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What dreams of the toilet dream: you are waiting for financial profits or changes in life. "Dream interpretation toilet public dreamed, what dreams in a dream toilet public

In reality, we do not give the importance to ordinary things, but any such item greeted in the night of gold is immediately crashed into memory. If you want to know what the toilet dream is, then our next publication is exactly what you need. In this article we will analyze everything in detail, as for the nuances of such a non-trivial dream.

Nolescence in a dream

Once in a dream in a delicate, ridiculous situation in the public toilet, cooling up, falling or staining, a person wakes up with the thought that such a plot cannot carry anything favorable. We hurry to encourage everyone who can scare a similar dream: nothing bad does not carry such a dream. Do not be afraid if you do not know what a public toilet dream is, because most interpretations vision is interpreted as cleansing or getting rid of the ballast.

See sewage

If you saw in a dream of the uncleanness of the toilet or even stained in them, such a plot should be sure to please you, because it is a symbol of big money or wealth. Also see sewage or discharged to the village sorter means that in an early time, a person can get a position in society, honor and respect for other people.


So, we have learned in general terms what toilet dreams. Such a vision is very favorable. Now try to recreate the plot to the smallest details. If you see the exhaust place from the outside, either went into it, but did not cope with the need, then the dream is a harbinger of what you need to make some amendments to personal or public life. Clean the contacts, give up the links by the links, stop the futile attempts to grab the unnecessary affairs and quite soon you will notice with surprise how your whole life will change dramatically for the better. Such a dream warns that it's time to be cleaned.

It will not be superfluous to engage in their health, exclude from everyday life. bad habits, Revise the views on food and play sports. After all, your body also needs to reboot.

What dreams toilet public: interpretation of sleep

Our readers are already aware of what to dream to go to the toilet, to see a dirty clogged toilet and even stain in uncleanness. Such an unpleasant spectacle symbolizes that in a short time you will perform large and very pleasant spending. But to be able to spend money, you must first get tangible income. Do not doubt that the profit is not far from around the corner, she is somewhere near, and you do not even have to make some effort to get it. Large inheritance, winning in the lottery, promotion, an unexpected premium, a successful deal - all this awaits you literally the other day.

What dream toilet? We continue to disassemble the dream details. If you are unpleasant to be in the plot in the plot and you see a terribly dirty, broken non-working toilet, such a plot revealing the expansion of your opportunities. Fate shows you that you need to look into both and do not miss your grand chance, because another opportunity is likely there will be no more.

But if you see a clean, shining toilet, then very soon you can get an increase in the service, and your career will go rapidly in the mountain. Of course, a welcome enviable position will require you a certain effort, extra time, expanding professional skills and greater diligence. However, new, more tangible income will come with greater responsibility, be sure of that.

Public sorter, the place in which you see other people, indicates a change in social status. Soon you will receive long-awaited recognition at work. Probably the project you worked on for a long time, the same thing is about being close to completion, will receive the long-awaited public approval.

Toilet paper

No matter how paradoxically, but toilet paper, seen in the dream, is also good familiar. Using this thing in the scene of the dream indicates that soon a powerful patron who can solve many of your problems may appear. Such a dream is likely to quite please those who need support from the side and to ensure reliable rear.

Ridiculous and funny situations

What are the situations associated with the seizure, you will not meet in dreams. So, there are nozzles plots in which ladies mistakenly turn out to be in male toilets, and vice versa. A woman confused to the restroom (unlike a man), in a dream it can feel terribly awkward. However, such a vision promises a pleasant acquaintance. Rejoice, because a new acquaintance in real life It may well work on the perspective, and you will benefit from the appearance of a new connection.

What dreams of the toilet, if you fell on the scene of the dream, but immediately got out of it? Such a dream means that in real life you will find a way out of any difficult situation. it good signwhich promises you brilliant overcoming all difficulties and misfortunes.

You do not know what a big toilet dream is, and you do not even suspect that why in a dream you lie on the dirty floor of the sorter? It seems that the situation does not come up with a more ridiculous situation. However, such a development of events in night gold is very favorable. This strange dream foreshadows not just big profitBut the true pleasure of the surrounding luxury and wealth.

Refer to the toilet

If you build a rustic sorter or repair the toilet, then the material wealth is waiting for you, family well-being And perfect order in the house.

If in the scene of the dream you see almost completely broken rustic toilet From the board, this means that you will come across difficulties that overcome with glitter.

To see the toilet without a toilet and also promises overcoming complex everyday situations. The toilet itself can serve as a symbol of empty unreasonable spending.


If you are in the scene of the dreams in the lady's restroom (closet), then, according to some interpretations, such a dream can foreshadow a shame, a public insult or a mess in household. For men, such a dream is a warning, and for women is the harbinger of the appearance of the rival.


Now every reader with confidence can say: if you dream that I go to the toilet, it means that sleep foreshadows cleaning or getting rid of unnecessary trash. Well, seeing impurities and dirt, fall into the toilet means getting unheard of wealth.

What dreams of a public toilet? Most often, such a dream has a beneficial value. He says that your desires will be fulfilled, and needs will be satisfied. But not all predictions are so rainbow. Let's try to figure out and consider interpretation. different dreams.

Try to remember sleep in detail and look for a suitable interpretation on our list:

  1. In the dream interpretation of the sorcerer of Medele, it is indicated that the public toilet is very dirty dreaming cherished desires in real life. Dreams will begin to come true, as if the magic wand
  2. But if the toilet was very clean, literally sterile, your hopes are not justified. To fulfill the desires, an incredible amount of effort will have to be attached, but it does not guarantee the desired result.
  3. If in your dream, the toilet was on the street, it was cold and raw around, this is a favorable sign. The dream is awaiting financial well-being. You will probably get a promotion or make a profitable deal. But it is possible that income will come from a completely unexpected source
  4. An unpleasant sleep in which you fall into the toilet hole, promises happiness and well-being. Good luck and extraordinary luck will accompany you yet for a long time. Use the moment to solve the accumulated problems, realize the goals for a long time

These are the most popular interpretations, but there are others.

What awaits in a personal life?

Sometimes such a "toilet" sleep can foreshadow the cardinal changes in personal life. They can be both favorable and not very. For example:

  1. Saw in a dream very dirty, littered public toilet, who did not want to take advantage of? Such a dream foreshadows bright emotions - the dreams will survive a stormy passion, it will meet with a person to which a very strong physical attraction will arise
  2. If in a dream you are very in a hurry, practically run into the nearest public toilet to ignite, this is also a favorable sign. In real life, the dreams will get acquainted with the person of the opposite sex, with which a very tender and romantic relationship will be tuned. It is possible that a love story will end with the marriage and birth of joint children.

