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Stream to the right leg value. Stumble on the left or right leg

In a person's life, nothing happens by chance. Any incident, meeting, a new impression can be regarded as a sign of fate. Interpret these signs are designed by signs - unique everyday wisdom transmitted as the pearl of popular knowledge. Therefore, interest does not subscribe to them, but only increases with time. We do not all be explained by even a superphan, so we appeal for help to the highest forces. One of these most commonly encountered is "to stumble on right leg". What does it mean, and what can we expect in the near future?

History of Signs

Folk beliefs say that a person, as a weak creature, consists of two parts: bad and good. To the bad side, or as it is also called half of unclean forces, belong to the left side. Good is the right side.

Everything that is associated with the right side is the territory of the owner of the guardian angel, from the left - the dark spirit. Therefore, if a person is knitted with his right foot, this means caution and a warning about something bad.

Interpretation commence birthday

If the number of birthday is even and stumbled on the right leg of an even number, then it expects a big luck and success in matters. On the contrary, wait for problems and trouble.

Stumble on the birthday itself, mean that a close person remembers you about you this moment Wants to be with you next.


Superstition "Stupns on the right foot" has several more values \u200b\u200bif you interpret it depending on the days of the week. Much depends on which day this unpleasant happened:

  • On Monday. Expect unpleasant guests with bad news.
  • Tuesday. Small spending on trifles.
  • On Wednesday. Show caution driving.
  • On Thursday. You are trying to deceive. You need to take care of financial issues. Do not trust unverified and unfamiliar people.
  • On Friday. A man with personal problems will come to your house. Only you can help him.
  • On Saturday. Disease of close relatives.
  • On Sunday. In the near future, a major trouble awaits you.

In some cases, a person is not just stuffed, but also falls. What then will mean signs?

  • Stumble and fall on the right half of the body - soon you will be in an uncomfortable and unpleasant situation. Friends or relatives will help you.
  • Love the right leg, and fell and hit the left side? Changes are coming that will be surprising for you.

In any case, luck left you for a while.

Where can I stumble?

Attention can also attract the place itself, where this unpleasant situation occurred. If the place is sacred, it will affect the person and his fate. What can it symbolize?

  • Stip in the church. Signs says that a person has a lot of sins, and they are. In another interpretation, this case means that the sorceress is located in the room.
  • At the wedding - to a long and happy marriage.
  • At the funeral - to trouble.
  • Going out of someone else's home, - soon again go back there.
  • At the holiday or feast - for the eyes of you they say bad, gossip is disseminated.
  • Moved the right leg when they came out of the car? Ahead is a difficult road and many obstacles.

It is not worth a particular attention to the point of stubbing in several cases. If you accidentally clogged about something foot, for example, irregularities on the road or some object, or you have failed uncomfortable shoes.

With an awkward situation of a collision with a person or pain convulsion, the sign "to stumble on the right leg" will not act.

What do psychologists and doctors say?

Stumbling itself - a signal that the brain is tired and demands rest. The trouble may occur and then when a person thinks about something. Therefore, science to similar signs is skeptical.

Sick Sick "Stumble on the left or on the right foot" will work if it happened without certain reasons. Then we can talk about the intervention of higher forces, warnings and upcoming troubles. But they can be tried to get around. To prevent bad things, you can look into the mirror or surpass through the left shoulder. Do not be afraid of anything, but should be careful.

Snacks about stubbing goes with its roots in the distant past, at that time, when people still moved on the horses. Often, these animals endowed with a special magical gift - the ability to predicate any trouble.

It was believed that the horse could warn the owner that the trouble was ahead. Since they do not know how to talk, they warned in their own way - they began to stumble in a flat place. Time went, the belief was changed, and now it applies not to the animal, but to the very person.

In the article:

Stumble on the left leg

People believe that if a person stumbled at the exit from the house, now as long as he returns back, it will be pursued by failures. To neutralize negative influence Signs, you need after got stuck, go home, look at yourself in the mirror and combat. Only after that you can go outside.

However, more than once we faced the fact that the signs have both positive and negative meanings. In the literature, you can find mention that sometimes people regarded such a phenomenon as a light sign.

When did it happen? Everything depended on when a person was born. The date of his birth was important - even either odd. Those who are born in the even number of months, superstition did not promise any negative, only good luck. The same, whose date was an odd, superstition superstitions broke away.

Stumble on the right leg - superstition

As in the case of the left foot, if a person stumble on the right leg, it may be a harbinger of both good and bad events. If you believe legend, such a phenomenon can say that higher power You warn you about some important, significant events (pay attention, maybe you still have it on this day, it will make fortune telling more accurate).

IN various interpretations You can see different information. Someone believes that events will definitely be bad, someone believes that they will be good. In one interpreter it is accurately converging - the events will be important and happen in the coming hours.

A similar sign can still be warned that a person has come down from the right path. At the same time, absolutely not necessarily in the near future it will happen something bad or his trouble will begin. Simply, some of his actions, a person changed the flow of life, chose a longer path to the target target, moved away from the desired, and the highest strength indicate a person for it.

Like in for the left leg, there is a interpretation that is connected directly from the date of birth of a person. If the birth number is even and you stumbled on my right leg on an even day, it is not foreseen. If the day was odd, then wait for trouble. For born in an odd day bad sign - stupid on an even day.

Stumble on the stairs

The staircase is a well-known and dangerous magic attribute. Probably, many of you heard the proverb "You can not walk under the staircase", otherwise the trouble will be.

If stumble, climbing the stairs, on the left foot, then on the same day there will be a meeting with its most important enemy; On the right foot - there will be a meeting with the old friend.

Stumbled, going down the stairs, to the left foot - to a love meeting, a romantic date, sometimes even a wedding; On the right - to failure.

Stupid under potted staircase on the left foot - a meeting with ill-wishers, gossip, receiving a realization, bad marks; On the right - favorable outcome of events, joy.

Fall, climbing the stairs, - the highest strength prophesy only the positive outcome of events. Everything for what to take will be able to succeed.

As you can see, the sign "stumble on the left or right leg" is very multifaceted, can warn both about positive and negative events. If such a phenomenon happened to you, just remember that some important event will happen soon, and be prepared for everything.

In contact with

Stumbled in a flat place, almost every one of us will simply smile and go further in their affairs. But if you turn to people beliefsYou can find out that this small incident can predict certain events.

And if you happened to stumble on the right or left leg, signs will provide detailed interpretation about what to expect in the near future.

Stupid right foot - the guardian angel is trying to warn about failure

Stumble on the right leg

The right side of the body symbolizes the truth and is considered prosperous. However, if something unpleasant happens to it, then the value of it associated with it will be similar. This appeared belief: to stumble on the right leg - to plunge into the problems.

  1. When a person stumble on the right leg, this indicates that evil spirits Separate him troubles, various obstacles. Superval people after such an incident are always baptized - it is believed that it helps to prevent trouble.
  2. Stupid right foot - the guardian angel is trying to warn you about the possibility of failure. The conceived matter with a large share of the likelihood will be failed, so it is better to postpone it or abandon its implementation at all.
  3. In the most ancient posts say this: this situation should be considered as a sign of over - you chose the wrong life PathTherefore, it is necessary to review the values \u200b\u200bas soon as possible and turn on the desired road.
  4. Stumble on the right leg, according to another, let's take, to failures in the way. And in order to neutralize trouble, it is advisable to return home, look at yourself in the mirror and comb your hair.
  5. People's beliefs in such a situation are advised to pay attention to the day of their birth. If a stumbled person was born in an even number of month, it promises him success, in odd - negative events.

On left foot

The left side was always associated with evil cunning forces. And if a person happened to accidentally stumble on his left foot, then the sign promised him joy and happiness.

  • According to one of the believers, this incident indicated that the guardian angel protects a person, protects it from everything bad.
  • Stumbled on the left foot, pay attention to the number of your birth: odd promises good luck, even - on the contrary, foreshadows various troubles.
  • Another sign suggests that, having stumbled upon the left foot, you can expect a well-deserved remuneration for their work.
  • In antiquity, the belief was formed, according to which a similar situation meant that a series of successful victories would soon follow.

You will be collected, you will be able to streamline thoughts, and your head will have a very successful idea, which will bring real success.

Stumbled on the left foot, you can expect a well-deserved remuneration for your work

The value of the place of stubbiness

An important meaning in the interpretation of signs has a place in which a person had a chance to stumble with his left or right foot.

