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Read the story night before Merry Christmas brief content. A brief retelling - "Night before Merry Christmas" Gogol N.V. (Very brief)

Introduction General description Tale, basic idea.

"Night before Christmas" - an outstanding story of Gogol, a lot of times was shielded and sincerely fell in love with the domestic reader. Included in the line of the "Evenings on the farm near Dikanka". Incredible fantastic events and live language descriptions make a story bright and stand out. She is literally naipped with folklore, folk tales and legends.

The ideological meaning of the work is most fully understood by analyzing Gogol's views. At that time, he was increasingly thinking over the greatness of democracy over the blind patriarchal way of modern Russia. He was fed to progressive trends in the field of literature and science. Life of landowners, their stagnation and commitment to the old ideals annoyed Gogol, and after a time he raised their pathetic lifestyle and primitive thinking.

It is very important that in the "night before Christmas" the evil wins, and the light holds the top over the darkness. Vakolu is leaning and generous, it is not a coward and does not fold hands in the face of difficulties. That is exactly similar to the brave epic heroes and wanted Gogol to see his contemporaries. However, reality has sharply differed from his idealized ideas.

The author is trying on the example of vacules to prove that only creating good things, leading a righteous lifestyle can be a happy man. The power of money and the breaking of religious values \u200b\u200bwill lead a person for the very bottom, will make it an immoral rotting person who is doomed to insufficient existence.

All descriptions permeated deep copyrighted humor. Recall only with what mocking irony he describes the court environment of the empress. The abylls of the St. Petersburg Palace Gogol depicts both incorrecting and slave people looking into her mouth with higher.

History of creation

The book "Evenings on the farm near Dikanka" was published in 1831, then it was also written and "night before Christmas". The tale of the cycle was born from Gogol quickly and easily. It is not known for sure when Gogol began to work on the story, and when he was first born the idea of \u200b\u200bits creation. There is evidence that the first words he struck on paper for another year before the release of the book. Chronologically, the events described in the story fall for a period of about 50 years earlier, namely the reign of Catherine II and the last deputy of the Cossacks.

Analysis of the work

The main story. Features of the compositional structure.

(Illustration of Bubnova Alexander Pavlovich to N.V.Gogol "Night before Christmas")

The plot is tied to the adventures of the main character - the Blacksmith Vacuula and his love for a shameful beauty Oksana. The conversation of young people and serves as a string story, the first beauty does not promise a marriage vacuum in exchange for royal worms. The girl is not going to fulfill the word given by her, she laughs at the young man, realizing that he could not fulfill its instructions. But, according to the features of building a tales genre, the vacuule can fulfill the desire of the beauty, the devil helps in this. Vacuula flight to St. Petersburg to the reception to the Empress is the culmination of the narration. The junction is the wedding of young people and reconciling the vacuum with the father of the bride, with which they had a relationship.

In the genre attitude, the story more about the fabulous type of addition. According to the laws of the fairy tale, we can see in the final of the narration happy end. In addition, many heroes take their beginning precisely from the sources of ancient Russian legends, we see the magic and the power of the dark forces over the world of ordinary people.

Images of major heroes

Kuznet Vakula

The main characters are real characters, a resident of the farm. Kuznets Vakula - a real Ukrainian man, hot-tempered, but at the same time exceptionally decent and honest. He is a worker, a good son for his parents and, for sure, will become a great husband and father. It is simple from the point of view of the spiritual organization, does not vita in the clouds and has an open pretty good temper. He all achieves due to character hardness and imbibeable spirit.

Black Oksana - the main beauty and enviable bride. She is proud and arrogant, due to its youth, it has hot-tempered temperament, frivolous and windy. Oksana is constantly surrounded by male attention, loved by his father, trying to dress in the most elegant dresses and infinitely admires his own reflection in the mirror. When she learned that the bubbles of the chorus proclaimed her first beauty, she began to behave in a fit, constantly annoying with all his whims. But young grooms such behavior only amuses, and they continue to go to the girl in Gurby.

In addition to the main characters, a lot of no less bright secondary actors is described. Vacuula's mother - Witch Solok, also appeared in the Sorochin Fair, is a widow. Attractive outwardly, coquetty lady, grinding skews with a feature. Despite the fact that it personifies the dark strength, the image of it is described very attractive and does not pushes the reader. As well as Oksana, the solochs are full of adorable, including ironically depicted devices.


