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What is bad in school estimates

Many have such periods in life when all interest is lost to it. People begin to remember the years of youth, when the interest was for any events, they sought something to something, sought something. They rejoiced every little thing and every evening, go to bed, dreamed, to come faster a new day. Where all these feelings disappear over the years, how to deal with it? How to return interest in life?

The reasons for which life becomes fresh

Actually understand why interest in life is lost, just. People begin to close from the surrounding world, do not want to see and hear everything that is happening. Similarly, a person manifests a protective reaction that helps to hide from pain founding his life path.

Everyone can remember how often he says such phrases: I do not want to see it, I do not want to hear it, I have no desire to survive this. During the pronunciation of such phrases, people launch certain mechanisms:

  • Program for destruction.
  • Completely close any feelings.
  • The actual world is no longer perceived in all its manifestations.

Regardless of whether a person understands that he gives an order with such thoughts to launch a destruction program, he acts. In several channels of perception, on which the understanding of the surrounding reality depends. How to return interest in life? You need to learn to perceive correctly the world.

Signs of depression

If there is no interest in life, what to do? How to understand that a person has depression? Psychologists determine it according to such signs:

  • A person cease to delight any events that previously caused positive emotions. Apathy, sadness, guilt and despondency appear.
  • A person no longer sees the exit from the current situation.
  • The interest of K. sex life and decreases physical activity. The dream became a short, and lost interest in food.
  • Fully disappears in their abilities, and the person begins to avoid other people. In some cases, suicidal thoughts appear.
  • People can no longer control their feelings and emotions.

It is quite difficult to exit such a state, but perhaps, and in such a situation it will not be useful for help to a psychologist.

Vision - Visual Channel of Perception

Thanks to the vision, people have the opportunity to see, distinguish a large number of Shades, notice everything that happens around. When people are aging, they worsen vision, but not from the fact that the ability to see is lost. Scientists conducted many experiments and were able to prove that it could be 100% even in old age.

The visual perception of the surrounding reality depends on how much a person is willing to notice and take everything surrounding it. Any insult, manifestation of anger and irritation "closes people's eyes." Diseases associated with losing or worsening vision appear due to the fact that people do not like everything they see in their lives. In children, such diseases arise because they do not want to see what is happening in their families.

Hearing - Audial Channel Perception

Rumor is the most important channel for the perception of the surrounding world. It also affects the ability to talk. Vibrations that are published by sound perceive not only hearing organs, and the whole body. Therefore, when a person has the possibility of perceiving information by hearing organs, he is separated from life and surrounding reality.

People often ask what has been said, mostly from the fact that their attention is very scattered. An auditory perception is also closed in cases where the interlocutor screams loudly, especially if this is something unpleasant. Children often have hearing problems because of the loud scandals in the family, they do not want to perceive it, and in the end, various diseases arise.

Touch channel perception: sensations and feelings

Most of the information is a person thanks to feelings, it closes them, if something is wrong, instantly. Often this happens when it faces insurmountable obstacles, such as fear, resentment, love suffering. Life becomes uninteresting due to the fact that her taste is lost. It has a direct connection with the perception of any odors, tastes, as well as the tactful sensations are of great importance.

People often resort to simple way Disable such a perception channel is smoking. You can also comply with feelings by closing in yourself, to get away from reality to another world allow computer games and the Internet. Today when technology developed to high level, this happens very often.

If lost interest in life, what to do? There are some rules for those who have lost interest in life, they will help him return.

It is necessary to completely change your schedule. It may be a change in the route by which the person goes to work. Perhaps it is worth abandoning the transport that he should, or leave a little earlier than his stop and then follow on foot. Many helps listening to your favorite music during a trip and following. This contributes to strengthening nervous system.

How to return interest in life? Tips of the psychologist: you need to start experimenting and stop afraid of new in your life. It is also important to stop consuming the same food. Change the hairstyle if she for a long time Did not change, update the wardrobe. It is necessary to start enjoying all the innovations.

It will be worthwhile to update the interior in his house, perhaps even have to throw away some old things and buy new ones. It also helps add new colors to the interior.

It will be necessary to become a little selfish and get rid of those responsibilities that have been familiar and selected a large amount of time, but were not needed. You need to start loving yourself and stop listening to someone, learn to believe in yourself. Rejoice in any little positive events in your life.

What needs to be done to return the desire to live

How to return interest in life? Tips of psychologists are reduced to the fact that it is necessary to learn how to take the world around themselves as it is, and in the same way to treat yourself, to perceive yourself actually in this world and begin to respect. Being grateful for all the events taking place in your life.

When a person has a loss of interest in life, what to do? Everything is very simple, in fact, life is responsible by the fact that a person does in it, and all events occur not by chance. To start living and getting from what is happening is enough just to be a man with a big letter, believe in yourself and not commit

To make a desire to live, a person must be fully satisfied with himself and all what he does. Of course, it is difficult to imagine a person who will be satisfied with all that is happening, but he himself is not successful. But many believe that success is money. Everything is much simpler, a successful person is the one that implements himself and loves its type of activity. There are people who do not have a great condition, but consider themselves successful and rejoice in life.

Success is not to have a dear house, car, yacht. All this is just little things in life compared to when a person was able to realize himself. Successful man Always with great joy returns home and glad to meet with people close to him. Such people know what their meaning is their meaning, they have clearly indicated goals to which they strive.

If you have lost interest in life, what can you do the simplest? Even some leading world psychologists advise not to lose a sense of humor in any, even the most difficult situation. And sometimes you can laugh at yourself.

There are such moments that help get rid of depression.

