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Growing roses from a bouquet. How to grow a rose from the cutter is a simple way. Rooting planting material in water

How to grow a rose from a bouquet of a bouquet? Probably, every woman asked this issue. And it is not difficult, you only need to show the effort, and the grown rose from the cutlets at home will retain the memory of beautiful bouquet, Recalling the happy moments.

Are you still growing roses?

Not every variety of colors can be germinated in this way. How to glorify roses?

Many spend strength and time trying to breed the Dutch roses with cuttings at home. All flowers brought from abroad cannot be breeding in a similar way. Before you get into flower shops, roses have been doing a long way. In order to transfer such transportation and not to lose beauty and freshness, roses are processed by various chemical reagents. So the flowerflowers are achieved by the durability of buds for a long time and with transportation at any distances. As a result of such manipulations, roses lose the ability to reproduce.

The thing is that the overseas rose is not a living flower during the purchase. It can be said that it was turned into mummy, wept. Staying beautiful for a long time, the Dutch rose is not capable of reproduction with cuttings, its cultivation will not bring the desired result in this way.

How to prepare landing material?

In order to grow flowers from cuttings, you need to consider several factors:

  • the rose from the bouquet should be taken fresh, the bouquet itself should not be faded, otherwise the result will be far from the desired;
  • choosing stalks for shots, it is necessary to choose not too thin, but not too thick;
  • slenka stalks correctly.

The last advice refers to the selection of that part of the stem, which will go to the germination. The top of the stem is too weak, and bottom partThe one that is in the water has already lost its freshness. Conducting the sealing of roses, it is necessary to check the middle of the stem, its central part, more suitable for the cultivation procedure. Also do not forget about the kidneys. On the selected section of the stalk plot should be 3-4 live kidneys.

The first stage of working on rose breeding with cuttings is to cut planting material From stems. The length should be about 20 cm. We need only the stems themselves, buds and spikes are removed, like the bottom leaves. The top leaves are cut on 2/3.

Prepared stems are put into distilled water before the origin of the roots. When they appear, the cuttings can be taken out of the water and gently transplanted into a special container. Best for this fit flower pot. You can also land in the ground under the banks. Anyone who once dreamed of roses in a similar way, knows: the time of year does not affect the effectiveness of the work done. The main thing is to keep in the apartment suitable conditionsAnd the water has always been fresh.

Growing Cherenkov

Despite the fact that for reproduction of roses, any time of year is suitable, it is still worth keeping flowers from bouquets donated late autumn or in winter. Such cuttings should not let root, but remain safe and preservation. To keep them and not to put it, ready-made cuttings are buried in the ground, protecting them from low temperatures. In the spring, they can be obtained from the soil and root the rose any in a famous method.

Summer growing roses

How to breed roses with cuttings in summer - one of frequent questions. Indeed, in the warm season, when nights are not low temperatures, roses cuttings can be planted in the garden. How to root a rose from a cutlery to garden land, and what a soil should be, these questions often set amateur flower. A mixture of chernozem and sand, coarse, and better river - a great solution. In this substrate, it is necessary to dig holes, and ready-made cuttings to be treated with manganese solution and pour out the ground in the holes at an angle of 45 ° so that the kidney in the lower part of the cutter was under the layer of land.

After the operations of the cuttings are poured and covered with banks, it is best made out of glass. So it turns out mini greenhouses with a real greenhouse effect.

After 2 weeks there comes a queue of chain challenge. Glass is cleaned, and after a few hours it returns to the place. The next time the time that the cutlets spend without a can must be more. By the end of the third week, the glass is removed at all.

Pink shoots after the June and July landings should grow by 40 cm. Even a little later, buds will begin to appear. Now the main task gardener - help the colors to strengthen the roots without losing vitality. For this, the very first buds are deleted. For winter, such flowers are digging and transplanted into storage pots in a cool place with moderate light.

Rose reproduction with potatoes

You can breed roses with cuttings with potatoes. This is the most ancient and frequent way to breed the queen of flowers. The rougher in the young potato in spring time is more productive. The potato tube itself is an excellent wet medium favorable for rooting, allowing you to saturate the cuttings by all the most necessary useful substances.

The question of how to multiply roses from a bouquet in potatoes has long been studied. The size of the cuttings should be equal to 20 cm or a little less. Larger cuttings for breeding are not suitable. The potato itself must be cleaned from all eyes that will only interfere with rooting.

It is necessary to prepare a trench of medium depths (15 cm) in a place where there is no wind and sufficiently light. River sand is placed on the bottom, its layer should be 5-10 cm. Then lay out young potatoes with cuttings, which were prepared for rooting. The distance between potatoes should be 15 cm. Next landing resembles a soil, at which the bottom kidney is buried, and the cutting itself is covered with a glass jar.

Mandatory condition is watering. His ignoring can lead to the death of the plant. 1 time in 5 days the cuttings are waterproof. The ratio of sugar and water is 2 h. With a slide on 1 cup.

After 2 weeks, the banks are cleaned for several hours, the time of "freedom" of Chernok gradually increases.

Rooting roses in water

How to breed roses with cuttings in water? In addition to the method of rooting roses in the ground and potato tubers, there are 1 more method. To begin with, the flower stem is cleaned from leaves, kidneys and flowers. The stem is then divided into 3 parts, the most suitable of which is the average on which 3 kidneys grow, which should be painted, but have not yet begun flourishing (it is necessary to catch this moment). Experienced way It is proved: much more difficult to root the plants if the cuttings were prepared during flowering. The likelihood that roses will come down, decreases. On a cutlets under the most extreme bottom of the kidney, it is also necessary to make an incision. Its angle should be 45 °.

The container in which the rooting will occur, and the water in it must be sterile. It does not hurt if the water is boiled. Crude water is a seatingman of bacteria, which will prevent rooting. And in the water remaining after the rain, blue-green algae germinate, capturing an increasing amount of area. In order to clean the water, you need to add charcoal, known as an antiseptic. Thanks to this, water flowering tool can be avoided.

Nutrients - required fertilizer For feeding. They possess the whole set of vitamins and minerals, thanks to which the plant adds in growth. To achieve the best effect, the ratio of water and fertilizer should be about 1 l by 10 drops.

Leaves should always be above the surface of the water so that the rotation process is not launched. For this, the neck of the container is closed by a foil or film. The holes are made in the material to fit the cuttings itself, and his top was over the water.

The cuttings are afraid of direct sunlight. Under their influence, the plant begins to dry.

The flower needs water that must be constantly replaced by fresh.

New roots are tracked. They differ from the roots of "earthy" their appearance and properties. Water roots are weaker and thinner. They can be considered on the lumen, they are sensitive and stronger to rot. That is why after transplanting roses grow new roots, since those that have grown in water can not always adapt to life in the soil.

The overlap period of roses in water is 20-30 days. The plants are then transplanted into the mixture of soil and sand. At the same time, the roots should be approximately 5 cm long. Shorter roots can simply not adapt to new conditions.

This drawing method is not particularly common. Plants do not always take root, their roots are weak, since oxygen is contained in water in an amount, insufficient for roots. Earth and potato methods of steel with time are preferable and gained more distribution.

The problem, how to plant a rose from the cutter is not always solved successfully. Even if the attempt fails, the flowers do not take root, withering and dying, it is not worth upset. It is worth continuing experiments, and everything will turn out. Rose breeding is very interesting, and new bushes from Chenkov will thank their owner for care to lush flowering.

The extension technology will allow the gardener to grow healthy and fragrant roses, and the cuttings can be removed from a bouquet, a potato method or the autumn shilling method. Semit suitable way And correctly organizing caring for squeezed cuttings, the gardener will be able to create a colorful flower leaf.

The easiest I. reliable way The creation of a rosary in the garden is to use ready-made seedlings purchased on the market or directly in a specialized flower nursery. But experienced gardeners know that this is not the only way to expand its collection. Saplings are not necessary to buy, they can be raised independently from cuttings.

What is the drawing?

The stalk is part of the stem of an adult plant, devoid of roots, but having 2-3 kidneys. Knowing how to grow a rose from a cutter, you can turn a small one piece of the stem into a full-fledged sapling, from which a pink bush will grow soon.

For drawing, the middle or top of the stem of a strong healthy plant is used. Moreover, it is recommended to cut the cutlets from the half aless escape, which is going to bloom or is about to flash. With the help of a secaterator from such a stem, a wand length of about 10-15 centimeters containing three kidneys is cut. Moreover, the lower and upper cuts (they are made at an angle of 45 degrees) should be located, respectively, right under the bottom and above the upper kidney. So that the cuttings did not lose moisture through evaporation, the lower sheet is completely removed, and the two tops are shortened by one or two-thirds.

What is the benefit of shilling?

Although the hauling is a longer and troublesome process than landing seedlings, it has its advantages:

  1. Cheapness. Depending on the variety, the cost of one sapling ranges from several hundred to several thousand (and even tens of thousands) rubles. Instead of spending a whole condition for the creation of a rosary, you can buy only a few seedlings (you can even one) and in a few years the method of drawing together to multiply them. In addition, having understood with how to grow roses from cuttings, you can easily exchange landing material with friends or neighbors without costs.
  2. Roses from a bouquet. Flower bouquet At the best case, it is able to simultane a couple of weeks, and most often - only a few days. If you are very expensive donated flowers and you want to extend them the life so that they continue to be a lively reminder of a happy day, from a bouquet you can also make cuttings. And then the most roses that were so expensive to you will delight you for many years, and not 4-5 days.

Before the 15-centimeter segment of the rose bush stem will turn into a full-fledged plant, he should pass two stages - rooting (that is, the transformation into a seedling) and disembarking itself. Only after that the formation of a normal pink bush will begin.

There are several options for how to grow a tea rose from a cutter:

  • In the ground. In the garden or garden allocated a small space-free section of the land, which makes a special bed. So that the plants are better rooted, the source ground is better mixed with peat and sand. The cuttings are stacked at a garden at an angle of 45 degrees so that the lower kidney is underground. The overhead part of the cutter is covered with a glass jar to create a greenhouse effect. The cuttings should be watered, but not very hard, so that excess moisture did not lead to reinforcement. When the cutting starts to give shoots, during the day the jar can be removed for a long time to remove the young plant to harde. After a couple of weeks of such a hardening from the "Greenhouse" you can get rid of us.
  • In a pot. This method is generally similar to the first, but instead of a vegetable garden or garden, even a window sill in a city apartment can serve as a platform. This method is relevant if the stalling you decide to do in the cold season, or do not have your own country house. Using this method, you can perfectly grow a rose from a cutlets at home.
  • In water. If you wish, instead of a vegetable garden or a soil, you can even use a jar with water (preferably boiled). Capacity with a cutter must be put in a moderately lit place (it is not necessary to put on the window sill), and the water in it should be changed with some regularity. When after three weeks, the cuttings will acquire thin roots, they can be planted in pots with normal fertile land and give a rummage to a full-fledged seedling.

One of the main conditions for growing roses from cuttings is quite warm ambient temperature (+ 23-25 \u200b\u200bdegrees), good illumination and moderate watering. It should also be warned that in the event of the appearance of buds on the cuttings, they should be seen immediately.

Cuttings of a bouquet

How to grow a rose from the cutken cutter as a whole figured out. Now let's look at more unusual option - Cuttings from a bouquet.

If for some reason you really want the roses presented to you live more than a week, make a cutlery from their stems and try to root them. And although in general this process occurs according to the same principles as the shilling in ordinary pink bushes, there are still a few features. So that the cuttings from the bouquet are viable, you need to follow the following rules:

  1. water in a vase where a bouquet costs, change daily;
  2. at night, a bouquet "With your head" immerso in a bucket or a basin with clean water;
  3. cut the cuttings from the stems only after the petals begin with the buds;
  4. if the cuttings from the bush must contain three full kidneys, then the default bakeries are weaker, and therefore they are able to give life only if there are a maximum of two (and better one) kidneys; In addition, so of the bouquet will be more cuttings, which will increase the general chances of survival of the bouquet;
  5. stick the bakery cuttings in the ground should be vertically, and not at an angle; In this case, one kidney must be higher than the level of land.

Otherwise, caring for cuttings from a bouquet is carried out by the same scheme as behind escapes taken from living pink bushes. That is, see general recommendations in more detail how to properly grow rose from the cutter.

In recent years, several extravagant method of rooting cuttings has been gaining popularity. It is not recognized by all flower products, but if you have a progressive view of the world, you can try the potato techniques. It is equally suitable for rooting cuttings, taken from both bouquet and taken from a normal pink bush.

The preparation of the cuttings themselves is carried out exactly the same way as if you were preparing to root them with traditional methods. The role of the garden should be either indoor greenhouse / greenhouse, or a pot of earth placed indoors. Next, you need to take young potatoes of medium-sized potatoes, carefully remove all eyes with a knife (try to damage potatoes as little as possible) and stick to each tuber one cutlery. The resulting design is checked on the garden (potato down, of course) or in a pot. At the same time, potatoes are stacked on the sand layer and fall asleep with soil. The cuttings should be planted not closer than 10-15 cm from each other. The above-ground part traditionally should be covered with a glass jar to create shoots the most comfortable conditions.

Immediately after landing, the cutlets should be poured with water with dissolved in it to the light pink color by manganese. In the future, watering is carried out with water with sugar (one spoon per liter) every five days. When it becomes obvious that the cuttings survived and began to take shoots, banks can be gradually removed to harden young plants. In general, under the protection of glass cuttings should be kept no longer than 15 days.

The main advantage of the potato method is optimal combination moisture I. nutrientswhich potato tubers provide pink cuttings. As a result, rooting occurs faster, and the percentage of plant survival is higher.

The technique is suitable for most varieties. So, if you do not know how to grow a plenty rose from a cutter, you can try this way.

Autumn silent

As mentioned above, so that the cuttings are normally rooted, they need something room temperature and good illumination. That is why the shilling in the open soil is produced late spring And in the summer, and in the winter only in heated premises. But if the cuttings were at your disposal on the eve of the winter, and they nowhere to root them in the pots or simply do not want, they can be "canned" to spring.

Autumn shots just makes it possible to save the shoots alive and healthy until spring, without allowing them to be rooted (which would lead to the death of the plants who did not have time). With the arrival of spring "canned" in the ground, the cuttings will be fully prepared for disembarking and rooting in normal conditions.

This method is very popular, since the autumn flower makes the trimming of pink bushes, as a result of which many cuttings appear, which is a pity just throw in the trash.

To save the cuttings until spring, they need to be shipped into the ground completely, without leaving nothing over the surface of the Earth. At the same time, the garden should be placed not where it is convenient for you, and where in the winter it will take more than the snow. Usually such a place is the northern side of the fence or one of the deaf walls of the house / shed. It is desirable to pour out a small layer of dry peat with a small layer and, if possible, hide the bed with dry leaves or spruce branches. On how to grow a curly rose from a cutlery, overwhelming in such conditions, we have already told.

To get strong viable seedlings and reduce the likelihood of the death of cuttings, in the process of their rooting should be followed simple rules Carts care with cuttings:

  • Water the shoots regularly, but not too abundantly, because in the overwhelmed soil the underground part of the escape will begin to rotate.
  • With hot weather instead of abuse irrigation, it is better to spray shoots from a spray gun.
  • Provide cuttings as comfortable as possible. temperature mode. So, if a plant will protect the plant from a sudden summer cooling, then only an artificial shadow and temporary removal of the jar will save it from the 30-degree heat. Otherwise, the cuttings will simply bore.
  • After the cuttings show signs of life, they can begin to feed the comprehensive fertilizers.

Shining - artificial way vegetative reproduction Pink bushes, which is suitable even for novice flowerflowers. At the steps of processing the separated part of the stem and its rooting, it is necessary to show some patience. After that, only land a seedling to the site and expect the fruit of his work.

The best roses are rooted that have red or pink

The advantages of growing new pink bustle bushes:

  • Protection against fake 100% - visual inspection of an adult plant allows you to evaluate the future result in advance.
  • The absence of wild ripples - the culture is not reborn into the rosehip, which significantly facilitates care for it.
  • Minimum cost - you can get a large number of planting material from one parent, which eliminates the need to buy expensive seedlings.
  • The high percentage of positive results is only 15-20% of stems with a well-developed root subsequently do not take root in the open ground.
  • Rosary's durability - Correspondence, especially unappropriate shrubs, can live several decades.
  • The variety of options is most of the roses are well amenable to shine, including plenty, miniature, soil, hybrid-polyanth, polyanth and separate tea-hybrid views.

The cuttings of the rose variety you like can be easily brought with you from the journey, since they are well tolerated long crossing. To do this, they need to be properly prepared: to put in a sharp end in crude potatoes, wrap in paper and cover with a layer of polyethylene with holes. This design can be stored up to 1 month at a temperature of + 2-4 ° C.

Cons of growing new pink steel bushes:

  • The inability to predict results in the reproduction of vegetatively graft (hybrid) varieties. Mostly the qualities of only that plant from which was developed root system.
  • Difficulties with growing some species. Worst of all resistant to breeding in such a way to repair, yellow and wrinkled park roses.

Also, the relative disadvantage can also be called weak frost resistance to the rose cuttings, but the peculiarity of such plants is that when the surface is frozen the surface part, it is capable of self-set from sleeping underground kidneys (which does not occur, for example, in grafted colors).

Selection of source material for germination

To avoid disappointments and not to lose time on knowingly failed options, you need to make sure that you like roses are suitable for obtaining a high-quality cutlery.

Tips for the choice suitable for the shilling of pink bushes:

  • Do not cut shoots with too young flexible or, on the contrary, very old weird plants.
  • Refuse the reproduction of newly brought imported species.
  • Give preference to domestic varieties or colors that have passed long acclimatization.
  • Choose only healthy and strong extension shrubs without external signs withering, damage and / or disease (specks, mold, etc.).

Cooking a bush to reproduction with cuttings is necessary in advance by making feeding under it

An important indicator of readiness for reproduction is the presence of easily rolled thorns - this indicates a sufficient maturity of the rose-parent.

Cuttings harvesting: when and how to cut down shoots

If you wish, you can try to grow rose from the cutter even from non-pre-charged branches. For example, from those who broke down under the weight of the snow or stayed after the curved haircut of the bush. However, to obtain the most favorable results, it is recommended to adhere to certain rules:

  • Season. Experienced flowerflowers They advise to cut off the shoots from the formation of buds to the end of bloom, i.e. from the beginning of summer in the middle of the autumn. By this time, wood will accumulate enough nutrient elements, but in general it is possible to establish a rooting from early spring.
  • Stage of maturity. A suitable cutlets is considered a small direct segment of an adult semi-explosive (this year) stem green color With 2-5 fully formed sinus kidneys.
  • Escape size. The length should be from 15 to 30 cm, thickness - from 5 to 10 mm.
  • Work tool. Suitable and special garden secateurs and household knife With a very sharp blade (the main thing is to ensure that he is exactly separated the trunk, and did not flatten it and not "shaggy" him). The tool is desirable to disinfect with alcohol or boiling water.
  • Place of cut. For the drawing, the middle or lower part of the stem is used (the top is very poorly rooted). The upper slice is made in a straight line between the kidneys by 2-6 mm above one of them, and the lower - permanent, at an angle of 45 ° directly under the extreme kidney.
  • Processing material. At the base of finished cuttings, it is necessary to completely remove the spikes and leaves, and on top to reduce their number twice.

The shilling is better to spend in the period when the uterine copies are painted buds

Important! If the branches are insufficient or even sluggish (which may be evidence of the disease), it is unacceptable to use them for breeding: at best, they simply do not come together, and in worst they will infect healthy neighbors.

Complete the preparation of the stem, you can dry up the sections of the sections in a weak (light pink) solution of manganese for disinfection. To minimize the loss of moisture, the upper end is sealing with wax or paraffin, and the lower place in the stimulating solution.

Application of growth activator

For a more stable rooting of roses cuttings, they are soaked for 10-24 hours in a weakly concentrated solution of any stimulator (regulator) of growth, which can be both professional and self-made.

Table: Means for enhancing the root formation.

Preparation of the solution at home:

  • Yves infusion. In ordinary clean water Put several plates willow and wait until they are allowed. After that, the nutrient liquid can be merged.
  • Honey water. Dissolve 1 tsp. Honey at 0.5 liters of warm boiled water.
  • Yeast extract. Raw bakery yeast dilute in clean warm water from the calculation of 100 g per liter, while the effect can be reinforced by adding 1 tsp. Sahara.
  • Juice (gel) aloe. Grind in Blender required amount Aloe leaves and strain the resulting Cashitz after several layers of gauze for separating the concentrated juice.

The use of growth activators contributes to the formation of a more powerful root rose root system

Council. In the pure gel of aloe leaves, the cuttings can be left for 10-12 hours, after which the juice is desirable to be dissolved with water (1: 9) and leave in this form another 10-12 hours or for the entire development of the root system (in the aqueous model of shilling ).

The choice of growth activator depends on the possibilities and desires of the flower, but it is worth noting that the effect of chemicals is more targeted than its natural analogues. Already on 12-15 days, the use of these drugs in Chenkov appears its root system (against standard 30 days). It should also be remembered that when working with chemicals It is very important to observe the permissible concentration indicated on the packaging and precautions.

Methods of germination

The rooting of cut stems can be made in different ways, among which are especially popular:

  • in water;
  • in the newspaper;
  • in potatoes;
  • in a pot.

Each method has its own individual features, examined in detail that you can choose the most suitable option for yourself.

Instructions for the germination of rose cuttings in water:

Important! Many flowers argue that it is impossible to change the water completely in any way, but you can only "refresh" the main volume, pulling the evaporated liquid.

This is a very simple and convenient way of drawing, but it has one significant drawback. Due to the deficiency of oxygen, the roots grew in water differ in particular fragility. They are thinner and transparent than the soil fellow, so they are easy to damage during transplantation.

Shining roses in newspaper leaves

Instructions for the extension of rose cuttings in the newspaper:

  1. Moisten the newspaper sheets so that they become absolutely soft and they could be pressed as a rag.
  2. Cuttings fold with pile of several pieces and wrap in paper on the principle of the conversion, not leaving the free ends of the branches outside.
  3. Place ready-made drips into a plastic bag and leave them in a dark place at a temperature of + 18-25 ° C.
  4. Periodically deploy the package and moisturize the newspaper from the spray gun.
  5. If you appear, it is necessary to remove it on one of the cuttings and gently rinse healthy stalks, after which it is formed for them a new sweeping.
  6. When the roots are fixed and reach 5 cm. The plant can be resettled into the ground.

The advantage of the Burito method is the ability to grow hard rose varieties

This method of obtaining roots is called burrito for similarity in appearance with a Mexican dish.

Rose cultivation in potatoes clubs

Instructions for the germination of roses in potatoes:

Reference. Potatoes can be conventionally called a natural "growth stimulator", since it creates practically ideal conditions for the development of pink cuttings: supports optimum humidity and supplies useful trace elements.

Reproduction of roses with cuttings in a pot (ground)

Instructions for germination of roses in the ground:

Skenet landing directly into the ground - the most traditional method Shooting. His main advantage is the preparedness of the root system to a painless transplant permanent place Growth.

Readiness of landing in open ground

The period of readiness of pink cuttings to landing on an open garden area depends on the stage of its development and the degree of soil is heated. And also takes into account the formation of the root system:

  • Open (in plants in newspapers, packages, water, etc.). The size of the roots from 5 to 7 cm, the optimal time - starting from mid-April.
  • Closed (in seedlings in pots, substrates, biodegradable containers, etc.). New leaves from 2 to 6 pieces, the optimal time is the first decade of May.

Important! If you have young green leaves, the time of landing in open sad It is particularly carefully selected: it is necessary to exclude any likelihood of night frosts.

Spring period - the most favorable time for landing. For young cuttings, it is advisable to actively care for another 1-2 months, so that there is an opportunity to adjust the deviations in development. However, in the southern regions, you can land the landing in the fall.

So that the seedlings are well strengthened and regularly bloom in the future it is necessary to take care of their protection from cold and possible freezers.

Cooking soil for disembarking is necessary in advance so that he has time to settle down by the time of landing

The most widespread obtained 3 methods of insulation:

  • Spring and watering.
    Prevents the trunk cracking, since it forms an ice shell "shell", increasing the thermal conductivity and heat capacity of the Earth. The sprinkling procedure must be repeated every half hour.
    To organize at night a multiple spraying of leaves and stalks with water for several hours manually can be pretty difficult. Therefore, for this method is more suitable automatic installation glaze.
    The positive effect gives not only the resulting ice shell, but also the heat released: during freezing 1, the gram of water is produced 80 calories of energy, which literally warms the seedlings.
  • Skurning (fusion). Provides effect direct heating and reduces the radiation of heat from the soil through an artificial smoke cloud. Instructions for smoke (dip) plot:
    1. Collect "Three-layer pie" (height - 1 m, width - 1.5 m) from materials that are able to smooth with weak combustion:
      1 layer - firewood and twig;
      2 layer - straw, manure and dry leaves;
      3 layer - Earth (2-3 cm).
    2. Place similar workpieces throughout the territory needing needle (1 pile of 10 m2).
    3. In an earthen layer, make holes from above and from a leeward side for better smoke exit.
    4. Set fire to the occurrence of frosts.

    Such smoke piles are designed for 15 hours, which is quite enough to survive one frosty night.

  • Creating shelters.Keeps heat, providing a physical barrier between plants and the environment. A variety of materials are suitable for creating shelters:
    • polyethylene film and agrofiber;
    • glass, including individual domes (banks);
    • mulch (straw, outfit residues, coniferous husk, paper, cardboard, leaves, indecomposted compost);
    • print fixtures (plastic bottles, boxes, containers, etc.).

Rose shelter is held late autumn

Important! If the weather allows, in the daytime, opaque shelters is better to shoot to open access to sunlight.

When landing roses in autumn period It is important to accurately subjend the time so that the seedlock can take place in a new place, but did not begin to actively grow to the arrival of frosts.

Oriented in this case will have to local climate. It is necessary to take into account the fact that the rooting goes, as a rule, about 1-1.5 months.

Due to the large scale of time, novice gardeners are still recommended to leave it in indoor (basement) conditions, and the fallout start the next spring.

Preparation of seedlings

To choose the most suitable landing site, you need to focus on the individual needs of varieties:

  • Light-loving places on open elevated spaces.
  • Telebobiles can be planted near fences, trees and other volumetric shrubs. And also they are great for creating a living hedge around the perimeter of the site.

The preparation of the soil before landing of roses cuttings is carried out in 2 stages:

  1. For 1-3 months, overheat the earth to a depth of about 55 cm. Make a mixture of sand, clay and compost (1: 1: 2) and break off;
  2. Immediately before boarding, it is partially replaced by the soil at the place of constant growth on a fresh mixture consisting of a row, humid and sand (2: 1: 1).

Council. It is recommended to pay attention to the source type of soil. Suglinted needs minimal preparation, while clay often has an increased level of acidity (pH< 5,5), который желательно нейтрализовать weak mortar Haashed lime.

Landing a germinated cutter on a permanent flowerbed

Instructions for the fastener of a rose cutting rose to the gardening and garden plot:

  1. Drop the corresponding number of wells on a permissible (depending on the variety) through each other:
    • low - from 30 to 40 cm;
    • tall - from 50 to 60 cm;
    • pleets - from 100 to 200 cm.
  2. Carefully remove the cuttings from the improvised incubator trying not to damage the roots.
  3. Lower the shoots into the prepared holes by 10-15 cm and fall asleep on top of a mixture of soil with a compost.
  4. In order to avoid dropping, pour the earth with a weak solution of manganese.

If you plan the roses of Slyoshko thick, it will lead to the development of diseases

If the kidneys on seedlings just crumpled a little, then they are not required to cover. If the kidneys and leaves are already formed, they should be covered by sun burn Loutrasil or spunbond.

Planting seedlings better in cloudy weather or late in the evening when sun rays Not so active.

For decorative landing Curly or plenty roses of the wells need to dig up at a distance of about 18-20 cm from the supporting structure (choplaresters, fences, etc.).

Pleet rose along the fence revitalizes hedge

The seedlings themselves should be tilted toward the support. It should also be borne in mind that if the decor object has a solid surface, then it is necessary to attach a lattice base at a distance of 7-9 cm from the wall to provide ventilation and access to the plant.

After the transplant of future pink bushes for a permanent place, care is not different from the care of other colors. They need regular watering, feeding and soil looser.

Council. So that the young plant is good, it is better not to allow him to bloom in the first 1-2 years after disembarking a cutting: for this, immature buds are plugged back in the very initial stage of formation.

The loss is considered to be one of the most popular methods of reproduction of roses. If you follow all the proposed rules, the performance reaches 80-90%. This is a very high figure for a pink family.

The seedlings purchased in the trading network are far from always learn or turn out to be at all the variety that was originally assumed. Therefore, many gardeners grow with grinding roses, but not all achieve success.

I will tell you about the proven methods of growing colors from bouquets or cut from a bush neighbors in the country. These methods are more effective than seed reproduction, since the cuttings can be rooted at home on the windowsill round year, not just in the spring-summer period.

  1. Temperature temperature. Night values \u200b\u200bshould not fall below + 18º C, daytime + 24 ... + 26º C.
  2. Neutral soil. Dilute roses with grinding better in poor substrates, the best option is a mixture equal parts Earth and sand.
  3. Humidity. Optimal values \u200b\u200b- 80-90%. Indicators are defined approximately by fogging the guy.

Reproduction of roses with stalling of a living bush

Late warm spring and the beginning of the summer is the most natural time to root. Grow flowers at home saddle club You can in several ways using the stalks of fresh cut plants.

Rules for the preparation of landing material

  • Rose shoots for cutting cutlets Cut early in the morning or closer to twilight.
  • Choose branches for germination without colors - those who have already been blowing, are going to bloom or well-developed side processes.
  • Cut the stems on a length of about 15 cm. On a cutlets there should be 3-5 live kidneys and several leaves.
  • Cuts make a very sharp tool, cut off across the top, closer to the kidney, lower - under an acute angle.
  • To avoid moisture loss, cut extra leaves. The spikes of the lower part are also better to cut.

To speed up germination in many manuals, it is recommended to withstand cuttings in the root-forming preparations like "Kornin". I often grow roses without them or using honey water (0.5 teaspoon on a glass).

Note: signs of maturity stems for shilling - dark green color, semi-grained structure, well-rolled spikes.

Growing roses in the garden

For rooting, prepare the substrate mixture of equal parts of the garden land and sand, we will break it with a dark but transparent solution of manganese. Jock rose cuttings under a strong slope, pour, cover with a glass can or half plastic bottle.

The depth depends on the number of kidneys and the length of the sections of the stems: if the mouths are three - cheese to a depth of 1-3 cm, if 4-5 - 5-7 cm.

Days after 12-14 begin to teach rose cuttings to environment - Remove the guards each day first for 15-20 minutes, then for a longer period, a month later, remove them at all. The rooting occurs after 30-45 days, by autumn, the cuttings produce shoots with leaves.

How to germinate roses in potatoes

The method is more suitable for growing on garden sitesthan at home. During rooting, potatoes provide cuttings wet medium and the flow of nutrients. Fit stages:

  • Harvested roses 18-20 cm long cuttings without leaves and spikes stick in potato tubers with liquidated eyes.
  • For the landing, prepare the pits or a groove of a depth of 15 cm. Flip down the sand, put potatoes and join so that the upper kidneys are above the ground.
  • For the time of rooting, provide cuttings greenhouse conditions - cover them with banks.

Using this way, do not overdo it with watering, otherwise the potatoes can be contlected, and the sapling will die.

Note: When growing roses in potato tubers, it is useful to join them with sweet water - 1-2 teaspoons per 250 ml.

How to grow roses from festive bouquets

At home, it is quite successfully possible to germinate bakery flowers. The percentage of rooting depends on the three main conditions:

  1. View of roses. Silent is best breeding roses of local origin, since the high Ecuadorian, Dutch and Kenyan are treated with preservatives. For the same reason, any roses from flower baskets, floristic compositions and bride bouquets are poorly rooted.
  2. Growing season. The highest chances of spring and summer bouquets. The lowest - in autumn and presented until the New Year holidays.
  3. The time that roses spent in the store. To avoid the loss of the product type of roses put in preservative solutions.

Therefore, if a bouquet presented for March 8 began to fade so quickly that you did not have time to enjoy them, do not rush to get upset. Rapid downstream of local roses can talk about their naturalness.

Preparation Chenkov

You should not wait when the bouquet dries - as soon as the heads began to lower, begin preparations for rooting:

  • cut flowers, buds, you can spikes, be sure to leave the bottom of the lower part;
  • choose healthy sections of the middle thickness of 15-25 cm long;
  • cut on cuttings with 3-4 intact kidneys.

If there are doubts that cooked sections of the stems can be withstanding the day in the solution of manganese, and after rooting.

Note: To zoom in the number of roots, the pins on the rose cutter is better removed. Upper - gently cut off, bottom - break to the base. The regeneration process is launched on the place of the wound, and additional roots are always developing.

Five rules for the extension of roses in water

  1. Use glass or plastic dark color capacitance.
  2. Water pour only boiled, you can throw the coal tablet for disinfection.
  3. The level of fluid is not higher than 2-3 centimeters.
  4. Do not change the water, and plot as it dry until the initial height.
  5. When the roots are formed, immediately transplant the rose into a pot or soil (depends on the time of year).

First, a Callus is formed on the cutting cut, then the first roots appear. This process is quite long and takes up to 2 months. If the segment of the stem began to black, then it can be disposed of it.

Rooting in the soil

Prepare a substrate - a mixture of land with sand and plastic cups. Instead of traditional soil, you can use vermiculite, which absorbs well and gives moisture. I also had a positive experience of obtaining roots in pure wet sand.

In a cup, be sure to make holes for drainage. Then act in the following sequence:

  • push the substrate into the container, the layer thickness is about 3 cm;
  • wet a mixture with water, wait until the extra moisture leaves through the holes;
  • put the cuttings - the lower kidney must be in the ground, the middle - immediately above its level;
  • cover the tank polyethylene filmFor germination, put on the windowsill or under the lamp.

If you grow a large amount of rose pets at home, it is convenient to use aquarium. A cups are installed on its bottom, all are immediately covered with a film, if necessary, organize backlight. Inside a favorable microclimate for germination of roots is formed.

Successfully rooted plants need to be immediately transplanted into a pot or in open ground. Under the autumn, young shoots are not planted into the garden - winter rapid plants will not be transferred.

Burito - Universal method of breeding roses

With prepared cuttings with 3-4 alive kidneys cut the leaves, you can also remove the spikes. Water newspapers or paper towels, wrap the sections of the stems. Place the convolution of polyethylene packages, remove them in a dark place.

Important moment - temperature. The optimal indicators should be within + 14 ... + 18º C. If it is colder, for example, then roses will be at rest, the rooting process is strongly slowed down. At higher temperatures - the likelihood of drying or moldy is high.

Check packets need weekly, if necessary, paper should be sprayed with water. The first roots can be formed in 3-4 weeks. This method is suitable for freshly cut roses and flowers from a bouquet.

  • In the substrate, do not add null feeding - from too fat land, plants can be understood.
  • Cuttings from side shoots are rooted more successful.
  • In the dark, the roots are formed on shoots without leaves, if you left the leaflets - then for the root formation you need light.
  • Bottom cut at an acute angle to increase the water absorption area and root formation.
  • To reduce evaporation, the upper cut can be treated with a molten candle.
  • Choosing a garden for cultivation, give preference to wind protected, well lit, but not completely open places. The best way - Under the trees where sun rays pass through the foliage.
  • The rooted processes are not planted in an open ground at the end and middle of summer. Winter they will not be transferred, so in the fall they will have to transplanted back into the pots.

Why it is not always possible to breed roses with stalling

The success of rooting depends not only on your experience and skills, but also from many other factors. One of the most important criteria is the quality of the planting material.

Do not start your flowerfish from growing imported biscuit roses - they have the lowest percentage of rooting, often get roots from such cuttings under no circumstances. Choose garden or fresh local flowers, try different methods - And be sure to succeed!

I want to tell how to plant a rose from a bouquet at home. On the New Year The husband gave flowers, and very wanted to root them. At the same time and tell everyone how it is done.

First, hurry, if you want to root a cut rose. A few days that she justs in a bouquet can reduce your attempts to root a stalk. The fresh cuttings, the more chances they have a root.

Secondly, our roses are best for rooting, and Dutch and other imported are treated with different drugs for long-term storage, and they are poorly forming roots. But, such roses can be rooted! Just the chances are much smaller than the local.

And, thirdly, be patient and good mood so that everything happens.

And now in detail about

How to roam donated roses

Rooting roses from a bouquet

When roses take their time in the vase and start fading, you can cut cuttings from them and cohere . So the holiday will always continue. Yes, there are not many chances, but they are, and sin will not take advantage.

Magic Solution - Secret Success

To grow roses from cuttings, you need to cut them with skinny stems and put it out of water, as many do, but in special mortar which can be cooked independently. He not only reanimates the pink stems, but also will help them to put roots. The tool in the people is called "Trointy" because it consists of three ingredients.color: # B22222; "\u003e Recipe "Troinchka" for the extension of roses

For the composition you need to take:

  • honey - 1 h. spoon;
  • aloe juice - 2 h. Spoons (Aloe sheet need to withstand a day in the refrigerator);
  • the ash of wood is 1 tsp.

All mix and pour ½ cup water. We draw attention to the water. It should be clean, estimated, and not immediately taken from under the tap.

In this composition and put the cuttings with 2-3 live kidneys for about 6 hours. If the stalk is very bad, it will be needed for resuscitation and time.

Landing rose cuttings in mini-greenhouse

color: # 000000; "\u003e To , We need a substrate - soil rich in humus. If it is prepared, then the cuttings, weathered in the "Trochik" on stimulation, can be planted as soon as time will pass (6 o'clock).

They mixed cuttings in a pot and cover or cut with a plastic bottle, or set a pot into a plastic bag and tie it from above. Such greenhouses create for rose cuttings.

The prerequisite is to establish containers with cuttings in a warm place. For example, on the kitchen cabinet.

Care of roses

From time to time we open the package, let's breathe fresh air cuttings, just do not remove the entire package. When they break, you can see. Everyone has its own time, but they will delight with small leaves.

color: # B22222; "\u003e Tips for growing roses from cuttings

  1. There are many methods for growing roses from cuttings and one of them burito method which is worthy of attention. You need to cut the cuttings with live kidneys and put them on the wet newspaper. Then wrap, jumping around the edges and wear plastic transparent croxes from above. Each week to deploy and clean the blackened stems. Those who survive are sitting immediately into the open ground.
  2. To At home, cuttings with five alive kidneys are cut. Sheet plate cut off half. To frozen the cuttings "Kornvin" and fall into the soil so that 2-3 kidneys are underground, and 2 at the top. Cover the bottle or package. With this method, growing is needed coolness, light and periodic ventilation.
  3. When autumn cut roses , cuttings can be just planted in pots and install them in a room on a cool windowsill. Occasionally watered and not close. In January, young plants themselves begin to go into growth.
  4. In the fall during trimming roses, it is easy to stick cuttings in the ground: 3 kidneys must be in the ground, and 2 above it. Every cutlets cover the circumciphered plastic bottle. In the spring in the warm time of the traffic jam from bottles in the afternoon, and twist overnight.
  5. From autumn with roses bushs, cuttings are cut at an angle and planted into the ground, also at a small angle. Top to cover with glass jars that take off when it can be seen that the cuttings began.
  6. After the New Year holidays there are containers with river sandIn which forest beauties put longer to remain fresh and fragrant. The village is taken out, and the bucket can be reached on the balcony. Here it is possible to plant not only cuttings of roses, but also currants, and grapes. Only the sand can not be rehabilted. Twice a day spray from the spray gun. Zelentsy can grow on the balcony all summer, and in the fall they need to be transplanted into open ground. "Heteroacexin" helps to rooug the plants in this way.

Tips on roaring roses cuttings are diverse. But they are all tested on the experience of breeders and fans roseers. Grow roses, give their expensive people, decorate and delight the beauty of the world in which you live!