The story immediately after reaching the light was recognized as an unusually poetic, exciting. Gogol so skillfully passes the entire flavor of the Ukrainian village, that the reader seems to be able to quickly live and plunge into this magical world for the time of reading the book. All the ideas of Gogol draws from folk legends: Damn, who has stolen a month, flying on a witch broom and so on. With his characteristic artistic manner, he rewakes images on his poetic way, making them unique and bright. Real events are intertwined with fabulous so closely that the fine line between them is lost at all - this is another feature of the writer Gogol's genius, which permeates all his work and gives it characteristic features.

The work of Gogol, his tale and novels filled with the deepest meaning and novels are considered exemplary not only in the domestic, but also world literature. He hesitated so much the minds and souls of his readers, managed to find such deep strings of the human soul that his work was deservedly considered to be mobilical.

Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol

"Christmas Eve"

A clear frosty night comes to replace the last day before Christmas. The ranges and the bubbles have not yet come to the rank, and no one seen how from the pipe one hut went smoke and the witch rose on the broom. She fits in a black speck in the sky, picking up the stars in the sleeve, and she flies to her the features that "the last night remained fused on the white light." Holding a month, the features hide in his pocket, assuming that the coming darkness will keep the house of the rich Kozak Chuba, invited to the devil on Kutu, and the hated feature of the Kuznet Vakula (painted the picture of the terrible court and the drawing line on the church wall) will not dare to come to the Chub Daughter Oksana . As long as the hell is building a witch of Kura, who came out of the hut Chub with Kum are not solved, go to the Dyachku, where a pleasant society will be gathered for Varenukhi, or in view of such darkness to return home, - and leave, leaving the beauty of Oksana in the house, beyond the mirror And cares her vacules. The harsh beauty is embarrassed over him, not touching his tender speeches. The annoyed Blacksmith goes to unlock the door in which he knocks on the road and losing the Kuma Chub, deciding on the occasion raised by the black blizzard to return home. However, the voice of the blacksmith leads him to the idea that he did not get into his hut (and in a similar, chrome levchenka, to the young wife of which, probably, and the blacksmith came), the chub changes his voice, and the angry vacuum, feeding the chips, kicks him out. The broken chub, dissolving that the blacksmith from his own house, it became left, goes to his mother, salt. Solokh, the former withend, returned from his journey, and she flew and traveled, lumbering in the pipe for a month.

It became light, the blizzard was subsided, and the crowds were poured into the streets. Girls resort to Oksana, and, noticing on one of them newly embroidered with gold Cherevichki, Oksana declares that he would marry a vacuum if he brought to her Cherevichki, "who wears the queen." Meanwhile, the damn who dissected the Solokh, the head that did not go to the devil on Kutu. The hell is agile in one of the bags left among the Kuznets hut, but in another they have to close the head soon, because the Solok is knocking the devil. Taking the advantages of incomparable solokh, the deque is forced to climb into the third bag, because it is a chub. However, the Chub faces there by avoiding meetings with the returned vacuula. As long as Solokh is explained in the garden with the fear of those who came for the Kozank, the vacuum carries the bags abandoned by in the middle of the hut, and, heated with a grinding with Oksano, does not notice their gravity. On the street, he is surrounded by a crowd of warrants, and here Oksana repeats his mocking condition. Throwing everything, besides the smallest, bags in the middle of the road, the vacuum runs, and the rumors crawled behind him that he was damaged in his mind, or hanged himself.

Vakula comes to the Zaporozhetz to the Puzzy Putsuchka, who, as they say, "a little affected by the hell." Making the host for eating dumplings, and then dumplings, Koi themselves climbed the boy in her mouth, Vakula timidly asks the road to hell, relying on his help in his misfortune. Having received a foggy answer that the hell is behind his shoulders, the vacuum runs from the rapid dumplings to him in his mouth. Anticipating light prey, the hell pops up from the bag and, sowing on the neck of the blacksmith, promises to him the same night Oksana. The cunning blacksmith, grasping the feature behind the tail and crossing it, becomes the master of the situation and makes the hell to carry himself "in Pethember, right to the queen."

