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How many universities in the world. The rating of the most prestigious universities in the world. Full list

So the doors of higher educational institutions across the country for new applicants opened. Most schoolchildren decided on where the documents will submit first of all for a long time. The main thing for applicants, decide on the list of spare universities, so as not to be upset if it is not possible to go to the most desirable. In the choice of each student, the rating of the best universities of the country should help, especially since over the past three years, the leaders of this rating are almost unchanged.

Urthi. Yeltsin

In order to enroll in this rating university in Yekaterinburg, students from all over Urals Federal District. More, modern departments, an excellent teaching staff and the possibility of internships make this university known throughout the country. Students celebrate bright outside learning activities and many student events.

Novosibirsk National Research University

For those who plan to build their careers with the Northern region, the Diploma of NSU will be as impossible by the way. Former graduates celebrate almost 100% of the demand for the specialties received in the region. High level The quality of education supports the large service of the university's health complexes, as well as modern sports halls and facilities.

Moscow Institute of International Relations MFA RF

This university has long and firmly consists in the ranking of the most strong educational institutions of the country, moving it to the top of the rating line, then at the end. Nevertheless, in this oldest university of the country introduced multi-level system Education, allowing successful students to continue their studies after undergraduate abroad. MGIMO doors are always wide open for those who dream of devoting their life not only international relations, but also political science, journalism, regions, as well as public relations and management.

Tomsk Polytechnic University

This title is hidden not just a university, but a whole student city - 15 modern cozy hostels, in which more than 9,000 students live, a huge number of laboratories and educational buildings are located on 230 thousand sq.m. All students at the time of entrance exams are provided in a comfortable hostel. Also TPU has a large number of Creative and sports associations, sanatoriums and recreation bases for students.

St. Petersburg State University

This university is present annually in world QS, ARWU and THE RATES, and today, the only Russian university, which has entered the international rating of FINANCIAL Times. In 2009, an educational institution was awarded a special status, which gives the right to row to establish its own educational standards.

NiU "Higher School of Economics"

In order to get into this largest Russian university, it is necessary to have a middle score at least 93. HSE graduates receive a European application to their diploma english languageThat allows them to receive further training abroad and easily get a job in foreign campaigns. Students of this modern university has a credit book - electronic, and annually as part of the academic mobility program, they are sent to training in European universities.

MSTU named after Bauman

This technical university is often referred to as the "Rocket College on Jauze". Here annually prepared the most best specialists For aerospace, instrument-making and rocket and space enterprises. MSTU students have the opportunity to undergo training practice at the plants of the giants Samsung and Volkswagen. University divisions are equipped with unique stands, equipment and samples of rocket and space technology. This is the only university in Russia, conducting training on the general spectrum of specialties attached to automatic systems control of aircraft and robotic equipment.


The National Nuclear University has shown a high level of education this year, and also provided the strongest research activities. This is a basic university for all nuclear hosting. Related by the fact that it has a research nuclear reactor. In addition to this, MEPh is the best programming and information security specialists. Also, the university is equipped with the latest electronic learning systems: textbooks, laboratory works and simulators. It is noteworthy that graduates of the university receive military tickets and finish their studies in the rank of rank and stock sergeants.

Moscow Physics and Technology University

More famous as fiztech and best university on the preparation of specialists in the field of applied physics, higher mathematics and other adjacent disciplines. Despite the fact that MIPT is considered to be a Moscow university, nevertheless it is located in the region in the city of Dolgoprudny. This fact is considered a special feature of the university and is intended to attract students from the regions. Despite the fact that the competition in this university is small, only 2-3 people in place, to get into it is not easy - the average passage score 98-99 out of 100 possible on the exam. The experienced students are ironically encouraged by the nervous applicants, saying: "In fiztech it is difficult to do." In fact, it turns out to be the easiest of all the way of learning - the load is given simply inbox, the requirements for students are deliberately overestimated and the slightest abominability is intolerable. But it is worth it - because modern fiztech is the best forge of frames. There are not only professors and scientists among graduates, but Nobel laureates, academics, ministers and even test pilots.

The main thing for future specialists - to understand, no matter what color your diploma will be, it is necessary to grow and develop in your profession right while studying, without waiting for its end.

Harvard, Oxford, Cambridge, Sorbonne - the names of the most famous universities of the world speak for themselves. Their diplomas are a priori high quality education, prestige, guaranteed employment for highly paid positions, the ability to study science or make a brilliant career, other prospects that are opening up before graduates.

Each country has well-known universities attracting applicants from different parts of the planet. The largest number is located in the United States followed by the United Kingdom. But this does not mean that the preparation of future specialists in France, Germany, Japan, Singapore, Canada is worse.

Harvard is the oldest American University. It has long and firmly enters the top three most famous educational institutions in the world.

Harvard was founded on September 8, 1636 in the city of Cambridge, where successfully functions today. Initially, he worked as a college, on the basis of which a higher educational institution was founded. John Harvard, whose name he is wearing, was the initiator of his discovery and the main sponsor.

Over the years, Harvard has released tens of thousands of specialists of various profiles. Among graduates - Barack Obama, Theodore Roosevelt, Mark Zuckerberg. Almost forty-future Nobel laureates and eight future American presidents studied in his walls.

Preparation includes all sought-after directions. For the convenience of students in the student town, campuses, libraries were built. There are museums and botanical garden. The cost of education in Harvard comes to $ 40 thousand per year.


Yel is another famous university from the top three in America and the world. He works in New Haven since 1701 and is famous for the international approach to learning. Students from 100 states study in Yale. The year of study costs $ 40.5 thousand.

The educational institution is called the name of the merchant Eli Yiel, sponsoring the school, over time he agreed into a prestigious university. His pride is a huge library, the third largest on the planet.

At one time, Yale University ended George Bush, John Kerry and other famous politicians and businessmen.

Princeton is famous in America and far beyond brilliant academic preparation and impeccable reputation. It is located in the same city of the same name in 1746 and prepares highly specialized researchers, artists and other spheres.

Princeton University's educational programs are based on the development of abilities, disclosure of the creative and scientific potential of students. Each student studies the program in its specialization plus an additional, emerging beyond training. This approach is justified by the prospects - graduates will continue to work in several directions.

Princeton ended the American President Woodrow Wilson and the first Lady of the USA Michelle Obama. At one time, Albert Einstein was taught here - in the audience 302.

Oxford is one of the most popular universities in Europe, the pride of the English educational system. The famous university is located in the County of Oxfordshire.

The exact date of its opening is not established, but it is known for certain that the training of students was carried out already in 1096.

The training system practicing in Oxford allows to prepare and issue highly professional specialists from different fields of activity. Throughout the training process, the mentors help students enshrined behind them. The pedagogical composition seeks to diversify leisure students.

There are dozens of sections in interests, libraries, museums on site. The year of study costs about $ 15 thousand.

Among the famous graduates - Margaret Thatcher, Tony Blair, Lewis Carroll.

Cambridge - Legendary Representative higher Schoolopened in 1209. In the history of education, he entered as an institution, who prepared and issued the greatest number of future Nobel laureates. The prestigious premium was awarded 88 students of the University of Cambridge. And this is not the limit.

Preparation is conducted in 28 directions. The cost of one-year learning is about $ 14 thousand. Talented students can qualify for scholarships and grants, fully or partially compensating financial costs.

Among the graduates of Cambridge - Vladimir Nabokov, Charles Darwin, Isaac Newton, Stephen Hawkins.

Stanford University is relatively young, if you compare it with the same Harvard. Spouses Stanford founded the university in the Silicon Valley in 1891 - in memory of the dead son.

Today, the private institution is deservedly considered prestigious. He wondered with a specific goal - the preparation of popular and competitive specialists who benefit society. The stated goal is preserved now.

Stanford graduates are the founders of Google brands, Nike, Hewlett-Packard and others. Programs include scientific and practical research. In class groups - no more than 6 people per 1 teacher. True, the cost is high - 40.5 thousand dollars a year.

The famous Sorbonne is not only the oldest institute, but also one of the iconic attractions of the French capital.

Students can learn in its walls for free, as the university state. Without costs it will not be possible - membership fees will have to pay, medical insurance, language training (for foreigners).

The duration of study depends on the student: there is fast programs Preparations calculated for 2-3 years, and long-term - for 5-7 years. The main emphasis is made on practical classes, independent research work.

Onor de Balzac, Osip Mandelshtam, Lev Gumilev, Marina Tsvetaeva, Charles Mantoua - they all finished sorbonna.

The educational institution opened in New York in 1754. About his prestige shows the fact that the Institute is included in the Ivy League.

For reference, Ivy League is an association that united 8 American universities with high quality education. League members are leading research centers of America.

Education in the Columbia private university is expensive - $ 45000 per year. Students additionally pay food, accommodation, medical insurance, other expenses. Cumulative costs are almost twice as much.

At one time, Franklin Roosevelt, Jerome Sallinger, Mikhail Saakashvili, learned here.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology is based in the state of the same name in 1861 and has been considered leading in the fields for several decades:

  • accurate sciences;
  • natural sciences;
  • engineering;
  • modern technologies.

The average cost of one-year learning is $ 55,000, of which 70% is the training fee itself, and the remaining 30% - accommodation, food, related costs.

Among graduates of the Technological Institute - 80 laureates of the Nobel Prize, hundreds of outstanding engineers and scientists.

The metropolitan MSU is not included in the list of the most popular universities in the world, but the famous university leads the quality of education in Russia. He has been working since 1755 and was originally called the Imperial Moscow University.

The current name educational institution Received in 1940. Preparation of students is carried out on the 41 faculty. The cost of learning varies, depending on the selected direction, is 217-350 thousand rubles per year. Budget preparation is free.

The Institute holds its own schoolchildren. The winners are credited to the university outside the competition - provided they have successfully passed the exam.

Each person who wants to succeed in life seeks to get high-quality education. However, universities of our country, unfortunately, do not provide level certificates that allow you to quickly get on one of the leading positions in profitable companies. Despite this, more and more of our compatriots receive education in, but some try their strength abroad. Of course, many are unable to pay training, but many grants come to the rescue, winning which you can study free of charge abroad. We collected for you best options Higher educational institutions in ranking the best universities in the world 2016 The year so you can choose exactly what you have to do.

10. University of Chicago (USA)

This educational institution has a rich history: it was here that the first nuclear reaction was obtained, to prove that oncology can be caused by genetic heredity, confirm the benefit of reading for the brain development. At the base of the university, there are more than 120 different research centers, whose services are enjoyed by large companies, so the prospect of staying here is very attractive, because you can repeat the feat of one of the 89 graduates who became the Nobel Prize laureates. There was also a modern foreign policy doctrine of the United States of America.


The main marketing goat, who possesses the university, which occupies the ninth line of the rating of the best universities in the world 2016 is the presence of Albert Einstein graduates, the owner of Nobeli in the 1921 physics. Among the features are also unique developments, among which is a large hadron collider, whose supervision of activity is carried out by CT. This suggests the extremely high qualifications of specialists, thanks to which they have the opportunity to participate in advanced studies of our time.


This university presented the world many revolutionaries in science, because it was his graduates with the useful properties of Vitamin C. One of the outstanding college students was Alexander Fleming, the inventor of Penicillina, which allowed humanity to effectively deal with infectious diseases. There are also 15 in the clip nobel Laureaatov, among which a person who gave the world a hologram. If you have a predisposition to the study of technical or natural sciences, the imperial college will be the best option.


You will be amazed by the number of areas of Princeton University, which takes the seventh position in the top ten most universities in the world for 2016. In independence from the selected industry, he has something to be proud of. It was here that the speed of the world was exceeded, a game theory was developed, which is the basis of a separate discipline within the framework of economic science, and advanced developments in the field of energy saving, allowing humanity to avoid commodity and energy crises in the future. The most famous graduate is John Nash, the first of the people who could realize the presence of schizophrenia and to cope with it. It inspired American directors to create a biographical film about outstanding mathematics.


Perhaps there are no people in the civilized world who did not hear about Harvard's "Harvard" at least once in their lives, among which John Kennedy and Barack Obama, a lot of cinema stars, the generic team of the Era of personal computers Bila Gates, who is the creator first in the world social network (Facebook) having about two billion users today. Among the immigrants former USSR There are also several outstanding figures who finished Harvard: Yuri Shevchuk, Orest Substory, Grigory Grabovich. Anyone who wants a bright future for their children to strive to provide him with education in this university.


In the top five of the very best institutions in the world of 2016, the second most important technical university of modernity is located. It was here that the ideas that are constantly being introduced into everyday life, such as cybernetics and artificial intelligence, originated and continue to develop. In MTI, there are a mass of laboratories, among which the one in which the newest military means for the army of the United States are being developed. The general teaching staff has about one and a thousand professors, and from eleven thousand students of 15% are foreign citizens.

4. Cambridge University (United Kingdom)

The rating, which includes the best universities in the world 2016, can not do without Cambridge. This educational institution is the world leader among graduates with the Nobel Prize, here are 92, most of which have made revolutionary discoveries in the field of accurate sciences and natural science. Due to the long history of the existence of Cambridge, it can also boast outstanding physicists - Newton and Bacon. It is worth noting that the leading specialists in the field of nuclear physicists work here, among professors there were also Ernest Rutherford, which has proven existence in the nucleus in the atom, with a positive charge and electrons around it with a negative and creator of the world's first atomic bomb - Robert Oppenheimer.


The university, which opens up the top three, is a cradle of the modern computer industry, because on its basis the mass of brands, which are now among largest companies in the world. It was here that Steve Jobs studied, the founder of Apple, and solely due to the possibility of teachers to adequately respond to the innovative developments of their own wards, he managed to achieve such success. Stanford welcomed the scientific laboratories for MasterCard, Facebook, Xerox, which allowed the IT-industry giants to produce a revolution in everyday life, significantly simplifying it.


Despite the small, in comparison with other applicants, he had a decisive influence on the United States Space Program, it was possible to launch the Hubble telescope and the Lunar Program Apollo. Each tenth graduate receives medals for innovation from the government, most of the thirty years provide themselves at the Federal Academy of Sciences. 17 students were awarded the Nobel Prize, all in the field of physics or mathematics. No other educational institution boasts such an influence on the development of space by a person like KTI.

1. Oxford University (United Kingdom)

"Oxford" is the golden winner of the top 10 rating and this best World University 2016 of the year. This university serves as an example of the classical university, in which humanitarian, technological and medical disciplines are equally developing. It was here that the first theories appeared about the emergence of the universe, the trajectories of the movement of galaxies were calculated and research expeditions were coordinated for Mars. Interesting fact It is also the presence of its own observatory, the staff of which was predicted by the collision of the Milky Way and Andromeda, and also discovered the planet, which fully consists of glass.

University (from him. Universität, which, in turn, happened from Lat. Universitas - a totality, community) - a higher educational institution, where specialists in fundamental and many applied science are being prepared. As a rule, research and research work. Many modern universities act as educational and practical complexes. Universities combine several faculties in their composition, on which the combination of various disciplines that make up the basis of scientific knowledge are presented.

The foundation of the future welfare of a person is laid in the youth. An important step on the life path Each of us is our education. It will largely determine the future specialty and work achieved. Today it is quite clear that a person who did not receive a full-fledged education or not at all graduating from studying, will not be able to become a minister, president, a large businessman.

There is an academic rating of the universities in the world in the world (ARWU), which determines the prestige of education in a particular institution, which is undoubtedly taken into account by applicants when choosing its university. There are also Russian universities in this list, only they occupy mallefactive places at the end of the first hundreds, so, Moscow State University is located only in the 70th place. Tell me about the most prestigious universities World.

The first place belongs Harvard University (Harvard University)located in Massachusetts, USA. This university was founded back in 1636 and is the oldest educational institution of this level in America. He received his name in honor of John Harvard's missionary. The university includes 12 colleges and faculties, the most prestigious branches of medicine, economics and jurisprudence are considered. The university has several own museums, for example, museums of geology, zoology, as well as archeology. It is here that the greatest scientific Library In the world in which there is a large number of rarest manuscripts and books. It is noteworthy that among the Nobel laureates, more than 30 graduates are Harvard. Every year about 18,000 students from all over the United States, as well as from 100 countries of the world studying this university. The number of teachers exceeds 2300 people. The number of people willing to get to Harvard is always great, despite the rather expensive level of payment for learning - the year of his student's stay in the university costs $ 42,000. It is not surprising that the Target Capital of the University is almost 35 billion dollars. Harvard is ruled by the president, in the entire history there were 28 people.

Second place in the feature list takes Stenford University (Stanford University)located in California, USA. This educational institution was founded in 1891 by California Governor and part-time by a large railway entrepreneur Leland Stelford. The university is named after the son of the policy, Lland of Stenford Jr., who died still with a teenager. Almost 15 thousand students and applicants from around the world study in Steford. University is known primarily for its high level of business education, MBA. Part of the landford lands are located in long-term lease at high-tech companies, this structure received a well-known name - "Silicon Valley". Famous companies such as Hewlett-Packard, Electronic Arts, Nvidia, Yahoo, Google, Sun Microsystems, Cisco Systems and others were founded by graduates of the university.

In third place is located university of Berkeley (University of California, Berkeley)Also located to California. This is the oldest out of ten universities of the state education system. Numerous ratings give reason to assume that this is the best state university USA. Founded in 1868, the university is now covered by an area of \u200b\u200babout 5 thousand km2. Worldwide fame to the university brought training specialists in the field of physics, economics, as well as computer technologies. It was here that in 2007 was announced on the post-free Internet resource of Youtube video recordings and events held in different time In the walls of the educational institution. It was Berkeley first decided on such a step, which corresponds to the ideology of the university, as a public institution. Physicists of this university played a huge role in the development of atomic and hydrogen bombs. Cyclotron was invented here, antiproton studies were conducted, the laser was developed, photosynthesis was studied. Berkeley became the opening location of new chemical elements - Plutonium, Sybigia, California and others. It was born here operating system BSD, which posted the beginning of the whole ideology.

Fourth place belong Cambridge located in the UK. This is the second by age of the University of Europe after Oxford, it is founded in 1209. According to legend, several scientists left Oxford due to disagreements with locals, they founded a new the educational center. The history of the opposition of Oxford and Cambridge is so deep and interesting, they occupy such an important place in the history of English society that they are even united in one whole and refer to Oxbridge. Now as part of Cambridge 31 College of Miscellaneous Food (at the same time, 3 of them take only women) and more than 100 branches. Humanitarian specialties enjoy highly popular with students. There are even theological colleges at the university. About 17 thousand students take about 17% of them every year, and about 17% of them are foreigners. A high level of training at the university confirms the fact that its graduates from 1904 received 87 Nobel Prizes, for this indicator with a university, few people compare. The president of Cambridge is a special royal blood - Philip, Prince Edinburgh.

Fifth place is given to the famous Massachusetts Technological University, United States (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Mit). This university was founded in 1861, today the research center is also located here. The birth of the university was the answer to the growth of science and technology in the 19th century, since traditional education could no longer adequately comply with new trends. Mit today is the most real Mecca in the field of computer technologies, robotics, artificial Intelligence, as well as other areas of technology and science. At the University, engineering and scientific training initially focus more on the absorption of practical skills than theoretical items. During World War II, MIT prestige increased noticeably, as students and staff of Massachusetts actively participated in military research programs. The most famous institutions of the university are the laboratory of informatics and artificial intelligence, a school of management, as well as Lincoln's laboratory. Massachusetts is considered to be one of the most prestigious technical universities, it is no coincidence that the Nobel laureates 72 are local graduates. Also here is the economy and management, philosophy, linguistics and politically science. The cost of learning in this prestigious institution is from $ 30,000 per year.

The next row line belongs California University of Technology, USA (California Institute of Technology). This private university was founded in 1891 by a politician and businessman by Aimos Corpe, as a result of several renaming the present name was obtained in 1920. The main specialization of this famous university is engineering and accurate science. It is here that the laboratory of the reactive movement is located, which is actively used by NASA. Although all universities and honor are their traditions, it is here that they are developed. So, for each Halloween, students relieve pumpkin from a high library building. The fruit is frozen with liquid nitrogen and decorated with light bulbs. For first-year students, the "Boss Day" is held, during it, freshmen must certainly get into the University building, which hitrible traps created by the elder their comrades. It is believed to learn more difficult here than anywhere. After all, students are invited to learn a huge amount of information for a short time. University even attribute aphorism: "Study, Sleep, Social Life: Choose two of three." The university adopted its own Code of Honor, according to which students are inconsistent in other places freedom, so, is allowed to carry out the examination tasks of the house.

Seventh place right Columbia University, located in New York, USA. Founded by the university was quite a long time, back in 1754, thanks to the resolution of the King of England George II. However, already in 1787, the university becomes private. It is quite early that this institution has become known that the political elite is preparing in it. It was this university that many ministers and presidents of the United States ended, including Barack Obama, and 54 graduates became subsequently the Nobel Prize. Columbia University is one of the most popular for foreigners, about 20 thousand people study here, while more than a third came from abroad, representing 150 countries of the world. In this institution is the Bakhmetiev archive, which is one of the most significant storage facilities of Russian emigration. The symbol of the university is the lion. University of Slanged to his school journalism, open in 1912. Any political events find a response in the walls of the institution, so, during the Vietnamese War of 1968, students were captured by 5 educational buildings, the conflict managed to be resolved only with the help of the police.

The eighth line of the rating is given Princeton University, United States. This is one of the most famous and prestigious American universities, it was founded back in 1746. The first lesson took place in the house of the priest Jonathan Dickinson, which is the founder of the university. In the city of Princeton, New Jersey, the institution did not move immediately, only in 1756. The status of the university received the institution in 1896. Now it is studying about 4.5 thousand people, while all learning is built strictly on individual plans, it is also closely related to research work. From among the 400 teaching professors seven are Nobel laureates. The total number of teachers exceeds 1,100 people. The importance of Princeton gave the fact that this is one of the few universities that joined the Google program on the digitization of books. The university library itself boasts 6 million printed publications, 5 million manuscripts and 2 million units of other printed products. Here there is also a code of honor, according to which students undertake not only do not deceive themselves, but also report on all cases of violation of orders. Exams in the university are carried out without the presence of teachers or assistants. Violations of the Code may also lead to an exception to the school. Princeton is famous for its sporting traditions, there are 38 sports teams. The princeton symbol is a tiger.

Chicago Private University (University of Chicago)Founded by the legendary John Rockefeller in 1890 occupy a ninth place. Other sources mention the date of the foundation of 1857, however, the financial assistance of the magnate at the end of the century allowed the institution to start working full. The local library was founded in 1892, today more than 3.5 million copies of books are stored here, including rare manuscripts. 79 people, somehow connected with the University of Chicago, are Nobel laureates. In training the most powerful areas associated with physics, economy, sociology and jurisprudence. The university takes about 14,000 students in his walls, about 2 thousand teachers teach him, the symbol of the university is Phoenix.

The final listed follows the legendary Oxford (University of Oxford)Located in the UK. This is one of the oldest universities in Europe, his fame is not surprising, because it is founded, as it is believed in 1117. The university consists of 39 independent colleges and 7 educational institutions belonging to religious communities and not possess such status. Today, about 18.5 thousand students are trained in Oxford, while a quarter of them are foreigners. The university has 3,700 teachers, with members of the British Academy of Sciences are 100 of them. Only in the 20s of the last century in Oxford began to take women, and separate training was abolished after half a century. The main directions of students' training are humanitarian, mathematical, physical and social sciences, as well as medicine. Oxford is not only a university, but also located on its territory the Research Center. In this university there is the largest educational library of the country, in general there are about hundreds of libraries. For the organization of leisure, students are offered about 300 circles, in addition, much attention is paid to sports. Oxford graduated from Kings Edward VII and Edward VIII, 25 English Prime Ministers were trained here, and among teachers it is enough to remember John Tolkien's names and Lewis Carolla.

Readers are represented the best universities in the world 2016according to the British edition of Times Higher Education, which conducted a global study among higher educational institutions.

University of Chicago, USA) opens the top ten of the best higher educational institutions in the world 2016. Today, the University of Chicago operates 12 scientific institutions and 113 research centers. It was here very much important discoveries: The world's first nuclear chain reaction is produced; The hereditary predisposition of people to oncological diseases; The statement is substantiated about the positive impact of reading the classical literature on the human brain. Also, graduates of Chicago University developed a modern doctrine of the US military-political course. 89 Nobel laureates worked or worked here.

(Eth Zürich - Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich, Switzerland) occupies a ninth place in the ranking of the best universities in the world 2016. It is famous for its curriculum and scientific developers in the field of engineering, technology, mathematics and natural sciences. In the film Etz Zürich 21, the Nobel Prize, received by its graduates and professors, including the 1921 physics premium, which was awarded Albert Einstein.

(Imperial College London, United Kingdom) In 2016, took the eighth line in the list of the best educational institutions in the world. It is famous for its engineering and medical specialties. Among the well-known graduates of the Imperial College of Nobel laureates, among which the inventor of Penicilina Sir Alexander Fleming, the inventor of Holography Dennis Gabor, Sir Norman Khovort for its research of carbohydrates and vitamin C.

(Princeton University, USA) is located on the seventh line in the top ten world universities 2016. The Laboratory of Princeton University is surprised by the breadth of development in different types scientific activity. The opening of the fractional quantum effect of Hall belongs to Princeton's graduate Daniel Tsui, who received the Nobel Prize for him. Research in the field of mathematics John Nash produced a revolution in the theory of games, which became the basis of a separate industry in the experimental economy. Princeton scientists were able to cross the velocity barrier by refuting Einstein's theory. They were also able to increase productivity solar batteries by 175%, which will allow in the future to solve issues with the energy crisis. Over the years of existence, this university raised 35 laureates of the Nobel Prize, including John Nash (Mathematics) and Richard Feynman (physics).

Harvard University, USA) takes the sixth position in the ranking of the best universities 2016. Graduates of the legendary Harvard are outstanding figures, businessmen, politicians, other creative personalities. Among them are eight US presidents, including John Kennedy, Barack Obama. Also popular Hollywood stars Matt Damon, Natalie Portman. Mark Zuckerberg also studied at Harvard - Facebook Founder. Bill Gates, who was deducted for the impressability, but still after a few years he received a diploma. But his companion Steve Balker managed to successfully finish her studies at Harvard. Ukrainian figures were also studied in the educational institution: Orest Substory, Grigory Grabovich, Yuri Shevchuk.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA) is located in the middle of the rating of the best universities in the world of 2016. It is here that innovative studies are underway in the areas of robotics, information technologies, artificial intelligence, economy and mathematics. At the Institute, research centers are functioning on the whole world - Lincoln Laboratory, engaged in technological developments With the sphere of national security, the laboratory of artificial intelligence and informatics, the laboratory of the Cambridge electronic accelerator. At the same time, about 11,000 students are studying at the same time, of which foreigners are 10-15%. Training lead about 1,500 teachers.

University of Cambridge, United Kingdom) located on the fourth line on the list of the best higher education institutions 2016. It is especially famous for its successes in the Louis of Exact Sciences and Medicine. No other university of the world presented the planet so many Nobel Prize laureates as Cambridge. 88 graduates and university teachers received this prestigious academic award. 29 of them received awards in physics, 25 - in medicine, 21 - in chemistry, 9 - in the economy, 2 - in the literature and one - the premium of the world. Here were the famous Medieval scientists, such as Isaac Newton and Francis Bacon. It was in Cambridge that the creators of modern nuclear physics were taught and engaged in research - Lord E. Rutherford, N. Bor and J. R. Oppenheimer.

Stanford University, USA) opens the top three of the best universities in the world 2016. It is known for its innovations in the field of high-tech industry. It is considered a global research center and a giant in network technologies. Place known by birth of such branded companies as Facebook, Apple, Xerox, Hewlett-Packard. Many startups are created here and the future of the IT industry is determined.

University of Oxford, United Kingdom) takes the second line in the ranking of the best higher education institutions 2016. The main directions educational activities University is considered humanitarian, mathematical, physical and social sciences, as well as medicine. In Oxford University, a huge amount of discoveries in the field of cosmology is happening - the study of Mars, the trajectory of movement of the galaxies (for example, it was found that our galaxy would face Andromeda's galaxy), the development of the theories of the universe. In particular, in 2013, scientists of the Oxford University opened a "glass planet" of which the surface of which was covered with an analogue of our globe.

California Institute of Technology, USA) heads the ranking of the best universities in the world 2016. Abbreviated sounds like Kaltech. It belongs to the laboratory of the reactive movement, which launches most of the automatic spacecraft of NASA. Caltech remains a relatively small university in which about 1000 students and 1200 graduate students study. 31 laureate of the Nobel Prize is connected with Caltech anyway. Of these, 17 graduates and 18 professors. 65 people from graduates and teachers received the US National Scientific Medal or National Medal in Technology and Innovation, 112 people were elected to the members of the National Academies of Sciences.