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Summoning spirits at home. Summoning evil spirits, summoning and spells, rules of contact with them

Summon Winnie the Pooh and Piglet. You have to lock yourself in the bathroom, soap the mirror, turn off the light and say: "Winnie the Pooh, come to us! Winnie the Pooh, come to us! Winnie the Pooh, come to us!" If you want Piglet to come, you must say after that: "And, please, take Piglet with you!" - and wait. After a while, turn on the light, and there will be large traces on the mirror - Winnie the Pooh and small ones - Piglet.
You can summon the Gnome, the wish-fulfilling one. You put two chairs and between them you stretch a string and hang as many chocolates on it as there are people. The candies should be at the same distance. When tying candy, you have to make a wish for each one. All white must be removed from the room in which you are calling, and you yourself must not wear white. You turn off the light, stand with your back to the chairs and wait. No one should enter the room at this time, otherwise you can interfere with the gnome. The gnome will come and eat candy. You cannot turn while he is eating. When the candy wrappers no longer rustle, it means that the gnome has already eaten the candies, and you can turn around. And if he did not eat some candy, then the desire will not be fulfilled.
You can call a gnome who grants wishes ... You hang a chocolate candy on a string on the tap in the bathroom, put a glass of water and put a handkerchief or any other rag next to it. You turn off the light and say: "Magic gnome, come! Magic gnome, come! Magic gnome, come!" He should come in red pants and a blue jacket, eat candy, undress, bathe in a glass of water and wipe himself off with a handkerchief. While he is swimming, we must take his clothes. And for each you ask for the fulfillment of desires.
- How many people are calling it?
- You can call one at a time, you can call many.
In a dark corner, where no one looks, put something tasty and say: "Gnome, appear! Gnome, appear! Gnome, appear!". Then you have to leave and forget about it for 30 minutes. If you look into this corner, you can see that the treat has been bitten or eaten.
This is how the 12 gnomes are summoned.
You take a comb, break off 12 teeth, put them under your pillow. When midnight comes, the gnomes appear and start torturing you. If you do not utter a word (not a sound), then one of them will remain and fulfill any of your wishes.
When we were in the camp, then summoned the magic gnomes. We went to the toilet, where we plugged all the cracks so that it was dark. They pulled on a white thread soaked in cologne and waited. We were told that if the gnomes come, the thread will sparkle in different colors, like a rainbow. And we sparkled, shimmered. And then you have to make wishes. We were also told that it is better not to call anyone, otherwise something else will happen to you. So when we called the gnomes, we left the toilet, and one girl badly pinched her finger. I fell out of my chair, and the other two fought for no reason. So they told us: "This is because you called."
A candy is placed (hung) in a dark place (under the bed). It seems that the next day the gnome was supposed to eat it.
In a dark place you hold a mirror and say: "Gnome, gnome, come out, Gnome, gnome, come out, Gnome, gnome, come out." You wait for the gnome to appear. You need to cut off his hat and beard with scissors, and see them in the morning. But this must be done quickly, otherwise the gnome may run away.
This is how the Mint Dwarf is called.
You draw a circle. In it you draw all the letters of the alphabet, except for b, b, b. You take a needle and thread, insert it into the center and say: "Mint gnome, appear, Mint gnome, appear, Mint gnome, appear!". The thread with the needle moves and points to the letter. This letter is the beginning of any obscene word.
They also summoned the Gum Gnome. It was necessary to put candy in a dark room or in the bathroom, pick up scissors and a string and say 3 times: "Gum gnome, come." When he comes, cut off his finger with scissors. Chewing gum will sprinkle out of it. When you have enough gum, you need to tie your finger with a string so that the gum does not fall off any more. The gnome must be thanked, because he may be offended and never come again. Say: "Gum gnome, go away!" He will take the candy and leave.
This is how the Bubble Gnome is summoned.
It took place during the day in a dark closet, only the girls "called". This required a mirror, matches and toothpaste. A gnome should have appeared, who needed to have time to take off his head. Then chewing gum of all sorts will sprinkle from the severed head.
To summon the ruminant king it is necessary, when you go to bed, to write on the pillow the name of the gum that you would like to receive. Then you put a fork under your pillow and wait. At 12 o'clock in the morning he should come.
- Should I wait for him, or can I go to bed?
- No, you can't sleep. When he comes, you take a fork and rip open his belly. Gum flies out of it.
- What does a gnome look like?
- Small, with a big belly.
This is how the King of Sweets is called.
In a dark place, you wipe the mirror with cologne so that it is cloudy. You put a candy wrapper on the mirror, and candy on the wrapper. You leave and leave everything for an hour. And then you come - there are traces on the mirror, but there is no candy.
I know, how to summon the black queen ... You hang a white sheet and attach a black square in the middle.
- What is it made of?
- From fabric and paper.
You turn off the light and say: "Black Queen, come and fulfill our desires." And so 3 times. While she comes to the black square, you need to make wishes. When she comes close to him, you have to say: "Black Queen, go away!"
- And if you don’t say so?
- Then she will approach the square and strangle you.
You can call the Queen of Spades. One has to sit in a dark room and look in the mirror. When you see her, you need to make a wish and turn on the light as soon as possible. Otherwise, they say, she will come out of the mirror and strangle.
They also call the Queen of Spades, but I don't know how. I only know that she comes with a pig. She must be called at 12 o'clock in the morning. Some say that she strangles, others - cuts with a knife.
Alla took a mirror, I took a cobblestone to pound on the mirror if the Queen of Spades appeared. We climbed into the darkness (basement) and said: "The Queen of Spades, appear."
So they call Ogurechik.
On the asphalt with chalk you draw a house (extraordinary, not neat) so that everything goes out. Ogurechik especially loves when grass is drawn. When you draw, you need to turn away and stand with your back to the house, and say 20 times: "Gherkin, appear!". And the other person can watch, if he is interested, how Ogurechik erases or draws. When you turn around, some of the lines in the house may be erased. Or something drawn. You can call Ogurechik at any time, but you cannot call it often, otherwise he will be offended.
This is how Russula is called.
