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The feat of Nestiyaeva: Escape from captivity with the German "Weapon of Retribution. Captivity. Escape from captivity. Movement in the rear of the enemy

On February 8, 1945, a group of Soviet prisoners of war under the leadership of Mikhail Devyatayev accomplished escape. Escape groupwas committedat the captured German bombarderHeinkel He. 111 from the German concentration camp Peimeny, where Tests were tested "FAu-1" missiles. Prisoners of the camps, trying to break free, showed a soldier smelter and perseverance in achieving the goal. We will tell about seven most cutting shoots From the German captivity.

Mikhail Petrovich Nyatovaev

Guard Senior Lieutenant Fighter Fighter and his comrades made an escape from the German concentration camp in the stolen bomber. On February 8, 1945, a group of Soviet prisoners of war from 10 people captured the German Bomber HEINKEL HE 111 H-22 and made a concentration campaign on it on the island of Usedom (Germany). Piloting him ninth. The plane was discovered air ASC. Colonel Walter of Dalem, returning from the task, but the order of the German command "to knock down the lonely" Heinkel "" he could not do due to the lack of ammunition.

In the area of \u200b\u200bthe front line, the plane fired by Soviet anti-aircraft guns, had to go for a forced landing. "Heinkel" sat on the belly south of the village of Holly in the location of the artillery part of the 61st Army. Flying a little more than 300 km, Ninetaev delivered the command of strategically important information about the secret center at the narotom, where the missile weapons of the Nazi Reich were tested. He informed the coordinates of the starting attitudes Fau, which were along the seashore. Delivered by Ninth information turned out to be absolutely accurate and ensured the success of the air attack on the polygon unit.

Nikolai Kuzmich Hoshakov

The Soviet fighter pilot was shot down in air combat and, captured, like Ninth, managed to run on the German aircraft. The horses were shot down in air combat on May 27, 1943 on the Yak-1B plane, he jumped up with a parachute and captured. After numerous interrogations, Nikolai Koshakov in captivity gives consent to the service in German aviation. On August 11, 1943, together with another Soviet prisoners of war, Sergeant of Armored Troops, Ivan Alexandrovich Denisyuk, made an escape from the German captivity on the shtorok plane. On December 4, 1943, the horses were convicted of the NKVD for treason during his stay in captivity for three years - from August 12, 1943 to 12 August 1946. In January 1944, it was placed in Vorkutlag and already on August 12, 1945 released from the camp with the removal of criminal record.

Vladimir Dmitrievich Lavrinenkov

Soviet AS-fighter, twice Hero of the Soviet Union, Colonel-General Aviation. By February 1943, Lavrinenkov made 322 combat departures, participated in 78 air battles, I shot down 16 and in the group of 11 opponent aircraft. In August 1943, Taranized the German intelligence aircraft Focke-Wulf FW 189, after which he was captured.

Lavrinenkova, who was then the hero of the Soviet Union, was lucky in Berlin. Perhaps he wanted to take him to the high bosses, which would try to learn an outstanding pilot on the side of the fascists.

Lavrinenkov decided that he was very impossible to slow down with escape. Together with his comrade Viktor Kuriukin, they jumped out of the train, which was carried to Germany.

Our pilots flew out of the car, hanged into a bunch of sand, and, knitting, rolled under the slope. Having left the chase, in a few days the heroes came to the Dnieper. With the help of the peasant crossed the left bank of the river and in the area settlement The mosquito in the forest met with partisans.

Alexander Aronovich Pechersky

The officer of the Red Army, the head of the only successful uprising in the death camp during the Second World War. On September 18, 1943, the Pechersky Connected Connected Group was sent to the camp of destroying Sobibor, where he arrived on September 23. There he became the organizer and head of the uprising of prisoners. On October 14, 1943, prisoners of the death camps raised the uprising. According to the Plan of Pechersk, the prisoners were to secretly eliminate the staff of the camp, and then, carved the weapons that were in the camp warehouse, to kill the guard.

The plan was only partially a partially, the rebels were able to kill 12 SSSs from the camp staff and 38 collaborators' security guards, but could not be seen the weapon warehouse. The protection opened fire on prisoners, and they were forced to break through from the camp through the mine fields. They managed to change the guard and go into the forest.

Sergey Aleksandrovsky

Soldier-militiaman. In October 1941, the militia division, in which Sergey Aleksandrovsky fought, could fight surrounded and retreated to the Semella district of the Smolensk region. In October, hundreds of thousands of Russian soldiers and officers and officers were under Vyazma, Semel and Doroguezh. Among the prisoners was Sergey Aleksandrovsky.

Alexandrovsky was sent to a concentration camp number 6 located in the city of Borisov Minsk region. Barracks, obscured by three rows barbed wire, seemed reliable protection From shoots.

In one of the January days of 1943, the prisoners of war were driven on an apotlplatz, where the head of the camps and a person in the camp unusual form. The latter was someone Captain Laskin, who arrived on behalf of Roa (the Russian liberation army who fought on the side of the fascists). He spoke in detail about the activities of Roa, adding that he arrived on behalf of his commander General Vlasov. In Lojkin camp, intended to take away the "deceived Russian people" for ROA.

After that, the team sounded to fail to serve in Roa. At first no one came out of the crowd. Then from the center of the crowd jumped the chunky, very thin man with a long gray beard (presumably, Alexandrovsky). He threw a subject in a truck. There was an explosion. The truck exploded, and all who was there were killed. The crowd of prisoners, taking the use of panic, rushed to the barrack. Prisoners captured weapons and escaped.

Sergey Ivanovich Vandishev

Sergey Ivanovich Vandishev - Soviet pilot-attack aircraft, Guard Major. In 1942, the School ends with honors, on the basis of which the 808th is created (later renamed in the 93rd Guards) Assault Aviation Regiment of the 5th Guards Assault Aviation Division of the 17th Air Army, directed under Stalingrad.

In July 1944, during attempts to counter-projects of the Germans at the Sandomir system of the Squadron of the Stormsovikov, under the command of Major Vandyyshev, received an order to destroy the major warehouse of the opponent's ammunition. Upon returning home after successfully completing the task, the Vandyyshev plane was shot down. The pilot was forced to land on the territory of the enemy. Being seriously wounded, he was captured.

He was sent to the camp for Russian prisoners of war flyers in Konigsberg. A huge desire to break free to freedom led to the thoughts to organize escape. Together with Solahegers, Sergey Ivanovich participated in the subcoke, torn due to betrayal.

On April 22, 1945, he fled from captivity from the island of Rügen along with other Soviet prisoners, organizing an uprising. According to other data, he was released from the camp of the prisoners of war in the city of Luckenwalde, not far from Berlin, the 29th motorized rifle brigade of the Soviet Army.

After captivity, Vandyshev returned to his part, again was appointed commander of the squadron, participated in the capture of Berlin. During the fighting, he made 158 combat departures, destroyed 23 tanks, 59 guns, participated in 52 air battles. He knocked in person three and in the group two opponent aircraft.

Vladimir Ivanovich Muratov

The pilot Vladimir Ivanovich Muratov was born on December 9, 1923 in the Tambov region. From November 1943 to May 1944, Sergeant Muratov served as part of the 183rd Fighter Aviation Regiment, subsequently became the 150th Guards IAP. In May 1944, Muratov received an order to conduct exploration. On the way back, the fascist anti-aircraft gun hit his aircraft. When the pilot exploded, he thrown out of the cab, and he woke up in captivity.

Captured on one day were sent to build caponies at the airfield. Muratov became an eyewitness of how the German officer struck the face of the Romanian mechanic in the rank of Croral. Romanian cried. Imagining the moment, Muratov spoke to him and suggested fleeing together.

Romanian Capral Peter Bodetuca quietly got a parachute, prepared a plane to take off. Russian and Romanian together rushed into the cab. "Course - Soviet!" - shouted Muratov. At the last moment, Ivan Klevtsov joined the fugitives, which later became the hero of the Soviet Union. Muratov miraculously managed to plant the car in his own airfield.

On February 8, 1945, a group of Soviet prisoners of war under the leadership of Mikhail Devyatayev accomplished escape. The shoot of the group was performed on the captured German aircraft-bomberheinkel He 111 from the German concentration camp of Peimunend, which was tested by the "FA-1" missiles. Prisoners of the camps, trying to break free, showed a soldier smelter and perseverance in achieving the goal. We will tell about seven the most daring shoots from German captivity.

Mikhail Petrovich Nyatovaev
Guard Senior Lieutenant, fighter pilot, and his comrades made an escape from the German concentration camp in the stolen bombers. On February 8, 1945, a group of Soviet prisoners of war from 10 people captured the German Bomber HEINKEL HE 111 H-22 and made an escape from the concentration camp on the island of Usedom (Germany). Piloting him ninth. The aircraft was discovered by the Ass Colonel Walter of Dale, returning from the task, but the order of the German command "to knock down the lonely" Heinkel "he could not complete due to the lack of ammunition.

In the area of \u200b\u200bthe front line, the aircraft fired by Soviet anti-aircraft guns, had to go for a forced landing. "Heinkel" sat on the belly south of the village of Holly in the location of the artillery part of the 61st Army. Flying a little more than 300 km, Ninetaev delivered the command of strategically important information about the secret center at the narotom, where the missile weapons of the Nazi Reich were tested. He informed the coordinates of the Fow starting attitudes that were along the seashore. Delivered by Ninth information turned out to be absolutely accurate and ensured the success of the air attack on the polygon unit.

Obelisk Festing of the Nestiyev Group in Saransk, Republic of Mordovia

Nikolai Kuzmich Hoshakov

The Soviet fighter pilot was shot down in air combat and, captured, like Ninth, managed to run on the German aircraft. The horses were shot down in the air combat on May 27, 1943 on the aircraft Yak-1b, he jumped up with a parachute and captured. After numerous interrogations in captivity, Nikolai Koshakov agrees to serve in German aviation. On August 11, 1943, together with the other Soviet prisoners of war, Sergeant of Armored Troops, Ivan Alexandrovich Denisyuk, made an escape from the German captivity on the aircraft "Storms". On December 4, 1943, the horses were convicted of the NKVD for treason during his stay in captivity for 3 years from August 12, 1943 to 12 August 1946. In January 1944, it was placed in Vorkutlag, and already on August 12, 1945 is exempt from the camp with the removal of criminal record.

Nikolai Kuzmich Hoshakov

Vladimir Dmitrievich Lavrinenkov

Soviet AS-fighter, twice Hero of the Soviet Union, Colonel-General Aviation. By February 1943, Lavrinenkov made 322 combat departures, participated in 78 air battles, shot down in person 16 and in the group of 11 opponent aircraft. In August 1943, Taranized the German exploy aircraft "Fokke-Wulf" FW 189, after which he was captured.

Lavrinenkova, who was then the hero of the Soviet Union, was lucky in Berlin. Perhaps he wanted to take him to the high bosses, which would try to learn an outstanding pilot on the side of the fascists.

Lavrinenkov decided that he was very impossible to slow down with escape. Together with his comrade Viktor Kuriukin, they jumped out of the train, which was carried to Germany.

Our pilots flew out of the car, hanged into a bunch of sand and, bitching, rolled under the slope. Having left the chase, in a few days the heroes came to the Dnieper. With the help of the peasant, we crossed the left bank of the river and in the area of \u200b\u200bthe settlement of the mosquito in the forest met with partisans.

Vladimir Dmitrievich Lavrinenkov

Alexander Aronovich Pechersky

The officer of the Red Army, the head of the only successful uprising in the death camp during the Second World War. September 18, 1943, as part of the Jewish Group, Pechersky was sent to the camp of destroying the Sobibor, where he arrived on September 23. There he became the organizer and head of the uprising of prisoners. On October 14, 1943, prisoners of the death camps raised the uprising. According to the Pechersk Plan, the prisoners were to secretly, one, alone, eliminate the camp staff, and then, carved the weapons that were in the camp warehouse, to kill the protection.

The plan was only partially a partially, the rebels were able to kill 12 SSSs from the camp staff and 38 collaborators' security guards, but could not be seen the weapon warehouse. The guard opened fire on the concluded, and they were forced to break through from the camp through the mine fields. They managed to change the guard and go into the forest.

Alexander Aronovich Pechersky

Sergey Aleksandrovsky
Soldier-militiaman. In October 1941, the militia division, in which Sergey Aleksandrovsky fought, could fight surrounded and retreated to the Semella region, Smolensk region. In October, hundreds of thousands of Russian soldiers and officers and officers were under Vyazma, Semel and Doroguezh. Among the prisoners was Sergey Aleksandrovsky.

Alexandrovsky was sent to a concentration camp No. 6 located in the city of Borisov Minsk region. The barracks, obscured by three rows of barbed wire, seemed reliable protection against shoots.

In one of the January days of 1943, the prisoners of war were moved to an aptelplatz, where the head of the camp and a person in an unusual form were rose to the truck used instead of the tribune. The latter was someone Captain Laskin, who arrived on behalf of Roa (the Russian liberation army who fought on the side of the fascists). He spoke in detail about the activities of Roa, adding that he arrived on behalf of his commander, General Vlasov. In Lojkin camp, intended to take away the "deceived Russian people" for ROA.
After that, the team sounded to fail to serve in Roa. At first no one came out of the crowd. Then from the center of the crowd jumped the chunky, very thin man with a long gray beard (presumably, Alexandrovsky). He threw a subject in a truck. There was a terrible explosion. The truck exploded, and all who was there were killed. The crowd of prisoners, taking the use of panic, rushed to the barrack. Prisoners captured weapons and escaped.

Sergey Ivanovich Vandishev

Sergey Ivanovich Vandishev - Soviet pilot-attack aircraft, Guard Major. In 1942, the School ends with honors, on the basis of which the 808th is created (later renamed in the 93rd Guards) Assault Aviation Regiment of the 5th Guards Assault Aircondvisia of the 17th Air Army, directed under Stalingrad.

In July 1944, during attempts to counter-projects of the Germans at the Sandomir system of the Squadron of the Stormsovikov, under the command of Major Vandyyshev, received an order to destroy the major warehouse of the opponent's ammunition. Upon returning home after successfully completing the task, the aircraft Vandyyshev was shot down. The pilot was forced to land on the territory of the enemy. Being seriously wounded, he was captured.

He was sent to the camp for Russian prisoners of war in Königsberg. A huge desire to break free to freedom led to the thoughts to organize escape. Together with Solahegers, Sergey Ivanovich participated in the subcoke, torn due to betrayal.
On April 22, 1945, he fled from captivity from the island of Rügen along with other Soviet prisoners, organizing an uprising. According to other data, he was released from the camp of prisoners of war in the city of Luckenwalde, not far from Berlin, the 29th motorized rifle brigade of the Soviet Army.
After captivity, Vandyshev returned to his part, again was appointed commander of the squadron, participated in the capture of Berlin. During the fighting, he made 158 combat departures, destroyed 23 tanks, 59 guns, participated in 52 air battles. He knocked up personally 3 and in the group 2 of the opponent aircraft.

Sergey Ivanovich Vandishev

Vladimir Ivanovich Muratov

Letchik Vladimir Ivanovich Muratov was born on December 9, 1923 in the Tambov region. From November 1943 to May 1944, Sergeant Muratov served as part of the 183rd Fighter Aviation Regiment, subsequently became the 150th Guards JaP. In May 1944, Muratov received an order to conduct exploration. On the way back the fascist anti-aircraft gun hit his plane. When the pilot exploded, he thrown out of the cab and he woke up.

Captured on one day were sent to build caponies at the airfield. Muratov became an eyewitness of how the German officer struck the face of the Romanian mechanic in the rank of Croral. Romanian cried. Imagining the moment, Muratov spoke to him and suggested fleeing together.
Romanian Capral Peter Bodetuca unnoticed by parachutes, prepared the plane to the takeoff. Russian and Romanian together rushed into the cab. "Course - Soviet!" - shouted Muratov. At the last moment, Ivan Klevtsov joined the fugitives, which later became the hero of the Soviet Union. Muratov miraculously managed to plant the car in his own airfield.

It's time for another story. This time I will share with you the story of one veteran. He is already eighty-four years old, but the old man is Bodr and in memory. His name is Nikolai Petrovich Unadorchkov. He served in the 143 Guards Rifle Shelf, reached Berlin, was injured and sent to the hospital.
What did he tell me? Before putting his story, I will say a few more words - in those days it was not accepted about unusual, as it was considered an anti-scientific, remnant of the past and so on.
And now directly the story itself.
When the war began, Nikolai Petrovich came to his aunt in Moscow. At the front went among the first. Added age for three years. He was older than his years as height and face. You could generally give all 20!
Survived and bombing, and the environment. Was in captivity, fled. But about the fact that he was in captivity, did not tell anyone. In captivity could be shifted, as people who were in captivity were considered the enemies of the people. These were terrible times.
About what fascists there were beasts, everyone knows. But what did Nikolai Petrovich learned about.
The Germans captured the village of Spark. Created their headquarters there, the population was forced to work on themselves. Someone shot. Mostly those who could not work (small children and old men).
Date Dadichkova was supposed to take the village in the ring and before the onset of the main forces not to give the enemy to leave the environment. The spark was among the hills near the lakes. On the hills - completely pine.
Somehow night was Nikolai Petrovich on duty. I heard from the guys that the wolf had fallen to walk to their camp. Time is - the beast to man flames. They scared with his bombings and shooting - they kicked out of the forest age. So he wanders the gray predator with circles, prey is looking for. Nobody saw a close wolf, more and more published it noted. And it is worth the post of Nikolai Petrovich, the spark in the lowland fires shines, scraps of the speech of the German and German songs the wind comes. Above the head - the branch of the pines, and the stars through them wander. Frosty. November.
Suddenly Nicholas feels that someone looks at him. Wrapped, weapons for manufacture. And behind the guy stands. Weekless, young. The unfamiliar completely, and the German does not look like. Asked Water and Food. Nikolai gave him to eat and drink. The guy thanked and gone into the forest. And as soon as he left - with Nikolai, as if there was an obsession. He was afraid - did anyone else see this person? After all, they can ask about him. And they will ask - why Nikolai did not wake anyone, he did not ask the documents and so on.
After three days, the bombers of the fascists and bombed the hills flew. And then the Germans went and finished those who were still alive.
Nikolai, for some reason they did not finish. He was damaged left leg, left hand. Two Germans almost fortunate because of the Russian soldier. Came the third, some German military rank, and ordered to take the wounded.
It turns out that they no longer leave anyone else. And they needed information about our troops and our plans. Put Nicholas in some shed. The leg and hand, though tied. Come with interrogations, sometimes beat. For the fourth day, some German-schocharge came to him. It was immediately clear that the staff. Such are not fighting, but sit behind the papers. Came and said that in the morning it will be shot, because I could not find anything from Nicholas and now he is no longer needed. Said and gone.
Nikolai did not sleep all night. What kind of sleep now? Before death you will not sleep. Suddenly hears that someone near the wall shed digging scrapers. Nicholas approached the wall. Listened. And indeed, digging someone. There is no need to smoke between the boards.
Nikolay called. No one responded. He was not in itself. Germans are faded? Which beast decided to raise? Nikolai was heard about the atrocities of the fascists of Nicholas: and as babies dogs threw apart ... and so on.
A small pit began to form under the wall, the failure. And after half an hour, a huge gray beast climbed into the shed. All in the ground. As such a large animal having breakdown through the same laz, it was a mystery. Nikolay pressed against the opposite wall, to the boards, since he believed that this beast would devour him. In the barn there was no bright light, but the door in the barn hung a lantern. True, outside. And his light made his way through the cracks in the larger shed.
The beast was like a wolf, but the larger and head is not so stretched. The ears are smaller and disposed not on the top, but as if on the sides of the head. The beast looked at Nicholas, as it seemed, for a long time. Then got out through the LAZ. Nikolay, not thinking, climbing. I almost got stuck. When he got out, he was struck by silence in the village. The Germans have always guarded the village, and then there was no one. Not delighted in the essence of this situation, Nikolai leaned to the forest. As he just did not please in the lake or where - one God knows one.
For dawn it was in unfamiliar places. I sat down on the false tree and fell asleep. And woke up in the hospital on the bed. Here he occurred to amnesia to play. Temporary.
And after the war, almost five years later, he accidentally found out that the village of Spark was found empty. There were no people in her. There was a German technique in some yards, the weapon lay. And there were no people. But the information about all this was classified. Now I do not know.
Everything happened to war. And even inexplicable.

Captivity. Escape from captivity. Movement in the rear of the enemy

In the modern war, even a large-scale conflict, the number of prisoners is small compared to what was observed during World War II. As a result, the treatment of prisoners of war has changed. In a number of cases, this relatively small number of people is exposed to a sharper and cruel exposure, and, as a rule, a large ratio of the number of guards and prisoners makes it difficult to escape the latter.

There are, however, the bottom of the important circumstance to which everyone prisoners of the West can rely on: it will not forget. Caring for military compatriots is one of the most important commandments of any civilized government, which strive to take all measures to establish communication with them, make sure of their health and achieve, ultimately, their liberation and return home.

To get to captivity is not a disregard, but one of the inevitable events that occur in the war. The risk of captivity always exists if people participate in terrestrial battles. And since the captivity is often unable to avoid, you need to make maximum effort to survive and return home.

Any prisoner of war can restore surprise from the captured it - despite all the words and laws that determine the nature of the conversion of prisoners. The fate of prisoners of war can affect the most different factors. For example, if many people simultaneously hit the captivity, the organizational features of the situation may lead to the fact that the fate of each of them is separately at risk. If a loner comes across, the captivned it can try to recoup on it, to use it as an object of ignition by subjected to it. The treatment of prisoners depends on the professionality of captured it. Professional military usually weathered and behave responsibly; The militias often show cruelty.

In general, the prisoner of war must be ready for manifestations in relation to a certain hostility.

The latter circumstance may be regarded as a military crime, in which this twenty is ever. From the point of view of captured him, he is the personification of the enemy and carries personal responsibility for the actions performed by his comrades.

The debt of every soldier is to try to escape from captivity at the first opportunity. The closer the plated is located to the location of his own, the more chances of success, if he knows where his troops are, it is not injured and something from the ammunition remains at his disposal.

His escape becomes dangerous as a result of a large concentration of armed people who are in a state of combat readiness, and provoke them to the extremely dangerous, unless there is no good chance of success.

Try to take advantage of any opportunity to escape at any movement in the enemy rear, whether it is on foot, by car, vessel, train or air. Be all the time alert to take advantage of a favorable situation when, for example, an airfolding or guard fell asleep. If the escape is impossible in this minute, the twentieth must collect all objects and information that can help its release in the future.

Personal composition in the enemy rear acts on combat vehicles, cars or within skiing) as part of divisions, groups, pairs or alone. If the situation allows, it should always strive to maximize the use of combat vehicles and other vehicle, including those captured by the enemy. In your face, walking, running, running and overwriting are applied.

Walking B. full height It is applied on the ground, which is well hiding a serviceman from observing the enemy, as well as at night, in fog, blizzard and in other conditions of limited visibility.

Walking crumbling It is applied on the ground that can be viewed by the enemy in the presence of natural or artificial shelters that cannot cover the servicemen to the whole growth.

Walking silently (suffocate)it is used by military personnel for a secretive approach to enemy objects under actions in areas possibly under its observation, and in other cases. The step with such a walk is shorter than usual. The foot is easy, carefully, so that you can immediately raise it if it falls on the subject that produces noise.

In winter, to reduce the screenshot of the steps through the snow, the boots are wrapped with soft rags.

Runthe servicemen move when you need to speed up the movement, get out of the zone viewed by the enemy, or tear away from it.

Rubberiesservicemen enjoy when overcoming areas of terrain, which can be under observation or enemy fire. Rubberies are usually performed from one shelter to another, rapidly and suddenly. The length of the run of 20-40 steps.

Pursuit - The method of secretive approximation to the enemy objects and overcoming areas of the area, in which the height of the shelter does not allow you to move imperceptibly in other ways. The overwhelming can be carried out on customers, inlantic or side. The overwhelming is possible on the ground with small shelters (small shrub, high grass, boulders, bumps). Flashing is applied in open areas when it takes a big movement of movement. The carriage on the side is mainly used in the transportation of heavy loads in the danger zone.

Making a movement in the rear of the enemy, the servicemen must firmly remember that the movement of at random, with the loss of orientation and disregard the disadvantage, is life-threatening and always threaten the fulfillment of the task.

The heroic escape from the German captivity of the Soviet pilot Mikhail Devyatayev predetermined the destruction of the Reich rocket program and changed the course of the Second World War.

Being in captivity, he hijacked the secret fascist bomber together with the control system for the world's first winged Rocket Fau. With these missiles, Wehrmacht planned to remotely destroy London and New York, and then erase Moscow from the face of the earth. But the ninth captive was capable of alone to prevent this plan to come true.

The outcome of the Second World War, perhaps would be completely different if it were not for the heroism and the desperate courage of one Mordvin named Mikhail Ninatayev, who was captured and was among those few who endured the inhuman conditions of the Nazi concentration campaign. On February 8, 1945, he along with nine other Soviet prisoners hijacked the newest Bomber Hanekel - 1 with an integrated radio control system and targeting from the secret winged rocket of the Large FAU - 2 on board. It was the first ballistic winged rocket in the world, which was capable of a probability close to 100%, to reach a goal at a distance of 1500 km and destroy the city's best. The first goal was scheduled London.

In the Baltic Sea on the line to the north of Berlin there is an island of the Usedom. On the western end of his tip, the secret base of Penelude was located. She was called "Gering Reserve". The latest planes were tested here and the secret missile center was located, headed by Werner von Brown. From ten starting sites located along the coast, at night, leaving fiery languages, went to the sky "Fau - 2. These weapons, the fascists hoped to reach out before New York. But in the spring of the 45th it was important to terrorize a closer point - London. However Serial "Fow - 1? I flew just 325 kilometers. With the loss of the starting base in the West, the wintered rocket began to run with Peimente. From here to London more than a thousand kilometers. The rocket was raised by plane and launched over the sea.

The aviation unit, which carried out the tests of the newest equipment, headed the thirty-half-year-old As Karl Heinz Graj. Behind his shoulders had a lot of military merit marked by Hitler's awards. Dozens of "Heinkels", "Junkers", "Messerschmittov" of the top secret division participated in feverish work on Penemünde. The tests were attended by Grudrenz himself. He flew to "Heinkel - 111? Who had monogram" G. A. "-" Gustav Anton ". The base was carefully guarded by fighters and anti-aircraft air defense, as well as the SS service.

February 8, 1945 was the usual, busy day. Ober - Lieutenant Grach, having listed in the dining room, put the flight documents in his office in order. Suddenly the phone rang: who took off you like a crow? - heard Granderen's rude voice of the air defense head. "No one took off ..." I didn't take off ... I myself saw into binoculars - took off somehow "Gustav Anton." "Get yourself another binoculars, more accurately," Ground Greudenz. - My "Gustav Anton" with a hurried motor stands. You can only take off on it. Maybe airplanes fly without pilots? - You will see - better, on the place of Lee "Gustav Anton" ....

Ober - Lieutenant Grajdenz jumped into the car and in two minutes was in the parking lot of his plane. Covers from motors and a cart with batteries - that's all that saw a chopped speaker. "Raise fighters! Raise everything you can! Catch up and knock!" ... After an hour, the planes have come back with anything.

With a shiver in the stomach, Groundings went to the phone to report to Berlin about what happened. Goering, having learned about the state of emergency on a secret base, hung down - "Hang you hang! On February 13, Goering and Borman flew in Penelund ... The head of Karl Heinz Grazhetz survived. Perhaps I remembered the former deserves of ASA, but most likely the rage of Goering was softened by saving lies. : "The plane caught up over the sea and knocked down. Who became the plane of hugged? The first thing that came to the mind of the Grand People," Tom Mi "... The British was disturbed by the base with which Fau was flying. Probably, their agent. But in Caponier - Earthly Shelter For aircraft near which he was intense "Heinkel", found a killed guard of the prison group. They fell asleep on that day of the funnels from bombs. Urgent construction in the camp immediately showed: ten prisoners are missing. All of them were Russians. And every other day, the SS service reported : One of the fled at all teacher Grigory Nikitenko, but the pilot Mikhail Ninatayev.

Mikhail landed in Poland behind the front line, got to command, handed over the aircraft with secret equipment, reported on everything he saw in German captivity and, thus, predetermined the fate of the secret missile program Reich and the course of the whole war. Until 2001, Mikhail Petrovich did not have the right to tell even that by the title of the hero soviet Union He was presented by the designer of Soviet missiles with. P. Korolev. And that his escape from the Rocket base of Petermayund on February 8, 1945. allowed the Soviet command to find out the exact coordinates of the starting platforms of FAU - 2 and bomb not only them, but also underground shops for the production of "dirty" uranium bomb. It was the last hope of Hitler to continue the Second World War to the complete destruction of the entire civilization.

The pilot told: "The airport on the island was false. It was put on plywood layouts. The Americans and the British were bombed them. When I flew and told about it, Lieutenant-General of the 61st Army Belov, he painted and grabbed his head! I explained that I needed To fly 200 m from the shores of the sea, where a real airfield is hidden in the forest. He was covered by trees on special mobile strollers. That is why it could not be found. But it was about 3, 5 thousand Germans and 13 fau-1 installations and Fau-2.

The main thing in this story is not the fact that with a specially protected secret base of the fascists, the exhausted Soviet prisoners from the concentration camp hijacked the military newest aircraft and reached "their" to escape themselves and report everything they managed to see the enemy. The main thing was the fact that the sobbed plane is not - 111 was ... The Phau-2 rocket control panel - a first-wing rocket of the distant radius of action in Germany. Mikhail Petrovich in his book "Escape from Hell" publishes the memories of the eyewitness of the escape of Kurt Shanpa, who was one of the sentries on the basis of Petermayund: "The last trial start of V - 2 (Fow-2") was prepared ... at this time at all Suddenly, some aircraft rose from the Western airport ... When he was already over the sea, the rocket projectile V - 2. ... In an airplane, which was provided with the Russian prisoners of war, the Russian prisoners ended in the plane.

Ninth, then told: "The airplane was a radio receiver to ask the FAU-2 rocket course. The aircraft flew from above and directed a rocket. We didn't have anything like that. I, trying to take off, accidentally pressed the starting rocket button. That's why she And flew to the sea. "