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The most prestigious universities in the world. What is the best university in the world

Experts conducted an assessment of the level of education and according to the results amounted to the country's university rating, which was called "100 best universities in Russia."

All the best Russian universities are already defined.

June twententy of this year, universities of Russia will open their doors and start accepting applications from applicants. Most schoolchildren have already decided on what Russian universities they will first come, but if they cannot do there, where they want, they will have four more attempts, because schoolchildren can send applications to just 5 institutions.

The main thing for applicants, it is in advance to decide on spare universities, if suddenly in the most desirable will not work.

In the selection of university, every schoolboy will be able to help our highlights of universities are referred to as "100 best universities in Russia." Over the past 3 years, the first twenty places have not changed almost not changed.

Top 100 best universities in Russia 2015 and 2016.

100 place: Russian New University.

099 Location: Astrakhan State technical University.

098 Location: Medical Institute "Reabing".

097 Place: Kuban State Technological University.

096 Location: Kabardino-Balkar State. University of Hmm. Berbekova.

095 Place: Tyumen State. medical Academy.

094 Location: Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov.

093 Location: St. Petersburg State. Technological Institute (Technical University).

092 Location: South-West State University.

091 Location: Perm State. National Research University.

090 Location: Kursk State. medical University.

089 Location: Tyumen State University.

088 place: Omsk State Technical University.

087 Location: Ural State University of Communications.

086 Location: Tomsk State Pedagogical University.

085 Location: Baltic Federal University named after Immanuel Kant.

084 Location: Siberian State. Aerospace University named after Academician M.F. Reshetnyova.

083 Location: St. Petersburg State. University of aerospace instrument making.

082 Location: Altai State. Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

081 Location: Saratov State. Medical University named after V.I. Razumovsky.

080 place: Volgograd state. medical University.

079 Location: Saratov State. University named after N.G. Chernyshevsky.

078 Location: Moscow Pedagogical State. University.

077 Location: Moscow State. University of Railway Transport.

076 Location: Ural State. Legal University.

Another 75 institutions of the best universities in Russia!

075 Location: Irkutsk National Research Technical University.

074 Location: Omsk State. medical University.

073 Location: Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics.

072 Location: Belgorod State. National Research University.

071 Location: Volgograd State University.

070 Location: St. Petersburg State. University of Architectural and Construction.

069 Location: Izhevsk State. Technical University named after M.T. Kalashnikova.

068 Location: Altai State. Technical University named after I.I. Polzunova.

067 Location: Nizhny Novgorod State. Technical University named after R.E. Alekseeva.

066 Location: Mordovian State. University named after N.P. Ogarev.

065 Location: Samara State. University.

064 Location: Moscow Automobile and Road State. Technical University (Madi).

063 Location: Kazan Nats. Research Technical University named after A.N. Tupolev-kai.

062 Location: Kazan Nats. Research Technological University.

061 Location: Belgorod State. Technological University named after V.G. Shukhov.

060 Location: Moscow State University of Construction University.

059 Location: Moscow State. University of Thin Chemical Technologies named after M.V. Lomonosov.

058 Location: Northeast Federal University M.K. Ammosova.

057 Location: Altai State. University.

056 Location: Voronezh State. N.N. Medical University Burdenko.

055 Location: Ural State. medical University.

054 Location: Samara State. Technical University.

053 Location: Perm National Research Polytechnic University.

052 Location: Petrozavodsky State. University.

051 Location: State University of Management.

Top 50 best universities in Russia in reverse order.