You need to call in the toilet. You need to put something sweet on the toilet lid or in a dark place and say: "Russula, Russula, appear! Russula, Russula, appear! Russula, Russula, appear!". Then leave. You come back, but there is no candy.
You impose a mountain of sand without stones. You turn away and say 20 times: "Devil, appear!" Then you turn around, and 4 paws of the devil will be imprinted there.
A devil (if possible, beautiful) is drawn on a sheet of paper. It will be in the middle of the circle. All letters of the alphabet are drawn on the sides of the circle, as well as numbers up to nine. In the circle, to the left of the devil, is written "yes", to the left "no". Fortune-telling should be carried out in a semi-dark room and with a limited number of people. For fortune-telling, you also need a needle and a black thread, long (a needle on a thread). Then the needle is placed in the center of the circle (i.e. the devil's navel). The needle should be slightly tilted and move (make a circular motion). After everything is installed, we proceed to fortune telling. First of all, you need to ask: "Devil, are you at home?" We watch the needle. If it shows "yes", then you can ask about everything. The needle will show the letters from which the fortuneteller will add words.
The devil must be praised, and said how handsome he is, and ask him very politely.
Before fortune-telling, you also need to ask the imp if he will talk to you. If "no", then it is better not to try to guess.
You draw a circle on the ground with white chalk. You get into it and say: "Devil, devil, where are you?" If he appears, then something is flying in the clouds.
This also required a mirror, matches, toothpaste. Paste smeared a mirror and said: "Devil, devil, appear."
As a child, we often called someone. For example, you take two threads, black and red, of the same length, and tie them together. Then you tie it to the legs of the bed or to different beds. Then I have to say something, I don't remember, and the devils have to run along a thread.
You take 4 spoons, put each in a rectangular piece of paper and put it with a cross. You say: "Brownie, if you can hear us, unfold the spoons!" The brownie turns one spoon. Then you ask him questions that you can answer "yes" or "no". And you say: "Brownie, if yes, then unfold the spoon." And after all, when you're done and unwrapping the spoons, some of them will turn out to be unwrapped.
You need to take 6 pencils, fold them so that you get a rectangle. Take him around the corners with someone alone (that is, each holds three pencils) and ask the house-maker a question, for example: "Are you here?" If the pencils come together and you get an X-shaped figure, it means "yes". If the pencils turn in the hands all in one direction, it means "I don't know." If the pencils go in different directions, then "no". After that, he can be asked any questions.
In the evening, when it gets dark, put a candle, light it and say 3 times: "Brownie!" If he appears, he moves something 5 times. If the flame of the candle flutters, it means that the brownie is angry. It is necessary to extinguish, otherwise the brownie can strangle.
To summon a wicked brownie you need a glass with a very small amount of water in it. To summon a kind brownie, you need a glass of water with bread.
You choose a darker place, put a glass there, and leave. You come back, and the water has disappeared or evaporated.
This is how the spirit is called.
The one to whom this is done must have a deceased in the family.
At first, the person stands with closed eyes and relaxes. Then you take it in your hands and cross them three times. Then three times in front of the person's face you make a kind of splashing motion. After that, you ask him, putting your hand to his lips, palm up. You ask: "Who died at you?" - "Yes". - "Blow three times." The man is blowing. (All this time he stands with his eyes closed)
Then you tie your hands like a rope: each hand is at the wrist.
And you pretend to pull these ropes. And hands go up. The feeling is inexplicable. Indeed, as if someone raises them to you.
After that, be sure to untie the ropes on your hands.
You can tie a rope around your neck. The man stands with his back to you, with his eyes closed, relaxed. You make a movement, as if you put a rope around your neck and tie a knot from behind, and pull. The man slowly begins to fall backwards. After that, it is imperative to untie the rope, otherwise it can strangle you.
During the session, you cannot laugh, you cannot show your teeth. If you're laughing, throw your head back.
It is necessary to tie the book with a belt along its ends. You insert the scissors, spread apart under the belt, with the sharp ends down. You stick your fingers into the holes of the scissors.
You turn off the light (everything must be done in the evening). You light a candle. We must try to keep the book straight and not wiggle.
Questions are asked by the person holding the book. Says (for example): "I summon the spirit of my grandmother (name, surname)." You ask: "Spirit, are you here?" If the book wiggles, then the spirit is present.
If not, then you summon another spirit. But if this spirit is needed, then you can try again.
Questions should be asked in such a way that they can be answered "yes" or "no".
The sign of the answer is "yes" - the book is swinging, "no" - the book does not move.
It is imperative to ask whether the spirit is tired or not.
In the end, you must definitely say goodbye to the spirit. Otherwise, he may be offended, and will not come again.
A mirror is placed in a dark room, a glass is placed in front of the mirror, a comb is placed on the glass. The room should be completely dark and quiet. Everyone joins hands and says: "Mermaid, mermaid, show up, comb your long hair." This is repeated three times. After that, the mirror should mermaid hair will appear or someone's hair.
To summon Cinderella needed a mirror, beads and a comb. All this had to be put in a dark place. I don't remember further. It seems that she should have been summoned and gone, Cinderella had to come and comb her hair. The hair seems to have appeared on the comb.
The two of us lit the basement. Both me and Alla had pocket knives with us. We took sugar. Rubbed their hands. They climbed into the darkest corner, stretched out their hands into it and said without respite: "Cinderella-beauty appear, Cinderella-beauty, appear ...".
I saw something white. Alla said that she and her friend it turned out to call Cinderella.
You stand sideways to the mirror and say: "Magic carriage, appear!" And she must zip.
You take a white thread and put it in front of you. You fold your hands like a house near your mouth (like "ay" shout) and say: "White carriage, appear" ... (3 times). The thread should move.
You can also call the Black Carriage, only you need to take the black thread.
Several people climbed into the village toilet and, bending over the opening, uttered a phrase or sang. Out of the hole sniff should have come out and get into the mouth of the one who speaks the loudest. There was an agreement - not to speak quietly on purpose.

