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Short retelling tales pantry sun. Short retelling "Storeroom Sun" Privhan

The fairy tale "Storeroom Sun" Svarvin wrote in 1945. In the work, the author reveals the classic theme of nature, love for Russian literature. Using the artistic technique of personification, the author "revives" in front of the reader of the swamp, trees, wind, etc. Nature seems to be a separate hero of fairy tales - were, warning children about danger, helping them. Through the descriptions of the landscape, Svhavin transmits the internal state of the characters, the change of moods in the story.

main characters

Nastya Veselkin - Girl 12 years old, sister Mitra, "was like a golden chicken in high legs."

Mitrash Veselkin - Boy 10 "with a tail" years, Nastya's brother; His joke was called "a peasant in the bag."

Grass - Dog of the deceased Forester Antipycha, "Big redhead, with a black strap on the back."

Wolf old landowner

Chapter 1

In the village "Near the Bludov of Marsh, in the area of \u200b\u200bPereslavl-Zalessky, two children" - Nastya and Mitrash. "Their mother died of illness, the father died in the Patriotic War." Children remained honey and farm. At first, the guys helped to manage with the household neighbors, but soon they themselves learned everything.

Children lived very friendly. Nastya rose early and "troubled by the housework until night." Mitrasha was engaged in "male farm", masters of barrels, lochanks, wooden dishes, which was sold.

Chapter 2.

In the village in the spring, the cranberry was collected, who left the whole winter under the snow, it was tastier, and more useful than autumn. At the end of April, the guys gathered for berries. Mitrash took with him a father's double rifle and a compass - father explained that the compass could always find a way home. Nastya took a basket, bread, potatoes and milk. The children decided to go to the blind elani - there, according to the stories of the father, there is a "Palestine" on which many cranberries are growing.

Chapter 3.

Still dumbbelling, the guys went to the produda swamp. Mitrash said that the swamps live alone "Terrible Wolf, a gray landowner." As confirmation of this, the Volley Howl ran away.

Mitrash led sister on the compass north - to the desired clearing with cranberries.

Chapter 4.

The children came to the "lying stone." From there they went two paths - one hine people, "dense", and the second "weak", but running to the north. Having quarrel, the guys sorted into different directions. Mitrasya went north, and Nastya - on the "total" trail.

Chapter 5.

In the potato pit, the ruins of the Lesnik's house lived a hound dog grass. Her owner, the old antipich hunter, died two years ago. Thank you by the owner, the dog often climbed the hill and pulled out.

Chapter 6.

A few years ago, not far from the dry river "whole team" of people exterminated wolves. They killed everyone except the cautious gray landowner, whom only shot the left ear and half of the tail. In the summer, the wolf killed cattle and dogs in the villages. The hunters came five times to catch gray, but every time he managed to escape.

Chapter 7.

Hearing the dog's grass, the wolf headed in her direction. However, the grass teaching a hare trail and went on him, and near the lying stone felt the smell of bread and potatoes, and Rysnyj ran for Nastya.

Chapter 8.

Bludovo swamp with "huge stocks of fuel peat, there is a pantry sun." "Thousands of years it is welcome under water" and then "peat gets a man from the sun to the inheritance."

Mitrashka walked to the "blind elani" - the "dedicated place", where many people died in the quagus. Gradually, the bumps under his legs "became semi-winged." To reduce the path, Mitra decided to go not on a safe path, but directly through the glade.

From the first steps, the boy began to drown in the swamp. Trying to escape from the bog, he jerked sharply and found himself in the swamp on the chest. So that the bog did not pull him completely, he kept behind the gun.

From afar there was a cry who called His Nastya. Mitrash replied, but the wind took his cry to the other side.

Chapter 9.

Chapter 10.

The grass, "Chuya Beding Human," raised his head and overwhelmed. At howling the dog hurried on the other side of the swamp gray. The grass heard that the Hare Rusak rushes nearby and ran to the prey in the direction of the blind eneni.

Chapter 11.

Catching the hare, the grass ran out to the place where it was tightened to the mitra. The boy learned the dog and called himself. When the grass went closer, Mitra grabbed her back paws. The dog "with a mad strength rushed" and the boy managed to get out of the swamp. The grass, deciding that in front of her "former beautiful antipych" happily rushed to Mitra.

Chapter 12.