It is necessary how strange it does not sound, balance the diet. Stop doing all sorts of snacks that do not behave anything good. It is necessary to balance its diet so correctly so that you do not have to resort to additional use of some vitamin complexes. It is useful to eat a small amount of black chocolate, it helps

Very well helps to cope with the problems of keeping their diary, in which you need to record any little things taking place in life, both successes and defeats. Sometimes there are cases that help to get out of depression is a shock condition. These are such moments when a person needs to be urgently acting in a particular situation. He in a similar condition forgets about all the problems that do not give him to live normally. It is important that such actions are under the control of a specialist, otherwise negative consequences Can be very dangerous.

Did you lose interest in life? You need to pay attention to such simple things as the routine of the day and night. Analyze whether the regime of sleep and recreation is right. It is necessary first of all to normalize sleep and be sure to find some kind of your favorite activity, which will become a hobby. Thanks to this, you can completely distract from the urgent problems.

If it seems that everything is bad in life, how to find interest in life? You need to reconsider your views on it and understand that it is rich in many positive events. It is necessary to become more optimistic. Believe that life can change in positive sideAnd begin to make every effort for this.

Most people are inclined to exaggerate the events of events in their lives. You need to look back and analyze what is happening, and then everything will start to become in place. Perhaps some problems were too exaggerated or completely thought out. Best in cases where depressed depression, look around and see how color the world is around. Start enjoying life, and everything will start to improve.

Pause in Svih Affairs as a means of fighting depression

How to return a person interest in life using a pause in affairs? There is nothing complicated in this. It is easy to relax, it is possible to do meditation or go to relax in nature. Feel how nice to meet the dawn in some of my favorite place. Spend the evening by the fire. To watch the water flows, and at the same time not to remember its problems. Listen to your soul and remember some pleasant moments in life.

Remember your life destination

How to return joy and interest in life? For this, a person needs to remember his innermost dreams, because they had each. It is necessary to return to the past and find what pleased at the time, the point that gave energy and the desire to live. Then think well, at what point there was a fracture in life and what exactly happened, why live. Then you need to mentally return to the place and at a time when it happened, and rewrite the past. After such re-configuration of all this, it should be started to live in complete agreement with its soul and in everything with it to come. The medicine capable of helping to overcome psychological difficulties is everyone in the soul.

How to stop blocking feelings

There are 2 options for the advice of psychologists about how to return interest in life and stop blocking feelings.

The first: you need to try to look like inside yourself, understand what emotions want to hide from others and yourself. Next, you need to take them completely, feel, survive and just let go.

The best thing is that it turns out to be done in childhood. The child can freely, not embarrassed, cry, if someone offended him, and immediately forget about everything and began to play, do his favorite business. Thus, children easily release negative emotions.

An adult man is much more complicated. He needs to find such a place where no one will see it. Calm down and understand which emotions it is most disturbing. When he sorted out with this, he needs to take them, feel completely, and so he can reset negative emotions. Negative feelings will stop blocked, and it will be much easier.

The second option: a person needs to seek help to a psychotherapist.

Laughter - the simplest means eliminating depression

A person just needs to be easier to perceive. Each morning to start with a smile and understand that life is beautiful, despite anything. It is very useful to view comedy films. Such simple therapy helped many to begin to enjoy life and get rid of negative emotionseating from the inside.


There is a famous truth: any correct question carries an answer. A man defering how to return interest in life is already on the right track.

Not only Russian teacher Dima Zitser - American psychologist Alfi Kon also believes that assessments at school are prevented to learn: undermine interest in learning and inspire fear before failures. Why do you need a parent's school assessment as a parent?

What is so bad in the estimates? To answer this question, you must first recognize that for a person you think about how well he copes, not at all the same thing to think about what he does.

Imagine, for example, two parents whose children have changed that today they wrote an essay in school. One asks a child, as he wrote him and what the teacher said about his writings. Another will ask what was an essay and how he wrote him: why chose this topic if his attitude to the subject changed in the process of writing, as he decided to write about in the first paragraph.

Or imagine: a schoolgirl comes home and joyfully announces that she had a great day today, because she received the top five, and her girlfriend is only four. Obviously, the priorities of this girl are very different from the priorities of another schoolgirl, who, returning home, enthusiastically tells parents, that today was an excellent day, because she finally understood how to share numbers in the column, and they also had a very interesting lesson. About India, or because today they solved a terribly complex task today.

For the first teaching girl, the means (with which it can get marks, to prove that it is better than others, or simply demonstrate their successes). For the second knowledge and skills - quite self-sufficient goals.

Imagine a school where children are constantly pronounced about how the performance, results, marks, success are important. A child who has learned a similar lesson can hardly be able to forget about everything in the world, to compose poems, try to collect a real telescope or look for an answer to the question why wars are constantly in the Balkans. He, rather, is so concerned about his estimates that he will be completely indifferent to the content itself, for which they are exhibited.

Let's figure out what exactly bad is to inspire schoolchildren, more importantly, how well they learn, not that that they are studying. All new and new studies are argued proven that such a priority arrangement:

  1. undermines in children interest in study;
  2. inspires fear of failure;
  3. provokes to avoid difficulties;
  4. makes worse to learn.

Children lose interest in learning

When children are constantly told that they follow their own performance, the first of this, most likely, will suffer their attitude towards studying. They begin to regard the tasks themselves: stories in literature, experiments on physics, math challenges, as something, for which it is necessary to obtain estimates, and not as what they should be interested in understanding.

If it is important for us so that our children continue to learn all their lives, the fact that the stimulation of academic performance in school may forever beat the taste from the child to the very idea of \u200b\u200bstudy, should cause us reasonable concern.

No one can always be right and no one can study effectively without making mistakes and not pumped into obstacles. It became extremely important to cultivate in children healthy attitude and psychological resistance to failures. As a rule, all this is characteristic of those students for which the main thing is knowledge: mistaken, they understand what was the mistake and how to fix it. They, as a rule, retain a positive and optimistic attitude.

What you can not say about children who are concerned mainly how well they cope. While they learn successfully, at first glance everything is fine, but it's only about them to face difficulties, such children can begin to think that they are not suitable for anything, and behave as if they are not able to do anything.

Think about those schoolchildren who begin to cry, it is worth it to get instead of the usual five five with a minus. Console a child that "five with a minus is still a very good mark" or that he "next time will probably write better," it means not just not to understand the essence of the problem, but also exacerbate it, reinforcing the idea that Enable only success.

If the purpose of the student is to succeed, and not expand the framework of one's own thinking or discover something new, it will be completely logical for him only for the easiest tasks. After all, in the end, he will have a maximum of chance to succeed, well, or, at least, the least chance of failure.

Those who are involved to think about their own performance are not inclined to take the task unusual for them and check what they are capable of. Studies show that with a sufficient emphasis on the results, even the most confident students begin to consciously choose the tasks easier.

Children are not bandaged, but rather, they act rationally: adapt to the conditions where the results are important, and not new knowledge. They, as it were, tell us: "Hey, you yourself told me that the meaning of the school was to learn from the five and bring a piece of paper about how well I am. Well, I'm not stupid: the more simple the task, the sooner you get, What they wanted. So do not blame me that I choose the simplest tasks and, in the end, I do not study anything. "

The top of the irony is that parents, teachers and school reformers in the voice complain that modern children are on the path of least resistance, and at the same time they themselves rests on how the performance and evaluation are important, which predictably leads to that very result.

Quality of learning is suffering

Some children learn in order to receive certain skills, find out something new about the world, understand what they do. Opening a book, they think that they will learn from her, and not how well they read it quickly.

The paradox is that those students who cease to think about success, adapt faster to study and will be well learned. They deeper process information, return to those questions that did not understand the first time are carried out with parallels meanwhile, and what they have learned before, and more ingeniously comprehend the ideas encountered.

One of the characteristics of genuine knowledge is the possibility of transferring competence, that is, the ability to take something that you learned, and apply in the new conditions and on new tasks. In 1985, two researchers conducted an experiment with a group of eighth graders who had just had to start exploring the new learning section in natural science.

Scientists gave them a questionnaire designed to determine what children are more interested in: to understand the material or successfully pass it on the "five". A week later when children were held new MaterialThey were checked for the transfer of competence. Those who focused on the "fives" simply did not reach this criterion to classmates who were more focused on knowledge.

It is possible that, aiming for academic performance, you can achieve better estimates at least for the first time. It is possible that the student reading, working out or memorizing exactly what can get caught in the test, and in this way, only a superficial view of the material will be able to dial more points from time to time along this test. But does this prove that the installation on the performance of "works"? Or this, on the contrary, demonstrates how little, in fact, tell us the estimates and test results, and only emphasizes how those who are universally teaching our children to attach too much importance to performance?

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Highly useful article. Very often I hear from the son that he is afraid to respond at the board. What to do?

09/08/2018 11:19:08, suedova

Comment Article "What's wrong with school estimates"

What is bad in school estimates. What is so bad in the estimates? To answer this question, you must first recognize that for a person thinking how well he copes, not at all the same thing that ...


why weakly, you need to think. I told myself the same thing - other people's assessments do not concern you. Think about your knowledge, it will be more pleasant and more useful.

Ask, and your child did not care if someone had followed his success and did his own conclusions, maybe erroneous conclusions? MB of that "Blouth" child brief-teach at home without a respite, hence and success?
It is not bad that someone is overestimated to someone, but the fact that the children seem to have a fight against one, and this is a sign of unhealthy relationships in the classroom.

Score on evaluation?. Study, school. Teenagers. Education and relationships with adolescence children: Transitional senior studied at school where the creation of difficulties was a school policy. At the same time, no courses were offered, who do not like the permanent ...


Our humanitarian class Math teacher admitted that they are behind the program for 2 weeks, the material is hardly absorbed, the program is calculated 1 lesson 1 topic, the next lesson is another topic, our need more lessons for mastering the topic. In general, it is incorrect, in my opinion, little time is distinguished to the assimilation of the material.
The teacher, according to the child, a very good child, all risen, very affordably explains.

Today the newsletter came from CLK: "Dear parents! On October 24 at 19.00, the parent meeting will be held. I ask for all parents to seriously approach the question of visiting the meeting. Main question -Seruability of your children over the past time. A month and a half passed and only two students there are no current estimates "2". Let's solve the problem together. "
Well, listen, although I imagine in advance what they say there.

Estimates in school - in principle, the thing is very subjective. But three mistakes are worried, and very much. I do not see anything bad in the fact that the child approached the teacher and asked these questions. The meaning of school assessment as a kind of feedback from the teacher to the student ...


There are certain rates of estimates for different types work. In our school, every teacher has these norms at hand, and a student or parent can come up with their work and find out the situation, since the types of errors are different. In addition, the notebook periodically also checks the administration. Therefore, it is very difficult to overestimate or undress for writing work. In any case, in the younger classes we have so. But with the 8th grade you have something exactly something wrong, if it was the same test, and the girl tells the truth. In different tests from the number of questions and their types, the estimate may vary, here they look at the percentage of correctly performed tasks. For corrections can reduce the rating, if there are many of them, then the student does not know the subject well enough. You need to go to school and talk to these teachers, let them tell you the requirements for evaluation of work. There are such, unfortunately, which are rated as

03/24/2018 04:18:50, Natalia B.

I would advise the child to approach the teacher and are interested in the assessment. An adequate teacher always comments on the estimates, the teacher of the Russian language itself. And to parents to explore the provision on the quality assessment system (must be posted on the site, if not, ask the administration), it should be clearly defined by the evaluation criteria for all types of subjects and intermediate certification (the establishment of the fourth assessments). Before composing for injustice, disperse, because for 3 estimates errors can be really different: there are coarse and non-bugs, the same type, speech, grammatical, etc. The assessment may be also tied to the number of words (for example, in an essay). Agree, there is a difference: to allow 3 errors in 50 words or in 250. 3 spelling errors are three. And for 3 errors, five can not be in any way, even 2 fixes are considered as an error. Types can be, if from three two uniform errors or non-unbound. We are sure that the child tells the truth? If so, we boldly contact the administration, because neither the teacher nor the administration fulfill their direct duties. The deputy director regularly checks the notebooks both workers and control, in particular to the objectivity of estimates.

03/21/2018 18:42:59, Tatiana198

The child stopped learning. I ask for help, because I do not know how to do. The child is studying in grade 3. Until now, he studied not straining, but nothing has changed. Conversations and reasoning do not help. I can not get to the reason, I do not understand that ...


The elementary school, I think the most important step is that it depends on it, as a child will learn further, will love love and interest in education. Of course, if he didn't like it from grade 1 and was bored, it is unlikely that he will be happy to study with pleasure. My son is studying the system of the 21st century in the system, the learning process, task is very competent. And the teacher was lucky, TTT.

Create a situation for him to be absolutely necessary, only and everything. A person does not want to shoot a hand with a burner. We put the heating per unit. At first it becomes slightly warm. Then still warmer, gradually becomes hot. I would like to look at the one who never removes his hand from stubbornness. There is no such thing. And if in this case it is so - running to a psychiatrist.
What is the hand not rises? Who said that the raised hand should necessarily hurt?
Start with caress. Hand rises on her caress? Will be "warm". Then gradually and very, very slowly do "hot." And do it consistently and decisively, so that there is no doubt that it will not happen warmly.
No condemnation at the same time, only sympathy. So the world is arranged. "His bread in the sweat of his face" is a curse, by the way. So ideally should not be! But you can't do anything about it.
If it becomes hot, than you consider permissible, that is, "the hand goes down," then let the will feelings and roar. But this is already the last argument, I hope it will not reach it.
And give yourself aware that in the pair of mood the parents and with omnounced hands are more dangerous than in a good mood with raised.

Study, school. Teenagers. Education and relationships with children of adolescence: transitional age, school problems, career guidance, exams, Olympiad, EGE, preparation for the university. Actually, help in monitoring and chewing the school program.


The same trouble ??

11/20/2018 14:25:38, Elena "

The son barely screamed the troika in normal mode. Controls - 4.5. I'm tired of fighting. She said: "Your business, son. If something is incomprehensible, I will help, just ask. You're already an adult. My task to feed-drink you, wash, stroke, dress up and, forgive me, make sure you come home to 22 hours . The rest is all in your hands. " I did not sit, did not borrow my brain.
Twos with three catches, but less often. In extreme situations, mobilizes, gets "excellent." That's how we live.
But I do not psychic and he is understanding the burden of responsibility that I folded on his shoulders.

03/11/2017 19:42:21, sai

A child who is gently forced to learn is much easier than someone who is trying to force themselves. And the interest in the subject does not come at a low level of understanding, simply excluded. Deaf can't love music, blind painting.


We read age psychology :) In the younger school age, the leading activity-educational. In the youngest adolescent leading activity becomes interpersonal communication. In the sense that in priority in 6 graders, a dishevement with peers. And here just in the girl's problem. Therefore, she does not want to learn.
Do not scold, do not scare and do not let the lessons on samonek. Love, praise, spend your free time with a child, talk about everything. And do the lessons together. Immediately at arrival from work. On the desk Tea -Butherbrodes-Configuet for brain work :) - Hug, kiss and sit next to her.
It is difficult for her now, but your task is to allow gaps in knowledge. Support her year or two, and then it will go.

my girls, you are so good! thanks for the support. I now know that I have no such problem with one.
before 5 cl. This was not, she slowly, but did the lessons themselves ... Yes, Eng. And Franz, Mat were always controlled ...
i'm frightened - there is no interest in learning, there are no favorite items, she is 5, that 3 is the same .... That's what! Maybe the truth ... ms on the nose, here is her and sausage.

i hope by the time she grows up and go to vote, she will bring to her brain trolley with an additional portion :) Do not put the cross on us. A bunch of examples, when super brought up and suggestive children became sophisticated criminals or just unpleasant people .... so, your example with the button is unsuccessful.

Evaluations are excellent, but there is no knowledge. School situation. Young teacher in physics, only after the institute, the first year. There is no place to occupy. Is it a reason to complain about the teacher that the material is poorly taught? Is the school course involves training for the Olympiads?


Familiar situation. Only do nothing with a young specialist according to the law. He is studying on our children for 3 years. In theory, these 3 years should control a more experienced teacher mentor. But in fact there is no.

With regard to novice teachers, I have a positive experience. The eldest daughter had a young graduate (or even a student of senior courses) in physics, or in the 7th, or in the 8th grade. He taught well, somehow cope with children, and with the program. Daughters liked her, she managed to interest his subject.

Detention for bad marks. School problems. Child from 10 to 13. Education of a child from 10 to 13 years old: education, school problems, relationships with classmates, parents and teachers, additional classes, leisure and hobby.


I can't disseminate classes - a child professionally engaged in an illustration, visits serious and expensive courses + artist, slowly worries it already. But periodically for the main study scores and performance drops. Having deprived not the classes themselves, but drawing for the soul in your free time, selecting a graphic tablet and the usual) it turns out that the school is an additional lessons and once again lessons, the other is not allowed. Usually in a week or two children for the mind takes, the assessments corrects and for some time everything is fine again. Such dips every 3 - 4 months we have from the fatigue of the common and laziness congenital)
I do not know whether it will work at 14 - 15 years, but I hope that this age will increase responsibility.

Yes, we deprived training. The children of our very rich schedule - 2 types of sports, is painted every day. But immediately put priorities: the main thing is to study, with which, in fact, the children were according to. Therefore, as soon as in the beginning of the past or after a last year, the marks began to "slide", they warned first, they gave the term to correct the marks. If it did not help - removed from workouts until the marks are corrected. But our children are very interested in training, therefore such an option acted, so that no more than 2-3 workouts were missed for this reason. I think this may be an impact option, but not for all parents.

The bad atmosphere in the classroom (I do not agree with this, the usual teenage stiffness) takes a couple of her favorite teachers with whom she has achieved success in the subject. Despite its features. Parallels are broken into strong and weak.


Why do you need to translate the girl to another school, if you plan an appliance after the ninth. At this age, children are cruel, and make new-dyslexics in two days. Sit in this, try to take a tutor to prepare homework. If there is little money, look for a pensioner or a student.
I do not see in your situation it makes sense to change sebo on soap.

05/20/2014 11:00:29, from me

dysksik girl and dysgrafik probably? Then it is necessary to pull to the norm IMHO in a normal school - to look at the inconsistencies, maybe in the historical and philological class? IMHO nothing good in the school will not come out: (

He studied in a good gymnasium from 5 to the middle of grade 8 - there was a good, respectful atmosphere, friends, decent relations with most teachers. From 5 to 7, class studied stably with several annual three. In the eighth grade (not least ...


The child is no longer a baby, let him pass at the chosen school half a year at least, you need to learn to answer for your decisions .. Some, especially uncommunicative, any new school - will be bad initially .. I remember that he wanted to go to another school, closer to house (when we moved) and therefore studied there, despite the fact that I did not like it terribly, but after half a year I was "pulled out," and the next year we had a wonderful "cool" and I remember these years now Best for all school years ..

Let him sit at home for several months. (type, sick). And then try to break back into the gymnasium.

01/22/2014 09:28:04, Masha__usa

Section: School (overestimation of assessment at school). If you are overshadowed? The daughter graduated from grade 3, everything is wonderful - all 5. Mathematics fluctuated 4/5, but stretched out. The problems are that on 5 she knows, perhaps, only Russian, English, probably, on 4, and mathematics so at all clean ...


Mathematics can be done on the household level. Send a daughter to the store with a certain amount of money and a list of necessary, the condition to complicate several packages of milk, cottage cheese and so much gram of cheese ... and allow the remaining money to buy sweet ;-)
My two years already runs (10 years old) .. But we have a problem not with mathematics, but with a child accounting)))

Stubbornness is easily persecuted by applying skills in practice. You can-make the award, you can not - stand. What is chosen here? It is enough to entrust the practical chart for the calculation and the children will see his gaps.

Is there some more junior child - Full opposite, but already starts "learning" from his brother. I recommend that you read the book Fellana Thomas "Well, why do I prohibit everything." I have a child with light manifestations of autism (son). For him, the lack of authorities are typically.


I recommend that you read the book Fellana Thomas "Well, why do I prohibit everything." One day this situation is not corrected. It is necessary to clearly solid consistent behavior of parents, without unnecessary emotions and conversations. The author is just teaches this. I now use this method now. At the older son, he is 7 years old, too, sometimes hesitates, behaves with his parents on equal. He began to behave more firmly according to the author's method, helps! It is necessary only to parents to behave in the system.
Good luck to you

02/14/2016 17:46:09, Katyas

Raising a child from 7 to 10 years: school, relationships with classmates, parents and teachers, health, additional classes, hobbies. Son went to the 1st grade this year. The teacher says that it does not want to work at the lesson, is lazy if read is reluctant if ...


Try to sit next to my son and decompose on the shelves: this week you have to do in school that and that week ... (I write directly on paper), for it there will be something and that ... (like below \u003d Light ™ \u003d
he writes), perhaps it seems to be the shortage, but on the example of my child worked. Last year, the Son was interested in various children's magazines, stickers, we only left for it. I now remember the 1st class with horror (now the son in the second) was the same as you. In December, I generally wanted to pick it up on home schoolingbecause the child was only attended at school, but wrote only in mathematics and Russian (and not all), because and work did not exist for him at all in nature, for the entire first year he did something and drew only a couple of times, yes And then only in spring. The teacher did not press him, that is, he just sat and looked out the window, told me that he had not yet dose. I did nothing in terms of circling, shaking, paint, he even did not take this notebook. From the second half of the year they had diaries, there was no one week without comments - left the lesson before, nothing does, it does not write down, etc., I generally in shock was from all this, because The child went to school very prepared, and there should have no problems in my opinion at all. Ran by psychologists. The verdict - is not ready for school (he has frankly and teeth then the first fell only by this summer at the age of 8), for him the teacher is not authority, he does not understand the teams of adults as a decree for compulsory execution, like wait, it will speak. Now 2 class - sky and earth. Studies very easily, not straining. It works in the classroom, too, so far inactive, flies (but it is still its features of the Nebr. And psychic. Development). At 1 quarter 2 fours (Russian + from), now I think it will be an excellent student (or one four of the way), considers the most heavy subject In school drawing, there are reasons for it, he also sees the world (like the son of K.), for example, a pear on the Christmas tree :))). So look for the moves to your son, you can still go to the psychologist to calm down.

