study manual for students of students)

Discipline: "Psychology"

Section: "General Psychology"


Introduction .............................................................................. 3.

Professional work ..........................................................4

Classification of professions ...................................................... ... 4

Specialist model ................................................................5

  • Psychogram
  • Labor

Levels of professionalism ......................................................... 7

  • Doprofessionalism
  • Professionalism
  • SuperProfhesionalism
  • Non-profescionalism (pseudoprofessionalism)
  • Afterprofhesionalism

Formation of a professional ................................................................... 8

Professional community and professional environment .................. 9

Obstacle to professionalism ........................................10

  • Views of aging
  • Fatigue
  • Overwork
  • Professional crises

Professional activity ........................................................................... 13

  • The work of nurse
  • Labor model nurse
  • Psychological aspects of labor
    nurses - Head
  • Mental aspects of labor
    Nurses - teacher

Models of the relationship of medical workers and patient ... ...... 16

  • Engineering model
  • Collective model
  • Contract model

Psychological training of nurse ........................................18

  • The reasons

Conclusion .............................................................................19

References .................................................................. 20


Professional competence and individual activity style

In primitive society there were no problems of choosing a profession, as a person knew how to do everything necessary for life - to produce food, fire, make clothes, etc. With the development of human society, a gradual division of labor took place: first on cattle breeding and agriculture, then crafts and trade appeared. The activities of people became complicated with the development of material and spiritual life. Now the number of professions and specialties exceeds 40 thousand.

Professional work

Man carries out different typeslabor - from self-service and execution to creativity. Labor can become a means not only to maintain existence, but also expressions, self-realization, search, search and achievements.

Two sides of Labor AK Markov

Object of labor (Profession structure, regulatory indicators of the operational and technical structure of the profession. This is an objective, independent person's composition of work: the subject of labor, action and operations, means, conditions.

Labor Subject (Psychogram) are those psychological characteristics that need a specific person to assimilate professional norms and effective labor.

Classification of professions

There are different types of classifications of professions. For example, the distribution of professions on the first letter of their name. The classification of professions, built not by industry signs, and on the grounds coming from person. The most successful qualifications suggested Academician E.A. Klimov he highlights 5 main types of professions on labor object.

On the subject of labor types of professions

  • man - man (teacher, doctor, journalist, investigator, etc.)
  • man - Nature (physiologist, agronomist, veterinary doctor Dr.)
  • man - technique. These are professions related to production and maintenance (construction engineer, locksmith, pilots dr.)
  • man is an artistic image. This is visual, musical, literary and artistic, acting (writer, actor, antiquarian)
  • man - Sign System: Signs, Oral and Written Speech, Notes, Symbols (Draftsman, Corrector, Sorter Dr.)

By subject of labor, i.e. The requirements for the psychobiological characteristics of a person can allocate professions requiringabsolute Profitability(specific, natural data are necessary), and professions withrelative professionality, where there is no certain qualities can be compensated by motivation and experience.

Profitability - E.the aggregate of the psychological and psychophysical features of the person necessary and sufficient to achieve it in the presence of special knowledge, skills skills, socially acceptable

labor efficiency. In addition to the abilities, professionality includes motivation, satisfaction with difficulty. A person has to continuously work on professionality, since the requirements from the profession as a result of its update are constantly changing.

Specialist model

As an improvement improves, the employee turns out of simpleartist in a specialist, and later in a professional . Sometimes a person develops further, becomes an innovator,superProfessional And enriches the profession. One of the directions of the psychology of labor is the development of a model of a specialist, which should reflect the volume and structure of professional and socially psychological qualities, knowledge and skills, in the aggregate of those who represent a specialist as a member of society.

The model of a specialist includes the following components:

Professional (description of psychological standards of requirements for the activities and personality of a specialist). Professional includespsychogram - the description of psychological qualities desirable to effectively perform professional activities andlabel - Description of labor. Professional and job requirements (description of the specific content of the specialist). Qualification profile (combination of the necessary types of professional activities and their degree of qualifications, qualification discharges for payment).


