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Roses: Structure and Plateful Plants. Biology News: Laboratory Work

    \u003e\u003e 1. Width the habitat of the plant and the animal proposed to you for the study.
    Where to take these plants and animals ?? (maybe give a specific plant and animal?)

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  1. Progress. 1 Cactus is distributed in America, hare is common worldwide. 2Kactus is adapted to survival in conditions of lack of moisture (spines, thickened stem, for water stock). Seasonal shift of wool color, thick warm wool. 3 cactus (indoor plant) of its adaptation to a lack of moisture lose meaning, and becomes not harmful, then, in any case, neutral. With a white painting in the winter, it is clearly visible on the background of the trees.4Cactus-adaptation to the lack of moisture, it arose as a result of habitat Cactus in the conditions of the desert. The chain-adaptation to changing the color of the seasons arose as a result of the need for disguise (protection against predators). Conclusion. I formed the concept of fitness of organisms to the habitat, secured the ability to identify the features of the organisms to the habitat.

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  2. The fitness of organisms to the habitat and its relative character.
    Purpose: to form the concept of fitness of organisms to the habitat, consolidate the ability to identify the features of the fitness of organisms to the habitat.
    Equipment: Herbar Plant Samples or indoor plants, stuffed or drawings of animals of various habitats.
    For scientific work I took the plant cactus and an animal octopus.
    1. Octopus. Distributed worldwide: Mediterranean Sea, Oriental Atlantic Ocean, Japanese Sea. Cactus is widespread to a greater degree of South and North America.
    2. Octopus has the ability to change the color. The mouth hole is located in the place where his tentacles converge. Golov carries eight long tentacles. Blowing the octopus of gills, but without damage to health, maybe there may be a short time to be outside the water.
    Cactus. The ability of cacti under favorable conditions to accumulate significant aquatic reserves to them the opportunity to experience the arid months, and sometimes years. During the strongest droughts, these plants are strongly reduced in volume, but at the first rain restore it.
    3. Octopus. Development of organs for capturing, holding, killing mining (tentacles).
    Masking coloring.
    Selection of paralyzing poisons.
    Developing special ways of behavior (waiting in ambush).
    Cactus. For all cacti, the ability to experience long arid periods, besides, with intensive sunlight. In extreme habitats in their homeland, these plants have developed an amazing mechanism of the device, so changing their appearance and functions, so as to maximize the moisture required for life, to store it in special organs and reduce its evaporation to a minimum.
    4. Octopus. All well-known octopuses have a changing color reliably protect them from most predators.
    Cactus adaptation to a lack of moisture, arose as a result of the habitat of the cactus in the conditions of the desert.
    The work was performed by Surikov Ivan 11B class.

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  4. Kalinina did!

    For work, I took the animal-giraffe, and a fern plant.
    1) Giraffe. And the native habitat is the African savannah south of the Sahara desert, open, herbal plain with a small number of trees and shrubs.
    2) Fern. The excellent habitat of ferns - under the trees canopy in dense rainforest.
    1) Life in African savannas requires special fitness. The leaves on the trees grow high, the vision here is much more necessary for the hearing, and the ability to quickly run more important than masking. With their growing growth, pinch the grass is inconvenient. Therefore, young shoots of the trees giraffes hang on top of a long language and tenacious lips, unlike elephants that brought the branches and the forest damage.
    2) Ferns have leaves, stems and roots. Thanks to a well-developed conductive system of roots and leaves, they are easily absorbed by water from the soil. This fitness of ferns to a terrestrial lifestyle gave them a number of advantages over Mkhami.
    1) Giraffa has a lot unusual in hawves, life situations. Because of his gigantic growth, he has to drink, spreading his legs wide, and still bent the front in his knees. Sleep these giants are very little and standing, and if you lie for a short time, you can, bent the neck, put your head on my back leg or rely on the ground. There are no long speed for a long time: they have small lungs, less than a horse. But they have an excellent cardiovascular system. It is adapted for uninterrupted blood supply to the brain, located 3 m above the heart. For this, it is necessary to create very high pressure, but this does not lead to hemorrhages, since the walls of blood vessels have thick and durable giraffes. Faiths easily carry life in zoos. But it is very difficult to transport them to the place of life due to growth. Therefore, the zoos acquire them even at an early age.
    2) Ferns do not endure dry conditions and live only in wet places.
    1) on the logic of Darwin, the giraffe is a long neck because animals with long necks can get more leavesThey have better life, they give more offspring, and thus increases the number of long-haired giraffes.
    W: I learned how to form the concept of fitness of organisms to the habitat, secured the ability to identify the features of the fitness of organisms to the habitat.

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  5. Progress.
    For work, I took a plant cactus and an animal chameleon.

    1) Cactus lives in North and South America, in dry areas whose soil is poor microflora.
    Chameleons are found on Madagascar, North Africa, Spain.

    2) Cactus has the ability to accumulate water into rains, then use it during the droughts, and then fill the water supply after a while in the next rain period.
    Chameleons can change coloring and body pattern. These changes occur under the action of temperature, light and humidity, as a result of hunger, thirst, fright, irritation, etc.