Finding about the time of the Kuznetsov bags, girls want to attribute them to Oksana, to see what Vakula was called. They go beyond the sleds, and Chubov Kum, calling for a factor, dragged one of the bags in his hut. There for unclear, but the seductive contents of the bag takes a fight with a courage wife. In the bag, the chub and the devil are provided. When the chub, returning home, in the second bag finds his head, its locality to the salt is much reduced.

Blacksmith, rushing into St. Petersburg, is to the Zaporozhets, who passed the fall through the dikanka, and, by pressing the line in his pocket, it seeks to take it on the reception to the queen. The luxury of the palace and the wonderful painting on the walls, the blacksmith is in front of the queen, and when she asks Zaporozhtsev who came to asking for their schish, "what do you want?", Kuznets asks her the royal shoes. Touching such an arms, Catherine draws attention to this passage standing by the foundation of Fonvizin, and Vakula gives shoes, having received koi, he honors for the benefit of the ravis.

In the village at this time, the Dikan women will argue the streets on the middle of the streets, how the hands of the vacuiser put on themselves, and the rumors came to be confused by Oksana, she sleeps badly night, and not finding in the morning in the church of the pious blacksmith, ready to cry. The blacksmith simply saw the Sautrena and lunch, and awakened, takes out a new hat and the belt from the chest and goes to wove in a wipe. Chub, vulnerable trophuistic salts, but in charge of gifts, meets consent. He fards and entered Oksana, ready to go beyond the blacksmith "and without the Chereviks." Having got her family, the vacuum painted his hut with paints, and in the church Namavalal the trait, yes, "such a nasty, that everyone was spoiled when they passed by."

Before Christmas, quiet and clear weather is installed, and frosty night smoothly descends on the ground. From the pipe one of the hut poured the smoke, as Suddenly, behind the smoke, a witch rose on a broom and flew up. Small in the sky, she collected the stars and folded them into the sleeve. Damn, who also flew, stole a month and hid him in his pocket. He thought that a long night would keep the house of the rich Kozak Chuba, invited to the Deca on the Buck.

The damn on the yard raises the blizzard, and the Chub with Kum decide to whom to go to dumplings, or stay at home because of the darkness, but leaving, leaving Oksana at home. And Oksana dressed in front of the mirror, where it cares her vacules. In the door knocks, confronted from the road of Chub, who lost the coum on the way. Without recognizing the Kuznez's voice, he decided that he did not get into that hut. Vakula, offended, pushed the chub out of the door. On the courtyard already brightened, the blizzard subsided. Chub went to Solokh, the former witch and mother of the vacuum, and she returned from the journey with Chorre, dropping a month in the pipe.

Girls and bubbles came out rank. Girlfriends are called Oksana to the street. Meanwhile, the Solokha Chort is kept the head, who did not go to the prick, and the hell climbs into one of the bags left by Kuznets. In the other heades his head, because the door is knocking on the door. At the threshold there is a chub, and at this time the vacuum comes, and the chub somehow climbs into the bag to the devil. Vakula takes bags without noticing their gravity.

On the street in the crowd of Oksana, says Vakula, which will marry him if he gets her shoes that the queen herself. Vakula walked for advice to the boy, how to get to hell, but did not receive the answer, and the damn itself was behind him. Then the vacuum caught the hell after the tail and ordered to take to the queen.

The blacksmith, coming to Petersburg, goes to the Zaporozhets and asks to take with him on the reception to the queen. In the palace, he is surprised by gorgeous luxury around and a wonderful fairy painting on the walls. The Kuznets asks Tsaritsa tsarist shoes, and she touched with such an arms, gives them a vacuule.

In the village, hearing went that the blacksmith imposed on his hands. Oksanka, feeling his guilt and not finding a vacuum in the church, ready to cry. Blacksmith, tired of the road, slept lunch. Waking up and dressed in, he goes to a woven wagon, and then Oksana comes and says that he agrees to get out of the vacuum without shoes. After the wedding, the hut vacula was beautifully painted with paints.


Characteristics of characters in the story of Gogol "Night Before Christmas" The mighty blacksmith vacule is in love with the capricious and proud Beauty Oksana, but the girl only plays the feelings of the bottle. She declares him that he would marry him for him if he will give her cryvers, the same in the queen.

