Repairs Design Furniture

Girl for a teenage girl: useful tips and interesting solutions. Designer ideas and techniques for a small room Beautiful rooms for girls teenagers

Girl room is small work Art, emphasizing the individuality of your child and his desire for beauty. Therefore, parents should be thought out to refer to the repair of the premises and try to make it not only as convenient as possible, but also beautiful, able to form a globility of the girl and her feeling of beautiful. In this article, we suggest to consider 33 ideas for the design of the children's room (from modern to classic) for girls who will help you decide on the future interior of the room.

Fashionable color combinations in children's room design for girls

From proper selection Shades depends a general view of the room and reigning the atmosphere in it. After all, thanks to gentle tones, you can create a soft, relaxing atmosphere, and with the help of contrasting transitions - it is advantageous to allocate important interior items. We will study several popular techniques.

1. Apricot and cream

In the photo: The design of a children's room for a girl is 8 years old

Juicy apricot tones are harmoniously combined with a tender beige-cream palette and create an optimistic and joyful mood. In the presented design project, their use made it possible to diversify the design of a children's room for a girl of 8 years.

2. Green, blue and beige in the interior of the children's

In the photo: Design of a children's room for a girl 13 years

If you want to place a room in neutral beige tones, but you do not want to get a faceless room with a mediocre design, make notes of contrast and joy in the form of soft blue and gas shades. These colors are perfectly combined with each other and juicy stand out on a beige background.

3. Turquoise-mint palette

In the photo: Room design for a young girl in a country house

Mint shades are able to simultaneously stimulate to study and have a relaxing effect in the evening. Therefore, use them to revive the interior of the children's and add colorful blue and dark green accents. This design will allow you to feel the atmosphere of completeness in the room and will be rated by the young girl for 15-20 years.

4. Mint and orange for fidget

In the photo: children's room design for a girl 12-15 years old

For an active, sociable child, we recommend an infant eye design of a children's room in a neoclassical style with bright accents. You can implement the modern idea of \u200b\u200binterior design in life with the help of turquoise and orange tones, compared with each other in furniture, textiles and decor objects.

4. Turquoise and pink-lilac on a neutral beige background

In the photo: The design of the children's room for 3-sisters 9-13 years

The room decorated in mint-tones can be strongly transformed with the addition of several pink-purple items. Such inclusions in the neutral interior attract attention and very much familiar to the schoolgirls of junior classes. In the photo presented in the photo, the interior of a children's room intended for 3-sisters,

5. Exquisite combination of gray-blue and beige

In the photo: Room design for young girl in the apartment

If you notice your child's aspiration for classic interior and neutral color gamma, pick up nonsense shades that maximize each other. In the room for the girl 15 years we used sandy, brown and light blue tones.

Original textiles in the interior of a children's room for a girl

Textile products indoors are no less important than furniture. Without them, the room will seem standard and uncomfortable. Therefore, consider several options. textile productsused in the design of a children's room for a girl.

6. Baldahin for a small princess

In the photo: Children's room for a girl 10 years in a house from a bar

The flowing translucent canopy, complemented by the frame in the form of a crown, will turn a modest children's room for a girl of 10 years in a house from a bar in the palace bedroom Princess. The fabulous atmosphere can be strengthened with gentle pink and sandy shades and furniture in retro-style.

7. White-pink peas textiles

A gentle pink shade is considered a traditional attribute of a children's room design for a girl. But the most effectively he looks against the background of white-sand tones, diluted with cute pink peas. Such a room will be a favorite place of recreation, games and children's studies of 7-10 years.

8. Carpet with Applique

In the photo: Children's room for the girl 8-10 years in the apartment

A competently selected carpet with appliqué will bring cheerfulness notes to any room. Its color combination with other textiles will create in the room unique style and flavor.

9. Round mat

In the photo: Children's room for a girl 5-8 years in a house from a bar

Unlike its traditional rectangular analogues, a round product from artificial fur does not give the room a rigor and excessive geometry. On the contrary, its use in interior design Allows you to smooth out all sharp corners and turn a nursery to a sample of calm and cute home comfort.

Redevelopment receptions in the girl's room

The initial layout of the room does not always satisfy the requests of a small owner and may be uncomfortable for use. therefore olga Kondratova Studio Designers tried to make a room more comfortable due to modern methods Redevelopment and functional zoning.

10. Using glass partitions

In the photo: Children's room for a teenage girl with a cabinet zone

Sliding wood partition With glass fragments makes it possible to separate the training zone from the bedroom and does not overlap the stream of natural light. In addition, if necessary, it can be shed and get a spacious room with an enlarged useful area.

11. Cozy Cabinet on Loggia

In the photo: Children's room for the girl 6-11 years in the apartment

To create a convenient cabinet separately from the bedroom, it is enough to make a small redevelopment, during which to carry out the union of the loggia with a room. Such modification design project Increases children's sizes and makes the training area and a bedroom independent of each other. In addition, the Cabinet rendered to the loggia receives the maximum amount of natural light.

12. Decorative filament curtains for the zoning of the interior of the children's room

In the photo: Children's room for 2 girls in the apartment

It is possible to separate one functional area from the other with the help of a curtain. Moreover, the unusual design of the premises depends on the originality of their species. Therefore, try using for zoning bedrooms not textiles, but decorative curtains with pendants from colorful items large sizes. Such a decoration will definitely appreciate the girl for 7 years.

