Repairs Design Furniture

Paint the walls in the marine style. Inspired by the sea: the interior in the ship-style. How to arrange sea style in the interior with your own hands


Did you ever have a desire to find yourself on a beautiful tropical beach, while at the same time in your apartment? In achieving such an effect you can help the interior in the ship-style. Marine style in the interior design is compiled individually, depending on the source of inspiration.

As such objects, the dead sea, the Caribbean, Baltic and the Mediterranean is most often. This design in the interior is distinguished by lightness and air industry, and also makes it possible to be on a beautiful sandy beach, enjoying the bump and cry of chap.

Beach ease feeling in the interior

In the best performances, the ship's interior will appeal to the best of your feelings, demonstrating all your deliberate beach. Despite how much how much you want to buy as many of all possible interesting accessories and climb free space, it is not worth doing this.

The interior solution within the framework of this style implies the feeling of ease of vacation mood, tranquility of lying on the beach and walking along the coastline. As an additional positive outline, you can get a small piece of the beach right in your room, although in reality it will be at a distance of several hundred, and even thousand kilometers.

A similar style in the design is perfect for those categories of people who are fascinated by sea deep-water studies, warm sea waves, light breeze, summer, sun and warm sand under their feet.

A lot of light through large windows and not only

One of the most important elements of the marine style is the light design. Is it possible to imagine a small beach house in the dark and dusk? That is why white color will play one of the most important roles in the design of the future space. It is able to reflect the natural daylight and does not absorb it.

An essential feature of this style is the finest border between the exterior and the interior, which, in most cases, is generally the coat. Study is inherent in huge windows over the wall, glass ceilings and doors that make it possible to penetrate the room with light rays into the room and spread in all directions.

In the event that it is not possible to make large window openings, it is not necessary to be upset, because you can always perform high-quality artificial, which will not give up naturally. There is a small trick that it would be appropriate to use in this case.

Video: Ship-style decor do it yourself

Without looking at the fact that the radiance and gloss are not characteristic of the described style, several minor accents in the correct selected places of the room will be able to add some light in the room. For example, a large mirror, which is located opposite the window opening or a glass dining table, which is directed in the roof zone.

Textiles and color for ship interior

As textile materials that would fit perfectly into the interior, natural linen pillowcases can be distinguished, Muslin Gardins, capable of heating from a slight blow of the breeze, as well as cotton mats. The use of predominantly white and pastel tones will be able to play in the interior design excellent service.

Ship-style interior is inherent in light colors, as well as white. In order to slightly dilute this to the monotony, you can use tones that can remind you of sand dunes with a minimum of vegetation: cream beige and khaki.

The last chord in the interior design can be paintings depicting a sailboat, sea beach and other artworks of the ship's themes.

"The sea, the sea, the world is bottomless ..." These lines from the songs about the sea are becoming relevant with the approach of the summer season - the time when you can build lined plans for rest. But what if you have passed once again with sweet dreams, stuffing about the sharp lack of money?

Everything is simple. You need to specify a certain mood and a relaxing atmosphere at home - to create an interior of the marine room!

Marine Interior - Course on Positive

From the same way, people began to travel in the era of great geographical discoveries, the sea never ceases to worry them. The most animated fans of the breeze and noise of the surf even created a separate course, style, starting to draw up their dwellings by ship attributes and the decor of the maritime subject. It was noted that individual marine elements fit perfectly into the design of the living room, bath, children's and kitchen.

When making fashionable houses and apartments, designers successfully use the oceanic and maritime direction for many years, each time interpreting the style in a new way. But even, with all its diversity, maritime style is very recognizable, first of all, thanks to the observance of certain foundations.

The main rules for interior design in the marine style

1. Sea style colors - tricolor

Blue (from turquoise to dark blue), red and snow-white (true colors of the sea fleet) - It is them that they are assigned the role of the main violin.

This is a classic. And without it, because it is always win-win and relevant.

It is allowed to use black, beige and golden, sparkling under the rays of the sun. In general, this style is peacefully configured to any natural shades: water, sun and sand.

Therefore, creamy, coral, beige, herbal, orange and gray shades will be appropriate in the furniture decoration.

Despite some simplicity, the apartment, decorated in the marine style, always looks elegant. Such a feeling occurs due to a large number of high quality natural materials and white.

But, in order to create a real comfort and comfort in the house, psychologists advise not to do in all rooms only one color dominant - even people with a steady psyche will be exposed to the depressive mood in such an environment.

Those., Do not try to immediately arrange the whole apartment in the blue-white gamme. It is better to highlight the most illuminated rooms under the sea style, the windows of which come to the south or east.

2. Natural materials for maritime interior

The design in the marine style has become incredibly popular at the expense of its festivity and brightness. Everything in it from motives, forms and shades gives a feeling of summer, salted splashes and fresh sea wind. The integrity of the style is given finishing materials, save on which it is unacceptable. Plastic and cheap synthetics will simply reduce the construction of a classic marine interior to not.

Let us dwell on the finishing materials for the floor, walls and the ceiling of the most characteristic for water directions.

Walls in the marine style

To give the space of freshness of freshness, in the wall decoration, it is most often used by one-photographic light paint, "swimming" sand plaster or painting in the marine style, after which they decorated with shelves, helpers or anchors;

the accent wall is covered with striped wallpaper or with a large pattern, corresponding to the specified subject, on the background of light tones; or are faced with aged clapboard, which will mimic the lining of the pirate ship; to create expressive color spots on the walls, it is recommended to use a large and fine mosaic or ceramic panel, which in this case will be appropriate not only in the bathroom, but also in the kitchen, in a children's or living room.

Sex in the marine style, what to use?

Parquet or laminate, like milled ocean waters;

rough tiles with mosaic from pebbles, seashells or sand; realistic bulk floors with a 3D effect; glossy laminate with a negrose texture;

wooden sex board from such rocks as ash, maple or bamboo;

natural sandy color carpet, chicken-type coating or cork floor; the chief attribute of the sea shore is a pebble (smooth pebbles can be decorated with both individual sections of the floor and walls, arches, doorways).

Marine-style ceiling

A good way to beat a low ceiling (2.5 m and less) to paint it with light paint (for example, blessed blue);

associate a relaxing effect, having recreated the effect of the tropical sea, one can additionally decides with the ceiling with thematic ceiling attachments; in some cases (for example, in bathrooms or children's), it is allowed to retreat from the basic concept of marine style - one-photon and mounted on the ceiling, a multi-level structure in the form of three-dimensional 3D elements - chaotic waves, which, cast by many turquoise shades, create a feeling of volume and depth; coloring the seabed will add nude (open) beams overlapping from mahogany, oak or pine.

If it is not recommended to save on the finishing of the floor and wall cover, then when choosing an interior items for registration of the "A la Sea" room, you can not particularly bother.

Sea furniture, or suitable literally everything:

  • inexpensive;
  • wooden (wicker);
  • white (blue, yellow-brown, blue);
  • artificially or naturally aged;
  • neat;
  • neutral (futuristic compositions and brilliant facades are unacceptable).

In the marine themes will be relevant bright, simple and slightly rough furniture items. Perhaps with matte surfaces and light losses.

But! If you want more subtle associations (for example, relaxing on a snow-white yacht), then nothing prevents the furniture to furnish the square meters of furniture from the MDF or white plastic panels. A sufficiently non-massive soft corner, a sofa and a pair of comfortable chairs. Weather baskets, compact table from tempered thick glass, chest, something resembling a pirate chest, and a locker in a given topic. And voila! The sea image of the room is almost completed.

(At the same time, no hints for complex forms and pompous luxury in the interior of the house in the marine style should not be!).

"Bungalow on the beach" in itself involves a bright and unobtrusive interior, so it is not recommended to litter it with unnecessary furniture. And in general, it is not necessary to create an illusion of space with furniture items, but with a more large-scale redevelopment - demolition of extra walls, expansion of door and window openings.

Tip: In order to find and qualitatively beat the interior with the help of snow-white furniture, it is necessary to add it to intriguing accessories, which in this case will bear the main semantic load (in combination with the shades of blue and red, white always looks more festive and bright).

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4. Expressive details: Seafood decor items

Accessories, characteristic details, elements and all sorts of little things, as a result, form a one-piece picture. And for this not necessarily not necessarily to buy an exclusively dear decor and stuffing the house strongly (the room should not resemble a wardrobe with treasures).

