Repair Design Furniture

Entrance to the panel house. How do the repairs of entrances and staircases. The main thing is to stop on time

Let's look at the approaches to it in Moscow and the cities of Switzerland. Many people ask me why Switzerland? Because in terms of the level of comfort, the achievements of the infrastructure, high standards of quality of life, it is difficult to find any other place. Highly important point is that these are honest achievements, since we are talking about standards for the whole country and its inhabitants. Therefore, I will try to cover just ordinary housing. This article applies not only to Moscow, but also to all other cities of the Russian Federation and other countries. The question is not about money, but about the approach and what we want to achieve at the exit.
This article continues "Entrances, courtyards and visual housing and communal services in the Metropolis of Zurich, how bright and good example Moscow."

Let's not waste time and see the level, quality and repair technologies of the second decade of the 21st century in Moscow entrances. Let's start with the entrance.

Switzerland. The entrance to the most ordinary house far beyond the big and wealthy cities. The factory-made door is striking in a serious enterprise with modern technologies and materials. Everything is thought out here. The handle is made of stainless steel, which means it is durable, it does not need to be painted. It is large, vandal-proof, it is securely fastened, it is impossible to break it. That is, this handle is designed specifically for the front door in apartment building... And she looks gorgeous with her minimalist style.

The larva is covered with an armor plate. The door, although metal, has glass. Modern approaches have long been able to make an all-glass door from impenetrable glass. At the same time, the entrance will acquire a sense of elegance and openness. Pay attention to the floor - granite covering. It is granite that is an eternal material, unlike various tiles that are actively used in Moscow for finishing everything - the entrances of residential buildings, facades, when finishing the porch. In this case, the tile is used for internal works only a few mm thick. And this is in our climate. It is no wonder that today Moscow is all in falling tiles, which first crumble and then fall off piece by piece or entirely. What good is this renovation? Why is it impossible to learn solidity from the Swiss, because we once had it?

A familiar picture awaits us inside. A sea of ​​dangling wires, crooked walls, frayed stair treads, etc. This entrance, like many others, is under renovation. What is it? Closing of entrance doors, filling, painting, possible replacement of mailboxes. Above, a part is already painted.

This is what the putty looks like. It is better not to do it in this form at all. Definitely, if you take on this business, then first you need to make the geometry of the room, align the walls, make right angles. That's what Rotband is for. Next, you need to putty with a finishing putty. It must be applied completely to the entire surface to be painted, which is why it is white. Maybe at least the paint is good?

Unfortunately no. Will anyone buy themselves this home? There is Caparol, Dyulux and even better - beautiful, high-quality, durable and clean paint. The colors are also awful. But such a paint simply cannot be mixed good color, she initially cannot convey it, unlike German or English.

The front doors were closed during the painting, but the rest? What to do with this now, as well as with the accuracy of painting work in general?

But, of course, it was necessary to start with a project, with engineering communications... It is necessary to remove all this disgrace. And this is in every home. Nobody wants to care about external appearance places where he lives. How to fix? To do this, make grooves and wiring in the corrugations. This is how it is usually done. Let's say the building is exceptional, but you can at least make one box under the ceiling, and then sew it up with drywall and paint it. And already start up small wires in the grooves. Another problem is dim light. Even humanly removing such an entrance will not work.

It is interesting that any good transformation begins with the fact that you need to throw out all that is superfluous - some physically, and some visually hide, as with wiring.

This is a Swiss entrance. Here the geometry is perfect, the walls are neatly painted (of course, with high-quality paint and not in one layer). The steps and floor are paved with granite tiles. Such an entrance will serve for more than a dozen years, and the repair will consist in just one repainting of the walls and it will always look fantastic, this is what we should strive for))). Do you see the wires here? Of course, they are not, cannot and should not be. Among the disadvantages is the lack of handrails.
It is possible to assume that this new house, but in the old it is different. Let's see.

The house is very old, it does not belong to the category of elite housing, but everything is as it should be. The geometry of the walls is correct, the stairs are neatly painted (when painting, each old layer is carefully removed so that there is no sandwich of ten other layers), of course, there are no wires on the walls and ceilings, as well as traces of repairs in the form of smudges and surfaces stained with paint.

Entrance to the entrance of another house. Transparent doors (once in the USSR there were such ...), clean, simple and tidy.

Many attentive readers might have noticed old mailboxes in the photographs of Moscow entrances. The maximum that they are threatened with is a replacement for such, "new sample" made according to the standards of ... tsaty years.

Couldn't it be otherwise? Can.

In an amicable way, it should be like this, if the yard is really the second dozen of the 21st century ...

These mailboxes are made in Switzerland from aluminum. By the way, a significant amount of raw materials for the Swiss industry is extracted from garbage in order to then make such wonderful things for their infrastructure. In order to master this production, it is necessary to master the extrusion of aluminum. But then you can make trolleybuses after the boxes, which they do with success (about them in my previous articles about HESS AG). What is the problem with taking a license and launching such a production with us? Aluminum is a durable material, it does not need to be painted, it is always pleasing to the eye, and the drawers close as nicely as the doors of expensive cars. Of course, the boxes are the very last thing to repair, because first you need to deal with other problems.

Let's look at an example of repairing one of the entrances in Switzerland.

Condition before renovation. Let's see the details.

Kids, like ours, love to scandalize. Not very successful attempts to paint over the inscriptions are visible (the Swiss were lucky, unlike Moscow, they have not yet learned to paint over even granite surfaces instead of washing them). The elevator is in a sad state. This is an old model without internal closing doors from the Swiss factory Schlieren. Today the plant no longer exists, it went bankrupt and today there is only one elevator manufacturer in the country - Schindler. Together with the German TussenKrupp, these 2 factories are the best manufacturers of elevator equipment in the world today! We need to get a license and build such factories in the Russian Federation. This is what you need to think about first.
More about Schindler

Let's see the details. We see that the wall covering is the so-called "fur coat". Not the old one, but the new generation. A neat, flawless job. Such a fur coat allows you to maximally protect the walls from minor damage and abrasion. During friction, only the upper "pebbles" are erased, that is, the wall generally retains its appearance. The Swiss have chosen the prettiest kind of fur coat.

There is granite on the floor, it is as easy as possible to wash it, from the side we see a well-laid border from it, of course, without paint smudges. The rule "clean where there is no litter" does not always work, since I emphasize once again that such a floor and conditions will always contribute to cleanliness, since cleaning is most effective even with minimal effort.

I would like to compare the budgets of Moscow and Geneva for example. Comparison of efficiency, of course, and not total amounts - how many per 100,000 inhabitants.

Moscow 11 "600" 000 citizens - CHF 49 "780 Mio (USD 52 400 Mio) = 429 Mio for 100" 000 citizens
Geneve 200 "000 citizens - CHF 1" 100 Mio = 550 Mio for 100 "000 citizens

That is, in francs 429 million in Moscow against 550 in Geneva. Considering the huge difference in minimum wages, as well as the harshest conditions and standards of Switzerland, one thing can be said - happiness is not in money))). Everything can be done for any budget, there would be a desire.

Residents apartment buildings often you have to deal with such a state of entrances, where you do not want to enter. Of course, in new buildings the situation is better, but even there the entrances are boring and unkempt. However, there are many examples of how beautiful and unusual an entrance can look.

The simplest example is flowers. This is Kazan, in the entrance of this high-rise building for many years, the owners of the apartments themselves have taken out houseplants to decorate the places common use... If the entrance is heated, then such beauty can stand and hang all year round, enlivening the usually very boring interior.

This is already a house of exemplary order in Orenburg. The order is really exemplary, there is even a picture on the wall, softening the usual finish as a whole. In such cases, the attitude of the residents themselves is very important, because there is no garbage and "aroma" in the entrance public toilet, the established order must be maintained.

The example is, of course, thematic. This entrance in Novogireev was decorated for the New Year. But after all, such a decor can be carried out before each holiday, for example, by March 8, Victory Day, and so on. And the flowers definitely stand on the windowsill all year round.

Ekaterinburg. Exhibition of children's handicrafts and drawings in a regular entrance. All parents want to show off their child's achievements, including to neighbors. Such exhibitions can be held regularly, for example, showcasing autumn crafts made from chestnuts and leaves. Guests will definitely stay on the way to view all the exhibits.

Tolyatti. Residents of this entrance decorated it on their own, became participants in the competition for the title better home cities and won. The prize of 100 thousand rubles was spent on the decoration of the other five entrances of the high-rise building, some were left to replace the old windows.

Permian. A local artist decorated the entrance with characters from the cartoon "Three from Prostokvashino". He did this at the request of one of the tenants, who decided to please the children and whitewashed the ceiling at his own expense. The whole work, according to the master himself, took about eight hours.

In general, painting can be called one of the simplest and available ways decorate the plain walls of the entrance. This is Chelyabinsk, where the residents of the house themselves took care of the adjacent territory, which became a real park, and did not forget about the entrances.

This is Kiev, Troyeshina. The entrance was called patriotic, because it was decorated with a historical rural landscape traditional for Ukraine. Looks neat and adjoining territory with a flower bed and brightly colored urn and a bench.

Minsk. The pensioner, at his own expense, without the help of neighbors, took up the improvement of the entrance, including the front door. Painting in the same style and inside the house, an artist was hired to create it.

Not a single city in Russia probably has so many historical entrances left as in St. Petersburg. No! Not the entrances, in the northern capital they say - the front door. In houses of pre-revolutionary construction, the entrance to the house and the stairs to the apartments were really ceremonial, richly decorated and non-trivial.

It is clear that it is unusual house! This is the entrance to the legendary skyscraper, which is located on the Kotelnicheskaya embankment in Moscow. It is immediately clear that it was not built for ordinary people who can go here as if to a museum.

And finally - Kiev again. Another restless and not indifferent pensioner turned as many as three landings of his entrance in a nine-story building into a luxurious palace. There are stucco moldings and paintings, and the former garbage chute has become a snow-white column. All the work took 15 years, but now the newlyweds even come to this Kiev entrance for a photo session.

Many enterprising citizens want to live in clean and beautiful entrances but do not know how to make their dream come true. However, experts assure that improving the entrance is no more difficult than making repairs in own apartment, there would be a desire. Representatives of management companies, members of the board of homeowners' associations and the main entrances told RIA Nedvizhimost about five important steps on the way to creating an exemplary entrance.

Initiative is not punishable

Many apartment owners in apartment buildings only care about their own living space, and everything behind the massive metal front door are considered a headache for the management company or any other organization.

"People can shake the air for years about the dirt in the entrance, be indignant at the walls damaged by vandals and do nothing, expecting someone to come and do everything for them," notes Yulia Danilina, the main entrance to one of the Moscow houses.

Meanwhile, each tenant can take the initiative into his own hands at any time. "We had a nominal senior at the entrance, but none of the tenants saw any manifestations of his activities. I came to him, met him, said that I wanted to put things in order at the entrance. He did not mind, however, and did not help," - recalls Danilina.

She noted that after she began to actively work with the tenants, they themselves offered to appoint her as the head of the entrance, and no one objected.

Experts assure that most residents are ready to provide passive assistance in creating an exemplary entrance - to keep clean, take care of flowers, even allocate some reasonable money for arranging the entrance, but to spend own strength and many tenants cannot and do not want time to organize all this.

Cleanliness starts with acquaintance

First of all, a newly minted activist should establish contact with other tenants, draw up a list of owners and responsible tenants.

Danilina notes that such a simple thing as an information board will help to create a favorable psychological microclimate in the entrance. At the stand, in addition to placing an important reference information, you can congratulate the residents on their birthdays, weddings or the birth of children.

"I myself bought and hung an information stand on the ground floor, and then held a drawing competition among the children of the neighborhood. As a result, we organized a small exhibition, hanging the drawings on the blackboard. You have no idea what a touching effect this had. Many neighbors immediately became friends." recalls Danilina.

However, a whip can be applied to any carrot. For example, on the information board, you can also post lists of irresponsible residents of the entrance.

"When I promised to post on the notice board the names of the owners who did not sign the application for repairs in the entrance, which means that due to their fault it will not be carried out, they themselves came to me to sign the documents," recalls the eldest at the entrance of one of the houses in Togliatti Yulia Chursina.

Repair first

To beautify a neglected staircase in need of repair is a useless exercise. Therefore, many activists have to start cleaning up with the organization of repairs.

To initiate repairs, it is necessary to hold a general meeting of residents and put this issue to a vote. The chairman of the board of the housing association "Kutuzovskaya Riviera" Aurika Pariy pointed out that even the consent of all residents of one entrance is not enough to make a decision on its repair - the general meeting is held throughout the apartment building.

Paradoxical as it may seem, but in a five-entrance residential building, each entrance is the joint property of all residents of the house. Therefore, neither the advice of the entrance, nor the headman of the entrance, nor the advice apartment building he cannot solve such issues on his own, explains Pariy. Thus, in order to carry out repairs in a separate entrance, the activist will have to enlist the support of each owner of the entire house.

All work in the entrance related to the current and overhaul, which include painting walls, repairing floors and replacing doors, must be performed specialized organizations, attracted by a homeowners' association (HOA) or a management company, adds Pariy.

"All illegal work can lead to penalties from the housing inspection to the management company or homeowners' association, which, in turn, can recover the amount of damage through the court from particularly initiative residents," the agency's interlocutor warns.

Comfort price

The repair of entrances in apartment buildings, where residents did not create HOAs or housing cooperatives, lies with the municipal authorities, since in this case the entrances are not the common property of residents.

Therefore, the minimum redecorating entrances, including painting walls, railings, whitewashing ceilings and replacing mailboxes, is regularly carried out in such houses without the participation of residents. If these works seem insufficient to the tenants, then they have the right to send a letter to the head of the management company, attaching to it a list of problems requiring repair, explains Olesya Nikiforova, a specialist in the secondary real estate department at MIAN.RU.

As a rule, after such letters of happiness, management companies within a reasonable time frame take certain steps to organize and carry out repairs, the expert notes. "If the repair does not begin, there is only one way out - to complain to higher authorities. For the Criminal Code, this is the district administration and the housing inspection. Usually such actions force the management company to be quicker - no one wants to bring the case to court," Nikiforova notes.

At the same time, experts warn that Management Company may require tenants to pay additional renovation works by including these expenses in monthly payment receipts utility bills... For example, for a certain period of time, residents will receive payments that are 2 thousand rubles higher than the usual monthly amounts.

Homeowners' associations and housing cooperatives carry out any repair work at the entrance at their own expense. The list of repair work and the estimate is approved at the general meeting of the tenants. There are usually few people willing to pay for repairs in the entrance from their own pockets, so activists have to resolve the issue diplomatically, explaining to the apartment owners the advantages of a well-maintained and clean entrance, Nikiforova warns.

The main thing is to stop on time

Measures to decorate the entrance, as a rule, cause approval from the tenants, but in everything you need to adhere to common sense, because everyone has different tastes, and if flowers and reproductions do not cause anyone's questions, then a number of tenants may consider graffiti in the entrance to be hooliganism. notices Nikiforov.

In fact, work not related to major repairs, for example, decorating the walls and planting houseplants in the entrance, do not involve a general meeting, since they do not affect the common property of the apartment building, Pariy argues.

“Still, it’s better to ask your neighbors if they share your creative impulses. How much formalization of their consent is necessary depends on your relations with neighbors.

Further - a flight of imagination of the residents themselves. Most budget way decorate the entrance - ask the tenants to bring extra indoor plants or paintings. However, it is important to remember that there are also restrictions on the design of the entrance. So, Pariy emphasizes that it is forbidden to install cabinets, large flower pots and spread carpets in the entrances. "Remember that the entrance is the passage to the living quarters in the house and at the same time the evacuation exit. In the event of a fire, residents will be forced to flee, stumbling over this beauty, which is unacceptable from the point of view of fire safety", - the expert reminds.

It should also be understood that the entrance becomes truly exemplary not when pictures appear on the walls, but flowers on the stairwells, but when all residents clearly observe the rules of decency, do not litter, do not paint the walls, do not arrange noisy gatherings in the driveways sites, leaving behind mountains of garbage, sums up Danilina.

The entrance of a high-rise building is the entrance to the building for residents of all floors and the hallmark of the house. The depressing appearance of the front door - cracked paint, peeling plaster, defects in windows, doors, steps - cannot but cause a desire to put the room in order and make repairs in it. It is produced every three to five years, or even more.

The first step is to inspect the premises and assess its condition. Sometimes you just need to plaster and paint the surfaces, and in some cases, for example, if the walls have obvious signs of damage, chips, glass in the windows is broken, a more serious set of measures will be needed.

It is necessary to decide on the types of work and draw up an estimate, which will include the estimated cost of building materials, paints, components and payment for the repairs made. You also need to choose a company whose specialists will do the job.

The redecoration of the entrance "on a turnkey basis" includes:

  • jointing of seams;
  • sealing cracks, potholes, cracks, holes, individual sections of the walls;
  • restoration of the integrity of the plaster coating;
  • strengthening of decorative stucco elements;
  • sealing defects in concrete floors;
  • repair or replacement of flooring without changing the design;
  • painting walls or gluing wallpaper;
  • whitewashing the ceiling;
  • painting window frames and replacing glass in them;
  • repair of entrance and attic doors (if necessary, replace them);
  • replacement of individual parts of the garbage chute;
  • painting of handrails, gratings, handrails, elevators;
  • porch renovation.

In each individual case, this list can be supplemented. Outside the plan, redecoration of the entrance to the apartment building is carried out to restore obvious damage or eliminate conspicuous defects, for example, traces of vandalism.

Terms of execution and cost of work

Repair work in the front door is always associated with certain inconveniences. Residents are forced to constantly smell the paint, hear the noise made by the repairmen, walk up to the upper floors if the electricity is turned off. Therefore, when planning a redecoration of the entrance, you should calculate how long it will take. This directly depends on the volume of activities performed.

The most convenient time for repair work at the entrance is from 9:00 to 17:00. During this period, most residents are outside the home: adults - at work, children - at school and kindergarten, students - at school. Thus, the workers, performing repairs, will not become an obstacle to the movement of residents.

It should be noted that staircase repair services are seasonal in nature and are usually provided during the warm season - in spring and summer. Therefore, giving preference to repair in winter period, you can negotiate a discount.

The cost of the service depends on the condition and area stairwells, number of floors, type of finishes used, technological processes... The customer can independently purchase necessary materials, or the rembrigade takes over this task. When buying goods, it is better to focus on certified materials.

In order to find an acceptable solution, calculate the costs and agree on all the nuances, it is necessary to invite a specialist to the facility before starting work. Many repair and construction companies provide this service free of charge: they make measurements, draw up a defective statement, a calculation, an estimate.

Some firms work without prepayment, and also provide installments.

The end result of the cost of restoration work is limited by the financial capabilities of the customer. A well-designed design project will help to achieve a favorable cost, which will provide the entrance with a noble appearance.

Contractor selection

High-quality and timely work is a guarantee of peace of mind for customers. Therefore, the choice of a company that will be engaged in repairs should be treated carefully and responsibly. It is worth paying attention to contractors that have been on the service market for more than three years and have proven themselves well. The impeccable reputation of the company is a guarantee of the quality of work. It will not be superfluous to study customer reviews and talk with a company representative.

A prerequisite there should be a conclusion of an agreement for the implementation of the necessary measures, where the types of work, their cost, timing and guarantee for the services provided are clearly spelled out. It is possible to separately agree on tight deadlines for completing the task without disrupting technological processes.

It is desirable that the brigade owns personal vehicle(was sufficiently mobile and could deliver tools to the site to perform work).

Repair progress

Before starting repairs, workers cover apartment doors with flooring made of special film to protect them from paint stains or traces of whitewash.

Redecoration of the entrance begins with the removal of old coatings that have fallen into disrepair, unbundling of old seams, and elimination of traces of leaks. Cleaning is carried out manually using a spatula, grinder with a brush or drill with a nozzle. The defective wall covering is dismantled, the cracks formed as a result of shrinkage of the building are expanded for their further sealing with a plaster mixture.

If old frames or windows become unusable, they are dismantled. Broken glass is removed from the frames.

Loose handrails of the railing are strengthened, tightened. Renovate door frames and canvases, if necessary, change them.

To level the ceiling and walls, a smoothing layer of plaster is applied to them. Separate damage to the surface is sealed with it. The finishing touch is a primer, which is selected in accordance with the type of surface. It provides an extra secure grip between the wall and the finish.

Next stage - Painting works... Putty is pre-applied to the surfaces to be painted so that the paint or whitewash adheres better. First, whitewash is applied to the ceiling, after which they start painting oil paint walls including flights of stairs... You should use an improved quality paint with a harmless composition. After painting, the surfaces should be smooth, glossy or matt without the appearance of the lower layers of paint.

Painting methods can be varied - from the usual textured to the now popular wall painting.

Redecorating options can be tile laying, wall cladding with laminated panels.

The paint applied to the door leaf must be moisture resistant and not subject to deterioration from weather extremes.

Metal surfaces of heating pipes and other communications, enclosing structures and gratings, railings, wooden window frames also dyed.

On the electrical panels of each floor, after having repaired their doors, the numbering of apartments and floors is applied. The external wiring is hidden in plastic boxes.

Before restoring concrete floors, you need to determine the type of damage. It depends on what material will be used. Cracks often appear at the junction of the wall and floor. The most common defects:

  • small cracks and chips;
  • cracks;
  • small indentations, indentations.

After determining the degree of damage, choose a mixture for restoration concrete surfaces and designs. The packaging indicates for what degree of damage it is intended.

The slots are widened in depth and width, cleaned from contamination, and treated with a primer. Fill the cracks with a special mixture and wait for shrinkage, after which a second layer of coating is applied, drying and grinding are performed. Additional protection can be provided by paint on concrete, which is applied at the end.

The final chord of the restoration cosmetic work is the decoration of the front door from the street. The porch, steps and railings, canopies made of sheet steel or soft materials are being repaired.

A company with a good reputation after completing all necessary work construction garbage, which accumulates in their process, is taken out of the entrance during the day. This is prescribed in the contract as a separate clause and is included in the estimate.

After the repair has been completed, the customer accepts the work. During the warranty period, the repair company eliminates the defects at its own expense.

In order for the front door to acquire a beautiful and well-groomed appearance, it is necessary to make high-quality repairs, in compliance with technological standards. Having found out what is included in the redecoration of the entrance, entrusting such a responsible task to real professionals, having studied the presented on the market Decoration Materials and having calculated the cost of the work, you can be absolutely sure of their excellent result. Renovated premises yet long time will leave only positive emotions for the residents.

Today, leaving the elevator in my entrance, I once again became convinced that the navigation in it was done by builders, not marketers. And despite the fact that the ceilings in the “front door” are more than 5 meters, and recently the paint on the walls was completely renewed (the house is three years old), there is a box under the mailboxes instead of a beautiful bin for “spam”, and there is no information about the location near the elevator apartments on the floors.

Residents of the house see the entrance, or, as it is also called, MOP (public place ) usually at least twice a day... Why are developers so undeservedly paying little attention to it? Inconvenient navigation, gloomy or, on the contrary, too harsh colors of the walls, outdated mailboxes .. ... The other extreme: s The builder makes a museum out of the entrance, placing many attributes that do not in any way affect the comfort of living. Often last scenario are sold in business and luxury class housing.

An entrance is a place of transition from one environment to another. Past what we are should immediately understand where the elevator is located, on which floor the required apartment is located, we should just be pleased to be in this space. “Comfort is not furniture, not a home, not a place. Comfort is when the soul is calm. " So, the minimum task is “so that the soul is calm”. The maximum task is "to make it happy." To change the image and meaning of the entrances, solutions are needed, thanks to which residents will begin to treat the entrances differently.

The market is just emerging as a standard for MOS as a functional space filled with air and light, with its own unique look.

Let's see how advanced developers in Russia and abroad cope with this.

# 1 They design entrance to the staircase without steps and a glass door

The entrance to the staircase, designed at the same level with the sidewalk, so that residents do not have to climb stairs, is convenient for the elderly, residents with disabilities, for cyclists, parents with strollers. So far, such a "find" is rare, but every year there are more and more such projects and, most importantly, they are found in the mass segment.

Farther - glass door into the entrance. A person must see where he enters and exits. What are we so afraid of, why are we putting up terrible iron doors? A glass door is, first of all, the safety of residents, it is saving on lighting, because in the vestibule it is already light from the fact that street light gets there. It is stylish and aesthetically pleasing compared to conventional iron doors. And in general, glass doors have been installed everywhere in the world for a long time.

LCD "Novin". Developer "Novin Kvartal", Tyumen

RC "Etalon-City". Developer "Etalon Invest", Moscow

LCD ART City. Developer "Unistroy", Kazan

“The transparency of entrances and first floors is part of today's urban planning ideology,” the chief architect of Moscow said recently.

Need more arguments? Designer Artemy Lebedev, as always, spoke brilliantly on this topic - I would like to showcase a couple of photos published in his post.

# 2 They take a hands-on approach

The wall covering should be as easy to clean as possible. One Moscow developer uses tiles on the walls - a great solution. And the color is a reflection of the brand of the project or developer.

In the residential complex SREDA - modern design dropped ceilings volumetric lattice structure with built-in lamps; porcelain stoneware for flooring. Combined wall surface finishes combine smooth texture with the “textured concrete” technique. The color scheme consists of dark and light shades beige colour muted intensity.

LCD SREDA. Developer "PSN Group", Moscow

And the city quarter "River Park" even held a competition among architectural firms (which, by the way, is not a reason for PR?). The concept simultaneously combines modern design and practical use. The main material is decorative ceramic tiles. Its performance properties are designed for the longest possible period.

RC "River Park". Developer "Rechnikov Invest", Moscow

# 3 Theyare thinkingaboutergonomics

In 90% of cases, you will stop at the elevator while waiting for the arrival of the car. Very often you have heavy bags or packages in your hands. A simple bench (or even a surface) that will allow you to put this "good" while waiting - what could be simpler and more budgetary? And I am sure that every second resident will remember the developer at this moment with a kind word.

LCD "Maxima". Developer "TALAN", Izhevsk

Separately, let's say a word about mailboxes.

What do you most often put there? That's right, advertising spam. Therefore, you need to make a special beautiful urn for him. This should be standard - instead of the usual cardboard boxes.

# 4 Theythinkscenariosusers

We are talking about high-quality navigation inside the entrance: floor number as b a large number, located not somewhere on the side, but directly opposite the elevator; pointers by groups of apartments; a sign at the entrance informing about which apartments are located on which floor. Navigation is rarely needed for those who live in this house, but always for those who come to visit.

Residential complex "Varshavskoe shosse 141". Developer "PIK", Moscow

Residential complex "European Coast". Developer "Brusnika", Novosibirsk

# 5 They doentrances, whichplease

In one of the residential complexes in Minsk, the entrances were decorated with graffiti. And after all, they did without landscapes and abstractions: adorable cats settled on the walls of the entrances.

Residential complex "Zeleny Bor". Developer "A-100 Development", Minsk

In Tyumen, the residential complex "April" pleases its residents and guests with real paintings on the walls. On the one hand, it is simply beautiful, on the other hand, it corresponds to the concept and naming of the project. Indeed, it is always spring.

"Etalon City". Developer "Etalon-Invest", Moscow. Entrance groups are also decorated in the style of the respective cities.

According to experts, in Moscow the average cost of finishing entrance groups can cost a developer 30-35 thousand rubles per sq. M.

For most business class consumers, the entrance is the face of the house component of his image... Important elements are an area with upholstered furniture, a mirror, wi-fi, two entrances, plants. And for the developer, it is also an effective marketing tool that not only helps to reflect the philosophy of the project in the design and design, but also directly affects the dynamics of sales, and also generates added value.

The entrance is “ business card»The project, connection with architecture, support of the residential complex concept and the comfort of residents and guests. Do you want to be one step ahead of the competition? Then make sure that over time entrance groups have not lost their relevance and visual characteristics, and also consider innovative solutions that meet the principle a comfortable environment and speak of empathy for each user.