Initially, the young man fell into despair, but he was the devil and promised help. Vakula was the God-fearing person and did not count on the help of unclean strength. He grabbed his trait and saddled him, he flew to St. Petersburg on it, there he was able to go to the audience to the queen and asked to give him shoes. The Queen could not refuse such an innocent request, and she ordered his worms to give young man.

And in the native village already buried the vacuum, the neighbor believed that he had committed suicide because of unfortunate love. At that moment, the Blacksmith appeared in the house to Oksana with a gift, but the girl had already realized that no one was needed besides a devoteed blacksmith.

Conclusion (my opinion)

Nedar say that real love will overcome all obstacles and adversity. So Vakula proved Oksana his devotion and conquered the heart of the girl.

The story "Night before Christmas" was written by N. V. Gogol in 1830 - 1832. The first edition of the work was published in 1832 in the printing house A. Puszyar. The story is included in the famous cycle of the writer "Evening on the farm near Dikanka". In the "Nights before Christmas", Gogol with humor portrayed an Opoethized rural life on a festive day, pulling the plot around the history of the love of the Booley Vacuula and the daughter of the rich Kozak Oksana.

main characters

Vacula - Kuznets, "Silacha and Children, at least where," was engaged in his free time, he was in love with Oksana and flew to St. Petersburg on the feature to get the Cherevitsa herself for her.

Oksana "The daughter of the Kozak Chuba, the beloved vacuum, she" has not passed also seventeen years old "," there was a capricious as beauty. "

Heck - I did not believe the vacuum for drawing it in the wrong light, I drove the blacksmith to St. Petersburg.

Other characters

Forelock - Rich Kozak, Widower, Oksana Father.

Solokha "The witch, the mother of the vacuum," had no more than forty from the family. "

Puzzy Capsyuk "A kindergarten, a former Zaporozhets, who has been living in Dikanka for many years.

Head, Dyack, Kum Panas, Queen Catherine.

In the dikanka, winter, clear night before Merry Christmas. Suddenly, a witch flew out of the tube of one of the hut and rising to the sky, began to collect stars in the sleeve.

On the other hand, the sky appeared in the sky. He hid a month in his pocket, and around immediately became dark. Damn it so that the Kozak Chub be launched to go through the darkness and stayed at home, and therefore the smith Vakula could not come to his daughter Oksana. So the devil wanted to take revenge on the blacksmith, who painted him disgraced in the picture with a terrible court.

Chub, together with Panas, waiting for the "good break" at Deca leave the Kozak hut and see that a month disappeared in the sky, and it became completely dark on the street. Shaking, they still decide to continue the way.

While the Chub left, the remaining one house Oksana admired himself in front of the mirror. Behind this work and cares for the girl who came to her vacules. Blacksmith addresses Oksana with gentle speeches, but she just laughs and mocks him. The annoyed vacules decides that the girl does not like him.

Suddenly, knocked in the door, and the blacksmith went to open.

Frost increased, so the hell came down with a witch through the chimney to her in the hut. The witch was no one as the mother vacuum - Solokha. She knew how to charming men that many Kozaki villages went to her, while none of them knew about rivals. Among all the fans of Solok, he highlighted the rich Kozak of Chuba.

Meanwhile, when the features descended into the chimney, he noticed Chuba and arranged a strong blizzard, trying to return him home.

And indeed, seeing nothing because of the blizzard, the Chub decided to go back and they died in some directions. Having reached his hut, Kozak knocked, but, having heard the perturbed cry of the vacuum, decided that this was not his home, and changed his voice. Without recognizing in the Chuba who came, the blacksmith stacked the Kozak. Then Chub, judging, that if the vacules here, then there is no one at home, went to the salt.

While the feature flew from the pipe and back, the month flew out of his "Laduna" hanging on his side and rose to the sky. "All covered. Blizzard as unprecedented. " The streets appeared on the streets of flaws of barks and girls with bags.

The girls hurried to the House of Chuba. Oksana noticed from one of the girls new worms and labored that she had no one to get a beautiful new thing. Then the vacuum himself volunteered to get "such cravies, which rare Pannochka wears." Joking, Oksana said that only those that wears the Queen herself and if the blacksmith breaks them, then she would marry him.

