Repairs Design Furniture

World Health Day Scenario for students. Game "Cheerful Charging". III. The game "Happy case"

Holiday scenario dedicated to World Day Health

Hello guys! We are happy to see you!

Congratulations to all without prefaces

Today is a holiday - a day of health!

After all, it is so in fact:

A healthy mind in a healthy body!

After all, as well, gentlemen,

Health always possess!

And so that there are no problems,

He wish everyone!

Today I invite you to all in a unique journey, where we will not only play, show your skill and smelting, but each of you will visit doctors: dentist, psychiatrist, laura, oculist, cardiologist and procedural account.

Guys, please tell me, please, the rules of behavior in the hospital (children's answers). Well done, you all told me right. But in order to go on a journey, we need to choose a senior group that will receive a route list and should have a mark about the passage. Do you understand? (Choosing a senior group).

We all visible 6 doctors. Come in a circle from one office to another, where to go - it is written in the route list. Please be careful and do not confuse anything.

If you have come to the doctor, and there is still another group, then wait on the sidelines and wait, you will definitely take. Senior groups are responsible for discipline. After passing all the stages again we meet in the assembly hall.

Before traveling on a trip, I suggest play. Our game is called "This is me, it's me!". Now I will tell you phrases, and you answer me with the words "IT I, IT I - Look at me!" Be careful - you should not always answer, sometimes you need to silent.

In the morning I clean my teeth, I am friends with the spine,

I am very safe to the dentist very boldly to the dentist.

I wake up very early and run first in the bath,

Wash me not too lazy, I go clean, I'm all day!

Darashka hands not soap, did not go to the bath.

Girl - Kale an hour chewing a pear,

Two - washed, three - wiped out!

The blanket was convinced, the sheet flew

And the pillow, like a frog rode from me.

So we checked what you have - who are clean, and who dirty.

Well, what are going to the long-awaited journey ???

(At the stages are high school girls in white coats)

Dentist Blendomedov

    Guys, how to clean your teeth correctly?

    I suggest you listen to the Miss Hygiene recipe "how to clean your teeth":

As we got tasty, you need to immediately clean your teeth.

In the hand, we take a brush, toothpaste

And for the case they took boldly, we clean my teeth:

Top-down and right-left, top-down and left again.

And outside, from the inside you are diligently.

So as not to suffer with your teeth, we drive the brush with circles.

Teeth clean carefully, because it is possible to damage yourself.

And what's next? And then we will dispense my teeth.

We will need a mug. Smile - as a friend's friend.

Worked skillfully, our teeth became white!

    Show your beautiful teeth.

    Dump how many teeth on the lower jaw. And on top?

    Spring teeth Tell the patter "Sasha was on the highway and sucked drying."

Well done boys! I suggest you play a little (optional).

    turn the hoop on the neck

Turn the hoop on the hand

Turn the hoop on the waist

Turn the hoop simultaneously on right hand And left leg.

Okulist of the eye

    On the board are written numbers from 1 to 10, it is necessary to name them from 1 to 10 and back.

    Who just just gives on one leg with closed eyes: Hands on the belt, one leg bent in the knee, eyes closed. Start all at the same time who touches the foot of the floor, leaves.

    Eye-diamond is the game "Kolzebarros."

Psychiatrist Sclerozovskaya

    Remember and sing on a couple of children's songs.

    Stand up in a column, hands on the shoulders to each other, eyes are closed, except for the first participant. It is necessary to pass the distance with obstacles to the guides without delaying.

    One hand clap my stomach, the other - ironing on my head.

    Game: throw the air ball with a badminton racket without leaving the circle.

Lor Hopelkin

    We breathe in the nose, long exhalation of mouth.

    Inhale the mouth, exhalation nose.

    Inhale the nose is a short breath.

1-3 tasks perform 3 times.

    In one breath, pronounce Egorchi - start guys all together, who longer.

    The game "Broken Phone". Children get up in a circle and pass the spelling word quickly (nose, skier, boy, bird, ball).

Procedural. Nurse Preventive

(guys sitting per desk)

    Making a massage to each other.

    Massage palms by prickly balls:

I roll the ball circles

Him and forward he drove

I will stroke my palm,

As if I estimate crumbs.

And sorry his little

Each finger squeezed

And with the other hand will begin.

(repeat the other hand)

    Game: Wreathing rope.

Well, what guys liked our journey? And our doctors? Of course, after passing a medical school, each person receives a certificate that it is healthy or has any deviations. It is even interesting, and what diagnosis put you guys, our doctors? (Religates references)

Aha, it is like! Okay. Wonderful.