  1. If this happened when leaving the house, and you stumbled about the threshold - the day will be unsuccessful.
  2. Mocked the foot on the road - again, pay attention to the date of your birth. Even numbers promise good luck and vice versa. And if you got negative interpretation, Signals advise you to change your route.
  3. Stumbled on the left foot, climbing the stairs - get ready for the meeting with my main enemy, on the right - you will spend time in the company of the best friend.
  4. If you had a chance to stumble on my left leg, going down the stairs - you are awaiting a romantic date, a love meeting, to the right - beware, because there will be no failures today.
  5. When you strongly stumble on the stairs and fall - the sign predicts the positive outcome of any of your undertaking. For whatever you come, everything will succeed and will give an expected result.

Stumbled on the left foot, climbing the stairs - to a meeting with the enemy, on the right - perfectly spend time with the best friend


Consider the stupor of the week of the week, while it does not matter, you stumbled on the right or left foot.

  • If this happened on Monday - wait for trouble. Moreover, events are capable of being so negative that as a result it will lead to long tears.
  • Stumble on the leg on Tuesday - find true love. Relationships will be passionate, and the relationship between lovers is very strong.
  • I happened to stumble on Wednesday - we wonder the enviousness and ill-wishers, as they will try to deliver you a lot of trouble. This sign has a different interpretation: soon you will learn about the serious illness that will fall on a person from your inner surroundings.
  • Stumbled on Thursday - wait for trouble. According to another superstition, you will praise.
  • According to the stumber, such an event on Friday predicts an unexpected meeting, which will be very important for you.
  • Stumbled on a foot on Saturday - Beware of betrayal, treason.
  • If this happened on Sunday, the sign promises a letter, news.

If you got an unpleasant prediction - you should not be very upset. Take yourself a rule to think only about good, and then trouble will be perceived much easier. And maybe they will be avoided at all.

Wanting to catch as much cases as possible, many seek to accelerate. Some have everything falls out of the hands, they stumble literally in the exact location, which is fraught with injuries. People prone to mysticism think that stumble on the left foot - the sign warning about the huge troubles. Increased attention to the signs leads to loss of attention, as well as to drops and injuries.

Stumble on the left foot - to trouble


Since ancient times he was heard that the right side is good, and the left is bad. On the right side is an angel, and on the left side - damn. If a person has come to stumble on his left foot, he believed that they were guided by dark forces.

Other explanations of the origin of signs: Previously, people traveled almost all the time riding, but the horses were often knocked and stopped. Any violation of their movement was interpreted as a premonition of danger. Our ancestors listened to this accept and often interrupted further path.

Left value

Today, many people perceive to get stupid on his left leg as a good, as an invisible barrier, protecting them from possible trouble. This is a sign that you need to stop and think if you should go further. It is recommended to abandon the upcoming cases for a while.

Meaning Signals: If a person has been tormented for a long time, some kind of problem was solved, then in this place and at this time everything will be cleared soon. It will certainly be confidence that to undertake further, in all matters will be brought.

Right leg value

Stumble with the right leg does not foreshadow nothing good. If you also fall, then large trouble are expected, so it is necessary to show high vigilance. You can stumble on roven road, then it is advisable to postpone the campaign, because There are no difficulties in front. Best exit - Go back home and carefully weighed the situation.

Value of place

Stumble in different ways: someone will perceive it as a trifle, and the other will fall and will receive an injury that will bring it for a long time from the state of physical and soul equilibrium. Superval people assess the nature of this incident, depending on where it happened:

  • stumble about the threshold means that the troubles are waiting in the house,
  • troubles outside the house if a person left him; Mystically tuned people advise to go home;
  • stumble, going down the stairs - the family will come to the family, climbing the stairs - problems in the professional sphere will come;
  • at the outlet of the house - foreseen a tense day;
  • on the road - foreshadows a serious conflict;
  • on the festive event - gossip glired about a person.

The value of the day of the week

Depending on the day of the week, the interpretation of signs changes:

  • monday - a hard day, but if you turn around, it makes fun;
  • on Tuesday, romantic adventures are guaranteed, it is possible to meet with the second half;
  • to turn into a foot on Wednesday - to the recovery of loved ones;
  • if it happened on Thursday, career growth is soon expected;
  • friday - to a sudden meeting with far-reaching positive consequences;
  • on Saturday - will come confirmation of good relations with friends and family members;
  • on Sunday - a happy event is nearing.