    3) In other conditions (not in the wilderness), the cactus fitness may simply be helped by anything at best, and maybe stop at worst. For example, if you plant a cactus cactus in the apartment and not to water him, it will be nowhere to get moisture and store it (the adaptation does not help), and he dries off.
    Chameleon change coloring depending on external factors, that is, without understanding, figuratively speaking. So if it is placed on an unusual territory, it can change the color and become noticeable to predators.

    4) Cactus has a moisture preservation adaptation arose in the residence conditions in the desert, where rains are extremely rare, i.e. He is nowhere to receive a lifeful moisture.
    Chameleon has the ability to change the color resulting from the need for disguise.

    Conclusion: I learned how to form the concept of fitness of organisms to the habitat, consolidated the ability to identify the features of the fitness of organisms to the habitat.

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  6. For work, I took the plant plant and animal dike.

    1) Plantains grow in moderate and subtropical belts of Europe, Asia, Africa and America.

    Dicuity lives in Europe and North America.

    2) Plantains usually have a short rhizome, seated with thin cords-shaped roots. Lastly lying on the ground. You don't have a stem. There are convex alkalins. If you get up on it, they will be squeezed to the ground, not giving a lie to break it out. Thanks to all the above, it is hurting to deformation.

    The body of the dicker is equipped with a multitude of needles. Their slows are slow, measured, lazy, the climbing rocks have a highly difficult art to remain fixed in the same place with whole hours and days. It can be concluded that they do not differ at the speed and therefore do not have Opportunities to escape from predators. In such a way, the needle is the only means of protection for these animals.

    3) the relative nature of the adaptability will be revealed in densely populated areas of territories where there are no large animals and people.

    The relative nature of the fitness will be revealed in the dickery, if (possibly) in the needle, there will be no need.

    4) At the plantain, the need for such a structure of the body is caused by living conditions. In any time you can step, go, fall, jump, stand up, etc.

    At the dickery, such a body structure is caused as a result of the need to protect against predators.

    Conclusion: I learned how to form the concept of adaptability of organisms to the habitat, consolidated the ability to identify the features of the fitness of organisms to the habitat.

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  8. Beresneva Daria. 11 V.

    A) ladybug. For more than 1000 types of ladybirds, which are common in all parts
    sveta. Some of them are found on all plants: trees, shrubs or herbs, on which only there is aphids; Others, opposite that, hold on only on field herbs; Third - on the meadows adjacent to the streams; Fourth - only on the trees.
    B) cedar. In nature, the area of \u200b\u200bthe genus covers the southern and eastern mountainous areas of the Mediterranean and Western regions of the Himalayas. On the south coast, the Crimea ceders were quite naturally in the area from Sevastopol to Kara-Dag.

    A) Ladybugs always differ in bright coloring - a convincing prevention for predators who want to encroach on the life of the insect. Another effective method Protection is a poisonous dramatically smelling yellow liquid, which ladybugs are isolated from the legs of the legs. She scans their main enemies - spiders, frogs and some insects that eat ladybugs. Ladybug is an active fighter of plant and paudgeal ticks.
    B) For old ceders in the winds, a chandeling-like rise in the upper branches is characterized by a vertex or somewhat higher, creating multipleness. This feature is a device for increasing the seminine, as the cedar cones are formed only on the illuminated branches. Cedar has a powerful and polymorphic root system, the structure of which depends on the characteristics of the soil. This allows it to grow on the soils of the most different mechanical composition, power, trophy and moisture-provision. In the rewarded soils, with a well-developed moss cover, cedar often forms apparent roots. In this adaptability, only Gmelin larch is superior to the overwhelmed soils.
    A) Protective devices from some enemies are not effective from others.
    When switching through large reservoirs, insects are very tired and strive at the first opportunity to fall on land. Therefore, most often their clusters are found on the shores of the seas and reservoirs. The storm wind may be the reason that there are a lot of ladybugs in the water. Ichping in water, bugs can no longer climb into the air.
    B) On dry southern lime slopes, the cedar Himalayan suffers from chlorosis strongly and often dies. The cedar camp is thin, which makes it sensitive to mechanical damage, facilitating the penetration of mushroom infections into the trunk, and to fires. Weak place cedar is its demanding to high relative humidity, especially in winter. This requirement is due to a very large surface of the needle of cedar and fir. Therefore, in places with a dry climate, Cedar can not grow, which limits its settlement in the forest-steppe.

    A) God's bows of the adaptation arose as a result of the need for protection against enemies.
    B) Cedar, the adaptability arose as a result of habitat conditions. Cedar has a powerful and polymorphic root system, the structure of which depends on the characteristics of the soil.

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  9. Purpose: to form the concept of fitness of organisms to the habitat, consolidate the ability to identify the features of the fitness of organisms to the habitat.
    Equipment: Herburning patterns of plants or indoor plants, stuffed or drawings of animals of various habitats.
    To work, I took the animal-mole, a plant fern.
    1. Drost - almost all the time a small worker, from 10 to 18 cm tall, spends underground, in its storerooms and tunnels. On the surface is selected only in exceptional cases. Animals are extremely hardy, can live almost everywhere, but prefer to settle in wet and loose soilswhich is easy to dig and where insects are injured in abundance.
    The fern lives in Rasseks of rocks, swamps, in rivers and lakes, on the walls of urban homes, in agricultural land.
    2. The animal of the animal is perfectly adapted to a similar way of life. He has an elongated body of the streamlined shape, which helps the mole with freely "leak" into narrow loopholes, short tail, small ears, underdeveloped blind eyes, as well as powerful front paws, similar to massive blades with five sharp claws. They Mole makes moves, without any problems, even hard clay land. In the pitch darkness, the mole dungeons are focused due to first-class smell, touch and hearing.
    Despite the lack of leaf, the fern is a leaf plate. This paradox is simply explained: their plates, the presumptions have undergone a compaction, as a result of which the plate of the future sheet appeared - almost not distinguish from the same plate of the present sheet. Adapted to a land lifestyle: they have large leaves, real appendage roots and a fairly developed conductive system.
    3. Mole has adapt to life in the soil, but on the surface it is helpless;
    Ferns do not tolerate drafts. It may grow in fairly dark places, but the bush will be liquid and ugly.
    4. In the work "The origin of species ..." Darwin noted the most important trait
    the evolutionary process is its adaptive character. Views continuous
    adapt to the conditions of existence, and the organization of any kind
    constantly improving. Merit evolutionary teaching and is
    explanation of this perfection of organisms as a result of historical
    accumulation of devices.

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  10. Makhneva Carolina 11V.
    Purpose: to form the concept of fitness of organisms to the habitat, consolidate the ability to identify the features of the fitness of organisms to the habitat.
    Equipment: Herburning patterns of plants or indoor plants, stuffed or drawings of animals of various habitats.
    kangaroo and rosehip.
    1) a) There are a kangaroo in Australia, on New Guinea, Tasmania and the Bismarck Archipelago. Brought in New Zealand. Most species are ground, live on the plains, crushed high grass and shrub.
    B) Rosehip grows in the steppe part of the slopes of beams, in river basins, shores of streams, near water bodies. Most often occurs on different slopes, in rarefied forests, cuttings, edges, mountain meadows, among shrubs. More often forms small courtyards. In Crimea, the most significant thickets are located in the foothill and mountainous areas, it is found at the Tarkhankut and coastal areas of the Kerch Peninsula.
    2) a) Environmental adaptability: because Kangaroo dwells in arid areas where there are no large trees and some low herbs and shrubs do not distinguish between color promotes disguise; To quickly move from a predator strong rear paws, a bag for protecting a young and to quickly disappear from the predator. Strong tail and non-working short front paws.
    B) Rosehip is treated with a coated brine, that is, the seed is protected outside the fruit, refer to the rosewood family - has a flower in which there is an ovary and a fetus is formed with a seed, it contributes best defense seed; bright flower Attracts pollinators, and the nips are protected from animals of herbivores. More spikes (or spines) can concentrate water that will prove the evaporation and preservation of water.
    3) a) Protective adaptations from some enemies are not effective from others.
    B) Now the spines of the rosehip do not perform the function of the accumulation of water, because in the new conditions of water, it is not necessary to accumulate.
    4) a) the appearance of a strong tail, powerful back paws and unused front - the result of natural selection at a constant struggle for existence.
    B) the appearance of a flower and fetus from coated bridges, and specifically, a rosehip is the result of natural selection. With a constant struggle for existence, they developed more advanced properties than others.

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  11. Progress.
    1. Lights - one of the most common animals on the planet; They are found on all continents, with the exception of Antarctica, live mainly in water bodies.
    Baobab is a tropical tree characteristic of the Australian semi-deserts and dry savannah tropical Africa, and also grows in Madagascar and in India.
    2. The tongue has a streamlined body shape. Green back painting makes her imperceptible on the background of plants. They are caught (cold-blooded) animals with non-permanent inner body temperature, changing depending on ambient. During the mating, pond frogs loudly declare their screams (attracting sound).
    Baobab is one of the thick trees in the world. Nine months a year baobab stands with naked branches. Baobab drops its leaves without winter, and in the summer. Summer in Africa, where baobab grows in the savanna (steppes), very roast. And the leaves evaporate moisture. And Baobab, to lose moisture less, drops the leaves in the heat. Self Drink Baobab can only in the rainy season. And he does it very skillfully: the tree is impregnated with moisture, like a huge sponge. And due to the fact that soft outside and fibrous and very strong from the inside the bark has a large thickness, moisture from Baobab does not evaporate. Baobab flowers dissolve only at night, the emitting smell of musk, pollinated at night battle mice, and by morning fall (bright, attracting flower color, smell).
    3. The tongue has a masking color, a streamlined body shape, as it lives to a greater extent in the reservoirs.
    Baobab skillfully worries dry seasons to lose moisture less, it resets the leaves.
    4. The body structure allows the frog to change the body temperature, which varies depending on the environment, and its coloring allows you to be noticeable on the background of plants.
    These adaptations arose as a result of the need for protection against enemies. Baobaba adaptations have arisen as a result of habitat conditions.

