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Former in a dream: what dreams and what means. Dream black magic. When the prophetic dreams come true

It is very important, a dream about a guy girl or a man dreamed about a guy, because the interpretation of the vision depends on it. A man see a guy in a dream - a sign that he is too much in life envies other people, so he should be attentively treating his own life, and not to watch on others. If a woman dreamed that she was a guy, she saw himself in another case, then we should expect change in life if she was delighted with what turned into a guy, then changes in real life will become pleasant. What dream 2 guys? If they do not fight, then such a dream foreshadows positive changes, career growth.

If the girl saw a dream about a guy who had rolled up, and on his face he had bruises and wounds, then in his life there are many unsolved secrets. For a man, a pleasant sign is considered to see a dream in which the guy goes at hand with a girl. This means that soon the dreams will meet his wife or companion of life.

In general, the meaning of sleep guy is changes, but which specifically, indicate the accompanying dreams of the part. A bad sign will see a dream about a young guy to a woman who has children. The vision is most often becoming a sign of children's disease or what they got into a bad company.

What did the guy dreamed of: the interpretation of Miller

For a girl, a dreaming guy means a positive interpretation, because in his life only success and luck will be waiting, but this is true only if the guy dreamed beautiful. But if the girl woke up horrified by the fact that the ugly guy dreamed, then a little disappointment should be waiting for her on his way to a dream. A dreamy famous young man, singer or actor testifies to the fact that the girl who sees this dream will be happy and famous. If at the form of an unfamiliar guy in a dream, you feel chill, dislike, then in life wait for betrayals from the person from the first environment, and maybe even from the best friend.

If you dreamed of a boy in the dream book Vanga

If the boy dreamed in white clothes, then the dream will be fulfilled with cherished desires. The guy in a dream in black robe will be a sign that a lot of obstacles will appear on the way to achieving the goal.

A fat guy who I don't know - sometimes girls wake up with such an exclamation. In addition to surprise from what he saw, it is worth looking into the dream book, because the sleep is quite symbolic. He means that in the future you do not have to solve difficult problems, fortunately, your life will be carefree and easy.

Dream Dream Hasse: Dreamed a young guy

Different dreams have different interpretation, so the value when the guy dreams depends on what it was - young or old, what a figure was. When the young guy was given in a dream, which is not yet married, then it follows this girl to protect and defend, because in reality it is experiencing increased anxiety. Hasse is interpreted by the appearance of a full guy in a dream, as a positive sign and a sign of financial well-being.

What dreams your boyfriend - interprets flowers

If you dreamed of your young man with whom you are not yet engaged, but we meet, then this is a sign of future pleasures and pleasures. But if the guy drew a guy, then this is a new beginnings sign. If the guy in a dream suggested to meet, then it can be expecting such a situation.

I dreamed of a guy, what is it? Ask Freud.

If a man dreamed of a guy who hengerly, he was suspected of infidelity his bride or wife. Unfortunately, many men for their ridiculous jealousy cannot cope with themselves, and their fantasies are transferred to dreams. Most often, the guy dreams exactly to the man who complex about their sexuality.

When a woman says that he saw a guy in a dream, then you need to ask her what appearance he had, because such a dream means that she sees such an ideal partner for himself. Did a friend who suggested in a dream to meet? In fact, the subconsciousness itself tells the girl the right way out. In reality, this person is probably feeling, at least a dream and not recognize.

The famous psychotherapist all interprets on the basis of sexual desires. So, it will not be difficult for him to answer the question of what the former guy dreams. You yourself guessed, it means a unrealized carnal desire for this person. There is in this interpretation of the grain of truth, because when people together, their energies are intertwined, and when they break up, it is hard to let go of this person, so he is in dreams.