The Queen of Spades.
This is a "celebrity" among teenagers, everyone knows her.
Probably everyone called her, or at least tried it.
There are many legends about her.
Well, here are some ways for you.

1. To summon the Queen of Spades, we need: red lipstick, mirror, card of the Queen of Spades. We draw on the mirror, a house with a door, a point on the door and a ladder. At night, turn off all the lights in the house, you can light a candle. Take a mirror in your hands and say three times: "The Queen of Spades, come!" And you start to wait. If you see any figure on the mirror, hear a knock or some other suspicious sound, then you should know - she has come! You need to quickly erase the steps and break the card, otherwise it will come out of the mirror and kill you!

2. Pull a white sheet over the wall. Attach a black square of paper or fabric to it. Turn off the lights and start summoning the Queen of Spades. Say three times: "The Queen of Spades, come and fulfill our desires!" The lady should appear inside the square and walk towards you. While she is walking, you need to tell her your desire. When she comes close to the square, you need to say: "The Queen of Spades, go away!" If you do not have time to do this, she will strangle you.

In addition to the Queen of Spades, there is alsoBloody Mary.

But few people know about her.

Bloody Mary can kill, gouge out your eyes, drive you crazy, drag you into the mirror.

Personally, I didn't call her, but here's the way.

Here's what to do

Wait for the night.

Go to the room with a mirror.

Close the door, light a candle.

Look directly in the mirror and say three times: "Bloody Mary, come to me!" When you say these words for the third time, you will see Mary behind your left shoulder. Remember, when you spot her, it's too late to do anything.

If you did it as it should be, and Bloody Mary did not come, do not rush to make claims: perhaps she will come to you later. Indeed, think how many people are standing at this very time in front of the mirror and trying to call Mary! There are many of you, but she is one. But keep in mind, Bloody Mary has put you on her list. Wait ...

But we all know that besides evil spirits, there are those who fulfill desires.

For example, Sweet tooth.

It can be used to make sweets.

You need to call him after midnight.

1. Take some candy and hang it on a string in the bathroom, preferably on the sink faucet. Don't forget to bring your flashlight with you. Turn off the light and whisper, "Sweet tooth, come to me" several times. After a while, you will hear the rustle of the foil from the candies. Do not move or make noise, this way you can frighten off the sweet tooth.

If suddenly you feel that the sweet tooth has touched you, turn on the flashlight immediately, because the sweet tooth can smell sweets from you and accidentally bite. When you turn on the flashlight, the sweet tooth will dissolve and instead of itself, it will leave twice as much sweets as it was in the beginning. Do not forget to say "thank you" to your sweet tooth before eating sweets.

2. Draw a house on the floor (preferably in gouache), and put a candy in the middle of this drawing. Turn off the light. Call a sweet tooth, say these words: "Sweet tooth, come to me." After a while, you will hear the rustle of the candy wrapper. After you hear the rustling, say the following words: "Sweet tooth, go to the house" - and he will leave, leaving sweet treats for himself.

If someone wants to replenish their vocabulary, you can callGnome-Matershinnika ..

Your vocabulary will be replenished ten times.

We go into a dark place, take a rope and scissors in our hands, and say: "Matte Dwarf, come" - 3 times.

And voila, enjoy it.

Mermaid - this is generally a separate topic.

I must warn you, if you summon a mermaid in a pond, she will force you to comb her hair until wounds appear on her hands, and then she will kill you.

Step 6: Keep repeating the words, "Daruma-san fell. Daruma-san fell," until you finish washing your hair. During this time, your eyes should be closed. You may hear or feel a slight movement in the bathroom behind you. Keep your eyes closed. Don't try to see what's in there. You just summoned a ghost. The ghost of a woman will rise behind you. You will feel her presence and how she glares at you. Her head will be behind your right shoulder. She has long black tangled hair. Her clothes are dirty and torn. She only has one eye. Her left eye is wide open and bleeding. Her right eye is missing, there is only an empty eye socket, red with blood.

Step 7: When you sense the presence of the ghost, say out loud, "Why did you fall into the bathtub?"

Step 8: Keep your eyes closed, get up and get out of the tub. Be careful not to fall. Exit the bathroom and close the door behind you. Now you can open your eyes. Leave the water in the bathroom overnight, do not drain it. Go to sleep.