A dozen head comes to sitting with a feature salty. While the woman opened the doors, the unclean hid in the bag. The head managed only to drink a charm of vodka and say that because of the blizzard did not hit the devil, as the door knocked again - it was the deque himself. Solokh hid her head in the second bag. However, the conversation of a woman with Deca was soon interrupted - Kozak Chub came to Solokh. The hostess hid in the third bag of Deca, and soon the chub was also in the same bag, which did not want to see a vacuule to the mother.

While Soloku went to the next visitor, the blacksmith carries out all three bags and, sadly with the bullying of Oksana, does not even notice their gravity.

On Vakula Street meets flaws. Oksana, laughing, again repeats its condition at all. Upset vacules threw bags to Earth and, taking with him the smallest, said goodbye to everyone and ran away.

Vakula decides to go to the local Snagrahma - the Puzzy Patsyuk - "He, they say, knows all the devils and everything will do what he wants." Heavding the party for eating at first dumplings, and after the dumplings who themselves flew into his mouth to the owner, the vacuum asks him how to find a feature to ask that help. On this, the zakar answered him: "This does not need to go far, who has damn ships." Frightened in the mouth of a quiet dumpling flying into his mouth, the vacuum runs away from the boy.

Hearing the words of the blacksmith, the devil immediately jumped out of the bag and offered to conclude a contract by signing it with blood. However, the vacules grabbed the trait behind the tail. The cross is unclean, the blacksmith saddled him and forced him to attribute to St. Petersburg to the queen.

Oksana notices the bags left by vacuum and offers them to pick them up. While the girls went behind the sleds, the bag with the ebony and the devil takes to themselves came out of the kum. During the Panas quarrel with his wife for the contents of the bag, the Chub and Dyack got out of it, explaining that they decided to joke so much.

Girls drove the remaining bag to Oksana. At that time, the Chub returned home and, finding a confused head in a bag, was outraged by the trick of Soloki.

Avenue to St. Petersburg, the features turned around with a horse, and after, at the venue of the vacuum, it decreased and hidden him in his pocket. The blacksmith finds familiar Cossacks, and with the help of unclean it becomes consent to go with them to the queen.

In the Palace of Zaporozhtsev and Vakula met Potemkin, and then the queen herself. When Catherine asked at Zaporozhtsev, with what request they came to her, the blacksmith immediately fell to the legs of the queen, asking for his wife the same beautiful worms as she had. Catherine cheated his simpleness, and she ordered to bring the most expensive shoes with gold. Plunning the legs of the queen, the blacksmith, pushed by the Zaporozhets, moved back and his devil instantly suffered already "for the Schlakhbaum."

On the dikanka at that time, rumors had already gone that Vakula was drowned, or hanged himself. Hearing about it, Oksana was very upset - because he loved her, and now, perhaps, he left the village or disappeared at all. There was no vacuum and after dinner.

Back the blacksmith reached even faster, and, having laid the line three shock twigs, let him go. Going home, the vacuum immediately fell asleep and slept until the dead shot. Waking up, the blacksmith took the tsaritsa shoes for Oksana and the header and the belt for the Chub and went to the Kozak. After the consent of the father for the matchmaker, an embarrassed girl said that it was ready to marry a vacuum "and without Cherevikov."

Marrying, the blacksmith squeezed all his hut, and the church depicted a trait in hell - "Such a nasty, that everyone was spoiled when they passed by."


In the story "Night Before Christmas", Gogol reveals the theme of people's life, depicting a number of typical rural characters - a dexterous and strong blacksmith vacuum, beautiful and narcissist Oksana, stupid and rich chub, tricky salt and others. Entering into the story of mythical characters (witch, trait, sign), the author brings the plot of the works to the fabulous, thus binding to the tale of realism and romanticism.

A brief retell of "Night before Christmas" describes the main plot of the work, but for a better understanding of the story we advise you to get acquainted with its full option.

Test on Tale

Test questions cover many important moments of the work:

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Average rating: 4.6. Total ratings received: 1809.

We present you a summary of the story N.V. Gogol from the cycle "Yesterday on the farm near Dikanka." As usual, we have prepared for you as many as 2 options short content (Perekaza) Tale "Night at Merry Christmas".

Summary Tale Night Before Christmas

The story begins with the description of the picture of the night Ukrainian farm. The last day ended before Merry Christmas, and a clear starry night came after him. A witch takes off from the pipe of one hut on a broom. She flies through the night sky and collects stars. And at this time the hell is stealing a month. He did it because he knew that today the chub was invited to the Bute, and the daughter of his beauty would stay at home, a blacksmith comes to her at that time. This is a blacksmith and avenged damn. The blacksmith this, pretty good artist, wrote a picture once, where the Saint Peter on the day of a terrible court expels from hell of an evil spirit. The hell in every way interfered the Blacksmith, but the work was completed, the board was entered into the church and was done in the wall. Since then, he swear to revenge the blacksmith. By staging the month, the feature hoped that the chub would not go anywhere, and the blacksmith, with his father, would not decide to come to the daughter of Chuba.

Chub, going out with Panas at this time from his hut, he was thinking that he was decided: to go to the prick or not. Chub still decided to go and both Kuma went to Deak.

Oksana, daughter of Chuba, heard the first beauty on the farm. However, in character, it was capricious and was spoiled. The consequence of which was a stable interest in it from local cavaliers, but this interest was usually short. Over time, the guys preferred simpler and so spoiled girls. And only the Kuznets Vakula did not leave her alone, even though she appealed to him no better than other.

As soon as Chub went, the vacuum hurried to his passion. The blacksmith is recognized by Oksana in love. However, Oksana, in particular, only flirting with young men and even frankly messed up. At this time, a knock on the door and vacuum, ahead of Oksana, is in a hurry to open the door.

At the same time in the sky witch bored. She was tired of flying, and she went home. Following it the features flying. It is worth saying that the witch is a whirlwind of a vacuum. The name of her solokh, she was about 40 years old, her appearance was either bad and nor good. However, Solokha could charm the kozaks so knew that many went to her, while not even suspecting that they had rivals. At the same time, she rendered the greatest respect, as she wanted to marry him on himself and to take his wealth to her hands. Cooker Solok was afraid that the son of Vakula would be ahead of her, marrying Oksana before she could turn the Chuba. Let you be ahead of your own son on the way to the wealth of Chuba, she constantly quarrels them among themselves.

Following the Solokhoy, damn noticed that the Chub was still left home. Damn began to break the snow to rose a blizzard. So he wanted to make chubs to grind home. But due to the fact that the blizzard was too strong, the chub with the coup could not find the hut. Finally, Chubu seems to be able to find your home. He knocked out the window, but in response he heard a vacuum voice. Chub thought that she wandered out, but did not hurry to leave. Chubu became extremely interesting - whose hut and whom the Blacksmith hosts, the Chub crashes the knocks, said that he came to bed, but the vacuum kicked him a strong blow on his back. Broken, Chub went to Solokh.

When the features flew from the pipe Hut Soloki and back, he fell a month and rose to heaven, which lit all around. Falls and girls came out rank. Friends went to Oksana. On one of the girls, she saw glorious worms, and she wanted the same. Vakula promised Oksana, which will get the best for her. Oksana swore that if the vacuum brings to her the cravings that the Queen was wearing, she would marry him.

At this time, the devil was blown away from the Soloki, kissed her hands, but the knock and voice of the head heard. The line was only to hide in one of the carbon bags, which left the vacuum near the entrance. The head was told that she was going to the devil, and when the blizzard began, I decided to roll to the salt. Again there was a knock. It came to Dyack. The head asks him to hide, Solok hides it in the biggest bag with coal. The devil entered and said that, since, because of the blizzard, no one came to him, he decided to celebrate from Solokh. Again there was a knock. This time came Chub. Solok hides the prick in another bag from under coal. Chub came to the salt to drink vodka, as it is completely frozen. Again a knock at the door and voice: "Take". Came home vacules. Soloha, frightened by the appearance of his son, pointed out a bag on the bag, in which the deac was already sitting. Chub climbed into it, Dyak could not even give his presence to the cough, and therefore suffered severe pain. Vakula, going to the hut, first fell on the bench, but then I noticed that I did not remove the bags with coal. He decided to take them out. Thinking about Oksana, Kuznets went out into the street. There in all came the celebration. A blacksmith, having heard among the votes of the oxana's voice, threw heavy bags and, leaving only a small bag in his hands, went into the crowd. Oksana again laughed at the poor vacuula. There was no strength to endure, and the vacuum decided to be drowned. He ran that there are strength to the edge of the village. But halfway dressed and decided to ask the Council to ask for a pushed police. The boy was a sign, it was worth it to spite a few words, the illness was noticed as his hand. Vakula asks the boy to tell him the road to hell, as the other means to help in his case does not go with Oksana. But the boy replies that "this does not need to go far, who has damn ships." Vakula, frightened, came out of the hut. And the hell is here as here: he began to chip the blacksmith, which will help him with Oxana, only the contract must be signed. Vakula grabbed the feature behind the tail, sat down on it and raised his hand for the godmond. The features prayed that everything will do, just do not put sign on him. Vakula ordered to deliver it straight to the queen in St. Petersburg.