Remembering the hare, herba ran after him. Hungry Mitra immediately realized, "that all the salvation will be in this hare." The boy was attached to the juniper bushes. Here the grass trampled the hare, and came running on a dog's gray dog. Seeing the wolf in five steps away, Mitrath fired at him and killed.

Nastya, having heard a shot, shouted. Mitrash called her, and the girl came running on a scream. The guys divorced the fire and made themselves dinner from the hare caught herbs.

Having spent on the swamp, the children returned to home in the morning. In the village, at first they did not believe that the boy was able to kill the old wolf, but soon they were convinced of this. The collected cranberry Nastya gave to evacuated Leningrad children. Over the next two years, Mitrash "stretched out" and matured.

This story was told by "scouts of marsh wealth", which during the war of the swamps were prepared - "Stores of the Sun", for peat mining.


In the work of the "Storeroom Sun", Mikhail Mikhailovich, Privain affects the survival of people, in particular children, in difficult periods (in the story this time of the Patriotic War) shows the importance of mutual support, help. The "pantry" in the fairy tale is a prefabricular symbol denoting not only peat, but also all the wealth of nature, and people living on that land.

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On the question of a compressed retelling storage room 1 part. Give the Plijia website as the author generosity The best answer is Summary of Russian Classics
Svienne Mikhail Mikhailovich
Storeroom sun
Chapter 1
In one village, near the Bludov the swamps, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe city of Pereslavl-Zalessky, two children were orphaned. Their mother died of illness, his father died in the Patriotic War. We lived in this village only through one house from children. And of course, we, too, together with other neighbors tried to help them, than could only. They were very cute.
"A peasant in the bag", like Nastya, was all in golden freckles, and his spout, clean, too, like the sister, looked up. After the parents, all their peasant farms went to children: a feet of a five-lane, a dawn cow, a daughter's cow, a goat of deresses, a random sheep, chickens, a golden rooster Petya and a piglery.
It is very good that Nastya older brother for two years, otherwise he would certainly be sacrificed and they would not have in friendship, as now, beautiful equality. It happens, and now Mitrash will remember how his mother instructed his mother, and he swallows, imitating his father, too, to teach his sister Nastya. But little sister listens little, it is also smiling.
solnca & Chapter \u003d 1 & Length \u003d 2
solnca & Chapter \u003d 1 & Length \u003d 2

Answer from Nina Gritsenko[newcomer]
The first chapter tells us about the main characters. These are two children who remained orphans. Boy - Mitra and girl - Nastya. Children are very clever and workers. Nastya older brother for just 2 years. Mitra in his 10 years has already learned from the Father to make products and dishes from the tree. Nastya - to keep a household and keep living creatures. Sedossels are loved by orphans and help them than they can, but children themselves coped well. The second chapter Mitrash and Nastya gathered for the cranberries in the forest. The boy took the father's compass, which his father was very valued, dressed his father's old jacket and took a gun. Nastya took meals and a large basket for cranberries. In the third chapter, the children came to Borin a ringing. In the forest, voices of birds and animals are heard, they all suffer from saying one word, but they do not really work. All hunters know that this is for the word - "Hello!". Children chose the direction on the compass and went to the north to look for a Palestinian in the forest, which grows a lot of cranberries. The hard chapter dips us into the world of nature and forest sounds. The rustle of age-old firings and pines, who moan and sigh, the brawl of Tetherieva-Koscha with the old raven. The children came to the lying stone when the first rays of the sun illuminated the belling Berin. Due to stubbornness, they were quarreled and divided. The boy went on the arrow of the compass to the north, Nastya went on the Herbal path in the other side. The trees were angry with this howl, how to cry, responded in the head of a dog grass. The chapter tells us how after the death of your owner, the old Lesnik Antipycha, the grass remained living in the forest alone and adapted to the wild life. When the trees were very noisy, the dog was crying and the gray landowner listened to this, the last wolf in the forest. In the sixth chapter, we read how people drove all wolves in the forest with red flags and killed them. One old smart wolf stayed alive - the old landowner. He was shooting semi-like and half stall. After the wolf remained alone, he began to take revenge, and for the summer she cut sheep and cows more than it was done before all wolves together. Now the wolf is hungry and very angry. He is how much the head chapter tells how the grass chasing the hare, stumbled upon a trace of a person with food. She stands before choosing: go for a man with food or behind a hare. After sniffing and reworing the trail, she decided and went beyond the man. The hare lies under the tree and will not go anywhere, and a person can leave. The head extensively shows us the course of the beast reasoning. In the eighth chapter, the secret of the story name is finally revealed. "In the swamps, water does not give parents-plants to convey all their good children. Thousands of years, this is a good water under water, the swamp becomes the storage room of the sun, and then all this storage room, like a peat, gets inheritance man. "And Mitrash is stubbornly in the swamp, choosing the places where to put the leg. And suddenly, falls into the wet alive on the chest. It is difficult to breathe, fear of beamly makes the heart pound. The boy tries to calm his breath, put a gun across the swamp and overtook him. In the face of his tears rolled. The new chapter returns us to the Nasta, which collects cranberries. The path in which she went, as it turned out, at the end connects to the one on which Mitraš went. And between them just lay the path, to which they so sought to get. On the way, Nastya collected Cranberry, not paying attention to anything, only sometimes thoughts about the hungry poor brother appeared in her head. He stumbled upon a viper, which he walked in the sun. Nastya took his sight from cranberry and saw herba and runaway moose. She suddenly became scary for Mitrasha. She called him that there are strength. Mitrash heard her cry, but his own - she worn the wind. Nastya fell on Earth, sobbing. Premonition in her breast did not give her rest. The grass understood the trouble of man and ran behind the hare to bring him Nastya and calm her.