050 Place: National Research University Mim.

049 Location: Samara State. medical University.

048 Location: South Ural State University (NiU).

047 Location: Ufa State. Oil Technical University.

046 Location: Northwest State. honey. University named after I.I. Mechnikov.

045 Location: Ural State. mining University.

044 Location: Russian Chemical Technology University named after D.I. Mendeleeva.

043 Location: Moscow State. Technological University "Stankin".

042 Location: Russian State. Pedagogical University named after A.I. Herzen.

041 Place: Tyumen State. Oil and Gas University.

040 Location: Voronezh State. University.

039 Location: Far Eastern Federal University.

038 Location: Moscow State. Medical and Dental University named after A.I. Evdokimova.

037 Location: Moscow State. Law University named after O.E. Kutafina.

036 Location: Tomsk State. University of Management Systems and Radioelectronics.

035 Location: All-Russian Academy of Foreign Trade of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation.

034 Location: St. Petersburg State. the University of Economics.

033 Location: Russian State. humanitarian University.

032 Location: Nizhny Novgorod State University named after N.I. Lobachevsky.

031 place: Kazan State. honey. University.

030 place: Siberian state. honey. University.

029 Location: Southern Federal University.

028 Location: Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University).

027 Location: Samara State. Aerospace University named after Academician S.P. Korolev (NiU).

026 Location: St. Petersburg State. Electrotechnical University "La" named after V.I. Ulyanova (Lenin).

Of the best 100 universities of Russia, 25 educational institutions are left!

025 Location: First St. Petersburg State. honey. University of Academician I.P. Pavlova.

024 Location: First Moscow State. honey. University named after I.M. Sechenov.

023 Place: Russian Economic University named after GV Plekhanov.

022 Location: St. Petersburg National Research University information technologies, Mechanics and optics.

021 Location: Russian Friendship University of Peoples.

020 Location: Novosibirsk State. Technical University.

019 Location: National Research University "MEI".

018 Location: Kazan (Volga) Federal University.

017 Location: National Research University of Misis.

016 Location: Russian State University of Oil and Gas named after I.M. Gubkin.

015 Location: Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation.

014 Place: Siberian Federal University.

013 Location: National Research Tomsk State. University.

012 Location: Russian Academy of National Economy and State. Services under the President of the Russian Federation.

011 Location: St. Petersburg Polytechnic University of Peter Great.

Universities of Russia entered the top 10 of the best universities of the country.

010 place: Ural Federal University named after the first president of Russia B.N. Yeltsin.

009 Location: Novosibirsk National Research State. University.

008 Location: Moscow State. Institute of International Relations (University) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation.

007 Location: National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University.

006 Location: St. Petersburg State. University.

005 Location: National Research University " high school Economy. "

004 Location: Moscow State. Technical University named after N.E. Bauman.

Top 3 out of the 100 best universities in Russia remained unchanged!

003 Location: National Research Nuclear University "MIII".

002 Location: Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (State University).

001 Location: Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov.

MSU on 1 place in the ranking of Top Universities in Russia.

MSU ranks first in the ranking '100 best universities of Russia'!

Rating of medical universities in Russia 2015 and 2016.

16th place: Medical Institute "Reabing".

15th place: Tyumen State. medical Academy.

14th place: Kursk State. medical University.

13th place: Altai State. medical University.

12th place: Saratov State. Medical University named after V.I. Razumovsky.

11th place: Volgograd State. medical University.

Top 10 best medical universities in Russia!

10th place: Omsk State. medical University.

09 Location: Voronezh State. N.N. Medical University Burdenko.

08 Location: Ural State. medical University.

07 Location: Samara State. medical University.

06 Location: Northwest State. honey. University named after I.I. Mechnikov.

05 Location: Moscow State Medical and Dental University named after A.I. Evdokimova.

04 Location: Kazan State. honey. University.

03 Location: Siberian State. honey. University.

02 Location: First St. Petersburg State. honey. University of Academician I.P. Pavlova.

01 Location: First Moscow State. honey. University named after I.M. Sechenov.

Rating of universities in Moscow 2015 and 2016

13th place: Moscow Pedagogical State. University.

12th place: Moscow State. University of Railway Transport.

11th place: Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics.

10th place: Moscow Automobile and Road State. Technical University (Madi).