So, let's start summing up.

It's time for us to say goodbye,

It is a pity to part with you.

We will visit again to visit,

And we want to wish you:

All healthy, strong to be

Firmly sport always love.

Remember everyone about hygiene,

Purity, healthy body,

With vitamins to be friends

And, of course, do not smoke!

To new meetings, friends!

Julia Fedorova
Scenario of the Day of Health Day "Marathon Health"

Holiday script

"Marathon of Health"

The target audience: Minors 8-14 years

Purpose: Propaganda among the pupils of a healthy lifestyle, the development of interest in physical culture and sport.


1. Holding health events aimed at strengthening the body of children and adolescents;

2. Improving the resistance of the body of children and adolescents to various diseases.

3. Fastening knowledge about a healthy lifestyle.

Location: playground

Form of work: relay, quiz, game.

Expected Result: To form knowledge about the health of saving factors aimed at strengthening the body.

Equipment: "Skis" from plastic bottles, balls, bucket, rope, felt-tumbers, emblems templates, strap with three ropes, potatoes, spoon, big pants, tent, letters, tokens, bint, tires, air balloons.

Event flow:

Sports march sounds, teams come out and are built.


How many athletes in this room

The game will grow up here.

Agility, exposure and courage

Show long time.

Today, guys, we are holding a "health marathon."

Now every team will come up with itself?

So that the guys were easier, on back side The emblems are written by river.

Team "___"

To do not know with diseases,

We need to tempt us.

We are accustomed to engage

Physical education in the morning!

Team "___"

We love we always frolic

Love to run and ride.

Fall and not so

And jerk again!

All gathered? All healthy? Run and play ready?

Well, then do not be lazy to pass the stations to become!

I.Tancan "Healthy"

Very everyone will try

They will be engaged in sports.

Yes guys? But first,

Speaking without unnecessary words

One desire is small

Everyone must be healthy.

Where are we doctor?

Doctor appears

Doctor, all these guys

In champions candidates.

I ask you to answer:

All ready or not?


So, so, now check

I will ask you to get up smoothly

And commands to perform:

Breathe deeply, deeper,

By team inhale and exhale.

Do not breathe, do not breathe

Everything is in order, relax.

Lift hands together,

Shake, can

Shake, twist,

Fine! Lower!

Bend, distingate,

Right to the left turn

And smile to each other!

Yes, I am pleased with inspection,

No one is sick of the guys.

Every fun and healthy,

To competitions ready!

1 Competition "Doctor"

Participate two people from teams. One - the patient, the other is a doctor. The task is who faster and carefully impose a tire.

2 Competition "My Lungs"

Representatives from the teams give balloons. According to the team "Marsh" - they inflate them until they burst. The team wins, who will burst all the balls.

II. Station "Sports"

Relay "Biathlon"

But, in order to find out the name of the relay, you must guess riddles.

Long move went to Konkov

At the threesome friend

It was very difficult for them to climb on the rise.

Suddenly honed moving

Shab rifles - and shoot!

Beat targeted targets -

Once, the other, four, five.

And rushed under the slope.

What is this?. (biathlon)

Commands start simultaneously on the "March!" Team. Each participant has plastic skis legs. Each participant runs, rubbing landmarks to its target. Performs throw with a small ball in the target. Returns back, transmits the relay. Each hit target is an extra points for the team.

Relay "Merry Balls"

Riddling riddles:

Round, smooth as watermelon

Color any different taste. (Balls)

The team receives on the set of balls for the game, the target is any suitable capacity: basket, bucket, pan, etc. During a certain time, all team members throw balls in a bucket. Each participant has three three balls in his arsenal. The total success consists of the maximum number of abandoned balls in the bucket.

Relay "Running in pants"

Riddling riddles:

"On the way I walked

Two paths found.

On both went "(pants)

Representatives from both teams build up at the starting line in the back of the head to each other. In the hands of the first huge pants. At the command, players put on pants, run to a certain mark, remove pants and run back to transfer them to the next participant of the competition.

Relay "Potato in a spoon"

Riddling riddles:

And green and dense

A bush grew on the garden

Show a little:

Under the bush (potato)

The participant puts the potato in a spoon, which holds his hands for the handle. Then runs to the mark and back, trying not to lose potatoes. If it fell, points are not counted. After the next team member starts.

The relay "Sorryokozki"

Riddling riddles:

Canvas but not a walkway

Horse not horse - (Sorry-tree)

For the relay, you need a rope for each team. Commander of the team, holding a rope, runs up to the mark and back, grabbing the second participant, and again, running to the mark. He runs with everyone until he collishes all.

Competition "Ontrinti"

Riddling riddles:

Everything without hands can be enough,

But, and the one who was still able, says I (octopus)

Two teams of 4 people and 2 leading. One gets up in the middle, 3 participants surround him. The belt of a person in the center is attached by one end three ropes (length 3 meters, the other end is tied to the wrist every remaining of 3 children

Driving from each team coming out of the hall, during his absence, participants are confused, changing places. When after 5 minutes, the leading returns, then they should unwrap the opponent as quickly as possible. This team wins the team, which quickly coped with this difficult task.

III.station "Visknay"

And now we will see which of the teams the smartest and uncalled?

Quiz "Sport, Sport, Sport"

1. Tell me where and when was the last winter Olympic Games? (in the city of Sochi in 2015).

2. What are the talisman of the Olympic Games of Sochi 2014 (leopard, white bear, bunny).

3. Name the Paralympic Mascifications of 2014 Paralympic Games (Luche and Snowflake).

4. (General) Name winter species Sports of the Olympic Games. (ski racing, biathlon, figure skating, bobsles, skiing, skeleton, curling, speed skating, short track, skiing diet, jumping from springboard, snowboarding, freestyle, sledding, hockey).

5. Name the motto of the Olympic Games ("faster, above, stronger").

6. Sports game with ball and bat. (Baseball)

7. What is the name of the construction for sports games. (Stadium).

8. What is called an athlete who won the competitions. (Champion).

9. What is the end of the end of the distance. (Finish).

10. Ice covered platform. (Rink)

11. Self beautiful view Sports on ice. (Figure skating)

12. Game with a washer - this is (hockey)

13. In which sports on the site stretched the grid. (Volleyball, Pioneerball, Large Tennis)

14. The purpose of this game is to score the ball at the opponent's voice. (football)

15. What is called an athlete who won the competition. (champion)

16. Headdress to protect against injuries. (Helmet)

17. What seeks to establish athletes at the competition. (Record)

IV. Station "Tourist"

Quiz "Foreway of young tourists"

1. Bird, which first arrive in the spring. (rook)

2. This bird never builds the nests for himself, the eggs leaves the eggs and does not remember the chicks. (cuckoo)

3. What landscape surrounds us. (steppes, forests, mountains, rivers)

4. Which seas are washed by the borders of the Kuban. (Black Sea, Azov Maare)

5. What rivers of our edge you know. (Kuban, Urup, Laba, Beychug)

6. Who is changing four times in a year. (land)

7. The garden has a sun on a leg on the track. (sunflower)

8. Handless, without an ax, an election is built. (nest)

9. Name animals flowing in winter in a hibernation. (bear, hedgehog, bucksuck)

10. Name the largest animal of our forests. (elk, roe)

Competition "Collect a tent»

Participants collect a tent. The quality and speed is rated.


So we passed with you together "Marathon Health." And now let's summarize, we calculate the number of points.

To be always healthy

We need to know a lot

Only eat right

Sports must be engaged

Vitamins get!

To be always healthy

We must really try

Need clean drink water

Keep one's care

In the meadows, walking the fields.

It's never too late to think about your health.

Start right now!

Award winners with diplomas. Photos for memory.

Methodical development of the Organization and World Health Day at school

Description of the material: Annual Health Day has become a tradition in many educational institutions. It is held so that people can understand how much means health in their lives and decide what they need to do so that the health of people around the world becomes better. I bring to your attention the script of the general-howling line. The script competently arranged and the text of the leading is carefully thought out and described. For each parallel, a variety of sports competitions, relay and games were held at school, but here I decided to publish, for the first time organized by me, health festival - "Image healthy man". Unusual name with interesting idea Could reveal new opportunities, thoughts and creativity of students.

The script of the line of the local sports festival "Healthy to be fashionable!", Dedicated to the World Health Day

Sound fanfare
Veda.2: Attention! Participants in the solemn line of the society of sports festival "Healthy to be fashionable!", Dedicated to the World Health Day, Smirno.

Ved.1: We are glad to welcome students 21 schools on the line "Healthy to be fashionable!".

Veda.2: On April 7, World Health Day is held. It is celebrated in more than 190 states of the world now in the 65th time. This day passes under the auspices of the World Health Organization.

Ved.1: Annual health day has become a tradition. It is held so that people can understand how much means health in their lives and decide what they need to do so that the health of people around the world has become better.

Together: Congratulations on you with this world event and wish you health!

Veda.2: And now we will spend our sociable charging! Asya Sergeyevna will help us in this.
Veda.2: Meet the school team of support, students 2, 3 and 4 classes, head of Podgornov Oksana Vyacheslavovna. Girls are very worried, they have a premiere today, so let them support violent ovations!

Speech of the school support group.

Ved.1:We are proud that our school has long-standing strong sports traditions. And there are many guys worthy of athletes that we are also proud.

Veda.2:We begin the parade of sports stars of our school and invite them to pass the range of Honor under our applause!
Sports march sounds. Leading declare all athletes, sport, discharge and class. Athletes make a circle of honor and littered in the center of the hall.

Ved.1:Thank you guys for victory in sports and contribute to the sports story of our school! Go to your places.

Phonogram for care, athletes occupy their places.

Veda.2: We have at the festival not only a parade of sports stars, but also their demonstration performances.
Opens the Gymnast program Grade 7
Continue the program of speeches One of the most popular sports in our school is basketball.
Dances are also an integral part of a healthy lifestyle, a student of class 8B will present to your attention.
Football is also very loved in our school. Checking the ball.

Ved.1:Most recently, a truly grand event was held in the life of our country, our people, each of us, namely, the Olympiad in Sochi 2014. We all hurt together and worried about our athletes, and they gave us a big holiday - first place in the overall hitch of medals !

Veda.2: Also with stunning success passed Paralympic games! The President of the International Paralympic Committee Filip Craven said that the Winter Paralympic Games in Sochi became the best in history.

Ved.1: And he turned to athletes with such words: "Paralympic Spirit united and infected all of us! Proud Paralympians, your speeches inspired us and forced us to revise the boundaries of the possible "!

Veda.2: Our athletes proved that they are the best, they have no equal in the world, breaks the world record - 80 medals in the overall standings! Let's thank all our Olympic champions with stormy applause!

Ved.1:And now the word for the opening of the school sports festival "Healthy to be fashionable!" School director is provided.

The phonogram sounds (the director welcomes the participants of the line and announces a holiday open. Physical education teacher commands the construction of a ruler to the Anthem of the Russian Federation.)

Ved.1: Flag Equation.

Veda.2: Under the flag Russian Federation Namri!

The anthem of Russia sounds.

Ved.1: The name of our line sounds so "healthy to be fashionable!"

Veda.2:and if this slogan turns into the motto of each of us, then success is waiting for us. Let's try to do it right now. Repeat for me: "We are young people", "Choosing a call!", "We are for the sport", "and a healthy people! Agreed? Let's try: "We are young people" - "Choosing a call!", "We are for the sport" - "and a healthy people!

Veda.2: And once again: "We are young people" - "Choosing a call!", "We are for the sport" - "and a healthy people!" Great, well done!

Ved.1: For the announcement of the holiday program, we provide the word to the Deputy Director for Educational Work.

The line is over, the phonogram sounds.

The position of the health festival "Image of a healthy person" dedicated to the World Health Day.

"The result of our work should be aware of the young generation the need for a healthy lifestyle, in physical culture and sports. Every young man must realize that healthy image Life is a success, his personal success. "
President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin

Image - "What we strive for, what we want to achieve.

Objectives and objectives of the competition:
Health festival aimed at the development of public consciousness and recognition of health as immutable value.

Terms of the festival contest:
The performance of each on the topic "Image of a healthy person" is that, in their opinion, it is included in this concept, which means and methods to reach such an image, bring conclusions. The use of expressive drugs is unlimited: music, dancing, photo, video frames, etc. Speech must be compositely built. Duration no more than 5 minutes. Teams provide the presence of their representative at the audio console at the time of the speech.

Participants in the festival contest:
The competition takes part in the 8th and 9th grade (13-15 years). The team from each class is formed from 8 people: 4 boys and 4 girls.

Summing up the festival contest:
The results will be summarized at the end of the festival contest. Winners and participants are awarded with diplomas. The jury reserves the right to distribute the nomination, choose winners.
Examples of nominations:
The nomination "The best presentation of the image of a healthy person";
Nomination "The most sporting class";
Nomination "For creative individuality";
Nomination "For innovation and courage";
The nomination "For the most expressive performance".
Nomination "For the will to victory";
Nomination "For the cohesion of the team";
Nomination "Best Support Group".

Criteria for evaluating the speeches of the participants of the festival contest:
Speeches of participants must meet the following criteria:
Disclosure of the topic;
Culture of execution;

Scenic plan for the health festival "Image of a healthy person":

1. Fanfare - a leading, opening word.

2. School anthem.

3. Charging ("Do Charging")

4. The performance of the Volunteer of the Paralympic Games in Sochi is a student VGADK.

5. Performance 8a, 8b

6. Interview with the hall
- What is the image for you? How do you work on your image?
- Do you have any kind of sport as?
- Describe the perfect day of the day.
- Word the goal of a healthy lifestyle.

7. Performance 8V, 9A

8. Competition for girls with balls
Requisites - one air balloon per participant.
The host invites one girl from each team. Task - You need to inflate the balls to the medium size, do not tie and not twist them, then stand in the posture of the 80s (step aside right leg And pull out your hand over your head) on the team of the lead, the girls let go of the balls, who at least one ball will catch, he wins.

9. Competition for boys "Bogatyr Power"
Props - two inflated, tied balloons per participant.
The leading invites one boy from each team. Task - Each participant receives two inflated balloons, they need to place balls from themselves "armpit" - peculiar biceps of the hero. And under the song "Bogatlish Strength" must begin with all the might put on the balls to burst. Use of stitching and cutting items, nails are prohibited. The one who fastests all burst its balls will burst.

10. Speech 9B, 9V

11. (while summing up) Competition for teams "Air Bridge"
Requisites - one stented balloon for each team.
The leading invites all the teams on the scene. Task - team members get up with each other. It is necessary to transfer the ball over the head of the first to the last participant, and then from the last to the first one, but at the bottom - between the legs.
Scenario of the sports festival "World Health Day" for senior children preschool age (2014)

Goals and objectives:

  1. Formation of a healthy lifestyle culture. Expanding knowledge about a healthy lifestyle, and prevention measures.

  2. Propaganda physical culture and sports like better remedy from any disease.
Formation of physical qualities: speed, strength, dexterity

Leading: Hello, dear guys! This is how it is customary to welcome each other, and wish for health. After all, it is the health that is so important for us. Today our holiday is dedicated World Health Day. And today we are with you to talk about health. We are waiting for adventures, we will go to an unusual journey, and where will soon find out. Who wants to be healthy?

Children : Everything!

Leading: : And what person can be called healthy?

Children : Merry, movable, peculiar ...

Leading: : Now, the guys will tell us what to do is not to hurt.

1. Good dream and appetite

We give physical education

Boiler energy for games

And for walking.

2. We at any time of the year

Even in Studu and Frost,

Do not burn the neck

And not hiding in the scarf's nose!

3. Who with sports is firmly friendly,

Summer runs on puddles

And on the grass barefoot!

4. So as not to hurt angina,

Culture to do!

Leading : Well, you see guys advise us to engage in physical education. But this is not enough. What else to do to do not hurt, we will know today. To do this, we will go to the country of health and we will go on the train,

You will move from the station to the Health Country Station and find out a lot of new and interesting. And when you hear a long whistle - it means you should move on new station. But in front of our travel, we will play the game "Yes and No." It is necessary to be attentive if the food is useful - answer "yes", if not useful - "no".

Porridge - delicious food.

Is it useful for us?

Green onions sometimes

Are you helpful, children?

In a puddle dirty water

Is it useful sometimes?

Soup - excellent food.

Is it useful for us?

A percho soup is always ...

Is it useful for us?

Fruits - just beauty!

Is it useful for us?

Dirty berries sometimes

Eating useful, kids?

Vegetables growing ridge.

Vegetables are useful?

Juice, compotic sometimes

Are you helpful, children?

Eat a big bag of candies

Only useful food

On the table we always have!

And if useful food -

We will be healthy?

Well, what are you ready on the road?

Children: Yes!

Leading : Well, then ahead! Our train goes happy all the way guys!

(A whistle is heard, and the "train" begins. Train parking at each station is 10 minutes.)

1. Station "Washwill".

(Children meets the owner of this water-water station.)

Water : Hello guys, you arrived at the station "Washing", and I am her hostess - water water. With me you come across everywhere. In the morning, getting out of bed, where are you going?

Children: Wash.

IN : Surely. Let's go with you now. And you can also sentence:

Driver, water,

Mock my face

To the eyes glistened,

So that the cheeks are povero

So that the rotock laughed,

To bite the teeth.

Well, here it washed, what are you pure, pretty, with shiny eyes. And what else do not need to be forgotten during washing?

Children: brush your teeth.

IN : right. What are you great, you can immediately see that you do it regularly, find out? (shows a toothbrush and pasta) These are our faithful helpers. Led to the toothbrush on the teeth should be left-left, up-down, and more circular rotations along all teeth. (Shows). It is necessary to clean the teeth every day,

After all, if this is not done, many microbes accumulate in the mouth, and the teeth begin to root. Have to go to the doctor.

IN : What are these guys? (shows a comb)

Children: Hairbrush.

IN : And what is it for?

(Children's responses and story in-in For what a comb is needed.)

IN : Tell me, and when you need to wash your hands?

(Responses of children and explanation in-c.)

(Mysteries riddles):

1.hill on the view it is not very good

And a little bit like hedgehogs,

Loves to sleep very much before

On the teeth of my minute, pay. (Toothbrush)

2. How do you look beautiful!
Cute, very cute,
Neat hairstyle -
Helped you…(hairbrush)

3. And terry, and smooth happens.
Who washed, he does not forget about him:
Adult, infant
Wheels ... ( towel)

Well done guys coped with riddles. You today learned a lot about your health, about how to properly care for your body. We always wash your hands, clean the teeth and comply with other rules, right?

Children: Yes!

IN : So that's great. Now smile, everything and me and each other. After all, a smile is a good mood and also a guarantee of health. Smiling, we give each other health and joy.

Station "Vitamin".

(Children meet a gardener.)

Gardener : Hello guys! You arrived at the station "Vitamin" and with you I am your friend a gardener. Today we will talk about what grows on the garden. Listen to my riddles and guess. Puzzles:

1.Rascuerous braid

And shines dew on it!
Whose braid lies in the garden?
Where are orange heels?
In the ground hid the chest,
Vitamin ...

2. How on our bed

Rose riddles
Juicy yes large
These are such round.
In the summer weeze
By autumn blusted.

3.Reo clothes -

All without fasteners.

4. The grandmother is pulling with granddaughter,

Cat, grandfather and mouse with bug.

Gardener: Well, it's time to say goodbye. Today we learned vitamins that it grows in a garden. Eat healthy foods And you will be healthy.

Station "Nebolic".

(Children meets the doctor).

Doctor : Hello guys. I am a doctor of health Country Today we will talk to you about what to do is not to hurt. What do you think, where do you need to start every day?

Children: With charging.

D. : Well, of course, with charging. Well, becoming a light warm-up with you.

Children do exercises.

D. : And also guys, it is very important to tempt. How do we get up in kindergarten?

Children answer.

D. : And in the summer how can you harden?

Children answer.

D. : And now we part with you. You go to another station. I dates. Do not hurt, be healthy!

Station "Sports".

(Children meets head coach of the country of health.)

Hello guys, you arrived at the Sports station, and I welcome you, head coach of the country of health.

Sport - is life. This is the ease of movement.

Sport causes all respect.

Sport promotes everyone up and forth.

Cheerfulness, health gives everyone.

Everyone who is active and who is not lazy

Can easily make friends with sports.

And so, we begin the competition.

1. Create a vitamin basket.

Task: A player takes a basket and runs to the hoop, there puts a vegetable or fruit in a basket, and returns back. Sends a basket to the next player.

2. Transmission of the relay stick.

Task: on the team on start, the first players run to the cone, ride it and run back, pass the stick to the next, etc. Who is faster and correctly fulfill the task, he will win.

3. Race hoars.

Task: Children get up to the distance of the elongated hands, the hoops lie on the cone at the start, on the team first runs up to the cone takes the hoop, passes the next one, it runs to another, etc. The latter folds hoops to the cone and so that all the hoops will not end.

4. Relay with a ball.

Task: The first player jumps with a clamping ball between the knees to the cone, takes the ball into his hands and crawls into the tunnel. Returns back, and transmits the ball to the next player.

5 . Space quickly before checkbox and back.

So our sports competitions passed, all the guys coped with the task, well done! I wish you all health, excellent mood.

Leading : Well, guys, you visited the country of health.

Did you like it?

You today learned about what you need to do not get sick. It is necessary to contain your body clean, eat useful products, take vitamins, hardened, how can you move and be friends with sports. Truth?

Childrenand: yes!

We say goodbye to you and wish you not to hurt and lead a healthy lifestyle!