  • Motives, goals, objectives, needs, interests of the relationship, value orientation of a person, psychological positions.
  • Professional attractions, professional self-esteem, self-consciousness of themselves as a professional.
  • Emotions, mental states, emotional appearance.
  • Man satisfaction with labor, its process and result.
  • Characteristics of the operational sphere of a specialist.
  • Psychological knowledge of labor about the profession.
  • Professional thinking, the ability to enrich the experience of the profession.
  • Psychological actions, ways, techniques, skills, technicians of psychotechnology (in their influence on themselves and other people).
  • Professional abilities, professional leaving Openness Professional growth.
  • Professional self-development, ability to design and implement plans for their professional growth.
  • Psychological contraindications (i.e. mental qualities, absolutely or relatively incompatible with the profession), as well as the quality of the absence, which can be compensated.
  • The lines of professional growth and the line of collapse of professional activity and the personality of a specialist, the ways of their rehabilitation.
  • The psychological side of labor can be installed only with the psychologist.


  • Purpose, profession mission, its role in society, orientation per person.
  • The prevalence of the profession (typical institutions for this profession).
  • The subject of labor in the profession is the parties to the surrounding reality, which are affected by a person during labor. Proper vision of the subject

labor-first important step of professionalism.

  • Professional knowledge.
  • Activities, actions, techniques, skills, ways to work necessary for the successful achievement of the result.
  • Whether the work of the specialist uses to perform for labor.
  • Working conditions Labor and recreation Mode Sanitary hygienic conditions Mental load workplace.
  • Organization and cooperation of labor form of individual group activities. Types of professional communication of the norm. Implementation, subordination.
  • The result (product) of labor is changes that a person introduces to work: criteria for evaluating results.
  • Possible levels of professionalism and qualifications of discharge in the category of category and their payment.
  • The rights of the representative of the profession psychological and social security, the presence of a favorable microclimate social guarantees, the amount of remuneration and vacation, labor protection The possibility of improving the qualifications and retraining of the form of official promotion and promotion.
  • Responsibilities of the representative of the profession Competence of knowledge of ethical standards Compliance with the professional and official task of conducting documentation Responsibilities.
  • The positive impact of the profession is the possibility of self-realization.
  • Negative parties profession Important material real losses. The presence of stress limiting the initial harm of the professional deformation of the personality and other psychological hazards is the lack of professional growth, recovery.

Professionalism levels

Professional - This is a specialist:having mastered the high levels of professional activity deliberately changing and developing himself in labor contributing to his individual creative contribution to the profession. Those who found his individual purpose of stimulating interest in society, to the results of its activities, the prestige of his profession in society. A person becomes a professional not immediately AK Markov allocates the following levels of professionalism.

  1. Doprofessionalism
  2. Professinalism
  3. SuperProfhesionalism
  4. Nonprofhesionalism
  5. Afterprofessinalism


At this level, the person works as a newcomer, has not yet mastered the standards and rules of the profession. This stage usually passes every person, but some people long delayed on it. Includes three stages:

I - primary familiarization with the profession

II - Adaptation in the profession

III - self-actualization: awareness of itself as an individuality, the development of abilities to self-diagnosis, determining its capabilities and its purpose in the profession.


Having learned the norms of the profession, the man begins, reaches high results in it, and also begins to realize himself in the profession and waves itself with the means of profession.


At this level, a person goes beyond the profession and enriches it with his personal contribution. This level of professionalism is most significantly affected by the Company's progress. Superprofessional is ahead of their time, so they often have to overcome the resistance of society.

Non-profescionalism (pseudoprofessionalism)

At this level, the person externally works actively, but at the same time either makes a marriage in work: either gives all his life to work and at the same time distorts its own and professional, and personal development or has only personal prosperity goals. All this is the lack of professionalism.


This term belongs to people of retirement age. There are different behaviors in this period. A person can be an exproducional, and may mentor who helps others become a professional.

