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A harmonious combination of name and zodiac sign is the key to a successful life path. Name: the meaning of the name and fate, names by the sign of the zodiac

Astrological science believes that the signs of the zodiac and the names chosen in accordance with these signs are endowed with their own special strength and energy. The name consists of letters, and each letter sounds in its own way and a planet corresponds to each sound. And only after sorting everything out on the shelves, comparing all the contradictions and coincidences of letters with the planets, you can choose a name that will lead a person through life.

There are many techniques and techniques for the harmonious development of the personality and the creation of a more or less good flow. life path person. It has long been proven that several factors influence this. One of the methods of successful existence is the selection of a name according to the sign of the zodiac.

If possible, it is better to consult an astrologer for advice. Stellar science classifies names into 12 groups according to their effects on humans. These groups correspond to the 12 signs of the zodiac.

The name is energy!

What is a name, in astrology, is contained in sound. Such energy constantly affects the character of a person, personality, on his path through life. By the way, on Ancient Rus they were not called by names, but given names, in other words, they were doomed to live with this name.

This is the same as with a sea vessel - whatever you call it, so it will float. A man has been given a name, whether he wants it or not, he will sail in his own direction and the captain of his ship will be the name. The energy of the name constantly interacts with the energy of the sign under which the person was born.

This combination of name and zodiac sign simply must be in harmony. Otherwise, a person's life path becomes unbalanced and unhappy. And even if he has the makings of talents, they cannot be realized.

If the name is well chosen and matched, then a person grows up from childhood in favorable conditions, everything is easy for him, he is loved, he is always in excellent athletic form and he is relatively healthy. Therefore, it is so important to choose a name in combination with the wave vibrations of one or another astrological sign.

What is compatibility

The combination of a name and a zodiac sign is the key to a happy life

Compatibility is a combination and consonance of letters with numerical values date of birth and planet of the patron. Such consonance will ultimately lead a person to the sphere of activity in which he will be 100% realized.

His circle of friends and acquaintances will be perfect, the physical state will not cause problems ... In a word, life will be successful. And the consonance of the names of people in marriage will create a favorable atmosphere for coexistence and procreation. But that is another story.

Some contradictions

Not everything is so simple in nature, for example, you carefully studied the issue of selection, gave a name to the child in accordance with all the rules, but it did not work out, your child did not become happy and successful. We all know that people born under the same zodiac sign have many common character traits, but there are also enough representatives that are not at all similar to their astrological counterparts.

Moreover, it is noted that they have features from a completely different sign. For example, the complaisant and pedantic Virgo sometimes shows Aquarius's love of freedom. Perhaps this is just a combination of the name given by the parents and the sign of the zodiac. And what such contradictions depend on is not always clear. Probably due to a failure in the construction of the planets during the birth of the baby.

Names can be selected by the elements

It is not always necessary to name a child according to the zodiac sign. You may want to develop some specific talents or character traits in your toddler. Then choose the appropriate name. This is also an option for choosing a life path.

If we consider the names by the sign of the zodiac in more detail, then you can see that some names are suitable for one sign and for another. This is due to the fact that some signs are friends with each other and are somehow combined. In this regard, it is possible to select a name that will expand all the capabilities of a person.

In order to have a complete understanding of the compatibility of the signs of the zodiac, we offer information that will give Additional information... Signs and names that are friends:

  • Leo, Aries and Sagittarius;
  • Libra, Capricorn, Cancer, Pisces, Taurus;
  • Gemini, Aquarius, Virgo, Leo;
  • Aquarius, Virgo, Cancer;
  • Virgo, Capricorn, Scorpio, Taurus

Signs and names that are not friendly:

  • Cancer and Leo;
  • Taurus and Aries;
  • Capricorn and Taurus;
  • Sagittarius and Virgo;
  • Capricorn and Gemini
  • How to find a name based on your zodiac sign

Four elements: Fire, Air, Earth, Water

Usually the name is chosen in accordance with your own sympathies, but you need to rationally treat this action. Your own opinion should not be the only one, you need to take into account all the available factors.

At birth, a person is already programmed, the surname and patronymic are already “doomed”, and only the selection of the name becomes the responsibility of the parents. At the moment of a person's birth, the horoscope sign already tells you how to name the little man. The planets are arranged in a special order, which will correspond to the one born at the given moment. Another moment, and the planets in a different order are ready for the birth of the next baby.

