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Hollywood stars Russophobes. Russian TV called the main Russophobes in the United States. Provocation like grafting

Russophobia is a term meaning negative attitude towards Russia and in general to everything that is associated with Russian. For the first time, according to researchers, the term "Russophobia" used the poet Fedor Tyutchev, who opposed it to Pancalavism. And this term is still used. Due to the international situation, many countries began to relate to Russia and Russian people are more hostile. And below will be a list of those countries in which the most developed Russophobia.

During the studies, it was found that in the textbooks of the history of Azerbaijan, it is very often possible to meet a biased attitude towards Russia and Russian people. With any mention of Russian people, only negative epithets are used for type: "cruel", "greedy" and so on. When the enemies are mentioned, only Russian people use in their images. From this we can conclude that the children in the schools of Azerbaijan will promote hatred of Russia. This study was engaged in a student of one of the University of Turkey.

The Baltic state of Lithuania began to express the claims of Russia for a long time. And according to Professor of Vilnius University, the tense relations between these two countries reached a peak during the Georgian-Russian conflict. Then, after the oil pipeline was carried out bypassing this state, it began to be called non-relevant environmentally friendly standards and express other discontent towards the oil pipeline.

Here the case about Russophobia is two. Eastern Ukraine refers to the Russians much more positively than the western one. According to research and polls in the eastern part of the country, about 80% of people are ready to accept Russians as Ukrainian residents and only 5% relate to them negatively. In the Western part, 20% of respondents have a negative attitude towards Russia.

Recently, Russophobia in Latvia increases increasingly. Residents of this country since childhood, from school years hear and talked to the fact that Russian cruel and aggressive. Many wish to see Russia weak, destroyed by the country. In this Baltic state, a film called the Soviet Story, which was named in character as the propaganda of Russophobia was removed. And he was offered to show in all schools.

Many people in Poland still have the views that Russia is an enemy. The permanent sections of the Poland territory in which the USSR participated. Russophobia has become a valid part of Polish culture. Russian people completely put in contrast to Polish, and not in the brightest form. Russia for Poles - the country of aggression, slavery, maliciousness and cruelty.

The main reason for the hatred of Czechs to Russia is the suppression of "Prague Spring", when in 1968 the USSR and the countries of the Warsaw Agreement entered the territory of Czechoslovakia. And despite the fact that this happened during the time of the USSR, the inhabitants of Czechoslovakia are still composed of the principle of the perception of Russians as enemies.

Finland is also very developed by Russophobia. And it is called the real problem of Finns. The main reason for hate to Russia is the two Russian-Finnish wars in the twentieth century, Tarja Halonen declared this in 2006, being the head of Finland. It is also suggested that in Finland there is a special media channel, which issues exclusively negative news about Russia, exposing it in bad light, speaking only about murders, aggression and cruelty.

Hatred and biased attitude of Georgia to Russia lasts for a very long time - about two centuries. The most understandable language of the story of Russophobia touched the director Otar Ioseliani, wanted that Russia is of great danger not only for Georgia, but also for the whole world; The fact that now bias will develop again in real hatred and a terrible attitude towards Russian people.

In Germany and Austria, the tradition of Russophobia remains long time. Initially, it was associated with Slavophobia. It all aggravated from the lesions complex in World War II. Then every generation began to encourage hatred for Russian people, often exposing them in a bad side. The media of Germany play a big role, not the best articles about Russia.

In the United States, a considerable role was played by the media and journalists who express their views against Russia and Russian people in relatively large magazines. However, one of them said that Russia is discredited specifically, so that this country does not interfere with the development of states. In 2005, a report was prepared on compliance with human rights, in which obviously excessive emphasis was made on freedom and the rights of Russian people.

Europeans and them sympathize, pray on Putin around the clock, he is the only one who, as a lion, fights with you for your interests. Russian Russophobes.

He persuades, exhorts, patiently forgives and condescendingly waiting for the end of each of your hysterics, reminiscent of a felting on the floor of the Capricious Crazyti store, which is not bought immediately what diettko pointed with a finger.

He generously feeds from the Russian budget frankly Russophobic regimes, so as not to give God, they did not suffer their renderate population, because it is inhumanly - send to live in the "Stone Age" of those who, without a branch of conscience, sends the Russian population to the world after the collapse of the empire Outside of Russia.

Representatives of countries and peoples, only during one twentieth century three times in the Genocide of Russians, knock on legs, they make handles, splashes saliva and chorus accused Russians today in the absence of humanism. The killers are accused of the lack of humanism of those whom they wanted to kill, but they did not succeed. And Putin is patiently waiting for these necrophiles conscience will be waged.

Professional Russophobes, for whom hatred of Russia has long turned into religion, it seems that if you sink Putin, the next Russian ruler will definitely fulfill their age-old Wishlists, will begin to immediately pay and repent, ensuring every Russian's population of hundreds-other Slavic slaves and part Natural wealth of Russia.

Russophobes always think so. For example, it seemed to them all the time that it was worth killing a stingy churkin, as his successors in the UN start to labee and crush them. And here suddenly such a bummer, and instead of "what they say" - "the eyes are not assigned!", And "watch here (Banderlogs)."

Interestingly, from what is such a fright, these intelligent hunger orders from the Russophobian camp think that Putin will be different with the successor? From what - such bodier they pose his successor to soft and fluffy, ready for everything to please "our Western partners"?

Why do Russian Liberoids think that next after Putin will be necessary the one who gently take them for the sweaty palm and will lead to the corner of his homeland? Well, well, even if he behaves, why do they think that only in order to give? How much do not consider the option "Kaylo-supportnik-Belozhnalya"? Social order for the formation of labor armies from the "creative class" in Russian society quite matured and ready to fall.

Frankly capricious millionaire ministers, calling to buy Western currency and allow themselves to ignore the direct instructions of the President of the Russian Federation, billionaire oligarchs, calling Russia an invader, what do you really think that instead of Putin you can draw Gorbachev-Light or Dubl-Yeltsin? Are you sure? Your ideological brothers Khomyakov-Guccov-Rodzianko and other Octobrists 100 years ago were also confident.

I will surprise you very much if I say that in 2017, as in 1917m, the expectations of the population do not correspond to your confidence from the word "at all"? But the expectations of the population are very important to what happened after October, and inscribed in terms, "Red Terror" and "Expropriation of Expropriators".

And those and others instead of wishes - to admire America well, refrigerating in Russia. You try to hairs America, interrupting the bread on the water somewhere on the Oklahomshchina.

Why did they all decide that someone more emotional and less rational comes to Putin will not come to the place of Putin, who may also have bought all toys in childhood? What is interesting, they will do if at the highest post of the Russian Federation there will be someone like the impulsivity on them, who will first rave, and then start calculating the consequences? Yes, yes, of course, then he will punish him, he will not know about it for sure.

Russophobes on the salaries and Russophobous ideologous, happily chopping bitch, on which they feel so utterly and so freely, they did not have learned anything and did not understand anything. And first of all, they did not enter the Russian literature, where they will never be in their world, because there is no such word.