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  12. The fitness of organisms to the habitat and its relative character.
    Purpose: to form the concept of fitness of organisms to the habitat, consolidate the ability to identify the features of the fitness of organisms to the habitat.
    Equipment: Herburning patterns of plants or indoor plants, stuffed or drawings of animals of various habitats.
    I took a birch and kangaroo.
    1. Thebesis grows in mixed, deciduous and coniferous forests, in the steppe and forest-steppe, along the shores of the rivers are common in the northern hemisphere;
    Kangaroo dwells in Australia, on New Guinea, Tasmania and the Bismarck Archipelago
    1) - Long roots, so that with the depths of pulling moisture
    2) - flexible sprigs so as not to break in the winds
    3) - early bloom, for better pollination
    A characteristic feature is "Ricoceracting" Running: Jumping ahead and from side to side, as if bounce due to soil irregularities. Long tail plays the role of the balance and steering wheel. Run speed they develop up to 20 km / h.
    3. Congue:
    Jumping as a fast and expensive way of movement has developed in a kangaroo in part as a reaction to the attack of Hisniki, but mainly due to the fact that the kangaroo is forced to move over long distances in search of wrist and water.
    4. However, from the results of natural selection, but not artificial selection, which is a natural guide driving power The process of evolution, it is possible to name the development of all living organisms of adaptations - accessories to the habitat. C. Darwin emphasized that all adaptations, no matter how perfect they were not, are relative. Natural selection forms adaptation to specific conditions of existence (at this time and in this place), and not all possible environmental conditions. The variety of specific devices can be divided into several groups, which are forms of fitness of organisms of the environment.

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  13. Yazhanina Irina 11V.
    I took a wolf and a lip
    1) Wolf:
    The wolf lives in a variety of landscapes, but prefers steppes, semi-desert, tundra, forest-steppe, avoiding dense forests. In the mountains are common from the foot to the area of \u200b\u200bthe Alpine meadows, adhering to open, weakly crossed areas. It can settle near human housing. In the Taezhnaya zone spread after man, as the taiga defores.
    Plant highlighting Sweet Juice Lipa:
    At the place of habitat, Lipa refers both to the rocks of forest land and trees cultivated artificially on the streets of cities, along the roads and alleys, in squares and parks, around the fields, gardens, apiaries and water bodies, in various alive hedges.
    2) Wolf:
    All exterior appearance This predator testifies to his power and excellent adaptability to the tireless run, harassment and attack on his victims.
    The body length is an average of 105-160 cm, the tail is 35-50 cm, the height in the shoulders is 80-85 cm and up to 100 cm. Mass is usually 32-50 kg. The forest zone is characteristic of the wolves of the most intensely painted subspecies, whereas in the south, in the deserts, they are replaced by the beasts of dim sandy color.
    In closed standards, linden trees have a relatively straight line, a minor, highly purified trunk with highly raised usually not very thick crown. In the relatively free state of Krone Lipa thick and raised low. .
    3) Wolf: Wolves are very fitted animals - they eat everything that can be caught, and everyone who is weaker .. A package can easily drive and wind moose weighing in half a lot. This is needed by the power, determination and coherence of actions, so On the hunt, the laws of the flocks are redeemed by wolves of a hundredfold. The railway hunting means of the wolf is its nose capturing the slightest smell of mining. Wolves are wagging by tails, as if the future feast, and their subsequent actions depend on the type of terrain. There are no place in the open space, and the wolves immediately attack; In the forest, they sneak up with a leeward side, moving on each other and hoping to catch the sacrifice by surprise.
    Lipa: abundantly allocates nectar at more high humidity air. However, the amount of sugar in the flowers in this case remains at the same level and nectar becomes more liquid due to the increase in its water content. Some plants highlight sweet juice in order to remove something harmful from their juices. This juice, although insignificant by quantity, is eagerly suused by insects, but they do not bring any benefit to the plant. Now imagine that juice or nectar began to stand out inside the flowers of a certain number of instances of plants of some kind. Insects in search of nectar will crush pollen and very often carry it from a flower on a flower. In this way, the crossing between the flowers belonging to two different individuals would occur, and this process of crossing will give rise to more powerful seedlings, which, therefore, will have the most chances of prosperity and survival. Plants producing flowers with the most neckers who highlight the greatest amounts of nectar will often visit insects and more often to cross the crossing and, in the end, are causing their rivals, and form a local variety. Equally, flowers with stamens and pestles, located respectively sizes and habits of those insects who visit them, would also be in a more favorable position.
    4) development in all living organisms of adaptations - accessories to the habitat. C. Darwin emphasized that all adaptations, no matter how perfect they were not, are relative. Natural selection forms adaptation to specific conditions of existence. In the way, on examples, you can make sure that the natural selection is valid only by the preservation and accumulation of small hereditary changes, each of which is beneficial for the remaining creature. About 200 types of clover, which are distributed in moderate and Partly subtropical belts of the northern hemisphere, less often in South America and tropical Africa. In Russia, about 30 species - in the European part, Siberia and the Far East. IN Middle lane Russia is 13 species.
    2. Fitness to the habitat.
    In the zoo against the background of the rear wall of the cell, the tiger striking the brightness of the color - orange in black stripe. But in the natural habitat, the strip serve as an excellent disguise. In high gangs (India), the royal, or Bengalsky, Tiger becomes almost invisible, barely just freeze in immobility. But even when he gracefully slides in the whimsical shadows of thick jungle, it is very difficult to notice. All subspecies of Tigers - Bengali, Amur and seven others - have a coloring corresponding to the peculiarities of their habitat.
    Bright coloring of the clover attracts the attention of "pollinkers." In the evening, the leaf of the clover rose up and fold. So they are saved from the night cold.
    3. Relative character of fitness.
    Most cats avoid water, but tigers seem to be like swimming. In the southern regions of their range, they regularly take the baths in hot weather and willingly float, which is very dangerous for them: because the "orange-black strips" tiger is very noticeable in water and attract the attention of predators, such as crocodiles. Crocodiles silently swim in the back and attack.
    Bright coloring clover attracts the attention of herbivores, such as cows that graze on the field, drinking juicy plants. Are growing in moderate and warm climate of the northern hemisphere.
    2) Stero-sole paws completely covered with rigid hair, not excluding fingers and heels. This is a protective adaptation against the chopping of the paws when moving through the dense snow and ice. Rounded short ears are almost hidden in wool, which also protects them from cooling during severe frosts.
    By winter, the sands are fat that in cold and long winter conditions is useful device, the lack of food is replenished during this period by the reserve of subcutaneous fat. Bellive thick wool hides from enemies.
    Rose-bright flower attracts pollinators, and the nips are protected from animals of herbivores. More spikes (or spines) can concentrate water that will prove the evaporation and preservation of water.
    3) Spring-white coloring in the winter is clearly visible against the background of trees.
    Rose (indoor plant or man-grown) -er protective device (spikes) becomes unless harmful, then, in any case, neutral.
    4) Spring-adaptation to the protection from the cold arose as a result of the habitat of the sand in the harsh environments. Delete

When in my collection, the number of colors exceeded 20, I banned myself to acquire new borrowers. And I almost managed to fulfill my vow, but then I met adenium and ... did not resist. Would you be able to?! After all, this is a rare handsome man! One who has ever seen how this desert rose blooms, I will understand me. Well, who has not been told under the spell of this seducer, tremble: Soon, from all the country's windowsons, he will have to see you. Kidding. And if seriously, the flower is almost deprived of the flaws: the original, it is easy to care and with everything else blooms round year. But first things first.

Adenium, desert rose ... and other plant names

Names a lot. All sound. Listen to: rose desert (do not about this rose dreams sting in the song "Desert Rose"?), tolstopopic succulent , ipalian Lilia , star Sabinia .

With understanding the value of the first first names, common sense completely copes, but about the last two - I can only suggest an assumption ( unfortunately, specialists bypass this topic).

As you know, Impala is an African antilope, which maybe with pleasure eating poisonous leaves of adenium. Well, locals, surprised by her taste addictions, Unnamed, but beautifully blooming a bush began to call ipal Lilia .

I fought for a long time sabinia"So far the Almighty Google did not complicate and did not issue:" Sabinia is a rocky area between the rivers Tiber, Atherunus and Anio, "in the ancient time they were inhabited by Sabinians. Whether in the quality of the star, our succulent is some Sabineanin - it makes it difficult to answer, but it may well grow there: the climate is suitable.

The homeland of our handsome is South Africa, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Yemen. But today the adenius habitat has significantly expanded, oddly enough, the succulent adapted in the wet climate of Thailand. It contains the most successful selection, many who loved the flowers of the variety are derived in Asia. For example, "Saudi Bull", "Black Knight", "Black Giant", "Beach Blow", etc.

Biological description of adeniumum

Even a novice flower descender does not experience difficulties with the identification of adenium. The fact is that it has a very remarkable look. FirstlyAdenium belongs to the group of plants that have received the name of cakexes. This means that the base of the triggers in these representatives of the flora has a thickening, which is significantly expanded by time. Baobab and our hero are typical representatives of cakex plants.

Some color plates are experimenting with the "swelling" adenium trunk, thereby reinforcing the already bizarre form. So, they instill or intertwined it with other bollar bags, and still cut the rod root to stimulate the growth and branchiness of the side. The plant is also planted under the tilt, slightly blinding the roots, from which the tree, continuing to grow, slightly stuck, wriggles and begins to resemble a fabulous chubby creature, which has fallen easily on the sun.

If desired, adenium can be turned into bonsai. And at the same time, the titanic efforts for the formation of the crown is not required.

Adenium roots

Secondly, weathered stalks of an elephant or light brown color plant, and the bark is inherent in both the trunk and young shoots. But the leaves and it will be, third, green. They are shiny and leathery, fleshy and velvety, oval and long. Well, in the led selectors the leaves, as you understand, are growing with motley.

Fourth. Large funnel colors can be the most diverse coloring: white, scarlet, dark raspberry, blue, pink, with border and without a border. But I like more scarlet buds. Here, however, an amateur.

Types of adenium

In Russia, adenium became known quite recently. However, it did not prevent the succulent gain great popularity. Most often as potted culture is divorced:
  • Adenium Thick or Fat (ADENIUM OBSUM). As you understand, it is disrecended to thickly: with a height of 1.5 meters, its width can be 1 meter.
  • Adenium multipoint (ADENIUM MULTIFIDUM). Flowers, as a rule, in a lightless state, barely awakened from hibernation.
  • Adenium Multi-Filder (ADENIUM MULTIFLORUM) - Looks like a thick adenium, but it also has a lot more colors.
  • Adenium bayhimanum (ADENIUM BOEHMIANUM). While still among the flower water - a rarity. But find out easily: fabulous beauty buds. So, petals are painted in lilac pink or light blue, and the beings and the corolla tube - in purple.
  • Adenium Arabic (ADENIUM ARABICUM), which, in turn, is divided into Saudi and Yemensky. Adenium growing in Saudi Arabia reaches an impressive size - up to 6 meters in height. In Yemen, adeniums behave much more modest, and therefore it is smaller. Both subspecies due to the scared caud and large lateral roots are very popular in home flower growing.
  • Adenium Olievhimium (Adenium Oleifolium) is one of the most slowly growing species. The height of the adult plant barely exceeds 60 cm. The barrel is decorated with narrow and long leaves. For good care Can bloom all year round.
To be continued…

Hibiscus Chinese, or as it is also called - the Chinese rose, refers to the Malvic family. In the natural habitat, it is found on the islands located in the Pacific Ocean, as well as in Southeast Asia.

This type of plant is a rather large bush, in favorable conditions

growing up to three meters in height. For home cultivation, they were specially bred little grades Hibiscus.

Growing chinese rose At home, a fairly easy process, which takes a lot of your free time. But the joy that you will experience you and your household at the sight of healthy and blooming Plants Will not know the borders!

Hibiscus will grow well in a slightly wet drainaged soil with a large percentage of organic materials. It is important that the soil is so wet, since in crude ground there will be a high probability of reinforcing roots. Earth should periodically loosen to avoid the death of the root system from the heat.

Selecting the location of our beauty, it is worth paying particular attention to the fact that the Chinese Rosa loves the morning light. The rest of the time, especially with a hot climate, rose is to keep in the shade ( optimal option There will be a balcony eastern side). But at the same time, the cold for Chinese roses is destroyed, so in the winter the plant is best to put in the house.

Adult bushes are best transplanted at the end of April, the pots are worth using large in size. At about the same time, it is worth cutting off all plants shoots.

The cultivation of Chinese roses is not only a big responsibility, but also a great joy that this wonderful plant brings us during the flowering period!

Chinese rose flowering

Correct care and favorable conditions contribute abundant blossom Your roses from early spring and to the very late autumn, and sufficient illumination makes it possible to bloom in winter.

You can also detain the flowering of hibiscus. To do this, you need to transplant and crop the plant in May. Before the time of transplanting and irrigation, Hibiscus should be at rest. In July, it is necessary to crop the plant for the second time. And ultimately, from such a care, your rose will bloom only in the fall.

The reproduction of the Chinese rose

A Chinese rose is multiplied with cuttings or seeds. The simplest of these two ways is the reproduction with cuttings. For this, with the next circumcision, several cuttings are needed, cut off from the plants, put in the soil and keep under the can before its rooting. You need to water the cutter as the upper layer of the earth dryness.

Diseases of Chinese rose

Growing Chinese roses, like any other plant, can post you with a number of specific diseases of these plants. Let's try to figure them out.

If buds are tied on your plant, but falling before the moment of flowering, your plant is not enough nutrients, disadvantaged watering Or the air temperature is too low.

Rose was grown all over the world for centuries, and still is the most popular and in demand among other colors. This is largely due to its luxurious appearance, pleasing the eye. These flowers are so gorgeous that gardeners brought several thousands of them. different species. According to some expert estimates, today there are more than 30,000 different varieties of roses.


Usually roses are divided into 3 main:

  • wild and their hybrids (here are often park and);
  • garden (flower and soil roses);
  • modern varietal shrubs.

However, this is not the only classification and borders of its fuzzy.

Among the roses used in landscaping, there is a separation for leaf falling, curly and shrub varieties. The most common - leaf fall and shrub. Shrubnikovy are characterized by speed of growth and a large flowering duration. Bushes can reach a height of up to 2 m.

Underground: Features of the root system

Root system of pink bush rod, with vegetative reproduction - urine.

The lines are small apparent roots at the ends of the side roots, with the help of which the plant gets water from soil and all the necessary nutrients entering the above-ground part over the side and skeletal roots.

Skeletal root is the largest among the roots, usually with flavored fabrics. In the family of rustling, its diameter, as a rule, is 2-3 cm.

With the stem, the underground part of the plant connects the so-called root neck, located above the root system. Depending on the depth of planting, the root neck can be 3-5 cm, 5-10 cm or 10-15 cm long. This is a very important element of the plant, since, if you need to take into account the position of the root cervical seedling.


Rosa structure

The above-ground part of the roses consists of the main stems, shoots of various orders and flowers. Stem connects root system With the leaves of the plant and is a conductor of nutrients. Also, roses have spikes that are characterized by sizes and other signs. Also unequal in these plants and leaves, and flowers, even the smell is distinguished. The above-ground part may have different properties - have branchy and short shoots, to be dense and loose, strong and weak. These characteristics depend on the type and variety.

Varieties of spikes roses

A characteristic sign of roses is the presence of spikes on the surface of its shoots. Spikes are the formation of coating fabric branches that perform a protective function. Their species differ depending on the flower variety and differ in form, magnitude and quantity.

  • Frequent spikes small sizes They are usually found at rudeness, most of the same spike roses are rare and large.
  • As for the shape of spikes, the following types are distinguished: straight spikes, sickle, covered down, flattened, etc.
  • Some varieties have formations in the form of hairs or small "spines".

There are also roses that do not have spikes at all. True, similar varieties are not very little spiny. These species are well suited for landing along tracks or for use in gardens, where small children are often there.

Types of leaves: Features of the sheet plate and and forms

With the help of so-called knots to stems or side shoots are attached leaves. The standard rose sheet consists of 5-7 leaflets that are attached to one petiole. Occasionally their quantity can reach 15. Each type of roses are different sheets. They are separated in the form, magnitude, texture and color.

  • Almost all adult green rose leaves: from non-road light to dark shades. But some varieties of roses have purple or bronze leaves with a characteristic copper tint.
  • Sheet plate can be smooth or expressed by streaks. Its size in wild species of roses is usually less than that of garden.
  • The edges of the leaves are divided into solid and gear.

The surface of the leaflets can reflect the light to varying degrees. Some varieties of leaves are shiny so much like oil satellite. Other varieties are practically matte. In addition to these two extreme cases, there are intermediate options. So, distinguish glossy, matte, semi-wave, leathery and pebble leaves. Matte leaves are mainly characteristic of wild grades, and glossy - for garden.


Chaselistic is the outer part of the flower that covers rose petals before it is completely flourishing. They perform a protective role while the flower has not yet blocked, protecting it from wind, rain and aggressive sunlight. After the cups are open to free the place for the flower.

Depending on the type of rose, the number of cups can be 4 or 5.

Rose flowers

Rose flower structure

On the tip of escape or on all its lengths there are flowers, the appearance of which depends on the variety. Rose flowers can be single-meadow, low-mounted (2-3 flower) and multi-flowered (from 5).

The form differences the following types of flowers:

  • cone-shaped (long curved inner petals; classical form of tea-hybrid roses);
  • with a loose center (the inner petals are not closed tightly and form a middle of an indefinite form);
  • open (petals are widely disclosed, so that the stamens are visible);
  • spherical (concave petals add up to a ball, hiding the flower center);
  • boat (petals form a bowl, the center of the flower is not covered);
  • square (internal petals are divided into 4 separate sectors);
  • flat (flower slightly bent in the middle);
  • sockets (flat flower with short petals);
  • pompon (rounded flower with many short petals);

It should be noted that the form changes as the flower open.

As for the color, there is a large variety and wealth of shades. Below are the most common from the paintings:

  • one-color;
  • two-color (outside and inside the petal different colors);
  • multi-colored (color change over time or different color in one inflorescences);
  • mixed (the inner side of the petal has more than two different colors);
  • striped (2 or more colors forming stripes);
  • painted (peristy pattern with white eye at base).


Types of roses on terry

Rose petals are very soft and gentle on the touch. Since this is the main part of the flower, the petals get the largest amount of nutrients, due to which the rose acquires its own special color and aroma. It is necessary in order to attract insects and help pollination. Petals are distinguished by quantity and shape. It is from these characteristics to a greater degree depends on the appearance of the flower.

The number of petals less, the simple form Flower. Roses with lots of petals are called terry. Such varieties are most valuable.

Thus, allocate:

  • simple roses (up to 8 petals)
  • semi-grade (8-20 petals)
  • moderately terry (21-29 petals)
  • gustomahve (from 30 petals)

In the form of the petal, it can be bent outward, all-ray (wavy or bent), gear and triangular.

Aroma Rose

Delicate rose petals contain oils that can be used to make various spirits and flavors. Many spirits are trying to imitate the sweet natural smell of fresh roses.

Different varieties of roses and fragrant in different ways. The aroma depends on the variety and can be both weak and barely noticeable and strongly pronounced, even sharp. In general, there are about 25 different.

Most varieties have a special delicate fragrance, sweet and something resembling honey and fruits. Fragrance can weaken or enhance depending on the degree of flower opening or from the weather. Especially the intensity of the smell increases in warm weather or after the rain.

Rose fruits

Fruit roses

Some roses after flowering reveal their petals, exposing the fruits. Preferably this refers to wild varieties. Among them there are many species that require very little attention and producing an abundance of fruits. However, you should be careful with some varieties, since they have a tendency to spread quickly, and then it will be almost impossible to get rid of them completely.

In fact, the fruits of roses are seed boxes, each of which contains several dozen seeds. Brightly colored boxes are often crowned with leafy growths and residues of cups, which are imprisoned. Although you can grow roses from seeds, most of them are hybrids, so the results are always unpredictable. Rose fruits are usually valued for their nutritional value and the possibility of using in crafts and decorations.

From the point of view of the plant itself, the production of seeds is the only reason for growing colors that attract insects and providing survival of the species. When the gardener removes the blurred inflorescences before they appear a chance to form the fruits, the pink bush reacts to production more flowers. That is, if you leave the "talked" flowers on the plant, then the new flowers on the bush will appear less and more fruits. Therefore, one way to see the beautiful flowers is all summer - it is to cut plants at the beginning of the season and leave the flowers - at the end. But you should not wait too long, otherwise the frost will kill flowers before they form fruit. The fruits left on the plant will be maintained for most of the winter. They serve as an important source of food for birds and protein.

In addition to recognizable bright color, the fruits of roses differ in their shades, forms and sizes. Form usually share round, oval and bottlenery fruits. They can be both large and quite small. For large fruits, bright red color is characterized, and they themselves resemble tomatoes. The remaining shades can vary from pale yellow to black and brown.

Types of roses on the structure of the bush

White roses . Although from a technical point of view, all roses are shrubs, this class is allocated separately. represent a heterogeneous group of plants that do not fit into any of the other categories of roses. Shrubs, especially modern, enjoy well-deserved popularity, because they have a long blooming season, resistant to diseases and pests, as well as universal in the landscape.In the classic garden, pink bushes are famous for luxurious fragrant flowers and lush green foliage. They can be used as garden borders, coordinators and just jewelry.

Most bush roses Easily grow. They can live with minimal departure - only regular watering is required and sometimes fertilizer. A rose bush can be perfectly done without trimming. However, so that he does not "Rokhley" and blooming throughout the season, it is better to hang it on the light haircut at the end of winter or in early spring Save it in a neat form.

There is a huge variety of pink shrubs. Their variety is very impressive. There may be a lot of roses. They are absolutely different colors, sizes and shapes. So, no matter how many pink bushes grow in the garden, there is always a place for another variety. In addition, they look great as close to each other, and in combination with other plants.

Although roses are diverse bushes, some (due to selection) have similarities. Therefore, usually all shrubs are divided into two types of form: on splashing and compact (compressed). The shape of the bush is the most important grade.

  • Compact shrubs are distinguished by the presence of straight rigid escapes seeking upwards. Usually such a form have garden roses. Such varieties are ideally looking as borders and low living partitions. Also recommended for growing in pots.
  • As for the sprawl roses, their stalks are flexible and curved, but they grow not only in height, but also in width. Such bushes are more characteristic of wild varieties. They are more suitable for high alive hedges.

Many species of wild pink shrubs tend to grow so much that they began to be considered pests. However, if such a bush is correctly instilled and careful for him, he will return to his attractive form and will not have the ability to spread to the whole garden.

Pleet roses. It can be studied all my life, since there is a huge variety of their ways to grow, sizes, needs, etc.The period of the greatest flowering of classic plenty roses - mid-June and the beginning of August. This is a stunning spectacle. They add to the design of the Garden "Movement", texture and color; Mitigate the straight lines, the bends are emphasized and give a feeling of abundance. Can be used on walls, fences, chains and on tunnel arches.In addition, the plenty roses are much less affected by pests and diseases than other types. In part, it may be due to the fact that they grow much higher than the terrestrial roses, and also get more air and light.

Species of plenty roses are very much, but usually they are divided into two large groups: Klimber and Rambler.

  • Roses Rambler are the main ancestors of all the plenty roses. Appeared as a result of crossing Vihura and Floribundy varieties.
  • Vihura and Floribund - very large and strong bushes of roses with flexible shoots, which usually bloom only once at the beginning of the summer period. Roses Rambler "inherited" their endurance along with thin, but strong stems. Their length usually reaches 3-4 meters. Flowers are small; There are a wonderful aroma, but due to short blossoms, the fragrance lasts long and with time almost disappears ...
  • Roses Klimber appeared from crossing roses Rambler and various tea-hybrid varieties. The main difference from Rambler-roses is that the clemimers bloom more than once, and throughout the summer and autumn. However, there are rare exceptions. Pets are direct and rigid, can do without support. Standard Length - From 3 to 6 m. Flowers are large, collected in small inflorescences. This group of roses has great endurance and winter hardiness.