There are predictions whose value concerns the material side of the dream of a dream

When does the public toilet dream of money?

Remember what we saw in a dream, and select a suitable interpretation from the following list:

  1. Dreamed that you are cleaned in a public toilet, do the most dirty work? Despite the fact that the dream is quite unpleasant, he promises a dream big profit. You may receive or win a large amount of money, you can achieve a salary increase
  2. In some authors of dreams, another opinion: if you are soiled toilet in the dream, then in real life you will learn information compromising a person close to you. He will be mixed in something illegal either in affairs that flashes his reputation
  3. Dreamed that the floor washed in a very dirty public toilet, but I can't get rid of the dirt in any way? This means that in real life will soon have to prove their Alibi. You will be suspects in some trial, or have to prove your loyalty to the second half
  4. See a public toilet in a dream, in which the toilets are broken or broken? This is a favorable sign that promises incredible luck in the dream of a dream. Fate will provide you with a chance to drastically change life for the better
  5. Dream that you wash a toilet without gloves, bare hands? And use only water, do not apply any cleaning agents? This means that in real life you are used to relying only on yourself and are not waiting for help from the outside. You will achieve a lot without patrons, the price is only your own efforts.

These are standard interpretations that are given in most popular dream books.

Interpretation of unusual dreams

What if the plot of your dream is a bit non-standard - such events are unlikely to be repeated in real life? Sleep value may be as follows:

  • Saw a public toilet in a dream, in which girls and men come and men, and do not close the booths? So, in reality, you will find yourself in a non-standard situation, confront and you cannot immediately find a right decision. Try to relax, do not worry and choose the only correct behavior strategy
  • If you dream that you really want to the toilet, but there is no right place nearby? This means that in real life you will really need help and financial support, but do not get it. Try to postpone some money "on a black day" so that the crisis does not find surprise

Look in the video, what else can a public toilet can be dreamed:

Here are some more interpretations:

  • A dream in which your "home" toilet suddenly turns into public, promises acquaintance with new people. At first, they will seem unpleasant and useless to you, but in the future they will come to the rescue in a difficult situation and will be reliable friends. So do not trust the first impression and treat everyone friendly
  • Dream that you dream to get into a kind of room, but opening the door, find yourself in a public toilet? This dream is a subconscious signal that warns: you act in an incorrect direction, make too much effort where they are completely not required. It may concern both personal relationships and workers.

Do not give predictions too much value. An unfavorable interpretation may not come true if you behave correctly in a critical situation.

Frequently often to people to play unusual dreams. If you see a loved one in a dream, an apartment or a pet is a norm, then to see the toilet bowl for many is a surprise.

But as you know, dreams do not take off just like that. They predict, broadcast or display validity. Therefore, you should not ignore a similar vision. It is necessary to understand what a dream means to know that fate prepared you.

To decipher the night plot it is worth remembering all the situations and details of the vision. After all, it depends on them proper interpretation sleep.

Interpretation based on situations occurring in vision:

  1. Dreamed the toilet. A similar vision will proper the onset of change in the life of a dream.

    A person awaits situations capable of changing the usual image of his life. Sleep does not indicate the character of change. He suggests that it is worth preparing to change.

  2. Sit. If in the night plot, you sat on the toilet, then you should prepare for the offensive of a quiet period in life.

    The second interpretation states that see how you sit on the toilet in night vision promises the implementation of plans is not fully. The dreams will achieve the desired result only half.

    Interpretation depends on the floor of the sleep keeper:

    If the night plot dreamed of a woman, then this is the display of her problems in the intimate sphere.

    According to the dream, the toilet symbolizes the female genitals and the position sitting on this subject personifies the female desire to change the traditional orientation. Often, such visions see girls who have not decided on orientation.

    They are in the search, listen to yourself. The night plot indicates that the woman attracts the female floor, and not male.

    If the vision has dreamed of a man, then it personifies his "rampant" personality. A man is frivolous about women. He does not build a long relationship and is not going to associate himself with the Uzami marriage. For such a man, women are needed only as entertainment and satisfaction of the carnal joy.

  3. See dirty toilet. Vision has two interpretations:

    A man feels guilt behind. A similar vision is dreaming if he committed a unworthy or bad act for which Coris is herself.
    Dirty toilet symbolizes excessive pride. The night plot indicates that the situation will soon come, which the human pride will come. In the life of a dream, a situation arises, requiring his participation in the care of a sick person. This is a sign that you need to change pride and pride for favorableness and patience.

  4. Flush water. A similar vision is an analogy with the end of sexual intercourse.

    If the dream sees a man, he personifies his inner desire to become his father. If a person is not married, the dream indicates that it is time to change the family status. It is necessary to marry and faster to start children. If this is not done, time will leave and then solve the problem with the firstborn will not work.

  5. Restroom craveled or clogged. A clogged toilet predicts health problems.

    Full mud toilet prophesies problems with the reproductive system. This is a sign that if you do not take action, then a person will not be able to have children. Vision indicates that the dreams need emergency treatment and full medical examination.

  6. Wash. Interpretation of vision depends on the details:

    Clean the scored or wash the dirty toilet. Such a vision prophesies that soon the dream will ask for help. Friends or close people will need its services.

    The dream indicates that it is not necessary to deny help. The faster the person will provide the service, the faster the problem will be solved.

    Wash the subject of plumbing without traces of dirt and contamination. This is a sign of upcoming household troubles and worries. Dream indicates that all homework I will fall on the shoulders of the dream.

  7. See many excrement in plumbing. Fekalias prophesy profit and improved material situation. But it should be borne in mind that if the feces were frozen, then the income will quickly disappear.
  8. See toilet with water. It is worth paying attention to appearance water:

    Clean water prophesies the offensive of unforeseen situations and events.
    Muddy Water S. unpleasant odor foreshadows a meeting or acquaintance with bad people.

  9. Dreamed perfectly clean Plumbing item. This is a dream of a dream of a dream. The sign indicates that it is worth treating money carefully. It is not worth spending a lot, otherwise a person expects material difficulties.
  10. Cope. This sign will proper the fulfillment of desires forgotten by a dream.
  11. Dreamed that reading toilet. Cleaning the subject of plumbing prophesies the offensive of a complex period in life.

    A person will have problems in material plan, he will begin interruptions with work. Sleep indicates that all problems are a temporary phenomenon. Do not despair and panic. After some time, everything will work out if the dreams will not return from the target target.

  12. See broken toilet. Such a vision promises the acquisition of a new thing to the house. The dream indicates that the purchase will be expensive and valuable for a person.

    If the dreams himself broke the pluck, he will fall into an awkward situation. Because of this, he will decrease the authority among familiar. Participation in the awkward situation will be a reason for ridicule.

  13. See blood on the toilet. Blood symbolizes the presence of the secret or the mystery, which is known only in the family circle.
  14. Go to the toilet. A similar night plot promises a meeting with a new beloved.
  15. Fall in the toilet. This is a sign of emergency enrichment.
  16. Drop wedding ring. Such a vision promises a quarrel or divorce in the family. But if the dreams will behave correctly, then the quarrel will end with reconciliation of spouses.
  17. Sit on the toilet in humans. A similar vision indicates that a person is difficult to restrain in critical situations. He cannot control himself and sometimes behaves unworthy.
  18. See broken Plumbing item. This night plot indicates that for a while, the dream cash spending will become less than the previous one.

    Interpretation of the color of the toilet:

    White. Snow-colored plumbing object personifies sleep keeper desire to demonstrate their own achievements.
    Yellow. A yellowish tint of plumbing indicates improved material profit. If the bowl of gold dreamed of the toilet, then the dreams will soon become an incredibly rich man.

Interpretation by different dreams

Dream book Interpretation
Autumn dream book Expect public insult.
Summer Dream Expect employment offers for a new job.
Dream of the 21st century Interpretation based on actions:

See an empty subject of plumbing to useful actions From the dream side.
Sweep. Such a vision foreshadows the removal of problems in the public court.

Spring dream book Expect excessive money.
Esoteric dream book Buying new toilets in a dream sulits a dream. Employment. The second interpretation states that the purchase of the subject of plumbing personifies the fact that a person perceives reality is not as necessary.
    Related records

Visiting the toilet is vital, although usually not very advertised by the need for any person. In accordance with this, the toilet and associated actions are a very common motive of dreams, symbolizing the exemption from what prevents, as well as foreshadowing satisfaction needless needsassociated with this material wealth and money flow. Sleeping about the toilet can also display the desire for privacy due to characteristics of character, kind of occupation, as well as erotic experiences.

Table of contents [show]

Dream of XXI century. What dream toilet?

The home toilet, equipped with a toilet, dream of trouble and disorder in the family, but the fall in the toilet foreshadows the receipt of money. If in a dream you are chosen from the toilet, it foreshadows a happy outcome of difficult situation. Pure public toilet symbolizes promotion, and dirty - money income. If in a dream you had to wash the toilet - in reality you will have to "wash" dishonestly earned money. The dream in which you are looking for the toilet, indicates the lack of support for the surrounding and shortage of money. Toilet where men and women are present at the same time, symbolizes a confusing life problem that it is difficult to solve own forces. Toilet "Causes", which in a dream have to solve with great tension - to the appointment to a new responsible position.

Dream Wander. Interpretation of sleep about the toilet

If the sleep about the toilet dreams very often, it can be associated with black magic activities. Public toilet indicates the already familiar negative emotionsassociated with colleagues on work or public opinion.

Dream Miss Hasse. Explanation of the dream "Toilet"

Sleep, in which you build a surrounding place, speaks of respect, which can be achieved only by our own difficulty.

Medele's dream book. What does the disinterested toilet say?

The toilet is generally a favorable sleep that predicts that your basic needs will be satisfied, and unpleasant events will remain in the past. Dirty toilet - to material supply, sterile clean - not very good outcome of the situation. Toilet search in a dream foreshadows problems, for which you need support for other people.


The toilet is a fairly common plot of dreams, and very often after awakening it turns out that the reasons for this were purely physiological. However, if in this case you dream that you can not find a toilet or some circumstances interfere with it to go, it means the vital problems that, due to any circumstances, most likely internal, cannot be solved on their own.

An unpleasant sleep about the dirty toilet, transfusions through the edge of feces and the like is actually very favorable and foreshadows financial profit. A clean toilet displays a situation that will require additional expenses from you, but they justify themselves.

Often, a dream about visiting a secluded place foreshadows a love date and gaining a new intimate partner.

Toilet by the dream

Sigmund Freud believed that the unusual dream, the greater the semantic load in it. Surprisingly, the sealing toilet often symbolizes financial wealth and profit. There are other descriptions, which is dreaming of a restroom. For example, if in a dream you, coping with need, got into trouble, then in real life it is worthwing to fear evil gossip. Every dream interprets this plot in my own way.

Modern interpreter

Modern dream book believes that a clean and removed toilet does not foreshadow any changes in the near future and speaks about a calm, measured course of life events.

Go in a dream in a foreign toilet - an omnation of a new interesting acquaintance, which will be very useful for you in the future.

If you dreamed that you fell into the restroom and stained with its contents, then Introduces not to avoid wealth, prosperity and good profits.

Cleaning your or someone else's toilet in a dream, symbolizes the disclosure of dishonest acts and deception upon receipt of profit.

This dream book claims that the construction or repair of the sorter promises life in prosperity.

If in the vision you see yourself surrounded by excrement, then expect promotion in affairs, enhanced service or obtain respect for those around people.

Reading the newspaper during the correction of natural needs speaks of a calm progress of life events, financial stability and good relations with loved ones.

Universal dream book

To see in a dream toilet - to the upcoming changes in life. You must get rid of the whole old and unnecessary, looking around around. Such a dream encourages to leave the past experience, doubts and failures and think about the happy future.

If you dreamed of the plot in which you saw a big beautiful roomwhich subsequently turned out to be an ordinary toilet, then in reality, they betray too much importance to any project. The universal dream book advises to listen to the opinions of others and not get involved in ideas that do not bear a worthy result.

If a dilapidated toilet is dreaming, requiring repair, it is worth expecting some difficulties in affairs.

If in a dream to such a room, you hurry in need, understand this plot worth the forever of the new love, a possible date, a romantic meeting.

Hasse and Mede's Predictions

Medea explains in detail what the dressing room is dreaming. Dinking testifies to get rid of possible accumulated experiences, memories, from negative experience from the past.

Finding a toilet in a dream - a sign of material difficulties in real life, search for financial support. A sign of a bad outcome of the upcoming affairs serves and absolutely clean toilet.

If the dirty toilet is dreaming, then the like, on the contrary, is a symbol of wealth and successful permission of the initiatives planned.

Dream Dream Hasse claims that you will be a respected person if the construction of the restroom has dreamed.

Interpreter of the XXI century

Explanation, what dreams of the toilet, is there in the interpreter of the XXI century? Seen in a dream toilet enlisters trouble. Dreamed that they fell into it - this is for money and arrived. Brushing in a dream toilet - to wealth, which will be dishonest. Tested during the correction of the needs of suffering and torment will bring in reality a promotion.

Construction of a restroom in a dream promises happiness and wealth in reality. Pure toilet testifies to the immediate appointment to a new position, and the broken acts as a symbol of special good luck and happiness.

Dream Interpretation of the XXI century believes that if you see the toilet in your nightly Gres, in which men and women are at the same time, you will feel the hopelessness of the situation.

Drawn Sortor Search says financial position and search for a sponsor.

Ukrainian and erotic predictors

The Ukrainian dream book is convinced that we hurry in a dream in the bathroom, means soon to meet new love. Watching it in her, get gold and money. If you see in a dream toilet from the side, then in life await trouble.

Men erotic interpreter predicts sexual dissatisfaction. A woman like a similar vision predicts new experiments in sex.

Various explanations

The wanderer is convinced that the public toilet dreams of possible conflicts in the team. Not excluded I. negative influence Public opinion per person.

Another option, what dreams of the toilet is a breathtaking love date.

Simone Channelite's dream book reports that such a plot promises you the upcoming love date. The harbingers of respect for the surrounding people will be a dream, in which attend clean and beautiful sorter.\u003e

What does the toilet mean in a dream?

Every dream carries, without a doubt, some sense, and all the items that we are in the Gresses, something foreshadow and mean.

Even the most ordinary, or those that we do not expect to meet in the world of dreams - and they carry a metaphorical, important meaning for sleeping.

Sometimes not only objects, but also actions or situations in a dream may be scary unpleasant. What to do, we do not manage dreams, and in this world it depends on us.

But trying to decipher the dream, it is worth being impartial and understand that this is just a dream. Whatever strange and ridiculous, and sometimes even repulsive, things are neither at all.

Toilet is, no matter how cool, an integral part of each everyday life. Of course, in Gresses, we will usually expect to see other pictures, but sometimes it will dream of us - and not in vain. Find out what the toilet dream will be very curious. Even the toilet, dirty or new, is a symbol, and says a lot.

In general, as the dream book says, the toilet is a symbol of cleansing and getting rid of everything that is unnecessary, superfluous, interferes.

But it is also curious that the various withdrawal phenomena, such as impurities, in dreams often foreshadow large wealth, honor and happiness - no matter how strange and illogical it is.

So be prepared to be surprised by learning what the toilet dream is - most often, such unpleasant dreams are a lot of good. But the options for "toilet" dreams:

  • You just saw the toilet in a dream, the usual, unremarkable.
  • Crashing and dirty toilet in Gresses.
  • In the restroom in a dream pure and dry.
  • Just clean, white toilet in a dream.
  • Dirty toilet or old.
  • Toilet paper in a dream.
  • Public toilet in Gresses.
  • You accidentally visited the dreams.
  • I had to walk in a dream to the dirty, unlucky toilet.
  • Spirid there.
  • Test suffering or torment in the restroom.
  • Fall, and immediately get out.
  • Go to the toilet.
  • Lying on the floor in the restroom.
  • Build or repair a toilet.

Little pleasant in this kind of dreams, but they take place, and if you try to abstract, you can get valuable instructions from the interpreter, and decipher what the toilet dream is to know - learning probably something very important.

Visit the restroom, but do nothing

It is also good when the restroom and everything connected with it will dream as a vision - from the side, and you didn't have to do anything in a dream. Such a dream may mean a lot: remember the details you can, and find out the interpreter answer.

1. As Dream Interpretation says, a toilet, which was simply wondered in a dream, is a symbol of cleansing from superfluous. It's time to clean the contacts, remove extra, unagreering connections, stop making unnecessary affairs, which only take strength and valuable time. Take yourself, then your life will change efficiently!

2. Crashing toilet in a dream is an obvious symbol of wealth. Seeing such an unpleasant sight, you can confidently expect big income, and plan nice spending!

3. Such a dream in which the toilet appeared in the most pure, shining and dry form, foreshadows you a new, desired and enviable position! It will require greater responsibility, but will bring much more serious income, and at the same time - satisfaction and implementation!

4. An ordinary toilet is a sign that it's time to be cleared. It's time to do health, try to get rid of some existing bad habits, eat more correctly - pay attention to health, your body needs cleaning and unloading.

5. Dirty, unclean toilet - the spectacle in a dream is unpleasant, but promising the great opportunities that will appear in front of you. Your task to see them, do not miss and correctly take advantage of the chances of fate to achieve a lot.

6. Curious and funny, what dreams of toilet paper. You will be surprised to find out that such a strange symbol in a dream indicates useful and timely help from someone reliable in reality.

7. Public toilet in Gresses will decline to recognition at work.

Your actions

It often happens that in Gresses you have to do something. And such dreams, about which this is speech, a special case - and maybe you had to do something in a dream at all in the dream. Do not be surprised - this is a dream, better try to decipher it.

1. If you are included in the public toilet in Gres, and it was not yours - for example, a woman in a mistake hit Male, it promises acquaintance. Pleasant, unexpected and promising.

2. An unpleasant dream in which you entered the dirty and unlucky toilet, promises you, you will be surprised - happiness and great wealth!

3. If you accidentally dust in a dream in the restroom, expect knowledge, recognition and admiration for others.

4. Going in a dream to the restroom in large - it means to get rid of the whole too much, and start a new, easier and pleasant life.

5. If you are in gold toilet room, suffered and suffered, you will still have a very enviable and high position.

6. Fall in a dream in the toilet and immediately get out of it - a good sign. You will find a brilliant output from any of your difficulties, overcome all your misfortune.

7. Lying on the floor in the restroom - strange, of course, but it foreshadows the profit and enjoyment of you by wealth, luxury, blessing.

8. If you revenge the toilet or built it in a dream - expect in the house well-being, order and wealth, this is what awaits you.

Such a strange sign - and how much positive values They carry such dreams. And if you saw something similar in Gresses, expect all the best in the near future. It will surely come true!


What dreams dirty toilet?

Whatever it was strange, but a clean toilet almost does not foreshadow anything. On the contrary, everything in real life will remain unchanged and ordinary. The clogged bathroom dreams to the money and the likely success in the cases started. It sounds paradoxically, but it is.

If in a dream a man sees an unfamiliar dirty toilet, then soon he will meet someone very useful it. It can be a business partner or just a good friend. It will sound roughly, but the dirtier there will be a toilet, the better the new acquaintance will be. People who are stuck in the toilet in dreams, it is worthwing to fear unknown ill-wishers. Most likely, they are trying to slander or substitute a person. This applies to work, study and personal life. If the bathroom is familiar, it means that the rapid events in real life will not happen.

Toilet cleaning, most likely, means that dark affairs will be put on the surface. If there is a person to hide, it is worth taking care of the security of this information. In any case, it is better to conduct an honest lifestyle to avoid fear and risk.

Often people are interested in what dreams the dirty toilet, in which they accidentally failed. In most cases, it promises wealth, prosperity and good profits. The judgment is quite unusual, but it is confirmed by real facts. The process of construction or repair of the bathroom is associated with the closest positive shifts in the cases started. The excrement in which the man was painted, foreshadow the promotion or good luck in his personal life. The unpleasant circumstance seen in a dream can mean an increase in human authority.

Some people in their dreams read newspapers or other literature, sitting on the aircraft toilet. This indicates possible success in distressed areas. The person who has had such a thing can risk and invest in unusual project. It will definitely comprehend luck. In any case, the kind of dirty toilet foreshadows positive changes in life. It is necessary to discard doubts and boldly go ahead. Getting rid of unnecessary things and burdensive cases will help achieve goals. It is important to think positively.

Big I. cozy room In a dream, which in the future turns out to be a dirty toilet, means that a person pays for a matter of too much attention. His hopes are not justified. He can even lose money and respect, if he does not revise his views.

Most people consider sleep with a dirty toilet negative, but in fact he foreshadows only positive changes. Paradoxically, but the more dirt will see people in a dream, the brighter there will be emotions and more wealth that they expect them.\u003e

Dream interpretation toilet public

What dreams of a public toilet in dream of dreams?

If you have seen a public toilet in a dream, this is a signal that you should not catch only on yourself. Man is a social being, pay attention to the people. Their interests and dreams are no less important and meaningful than your own.

Public toilet in a dream was clean?

Sleeping about the dirty public toilet

To see the dirty public toilet in a dream - it means to experience negative emotions and experiences, bad relationships with colleagues, public opinion exposure. If the dreams are washes a dirty public toilet, then he is trying to justify his aspirations.

See in a dream public toilet with feces

Dreaming about the public toilet with feces Dream interpretation treats as a symbol of the speedy moving caused by significant problems. The dreams feels that in the same place, nothing holds no longer, and it is necessary to urgently change the usual way of life and the surrounding environment.

If a pure public toilet dreamed

Net public toilet Dream interpretation treats as a warning that the project is over which you now work hard, will suddenly be completed as you expected. It is worth a carefully to reconsider all the stages of work, to analyze their actions and streams the calculations to avoid misunderstandings in the future.\u003e

Dream book fall to the toilet

What dreams to fall into the toilet in a dream by the dream book?

In a dream, you accidentally fell into the toilet - this is the foresight of the grand success in financial affairs, you will be able to conclude a profitable deal, make a grand acquisition, you will manage the major amounts of money.\u003e

What dream toilet?

You can find out for free in the dream book what dream toilet, reading below the interpretation of dreams from online Sonnikov Houses of the Sun. If you need to know what it means, if you see in a dream not toilet, but something else - use the search form of online interpretations of dreams.

What dream toilet

See the place

See in a dream toilet

Do - you respect

What does dream toilet mean

love date

See in a dream toilet

What do dreams mean toilet

Sleep about the toilet

What does it mean in a dream toilet

You will fall into an unpleasant situation.

Value of dreams toilet

To income.

That in a dream means toilet

Sleeping toilet

See in a separate section.

Interpretation of sleep toilet

That in a dream predicts a toilet

What does it mean to see in a dream toilet

If the dream in which you see the exhaust place is not related to the physiological needs of the body: the toilet image suggests that you should get rid of the negative tension, otherwise it will lead to various troubles in your life.

Interpretation of sleeping toilet

What predicts sleep toilet

Pares on the part of the commanding person.

To the meeting with a hooligan.

Dream value toilet

In a dream to see the toilet

In the toilet dry and clean - you will receive an appointment.

Prediction of sleep toilet

What dream toilet

Be in a dirty toilet - dangerous disease, spiritual sorrow.

Militia trouble.

Gossip and intrigue.


See in a dream toilet

It is also a place of purification and recovery, getting rid of the trouble or past experiences.

What does dream toilet mean

This sign indicates that you should get rid of everything that you do not need in life.

Leave and forget about it. \u003e.

Sex in the toilet

Dream interpretation sex in the toilet Dreamed what dreams in a dream sex in the toilet? To select sleep interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream in search form or click on the initial letter characterizing the image sleep (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams on the letter for free by alphabet).

Now you can find out what it means to see sex in the toilet, reading below the free interpretation of dreams from the best online dreams of the house of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Toilet.

Tortured, suffer, being in the toilet - to the destination for office.

Build a restroom - to wealth and happiness.

Pure toilet dreams of appointment.

Dirty toilet - a symbol of special happiness.

Men and women in the toilet - Soon says about hopeless situation In life, the impossibility of helping himself.

Search in a dream toilet - to search for material support, lack of money.

Dream Interpretation - Toilet.

Toilet - if you dream that you will go to the toilet, - New love. Toilet - trouble, fall into it - get money, gold.

Dream Interpretation - Toilet.

Public familiar, common negative emotions, experiences; Detergence of relations in the team, negative impact of public opinion. See separate toilet section. The frequent toilets associated with the toilet belong to the classes of black magic, see Separately Dream Interpretation. Magic.

Dream Interpretation - Toilet.

If you visited the toilet in a dream - I will come across unforeseen difficulties due to financial circumstances.

Imagine that the toilet is faded from the floor to the ceiling (see excrement).

Dream Interpretation - Toilet.

Symbolizes the satisfaction of the basic dream needs.

Personifies the disposal of unwanted memories, the use of past experience.

If there is no physiological need to appear - this is a sign of material difficulties, finding support.

Dirty toilet see - win the case.

Absolutely clean toilet - affairs are bad.

Dream Interpretation - Toilet.

If you dreamed that you did not go to your toilet, soon you will get acquainted with an interesting person. This will happen shortly after they see a falling star.

If you dreamed that you were stuck in the toilet, then someone will try to slander you. So that a person does not come out of anything, press at night from the window.

Dream Interpretation - Toilet.

The toilet is a love date - to visit - you will be a respected person.

Dream Interpretation - Toilet (Exchange Place)

(See interpretation: shit, urinate)

Sleeping about the toilet foreshadows you trouble, quarrels, mutual insults.

Dream Interpretation - Toilet.

The toilet appears in a dream of a man symbolizes his dissatisfaction in sexual terms. Subconsciously, he is crazy to enter into sex with the woman you are interested in. For a woman, such a dream means the desire to know the same-sex love.

Dream Interpretation - Toilet.

To see in a dream toilet means an impression on you anger of those who are subordinate to you. \u003e.

Guys in the toilet in a dream

Here you can read the dreams in which symbols are found. Guys in the toilet. By clicking on the link interpretation of sleep under the text of a particular dream, you can read online interpretation written by free interpreters of dreams of our site. If you are interested in interpretation of sleep in the dreams - go to the dream link, and you will fall on the page where you can read the interpretation of dreams, as they are interpreted by various dreams.

To search for an image of interest, enter a keyword from your sleep in the search form. So you can easily learn what the dream guys in the toilet mean, or what means in a dream to see the guys in the toilet.

Visiting a former guy in a dream

I dreamed that I was visiting a former guy, my companion is an unfamiliar young woman. There are many other guests in the house, but the same woman supports contact with me, no one exhibits interest to me.

Suddenly saw his former guy and realized that he was at a party on his guest, we looked at each other silently, then he smiled and left, I am very excited and I hope that he will come to me again and at least speak with me, in fact I expected warmth.

I start to feel someone else's in this house and going to leave, looking for shoes, I found one boot, but there is no second, I begin to go around the house and finally find. And about the trouble! Someone put some papers in my boot, that is, garbage, but paper clean.

I also offended by such a reception. I'm leaving and I am accompanied by the same woman that was with me there on a visit. We go to her and on the road, she told me a story about how she fell asleep with my boyfriend, I didn't hear anything else, although she continued to speak, because it looked at jealousy, even though we broke up.

Suddenly saw her former cat, he was white, but in a dream was some kind of dirty, thin and painful. I was delighted and took it on my hands.

Dead mom my boyfriend in a dream

At the beginning of relations with my boyfriend, I had a dead mom. In a dream, everything was flooded with light, she went to me and as if she extended my boyfriend on the hands, he was a child in a dream, but I didn't see it, just felt ... She smiled at me and said: "Take care of him."

On the next day I described her guy her guy (I never saw her), all coincided!

We were satisfied for 2 years, and I dream of the next dream.

In a dream, I suddenly got pregnant! The stomach rose literally for the week and I gave birth to a boy who also grew very quickly in an adult, about 3 days!

After this dream, the behavior of my boyfriend has changed for the worse without any reasons!

A week later, on the night with what on Fri I dreamed that my boyfriend died.

What do these dreams mean?

I can say for sure that they are all connected with him and dreaming in those moments, something will not be laid.

Separation with a guy what it would be in a dream

I dreamed that some guys beat me, and my boyfriend stood and watched.

Then I went to work for my mother and saw there an unfamiliar guy who I liked, and I.

I also dreamed that I had some black worm in my left eye.

And I also ate scrambled eggs with sausage (in my life it is not eating)

Then my mother bought some cheap boots, but they were very sharp and I was indignant.

All this dreamed on the eve of 6 months, as we with my boyfriend together.

Help, please understand what it means all this.

The deceased mom of my boyfriend in a dream

Today I dreamed of the late mom of my boyfriend, which I personally did not know! He dreamed that she went into the room with his native (alive) brother of my boyfriend and began to ask me how long I am, etc. And then looked straight into my eyes and her eyes were clear blue! Here I look out the window, and there are 2 stores near, in one wedding outfits, and in the second on the showcase of 2 coffins!

It is very interesting that the deceased mom of my boyfriend would mean?!

Girl guy and call in a dream

Today I dreamed that I was at school where I studied (in school there was love with a guy, although we did not meet. I still love him. In this dream it was about his current girl and him. His girl does not know me)

I am in school I am, his girl and many more people. This girl has a separate large cabinet, there are leather furniture, more like an office (she took it as a hotel room). She is dressed in blue jeans and blue sweater. She has blue shadows and black hair that do not get the shoulders (in fact the hair is long), and dark hairs over the upper lip (like female mustache). She annoys me, and I want to make her some kind of dirty. I recognize that she came to some parcel from the magic store. And call her to pass it. Deploy and see 2 boxes-in one curly candles ( different colors) And the second eggs. Ordinary chicken yellow eggs. I decided to break several eggs. And broke two. I also came from this store parcel-remedy (as a gift, I did not order it). I brought her parcel. She did not notice anything, I met me friendly, asked my name. I wanted to say Masha, but then called your real name. She really wanted to communicate with me. I went to her in the office similar to the office, she painted the eyelashes expensive ink. I am asking for a pix, I asked (I give everything literally, I remember everything) -You even the eyelashes? She answers-no. And looks at me, and the truth is nehuto. Then we sit in the lesson like, like - she is ahead of me jeans unbuttoned and and wear back in advance .. and the feet are chosen (that is, not at the bottom). Then after the class, we are all sitting in her office, and my mom is also somewhere there is - I sit on the table. Suddenly, someone pushes me (someone from friends) and says, see, she calls a guy. And I see her. She with a big white tube comes out of class to talk to him.

And then returns and gives me a phone. (Next, everything is literally) I speak Hello. Voice of this guy Hi Christine. I say, and who is it. -This Oleg. I say, hello Oleg, how are you? (and I feel that I hear it badly, his voice is weak, quiet, I go out of the audience, but it does not change anything). He is silent. I repeat-Oleg, how are you, as studying? He is silent. Then he asks Christine, and when will you go to Lydia Fedorovna? (This is my grandmother, lives in another city and he does not know about it) I say, I do not know ... Probably at some Sunday, I say, on Saturday I work up to 4. So on Sunday-there and back.

Three guys in a dream

In Real, I like 3 guys - with 2 I now communicate, one did not see a long time (2 years). So, today I dreamed that I learned that I had not seen a long time ago and one of those with whom I now communicate shot down (I did not see it). Alive remained 1. And I thought that you need to go to the church to put candles for the rest of those two. And I clearly saw the name of the guy who did not see for a long time on the leaves (for rest)

Parents guy in a dream

And I dreamed to me that I was in the house of a friend's guy. I didn't have there. The house was one room. I sat on the bed of his parents. Behind me stood a guy mom. I turned around from time to time, and she said something. It seems that it was unhappy and outraged. Straightly behind me stood the bed of the most acquaintance. I also heard the voice of his dad. His tone was calm than the tone of the mother. The fraction of a second saw his face. Why did I dreamed of it? What does it mean?

Sleep as if the guy K-ry i like there is a girl

Today I dreamed of sleep (from Fr. on Saturday), as if I walk in the park, there are my friends there too. Good weather and mood. Then the guy appears to-ry, I like it. I am very glad, and I go next to him, we talk, joke ... I dare and take it at hand, as if my boyfriend. It notices one girl (for some reason, one old fellowship, I never communicated with a swarm, but I saw on pairs) (in real life they are not familiar). She is near me, chooses a convenient moment and tells me: "There is nothing to look at the guys." Here we are going to the bridge over the stream, I skip her forward, she enters the bridge, becomes cancer and shows the ass. This guy wants to climb the bridge, but I put my hand on the handrail blocking the road. He understands what it is, it is upset .. says sadly: "I can't ..." Then I seriously say him: "I love you, let's be together. "He, as if standing before the choice, thinking, exhaustedly answers:" ... I don't know .. "Then I understand that he is ashamed that he has a girl and he began with me relationship, answer:" You just say .. if necessary , I'll wait". And I wake up.

In principle, this is all about what I thought the last and a half weeks. Maybe on this and saw it in a dream. It seems he has no girl, but he said that he would come, did not come, tel. It was turned off in Tesh. 3 days (I do not want to call him in order to place). I want to be with him, find out whether he wants a permanent relationship. Only I am shy ... And I want it to speak first, I'm afraid that he will not speak. We have wonderful relationships ... I told him on the phone. What I miss, he said: We will now see more often ... I promised to come me, I waited for him and did not wait. Maybe he is ashamed that he got drunk at a party with friends and did not come, but the week was a week, and I don `t know how to be. From the first side, I do not want to impose myself, with the 2nd can be the first to call him. K. He can be shy? What do i do? And does this dream mean that he has a girlfriend? It is hard to say. Plizz ... advise how to be.

Former guys in a dream

We are standing S. best friend At the crossroads, we are waiting for my former, chatting. Here he appears, we begin to argue where to go and suddenly go into the entrance of the house next to which they stood. We rise to the 6th floor, call the door. And from there, another my former MCh is coming out (he broke out 2 years ago) ... I was surprised how he would have grown out (a big beer belly appeared). They stood, chatted, said goodbye to him ... I pressed the elevator button, we went and I pressed on 1st, former on 3rd. The doors were almost closed, but there are 4 musicians, click on the 10th and we all go upstairs.

Last time I often dream of a former young man (I already got old). And here are two at once. I myself decided to part with both, and with the latter everything was difficult, there was a continuous disappointment and he didn't want to let me go long. I start missing it after each sleep.

Why do I constantly dream former guys in a dream?

2 nights in a row run away from guys in a dream

The first dream was dreamed of me in the Christmas night and before bedtime I treated a conspiracy to Samson on prophetic dream (What to dream will come true). I dreamed of me that night a lot of dreams, but I remember one of them very much, since the same story was dreamed of the next night. As if I run away from some guy, I run very quickly, and someone suggests him all the time where I am. The next night I dream as if I am in some store measure dresses and I really liked one - a white cocktail dress. I went out mad, showed his friends. When again was in the locker room, 2 guys in the next booth began to pry after me. And then I remember how I run from them, through some kind of market, then a direct narrow sidewalk. Benhal is also very fast. And no fatigue felt.

There was a heading feeling of danger and perhaps even pleasure from the pursuit itself and the fact that I still ran away from them.

Meeting with the father of the former guy sincere conversation in a dream

We walked with girlfriends and suddenly found themselves in the apartment of my former guy, as if he had forcibly led me there, but then he did not become in the apartment, as if they had come there. I knew that I was soon to come his dad for lunch, I was very afraid that he would see me, it's not clear what I do here and how I got. He came, I was alone in the room, he went to the bath and saw me, was very unhappy and did not want to talk to me (in life we \u200b\u200bhave a very a good relationship). He asked what I'm doing here, I said I don't know how to get here. I saw that he somehow bad thinks about me, suddenly, began to wear shoes, I went to the corridor, sat down on my knees, my friend was sitting next to the stool. I realized that he thought that I didn't do it badly that because of me we broke up. I started talking: "Yes, I know that I am guilty of that, that there is my fault, but I did not want to part with him, he himself left me, he chose another. And when we came up and reached the second time, I had to break up again. Because he became bad to me applies, as if I am some kind of thing. I was very worried about this. "I started crying, and he, too, he hugged me and began to calm down, began to apologize. Girlfriend also cried. Then she went down, we stayed together, he said that he was now atheging and take me home, I said that I didn't need it, but he insisted. Then I began to walk around their apartment, remember that I used to have often, I said that Nikita (so call the former guy) there are my photos, they probably lie somewhere, and maybe he threw them. Father attempted and began to gather, and I went to wash the dishes, and here I appeared Nikita, said that why I should not fall in love with someone, I began to shout and say that I didn't care on them. I did not see his mother, although I really wanted. Then I dressed, he wanted to take me, I descended down and began to wait for him, but he didn't go down, I lost it and went on foot, I was looking for a car, in the entrance was some kind of supermarket, I went out of the house, went to look The car, I met a guy who wanted to meet with me, asked my address and gone.

Sleep about a guy who dreams and dream

In a dream, I dream I sit on my studies and this guy comes to me on a couple and starts to pester openly, but I love it from him, although I love him very much, all this is strange and funny, then it seems that the second part of my sleep is happening I see this guy at home and we are with him, in a dream my parents are also present, there is a dialogue between us, as if I will acquaint a guy with my parents. What does this dream mean?

Parents of the former guy in a dream

The parents of the former guy were dreamed.

I do not remember exactly, but they did something for me. It was somewhere in the country. Something divided saying to Take Bury ... there and my former guy was he made me a surprise of flowers and gave a car ...

What does the parents of the former guy dream of dreaming? Thanks in advance for interpretation.

Meeting with a former guy in a dream

I met S. former boyfriend. At first, we normally communicated with him, sat in a cafe. Then his girl came, who turned out to be a witch. They wanted to take revenge on me, tell my current guy about my secrets.

Treason guy in a dream

Happy holiday you! Help please understand what my dreams mean. Very often dreams that I change your boyfriend and with unfamiliar and with familiar people. And at the end of each sleep, I think why I did it, and how I will continue to live with it, and it becomes terribly ashamed and hurt and I wake up.

I do not understand why it dreams, in life I love my boyfriend and never could change him, and there are no thoughts. \u003e.

Kakak in the toilet

Dream Interpretation - planned raider capture of cottages

This dream advises the dreamy to balance its material and emotional needs (material dominates and overlap all the other areas - a rag with leaks in the toilet). In short, not all Good men Rich and not all rich men are good. And to choose a dream, otherwise there will be no left (the male's tail is eternally, while the tail itself does not grow up, with their own hands and his head). With respect, Libya.

An embarrassment and powerlessness. Such a dream talks about the inner sensation of loneliness - you need a true friend who would understand you. This is to part of the toilet without walls. And the desire to curse - and there is usually just it. Through sleep is felt and affects the plot.

Dream interpretation - repeated circumstances in a dream

You have a strong sense of your own insecurity in front of others. Unfortunately, you do not remember the episodes of previous and subsequent toilet. Therefore, I can't express what he wants, besides said, to convey your higher "I". As a psychologist I can say that the cause of the feeling of insecurity is low self-esteem. Take it up with an increase in it. Good luck.

Dream interpretation - repeated circumstances in a dream

Your life is in sight. You are afraid of quarrels and trouble. But they are in the life of every person. And there is also a lot of good. Pay attention to joyful, fun events!

A dream talks about parting with old hopes (desire to reburial) and not yet issued new plans for life (the need for shopping). All this is connected with your desire to make more beauty (flowers, garden, flowerbed). Good luck.

Dream Interpretation - Redone Different

Look back, a kind of life event requires your revision - this is an important event for you and whether you have buried it in vain. Now it's time to figure it out, the tips of the past will emerge in everyday life, look at them for more carefully. Something very important is not solved. Good luck to you and good dreams.

Dream Interpretation - Alien

Such a dream may indicate nervous overloads, physical and mental exhaustion, inexplicable fears, anxiety, premonition of some misfortune .... You exactly interferes with something in life, some obstacles on the way to goal, you write: "... I needed to step over something, and the box interfered, and I could not throw it ..." - I think that with you work, but All the same overcome all the obstacles - "... after I crossed (with difficulty) this obstacle, I found himself in the toilet (where my hands werehed) and conversation with someone, in my opinion with a man ..." Wash hands in a dream - good Image (lying, clean always favorably)

Dream Interpretation - Alien

Despite the bustle in a dream - I can't help not rejoice in your imagination))))))) You, Lyudmila, drag about some troubles for themselves ... And it holds out of you) ... but you have a fantasy of creativity)

Dream Interpretation - Former Spouse

Returning mentally to what you did not like in the past, .... Very want to carry out some plans (Want to the toilet), however, there is something that you all spoils, interferes or strains you (smeared foot)

Dream Interpretation - Former Spouse

Your dream returns you to the past, apparently not "worked out" yet those relationships with her husband, possibly intimate attachment and even subconscious offense and jealousy. The emergence of new acquaintances is not excluded. The present period of life contributes to the processes of energy exchange, you can learn to own yourself in conflicts, resist remar, influence people and even on the masses of people.

Many people have a negative association, but in fact, the dream forecast is more often positive than negative. What dreams of a public toilet? Dream interpretation will help learn more detail what dreams of such a plan are warned.

General interpretation

Restroom in a dream marks the stability, material benefits, exemption from unnecessary thoughts and negative emotions. What did the dressing room spent in the toilet, as I felt at this time, as well as the location of the items in the room, the condition of the bathroom is taken into account when interpreting sleep.

Optionally, negative emotions, tested while in the toilet, will foreshadow the negative situations in reality. The dreams are such that sometimes poor well-being during sleep is a harbinger of positive changes in a person's life, and vice versa.

Female dream book

What is the lady mean to see a public toilet in a dream? Dream interpretation gives such a interpretation: a young girl should be witched by gossip and sounds from a close environment. Men vision predicts acquaintance with an interesting and beautiful, but frivolous woman. Do not place special hopes for these relationships, most likely they will be short-lived.

To see dirty, unwashed toilet - to financial well-being. Sleeping will raise the salary or offer another, more paid position. No need to be afraid of responsibility.

If the lady visits a female toilet in a dream, she should be careful. Soon the rival appears on the way, to resist which her beloved will be difficult. A man who accidentally clicked in the lady's restroom, the dream foreshadows shame, a failure in any responsible business, loss of interest from the lady of the heart.

Dream Interpretation Loffa

See a public toilet in a dream - to consideration possible options Earn money. If there are foreign people in addition to sleeping, then it will soon receive a proposal from companions, thanks to which he will be able to get a weighty profit.

Pure toilet bowl and brilliance The washed floor in the exhaust place will dream of the unsuccessful completion of the plans. The dream warns that in all matters it should only be counted on themselves.

To enter the female toilet, while embarrassed and feeling uncomfortable - to the communities of enemies, competitors and envious. The dream should be careful in communicating with new acquaintances.

Lowish dream book

Clean the need for the toilet and at the same time not to experience unpleasant sensations - to liberate problems from the long-lasting soul. If the sleeping was hardened that he was sitting on the toilet in a relaxed atmosphere and reads, he is waiting for stability and complete mutual understanding in the family.

A man who visited the public predicts the finding of love, a meeting with a charming woman. New relationships can grow into a strong and long-term union.

Go to closet, and then confused from what they saw there - to unjustified expectations, the wrong path. Sleeping should review your plans, as many of them are unnecessary.

Dream Veles.

What can a public toilet dream? Wellef's dream book interprets the vision like this: Sleeping must heed the opinion close man. He needs to take advantage of someone from his relatives to stabilize his financial situation.

To be in a constant search for a public surplus place - to a lack of money, bankruptcy. Soon sleeping is to lose a major amount, but should not be desirable, since the dream just warns about possible situations, and man is able to change everything.

And what to wait for someone who dreamed rustic the place? How to interpret such a dream? Toilet - wooden, collapsed - warns a person about obstacles to profit. If the boards break under the dream, and it fails to excrement, then success and prosperity awaits him.

Modern dream book

Answered, dirty toilet, which appeared in a dream, foreshadows the resolution of disputes towards the sleeping. He does not need to worry about whether he acts correctly - the opponent fully recognizes his oversight.

Trying to wash someone else's toilet in a dream - to the reservations. A person will try to slander, but it will turn for hate fails. Sleeping must be carefully keeping its secrets and do not let you close up to yourself outsiders.

Missing the bathroom at home - to attempt to restore harmonious relations in the family. The dream does not need to worry about the recent quarrel - everything will soon rise his circles.

The construction of the toilet with their own hands in a dream is that the dreams are trying to improve his life without any help. However, it is not necessary to abandon the support of loved ones - only with them it will turn out to fully realize the conceived.

Dream Stranger

To see in with a splashing content to the floor, to wealth, unexpected profits. Businessmen dreams a monetary contract, and a simple worker - additional earnings.

Wash the toilet in a dream - to the realization of dreams with a dishonest way. The dreams will test the conscience, when it will make a conceived. It is not necessary to lower your hands when it is impossible to find something legally - another way will only hurt both reputation and the moral condition of a person.

To sit down on the fan toilet in sleep - to get acquainted with a person who will abuse the kindness of sleeping. It follows to limit communication with foreign people.

Dream Miller

Observing how someone washes a toilet warns of problems with the bosses. The dream need to learn how to restrain himself to avoid conflict situations at work.

To see that in the toilet room everywhere, paper is crushed - to unjustified costs. A person must competently spend the money earned, otherwise there is a large loss.

If a girl dreamed, how she fell into the toilet and turns out to be evaporated with legs to the head, then there is a quick favorable marriage. An old lover will finally decide and make her an offer.

Dream Sigmund Freud.

A dream in which a man in acute need is visited by the toilet, suggests that he is currently not satisfied with the relationship with the partner. However, it is not necessary to break due to this connection with it - they should find a compromise and reconcile with its disadvantages.

A woman who saw himself in a male toilet in a dream should become feminine. Because of an aggressive nature and desire to dominate men bypass her face. It is necessary to transform into a softer and friendly person, otherwise it risks remain alone.