Repairs Design Furniture

Wrought a toilet? There are no hopeless situations: how to clean the plumbing yourself. What to do if the toilet clogged at home - the ways of cleaning worked the toilet as

If the toilet worked, the owners of apartments prefer to cause plumbing. But sometimes this service is temporarily inaccessible or too expensive. What to do in this case? After all, you can do without water, gas, electricity. But without the toilet to withstand the day will not work. In this case, it is necessary to take care of the cleaning of the toilet independently. You can cope with this task in several ways.

There are many reasons that can lead to climbing sewage. This may be improper operation of the toilet: throwing into it garbage, waste after repair or feline filler. But sometimes the sewage is clogged even without "help" of the owners. Contributions can also neighbors. And sometimes the blockage arises due to poor-quality, too hard water, which provides gradual deposition on the pipes of the plaque. Then the sharp need to figure out how to clean the toilet independently, if he clogged. Before you disassemble effective sewage cleansing methods, you must dwell on the four tips of the masters.

  1. Find out the cause of the jam. The solution to the problem must be started with the question of all family members about the possible source of the problem. For example, a child may accidentally drop the toy in the toilet. In this case, half of the effective methods will be ineffective. Conduct with such a jam if the subject is far enough, only the cable will help.
  2. Determine the traffic jam. If water is bad in the toilet, which immediately decide the owners of newcomers? They suggest that the plot arose in the toilet tube and apply all available methods for its cleaning. This approach is not quite correct. After all, the plot could arise much further, in the sewer tube. To approximately define the place of the plug, you need to open the cranes in the bathroom and in the kitchen. If water flows normally and is not delayed in the pipe, then the problem is really in the plexus of the toilet bowl. But if the water quickly filled the pipe and very slowly leaves the sink, the problem is satisfied serious, and it is better to use the services of Plumbing.
  3. Do not use the tank. To check how water goes out or clean the pipes "under pressure" do not use the drain tank. If the tap in the toilet is too powerful, then all the water mixed with uncleanness can pour through the toilet directly on the floor. Another unpleasant phenomenon is possible. Bath and toilet - these are two reporting vessels. Therefore, dirty water, which is unable to eliminate the plot, only one thing remains - to flood the bath. It is better to drain water from the pelvis, strictly controlling the process of its outflow.
  4. Urgently cause plumbing. In some situations, even knowing how to clean the toilet, if he clogged, it will not be possible to achieve a positive result. If, opening the toilet, you noticed that the water level is gradually increasing, this means that the stamp has formed in a common riser. In this case, the informative vessels will be your toilet and sewer riser. Do I need to say that very soon all the uncleans are transformed through the edge and fill the toilet? No cleansing events will help solve the problem. It will cope with this cork only plumbing using special revision hatches and a plumbing cable.

If the blockage arises too often, it is necessary to pay attention to the toilet itself. Modern models, harmoniously complementing the design of the toilet, are not always suitable for mounting to old sewer systems. Therefore, acquiring plumbing, it is important to pay attention not only to its combination with a common interior, but also on the technical characteristics of the selected model.

Folk remedies to help. Cleaning toilet bowl

How to remove the blockage in the toilet? If no one threw any foreign objects in the toilet, then ordinary home remedies can help. They will bring invaluable benefits in the formation of congestion from rust, urinary stone, fatty sediments and raids. Such folk remedies are most common.

  • Lemon acid. She qualitatively eliminates the blade and bloom on the pipes. It is recommended to fall asleep in the toilet three tablespoons of citric acid. In this state, leave the plumbing for three to four hours. Then the closet is cleaned with the rash and descend water. A pleasant bonus of such an event will be fresh in the toilet room.
  • Soda. If possible, it is necessary to extract water from toilet bowl. Then they fall asleep soda. It will take about 250 g (half of the pack). In this form, the plumbing is left overnight (no less than eight o'clock). Then carefully drain the water, if necessary, helps the rash. Cleansing soda will help not only eliminate the flare, but also a high-speed toilet toilet.
  • Vinegar. To get rid of the congestion, you will need a 9% product. Class liter need to warm up. Warm fluid is poured into the toilet, with pre-deleted water, and leave for three to four hours. Schelchava sponge or brush carefully clean the available surface. Then carefully wash off with water.
  • Soda with vinegar. If separately these products did not bring the desired result, you can try to eliminate the jam with a combination of soda with vinegar. Water from the toilet should be deleted. In draining, pour 250 g soda. Following it to pour a glass of vinegar. Be prepared for hissing. 15 minutes later, when the "perturbations" of soda will end, to merge into the toilet floor-liter very hot water. But remember that it is impossible to use boiling water, otherwise the porcelain toilet may not withstand the temperature drops. This tool will save from the plaque and eliminate the fatty cork, if food residues are often poured into the toilet.
  • Hydrochloric acid. It acts very aggressively, therefore applies only in extreme cases. But it is the salt acid that can dissolve the tap formed by a feline filler. It is necessary to pour some liquid into the toilet and leave it for one hour. Then you can try to wash off the water. But if the sewer pipes are made of plastic, then hydrochloric acid is prohibited. She is a pipeline.

There are advice to use such remedies like whiteness, Coca-Cola, Chlorine. They are ineffective and able to cope only with small traffic jams. But as a bleach for the toilet, it will be very useful.

Chemical reagents from congestion

Manufacturers have developed many chemical compounds that can dissolve corks formed in pipes. Their main advantage over folk methods is the speed of exposure. Usually, efficient clearing occurs 15-20 minutes after using the selected reagent. The following means can be used to clean the toilet bowl.