I dreamed of a girl what it means - Meneghetti will answer

It happens that the girl woke up and tells her boyfriend that he was dreaming. Need to clarify the details of the dream. If a headdress appeared in a dream, then the girl hides something from you. If the guy dreamed naked, then this is a symbol of danger and risk, one should be careful to be decisive. But if there was a shirt on the guy or some kind of white robe, then with a large probability, it will be unhappy with this person. Sometimes it gets so scary when the girl tells: I saw my boyfriend in a dream dead. However, you should not worry, because this dream is dreaming of profits and cash increase.

I dreamed of the guy - Video Dream

Sleep theme:,

Sleeping in a dream symbolizes the spiritual and moral condition of the person, his readiness to change and move forward. To deal with what a similar dream is dreaming, it is necessary to carefully analyze what you saw, remembering the dream in the details, and will give a tip to the dream book.

In the dream of Hasse, the meaning of sleep is to sleep in the fresh air, is interpreted as an ambulance trip or upcoming journey. Dermit in transport - the implementation of trade affairs and connections, in the church - it is necessary to fear slanders and intrigues from ill-wishers, relatives are staying at rest and security. To rest on the balcony, speaks of the performance of hopes and dreams of the dreaming, in the manor - one of the cherished desires to realize.

Dream Interpretation of cops, such a dream interprets as a sign that a person dries his own intuition, the voice of the mind. You need to learn to trust and listen to your inner voice, because in the near future, with intuition, person can achieve a lot.

The need for a respite, delay or pause in solving any questions and problems, which means to sleep in a dream, on the theory of psychologist Meghetti.

I dreamed that I sleep

What dream to go to bed? This vision characterizes the missed time in real life, the desire to remove from affairs, remove the gagging responsibilities and responsibilities. Also, such an image can be decrypted in a dream as a deception and insidious intrigue, which can "be a thing" sleeping. , The girl, see himself sleeping, to the emergence of extraordinary events that can touch both personal and business sphere. Baryshne should pay more time to rest, because fatigue can become one of the reasons for the deterioration of performance at work.

Want to sleep in a dream, interpreted dreams as a physical and moral fatigue of the sleeping person. This is the first bell that warns the dream that if he, as before, neglecting his health, it can happen irreparable. Only a normal approach to work, and the alternation of recreation and labor will provide prosperity and decent financial position of the person.

Place where dreaming dreaming

Sleeping on the street, free air in a dream, interpreted dreams, as coming trips or travel. Business people this vision indicates possible business trips with departure abroad, travelers - the emergence of the ability to go to a fascinating campaign.

Some dream books ambiguously interpret what to dream to sleep on Earth. On the one hand, the vision implies respect for the bosses and honor among colleagues, and on the other hand, it means that by its negligence, the sleeping person will allow his close environment to the person who intentionally cause harm and trouble with the house of the dreaming.

Sleep on the floor is interpreted by dream book as a subconscious search for protection and stability. The dirty floor personifies the launch of the sleeping person's cases, to figure out which without third-party help will not be able. Also, this dream can concern the home environment and relationship between households, so that nothing is important to miss, the dream should be given more time to your loved ones.

Most dreams are negatively interpreting what to dream to sleep in bed. Own bed foreshadows a long disease or deterioration of the overall condition of the body. To avoid this, you should devote more time to rest and rehabilitation, without bringing yourself to extremes.

People who had to sleep in the water in a dream, the dream book advises to make an emotional discharge, because the nerves cast to the limit can shoot at the most inopportune moment. For this, extreme sports and active pastime will be well suited.

Sleep - sleep on the table, in the dream book, means that a person strives to stay as far as possible from noisy companies, preferring to stay alone with himself. Merry parties do not cause dreaming positive emotions, and on the contrary, they oppress it.

Negative interpretation has a dream, in which I had to sleep on a cemetery in a dream. Such a picture indicates that a person should pay close attention to his health. It is necessary to urgently turn to the doctor, and make all the necessary analyzes. However, it is not necessary to wind yourself ahead of time, the core of all disease will be non-hazardous and easily curable.

