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How to say to the cohabitant that we part. How to say goodbye to a man. How best to accomplish parting

This article is devoted to the issue, how to part with a man. We will look at the nuances of the cessation of relations with all categories of men - with free and married, loved ones and unloved. This is a rather extensive and deep topic, which will surely be interesting to all women.

Relationship is a complex and often unpredictable thing, because they are based on emotions and feelings, which are simply impossible to predict. Today you are in love and happy, and tomorrow you already understand that they made a mistake. Relationships can start suddenly, and also suddenly the need to stop them. But most often the thoughts about the break appear gradually when a woman begins to realize that the relationship went into a dead end. Over time, these thoughts are issued in a clear decision to stop this relationship. In this situation, a woman can herself or wait for the moment when a man shows the initiative. In any situation, self-respecting lady must pass through parting with dignity and honor, as well as make every effort to minimize the negative consequences of the gap for both partners. Best of all in such a situation, armed with the advice of professional psychologists who know exactly how to part with men so that it does not painfully hurt.

Features of parting with a married man

Communication with a married man has a certain attractiveness for lonely women. After all, it is, first, attention, care, manifestation of interest. And secondly, a married man recognizes a woman better than his own wife, which miraculously increases self-esteem. Well, third, such relationships do not assume responsibility, a serious joint future and other difficulties that many women are subconsciously afraid. For all these reasons, today's communications with married men are becoming more frequent, although in practice they bring not only positive emotions, but also a mass of negativity related, first of all, with the unpreparedness and the inability of a man to leave the family. Over time, the realization is that a married man simply uses her as a dosy, like entertainment and a way to distract from the family. All conversations and hints of serious relationship are ignored, the conversation quickly translates to another topic, and promises remain unfulfilled. In such a situation, you need to admit that you will never achieve this man belong to you only. And if there is a strong and full-fledged family in your plans, then you need to stop these unprospective relationships. And it is necessary to do it beautifully and with minimal losses.

  • Men can change his wives, but do not throw them, because they appreciate the established life and peace of the family setting. Inexplicable statistics says that only 5% of men leave for fancy to mistresses. And this small part can be called the exception rather, which confirms the general rule. But even from this smallness, half of the time returns to the old family.
  • What is a meeting with a mistress for a married man? This is a holiday in a series of gray everyday life, it is an opportunity to get evidence of your own attractiveness, male strength, the ability to conquer female hearts. It is at the expense of the fact that these meetings are quite rare, they are so pleased with a man and give him so much positive. But if these relations become permanent, legal, then the situation will change dramatically. As a result, you will take the place of the former wife, from which my husband escaped to you to spread and nicely spend time. You will cease to give him that charge of the energy that Got, being a mistress. It is stupid to expect that the attitude of a man to you remain unchanged. You will start demanding more from him, and you will be forced to give more than before. As a result, a man will come to the conclusion that you have lost all your charm and tenderness and turned into an ordinary Meager, like his old wife. So why should he change one demanding spouse to another? It is much more profitable to leave everything as it is.
  • Even if there are real sincere feelings between you, think in what atmosphere these feelings appeared and develop? Your chosen one is constantly lying his family, invents reasons for the lack of home and meetings with you. All his life and all your relationship are built on lies and deception. Do you think that serious long-term relationships can be built on such a foundation?
  • If your meetings continue for a long time, it means that your man has a prevailing position of things quite suit. It turns out that he is deceiving and his wife, and you, allowing you to hope for something more. He steals the time from his family and gives it to you, but it will never belong to you completely.
  • Do not forget that a man probably does not forget to fulfill his marital debt. That is, he sleeps with two women. Only here his wife does not know what they change, and you, it turns out, will voluntarily agree to treason. After all, you know that he is married. Or he says that they have nothing to do with his wife? There are no truth in these words. As a rule, a man who has a mistress, continues an active sex life with his wife.
  • Remember that a family is value for a man, because he has invested his best years, his experience, his skills and means. Therefore, the decision to leave all this is one of the most difficult for any representative of the strong sex. And only a few are ready to take it. To date, the family provides a man calm and stable life, feeling comfort, care, self-need. And the divorce is always associated with a mass of problems, from the division of property to difficulties in communicating with children. Men do not like to create problems, so hardly your chosen one will decide on such a step.

As you can see, there are plenty of reasons in order to stop. Of course, all these reasons are relevant and important for those women who are planning to start a full-fledged family in the future.

Of course, weigh all the "for" and "against" before starting the relationship with a married cavalier, but there are different situations. Not all men immediately admit that the family has already acquired. And if it so happened that you tied a novel with a family man and now you want to get rid of it, then listen to the advice of professional psychologists that will help you do it in the best possible way.

  • Parting will bring less negative emotions if it is done gradually. A sharp gap, most likely, will lead to the fact that you will begin to miss much, worry, suffer, because you will be eliminated from the usual rhythm of life. And, probably, such a break only will disable your feelings, and you renew meeting with your loved ones. First of all, you need to accept the fact that this man will never leave the family. Analyze the situation, teach yourself to this thought. And she will withdraw you to simple conclusion: why spend your time on relationships that will not end with nothing good for you? After all, this time you pass by decent single men who can make up your true happiness. Gradually, give away from a married man: Do not initiate meetings, do not postpone your business to meet him, cancel a date as soon as you can find some other option to spend this time. So, gradually, the feeling of intimacy will weaken, and it will be much easier for you to stop your meetings at all.
  • Imagine and think your last conversation with your loved one, but a married man. This conversation is better transferred in a crowded place. In such an atmosphere, your beloved may be more restrained in the expression of their feelings and emotions. Try to keep calm and calm yourself, bring the true causes of your decision before it. After all, you want a normal family, and not her miserable similarity.
  • After a farewell conversation, try to distract from thoughts about your partner. Do not even make a hint of the idea that life is impossible without him and is meaningless. You will probably find a lot of cases and desires that you need to implement right now. Dedote yourself to a career, home improvement, communication with friends, give time to yourself, find a new hobby. Try less time to spend alone. Think that soon on your path will meet a new person with whom you can embody all your dreams into reality.
  • Do everything to do not encounter a former beloved. No need to remind myself about the past, returning to the places where you were together, do not go there where you can encounter him. After all, even a look from afar can revive the former feeling, and you need it to finally leave you.
  • Perhaps a man does not agree with your decision and will begin to persuade you, in every way to decline to continue the relationship. Do not give in to his persuasion, be faithful to your decision. Explain to him and herself that the role of the mistress does not suit you, that this is not what you dream about;
  • If his persecution does not stop, then you can safely tell him that you will tell all his wife, if he stops sticking to you. Most likely, such a threat scares him, and he will lag.

Act according to this scheme is the most reliable way to part with a man who loves. If you decide to leave - leaving. I do not regret the made, because it is this step - the beginning of your new life in which you have every chance of becoming a happy wife and mother. Direct efforts to search and build relationships with the man who wants you to be his only woman.

Treason - the lot is not only men, but also women. Often, fate plays with us evil jokes, adjusting the acquaintance with an interesting man when it seems completely inappropriate. Married women are often amenable to caressing outsiders, and sometimes they themselves provoke such situations. In general, love octurines behind the legitimate spouse are not so rarity. As a result, a woman begins to live a double life, fulfilling the role of his wife, mother and mistress. But over time, such relationships lead to fatigue, fear, doubts. Communication on the side begins to be treated, and you understand that family peace of mind is much more expensive than stormy love merits. The question arises: how to part with the lover?

The best alignment in such a situation, when both lover are aware of their mistake and take a mutual decision to terminate the criminal relationship. This happens not so rarely, because the initial severity of sensations disappears, and people come to the conclusion that they are for each other by burden. Woman confident, the first openly declare it. And if your lover is a worthy person who understands what is right, and what - no, he will support you. In this case, parting will be calm and only joy will bring.

But it often happens that your feelings have not yet cooled, but you have already understood the need for a break, but your lover is still burning with passion and does not want to stop relationships with you. But in this situation, you can find a decent way out. Again, you need to listen to how professionals in such an case advise. But in order to use these tips, you must first sort out yourself and understand that you are really ready for the rupture. Your decision should be thoughtful and final.

It is more difficult to deal with the female treason than with a male, because women most often change due to severe deep feelings, and not only because of physical proximity. Relations with a lover give them a feeling of their own need, uniqueness, uniqueness. They feel love that they need so much, care, happiness. Emotional glow at a relationship with a lover is difficult to compare with smooth and calm family relationships. In such a situation, you need to start with yourself. Make sure you have enough strength to overcome your own low-rise aspirations, overcome those sides of your personality that push you on treason. Be prepared for the fact that you will experience very strong unpleasant emotions from parting. You will desire to turn the time to reverse and start your extramarital meetings again. This is the main thing, what you have to fight. And in order for the struggle to be successful, use the following techniques:

  • Part beautiful. Turn the parting into a beautiful gesture. Spend the talk of the souls, admit everything that these relationships gave you, but also what they can take away from you. Be honest with your lover. And he must also disclose you. Admit that you choose a family, thank the man for everything he gave you. If you met with a really worthy person, then he will understand you correctly and will not blame obstacles. Let him think that for you these relationships were just a game, to continue which you do not intend.
  • Be hard in the decision. Do not let yourself go back to the past, do not look for meetings, do not renew the communication under any circumstances. In this case, you will have to show serability to yourself, and it is much more difficult than being harsh with others. Forget his phone number, browse in the blacklist in the phone, block on social networks. After all, any message can be the beginning of a new story that you have nothing to do.
  • If your feelings for lover are still fresh, then a sharp separation will not suit you. In this case, use a gradual break strategy. Make your meetings rare, gradually reduce them to zero. Start see less often. Gradually, passion will be played, and you will understand that you can be happy with one man - your husband.
  • Rate the lover critical. During in love, we all tend to endow your favorite person with the qualities that he does not possess. Try to look at your man from the side. Recognize its shortcomings, and you will understand that your legitimate husband may be much better than his competitor. Maybe in the apartment your chosen is always not caught? Or is he a stingy? Or inattentive? Surely there is something that will cool your feelings for it. If he is constantly late for dating, he, apparently, does not respect you and does not appreciate. If he is capable of expensive gifts, then a stingy. The very fact that he meets with a married woman, speaks not in his favor. Search for disadvantages - one of the ways to painless parting.
  • Replace the relationship with something else. A severe parting can cause depression. Be prepared for this and find a lesson in advance, which will help you to get distracted from bad and wrong thoughts. Just do not replace one romance to others. This will lead to the emergence of new problems. Get off the family, children, spend a maximum of free time with them, pay attention to yourself. Excellent option - family journey. It not only helps to distract from thoughts about treason, but also refresh your relationship with your husband. Arrange a romantic evening with her husband, remember how you met, try to resurrect the feelings gone to him. If you really have a good family, it will certainly work out.

