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What do Dubka flowers look like. Dubka flowers - gentle and bright longevity symbol

In this photo shows the chrysanthemum flower Korean close-up in the early summer. At the beginning of flowering, the flower of chrysanthemum is a bit, but closer to the middle of the summer the size of the flower will be larger, and the flowers themselves on a small bush of chrysanthemum will be more hundreds.

Perennial chrysanthemum plant has many varieties. On this page you see the photo of the Chrysanthemum Korean (Dubok) of two species. The top of the pink chrysanthemum is shown in the bottom - yellow.

If you buy chrysanthemum seedlings in our nursery of plants and seeds, we will put recommendations on landing in open sad. In addition, you can familiarize yourself with detailed in the article: Korean Chrysanthemum and Chrysanthemum Care Councils. In the section "Descriptions" there are recommendations to landing any plants chosen by you to send by mail.

In this photo shows the chrysanthemum of the oak at the beginning of flowering. Even without colors, chrysanthemums look very decorative. In particular, when the freshness of green leaves is emphasized by rare pink buds.

Korean chrysanthmomy is sometimes called "Dubki" or "Dubok", thanks to the shape of their leaves, in shape resembling oak leaves. With this feature it is easy to distinguish this kind of chrysanthemum from others.

In our nursery you can buy chrysanthemum seedlings Korean winter-hardy with ZKS, that is, the root is in the ground, in a pot. This allows for a long time transport such a plant and with a high degree of survival when replanting it into open ground

Chrysanthemum Korean (Dubki) Yellow

Chrysanthemum Korean Dubok has many varieties, varieties. In this photo you see one of these examples. This Dubok Chrysanthemum has the same flower, the same leaves and height of bushes, only petals of flowers of another color.
His gentle yellow shade looks very attractive all summer and even retains its fresh view until the middle of the autumn.

This is how the chrysanthemum bushes look like at the beginning of flowering, at the beginning of summer. Judging by the number of buds, the colors on this bush of chrysanthemum will be much, but you need to wait a bit, two weeks at least.

Abundant flowering of chrysanthemum of this variety begins with the middle of the summer. Unlike the first grade of chrysanthemum, this variety has a larger flower size, which significantly distinguishes it from the previous variety.

Sometimes a chrysant of Dubok is called terry chrysanthemum, and in fact the petals of her as if velvet, especially closer to the fall. This photo is done in September and this effect is good noticeable.

So the flowers of chrysanthemums look at early October. Despite the fact that some petals have already begun to fade, but to bend the stalks, looks like a flower is still quite attractive.
You can even say that the flowers have become more beautiful, instead of yellow shades, red, coinciding with color gamut The setting sun.

it last photo Made at the end of the season. Many flowers have long been linked, and stems are cut and covered for the winter. And the chrysanthemus cut off until the hand rises.
The branches of the plant have already fallen on the ground, and the flowers of chrysanthemum still reach the sun, keeping their freshness and attractiveness.
This snapshot was made at the end of October.

Brief description of the plant:

Korean Chrysanthemum (Dubki) is unpretentious, resistant to frost and high temperatures grade chrysanthemums up to 80 cm high.
It blooms abundantly since the end of July to November.
Flowers small raspberry - pink colour, diameter up to 4 cm.
For a long time familiar to gardeners, unpretentious perennial, not requiring any attention.
Located in flower beds with other perennials.

How to buy chrysanthemum saplings Korean

Buy one Korean chrysanthemum plant is 250 rubles.
The minimum order amount may be 1,500 rubles, but the cost of delivery by mail (or Pack) is paid to you.
Delivery by mail for free if the cost of plants (set) is 3000 rubles.
The maximum weight of one parcel is no more than 5 kg.
The parcel is sent by the Russian Federation 1st class or transport company Pack.

Other plants:

Any varieties of chamomile, as well as chrysanthemums are indispensable in any garden. They bloom long, winter-hardy, growing them simple and they can perfectly perform as a soliter or in compositions with other high flowers.

Gaylardia requires certain conditions When landing. Here you will find recommendations for landing, growing and care of Guylardia.

Ratibid "Sombrero" - a long-term flowering plant with a height of up to 70 cm, originally from North America. The seedling of this plant we send by mail, with a closed root system.