So, Europeans and sympathizers, just pray, so that as a result of your bluff, any of the holding a finger on the trigger and at the same time voluptuously depleting you, did not pass the nerves.

Pray that young and zealies do not materialize as long as possible, who understand - if your civilizational opponents have already prepared cement and basin, stupid-in accordance with the Chinese wisdom - sit at the river and wait and which they will declare about your Russophobic escapades Yunoyskaya Zador: "Pretty hatred, friends, it's time to move to violence!"

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Top 100 Russophobes enemy need to know in face

For several weeks, we polled readers and collected the opinions of the most authoritative experts in various fields. The result was the rating of the 100 most suitable Russophobes, both from the fifth column within the country and from among foreign haters. The enemy needs to know in the face!

Top 100 Russophobes

1. Arbatova Maria, feminist. "In general, we, of course, low legal culture and slave psychology ... For me, everything that is connected with Yeltsin's epoch is absolutely holy, despite the fact that the snake loses its skin very painful and bloody, and it is clear that everything, That was criminal, it happened not because the Yeltsin team was bad, but because we lived in the era of the coup. "

2. Abyzov Mikhail - Minister of Open Government. "Society and the state do not have the right to accept the cannibal solutions" - so he appreciated the initiative to eliminate abortions from the OMS. Abortion himself, the minister, apparently, does not consider.

3. Avakov Arsen - Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, Russophobe with blood in hand. "And Canada will come to Canada: through the Arctic, through the ice, due to the conflict on the shelf. And in Japan, they will come due to the conflict for the Kuril Islands - they will be everywhere, because we allow you to conquer the whole world about the plans of Russia.

4. Adagov Rustem - photographer. "And for what you love, Russian? Look at your gloomy faces ... Your ugly and unsuitable for the life of the city ... You have just been able to build a very ugly country for a thousand recent years. Unfortunately at all times of its existence ... Do not speak only about literature, music and scientists - it's not yours ... Your heroes are the reserved bastards, killers, scum, scum. "

5. Akunin Boris is a writer and one of the organizers of "marsh rally". "This is an aggressive country, ideologically tyranny, xenophobic and homophobic. Today's Russia is precisely such a country. And therefore, if France wants to quiet with a political regime with similar features - excellent, only this means that in the French itself, not everything is okay. "

6. Albat Evgenia-journalist. "Regarding that in a policy, known in Moscow, such - Chur me! Naturally, in the classification of the ancient Greeks - "idiots" - turned out to be 65.23%, or almost four million people. Even if you imagine that half of this number is again in the classification of the ancient Greeks - "slaves" who live from the owner and have no opinion, anyway, there are still two million. Just think: you go through your beloved city, and every second-third around you - either an idiot or a slave. "

7. Amnuel Grigory - director, about his ideological opponents: "Those who are sick, do not need to persuade, and treat. Moreover, in this case, it is desirable as long as possible and in completely closed medical specials. There is little chance of a cure, but at least society will be isolated from malicious and infectious disease. "

8. Henri Levi Bernard - philosopher. "We in Europe show themselves too weak in relation to Putin ... The Kremlin kids the part of Europe, the heart of which beats in Ukraine ... It is necessary to put pressure on Putin using its weaknesses." About the Crimea: "Initially, this is the Tatar land, which was also under the Ottoman Empire, then under the Soviet government, and then in Ukraine. But this is not the Russian earth, that's all. "

9. Ahacedzhakova Lia - actress, who had previously accused Russia in the attack on Malaysian Boeing, and this year decided to apologize for the "this country" before Savchenko's hope: "Glory Heroes! Glory to the heroes! So I did not mind Ukraine! But I, of course, is offended for the power. This is a shame. Shame. Dirty politics, nasty politics. I could never imagine who Jeanne d'Ark. It turns out that there are such in the history of mankind. Nadia, I ask you, do not kill this beautiful creation that God gave us. Live.

10. Babchenko Arkady - journalist. "The action" Immortal Regiment "leads me to horror. Running the river tens of thousands of people with photographs of the dead. Well, once this can still be understood. To visually imagine the number of deaths that the war took. But from year to year ... I don't want to look at it. I have such a number of photographs of people who are no longer alive collected in one place causes an exclusively negative physiological response. "

11. Belkovsky Stanislav - political analyst. "Once because we wanted to be good. Well, to make democracy, and bribes do not take, and the street is moving on the green light. As in Europe. But it turned out everything: a) very difficult; b) very boring. What do we do in such a situation? It is clear that. Two things: 1. Isolate yourself from the rest of the world so as not to compare with something; 2. To convince yourself that the rest of the world will soon collapse, and we will remain. Because we are the Holy Rus. In our own scale of holiness, of course. "

12. Brzezinsk Zbigniew - Ex-Counselluation of the President of the United States, who does not lose hope to seize the full power over Russia: "The US constructive policy should be persistently and taking into account the long-term prospects. The United States should strive for the results that contributed to a gradual understanding in Russia (apparently after Putin) that it can become an influential world power exclusively in Europe. "

13. Bilzho Andrei - this year leads a fierce struggle with the heroes of the Great Patriotic War, not bended to the frank lies and abusing the title of a psychiatrist. "The historical truth is as follows: Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya has repeatedly lying in a psychiatric hospital. P.P. Kaschenko and experienced another attack against the background of a heavy powerful shocks associated with the war. But it was a clinic, and not a feat long ago schizophrenia Zoe Kosmodemyanskaya. "

14. Borovaya Konstantin is an entrepreneur and failed politician. "The concert of Mariins with Gergiev in the" liberated "Palmyra is the top of hypocrisy and meanness. For some reason, I am not surprised that ISHIL is there now. " "It is necessary as it should be ** the people of the brain! Voting on Radio Komsomolskaya Pravda: Yeltsin - Extremist - 95%, Yeltsin - Reformer - 5%. No, it is impossible to forgive these propagandists. They must be judged publicly. "

15. Bykov Dmitry - the poet leading "Echo of Moscow". Appeals to the Veteran of Afghanistan, and now the journalist Sheynin: "I haven't shown the Patriotic Spirit. And how do I achieve this? The report of the chance does not give. After all, Patriot is always a killer. Otherwise he is not a patriot. But I will say, Comrade Sheinin: My taboa is not forever. I'm not in vain calling all your friendly hordes. Looking at you. Fuck. A hand stretches for weapons, and I do not kill yet. But this, you know, for now. "

16. Varfolomeyev Vladimir - Deputy Chairman "Echo of Moscow". "Is it sorry to me" clean "athletes who may not be allowed to the Olympics? In general, yes. But who of them should I sympathize specifically? Everyone, or only Ivanov with Petrova, who have never come across before? And if they did not come across just because some state security majors on the orders of the profile ministry wrote into jars instead of them? Now the presence of this fraudulent scheme seems to be considered proven at the international level. "

17. Varlamov Ilya - blogger, businessman. "You can beat yourself in the chest" Maulant "or" Iskander ", but there are no people. No one to fly into space. Some cities manage. Gaps sitting in the Duma compete, who will make a law. People leave? "And let's do away visas! And let's require all foreign accounts to close! And dual citizenship is also time to cover! " With each such initiative, some group of people collect suitcases and takes one ending ticket. Each purchased ticket in one end is the defeat of Russia. "

18. Venediktov Alexey - the chief editor of Echo Moscow in 2016 called residents of Russia "Patients". "The return of the Crimea and the possible association with South Ossetia is a certain return of that humiliation that Russian citizens experienced, being imperts," Venediktov is sure.