The next morning, when you wake up, the game will begin. The ghost of the one-eyed woman will haunt you. Whenever you look around to look at her, she will disappear. All day long, when you look over your right shoulder, you will catch a glimpse of it. She will get closer and closer, do not let her catch you.

If you look over your shoulder and see that the ghost got too close to you, you should shout: "Tomare!", Which means "Stop!", And run as fast as you can. This will allow you to temporarily increase the distance between you and the one-eyed woman.

How to call a devil

As they say, the "devil" can give answers to any questions, if, of course, he is in a good mood.

So, we need: one needle, a thread about twenty centimeters long, a piece of paper and, oddly enough, the ability to write and count.

We draw a "devil", but even here it has its own rules, it must have: a tail, horns, eyes, body, arms and a navel. After that, at the top of the leaflet, write the alphabet, all the letters! And at the bottom of the sheet we write numbers, this is done so that you get an answer in numbers, unless, of course, ask such a question (how much money I have to live, how much money I can steal, and so on). After that, take a thread with a needle, thread it and fix the needle at the navel of the "devil" (keep the thread at a height). That's all.

Now comes the fun part.

If he is really with you, then the needle will begin to swing and point to the letters D and A.

Then you need to greet the guest: "Hello", he must answer in kind.

That's all. Ask questions.

In no case do not make him angry and do not forget to say goodbye to him, otherwise he will take you with him to the other world.

Since ancient times, people believed that the spirits of the dead patronize living people, and they can protect, attract luck, money, improve health, etc. There are several rituals on how to summon a spirit and must be carried out according to all the rules, since this is not a toy. It is important to understand that this is not fun and you should take everything responsibly.

How to summon a spirit that answers questions?

It is important to start the session after sunset and it is best to choose the period from 12 am to 4 am. Choose only natural wax candles for consecration. All questions that you want to ask should be written down on paper in advance. It is important to remove all metal objects in yourself. To increase the chances of successful contact, it is necessary to fumigate the room with incense. After you manage to summon a non-dangerous spirit, you should definitely greet him and then proceed to. At the end of the ritual, you must thank the spirit and ask him to leave the room. The most popular ritual involves the use of a letter board, but we will consider other options.

Ritual # 1 - how to summon a safe spirit with scissors?

The ceremony is carried out with the participation of two people and for it you should prepare scissors, a red ribbon and any spiritual book. It is important that both participants believe in magic. The scissors must be placed in the book so that the rings remain outside. The next step is to tie the book with a red ribbon, and do it as tightly as possible, and put it on the table. After that, you need to take the scissors rings with your little fingers and call on the spirit. When the connection is established, you can see how the book moves. From this moment it is allowed to ask the spirit questions and if the answer is positive, then the book will turn to the right, and if negative - to the left.

Ritual # 2 - how can you summon a spirit with a needle?

In a dark room, light a candle and take a needle, which should be hung on a thread to make a pendulum. It is important to tune in, freeing yourself from extraneous thoughts and emotions. After that, rest your elbow on the table and start swinging the needle, repeating the call of the spirit, for example, like this: "good spirit come." Do this for a minute, and then stop the needle. Say hello to the spirit and start asking questions. If the needle wobbles, then the answer is yes, and if you stand still, it is negative.

Practicing magicians often turn to otherworldly forces for help. For a novice sorcerer, the ceremony may turn out to be unsafe: not all inhabitants of the subtle worlds are supportive of people, in addition, they may get angry for needless concern.

It is for this reason that you should be clear about who you intend to call. For a start, it's better to get acquainted with harmless spirits. Some of them are so peaceful and responsive that they willingly fulfill requests.

Communication with entities

One of the basic rules for communicating with otherworldly entities is that you should not be afraid of them. Spirits differ from people only in that they do not have a material shell, but are endowed with other capabilities, sometimes inaccessible to humans.

There is also a lot in common: spirits know how to empathize, be capricious, joke... Unsurprisingly, they are pleased when they are communicated with in a friendly and respectful manner.

How to summon a harmless spirit?

To feel more confident, choose a daytime for the ritual and invite friends to participate.

You can summon a good spirit in a familiar environment.: in the yard or on the street not far from the house, there is no need to retire to deserted places.

Agree in advance what you intend to ask for, hold hands and say three times:

“Spirit, dear, light, kind, come to us. Become our helper and friend. "

Close your eyes and try to imagine who you are calling. If you suddenly feel warm, know that this is his positive response. It's time to tell him about your desires, then to thank and say goodbye.

It is possible that you will meet more than once: the spirit can express a desire to come to the rescue, advise, protect. You will have an invisible friend.

Fairy Lady of Desires

To summon the wish-granting fairy requires two items:

  • Bell.
  • The paper on which the wish is formulated in detail and unambiguously.

Please note that fairies never miss a chance to play a trick, therefore, think over the text of your desire so that there are no ambiguous interpretations in it.

Use the wording “Let it be” instead of “I want”.

For the ritual, it is advisable to choose a place that is not too crowded., so as not to embarrass passers-by, at the same time, privacy is not a prerequisite.

Take the bell in your left hand, in the other hold a leaf on which your wish is written. If you're left-handed, swap items.

Ringing a bell, go around three circles from right to left, freeze and say three times continuing to ring the bell:

“Fairy of desires, I urge you, I trust in you. Fulfill my cherished dream "- let me know what you want. Now make yourself comfortable, close your eyelids and mentally repeat the same text three more times.

Do not for a second doubt your actions and a positive result - this is the key to success. Fairies instantly feel any doubts of the caller and may, in turn, doubt the sincerity of your intentions.

Now be careful, don't miss the signs. Any random and at first glance an inconspicuous event may be the key to the fulfillment of desire.

Who can be summoned with a friend?

A wish-fulfilling fairy can be invited to your house. Wait for the full moon to harness the energy of the moon. Daytime is preferable for the invocatory ritual. as fairies love sunshine.

You should know what fairies don't like: when they are bothered with nothing to do. Remember that you are dealing with magic, so take the ceremony seriously.

First, be clear about what you want and why you need it. Second, stay calm and friendly when you sense the fairy's presence. These entities do not harm people under any circumstances.

The worst thing that can happen is that the fairy will not want to communicate. To avoid misunderstandings, prepare properly for the ritual. You will need the following ritual paraphernalia:

  • A sheet of paper with a wish stated on it to be learned by heart.
  • Three glasses or graceful glasses filled with clean water.
  • Three cubes Sahara.
  • A little chalk.
  • Clothes with pockets.
  • Small little table.

The table can be improvised, for example, a stool covered with a beautiful napkin, it has to be placed in the center of a circle drawn with chalk. Keep the note in your left pocket throughout the ritual.

Put the glasses on the table, put sugar in each. Wait for them to completely dissolve, enter the circle and say five times:

"I call you, fairy of desires, wake up from your sleep, come to me at least for a minute!"

Soundly and clearly declare your desire, word for word as written on the sheet in your left pocket. At the end of the ceremony, thoroughly wash the floor so that there are no traces of the circle.

Transfer the glasses to a windowsill and leave for a few days until the moisture evaporates.

Want to chat with a vampire?

Daylight hours are safe enough to risk nothing and come into contact with dark forces... For example, summon a vampire. What for? To get answers to any questions from him.

You have to deal not with yourself, but only with his energy, therefore, daylight is not afraid of him, and he will not be able to cause physical harm.

You and your friends should prepare for the visit of an unusual guest:

  • Draw a circle with salt.
  • Lock the doors and curtain the windows.
  • Light two black candles outside the circle.

Enter the center of the circle and whisper:

“Vampire, I appeal to you.

Come to me, reveal all the secrets to me.

Come in peace to my house and tell me everything you know. "

The presence of a vampire is accompanied by a chill in the literal and figurative sense: a chilling sensation will make itself felt. Some even manage to see a dark energy clot.... There is no place for fear in this rite, the vampire does not take seriously those who are afraid of him.

You can ask a vampire any questions, preferably no more than three. At the end of the conversation, say goodbye to the guest, thank him and walk away with the words:

“Leave where you came from. Leave as if you weren’t invited. Leave my house and don't come back. "

When the vampire leaves the room collect the salt from the floor and sprinkle it on the threshold and windowsills to prevent him from returning as an uninvited guest.

Spiritual seance at home

A seance is perhaps the most popular and time-tested method of invoking spirits. Despite its venerable age, it has not lost its relevance today.

As a rule, several participants gather to conduct a session, the time, place and cost of the paraphernalia are not of fundamental importance for the summoned spirits, although some of them have individual preferences.

Uncomplicated preliminary preparation will help the participants tune in to the desired mood.

Session of Spiritism represents a safe opportunity to touch the world of magic, sometimes with its help it is possible to discover the talent of clairvoyance in oneself.

Communication with the spirit through a saucer scurrying around the witch's board does not require occult experience, even skeptical beginners are pleasantly surprised by the result.

And yet, the greatest effect is achieved by those who are open to encounters with the new and unknown.

The principle is simple: moving along the board, the saucer marks the letters with the pointer to be put into words. Answers can contain numbers or consist of monosyllabic agreement or denial.

In order for the seance to be successful, follow a few rules:

  1. Summon pretty spirits that you trust.
  2. Remember that spirits have personal preferences, for example, not everyone is ready to respond to a call in broad daylight.
  3. In the room chosen for the ritual there should be no extraneous creatures: no pets, no intruders like mice and insects.
  4. Competitors' fingers and wrists must be free of jewelry and metal objects.
  5. Only one person can conduct a dialogue - a medium, the rest will remain silent.
  6. Communication with the other world is interrupted as soon as the medium removes his hands from the saucer.

Be sure that famous people who inspire admiration and respect in you, as well as loved ones who have passed into another world, will not harm you and will truthfully answer your questions.

All you need is a witch board and a smooth-edged white saucer. You can buy a witch board at an esoteric shop or make your own. The classic version is made of special types of wood with symbols carved on the surface.

However, if cardboard or thick paper serves as a board, and letters, numbers and other necessary elements are drawn in pencil, this will not degrade the quality of the "connection".

The sheet will need quite large - at least half a meter in length and width. Draw a circle, on the outside, write out all the letters of the alphabet in a random order, on the inside, place the numbers from zero to nine and the words YES and NO.

One more item will be needed: white saucer made of porcelain or earthenware. Make sure that its edges are even non-slip. Turn the saucer upside down and draw an arrow on the side.

It will not be superfluous to create an appropriate entourage in the room: make yourself comfortable, light candles and incense sticks, get rid of distractions during the session.

Choose a medium in advance, think over questions, coordinate actions... From the moment the spirit appears, there should be no extraneous conversations.

The medium holds the saucer over the candle with the inside of the flame until it becomes warm, then places it in the center of the board and touches with both hands. The rest of the participants follow his example.