Iris Bearded Hybrid - Powerful perennial, not afraid of disassembly, nor drought, no frost. It will grow in any corner of the garden - at least in the sun, even in half. The most unpretentious and very beautiful plant Your garden.

Fern, having an additional name "Ostrichnik" is a shadowless perennial plant. Ideal for decorating your garden along the jigsaw or fences.

The plant of such beauty as Echinacea Purple is rarely found in our latitudes. Therefore, each gardener should grow such flowers.

Dubki is perhaps one of the most beloved and common colors that are grown in flower beds and on garden sites. They just fascinate with their colorful colors and variety. Dubki is often called chrysanthemum Chinese, since the birthplace of this plant is China. After a while, the flowers of Dubqi began to grow in Japan, and after - throughout Europe.

Growing conditions

This plant is a symbol of longevity. Regardless of the variety, all kinds of dokov have very gentle and bright flowers. This long-term shrub is considered frost-resistant, however, it is better to hide it for the winter. The Chinese have been practicing this for many years.

The cultivation and landing of Dubkov is simple, since these flowers are unpretentious. There are several reasons for which gardeners choose them for decorating their garden.

That's all the care of oaks, which will not be difficult even for novice flowerflowers.

How to propagate the oaks yourself?

Dubkov reproduction occurs with the help of seeds. So that the cultivation has passed successfully, you need to know some rules in this process. Seed landing should be held a year after their collection, since it is precisely such seeds that have almost 100% of the germination. Planting material, shown a month after a collection, can practically not climb. The germination of such seeds is no more than 10%. Seeded seeds should be periodically water and in the midday clock is contacted from the sun. This is the main care for seedlings.

In the future, when they grow up, it should be care for them as well as adult plants.

In addition, the cultivation of oaks is carried out with the help of cuttings. The process of drawing is carried out in spring. Young, well-overwhelmed shoots, cut about 15 cm long, then lowered in the growth stimulator corpering and plant in the ground. Further care Behind the shoots lies in regular and moderate irrigation of the soil.

Adult specimens that require transplants can also be divided and propagated. This is pretty successful cultivation Dubkov on the division of the bush. A bush is separated into two parts and put on separately. Such a rejuvenating procedure allows you to get two buoy and bright flowering plants From one.

Diseases and pests

Like many other garden flowers, oaks may be amazed by pests and diseases. The most frequent enemy of this plant is the TLL. Feeding with juice stems and leaves of Dubkov, the insect thus slows down their growth and development. In addition, the tl is striking floral buds. Ticks, snails, trips, leaflers and caterpillars - they all love to enjoy juicy foliage of Dubkov. Also, the flowers may be affected by gray rot, ring spot, rust and verticular fading.

Since most of the types of doubes are poorly transferred to wintering and may die - they are recommended to be stolen for the winter. Romashkovoid oaks are considered an exception. They are not afraid of frosts. But the hybrid views is better to transplant to the greenhouse as soon as the cold will come. If Dubkov have competent care, they will delight with their beauty over the years.

For more information on how the cultivation occurs, planting the doodles, and what care you need, you can find out, looking at the video.

Chrysanthemum is some kind of special fascinating world of colors. They are so diverse that when they choose, they simply disagree. After all, each of them is beautiful and unwritten in its own way. These are tender and strict at the same time; Fragile, at first glance, and assertively solid, self-confident flowers. No wonder they are called "oaks". The birthplace of these colors is China. Therefore, these colors have another name - Chinese chrysanthemum.

As you know, chrysanthemum varieties are a lot. There are two types of chrysanthemums. This is large-flowered. They look very beautiful in bouquets. These flowers love heat. And therefore grow either in greenhouses, oranges either in the south. Such chrysanthemums are called Indian. To the second type of chrysanthemums include Korean. They are grown on panstones, and in pots, like houseplants.

Their color scheme is very diverse. These flowers grow in the form of a shrub. This is a perennial plant. And another plus for these colors is that they are well tolerated cold days, quite frost-resistant. Although they are still better to strengthen them from the cold. Attracts these plants, the attention of flower lovers also attracts the fact that they are undemanding and for them enough to care for them.

If it is decided that Chrysanthemum Dubok will grow on land plot without shelter, then you need to foresee, so that for the plant it was:

  • enough sunlight,
  • clear side.
  • The soil should be easy enough. Organic fertilizers And sand can be facilitated by the ground if it turns out to be heavy. In the air and loose ground, well absorbing water, the flower is faster and easier can take care.
  • For feeding Dubkov it is better to use a cow humid.
  • Two weeks after the landing of colors, the first feeding is made.
  • If you want to extend the flowering time in chrysanthemum, you can use phosphoric fertilizers. By the way, from this and the leaves of the plant will look greener, tight and thicker.
  • Potash-phosphoric fertilizers should be picked up flowers during the formation of buds and during the whole flowering of the doodles.
  • Extra-corner feeder is better to make nitrogen fertilizers.
  • During irrigation, water should not fall on the leaves of colors.
  • For beauty, it is necessary to cut the bushes in time.

Insects can also bring a lot of trouble with this beautiful colors. To protect such beauty, it is necessary to get rid of the Tly. This must be done before the formation of buds. Meadow bugs I. cute clamps Also spoil Dubki flowers. Pesticides are suitable to combat these pests.

In order for flowers to be able to get calmly and not freeze, you need to take care of them before starting strong frosts. For this, a garden multi-year chrysanthemum needs to trim. And the ground around the bush should be emphasized and treated with humic substances. With the onset of frosts, the bush is covered with branches of ate or pine. It helps protect the bush from the wind, frost. Does not allow precipitation. Helps to hold certain temperature mode. Yes, and rodents will not be able to get to the colors.

If chrysanthemums are such, for example, the multiflora growing in the crewing point are purchased at the beginning of autumn, they should not be replant. Just a cool room is very suitable for them. Well, it is necessary that in the basement to be constantly wet land.

Reproduction and cultivation of doodles

The best time for landing or transplanting colors occurs after the last straws and cold will end. For this event, the last spring month is ideal - May. Even the beginning of June. Plant these flowers is needed at higher sites.

Best of all, these flowers can multiply with cuttings or individual parts of the Kusta separated from the main bush.

It is necessary to determine the place and location of the plants. After that prepare the soil. And if the previously grown cuttings have to land, it is preferable to carry the cuttings in the ground along with the land to not damage root system plants. If the plants in the beacons persisted in a cool place, then with the week it will be necessary to stand on open airTo be able to warm up. Planting small bushes in chrysanthemums at a distance of twenty centimeters.

White chrysanthemums grow very quickly. For the season they grow from santorca up to a full bush. To give a cush to a certain form, you need to conduct a form. Capture the tops are necessary in early June. It is worthwhile to make a transplant and large bushes chrysanthemum, if they grew three years in the same place. Throughout the first year, after the transplantation of the bush to a new place, the land around the bush should be implanting for the year all the year. It is necessary for flowers, as young shoots will appear faster and the bush itself will be formed.

Perhaps at the autumn time of the year, too, to transplant chrysanthemums, in the location where winter is not cold and there is no strong frost. In such cases, it is necessary to carry out cuttings before the onset of the first frosts. To do this, it is necessary to dig a plant and cut the old branches. After that separate the young.

Next you need to prepare the soil, pre-equipped it. There should be no stagnant water in the wells. Then put young cuttings. And do not forget to pour. Over time, we cover the flowers, which revealed them from winter cold. To do this, you can use sawdust, peat, sweetheart, dry leaves. Big bushes chrysanthemums can also be transplanted into suitable flower pot or bucket, just not to damage the plant and root system. Leave a plant in a cool place. As soon as it is to rush to wither, it will be necessary to cut a bush to almost the soil, leaving some fifteen centimeters. In such a state, leave the plant until spring.

You can also try to grow chrysanthemums with the help of seeds. By photo you can choose exactly those seeds chrysanthemums that you liked the most, and you want to dilute at home. For seeding, Chrysanthemums need to prepare special drawers with the necessary soil. In February, in his last decade, or in March, it is necessary to sink flower seeds into special boxes, which must be covered with glass from above.

Thus, the effect of the greenhouse is reconstructed. Seven days sprouts appear. As soon as the plants appeared on the plant, it is necessary to transplant in pots at once. Two months enough so that the plant is pulled out to twenty centimeters in height. Dubs bloom in five months from the date of their landing. In May, seedlings are planted in open land. For planting a young flower in the ground, you must select suitable weather.

It can be a cloudy, and even better a rainy day. For planting colors, you need to make a trench. It is better than planted in the wells. The distance between the seedlings can be from twenty to thirty five centimeters, depending on which variety of colors. After planting and irrigation of the plant, the seafront takes place, that is, the point of the flower sprout is removed. You can cover seedlings and keep them under covering until you make sure that the flowers began.

These flowers are unique and amazing. Today, more than six hundred and fifty species of these colors are known. These are varieties of pomponny, cenchers, bristle, spherical, anemone-shaped, low, semi-world and terry doodles. They are annual and perennial. Each of the varieties is interesting in its own way. And care for flowers requires knowledge, zeal, desire and great love for flowers.

It happens that chrysanthemum did not bloom. And immediately the question arises: why? And what to do? If, by autumn, your favorite bush chrysanthemum blossomed, which means mistakes during the care of it. TO typical errors relate:

  • lighting. Maybe, sun rays Lighted the plant less than seven hours per day. And this light was too little flower. And it is possible that there was a bust of lighting. When the plant was under the rays of light more than ten o'clock. The plant is tired of this.
  • The capacity made not on time may also become one of the reasons for not flowering chrysanthemums.
  • Lack of fertilizers. It is necessary to feed the plant with phosphorus or potassium. From the invasion of the leaflerting, slugs, the caterpillars plant can be saved ashes, mustard, infant of herbs, chemicals.
  • With these drugs, you can get rid of mildew, spa leaves, rust, chlorosis.
  • Highly a large number of Moisture leads to fungal diseases in plants.
  • Viral diseases of plants lead to the fact that chrysanthemums began to adversely. In this case, it is necessary to dig a sick bush immediately and burn.
  • If chrysanthemums were grown in a greenhouse, then on winter They just need to dig.
  • For the winter you can not hide in the indoor of chrysanthemums that are adapted to the winter cold.

Interestingly, chrysanthemums, speaking the language of flowers, are considered to be a mapping of longevity. And if you gave these amazing flowers, then know that this is from the pure heart you wished for long years Life. And it stands dear.

Read more about leaving the flowers here:

Dubes are wonderful flowers for any garden.

Dubki flowers

If we have proper care, then during the flowering period, the oaks will simply endure their beauty. They are also called Chinese chrysanthemums, and quite fair, because it was from there that this wonderful flower, together with Buddhism, migrated to Japan, and only then to us. The Japanese is customary to call this flower Kotengiku (Kotenjik), which means "ancient chrysanthemums". Wonderful garden flowers Dubka symbolize longevity, but the flower itself is pretty gentle. Although they relatively well tolerate the winter climate of our latitudes, it is better to transplant them to the greenhouse. The Chinese are practicing this for many centuries.

Dubka flowers - growing

Reproduction of Dubkov

Diseases and pests

Dubki is perhaps one of the most beloved and common colors that are grown in flower beds and in garden sites. They just fascinate with their colorful colors and variety. Dubki is often called chrysanthemum Chinese, since the birthplace of this plant is China. After a while, the flowers of Dubqi began to grow in Japan, and after - throughout Europe.

Growing conditions

This plant is a symbol of longevity. Regardless of the variety, all kinds of doodles have very tender and bright flowers. This long-term shrub is considered frost-resistant, however, it is better to hide it for the winter.

Dubka flowers (Chrysanthemum): Care, reproduction, cultivation + photo

The Chinese have been practicing this for many years.

Diseases and pests

Dubki flowers

Dubka flowers - growing

Garden oaks are unpretentious flowers for landing and growing on cottage plot. They will love to gardeners for a variety of reasons.

Regardless of the Dubkov variety, these flowers are completely unpretentious to the composition of the earth, where they are planted. This flower loves when the soil has good drainage and good lighting In place where they are planted. Fertilizers that are most suitable for these colors, one of the cheapest. It can be litter, infusion cowboy, biohumus.

With a timely application of nitrogen as bait during the formation of inflorescences, stalks and leaves are obtained much stronger and an order of magnitude larger than in the case when the bait did not use.

The only period when the oaks require the attention of the gardener - this is a period of rising bush. At this time, it is necessary to cut down the bottom leaves. This procedure, you also protect the flower from diseases, because it is through the lower leaves the flower is most often infected with diseases. After the end of flowering flower, the flower is cut off, only small hemps are left with a height of no more than 15 centimeters.

Reproduction of Dubkov

In order to know how to put flowers from seeds for the next year, it is important to comply with some rules. If you plant fresh seeds that are all collected a month ago, then their germination will disappoint you.

Chrysanthemum Korean (Dubki).

This indicator, unfortunately, will not exceed 10%. Seeds that were collected by a year and a year ago, will not be excellent (95%). The thing is that only chemical processes are completed inside the seeds. In addition, the oaks are planted with cuttings. Best time In order to draw and plant new plants - Spring. At this time, young shoots are cut off with no more than 15 centimeters long, and after processing the drug "Korninn", planted. If your dubby flowers need a transplant, that is, another remarkable way of their reproduction is the division of the bush. In this case, the bush is shared by half, and its part is sitting off. In this procedure - exceptional benefits, because as a result you get rejuvenated bushes, the bloom of which will be more stormy and bright.

Diseases and pests

The greatest harm to Dubkov inflicts a word. It feeds on the juice of this plant, thereby slows its growth. In addition, the TLL spoils and buds. This flower is not averse to listers, ticks, caterpillars, trips and snails. Most often the oaks are subject to mildew, rust, gray rot, ring spot, verticular fading.

Unfortunately, not all the varieties of Dubkov are withstanding wintering on the open soil. Most of them dies with severe frosts, so we recommend that they to transplant them to the greenhouse for the winter period. The most resistant to cold rods. Especially demanding of heat hybrid varieties, It is desirable to transplant to a greenhouse with the first cold. With proper care, this wonderful flower will delight your owners for many years.

Dubki flowers

Dubes are wonderful flowers for any garden. If we have proper care, then during the flowering period, the oaks will simply endure their beauty. They are also called Chinese chrysanthemums, and quite fair, because it was from there that this wonderful flower, together with Buddhism, migrated to Japan, and only then to us. The Japanese is customary to call this flower Kotengiku (Kotenjik), which means "ancient chrysanthemums". Wonderful garden flowers Dubka symbolize longevity, but the flower itself is pretty gentle. Although they relatively well tolerate the winter climate of our latitudes, it is better to transplant them to the greenhouse. The Chinese are practicing this for many centuries.

Dubka flowers - growing

Garden oaks are unpretentious flowers for planting and growing in the country area. They will love to gardeners for a variety of reasons.

Regardless of the Dubkov variety, these flowers are completely unpretentious to the composition of the earth, where they are planted. This flower loves when the soil has good drainage and good lighting in place where they are planted. Fertilizers that are most suitable for these colors, one of the cheapest. It can be litter, infusion cowboy, biohumus.

With a timely application of nitrogen as bait during the formation of inflorescences, stalks and leaves are obtained much stronger and an order of magnitude larger than in the case when the bait did not use.

The only period when the oaks require the attention of the gardener - this is a period of rising bush. At this time, it is necessary to cut down the bottom leaves. This procedure, you also protect the flower from diseases, because it is through the lower leaves the flower is most often infected with diseases. After the end of flowering flower, the flower is cut off, only small hemps are left with a height of no more than 15 centimeters.

Reproduction of Dubkov

In order to know how to put flowers from seeds for the next year, it is important to comply with some rules. If you plant fresh seeds that are all collected a month ago, then their germination will disappoint you. This indicator, unfortunately, will not exceed 10%. Seeds that were collected by a year and a year ago, will not be excellent (95%). The thing is that only chemical processes are completed inside the seeds. In addition, the oaks are planted with cuttings. The best time to shine and disembark new plants is spring. At this time, young shoots are cut off with no more than 15 centimeters long, and after processing the drug "Korninn", planted. If your dubby flowers need a transplant, that is, another remarkable way of their reproduction is the division of the bush.

Caring for the flowers of Dubka in the fall

In this case, the bush is shared by half, and its part is sitting off. In this procedure - exceptional benefits, because as a result you get rejuvenated bushes, the bloom of which will be more stormy and bright.

Diseases and pests

The greatest harm to Dubkov inflicts a word. It feeds on the juice of this plant, thereby slows its growth. In addition, the TLL spoils and buds. This flower is not averse to listers, ticks, caterpillars, trips and snails. Most often, the oaks are subject to malical dee, rust, gray rot, ring spot, verticular fading.

Unfortunately, not all the varieties of Dubkov are withstanding wintering on the open soil. Most of them dies with severe frosts, so we recommend that they to transplant them to the greenhouse for the winter period. The most resistant to cold rods. Especially demanding on heat hybrid varieties, it is desirable to transplant to a greenhouse with the first cold. With proper care, this wonderful flower will delight your owners for many years.

Dubki flowers

Dubes are wonderful flowers for any garden. If we have proper care, then during the flowering period, the oaks will simply endure their beauty. They are also called Chinese chrysanthemums, and quite fair, because it was from there that this wonderful flower, together with Buddhism, migrated to Japan, and only then to us. The Japanese is customary to call this flower Kotengiku (Kotenjik), which means "ancient chrysanthemums". Wonderful garden flowers Dubka symbolize longevity, but the flower itself is pretty gentle. Although they relatively well tolerate the winter climate of our latitudes, it is better to transplant them to the greenhouse. The Chinese are practicing this for many centuries.

Dubka flowers - growing

Garden oaks are unpretentious flowers for planting and growing in the country area. They will love to gardeners for a variety of reasons.

Regardless of the Dubkov variety, these flowers are completely unpretentious to the composition of the earth, where they are planted. This flower loves when the soil has good drainage and good lighting in place where they are planted. Fertilizers that are most suitable for these colors, one of the cheapest. It can be litter, infusion cowboy, biohumus.

With a timely application of nitrogen as bait during the formation of inflorescences, stalks and leaves are obtained much stronger and an order of magnitude larger than in the case when the bait did not use.

The only period when the oaks require the attention of the gardener - this is a period of rising bush. At this time, it is necessary to cut down the bottom leaves. This procedure, you also protect the flower from diseases, because it is through the lower leaves the flower is most often infected with diseases. After the end of flowering flower, the flower is cut off, only small hemps are left with a height of no more than 15 centimeters.

Reproduction of Dubkov

In order to know how to put flowers from seeds for the next year, it is important to comply with some rules. If you plant fresh seeds that are all collected a month ago, then their germination will disappoint you. This indicator, unfortunately, will not exceed 10%. Seeds that were collected by a year and a year ago, will not be excellent (95%). The thing is that only chemical processes are completed inside the seeds. In addition, the oaks are planted with cuttings. The best time to shine and disembark new plants is spring. At this time, young shoots are cut off with no more than 15 centimeters long, and after processing the drug "Korninn", planted. If your dubby flowers need a transplant, that is, another remarkable way of their reproduction is the division of the bush. In this case, the bush is shared by half, and its part is sitting off. In this procedure - exceptional benefits, because as a result you get rejuvenated bushes, the bloom of which will be more stormy and bright.

Diseases and pests

The greatest harm to Dubkov inflicts a word. It feeds on the juice of this plant, thereby slows its growth. In addition, the TLL spoils and buds. This flower is not averse to listers, ticks, caterpillars, trips and snails. Most often, the oaks are subject to malical dee, rust, gray rot, ring spot, verticular fading.

Unfortunately, not all the varieties of Dubkov are withstanding wintering on the open soil. Most of them dies with severe frosts, so we recommend that they to transplant them to the greenhouse for the winter period. The most resistant to cold rods. Especially demanding on heat hybrid varieties, it is desirable to transplant to a greenhouse with the first cold. With proper care, this wonderful flower will delight your owners for many years.

Dubki is perhaps one of the most beloved and common colors that are grown in flower beds and in garden sites. They just fascinate with their colorful colors and variety. Dubki is often called chrysanthemum Chinese, since the birthplace of this plant is China.

Dubka flowers: landing in open ground, reproduction, care

After a while, the flowers of Dubqi began to grow in Japan, and after - throughout Europe.

Growing conditions

This plant is a symbol of longevity. Regardless of the variety, all kinds of doodles have very tender and bright flowers. This long-term shrub is considered frost-resistant, however, it is better to hide it for the winter. The Chinese have been practicing this for many years.

The cultivation and landing of Dubkov is simple, since these flowers are unpretentious. There are several reasons for which gardeners choose them for decorating their garden.

That's all the care of oaks, which will not be difficult even for novice flowerflowers.

How to propagate the oaks yourself?

Dubkov reproduction occurs with the help of seeds. So that the cultivation has passed successfully, you need to know some rules in this process. Seed landing should be held a year after their collection, since it is precisely such seeds that have almost 100% of the germination. The planting material, shown a month after a collection, can practically not climb. The germination of such seeds is no more than 10%. Seeded seeds should be periodically water and in the midday clock is contacted from the sun. This is the main care for seedlings.

In the future, when they grow up, it should be care for them as well as adult plants.

In addition, the cultivation of oaks is carried out with the help of cuttings. The process of drawing is carried out in spring. Young, well-overwhelmed shoots, cut about 15 cm long, then lowered in the growth stimulator corpering and plant in the ground. Further care of shoots lies in regular and moderate irrigation of the soil.

Adult specimens that require transplants can also be divided and propagated. This is a pretty successful cultivation of doodles according to the division of the bush. A bush is separated into two parts and put on separately. Such a rejuvenating procedure allows you to get two buoy and bright flowering plants from one.

Diseases and pests

Like many other garden flowers, oaks may be amazed by pests and diseases. The most frequent enemy of this plant is the TLL. Feeding with juice stems and leaves of Dubkov, the insect thus slows down their growth and development. In addition, the tl is striking floral buds. Ticks, snails, trips, leaflers and caterpillars - they all love to enjoy juicy foliage of Dubkov. Also, the flowers may be affected by gray rot, ring spot, rust and verticular fading.

Since most of the types of doubes are poorly transferred to wintering and may die - they are recommended to be stolen for the winter. Romashkovoid oaks are considered an exception. They are not afraid of frosts. But the hybrid views is better to transplant to the greenhouse as soon as the cold will come. If Dubkov have competent care, they will delight with their beauty over the years.

For more information on how the cultivation occurs, planting the doodles, and what care you need, you can find out, looking at the video.

Dubka flowers - gentle and bright longevity symbol

Dubki is perhaps one of the most beloved and common colors that are grown in flower beds and in garden sites. They just fascinate with their colorful colors and variety. Dubki is often called chrysanthemum Chinese, since the birthplace of this plant is China. After a while, the flowers of Dubqi began to grow in Japan, and after - throughout Europe.

Growing conditions

This plant is a symbol of longevity. Regardless of the variety, all kinds of doodles have very tender and bright flowers. This long-term shrub is considered frost-resistant, however, it is better to hide it for the winter. The Chinese have been practicing this for many years.

The cultivation and landing of Dubkov is simple, since these flowers are unpretentious. There are several reasons for which gardeners choose them for decorating their garden.

That's all the care of oaks, which will not be difficult even for novice flowerflowers.

How to propagate the oaks yourself?

Dubkov reproduction occurs with the help of seeds. So that the cultivation has passed successfully, you need to know some rules in this process. Seed landing should be held a year after their collection, since it is precisely such seeds that have almost 100% of the germination. The planting material, shown a month after a collection, can practically not climb. The germination of such seeds is no more than 10%. Seeded seeds should be periodically water and in the midday clock is contacted from the sun. This is the main care for seedlings.

In the future, when they grow up, it should be care for them as well as adult plants.

In addition, the cultivation of oaks is carried out with the help of cuttings. The process of drawing is carried out in spring. Young, well-overwhelmed shoots, cut about 15 cm long, then lowered in the growth stimulator corpering and plant in the ground. Further care of shoots lies in regular and moderate irrigation of the soil.

Adult specimens that require transplants can also be divided and propagated. This is a pretty successful cultivation of doodles according to the division of the bush. A bush is separated into two parts and put on separately. Such a rejuvenating procedure allows you to get two buoy and bright flowering plants from one.

Diseases and pests

Like many other garden flowers, oaks may be amazed by pests and diseases. The most frequent enemy of this plant is the TLL. Feeding with juice stems and leaves of Dubkov, the insect thus slows down their growth and development. In addition, the tl is striking floral buds. Ticks, snails, trips, leaflers and caterpillars - they all love to enjoy juicy foliage of Dubkov. Also, the flowers may be affected by gray rot, ring spot, rust and verticular fading.

Since most of the types of doubes are poorly transferred to wintering and may die - they are recommended to be stolen for the winter. Romashkovoid oaks are considered an exception. They are not afraid of frosts. But the hybrid views is better to transplant to the greenhouse as soon as the cold will come. If Dubkov have competent care, they will delight with their beauty over the years.

Additional information on how the cultivation occurs, planting the oaks, and what care you need, you can find out, looking.