Repair Design Furniture

Death flower or hibiscus magic. Community of green men Homeland of the Chinese rose of a houseplant

This legend is widely known in East Asia. She tells how the miraculous properties of the hibiscus flower were discovered to man.

Exhausted by the long journey through the jungle, the wanderer who had lost his way sat down to rest. He was hungry and thirsty. Sitting among the trees and bushes, he began to build a fire. Pouring water into the pot, he dreamed that the gods would send him food. Suddenly, from somewhere above, several red flowers fell into the pot, saturating the water with a ruby ​​​​red color.

The traveler ventured to try tea, which surprisingly turned out to be fragrant and tasty. Each sip gave him a surge of strength. A new sip brought back a feeling of cheerfulness. Leaving the jungle, the traveler took these wonderful flowers with him for the future. He distributed them to the people of those villages that he met on the way, talking about the amazing properties of the drink. A lot of time has passed since then, until the news of hibiscus tea spread around the world.

Hibiscus (Hibiscus). © Gary Williams

(Hibiscus) - an extensive genus of plants of the family Malvaceae ( Malvaceae). According to various sources, it includes from 150 to 200-220 species, some sources indicate up to 300. Hibiscus are wild and cultivated. Mostly shrubs and trees. There are also perennial and annual herbs. Distributed in the Old and New Worlds, in the subtropics and tropics. Bred by gardeners in a sharply continental climate.

The leaves are more or less incised, petiolate. The flowers of most types of hibiscus are large, graceful, with brightly colored corollas. The fruit is in the form of a box, which breaks up into 5 valves, contains many seeds, dressed in fluff or fibers, or smooth.

Hibiscus are considered to be native to Southeast Asia, but they grow freely in Africa and America. In America, they form entire thickets on wet floodplain meadows, lushly covered with flowers. For their great love for moisture, they are called “marsh mallow” there. In Hawaii, hibiscus is considered the national plant, called the "flower of beautiful women." In Brazil, the single-leaf hibiscus grows, called “Princess Earrings”. He has split petals and a long pedicel, on which he gracefully sways, really resembling an exquisite earring.

Hibiscus in their places of growth serve not only for decorative purposes. Young leaves and shoots are eaten as vegetables. Seeds, leaves, fruits, roots are used in medicine. Necklaces are made from seeds. The flowers are used to make black hair dye and purple for the food industry. Pieces of dried fruits Hibiscus sabdariffa (Hibiscus sabdariffa) is an indispensable component of fruit teas. It goes on sale under the names "Hibiscus Tea", "Mallow Tea", "Sudanese Rose", "Karkade".

Hibiscus sabdariffa, or Rosella (Hibiscus sabdariffa). © Dave Proffer

We have the most famous cultivated as a houseplant Hibiscus Chinese rose (Hibiscus rosa sinensis), or Chinese rosan from Southeast Asia. How vegetable spicy plants are grown in the southern regions Hibiscus edible (Hibiscus esculentus), or okra. In temperate areas, okra can be grown in greenhouses and conservatories.

Okra, or Okra, or Gombo, or Ladyfingers (Abelmoschus esculentus, formerly classified as Hibiscus esculentus)

Popular types of hibiscus

Hibiscus hybrid (Hibiscus hybridus)

Hybrid hibiscus are herbaceous perennials with very large, showy, showy flowers. They are propagated in the spring (with the onset of stable warm weather, when the buds on the root collars begin to swell) by dividing the bushes, green cuttings and grafting. These ornamental plants are good for large flower arrays, mixed borders, parterres, boulevards, edges, banks of reservoirs, they are planted in clearings in the park and among rare bushes in the southern regions of Russia.

Hibiscus Chinese (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis)

Chinese hibiscus, or Chinese rose, grows in East Asia and the Pacific Islands. It was introduced into Europe at the end of the 17th century. About 500 varieties are known. A very decorative evergreen shrub, the height of which (at home) reaches 3 m. Under the conditions of culture, it is a very well-known greenhouse, indoor plant. The leaves are dark green, glossy above, oval- or ovate-elongated, serrated along the edge. Hibiscus Chinese blooms from early spring to late autumn. The flowers are large (12-16 cm in diameter), simple, semi-double, of various colors - from fiery and orange-red to pink and yellow, depending on the variety.

Hibiscus Chinese, or Chinese rose (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis). © floradania

Some varieties:

  • Anita Buis - flowers are simple, yellow-orange.
  • Florida - flowers are large (up to 14 cm in diameter), orange-red.
  • Hamburg - flowers are large, double, carmine red.
  • Rosa - semi-double and double flowers, salmon pink.

Hibiscus dissected-petal can be found under the synonym Chinese hibiscus, a variety - dissected-petal (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis var. schizopetalus). Homeland - Central Africa. Shrub with thin shoots and shiny green leaves. Red-orange flowers 5 cm in diameter with recurved petals, deep and uneven fringe. Greenhouse and houseplant.

Dissected hibiscus (Hibiscus schizopetalus). © erica

Syrian hibiscus comes from China, India. Its original exotic flower is the symbol of the island of Haiti. They adorn themselves with local residents and numerous tourists. In some provinces of India, red and pink flowers are woven into wedding wreaths.

Syrian hibiscus (Hibiscus syriacus). © m.sudarevic

Features of growing hibiscus

Bloom: Hibiscus blooms from spring to autumn.

Growth: plant growth is fast.

Light: bright diffused, in the spring-summer period without direct sunlight. In the autumn-winter period - good lighting, direct rays are allowed.

Temperature: moderate, in the spring-summer period +18..+22°С. Autumn-winter period - +14..+16°C, at temperatures below +10°C it can drop leaves.

Watering: during the growing season and flowering - plentiful, as the top layer of the substrate dries up. In the autumn-winter period, watering is moderate, two to three days after the top layer of the earth has dried. When the plant is kept (in winter) at temperatures below +14°C, the soil is kept moderately moist.

When watering, drying out and excessive waterlogging of the substrate should not be allowed.

Air humidity: does not play a significant role, but it is desirable to spray the plants, especially during flowering. This procedure is also a prevention against spider mites.

top dressing: in the spring-summer period, regular (1 time per month) top dressing with nitrogen-containing mineral fertilizers (stimulate long-term flowering). In winter, only half-dose phosphorus-potassium fertilizer is applied once a month, or (with almost dry content in cool conditions) they are not fertilized.

rest period: November-February. Optimum temperature +14..+16°C, good lighting, moderate watering. It can winter in a circumcised state - in the fall, watering the plants is gradually reduced to a minimum and the leaves are allowed to fall, and then the stems are cut, leaving stumps of 7-8 centimeters. In this state, the hibiscus will overwinter in a cool place (+10 .. + 12 ° С) - so that the roots do not dry out, the soil of the hibiscus is slightly moistened from time to time

Transfer: young - annually in the spring. Adults cross once every three to four years.

reproduction: cuttings, rarely seeds.

Hibiscus. © floradania

Hibiscus care at home

Hibiscus prefers diffused light, without direct sunlight.

The optimal placement of hibiscus in the summer is windows with a western or eastern orientation. On windows with a southern orientation in the spring and summer, a plant is placed far from the window or diffused light is created with a translucent cloth or paper (gauze, tulle, tracing paper). Subject to the rules of care, it can grow well and even bloom on north-facing windows.

On warm summer days, hibiscus can be taken out into the open air (balcony, garden), but it should be protected from sunlight, rainfall and drafts. If you do not have the opportunity to place plants outdoors in the summer, then you should regularly ventilate the room.

In winter, hibiscus provide good lighting, shading is not required. You can create additional lighting by using fluorescent lamps for this, placing them above the plant at a distance of 50-60 cm, for at least 8 hours a day. In the autumn-winter period, it is also necessary to ventilate the room, but drafts should be avoided.

With a lack of lighting, the plant may sparsely or not bloom at all.

During the growing season and the flowering period, hibiscus is watered abundantly, as the top layer of the substrate dries up. In the autumn-winter period, water moderately, two to three days after the top layer of the substrate dries.

When watering, drying and excessive waterlogging of the substrate should not be allowed. Water from the pan, poured out half an hour after watering. Watered with soft and well-settled water.

Humidity does not play a significant role, but it is advisable to spray the plants. This procedure is also a preventive measure against spider mites. During flowering, especially on clear warm days, hibiscus are sprayed with warm, soft, settled water. In the autumn-winter period, you can spray the plants with warm water from time to time.

Hibiscus. © floradania

In the spring-summer period, regular (once a month) top dressing of hibiscus with nitrogen-containing mineral fertilizers is useful (this stimulates long flowering). You can feed with special complex fertilizers for flowering indoor plants, every 3 weeks. You can use "Rainbow", "Ideal", etc. It is very useful after watering with clean water to feed once a month with a fermented solution of bird droppings (1 part solution per 20 parts water) or liquid mullein (1 part infusion per 12 parts water). By mid-August, the amount of nitrogen is reduced in dressings. In winter, only half-dose phosphorus-potassium fertilizer is applied once a month, or (with almost dry content in cool conditions) they are not fertilized. Fertilizers are applied after watering.

In late April - early May, adult plants are transferred to large pots (1 time in three to four years). If the soil is not acidic and there are no pests in it, you can simply replace the top 5-centimeter layer of soil with fresh, nutritious soil. As soon as the flower reaches its maximum size in your conditions, do not transplant it, but carefully remove it from the pot and replace some of the soil. The soil for hibiscus is used close to neutral (pH about 6), light, nutritious. It can be prepared from 4 parts of sod, 3 parts of leaf, one part of humus earth and sand. Pieces of charcoal are mixed into the mixture. Do not use unripe manure and dry mullein. A mixture of soddy, humus earth and sand (2:1:1) may also be suitable. You can add a little peat and bone meal. Good drainage is needed, as the plant does not tolerate stagnant water very well.

Hibiscus are cultivated as large or small bushy or standard plants, the various crown shapes of which can be obtained by timely and correct pruning.

In order to increase the decorative effect of the crown and stimulate the development of a large number of young shoots that form flowers (flower buds in hibiscus are laid on the shoots of the current year), after transplanting (for young) or replacing the topsoil (for adults), the plant must be cut to the bud at about a distance 15 cm from the base. When new shoots begin to form, it is necessary to remove the weak ones and leave the healthiest ones.

To delay hibiscus flowering until autumn or winter, plants should be repotted and pruned in May. Until then, they should be dormant with very moderate watering. In July, cut again. As a result, flower buds are formed only in early autumn. The resulting pruning branches can be used for propagation.