The choice of a name should definitely start with in order to correctly determine the planet of the patron saint. If you know or want to know which planet patronizes your child, then it will not be difficult for you to choose the right name.

Fire Signs

The combination of a name and a zodiac sign - harmony in life

The following heavenly signs belong to the element of Fire: Leo, Aries, Sagittarius. And planets such as Mars, Pluto, Sun, Jupiter patronize people born under this sign. People of these signs are energetic, purposeful, they are prone to leadership.

They have character traits - ambition, pride. Therefore, they should choose names that are memorable, where the presence of the letter "r" is mandatory - Artem, Aron, Arseny, Alexander, German, Yegor, Mark, Ruslan, Eldar. The following names are good for girls: Daria, Ekaterina, Gertrude, Maria, Varvara, Tamara.

Signs of the Earth

The elements of the Earth include signs: Virgo, Taurus and Capricorn. The patron planets are Venus, Mercury and Saturn. The earth is warmth, constancy, reliability. But at the same time, these people are rather dry, but with a sober mind, they are inherent in efficiency and practicality. They are stubborn and persistent and go to their goal without being distracted by trifles. The main thing for them is the creation of material wealth, they work with joy.

But the inherent inertia does not allow switching to other activities if necessary, which sometimes leads to crisis situations. Their patience and humility, adaptability to circumstances is simply amazing. Names for such children are given in honor of their ancestors and they should be soft, light, such as Gleb, Mikhail, Matvey, Bogdan, Nikita. Female names: Eva, Victoria, Tatiana, Lilia, Taisia, etc.

Air Signs

It is not necessary to strictly listen to astrologers, but you should not ignore their advice either.

The Air Release is Aquarius, Libra, Gemini and they are under the auspices of Venus, Mercury and Uranus. This element has in its characteristics humidity, adaptability to the situation. People of this sign gush with ideas and they are intellectuals, they are lively, flexible and agile.

They do not fit into the usual way of life, monotony and regularity for them is death. Their main advantage is to connect people and circumstances. Names for them should be light, airy, easy to pronounce. For example: Alice, Eugene, Klavdia, Ksyusha, Igor, Ivan, Oleg, Foma, etc.

Water Signs

The Water Release is Cancer, Pisces, Scorpions. Their patron planets are Neptune, Mars, and the Moon. People of these signs are sensitive phlegmatic people, they always think about the welfare of their associates and loved ones, but at the same time they are very lazy. Therefore, it is hardly worth expecting any action from them. Such people are born with a rich imagination and become talented artists, painters, musicians. At the same time, they are very susceptible to external influences.

The name must be consonant with the surname and patronymic

Any detail or circumstance from the outside can radically change their attitude to the case or to a loved one, up to a break in relations. The most weak sign of this trinity are Pisces and all three of them have feelings in the first place and own the mind.

Their excessive daydreaming collides with controversy real life, which often leads to depression and addiction to drugs and alcohol. Their names should be combined with sensory currents of stellar energy.

Well suited - Valentin, Nikolay, Alexey, Ilya, Felix. Suitable for girls - Lolita, Olesya, Ulya, Masha, Julia, etc. You did everything right, weighed everything and are ready to give a name, take into account some tips:

  • when choosing a name, take into account the consonance with the patronymic;
  • do not choose long and hard to remember;
  • the sounds in the name and patronymic should not be discordant, for example, the patronymic should not begin with the same vowels that end the name;
  • ask someone to say the name out loud and listen to how it sounds and ask the person to give their opinion on the chosen name;
  • it is desirable that the name has diminutive forms;
  • do not throw away your intuition, it will tell right choice in the event that there is no way to contact an astrologer

When choosing a name for your child, discard frivolity, listen to your heart, compare all the knowledge you have received for choosing a name, and may good luck accompany your child throughout his life.

But what signs of the zodiac are long-livers, you will learn from the video:

In contact with

A long-awaited replenishment has occurred in your family. Some chores faded into the background, but others appeared. How to name a child so that his name is not only modern and beautiful, but also emphasizes as much as possible positive features his character and smoothed out the negative?

There is one very interesting scientific theory that indicates a direct connection between a personal name and the time of birth according to the sign of the zodiac. Sound vibrations emitted by one name or another must match the vibrations of the month of birth of the child.

In this case, we can be completely sure of the maximum consolidation and manifestation of those positive characterological properties that the name itself carries. And, conversely, a name that does not coincide with the time of birth and the sign of the zodiac can bring many problems to its owner in the future.

Let's see what name your daughter can be named according to her zodiac sign.

Your daughter is an ambitious Aries

You may have a lot of problems with your restless teenage daughter, as her straightforwardness, stubbornness and integrity can infuriate anyone.

And she would also like to be born a boy, because they have so many opportunities! You can name your daughter by the name derived from the male version, and she will be just happy! Also, short, capacious names with strong consonants are suitable for her.

What names are suitable for girls born under the zodiac sign Aries

Agatha, Agnia, Adelaide, Alexandra, Alena, Alice, Alla, Anastasia, Ariadna, Valeria, Varvara, Vasilisa, Ekaterina, Eva, Eugenia, Karina, Larisa, Magdalene, Maya, Margarita, Marina, Marta, Rimma, Nadezhda, Olesya, Raisa, Svetlana, Yaroslava.

Your daughter is a conservative Taurus

This sweet girl is charm itself. A captivating smile, a pleasant melodic voice and excellent external data will eventually turn her into a charming woman with a lot of fans. And the name of such a girl should match her - gentle, feminine, with melodious vowels. Even as she grows up, she will often be called the pet name.

Suitable names for girls born under the zodiac sign Taurus

Your daughter is a royal lion

A proud, brave and domineering Lioness should have everything of the highest elite quality, including her name. Therefore, there are no options here - choose the most trendy, modern and, at the same time, the most majestic and beautiful name. The perfect choice- the name of some very famous movie heroine or royal person.

Female names for girls born under the sign of Leo

Your daughter is an unpredictable Scorpio

Bright, passionate and, at the same time, mysterious Scorpio girls will always have many secret admirers. At the same time, your daughter highly values ​​true loyalty and consistency, both in herself and in the people around her. This girl is Ice and Fire. The best choice for her - a name that has hot Spanish, or mysterious Celtic (Irish) roots.

Female names for girls under the sign of Scorpio

Agatha, Agnia, Aza, Alevtina, Alisa, Anfisa, Vassa, Gella, Juliet, Share, Catherine, Elizabeth, Zara, Zinaida, Isabella, Inessa, Larisa, Laura, Lilith, Louise, Love, Lyudmila, Magdalene, Margarita, Marta, Matilda, Miella, Praskovya, Raisa, Rachel, Rosa, Sabina, Sarah, Seraphima, Silva, Taira, Tamara, Teresa, Faina, Kharita, Eliza, Elina, Yadviga, Yaroslav.

Your daughter is an active Sagittarius

A real Amazon, an athlete, a tomboy and a cheerleader, your daughter will give odds to many boys. She can be very trusting and naive, but you should not use it. Once you deceive her, you will forever lose your faithful and devoted friend. Her given name should be as direct and short as the flight of an arrow shot straight at the target.

Names of girls under the zodiac sign Sagittarius

Adelaide, Alexandra, Alice, Berta, Vasilisa, Vassa, Vera, Violetta, Vladislava, Diana, Ekaterina, Elizabeth, Isabella, Isolde, Inessa, Maya, Margarita, Marianna, Marina, Marta, Matilda, Mirra, Muse, Oksana, Patricia, Rada, Salome, Selena, Seraphima, Simona, Snezhana, Sofia, Sophia, Stella, Susanna, Tamara, Teresa, Thekla.

Your daughter is a calm Capricorn

Capricorn girl already with early childhood is distinguished by seriousness, stubbornness and the ability to clearly plan their actions. She cannot be called taciturn or uncommunicative, rather somewhat secretive and responsible. Your daughter is endowed with a strong will, psychological stability and the ability to overcome with dignity life difficulties... In order to emphasize these qualities, it is best to choose a name that contains many consonants and sounds firm and confident. Very often, such girls are unwittingly dubbed already in childhood. full name, therefore, it should sound harmonious and be combined with the middle name.

Choose a name for your baby girl under the zodiac sign Capricorn

Ada, Alexandra, Anisya, Ariadna, Bronislava, Wanda, Varvara, Vera, Vesta, Gertrude, Greta, Daria, Dina, Ekaterina, Zinaida, Ivanna, Isolde, Inga, Inna, Karina, Kira, Ksenia, Matilda, Nina, Nonna, Nora, Renata, Rimma, Seraphima, Sofia, Sophia, Stepanida, Susanna, Eleanor, Emma, ​​Esther.

Your daughter is a freedom-loving Aquarius

Dreamy and outgoing Aquarius people value the freedom of movement, communication and creativity most of all. Usually such children have a lot of ideas to improve the world around them and all of humanity. These girls always have a huge number of friends, and in each new company they will call her differently. Therefore, when choosing a name for your original daughter, look for one that has many mutable options, allowing the girl to remain herself and, at the same time, be different everywhere.

All people end up faced with the question of choosing a name for a newborn, and this is one hundred percent fact. Use it different methods, the study of ancestral history, the naming scheme for the elements and eastern horoscope, foreign names and even the Saints, but the zodiacal discussed here cannot be ruled out ...

Zodiac signs and human names

An interesting link was discovered by ancient astrologers - it assumed the dependence of the fate of the child on the zodiacal affiliation and the significance of the chosen name. As a result of this discovery, they began to choose names for boys and girls, relying solely on their attachment to star symbolism.

Methods for determining belonging to the present day. Of course, they were lost, but the lists of names corresponding to certain stars remained. As a result, there are the so-called names of the zodiacs, which, by the way, can be found here. But now is not about that ...

Modern scientists and researchers of naming conventions are also inclined to believe that the connection of naming forms with star symbolism is undeniable and plays an important role in building not only the future named person, but also character, appearance, luck, success and personal happiness. Therefore, we recommend that you do not exclude this factor in the process of selecting a name.

Is there really a connection between fate, name, and zodiac sign?

The answer is clear and indisputable - there is certainly between the future personality, the patronizing zodiac and the name, and even ancient astrologers described it.

In those days, it was fashion among people of high social strata to check this connection before naming a born. It was believed that in this way they endow him with characteristics that are important for success, including power, wealth, respect and honor.

Now the most famous specialists adhere to this theory, but unfortunately, they could not advance in the study further, develop a methodology. But there is a whole list of names by zodiacs and months, with the help of which you can select the name corresponding to the birth.

Male names by zodiacal affiliation

All separate months have certain names for men. Among them are beautiful names modern origin, and old, derived from ancient European or Hebrew words, but there is one simple fact - they all promise different qualities, modifying depending on the zodiacal influence, spontaneous, planetary, and seasonal.

An interesting point - to each male and female name, additional symbolism is also attached, which endows a person with additional properties. These are mascot stones, animals, eastern astrological symbols, and numbers.

When choosing a name for a man, be sure to be guided by all of the above "sacraments" in order to predict as accurately as possible the possession of certain traits.

Female "star" namebook

The female names of the signs of the zodiac depend on the impact of various symbols no less, and also refer to separate periods of the twelve month cycle. But in the case of women, everything is simpler, because the reference point and the impact itself affects mainly the ability to lead, dominate, or show femininity.

Well, the researchers of antiquity even argued that the combination of signs and names on the appearance of women especially strongly influences the appearance of women, although modern astrologers do not risk vouching for this statement with a hundred percent certainty.


As you can see, the zodiacal affiliation of the name plays a very important role in human life, and therefore, in no case ignore this factor and be sure to use it so that your child will definitely achieve everything that you want him to.

The name determines the character and destiny of a person. The name, the meaning of the name and the destiny are closely related. Names for children can be chosen in different ways, for example, you can choose suitable names Zodiac sign. There is a special horoscope by name, where the compatibility of the character of the zodiac sign and the sound of the name are taken into account. For example, names in January contain their own special soundtrack, which gives the owners of these names additional creative energy. This horoscope will help you determine the most suitable names according to your zodiac sign.


Aries are simple-minded and straightforward. They are purposeful and persistent, caring and loyal to their loved ones, although they can sometimes be too selfish. Aries men are outwardly very attractive, but in life they are often wasteful. The most favorable names are Boris, Svyatoslav, Stepan, Andrey and Alexander. The names Arkady, Bogdan, Boris, Vladimir, Egor and Yuri are compatible.

Aries women are windy and selfish. They have a great feminine appeal, which makes men perform feats. The most favorable names are Alexandra, Anastasia, Vasilisa, Galina, Daria, Lydia, Nadezhda.


Taurus is a very materialistic and practical sign. Taurus men love to save money. Have great willpower and reserve vitality... They know how to make profitable acquaintances and make money from scratch. Names are most suitable for men: Alexander, Anatoly, Vadim, Denis, Mark.
Taurus women are good housewives, mothers, with earthly concerns and desires. Sometimes they are very stubborn. The most favorable names: Diana, Zoya, Inna, Irina, Maya, Rimma, Eleanor.


Gemini is a treasure trove of any information, always full of ideas and striving to draw information from all possible sources. Gemini men are very independent, they often do not want to get married, they violate the rules of society. The names Daniel, Igor, Konstantin, Nikita, Stanislav are suitable for men.

Women are charming, sociable and witty. However, their constant fickleness makes life difficult for those around them. Most compatible with this sign female names Valeria, Elena, Nelly.

Cancers are very decent, sensitive and non-conflicting. Men hide their feelings, while they are very loyal and loyal husbands. The names Arseny, Vasily, Vyacheslav, Gregory, Denis, Dmitry, Ilya, Lev, Semyon, Stanislav, Stepan, Timofey, Felix, Edward, Julius, Peter, Robert are most suitable for them.

Women are very vulnerable and gentle, very feminine. Best names: Julia, Bogdana, Juliet, Diana, Dina, Dolya, Elena, Elizabeth, Lydia, Leah, Louise, Melania, Melissa, Olesya, Selena, Simona, Sofia, Sofia, Yana, Olga, Emma.

Leos are very temperamental and proud. Men are generous and arrogant. They love to make big plans and brag about their accomplishments to others. Their charm can overshadow any of their shortcomings. Most lucky names for men: Sasha, Makar, Albert, Anatoly, Anton, Mark, Arnold, Artem, Arthur, Bogdan, Hera, Danila, Zakhar, Ivan, Ilya, Cyril, Lev, Leonid, Nazar, Nikolai, Peter, Prokhor, Robert, Roman , Rostislav, Ruslan, Eldar, Jan.

Women are demanding and uncompromising. They need secular society and attention to your own person. Despite this, they become ideal spouses and hostesses. The following names are suitable: Alexandra, Alla, Angela, Antonina, Arina, Isabella, Varvara, Daria, Diana, Zhanna, Clara, Lada, Lida, Lolita, Love, Margarita, Nadezhda, Natasha, Nonna, Regina, Rosa, Roxana, Rostislava, Ulyana, Lera, Ella, Elvira, Emma, ​​Julia, Yana.


Virgos are the most critical of the zodiac. They are pedantic and rational. Men have a goal of finding the perfect spouse. In this case, there may be themselves good husbands, give themselves to their family. The names Timofey, Denis, Stepan, Vladislav, Pavel, Emil, Vsevolod, Stanislav, Dmitry, Denis, Ignat, Gennady and Gleb are suitable.

Women are very diligent and diligent. Indecision and big requests get in the way of building strong relationships. The most successful names are Diana, Elizabeth, Irina, Victoria, Valentina, Anastasia, Anna, Inna, Christina, Ksenia, Zinaida, Zoya, Inessa, Inga and Alevtina, Maria, Natalia, Raisa.


They are often indecisive, non-contentious and cannot stand loneliness. Men are very ambitious, polite and outgoing. They love luxury and often achieve material well-being. The most successful names are Nikita, Artem, Vladimir, Vyacheslav, Mikhail, Oleg, Sergey, Osip, Veniamin, Konstantin.

Women have a well-developed sense of beauty: they understand art, beautiful clothes, value comfort. The names that enhance the characteristics of the Libra sign are Nadezhda, Sophia, Vera, Elena, Carolina, Bella, Violetta, Karina, Klara, Eugene, Love, Lyudmila, Zlata, Angela, Angelina.


Scorpios are active and confident. They are maximalists. Men are good at feeling lies and are good at manipulating people. Names such as Dmitry, Valery, Fedor, Rodion and Philip are suitable for men.
Women are self-sufficient, they choose only the best. By the best names for them are Zinaida, Yana, Tamara and Anastasia.


Sagittarius are noble natures. Honest, courageous, fighting for justice. Men are eloquent and courageous, freedom-loving. The names Georgy, Alexander, Egor, Ivan, Yuri, Zhora, Stepan, Vasily, Stefan, Vyacheslav, Seraphim, Aristarkh, Spartak, Nikolai, Stanislav are most suitable for Sagittarius.

Women are independent and extravagant. They are tireless in their search for new sensations and impressions. They are forever young at heart and will never give up adventure. Such names are perfect as Alina, Zhanna, Diana, Tamara, Marianna, Vasilisa, Muse, Alexandra, Martina, Marina, Varvara, Ekaterina.


For Capricorns, authority is very important. They need to feel respect and admiration. Men are very hardworking and conservative. They are reserved and laconic. For such a man, a woman will always be like stone wall... Names: Arthur, Budimir, Boris, Bronislav, Vasily, Gleb, Efrem, Egor, Kir, Ruslan, Ratmir, Peter, Trofim, Vitaly, Kirill, Maxim are the most favorable for this sign.

Women are very responsible and rational, serious and demanding, very attractive. The following names are suitable: Evgenia, Linda, Vera, Vassa, Daria, Zinaida, Ida, Evgenia, Kira, Sophia, Nonna, Renata, Nina, Nora, Tatiana, Olga, Polina, Natalia.


Aquarius is a dreamy and extraordinary sign. Men constantly crave new adventures (including love ones) They are considered eccentrics, but they original ideas sometimes deserve attention. The names Alexey, Arkady, Arthur, Valentin, Victor, Vitaly, Vsevolod, Gennady, Grigory, Roman, Semyon, Averyan, Andrey, Voldemar, Bartholomew, Velemir, Valery, Vladlen, Vladimir, Vsevolod, Vladislav, Helium, Herman, Gleb , Eugene, Dorofey, Ruslan, Ippolit, Plato, Jan, Emmanuel.

A woman is graceful and charming, straightforward and sincere, does not easily compromise. Suitable names are Victoria, Ksenia, Svetlana, Albina, Alina, Anna, Ilona, ​​Bella, Aelita, Vlada, Alevtina, Violetta, Vitaly, Helia, Viola, Gelena, Gloria, John, Darina, Isolde, Yvette, Oia, Linda, Isabella, Iolanta, Ilona, ​​Irina, Irma, Louise, Zhanna, Nelly, Novella, Svetlana, Nonna, Elsa, Evelina, Juliana, Yana, Yunna, Frida.


Pisces is the most mysterious sign of the zodiac. They are dreamers and romantics. Men are friendly, diplomatic and very lazy. Helps them all my life Lucky case... The names Innokenty, Eugene and Rostislav are most suitable for these people.

Women are very graceful and selfless, they know how to sincerely love and be loved. They have a rich imagination. The names are Valentine, Marina, Antonina and Margarita.

TaroTaro wishes you every success and prosperity.

It is believed that the names of people and zodiacal signs are endowed with special charges of energy and they must be taken into account when choosing a name for a child. The correct choice of a name helps a person, and the wrong one dooms a person to a constant struggle with certain forces unknown to him and beyond his control.

The sound of a name is an energy that has a great impact on a person's life. This energy interacts with the energy of the zodiac sign. It is necessary that this energetic combination is harmonious.

How to name a child by his date of birth?

At harmonious combination a person falls into favorable conditions, develops its best qualities and abilities, as if some unknown forces help him. Such people are in excellent shape, physical and psychological, very often they accomplish everything previously conceived, achieve excellent results.

When the combination of the name and is not harmonious, everything happens the other way around. Positive traits and abilities develop poorly, but often do not develop at all. People do not achieve great results in life. In this regard, the selection of a name by zodiac sign is one of the most important factors.

The correct choice of the name for your baby according to the horoscope will positively influence him as a person. It is important for parents who want to successfully name their baby to remember that giving their child a name that is incompatible with the zodiac sign can deprive him of the opportunity to reveal his abilities, realize his talents and success in life.

It's not difficult to choose a name for a boy or girl. You just need to study the compatibility of names and zodiacal signs.

In addition, it is important to know that some names, both male and female, are compatible with several zodiac signs at the same time. This is a favorable factor. By choosing these names for your child, you will expand his capabilities, thereby increasing the chances of a successful and happy life.

How to name it according to the horoscope?