At all absolutely do not care. It is not a feeling that I could avoid "2", but as if I can't say that it was definitely bad. My same. We moved to a new school and there are school grades there for the year. The other day she took a personal matter to the next school and looked ...


IMHO, in the child incomprehensible psychological problems.
WT This "type proud" is sitting somewhere deep, there is a vulnence incomprehensible (I saw this). IMHO, talk. Maybe some psychologists will tell you where to look for the problem, but psychologists are more often with their installations, and not from realities, unfortunately.

I can not say that it is definitely bad. My same. We moved to a new school and he was there was a star in English .... I thought logically that he likes to be the first ... so he said that he could not tolerate it ... Returned to the old school. He teaches everything, there is knowledge, there are many knowledge of anything that is interested, but the estimates are average.
It seems to me just such children from us. And maybe it is not bad because they are not learning for evaluations.

The child (10 years old, grade 4) does not want to learn at all, is absolutely not interested in estimates (which is 2, that 5 can generally forget what they put). The school loves only change (communicates with classmates with pleasure), excursions (interesting!).


And what does he do because it is necessary? Not interesting, I do not want, but it is necessary?
What knows about you from what you do regularly on the basis of "Like-I don't like Foot my beauty"?
About other people from the same?
It is for what, motivation is great, it allows you to do with pleasure. But discipline is more important that it should be done to do anyway. And who does not know how to motivate himself to blame himself, then will do without pleasure. But still will be. Do. All you need. On time.
IMHO The child simply did not form an idea of \u200b\u200bthe discipline and the execution of their debt as an integral part of the life of which no one would be dealt with and avoiding.

tell him what you give him his favorite thing if he will do everything you say

11/28/2015 13:14:47, Ivan Samarin

How to find and eliminate the cause?. Education, development. The child is from 7 to 10. My daughter (today she turned 9 years old), starting from the third grade it became noticeably worse to learn. The first quarter we hoped that it was such a hard entry into account after summer holidays, but also...


Does not want to learn - and do not. Just often remind that without good estimates (it is estimates!) She will not be able to enter good universityAnd most likely, it will not be able to get a good job.
By the way, I was an excellent school, I didn't even strain me. I studied quite easily, without bunning (sometimes the docking theorem on geometry and trigonometry, to tell them at the board and get the necessary five to align the middle score. By the way, it was saved by the whole class, because the homemade theorems were asked everyone, but The scan at the board was asked as desired, and if there were no wishing, they asked anyone;). I managed to finish the music parallel. And the gold medal just helped enter the university on a preferential basis. Well, and the parents did pleasantly. That's all. More happiness or career successes did not bring me everything. Because as they said at all times: "For a woman, the main thing is to get married successfully": D

11/02/2016 19:20:03, Veronica_s

Just you have a child was visible very well prepared for school, so the first classes were easy.
I myself encountered this as a child, all objects seemed to be very simple, homework did on change, the estimates exceptionally positive received. And in the second grade began unknown to me before foreign language, and immediately 6 lessons per week. That's where problems began. It is good that in six months I took the tutor, and the problems decided. Mom also worried that "I'll get I", but I could not help themselves, because She taught another language.
I have a son, went to school at 6.5. By this time, until 20 counted and read in syllables. The first class was given hard. The second is easier. Now it became even easier, because He "learned to learn," accustomed to a large load besides the school (we have 10 addictions in the week now). And at least five of him only on drawing, work, reading, but there was no triplek and no. And I see the main progress. And glad to this. I am glad that he finally learned the multiplication table - I wanted, of course, so that he did this last year, but I remember that I also learned it for 8 years ... I was glad that the child was read at 8 years old - although hopes I had little for it, well, he did not read anyone, and then again remembered that it was at the very beginning to read at this age.
Well, etc. Avenue evenings left.
But writes as a plane. Without errors, quickly. And in lessons it is easier to write, so that behind. Now there is still homework on the change :))

Section: - Sowing (why the child is lazy in training). lazy in training? Girls I ask for advice, how do you motivate children in sports: I gave your handsome (5 years old) for figure skating, there were already 7 times. All children (almost all) the coaches listen, repeat ...


Take a pair of individual podcast. It is expensive of course, but then the leg of the child will return and the coach of the child will remember.

I also have a boy for 7 years old figure skating 4th year. The way does your boy behave on the routing, is absolutely normal for the boy of his age. Do not compare it with the same girl. As our choreographer says the difference between boys and girls about 2 years, and only by 10 years old boys catch up, and then distilled. And I completely agree with her. Only now in 7 years my son (and the rest of the boys) began to work normally in training. And girls have already worked for 5 years, and not played in training.

4 There is no preparation for admission to something prestigious
In its (long-time) experience, I would give to the first classes in the usual one, then with deepening on specializations (languages, mathematics, sports), then with what is the university to simplify the receipt
He herself studied in 3 schools. Latest - at the university. It was much easier to flow.
And most importantly, from the usual school of us 8 people passed into a special. So some were threehrite - pulled up very much. Communicated with previous classmates - there, as it was fashionable to make the opposition to the teacher, and it remains to be extended, sitting on the backs, having fun on the most rear desks, the jungle law acted.
We have - "one for all and all for one", everyone together was drawn to understand (!!) mathematics with physics, if someone did not make his homework, it was not accepted to write off, asked to explain!
When moving, I was afraid of losing old friends - from the old school, we had such a cool company .. I didn't lose, still friends)))
And in a stronger school IMHO I need to give!
This is the same as "what a difference for resumes, I worked in IP Pupkin and Co or in a corporation with international name"
In addition to knowledge of themselves, the school is already the beginning of a career.
By big account You can continue to do not bathe and work not in best places from best Terms and the social package (in the section of the school, swimming pools, repair, normal food, new parties), and just where and how you have to have enough enough.
Why not.
Question priorities.