Hibiscus is able to grow from the root. This property is convenient for those flower growers who have a shortage of light and space in the apartment, and because of which there is nowhere to put an extra flower pot in winter. In autumn, watering the plants is gradually reduced to a minimum and the leaves are allowed to fall, and then the stems are cut, leaving stumps of 7-8 centimeters. In this state, the hibiscus will overwinter in a cool place (10..12 ° C) - so that the roots do not dry out, the soil of the hibiscus is slightly moistened from time to time, and after three or four months the plant will give fresh shoots. From now on, it must be exposed to light and watered, not forgetting to pinch the young shoots, as they grow very quickly.

Hibiscus. © floradania

Hibiscus propagation

Hibiscus are propagated by seeds and cuttings.

Hibiscus seeds are sown from mid-January to mid-March. Before planting, they are soaked for 12 hours in epin. Sow in a mixture of peat and sand. The bowl is covered with glass, the temperature is maintained at 25..27°C. The use of a mini-greenhouse or bottom heating contributes to better seed germination. Periodically sprayed and ventilated. When the seedlings have two or three leaves, they dive into pots of the appropriate size. Seedlings bloom and bear fruit at 3-4 years of age.

It is easy to propagate hibiscus cuttings. They are cut in June-August from the tops of a young growth with 2-3 internodes. Sections are treated with growth stimulants. The cuttings take root well after 25-30 days in indoor greenhouses with soil heated to 22..25 ° C (a mixture of peat and sand or pure sand) or in pots covered with a glass jar, or in water. After the roots appear, they are planted in 7-10 cm pots with a soil mixture of humus (2 parts), leaf and sod land and sand (1 part each), watered with warm water. It is good to add horn shavings and bone meal to the mixture.

For the correct formation of a hibiscus bush, pinch smaller shoots. Young plants grow very quickly, so they may need to transplant into a larger pot as early as a few months after rooting. In the future, they need to be transplanted annually into fresh fertile soil. Transplantation is carried out in early spring before flowering. Before this, it is useful to prune the plant, this stimulates abundant branching and flowering. Branches are cut to two-thirds or half of their length. With good lighting and abundant watering, flowering plants can be obtained in 1 year.

Hibiscus. © Amy

Possible Difficulties When Growing Hibiscus

Buds appear on the plant, but do not open and soon fall off - the plant lacks nutrients; watering is not plentiful enough, the soil dries out a lot; low air temperature.

The lower leaves of the hibiscus fall off, new ones grow yellowish - chlorosis of the leaves has arisen due to the increased content of chlorine and calcium in the irrigation water, while nitrogen and iron are lacking (it is necessary to defend the water for irrigation and add iron chelate to it according to the instructions); root disease from hypothermia with abundant watering and low temperature; too dry indoor air combined with high temperature and insufficient spraying.

The absence of flowers in hibiscus in the presence of lush numerous foliage - the plant is overfed with fertilizers with a high nitrogen content; content in an insufficiently bright place; insufficient watering during the active growing season;
winter content at a fairly high temperature.

Lack of lighting combined with excess nutrition can cause dirty pink spots on the leaves.

Cold soil can dry out the roots of the plant.

With a lack of moisture, the leaves droop and become lethargic.

Damaged by: aphids, thrips, whiteflies, spider mites.

Hibiscus is an unusually beautiful plant with large flowers of various shades from white to purple. Its large dark green leaves provide an excellent background for bright flowers. Undoubtedly, this plant is an adornment of any window sill and area. It creates comfort and enlivens the atmosphere. In Hawaii, he was nicknamed "the flower of beautiful women" and even recognized as a national plant. And in Brazil, hibiscus is called "Princess Earrings".

Hibiscus belongs to the malmaceae subfamily, is an evergreen shrub and can reach a height of 4.5 meters in natural conditions. The bark of the shoots and trunk, as a rule, has a black or brownish tint. Small varieties are mainly grown indoors, with a height of only half a meter to two.

Hibiscus blooms for a very short period of time: the flowers fade the very next day after opening, then new buds begin to tie. Known over 250 plant species. There are even varieties with variegated leaves, but their flowering is not as beautiful and spectacular as the varieties with green leaves. This plant is quite hardy, tolerates lack of lighting, excessive moisture, coolness, drought and lack of fertilizers.

The origin and homeland of the hibiscus plant is in Southeast Asia. Although it is found in Africa and America, forming lush thickets on wet floodplains. The homeland of hibiscus has found application for the flower not only for decorative purposes. So, young leaves and shoots are used as food as vegetables. They are included in salads, used for stewing meat, plant seeds are fried and then added to soups, even necklaces are made from fried seeds.

In medicine, they also found ways to use leaves, roots and fruits (for example, as compresses for ulcers and burns). In the food industry, flowers are prepared purple paint. Black dye is used to dye hair. Pieces of dried hibiscus fruit in fruit teas are very popular. Marketing names for such tea: "Sudanese rose", "Malm tea" or the well-known "Karkade". There is even a legend about the first use of the flower as a tea.

Once a traveler got lost in the jungle and, exhausted, sat down to rest. He really wanted to eat and, making a fire, prayed to God to send him at least something. Suddenly, several red petals flew into the pot of water, the water turned ruby ​​red. The traveler decided to try the resulting drink, since there was nothing to lose. And the tea turned out to be very tasty and fragrant, with a slight sourness. With each sip, strength returned to the man and he was able to continue on his way. Having found a way out of the jungle, he took with him amazing flowers, and then distributed them to the inhabitants of neighboring villages who met on his way.

So the rumor about the wonderful tea spread all over the world. Hibiscus tea does have health benefits. Thanks to it, the walls of blood vessels become stronger, it cleanses the body, removes harmful toxins, improves the condition of the body, lowers blood pressure, relieves pain during spasms, and has a beneficial effect on the liver and kidneys. Tea can be consumed both hot and cold, and in the first case it increases blood pressure, and in the second it lowers it. At the end of the 18th century, the plant first came to Europe, and some time later it was brought to Russia.

Hibiscus marsh

Marsh hibiscus is one of the most common types of mallow. Its flower in diameter reaches 16 centimeters. The flower can be painted in pink, purple or terracotta spots. This perennial plant is unpretentious, frost-resistant and does not need frequent feeding, it just needs a little water.

Under natural conditions, it grows in the tropics and subtropics, on well-drained, highly moistened soils, which is why this type of plant was called marsh. Cultivated annual marsh hibiscus is grown in:

  • southern gardens of Europe;
  • central Russia;
  • in the Far East;
  • Yaroslavl region;
  • Southern Siberia.

Hibiscus marsh is an evergreen perennial with falling leaves. In a favorable environment, it reaches a height of 2.5 meters, and a crown diameter of up to 1.8 m. For adverse climatic conditions, compact varieties have been bred that can be grown in pots. The stem is usually straight, in adult plants - stiff. The leaves are simple in shape, densely green above, light below. It blooms from summer to the first autumn cold snap. The fruit box consists of five chambers that can open. Many pubescent or smooth seeds with a strong shell ripen in them.

The advantages of growing marsh hibiscus in open ground include:

  • takes root in swampy areas where other plants die;
  • indifferent to nearby groundwater;
  • grows quietly in a small shade, however, flowering then becomes not so plentiful;
  • tolerates frost well;
  • blooms even better after pruning.

potted crops are not inferior to their counterparts in unpretentiousness. However, they need a little more attention. It is recommended to adhere to the following rules:

  • loose soil should be enriched with humus;
  • the soil is best kept moist;
  • do not put under open sunlight, ideally darkened lighting;
  • the temperature for potted varieties should be slightly higher than for those grown in open ground;
  • keep the temperature higher in summer than in winter;
  • in summer you can take it out to the terrace or balcony.

Any hibiscus will enjoy the removal of wilted flowers. This will contribute to abundant flowering and externally the flower will look better. But with fertilizer it is better not to overdo it. The flower can live up to 20 years with proper care.

Landing Rules and Required Care

Seeds are sown in the last two months of winter, punctured in advance or cut a little for better germination. Prepared seeds are first soaked for a period of 12 hours to two days. The substrate is prepared from peat and sand in a ratio of 2:1. Seeds are sprinkled on top, pressing a little.

To create a greenhouse effect, cover with a film or glass. The greenhouse is removed after the appearance of the first seedlings. When 3-5 leaves grow on seedlings, they dive. The plants that have grown up by spring are planted in pots a couple of centimeters more spacious.

In the case of seedlings by cuttings, branches with three to four internodes are used. Sections are lubricated with a growth stimulator and placed in moist soil in late summer. A semblance of a greenhouse is constructed from above (from the same glass or film).

It is recommended to add charcoal to the soil, it contributes to better preservation of the roots and protects against diseases. In the spring, you can add a little nitrogen fertilizer, and by the fall - fluoride and potash. Growing plants need to extend daylight hours artificially on short days.

Garden hybrid hibiscus"Chinese rose", like the triad, is an adornment of any flower corner. It looks like an evergreen shrub or tree with elongated oval-shaped leaves. The dark green, smooth leaves may be ruffled or serrated along the edge. The flowers, opening one at a time, look like a wide cup, reaching a diameter of 14 cm. The buds can be either simple or double, and the colors are from white to red, yellow, orange (depending on the variety). It is a pity that the flower fades after one or two days, but with due attention, the Chinese rose can bloom for a long period.

Many gardeners prefer vegetative mode of reproduction, not seeds: it's more reliable and easier. However, in this regard, the Chinese rose does not cause problems at all. It grows well from both seeds and cuttings. It should be noted that the seeds of this plant are able to remain viable for six months.

At the end of February, before planting, the seeds are dipped in a solution with potassium permanganate for about half an hour (to disinfect), then, after rinsing thoroughly, they are soaked in a growth stimulant solution for a day. But they need to be lowered into the solution shallowly, otherwise the seeds will die from a lack of oxygen. A day later, the seeds are wrapped in gauze for germination, periodically opening the gauze to ventilate.

Warm, humid and acidic environments are ideal for germination. You can cover the seeds with a film with holes, thereby providing air access and retaining heat and humidity. After three days, the first shoots may already appear. They should be moved to a deep container (for example, half-liter plastic cups) so that the root can grow freely and straight.

Seedlings require diffused bright sunlight and moderate watering. Without the sun, the Chinese rose may not bloom at all. So that the plant does not get sick "black leg", you can pour a little solution of foundationazole. In the warm season, it is recommended to take the flower out into the open, but make sure that there are no drafts. In summer it is better to stick to a temperature of 18-25 degrees, and in winter about fifteen. If the temperature is lower, the plant will begin to shed its leaves.

At elevated temperatures, they can be sprayed with water, the main thing is not to hurt the flowers: they can become stained and fly around. When watering, it is recommended to use settled water at room temperature. To determine whether it is time to water the plant, look at how many centimeters the top layer of the earth has dried. If more than 2-3, then it's time to water.

It is possible to feed a Chinese rose with organic fertilizers only in a certain period: from April to September, with a frequency of once every two weeks. And potassium-phosphorus can be fed in winter, but only if the hibiscus blooms.

Hibiscus is a very beautiful useful flower and quite unpretentious in its care. There are many varieties of it, everyone will find a variety to their liking. And despite some negative signs associated with this plant, many grow it in their flower beds.

Chinese rose is one of the best plants for home floriculture. Moderate demands on the conditions of detention, an exotic look and bright flowers are the main advantages due to which this “tree” has become very popular among residents of the central strip and more northern latitudes. However, at home, many signs are associated with a flower. For example, the Chinese say that the hibiscus is the flower of death.

The presence of a large number of signs is quite understandable. As a home flower in the northern countries, it began to be grown only some half a century ago. But in more southern latitudes, this plant is well known, has more than 300 varieties, most of which easily tolerate growing in a pot.

First of all, hibiscus has become popular due to its beneficial properties. In India, for example, there is a legend about the origin of the beloved hibiscus tea. The exhausted dear wanderer made a fire, put a pot of water on it and began to pray to the gods for help. In response to his pleas, flowers fell into the pot, turning the water bloody (it is possible that because of this circumstance the flower received the eerie name "bloody" hibiscus). The traveler was not afraid to drink a strange drink and felt his strength return to him again.

Later, scientists began to study the flower and found that it is a real storehouse of vitamins and trace elements. Perhaps it is this circumstance that makes the shrub so popular among the inhabitants of the tropical and subtropical climate. And each country tries to attribute its origin to itself.

So, in Sudan, this plant from the mallow family has been grown on special plantations for several centuries in a row. Sudanese rose, rosella or hibiscus sabdarif in nature can reach 5 m in height. But when grown at home, Sudanese hibiscus is limited to 2 m. Another fundamental difference is that indoor plants are not suitable for tea production. But in terms of decorative properties, the Sudanese hibiscus surpasses many potted plants:

  • Sudanese varieties are distinguished by bright green foliage;
  • the length of the sheet can reach 15 cm;
  • the petals of the Sudanese varieties are always with a torn edge;
  • the color of the bark, depending on the variety, may be gray or brown.

Directly in Sudan, there will be no signs associated with this flower. Unless, of course, it is considered a sign that its successful cultivation provides Sudanese with raw materials for making tea, sweet dishes, and allows raising the economic situation through the sale of "hibiscus".

Useful aphradisiac

Another useful variety is musk hibiscus. Unlike the Sudanese rose, it is not possible to brew tea from this variety. But the aroma of hibiscus abelmoschus is able to cure frigidity and impotence. Distinguishing musk varieties is easiest:

  • the height of a houseplant does not exceed 2 m;
  • leaves are large, densely covered with hairs;
  • flowers are dark yellow with a scarlet core;
  • the seed pods are also covered with thick hairs, and the seeds themselves are gray in color and exude a strong odor.

Amber seeds are actively used in the manufacture of perfumes and cosmetics.

In addition, the substance obtained from the seeds of this plant replaces animal musk and, to a large extent, reduces the cost of the product. In addition, musk hibiscus oil helps improve digestion, eliminate headaches, relieve itching, eliminate bad breath, relieve spasms, and help with depression.

However, the main signs associated with musk hibiscus relate to marital relations, the sexual strength of partners and childbearing function. For the same reason, it is better to place the plant directly in the bedroom.

Fairy of colors and shapes

Add exotic home interior will help "aliogina" or blue hibiscus. The variety is close to the Syrian varieties, but differs in color. A hybrid variety, it has large flowers of deep blue color and lowered, like a real mallow, leaves (outwardly similar to the leaves of a Chinese rose).

If you want to "blue" the garden plot, then it is better to choose from the varieties of Syrian roses. A good addition to landscape design will be a low (up to 2 m) Blue Satin. A very spectacular variety with large (up to 12 cm) flowers, abundantly decorating the plant from late spring to early autumn. This variety tolerates pruning well, suitable for standard cultivation.

A stunning effect will be produced by blue hibiscus, planted in one container with varieties of a different color.

Hibiscus Linden is the most unusual member of the genus. This hibiscus is a tree, which, depending on the variety, as well as the landing site, can reach 7 m in height. The variegated hibiscus got its name for its similarity with linden. Spreading branches with large (about 30 cm) heart-shaped leaves are decorated with large chameleon flowers. During the day, the flowers delight the eye with a yellow scattering, but by the evening the color of the inflorescences changes to red. Some species of this plant lend themselves to home cultivation and are very popular with lovers of Japanese culture and bonsai trees.

You can use flowers of this variety for medical purposes:

  • good for bronchitis;
  • contribute to the treatment of tonsillitis;
  • heal abscesses.

If you propagate this flower by seed, you can get various varietal variations up to terry. However, terry hibiscus is not a single variety. Terry varieties are found regardless of color and varietal affiliation.

For example, yellow terry hibiscus - most clearly represents the mallow family. And it is a typical variation of the Chinese rose. Only unlike the latter, it has larger, decorative flowers. By the way, the Chinese rose itself, which was popularly called the bloody hibiscus and overgrown with legends, in fact, is related not only to China. The homeland of hibiscus is southern China, tropical Asia and subequatorial islands. Among which can be called Hawaii, where the flower has been elevated to the rank of national treasure.

The Hawaiian hibiscus is the tragic story of a beautiful flower. Now this species is almost completely exterminated and is rarely found in the wild. It is not difficult to guess that the Hawaiian hibiscus is in front of you, as this small tree (up to a maximum of 1 meter) looks very attractive. Oval leaves resemble ficus leaves - glossy, concave with a medium color intensity. The flowers on the tree are rarely scattered, but they are large enough and painted in bright red.

Fans of greater constancy can be advised variety - sunset yellow. The plant looks incredibly gentle. Hibiscus yellow - as if created from the air and the most delicate lemon fibers. The life of this flower is limited to only one day. But new inflorescences decorate the bush quickly enough.

rainbow mood

One of the brightest indoor representatives of the mallow family is hibiscus gabriel. Its distinguishing feature is a huge flower up to 15 cm in diameter, changing color depending on the conditions of detention and the season. The variegated "gabriel" can be gray-lilac with a beige edging, or it can please the grower with a purple flower, framed along the edge with a bright yellow stripe. The leaves of this variety are glossy, regular oval in shape.

Tahitian is the royal hibiscus, which is absolutely true. Corrugated, with soft waves, like a royal mantle, the petals of this variety are painted in a spiral. And the palette combines three colors (for one flower) and varies from maroon to faded gray. This hibiscus is a standard variety.

An amazing and unusual variety of cherry. Its highlight is in bright contrast. The red inner part of the flower seems to be poured on top of perfectly white and thick cream.

hibiscus gabriel hibiscus tahitian hibiscus cherry

Versatile and delicious hibiscus

If you love unusual plants, the following variety of hibiscus is just made for you. Mahogany splendor aka sour hibiscus, aka Hibiscus acetosella. Sometimes, due to some similarities with common oxalis, it is called oxalis. Due to its pleasant sour taste, this type of hibiscus is used in some countries as a vegetable crop that replaces sorrel. The flower got its name - the maple-leaved Mahogany flower thanks to the unusual, reminiscent of Chinese maple, foliage. And thanks to the unusual, red color of the leaves, the people still call this variety - red-leaved.

Hibiscus sour is rightfully very popular. This is a short-lived, but very decorative looking shrub. The motley, carved and dense crown of the flower will easily decorate any garden, and the pleasant taste will delight gourmets.

This variety does not have clear characteristics. Scientists explain this by the hybrid origin of the shrub. And it was discovered by a French botanist on the African continent, which is why the plant was originally called African mallow for a long time.

Despite this, splendor tolerates sub-zero temperatures well, but in the climate of northern latitudes it is grown as an annual crop.

No less impressive are the leaves of the hibiscus schizopetalus or dissected hibiscus variety. This species is also close to Chinese varieties. It is a shrub with thin drooping lashes. The beauty of the variety is in its unusual colors of red, orange or mixed color. Small in size, only 8 cm, the flowers amaze with an unusual shape - the dissected petals are curled and bent back.

pink dreams

You can decorate the balcony and window sill with Cooper's hibiscus. This variety is beautiful not only during flowering, when the branches are decorated with large flowers of deep pink color, but also during the dormant period. The second name of the flower is variegated hibiscus. The foliage of the plant is a regular oval white-green color.

Small cuts can be supplemented with Copper King or swamp hibiscus. This is a small herbaceous plant with light pink and very large flowers. The white variety also looks good.

Hibiscus varieties natalie - will add porcelain perfection to the interior. Its large, tubular flowers with raised tips and deep pink color always look flawless. Natalia will best fit into the interiors of the classical style.

The s joy variety is distinguished by a greater saturation of colors and will suit natures who are accustomed to constantly being in motion. In addition, the pink-orange large flowers of this hibiscus will always remind you of a hot and sunny summer.

Hibiscus allure is a real indoor rose. A stuffed clover-colored bud with a fine cut will not leave indifferent true connoisseurs of beauty.

Let's add some color

Discreet, cool metallic blue hibiscus is a great addition to offices.

But flame crazy is its complete opposite. Huge, as if made of paper, crazy flowers exude a breathtaking acid pink color around them.

Hibiscus voodoo magic - this hybrid is created for those who love stories about magical, distant lands and African romance. Orange-brown like the setting African sun, voodoo flowers amaze the imagination with their size. With proper care, voodoo magic is able to give the owner flowers up to 17 cm in diameter.

Hibiscus black dragon is a variety for true connoisseurs and experienced flower growers. The noble dragon strikes, first of all, with the depth of a dark cherry color, cast in the sun with blue-black colors.

For beginner flower growers, the fireball variety will be an excellent option. Herbaceous hybrid, very unpretentious to growing conditions, cold-resistant and beautiful. Its flowers, in size and shape, really resemble fireballs.

Fans of seed reproduction should pay attention to another herbaceous variety - hibiscus ice cream. A plant with relatively small (only 6 cm in diameter) flowers is able to retain decorative properties for a long time. During flowering, hibiscus pleases with creamy flowers with a chocolate core. And after flowering, the plant is decorated with unusual pods.

Russian selection

In the 50s of the last century, the Russian breeder F. Rusanov brought out a stunning herbaceous variety, which was called Rusanov's hybrid or hibiscus. This plant combines the qualities of three North American varieties at once. The leaves resemble maple, the flowers are very large and look like Chinese rose inflorescences.

The variety can winter in open ground in northern latitudes.

For the winter, Rusanova's hibiscus sheds its leaves, and in the spring, shoots appear again from powerful tubers. It is better to choose sunny and open places for the plant.

However, the most famous in our country was and remains the Chinese rose or hibiscus - the flower of death. It has been observed that hibiscus begins to lose leaves, or bloom at the wrong time for it, if its owner is terminally ill. Some flower growers also claim that the plant helps to pay attention to their health in time and undergo an examination before the disease develops.

True, signs do not always work, but hibiscus grown in the house will really benefit health. This plant ionizes and purifies the air well. And, according to psychics, it fills the apartment with positive energy.

hibiscus ( lat. Hibiscus)- an extensive genus of plants of the family Malvaceae (Malvaceae). According to various sources, it includes from 150 to 300 species. Wild and cultivated plants with beautiful flowers.

hibiscus- evergreen or deciduous plants, trees, shrubs or herbaceous plants, pubescent or bare. Leaves are alternate, on petioles. Flowers in most species are large, graceful, with brightly colored corollas, located in the upper part of the shoot, of various colors; subcalyx leaflets in number 3, or many of them.

The color range of hibiscus has thousands of colors and their combinations, including all colors except blue and black. Some species have a flower size of 5 centimeters - others reach 30 cm. The hibiscus fruit in the form of a box that breaks up into 5 flaps contains many seeds dressed in fluff or fibers, or smooth.

The hibiscus bush lives 20 or more years, lends itself well to molding: at the end of winter, the stems are cut to increase branching.

Under favorable conditions, an adult plant reaches up to three meters in height.

common hibiscus in the Old and New Worlds, in the subtropics and tropics (Indonesia, South China, the islands of Haiti, Fiji, Sumatra, Java, Sri Lanka). Bred by gardeners in a sharply continental climate.

On the territory of the CIS there are 2 types:

- in the southeastern region of Transcaucasia;

Hibiscus trifoliate or northern (Hibiscus trionum) Synonym: Hibiscus ternatus- reaching the south of Ukraine and spreading further in Western Europe. Therefore, in the temperate zone in the open air, they succeed only in areas with the weakest winters, for example, on the southern coast of Crimea. In southern Germany, they do not tolerate the local climate particularly well. Also not particularly good, but sufficient for seed maturation, these plants grow in southeast Kazakhstan.

The most common type is , with large flowers, up to 12 cm wide, pink with purple or carmine spots at the base of the corolla.
Many hibiscus have long been bred in gardens and greenhouses as ornamentals, making beautiful hedges, and for the elegance of their flowers. It is an attractive houseplant. Requires warmth, lots of light and space. With proper pruning and watering, it can bloom all year round.

The most common type in our room and greenhouse culture is the so-called Chinese rose( Hibiscus rosa sinensis) . This is a shrub with large pure double red flowers, which is considered the birthplace of the Malay Archipelago. In the tropics, it is bred in gardens everywhere.

Originating in Asia and the Pacific Islands, the hibiscus is the national flower of Malaysia. Interest in hibiscus arose in the early twentieth century in Hawaii. The American Hibiscus Society was founded in 1950.

Hibiscus species

obtained from crossing three North American species - Red hibiscus (Hibiscus coccineus) , Pink hibiscus (Hibiscus moscheutos) and Holly hibiscus (Hibiscus militaris) . Hybrid hibiscus are herbaceous perennials with very large, showy, showy flowers. They are propagated in the spring (with the onset of stable warm weather, when the buds on the root collars begin to swell) by dividing the bushes, green cuttings and grafting. These ornamental plants are good for large flower arrays, mixed borders, parterres, boulevards, edges, banks of reservoirs, they are planted in clearings in the park and among rare bushes in the southern regions of Russia.

Hibiscus Chinese , or Chinese rose (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis) grows in East Asia and the Pacific Islands. It was introduced into Europe at the end of the 17th century. About 500 varieties are known. A very decorative evergreen shrub, the height of which (at home) reaches 3 m. Under the conditions of culture, it is a very well-known greenhouse, indoor plant. The leaves are dark green, glossy above, oval- or ovate-elongated, serrated along the edge. Blooms from early spring to late autumn. The flowers are large (12-16 cm in diameter), simple, semi-double, of various colors - from fiery and orange-red to pink and yellow, depending on the variety.

Some varieties:

Anita Buis- flowers are simple, yellow-orange.
Florida- flowers are large (up to 14 cm in diameter), orange-red.
Hamburg- flowers are large, double, carmine-red.
Rosa- semi-double and double flowers, salmon-pink.

. Synonym: Hibiscus Chinese variety dissected (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis var. schizopetalus). Homeland - Central Africa. Shrub with thin shoots and shiny green leaves. Red-orange flowers 5 cm in diameter with recurved petals, deep and uneven fringe. Greenhouse and houseplant.

comes from China, India. Its original exotic flower is the symbol of the island of Haiti. They adorn themselves with local residents and numerous tourists. In some provinces of India, red and pink flowers are woven into wedding wreaths.

. Dense, erect, strong annual or short-lived, perennial with a woody base, 0.6 - 1.5 cm tall and 1 m wide.
Forms long-stemmed, broadly oval, single-petal or 3-5-petal, pinkish-red, medium green leaves, 30 cm long.
Flowers solitary, axillary, funnel-shaped, yellow, pink or red-purple, 6-10 cm in diameter with a bright purple center. Flowering from June to September.

Homeland - Hawaiian Islands. Evergreen shrub up to 5m tall. Upright branched trunk. Oval whole leaves. White five-petal fragrant flowers with red splashes.

Shrub or small tree. The leaves are elliptical, glossy, concave, medium green. Flowers solitary, large bright red, 5-petal.

. Homeland - Australia. Evergreen shrub up to 2.5 m tall. Upright trunk with thorny branches. Rounded, sometimes deeply lobed, leaves. Large yellow flowers with a crimson center, five-petal flowers, 10 cm in diameter.

Homeland - Australia, Pacific Islands. Evergreen shrub up to 3 m tall. Upright hard trunk with an openly textured crown. Long-petiolate, heart-shaped rounded leaves, 7 cm in diameter, with unevenly dissected edges. Yellow five-petalled flowers, crimson at the base, are collected in drooping apical inflorescences.

Homeland - Australia. Evergreen shrub up to 2.5 m tall. Upright thin branched trunk. Three-segmented leaves, 5 cm long, with roughly dissected edges. Purple or pink, five-petalled flowers with a dark center.

Homeland - Jamaica. Evergreen tree up to 25 m tall.
Upright, branched trunk with fibrous bark and densely textured, rounded crown.
Oval rounded leaves, 20 cm long. Yellow, turning orange and then red, open five-petalled flowers, 12 cm in diameter.

Hibiscus edible or Okra (Hibiscus esculentus). Okra- an annual herbaceous plant with a height of 30-40 cm (dwarf varieties) to 2 m (tall forms). The stem of the okra is thick, branched, woody, pubescent with stiff hairs.

The leaves are also pubescent: long-petiolate, light or dark green, rather large, five-seven-lobed. The flowers are solitary, large, bisexual, yellowish-cream in color, located in the axils of the leaves on short pubescent pedicels. In the axils of the leaves, fruits are formed in the form of 4-8-sided pods (they are called boxes), in which the seeds are enclosed.

As a vegetable spicy plant grown in the southern regions. In temperate areas, okra can be grown in greenhouses and conservatories.

The fruit of okra is finger-shaped, 6 to 30 cm long. Only young (3-6-day-old) green ovaries are eaten, overripe dark brown fruits are completely tasteless. Okra fruits are eaten both fresh (they are put in salads), and boiled, stewed, fried. In addition, they are dried, frozen, canned.

Unripe okra pods, along with seeds, are put as a seasoning in soups and sauces, which from this are enriched with a pleasant taste and acquire a viscous texture. Unripe grains (rounded, dark green or olive) may well replace green peas, and gombo coffee is prepared from mature and roasted ones.

Dense, wide shrub. The leaves are palmately lobed, elliptical, of medium density. The flowers are funnel-shaped tubular with 5 dark pink petals overlapping each other.

Homeland - Australia. Evergreen shrub up to 3 m tall. Upright, smooth trunk with stiff, spiny branches and an openly textured crown. Whole elliptical or with 3 deep lobes leaves. Five-petalled white flowers with a dark purple base.

Homeland - Australia. Evergreen shrub up to 2 m tall. Upright hairy trunk with an openly textured crown. Leaves 3-5 lobed with wavy edges. Large pale purple five-petalled flowers.

Hawaiian Islands. Evergreen tree up to 7 m tall. Upright branched trunk with an openly textured crown. Oval leaves, 7 cm long, with roughly cut edges. Bright red open flowers, 4 cm in diameter.

Perennial up to 150-200 cm tall with shoots dying off for the winter. The flowers are large, 10-15 cm in diameter, milky white.

Homeland - China. Deciduous shrub up to 3 m tall. Upright branched trunk. The leaves are large oval-pointed lobed. White, becoming pink, double or single flowers, 10 cm in diameter.

Homeland - Australia. Evergreen shrub up to 2 m tall. Upright branched trunk. Greyish-green heart-shaped leaves, 9 cm long. Flowers yellow with a red center, 9 cm in diameter.

Hibiscus sabdariffa or Rosella (Hibiscus sabdariffa) . Homeland - North Africa. Evergreen shrub up to 4 m tall. Upright branched trunk. Leaves are oval with cut edges. Drooping red or orange flowers, 12 cm in diameter, with curved petals. Pieces of its dry fruits are an indispensable component of hibiscus fruit teas.

Bush. The leaves are ovate, coarsely toothed from the middle to the tip along the edge, almost heart-shaped at the base, matte green, dense, slightly curled inward along the edge. The flowers are funnel-shaped, large, bright yellow, 5-petal. Petals inside at the base with bright red-brown spots.

Homeland - Australia. Evergreen shrub up to 6 m tall. An elegant velvety trunk with an openly textured crown. Leaves broadly oval/heart-shaped, 3-5 lobed, up to 18 cm long. Pink with crimson base five-petal flowers, 16 cm in diameter.

Homeland - Australia and Southeast Asia. Evergreen tree up to 9 m tall. An upright short trunk with a smooth gray bark and a wide crown. Light green rounded or heart-shaped leaves, up to 12 cm long. Yellow flowers with a dark pink center, 12 m in diameter.

A herbaceous plant native to North and Central Africa. At present, the plant is widely distributed in all areas of irrigated agriculture, where it is found in cotton, row crops, pastures and wastelands. It also grows in the steppe and forest-steppe regions of the European part of Russia. Prefers loose sandy soils, warmth and moisture. The root is taproot, the stem is straight, branched, 20-80 cm high. The leaves are alternate, tripartite, petiolate, pubescent. The flowers are pale yellow with a purple center up to 4 cm in diameter. They open in the morning for only a few hours, and in the afternoon they are already closed. Nevertheless, the flowering period of this plant lasts more than a month, as new buds form in the axil of each leaf. If you create the right conditions, flowers will appear every day.

After the corolla falls, a swollen fruit forms on the pedicel. This is a five- or many-seeded hairy black box with kidney-shaped or oval-heart-shaped dark seeds. The weight of 1000 seeds is 3-4 g. The maximum fecundity is up to 15 thousand seeds, which germinate from a depth of up to 5 cm. The development cycle from the seedling to the first fruits is 60-70 days. The seeds spill out of the pods and litter the soil. Germination of freshly fallen seeds is low. The minimum germination temperature is 5-6 °C. Cotyledons 7-9 mm long, 6-8 mm wide, rounded. Seed viability is maintained up to 5-7 years.

In places with a warm climate, hibiscus begins to grow like a weed.

Dried shoots with unusual fruits are good in dry bouquets. On sale there are several varietal forms. They are sown in March for seedlings or in May in open ground. The soil should be loose and nutritious.

Hibiscus Care

Lighting. Hibiscus prefers diffused light, without direct sunlight.

Optimal placement in the summer of windows with a western or eastern orientation. On windows with a southern orientation in the spring and summer, a plant is placed far from the window or diffused light is created with a translucent cloth or paper (gauze, tulle, tracing paper). Subject to the rules of care, it can grow well even bloom on windows with a northern orientation.

On warm summer days, it can be taken out into the open air (balcony, garden), but it should be protected from sunlight, precipitation and drafts. If you do not have the opportunity to place plants outdoors in the summer, then you should regularly ventilate the room.

In winter, they provide good lighting, shading is not required. You can create additional lighting by using fluorescent lamps for this, placing them above the plant at a distance of 50-60 cm, for at least 8 hours a day. In the autumn-winter period, it is also necessary to ventilate the room, but drafts should be avoided.

With a lack of lighting, the plant may sparsely or not bloom at all.

Temperature. In spring and summer, hibiscus prefers a temperature of 18-22°C. In autumn, the temperature is gradually reduced to 16-18°C. In winter, they are kept at a temperature of 14-16 ° C, with good lighting. At a content of 10 ° C, and below the plant may shed its leaves.

Watering. During the growing season and the flowering period, hibiscus is watered abundantly, as the top layer of the substrate dries up. In the autumn-winter period, water moderately, two or three after the top layer of the substrate dries. When the plant is kept (in winter) at a temperature below 14°C, the soil is kept moderately moist.

When watering, drying out and excessive waterlogging of the substrate should not be allowed. Water from the pan, poured out after half an hour. Watered with soft and well-settled water.

Air humidity. Humidity does not play a significant role, but it is advisable to spray the plants. This procedure is also a preventive measure against.

During flowering, especially on clear warm days, hibiscus are sprayed with warm, soft, settled water. In the autumn-winter period, you can spray the plants with warm water from time to time.

Fertilizer. In the spring-summer period, regular (once a month) fertilizing with nitrogen-containing mineral fertilizers is useful (this stimulates long-term flowering). You can feed with special complex fertilizers for flowering indoor plants, every 3 weeks. You can use "Rainbow", "Ideal", etc. It is very useful after watering with clean water to feed once a month with a fermented solution of bird droppings (1 part solution per 20 parts water) or liquid mullein (1 part infusion per 12 parts water). By mid-August, the amount of nitrogen is reduced in dressings. In winter, only half-dose phosphorus-potassium fertilizer is applied once a month, or (with almost dry content in cool conditions) they are not fertilized. Fertilizers are applied after watering.

Transfer. In late April - early May, adult plants are transferred to large pots (1 time in three to four years). If the soil is not acidic and there are no pests in it, you can simply replace the top 5-centimeter layer of soil with fresh, nutritious soil. As soon as the flower reaches its maximum size in your conditions, do not transplant it, but carefully remove it from the pot and replace some of the soil. The soil is used close to neutral (pH about 6), light, nutritious. It can be prepared from 4 parts of sod, 3 parts of leaf, one part of humus earth and sand. Pieces of charcoal are mixed into the mixture. Do not use unripe manure and dry mullein. A mixture of soddy, humus earth and sand (2:1:1) may also be suitable. You can add a little peat and bone meal. Good drainage is needed, as the plant does not tolerate stagnant water very well.

Growing features. Hibiscus - bonsai. Hibiscus are cultivated as large or small bushy or standard plants, the various crown shapes of which can be obtained by timely and correct pruning.

In order to increase the decorative effect of the crown and stimulate the development of a large number of young shoots that form flowers (flower buds in hibiscus are laid on the shoots of the current year), after transplanting (for young) or replacing the topsoil (for adults), the plant must be cut to the bud at about a distance 15 cm from the base. When new shoots begin to form, it is necessary to remove the weak ones and leave the healthiest ones.

To delay flowering until autumn or winter, plants should be transplanted and pruned in May. Until then, they should be dormant with very moderate watering. In July, cut again. As a result, flower buds are formed only in early autumn. The resulting pruning branches can be used for propagation.

Hibiscus is able to grow from the root. This property is convenient for those flower growers who have a shortage of light and space in the apartment, and because of which there is nowhere to put an extra flower pot in winter. In autumn, watering the plants is gradually reduced to a minimum and the leaves are allowed to fall, and then the stems are cut, leaving stumps of 7-8 centimeters. In this state, the hibiscus will overwinter in a cool place (10-12 ° C) - so that the roots do not dry out, the soil of the hibiscus is slightly moistened from time to time, and in three or four months the plant will give fresh shoots. From now on, it must be exposed to light and watered, not forgetting to pinch the young shoots, as they grow very quickly.

Reproduction. Propagated by seeds and cuttings.

seeds sown from mid-January to mid-March. Before planting, they are soaked for 12 hours in epin. Sow in a mixture of peat and sand. The bowl is covered with glass, the temperature is maintained at 25-27°C. The use of a mini-greenhouse or bottom heating contributes to better seed germination. Periodically sprayed and ventilated. When the seedlings have formed two or three leaves, they dive into pots of the appropriate size. Seedlings bloom and bear fruit at 3-4 years of age.

Easy to propagate hibiscus cuttings. They are cut in June-August from the tops of a young growth with 2-3 internodes. Sections are treated with growth stimulants. The cuttings take root well after 25-30 days in indoor greenhouses with soil heated to 22-25 ° C (a mixture of peat and sand or pure sand) or in pots covered with a glass jar, or in water. After the roots appear, they are planted in 7-10 cm pots with a soil mixture of humus (2 parts), leaf and sod land and sand (1 part each), watered with warm water. It is good to add horn shavings and bone meal to the mixture.

To form a bush, pinch smaller shoots. Young plants grow very quickly, so they may need to transplant into a larger pot as early as a few months after rooting. In the future, they need to be transplanted annually into fresh fertile soil. Transplantation is carried out in early spring before flowering. Before this, it is useful to prune the plant, this stimulates abundant branching and flowering. Branches are cut to two-thirds or half of their length. With good lighting and abundant watering, flowering plants can be obtained in 1 year.

Possible difficulties

Buds appear on the plant, but do not open and soon fall off.- the plant lacks nutrients; watering is not plentiful enough, the soil dries out a lot; low air temperature.

The lower leaves fall off, new ones grow yellowish- leaf chlorosis occurred due to the increased content of chlorine and calcium in the irrigation water, while there is a lack of nitrogen and iron (it is necessary to defend the water for irrigation and add iron chelate to it according to the instructions); root disease from hypothermia with abundant watering and low temperature; too dry indoor air combined with high temperature and insufficient spraying.

Absence of flowers in the presence of lush numerous foliage- the plant is overfed with fertilizers with a high nitrogen content; content in an insufficiently bright place; insufficient watering during the active growing season; winter content at a fairly high temperature.

Lack of lighting combined with excess nutrition can cause nutrition can cause the appearance of dirty pink spots on the leaves.

From the cold soil the roots of the plant can dry out.

With a lack of moisture leaves droop and become sluggish.


Useful properties of hibiscus

In the past, some types of hibiscus were used for the production of perfumes, others were used for food.

At present, of great economic importance are Hibiscus hemp , or Kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus) , gives excellent spinning material, for which it is bred in all tropical countries. From flowers Rosella (Hibiscus sabdariffa) produce Karkade drink, sour taste and beautiful rich red color. Dried calyxes are used for tea. Hibiscus drink perfectly quenches thirst and has beneficial properties.

Hibiscus Chinese it cleans and heals indoor air well, and also has a very life-giving effect on weak plants - next to it, sick plants come to life, strengthen and grow.

Hibiscus tea (hibiscus)- completely different both in appearance and in taste from the traditional one. Bright red in color, quite sour, this drink has an unusual taste, and when diluted it resembles raspberry compote. It is very popular in Europe and America.

Hibiscus has many names and epithets. It is also called "drink of the pharaohs", "kandahar", "Sudanese rose", "red rose", "red sorrel", "okra", "kenaf", "rose of sharon", "mallow of Venice". It is the national Egyptian drink.

Hibiscus tea, very useful! The substances that cause its red coloration - anthocyanins, have a pronounced P-vitamin activity, they strengthen the walls of blood vessels, regulate their permeability and blood pressure, when hot, tea increases it, and when it is cold, it lowers. It has antispasmodic and diuretic effects. Helps to improve the general condition.

The flavonoids contained in hibiscus - quercetin, enhance the action of anthocyanins, help cleanse the body. Waste products are removed from the body. The production of bile is stimulated and the protection of the liver from adverse effects increases, metabolism improves. Kills some pathogens, can be used as an anthelmintic.

Citric acid gives the drink a pleasant taste, it acts refreshingly in the heat and at elevated temperatures.

Hibiscus does not contain oxalic acid, so it is safe for kidney patients. There is little ascorbic acid (vitamin C) in it, but its action is mutually enhanced by flavonoids and anthocyanins.

Important! Drink from hibiscus should not be boiled, with prolonged heating, the coloring matter decomposes and the drink becomes dirty gray.

An interesting feature of the finished drink is that when hot it increases blood pressure, and when cold it lowers it.

It is also useful to eat cups soaked during brewing, they are a valuable food product: they contain from 7.5 to 9.5% of protein, which includes 13 amino acids, of which 6 are essential. They also contain polysaccharides, including pectin (2.4%), which contribute to the release of toxins and heavy metals from the intestines.

Hibiscus can be consumed with or without sugar. The taste and aftertaste of the drink is very much dependent on how strong it is brewed.

The hibiscus tonic drink, used to restore vitality, improves metabolism in the body, has a sedative (calming) effect, bactericidal (kills microbes) action, cleanses the liver, cleanses and improves the genitourinary system, has a beneficial effect on the activity of the pancreas, regulates the stomach, especially in individuals with gastritis and colitis, and has preventive properties against influenza.

Hibiscus can be especially popular among hypertensive patients, because it normalizes blood pressure and strengthens the walls of blood vessels, counteracting the increase in blood cholesterol.

Hibiscus well cleanses the body of alcohol intoxication (poisoning), acting in this regard even better than the well-known cucumber or cabbage pickles.

The world's largest medical company Watt & Breyer-Brandwijk noted a decrease in the intensity of the alcohol effect in chickens after internal administration of Hibiscus extract and concluded that Hibiscus extract reduces the degree of absorption of alcohol in the blood! This should be considered by people who drink alcohol.

Experiments have also shown that the Hibiscus drink helps to cure infertility in men and women. So, for example, after a six-month use of infusion by infertile women due to abnormal ovarian function, 70 women were able to give birth per 100 women.

Hibiscus can be recommended as a multivitamin table drink, which contains almost all vitamins in proportions useful for the human body.

Citric acid gives the drink a pleasant taste, it acts refreshingly in the heat and at elevated temperatures. The action of ascorbic acid and the action of flavonoids and anthocyanins in hibiscus are mutually enhanced. Unlike sorrel and other plants with sour greens, hibiscus contains almost no oxalic acid, which is involved in the formation of kidney stones, so it is also safe for kidney patients.

The cups soaked during brewing remain harsh, and it is not very pleasant to eat them, although it is useful. By themselves, they are quite a valuable food product: they contain from 7.5 to 9.5% of protein, which includes 13 amino acids, of which 6 are essential. The polysaccharides contained in the cups, including pectin (2.4%), help to eliminate toxins and heavy metals from the intestines. They are used as additives in salads, vinaigrettes, first courses to add piquancy and a bright - persistent ruby ​​color, as well as an original component for meat and fish dishes.

Preparation of the drink "karkade" "

Boil 2 teaspoons per glass of water for 3-5 minutes. At the same time, the water turns bright red and acquires a characteristic refined sweetish-sour taste. It is recommended to add sugar to the drink. Moreover, hibiscus petals softened in water also do not lose their original sweet and sour taste, and therefore they can be eaten as an excellent vitamin supplement, which, due to the high content of vitamin C, protects the body from viral infections.

Cold tea: hibiscus inflorescences are placed in cold water and brought to a boil, then sugar is added; served very cold or even with ice.

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Tags: hibiscus, hibiscus, chinese rose, hibiscus care, hibiscus photo, hibiscus, garden hibiscus, hibiscus flowers, chinese rose care, hibiscus flower, hibiscus propagation, hibiscus syriacus, hibiscus hybrid, hibiscus hybridus, red hibiscus, hibiscus coccineus, pink hibiscus, hibiscus moscheutos, hibiscus holly, hibiscus militaris, dissected hibiscus, hibiscus schizopetalus, hibiscus tea, Chinese hibiscus, hibiscus rosa-sinensis, herbaceous hibiscus, indoor hibiscus, hibiscus seeds, hibiscus diseases, hibiscus pruning, hibiscus seed care, growing hibiscus, hibiscus cultivation , hibiscus plant, hibiscus properties, marsh hibiscus, hibiscus leaves turn yellow, varieties of hibiscus, indoor hibiscus flowers, hibiscus transplant, hibiscus does not bloom, hibiscus garden care, hibiscus species, hibiscus flower photo, hibiscus pests, hibiscus bonsai, hibiscus, preparation of a drink from hibiscus, hibiscus drink, hibiscus drink

Growing indoor and garden plants, including flowers, is a popular activity for many gardeners and flower growers. Among the many green spaces, the Chinese rose has become widespread. Due to the variety of species of this flower, everyone can choose the best option for their home and garden. Having familiarized yourself with the features of cultivating a plant, caring for it will not take much effort and time.

Hibiscus (Chinese rose) - description

Hibiscus, also known as the Chinese rose, is a popular crop among many flower growers. The plant is an excellent option for those who are just starting out in gardening and growing indoor and garden flowers. A distinctive feature of the flower is unpretentiousness and ease of cultivation. This species has many representatives, which differ in the shape of flowers and leaf plates, size, color, and also in a number of other indicators.

Depending on the species, hibiscus are both annuals in the form of single flowers, and perennial shrubs that can decorate any garden. In nature, the Chinese rose reaches 20 m in height and 3-5 m in width. An important feature of the plant is resistance to negative natural influences, in particular to sub-zero temperatures. In winter, hibiscus is able to tolerate frosts down to -20˚С. The only thing that is required is to organize a film shelter.

In nature, hibiscus can reach 20 m in height and 3–5 m in width.

Where did the name "flower of death" come from, signs

Hibiscus, despite its apparent simplicity and unpretentiousness, is endowed with some features, because of which it is called the "flower of death." To understand why this plant deserves such a name, you need to turn to old European signs:

  1. If the Chinese rose bloomed during a period uncharacteristic of this process, then it is believed that someone in the house will soon die. To avoid this, the plant must be immediately disposed of, or rather, burned.
  2. Hibiscus negatively affects the health and life span of its owner. That is why it is not recommended to install a flower in the bedroom. It is believed that after the death of the owner of the plant, the Chinese rose blooms powerfully and profusely. This is explained by the accumulated energy.
  3. If the flower dropped all the leaves, then this indicates the need to go to the hospital for the residents of the house. Thus, hibiscus warns that someone in the household has health problems.
  4. Chinese rose helps to attract men to unmarried girls. However, at the same time, the flower drives the male sex out of the house. This suggests that a girl can not expect happiness.
  5. If a hibiscus appeared in a house where an established married couple lives, then the plant becomes a source of contention and confusion and, as a result, people will be unhappy. From the "flower of death" they make a crown of celibacy. However, history is silent about who does it and how.

Such conflicting signs exist in relation to hibiscus. If in Europe a flower is an indicator of family well-being, then, for example, in Malaysia they are proud of this plant: there is a whole park with Chinese roses in the country. Among Haitians, the so-called "flower of death" is considered a symbol of the island: it is customary to give hibiscus to tourists.

Video: why hibiscus is called the "flower of death"

In addition to negative signs, there are positive ones:

  1. The regular flowering of the Chinese rose speaks of family well-being, joyful events are possible.
  2. Hibiscus is a friendly plant: it has a good effect on weak and fading indoor crops. Plus, the plant has a positive effect on the air in the room, healing it and creating an atmosphere of comfort.
  3. Chinese rose bloom is a good sign for negotiations. A flowerpot with hibiscus is recommended to be installed in the manager's office or in the back office. In this case, plants with red flowers should be avoided.

If you are not embarrassed by the listed negative signs, and you are not afraid of possible misfortunes for your family, then before you start a hibiscus in your home, you need to familiarize yourself with its types in more detail.

Types of hibiscus and their features

Various sources indicate that hibiscus have about 150-300 species. Let's take a closer look at the most common varieties.

Hibiscus hybrid (Hibiscus hybridus)

On the territory of Russia, this type of Chinese rose is most widely distributed. It can be grown not only in the garden, but also at home. The variety was bred by the Soviet breeder Fyodor Rusanov about 70 years ago. Varieties such as bright red, marsh and armed were selected as mother material. From the original cultures, hybrid hibiscus received resistance to low temperatures and large scarlet flowers, the size of which reaches 18–25 cm. Flowering occurs in August and continues until frost.

In garden hibiscus, the root system is preserved, and the stems die off. At the end of spring, the plant throws out sprouts that stretch up to 2 meters and are subsequently covered with leaves. The appearance of large flowers should be expected in the second year after planting. The color scheme is the most diverse - from white to dark red. Flowers are ordinary and double. After the inflorescences fade, they turn into boxes with seeds, which, as they ripen, become brown in color, after which they dry out. This type of hibiscus does not require any close attention and care. Therefore, the plant is suitable for beginner gardeners.

Hybrid hibiscus is the most popular in Russia. This species can be grown both in the garden and at home.

During planting for a hybrid species, it is better to choose a sunny area, protected from the effects of northern winds and shade. Any type of soil is suitable for a plant, but it is still better to land in drained black soil. The flower quite adequately tolerates moderate frosts and lack of moisture. For successful wintering of the root system, it should be covered with a mulch layer or foliage. Hibiscus of this species is propagated in several ways: by dividing the root system, cuttings and grafting.

In the case of growing indoor specimens, well-lit places should be chosen, but without direct sunlight. Otherwise, the plant may get burned. The optimal location in the house will be the eastern and western sides. In the summer, the flowerpot with the plant is taken out into the fresh air, trying to avoid exposure to precipitation and drafts. As the daylight hours decrease, the hibiscus needs additional lighting. With a lack of light, inflorescences may not appear at all.

At home, during the growing season for a hybrid rose, it is necessary to provide a temperature of + 20˚С, and in autumn and winter this figure is reduced to + 16˚С. At lower temperatures, the plant may shed its foliage, which will serve as a reason for pruning it. It is produced, as a rule, for the purpose of formation or rejuvenation. In this case, shoots are removed from the hibiscus to a level of 8–15 cm from the soil. If the plant undergoes a transplant or change of soil, then pruning must be carried out. After that, the flower pot is set in a cool place, the amount of watering is reduced, thereby providing peace to the culture. With the advent of new shoots, spraying and watering increase, and for better growth, periodically pinch off the sprouts.

Marsh hibiscus (Hibiscus moscheutos)

Marsh hibiscus can be grown both at home and in the garden, but the flower has earned the greatest popularity among lovers of indoor plants due to its brightness. The root system of this species is quite powerful and well developed. This is explained by the fact that under natural conditions the plant reaches a height of 3 m and forms a well-developed crown. The leaves of the marsh hibiscus have a glossy surface and a heart-shaped shape.

The culture is characterized by a long flowering period, which begins with the arrival of spring and lasts until mid-autumn. The flowers stand out for their brightness and variety of shades: bright red, purple, lilac. In diameter, they reach 15 cm. Flowering after blooming lasts only one day: by evening, the flowers wither and fall off. After falling, a fruit is formed with a box, inside which the seeds are contained.

Swamp hibiscus stands out for its brightness. The plant has a long flowering period that lasts from spring to autumn.

To ensure long and abundant flowering, swamp hibiscus must be provided with sunlight and constant soil moisture, which should have a slightly acidic reaction. If the plant is located in the shade, the green mass will increase to the detriment of flowering. This type of Chinese rose does not react in any way to a lack of fertilizer, which is its hallmark. However, oversaturation with nutrients in the soil immediately affects the decorativeness of the plant. The best option for caring for a bush are mineral (phosphorus-potassium) and organic fertilizers.

Syrian hibiscus (Hibiscus syriacus)

The Syrian hibiscus is most widely used in street landscaping. The plant is endowed with beautiful terry flower forms and good frost resistance. Despite this, for example, in the Moscow region, the wintering of hibiscus should be accompanied by additional shelter. With the advent of spring, when the average daily air temperature reaches +12–15˚С, the first shoots will appear. After the culture leaves the dormant state, about three months should pass before flowering, which is due to the biology of the plant. It will be possible to admire beautiful flowers from August until the onset of frost. Then the leaves and stems will begin to turn yellow, the culture will prepare for winter.

To speed up the development of Syrian hibiscus in the spring, a small greenhouse is built over a group of plants, which is enough to cover with a film. In this case, the soil warms up noticeably faster, which will contribute to earlier vegetation. Quite often, the considered type of Chinese rose is grown in containers, which is especially typical for the northern regions and the middle lane. Tanks can be dug into the ground or installed directly on its surface. When buds form on the culture, the plant cannot be rotated and moved. When creating conditions for the development of a flower, cutting off and making the necessary fertilizers in a timely manner, hibiscus can be kept in a container for about 20 years.

Syrian hibiscus is widely used for street landscaping. The plant has beautiful double flowers and is characterized by good frost resistance.

Hibiscus Arnotti (Hibiscus arnottianus)

This type of hibiscus is distinguished by its medicinal properties. The aerial part of the plant is used to prepare a decoction, which is used as a laxative, as well as to purify the blood. The Arnotti hibiscus is native to Hawaii, from where it has spread to many countries around the world. In temperate climates, the flower is grown as an annual.

A distinctive feature of this species are tall stems, which sometimes reach 10 m, as well as fragrant flowers that can develop up to 10 cm in diameter. The petals are endowed with purple or scarlet veins, which are combined with the tone of the pistil. If we take into account that in nature Arnotti's hibiscus grew among tall trees, then in the garden you need to take care of creating the most approximate conditions.

To ensure the full development of the plant, well-drained black soil is used when planting. Periodically, you will need to feed the bush with organic and mineral substances. At the end of autumn, a rhizome is transplanted to maintain a culture at home. Gardeners involved in the cultivation of this variety resort to some trick - they keep the plant in a large container, which they take out for the summer, and take it into the house for the winter. Reproduction of hibiscus is carried out only by cuttings, which is due to climatic features: in our latitudes, the seeds do not ripen.

Hibiscus Arnotti stands out for its medicinal properties: a decoction is prepared from the aerial part, which is used to purify the blood

Hibiscus splayed (Hibiscus divaricatus)

Hibiscus splayed refers to evergreen shrubs reaching a height of 2.5 m. The plant is native to Australia. This flower has an upright trunk with thorny branches, which is distinguished by its strength, has uneven bark and low-lying branches with large foliage. The culture is characterized by a yellow color with a raspberry base.

Hibiscus got its name for the peculiar shape of the crown: the branches first diverge from the trunk at a right angle, and then go up. This species attracts flower lovers with exotic inflorescences. The main method of propagation is cuttings, since it is quite difficult to breed this shrub with seeds. Only young plants need care, and adults are unpretentious.

Hibiscus splayed is an evergreen shrub that reaches a height of 2.5 m. The trunk of the plant is erect with prickly branches

Chinese rose (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis)

Chinese hibiscus (Chinese rose) is native to Southeast Asia. This species is valued for its beautiful appearance, rather fast growth and easy care. As it develops, the plant acquires a lush crown, which allows it to be installed in spacious rooms, winter gardens, etc. Chinese hibiscus belongs to evergreen crops. At home, it reaches 1.2 m in height. Having provided good care, the culture blooms with rather large flowers with a diameter of 12 cm.

Chinese rose has flowers of various shapes and colors: you can find both simple and double, red, white, yellow. There are also varieties that are endowed with variegated foliage. Hibiscus blooms for a long time and quite abundantly, as a rule, from the beginning of spring to the end of autumn. However, the flowers themselves are kept on the plant for no more than two days. For the summer period, it is better to move the culture to the garden plot, while protecting it from the winds and direct sun.

Chinese rose has a beautiful appearance, fast growth and easy care.

Photo gallery: types of hibiscus

The stems of the Hawaiian hibiscus bush grow to a level of 30–50 cm. Leaves with a glossy surface, slightly oblong, slightly arched, resemble a dwarf ficus Variable hibiscus got its name because of the property of flowers to change the color of the petals as they ripen. Hibiscus kaili is a medium-sized shrub with straight, powerful stems that stretch upwards and in breadth up to 1-2 meters Sour hibiscus is a luxurious perennial subshrub, popular in tropical and subtropical climates. Can survive mild winters with frosts no more than -8˚С Hibiscus variegated - this species differs from others in torn, uneven serrations and the presence of leaves of different sections on one stem Hibiscus fragile - perennial, which is an evergreen and very dense bush with a widely branched crown Hugel's hibiscus is a bush up to 4 m high with bright green fleecy leaves divided into 3-5 segments. Edible hibiscus is a perennial plant that is cultivated as an annual in our latitudes. Outwardly, it is a shrub up to 2 m tall, dwarf varieties up to 50 cm

Garden hibiscus - adaptation period after purchase

As with buying any other plant, we immediately evaluate the appearance of the hibiscus and make sure that the flower is healthy, we see what color it will have flowers. However, the most important point is to look at the root system. If the plant is sold in containers, then it will not be difficult to get it out of the container: just lightly tap on the walls of the pot and pull on the stem. After extracting the culture, we can see healthy white roots. After the purchase, the plant does not need any additional measures and you can safely proceed to plant it on the site or in a pot of suitable size.

Landing - the nuances of the procedure, the requirements for the soil and the landing site

Garden hibiscus does not require much labor, both during planting and during care. To plant a plant, it is important to choose the right place: the site must be sunny and without drafts. Before planting, the place is prepared: the soil must be well-drained, for which sand and peat are added to it. The soil can be of the following composition: soil, peat, sand in a ratio of 2:4:1. The introduction of organic matter has a positive effect. In addition, for hibiscus it is worth using soil with a slightly acidic reaction. After preparing the soil mixture, they proceed to the planting pit. In most cases, the plant is transplanted from a pot in which it was grown from cuttings or seeds. The dimensions of the pit should be larger than the previous capacity. Before planting a Chinese rose, the pit is watered and wait until all the water is absorbed. Now you can start landing. The plant is carefully removed from the pot and lowered vertically into the ground. In the southern regions, part of the roots can be left above the ground, and in the northern regions, on the contrary, the plant is buried. Planting dates for hibiscus are in early spring. A Chinese garden rose practically does not need a transplant. If such a need nevertheless arises, then the procedure is also performed in early spring.

For hibiscus in the garden, a well-lit area is selected where the plant will not be subject to drafts.

Care: watering, top dressing, pruning

When watering hibiscus, do not flood the plant. The next moistening is carried out only after the topsoil dries out. However, it is not worth overdrying the earth. It is best to adhere to this rule: water abundantly, but not too often. As for air humidity, there are no special requirements for a garden flower. If hibiscus is grown in a container, then for the winter it is transferred to a room where periodic spraying is carried out.

When watering, hibiscus should not be waterlogged: you need to wait for the topsoil to dry

Proper feeding of the Chinese rose will be reflected in the form of lush flowering. Since the plant responds well to fertile soil, it is fed every 2 weeks during the season. In May, potash fertilizers are applied, which will have a positive effect on the formation of buds and flowering, and during the summer more phosphorus supplements are added, thereby gradually preparing the plant for winter.

No less important in the care process is the procedure for pruning garden hibiscus. A sanitary event is carried out in the spring, when diseased, damaged and old branches are removed. Sometimes pruning is carried out in order to form a crown, but they resort to such an event after the trunk is strong enough. Many gardeners also perform anti-aging pruning, in which old branches are completely removed, and young ones are shortened by 1/3 of their length.

Indoor plant - adaptation after the store

After buying a hibiscus in a store, they bring it home, carefully examine the stems and leaves on both sides for pests and signs of disease. The plant is carefully taken out of the container and the roots are examined to see if there is a root bug or rot. Hibiscus are sold, as a rule, in plastic pots, so removing the flower from the container and returning it to its place is not difficult.

If the slightest signs of diseases or the presence of pests were noticed, such as specks, dots, uneven yellowing of leaf plates, cobwebs, then one should resort to preventive measures and treat the plant with special means. In this case, insecticides are used to control pests, and fungicides are used to control fungi and diseases.

Transplanting into a pot

The issue of transplanting hibiscus after purchase is controversial. The thing is that such plants are brought to us, as a rule, from Holland. The manufacturer initially does everything possible to ensure that the culture blooms, the leaves have a rich green color, and the root system is well developed. Peat is used as soil, which contains a large amount of fertilizers and various growth stimulants. With a sharp transplant of a plant into a less nutritious soil, the probability of its death is high.

After purchase, it is advisable to replant homemade hibiscus by transshipment, which avoids injury to the root system and promotes rapid establishment in a new place.

If a decision is made to transplant hibiscus immediately after purchase, then the procedure is performed only by transshipment. You need to understand that transplantation and transshipment are somewhat different ways. Transplantation involves a complete change of soil with the exposure of the root system, which can lead to its damage. During transshipment, the roots of plants are preserved in an old earthy coma, while the risk of damage to them is minimized. It is transshipment that is considered the preferred option for any flowers. As for transplantation, it is necessary to perform it when the plant becomes ill, pests appear in the soil, the roots rot, or in case of improperly selected soil.

Now we will directly consider the process of transplanting hibiscus, for which you will need the following:

  • flower pot;
  • expanded clay;
  • priming;
  • water at room temperature, previously settled;
  • plastic film is 10–15 centimeters larger in diameter than the pot.

Before transplanting, the plant is pre-watered, which will allow you to remove the flower from the pot without damage. After that, with the help of a sharp knife, the branches are shortened, thus forming a compact bush. If desired, the resulting cuttings can be tried to root or used as grafting material. Dry branches are subject to removal, which only spoil the appearance of the hibiscus. As a result, the plant in the new container adapts faster. The pot should not be too large. A container is quite enough, larger than the previous one by 4-5 cm in diameter.

After preparing everything you need, we transplant the culture in this order:

  1. At the bottom of the pot we pour a layer of expanded clay. The material will serve as drainage and protect the root system from rotting in case of heavy watering.

    A layer of expanded clay is poured at the bottom of the pot to create a drainage layer.

  2. Pour some earth and charcoal into a new container.

    We fill the new container with a small amount of soil and charcoal.

  3. Swinging from side to side and lightly tapping on the walls of the pot, we take out the hibiscus from the previous container.

    To remove the hibiscus from the pot, you need to knock on the walls of the container and, shaking from side to side, remove the plant

  4. We install the flower together with a clod of earth in a new flowerpot and make sure that the plant sags slightly in it. This will make it possible to add fresh soil after planting.

    We install the Chinese rose in a new pot and slightly pressing down, which will allow you to add fresh soil

  5. Gently cover the lump with the rhizome with earth, while lightly pressing it into the pot to give the plant stability. Alternatively, a wooden stick can be used as a support, to which the hibiscus is tied. Leveling the plant will also prevent the pot from tilting and avoiding the pot from falling off the windowsill.

    We fill the voids formed between the walls and the rhizome with soil mixture, pressing the hibiscus into the pot

  6. We moisten the soil abundantly and cover the container above the ground with a film for 2 days, which will ensure better survival and recovery after the procedure. Then we remove the film and grow the plant under normal conditions, setting the flowerpot in a sunny place and ensuring regular watering and fresh air.

    After planting, we spill the hibiscus well with water and cover the pot with foil for 2 days

After transplanting, the plant should not be exposed immediately to bright sunlight. For several days, hibiscus is best protected from direct sunlight, which will prevent additional stress and excess moisture consumption. In addition, after transplantation, you should not immediately start feeding. It will be possible to start introducing additional nutrients no earlier than 1-2 weeks after transplantation.

soil for hibiscus

An important role in transplanting hibiscus is played by the correct soil mixture, which should be characterized by a neutral reaction, be loose and nutritious. For Chinese roses, the optimal composition of the soil is as follows:

  • 2 parts of leaf land;
  • 2 parts of sod land;
  • 2 parts of humus;
  • 1 part sand;
  • 0.5 parts of wood ash.

This soil mixture is also possible:

  • 2 parts of peat;
  • 1 part of humus;
  • 1 piece of land from the garden;
  • 0.5 parts of washed sand.

Since peat, as a rule, has high acidity, for every 2 liters of soil mixture, add 0.5 cups of wood ash and 1 tbsp. l. complete mineral fertilizer.

The nuances of care: fertilizer, top dressing, temperature, watering

Hibiscus is a fast growing and hardy plant. If you create favorable conditions, the flower will thank not only with good development, but also with abundant flowering. Hibiscus is easy to care for and even a beginner can do it. One of the basic rules of care is good lighting. A young Chinese rose is placed on the western or eastern side, and adult plants are placed in close proximity near the window. It is not recommended to locate the culture on the north side, as it will stretch and lose its attractiveness.

As for the temperature regime, the plant does not like too high indicators. It is necessary to create comfortable conditions with a moderate temperature within + 20–22˚С. In winter, hibiscus should "rest" in the cool at + 14-16˚С. If you do not provide him with a dormant period, then flowering will not be so plentiful.

Chinese rose is a moisture-loving plant. In the summer, watering should be plentiful, but at the same time, the top layer of the earth should be allowed to dry. When moistening, it is necessary to ensure that the entire soil lump is saturated. After 10–20 minutes after watering, excess water is poured out of the pan. With the advent of autumn, the frequency of watering is reduced: after the surface of the soil dries out, you should wait 2-3 days. In winter, the frequency of irrigation directly depends on the temperature regime. With a cooler content, humidification is performed less frequently.

Hibiscus belongs to moisture-loving plants, so watering, especially in summer, should be plentiful.

Important for the plant is high humidity, which should not be forgotten and taken care of in a timely manner. During the flowering period, spraying should be carried out carefully, avoiding water on the buds and the flowers themselves. If the air in the room is dry, you should use humidifiers, place the flowerpot in a tray with a special filler, and spray the air around the hibiscus.

Feed the plant regularly, but the amount of nutrients should be moderate. In the spring, preparations with a high content of potassium and phosphorus are used as fertilizers. The plant especially needs additional nutrition during the flowering period. For these purposes, complex mineral fertilizers, for example, Kemira Lux, are best suited. To stimulate the ovary of more buds, we can recommend such means as Athlete, Gileya, Master. Fertilize the Chinese rose at the root. For transplanting hibiscus, the following can be noted: in the first 4 years, the plant is transplanted every year, and as growth slows down, the event is carried out every 2-3 years.

Video: how to care for hibiscus at home

Reproduction of the Chinese rose - methods, their description

Hibiscus reproduces well and does not require the creation of special conditions for the growth and development of young plants. A flower can be propagated in several ways:

  • cuttings;
  • seeds;
  • dividing the bush.

cutting method

This method of propagation of hibiscus is used in the summer, cutting cuttings from young shoots: they should have several buds. To process the cut, Kornevin or another root formation stimulator is used, after which the planting material is placed in a 1: 1 peat-sand mixture. Cuttings need to provide a temperature regime of about + 23 ° C. Rooting should be expected a month after planting. Transplantation of cuttings with roots is carried out in a fertile soil mixture containing sand and humus, after which abundant watering is carried out.

Hibiscus cuttings are done in the summer, for which material is cut from young shoots.

seed method

Before planting Chinese rose seeds, they are pre-soaked in a growth stimulator, usually for a day. For sowing, use the same soil mixture as for cuttings. Seeds are located at a distance of 5-7 mm from each other. Then the planting container is covered with a film, thereby providing a favorable microclimate. It will not be superfluous to organize the lower heating of the soil. Crops are periodically ventilated and moistened. The temperature should not fall below +25˚С. As soon as the first leaves appear, young plants are dived.

To propagate hibiscus seeds, planting material is soaked in a growth stimulator for a day

The division of the bush

The essence of this hibiscus propagation method is as follows:

  1. The bush is completely dug out of the ground.
  2. Using a sharp knife, the root system of the plant is divided into parts.
  3. Landing is carried out in the same way as when landing in open ground.

Video: propagation of hibiscus by cuttings

Plant diseases and pests

Since garden and indoor hibiscus are exposed to the same diseases and pests, we will consider measures to combat them in a summary table.

Table: diseases and pests of hibiscus, control measures

The plant sheds leaves and buds.
  1. Sudden change in temperature or light conditions.
  2. drafts.
  3. Wrong care.
  1. Place the hibiscus on a well-lit window sill, shade in hot weather, protect from temperature fluctuations in the fall.
  2. Take draft protection measures.
  3. Water properly and apply nutrients in a timely manner.
Hibiscus leaves turn yellow and turn pale, the stems stretch.Insufficient lighting.In autumn and winter, additionally highlight the plant for 2-3 hours. At other times of the year, the rose is transferred to a place with enough light. Elongated shoots are cut or pinched.
The tips of the leaves dry, the foliage gradually curls.Low air humidity.The plant should be sprayed more often, humidify the air in the immediate vicinity by any possible means.
Foliage fades and turns yellow.The plant lacks iron or hard water is used for irrigation.To return green leaves, use the "Emerald" tool, and use settled water for irrigation.
Hibiscus does not flower.Most likely, the regime that the plant needs is not observed.Good lighting, tight containers, mineral supplements and anti-aging pruning should be combined.
Sticky drops appeared on the reverse side of the leaf plates.Make sure there are no pests on the rose. If none are found, then this condition is normal.If pests are found, use an insecticide, such as Fitoverm, to control.
Foliage becomes light, yellow, white spots form on itThis disease is chlorosis. Carriers are ticks and aphids.Mostly weak plants get sick, so feed the hibiscus and treat with Fitoverm once every 3-4 days. In order to prevent the leaves are sprayed with iron chelate.
The upper part of the leaves is covered with a white bloom, gradually becoming brown.Powdery mildew diseaseLeaves with plaque are removed, and the plant is sprinkled with sulfur powder or treated with Fundazol or Bayleton.
There are yellowish dots and spots on the leaves, sometimes a white cobweb is observed.The plant is affected by spider mites.The flower is sprayed with insecticides such as Derris or Fitoverm. A comfortable environment for the reproduction of the tick is dry air, so the plant should be sprayed more often. For the fight, you can use an ultraviolet lamp.
Young leaves and shoots wither and curl up. If you look closely, you can see insects.Aphids on hibiscus.Treat the plant with drugs such as Decis, Fitoverm, Intra-vir.
Brown tubercles appeared on the stem and lower part of the leaves.Shield, false shield.The pest is removed manually. Then spray the hibiscus with an insecticide. The procedure is repeated until the pest is completely eliminated.

Video: the secrets of the abundant flowering of hibiscus