19. Gaidar Maria - Daughter Hydar Gaidar, Ukrainian official. "In any Russian in Ukraine, it is necessary to Ukrainize a little bit, because there are things that are peculiar to all Russians and with which you can part. This is such a holding chauvinism that we have, although we don't even believe it. And yet - the idea that Ukrainians and Russians are very similar. It is absolutely wrong. Yes, something we are really similar, we speak similar languages, but we are absolutely different. Once in Ukraine, I could see the totalitarian particles of our own thinking that did not notice before. "

20. Ganapolsky Matvey is a journalist who believes that "the main enemy of Russia is Russia herself." "When the word" scoop "appeared, then many were offended. But oddly enough, in this occasion, the word was reflected in this country - and its leadership, and how the people live in this country and the mentality of the Putin majority ... In good law, you can register a lot good. Of course, if you are not a great-hearted scoop. "

21. Gerashchenko Anton is an adviser to the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, one of the creators of the "Peacemaker" site, which publishes the denunciations on "separatists", for which any dismissal can kidnap or kill. This, unlike his posts in Facebook, Russophobia in action. Placed the data of Russian citizens: "Their persons will be enough for the Igil Sheep and their counterparts in Russia would be able to find them and take revenge on the canons of Sharia."

22. Gerber Alla from Memorial. This year, she was remembered by attacks on Russophiles, "who swear in loyalty to the Motherland" and the publication of the archives of the NKVD, in order to find "descendants of the executioner." Selected quotes: "Anti-Semitism is not sitting in every Russian, but in Russia he is a genetic ... - Liquidity was eliminated in 1917. Why is anti-Semitism stayed? - Genetics and influence of the church. "

23. Gozman Leonid - Politician. "The pro-Russian candidates won the presidential elections in Moldova and in Bulgaria because in Moscow a monument to Prince Vladimir - to the Lord became faster and more efficient to reach the prayers of Orthodox. It is not from the humor section, it was told by a respected expert. In the same place, Mikhail Delagin: Recognition of the responsibility of the Soviet Union for Katyn - Gorbachev Provocation, requiring an investigation! Those. NKVD killed, maybe the Poles were shot themselves? .. Wildness and meanness accompany and support each other. Where to go?".

24. Gref Herman - Head of Sberbank, continuing the financing of the regime in Kiev. "The era of hydrocarbons remained in the past. As the Stone Age ended not because the stones ended and the oil occasion has already ended. We lost competition, it is necessary to honestly, and this is a technological enslavement, we just found themselves in the mill countries that lose, in the village of Downshifter countries. "

25. Grybauskaite Dalya - President of Lithuania, who called Russia "terrorist state" replenishes the piggy bank of its Russophobic actions and quotes. "We are on the front line, the first stage of confrontation takes place, I mean the information war, propaganda and kiberataku. So, we were already attacked. Will it turn into a conventional confrontation? No one knows. But now we must protect against this aggressive behavior. "

26. Gritsak Vasily - Head of the SBU, responsible for the abductions of Russian citizens in the Crimea and numerous provocations of saboteurs. "Today there were two explosions in Brussels, and according to preliminary data, there are 12 victims ... I will not be surprised if this is an element of the Hybrid War of Russia, although they will navigate to the Islamic State.

27. Gudkov Gennady - Ex-Deputy, Businessman. "Lion Schlossberg, criticizing the power for the fact that she treaches the death of our soldiers to the death of our soldiers, and then the secretly buried them, in the eyes of the frostbitten" patriots ", ready to put half of Russia for her" imperial greatness ", the opponent of the state. Therefore, you can run it, openly threaten the murder. In a country where a lie reigns, and the principles of legality are replaced by political expediency, there will definitely not be a civil world. But everything else is a host, civil wars, revolutions - always please.

28. Gudkov Dmitry - Son Gennady Gudkov, Ex-Deputy. "Do not speak and not even stutter about spirituality, about the" tradition of the defense of the Fatherland ". Stop fighting with neighbors, put innocent in prison and torture them there. Stop "nightmare" business, falsify elections and spend billions to propaganda. Really, not on paper, cancel the censorship in the country, prohibit the state to own the media (leave him the TASS - let him rejoice). Here is the doctrine, and there will be information in safety. From the state. "

29. Dvorkovich Arkady - Deputy Prime Minister, gives advice to citizens of Russia: "I have the overall feeling that we need everything in the country above all and it is better to work better and get pleasure from it, maybe due to a smaller breakfast time."

30. Denisenko Filaret - Kiev Liapatrix. "Do not think that the population of Donbass is innocent in these suffering. Guilty! And his guilt must redeem the suffering and blood. Voted on a referendum for federalization? Voted. Sinned? Sinned. This is a consequence of this sin. "

31. Johnson Boris - United Kingdom Foreign Minister. "The attitude to Russia in the world worsens ... If they continue to do what they do, they will lose any kind of sympathy. They drop the bomb and are waiting for rescuers when peaceful citizens begin to get wounded from under the ruins, and in five minutes they drop another bomb. "

32. Dobrochotov Roman - Chef Editor The Insider.: "In Montenegro, they tried to arrange a" Novorossia "(and broke). All the same nuclear mixture of neo-Nazis, bikers, Popov and host veterans were prepared. Of course, not without Russian deputies and generals. But not Shmign. "

33. Yerofeev Victor is a writer and another supporter of the theory of bad people and good genes. "Back in the 30s, we see in the photos quite decent Russians, and then they begin to break, and the Soviet man appears, indeed, a special caste of people. But in the pre-revolutionary Russia, "Holops" lived in which "there was no own tradition."

34. Efremov Mikhail - the actor, arranging the show with reading the Russophobic poems of the poet Orlushi: "I lived in the country (nah), the president, president, sat down in the morning on the bed, began to draw a card. Crimea draws a pencil, tell him: not ours. On the outskirts of Russia, he paints the city of Kiev, and we are already at all - Melitopol and Donbass. Here is what scattered president of the ray, na! "

35. Zimin Dmitry - Businessman. "I regret I see that there are elements of the elements in society. Orthodox fight with Orthodox. We ignored with a significant part of the civilized world, and all this is under the brand name there ... the country covers hatred. On the one hand, some hysterical love, and on the other - hatred. This is some kind of abnormal phenomenon, this is a disease. In such a patient, children to educate are dangerous. Everything is very bad. "

36. Andrei's teeth - "Professor": "Hitler is an angel of Russian history." "I still in the" coffee maker "of our institute spoke friends, like, they say, it's annoying that Stalin did not lose the war Hitler. Because it's still, at the end Ends, allies would have been released, but then the British and Americans would establish democracy and change the cannibal Stalinist regime. "

37. Cantor Maxim - the writer and the artist who escaped abroad, called Russia the Favimism of Fascism, and the Russian World, in his opinion, "This is such a world where the Kolaui serves the bar, and the bar eating Holowi with porridge. And you invent new arguments all year round to reconcile your soul with the fact that d *** m, in which you live and justify the complicity. And you from this garbage can not get out - only at war, where you kill your neighbors and justify the fact that the neighbors are bad, and you are all responsive. "

38. Carter Ashton is the outgoing pentagon head. "So far, Russia has shown aggression, mainly in Europe. So it was in Ukraine, in Georgia. We need to maintain a decisive attitude towards possible aggression by Russia in Europe, in Syria. " "All that the United States is doing is by themselves and together with NATO - guarantees that we will continue to withstand Russian aggression, and that we are ready for long-term rivalry."

39. Kasparov Harry - chess player and politician. "Failure from the imperial concept is a fundamental task for Russia. The country must be vaccinated from the imperial virus and finally get rid of the phantom pain of "lost greatness". After the collapse of Putin's regime of Russia, the period of "cleansing" is required during which people should understand that for everything - for the support of Putin, for Georgia, behind the Crimea and for the Donbass - will have to pay. "

40. Kasyanov Mikhail is the former prime minister, and now the chairman of the Parnas opposition party. "Citizens begin to understand, finally, that their problems are associated with the sanctions that Putin introduced against his own people ... The West did not introduce any sanctions against Russian citizens, against the Russian Federation."

41. Kiselev Evgeny - a journalist who escaped to Ukraine and recent years glorified Kiev junta there. In his recent dismissal, accused of special services and personally Vladimir Putin: "Your submissive servant was removed from the Inter TV channel in direct director from Moscow. And President of Ukraine Peter Alekseevich Poroshenko said this.

42. Clinton Hillary - Ex-Secretary and Ex-candidate for the presidency of the USA: "Our 17 special services, both civil and military, came to the conclusion that these spy attacks, these cyberindasses were organized in the Higher Echelons of the Kremlin, and they are directed To influence the outcome of our elections. " "We must answer changing threats from states such as Russia, China, Iran and North Korea, from such criminal and terrorist groups as ISIL."

43. Koch Alfred - Yeltsin Deputy Prime Minister. "The Syrians Rolduginskaya Medal is expensive." Favorites: "Russian man is the most vile, the most disgusting and the most worthless type of man on earth." "Russians cannot earn nothing ... they admire themselves, they still admire their ballet and their classic XIX century literature that they are no longer able to do anything. Raw materials appendage. "

44. Kucher Stanislav - journalist. "The feelings of the believer cannot be insulting." How I was waiting for this axiom (yes, I am sure that this is precisely an axioma) not philosophizing intellectuals, but those who devoted the life to the ministry to God. In St. Petersburg, the priests held single pickets against a shameful for a healthy senior company. Write: "These are not representatives of the ROC!" So what? God serve only representatives of the ROC? In general, the best of all about these photos said Arkady Babchenko: believers insult the feelings of "believers" (my quotes). "

45. Larina Ksenia is a journalist. In an interview, the Ukrainian publication compared Russian patriots with psychbole patients: "Today's new sincerity, new love, new patriotism is more reminded not to Soviet times, but Germany 30s. These people speaking now in the media, they continue the same line in private life. Not fear keep them. They are sacred in Putin, geopolitical interests, in what everyone wants to conquer Russia. On full serious. That's where a mental hospital! "

46. \u200b\u200bLatynina Julia - Writer, journalist. "Who is Konstantin Rykin? Who is tobacco, who is Posner, who spoke in his defense? This is the elite of Russia. This is the artistic elite of Russia. Between them and guys on the motorcycles and in the ripples, the abyss is not even civilization, but evolutionary. This is the abyss that distinguishes the chimpanzee from a person. "

47. Lebedinsky Alexey is a musician. "I consider people only those Russian politicians and journalists who, to the question" What to do with Crimea "is definitely answered and without thinking:" Immediately return Ukraine and apologize. "

48. Lobkov Pavel is a journalist. About Easter in Moscow: "If a Russian man wants to do beautiful, he gets a funeral wreath. Our favorite combination: Live with the dead. Here is the dead geranium and lively ivy. And how beautiful looks, yes. And most importantly, only Pushkin seems alive in this situation, because everything around him gives some kind of monstrous desoge, although the Moscow Spring is called.

49. Lukashevsky Sergey - Director of the Saharov Center, where the exhibition was held dedicated to Ukrainian punishers, about the defeat of the exhibition: "From the connivance of the power of the radicals, terrorize all who do not live in their system of values \u200b\u200bin their paranoid, conspiracy world. This is a terrible symptom of the expansion of society and the state. "

50. Makarevich Andrey - Leader of the Time Machine group. His main Russophobic statements fell for 2014, but now it is periodically reminded of themselves. About Natalia Poklonskaya: "It's all the things in a bad thing ... Does not have the people who have not deviated people? What should I do now? I am surrounded by people who have done. I exist with them in my circle. It is quite suitable for me. "

51. MacFol Michael is a former US ambassador to Russia. "Putin has to Hillary Clinton Vendetta, and it has long been known. He wants to discredit American democracy and weaken us as a leader of a liberal-democratic order. And, of course, he likes the views of the future of Trmpa president in relation to Russia. "

52. Malgin Andrei - Journalist. About the death of the Russian nurse: "And do not forget that the dead elder Nadezhda Durachenko and Junior Sergeant Galina Mikhailov - military personnel. This is not the first business trip to Syria. I used to join. I sincerely sorry their orphaned children, but, in principle, the soldiers going to the war should understand that it can be killed there. In any case, the probability of this is much higher than that of the pilot dropping from the height of the residential neighborhoods. "

53. Maltsev Vyacheslav. The new "star" made a split into the Parnas Party, because Maltsev is famous for its xenophobic statements and frank conspite. But he has his own idea: "I always tried to explain that Liberals need to agree with nationalists so that Putin's power was not eternal."

54. Matsaichuk Tomash - Polish journalist. "Russia is able to attack just on defenseless opponents who have nothing to answer. What happens when there is an enemy than to answer, we saw in the case of Turkey, who shot down the Russian aircraft. Many were afraid that Putin would punish Ankara, Russian patriots even dreamed of taking Istanbul and return to him the name Konstantinople. But everything was limited to the destruction of the party of Turkish tomatoes. What miserable spectacle ... "

55. Martsevich Anthony - Minister of Defense of Poland, author of bright statements about Russia-Agressor, threatening security of Europe and the whole world. "Russia could create, and therefore supports radical Islamic terrorism. The answer to this question is fundamental for our civilization. I urge everyone to think about it. "

56. Merkel Angela - German Chancellor. At the summit in Brussels: "Russia, Iran and the Assad regime are responsible for targeted attacks on civilians and hospitals. These are crimes that should be punished. Guilty should be brought to justice without an option to avoid it. "

57. Mitrokhin Boris, dedicated a year to the struggle with the construction of temples in Moscow. "The law on protecting the rights of believers is the Inquisition." "If a beautiful place has been found somewhere, then besides Popov, no one has no rights to him. God beauty created to give it not to admire ordinary people, but for the needs of his priests. How much will she want, let them eat so much. And they are laid as far as they can hook. Truly, a new direction in theology. Gundyaevskoe. "

58. Motorini Federica is the main diplomat of the European Union, who claimed that Russia does not provide humanitarian assistance to Syria: "We never recognize the illegal annexation by Russia of the Crimea and do not accept the destabilization of Eastern Ukraine. We will strengthen the EU, increase the stability of our eastern neighbors and support their right to freely identify your approach to the EU. " "We (EU) are the only, not alone, namely the only one who supplies the humanitarian assistance of Syria and neighboring territories."