Answer from Neurologist[newcomer]
yes brpppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppgive site

Mikhail Mikhailovich Svtain

"Storeroom Sun"

In almost every swamp lies inconspicuous wealth. All blasting and missing, growing there, soak the sun, saturates with their warmth and light. Dying, plants do not rot on, as in the ground. The swamp carefully preserves them, accumulating the mighty peat layers impregnated with solar energy. Therefore, the swamp of the "Storeroom Sun" is called. We wanted such storerooms, geologists. This story occurred at the end of the war, in the village near the Bludov of the Swamp, which is in Pereslavl-Zalessky district.

In our neighboring house, a brother and sister lived. A twelve-year-old girl was called Nastya, and her ten-year brother - Mitra. Children recently orphaned - "Their mother died from the disease, the Father died in the Patriotic War." The children were very cute. "Nastya was like a golden chicken in high legs" with a leaning, covered with golden freckles. Mitric was low, dense, stubborn and strong. Neighbors called his "peasant in a bag." At first they helped them all the village, and then the children themselves learned to be managed with the economy and were very independent.

One day, the children decided to go for cranberries. Usually this berry is collected in autumn, but laying the winter under the snow, it becomes tastier and more useful. Mitraska took the father's rifle and compass, Nastya is a huge basket and food. Once, the father told them that in the Bliding swamp, near the blind elan, there is a untouched glade, the berry waspathed. There are children there and headed.

They came out dimly. Birds still did not sang, only behind the river heard the war of the gray landowner - the most terrible wolf in the district. To the fork, the children approached when the sun had already risen. Their dispute came out here. Mitrash wanted to go on a compass to the north, as a father spoke, only the northern trail was unclear, slightly noticeable. Nastya wanted to go to the trail. The children were crowded, and everyone turned to his trail.

Meanwhile, the grass was woken nearby, the Lesnik Dog Antipycha. The forester died, and his faithful dog remained to live under the rest of the house. The grass was walked without the owner. She overwhelmed, and this howl heard a gray landowner. In the hungry spring days it was fed, mostly dogs, and now ran on his grass. However, soon he stopped - the dog drove the hare. During the chase, she learned the smell of little people, one of whom was bread. On this trace of the grass and ran.

Meanwhile, the compass led Mitra straight to the blind elani. Here I barely a noticeable trail made a hook, and the boy decided to cut it back. Ahead lay smooth and clean glades. Mitrash did not know that this was a disgusting hide. The boy passed more than half, when Elan began to suck him. In an instant, he failed in the belt. Mitraist remained only to lie on a rifle and frost. Suddenly, the boy heard his sister oars him. He responded, but the wind took his cry to the other side, and Nastya did not hear.

All this time, the girl was walking along a drowned path, which also led to the blind elani, only bypass. At the end of the trail, she stumbled upon the very cranberry place, and began to collect a berry, forgetting everything. She remembered about her brother only in the evening - the food was left for her, and Mitrays goes hungry. Looking around, the girl saw herba, which was the smell of edible. Nastya remembered Antipycha's dog. From anxiety for his brother, the girl was crying, and the grass tried to console her. She overwhelmed, and the gray landowner hurried to sound. Suddenly, the dog was smelling the smell of the hare, rushed after him, jumped into the blind Elan and saw another little man there.