Formation of a professional

The formation of professionalism is based on general mental development. In early and preschool age are laidHuman abilitiesto knowledge, to thinking (to the general work, etc.) at school age arisespecial (Humanitarian, technical, etc.) in youth begin to developcommon professional abilitiesto different types of professions) in adulthood are formedspecial professional abilities.The formation of a person as a professional is closely connected with a person. In today's society, the following indicators contribute to the formation of a professional. Following professional ethics. Individual social and economic responsibility. Internal control. Noise immunity and competitiveness Flexibility and efficiency The ability to find new positive senses in their lives and work. Internal dialogue of personality. Adequate self-esteem. Readiness for differentiated assessment of the level of your professionalism, etc. The psychological formation of a professional means the emergence of new qualities in the human psyche of new knowledge, skills, skills. Inside the level of professionalism, the stage is highlightedadaptation It begins during the assimilation of vocational training and is completed in the first 1 -2 years of labor activity (primary adaptation). When young nurses begin to work the surrounding reality can cause shock and lead tofrustration (Sale of failure) and so far to adapt to the new situation. Inability to adopt interferes with the subsequent formation of professionalism.

Professional community and professional environment

The adaptation period of the young specialist also depends on the professional community of which he becomes a member.

Professional community- It is a social community that is organized specifically for the effective solution of uniform professional tasks. The interaction of people in community significantly affects the professional environment.Professional environment- This is a combination of subject (object, tools, means of labor, necessary actions, organization of labor, hierarchical relations) andsocial ( human relationship, microclimate) working conditions. In a professional medser specialist - members of the brigade. The main objectives of the professional activity of ensuring and torturing the optimal vital activity of the patient - can not be achieved alone. The social subsystem is created by the participants of the professional community, including a young specialist.Psychological climate isthe predominant and relatively steady mental mood of the collective. According to this point of view, the psychological climate in the team is determined by the type of cooperative relationship of members of professional community according to another personality relations of people.

Psychological characteristics of holistic professional community

Compatibility -Patimal combinations of the qualities of people in which the greatest efficiency of activity is ensured.

Cohesion - Agreement, uniformity, mutual adoption of people.

Exchange - Ability to consistent actions in the process of joint labor.

Stability -The oppression of frames frames.

Conshess - Jealousy, zeal, zeal.

Organizations - The ability of the collective to act organized in the situation of uncertainty.

Obstacle to professionalism

The most common obstacle professional development is age-related changes (aging). However, even before the start of professional aging, there are other dangers of errors, failures, crises, etc. In professional activities, which can lead to premature negative phenomena in professional development. Knowledge of these dangers is needed by a nurse to maintain performance and professional longevity.

Views of aging

Biological aging of the body -associated with the wear of its individual systems.

Socially psychological aging- It is a weakening of intelligent processes, motivational functions, an increase or decrease in emotional excitability.

Professional aging- This is immunity to the new, the use of steriotypes, violation of the partnership aging is not inevitable, and the professional absolute relations with the age of a person has no.

Proper aesthetic aging- It is impossible to understand the youth, in contrasting generations, etc.


Can carry out for the deformation of professional development.

Fatigue - This is a condition caused by hard work and the associated reduced performance. It can be physical (muscular) and neuropsychic. Recovery during fatigue begins when the work is interrupted, reduced by tensions or varies in character. Study show that many short breaks are better than a few long. Physical fatiguebecome a consequence of devastation of energy reserves and the accumulation of lactic acid (fatigancy substance). Neriva-mental fatigue - leads to a decrease in performance due to violations of central nervous regulation.

Nervous mental fatigues cause

  • Long mental work.
  • Heavy physical work.
  • Monotonous work in monotonous rhythm.
  • Noise, weak lighting, temperature, unfavorable for labor.
  • Conflicts concern or lack of interest in work.
  • Disease, pain, insufficient food.
  • The fatigue of the central genesis, in contrast to the muscular, may disappear instantly under certain conditions:
  • One fatigue activity is replaced by another
  • The setting changes
  • Anxiety emerges with fear or threatening danger
  • Interest in work is resumed due to new information
  • Mood changes


With it there are changes in personality (conflict, irritability, increased emotionality). With pronounced overwork, the features of personality becomes aggressiveness, high personal anxiety.