Oksana thought for a long time over what he came with the blacksmith. What if he fell in love with another? But then the fears passed, and she was already laughing with his friends. Oksana's girlfriends discovered bags that Vakula left, and decided that it was a lot of so much. But since there was no strength to raise them, everyone ran over sledding. At this time, the skinny kum came out of the shy and the bags, also deciding that someone was violated. To the aid, he called weaving, because Himself to dot the bag to the house was not able to him. Houses from the bag began a fight between them and his wife Kuma. The fight was stopped by a sudden appearance from the chub bag. Next after him, the deque. Chub is divided by tricky Solokh, which hides their workers in bags.

The girls, returning, discovered only one bag, but decided that there would be enough of them what was. They pushed the bag into Sanki and were lucky in Hat Oksana. The girls began to unleash the bag and found that someone sits there. At that time, he entered the house of Chub. He immediately realized that this bag was also from the Soloki house. From the bag got the head. Everyone came to confusion. Head, fallen drops, gone. And Chub poured his annoyance for a long time.

Meanwhile, Vakula got on the dam to St. Petersburg. He ordered a line to lead him to the Zaporozhetsians, who in the fall passed through the dikanka and were now in the city. Cossacks immediately recognized the blacksmith. He asks them to take with him to the queen. The Cossacks refused long, but then, not without interference, they agreed. Vakula put on the same dress as they have, and everyone went to the palace. There is a blacksmith, contacting the queen, asked the same worms as on it. Tsarina ordered to bring the most expensive, shied with gold. Vakula was fed to the beauty of Cherevichki, making a compliment to the queen about the slightness of her feet. After that, the Blacksmith ordered the hell to carry it out of the palace, and suddenly it was over the barrier.

Meanwhile, there was a rumor on the farm that the blacksmith was not drowned, it did not hang it away. Oksana, having learned this news, I could not sleep all night, I thought about the vacuule, "and the morning fell in love with the ears in the blacksmith."

In the morning, the features returned a vacuum to his hut. Instead of grateful to vacuum three times, the flashes flashed twig on the back. Damn rushed to run. Vakula went home, fell on the bench and slept until lunch. Then he put on a festive outfit, took the worm and went to Otubu. Chub was surprised by the appearance of a blacksmith, whom everyone considered dead. Vakula asks Oxana's hands, shows which hens brought, Chub agrees. But now Oksana no longer needed worms. The Blacksmith itself became the main object of interest.

The tale ends the fact that the vacuum and Oksana are married for church customs.

Summary (retelling) Best night before Merry Christmas - Option number 2

Clear frosty night covers a farm after the pre-Christmas day. The ranges and bubbles have not yet come to the rank. This allows the local Witch Soloka imperceptibly take over to the sky behind the stars. To meet the salt flies the hell, who "the last night remains to be fused on the white light." Streeting a month, damn hides in his pocket.

Damn hopes that the darkness does not let out of the house of the healing Kozaka Chuba, invited to the devil on Kutu, and the hated feature of the Kuznet Vakula (painted the picture of the terrible court and the drawing line in the church wall) will not dare to come to the Chub Daughter Oksana.

While building a witch Kura, who came out of the hut Chub with Kum are not solved, to go to the Dyachku, where a pleasant society will be gathered for Varenuhi, or in view of such darkness to return home, - and go. Houses of Chub leaves the beautiful daughter Oksana, jammed in front of the mirror, after which she caresses her blacksman - vacuum.

Here you need to briefly say that the vacuum is the son of Witch Soloki and he is in love with Oksana. The spoiled beauty is very perfect character. Her beauty attracts bubbles, but no one builds a serious relationship with her. Very fast guys, satisfied with an insatiable and mercantile maiden, prefer her more modest girls. And only a vacuum is unless and blindly loves a busty feast. Harmful and insidious beauty is embarrassed over him, not touched by his delicate feelings. Offended blacksmith comes to sprinkle the door, which knocks the Chub from the road, deciding on the occasion raised by the blizzard back home. But the voice of the blacksmith leads him to the idea that he did not get into his hut (and in a similar, chrome levchenka, to the young wife of which, probably, the blacksmith came), the chub changes the voice, and the angry vacuum, feeding him to him, drives out the disguised Kozak . Bloomable Chub, realizing that the Blacksmith was clearly left, goes to his mother, salt. Solokh, the former withend, returned from his journey, and she flew and traveled, lumbering in the pipe for a month.

It became light, the blizzard was subsided, and the crowds were poured into the streets. The girls resort to Oksana, and, noticing on one of them newly embroidered with gold Cherevichki, Oksana declares that he marries a vacuum, unless he would get to her cryvers, "who wears the queen." Meanwhile, the damn who dissected the Solokh, the head that did not go to the devil on Kutu. The hell is agile in one of the bags left among the Kuznets hut, but in another they have to close the head soon, because the Solok is knocking the devil. Taking the advantages of incomparable solokh, the deque is forced to climb into the third bag, because it is a chub. However, the Chub faces there by avoiding meetings with the returned vacuula. As long as Solokh is explained in the garden with the fear of the Kozak, the sick, abandoned by in the middle of the hut, and, whirl, noticed their gravity. In the street, he is surrounded by a crowd of warrants, and here Oksana repeats his mocking condition. Broςᴎv everything, in addition to the smallest, bags in the middle of the road, the vacuum runs, and it is too crawling rumors that he was damaged in the mind, or he persisted.

Vakula comes to the Zaporozhetz to the Puzzy Putsuchka, who, as they say, "a little affected by the hell." Making the host for eating dumplings, and then dumplings, koi themselves climbed the boy in her mouth, Vakula timidly asks the road to hell, relying on his help in his misfortune. Having received a foggy answer that the hell is behind his shoulder, the vacuum runs from the razornik to him in his mouth. Anticipating easy prey, the hell pops up from the bag and, sowing on the neck of a blacksmith, promises to him the same night Oksana. Vakula, schitriv, grabs the line for the tail and tells him to take himself "in St. Petersburg, right to the queen."

Finding about the time of the Kuznetsov bags, girls want to attribute them to Oksana, to see what Vakula was called. They go beyond the sleda, and Chubov Kum, calling for a factor of weak, dragged one of the bags in his hut. There is for an unclear, but the ouner ς-sufficient bag is a fight with a courage wife. In the bag, the chub and the devil are provided. When the chub, returning home, in the second bag finds his head, its locality to the salt is much reduced.

The blacksmith, rushing to St. Petersburg, is to the Zaporozhets, who passed the fall through the dikanka, and, pressing the line in his pocket, seeks to take it to take to the queen. The luxury of the palace and the wonderful painting on the walls, the blacksmith is in front of the queen, and when she asks Zaporozhtsev who came to asking for their schish, "what do you want?", Kuznets asks her the royal shoes. Touched by such an armhole, Catherine draws attention to this passage of the standing of Fonvizin, and the vacules gives the shoes, having received Koi, he wores the wrecks for the benefit.

Meanwhile, the Dikan women will arrange a scene of the streets, as it was committed with him a vacuum. Rumors about this disturb the soul of Oksana, she sleeps badly night, and not finding in the morning in the church of the pious blacksmith, ready to cry. The blacksmith simply slept the superer and lunch, and awakened, takes out a new hat and the belt from the chest and goes to a walling one. Chub, even though offended by the trophuism, but still "dashed" gorgeous gifts, meets consent. He fards and entered Oksana, ready to go beyond the blacksmith "and without the Chereviks." Now the family vacuum has already painted his hut with paints, and in the church Namavalal the trait, yes, "such a nasty thing that everyone was spoiled when passed by."