Stumble on Saturday - to good relationship with friends

Scientific explanation

Not only from the point of view of superstitions can be understood what it means to stumble on the left foot. With any activity, including when walking, a person has two hemispheres of the brain. To the left hemisphere to analyze the incoming information, draw conclusions, it leads the right-hand side of the body. Right hemisphere is responsible for the development of intuition, keeps under control the left half of the body.

If the left leg got into something about something, the right hemisphere slowly works when this happens with the right foot - the left side of something is missing. Output one - train brain hemispheres.


Anyone can stumble even in an even place. It is necessary to look under the feet, not forgetting to look around, so as not to miss interesting events.

Signs were unchanged human satellites from ancient times. As their development, popular culture complemented those or other signs of a mass of details, allowing to consider and interpret one or another by the fate of the sign in the most detailed.

There is nothing surprising that such a simple sign, like stubbornness, will be interpreted in different ways, based on the relevant day of the week, the legs with which a person stumbled, or even the scene of the incident.

What does it mean to stumble on the right leg? The sign is not quite good. This will be discussed in the article.

The origin of the signs

Do you believe in the fact that in life something can change the usual sign? Stupge on the right leg - wait for failure. Where did it come from us? According to historical information, people began to attach importance to this posting in the distant past, when each male representative went horse. It was believed that a healthy and strong horse always goes exactly and thereby promulises his owner only good. The same animal that stumbles in a flat place, absolutely accurately predicts the owner of some kind of trouble. Ancient people believed that any obstacle was expressed by the obstacle who was sought by representatives of the otherworldly forces.

A little later, the meaning of this sign was considered solely for people. Interesting is the fact that the greatest attention was paid to stubbing on the right leg.

Sketches: Stumble on the right leg. What does it mean?

Based on the fact that stupidity in principle is considered a kind of sign of obstacles, a tradition was formed in the folk culture to perform a cross-country sign in order to avoid any negative consequences. At the same time, of course, you need to take into account what kind of foot "led" a person on the way. The left leg was traditionally considered a "unsuccessful" side, and stubbing on it as it would have protected from failures and succeeded in any matters. Right leg, since Ancient Russia Associated with everything good and light, in this case invariably foreshadowed any trouble, according to its intensity, is comparable, unless with a black cat, who ran across the road.

Specot: Stumble on the right leg - wait for trouble. How much is this approval? According to common beliefs, through the right leg, which stumbled on an empty place, his guardian angel who warns about failure in affairs or discouraging from certain actions. It is worth paying attention to the thoughts that spinning in the head at the moment when a nuisance occurred: perhaps that was thoughtful in advance doomed to failure or is evil thoughts. Such a interpretation is also common: the highest strength through the right limb will discourage the campaign to the destination at least today. If there is such an opportunity, then it is better to transfer the planned one for another day.

Signs: Stumble on the right leg on Saturday

Traditionally, in Russian culture, Saturday and Tuesday are considered light and "bright" days, while all other days are considered as "heavy" in terms of labor load or energy meaningful eventsWhat happened these days. Based on this, stumbling to the right leg in such an energy positive day as Saturday, is quite a formidable sign. A common version of such an unpleasant incident is a broken heart, the treachery of the one who cannot be waiting for betrayal. In more modern collections on the interpretation will take - to treason close man - physical or spiritual.

What does it mean to stumble on the right leg? Note promises businessmen or entrepreneurs in their affairs. Stumbling to the right leg can be interpreted as a warning about the unscrupulousness of business partners, cooperation with which, for sure, will end sadly.

Ways to avoid promised

In addition to the above-described postage of meetings or cases, there are other ways to avoid the pre-safe negative.

If stinging on the right leg happened right at the exit of the dwelling, and the transfer of cases can not be speech, then, according to folk wisdom, you need to return home and look at yourself in the mirror. Good advice For stubbing to the right leg, all the same and shift of the route is considered.

Now you know what the sign means: stumble on the right leg. If the feeling of anxiety does not leave, it is recommended to read about yourself the prayer "Our Father". And all will be well. Believe in it!