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Project for the design of extracurricular activities of biological orientation student. Project for the design of extracurricular activities of students of biological orientation Scientific research project on the topic of hydroponics


Research tasks:

The relevance of research:

Object of study:

Subject of study:

Practical significance:

Methods used

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"Research" Hydroponics in a flower service ""

Don Academy of Sciences of Young Researchers. Y. Zhdanova


Topic: Hydroponics to help flower

Fi student: Baranova Catherine

Leader: Teacher of Biology and Chemistry Kuznetsov Larisa Anatolyevna

Rostov region Kamensky district

small kamenka farm

Introduction .............................................................................. ... 3

Main part

    What is hydroponics ................................................ 4

    History of hydroponics ................................................ .4-5

    Growing plants by hydroponics method .................. .6

    creating your own hydroponic installation .................. ..6

    Growing indoor plants in hydroponic installations ... 7

    Seaming seeds on the foam rubber ....................................... ..7

Conclusion. Conclusions ............................................................ 8.

References ...........................................................19

Applications ..................................................................... 10-13


In the children's encyclopedia I was interested in the section "Seven Wonders of the World", especially the hanging gardens of the semiramides. How does this "miracle of the world" arranged? Are there analogs of hanging gardens in the modern world? With these questions, I approached my biology teacher and we began our investigation.

It turned out that the gardens of seminimides are based on the method of hydroponics. This method in our farm is poorly studied, it can be said, not studied at all. Then I set me target:

to study the hydroponics in practice and to work out the actions algorithm, the technology of growing floral crops on hydroponics.

Research tasks:

1) get acquainted with the history of the occurrence of hydroponics and its application these days;

2) to study the methods and methods of growing plants without soil;

3) Make your own hands hydroponic vessels for growing plants. 4) Conduct experiments on the cultivation of plant seedlings by hydroponics.

The relevance of research:Using hydroponics, you can grow seedlings for the garden and flower.

Object of study: Green corner of the Biology Cabinet.

Subject of study: The branches of Pelargonium and Coleus, petunia seeds.

Practical significance:the results of this study can be used for growing garden and flower crops from small seeds, which rarely germinate in the open soil.

Methods used: comparison, observation, experiment.

    What is hydroponics?

Calovo "Hydroponic", Greek, means "water and work". In the science of "Hydroponic" is a method of growing plants without soil, in which the plant gets from the solution all the necessary nutrients in the necessary quantities and accurate proportions.

The use of hydroponics reduces the cost of processing soil, protection against pests and weeds. The use of landless substrates allows you to grow more plants on a limited area. Water and fertilizers are consumed rational due to multiple use of them.

Vegetable products grown by greenhouse complexes are distinguished by high quality reduced content of nitrates compared to vegetables grown in the same season under traditional greenhouses.

2. History of hydroponics.

It is believed that the conversational methods of plant cultivation are the brainchild of modern technologies. Yes, indeed, these are technologies of the future, successfully developed in different countries, but it is worth remembering the proverbs: a new - well-forgotten old ... until our time, one of the seven wonders of the light-hanging gardens, built by Nebuchadnezzar for their wife, semi-amides, are not preserved. These flowering gardens were a miracle not only because they were in the late desert and were struck by their sizes ... According to very few testimonies of eyewitnesses that have come down to our time, it is possible to conclude - for the content of plants, we were used, expressing modern language, primitive hydroponic active type systems. As substrate used the mixture of earth and stones, such hydroculture ... Descriptions of the preparation recipe nutrient solution - Unfortunately not preserved.

But, even at that distant time, conceptless methods Not an absolute innovation ... In the ancient Highness "Epos about Gilgamesh," which is considered one of the first written sources that have come down to our time - there are references to such systems. Of course with stretch, but - they can be called hydroponic. The first who thought about how plants eat - Aristotle. In any case, his Peru belongs to work, where he tried to explain this process. Aristotle argued that the plants receive the necessary food in the final (already organic) form, affecting this issue only by the method of moving substances on the barrel of the plant. Then, for many centuries, a pause has occurred in the nutrition of the plant's nutrition. While this question did not experimentally engage in Dutch scientist Johann Baptist Van Gelmont(1575 - 1642). Professor Medicine John Woodward (1665 - 1828), apparently, was the first one who carried out and described the cultivation of the closest to the definition - hydroponics . Putting the point in disputes and called the things their names were German agrochemistry Yustus von Lubih (1803-1873). He approved the following: "Vegetable organisms, or, therefore, organic compounds are a means of nutrition and maintaining the lives of people and animals. The source of plant nutrition, on the contrary, is inorganic nature." So the basis of our modern agrochemistry was created, and the direction of its further development was indicated in the libid statement: "Now, when the conditions necessary for the soil to be fertile and capable of supporting the life of plants is likely to be denying to deny that further progress In agriculture, you can expect only from chemistry. "

Initially believed that capless Plant Growing Methods - Exceptionally prerogative of experienced laboratories, it will be able to call interest only in scientists - as an entertaining way.

Probably the largest of them was created at the Soviet institute of fruit trees on the initiative of the Russian Libiha - prof. D.N. Snidishnikova. The results of this significant scientific installation were practically implemented by the Soviet Polar Expedition already in 1937. Since 1936 by the method hydroponics Began to grow vegetable and floral plants in the greenhouses in our country.
In the world, everything goes to what hydroponics ( hydroculture Hyperlink "" ) , against the background of universal half-beetled existence (in the global sense) - the future, and is very promising. There are several companies in Russia, which have been on this specialized market for a long time.

3. Preparation of hydroponic installation

Experience number 1.

It was decided to grow the planting material of pelargonium by hydroponics. But for comparison, three types of substrate took: washed ceramzite, peat and ordinary earth ground. purpose This experiment: reveal the role of soil in the development of the plant.

I decided to conduct a study and make a hydroponic installation (Appendix 1) with your own hands.

    To do this, I took ordinary plastic bottles and cut off the bottom.

    Turning the cropped bottle up a new, wide hole I installed it into the cropped bottom, as in a steady pallet. For ventilation of the root system, a selection has done a lot of holes near the plug.

Fresh-cut Pelargonia shoots I placed in a ceramzite, peat, soil. All cultivation vessels are made in the same way described early. Conducting this experience, we strongly risk the life of our shoots. Early spring plants are badly leaving, since in the Biology Cabinet ranges from 13 0 to 16 0 s. After seven days in hydroponic installations, all plants feel great. After the weekend, the plant in the soil gave new, real leaves, and the hydroponic installation is not seen no changes in the soil from above dry. Extracted their ceramzite substrate - we observe the appearance of small roots. There are no rotation.

Output: Plants that are grown by hydroponics, perfectly feel without the usual soil for us. The plant in peat substrate is best. Even at low temperatures for germination, the roots appeared in a week.

Experience number2(Appendix No. 2)

To root short shoots, I made a second hydroponic installation.

We take the aqueous solution of humate used by packing from juice, two plastic cups, wick from cotton fabric, scissors.

2) in the package from the juice, cut down the diameter of the plastic cup, two holes for installing cups in them.

3) In a plastic cup, we make a hole for installing a wick in it.

4) we make a wick with a length of 10 cm, at one end it is tying a nodule and

bold in a hole in a cup. Finished cups insert into the holes in the box.

5) In the cups, smear the clamzit and peat. Fresh-cut cake shoots gently insert into the cups.

6) Through the hole pour the nutrient solution to the juice packaging.

A week later, we observe the growth of the shoots. Signs of rotting is not observed. When extracting on shoots, we see two new roots.

Output: Short shoots of indoor plants can be easily raised by hydroponics by means of not very favorable cold cabinet conditions.

Experience number 3.

The third hydroponic installation was created to grow the planting material from small, poorly germinating in the open soil of seeds. I make this installation from the box of plastic, sponge of automotive and mineral water. (Appendix No. 3)

In the plastic box we pour mineral water. Lower the sponge and mound from above small petunia seeds. To create a favorable microclimate from above, cover the system with a thin food film. The system is installed on the windowsill. After three days, we see sprouted seeds. Germination is 100%. The timing of the germination in the hydroponic installation has greatly decreased, compared with the partner in the open soil.

Output: In the hydroponic installation you can grow small seeds of flowering plants and transfer them to open soil.

Conclusion. Conclusions.

Conducting research, I found out:

    When growing plants at home, it is possible to successfully use hydroponics, especially in winter, when the power must be moderate, and evaporation is not great.

    With the cultivation of planting floral materials at home, you can successfully use hydroponics.

    With the help of hydroponics, it is possible to grow a planting material from small seeds, which germinate faster than in the open ground and more efficiently.

    Using hydroponics, you can grow an environmentally friendly product all year round. But at the same time, the hydroponics method is more "capricious" than the soil.

    hydroponic method is more economical in relation to water consumption by plants.

Experimed by I installed:

1) in the hydroponic cultivation of plants, it grows healthy and much faster than in the soil;

2) the roots of the plants do not dry and a sufficient amount of oxygen is obtained;

3) problems such as soil pests and diseases disappear;

Home methods of hydroponics are worthy of occupying an important place among all other methods of cultivation. Plants grown with their own hands is an increase in housing ecology.

List of used literature

    Vakhmistrov D. "Plants without soil", Moscow; "Children's literature", 1961

    Zeltser E. "Hydroponics for lovers", Moscow; "Colos", 1965\u003e gidroponika.-eto-Prosto /\u003e Forum / Zakrytyi-Grunt ... gidroponika./52284\u003e Content / Section / 9/237 \u003e. gidroponika..htm.

Attachment 1

Appendix 2.

Appendix 3.

Slide 2.

Performed: Hecman Timur Student 8 Class KSU "Osh s. Russian Ivanovka" Head: Shuttok Oksana Aleksandrovna Teacher Chemistry and Biology

Slide 3.

The object of growing plants without soil - hydroponics is elected object. Based on the experiment, comparisons and analyzing results, we find out when you can get more crop of the green greenery, growing it in snowy water, the soil from the garden or onions grown by hydroponics. As a result of observations, it was possible to establish that when growing a bow on a hydroponic installation, the pen reached the desired length in 23 days, and this is a few days ahead of time, while the leek greenery is more juicy and pleasant to taste. Growing onions by hydroponics method will significantly save resources, get a good harvest. Green onions is an excellent remedy for filling the stock of vitamins, especially in winter and during the spring avitaminosis.

Slide 4.

Within the framework of the project, I learned a lot of new things, including that onions and garlic occupy the third place among the useful products. Green onions is an excellent remedy for filling the stock of vitamins, especially in winter and during the spring avitaminosis. It contains vitamins of group B, C, E, RR, carotene, organic acids, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, iron, phytoncides, which will protect the body from diseases. After conducting a sociological survey among students of our school, processing the results, concluded that the guys rarely use the onions into food, giving preference to the green bows. Unfortunately, the green onions bought in the store is not subject to long-term storage, it fades and loses its useful properties. Onions, grown at home - optimal solution to the problem: I propose to grow onions yourself.

Slide 5.

Object of study: hydroponics - as a method for growing plants without soil. Research Subject: Onions. Hypothesis: If we grow onions with hydroponics, then you can get a good harvest, allowing you to provide yourself with vitamins all year round. Project goal: Find out whether the hydroponic is really the most productive way to grow onion on the green on the winter. Project tasks: to study the literature on the cultivation of vegetable crops by the method of hydroponics; Make a hydroponic vessel for growing plants; carry out experiments on the cultivation of onions in various ways; To summarize the results of the experiment.

Slide 6.

Benefits of growing plants by hydroponics
The plant grows strong and healthy, and much faster than in the soil. The roots of the plants do not suffer from drying out or lack of oxygen during revenge. Water consumption is easier to control, there is no need to water the plants every day. There is no problem lack of fertilizer or their overdose. Many problems of soil pests and disease disappear, which eliminates the use of pesticides. There is no need to buy a new soil for transplant, which strongly reduces the process of growing plants. Since the plant receives only the elements you need, it does not accumulate substances harmful to human health, which are inevitably present in the soil, which is very important for vegetable plants.

Slide 7.

Luke preparation to landing 2. Preparation of dishes for planting a glass with snow water 2) Flower pot with soil 3) Hydroponic installation
experimental part

Slide 8.

Production of hydroponic installation

Slide 9.

Observation of rising onions
3 day

Slide 10.

9 day
12 day
15 day
18 day