59. Nevzorov Alexander - Journalist. "Patriots and urine and feces are the arguments to which they are resorting to all" - so he regarded the action against the pedophile photo exhibition. Russia, in his opinion, "resets the bombs on the gumkonvoy" and "sponsors the Donbas cries".

60. Nishchuk Evgeny - Minister of Culture of Ukraine. "The situation in the east and the south is the abyss of consciousness. Moreover, when we talked about genetics in Zaporizhia, in the Donbas, then these are the cities of delivered. There are no genetics there, these are deliberately delivered cities. Cherkasy is a glorious hetman and Shevchenkovsky region. The city of Cherkasy is half brought. Why? Because they were afraid of Shevchenkovsky Spirit. It was the technology of the Soviet Union. "

61. Okar Andrey is a Ukrainian political scientist. "The Russian world put on his horde mask. Or, on the contrary: Is this an Horde until a certain moment pulled the masks and scenery of the Russian world? Or the Russian world - is it a little externally satented horde? "

62. Ollanda Francois - President of France. "I ask myself: will the meeting be useful? Does she need? Can there be pressure? Can we achieve that he (Putin - approx. Red.) stopped doing what he does with the Syrian regime? .. That is, providing support to the air force regime, which resets the bombs on the residents of Aleppo? So I ask myself a question: Does Vladimir Putin? And if I meet him, I will tell him that it is unacceptable and seriously affecting the image of Russia. "

63. Pavlovsky Gleb - Polystog, TV presenter. "Drawing, ignorant population layer is trying to authoritatively learn the country as to live. And they would first go to the bath ... The deep rustic style of life is imposed on a giant country. Here and the tsar-father, and the crowds of some supposedly church old women, who tract the mustache from under Kosynok ... and they all demand something, extort, urge. Where is the Great Power here? No longer like that Russia rose from his knees. "

64. Parhomenko Sergey is a journalist. "What did Putin's Russia donated, as it is now clear what she rolled on? Ridiculous - she rolled out on these jars of urine through the hole ... she rolled on here this insane tension of all his might with the idea of \u200b\u200bwinning the Olympiad ... As we now understand, they won it with urine through hole ... and then it broke down . Then the hysteria began, which was expressed in the annexation of the Crimea, in attempts to unleash the civil war and half of Ukraine ... and went, went, went, went, and as a result, we came to the situation now, when the head of Russia speaks as a military criminal " .

65. Power Samantha - US Representative in the UN. "What you did in Aleppo will stand in one row with events in world history, which determine the modern understanding of the evil and will remain a stain on the conscience of the international community. This is the same crime as a gas attack against Iraqi Kurds in 1988, Genocide in Rwanda in 1994 and a massacre in Srebrenica in 1993 ... Your barrel bombs, shells and air strikes allowed armed detachments to Aleppo to surround thousands of civilians and stripped on their neck loop. Do you generally become a feeling of shame? "

66. Piontkovsky Andrey - Publicist: "The Syrian adventure ends in our eyes of the tragedy of Aleppo. Putin and the whole country get the stamp war criminals ... This is a zombie mode. This is life after death, because it is economically incapacitated. Kleptocracy cannot provide neither technological growth or economic development, no standard of living. He suffered a foreign policy defeat. And in the coming months, the year ... 2017 is a very symbolic year, by the way. We will observe how events will develop. "

67. Podrababin Alexander - Dissident: "Neon understanding and condemnation - so briefly you can characterize the reaction in Russian society and social networks on the news of the murder of the Russian ambassador in Turkey Andrei Karlov. Most commentators agree that it was a terrorist act and he has no excuse ... The Russian man in the street is in a pleasant mistake relative to the peacekeeping mission of Russia, the humanities of its army, an impractical generosity of its foreign policy ... A similar situation was in Nazi Germany, when millions of Germans were We are confident that Adolf Hitler is deservedly called the "Chancellor of the World" ... they did not know anything about death camps and were not wise: German newspapers did not write about it, they did not speak about it. Then, after a military defeat, they tried to justify this ignorance, and in response to this occupation authorities, forced excursions were arranged for them in the death camps ... The Russian town has yet to be overwhelmed and take a look at himself and Russia from the side, the eyes of those who survived the real consequences of Kremlin Expansion, who saw a genuine life, and not a false television picture from the Ostankino Tower. "

68. Bozhena Marnska - blogger. "Or Won Slavic peoples are an interlayer of animals, the fatty, E ** on the mother. As the Baltam managed to preserve and in Soviet years it is anti-daidium, to remain the nation of educated people, I do not know. "

69. Poroshenko Peter - "President" of Ukraine, who continues the war against his own citizens in the Donbas. "The Soviet Union continues to live and it must be finished. Do not believe. The USSR is not in the document and not in Belovezhskaya Forest. Soviet Union in the heads. And in this sense of the USSR is still not buried, and Ukraine is now fighting, to finally knock out the idea of \u200b\u200bthe resurrection of the USSR from "patients". "For us, this is the association of Europe" ".

70. Solinnin Egor - Journalist. "We believe that the possible collapse of the Russian Federation ... is not a danger, but a bonus, the chance of an updated Russian nation to build the state suitable for her, no longer sobbing the uzmi ugly post-Soviet education."

71. Raykin Konstantin - director. "I do not believe these groups of indignant and offended people who see if religious feelings are offended. I do not believe! Believe that they are paid. So, these are groupage of nasty people who are struggling by illegal fruitful ways for morality, see. "

72. Ryklin Alexander - Journalist: "Two years ago, their" Russian world "killed in the sky over Ukraine a lot in anything inevitable people ... Children, women, men ... All - Civilians ... Be Cursed, this" Russian world "... because it is no peace. This is the war. This is the "Russian War." Dirty, stupid, vulgar, criminal, merciless war against the whole live and light ... And here in Russia there are not for fair elections to fight, not economy to raise from the ruins ... We need to stop the "Russian war" ... at any cost ... "

73. Svanidze Nikolai - historian. "Namely, these 28, which hit 18 German tanks, was not. Why continue stupid to say, what was it? We have that, few feats of real was during the war, what are we grabming for fiction? Let them exist, God forgot, say that this is myth, holy myth, so what? We are still considered that Egorov and Cantarians raised the Red Banner over Reichstag. They didn't raise. On the feat of the young guidance said. Differently looked a feat of young guidance. "

74. Serebrennikov Kirill - director. "Don't we live in the country of unwanted slavery? Are we free? The fortress right and the Archipelago of the Gulag was dissolved in Russia, they were inside, they were not chosen, they did not get rid of them - and they gradually infected everyone ... Russia Today - an incredibly dark country, ignorant, and it becomes even darker, obumens, it's at all Looks like a catastrophe. "

75. Sobchak Ksenia - daughter of the mayor of St. Petersburg Anatoly Sobchak and Senator Lyudmila Pressure, an indefinable kind of classes. The situation in Russia sees this way: "The regime that established in Russia in the early 2000s is called" elite autocracy ". In this design, an authoritarian state along with elites - economic, intellectual, creative - opposed to the dense and wildening people of our country. "

76. Soros George - Speculant and Cooking "Color Revolutions". "Putin's regime threatens bankruptcy in 2017, when the term of paying a significant part of foreign loans will come. Because of Western sanctions, combined with a sharp decline in oil prices in Russia is not able to restrain none of these promises. The Russian budget deficit is 7% of GDP, and the government will have to reduce it to 3% so that inflation does not come out from under control. "

77. Sotnik Alexander - a journalist who has a Russophobia also has already been diagnosed. He considers Russia - hell, the people - bydly, and the authorities are "terrorists who captured the Kremlin." "I propose to the Turkish authorities to transfer the pilot (if he survived) to the territory controlled by opponents of the Assad regime. The court will be rapid. "

78. Suvorov (Rezun) Victor is a traitor, a fadder, pseudoistoric. "After the crash of Putin's power, Russia will take place. The Far East will capture the Chinese ... the Chinese are already populated. If the Chinese will capture Siberia, and they will capture it, then there are all natural resources. And besides natural resources, nothing in Russia is not. "

79. Suvorov Dmitry - journalist. "Our people are Ukrainians, not Novorossa. Novorossa is a genetic garbage. For me, a person who raises the weapon to his country is a genetic garbage. Vlasovov, Novorossa and so on. I am ready to apologize to all residents of Donbass if they took this replica to their address. Of course, I did not mean them in mind. I repeat once again - I meant people who raised weapons against my country. And from these words I do not refuse. I will call birthless and murderers as I think it's necessary. "

80. Trinity Artemy is a liberal-publicist. Over the past year, one of his phrase is enough to characterize it as a non-negativeness: "In the Motorola, we clung to the dead grip - as if in some hint on the modern Russian hero. Naturally, the hero of it is like from G *** a bullet. "

81. Turchinov Alexander is the first leader of the Kiev junta. "For me," Russian world "is Russian tanks, Russian systems of salvo fire, thousands of killed Ukrainians. And the one who "for" such a "Russian world" is subject to, sorry, imprisonment for a long time or destruction. " "The story must teach us. It is impossible to learn that the aggressor cannot be understood. Having created the conflict in Transnistria, Chechnya, he will go further - to Abkhazia, and from there - in Georgia, then - Ukraine. And from the civilized world depends, wait for the next step of the aggressor or to neutralize it. "

82. Kashin Oleg - journalist. "Several years ago, when Nikita White became the governor of the Kirov region, I spoke in Vyatka with one of his companion and asked His confrotement:" What do you think, what is it worth waiting in politics, in our social life? " What he said: "You know, all hope for a big war in the Caucasus. Because the country of another war will not stand and disintegrated, and in some parts that have fallen off, will probably be a good life. But here, in Vyatka, there will always be g ** a, because, apparently, Vyatka has such fate. " Then I laughed over his words, now I think that I have no other forecast about our country. "

83. Ulitskaya Lyudmila - Writer. "I have already told it again, we were very lucky, because Albert Swiss had to buy a ticket, throw a bah and ride to treat dirty, wild, sick savages. We can not go anywhere - enough to get out of the entrance and now we are already in Africa ... Remember the wonderful conversation of Abraham with an angel: how much should the righteouss should be to resist the city? There was a long trade, but in the end the righteous was not found in the right amount, Sodom and Gomorra were burned by heavenly fire. Donetsk and Lugansk are burning, and which idea they threw people, thirsty of power, not so important. "

84. Ulyukaev Alexey - Ex-Minister-Poet. It is with him that Russia plunged into the economic crisis instead of development. "The later we will proceed to raise the retirement age, the more radically we will have to do this." "Our trade and economic relations are experiencing not the best times, but the story is so arranged that there are never good times, there are never difficult times."

85. Assumption Edward - a children's writer, in 2014 she said that in Russia 90% of idiots, now believes that Kiev does not bomb his own country and criticizes Russian news "in which they show how ruthless Ukrainian soldiers destroy Donetsk, where Angels live with Big wings, good people who only dream to grow bread, children. "

86. Alexey teacher for the film "Matilda", not just the magnitude of the memory of the last Russian emperor, but also slandering into Russian aristocracy. "These are two minutes of individual frames in which there is nothing that could embarrass believers or servants of the church ... a certain fantasy is present - it is admissible in any artistic work. I am striking that this is non-state censorship. "

87. Fomenko Nikolai - actor. "It is very difficult to Russians, the civilization of the world literally collected on the last ten years. Germans with "Mercedes" together 110 years old, understand? And they grew up everything with him, it is inside the genotype. And here you imagine, ten years as a person collapsed: he can buy a car, he can go, he can right, he can abroad ... He doesn't know anything that, so he quietly goes crazy ... Crazy has become more. And these are these crazy, unfortunately, there are sometimes at times in those places that are trying to manage with culture. "

88. Photoga Anna - a deputy of the European Parliament, the initiator of a resolution that equated Russian media to promoting prohibited Islamic organizations like ISHIL. "I devoted the lives to the fight against Soviet propaganda." About Russia in Syria, comparing with Grozny: "Until now, before the eyes, the type of complete destruction and atrocities committed in the name of geopolitical influence in the complete impunity of criminals".

89. Fallon Michael - Minister of Defense of Great Britain. "I am ready to work with the new US defense minister Jim Mattis, to resist Russian aggression against NATO, reduce tension in relations with Moscow, continue, as I have previously spoken, cooperation with Russia in order to resolve the situation in Syria. But this does not mean that we should treat Russia on equal. Russia is a strategic rival of the West, and we must realize it. "

90. Khodorkovsky Mikhail - Businessman. "If you drop old people, children, people who are too concerned about their own problems, then about 40 million people are needed from the remaining. Among them are those who are ready to go outside and stand to the end, and those who are ready only for individual steps. So, if we want to unite 40 million people, we should not talk now about the parties. During the transition period, only those questions that cannot be solved cannot be solved without which the holding of fair elections is impossible. Everything else can be postponed. For example, the question of the Crimea, which I constantly ask, can be postponed before the elections. "

91. Homak David is an Internet activist. "We were preparing for astronauts. I was October, I was a pioneer (not long, truth). We were prepared for inertia in astronauts. Instead, we had to master the Internet. Also it turned out well. We came and mastered. And those who came after us, mastered more and better. And now Russia does not want either cosmos, nor science, no internet, nor be part of Europe and the world. And he wants to pray, fast and listen to Radonezh radio. And plant, plant, plant. "

92. Chubais Anatoly - Head of Rosnano. "We have a lot of money. They are just quite a lot. And that is why we had the opportunity to not just "strove" big money, and also invest them in our long-term strategy! Which, as you know, is not just accepted, and also completely solved all the problems, including the problem of the potential financial failure of 2017. It is not. We're all right. We will not fail in 2017. "

93. Chubais Igor - Brother Anatoly Chubais, historian. "We exactly now know that blockades (Limir. - approx.) There was no traditional understanding. There was no rings around the city, not only aviation fell into the city, but 60 kilometers of the Ladoga shore was under the control of the Soviet army. A wide strip was maintained in several tens of kilometers, which joined Leningrad with a laugh, and then in Ladoga there was a way to a big land. The blockages were not ... Some memoirs show that in fact there were large food reserves in the city, but it still needs to be understood. "

94. Schanderovich Victor - a humorist writer, TV presenter. "The country is already degrading in our eyes. She just can turn into such a piece of oil and gas real estate somewhere on the edge of the globe. " "People who are watching federal channels for 15 years, and they still did not break out, they do not understand anything. They can be raised anything. "

95. Shechtman Pavel - Publicist. "Is good or bad that Rashkoposol was injured in Turkey? What is wounded, and not well - good. What is wounded, and not killed - bad. Dialectics! It is impossible to rejoice in the death of a person. But if you really want to rejoice the death of Rashkoposal, then you can. "

96. Shuvalov Igor - Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, Figured by a speakerphone of the scandals - with apartments in a height of Kotelnichesky, with the transportation of dogs by plane to the exhibitions under the guise of the State Commanders, and the surprise that citizens have too small apartments: "We have shown apartments today in 20 square meters seems funny, but people acquire such a housing ... "

97. Schulz Martin - Chairman of the European Parliament. "Russia and the regime of Bashar Assad must stop any attacks against civilian objectives and civil and medical structures, they must take credible and immediate measures to stop hostilities and resolve the unhindered access to humanitarian organizations to the needy population. In Syria, as in Ukraine, Russia supports the painful status quo. " "This is threatened by the Architecture of World Security and the established principles of international law."

98. Yavlinsky Gregory - Politician. "And about the terrorist attack in Ankara. Saving Assad regime and trying to call the spirit of the Great Soviet-American confrontation from the last century, the Russian leadership dragged the country into a large-scale conflict that generates instability for all its participants far beyond the combat zone. At the cost of enormous reputational and economic losses, as well as serious potential threats, Russia provided Assad control over Aleppo. It is still considered victory. However, several months ago, the victory was called the liberation of Palmyra, the only result of which, as it turned out, was held there with a big pump concert. "

99. Yarmolnik Leonid - actor. "Vulgar people who pull the blanket for themselves and want to notice them in any way." I assure you if questions relate to the Crimea, I think that 90% of them will not explain to you in geography, where the Crimea is. Guarantee. "

100. Yashin Ilya - Politician. "Apologies in front of Kadyrov, it seems to be part of the political culture of Putin's establishment. Deputies, officials, journalists - everyone apologize. Divorce with masochist pleasure. But okay, they themselves look in front of the bandit - after all, they humiliate this, show that this is the norm. Disgusting. "

The rating was formed on the basis of readers and expert opinions. According to Alexander Prokhanov, Igor Ashmanov, Anatoly Wasserman, Igor Korutalko, Vitaly Milonov, Mikhail Dlyagin, Andrei Fursov, Valery Korovin, Arkady Mamontov, Zakhar Prilepin, Leonid Ivashov, Evgeny Fedorov, Mikhail Elizarov, Leonid Reshestnikov, Vitaly Averyanov.

The European Parliament declares the "Witch Hunt"

More detailed and a variety of information about the events occurring in Russia in Ukraine and in other countries of our beautiful planet can be obtained on Internet conferences, permanently held on the website "Keys of Knowledge". All conferences are open and completely non-payable. We invite waking up and interested in ...

Russophobia is a prejudice, hostile, suspicious, hostile attitude to Russian and / or Russia; A special case of xenophobia is a specific direction in ethnophobia. Also known is the opposite term of the term "Rusophilry" - the love of everything Russian, to Russia, to Russian culture, as well as to the Russians themselves.

Fedor Ivanovich Tyutchev. Portrait of the work of Alexandrovsky
For the first time, the word "Russophobia" is found in 1867, in the letter of the great Russian poet and diplomat Fedor Ivanovich Tyutcheva his daughter. The replica of Tyutchev turned out so well that it can be inserted into modern articles, without correcting in it a single word:
"This is Russophobia of some Russian people - by the way, very revered. They previously told us, and they really believed that they were hated in Russia, the lack of freedom of printing, etc., etc., that therefore they are so gently love to Europe that she is undoubtedly possessed All about what is not in Russia. And what do we see now? As Russia, achieving greater freedom, is still self-affirming, the dislike of these gentlemen only increases. And on the contrary, we see that no disorders in the field of justice, morality and even civilizations, which are allowed in Europe, did not significantly reduce the addiction to it. In a word, in the phenomenon that I mean, about the principles, as such, there can be no speech, only instincts are valid here, and it is in the nature of these instincts and should be dealt with. "
The emergence of Russophobia in the West
Russophobia as the direction of ideology originated in the West in the XVI century, which was associated with the expansionist policies of Poland, striving to submit to the Earth in the East (that is, Russian lands).
Poland was the closest to Russia of a large Catholic country, and a significant part of the information about Muscovy came to Europe from the Poles, a lot of led to the formation of the negative image of the "barbaric" "Asian" Russia in the west, with which Poland repeatedly fought during the XVI-XVII centuries. Then these Russophobic ideas were picked up by other Western countries who entered into a conflict with Russia as its geopolitical positions in the XVIII-XX centuries.

6 most famous Russophobes in the history of Russia

Chevalier d'Eyon, he is Mademoiselle de Beans (1728-1810)

The French secret agent, a famous fencer, transvestite, held the first half of life as a man, and the second half is like a woman. The question of the true sexuality of Chevalé remains open.
According to the statement of publishers, D'Eyon "found" in St. Petersburg and taken out to France the so-called "will of Peter Great". This falsification was published in French in 1812 (immediately after the collapse of Napoleon's invasion to Russia) in the book of Lesuer "On an increase in Russian power from its very beginning to the XIX century." According to the publicants, the document was a strategic action plan for the successors of Peter the Great for many centuries, in order to establish Russia of world domination; There was a goal "to get closer to Eliko is possible closer to Constantinople and India." This fake was initially created in the political interests of French ruling circles and then widely used in the anti-Russian propaganda of the XIX-XX century, especially during wars (Crimean and First World War). The origin of the "wills" is not clear to the end, but at least some of the historians believe that D'Eon, sparing behind the Russian Empress Elizabeth (daughter of Peter I) and trying to upset the Russian-Austrian Union, could be really involved in facing the initial version of this fake .

Michal Sokolnitsky (1760-1816)

Polish General, participant in the Russian-Polish war of 1792, the uprisings of Kostyutko and Napoleonic wars on the side of Napoleon.

Posted in February 1812 a detailed plan of attacking Russia and the subsequent dismemberment "On how to get rid of Europe from the influence of Russia, and thanks to this - and from the influence of England." In recent years, it is believed that this document played the most important role at the beginning of the war of 1812. In the summer of 1812, Sokolnitsky was addressed to Napoleon as the chief "expert" in Russia, which he called with his essay of the "Empire of Darkness". At the same time, Sokolnitsky himself willingly issued typical Russophobic myths for real intelligence. Here, for example, what he wrote, justifying the opportunity to excite the unrest on the outskirts of Russia:
"With regard to the Crimean Tatars, they could be easily affected by their neighbors - Tatars living in Lithuania. With all its uneducation and stabbing, these nationalities are endowed with a certain natural smelling, and even some elevation of feelings, which is not entirely typical of the Russian nation. "
Of course, that in terms of Sokolnitsky there was a place to Poland from the sea to the sea. However, the real meaning of this plan is that Napoleon, by no means sympathizing with such a grand polish plans, nevertheless adopted the derogatory characteristics, the data of Sokolnitsky Russia and its people, for a clean coin and, as a result, began the war in 1812

Astolf de Custine (1790-1867)

Iphranzuz aristocrat and an aristocrat, allegedly bisexual; Fame acquired the publication of his notes about Russia. "Kystina is considered to be a classic of world Russophobia, its champion and record holder."
The author was repeatedly reprinting in Europe of the Russian RUSSIAN Book "Russia in 1839", where he described Russia as the country of "Varvarov" and "slaves", "universal fear" and "bureaucratic tyranny".
The author of the Meme about Russia as a "prison of peoples", in which the king Nikolai I is "supervise".
Blasting Nikolai I is that the allegedly "mired in cunning and discounted a huge number of decent girls and women", despite the fact that contemporaries and historians consider the emperor Nicholas by a man of extremely strict rules and monochrome, all his life loved his wife.
Colorfully described the laid Russian frosts, although he traveled in Russia in the summer.

Charles Stratford Cunning, Viscount Stratford de Redcliffe (1786-1880)

English diplomat. Already by 1832, he created such a reputation that Nikolai I flatly refused to let him in St. Petersburg, when he was appointed ambassador in Russia.
Later, in 1841-1858 (with interruptions in 1847 and 1852-1853) was an ambassador to Turkey, where all the methods contributed to the beginning and the growing of the Crimean War. In 1858, she was also engaged in writing the Russophobic articles on the Eastern Question.

Karl Marx (1818-1883) and Friedrich Engels (1820-1895)

The founders of communism. For many years with all amenities lived and worked in Britain - the center of world capitalism - calling out from there to revolutions in their native Germany and in other countries. Due to a large number of Russophobic passages in their works, in the Soviet Union (where Marx and Engels were considered to be cylinds of science and the highest authorities) so never issued their full collected works.
They read Russia the main obstacle to the implementation of their ideas about the global revolution: "Slavic barbarians are natural counter-revolutionaries, special enemies of democracy" (Marx).
Engels created and distributed the myth about the threat of pancalavism "civilized nations" of Europe: "This is a ridiculous, anti-historical movement, who has become a goal of any, no, how to subordinate a civilized West to the Barbaric East, city - village, trade, industry, spiritual culture - primitive agriculture Slavic-serfs ... For this ridiculous theory, there was a formidable reality in the face of the Russian Empire ... in every step of which a claim is found to consider the entire property of the Slavic tribe ".
Engels wrote that the "ruthless struggle is not for life, but to death with a changeal, treacherous to the Revolution of Slavs ... Fighter War and Unrestrained Terror". "Yes, the nearest World War will erase from the face of the Earth not only reactionary classes and dynasties, but also entire reactionary peoples - and it will also be progress!".

Emperor Austria, and later - Austria-Hungary almost to the very end of the last existence. At 1848, Nikolai I was very close to the Russian emperor, who considered Franz Joseph in the literal sense of his son and even helped to keep Austria from decay in 1848 during the Hungarian revolution. For this, Franz Joseph "replicated" during the Crimean War, demanding from Russia to adopt the conditions of the ultimatum of Western allies.
Soon, Austria was severely punished for the betrayal of other people's hands - the country's lost key ally immediately selected a significant part of possessions in Italy, and then deprived leadership in the German Union and turned into an unstable Austro-Hungarian confederation, but Franz Joseph did not calm down on this and accepted Actual participation in the deprivation of Russia of any achievements on the results of the Russian-Turkish war is 1877-1878. All the time of his rule on Subcarpathian Rus and, especially, in Galicia, the persecution of Orthodoxy and local Russians continued. With it, with the help of the Specially Created Department of History of Lviv University and NPO "Prista", the history and ideology of "Ukrainians" are described.
In 1908, substituting the insufficiently cautious Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia, provoked the Bosnian crisis. In 1914, he became one of the arsonitics of the First World War, during which the Genocide of the Russian population of Galicia and Subcarpathian Russia was arranged. It is also famous for the fact that Empress Alexander Födorovna, the widow of Nicholas I, on a mortal apparent to the priest's call to forgive everyone that "Yes, I forgive everyone, except Emperor Austria!"

Foreign celebrities sometimes make loud statements that upset their fans. Thus, recent years have increasingly began to sound anti-Russian statements from the luxury of foreign stars of first magnitude. The portal tells about seven stars and their reasons for a negative attitude towards Russia.

Morgan Freeman, social network

One of the most famous "Russophobes" of Hollywood, obsessed with the idea of \u200b\u200bRussia's intervention in American elections. In the fall of 2017, the actor created a "Committee for the Investigation of Russia" - a website with information on the influence of the Russian Federation to the US policy. And help the freeman "open the eyes of the Americans" director Rob Raigner and Ex-Director of National Intelligence of the United States James Clapper.

Game Bomb.

American "Stars-Russophobes" are capable not only for rhetoric on the Internet. In September 2017, on "political reasons" of Russian journalists with a press conference in honor of the release of the film "". Consciously with the press from Russia could not convince the actress even film studio Paramount Pictures. But soon after that, the actress had to play a Russian spy ballerina in the film "".

Digital Spy.

The stars of the stars "hated" Russia have repeatedly participated in various boycogs. So, the singer decided to boycott the Olympic Games in Sochi and refused further concerts in Russia. The performer stated that he would not come until "in Russia would not start normally treat gays."


Sometimes the stars speak of Russia negative things unconsciously. In 2012, the singer participated in the television show. She was offered to promote the globe and poke a finger at random, choosing a country for traveling. When Katie took up the globe, then exclaimed:

"Please, Lord, not least Russia!".


Many Hollywood representatives of show business have been publicly maintained during the election race. So, the star of the movie stated that gained popularity thanks to the Russian media. Then, the actor called inhuman law of the Russian Federation against the propaganda of homosexuality, stating that "Russia is changing only hatred."

Ian McKellen

Western stars about Russia often say unflattering things when it is beneficial to their image. In 2014, the British actor who played Vitaly Milonovoy joined the protests against the "infringement of gay rights" in Russia. After an unsuccessful meeting, Fry called the parliamentarian "Religious Fanatik", which "wanted to create a law against gays, and eventually swallowed them."