People who had a chance to sleep on the grave in a dream should not be worried and worry about this. In most cases, the dream indicates severe physical fatigue and moral devastation. To raise the vital tone, it is worth a little rest and spend a few weekends in nature.

If a person who has in reality there is health problems, had to sleep in a coffin in a dream, then, according to the dream book, it should not be careless to treat his disease, because it can cause great consequences and affect future well-being.

With someone sleep in a dream

Despite the terrible sight and some confusion after what he saw, sleep with the dead man in a dream, interpreted dream book as a fairly favorable sign, which deciphers as a healthy and long life of a sleeping person.

Woman, in a dream to sleep with a deceased husband, in a dream, means troubles that touch the personal and business sphere of dreams. If the lady has married the second time, it means that in real life, the girl is waiting for a small hatching with the current husband.

For a young girl, in a dream to sleep with a man, foreshadows dreams a threat to be deceived. A man with whom the ladies have a love relationship, in real life will not be able to justify the hopes of the dreams. A married woman is in bed with an unfamiliar man, foreshadows a pleasant surprise from her husband.

If the young lady recently quarreled with the chosen one that you can not doubt what to dream to sleep with your beloved. Dream interpretation points to a quick reconciliation, again broke out a sense of love and romance between partners.

Sleeping with a guy in a dream, may be familiar to a young lady, that she does not focus on joint problems that touched a couple, but drew attention to the relationship between it and the chosen one.

Inability to forget or forgive your ex-boyfriend, unclear questions and unfinished things between former lovers, this is what to dream to sleep with a former guy.

A man, sleeping with a woman, Dream Interpretation foreshadows dubious or shaky position at work, problems with finance or with mutual understanding between native people.

Stop sleeping a child in a dream, interpreted dream book as fatigue of dreaming from small troubles and problems. A woman in reality is worth a break from their homework, a man - to devote more attention to family and children more.

Dreaming in which the dream has to sleep "Walt" with some person, talks about opposing aspirations of people. A woman who dreamed in such a position with his own husband, the dream book indicates the existence of misunderstanding between spouses, the struggle of characters and the varying of goals. So far, the spouses will not come to a common denominator, it is not necessary to hope for the fulfillment of desires and desires.

A positive interpretation has a vision in which people in love happened to sleep in an embrace. Dream Interpretation talks about harmony and mutual understanding in a pair, the action in unison and the desire for one goal.

See someone sleeping

Watch in a dream as a child sleeps, interpreted dreams as a kind of shyness and the naiveness of a dream, personifies the helplessness of a man in front of his world. The alarming dream of the baby, speaks of the impending problems that dismissed the spiritual and moral condition of the person.

If the baby sleeps calmly, peacefully put up the spout, which means that in real life all important things will be smooth, and the beginnings - successfully. If the mother admires the dormant baby in a dream, then in the life of the young lady, peace and peace will come.

Mother Sleeping daughter in a dream, promit dreams of pleasant changes in life, profit, prosperity and well-being. Father, such a picture foreshadows calm and peace, the ability to concentrate at work.

To see in a dream that the husband is sleeping in someone else's bed, then you should prepare for surprise that will be unpleasant. In some cases, the dream book speaks of the treason of faithful, or its reluctance to have offspring.

If an unfamiliar man sleeps in a dream house, you should prepare for an unexpected arrival of uninvited guests.

To see how Mom sleeps in a dream, broadcasts dreams of the world, Float and peace in the family. To learn more, what dreams of such a vision is worth paying attention to the parental's posture. If the mother is sleeping on his stomach, then, fun and happiness will clarify the dream house. If on the back - unforeseen circumstances, with which a person will quickly cope.

If the guy dreamed of a sleeping girl, then in the relationship of lovers there will be a way and peace. A young man, in a dream to see a sleeping woman, unfamiliar earlier, speaks of pleasant dating, which can have a positive effect on the man's career.

If in a dream of a girl, an unfamiliar man sleeps in place of her husband, then, according to Dream Interpretation, a dream is awaiting unexpected joy, or a pleasant surprise that will be present in the remarks.

The need to pay close attention to his health and well-being, that's what dream of a dream, in which the dead man sleeps on the bed of man.

What dream of sleeping girlfriend? The dream speaks of the striking changes in the life of a friend who will entail changes in the dream of a dream.

What dream of a sleeping cat? Awareness of a person about the emergence of difficulties, but the inability to influence or warn him. If in a dream a homemade dormitory, then such a picture indicates peace and well-being in the house.

To see as in the courtyard that the cat sleeps in a relaxed state, heada in the sun, is a sign that the misfortunes weakened their vigilance, and in the near future they will not bother with dreaming cunning.

It is useful to know what the sleeping rat is dreaming. This image means that a person will get rid of remorse of conscience and a sense of guilt that has soaked it lately. Also, the vision indicates the deliverance from the bite, the feelings of hostility to someone.

If a young person dreamed of a sleeping dog, which means that the man's appearance torments a sense of uncertainty, and also points to the unpredictability of the partner in the relationship.

If the Baryshne dreamed of a sleeping snake, then soon the dream came the chance to spend time with their children and enjoy their society.

The opportunity to go on vacation, to fully relax from the bustling fuss and homely trouble, so what to dream of a dream in which the bear is sleeping. See a bear, in a winter hibernation, foreshadows temporary lull in confrontation with the opponent.

General interpretation

Specialists consider people who see sleep in a dream, able to comprehend the secrets of the unconscious, endowed with an enlightened consciousness and able to control their lives. The ability to see such dreams is far from everyone, it is a lot of favorite people.

Often, non-clear plots that require explanations appear in dreams. How to solve them? Interpretation will depend on the items seen: where, with whom and how much you slept.

Sleep in nature - To pleasant.

Modern dream book It believes that such a dream means to keep a double life. You are hypocritical towards a decent person, experience because of this. Seen in a dream Happy sleep - to.

Family dream book Speaks about a friend and advises to prepare for unpleasant events.

Dream Veles. I am sure that such a dream will tend good life prospects if the person experienced positive emotions.

Dream Interpretation from A to Zselects a warning about the secret treason of a loved one in the plot of this dream.

Dance Deniz Lynn He considers this dream by the need of an organism in an additional rest. Also sleep indicates changes.

Opinion of esoteric and psychologists

They believe that this dream is playing a life situation in a dream. If you see, it means that in real life the danger will not affect you: you have already experienced it in your dream, other life reality, reports the site "The Secret World".

Driving a dream in a dream - a unique possibility of programming life events. This ability is specially trained in courses of conscious dreams.

How to embody seen a good scene of dreams? To do this, after waking up several times to "lose" sleep events in your mind, consolidating them. If you saw sleep in a dream with a sad finale, simply create event finals with the end. Gradually, you will gain the ability to control your life through dreams.

Without any exaggeration, it can be said that our exclusive service Dream Juno Online is from more than 75 dreams - this is at the moment the biggest dream book in RuNet. From October of the month of 2008 and to the present day, it includes the most interpretation of dreams of all characters and images from different dreams - both folk and written by various authors, among which, as well-known dream interpreters, so few more familiar, but those No less, talented and focusing authors.

We carefully selected the best sources for you and combined them all on one site, so we use our service and conveniently, and most informatively. You can find here answers to all questions about the interpretation of dreams, find out the meaning of sleep on any subject, reading dozens of interpretations of the characters that you have dreamed and choosing from them that you have the highest "hooked" - as a rule, this is the answer to the question - What does dream mean, who dreamed personally and specifically at this time.

For even more complete clarity in the interpretation of his sleep, if there is a need, in addition to the dreams, you can take advantage of the additional information under the Juno - article on the interpretation of dreams, where you will find a lot of interesting and useful articles on how to find out the meaning of dreaming, in What days are the remand dreams, how to work with a dream, etc. For example, you will be interested to find out that the brightest and memorable dreams will dream of full moon, at this time there is a lot more dreams. Dreams on a decreasing moon reflect your psychological states and help in self-analysis. What dreamed of a growing moon requires realization in reality - pay special attention to this. You will learn what days of the week and the lunar days will dream empty, and in what are the prophetic dreams. For example, it is believed that something that dreamed of 3, 4, 7, 8, 12, etc. The lunar days come true, and at 29, 1, 2, etc. - practically nothing). Important dreams are shot in such numbers of the month as 1.3, 4, etc. Remember also that daytime dreams are almost always empty. They only matter night, especially those who dreamed in the morning.

Our dream book Juno is free and is presented in a comfortable and beautiful shape, divided into paragraphs and subtitles dedicated to the interpretation of dreams of certain authors or nationalities to use it could be most easily and comfortable. We simply use the service, namely:

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Search for words in service Dream Interpretation Juno Online can be carried out both by alphabetically and the task of the search word. In the case of searching by alphabet, select the desired letter and from the list that appears that interests you.

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  • The register of the entered letters does not matter. For example, the words "hand", "hand", "hand" and "hand" will give the same search result.

In the collection of our service - more than 75 dreams, many of which have only we have, placed such well-known and popular sources as Miller's dream book (the most complete and, in fact, the first of the strokes in the world), dream book Vangu (his name speaks for itself ), Nostradamus's dream book (astrologer and predictor with world name), Dream Interpretation of Freud (the most famous psychologist in the world), as well as interpretations of dreams of different nations (Russian, Vintage French, Vintage Russian, Slavic, Maya, Indians, Gypsy, Egyptian , Eastern, Chinese Yellow Emperor, Assyrian dreams), as well as author's dreams of different nationalities: Islamic Ibn Sirina, Chinese Zhou-Guna, Old Persian Tafleysi, Italian Dreamnies Meneghetti and Roberti, Vedic Shivananda, English Zedel. The service includes such excellent sources of dream interpretations as a completely amazing American dream book of the famous writer Deniz Lynn (on the recommendation of the site - the best), Russian nobility dream of Grishina, Tsvetkov, Loffe, Ivanova, Ezop, Veles, Hasse, Pythagora (Numerological), medieval Daniel, Cleopatra, Solomon, Zada, Azara, as well as modern universal, female, male, lunar, spiritual, culinary, love, children's fabulous-mythological, esoteric, winged phrases, symbols, folk, mirror psychological states, snorker, sonar, tutorial, Dream Health, Past and Future, Psychological, Psychoanalytic and Many others. As you can see, the assortment of interpretations is very wide and everyone will find for themselves exactly the meaning of sleep that was looking for.

In the dream interpretation, the topic of love and personal relationships is widely represented, but the rest of the subjects have detailed lighting. Enjoy your dreams!

2008-2017 Dreams on Juno are represented only for informational purposes. All rights reserved. Copy is prohibited.

The subconscious issues such forties that the person does not know what to think about. For example, how to understand such a fact: this is already some kind of nesting machine. But this impression produces strong. All the more, it is necessary to understand what it is happening that it is extremely rare, therefore, is an important message. But what about? Let's deal with.

What do famous bellows say - grandmothers?

To whom it was lucky in childhood to ask the question of what dreams dream in a dream, he probably heard this explanation. Many old people are confident that this is a sign of great fatigue. Like, the brain overwhelmed, so it gives such strange pictures. Maybe they are right. If a dream dreamed in a dream, then a person literally has a rest. There is an opinion that people engaged in intense mental labor, morest than others need regular peace for the gray matter. If they do not give a night rest of enough time, then they produce a persistent illusion of overwork. This is the subjective factor. The brain so strangely signals the need to be distracted. Otherwise, the disease will follow. Children of grandmothers are sent to walk, run around the yard, free from the abundance of impressions. According to the senior generation, if a dream dreamed in a dream (which means, we are trying to figure out), you need to change the generation of activities for a while. If you encounter such a vision, then try to implement their advice. Maybe the subconscious mind will cease to throw amazing riddles. But this opinion is private. About what to think if a dream was dreamed of a dream that it means, we will try to learn from the collections of interpretations.

Family dream book

See - not a very favorable sign. Get ready for someone close to a unpleasant surprise. The interpreter hints at the betrayal of a friend. Lovers should double attention to their half. After all, if a person dreamed of a dream in a dream, he was in a threatening situation. His soul already foresides quick suffering. She is daring, trying to prevent an event that bears pain. So it gives such a sign by which it is difficult to pass consciousness. However, the reduced decoding concerns only those situations when you do not remember the plots of double sleep. If they were vague, unclear, vague. They are difficult to formulate.

How to disassemble the situation in a different way when a dream dreamed in a dream? Interpretation should be sought in the stories of the plot. Look in the sources of the value of these images. But predicted events will not happen soon. Invested images prepare you for events that follow across decades. They will be so important that the highest strength decided to warn in advance. It is advisable to write and save everything carefully. After all, this time will come when you have to remember this important hint. If you believe this source explaining what dreams dream in a dream, you will have to have a diary yourself. Not every person retains memories of night plots for life.

Newest dream book

What else are the interpretation of such an unusual vision? Let's see what the newest dream book tells us about this. To see - to death, assures this dear source. Recall the clarifications of the elderly. They talked about overwork. Obviously, the compilers of this collection of interpretations relied on their opinion. Once in a dream dreamed of a dream, it means that the person is oversigned. It is logical that the consequence of this process will be a disease. Most likely, it is already present at the cell level and affect the internal organs. Many of them can not directly into the brain to send signals about negative processes pain. So there was a different mechanism for preventing consciousness about the problems of the body. Tip: Take care of prevention, relax, go to the doctor. In addition, the affected body can be judged by the plot of double sleep. If water appeared in it, then engage in the gastrointestinal tract. If there was a cat, then the spleen is threatened. The Earth speaks of the problems in the sexual area. They are only potential, but they should be done immediately until it became late. It turns out that the answer to the question about what dreams sleep in a dream is also not particularly optimistic if you do not perceive it as a good warning.

Italian dream book Meneghetti

It did not remain aside from the question under consideration and this source. Explaining what dreams sleep in a dream, it relies on the already given reasoning, slightly expanding the circle of affected problems. It is necessary to pause, take the so-called vacation, assures Mr. Meneghetti. Purchase questions will wait. After all, a person is not able to correctly appreciate their meaning, navigate, take into account all the circumstances. The probability of error is very high. Consequently, there is a threat to go through the wrong way if a dream dreamed in a dream. What this will lead, probably not to clarify. We'll have to correct the flaws for a long time, to establish relationships, redo projects or search for ways to cancel the decisions taken. That is, a person will complicate his life. Is it better to wait a bit? After all, after a certain time, the inner gaze will clarify and can be understood in circumstances. Especially since unplanned rest is very useful for health. Again we come to the rightness of the older generation!

Explanatory Dreaming Dictionary

A slightly different approach is given in this compilation. If the previous authors were looking for the root of the interpretations in the personality of a witness of amazing vision, then this interpreter proposes to focus on external circumstances. The fact is that they are not the most favorable way. It should be especially overlooked when the essence of the plot of the second level escaped from a person. Before him will stand barriers, which he now does not suspect. To overcome them with the skill will not work. You will have to get together with the forces or just wait if a dream dreamed in a dream. What it will lead, the source does not explain the source. Its warning is limited to an indication of unknown obstacles in an important area of \u200b\u200blife. It may be work, personal relationships, finance. The dream is invited to look for problems in the fact that he himself considers significant. It is there that impenetrable walls will stand, the deepest rally are formed.

Modern dream book

Sleep in a dream to see - to be in a dual situation. Nearby there is a very good person. It is pure soul, sincere and fully open. And you suspect it in all sins, and absolutely unreasonable. If you do not be able to hide your black thoughts, hurt the angel. And this is a very big sin. Get away in thoughts. Who decided to make insignificantly punish? Is it worthwhile, which is not distinguished by the harm and humility, to apply to the one who refused negative feelings and ideas does not want an evil? Deciphering, what dreams sleep in a dream, this wise source warns about the danger of slandering karma in the wrong act. Further, it suggests remembering the plot of the vision of the second level. If it turned out to be bright and joyful, you will be able to get out of the difficult situation with honor. And if gloomy and dark, do not stand lesson. But such an incredible adventure in the country of Morpheus speaks about the presence of your soul debt, bearing a karmic character. Further fate depends on what decision will be made.

Small Velezov Sonnik

It is very different to the study of our vision. This respected interpreter. He offers a person to remember the circumstances of the rest in Maitre. It is in them seemingly the point of response. So, if you won on a beautiful glade, adopting fragrant, juicy herbs, it means, ahead of life, deprived of alarms and worries. A patron will take on the solution of any problems. Agree, to believe in such an interpretation is very seductive. Very otherwise you should perceive the situation when you standing saw a dream. The misfortune is already ready and is waiting ahead. It gathered thunderstorm clouds over your head! Be careful. In addition, the author claims that an insoluction threatens to someone who had a dream. What does it mean, you do not need to chew. Soul in danger! You need to look for ways to get out of such a state.

Dream of black magic

Not everyone will look into the specified source. But those who will decide, hardly interpretation. It indicates that such a plot guarantees success in occupations of magic. Moreover, as a good kulik, the collection is praised his swamp. He offers a dream to make black magic. Like, there is a tendency to her. Is it worth perceive this clarification seriously? Decide yourself. Interpretation in the collection is presented as serious and responsible.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

It is also recommended to pay attention to the circumstances under which they are treated. If it happened outdoors, get ready for a long road. She most likely will be a pleasant, filled with incredible discoveries, vivid impressions and delight. When they saw himself sleeping on the roof, expect a rapid take-off. Life will make a steep turn. Waves of fuss and passages will fall, and you will find yourself in a position briefly described by the word "elite".

Poor to see yourself sleeping in a soft chair or on the fluff perin. The interpreter recommends collecting all the powers of the soul. You will meet with bitter betrayal from your favorite person. If they worshed the train, without bedding, only on the naked mattress, to know, does not seek the soul to social and financial vertices. What is that is quite satisfying you.

Esoteric dream book

In this directory, we also face the plot about the Kulik. Those who are not inclined to spiritual surveys should not find out what dreams dream in a dream, in the dream, indicated in the subtitle. After all, this source contains only a description of human talents. This adventure in the country of Morpheus, he considers an indicator of readiness for intensive internal work. Man is invited to learn how to order dreams. This is a whole direction in esoteric. It is possible, it turns out, ask a question, but to see the answer in a conscious vision. The source alleges that the one who sees multi-level dreams is inclined to such activities. Try if you believe.

American dream book

Films the above source of decodes and this collection. Conscious dreams are recommended to someone who faces the studied plot. However, here the thought continues somewhat in a different direction. The soul is our multifaceted. It is conditionally divided into composite elements. For example: conscience, faith. One of them does not have a dream. It should be sorted out with your own soul and launch its missing part. After all, without it, it is impossible to live a full life, realize your own tasks. You know, an ordinary person exists in many worlds. Those that we do not perceive ordinary feelings are called thin. A similar plot suggests that the dreams can travel in Astral. Such talent is valued by some advanced personalities more than gold. Think about it. Maybe you should pay more attention to your abilities, develop them. The fate itself presents the gift, whose value cannot be overestimated. Fairy tales loved almost everything in childhood, many more fiction when they grew up. But to become the hero of this plot itself is a special honor! Do not miss the chance. Make a step towards change! If a dream dreamed in a dream, it should be sked in the shower. This is what the main idea of \u200b\u200binterpretation.