  • "Mole". Budget remedy that can effectively clean pipes. It contains caustic soda and surfactant components. Such a combination provides dissolution of fats, solid waste, such as fish scales, hair. Produce "Mole" in the form of powder and gel. The tool can be used for steel and cast iron pipes. But for plastic analogues, some varieties of "crot" are categorically prohibited.
  • Vortex Draft. This cleaner is produced in liquid form. Effective dissolution of congestion provide active chlorine, caustic natter and surfactant components. The drug is able to cope with severe bows and fat savings. Can be used for any pipes.
  • "Buggy Pokhana". This is an expensive option to eliminate even the most serious blockages. But the reagent has a negative quality. This substance contains alkali, therefore it is able to worsen the condition of the pipes. Considering such an aggressive impact, it is not recommended to use Baga Pothana for worn plumbing. And it should not be too often resorted to his help.
  • "Mister Muscle". This tool is made as a powder or gel. It has a mild effect, and expect to eliminate serious congestion with it. With insignificant traffic jams, Mr. Muskul will cope in literally in a couple of minutes. But if the stroke is more serious, it is recommended to pour the toilet to the toilet and leave for the night.
  • "Tyr". The drug is based on chlorine-containing bleach, surfactant and sodium hypochlorite. The tool can be used for both metal and plastic pipes. Effectively cleanses from congestion, eliminates an unpleasant smell and has a disinfecting ability.

If there is a purification of plastic pipes, it is best to use the gel or liquid reagent. Powdered household chemicals can be stuck in the connection sections. In this case, such components will gradually destroy rubber seals.

Mechanical methods of cleaning

If you independently clear the blockage in the toilet with the help of folk or chemicals, it is not possible, then you can resort to mechanical cleansing. The procedure is carried out manually or used by such "helpers" as Vanutuz and a plumbing cable.


What if the toilet has been clogged by foreign objects: toys, rags, large waterproofs? Before eliminating the blockage in the toilet, it is necessary to examine the emergency section manually. Owing on the hands of the gloves, four steps are performed consistently.

  1. Throw out water from the toilet bowl.
  2. Sleep your hand into the drain and try to grope a foreign object.
  3. Capture with fingers soft clogging and carefully pull out of the toilet.
  4. Further and more dense items are pulled out with a crochet on the end.

Sometimes after unsuccessful attempts to pull out the item from the toilet, the owners make a decision to push it. Such actions pound the plug significantly deeper and only aggravate the problem.


When the reason for clogging was not detected, and the water is still able to leak, it is recommended to use vetuz to use the toilet. Cleaning efficiency depends on the correctly selected "helper". You can find a few varieties of Vanuzov on sale.

  • Bow-shaped. This is a simple model. It is designed to eliminate the fine congestion. A cup-shaped tube will help clean the sink. But in the case of congestion in the toilet, this means is ineffective.
  • Taper. This model is able to eliminate the block in the toilet. A dense rubber nozzle having a cone-shaped form provides the correct entry into the drain hole.
  • Pneumatic. The most perfect model possessing high power. Vatuz is equipped with a nozzle capable of maneuver inside the pipe.

The procedure for cleansing the toilet bowl by Vatuz is quite simple and includes the following three steps.

  1. The rubber nozzle is put on the drain hole so that the vetuz is completely closed it.
  2. For pumping, several lung pressures make (a rubber suction cup must "clutch" with a hole).
  3. At this point, sharply pull the handle, and take off the nozzle from the drain hole.

Hydraulic blow with such a reception provides cleansing from the plug formed by newspaper paper, small purification or other core.

Plastic bottle

How can you break the toilet without a canon at home? If the desired device is not in the economy, you can try to create a hydraulic with a conventional plastic bottle. The process of cleansing is carried out in four stages.

  1. The bottle is neatly cut off the bottom.
  2. The rest screw the lid is tightly screwed.
  3. Plastic bottle cut side put on the drain hole.
  4. Holding behind the top with a lid, try to create a hydraulic shock as using a ventuum.

Plumbing cable

Such an event is applied in the most extreme cases when it is not possible to remove the cork in any of the above methods. The assistance of the plumbing cable is resorted in the event of a sewage zero by construction waste (sand, clay, putty), feline filler. A screw (cable) is a steel flexible "snake", with which you can achieve the most hard-to-reach sections of sewage. It is equipped with a special handle that ensures the rotation of the cable. Seven actions are sequentially performed for cleaning the toilet.

  1. Plumbing cable is lowered into a drain hole.
  2. Slowly promote cable for bending toilet bowl.
  3. The cable is carefully rotated so that it is free to pass through the pipes.
  4. When the auger widespread, it is starting to rotate, wound up the garbage.
  5. The cable with the shared "cargo" is carefully pulled out of the toilet.
  6. Cleaning the auger, it is re-triggered into the sewer tube.
  7. Repeat until the plur is completely eliminated.

Clean the toilet at home is easy. But it is unlikely that you can call this procedure pleasant. In order not to resort to the need to recall the toilet, the experienced hosts are recommended to carry out prophylaxis. To do this, from time to time it is necessary to clean the toilet with soda and vinegar. In this case, the flare and dirt will not accumulate, and the toilet will always be snow-white and fresh.

What if the toilet clogged? Conduct plumbing? But not everyone can afford to spend half a day on his wait. In this article, I want to tell about how to solve the problem of the blockage yourself with a minimal set of skills and tools.

Cocks have reasons

Crarads, let's start with the fact that we will separate flies from the kitlet. Causes can be very different, and depending on the diagnosis we have to choose treatment.

So, what can score the toilet?

Funny, but its use is directly appointed in my memory never led to problems. Their cause is always the violation of the exploitation of the sewage. More specifically?

You are welcome:

  • Toilet paper and paper towels. Yes, they are twisted in water, but the paper increases significantly in volume. If the toilet below the water mirror is completely clogged with Pipifax - the attempt was completely predictable to exacerbate the situation;

An even more unpleasant script - when newspapers are used instead of toilet paper or, worse, glossy magazine sheets. They are much more dense and clog the release of the plumbing device tightly.

  • Fellers for cat trays. Of all the types of filler in the toilet, you can wash off only one - is made from pressed sawdust, and then in small portions. Pour into the sewer the commercial filler, lumps of silica gel or sand and hope for the best - unforgivable naivety: the blockage will be inevitable, as the collapse of capitalism;
  • Food waste. Your white friend is able to absorb a couple of liters of the skysckers, but to dispose of the marinated tomatoes and spoiled porridge in it - a guaranteed way to get a blockage;
  • Fit rags. They have an unpleasant wing to float into the aromatic distance when you pour water after washing the floors. A rag can block the release of the toilet or, which is much worse, clinging to the burr below the riser: Then the drains of all the upper floors will begin to enter your toilet and the bath;

  • Construction garbage. If you pour out pieces of plaster and small fragments of concrete or bricks into sewers, the result will be quite predictable;
  • Finally, completely by the edge of good and evil disposal of unused building mixtures by pouring them into the sewer. A concrete or masonry solution in a sanitary device usually means completing his career.

To find out what caused a blockage, spend a survey of family members about their latest actions before the emergence of the problem. If the guilty does not want to sign an obequinity turnout, you will have to paint water from the toilease for inspection and localization of the problem.


As you know, who is warned - he is armed. However, information on the causes of blockages is not the only weapon that we will have to use. To effectively combat clouds, you need a small set of tools.

What kind of tool is useful to have homes in case of blockage?

  • Vanutuz. There is no need to spend money on a professional tool with a piston and pressure gauge: a regular rubber cap on a plastic or wooden handle for home use is no worse. Reasonable price of Vatuza - no more than 200 rubles;

  • Sanitary. Its simplest version is a segment of a steel pin with a handle from curved in the form of the letter "z" of the steel tube. Product production products with a plastic shell rotating relative to the handle and the springs of the springs rotate around the steel core are no different from it in a practical plan.

The cables with the drum are convenient because they can be used alone, without helper. However, such a product is several times more expensive than the usual plumbing cable. As a rule, professionals buy them: the device can noticeably save your time only when you clean a large number of blockages during the day.

If there are no tools in the nearest shopping stores - not trouble. As you will see further, often instead you can do with prize items.

Cleaning methods

I will figure out the ways to clean the cloth for each of its type separately. The fact is that the organizing agent and inorganic substances, as well as blocks of different density and with a different fraction require a different approach.


How to clear the toilet bowl if it is clogged with toilet paper or paper towels?

It costs a relatively soft plug, and it is stuck in the most narrow place of the device - in the hydraulic manner. The cause of the blockage can be just pouring toward the riser; At the same time, it collapses in 95% of cases and continues its path to the sewer well and further, without creating any new problems.

To sell a paper stopper in the riser, you need to create a hydraulic panel - briefly increase the pressure with your neighbor to you. Make it is the easiest way to be vanatoux: Cover the water mirror and sharply press down. If necessary, repeat the operation several times. Burst spray: They fly in an unpredictable direction and air does not ignore.

Is it possible to clean the blockage without a vanza?

Its full functional analog is plastic bottle From the funny-having soul beverages with a volume of 2 - 2.5 liters. The bottle has enough to cut down the bottom and screw the plug. The instructions for cleaning looks the same as when using a ventilator: the bottle needs to sharply press one or several times.

Finally, at home, you can use a simple way to clean, which I often applied to the passagenik:

  1. Fold several times wet rag and put it on the water mirror in the toilet;
  2. Cropper Click on a rogue with mops, brushes or any stick. From the first or second time, the hydrophum arises squeezes the cause of the stammer.


What if the toilet is clogged with a feline filler?

Vekor sand can be tried to clean the same hydraulic manner. This is triggered at about half of the cases. Sand residues are washed off at repeated plum.

It should be understood that you will not serve a blockage, but move it to the horizontal sewage site - the fierce in the basement of the house. Repeated blockage due to the accumulation of sand in horizontal pipes often leads to the flooding of the basement or the first floor.

When the litter must be flooded, the basement will be flooded, and with closed revisions in it - the first floor.

Another way to clean the sanding of sand is to pierce it with a cable, allowing water to be passed to the water toilet, and rinse the device with plenty of water through the hose connected to the water supply system.

With commercial clay fillers and silica gel, the situation is much more insulting: you will have to be armed with long rubber gloves and get the lumps of filler from the toilet to manually.

Food waste

How to eliminate zoom in the toilet caused by food waste?

Hydroat can help if it comes to the crumbly caress or finely chopped salad. Unfortunately, sometimes faith tenants of apartment buildings in the omnipotence of sewage comes to the absurdity: I had to extract crude and boiled potatoes, pickled cucumbers and even large fish. These blockages can only be manually cleaned using rubber gloves.

In some cases, with a small amount of food waste in the toilet, chemical means for cleaning breaks (Mole, Tiret and others like them). As a rule, the remedy is a liquid with 5 - 15 percent of sodium hypochlorite, caustic NaOH soda, hydrochloric or oxalic acid; Chemically aggressive substances with long-term contact dissolve the organic.

In the photo Tiret - a chemical tool for cleaning blocks.

How to clean the toilet deposit of the toilet bowl with the help of such a means?

  1. Drag all the water above the zero level and drain it into the sink or bath. The lower the concentration of the active substance (alkali or acid), the less effective will be chemical cleaned;
  2. Fill the remedy in a volume of at least half-liters;
  3. After a pause of 2 - 4 - 6 hours (depending on the volume of the zero), the residues of a partially dissolved plug are removed. If she did not leave the first time, try using the hydroudar method: there are great chances that, after dissolving part of the waste, the blockage will give up your efforts.

Instead of specialized chemicals to clean breaks, any acids and alkalis solutions can be used: a battery electrolyte, oxalic acid for cleaning ceramics, "toilet duckling" with its 15 percent of hydrochloric acid as part, etc.


How do you extract the rag-stuck in the toilet?

This can be done only with a sewer cable.

The procedure for action is:

  1. Expand the cable and apply it to the toilet with continuous rotation of the handle by your assistant. The cable should be constantly stretched, otherwise it will begin to fold with loops;
  2. Hooking a catch (it will be felt by the impeding rotation of the handle), continue rotation in the same direction, slowly pulling the tool for yourself. It is important not to give a rag to break from the hook.

A special case

The rag is one of the few possible causes of a sewage riser to score, which can score it between the floors, clinging for the razor of the squabble on the connection of sewer pipes. In this case, the lock cleaning algorithm is the same, but the cable is supplied to the riser through an open revision above the stood stammer (they are located on extreme floors and every three floors of an apartment building).

Do not clean the zago riser from below up. At the time of cleaning of a sewage pillar, a few meters height will strike into an open audit. The splashes have a very resistant fragrance, are not afraid of abnormative vocabulary and overtake you in any corner of the room.

Construction garbage

It is removed only and exclusively manually, in seals. Low in the toilet, small trash will wash off after several tank plots.

Construction mixes

The hardened water level of the Gypsum sometimes can sometimes split the hammer to the long chisel after exploring the water. However, most often these attempts lead to the fact that the device splits at the base, near the sole.

If any cement solution was frozen in the toilet, eliminate the problem with low blood is impossible in principle. The toilet changes to the new one.


I sincerely hope that this material will help the reader in solving everyday household problems. As usual, additional information will offer you a video in this article. I will be grateful for your additions and comments. Successes, Camrads!

Sometimes, starting to clean the toilet, it turns out that the water in the toilet is badly washed away and remains in the bowl along with uncleanness. Plumbers do not want to call in this case, and therefore there are several questions at once: how to clear the toilet with their own hands, and with what cleaning means then remove the toilet.

Close can be caused by different reasons. Sometimes the plug occurs because of too hard water or urea, the precipitate of which is postponed inside the pipes and blocks the passage. Often, the blockage occurs due to the fault of the owners who pour foods into the bowl, born canned food, sometimes rags or other items fall there, which do not dissolve in water and, hacking for some ledge, get stuck, creating a plug.

Before proceeding to cleaning toilet or clean sewer pipes, you need to wear long waterproof rubber gloves, rubberized apron, get a marry bandage: the smell will not be pleasant. Used cleaning products contain many toxic and unpleasant substances in themselves, which are capable of calling poisoning.

Also, when cleaning the toilet and clean pipe cleaning, a sponge, a brush for the toilet, disinfecting and antibacterial cleaning agents for plumbing, gels, soap, jarshik, water pelvis are needed. Getting started to clean the toilet, you need to determine the sequence of actions. If water does not go to the sewer pipe, the first thing you need to be cleared.

How to clear the toilet

Before deciding what the cleaning agent is to clean the toilet, it is necessary to determine the cause, due to which the plot originated: the common riser may be clogged, and then they will have to cause plumbers. It is quite simple to do: it is enough to open water in the sink, if the water in the sewer does not leave, then the problem is likely to be in the total riser. If the water is brought, but it goes, it means that the toilet and the problem can be solved on their own.

If an extraneous subject got into the sewage drain, and it is known to determine where it is. To do this, it is necessary to learn water in the toilet to wear a long rubber glove, on the face - a gauze bandage (the smell will not be the most pleasant), stretch your hand into the drain hole and determine the method of tackling whether it is possible to reach the item. If it is a rag or a soft object, it can be pulled out easily, if something is solid, then in order to get out of the toilet bowl, you need to push the wire, making the hook at its end.

If the reason for the occurrence of the plug is unknown, it will have to take advantage of various cleaning agents for the toilet, mostly gels and powders.


The easiest way to which the sewer pipe can be cleared is to rinse them with water. To remove the blockage, you need to pour ten vendors to the toilet in a row (no more than 60 ° C). It is necessary to pour it in different ways: to fill with different sides of the bowl, jerks, powerful stream.

You can also connect to the crane with hot water hose, the other end to send as close as possible to the drain and open the maximum pressure. If this method does not help, and water from the bowl will not leave almost no, to stop this method, otherwise the toilet will overflow, the water will be on the floor.

Toiletz can be tried to clean with a vehicle, the rubber suction cup of which in diameter is greater than the drain hole. This method will help get rid of traffic jam if it is formed in a siphon or pipe, which leads to a common riser. Itsifias the pressure of air and water, the plug will move, gets into a large pipe and leaves down.

Before proceeding with work, drain holes in the bathroom and in all sinks it is tightly closed, after which there are water with sharp movements with water. If the water has gone, it should be addressed from a bucket or a tank and continue pumping until it starts to leave with a better speed for it.

Soda and vinegar

If water and vehicles with cleaning sewage could not cope, the blockage can be removed using soda and vinegar. To do this, it is necessary to learn from the toilet to almost all the water, leaving a small number below, pour the strips of soda, and completely drown it in the remnants of water, pouring as far as possible.

After that, pour the glass of vinegar, and wait for the end of the chemical reaction (about twenty minutes). Next, pour into the bowl of boiling water if the connecting corrugation is made of thin plastic - restrict ourselves to hot water (up to 60 ° C), otherwise it can burst.


If simple methods did not succeed in simple methods, it is capable of getting rid of it; gels or powders are capable of eliminating blockages in drain pipes ("Mole", "Sanoks"). They are able to freeze everything that accumulated inside the sewer pipes - mineral precipitate, hair, fat, salt. If the pipes are strongly overgrown, the maximum effect does not work, but the blocking will be able to break.

In order not to bring the sewer to such a condition, it is desirable to clean the pipes with cleaning agents for plumbing for plumbing.

Sewage cable

If the blockage does not make it easy, you need to purchase or ask for familiar a flexible sewer cable. You need to ask the toilet, by making rotational movements with a handle so that the coward can safely go through all the bends of the pipe, and also stirred and smashed all sediments and blockages, because of which a traffic jam.

Taking the cable from the toilet after the completion of cleaning, it must be immediately put on the cloth pre-lay on the floor, and then wipe with antibacterial liquid soap or dishwashes: otherwise the cable is staining everything around. After completing work on cleaning the toilet, remove the gloves and thoroughly wash your hands with antibacterial soap.

Toilet cleaning

When the toilet is fully cleaned, the bowl, as well as the space around, it is necessary to wash. To do this, all the things are near the toilet bowl to pick up so that they do not interfere with cleaning or did not get into the bowl and did not scold the drain. If the toilet intended for cleaning the toilet will fall on the items, they can be spoiled and they will have to throw them out.

To put on gloves, take a rag or sponge, wet in the soap solution, wipe the toilet and leave for half an hour: the dirt under the influence of soap and water is offset and it will be easy to remove it. After that, wet the washcloth in hot water and wash the bowl with the outside.

With the help of water, soap, cleaning products for the toilet, to well wash the inner part of the toilet from limescale, rust, stains. Judging by the reviews, the cleaning agent of Sanoks is not bad with this, but it should be careful with him. For example, the gel of this company contains oxalic acid, which is capable of a free enamel or marble, so it should not pour a lot, and before use, be sure to read the instructions.

Means first apply to the inner part of the toilet and leave for a while. After that, to clean the upper part of the bowl, removing pollution and rust, then wash the bottom well. Having graduated from the tank the water and rinse the inner part of the toilet, using the jarshik (it is necessary to do it several times).

After that, wash the lower and upper part of the seat (at the same time use another brush, so that microbes from the toilet are not switched to them), using antibacterial gel, soap, powder and other means.

Also be sure to wash the disinfecting gel toilet outside, as well as a tank and a handle, with which water drops. Having finished washing the bowl, wipe the toilet with a soft cloth, removing the remnants of the antibacterial agent.

Washing the toilet, the garbage on the floor is fitting, then with a solution from soap or disinfecting gel, wash the floor, the tile around the bowl and wipe the floor with a rag.

At the final cleaning stage, wash the disinfectant gel and wipe all things that are in the toilet (for this put on gloves, unpredictable to clean the toilet). At the end of work, remove the gloves, wash your hands and face using antibacterial soap.

How to clear the blockage in the toilet at home? With such a question, every resident of an apartment building is encountered sooner or later. Such an unpleasant phenomenon delivers inconvenience, and can also lead to sad consequences. However, with the right approach, it is possible to cope with the problem independently using the remedies.

The article contains simple methods that will help quickly and effectively clean the sewer.

Causes and Signs

Before you begin to eliminate the blockage, determine why it arose. This will help choose a suitable cleaning method and will prevent the repetition of the problem in the future.

Most often, the causes of clogging are:

  • food waste;
  • feller Feller;
  • various substances that do not dissolve in water, but were washed into the sewer;
  • salt sediments on plumbing pipes;
  • improper installation of the toilet;
  • washing out napkins and paper towels, which wake up and can form a blockage.

The following features will help determine the presence of the problem:

  • the emergence of persistent unpleasant seeling smell in the toilet;
  • water does not go to the drain system or merges very slowly;
  • in the toilet appear faeces from sewage.

How to get rid of a blockage in the toilet with a vehicle

Violation of the operation of the sewer system delivers significant inconveniences for tenants. This causes discomfort and prevents the normal performance of household problems. That is why it is necessary to get rid of the problem as quickly as possible.

The fastest and efficient way to remove the blockage - pumping by vanatuz. Cleaning procedure:

  1. Inspect the drain hole, when detecting garbage delete it.
  2. Install the vanatus over the drain in such a way that the edges of the rubber tip firmly seized to the plumbing.
  3. Put the handle to the device and release. Perform an action several times, and then sharply pull the vehicle.
  4. Repeat the procedure until full clearance of the drain hole.

The simplest and most effective means of normalizing the operation of the drain system - Vanutuz. Take care that this tool is always at hand to emergency

If possible, use pneumatic tubes. Its main difference from mechanical is that it provides a stronger blow, which contributes to rapid contamination.

Cleaning a plot of a plumbing cable

Despite its high efficiency, Vanutuz can not always get rid of a serious blockage in the sewer pipes. Especially if the cause of the problem is the mud tube or an extraneous object, which was randomly washed into the toilet.

Plumbing cable will help to cope with such complexity. It is a twisted spring of steel wire, which is equipped with a comfortable handle. Thanks to a special navigation of the layers, he spins well and does not lose flexibility. On average, its length is 5 m.

A special plumbing cable will help to cope with the mud plug in plum. For successful cleaning, it is important to use it correctly in accordance with the instructions and recommendations

How to clear the zoom with a cable:

  1. Lower the end of the wire without a handle in the toilet and pour until it stops.
  2. Slowly rotate the handle in one direction until the cable goes bend.
  3. Having reached the pollution place, start turning the handle to the other side. Remove the cable and remove the garbage.
  4. Insert the wire in the toilet and repeat the procedure until the operation of the drain system is completely restored.
  5. If the plug manages to push, try to pour it up to a wide drain pipe, and then rinse the system with a large amount of warm water.
You can use the usual building cable to clean the sewage. However, it is important to choose its diameter and length correctly. Before the procedure, put on the end of the wire plug, so as not to damage the plastic pipes and avoid the need to replace the drain system.

Folk remedies

If there is no vestion in the house, nor a plumbing cable, use the subwoofers.

Plastic bottle

How to clean the toilet plastic bottle:

  1. In an empty plastic container, cut the bottom.
  2. Grasp the neck and lower the homemade improvised vanatuz in the neck of the toilet.
  3. Put and sharply pull the bottle.
  4. Repeat the procedure before restoring normal drain.

Soda + vinegar

Cleaning the plums can be cleaned with soda and vinegar:

  1. Remove the liquid from the toilet bowl, leaving only a little water.
  2. Practice in the neck half of the pack of soda and push the powder as far as possible in the draining.
  3. Add 250 ml of vinegar to activate the chemical process.
  4. After a couple of hours, pour a few liters of boiling water into the drain, and then lower the water from the tank.


Cleaning the toilet "Doll":

  1. Prepare a "doll" - in a small bag, fall asleep sand, tie it well and tie a long rope.
  2. Lower the hotspot and press the drain button.
  3. Gently remove the bag by pulling the rope. Thanks to the weight, such a "doll" effectively eliminates the plug with pollution. If necessary, repeat the procedure several times.

Soda caustic

Cleaning clearing Caustic Soda:

  1. In the container (not aluminum), connect 5 liters of cold water and 2 kg caustic.
  2. Pour the solution into the toilet and leave for some time - the exact period depends on the scale of contamination and location sites (in the siphon it will dissolve faster than in the pipes).
  3. Add a large amount of hot water (up to 10 liters) to rinse the drain system.
While working with caustic soda, follow security rules. Be sure to wear long rubber gloves and closed old clothes. Avoid getting substances on the skin or mucous membranes.

How to eliminate zoom by professional means

Eliminate the problem will help professional funds that are presented in industrial stores in a wide range. They contain alkalis that effectively split nutritional residues, fat deposits, hair and other pollution.

Cleaning products for pipes can be in the form of powder, granules or liquid. The following drugs are especially popular: "Tofix", "Domestos", "Mole", "Mr. Muskul", "Tyr", etc.

Use special caution to chemicals in houses with plastic pipes. Aggressive substances can adversely affect the pipeline, which will lead to the need to replace the drain system.

Before applying any means, carefully examine the instructions and rules of application. During work, observe security measures: wear gloves and respirator, avoid getting substances on the skin or mucous membranes.

To combat a blockage in the sewage, use special chemicals. Before use, carefully read the instructions and do not forget about compliance with security measures.

  1. Check out the instructions and pour or pour the required amount of the drug in the roaming neck.
  2. Look out the time specified on the label.
  3. Remove aggressive substances with water.
Do not use several professional funds at the same time. This can launch an unexpected chemical reaction that will cause the destruction of the drain system.

Prevention of plumbing storage

In order not to face a blockage, observe the following prevention measures:

  1. Do not throw foreign items in the toilet. If something accidentally got into the neck, remove the thing as quickly as possible until she passed further into the draining.
  2. Do not wash off the remains of food. Fats accumulate on the walls of pipes, which in the future leads to the formation of a dense traffic jam.
  3. During the repair in the toilet, cover the toilet with a dense cloth and the lid, otherwise the plum will be clogged with construction trash.
  4. Periodically conduct preventive cleaning of the toilet, using professional agents.
  5. If necessary, replace old pipes with new ones, since the loose rust on their inner surface can cause drain disruption.

You can get rid of the bed with special tools, folk methods or vocational tools. When performing cleaning, comply with all the recommendations and safety rules. In order to avoid re-clogging, remember the rules for using the bathroom and make preventive cleaning of the toilet bowl.

If you fail to deal with the problem yourself, please contact the plumbing.


See presented videos to get acquainted in more detail with the cleaning process in the toilet:

Do you know that:

Remove scale and naughty with an iron soles are the easiest of the cooking salt. Pour a thick layer of salt on paper, heat the iron to the maximum and several times, slightly appropriate, swipe the iron on the salt litter.

Fresh lemon suits not only for tea: Clean the contamination from the surface of the acrylic bath, losing the half of the cut citrus, or quickly wash the microwave, putting a water container and the lemon slices for 8-10 minutes at maximum power. The softened dirt will be just wiped with a sponge.

Not only plates and cups are wellhed in the dishwasher. It is possible to download plastic toys, glass lights of lamps and even dirty vegetables, such as potatoes, but only without the use of detergents.

The habit of "economically" to use the washing machine-machine can lead to the appearance of an unpleasant odor. Washing at temperatures below 60 and short rinsing allow fungi and bacteria with dirty clothes to stay on the inner surfaces and reproduced actively.

The threads of gold and silver, which in the old days embroidered clothes, are called repetitive. To obtain, the metal wire was pulled by ticks to the state of the necessary subtleties. Hence, the expression "pull (breed) canber" - "engage in long-shaped work" or "delay the execution of the case".

If the first signs of carrying in the form of untidy rods appeared on the favorite things, from them you can get rid of a special typewriter. He quickly and effectively swips the fabric fiber lumpy and returns to things worthy.

Special traps exist to combat mole. In the sticky layer, which they are covered, added females purses, attracting males. Adhesive to the trap, they are departed from the breeding process, which leads to a decrease in the population of moths.

PVC film tension ceilings are able to withstand from 70 to 120 liters of water to 1 m 2 of its area (depending on the size of the ceiling, the degree of its tension and quality of the film). So you can not fear leaks from your neighbors from above.

Before removing various stains from clothes, you need to find out how safe the selected solvent is for the tissue itself. It is applied in a small amount on a small-wedge plot of stuff from the side of 5-10 minutes. If the material retains its structure and color, you can move to stains.

It is believed that life in a private house requires constant concern for its owners of various systems and communications. At first glance, accommodation in an apartment building allows not to think about such a need, because to control the health, eliminate the problems of the systems is the care of the workers of the housing workers. In fact, residents of urban apartments are often faced with the problem of tolap the toilet.

Water does not leave, rises in a bowl of the toilet, an unpleasant smell appears - all this "symptoms" of a cloud. However, you can handle it with your own hands.

Why is it clogging?

The causes of clogging may be many, but if we talk about the nature of clogging, then There are only two options for reasons.

  • Unexpectedly, acutely arising blocks appear as a result of entering the stem holes, the dimensions of which are superior to the drain diameter. Naturally, the object is stuck, paralyzing the entire sewer system. Often such objects are textile products, food waste, hygiene objects or solids, voluntarly or unwittingly washed into the toilet.
  • Chronic blockages usually arise gradually. First, the difficultness of water outflow is found, which is increasingly aggravated, goes into the complete absence of outflow. The causes of such a block are the deposition of organic (fat, hair) and inorganic (salt deposits, scale, contained in water) character.

Before you fight a blockage, you should try to establish its reason, because it is from this that the choice of a block elimination method depends. As a rule, remembering the last events of the day, it is possible to establish whether the problem is caused by foreign objects in the drain canal.

What problems arise?

Toilet bowl is an unpleasant problem under which several types of incorrect operation of the sewer system can be understood. While this problem does not affect a specific user, he may not think about it, and at the mention even with a grin remember the words of the song about the punched "through the blue toilet". However, it is not possible to fully insure this trouble that occurs as unexpectedly, no one is capable of.

Vomor can manifest itself a slowdown or violation of the outflow of water from the toilet toilet in the inlet pipe, an increase in the level of wastewater in the inlet pipe, the occurrence of unpleasant odor and bugged sounds, the tower in the pipe. With all these difficulties you can cope with your own. If there is no opportunity or desire to eliminate the break, you can invite a specialist from Hweak. Such situations are not critical, so you can wait for it to arrive within a few hours or one or two days.

A strong mustor manifests itself with an increase in the level of sewage waters to such an extent that they are poured from the bowl of the toilet bowl. Certificate of criticality of the situation is and a torn valve on a common pipe. In this case, it is necessary to immediately call the emergency service, and to the arrival of the riser.

Often, water is absorbed in the toilet bowl or other malfunctions appear due to improper design of sewer pipes. It can be a sagging and freezing of pipes, too sharp bends in inappropriate places. As a rule, the problem is not immediately detected, but after some time of operation. Solve the problem quickly and exclusively on its own forces is unlikely to succeed. The only exit is dismantling the system, error correction.

Sometimes there is a question or you can climb the sewer toilet paper. The answer is negative, since modern products are completely dissolved in water. However, it is impossible to say this about ordinary paper for writing, drawing, as well as newspapers. Cellulose incoming in them swells under the influence of moisture, after which even a small lump of paper increases 2-3 times and risks getting stuck in the pipe.

It is unacceptable to drain fat and used oil from the pan, as it settles on the walls of the pipes, over time turns into a plug. Poured into the toilet, sleep tea in the pipes turns into a real "cement" - welding comes and compacted. It is unacceptable to rinse the toilet objects of hygiene, diapers, packaging film and plastic bags. Who descends these things in the toilet, should not be surprised that he has been scored.

One of the reasons why water does not go out of the bowl is the growing of the blade. It appears on the surface of the bowl of the toilet bowl and the sewage pipes due to urine stagnation in the device. This may be associated not only with the fact that users do not press the drain button after urination, but also for other reasons. Thus, the leaking tank contributes to the spread of mineral deposits. Brand or outdated plumbing with damage is also subject to the attack of the blade. In cracks, scratches, recesses accumulates of urine and bacteria.

The blade is not only aesthetic problem, but also a serious threat to the integrity of the lumen of the toilet pipes. The fact is that raging, deposits close this clearance. You can get rid of the blade with a mechanical or chemical method.

Could it be that the toilet clogged because of the neighbors? If you live in an apartment building, maybe. This is due to the peculiarities of the organization of the sewer system. The sewer risker is common to all residents of the house ("line" of apartments over each other from the first on the last floor), the main output is connected to it from each apartment. The diameter of the total riser is not more than 100 mm.

If the zoom goes beyond the main pipes of your neighbors, but it does not go down to riser, sooner or later a plug is formed in this place. Another option for the development of unpleasant events - a foreign object was hit to the toilet toilet siphon. Instead of pulling it out, they pushed him into a common riser, where the outsider is stuck.

Evidence of a common riser at the apartment level above or below the floor is a gradual increase in water level in the toilet. That is, it rises by itself. Eliminate such a blockage will not be able to independently, you need to quickly call the emergency service. To eliminate the plumbing break, uses a long cable or other device capable of reaching a seat. In more launched cases, they resort to the dismantling of the pipe.

What to clean?

The manifold of cleaning methods can be divided into two groups.

  • Mechanical. As a rule, they suggest the use of vanza and cable, as well as other devices. This method is suitable if some object is stuck in plum. The use of various liquids eliminating blockages is useless, because they will not be able to dissolve, for example, stuck apple or rag.
  • Chemical. Effective in the formation of a blockage caused by deposits in the sewer pipe. The principle of operation of such funds is based on chemical reaction, during which the blockage dissolves.

In some cases, only a combination of these methods allows you to cope with the problem. As a rule, this applies to those cases when a stranger is stuck in pipes with deposition. The pushing to its undergraduate means or cables does not help, so first dissolve the deposits. As a result of the chemical effect, the diameter of the pipe becomes the same (that is, it increases compared to what was at the time of jams), and the subject passes through the pipe.

You must stop more in each of the methods.

Mechanical cleaning is effective if the toilet is badly descending water, which is caused by a stained subject in the pipe at no further of the siphon. Armed with long gloves, scale and bucket, you can proceed to the diagnosis of the problem. Your task at this stage is to maximize the water from the toilet. After that, we gently examine the siphon space. Soft items can be removed by hand, solid - get the wire, having preheated its end.

You can try to clean the toilet bottle. The principle of action is based on the possibilities of the hydroudar, with which the stuck item is pushed into a wider tube. To implement this method, take a bottle whose diameter coincides with the toilet diameter. Cut its bottom, tighten the neck with a lid. Start slowly immersing the resulting device in the toilet until you feel the air resistance. At this moment, sharply press the bottle even deeper into the toilet, and then quickly pull it out.

Such actions must be performed several times until the required result is reached.

After the first hydrowards it may seem that the situation remains unchanged. However, with each new manipulation, the subject is gradually moving towards a pipe of a larger diameter. That is why you need to make a "series" of hydrowarders. If the bottle was not at hand, use a stick or mops on which the rags are wound. The diameter of the resulting winding should correspond to the diameter of the input drain of the toilet. The process is performed in the same way as when using the bottle.

A specialized tool for creating a hydroudar is Vanutuz.Unlike improvised analogues, it does not need to be placed in the producing hole. On the contrary, the diameter of the vehicle must exceed the diameter of the hole. With this tool, a vacuum is created, and then hydrate with which it is possible to remove the blockage. The procedure will be more efficient if it is possible to close the drain and overflow holes of the plumbing in the bathroom and in the kitchen.

Bluster for sink, bath and toilet will also create a hydrodynamic blow. This device is equipped with a piston, with which the air is pumped into blaster, high pressure occurs. After that, the unit should be attached to the drain hole, click the Start button. The convenience of the device is that it has several nozzles for different diameters of the discharge hole, therefore it is universal.

Another tool that are used both professionals and ordinary people is a flexible sanitary cable. Completed from metal, it has a spiral tip with a pointer, due to which the solid layer of deposits is punched. The cable should be smoothly introduced into the drain channel, while performing rotational movements. (The device has a handle, so it is convenient to use it).

Through the blockage, you should make movements back and forth to get rid of deposits on the walls of the pipe and increase its inner diameter. Fully eliminate the problem of the plumbing cable will not be able.This tool is "ambulance" when there are stamps. After the outflow is restored, sewer pipes should be cleaned using chemicals.

If neither a bottle, nor vestion, nor a cable, you can try to create a hydraulic impact using a food film. For this we fold it 3-4 times to increase its strength. After that, the film is hermetically glued with scotch all over the entire circumference of the toilet cover. You must tighten the film from one edge of the toilet cover to another, fix the web with a scotch.

After that, water is recruited into the bowl of the toilet, until it starts to touch the film. Now you need to press the surface of the film several times, provoking the occurrence of hydraulic impact. Actions need to be repeated until the blockage breaks through or before that moment until it becomes clear that in your case the method is ineffective.

In general, any healthy subject can help break through the blockage. There are quite a few stories in the network, as they made a stick, rack, even for a fork. At the same time, the improvised dipstick need not just push forward, but to turn to quickly destroy the cork.

Chemicals can be shopping and self-made. The simplest way to clear the toilet from deposits is boiling water.It is necessary to pour it into the plums of toilet bowl. This method is effective only if the blockage is caused by the formation of a fatty tube in the pipe. Boiling water will allow it to dissolve, and the water will start to leave. Pour boiling water is needed at right angles, quickly.

This method helps in limited cases, but it will not be applied. You can add a little soda in boiling water or pre-pour into the toilet ¼ part of the bottle of dishwashes. It is unacceptable to pour boiling water in the toilet, if it has a thin connecting corrugation. In this case, quite just hot water.

The simplest chemical way to solve the problem is a method based on alkaline vinegar reaction with soda. It is necessary to extract water to increase the concentration of the composition. After that, the pack of soda falls asleep into the plum hole. It is necessary to give it 15-20 minutes so that the soda is dated on the surface of the pipe and blocking. After this time, 200 ml of vinegar is poured 9%. As a result of the chemical reaction, it is sometimes possible to break through the ground in the most thin place.

If necessary, the procedure is repeated, but no more than two times. If, after two-time use of soda with vinegar, positive results did not appear, it is worth searching for other methods.

It is believed that solutions based on aggressive acids have the greatest efficiency.They truly corrupt the blockage, and with it and the surface of the sewer pipes. To use such recipes should be careful and only if the entire sewage system is cast-iron. In the store you can purchase products based on weakly concentrated acids. They may have the shape of the gel, powder, pills.

Among the most popular, they allocate such means as "Mole", Tiret, Mr. Muskul, Flup (has the shape of granules). When using them, it should be protected by gloves, prevent the composition of the mucous and skin. The remedy is poured or falling into the drain according to the instructions. After the time recommended by the manufacturer, you should wash off the toilet with a large amount of water.

Please note that not every tool is suitable in order to break through the blockage if the apartment has a porcelain toilet.

On the Internet you can find a lot of original ways to clean the coca-cola. However, this drink will help in the fight against a slight chain on the surface of the bowl of the toilet bowl. It is impossible to break the blockage. It is ineffective and whiteness cleaning method. It can be used as a prophylactic agent and no more.

One of the reasons for the blockage is the born blade. It can be removed mechanically, leaning out water and simply cutting off the sediment and reading the surface with a rigid rash. However, this method is practically not used, because after it the surface of the toilet is covered with cracks and chips.

It is much more convenient and safer for sanitary coverage to use store "chemistry".Mr. Muskul has demonstrated its effectiveness in the fight against considerable growths of the blades, "Mr. Muscul" in the granules, Domestos Pink gel (designed specifically to combat clouds) and "Toilet duckling".

It is important to follow the instructions, to observe the accuracy of the exposure time of the drug. Otherwise, you can get an unpredictable result of cleaning.

As for folk methods, they exist. And sometimes surprised by their radicality. The effective means of metal pipes is the use of automotive electrolyte for the battery. First of all, you need to dry the bowl of the toilet, and then pour the electrolyte on the problem space and leave for 1.5 hours. After the specified period of time, the raid is considered a rash (it should not be non-metallic).

More conservative, but also effective ways is clearance with citric acid or chlorine (in powder form).To do this, we pour out the chlorine package or 4 packaging of citric acid into a plums of toilet bowl, we leave overnight, after which we rub the deposits with the ram and wash the water.

How to clean yourself?

Not having the opportunity to contact the HEEK or third-party specialists, many are forced to look for ways to clean at home, that is, on their own. However, it will be done not always - the elimination of your own colorages is possible if it formed directly in the drain canal of the toilet. If the problem affected all the drain points, you will have to look for help in the housing.

So, proceeding to eliminate the blockage, the following actions should be taken:

  • make sure the blockage has a local character. Otherwise, call the "emergency";
  • determine the place of the formation of a blockage (no further of the toilet siphon);
  • try to establish the nature of the blockage and the cause of its occurrence;
  • if foreign objects get into the pipe, try to remove them manually. At the same time pull the object back to the apartment, and not push into the common riser;
  • when overgrown with pipes, use chemical cleaning chemicals using store or folk methods. When they are implemented, protect your hands and respiratory organs;
  • if the blockage occurred as a result of the simultaneous fall into the pipe of the foreign object and decrease the diameter of the drain due to the growth of deposits, the pipe should be combined. It is necessary to do this by the chemical bay. After the deposits are dissolved, it will be easier to get the item one of the mechanical methods.

If none of the ways have brought a positive result, call plumbing. Vomor may be associated with improper installation of pipes or toilet bowl. In any case, the professional will establish the cause and eliminates the blockage. It is not recommended to use the toilet at the time of the cloud - it will aggravate the situation.

Reduce the risk of blockage will allow regular prevention. First of all, it should be monitoring that foreign objects do not fall into the channel.. You should not merge into the toilet spoiled products, nutritional waste and hygiene products. If you pour out water after cleaning, make sure that the bucket does not have a rag, a piece of soap or other large items.

Call the water tap can enter the fillers for a feline toilet, various litters for home rodents. For its basis, they have wood or more modern materials absorbing moisture. It is easy to assume that it will happen with sawdust in the water. They will simply keep it in themselves and will significantly increase in volume. It is so significant that the diameter is not only able to fill in the diameter, but also a common riser.

If folk remedies, like other methods, do not allow to solve the problem, it is better to call to the HOSE and ask to send the wizards. Calling plumbing follows and if the blockages arise constantly without visible reasons (that is, the rules of operation of plumbing are not broken). Pipes can be mounted incorrectly or they approaches the period of operation. Replacing pipes and changing the method of their installation will allow you to forget about the clouds.

Once every three months, pour into the toilet to the toilet means that eliminate the lime bloom and deposits from the surfaces of the sewer pipes. And once a week you can resort to prophylactic cleaning with boiling water. Prevent the formation of urinary stone growths will allow the daily cleaning of the toilet, as well as the washout behind each user. Washing should be made with plenty of water.

It is also useful to acquire special toilet tank tablets and helium blocks that are attached under the brine of the toilet.