"Spirit (name in genitive), please appear to us!" The medium exclaims three times.

Ask the spirit to appear, not come... The energetic presence is enough for a spiritualistic dialogue, and you don't need a real ghost in the room.

When, in the ensuing silence, someone senses that something unusual is beginning, the medium asks the first question: "Spirit (name), are you here?" If the saucer turns the pointer to the word "yes", you can continue the session. If not, try again or turn to another spirit.

At first, the saucer may seem slow or too restless... Its activity can be adjusted with your fingertips. In the process, the problem will disappear by itself.

The medium should remember the rules of etiquette: greet the guest, before proceeding with inquiries, make sure that he agrees to provide information, thank for the visit, politely say goodbye.

Help Maps

With the help of a deck of playing, you can summon not only an incorporeal spirit, but also a living and well-being person. Who are we going to call? For example, a guy you like. The purpose of the ritual is to make him want to seek a meeting with you.

Unlike a full-fledged love spell, the action of the rite is short-lived and does not have any side effects.

Cards have a strong energy memory and store information about everyone in whose hands they have been. So that instead of your beloved one of the players does not appear in front of you, use only a new deck.

Shuffle the cards well, charge them with your energy, talk to them, say the guy's name and begin to lay out in a vertical line.

Do not say another word until the ceremony is complete. Put paired suits aside.... Ideally, you should be left with four cards of different suits.

If it does not add up, it is permissible to shuffle the remaining cards one more time, but no more. If this does not help, try again no earlier than a day later - the secondary will not be counted on the same day in the subtle world.

Many people who are fond of esotericism want to know how to communicate with otherworldly entities. Summoning spirits - how to properly carry out the ritual and what consequences it can have. You can call spirits night and day, at home and on the street, addressing good and evil entities, performing the ritual alone, with a friend or in the company of friends. In this article, you will find out which spirits can be summoned, where it should be done, how and under what conditions.

How does the ritual of summoning spirits take place and who can be summoned to a novice magician.

Not all spirits can be disturbed. Before deciding who should be summoned, it is important to understand the reasons why the person is going to perform the ritual of summoning the spirit. Motives vary from person to person. Basically, people call spirits in order to:

  • Order the fulfillment of desires from them;
  • Get answers to important questions;
  • Solve problems in love;
  • Ask for help in a difficult situation;
  • Learn about the future;
  • Just for fun.

But the most popular ritual is, of course, the summoning of the spirit of desires.

What spirits can do

Almost all spirits can answer questions and fulfill simple desires due to their extraordinary capabilities. Entities from the other world are capable of:

  • predict the future of a person;
  • fulfill simple wishes.

Otherworldly entities

For difficult questions, you will need an entity with stronger capabilities. If you have an unrealizable desire or a question that is difficult to deal with, then in addition to spirits, you can turn to:

  • vampires;
  • demons;
  • fairies;
  • mermaids.

Summoning the spirit of man

If you want to call the spirit of a deceased person, it is recommended to disturb only a friend or relative. In this case, you need to take into account the relationship that existed between you during life. The spirit of a relative with whom you had a good relationship is sure to help and answer your questions. If you turn to a relative with whom you had problems and difficult relationships, then most likely he not only will not fulfill your request, but may also harm.

You can summon the spirit of any other person you don't know. Be careful in this case, as spirits usually do not like being disturbed without consent. You'd better stay in the protective circle that you can create with salt and chalk.

This must be taken seriously, the consequences can be irreversible if the spirit gets angry and becomes aggressive. In order not to become a victim of an unequal battle, protect yourself from the very beginning and study the sequence in which the summoning of spirits is carried out at home.

It is absolutely not recommended to deal with the spirits of maniacs or suicides. Such creatures are usually found between two worlds, there is a high probability that you will not be able to send the spirit back to the underworld. This will mean that they will not stop accompanying you everywhere. This is especially true of suicides. It is believed that they do not leave this world, they constantly hover over us.

How to summon spirits and other creatures to the graveyard?

In order to carry out the summoning of spirits on the street, the best place is the cemetery. It is here that there is a huge accumulation of negative energy, which means that an ideal atmosphere is created for calling beings from another world. Many magicians and sorcerers perform their rituals in the cemetery.

Preparing for the ritual

Nevertheless, before starting the ritual of summoning spirits to the cemetery, you need to determine the purpose and reason for the ritual. Each ritual requires certain items, for the simplest ritual in a cemetery you will need:

  • candles (five);
  • black matter;
  • amulet (it can be a cross, a figure of a personal guardian, for Muslims - a month, etc.);
  • knife for the ritual.

Please note that: This ceremony cannot be performed on Monday.

On any other day, collect all the amulets and go to the cemetery. It is optional and not recommended to choose a specific grave for the ritual, as in this case you risk disturbing a specific person. Choose a neutral spot within the cemetery and tune in to the ritual.

Why is it important to get in the right mindset? Your inner state will play a decisive role, you should not feel fear of the ritual. It is your energy and behavior in front of the spirit that will be the key to good luck. The main thing is to believe, to be in a protected circle and it is advisable to have a personal amulet with you.

Carrying out a ceremony

When you are sure that everything is ready, you can proceed to the ceremony itself. It is advisable to write down all questions in advance on a piece of paper or learn clearly. In no case should you hesitate and mumble in front of the spirit. The spirit can either get angry and not take you seriously, or simply refuse to fulfill the desire, because it simply does not understand what you want from it.