Create an exclusive sea atmosphere in the room is easy! It is only necessary to fill it with well-thoughtful things, which will be reminded of 365 days a year:

light textiles - unassuming and comfortable: Muslin curtains, linen pillowcases, cotton mats;

you can fully disclose the seabed with help: anchors, marine stars, transparent vases filled with sea sand and shells, paintings with the image of the sea, chests, ropes and other attributes of the ship's element;

the relaxed cheerful atmosphere indoors will create bright textile elements with white-blue stripes or other optimistic patterns;

the most win-win version is the contrast of natural textured surfaces (in the nautical interior for this you can use such organic materials like straw, coarse fibers of sisal with glass, velvet and laminate);

decorate the space of lamps, the shapes and textures of which are associated with the sea and ships (a special charm interior of the living room or bedroom in the marine style will give ancient kerosene lamps of grinding steel);

clock, in the form of helpers or round mirrors, decorated as ship portholes or submarine;

sculptures from bamboo;

photos from the rest on the coast;

thematic dishes;

barometer, compass or pickle pipe;

decorative grid attached to the ceiling, balustrade or stairs;

maxim as possible to reveal the style. It is possible to use one of the options for weaving sea nodes (unusual and very beautifully complex samples look on a black background under the glass of the coffee table);

aquarium with neon, bright fish is easily becoming a decorative highlight of the marine interior or even the center of the overall composition.

It should be understood that the interior design in the marine style is the embodiment of aesthetics, freedom and (most importantly) good taste. That is why the presence of a sense of measure is so important when decorating the space.

Sea style windows for wind change

Sunlight will freely spread throughout the house, and in the summer it will smell even in February, if you urgently get rid of deaf porter and dense blinds blocking light. Is it impossible to take similar constructive actions? Your windows are pretty small? Then compensate for the lack of sunlight is not associated with artificial lighting sources: spotlights, lamps and lamps.

Curtains in the marine style, like a sail for the room

In the ship cabin Captain instead of a bedroom or a pirated schooner instead of the living room, the wind is imperative to imitate the wind, the ocean and waves at the same time. The material of the curtains should be like sails, durable and practical at the same time, or on a fishing net, intercepted by a rope with a rope, or an air cloud, falling out of heaven.

For example, the marine style in the interior of the living room most often assumes the combined, lush folds of curtains, decorated with fancy lambrequins of a bandage, drapering or embroidery. They are putting a sip of fresh air, turning the ordinary breeze into a light marine breeze.

If we talk about the interior of the bedroom in the marine style, then it is certainly better to use dense tissue for curtains - velvet, silk or pass. They reliably hide a room from the morning sunlight and will provide a full-fledged vacation.

A separate theme of the curtains for a nursery in the marine style is a place in the house where the imagination is already becoming accomplished.

The interior of the nursery in the sea style for the young captain

The main rule is no junction, only the necessary items

Kids (and many adults, including) need bright colors in order for their life to be joyful and carefree. And with all children without exception, it is equally like to play a room stylized under the submarine, the deck of the ship, the golden beach or the kingdom of Neptune.

On a visual example, we show how to arrange a children's own hands using several design techniques:

Making the room, it is not necessary to decorate not all the space, but only the game zone (sleeping must be withstanding in calm, light colors).

An accent wall can be decorated with painting of the underwater world, and near the blue podium, while the outer side of which will be finished with sea pebbles, corals or shells.

On the "Beach" you can install a soft armchair, a miniature straw table and aquarium with fish.

Bungalow or a small pirate ship involves a large number of decor. Handles, grids, ropes, chests, stairs, maps and model of sailboats - those details that make childhood truly happy.

To create a positive sea mood in the room, a blue-white color gamut is better diluted with yellow and red tone.

A sleeping place should have a boat form or have a fence (by type Kubrick on the ship).

In the children's interior in the marine style, a modern modular system is successfully fitted - furniture with a decor of famous inhabitants of the seas: fish, sea skates, whales, sharks. And if the bed will be equipped in the upper tier, then under it - a working (game) zone or wardrobe.

From the multilayer curtains and rough ropes, you can make a sail and partially curtain your baby bed.

Wall murals and paintings for nursery in the marine style Psychologists recommend choosing along with the child, the condition is one thing - they must be depicted dolphins, sea, islands, fish or seagulls.

The cabin room must be equipped with a rash flow, which can be made using a niche in the wall and a solid plexiglass. At such a window, you can install neon backlight.

The Council for those who decided to do children's maritime themes with their own hands in a limited budget - to create a fabulous island, it is not necessary to change furniture. Carefully change the appearance of the children's room actually with the help of a small cosmetic repair (wallpaper plywood) and replacing textiles: pillows, covered and curtains. It will be cheap, but tastefully.

Hall! All on board! Marine Bathroom Interior

Planning the renewal of the bathroom, many confuse Mediterranean style and sea. Yes, they are both acceptable, pompousness and luxury, love the sea, light, comfort and simplicity, and at the same time closely "friends" with white and blue.

But having some common features, in fact they are very different. The Mediterranean interior involves the use of a huge amount of natural colors and shades, while the marine is limited to three-four. In the Mediterranean bathroom it can easily be a plumbing with a wrought skeleton or forged legs. In the sea style, the bathroom amazes with its availability. She has no certain requests, it is impossible to do only without one - cheerful design.

Pebbles, seashells, soaps in the shape of corals, good-natured dolphins on the walls, shoals of fish on the ceiling - everything is in the sea bath, it is all solencing with elegant accessories. Fortunately, today's market provides a lot of opportunities to turn a typical, dull bathroom (for example, in a crunch) in a paradise in the midst of stone jungle.

Choosing materials for the interior design of the bathroom marine themes should be preferred in blue, blue and white shades - such colors not only form a feeling of comfort and calm, but also visually increase the space.

In the decoration of walls and gender in the bathroom, the mosaic and ceramic tile will become the most practical option. You can put the floor with a parquet or laminate in the form of a board deck. Alternatively, use bulk floors with spectacular sea landscapes.

The bathroom mirror is not necessarily stylized under the porthole, for example, you can decorate it with large seashells and pebbles.

How to arrange sea style in the interior with your own hands

You can reproduce this interior yourself, if you listen to the advice of professionals and interested in fashionable trends.

To begin with, you need to decide on the concept and select the topic of design.

Sea style room can be issued as:

  1. Ship cabin or yacht
  2. Deck of the sea ship
  3. Sea bottom
  4. Pirate Shhuna

Remember that the interior of the marine style is a very creative design option in which not all rooms are involved. A reminder of a beautiful vacation, can be a bathroom and kitchen, bedroom, living room or children. But not all the premises immediately (only if the owners do not live near the shores of the sea - in this case, the situation obliges).

Thus, the stingy repair of the bedroom or the kitchen in the marine style is already at the very beginning it is necessary to represent how the final picture will look like. And then think over, plan and draw up a project. Good luck!

Surely, presented in the article photo of bright marine interiors will be inspiration for the design of the traveler, pirate, sailor or captain.

Sea-style living room combines pleasant sea accessories, resembling rest on the sea coast, and caressing color.

Such a design fills the room with warmth and freshness of the sea, creates a romantic setting.

Lovers of distant sea travel such an interior will have to do.

Features style

You can create a paradise corner of the sea coast in any apartment, even in a huge metropolis. The main thing is to think about the design to the smallest detail.

Sea style is very individual. It cannot be diluted with elements of the decor of other directions, except for the Mediterranean.

Of the features, the following features can be distinguished:

  • the predominance of bright shades that give the living room of freshness and space;
  • the use of only natural tones, without gloss and gloss;
  • the content of furniture and fabric coatings in perfect standing.

The sea strip in the interior must be parallel, without freshers and wrinkles, in all elements of the decor.

Sea style is striking by its grace and theatricality. With its help, it is possible to recreate the original ship cabin from the bedroom of children, fill the living room with freshness and expanses of the sea or decorate the small young girl room in a romantic style using sandy and azure colors.

The positive side of the marine style is its ability to adapt to various spaces.

The use of it in a large room with high ceilings will give the space of marine ability, and for a small room - mysteriousness and dreams of adventures.

Interior Design

Sea style requires a thorough approach to interior design.

The color gamma mainly consists of a variety of shades of blue, green, blue.

The harmonious combination will make up colors - white, sand, brown or pearl. A special place should be collapsing in a white and blue stripe.

It is enough to decorate a strip a couple of items (pillows, curtains, capes on chairs or a sofa) in the living room and you will already be asked the place of marine style.

Floors for maritime interior are better made from parquet or laminate of natural shades.

Natural materials close to natural beauty.

And the walls can be covered with light wallpaper. You need to try to use the PVC panels as little as possible.

If you wish, set the shipping themes by the room, you need to add ropes, wooden bars, barometers, portholes to the interior. Round paintings in a wooden frame will be decorated with wall decorations.

Ceilings can be decorated with images of the sky, clouds, and can be plastered and painted in white. The windows are better to leave wooden, under the color of the floor.

Decorative marine style elements

All decorative elements should be made of natural materials - wood, stone, ropes, seashells. It can be a rope, placed under the ceiling, a wooden beam, or a clock in the form of an helm.

You can add a functional table in the form of a pirate chest, small sofas and rocking chairs, curtains from natural flax, striped pillows.

The framework for photos, caskets, bottles decorated with sea shells and stars or bottles with ships inside are originally.

By the way, to issue elements of decor with seashells, can be pebbles with your own hands.

The living room made in the marine style will remind you of a great time spent on the seashore and to ask the waiting for a speedy leave.

If you like to travel on sea spaces, then the interior design will become an excellent solution for you.

Stock Foto Living room in marine style

The sea loves if not all, then most. In each person, the sea awakens its associations: beach holidays or travel, adventures of pirates or opening of pioneers, modern liners or vintage galleons.

But for everyone, without exception, the sea is always wonderful and positive. The marine room will become a cozy place for those who love to dream, such a style is perfect for decoring a children's, cabinet, living room or bedroom.

Modern designers allocate three sea-style types:

  1. Beach bungalow. Indispensable for those who love to lie on the beach. The interior must create a tropical hut impression, so the number of objects in the room is minimal, natural materials are used in the finish - bamboo, rattan.

  1. Yacht. The most popular view of the sea style, which allows the cabin or captain's bridge from the room.
  2. Summer house on the seaside is intended for recreation, therefore light tones prevail in the interior, light wicker furniture and translucent fabrics are used.

Tip: It is necessary to clearly decide what kind of sea style variety will be implemented in the room to prevent missile and messenger.

Marine room decoration

Choosing a color palette

Creating a living room, a nursery or bedroom in the marine style, designers advise to properly select the color gamut, which determines the nature of the room.

Of course, the main color is white, it is necessarily present in any case.

  1. Beach paints are blue, blue, sunny yellow, sand, which is diluted with red, herbal, cherry.
  2. Create a feeling of presence on the ship helps such colors as:
  • dark blue and blue;
  • the black;

  • sIZY;
  • as accents are used bright red, as well as green, yellow.
  1. House on the coast. In the interior are present:
  • warm wood tones;
  • blue;

  • turquoise;
  • azure;

  • coral;
  • for color accents - bright yellow, blue.

In this case, it is not purely white, but shades of ivory, linen, cream.

Decoration Materials

Creating an interior in the marine style, it is necessary to use high-quality natural materials, because the finish harmonizes the interior, giving a stylist completion. In this case, plastic and plastics are applied only if they successfully mimic natural finishing materials.

If you choose the design of the marine room, the photo in the gallery will help identify suitable finishing options.

  1. Walls. You can arrange the walls as fiscal and applying expensive finishing texture materials. Options:
  • coloring of water-free paint;
  • finishing with wallpaper - monochrome or under painting;

  • combined materials - Up to half of the walls placed tinted light wooden panels or lining, above - wallpaper or painting.

On a note! For the sale of marine style, it is good to make one wall with a color and texture accent of the room.

For this:

  • the painting is created, the walls are depicted on the wall, sailboats, wind roses, steering wheel or view from the porthole on the ocean;
  • the wall is placed under the sandy surface, it is possible to splashing seashells;

  • paint or bold bright wallpaper, including a strip or cage;
  • put a mosaic of fine ceramic tiles or natural stones.
  1. Floor. Leaves a feeling of warm, pleasant to the touch, therefore the material is selected accordingly:
  • choose parquet board or laminate;
  • maple, ash or bamboo floorboard;

  • ceramic tile, imitating shells, pebbles, sand;
  • bulk floors with a 3D effect, recreation of marine surf;

  • bung;
  • low face carpet carpet.
  1. Properly decorated ceiling supports style unity. The ceiling finish is performed in different ways:
  • stucco and staining in white or light blue (painting in dark blue is not recommended, because it negatively affects the mental state of people);
  • multi-level drywall structures;

  • stretch ceilings of white or with marine pattern;
  • combined method - plasterboard and PVC film, which allows you to create a view from the porthole to the starry sky or the surface of the sea;

  • tree - light boards that are shedding the ceiling, or beams, on which hammock or ropes are attached.


To support sea style, lighting devices are selected either neutral, white, or deliberately old, with copper or steel finish.

Depending on the purpose of the room, you need different lamps:

  • wall lamps in the form of marine inhabitants look good in the nursery;
  • in the living room - the chandelier fan under the antiquity, with copper blades or scripping or anchor;

  • in the bedroom - fishing lanterns or lamps, decorated with pearls and shells.

Marine room design

Having equipping any room in an apartment in the style of marine expanses or beach holidays, you need to pay special attention to the choice of furniture. In this case, products from plastic, glass, metal, heavy and coupling in shape, with a variety of decorations are not suitable. It is better to purchase wicker or wooden furniture of simple geometric shapes.

Furniture products are decorated with light loss and agree. The color gamma is predominantly inappropriate, pastel shades of brown, blue, turquoise, sandy, even better than just white.

Sea style is maintained in the room not the number of accessories, but their quality. The more natural and natural they look, the better. Decorate the room such objects:

  • compass, barometer;
  • mirror, decorated as a porthole;

  • collection of marine nodes;
  • vases with gifts of the sea - shells, multicolored sand;

  • thematic paintings and photos;
  • souvenirs brought from a cruise or summer holiday;

  • sofa pillows suitable in style.

Textiles corresponds to the interior. Therefore, windows decorate light curtains from sails, flax or thin transparent fabrics. In one case, pickups serve rope nodes, in the other, the pickups are used in the form of seashells.

Important! The design of the room is largely determined by carpet.

Cotton carpets are well fit into the sea style with the image of ships, anchors, marine animals, as well as with a wavy pattern or striped.

Marine room for boy

Depending on the desire of the child, the room is made in the form:

  • cabins respectable yacht;
  • pirate sailing ships;

  • modern liner;
  • warship.

Based on the option, materials are selected for the design of walls, gender and ceiling, as well as a color gamut.

Tip: Do not get involved in blue-white colors - it makes the room boring.

It is interesting to look like a highlighted wall, on which the painting depicting an old map of the world is applied, or glued a photo wallpaper with a sea scenery.

You can cover the walls with white boards, creating the impression of the present Kubrick.

A room for a boys in the marine style (photos of various options are offered) should have some decorative elements that support style unity. They can be:

  • models of old ships;
  • wooden or wrought chest;

  • signal flags;
  • flags of different countries;

  • ship bell;
  • storm-clock;

  • maps, globe.

Whatever the maritime style option was selected for sale, the boy is useful to a sports corner, where there is a rope and rope staircase. It looks interesting (and besides you can use for the purpose) a hammock stretched across the room.

Marine room for girl

For young beauties, the option "House on the coast" is optimally suitable, which provides for the abundance of light drapes, elegant furniture and a charming decor of pastel tones.

Such a room should be bright, well, if it is focused on the south or southwest. Large windows are slightly covered with light curtains of thin fabrics, such as Muslen. If it is necessary to protect the room from light, it is better to hang horizontal blinds with wood straps.

The floor and walls are separated by light materials, it is preferable to use such colors:

  • white warm tones;
  • coral;
  • sand;
  • azure;

  • strip, combining options for these tones.

The floor and the walls should impress the sun, warm and pleasant to the touch as if burned on the hot fortune. Therefore, most often the walls are painted or salary with unspecified wallpaper, parquet, board or laminate put on the floor.

On a note! Of particular importance is the correct selection of furniture items.

This room in the marine style (photo of the best interior designs are offered in the gallery) is often furnished with wooden or wicker from bamboo and rattan furniture. For furniture, a shabby tree is used white, hidden or light brown flowers. Products from plastic, glass, chrome metal are inappropriate, however, products with decoration in the form of wrought elements are beautifully fit into the interior. Relevant furniture with facades from the rails. Upholstery on upholstered furniture should be with a floral print or striped pastel tones.

It is important not to overload the girl's room with accessories, because the sea style is quite ascetic and simple.

As a pretty beach house decor, you can use various items that will perform additional functions:

  • wicker baskets and wooden storage chests;
  • soft floor pillow instead of a chair;

  • necessarily a mirror in a beautiful frame;
  • baldahin from Tulle, which can be placed above the bed;

  • plates with seashells, vases that will decorate the room;
  • photos, paintings with sea scenery;

  • exotic crafts from wood or bamboo.

Such an implementation of marine style will suit any romantic girl, and the room will be a cozy corner.

I do not like

As you know, there is nothing more inconstant than fashion. Nevertheless, sometimes thanks to her we can remember about the forgotten trends.

It is about sea style in the interior, which was quite popular 100 years ago. Unfortunately, subsequently the popularity of this style has practically sued "no." However, fashion for sea style is returned. Moreover, it concerns this not only the design of interiors, but also clothes, accessories, as well as decor items. This is not surprising, and has several reasons, especially with regard to the popularization of such interiors in large cities.

It is definitely that the design of the maritime room has both advantages and disadvantages. At the same time, naturally, the first - much more. Serentedness, lightness and some romanticism - all this is capable of somewhat brighten up all the stress that accumulates among the inhabitants of large cities in daily life. Therefore, it is not by chance that in the interior of the children's room, kitchen, living room, bedroom, bathroom and other rooms, it is more active that it is marching the subject.

What you need to know when planning the interior

It is impossible to say that the design of the maritime room is cheap. Of course, a variety of decor items, especially the most exotic of them, have a fairly high price. If we talk about the rooms in which elements of this style can be used, then the fact that it is quite universal. This means that you can equip the interior of the maritime room (by doing this, by the way, with your own hands), in such premises, like a bedroom, living room (room), bathroom, and, in particular, children's room.

Sea style in the design of interiors is quite pronounced and individual, since it is largely different from any other stylistry. Moreover, not only colors and materials of the walls are different, whether paint or wallpaper, but also how the lighting is made, which the objects of decor and furniture are used, as well as how the space as a whole is used. When decorated, it is very important to present in advance what exactly you would like to get as a result.

Main features

Despite the fact that over the course of a long time, some features of this style have changed, its main features are still remaining unchanged. To speak briefly and try to bring the most common of them, then it will be about such a list:

  • Combination of blue (blue) and white colors.
  • Using the topic of fish and other marine inhabitants.
  • Vintage furniture items.
  • Models of sea ships or decor, stylized under their parts.
  • Active use of wood in the interior.
  • Striped decorative elements.
  • Stones, seashells and other souvenirs from sea depths.
  • Fabric that symbolizes sails.

All this falls on the soul of those people who like not only to spend vacation on the seashore, but in general, they are imbued with the ideas of marine romance and, as a rule, are active travelers or fans of the relevant TV channels. A largely used color gamma contributes to proper relaxation.

Than to separate

In itself, the fact that during the design of the maritime interior should be remembered that the emphasis is being done primarily on the old days. In previous times, artificial origin materials produced using the chemical industry were not used. As it would not sound that it would not sound, but in its origin it was natural materials.

Thus, if you are engaged in the maritime interior planning, charmingly pay attention to the choice of suitable finishing materials. And, as you yourself guess, it must be, first of all, it is the natural materials made on the basis of natural raw materials. We are, above all, about wood of various breeds (pine, larch, oak, ash, and maple, as well as bamboo, although it is not a tree on biological classification.

Attention! Using tile - not recommended!

And indeed: despite the fact that the ceramic tile refers to materials of natural origin, since it is made of clay, it is not recommended to use it. Moreover, interior design experts do not advise the use of laminate, linoleum and other similar coverage.

On the other hand, when finishing the camp, the lining is well suited. You can use plaster for internal work, especially in cases where you will be able to comply with the original accessories. Wallpapers in the marine style are suitable, which are characterized by specific patterns and ornaments. In addition, the use of photo wallpaper with marine topics is also permissible for competent planning. All basic recommendations can be applied to the ceiling that is better separated by natural materials.

Use of flowers

Among the colors that are the most common in the marine style, it is necessary to note the natural shades inherent in the sea scenery. In addition, it is impossible to ignore the colors that are connected in the depths of the sea. If we talk about the most popular tones, then this is, first of all:

  • Blue and its shades (from light blue, to dark).
  • Aquamarine.
  • Beige, white and sandy colors.
  • Dark gray shades (resemble rocks).
  • Azure, emerald and turquoise.

As you can see, they all are in one degree or another are associated with various sea beauty. As for the combination, such colors as white and blue are most combined. And in addition to them, you can use certain additional shades. You can use the traditional natural combination of green with brown or its shades, which will symbolize the greens on the shore. As for flowers such as azure and turquoise, then in the best way they can be combined with light colors, which were mentioned slightly higher. It is about sandy, light beige and other tones. Similar combinations will be reminded of exotic beaches.

We must not forget about bright colors and combinations in the marine style. They will be able to remind about the exotic inhabitants of the southern seas and the oceans, as well as hint at the presence of corals and other representatives of the flora from the bottom of the sea. It is about coral, yellow, orange and other bright shades. They are also quite suitable for maritime interiors, despite the fact that they are not the most popular tones

Lamps and Bra

The lighting in the room, the interior of which is decorated in the marine style, is an extremely important point, since the role of light in such premises is very large. Of course, the sea is often bad weather and storm. Nevertheless, most of us have the sea associated with the beaches and the rays of the sun. So, if there is such an opportunity, use large windows (we are, first of all, about country houses and cottages, and not about urban apartments with type glazing). In addition, translucent or matte interior doors can also be an excellent additional solution.