Mitra, completely frozen in a cold bog. Saw a dog. It was his last chance to escape. Headful voice he listed herbal. When the lung dog came up very close, Mitrash grabbed her for the rear paws, and the grass pulled the boy from the quags.

The boy was hungry. He decided to shoot a hare, which was kicked out to him a smart dog. He charged the gun, made, and suddenly he saw a wolf face very night. He shot Mitra almost focused and graduated from a long life of a gray landowner. Heard shot Nastya. Brother and sister spent the night in the swamp, and in the morning they returned home with a heavy basket and a story about the wolf. Those who believed Mitra, went to Elan and brought a dead wolf. Since then, the boy has become a hero. By the end of the war, he was no longer called "a peasant in the bag", so he grew up. Nastya has long been causing herself for greed to cranberry and gave all the useful berries with children evacuated from Leningrad.

It happened after the war, in the village near the Bludov Marsh. In the house there were orphaned children, Nastya with Mitra. At first, people helped them, and then they themselves cope with the economy.

Somehow the spring guys went for cranberries. Although it is collected in the fall, but it becomes more useful, having spent the coveted snow. The sister took the food and a basket, and the boy is a compass and a gun. For a long time, my father told them that he saw the untouched clearing, where it was full of berries.

On the way, the children heard a gray landowner - a terrible wolf. Approaching the fork, brother and sister quarreled, because Mitrash wanted to go north, but the path was barely noticeable. Nastya wanted to go through the Herned path. They diverged into different directions.

The dog of the deceased forester grass woke up and flashed. She heard a wolf and ran to her. But the dog is fallen, shook behind the hare. By learning the smell of food in children, she ran to them.

Having reached the blind Elain, the boy decided to cut the road and went through the glade. She turned out to be dried and saw him on the belt. The guy lay on a rifle and froze. Hearing sister, he called her, but the wind was not in the other side, so the girl did not hear.

Nastya went on a different path, which led there, only the way was longer. Seeing Cranberry, she forgot about his brother, remembering him only in the evening. The girl was hungry, because the food was with her, the brother still did not eat. Here she saw herba. The dog overwhelmed, the landowner heard and hurried here. The dog again drove the hare. Switching to Elan, he saw a second child.

The boy noticed the dog and called her. He grabbed her paws, and the dog pulled the boy from the swamp.

Having hungry, Mitrachatic wanted to shoot a hare. Preparing, having charged a gun, suddenly he noticed a gray landowner. The boy fired and killed the wolf. Hearing it, sister came running here. Having spent on the glade, the guys came home with berries and a story about the landowner. People believed them, went there and brought the dead animal. So the guy from just a child turned into a hero. And the girl was worried about the current situation, so I did not want to eat cranberries, but distributed it to evacuated children.

/ / "Storeroom Sun"

In a small village, located close to Pereyaslavl-Zalessky, two orphans lived. Their father went to war and died, defending his homeland, and Mom died of illness.

Brother and sister lived in the soul, went well between themselves. And even, imitating adults, led a household. Nastya, like a real woman, followed the house. And Mitrasha provided everyone in the area of \u200b\u200bdishes made of wood, having undergone this skill at the father. Neighbors regretted two orphans and always came to the rescue.

Once the guys happened such a case. My brother and sister went to the forest for cranberries. Living in the countryside, Nastya and Mitra knew a lot about nature, including the fact that the most sweet cranberries that perims under the snow. It is easy to find on the glades immediately after snow comes down. In the people such places are called pantry sun. Knowing such signs, children went for a delicious cranberry in April.

They remembered and about the most berry place - Palestinian. There you can collect cranberries, not even when sitting from one place. There was a brother and sister. They walked together along the path, until they stumbled upon the fork. Here, then the children, without having agreed among themselves, went to different directions: Nastya went on a well-trotted path, and Mitrash - by barely visible. The boy focused on the compass and believed this particular path right.

It should be noted the fact that Mitrah gathered into the forest like a real hunter. He had all the most needed, even a gun. No wonder in the village, the boy had a nickname "peasant in a bag."

In the forest, in which the guys went, a dog grass lived. Her owner, Lester Antipych, died, and the grass remained alone. Often it was possible to hear her howl. The dog has taken out of loneliness and longing in their favorite owner. I heard these guy sounds and a huge wolf nicknamed a gray landowner.

In general, wolves in these forests were destroyed, but before that tricky predator, people could not be reached. The gray landowner was hungry. Hearing the dog, he realized that the prey was near and went on her searches. The grass was lucky. She saved the chase after the hare. A huge beast lost a dog, he no longer heard her.

And Mitrash everything went ahead by barely made the trail among herbs. Gradually, his legs have become more and more harmed, and the traces of the trails were filled with water. The boy easily determined that where the human leg went down, Belous grew up. It was where a little peasant went there.

Only here is the desire to cut the path and cross the clearing, and not to overtake it, as the trail led, almost led the boy to death. He did not know the mitra that it was the same blind man, the swamp, whom everyone was so afraid. Many people found their death here, because Elan did not differ from ordinary forest cleans. And the marsh grass did not grow on it.

From the first step, Mitrasya failed at the very knee, tried to get out, but only more prominently. It is good that the boy came in time a saving thought - to throw a plafhum rifle. This action still helped mitra not to drown. He simply kept holding a gun.

What at this time did his sister Nastya? The girl came out to the Palestinian, and so fascinated by the collection of cranberries, which was completely forgotten about his brother. From the fascinating classes, Nastya distract the snake. Scared, Nastya screamed. Mitrash heard their native voice and hurried to scream in response, but the wind took his cry in a completely different side.

At this time, the dog grass, as we remember, running around the hare, and felt a person. At the fork, the dog was laughed, because the track was divided. Nevertheless, hunger took the top, and herbal chose the one from which the satisfying and delicious smell was walked. This trail led her to Nastya.

The girl did not even pay attention to the dog, as it was in upset feelings. And the grass pushed the hare again and decided to catch up with him. In pursuit of prey, the dog approached the blind elani.

But here suddenly the grass stopped, completely forgotten about the hare. There was a man before her. This, of course, was Mitras. He recognized herbal and called her.

The dog began to approach the drowning. The boy was afraid that herb in a joyful break would throw him to him, and then they would die together in this bog. When the dog crawled to Mitrath at all closely, he grabbed her behind his paws. The grass frightened and pulled the boy from chain marsh "paws".

The little peasant was free, he gratefully quit his savior, and she rushed to him, happily waking up and wagging his tail. Now Mitra has become her owner. The grass trampled to it, all the same ill-fated hare.

Only not seen a dog nor a person that in the bushes is lurking a dangerous beast - a gray landowner. The wolf jumped towards a small hunter, and Mitrash, not confused, shot him right in the emphasis. Sister Nastya came running on the sound of the shot.

People in the village were concerned about such a long lack of children and decided to search for them. True, this did not have to do, since Nastya with Mitranes themselves came to meet them and threatened the joyful news: the gray landowner is killed.

Adults lambered in the story of Mitrashi, but, the killed beast was more eloquent than all evidence.

The book of Svanina "Storeroom Sun" will introduce you to an interesting story and his heroes, and we will help you to get acquainted with the promsion and his "storeroom sun" in the brief content to know the meaning of the work and be able to answer questions in the lesson of literature.

Svienne Storeroom Sun.

Chapter 1

In the village, which is located near Bludowa Marsh, brother and sister remain orphans. Mother died, and the Father took the war. Children lived just next to the house where the story was settled. The orphans were still children, the girl is only twelve years old, but the boy and that ten. When the parents did not, all the economy, and these are chickens, and cow, and chick, and the pig, and the goat, fell on their small children's shoulders. True, the neighbors and distant relatives tried to help them, but the children quickly brought together and began to cope with everything well. Even often came to public works. Sister on the housework, brother was engaged in male affairs, as well as coolest.

Chapter 2.

There was an early spring and children from people heard that it was time to collect cranberries, which, by the way, tastier after the winter, although many cranberries are collected late in autumn. Here Mitrash and Nastya gathered on the path behind the cranberries. They gathered to go to the Palestinian, which the Father told. It is there that there are a lot of berries. But the place is dangerous. Despite this, children go on the road, capturing with them all the necessary, including food and weapons.

Chapter 3.

Children passed a bolovaya terrain on the path, which was laid before them, on the road they collected the first cranberry that had fallen them, and also listened to various sounds that various birds published, as well as children heard howl. As Mitras said, it was a lonely wolf. Choosing the way where to go behind the cranberries, the children decide to go behind the compass arrow, where no one walks where their father spoke, Palestine is.

Chapter 4.

The children came to the lying stone, where they decided to relax a little, and meet the sun's rays that would be warmed, as they froze a little. And once again listened to birds, and after decided to go. Mitrosh pointed to one way, and Nastya wanted to go all the troped path. As a result, everyone went his way.

Chapter 5.

Next, Svarvin in the "Store Sun" tells about the dog grass, which is now lonely living in the forest, like a wild beast, getting independently food, although before that he lived with the Festrian hunting antipych. With him she went hunting, he lived with him, and he always defended her from wolves. Now the dog itself is often how much when he hears how to publish during the wind, moan trees. This cool dog and hears the wolf.

Chapter 6.

Just not far from the womb at dry river several years ago, wolves were broken. The peasants called the wolf team so that they killed them. Fighters of wolves arrived quickly, quickly did their job, having lured her wolf and wolf. That's just the wolf managed to flush. This was the most famous gray landowner. He was still hunted several times behind him, but I could not kill. Just that day, when children diverged different roads, the wolf got out of his logow. Hungry, thin. He overwhelmed. Next, in the story, the author calls the "Storey Sun". The author urges not to believe Wolch. This is not a pitiful howl, but dangerous, angry.

Chapter 7.

Dry river joined Bludovo swamp semicircle. From one side of her wolf, and on the other hand - a dog. Just on the dog howling and decided to go wolf to devour the dog, but the dog had ceased to throw out, so the wolf could not catch her. The dog herself went on hunting and took the trail of the hare, who headed towards the blind Lani, where Mitroshet went. However, then the dog heard the smell of potatoes, which was in a basket, and, realizing that a person with potatoes headed against the other side, decides to go aside Nastya.

Chapter 8.

Sleeping Elhana is just that place where the peat reservoir was young and thin, therefore, the places were not solid, but half-live. We will become foot and get fat, but do not know what depth. Mitracy continued to go. He walked on someone's traces, hoping that the previous man chose the right path. The boy walked and then he wanted to cut the way, and he saw that it was possible, because Grass-Belous grew there, which always grows in human trail, and therefore, he chose the right way. He decides to go not like a dear. But I was wrong. He got into that very much, where everyone died. The boy also saw the swamp. He began to call Nastya, who had already gone away from Mitros somewhere, that's just a cry of Mitroshi carried the wind to the other side. The boy was crying, feeling his death.

Chapter 9.

Getting acquainted with the encaviry from his "storage room", and continuing the story, we will learn about further events. While Mitra wished a brief road and dangerous, Nastya went on proven, collecting in the path of Cranberry. Children could not know that in the end they should have ever had to meet. And, if Mitrosha did not turn from the track, and did not fail, he would have collected the cranberry that was well appreciated and for which everything was chasing. That's just where it would collect berry, it is incomprehensible. Nastya reached the very place where there were many cranberries. She forgot about her brother and only when she saw the dog, the very grass, she remembered her brother and girl shouted his name. Just this cry and heard a boy. Nastya also fell next to a basket and cried.

Chapter 10.

The dog is located next to Nastya, and teaching trouble, begins to swell. This war is again heard the wolf, which begins to run towards the dog. And here the grass stops throwing, noticing the hare. The dog decides to run behind him, and the wolf runs behind the dog.

Chapter 11.

When the dog fled behind the hare, he saw a man in a swamp that called her. He called the dog to the seal. That's how it once called her former owner. The dog began to grant the boy closer and then Mitrosha grasped her behind the paws. Frightened, the dog jerked and began to break down. That she pulled out a little boy, who further could escape from the swamps and customs to the path. When Mitrosha got out, he called a dog to hug her.

Chapter 12.

When the boy was safe, the dog continued his gon behind the hare, Mitrosha, realizing that this was his only dinner, he had a juniper in order to shoot at the right moment. That's just at this time the wolf came to junihernel and was very close to the boy. Seeing the wolf, Mitrosha shot. The wolf immediately died. The shot attracted Nastya, who was able to find Mitrosha. Children met. The dog was also able to catch the hare and bring his brother with his sister.

Necess times the neighbors rushed and saw that there were no children for a long time that they did not stay at home. Everyone gathered on their searches and here, sister and brother came out of the forest, and the famous dog fled to them. Children all told the residents of the village, they told about how Mitrose was shot by a wolf. Many did not believe until they saw the corpse of the wolf. So the boy became a hero. Nastya also crashed himself for the fact that he threw his brother and for collecting a berry with such greed, and when they spent evacuated children from Leningrad, they gave them all the collected cranberries.