So the questions are ready. The next step is a knife, which must be stuck into the ground and pronounced the phrase:

Spirits (you can call any other evil spirits), I urge you! I wish to see you now!

For those who, before this ritual, have already been initiated into magicians or sorcerers, it will be much easier, since they can turn directly to their defenders. Usually these patrons are chosen at the beginning of the magical journey. If there is no such patron, then communication will be a little difficult, maybe even dangerous.

The presence of another being is easy to notice. If you summoned a kind spirit or a friend with whom you had a good relationship during his life, then when he appears, you will have a surge of positive energy. The evil spirit of the deceased will bring coolness, fear and negativity with it. Most likely, you will be very frightened when it appears, but this is a normal feeling when performing such a ritual.

Get straight to the point: clearly and distinctly ask the spirit about the fulfillment of your desires or answers to questions. Be prepared for the spirit to want to stay with you as long as possible, but you will need to send it back as soon as you receive answers to topics of interest.

Expulsion of the spirit

Entities from another world are cunning enough, sometimes they take drastic measures in order to stay in our world. It comes to the point that they are trying to master the human body. Most often this happens when the magician is a beginner or does not wear personal amulets. If you carry out the ritual correctly, being in a protective circle, having a talisman with you, then you are safe.

To send the spirit back, repeat the following phrase:

Thank you spirit, but now, go where you came from. Go to another world, as if you never were.

When the spirit is gone, stay in the circle for a while and stay there until you are fully recovered.

Summoning an evil spirit

The summoning of evil spirits is used not only by professional magicians, but also by ordinary people. Why do they need it?

  • To associate evil spirits with people whom they will constantly spoil life and can bring to death;
  • They ask evil spirits to endow them with black powers;
  • Use evil spirits to induce damage and curses;
  • Some even ask for personal protection by offering them something in return.

Ritual for casting a curse

There are many types of curse guidance, but this article is the simplest one that anyone can use. Several attributes are required for the ritual. First, prepare a photo of the person who is being cursed and a piece of biological material (for example, hair or a clipped nail). You will also need two black candles (not from the church) and a wreath, which must be woven from dry twigs.

With all of the above attributes, go to the crossroads on a full moon. Place the wreath with branches in the center and light both candles. The wax that appears should be gradually added to the wreath, saying the following words:

Come to me, spirit. Appear to me the one who is feared, to whom they turn for help! An evil spirit capable of destruction, I ask for your help. Hear me, do not reject me, for it is not just for the sake of curiosity that I disturb your peace.

As soon as you feel the appearance of a creature from the other world, show him a photo, then put a wreath and a piece of biological material in the photo. After that, the wreath must be buried in the cemetery. To do this, you need to find the grave of a person who will have the same name as the victim of the curse. The wreath is buried on the grave of this person and the following words are pronounced:

Evil spirit, from now on it is your sacrifice. Do whatever you want with her. Torment, torment, do not let live in peace.

There are a few more steps to be taken. Take some earth in your palm and sprinkle it over the place where you buried the wreath. You need to stamp your right foot and turn over your left shoulder, and then leave the cemetery. Don't turn around and don't talk to anyone. After such a ritual, the person who is cursed will begin to succumb to the influence of an evil spirit. He will suffer both physically and psychologically.

Summoning spirits with a saucer

This is probably one of the more traditional methods of invoking the spirits at home during the day. Our distant ancestors used to summon spirits through a saucer, which is still considered one of the simplest and safest.

Naturally, for this ritual, you will need a saucer that will serve to connect the two worlds. The essence of the saucer method is that as long as you maintain a connection with the object, there is communication with the spirit. As soon as you stop touching the object, the connection is interrupted and the spirit automatically returns to its world.

Preparing for the ritual

  • To start the ceremony of summoning spirits using a saucer, gather a group of several people. It is desirable that the group be attended by men and women. This is done more for protection, since it is not recommended to carry out this ritual alone with the spirit.
  • One of the people in the group should act as a medium. Only he can communicate with the spirit and ask him questions. The rest of the participants cannot interfere with the conversation; it is also forbidden to communicate with each other. All jewelry (rings, chains, earrings) must be removed before starting the ritual.
  • For this ritual, it is not necessary to have a full moon, you can perform the ritual any day before dawn or after the sun has set below the horizon. It is also important to turn off all household electrical appliances in the house, and also to make sure that there are no strangers at home except for the group participating in the ceremony. The light must be turned off, use candles only in the place where the spirit is invoked. The number of candles to choose from.
  • An additional attribute is a blackboard or whatman paper on which you can write letters and numbers, as well as positive and negative answers. This attribute must be prepared in advance along with the saucer. Draw an arrow on the back of the saucer using a felt-tip pen or paint. The saucer must be heated over the candle on both sides, the medium must put the fingers of both hands on it, and the other participants must touch the saucer with at least one hand.

Carrying out a ceremony

Calling the spirits of the house at night starts with the phrase:

Spirit, we call you! Show up! Come, we beg you.

Usually the spirit comes right after that. With his arrival, the temperature in the room changes. You can feel the cool breeze or the movement of the saucer. If the spirit did not appear at the first call, then it is better to postpone the session for another time. Don't keep bothering them. To make sure the spirit is present, ask him:

Spirit, are you here?

The spirit responds by moving the saucer in such a way that the arrow points to numbers and letters. If the spirit answered yes to the first question, the medium can continue to communicate. Hands must always be kept on the saucer, as this is a means of contact. If you abruptly break the contact, the spirit may become angry or offended.

Do not forget that the spirit is a little uncomfortable among people, be polite to him until the end of the ritual. It is advisable to ask him during the ritual how he feels. To completely interrupt contact with the spirit, the saucer must be turned over and knocked on the table three times in a row. It is not recommended to discuss the spirit after the ritual, especially to talk about it in a negative tone.


Take such a ritual very seriously as summoning spirits, good or evil, scary or not. We must not forget that they are from another world and are endowed with powerful forces that can harm a person.

Halloween has already passed, but there are still many creepy holidays and boring evenings ahead. It's time to test yourself for courage and call a couple of otherworldly spirits. Weak?

1. Water fairy

When you come to the pond, you have to sit on the shore, write on the sand: water fairy. And then take a white rose and put it on the water ... And you can go home. If you dream about water this night - a good fairy and she will help you in something!

2. Water Mary

You need to go into the bathroom and draw a pictogram with soap in 30 seconds (a pictogram is a star in a large circle, it is considered a devilish sign), if you do not have time to draw, then it will either kill, or, if you look, it can screech, while except for you, no one will hear, or blind.

3. Matte gnome

In order to have fun, you can summon a matte gnome. To do this, you need a long thread, tie knots along the entire length of the thread, and then attach it to the legs of a bed or table at a height of 3 centimeters from the floor. Turn off the light and say three times: "Matte gnome, come!"
After a while, a dull gnome will appear and begin to get confused and stumble over the rope with knots and will swear heavily.

4. Money gnome

Plain thread 40 cm long, plantain leaf, 25 dried mosquitoes, matchbox, 3 fragrant chamomile flowers.
On a full moon, after 12 o'clock at night, wrap chamomile flowers and 25 dried mosquitoes in a plantain leaf. The folded sheet should be tied with thread, saying: “Money gnome, come. Buy my package! " Ideally, if you can pronounce the formula 5 times! After that, put the plantain leaf in a matchbox and bury it under a tree near the house. After 10 days, instead of a box, you will unearth a chest with all kinds of coins.

5. Good gnome

To summon a kind gnome, put the cake in front of the mirror, write a dirty word on the cake and call three times: "Good gnome, come!" When the gnome appears, he will correct the hand word for good and fulfill 1 desire.

6. Ruminant gnome

In a dark room, put a candy, take a string and scissors in your hands and say three times: "Gum gnome, come!" When the Gum Gnome comes to you, cut off his finger with scissors and gum will fall out of it, when you decide that you have enough gum, tie his finger with a string. So that the gnome will not be offended and come next time, you need to thank him, and then say: "Gnome gnome, go away!" Taking the candy, he will disappear.

7 Cheshire cat

Take your cat and look him in the eyes for 10 seconds. Then take a piece of paper and draw on it the face of a Cheshire cat and tell your cat: "I want to see a Cheshire cat, I will not harm him." Draw the curtains, turn off the lights and say three times: "Cheshire cat, come to me." Wait with your eyes closed.

8. The Queen of Diamonds

There should be complete silence in the room. Only you can be in the room. At midnight you need to light a candle, turn off the light. The candle must be brought from the church. Three times you need to outline yourself with it. She will protect you in the event that your guest does not behave very friendly. The Queen of Diamonds is often unpredictable, so be careful. The flame of a candle is a necessary shell that protects you from otherworldly forces.
Stand in front of the mirror. Use lipstick to draw a spiral staircase with a door. The door in the illustration must be open. This is a mandatory requirement. The lady of diamonds will come to you through this door. You must pronounce her name clearly and with confidence. The gaze should not be taken away from the mirrors. You should concentrate on the painted door.
After it appears, you can ask the questions you are interested in. After getting the answer to your question, immediately wipe the door off the mirror. Then sprinkle the mirror with water and extinguish the candle.

9. The Queen of Spades

It is necessary to go to the bathroom, taking with you soap, a candle, a scarf (a scarf, a hat, a bandana or any other headdress) and a card of the Queen of Spades. In the bath, it is necessary to smear the mirror with soap, light a candle and place it in front of the mirror so that its flame is reflected from it. Then you need to take the Queen of Spades card and put it face down in the mirror. Before starting the ritual, you must carefully hide your hair under a headdress. If this is not done very well and a clump of hair sticks out from under a hat or scarf, then it may happen that the Queen of Spades grabs your hair and begins to drag it, banging your head against the bathroom walls ...
After completing all the above points, you need to sit in front of the mirror and start peering into it. Exactly at midnight, you will be able to find that figures appear on the mirror. If figures in the form of triangles appear on it, then the Queen of Spades, which you have summoned, is kind and you can make some wish that will definitely come true, and if figures of a different shape appear on the mirror, then the Queen of Spades is evil and you should expect misfortune. The ritual can be interrupted by extinguishing the candle and turning on the light.

10. Drunken hedgehog

You take a saucer and pour any alcoholic drink into it. You put the saucer in the corner. You turn off the light.
All those present should climb up on the sofa with their feet so that the hedgehog, when he runs to the saucer, does not prick his legs with needles.
Then three times you repeat the incantation with your friends: “Hedgehog, come!”.
It should take 30 seconds.
And three more times you need to say: "Hedgehog, come!".
After a while, stomping should be heard. This hedgehog came to the saucer. Then you will hear him lapping from the saucer. And having finished eating, the hedgehog will leave, stomping loudly and stumbling (he's drunk).