Some men are extremely painful perceive the gap on the initiative of a woman. Such a man, even if he is already ready to stop relationships, will never agree to this if the offer comes from a woman. In such a situation, you will feel his rage, his insult and anger. He will pursue you, make continue to communicate, trying to keep you in every way. Even worse when a man begins to take revenge for insult feelings. In this case, you will need all your wisdom to stop dangerous communication and save the family. This is how psychologists advise effective in such an environment:

  • Make parting soft. Do not blame all your lover, admit your guilt. Exclude even a hint of an insult or discontent in conversation. Most likely, such a man will try to provoke you on the scandal, but you must maintain composure. Even if he tells you frank nasty and watering mud, do not answer him the same. So you will only fall into his trap. Leave him the right to last word. It will slightly screens his impression from breaking on your initiative.
  • Take advantage of its error to interrupt the relationship. Your lover offended you? So, you have a reason to give him a turn from the gate. Best after a quarrel will simply disappear. Let me know in one way or another, best in a telephone conversation that you cannot endure such a relationship and stop relationships. Ask him forever forgot about you. But if a similar conversation requires too much effort from you, and you are not sure to handle it, you can simply stop responding to calls and messages. Perhaps he will understand that he was wrong, and will cease to dismiss you.
  • If a sudden parting is impossible, then in your communication is not gradually. Meet less often, demonstrate coldness to it. This attitude does not like men, and he will rendet the initiative himself. But do not behave frankly bad. If you cancel the meeting, come up with this reason: home affairs, rest with children, plans with my husband. This situation should give your lover to understand what you have made a choice, and he was not in his favor. So you both will gradually fall from communicating with each other. In the end, it will lose all meaning.
  • Give the initiative to him. Write it to the gap. Let it be his decision, or let him think so. Start capricious at meetings, demonstrate a bad mood, constantly tell him about your problems, sculpt the bar of your requirements for it. Let your relationship turn into torture for him. Believe me, he will realize that you are not the woman with which he can be happy.
  • Often offended lovers threaten to tell her husband. Truth, if a woman stops communicating with them. Do not give in to this provocation. Indeed, in this case, you will turn into his slave. It will blackmate you for eternal. As a result, you can no longer do anything, you will continue to deceive your husband and communicate with a person who will become deeply unpleasant. What can be taken in such a situation? If your lover also has a legitimate wife, then just tell him that you won't stay in front of him if your husband learn something about your treason. After all, if you both value the family, then you will be much easier to come to a peace agreement.

If you want parting peacefully and painlessly, learn your lover. The main thing is what to pay attention to is the type of its temperament. Psychologists allocate several basic types of character. And the peculiarities of one or another type will help you understand how it is better to act with one man or another to part with him as well as possible.

  • Choleric. For this type of character temperament, hot tempering, impulsivity. Cholerics seek to take everything from life. From them it is quite possible to expect aggressive behavior, scandals, riots. The best behavioral option when parting with a cholec is to make it so that he wanted to part. The solution that will come from it will be less painful for both of them. But, in general, it is better not to make extramarital connections with people of such a tempement, because they can be expected because of anything. Such a connection will be very expensive to you.
  • Melancholic. These are wounded people prone to neurasthenic behavior. Despite the seeming calm, such a person can throw out an unexpected focus at the most inopportune moment. Such a man should be prepared for parting gradually, put him the idea that it is inevitable. You can argue your decision by the fact that you also suffer, tormented by remorse of conscience for being so bad with your husband. Such an argument melancholic will understand and accept.
  • Sanguine. Different with optimism, cheerfulness, balanced character. With such men very easily. And it will be easy to part with such a part. It is best to tell him about your solution during a romantic dinner. Talking to souls, openness and honesty will not be offended by Sanguinik, he will understand you if you confess that you dream about a calm normal family life.
  • Phlegmatic person. Such people rarely accept independent decisions, so you can safely tell him that you decided to part, and he will perceive it as a given. Do not wait for perturbations and protest from it. He will be upset, he will not blame you obstacles.

Taking a serious decision to stop relationships with a lover, use all the advice given. They will help you solve the task as soon as possible and with a good outcome.

Sometimes fate folds so that we can not be with those who love. But such a solution is often necessary and correct. Staying in the mercy of feelings is difficult to access and adequately explain the decision that these feelings contradict. If such a union is both partners - adults and self-sufficient people, then there should be no problems, parting will pass peacefully, although it is painful for both. But often there are difficulties.

Have you noticed that your partner feelings are cooling, and yours continue to "keep degrees"? He became less likely to answer calls, does not write and does not call himself, late for meetings or does not come to them at all? It is time to think about leaving. Of course, you can wait until he informs you about the need to part. But think what a blow to your pride will be inflicted in this case. Perhaps a man will not hurry to stop the relationship with you, because he has no other option yet. And the role of a woman who enjoys the lack of more worthy cannot be called enviable. Therefore, in this case, it makes sense to show the initiative and to interrupt the connection, which ceased to bring joy and satisfaction. So you save respect for yourself, you will not feel unnecessary and abandoned. It will be easier for you to recover from what happened and start a new life. But it is not easy to do so, since men are extremely painful to the initiative of a woman to part. But if you firmly decided that with this man nothing good will succeed, do not change yourself. Attach the maximum effort so that this parting takes place and passed with adequate, beautifully and with minimal losses. To do this, follow the simple advice of psychologists:

  • Take your emotions under control. Call your beloved on an honest conversation. Admit that you stopped feeling happy with him, that his attitude towards you brings you pain. Try to stay calm yourself and not awake. Be delicate and attentive, do not insult and do not hurt the interlocutor. Just try to talk like adults and educated people, convey to each other important facts that have formed the basis of your decision.
  • If a man begins to call pity to him, says he will not be able without you, do not believe him. Let him think better that you are a heartless bitch than you give up your decision. Remember that this is the most banal manipulation.
  • Tell me everything. No need to take care of your man's feelings, say everything as it is. If you are not able to tell about your feelings at a meeting, set them out in a letter or in a telephone conversation. Think out everything you want to say in advance so as not to get lost and confused in words.
  • If he prompts you to meet again, refuse. After all, you have already said everything to see? Neither kisses nor an embrace nor a devotee should not change your decision.