Sometimes in such interiors, the use of lamps is allowed, according to their form resembling various seaside items or even the inhabitants of the sea. It must be borne in mind that speaking about lighting, we mean not only the ceiling lights, chandeliers or large floor lamps, but also small decorative lamps. The latter can be stylized under marine themes, reminding seashells, starfishes or small fish.

And further! Thinking about the form of the lamp, do not forget that you can also use different colors.

Finishing a conversation about lighting in the sea interior, it should be noted that when buying a lamp you can make a choice in favor of the so-called "cold" or "warm" light. To a large extent, the choice depends on the specific room and the entourage, which is presented in it.

Selection of furniture, textiles and curtains

As noted, a little higher, the main feature of the interiors performed in the marine style is the use of natural finish. The same, by the way, concerns the objects of home textiles. Therefore, you can safely choose wooden cabinets, dressers, butchers. By the way, it is possible to give a special charm to such a interior, using a slightly aged furniture ,.

Moreover! An interesting detail can be an old, harmoniously inscribed in the overall setting, a chest.

You can add that the rope will become interesting and fully justified by stylistics. It can play both a functional and purely decorative role. Although, it is impossible to say confidently that the rope can be attributed to home textiles, despite similar production technology. As noted slightly higher, the use of strips can be an excellent option.

Striped details, especially textile, always considered one of the characteristic signs of the marine style in the interior. As a rule, we are talking about the white-blue stripes, but other options can occur. Striped motifs can be applied not only in the upholstery of furniture, but also when choosing a curtain, curtains, covered, plaid, tablecloths and other home textiles, including a boy or girl's children's room.

Additional decor

Immediately I want to note that it is impossible, as they say, overdo it, if we are talking about the choice of items to decorate the maritime interior of the room. Try, nevertheless, leave more free space in the room, and if possible, at the same time get rid of something too much. Regarding various decor options, you can pay attention to the following marine style accessories in the interior:

  1. An interesting decision can be a map, photo wallpaper in the form of antique geographical designations or a globe.
  2. A small model of the ship (best if it is a sailboat).
  3. Outdoor vases resembling ancient amphoras.
  4. If we are talking about children's rooms or about the cottage, a braided hammock can become an excellent accessory.
  5. In the children's room to the wall you can suspend the rescue circle.
  6. Of course, it is impossible to forget about aquarium with exotic fish.
  7. Vintage or antique clock on the wall, you can with a pendulum.
  8. If you like a fishing topic, think about how to use small fragments of fishing networks.
  9. Shells and marine pebbles will complement your interior.

It must be remembered that if your room has a sufficiently large size, you can safely use room plants quite large size. An example can serve palm trees. However, even in small and narrow premises, you can always plan small indoor plants in pots or decorative caspo.

All attention - details!

It is impossible to lose sight of the fact that some decisions may come to this interior, and some, on the contrary, will look, to put it mildly, strangely and inappropriate.

Therefore, in order for the interior to be stylish, you can pay attention to some useful tips:

  • Try to actively use the mirrors.
  • Blue color should not be very dark, as it will make the room too gloomy.
  • If in the interior still, there are too dark tones, try to "dilute" with bright and juicy "accents".
  • Do not use artificial finishing materials, which is mentioned above.
  • Try to the interior to be more free space. In very small rooms it is better to use some other style.
  • Furniture color should be light or brown. Avoid dark colors.
  • It will be better if the main color of the walls will be white or some other of the bright color gamut.
  • Contrast combinations can be used very advantageous. This applies to both coloring and materials.
  • Avoid cluttering with a large number of decorative elements.

Be that as it may, you need to take into account and one more circumstance. Many specialists do not recommend executing each room of an apartment or a country house in the same style, and, even more so, in the same color scheme. Sooner or later, this approach "turns out" even the most zealous fans of a particular interior style. Not exception and marine. So, it is better to consider this advice and equip the inner space of different premises of the apartment in different styles, or at least not to use the same colors. Pictures to this article will help get more interesting ideas on how to equip the interior, which would like about the rest on the yacht, the beach or simply associated with the sea adventures, long-range wanders and geographic discoveries.

Photo Gallery of marine interiors, which can be made with your own hands: