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Installation of the increase in pressure is Russian. Installations of water pressure increase. Automatic pumping installation of cascade type with a device of a smooth start of a series "Storm-C"


NGOs "Promelectro Automation" offers complete automatic pumping stations manufactured by LLC "RUSPROMERGOSISTEM".

Complete set of automatic pumping installations for the "Storm" pressure

  • Pump units of leading European manufacturers Grundfos, Wilo, KSB, mounted on a common frame basis
  • Reception and pressure collectors
  • Ball Valves
  • Check valves, pressure gauge, valves, pressure sensor
  • Protection relay "from dry stroke"
  • Cabinet control

In addition, the lock fittings and the Kip of Danfoss and the Cabinets of the NPP RIC LLC are used. Equipment is certified.


  • Fire extinguishing systems
  • Pumping clean water and increase pressure at water stations, in residential buildings, hotels, industrial enterprises, in hospitals, schools, etc.

Enchanting encoding:

Management type:

  • TO - Cascade management
  • FROM - Cascade management using smooth start
  • E. - Management with application frequency converter (one worker, second hard reserve)
  • AND - Management using the frequency converter

To order

The station is equipped with a RP control cabinet. Mounted on a common frame base. The installation is controlled cascading, while the operation of pumping units is carried out as follows: working (E) + peak (E), i.e. add. Pump (s) is automatically connected as needed. The performance of pumping stations is adjusted by including, or shutdown the required number of pumps. Connecting pumps occurs in accordance with the minimum time of operation, and shutdown - in accordance with the maximum time.

Automatic pumping installation of cascade type with a device of a smooth start of a series "Storm-C"

To order

The station is equipped with a RPS control cabinet equipped with a smooth start system.

Mounted on a common frame base.

The installation is controlled cascading, while the operation of pumping units is carried out as follows: working (E) + peak (E), i.e. add. Pump (s) is automatically connected as needed.

Automatic pumping installation of an economical series with the frequency converter of the "Storm-E" series

Maintaining specified parameters occurs due to the change in the performance of pumping units, while the operation of the installation is carried out as follows: the working (E) + peak (E), i.e. add. Pump (s) is automatically connected as needed.

You open the faucet - and the water flows out of it with a sluggish stream. Wash your hands or to slip the dishes, with grief in half, it is still enough, but it is no longer possible to take a full shower. Even worse the case is household appliancesgas water heater It just does not start, but on the displays of the washing or dishwasher, the notorious "Error" is displayed.

The situation is very sad, but, alas, quite common. To a greater extent, the tenants of the apartments of urban high-rise buildings are faced - in the peak watches of the water-based pressure in the plumbing on the upper floors sharply falls. But it is not insured against such and the owners of houses "on Earth" connected to urban water supply networks - you have to recognize that the quality of utility services is often very far from acceptable indicators. So, it is necessary to take any measures.

It would seem - the exit is obvious. It is necessary to install the pump to increase the water pressure, and the problem will go by itself. However, such a measure often becomes a "half-way decision", that is, does not remove the question completely. And in some cases, the installation is only such a pump and becomes useless money at all, as a deeper, systemic approach is required.

In technical documentation pumping equipmentIn articles and descriptions on this topic, various pressure units in the water supply can be used on the instrument scales. To immediately make clarity into this question, we give a small sign that will help to navigate further:

BarTechnical atmosphere (AT)Meter of water columnKilopascal (kPa)
1 bar 1 1.0197 10.2 100
1 Technical Atmosphere (AT) 0.98 1 10 98.07
1 meter of water column 0.098 0.1 1 9.8
1 kilopascal (kPa) 0.01 0.0102 0.102 1

Too high accuracy On the household level we will not need, therefore, to assess their conditions, with a completely permissible level of error, it is possible to do with an approximate ratio:

1 bar ≈ 1 at ≈ 10 m of water. Art. ≈ 100 kPa ≈ 0.1 MPa

So what pressure is considered normal for a plumbing home network?

In accordance with the existing standards, the final consumer water should be supplied under a pressure of about 4 bar. With such a pressure, the work of almost all existing sanitary and household appliances - from ordinary cranes and drain Bachkov Up to hydromassage shower cabins or baths.

However, in practice, such even pressure is extremely rare. Moreover, deviations to a smaller or most side There are very significant. Both, and other phenomena can seriously affect the correct operation of the water supply system. Thus, when the threshold exceeds 6 ÷ 7 bar, the appearance of depressurization on pipe connections is possible, on the shut-off-regulating reinforcement. When jumps up to 10 bar, a high probability of more serious accidents appear.

But S. increased pressure Fight, in principle, it is easy to install a special device at the entrance or an apartment, a gearbox, which will align the pressure in the inner wiring of the water supply system, and will exclude the phenomena of the hydrowarders. With the correct choice or adjustment of the gearbox, at all points of water, the optimal value of water pressure will be maintained.

Much more acute problem is if the systematic insufficiency of water pressure in the system is noted. And here for a start should try to figure out what causes such a phenomenon. Well, for this, it is necessary, first of all to have a clear idea, which pressure in your local home water supply, whether it changes depending on the time of day or point of water-based, as things are concluded, for example, in neighbors staircase And on the riser - on top and bottom. Such information will largely clarify the picture.

The easiest thing is, of course, the pressure is measured using an ordinary pressure gauge. It is worth such a device is not so expensive, and it makes sense to establish it stationary at the entrance to the apartment or to the house. Even better - mounted on the entrance mesh wash filter rough Cleaning Water with a built-in pressure gauge - two problems are solved at once. It will remain only for a certain period to regularly remove and record the testimony of approximately four times in the knocks in the peak hours of consumption in the evening and in the morning, in the "normal" daytime and in the night mode. Then you can conduct a preliminary analysis of the situation.

You can have in the farm or rent from familiar portable pressure gauge. It is easy to temporarily connect, for example, using a flexible eyeliner, to water outlets of mixers or even directly to pill, if a threaded connection allows.

You can make a homemade simplest pressure gauge, which despite the primitiveness of the design, it is not possible to give very accurate results.

For the manufacture of such an appliance, a transparent plastic tube length of about 2000 mm will be required. The diameter of its large value does not have - the main thing is that it is convenient to perform hermetic C \u003d its connection with the fitting, which will wind up, for example, on the crane instead of the divider nozzle.

The tube before starting the measurement joins the crane (in principle, it can be any other water outlet) and is located vertically. A short-term start of water is produced, and then it seeks such a position so that the fluid level is approximately on one horizontal line with a connection point so that there is no air layer from the crane side (shown in the scheme - the left fragment). In this position, the height of the air section tube is measured ( h.o.).

Then the top hole of the cutting is tightly closed by a plug to prevent the release of air. Crane open to full. Water, squeezing the air column, will rise. When the position stabilizes, after a minute, the other, it will remain to measure the height of the air pillar experimental ( hE).

Having these two meanings, it is easy to calculate the pressure according to the following formula:

RV \u003d. RO × (h.o /hE)

RV.- Pressure pressure at this point.

RO - Source pressure in the tube. Will not be a big mistake to take it for atmospheric, that is 1.0332 at.

hO.and hE -air pillar height values \u200b\u200bobtained experimentally

Calculator experimental pressure determination in plotting

Enter the results of the two measurements and get the result.


ho - air post height before the crane opening, mm

hE - airfold height with fully open crane, mm

If measurements are performed at several points, and the testimony is obtained different, then this is a sure sign that possible reason Insufficiency of pressure on a particular plumbing or household device lies in defects of the inner wiring of the water supply. It is possible that old pipes overhaul threw rust or lime raid, And no additional equipment will change the situation - you have to change the pipe wiring.

Require from such a water supply of normal pressure - just naive

The reason for the fall in pressure can be not known for a long time or uncontrolled filters - and the implementation of the appropriate prevention once becomes places.

You should compare readings with similar parameters in neighboring apartments located at the same level - they must be approximately equal. Sometimes it helps to identify the problem that lies in a plumbing riser.

It would be nice to figure out the position of affairs in neighboring apartments vertically - how much the problem of reduced pressure affects them. With the increase in the height of the floor, pressure (in the meters of a water column) should be reduced to about the magnitude of exceeding.

And finally, if, of course, it will be possible, it is desirable to find out the pressure on the "sun beds" at home, that is, on collectors in the basement, to which risers on the entrances are connected. It is possible that the public utilities fulfill their obligations, and the pressure of the water to the stands is given normal.

It means that the area of \u200b\u200bthe problem will be localized - the owner of the apartment also becomes a "adjustment" of all troubles, which the owner of the apartment has been living below the same rising, which during the repair in his bathroom has supported the diameter of the pipe for one way or another - "so cheaper", "so more convenient and more beautiful" "So suggested by an experienced plumber" or even "everything is fine with me, and the rest do not worry me." Here you will have to or agree on a good, or take measures of administrative impact through utilities.

If the pressure is weak at the house collector - it is necessary to "seek the truth" in public utilities, since the quality of the services provided by them does not comply with the requirements. Will it be possible to achieve something - more big questionSince you can hear a lot of reasons: from requiring replacement of trunk pipelines to the impossibility of currently installing new pumping equipment in return for obsolete.

What can be done?

If all the steps taken "administrative plan" did not give results, and to ensure correct operation of plumbing and domestic instruments of pressure, they will have to take measures of technological orientation. Here it will be necessary to install this or that additional equipment. But, again, it will be naive to say that the pump to increase water pressure will be naive.

Such a measure will be effective only when water is always almost uninterrupted, but its pressure is not enough to operate home appliances. For example, the owner of a private house connected to the highway in which the pressure is constantly observed not higher than 1 - 1.5 bar, it will be completely able to install the pump at the entrance to the house or even before the water-based point that requires higher indicators. To some extent, it is permissible in the urban high-rise building, but again - with a stable supply of water, but with a "deficit" of pressure.

If the "failures" of the head reach out before the upper floors often marked the complete disappearance of water from the cranes, the increasing pump does not justify itself. First, he needs to "rely on" to the minimum allowable pressure for this model in the pipe in order to issue the desired value at the output, and it cannot create anything from the void. Secondly, increasing pressure, the pump necessarily creates a certain vacuum behind. If the pressure is lacking open on any lower floor, the crane turns into a "hole" through which air can be suited. The pump will try to try to pump air, and at best, if it is equipped with a dry-running protection system, it will simply be constantly turned off, well, and if not, it will quickly be quick. And thirdly, somehow improving the position in my apartment, the owner of the pump involuntarily worsens the situation in the neighboring.

What is the way out? There are several of them, but not everything will be easily accomplished.

1. Install a pumping station running automatically, desirable - with a hydro-accumulating membrane tank of the maximum possible volume. The main element of such a station is centrifugal pump self-suction type, that is, capable of independently, even with a "zero" pressure at the entrance to raise water from a certain depth (for example, from a base collector or an autonomous source) and create a very significant pressure at the output.

Incoming usually in the pressure switch station, the pump switch will ensure the inclusion of the pump motor only when the pressure drops in the home (apartment) plumbing below the set level. The accumulating tank will create a reserve supply of water, which will also be under pressure and spent in cases where water supply in the highway is temporarily interrupted.

Thus, the pumping station lifts up the water, and creates the necessary pressure in the system, and provides a certain supply of water. The greater the amount of the accumulatory tank, the less the pump will be turned on.

The solution is excellent, one can say - optimal for private households, but in multi-storey buildings with it there may be a lot of difficulties. If the pressure in the risers is weak, then many residents of the upper floors suffer from this. If they become to leave the position in this way, the present rivalry "per jet" will grow up in the house, since the total amount of incoming water is still insufficient. Again, the same situation mentioned above - the suction of water from the pipe will lead to implanting with all the ensuing consequences. Inevitable on this vone scandals and proceedings, "denominations" to each other into operational organization or to "Vodokanal". And the installation of such a station without the knowledge of public utilities may well end in a decent fine, since the equipment makes an imbalance in overall work plumbing system at home.

There is another limitation: self-priming pumps are usually limited in depth (in the case of a high-rise - height) of water lifting - about 7 ÷ 8 meters. That is, for the first second floor - is suitable, the third is already with the stretch, and above - it is unlikely to cope.

2. Install in your home the volumetric non-valve reservoir so that it is constantly replenished at the clock of normal water supply, even with insufficient pressure. The simplest float valve will not allow the overflow of the tank.

If such a capacity for at least 200 ÷ 500 liters can be installed at the ceiling height, then water will be or sick from it to flow to the water disposal points, in front of which the usual compact pressure increase pumps can already be installed, or the ability to mounted on a total outlet of the capacitance Pump, power and performance of which will be enough for all consumption instruments. Alternatively is a compact pumping station with a low volume hydroaccumulator, which will already be powered by a cumulative tank. In this case, the reservoir can not be raised up, and find it most convenient for its existing conditions.

The main obstacle to the implementation of such a project is the closest urban apartment: to establish not even the largest container is simply nowhere. Again, this output is seen optimal for a private developer.

However, it is possible that it will be possible to cooperate with neighbors who also have a similar problem to establish a collective cumulative Buck Large capacity, for example, in the attic room at home. The scheme will be the same - the water comes to each apartment, and then the owners themselves solve themselves, at what points they need to install the rising pump.

Possible solution solving problem - with the installation of a collective accumulative tank

3. The third option also implies cooperation - this is an installation on the assembled means of a powerful pumping station with an impressive accumulative tank and a hydroaccumulator so that the power and performance of the equipment is enough for the entire riser. Thus, in the basement it will be possible to have a significant non-variable and under pressure a stock of water, and all tenants will equally receive it in the desired quantity and with the required pressure.

It is clear that it is easy to say, but it turns out very hard, as persuading people is extremely difficult. Nevertheless, examples of such a collective interaction of residents of the house - abound.

Now that the main possible cases Application of pumps that increase water pressure can be referred to equipment survey.

Pump selection to increase water pressure

So, if the situation can be fully fixed only by installing the pump to increase water pressure, then you need to know how to choose a similar device.

All pumps of such a class can be divided into two large groups - these are devices with a dry and wet rotor.

  • Pumps with a wet rotor - more compact, less noisy, do not require any preventive workSince the lubricant of all rubbing parts is provided by the pumped liquid. They are installed directly insert into a pipe, for example, in front of a household device or a water-based point, and no additional fasteners require.

Typical representative of pumps with "wet rotor"

The lack of them is low performance indicators and an additional water pressure. In addition, there are limitations on the installation method - the axis of the rotor of the pump electric drive must necessarily be located in a horizontal position.

  • The pumps with a dry rotor can be immediately distinguished even externally due to a pronounced asymmetric shape - made in the direction of the power bloc, which has its own air cooling system - located on the axis of the fan impeller. Such a layout most often assumes an additional console mount of the device to the wall surface.

Pumps with a "dry rotor" typically require additional mounting to the wall

Such devices usually possess higher operational characteristics, and when proper choice And the installation is sometimes able to "serve" several points of water intake at once.

The pumps with a dry rotor require regular lubrication of the friction nodes, and when working can be created, though small, but still tangible noise - this also needs to be considered when choosing a place of installation.

In general, the instruments of such a class of both types and on the device, and on the principle of operation and according to the rules of installation are very similar to circulation pumps that are embedded in the contour autonomous System Heating. In order not to repeat, the reader who is interested in these questions can be sent to the appropriate publication.

What you need to know about circulation pumps?

These compact devices provide a stable movement of the coolant along the contours of the heating system. About the device, the calculation of the required operational parameters, choose and install read in a special publication of our portal.

The root difference is that circulating pumps, as a rule, work in constantly mode, while the heating system is involved. The instruments designed to increase the pressure in the plumbing, such a mode is not required - they should only work if necessary when need to provide pressure.

There are two approaches to solving this issue.

  • Some inexpensive pumps have only manual control - that is, the user includes them independently as needed. This is definitely not the most successful approach, given the forgetfulness of some people. In addition, if the device, for example, provides work washing machineThe water fence for washing and rinsing is performed periodically, in accordance with the program, that is, most of the cycle of the efforts of pumping equipment are not required.
  • The optimal solution is to install a device equipped with a flow sensor. The launch of the pump will be made only when the crane is opened and, naturally, in the presence of water in the pipeline. It will unload the device from unnecessary work, and will prevent its overheating or brave from "dry stroke".

The flow sensor can enter the pump or purchased additionally. It is always installed after the pump along the movement of water.

If the water pressure in the water supply is unstable, that is, it may be normal, but in certain periods becomes insufficient, it is optional, but a very useful addition may become a pressure switch that is installed at the inlet before the pump.

Useful addition to the connection scheme - Pressure Relay

In this case, the power supply circuit is switched through the relay, which can be configured in such a way that it triggered and turned on the power of the device only in case of insufficiency of pressure in the system. With normal pressure parameters, the pump will not be turned on even after the flow sensor is triggered.

When choosing a pump, the necessary difference is necessarily taken into account on which the pressure should be lifted for the correct operation of plumbing or household appliances. It is not necessary to wait for the "proven" values \u200b\u200b- usually this parameter lies within 0.8 ÷ 1.5 bar (8 ÷ 15 meters of water column).

If it is purchased for a hot water supply pipe (there are such situations), then its characteristics must correspond to the operating conditions at elevated temperatures of the pumped fluid. Usually such information is indicated in the passports of products.

An important parameter is the productivity of the device - the amount of water pumped into a unit of time. Performance should be higher than the average consumption on the consumption point in front of which the equipment is installed.

When choosing a model, definitely, it is worth a preference to "authoritative" brands, specifying how accessible in your region service maintenanceAnd what warranty obligations apply to this device.

Several popular high-quality models are given in the table:

Name modelIllustrationShort descriptionAdditional water pressure
"Grundfos UPA 15-90" and "UPA 15-90N" One of the most popular models of the famous Danish manufacturer.
Pump "Wet type." Built-in flow sensor.
Silent work, small dimensions.
Usually installed before a specific consumption point (washing machine, gas column, etc.).
Model UPA 15-90 - cast iron case, UPA 15-90 - stainless steel.
Minimum input pressure is 0.2 bar.
Power - 110 W.
Maximum performance - up to 25 l / min.
8 m of water. Art.
"Wilo-PB-201 EA" Pump with wet rotor.
Drive power - 200 W. There is an air cooling of the engine.
Built-in flow sensor - triggering at a flow rate of at least 2 l / min.
Connecting nozzles - 1 ".
Increased performance - up to 55 l / min.
Silent work. Console for mounting to the surface.
It is capable of providing pressure at several consumption points.
15 m of water. Art.
"JEMIX W15GR-15 A" Pump with a "dry rotor" and air cooled Drive. "
Power -120 W.
Designed for use in cold and hot water supply - permissible water temperature - up to 110 ° C.
Productivity - nominal 10 l / min, maximum - 25 l / m.
Pipes for cutting into the pipe - 15 mm.
The flow sensor is included in the package.
The control unit allows you to select manual or automatic mode.
10 ÷ 15 m of water. Art.
"Aquatica 774715" The inexpensive pump is usually calculated for one consumption point.
"Dry rotor." Brass body. Asynchronous, almost silent engine.
The lowest consumption of electricity is the power of only 80 W.
Connecting nozzles - ¾ ".
Three modes of operation.
Productivity - 10 l / min.
Only for cold water.
up to 10 m of water. Art.

Video: Installation in the pump apartment to increase water pressure

Selection of pumping station

So, the second option cardinal solution Problems of ensuring normal water pressure is the installation of a pumping station.

This device is a superficial centrifugal self-priming pump. It can be an ordinary or equipped injector - this technological addition significantly increases the possibilities of the pump on the rise of water with a significant depth, but, however, makes his work more noisy.

Pumping station A built-in membrane type hydroaccumulator can have already, or this element of the required volume is purchased separately. Required condition - The presence of pressure relay, but in this case it is already installed after the pump itself - when the installed pressure threshold in the hydroaccumulator is reached, the power of the power unit is turned off.

The working pressure in the hydroaccumulator is always somewhat excessive - it is calculated in such a way that the correct operation of all plumbing and household devicesAnd at the same time a certain reserve remained. As the water consumes, the pressure drops, and when it comes to a certain lower boundary, in advance by the manufacturer or the user itself, the relay closes - and the pump again works out the water replenishment cycle to the upper threshold.

In fact, the pumping station does not simply increase the water pressure - it itself creates in a closed home system of the water supply system and constantly supports at a given level. And the presence of a hydroaccumulator makes it possible to hope for a reserve supply of water in the event that suddenly the feed will stop from the external source (main network).

The flow sensor in this case is not required - the pump reacts not to the current water consumption, but to the pressure level in the accumulating tank.

As a rule, equipped with pressure gauges - so that it is more convenient to conduct visual control of work.

Installing the pumping station is much more complicated than the usual rugging pump. It is better not to do this question yourself, but to invite the relevant specialist.

When installing, it should be noted that there are practically no silent pumping stations. It means that it is necessary to provide a place that, firstly, was at the entrance to the house or in the apartment, and secondly, it would provide the necessary noise insulation for residential premises.

The hydroaccumulator can be very small ...

The hydroaccumulator included in the pumping station can be completely small, literally into several liters. However, it should be remembered that won in compactness, you can lose the duration of the operation of the device and in the consumption of electricity - the smaller the volume of the tank, the more often the pump installation will be turned off, the faster it is consumed.

Nothing prevents the desired volume hydroachamor to purchase - they are sold separately. For two people, there is usually enough tank for 24 liters. For a family of 3-5 people, a 50 liter hydroaccumulator is already required.

Well, if it allows free space, and in the supply of water from urban networks, interruptions happen, it does not hurt and the non-variable cumulative tank with a float valve - the pumping station will take water from it. This scheme has already mentioned above.

Optimal solution - Pumping station takes water from a voluminous non-pressure cumulative tank

Since the pumping station is usually installed to ensure the operation of the entire water supply network. frequent home Or apartments, when choosing a model, you must pay special attention to the pressure created by it and on performance. It will be not enough to use if, taking into account the height and remoteness of the water-based points, the pressure will be insufficient. In the practice of private home ownership, it may be, for example, a garden crane through which irrigated pricework. Therefore, it is necessary to navigate when selecting the most remote in the height and length of the point. If it is just mixers, then they will be sufficiently pressure at 10 ÷ 15 meters (1 ÷ 1.5 bar). In the case of an installation of technicians requiring special pressure parameters, they are taken as the basis.

Anmex company manufactures on its production site and supplies high-tech installations for the pressure of the "pressure" series for various purposes and the constructive on the basis of modern components of Russian and foreign production throughout the territory of Russia.

In its pressure raising stations, we combine as European components, for example, the pumps perfectly proven themselves in the Russian realities of international concerns: Leo, KSB, Grundfos, Wilo, Lowara, Dab, Flygt, and its own designs: a modern logical controller of the SCL-1 series, Graphic panels operator for serial products, power supplies, phase control relays, class control cabinets for controlling and protecting pump units and others interesting solutionsallowing to provide high quality, reliability and maintainability of manufactured installations.

Wide use pumping stations received on construction sites, in residential buildings, on various industries Food I. chemical industry, private houses and cottages, heating systems, circulation, watering and landing. In a word, where it is necessary to ensure the required feed and pressure stations apply the pressure of pressure "pressure".

To all of the time, urban areas for building are constantly decreasing, which forces construction companies Increase the flood of houses, and urban water supply can not provide proper pressure in the HPV and DHW systems at such a height of the attack. Help solve the problem help the monoblock stations are fully ready for connecting to networks.

Constructive installation of the pressure increase "pressure" is divided into the following subgroups by type of pumps used:

  1. Horizontal multistage pumps type CM, MHI
  2. Vertical multistage pumps type CR, MVI, HELYX, MOVITEC
  3. Horizontal single-stage pumps Type NB, BL, Etabloc
  4. Vertical single-stage pumps type TP, IL, IPL, ETALINE, ETALINE-R

All of the above allows us to say with confidence that applying the equipment of our production, you as a customer receive technically competent solutions (optimal, quality, quality and delivery time), which will help you withdraw the water supply to a qualitatively new level when implementing your objects.

We provide a guarantee of 2 years on the supplied products, as well as provide services for designing, installation, installation, installation and commissioning, provide service and post-warranty service. We offer a complex of "turnkey" services.

To calculate the pressure boost station russian production Please contact our engineers by phone, or email. You can also download a questionnaire or fill in an interactive form right on our website. We are in as soon as possible We will provide all the necessary information and answer all your questions.

Thank you for your interest in the company and the equipment of the production of Anmex LLC. We hope the information on the site was useful and you found what they were looking for.

Plumbing - part engineering networks Private house and apartments. Due to the weak pressure in the pipes, the tenants often receive an insufficient water volume. This situation limits the possibilities of using two plumbing points at the same time, and the washing and dishwasher is simply not included. The only way to change the situation is a pumping station designed to increase water pressure. The power and performance of the installation is selected individually. The compact device is able to normalize the pressure level and maintain the optimal indicator.

For urban water supply network, adopted GOST rules imply pressure 4 atmosphere. Such an indicator is rare, seasonal changes in water consumption are forced to fluctuate in the range of 2.5-7 atmospheres. The normal operation of the soul, washing machine and washing will provide a parameter 2 of the atmosphere, a jacuzzi or watering of the garden will need to raise it to 4. In reality, pressure is often 1-1.5 atmosphere, excluding stable operation plumbing equipment. High pressure Also a negative factor, it negatively affects the network elements, leading to their rapid wear.

With the problem of insufficient water supply, residents of apartments are facing the upper floors and owners of private houses in the summer. First of all, it is necessary to eliminate the possibility of clogging pipes or their overgrowth of lime deposits. If the problem is not in the diameter of the pipes, then the issue of the installation of rotatory equipment will radically solve. The pumping station will raise and stabilizes the head in the system.

Classification of pumping equipment

Budget way to enhance pressure in the apartment water supply or private home - installation of the injection pump. Devices can be divided into basic groups:

  • manual - after switching on the power supply is constantly in working condition. Round-the-clock operation leads to rapid wear. In the absence of water in the water system, the device can overcome;
  • automatic - design provides a sensor that includes an aggregate when the fluid moves. This option will cost more, but will serve longer. The equipment is calculated on pumping clean water, so it is better to equip the system with a coarse filter. Small weight and pump dimensions allow you to install it directly on the pipeline.

Cooling the pump motor is performed in two ways:

  • stream of passing fluid;
  • the fan fixed on the engine shaft.

Based on water pumps, water pressure enhancement stations are made.

If the fluid in the pipes is often completely absent, the system will be upgraded and the installation of a self-priming pump minimum station. This compact device is able to increase the pressure and hold it at a specified level.

Equipment design includes:

  • membrane type cumulative tank (hydroaccumulator);
  • centrifugal pump;
  • system control relays.

The system automatically serves water to fill the reservoir. The consumer uses the liquid accumulated by the hydroaccumulator. The main advantage of such a system is the prevention of pressure surges in the pipes. In addition, the mini station provides a fluid supply in a hydroaccumulator, which can be used at any time.

With a drop in water level, the pressure is reduced in the system, with a given indicator, the relay turns on the pump again. The number of inclusions and the duration of the pump depends on the volume of the tank than it is greater, the less the electronics is triggered, which leads the unit to the working state. The apartment area is limited, therefore it is problematic to find a place for a volumetric tank, in addition, the water absorption equipment leads to a system to enjoy. Installing a pressure rising station without permission of public utilities is illegal, and the approval will not be difficult, therefore, it is preferable to install an increase in the pump.

How to choose the correct unit

Among the main criteria for selecting a mini station to increase the pressure in the system:

  1. Productivity is the amount of water that the installation is pumped per unit of time (minute, hour).
  2. Power - selected based on the number of consumers. High indicator is not always a plus. The station sucks water from the source (well, pipeline) if the pump is running faster than its filling, the unit may remain without fluid and overheat.
  3. Compliance of the model cross section of pipes in an apartment or a private house.
  4. Maximum water lift height. This indicator is important for the use of equipment with an autonomous water intake of the private house and when the water is injected to the upper floors of an apartment building.
  5. The size of the unit. Dimensions of the station, including a hydroaccumulator, must correspond to the area of \u200b\u200bthe room where it will be installed.
  6. Noise level. This criterion depends on the cooling method, " wet rotor"It works silently, and the" dry rotor "is characterized by noise due to fan blades.
  7. Range of permissible temperatures. Devices can be for hot, cold water or universal.
  8. The installation type is vertical or horizontal, the choice depends on the room features.
  9. Reputation of the manufacturer. Unknown companies are different attractive priceBut the quality of them is doubtful, and there are no service centers. It is better to buy high-quality and reliable equipment from a manufacturer who has positive feedback.

Famous manufacturers of equipment

Dab offers a compact station with a compact station for installation in an apartment or house electronically control E.SYBOX MINI. It is distinguished by the lack of noise and vibration, provides constant pressure in the pipes, is easily installed. Lifting height - 8m, performance - 80 l / min, membrane Buck per 1 liter Mini unit is easily placed under the sink.

The model of the German company WILO PV-088 EA is mounted on metal pipes Hot and cold water supply. The maximum rise of the pressure to 8 m, works in manual and automatic mode. The cooling of the mechanism is performed by a fluid flow. Low noise level avoids discomfort when placed in the apartment.

The Grundfos UPA 15-90 pump operates in three modes: "automatic", "manual", "Off." Control automatic mode performs a built-in sensor. Manual mode assumes a constant work, so it is necessary to monitor the presence of water in the system. The unit is characterized by low noise and low weight. Its productivity up to 1.5 cubic meters. m / h, operating temperature - 60º C.

In contrast to the listed models, the JEMIX W15GR pump functions on the "dry rotor" principle. Cooling the mechanism occupied by a built-in fan. This design is more productive, but creates noise in the process of work. It has three modes of operation: "Manual" - manual, "auto" - automatic, "OFF" - off. Provides a rise of pressure to 10 m, performance - 1, 5 cubic meters. m / h.

Installation of pressure enhancement pump

Installing the pressure to increase the pressure begins with water overlapping. The work includes the following steps:

  1. The length of the pump along with the fitting is measured.
  2. At the installation site marked the length of the site and the pipe is cut.
  3. FROM outside The resulting ends are cutting with a thread.
  4. Adapters are installed the desired diameterThe fitting is screwed to them, which is connected with the pump. On the hardware case, the flow movement is indicated, it is important to set it according to the specified direction.
  5. For installation of a separate outlet, a three-cable cable is stretched. It is necessarily grounded, and the connection is carried out through the RCD.
  6. Water opens, and the pump performance is performed. If the compound of fittings is not tight enough, wipe the fum tape.

Station do it yourself

If there was no device with the desired parameters on the counter, it is possible to make it yourself from the components with the desired characteristics. The pressure enhancement station consists of a small number of nodes and parts, it is enough to purchase a pump, the hydroaccumulator of the desired volume, the automation unit. The family of three will suit a cumulative reservoir for 50 liters, the stress of water is also undesirable.

The control system should include:

  • smooth running pump;
  • drying protection;
  • protection against overload.

When installing, all elements of the water rise station elements are installed in one place.

Tips for choosing and installing pump mining station

  1. Prefer the model with check valveThis design increases the safety of the equipment.
  2. Choose a station with a built-in filter, it will protect the items from foreign particles. When clogged, the element is removed and washed.
  3. To accommodate the equipment you need warm roomotherwise when negative temperature Water freezes water in the hydroaccumulator.
  4. To carry out prophylaxis without any problems, install the shut-off valve to the pump.

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