Not all people have oscillation of performance are the same. Some (Lark) work vigorously in the morning. Other (owls) in the evening. Individual performance rhythm is useful to know every person to rationally combine periods of work and recreation and keep health for a long time.

Mental tension- caused by difficult conditions of activity, conflicts, unfavorable forecast of the development of events and is accompanied by a feeling of discomfort, anxiety.

Chronic emotional tensionit leads to the development of personality traits similar with signs overworking can lead to professional burnout syndrome.

Professional crises

This adverse phenomena may occur repeatedly during the life of any person. They are at different stages of primary adaptation to the profession, when switching to an adjacent specialty. Crises can occur on internal reasons when a person revises its values \u200b\u200band motives (why I work). Cropsis are natural, but if a person cannot cope with him, personal deformations-distortion of a personal profile may arise as a result of the extinction of positive attitudes, attitudes towards other people. The nursing profession involves the development of deformations. The main factors are: constant communication with sick people. Diseases, difficult to control the power that creates a feeling of influence on the dignity of fate, and even the lives of other people.

Professional diseases

These are chronic or acute diseases as a result of the impact on the employee of harmful factors and entailed the temporary or resistant loss of their professional working capacity. Nursing is attributed to productive risk factors. This is nervously - emotional loads and physical efforts, forced working Pose I.T.

Labor safety ensures the following psychological qualities of the employee

  • Physical health, endurance.
  • The ability of fast mobilization.
  • The combination of motives of achievement with security motives.
  • Possession of self-regulation techniques.
  • Good vocational training.
  • Readiness for justified risk.
  • Experience, experience.
  • Sustainable professional ability to combat emergency, trampled and stressful situations.
  • The experience of communicating missing qualities already available.
  • Caution, responsibility, relevance, punctuality, etc.

Psychological Features of Labor Nurses

  • Labor model nurses.
  • Psychological aspects of the Labor Nurse, providing nursing assistance.
  • Psychological aspects of the labor of the supervisor.
  • Psychological aspects of the labor of the teacher's nurse.
  • Models of relationships of medical workers and patients.
  • Psychological training of nurse.

Professional activity

Represents professional actions of a nurse. According to modern theoretical ideas, the basis of the patient's care is the nursing process it includes:

Subjective and objective examination of individual, family, groups

Setting goals and planning of nursing intervention

Evaluation of results

Professional activities of the nurse can be viewed as a sequence of stages:

Analysis of the problem situation (management, pedagogical, etc.)

Formation of an existing or potential problem

Setting goals and planning activities

Exercise plan

Assessment of results

The work of nurse

This complex mental system united different levels created from the manifesting personality-activity - communication united by a common task is to achieve an optimal level of patient's vital activity.

Labor model nurse

outdoor society formation

the following indicators contribute.

Labor model nurse

Labor model nurse

Nursing how the form of activity refers to the professions of the group "Man-Man" under the conditions is considered to be the work in the conditions of increased responsibility for the life and health of people WHO determines the 4 functions of the nurse.

The provision of nursing care and management. This includes health promotion prevention, treatment for rehabilitation or support of individuals, families and groups of people.

Patient trainingcustomer and staff of medical and preventive institutions. This includes a presentation of information on improving the health and prevention of diseases.

Activities as an effective member of the interdisciplinary team. it Includes effective cooperation with other people.

The development of the practice of nursing business critical thinking and scientific development.This includes the development of new methods of working research, nursing participation in such studies.

Based on these functions, you can define professional roles of nurses:

  • Nurse practiced
  • Nurse - manager, head
  • Nurse teacher
  • Nurse Member Interdisciplined Team
  • Nurse - Scientist

Where the nurse would work, her work can be described as a totality of professional activities, professional communication, professional personality.

Psychological Aspects of Labor Nurses, providing nursing assistance

The health worker always has a strong impact on the patient's psyche, and the only thing that he can freely choose is to influence him in a positive or negative sense, for the benefit or harm to the patient. Specificity of professional work nurses consists inthat:

  • Labor is focused on a sick person, the emergency complexity of which is determined by the peculiarities of the functioning of its physiological systems during the period of the disease, as well as a violation of social relations. The identity of the patient changes and complemented by those features that bring the disease into it.
  • The nature of the behavior of the nurse can affect the course of the disease and the state of the patient.
  • The lack of knowledge of the nurse, skills and skills of professional communication makes it absolutely professionally unsuitable.

Psychological Aspects of Labor Nurse - Head

In our country, a nurse manager has toact in difficult conditions of instability, resource deficits and limited personnel opportunities. Henry Minberg divided into 3 large groups of roles that leaders take on

  • Interpersonal
  • Information
  • Roles with decision-making


This role when working with people.

  • The first role is the face of the organization. The head presents the organization in official areas.
  • The second role is connected (exercising internal and external contacts).
  • The third role is the leader of the management inside the organization.

Informational roles

This role when working with information. Here the head is the role of the recipient of the information (receiver) to control the transmitter of information within the organization; As a representative of the reporting information.

Making decisions

This is the role of an entrepreneur - a person makes decisions aimed at the development of the organization. ROLE-STABILIZERS -EVENTION Prevent problems. The role of the resource distributor is temporary, financial. The role of a person of the decision makers during negotiations with other organizations.

Professional communication

Under the professional communion, the nurse is understood as the process of establishing contacts between nurse and subjects of communication (patients, their relatives, colleagues, etc.). Allocate communicative, interactive, perceptual communication.

According to Robert's scheme, a successful leader must have

Mental aspects of labor
Nurses - teacher In the new concept of nursing nurseassign the role not only by the artist, but also the teacher-tutor. The latter function is defined as the training of patients of their relatives of the medical professional institution, students and schoolchildren.

Models of the relationship of medical workers and patient.

The models of the relationship between health workers and patients of American doctor Robert Visa are well known.

  • Engineering model
  • Patennist (father) model
  • Collective model
  • Contract model
  • Contract model

Engineering model

The doctor and nurse restore some functions and eliminate breakdowns in the patient's body. Interpersonal aspects of relationships are almost entirely ignored. This model may prevail in X-ray cabinets, in resuscitation compartments, etc.

Patennistist (with lat father) model

Medical staff belongs to patients like parents. Doctoror the nurse themselves determine what is the benefit of the patient, they themselves accept the decision important for the patient and, accordingly, take most of the responsibility for themselves.

In the first two models, the relationship between health workers and the patient is built on the subject-object type, which can be carried out to mutual deformation of personalities

Collective model

Full mutual confidence of medical personnel and patient. The health worker cooperates with the patient as with a colleague. For example, in some chronic diseases, the patient must be prepared for an assessment of his condition and provide self-help.

Contract model

In rare cases, it may look like a legally executed contract with the patient.

Contract model

It is a combination of positive features of collegial and contract models. The contract is based on the principles of mutual trust and cannot be terminated by the health worker unilaterally. In the last three models, subject prevails - a subject type of relationship, which makes them preferred. Such a relationship contributes to personal growth and patients, health workers

Psychological training of nurse

Reforming a nursing case, the emergence of new activities and gradual changes in the status of nurses require training in the field of theoretical and practicalscientific psychology. However, the training program in medical schools and colleges is constructed in such a way that knowledge of nurses about the mental properties and states of personality, about the structure of communication, the ability to act in critical situations are not used in practical activities. This may be associated with a number of reasons.

The reasons

  • Lack of tutorials for the basic nurse
  • preparation.
  • Insufficient number of qualified teachers of psychology, having and nursing, and psychological specialty, as well as practical experience.
  • Lack of motivation among students and then practicing nurses to self-knowledge and self-development.
  • Iconfigure the supervisors of the highest and mid-level, some doctors need psychological knowledge and skills for any nurse.


Professional competence and individual activity style. It consists of a nucleus and the so-called extension, they include different systems of techniques, methods of methods due to individual-specific human qualities and is a means of effective adaptation to objective circumstances.

Professional competence is defined as a certain confirmed right to belong to a specific professional group of employees recognized by the social system as a whole and representatives not only a specific professional group, but also other social and professional groups.

Individual activity style allows people with different individually typological features of the nervous system, a different structure of abilities, the nature to achieve equal effectiveness when performing the same activity in different ways


N.N. Petrov Tutorial on Psychology

Ostrovskaya I.V Psychology Textbook for Medical Specialties

Kuraev G.A. Pozhaska E.V age psychology

Panchenko L.L. Adaptation to Professional

Kondrashikhina O.A. Differential Psychology

Personnel motivation is the key to the personnel policy of any enterprise. But not all tools that allow highly efficient to manage the behavior of employees of commercial companies are also effective in managing medical personnel.

In the health care system, nursing staff is the most significant part of labor resources. Such negative factors such as the insufficient prestige of the profession, relatively low wages, complex working conditions, make it difficult to have a special impact on the professional activities of nurses. In this regard, the clear motivation of medical sisters in the changing structure of medical institutions is extremely important.

The concept of labor motivation in an economic sense appeared relatively recently. Previously, the concept of motivation was replaced by the concept of stimulation and was used mainly in pedagogy, sociology, psychology. Such a limited understanding of the motivational process led to an orientation to obtain a momentum result. This did not cause a significant interest of nursing personnel in its own development, which is the most important reserve for improving labor efficiency. Labor ceased to be for many people the meaning of life and turned into a means of survival. And in such conditions it is impossible to talk about the formation of a strong labor motivation, the effectiveness of labor, improve the skills of employees and the development of the initiative.

Health care is considered sufficient simple material remuneration as the main motivational factor. Sometimes this policy is successful. And since the motive is a conscious urge to achieve a certain purpose, understood by a person, as a personal need, need, then the structure of the motive includes, except for the needs of the action to achieve them, and the costs associated with these actions.

Motivation is represented by motivation and stimulation. If motivation is the process of impact on a person in order to encourage him to certain actions by waking up certain motives in it, the stimulation is to use these motives.

With the development of health care, the attention of the motivational management function is increasingly given when motivation is preferred above administrative and strict control. Moreover, the most common group of motivating factors becomes not "whip and gingerbread" and not fear and disciplinary responsibility, but a group of factors, including confidence, authority, remuneration. Large importance are guaranteed employment, working conditions.

Five levels in the labor motivation system of nursing staff of medical institutions can be presented in the form of a kind of pyramid, at the base of which there is such a component of motivation as guidelines, the remaining components of motivation may have the following position in the levels of the pyramid (see Fig. 2).


The motives of medical personnel and his actions to achieve certain goals are focused on the values \u200b\u200bthat are distributed through priorities. At the same time, research is often referred to a baller valuation.

On the example of one of the medical institutions of Novosibirsk in 2012, studies of the distribution of values \u200b\u200bon priorities of nurses were conducted (researchers A.I. Kochetov and E.I. Loginova). As a result of the survey, the first place medical sisters put forward wages, medical care and satisfaction with the work performed. On the second and third place - respect for colleagues, good relations with them, as well as encouragement from the administration. No less important for nursing staff is the possibility of self-realization, social package and recognition in the organization. 23% of respondents indicated the possibility of self-realization in the profession. This indicator is explained by the fact that the functions of the nursing staff are more limited compared to doctors. Work is perceived as monotonous. The sisters perform it often mechanically, not adhering to the essence of new tasks. Professionalism is growing in a narrow specialization and interest in self-education is reduced. It should be emphasized that the question of further cooperation with the organization of 7% of the nursing staff of the medical institution was discontent with the current state of affairs and 22% left the answer to this question. Thus, a survey of nurses has shown that about 30% of personnel disagree to continue work under the same conditions. This suggests that to save personnel, changes are needed both in the wage system and in the management structure of nursing staff.

In order to identify preferred types of stimulation of the work of nursing staff, these same researchers (A.I. Kochetov and E.I. Loginova) was conducted by the survey of nurses of one of the clinical and diagnostic centers of Novosibirsk. The results of the study showed that 77.5% of respondents preferred material encouragement. Among the non-monetary material incentives, medical sisters preferred to provide preferential vouchers for rest and treatment (71.5%); improvement of working conditions, ergonomics of the workplace (66.5%); introduction of flexible work schedule (62.5%); Providing benefits for payment of departmental housing and utilities (59%); Voluntary medical insurance personnel (44%); Organization of preferential nutrition (44%). Among the preferred forms of moral incentive, most respondents noted: attentive attitude to individual proposals aimed at improving a common cause (69%); Announcement of gratitude (59%); One-time provision of powers in solving individual production issues (22%).

After analyzing the data on preferred types of motivation, it can be concluded that each specific employee has the motivational system inherent only to him, which depends on the personal qualities of a person and life circumstances in which it is currently. It is necessary to strive for the orientation of motivation on the values \u200b\u200bthat are priority for a particular medical sister.

The prestige of the profession of a medical sister, as noted earlier, plays one of the essential roles in the structure of the labor motivation of nurses. The prestige of the profession is not so simple, and this is a common task not only to the health care system, but also the cultural condition of the entire society, hierarchy of social values. The labor motives and values \u200b\u200bof the Western sample introduced into the massive consciousness of Russians are not compliance with the model of attitude towards work, which was formed throughout the centuries-old history of Russia on the basis of internal prerequisites and economic development requirements. A decrease in the general cultural level of the population, part of which are medical sisters, leads to pre-reconciliation of needs, underdevelopment of the motivational sphere.

There is no wide propaganda of public importance profession of a medical sister at all levels. Insufficient attention in health facilities is given to the development and maintenance of the culture of the organization, in particular, promoting the mission of the institution, the formation of loyalty and commitment to the organization of personnel and others. Specific aspects of the formation of organizational culture.

Thus, it is possible to determine the main activities of health managers at various levels of management, aimed at maintaining and increasing the labor motivation of nurses (Table 2).

table 2

The main directions of improving the labor motivation of nurses

at the level of government

at local government

at the management level of the organization

1. Increase prestige and wide propaganda of public significance profession of the medical sister.

Rendering the recognition of employees and veterans of the profession.

2. Setting a worthy level of remuneration of nurses.

2. Organization of seminars, conferences, competitions in urban, district, regional levels, exchange of experience between various medical institutions.

2. Development of the system of additional material incentives for employees, creating an opportunity for preferential medical care for workers and their families.

3. Equipment of medical institutions with modern equipment and the introduction of modern technologies.

3. Allocation of additional funds for the technical and technological equipment of medical institutions.

3. Development of organizational culture: popularization of the mission, the formation of loyalty and commitment to employees of the organization and other specialist aspects.

4. Popularization of high level of medium and higher nursing education.

4. Organization of targeted sets to the highest educational institutions of graduates of medical schools and colleges that have perfectly showed themselves during their studies.

4. Attention to personnel work: the creation of adaptation programs of young professionals, studying the labor motivation of personnel and the creation of motivational programs, etc.

5. Expansion of the hierarchical structure of health institutions, creating career opportunities and more differentiated remuneration of nurses.

5. Attracting schoolchildren and students of medical schools and colleges to research work and popularize medical knowledge, establishing registered scholarships.

5. Prevention of professional stress and professional burnout syndrome: the introduction of the position of the psychologist, training personnel to the skills of anti-stress behavior, conducting social and psychological trainings.

6. Development of standards of load and standards for medical care. Introduction to the staff of the post manager of the personnel and psychologist.

6. Creating comfortable conditions at work. Monitoring compliance safety. Implementation

health-saving technologies.

7. Introduction to the advanced training programs for medium medical professionals of mandatory socio-psychological training (at least 24 hours).

7. Wide attraction of highly qualified medical personnel in teaching activities at the preparations of advanced training of medium health workers.

7. Development of the nursing process as the main model for the provision of nursing care.

The part of the measures given in the table is successfully implemented in the field of domestic healthcare at present, the other part - requires its detailed consideration and application.