IMHO is not bad! Last year, I gave the daughter to the usual "yard" school, despite the shortness of such a decision (from the special schools with universities :). Total I have a bunch of advantages: we go to school 5 minutes with green yards; Good teacher; Normal children, with whom in the sandboxes, played together - without a poke, ordinary intended children; no charges; And most importantly, that was a complete surprise - in class 15 people! The child fell ill for the first time in April. And all this because everyone surrounding broke into prestigious aglitsky and private schools. The only minus - the food is so-so and the toilets is not in renovation, but it is not so scary. Of course, after grade 4, we will leave there, and English will teach on the side, but the beginning is quite good. We live in a residential area, Yuza.

04/05/2007 16:10:54, Natashav

And my child is studying in the 2nd class, and the teacher is new. Praise a child. The reasons for problems with academic performance are obvious: a marasmatic program + marasmatic school she repeatedly don `t know to someone and the same question: why is my daughter such an unreasonable?


You do not have the right to scold a child for not having time to study. Only you could prepare it for school, led to prepare, hire a teacher, to deal with him. Long for school he could not go to the store and buy books. You did not even know about its level of education. You did not do it. Urgently help the child. Supplies if there is money - good teachers. Ask Teachers to help you and at least find someone who would deal with him. If he is like this - he is not to blame. Help your son. And do not blame him and teachers.

05.10.2018 07:36:14, Victoria Golubovskaya

So the summer holiday ended. The children rested, tanned, got well, and now it's time to learn. The first two weeks are relatively calm. Next, the load increases, and the mugs are added more. The child really gets tired, it is very difficult for him to teach so much material.

Most often, such problems appear in the class of the sixth. Such anxious behavior should not be ignored. The problem itself will not be resolved.

First of all, parents need to find out the reasons for this and bring bad estimates. Be sure to find hidden problems that are worried about your student. Do not blame him, punish, and even more so beating. All these terrible methods will not bring results, and it will definitely be worse.

The main reasons for refusing to study

The main reason for the abandonment of study is weak motivation or its loss. Children, because of their inexperience, do not yet understand what they need knowledge for life. They cannot figure out what to teach these uninteresting items to do complex tasks. After all, it is more interesting to drive the ball with friends, go to the river or play computer games. More acutely is the problem of high school students. If the guys see people with higher education, but, the two, which are running for a penny, then, of course, young people begin to think that study is not important.

Great role plays and school teacher. Only he will be able to interest the guys, to instill love for study and books. If the teacher himself is really fond of his subject, then students will share his interests. And the main thing is the relationship between the teacher and the student, the children respect strict and honest teachers. Now school program Very complicated, makes the guys independently search for material, think about in classes. It's really hard for a child.

And probably unwillingness to learn comes from the environment. Ask your son or daughter about relationships with comrades. Perhaps in the classroom conflicts with friends or teachers. Junior now often offend high school students, they can beat them and pick up pocket money. And the guys will be afraid to complain adults. And maybe it's a conflict with the teacher. If in the class is a tense atmosphere, then the child is constantly afraid and it affects the study. Talk to the teacher, explain the situation and maybe together you will find a way out of the problem.

And maybe the reason lies in your family. Think how you communicate how lessons are done, look at the home atmosphere. Maybe the problem comes from home.

But maybe such that the child is really tired. Not only are there a lot of homework, and additional circles and classes hang on the child. Very often, children want to be the best in the class and the more they apply effort, the stronger the intellectual and physically depleted. In this case, consult a psychologist, a specialist will send you to the right directionAnd you forget about the problem.

What interests need to take into account the child to study

Be sure to take into account the natural abilities and the interests of the child. Perhaps he is really not interested in mathematics, but there is a gift to writing poems. Be sure to give it to a circle of interest, so, in the company, study will be easily and relaxed.

Never, under no circumstances do not humiliate the child, do not tell him the offensive words, which soon regret. By this you lower his self-esteem. There are parents who give money for good marks. This is an absolutely wrong way to get out of this situation. So, the student will never understand true pleasure from studies.

Try to understand your child and together you will overcome all the difficulties.

What prevents the child from becoming a successful student? ABOUT possible reasons tells expert of the Association of Organizations for the Development of Humanistic Psychology in Education Anastasia Kuznetsova.

Julia Borta, many children lose interest in school already literally after September 1st. The holiday ended, you need to learn, but there is no desire. Performing homework turns into torment for the whole family. What to do?

Anastasia Kuznetsova: Have you ever wondered: what is the task elementary school and first class, in particular, if parents and teachers, preschoolers taught the child to everything, which is still in children's garden? Based on your own professional and maternal experience, I will say this: a strategic task - a common effort to do everything possible to in new role Pupil The child felt successful. It is from this personal feeling that his attitude to study will depend on all subsequent years. Will he continue to education after school, how will he pass his ege, what will be the basis of his life - the motivation of achievements or movement towards? Answers to all these questions begin to emerge literally from the first school steps of your Chad. Motivation is an internal motivation to action, "answer" for the need. Create B. learning activities The situation of meeting the needs of the child in activities, development, recognition - and motivation to study will arise naturally.

- But how does a child believe in yourself, if one day he failed?

- For this, adults should show an example of attitudes towards failure as experience, and to an error, like a "point of growth". And it is very important to give a child to understand between the 4th and 13 years. It is during this period that the behavior aimed at success is formed. The child is constantly in a situation of overcoming difficulties and solving problems. It is very important that at this time it has been formed and the "starting point of reference" has been fixed - a solid faith in itself and its own strength.

It happens that, trying to avoid failure, the child analyzes all possible obstacles, looking for ways to bypass, first deviate from the course, and then forgets it at all, where and why was it. It turns out a paradoxical situation - I am constantly mistaken precisely because I really try not to make a mistake ...

- Is everyone a child able to achieve success?

- Regardless of what parents are engaged in the future first, they should always be set by the goal - the formation of a child aimed at success. There are several rules.

  1. Do together with the child what is interesting to you and him. Strive to achieve success. Then the child will see how an adult behaves and try to do the same.
  2. Openly show that you are experiencing pleasant emotions from success as a result of the efforts.. Then the child, imitating you, will rejoice. Do not forget to praise and encourage it. It is the positive emotions that the baby is experiencing is based on the emerging motivation of success! The more often the child is experiencing them, the sooner the behavior is fixed to successfully.
  3. Pick up such tasks so that the child can not only use its intellectual opportunities and existing skills, but also learned the creative search, found non-obvious answers. For example, an alternative to mathematical exercises and reading can be solved and inventing mysteries, participation in family competitions (for example, who knows the names of sweets), of various types Games that you will play together.
  4. Do not stand all the time to give in to the child to deliver him pleasure and joy and avoid tears. His victory must be real, only then he will feel her unique "taste." And false children feel all the same.
  5. Teach a child to lose. If you won the game, not a child, show him an example of a noble attitude towards the loser. Explain to the child's meaning of saying: the one who does nothing is not mistaken! Let it become your common credo.

(On the example of learning reading)

Each child from birth is endowed with thirst for knowledge. He wants to do discoveries, he wants to learn a new one, wants to know the world around him in all its glory and diversity. To school, he comes with the desire to learn and cooperate with teachers.

What is the result of this process, in addition to the practical acquaintance of knowledge, one of the important parties is the joy of knowledge, the joy of discoveries. Such joy drives the child infinitely, he seeks to know the new and new one.

But often B. modern schools The joy of the knowledge of the new in children is fading, the desire to learn is becoming less and less. Why is this happening

Consider on the read example. In 4-5 years, children often want to go to school. They see how older brothers and sisters go there or familiar from the yard. They hear this magic word "school", they say that they will learn a lot of new things there. The whole world around him one way or another hints at school. And the children, as we know, can very well allocate the desired from the surrounding context. Therefore, the child is waiting for school, it is waiting for it to learn to read and write - after all, this is the skills of adults, and you want to grow up in childhood almost everyone. Of course, a child can express his desires in different form And talk about them in different ways. But all children have an unconscious desire for development.

What happens in school at school reading skills and practical reading are separated from each other. Reading learning is built so that the child must first travelery the reading skills, and later - to move to a meaningful reading, read interesting texts, draw useful information from them.

That is, in school it is called learning to read and writing, although in fact, it is only training for reading and writing skills. At the same time, reading is a holistic act, which includes not only skills, but also other important skills (understanding, awareness, analysis, synthesis, etc.). Moreover, these skills should not be scattered. A synthesis should occur in a single whole - and then you can talk about the ability to read in the full sense of the word.

Education to the skills of letters in the separation from other skills is just the process that occurs in many schools.

Let's consider an example:

We want to teach a child to ride a bike. We can put it on the chair, give him a hand wheel (separate from the bike) and start learning it to steer, turn and control the bike. Agree - it's stupid and will not give him ride skills and bicycle management. Therefore, we are sitting him on a real bike, explain how to slow down, say "Podals!" And then we guide and support. And the specific skills of the bike control, it is already in the process of the ride itself, when it tries to go. All his body and mind snatch the desired skills from the surrounding context. All skills themselves are automatically synthesized into a single ability to control the bike. This brings the joy of knowledge, and such a skill is understandable at the level of the body and emotions - why it is necessary. "I'm going, I can, I learned !!".

We do not need to explain to the child, why we planted it on the chair and gave an unreal steering wheel into the hands. We generally do not need to explain from where it will apply this skill. When a child rides on a real bike - and so everything is clear and understandable.

What happens in school is the same as with a chair and steering wheel. Such an expected, exciting and magical learning process reading suddenly turns into the same steering wheel on the chair. It becomes complex and incomprehensible.

The baby works, tries, studies the letters and now, finally, barely read its first sentence. "Masha Soap Rama." Who is such a masha which frame why she is her soap

As the reading process, which was able to do with such a vectors, can make it a diligent and distract from more fascinating cases, spectacles, games, communication

Well, the process of assimilation of the skill may be, he sets the stimulus of its developing functions unfortunately, the process also does not have a child to himself. This is a monotonous repetition of one and the same meaningless action. "At home, read this text ten times until you learn to read running!" - Teacher task the task. And mom's homes controls the execution of the task. She sits nearby, corrects, helps, but indignant, angry, loses self-control, seeing how the child does not understand such a "simple" thing, as he can not understand what the word works

The child's expectations are not justified. There is a sense of decease and disappointment. Boredom appears, contrass learning. And this happens not only with reading, but also with all other objects. The child needs to learn a huge amount of information, without seeing her practical application in life.

I would also add that today it is a problem not only schools, but centers early Developmentwhich from 3-4 years old are preparing children to school. It is taught to read as described above, it is taught to write in the sets of sticks and rowing a number by side by side, motivating this hand formulation - while these knowledge is completely divorced from their practical application.

Prepared on materials S.A. Amonashvili and Ya.S. Gogebashvili, the classics of pedagogy, which in 1865 released his first "Georgian alphabet and an initial reading book."