09 Location: Moscow State University of Construction University.

08 Location: Moscow State University of Thin Chemical Technologies named after M.V. Lomonosov.

07 Location: Moscow State. Medical and Dental University named after A.I. Evdokimova.

06 Location: Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University).

05 Location: First Moscow State. honey. University named after I.M. Sechenov.

04 Location: Moscow State. Institute of International Relations (University) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation.

03 Location: Moscow State. Technical University named after N.E. Bauman.

02 Location: Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (State University).

01 Location: Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov.

Rating of universities SPB 2015 and 2016

9th place: St. Petersburg State. Technological Institute (Technical University).

8th place: St. Petersburg State. University of aerospace instrument making.

7th place: St. Petersburg State. University of Architectural and Construction.

6th place: St. Petersburg State. the University of Economics.

5th place: St. Petersburg State. Electrotechnical University "La" named after V.I. Ulyanova (Lenin).

4th place: First St. Petersburg State. honey. University of Academician I.P. Pavlova.

3 place: St. Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics.

2nd place: St. Petersburg Polytechnic University of Peter Great.

1st place: St. Petersburg State. University.

Why is it worth getting a higher education in one of the 100 best universities in Russia?

Higher education will not make a genius of you, it will not help you get on good work, it will not even increase your salary, of course, if the university is not included in the 100 best universities in Russia, though many even the best universities will not help, but it is worth being offended.

During training in the university, you have free time to develop yourself and your interests. After school it is hard to decide what you want to actually do. A very rare person, bowl of all who possesses some talents, sings, draws sees clearly what he wants. If nature has tried you with talents, do not be discouraged, enter into one of the above universities, and there it is time for meditation.

Do you have many friends? Believe me, if you are not sociopath, you will expand the circle of friends for hundreds of people, and one of them, perhaps, will be a true friend for you for all your life. In any case, experience from communicating with those who refused degradation is very useful.

The ability to negotiate! There will be moments when you have to go to the teacher to negotiate. No, do not give a bribe, but to agree to pass the credit / exam later, but in the back to put an assessment now. In life, the ability to find mutual language And be able to come to compromise important.

Dorm, like a second house. To live in a hostel cool, although the fifth rate is very dirty. However, she will teach you independence. Prepare, wash and clean the room will be a five-minute trifle for you. People with whom you will live can teach you to drink beer, and can write software code, to solve you.

And the latter is self-esteem. Very strange plus, from the diploma, but still. Especially if you have learned in one of the 100 best universities in Russia and your diploma is red, then be proud of doubly pleasant.

Universities from the "One hundred best universities of Russia" rating.

First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov took the first place in the ranking "The Best Medical Universities of Russia", besides this, he took 5th place in the "100 best universities of Moscow" rating and 24th place in the "100 best universities of Russia" rating!

The famous educational institution of Moscow State University in the whole country ranks first in the ranking "100 best universities in Moscow", as well as the first place in the "100 best universities of Russia" rating!

Readers are represented the best universities in the world 2016according to the British edition of Times Higher Education, which conducted a global study among higher educational institutions.

University of Chicago, USA) opens the top ten of the best higher educational institutions in the world 2016. Today, the University of Chicago operates 12 scientific institutions and 113 research centers. It was here very much important discoveries: The world's first nuclear chain reaction is produced; The hereditary predisposition of people to oncological diseases; The statement is substantiated about the positive impact of reading the classical literature on the human brain. Also, graduates of Chicago University developed a modern doctrine of the US military-political course. 89 Nobel laureates worked or worked here.

(Eth Zürich - Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich, Switzerland) occupies a ninth place in the ranking of the best universities in the world 2016. It is famous for its curriculum and scientific developers in the field of engineering, technology, mathematics and natural sciences. In the film Etz Zürich 21, the Nobel Prize, received by its graduates and professors, including the 1921 physics premium, which was awarded Albert Einstein.

(Imperial College London, United Kingdom) In 2016, took the eighth line in the list of the best educational institutions in the world. It is famous for its engineering and medical specialties. Among the well-known graduates of the Imperial College of Nobel laureates, among which the inventor of Penicilina Sir Alexander Fleming, the inventor of Holography Dennis Gabor, Sir Norman Khovort for its research of carbohydrates and vitamin C.

(Princeton University, USA) is located on the seventh line in the top ten world universities 2016. The Laboratory of Princeton University is surprised by the breadth of development in different types scientific activity. The opening of the fractional quantum effect of Hall belongs to Princeton's graduate Daniel Tsui, who received the Nobel Prize for him. Research in the field of mathematics John Nash produced a revolution in the theory of games, which became the basis of a separate industry in the experimental economy. Princeton scientists were able to cross the velocity barrier by refuting Einstein's theory. They were also able to increase productivity solar batteries by 175%, which will allow in the future to solve issues with the energy crisis. Over the years of existence, this university raised 35 laureates of the Nobel Prize, including John Nash (Mathematics) and Richard Feynman (physics).

Harvard University, USA) takes the sixth position in the ranking of the best universities 2016. Graduates of the legendary Harvard are outstanding figures, businessmen, politicians, other creative personalities. Among them are eight US presidents, including John Kennedy, Barack Obama. Also popular hollywood stars Matt Damon, Natalie Portman. Mark Zuckerberg also studied at Harvard - Facebook Founder. Bill Gates, who was deducted for the impressability, but still after a few years he received a diploma. But his companion Steve Balker managed to successfully finish her studies at Harvard. Ukrainian figures were also studied in the educational institution: Orest Substory, Grigory Grabovich, Yuri Shevchuk.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA) is located in the middle of the rating of the best universities in the world of 2016. It is here that innovative studies are underway in the areas of robotics, information technologies, artificial Intelligence, Economics and Mathematics. At the Institute, research centers are functioning on the whole world - Lincoln Laboratory, engaged in technological developments With the sphere of national security, the laboratory of artificial intelligence and informatics, the laboratory of the Cambridge electronic accelerator. At the same time, about 11,000 students are studying at the same time, of which foreigners are 10-15%. Training lead about 1,500 teachers.

University of Cambridge, United Kingdom) located on the fourth line on the list of the best higher education institutions 2016. It is especially famous for its successes in the Louis of Exact Sciences and Medicine. No other university of the world presented the planet so many Nobel Prize laureates as Cambridge. 88 graduates and university teachers received this prestigious academic award. 29 of them received awards in physics, 25 - in medicine, 21 - in chemistry, 9 - in the economy, 2 - in the literature and one - the premium of the world. Here were the famous Medieval scientists, such as Isaac Newton and Francis Bacon. It was in Cambridge that the creators of modern nuclear physics were taught and engaged in research - Lord E. Rutherford, N. Bor and J. R. Oppenheimer.

Stanford University, USA) opens the top three of the best universities in the world 2016. It is known for its innovations in the field of high-tech industry. It is considered a global research center and a giant in network technologies. Place known by birth of such branded companies as Facebook, Apple, Xerox, Hewlett-Packard. Many startups are created here and the future of the IT industry is determined.

University of Oxford, United Kingdom) takes the second line in the ranking of the best higher education institutions 2016. The main directions educational activities University is considered humanitarian, mathematical, physical and social sciences, as well as medicine. In Oxford University, a huge amount of discoveries in the field of cosmology is happening - the study of Mars, the trajectory of movement of the galaxies (for example, it was found that our galaxy would face Andromeda's galaxy), the development of the theories of the universe. In particular, in 2013, scientists of the Oxford University opened a "glass planet" of which the surface of which was covered with an analogue of our globe.

California Institute of Technology, USA) heads the ranking of the best universities in the world 2016. Abbreviated sounds like Kaltech. It belongs to the laboratory of the reactive movement, which launches most of the automatic spacecraft of NASA. Caltech remains a relatively small university in which about 1000 students and 1200 graduate students study. 31 laureate of the Nobel Prize is connected with Caltech anyway. Of these, 17 graduates and 18 professors. 65 people from graduates and teachers received the US National Scientific Medal or National Medal in Technology and Innovation, 112 people were elected to the members of the National Academies of Sciences.

Us the status of a university affects enough factors: the quality of education, the number of Nobel laureates, special programs, scientific work, Prizes and many others. But there are institutions that are leading in all respects. You will learn about them now.

Harvard University

The oldest and one of the most famous US universities. It was founded on September 8, 1636. Located in the city of Cambridge, Massachusetts. More than forty Nobel laureates, politicians and businessmen (Theodore Roosevelt, Barack Obama, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg) studied in his walls. Training cost: about $ 40,000 per year. It has the largest donation fund among universities in the world (37.6 billion dollars). Web site

Stanford University

Private university in the United States, which is one of the most prestigious in the United States and in the world. It appeared relatively recently - in 1891 and settled near the city of Palo Alto, in California. It was created for the purpose of upbringing not just educated, but also in demand in the labor market of graduates, so the orientation for public benefits remains in Stanford to this day. That is why among graduates of the university, many innovators and inventors who made great changes to our world (Ilon Mask (really he did not graduate), Larry Page, Sergey Brin). Web site

The prestigious educational institution, famous not only to the quality of teaching, but also a stunning international atmosphere, as it is studying in it a large number of Students from around the world. Founded in 1701. Located in New Haven, in Connecticut. Training cost: about $ 40,500 per year. Among the university graduates you can find out the leaders of various countries of the world, as well as well-known public figures, scientists and entrepreneurs (George Bush, John Kerry, Meryl Streep, John Templton) Website

Oxford University

One of the oldest universities in Europe and the real pride of the British education system. The cherished dream of thousands of students from around the world. Exact date The founding of the University of Oxford is unknown, but training in Oxford was conducted in 1096. Located in Oxford, in County Oxfordshire, England. So far, Oxford keeps its traditions and a premium level of education. Cost of learning: about $ 14,000 per year. Among famous graduates: Lews Carroll, John Tolkin, Margaret Thatcher and Tony Blair. Web site

Cambridge university

A truly legendary educational institution is the oldest in Europe after Oxford. The university grew out of the collection of scientists of the city of Cambridge (Cambridgeshire County), which was formed, judging by the annals, in 1209. No University of Peace boasts any number of Nobel laureates as in this equal to eighty eight. Famous graduates: Isaac Newton, Charles Darwin, Francis Bacon, James Maxwell, Vladimir Nabokov, Frederick Senger. Cost of training: about $ 14,000 per year.Web site

University in the United States with a brilliant academic reputation, which attracts talented students from around the world. Founded in 1746, in Princeton, New Jersey. Training cost: about $ 37,000 per year. US President - Woodrow Wilson, actress - Brooke Shields, as well as the first Lady of the USA - Michelle Obama. Web site

Columbia University

University in New York, raising a lot of talented graduates in the most different areas. Among them - forty three Nobel laureate, three presidents, as well as world-famous writers and public figures. Founded in 1754, in New York. Training cost: about $ 45,000 per year. Outstanding graduates: Franklin Delaware Roosevelt, Mikhail Saakashvili, Warren Buffett, Jerome Sallinger, Hunter Thompson, Barack Obama, Catherine Bigelou.

To the question "Who do you want to become when you grow up?" Attempts to answer every child from the young age. Parents want their offspring to receive a decent education, and then highly paid work. In order to become successful in the future, it is necessary to complete any of the institutions included in the list of prestigious universities in Russia. After all, the best educational institutions, as a rule, are produced by decent professionals. Preparing qualified doctors, military, architects, musicians and representatives of other professions.

Multidisciplinary educational institutions

Where to start a list of "the most prestigious universities Russia "? The top 5 of the best universities include the following:

  1. Moscow State University named after M. V. Lomonosov. The legendary university, to get into which is dreaming absolutely every applicant. For receipt it requires the highest points of EGE. Here annually receive education fifty thousand students from Russia and other countries. This university gives education in the field of medicine, philosophy, jurisprudence, economics, etc. Paid training in Moscow State University. M. V. Lomonosov is the most expensive in Russia.
  2. SPbSU. Despite the fact that this educational institution is state, the learning process is built on unique standards. St. Petersburg State University issues a diploma of a European sample. High level of scientific theoretical and practical activityThe library numbering seven million books - all this allowed him to take the second line in the list of "the most prestigious universities of Russia." Total twenty-four faculties in this university. An important feature St. Petersburg State University is that he is the only one of all Russians in a significant association of leading European universities - the Coimbra group.
  3. MGIMO. Prestigious universities of Russia, as a rule, have a deep story. So, MGIMO began independent activities in 1944. Up to this point, he functioned on the basis of Moscow State University. The main direction of the university - international relationships. Institute is known high levels required for admission passing point And the highest cost of learning. Paid training here is more than four hundred thousand rubles per year. It is possible to enroll in MGIMO on preferential terms, but for this it is necessary to win in the Melniki and Umnikni Show-Olympiad. MGIMO is present in the Guinness Book of Records as a university with the most large quantity taught languages. In total, they are trained in fifty three languages.
  4. MSTU named after N. E. Bauman. This is the best technical university of the country. Like all the prestigious universities of Russia, MSTU them. Bauman has a lot of advantages and awards. This educational institution works in accordance with international standards Training, thanks to which awarded the "European Quality" premium. In MSTU, you can get an education in different areas. Total seventy five specialties here. The university has a research status, since his students constantly practice their knowledge in engineering and design, nanotechnology, cosmic developments, as well as search for innovative methods of combating terrorism.
  5. Mythi.. The basis for the creation of the National Research Nuclear Institute was the active military operations of the twentieth century. But before it was called the mechanical institute of ammunition. Then - engineering and physical. Today, the scientific research activities of students use a nuclear reactor and another modern equipment. At the Institute, you can get an education for eleven faculties.

Medical education

Prestigious make up a small list. The top three of the best higher educational institutions that produce professional doctors include:

  1. MGMU them. I. M. Sechenov. Founded in 1758. It has six faculties, an extensive library, its own museum, volunteering center, and so on.
  2. National Medical University. N. I. Pirogova.This university was created in 1903. Students are trained here in seven directions. The university is fully equipped with modern multimedia and computer devices. Such equipment allows you to regularly carry out visual classes, scientific conferences and cultural events.
  3. St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical Academy.

Military education

Leading modern military leaders at one time ended the prestigious military universities of Russia. The best for future officers are considered:

  1. Military Academy RVSN. This university was founded in 1820. Students of the Academy are held by the largest scientific and technical research.
  2. Naval Academy Founded in 1827. Here he studied the head of the main headquarters of the Navy Tatarinov, hero Soviet Union Chernavin and other famous personalities.
  3. Mikhailovskaya Military Artillery Academy. This is the oldest Academy of St. Petersburg, famous for great teachers (inventor Chernov, Designer Lerder) and famous graduates (Przhevalsky military leader, Tretyakov designer).

Legal education

Prestigious give quality education. Decide with its civil position, learn to express it, taking into account current laws, will help at the Faculties of the universities mentioned above, and in some educational institutions:

  1. Moscow State University (Law Faculty). Students of this faculty have the opportunity to get the best in Russia.
  2. MGU.. University, which is functioning in more than eighty five years. Gives necessary knowledge And teaches them to practice.
  3. University of Friendship Peoples. With the nineties in the walls of this university, legal disciplines are trained.

Musical education

Creative professions have always been considered the most popular with applicants. Everyone wants to shine on stage and have crowds of fans. In order to succeed, you must first do and graduate with a higher educational institution. Prestigious universities of Russia in the field of music:

  1. Moscow State Conservatory. Tchaikovsky.
  2. State Conservatory. Roman Corsakov in St. Petersburg.
  3. Russian Academy of Music. Gnesinic.

Teacher Education

In order to teach someone to something, you should first get a decent education. The best universities in the field of pedagogy not only give relevant knowledge, but also bring up love and respect for their profession. Those who wish to associate their lives with pedagogy, it is recommended to act in Moscow State University or RGPU. No less worthy give in regional universities: TSU, IGU, NSU.

Sports education

On the way to the world professional sports It is necessary to go through many difficulties. To achieve the desired result, it should not only do a lot of physically, but also get a decent education. The prestigious sports universities of Russia are very carefully suited to their work. The list of the best higher educational institutions in this area includes: RSU physical culture, sports, youth and tourism, MGA Sports and Physical Culture and Moscow Institute of Sports and Physical Culture.

Almost every graduate of the mid-educational school seeks to enter the university. And, of course, than the prestigious university, the more prestigious will be a diploma, and perhaps work. It is not difficult to guess that Moscow universities are most popular with the greatest popularity of yesterday's schoolchildren, the training in which allows not only to get a good education European Standard, but also get a prestigious work in the capital of Russia.

To have a diploma higher education It was always prestigious. Moreover, during the Soviet Union, this was a guarantee that, after the end of the training, a specialist would be able to get a good "unwanted" job. And have two or three higher education - it was meant to earn great respect from relatives and friends.

Today, a diploma does not guarantee a diploma for the higher education of successful employment, but, nevertheless, almost every graduate of the mid-educational school seeks to enter the university. And, of course, than the prestigious university, the more prestigious will be a diploma, and perhaps work. It is not difficult to guess that the greatest popularity of yesterday's schoolchildren enjoyed, training in which it allows not only to get a good education of the European Standard, but also get a prestigious work in the capital of Russia.

Top 10 most prestigious universities in Moscow

Every year B. state universities, institutes and academies of Moscow (which are more than hundreds) take applicants from Russia and other countries. For those who wish to choose a really prestigious university, sociologists regularly constitute the rating of the most popular state universities in Moscow. The top 10 of the best universities of 2013-2014 looks like this:

  1. - This educational institution is sometimes called practically unacceptable. In him, as a rule, only children of large businessmen and well-known politicians come to. For admission to MGIMO, you need to have not only perfect eME results, but also to pass a full-time exam in the university itself. I am glad that there are budget places. Some of them can take the winners of the Olympiad.
  2. - This university is considered the best higher educational institution of Moscow on technical specialization.
  3. - One of the best universities in Russia, specializing in international relations and finance, international law and foreign trade management.
  4. - It is considered the leading university of Russia specializing in the training of specialists for the judicial system.
  5. - One of the largest universities of Russia whose specialization covers humanitarian, socio-economic sciences, as well as computer science and mathematics.
  6. - It is included in the "Great Troika" of Moscow universities, and is one of the best higher educational institutions in Eastern Europe, specializing in jurisprudence.
  7. - is the most prestigious medical university Moscow. Whatever enough, but this is the only medical school, which generally hit the list of the best universities in Moscow.
  8. - The fall of this university to the rating of prestigious many is surprising. It can be assumed that this university was in the ranking due to the fact that in 2012, only 42 students were enrolled at its budget department. This establishment, as well as Medical University, is the only representative of its specialization in the ranking of the prestigious universities of Moscow (the Russian language institution specializes in the preparation of Russian language teachers as a foreign language).
  9. - university, which throughout recent years considered one of the most elite. However, this year he lost his position in the ranking. And this despite the fact that it became more complicated to enter it. It is noteworthy that almost half of budget places in this university are the winners of the Olympiad.
  10. - closes the top 10 most prestigious universities in Moscow. It can be done without any ideal marks on the USE (passing score about 85.2). At the same time, the competition for the budget is relatively small - in 2012 to the faculty government controlled There was a contest of thirty people in one place, world politics - twenty-eight, and the Geographical Faculty was the most unclaimed - only two people in place.