13. Stained partitions

In the photo: Green baby design with stained glass

Stationary partitions, symbolically separating one part of the room from another, much more efficiently perform their role in functional zoning than curtains. And the decoration of their bright stained-glass windows will make notes of unusualness in children's room design for girls.

Original furniture and decor items in children's

From the style of execution, dimensions and correctness of the placement of furniture, the view of the premises and the convenience of use is dependent. After all, the non-professional location of items in the room leads to the complete absence of its aesthetics and a feeling of clutter.

14. Written desk in the window opening

In the photo: Children's room for the girl 8-10 years in the apartment

On the stock Foto Children's room for girl You can see the compact training zone in the area of \u200b\u200bthe window sill. It consists of a narrow table and built-in wardrobes. Located above the window windows poured workplace Bright light in the morning and up to the evening.

15. Stylization of furniture under past epochs

In the photo: The design of the children's room for 2 girls is 12-15 years old in the apartment

Soft high chair stylized under the skin of the XIX century bright, in this room plays a double role: aesthetic and practical. It attracts attention to the unusual design, so serves as a central emphasis in the interior. In addition, such an armchair will become convenient locally For recreation and reading. The surrounding furniture ensemble also causes associations with the era of the late Ampira and will help to bring up the inhabitants of the diligent gymnasics.

16. High built-in wardrobe

In the photo: Children's room for a girl 3-7 years in the apartment

Hearts in the design of a children's room for a girl emphasize a cute, benevolent atmosphere, and the built-in wardrobes allow you to save free space and visually lift the ceiling D rdfhnbht.

17. Swing on a chain

In the photo: Children's room for a girl 12 years in the apartment

Suspended wicker swings on a chain are not only a means for games and an interesting pastime, but also a decorative subject of an interior, giving the room charm of a country house.

18. Vintage Table for classes

In the photo: Children's room for the girl 12-15 years in the apartment

Classical desk in children's Room Design for Girl With ease, immerses you in the atmosphere of retro and help save free space indoors with a small area.

19. Openwork Shirma

In the photo: Children's room for the girl 8-13 years in the apartment

Installation of translucent openwork Shirma will have to do the girl 13-14 years old. A similar product symbolically separates the sleep area and makes it a private zone. Also, this screen gives additional sophistication to all subjects of the interior and turns the children's young lady in the Boudo.

20. Miniature Coffee Table

In the photo: the design of a children's room for a girl 2-5 years in the apartment

Each girl loves with comfort to take away their girlfriends and take their delicious tea. Complete interior Design Her rooms with a small table with chairs in a classic style. They will give the room indisputable greatness of the imperial palaces.

21. Marine themes in the decoration of the room

And for small dreamers about travels we have prepared thematic decor: steering wheel, elegant sailboat and paintings with marine landscapes. These items will be perfectly harmonized with a sandy-blue color palette and perfectly fit into the overall concept of a country house design.

22. Massive mirror in the frame

Mirror is an indispensable component children's Room Design for Girl. If you add it to a frame with a modeling in the form of an elegant bow, this tool of young fashion will turn into a chic object of the decor.

Wall decor and ceiling in a children's room for a girl

Any furniture I. decorative ornaments perfectly look at the background high-quality finishes and competently selected materials. Consider the same popular ways to finish children's rooms.

23. Green and log walls

In the photo: children's room design for a girl 8 years in a country house

Imitation of log walls in dersighted room, combined with the design of the ceiling in the form of a juicy green meadow, will allow your daughter to feel unity with nature, even indoors in rainy weather.

24. Ornaments on the walls

In the photo: children's room design for a girl 15-17 years old in the apartment

A brown altitude bands are emphasized by the expressiveness of the bedroom and the geometry of its shapes. In addition, they bring in children's original ethnic motifs.

25. Provence Decor

In the photo: The design of a children's room for a girl is 8 years in the apartment

The delicate painting of one of the walls with winding floral patterns, combined with neutral beige-green tones, will significantly increase the cozy of the room and will definitely enjoy the girl14 years.

26. Spectacular photo wallpaper

In the photo: a design of a children's room for a girl 12-16 years old in a house with an attic

And for students of senior classes, cutting a successful business career, we recommend gorgeous photo wallpapers with images of evening metropolis. On the photo of a children's room for a girl You can see their unconditional combination with a modern interior.

Lamps like the last barcode design project

Without high-quality light sources, a comfortable stay in any room is impossible. In addition, the lamp is a great addition to the interior of the room, so it would be absolutely impractical to ignore his design. We will study the same few variants of lamps for different interiors.

27. Original chandelier-umbrella

In the photo: Design of a children's room for a girl 7-10 years in the apartment

An unusual lamp shade in the form of an umbrella will strengthen the fairy-tale atmosphere of children and will allow the girl to mentally move into mysterious world Favorite literature. Such a lampshade has and practical value. It dispels the light, making it soft and relaxing.

28. Precious with candles

In the photo: The design of the children's room for the girl is 8-10 years in the apartment

Trying to arrange the room in the style of the room for a little princess, do not forget about the design ceiling lamp. Fine metal construction is suitable here, decorated with multi-colored glass imitation precious stones and candles.

29. Cascade lamps

In the photo: Design of children's room for a girl 12-16 years in the apartment

Long suspended lamps In the headboard bed will be very like a young lady for 15 years. They will create a feeling of palace Bouire, and will also make reading as pleasant and comfortable as possible.

30. Chandelier-bush

In the photo: The design of a children's room for a girl is 8 years in the apartment

If your daughter's room is saved by wallpaper with floral patterns, add design project Unusual chandelier with winding base and multicolored glass flowers. It will decorate the room and fill it with bright overflows of light.

31. Color combination chandeliers and wallpaper

In the photo: children's room design for a girl in a Moscow apartment

Crystal chandelier is a chic decor object in a white-lilac bedroom. But if this lamp will also be painted in lilac color, you will receive a completed project that meets your aesthetic standards and preferences.

32. Marine lamps

In the photo: children's room design for a girl in a country house

When styling the bedroom under ship interior Use metal chandeliers with simple shapes and lamps. Them appearance and suspended chains Let mentally move to the cabin of gorgeous brigantine, disperse boundless marine expanses.

33. Point light sources

Sketch: Children's design for 2-sisters

Making the spacious room and installing furniture along its walls, do not forget about additional lamps. After all, the chandelier located in the center will not be enough for high-quality backlight. Certain with the task of lighting and give the room a special charm to help you build built-in light sources on the ceiling.

Correctly combining the combination of styles, finishing methods of the ceiling and walls, furniture, decor, textile products, textiles and lamps, you can achieve a unique interior for your daughter and turn her room into a favorite corner for games, communication with friends and studies.

In adolescence, boys and girls already have formed interests, tastes and hobbies. It is this factor first to take into account when designing a room for a student of 10-16 years.

In addition to the personal wishes of the future host of the room, it is also necessary to take into account the area of \u200b\u200bthe room, the budget, well, and the fashion trends (for example, B), of course.

Teen and Interior Styles

Incarnate own desires And the dreams of a child should be very neat and thoughtfully. Especially if the case applies to a teenage girl. At this age, the ladies want everything immediately, often there are capricious. The first worsens appear and, perhaps, love, and at the same time there are sharp changes in the mood.

To please the teenage girl can be difficult, but there is nothing impossible. It is necessary to offer several options, and one of them will definitely suit.

Eternal Classic

The room in this style will appeal, probably, any girl, even a fan of modern destinations. The classic has both good fruitful work and romantic thoughts. A young mistress will be able to supplement the room with photographs or paintings in beautiful framework, interesting statuette and elegant accessories.

Classic style is inherent in:

About how to choose materials and decor for the girl's teenager girl in a classic style will tell a professional designer on video:

Modern High Tech

Many girls in the desire to grow quickly prefer to live in a fashionable and modern room in the high-fuel style. A little fantasy and effort. And even such a pretty cold interior can be adapted to the nursery.

Throw wall decor, bright details make this room in the style of High-tegastile and original

High-tech style is convenience and functionality, which is important for schoolgirl. His main features:

  • the presence of metal and glass in large quantities;
  • lack of carpets and curtains;
  • smooth shiny surfaces;
  • minimum accessories and decorations;
  • furniture with straight lines and numerous functions.

You can make the room more "alive" using photos on the walls, modern paintings and sets of lamps.

Calm modern

Harmonious combination The colors are very important in the teenage girl's room.

This style is a brilliant combination of several design solutions. Here there is modern strict furniture and simplicity of lines, soft classic colors, natural finishing materials.

Modern style room can be a compromise solution between the non-standard requirements of a teenage girl and the strict wishes of adults, as it can easily "accommodate" elements different styles - From the classics to the ultra-modern.

Reenented rock

Such an interior is suitable for a girl who is fond of this direction of music or simply with her help wants to express himself.

The style of "rock" in the interior always talks about the desire of the self-expression of his host

In this case, it is better to entrust the design of the hostess:

  • pick up
  • rave patients idols
  • on the prominent place to place the guitar.

Little color gamut, a lot of skin and a minimum of softness and tenderness - and the rock room is ready.

Luxurious glamor

Many girls in adolescence love soft toys, pink color and shiny things. All this can be competently embodied in the interior of the nursery.

You can make a glamor room if you use:

  • purple-pink color palette based (it is perfectly combined with gray, brown and other muffled and unreasary colors);
  • a variety of accessories: Photo frames, soft toys, boxes, etc.;
  • fur textile and carpets.

Moreover, all this can be safely combined with strict functional furniture.

Furnishing in a teenager girl's room

Whatever interior style was chosen, the schoolgirl room should have several peculiar sections.

In the teenager's room, space should be organized as efficiently as possible and functionally.

In order for the girl to feel comfortable in his "kingdom", it should be organized:

  1. Sleeping area.
  2. Study.
  3. Mini-living room for receiving guests.
  4. And the place where the hostess will be able to put themselves in order.

You can delimit the room using a different shade of walls or drywall structures of various shapes on the ceiling or walls.

In the teenage girl's room, it is important to organize both sleeping and workplace.

Selecting the furniture for a teenage girl, you should first pay attention to its convenience, the number of functions performed and size.

Modern manufacturers offer many compact and beautiful headcards. One set may include a bed, a training table and several large and small boxes for things and office. Its design resembles a bunk bed, only from below instead of bed is placed workplace.

Furniture in the girl's teenage girl should be safe, roomy and environmentally friendly

The furniture should be as secure as possible and very strong. Color gamut - optional. Too dark headsets can "grow up" the room, to make it gloomy, so light tones are still preferable.

Large bulky cabinets are undesirable to install in the nursery. A modest cabinet from a set or bought separately, but suitable in style and color is quite suitable.

If all furniture objects are purchased separately, then they must be in one color row and in the overall style of the room.

In this case, it is necessary to put in the room: folding sofa (To save space) or a small bed, a compact cabinet and a chest of drawers, a training table and shelves for notebooks.

Shelves from floor to ceiling will help the housewife of the room more efficiently organize their things

Supplement can serve as large pillows on which the mistress friends will be located, a table for tea drinking, shapeless soft chairs.

You should think about the design of the sports corner. The Bespic Wall will be the best simulator - it takes little space, and performs a lot of functions, so the girl can always keep himself in shape.

Any schoolgirl in adolescence will want to have in his room big mirror And a table for women's accessories and cosmetics. It is not so difficult to carve out the place of it. positive emotions There will be plenty.

If the facilities and the area of \u200b\u200bthe room are allowed, it would be ideal for such a room to organize a real dressing room. Make it enough easily - you just need to burn free corner, for example, and place a mirror in it and a plurality of shelves, boxes, etc.

In such a room there will be a place immediately for two children.

In any case, the teenage girl's room should be bright and cheerful to the mood at her mistress always on "5+"!

Teenage age is the most difficult for the child, so during this period the design of the room is a way of self-expression, and parents should help the child in this. A modern teenager girl should be the most comfortable, cozy, functional, absolutely not necessarily decorating it with soft toys, large quantity Flowers, bows and ruffles. Psychologists argue that the design of the teenage room for children with age 12, 13, 14 years old must be restrained.

Color is the factor to which special attention is worth paying. Not all girls like children's in pink colorTherefore, it is not always worth using it. It is better to do when repairing the room in Khrushchev, the walls of the walls and the design of neutral flowers - beige, the color of the foiled milk, and pastel shades of pink, orange, green and yellow, as well as the decor in the same colors are also suitable. Such a design will have to do not only like girls aged 12-13 years old, but also more adults, 15, 16, 17-year-olds.

Leave the walls with light, especially relevant for Khrushchev and small rooms, the interior design with light walls will make the room more spacious visually.

If you make the main color of the room in Khrushchev neutral, then you can make a design interesting, adding bright accentsOriginal decor. You can use bright furniture items or make one wall of contrasting color. Photo interiors will help choose the best option for you. Great colors are perfectly combined as gentle pink with a lilac, born milk with yellow, salad with bright green, pastel yellow with bright orange. Such decoration will not only make a room more interesting, but also will allow it to divide it into zones, which is important for small Khrushchev. Especially like this adult 15-16-year-old girls.

No need to make the main color is too bright, as it has an exciting effect on children by age 12-14 years. You should also not use the wallpaper in the nursery with the heroes of cartoons or comics - they quickly bored teenagers.

You can resort to a new solution in the design and make the walls of the room with light, monophonic, and the ceiling and carpet are bright, other color, adding the original decor. You can spend this repair with your own hands.

Room zoning

In the future, a teenager's girl's room will need to perform several functions, so it is immediately worth dividing it into several zones, if each of which should be followed by the rules, simultaneously withstanding the design of the room in a single style. The room must be attended:

  • sleep zone;
  • work zone;
  • place to meet friends;
  • beauty Studio;
  • wardrobe.

Each zone must be highlighted and create a mood on the activity for which it is intended. In this will help the color, which can be selected for the design of each of the zones.

Sleeping area

There should be a bed or sofa in the bedroom, as well as bedside table or coffee table. This zone is often combined with a meeting place for friends, equipping him with a cozy sofa.

Work zone

In this place, the teenage girl will do lessons, as well as engage in his favorite hobby. The desktop will fit here, if possible with a large number of shelves or boxes. Also in the working area you need to try to arrange the racks. The table should have a comfortable chair or a working chair. It's not bad if a computer will be in the working area, without which today it is impossible to imagine life modern teenager. Place the work area is best at the source of natural lighting.

This zone is often combined with sleep zone. Here you can arrange a comfortable sofa, cute baffies or frameless chairs that take up little space and at the same time look modern. A music center or a small TV will be appropriate here.

Beauty Studio

A teenage girl will need a small dressing table with a mirror and small boxes for the smallest detail. For an exploring beauty, it is very important that she has a place to store cosmetics and all necessary accessories.


If the area allows, then in the room you should place the chest of drawers with drawers or a wardrobe with mirror doors. It is also worth proving a place where the girl will be convenient to store shoes.

Choosing the color of furniture for teenagers-girls 13, 14, 15 and 16 years old should be used for wallpaper, you should not use more than two different colors in the interior. If you can not decide how to make the room properly, with your own hands and decide on ideas, there are many photos on the Internet.


Choosing a children's room design, you need to pay special attention to the lighting. There must be a lot of light. Choosing curtains, give preference to subtle materials, are suitable for translucent or Roman curtains, they fit perfectly into the interior, are not only an element of the decor, but the functional part of the room. The color of the curtains should fit into the concept of the room, if the whole room is light, you can make curtains bright. In the photo there are examples where the color of the curtains coincides with the color of the carpet, furniture items, or bright elements of the room interior decor. Do not be afraid to implement bold ideas and try making curtains contrasting.

Conducting repairs, you should provide good artificial lighting in the room. No matter how old the child is 12, 13 or 15, a good light is needed to study and preserve vision.

In the center of the room you need to hang a powerful lamp, add minor lamps on a closet or tremor, hang on the walls of the sconce. Be sure to place the lamp on the desk.

Good lighting is not only useful for vision, but also makes the room design more original. Luminaires protrude decor element.

Room decor

For the design of the girl's room 14-15 years old are fitted with large drawing or the option of combining different wallpaper color. On the walls will be nice to look at the photos within and various posters that the girl can choose independently. If the hostess of the room is enjoys needlework, then on the walls you can place its works in the beautiful framework.

In the working area must be placed wall Clock, as well as the board for reminders. Girls love to make a "wish card", which should also place in the room.

The world of a teenage girl should be bright and unique, so boring colors here is definitely not a place. Many accessories, many of which can be made with your own hands, will decorate the room and create comfort that you need a girl in her difficult age.

Design Ideas for Different Squares

Since children in adolescence are quite complicated in nature, to please them is not easy, so the task of parents is the combination of their own wishes, the requirements of the child, the functionality of the room and the basic laws of interior design.

  • children's room with an area of \u200b\u200b10 sq. m. In Khrushchev, a place for the flight of fantasy is a bit, but repairs can be made modern, interesting, applying the original decor. Be sure to purchase a bed, a wardrobe, a table and preferably a bedside table. Bed, to save space, it is better to take with drawers. Even a child is 12 years old, the bed must be larger, then not to change. The table is placed by the window, which is possible even on the area of \u200b\u200bthe children's room 10 meters;
  • for a room of 12 sq m, you can come up with more interior options and interesting decor. Instead of a bed sofa is suitable, You can even put a small TV. For girls 15-16 years, this is especially important. You can hang the shelves or put the rack;
  • in the room of 16 square meters can be embodied yet more ideas. An excellent idea for the interior will be a baby-attic, a sleeping place with which is located on the second tier, and on the first one is a comfortable sofa for guests. The large area allows you to place everything you need for the girl aged 12-16 years. It can be a spacious wardrobe, table, racks and even a chair. Such an area also makes it possible to use different color solutions.

Examples of styles for girls teenagers

Selecting the design, you must know what dreams of a child about the future room and what, in his opinion, should be children. Further, the area is taken into account, and it is important to understand that in a conventional Khrushchev, it is difficult to create a full-fledged room. But even small premises, with help proper use Free space and decor, can be made very stylish and comfortable. There are many photos on the Internet that will help you make. right repairs In the room of the girl 12-14 years old, both with their own hands and with the involvement of specialists.

The design style should be primarily functional. Such style is most simple as possible, ergonomic and convenient, besides, it does not tolerate bright and coupling accessories, what is important to remember when the children's room is drawn up. The main requirements in this style are space and a large amount of natural light.

Children's teen girls can be performed in a certain style, or you can embody the idea together with the child. Be sure to advise with the child, at the age of 14-15 years old, the girl already has its own ideas and preferences, so if you are implementing them, the child will definitely be satisfied.

Adolescents attract styles of famous cities in the world, in particular:

  • design in the style of Paris. This is a refined, elegant style without bright accents. The style is characterized by simplicity and grace. The main rules for design are white or bright, monophonic walls, forged or carved furniture. It will complement the style of cute baubles that you can buy or make your own hands. You can use photo wallpapers, be sure to black and white and with the views of Paris. Such style is suitable for romantic nature;
  • children 15 years love all modern and informal. Today, the New York style is very popular today, which is characterized by restraint, upgraded elements. The characteristics of such a style is the wooden floor, the presence of beams, a primitive finish is emphasized. It is combined with brick walls and antique furniture. Supplement the interior can be bright modern elements decor and bright, fluffy carpet;
  • many teenagers are fond of the musical direction of rock. For them, an excellent idea will arrange a room in this style. We will need graffiti on the walls, simple, even primitive furniture, as well as blinds, posters, photos of your favorite performers;
  • popular today style in the modern interior. A simple, convenient style, the main feature of which is functionality. The features of it, judging by the photo, is the presence of modern finishing technologies, the softness of the color scheme, bright colors are rarely used, simplicity of decoration. Photos of this interior on the Internet are presented in diversity. An important feature of modernity is the combination of it with any other styles.

There are many ready-made ideas of repair and finishing room for a teenager girl. You can implement already ready ideas, or think over your own. If there are difficulties with the choice, there are photos of interior examples, from which you can choose the optimal one.

Getting started repairing a room for a girl, it is necessary to take into account not only fashion trends, practicality, comfort, but also the wishes of the young hostess. After all, the maiden bedroom, furnished solely on the parent taste or recommendations of designers, but without taking into account the preferences of the teenager may not deliver the expected joy. Discussing the ideas for a teenager's girl's room, taking into account the taste of the future hostess, parents will enable her dreams. In addition, a joint work on the girl's bedroom will allow to spend more time with the child and strengthen the relationship.

Looking a teenager's girl's room, you will definitely find the appropriate option for repair.

  • 1 Proper zoning
    • 1.1 Bedroom zone
    • 1.2 Working area
    • 1.3 Recreation Area and Guest Reception
    • 1.4 Beauty Zone
    • 1.5 Wardrobe
  • 2 Choosing color
  • 3 Choosing style
    • 3.1 Provence
    • 3.2 Modern
    • 3.3 New York
    • 3.4 High-tech
    • 3.5 Ethnic style
  • 4 Choosing finishes
    • 4.1 Wall decoration
    • 4.2 Outdoor coating
    • 4.3 Ceiling finish
    • 4.4 curtains
  • 5 Choice of furniture
  • 6 Decor and decorations
  • 7 Interior Ideas for Girls of different ages
    • 7.1 12-13 years old
    • 7.2 14-15 years old
    • 7.3 16-17 years old
  • 8 children's for two girls teenagers
  • 9 Photo Gallery

First of all, a teenager's girl's room should be divided into zones. The girl spends a lot of time, makes lessons, resting, engaged in creativity and accepts friends. In zoning, you can use the shelving partitions or shirma. If there is no such possibility due to the small size of the room, you should at least visually divide it into zones.

Sleeping area

If the dimensions allow, the base of the bedroom becomes the bed. A large selection of furniture allows you to find a bed suitable for any style. Selection Glad: Laconic High Tech, Romantic Provence with Light Baldakhin, east style with abundance of pillows and beautiful bedspread. Often, it is the bed that helps to create a dream room for a teenager girl.

If the room is small, the sofa combining the sleeping and the guest zone will be a good solution.

Work zone

The workplace must be well lit. The table is advisable to arrange the window to it as long during the day daylight fell. The table should be functional, with racks, drawers so that everything you need for study and creativity was at hand. In the girl's room for a teenager, there must be a comfortable chair or computer chair.

Recreation area and reception

Teenager girl's room should have a zone for receiving guests. If the places are a bit, then the sofa is usually the center of the guest zone, near the TV and the coffee table.

If the bed is separated, the guest zone can be positioned next to the TV, laying several puffs or chairs.

Beauty zone

Young girls start paying more attention to their appearance. Even a small dressing table with a mirror and a multitude of boxes in a teenage room for a girl will make it feel an adult beauty.


If there is no possibility to equip a separate dressing room, then things are usually stored in wardrobes and chests. The most successful solution will be a built-in wardrobe, with a separation unit, containers and shelves. Such storage systems are comfortable abundance of drawers where you can easily remove clothing and shoes. The mirror doors of the cabinet visually will increase the space, and the small room for the girl teenager will be visually much more spacious.

Color selection

The interior of the bedroom for a teenager girl may not be limited to beaten white and pink colors. In the finish are permissible any, even the most unusual colors. The main thing is that they are combined with each other and liked the hostess.

If there are no certain preferences, then in the interior it is better to use neutral or pastel shades. The teenage room for the girl will look good in sandy, blue or green tones. Add paints to the interior will help bright decor and textiles. We should not forget about the effect of color on the psyche. As you know, bright "solar" colors raise the mood and increase the tone, and the "natural" shades give the state of rest.

Choosing style

The design of the girl for a teenager girl can be a variety of style. It all depends on the nature of the girl and its preferences. Romantic emphasis will surely want a doll bedroom, and the Bunkart girl can choose an outdoor style. You can see online rooms for girls pictures and choose the most suitable design.


The design in the style of Provence looks light and air, perfectly suitable for small rooms.

This style is difficult to confuse with others:

  • colors: White, Lavender, Blue, Light Pink and Gentle Green;
  • elegant white furniture;
  • textiles B. pastel tones or with a gentle flower pattern;
  • light walls and floor, white ceiling;
  • vintage decor and elegant trinkets.


Modern style, with compact and comfortable furniture without unnecessary jewelry. Calm color gamut with small bright accents.

The characteristic differences in the style of Modern:

  • neutral color gamut;
  • simple furniture with clear lines;
  • functionality;
  • use of modern technologies in the finish;
  • ability to combine in the interior with other styles.

New York

An informal style with original solutions in the finishing and unusual details of the interior will have to taste with modern girls who prefer simplicity and versatility.

Style features:

  1. Gray or white walls. Wall finishing, imitating coarse plaster or brickwork.
  2. Wood floor covering.
  3. Spectacular interior items (road sign as decoration or lip chairs).
  4. Lack of partitions.
  5. Bright color accents.

High tech

Cold, modern style You can use in a teenager girl's room.

Fans of techno and minimalism will appreciate it:

  • glass and metal furniture;
  • white monophonic walls - as a rule, without wallpaper;
  • decorations in the style of techno;
  • smooth floor without carpet coating;
  • lack of textile curtains.

Ethnic style

A variety of variations in ethnic style conquers more and more fans. Anime amateurs for the soul will have a beautiful teenager girl in Japanese style. And the connoisseurs of simplicity will be able to choose a Scandinavian style.

The main rules of the interior in the ethnic style:

  1. Mandatory presence in the interior of the ornaments of the chosen country.
  2. The presence of traditional jewelry, emphasizing the style.
  3. Use in decoration natural materials or their imitation.
  4. Bright, juicy or natural colors.
  5. You can add flavor to any interior by adding ethnic ornaments and textiles.

Choosing finishes

Starting repairs in a teenager's girl's room, a wide selection of finishing materials should be studied. Preference should be given, of course, environmentally friendly or natural materials.

Wall decoration

Most. practical material For wall decoration are wallpaper.

Choosing a wallpaper to a teenager girl, you can consider several options:

  1. Light wallpapers, smooth or textured. They will add light and space.
  2. With the help of several types of wallpaper, you can visually divide the room to the zone.
  3. Wallpaper look original. Especially when the focus is on one wall, and the rest of the walls are placed by monochrome careless wallpaper.
  4. Wallpaper with 3D effect can be a real decoration;

Can choose wall panelsmade of out natural materials. They differ in abundance of textures and have good warmth - and noise insulating characteristics.

The budget option for the teenage room for the girl will be plastered walls, which, if desired, can be repainted at any time into another color.


Preferable for the children's wooden flooring. Parquet, laminate or massive board - choose from what. The main thing is that it approached the interior of the room for a teenager girl.

Tighten the floor of the carpet from the wall to the wall extremely undesirable. It will accumulate dust, which can lead to the development of allergies.

Finishing the ceiling

A variety of tension streams gives a large space for selecting coloring and drawing suitable for style to the interior. You can choose a glossy stretch ceiling, which will add an interesting mirror effect into the room for the room for a girl's dress. Or stay on the classic matte stretty ceiling Light shades.

A good option will be a frame multi-level ceiling. It will zonate space, and the point lights will allocate the necessary sections. Having considered the design room for a teenager girl photo ceiling, you will certainly find the original solution for the nursery.

With many styles it will be good to look at a smooth plastered white ceiling without jewelry.


Curtains for children should not be too dense, with abundance of decorative drapes and lambrequins. They only collect dust and poorly miss the light. Choosing a curtain in a teenager's girl's room, it is desirable to stop your lungs made of thin tissues.

Original rolled blinds or Roman curtains will be good decision For nursery. They look spectacularly and add comfort.

Classic vertical or horizontal blinds are suitable for decoration in High-tech styles and minimalism.

Choice of furniture

Choosing furniture for a spacious room, you should only pick it up in style and pay attention to several factors:

  • environmental friendliness;
  • safety;
  • functionality.

If the room is small, how to equip the room for a teenager girl to accommodate everything you need without clutching it? You can consider zones offset options.

The successful choice in this case will be furniture with combined functionality:

  1. Loft bed. In such models, a sleep zone and storage area or training zone are combined. Exists big choice Such models, where the lower part takes the closet, chest or desktop.
  2. Bed-dresser. Practical retractable drawers under the bed, over the headboard or on the sides of the bed will save space and allow you to store a lot of things;
  3. Closet With a built-in toilet table with a mirror in one of the sections.

Decor and decorations

Allow a small hostess yourself choose jewelry for your room. So she can add more individuality to its nest.

Decor options Mass:

  1. Wall decorations. Various posters, stickers and photographs can be placed on a specially manufactured traffic booth. This will make it easy to replace them without damaging the wall. Pictures and panels, selected in style and color scheme, will make a room more cozy.
  2. Toys, decorative baubles and figurines. Each girl will have toys with whom I do not want to part, memorable little things and just cute little things.
  3. Lighting. The taste of selected lamps, chandeliers, lamps are capable of becoming not only the source of light, but also decoration.
  4. Textile. Curtains, bedspreads and pillows can be chosen to tone the main finish or become bright accents.
  5. Carpets and rugs. The choice of forms, sizes and colors is so great that it is not difficult to choose a carpet into a room with any interior.

You can make a decor for a teenager's room with your own hands. Such products are always unique and charming. An interesting solution will be the decoration of the room by children's drawings or crafts. Wonderful if the ideas of decorating a room for a teenager girl with their own hands will be discussed together. Even better if you make them together.

Interior ideas for girls of different ages

12-13 years old

At this age, girls are trying to seem adults, but still left childhood. A room for a girl of a teenager is 12 years old can be decorated in gentle colors and decorated with toys. For them, you can allocate a special rack. It is at this age that the girl needs to instill good taste. You can listen to the wishes of the girl in the choice of decorations, explaining to her what is suitable, and what not and why.

The furniture for the working area should be chosen by growth or with adjustable height. At this age, the posture is still formed, so the desk and chair must be comfortable.

The interior of the girl for a teenager girl is gradually becoming more adult. Posters with idols come to the place of children's pictures, the most beloved remains of the toys.

14-15 years old

The girl matures, children's interests and toys remain in the past. The interior of the girl for a teenager girl is the time to update it time. At this age already there are preferences in the room decoration, so the solution must be taken together. You need to listen to the ideas of the girl on repair and help determine the choice of style.

A room for a girl of a teenager is 14 years old must have separation on the zones:

  • working;
  • sleeping;
  • for relaxation and reception.

A bedroom for a girl of a teenager is 15 years old can be performed in any style. This will give the opportunity to the girl to emphasize their individuality. It is important to create good lighting For the working area and choose ergonomic furniture. The ideas of the girl for a teenager girl with their own hands can be discussed with designers.

16-17 years old

Girls at this age, as a rule, have formed taste, hobbies and hobbies, which are often reflected in the interior. In particular, they know exactly what design for a teenager girl for the age of 16 will suit them, and can independently choose the style and decorations for their room.

A room for a girl's teenager is 17 years old becomes free of toys and children's books, there is more space. It can be used to create comfortable zone Rest and guest. If the area allows, it is desirable to separate the sleeping zone by partition, screen or curtain.

In small rooms to save space, the guest area is combined with the sleeping with a sofa. You can add several puffs on a solid base that the role of tables can also be performed. Compiled in a stack, they occupy quite a bit.

Children's for two girls teenagers

Making the maiden room for two teenagers, the main thing is clearly distinguish between the space for each. After all, two girls, about the same age, can be both girlfriends and rivals who constantly defend their superiority. In order not to arise the quarrel, each girl should have a personal work area and their sleeping place. Recreation area can be done in common.

To avoid quarrels, the same sets of furniture for both will become a good solution. In order to save space, you can pay attention to modular designs and furniture-transformer.

How to arrange a house for a teenager girl? Each of the girls can arrange its part of the room in their own taste, adhering to the style of unity and the total colors.

Photo Gallery

We picked up for you interesting options Children's design.

With the arrangement of the room for a 15-year-old girl, it is worth considering a lot of nuances so that she felt in the bedroom as comfortable and pleasant as possible. A teenager is no longer a child, but not an adult person and it is worth noting that. The choice of colors and interior needs to be carried out directly with the very representative of the fine sex so that there is no incident and spoiled surprise.

There is a huge number of options for how to issue an interior for girls or one girl. The taste of each own, but there is an opportunity to choose the most suitable styles and separate the room, relying on the rules of a certain style. It is worth noting that now it is not necessary to spend tens of hours to choose elements, objects and colors, since all this has long been solved by experts, it is worth only to follow the recommendations.

Important! If stereotypes are blindly acting, it will not be possible to achieve the desired result and unimaginable effect.

It should be reed and not forget about your taste preferences, as well as what the child is fond of.

The most suitable styles for the teenager girl are considered:

  • Romanticism;
  • Provence;
  • Combination of the two previous ones.

The arrangement of the room should be so that each shade, material or interior subject complemented all the others. The slightest detail, or through, chur, bright tones Can spoil a general view and make the room too fried and far from pleasant. Unlike the boy's bedroom, in women, of course, flowers, butterflies, cats and bunnies will prevail, which will make it even more interesting and pleasant.

Lighting in the room

Don't forget about lightingSince the design of the room depends largely on them. Today on sale you can find the lamps of various types, forms and even the type of rays emitted.

The choice of products may be the most different, for example, it will be:

  • Table lamp;
  • Mounted sconces;
  • Night light;
  • Spotlights;
  • Chandeliers;
  • Floors.

Buying an item to illuminate the room should be carried out not only by external data, but by why the child needs a room. If only for sleep, the light should be soft and muted, and if for work, study and games, then you need to purchase several species, among which there is both soothing and brighter, which is not able to deliver discomfort and problems with vision in the future.

Furniture for the bedroom Teen girl

Bedroom design for teenage girl should be as gentle and air. Lowness and innocence in the room will add pillows in large numbers and the most different colors and shapes. Teenage furniture, and to be more accurate, then its choice may be the most different, but there are certain interior items that should be located in the room necessarily.

It is only worth thinking about their location and look:

  1. The bed is directly an integral part of the bedroom. The product should be durable, taking into account children's activity, as well as soft and safe. Optimal option For a teenager there will be a two-year-old with an orthopedic mattress.
  2. Headsets, for storage of things are also required to have no confusion in the nursery, that for the girl as for the future hostess is very important.
  3. If not separate room For classes, in the bedroom you can arrange a written table. It is necessary to install it so that the light fell to the left of the child. In this case, spoiled vision is excluded.
  4. As regards seating places, one should be at the table and usually - it orthopedic chair With armrests and an adjustable back, and as an additional, you can use chairs bags that are now at the peak of popularity.
  5. If dimensions allow, for young beauties, you can install a toilet table where various accessories and cosmetics will begin to appear.
  6. For any room, the presence of a mirror is needed, especially in full height. If you wish, it can be hidden in an embedded payable cabinet, which will not take much space, and will not deliver discomfort to the teenager.

Bedroom decoration for two teenage girls

Bedroom for a teenage girl is not easy, given the tastes of the modern generation, but even more difficult, if it is a children's two girls. In order to solve such a problem, the designers came up with an excellent way, and this zoning space.

The room can be divided simply into two parts, and maybe several, each of which will be for a specific function.

Zone sleep

In this part of the room, beds are located. But in the absence of the necessary dimensions, there may be sofas, selected so that children do not have discomfort from them. The model should have soft pillows, as well as a reliable and durable frame, which will not get at the first use. To decorate the bedroom zone, you can use caustichens, air and lightweight curtains, which are located on the windows and on the edges of the bed-sofa. Very original looks at the design of the head of the bed with an unusual and stylish color material.

Since the room for girls, then the design should be luxurious, exquisite and elegant.

Rest zone

For all day, each person gets tired and he needs a place to calm and peace. Where, as not in your bedroom, girls will be able to relax and share new impressions? The area for recreation is worth thinking carefully. For example, if there is a large window in the room, you can install swing frames, original curtains from organza. Next to the window you can put a round compact table with tea set and convenient stools. Relaxing for a cup of tea, under your favorite music and with your native sister, and perhaps with invited guests will be simply unforgettable and very nice. Equipment of the room manifold soft toys And pillows will make it more suitable for rest.

Composition from table, cookies, vases with field flowers (possibly artificial), cups and all this separated from general interior, in color on the walls and sex, you will like every young lady.

Work zone

In the working area there is a lot of attention to pay the choice of correct and comfortable furniture, lighting, and to ensure that two teenagers do not interfere with each other. In this area of \u200b\u200bthe room, unnecessary items that are capable of distracting the attention or toys should be present. Be sure to take care of the availability of equipment for researching various directions of science and formation. own work. Pursuing in the usual and comfortable setting of teenagers will be able to achieve the best results in their studies.

Bedroom decoration for teenage girl 15 years old (video)

In conclusion, we note that modern children have a slightly different vision of the beautiful. Therefore, you should not repel them when decoring the bedroom. After all, they sleep there, rest and engage in loved ones.

Bedroom Design for Teen Girls (Interior Photo)