Do not lose control over yourself and on the situation after an important conversation. Perhaps the difficulties are just beginning, and you will have to confront themselves and attempts to return everything to your previous places.

Suppose you have long felt that your relationship has ceased to be warm, but did not solve the first step to the rupture. And here your man himself makes such a decision. It is necessary to have very strong nerves to adequately respond to such a news, even if you were ready for this. The advice of professionals will help you experience a difficult situation and get out of it with dignity:

  • Try to understand why it happened. Evaluate yourself and own behavior. Just do not take all the blame on yourself, it will not bring any benefit. Be objective. You need to understand what you did wrong, not in order to engage in self-vacation, but in order not to make such mistakes in the future. Perhaps you simply did not compare the characters, or your man was not ready for the relationship that you wanted. Understanding the cause of the gap, you will be easier to treat it easier and calmer.
  • Find the reasons in which your partner is accurate. After all, he is far from the ideal. Surely there are aspects in his behavior and character that themselves are a good reason for parting. Rate your former man critically. It is possible for clarity to use a sheet of paper on which you need to write its advantages and disadvantages. You will see that the shortcomings are more than the advantages. And it will help you understand that nothing irrevious you have lost.
  • Determine the time for suffering. Tell yourself that you are worried about a difficult moment, and you need to admit it. Give yourself a time to go sorrow, but it must be a certain period. For example, a week or two. At this time, feel free to your tears, do not try to do something new. Just put up your negative feelings. Believe me, closer to the end of the deadline you will understand that all the tears have spoiled and feel much better. When this time set will pass, do not remind yourself of past relationships and remind everything that can remind them.
  • Express. It is best to use for this diary or own reflection. This will allow you to free yourself from the shipment of unpleasant emotions, but at the same time do not burden anyone. Psychologists have established that the feelings transferred on paper remain in the past.
  • Take the help of loved ones. Nothing helps to free themselves from the shipment of trouble as a conversation for souls with mom or beloved girlfriend. Allow yourself to be weak, tell about your misfortune to people who will support you and help again believe in yourself.
  • Sick. Go to a deserted place and just shout until you feel that it became easier for you. Whatever banal and ridiculous this method seemed, he really works.
  • Find a lesson. When you're just enough, find a business. Dedote yourself to a career or study, unite something new, find an interesting hobby that will hide you. The results you will achieve hard work will help you to distract, and will also give you a sense of self-confidence, our own value and uniqueness.
  • Turn your life to the holiday. Of course, you do not need to leave in fun with your head, but in difficult times, life, more than ever, needs joy. Alternate weekdays with holidays, spend time with friends, get new emotions, please yourself with spontaneous purchases.
  • Realize that in this whole life has an end. And your previous relationship reached your final. And what is over, and you do not need to remember. In the end, all for the better!

The best medicine is time. People are restored even after very hard losses, and the end of a love novel on their background looks harmless. Remind yourself that you are a beautiful and successful woman who feels great and alone. Then your loneliness will definitely not delay for a long time.

Parted with people who experience sincere feelings is very difficult. But to continue the relationship exclusively from pity - wrong. Both partners suffer from this. Therefore, if you realized that they stopped loving their partner, find the strength to stop contacting him. Ultimately, it will become beneficial for both of them.

Make such a parting is hardly possible. Therefore, the task is to bring as much pain as a loving partner and not to lose their own dignity. The following tips will help to make a breaking ...

  • It is best to confess that the feelings are dried up, best in a little place. Do not do this with outsiders or surrounded by people. Best of all, if you are alone, but still in a public place. For example, in the park or on the street near his house. Do not choose a memorable place for you both. It must be neutral. Quietly and clearly, but not rude, tell a man that you don't love him anymore. After all, it happens - feelings pass, and there is no hile. Give arguments why you can not answer his feelings. Do not console it, show your pity. This can offend him or, on the contrary, give hope that not everything is lost.
  • Cut the upcoming conversation at home, in front of the mirror. Control your gestures and facial expressions. Everything in your behavior should indicate that the decision is final. After the rehearsal, you yourself will feel more confidently feel. Do not forget to argue your decision, no matter how much the situation has developed.
  • Some men are not ready to take a break, initiated by a woman. After all, they believe that all decisions should take a man. If your former beloved belongs to this category, then you need to prepare for a rapid reaction. Most likely, he will make every effort to keep you. Do not succumb to provocations, stay true to your decision. Do not forget about what exactly led you to him.
  • Another common reception, which are used by men who have received news about the cessation of relations are the desire to cause pity. Such a man will say that without you his life is over, that he does not know how to live without you, etc. He will ask to give him time, allow you to try everything. In this case, explain that there is nothing to build, and you do not want it. Once again, bring those arguments that have already voiced in confirmation of your decision. Tell me that if he loves you, then will allow you to leave.
  • Do not put forward offers to stay friends. For a loving person, this is the last straw, for which you can grab to continue to cherish hope for restoring relationships. Friendship in which one loves, and the other - tolerates, is impossible. And the relationship at such a level can last for years, causing you to suffer and your partner.
  • After all that is said, say goodbye and leave. Do not answer calls and messages, because, otherwise, you will go against your own decision. Try not under any circumstances to meet with a former partner. So you make better and yourself, and him. The lack of meetings will help him come into himself and realize that everything is over. Since you decided to put the point, do not turn it into comma.

The most important thing that can be said about such situations is that the gap must take place shortly after you realize that there is no more love. You do not need to pull with an explanation, because so you will only spend your time, and your partner's time is wasted.

In love, as in war, are good all means. Many ladies adhere to this opinion. And often resort to very sophisticated ways to strengthen the relationship. One of these methods is imaginary separation. His essence is that a woman declares a partner about his desire to stop relations, but it is done only to warm the interest of a man to himself, call it a storm of emotions, to demonstrate its own independence, as well as indispensability. Of course, in such a situation, it is necessary to act extremely carefully and prudently, otherwise the imaginary gap can turn into a real one. Deciding to apply this dubious weapon, do not forget that your man can like to be free.

In order for such a maneuver to succeed, listen to the recommendations of psychologists:

  • The psychology of men is designed so that they remember the last impression. Therefore, shortly before the estimated date of your promotion, begin to behave gently, warningly, passionately. Be such a woman about which he always dreamed. After you declare him about your desire to part, he will remember this particularly amazing woman who gave him so much joy. He will certainly want to possess her again, he makes every effort to return it.
  • Parting itself also matters. It is important to keep calm, behave decently, not to scandal and not shout. Explain that you do not like in this relationship, that your man does wrong. At the same time, make an emphasis on the fact that you still love it, but simply no longer to put up with its shortcomings and therefore decides on such a cardinal step like a gap.
  • The gap does not need to be voiced and revised that the man understands that something is wrong. Show coldness, move away from it. This will make him think about his behavior. Having having a man with a restned behavior, let him know about your decision. He will perceive him as a logical explanation of your actions. And it will try to do everything to return your trust.
  • There is another way to make a man want to return. Offer him temporary parting. For example, to live separately a week-other. During this time, your man will not have time to get used to freedom, but will appreciate how important you are in his life.

However, the situation is not always developing as we would like. Here is a week, two weeks, three, and the man does not hurry to return. In such a situation there is a real reason for concern. And it is necessary to take urgent measures so that your imaginary gap does not become the present ends of the relationship.

  • Do not start to get it calls. Let him really enjoy life without you. Perhaps she will like it. This possibility cannot be denyed. But it will only mean that there were essential flaws in your relationship. But if a man really loved you, he will not be able to quickly get rid of this feeling, even in the embrace of another woman. Therefore, sooner or later it will return, and you will show that you can be true. But this is possible only if his feelings were sincere.
  • Do not ask him to return. Such a request you put yourself in a stupid position and are unlikely to deserve respect for men. Using this technique, you risked, and now we adequately handle the consequences of such risks. Since you provided your chosen one full freedom, accept the fact that he enjoys her. Soon he will get tired of feeling free, and he will understand that in fact without you he is just alone.
  • Show what you enjoy freedom. Do not be obsessive. Let all your meetings be as if random, and you will not be alone.
  • Find links with his friends and loved ones. It will not allow him to completely eliminate you from his life. And besides this, close people, learning what a beautiful person you are, you will surely advise your beloved not to lose such a woman.

Most importantly, do not fall into panic. Since you decided to play, then play to the end!

Confidence in male love and loyalty is one of the foundations of female happiness. But sometimes this confidence melts in front. And often a man unexpectedly reports his decision to part. And such unexpected care on the background, it would seem complete well-being, it turns out to be much more painful than the gradual cooling of feelings. In order not to be in such a situation, you need to know the main signs that suggest that, most likely, your relationships are close to their final:

  • You spend less time together. Loves, as you know, can not break away from each other for a minute. Over time, of course, the feelings go to a calmer frequency, but loving people still seek to spend their free time together. If you notice that your man has no such aspiration, he most likely has already cooled to you.
  • The intensity of communication is reduced. Constantly to be together - such a luxury can afford a few. Therefore, people seek to replace personal communication with telephone conversations, messages and other ways to communicate. Have you noticed that your man stopped calling you, and his reports in social networks come extremely rarely? This is an alarm signal that cannot be ignored.
  • Your intimate life has turned into obligations. "Duty" kisses, one-day sex on a schedule - all these signs of felt feelings. Also worth paying attention to those situations when all intimate relationships are initiating you.
  • Lack of joint exit to light. A man will never miss the opportunity to demonstrate a woman he loves. And if in recent times you are not called the corporate parties, picnics and meetings with friends, it is worth thinking if you did not bother you.
  • Lack of attention to your opinion, desires and preferences. A loving man catches every word his beloved, trying to reckon with her opinion, wants to make her pleasant. If everything in your life is not the case, it's time to think about the termination of such relations.
  • Sliding scandals. Your life has become full of quarrels, disagreements and scandals, which most often occur due to the fault of a man? Most likely, this is due to the fact that you are annoyed by one of my presence, and that he wants to part, but not yet solved on it.
  • Lack of joint plans. A man who does not see the future in a relationship will not be planned vacation or buying an apartment. He will not think about the joint future at all, because he simply does not see him.

If you have noticed that most of these signs characterize your relationship, then most likely you need to prepare for a quick break. It is possible to wait for decisive words from a man, it is not necessary, but it is necessary to interrupt a humiliating connection from which you do not get anything but negative. Show respect for yourself and make your man respect you, saying a decisive "farewell!". We hope that our article will help you do it with dignity.

Parting is a fairly unpleasant process, which leads to stress, depressive state. Sometimes you do not know what is easier when you are thrown or you throw. However, psychologists give valuable recommendations, allowing to smooth the situation and calmly survive parting. How beautiful to say "goodbye"? What do I need to do?

You can not postpone the problem for later

Feel that a man became somehow? You do not want to meet with him, hug, kissing, having sex? Do not torment yourself and it, it is better to immediately put the point in your relationship. Psychologists pay attention that the chosen is painful when a beloved woman is cold to him, he suffers from it. Decided to break the relationship? It's time to act. The main thing to choose the right moment, and be sure to consider your emotional state and chosen one.

Pick up the place

Parting should be held on a neutral territory that will not cause any memories association. In no case choose the places that mean a lot for a man. Let it be better than the park, cafe.

Think out everything in advance

Be sureless! There are several phrases that will make it possible to clearly understand that this is the end, there is no more chance. If you do not want to listen to promises, apologies, do not call the cause of separation. In no case do not coexist, do not flirt.

Keep your emotions under control

If your partner is nervous, hot-tempered, carefully report your decision. When a young man begins to reproach in the silence, heartlessness, do not give in, stand on his.

Do not encourage partner

Do not want to be with a person, it is not worthwhile to encourage him in vain. Do not leave non-infertion. Be decisive, do not create a false circle around yourself.

Ignore a man

After they broke up with a person, it is impossible to go back. You must show a man that your relationship is over.

Parting when the initiator man

If you threw you, you need to understand for yourself that everything has already happened, you can not torment yourself with different hopes. Calm down and take everything with self-esteem. Take advantage of such advice:

  • Let the partner explain the reason for his decision . Psychotherapists say that almost all men start rubbed when their partner throws on the neck, rolls hysterics, begging the man to stay, makes mindless actions.
  • Share your trouble. In psychotherapy, this reception is called "grief dispersion." You will immediately feel how easier it becomes like.
  • Drive your diary. He will relieve memories, offense. It has been proven when everyone is written, torment, feelings remain in the past, subside, the mental pain passes.
  • Do something : Make repairs in the apartment, completely change its style. You can do your appearance, sign up into the gym. So you get rid of MUK, soulful suffering.
  • Do not keep everything in yourself Otherwise, emotions will begin to destroy you from the inside.
  • Think about your career . Problems in personal life do not give the reason to leave all his life under the slope. Success at work inspire you, charges energy
  • Love yourself, arrange the holiday of the soul : Watch your favorite movies, read books. Cut your friends as much as possible, attend parties.

Basic rules of behavior

Remember!It is impossible to report to parting through calls, SMS, social network, email. It is necessary to personally meet with a person and solve all the main questions.

Before making a decision, be sure to think about it again, and during the conversation, observe calm, you are in good spirit.

The conversation should be frank, only he will solve all your problems. Talk to the partner why your relationship ended, for all thank and live on happily.

To part beautiful, ardate a surprise in the form of a romantic dinner. You must sincerely finish this story. Lack of spirit say out loud about parting? Write a farewell letter, just let the person read it with you.

Remember the danger. Some can aggressively perceive the news about the end of the relationship, will begin to threaten, perform inadequate actions. It is better to leave somewhere for a while.

Prohibited!When talking, it is impossible to express your negative opinion about the partner, to break up, roll. Have a sense of dignity, calmly behave.

Do not think to tell other people's secrets per person. If you broke up with him, this does not mean that you need to talk about it. Also, do not hurry to make a new relationship, you must calm down and give time to the former to realize that there is no more you with him.

Many after parting begins to torment the conscience. Psychologists say that it is necessary to release the situation as quickly as possible if you want to start a new life. I will remember: everything that is not done is only for the better.

The main rule is not hiding the partner, without explaining what. This behavior indicates your weakness. You need to be able to respond to your actions, to put all the points over "and" in a timely manner. Bring it to the end, only then start a new life.

So, you realized that this is not your man, we decided to radically change your life. Forward! It's time to act. If something does not suit you, you should not tolerate, suffer, spend precious time on sorrow, tears, sadness. It is better to delve time than a lifetime. Learn to be strong, despite all the obstacles. And it is also important to love yourself. Many are so dependent on someone, which is completely absorbed, help to enjoy living with others, while completely forgetting themselves. You can not do it this way! Everyone gives a chance to manage his life, you should not climb into someone else's or sacrificing my happiness. Live, as you like, and do not adapt to others. Good luck, you will definitely work out!

Today, visiting us psychologist Elena Smirnova, who will tell how to part with a man so that parting for you passes as painlessly.

Sometimes in the life of the girl comes the moment when it realizes that relations with her man no longer give her those positive emotions as before that their relationships are not developing, but rather, on the contrary, they enter some dead end.

No matter how painfully parting with the second half, but sometimes it happens the only right way out From the situation.

At the same time, the woman should not only adequately go through this life test, but also to try as quickly as possible. learn to live without of his former partner.

How to part with your favorite guy

Regardless of who exactly became the initiator of parting, the girl is stronger than the girl strongestly, because, by his nature, women are more sensual and delicate natures rather than men.

In some cases, a woman decides to forever stop relations with a man who continues to love. Most often, this is due to the fact that it feels that her love is not mutual and the partner cooled to it. This manifests itself in the fact that their meetings become stronger, he is more willing to spend time at work than with her. The girl in the depths of the soul realizes that it cannot continue for a long time and sooner or later the partner will still go away from her.

In order not to experience in the future negative emotions from awareness of the fact that a woman is solved on this difficult step first.

That is just advised Many psychologists behave ladies. In their opinion, such a gesture will allow not only to preserve self-esteem, but the self-esteem of a woman will not suffer.

Very often at the moment when the girl declares his second half of the decision to get away from him, a man seems to be activated, he is trying to do everything possible to preserve their love and feelings. However, as practice shows, it does not lead to anything good. In the event that the girl decided to break, she needs to act until the end and no longer retreat from his position. Only, it will be able to meet that man who will appreciate all its qualities and never allow such a situation.

When talking about the fact that a woman wishes to break a love link with his partner, she needs to keep strict control over his emotions. It will most correctly tell the guy about those experiences that she is experiencing.

It should be avoided Screams and scandals, trying to part on a friendly note. Do not say those things that can somehow infringe male dignity, otherwise avoid the scandal will not come out. It is definitively important, once and for all to talk to a man, not leaving any inactiveness.

After that, the girl should leave the man and disagree on his proposals on meetings. Only, it will be able to survive parting with less emotional costs.

What to do if the beloved man himself offered to part

If the worst fears of women were confirmed, and she did not have time or could not take the initiative to their hands, and the guy decided to break the relationship with her, she would have to be extremely difficult.

Help in this difficult situation psychoanalysis will help. He will give the girl the opportunity to realize what exactly contributed to the fact that the beloved person decided to leave, what mistake she made in his behavior. Perhaps he was not satisfied with the manners of a girl or some aspects of their intimate proximity. Work on it will help her avoid these mistakes in future relationships.

However, it should not blame only everything. Both partners are always to blame. It is also necessary to realize how a man really was. Not the ideal image that is inxicated by the power of love, painted a woman, and how he really was.

Psychologists recommend Use one simple intake for this. All that will need is a blank sheet of paper, handle and your own imagination. Paper sheet should be divided into two identical graphs. In one girl will list the positive qualities of her ex with a lover, and to another writing his cons. It will help a woman to realize that her beloved was not so ideal and the fact that their relationship was given a crack, he is also to blame on a par with her.

Specialists in the field of love relationships also advise ladies not to shy their emotions. If you want to cry, it is not necessary to restrain himself. It is just important to understand that you should not dedicate to this lesson. A mirror or a personal diary can come to the revenue, which can be taught everything that happened, without experienceing that someone will condemn or distribute gossip.

All the gifts of the former beloved, the photos on which the steam together should be removed from the eyes.

As you know, nothing helps to drown out the pain of loss, as a beloved business. The girl should devote himself to work or another, like an occupation. Image change will also not be superfluous. New hairstyle, new clothes and new life.

How to part with a man who is married

Initially, any girl is configured to create its own family hearth with his second half. But sometimes it turns out quite differently. So, a man, who extended a woman's head with his courtesies, care and attention, is actually already associated with legitimate marriage with another representative of the beautiful half of humanity.

In the plans of a married man, of course, the creation of a new family is not included. It is quite comfortable in the current situation when he has a wife who is always waiting for him at home with a delicious dinner and beauty lover with whom he is resting and soul and body. According to statistics to go to the mistress from his wife, only 5% of wrong husbands are solved.

That girl, which dreams of creating your own family And to raise children together with their spouse, should abandon this kind of relationship. After all, in essence, they are absolutely unpromising.

Of course, the possibility that the guy will decide to throw his wife and go to his mistress, also exists. However, here the girl should think well above that it will be whether she will be in a couple of years on the spot of his spouse. After all, in the prevailing relationship, he sees in her the outstand, with her he is enjoyed and resting from the everyday bustle and everyday routine, but the family life is completely different. A man must have to take part in solving family issues, and after all, it was from this that he once ran.

This man, in essence, deceives two women at once: His legitimate spouse and mistress. One he is lying, which is delayed at work, or is on a business trip, and the other gives a ghostly hope for a happy family life. The mistress is always content with only those stolen from his family minutes.

After a married man is having sex with his mistress, he returns to his wife to his wife and already there also performed his marital debt. Sharing his beloved with someone, probably, no one wants.

In order to The process of breaking relationships with a "maritime" was less painfully, the girl should believe and realize the fact that he will never leave his real family. Instead of to lose his time on a relationship with a man, for whom it is not the only and unique, a woman should try to find his true love. That man who will love only her one and see her future with her.

The girl can gradually reduce the number and regularity of the meeting with a married guy, find prepositions to refuse dates with him. Do not call him the first. Gradually, he will understand that there is no point in continuing to continue these relationships, and the woman is easier to take off him.

In case of parting with a married partner, the girl in no case should not think that she will never love anyone else. It will be more expedient to send your strength to self-improvement. So she will be fully armed when a new cavalier will appear in her life.

Woman not followed Find out meetings or agree on suggestions on meetings with a married man. Even those places in which they spent time together, it is better to avoid. One random meeting with a favorite non-free man can deliver serious spiritual experiences, because wounds on the heart are not satisfied immediately.

In the event that a married man insists on the continuation of a relationship with a girl, she should show the power of his character and let him understand that she has already made a final decision for himself. The conversation in souls will be an excellent ally. A woman should directly inform his beloved guy that she does not suit all the time to be on the second roles in his life, that she does not want to be only a mistress, but wants his full-fledged family, which he will never be able to give her.

If despite this, a man does not wish to leave the girl alone and starts haunting her, then you will have to go on blackmail and contradict the irrepressible cavalier by the fact that his spouse will know about his love affairs on the side. Usually, this method reluctantly helps to get rid of married guy.

Of course, the separation process is always accompanied by a big stress for a woman. Tears, resentment, misunderstanding how to live on without a favorite guy. But sometimes a different way out of the established life situation, a woman is simply not. It is important to remember that this is a difficult decision will open for a girl the road into a beautiful future in which she will certainly meet his true love.

There are different situations in life. And not always everything is developing as we draw in our Gresses.

Life experience may not be enough to resolve the issue.

In this case, you need listen to the advice of psychologistswho will prompt how to part with the guy you love.

I love, but I want to part: psychology and reasons

5 Saving loss experience after parting in this video:

How to painlessly break the relationship with a man you love?

You finally understood that the relationship should be completed, but still love your partner? Then listen to the advice of psychologists and parting will be more or less painless:

How to part with a lover if there are feelings?

Perhaps at some point in your family life came a family break, and you started a lover. But you realized that it could not continue and need to break the connection with him. What if you have sincere feelings to him?

  1. Understand what is more important for you. Family or some man on the side? If you have such love for him, then why not go to him? Spend detailed self-analysis and decide for yourself what you want.
  2. Meet with a lover and calmly explain to him that you are not on the way.

    Be prepared for the fact that it can freeze and even begin to threaten and blackmail.

  3. After the conversation, in no case will be returned to this person. He can write, call - dismiss any connection. So it will be better for both and easier to survive parting. You can now switch to family relationships and concentrate on them.

How to part with a married man who love?

Maybe he told you not immediately about his married position.

Perhaps you ourselves decided to close the eyes into this in a gust of love.

But now everything went too far. How to stop relations with a man who has a wife?

  1. Put yourself in place of his wife.You would have been very painful and unpleasant if some woman entertained with your husband.
  2. Think about the fact that these relations have no development. You will stay for him with a girl with whom he sleeps. And that's it. Even if a man tells you that it is about to go from my wife - you shouldn't believe. You can even put a question with an edge: tell me that you return, as soon as you see a certificate of divorce.
  3. All these reflections should ease your thoughts about parting. After you finally decide, meet a man and inform him about the decision.

    Do not rush into tears, do not arrange hysteria, do not detract from throwing it a family. Save your dignity.

  4. Divide. Start walking on dates, meet with friends, make a hobby. Fill out your free time.
  5. Stop any contacts with it. Even seemingly innocent correspondence in social networks significantly complicates the separation process.

How to throw a guy you love?

Do you like your boyfriend, but objectively understand that the relationship is time to finish? Then you should contact the advice of psychologists:

How to painfully part with a guy? Find out this video:

Farewell words beloved

Parting is a rather complicated and unpleasant procedure for both sides. Sometimes it is very difficult to correctly express words. Here are general advice:

  • do not look for template phrases.Tell me better not very beautiful, but but sincerely. Who will be pleased to hear when farewelled by a brought phrase from the Internet?
  • tell me how well you were together. But do not foresee memories. Just emphasize that he is a good person and gave you many pleasant moments;
  • inform the cause of separation What kind of negative qualities you did not like. He has the right to know. Do not leave it with no relation and constant thoughts "What went wrong";
  • sincerely wish happiness. You still love him, which means you want only good. Let and not with you.

Beloved man during parting.

How to behave when parting? Main mistakes of women:

How to throw a girl who loves you?

If you parted by mutual desire is one thing. But if you have to throw a girl who still loves you, then this is not an easy task. Here are some tips how to make it competently:

How to part with his wife who loves you?

A particularly difficult situation when you want to part with your wife. Most likely, you have a lot in common, since the years lived together and ending with the children.

  1. Prepare for a serious conversation. You must be unshakable, otherwise your wife will not understand the seriousness of your intentions. Speak essentially as it is.

    Do not insult and do not blame her in all sins. Now it is harder to you, what to do with understanding.

  2. Discuss detail further actions. Who will stay in the apartment? What to do with shared friends? Who will the children stay with? These topics may well reduce the heat of emotions and translate the conversation to another direction.
  3. Be sure to explain the cause of your care. Do not leave my wife in ignorance. It will be better if you honestly say than if it is to think and scroll through probable breaking out options in my head.

How beautiful to part with a girl who love you?

It happens that you love a girl very much, but for some reason you cannot continue the relationship. How to behave in such a situation?

I can not part with my mistress. How to part with your beloved woman?

If you have a woman on the side, then, most likely, sooner or later the choice will take: a wife or lover. How to part with a mistress, if there is feelings for her?

  1. Observe what is more important for you.. Since you choose my wife, family values \u200b\u200bare not empty sound for you. Then on the family and focus!

    Immerse yourself in these relationships, try to establish communication and spend more time together.

  2. With the mistress you will have to meet again. But not for love merits, but for conversation. Tell her about your decision and warn that there will be no more meetings.
  3. Chop all ends. Delete the room, erase all messages from it. Best of all, if you have nothing to remind you about it.

Parting is always hard.But if you get to this process consciously and trust the advice of psychologists, then the gap and emotions can be simplified from it.

What to say a girl when parting? Useful tips: