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Training for figure skating is 10 years old. Figure skating for children. When to give a child for figure skating

Most parents from an early age give their babies to various sports sections. Today, such a direction is increasingly popular as figure skating for children. However, many do not understand what is a type of sport, with what difficulties will have to face the child. In fact, there are quite a few nuances that should be taken into account before you take the baby to classes.

I want to ride!

Fascinating pyruets, jumping, magic movements of skaters attract the views not only adults, but also children. Many kids dream to learn deftly slide on the ice, as diligently crumbling their parents. And sometimes adults themselves decide to give their child to the figure skating section. In any case, you need to start deciding, there will be a child to play sports professionally or you just need to diversify leisure.

As a general treatment practice, a regular rink in the park or entertainment center is quite suitable. The first classes are best done with the instructor. First, it will save a lot of time (and, accordingly, both money), and secondly, the child immediately learn to ride it right. Riding on straight legs and the habit is repelled only by one foot - very frequent errors of independent learning.

If you wish to make figure skating professionally, the baby is better to immediately take to one of the schools of the Olympic reserve. If there are no them in your city, you can find a club, whose pupils participate in qualifying competitions. In this case, you need to be prepared for the fact that one of the parents will have to sit at home. In figure skating it will be a lot of time to leave, a child can have up to 11 workouts. In addition, sports equipment will have to buy immediately professional and expensive. Some skates can cost about 25,000 rubles. Another unpleasant fact - at any time you may say that there is no prospects for the child, and then you will not have anything but to leave professional sports.

If the child feels insecure himself, try to pick up the time when the roller is empty. Classes per hour of peak or in large crowded groups can lead to injury.

Important nuances

Many parents believe that the earlier the child will begin to make figure skating, the greater success awaits him in the future. This is one of the most frequent misconceptions. Also, often adults do not know how to wear a baby on the occupation, what to buy skates, how much less a lesson will last and what to take it. These are important nuances that you need to know.

  • Optimal age to start classes.

Previously, it was accepted to teach children figure skating from 5 years. Today, this sport has grown out, some clubs and schools are gaining kids from 3 years. Of course, if classes bring pleasure, you can begin and so early. But in professional sport is better to come closer to 5 years. It is to this age that the joints and the bones of the baby will grow, it will be morally ready to withstand quite serious loads.

  • Workout.

Each school has a figure skating lesson to be built in its own way. Most often it is 2 lessons per week in the gym and 1 on ice (for beginners). Or practiced three-time training for 45 minutes on ice, and then the same time in the hall. The total duration of the lesson is 1 hour 30 minutes. Next year, the number of workouts increases.

  • Clothing for ice classes.

Babysham in training is better to put on a heat resistant with moisture-repellent properties. Such clothes will not give the child to stand, it will not get wet and will not stop. To the head of the baby you need to put on a lightweight hat, and also take care so that the neck is covered. Gloves are better to wear thin, with rubberized inserts on the palms (so that the handles do not slide and not wet when the handle fall).

  • Skates.

The most important element of equipment is impossible to buy here. For the smallest kids, 2 years can be purchased two-rose skates that will allow better keeping equilibrium. They stand relatively inexpensively - approximately 800 rubles. An older child should pick up professional skates. Boots and blades are sold separately. Prices for such skates start from 6500 rubles. It is important that the boots reliably fix the leg, but it was not too tough. Refuse plastic sliding skates, the baby will be inconvenient in them, they are too heavy and tough. Better pay attention to the skates of the company GRAF, WIFA, JACKSON.

  • What to take with you?

Slemented set of clothes for classes on ice, skates, sneakers, suit for sports lesson in the hall.

Before sending a child to figure skating, make sure that it is well oriented in space, knows where he has a left and right leg.

Cost of classes

In the schools of the Olympic reserve, learning is usually free. But in order to do there, the child must have certain abilities, a great desire to do. About 200 rubles is one lesson for children in parks. But in specialized clubs, the prices below 1000 rubles for training are rare. On average, the monthly subscription costs 9000 rubles. The set in the group begins in September. Some clubs take children from 3 years old, others from 4, but you need to look through the child. Conguest kid can take and a little earlier (boys are especially appreciated).

The benefits of figure skating

The figure of figure skating is not only hard work. Training brings colossal benefit to the health of the baby. They help to achieve several goals.

  • Strengthen the immune system. Many famous skaters were given on figure skating with a wellness target. An example is a bright example - the story of Yevgeny Plushenko, which up to 4 years has grew weak and painful. However, with the beginning of classes, constant colds and pneumonia retreated, in addition, he was able to achieve high results in sports. Why is ice skating so useful for health? The fact is that cyclic types of loads enhance the metabolism, contribute to the enhanced operation of respiratory and cardiovascular systems. The children's body is strengthened, its endurance increases.
  • Avoid wiring posture. Figure skating is an effective prophylaxation of scoliosis. With such classes, a strong muscular corset is formed, which supports the spine. The figure of the child develops harmoniously, it does not have problems with the musculoskeletal system.
  • Develop such qualities as agility, strength, endurance, flexibility. Running on skates is developing the ability to keep balance, control the work of the muscles. Rapid turns and jumps require extraordinary agility and endurance. All skaters have very strong legs and spin, they are perfectly owning their body and can withstand unbearable physical exertion.
  • Strengthen the nervous system. Slide on ice has a beneficial effect on the emotional sphere. Children get rid of nervousness, stress, anxiety, they have an appetite and sleep. Physical exertion reduce the hyperactivity of the child, it becomes calm, obedient and more perfected.

How to avoid injury?

Figure skating is a pretty attendant sport. Most often, the bundles of stop, knees, hip joints are suffering. With an excessive load on the lumbar spine, discs can shift, with a strong drop - the cochk is injured.
Is it possible to avoid such problems? Of course. The following tips will help minimize risk injury.

  • Select the skates exactly in size. If you buy the skates "on the grow out", then the baby will unconsciously press the fingers. This can lead to convulsions of the plantar muscles and, as a result, to fall and injury.
  • Watch the child well before working out jumps, performed all the necessary stretching exercises. In the opposite case, you can damage the Achillovo tendon.
  • New skates before working out complex elements should be "rolling". In the extreme case, the boot needs to be well, and inserting silicone tabs inward. Everyone knows that the new skin is quite tough, it can excessively squeeze children's ankles and feet, rub.
  • Skate laces need to tighten enough tight. The ankle must be securely fixed. However, it is important not to rearrange, otherwise the feet of the child is numb.
  • Do not forget to wear protective knee pads when working out dangerous elements. In case of fall, they will help prevent serious knee injuries. And if the baby has already fallen, then you should immediately make a package with ice.
  • Carefully treat the complaints of the child to pain, you are interested in my well-being. Sometimes children do not give values \u200b\u200bto unpleasant feelings in the back, knee, hip joint, ankle or cockery. But even a minor pain may indicate injury. Therefore, it is better to rebuild and show the child to the doctor.

Giving children to a piece of figure skating, it is important to think not only about your ambitions. First of all, training should bring pleasure to the baby. Then, feeling support for adults, he will be able to achieve unprecedented success. Well, the right posture, grace, a beautiful figure, good plastic and health will become additional pleasant bonuses.

Figure skating is an excellent start of your child's sports career and a useful passion. Group classes reveal new abilities hidden in each child.

Our coaching composition is experienced sports masters - real professionals of their business. The training program allows you to pay attention to every young athlete, and give it the opportunity to believe in my strength and abilities. We follow, so that the classes in the section are safely carried out, and the children were given maximum care and attention.

Group classes teach children to communicate with each other, to find a common language, which will quite positively affect the child in the future. Taking figure skating, your child will learn to control himself and his body will become more flexible, strengthens his health, and will also feel confidence in itself and its abilities.

Figure skating school can be recorded as newcomers, never standing on ice and those who know how to stand on skates and want to increase their skills. Figure skating is a beautiful, graceful sport, which allows a person to express.

Our disciples are owners of awards and prizes in Russian and international competitions.

School of figure skating SC "Prometheus" reports a set of children in groups on curly skating classes. High quality ice, modern techniques and an excellent approach will allow your child with joy to engage and master the art of figure skating.

If your child has already been 3 years old, you can burn it to our figure skating school. Children over 4 can join classes in senior subgroups.

Classes in the figure skating section are carried out

  • - Candidate of Master of Sports in figure skating,
  • - Higher education. Russian State University of Physical Culture Sports and Tourism.
  • - Experience - 2002-2008 Soloist of the extraordinary circus on ice under the leadership of Sergey Ryzhkov, a participant in various project show, including Shangrila 2 in Japan.
  • - Coaching experience -5 years, four years teaches in initial training groups.
  • - 2008-Present works in the Sergey's pair skating group by the second coach.
  • - Choreographer-director in the Children's Ice Theater Ice Cristal (2009 Grand Prix in the nomination "One-act ballet", winner of championships among dance collectives of Moscow and Mos. Areas)

Section classes provide

  • Learning basic basics.
  • Training to professional elements (rotations, jumps, combinations of steps, support dr.)
  • Individual training with Turner.

Ice fitness

Figure skating is special art and one of the most harmonious sports. It teaches to keep the perfect posture and equilibrium, tempering the character, forms an inner will, develops real artistry and strengthens immunity, allowing you to almost completely forget about frequent colds. It is not surprising that any school of figure skating in Moscow is very popular. Many parents are pleased to give their children to learn this skill among real professionals.

You can give a child to the ice on the ice from three years old. And even if in the end he will not become the Olympic champion and will not receive other sports rewards, as already mentioned, he will learn a lot and will become much healthier.

Figure skating in Moscow

If you are interested in a good school of figure skating in Moscow, it will not find much difficulty, since the capital offers a wide selection of establishments for such a plan with a very high level of learning provided in them. However, before you dwell on some particular educational institution, it is important to make aware of which you follow the goal: to grow a future champion or just strengthen the child's health? The answer to this question will help you make the right choice.

School of Olympic reserve

So, the child is best sent to a specialized sports school in the event that later he will succeed in sports, and the main occupation of his life was precisely figure skating. School of Olympic reserve №23, located in the Sportniki Sport Palace, is one of the best institutions of the capital of those that are preparing future professional athletes.

It leads the story of its existence since 1970. For a long time, the sports school specialized in the development of navigation. It was trained a number of famous and titled athletes. Initially, the institution was named SDYUSHOR №23, but in January 2014 received a new modern name, to a greater degree responding to his profile. At the end of construction with an indoor ice rink in 2013, a branch of figure skating was opened here.

At the position of coaches, a professional school of figure skating in Moscow invited famous athletes: Irina Lobachevo - Olympic silver winner in the ice dance of 2002, Elena Sokolov - Silver medalist of the 2003 World Championship in a single figure skating, and Natalia Mityushin - Silver winner of Italy championship among juniors 2008 in ice dancing.

Club of figure skating "Libela"

If your goal is not at all conquering top sports tops, but a general health practice for a child, then all sorts of schools and sections that will be discussed below are well.

One of the excellent options is a relatively recently educated club of figure skating "Libela". It is notable for the fact that for a short period of existence, about a thousand people have already put on skates and have prepared dozens of athletes to various amateur competitions. Unlike different state sports schools of "Libel" takes on learning everyone, regardless of what the level of sports training and age of man. Children in the club can be brought from a three-year-old age.

Trainers apply special programs in training and techniques. For example, for children in Libel, three levels of complexity were prepared, and for adults - five special courses. In addition to ice in the club, there are ballet classes, jumping preparation and OFP, cardiac armpits and workouts for stretching muscles. Moreover, the Club of figure skating "Libela" organizes fees on the territory of our country and abroad, as well as trips to competition.

I can even come to the club learning even without special equipment. Libele provides rental brands such as Riedell and Jackson. Here on one club card you can do the whole family. It is also nice that it is issued without any limitation of the term, and it can be used in all rinks that belong to the institution (this is the best money put on the card, do not automatically burn, classes are debited only if they are visited. In addition, for All who possess a club card, in the "libel" there is a system of bonuses in which discounts can reach 35%!

School of figure skating Anastasia Grebenkina

Another successful sports institution of the capital is a school of figure skating from other such schools, it features a unique copyright approach to the learning process. Classes are trying to make not only useful from a sports point of view, but also delivering pleasure and a lot of other positive emotions. Also in training an individual approach with eighth different levels of mastering skill is applied. These levels make it possible to determine exactly what loads are required to each student to achieve maximum success and which exercises will be most needed at all stages of his training. This approach makes it possible to avoid a standardized tutorial and leads to really good results.

In addition, institutions offer special programs such as ICE fitness, as well as the author, consisting of classes aimed at the overall strengthening of the body. Another school of figure skating Anastasia Grebenkina conducts an express course not only for children, but also for adults who have never skated or only recently began to master this type of art.

School of figure skating "New League"

The School "New League" also deserves attention, figure skating in which is taught regardless of age and already existing sports training. Children here take training from three and a half years.

The first trial lesson for those who came to the rink for the first time, free. The school has existed for more than ten years and enjoys great success. The idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a new league school, figure skating at the professional level in which will be available for lovers - the project of the Ranks "New League" and many famous figure skating athletes, sports dances, hockey and fitness.


In 2010, the Figure Skating Club "Finist" was created. Adults and kids starting from three years old can be trained on the basis of this institution. Children's training programs, first of all, have a health character, and also help to work out the necessary sports base for subsequent enrollment in professional skating sections.

The club regularly organized both group classes (5-8 people) and individual. Adults can train here all year round. Classes for children are held as in ordinary schools - from September to the beginning of summer.

School of figure skating Ilya Averbuch

The school of figure skating Ilya Averbuch "Path to Success" under the sensitive and skillful leadership of real professionals allows children to learn skating, helping them to master the basic basic skills. The same, who is already engaged in the description of the sport not one year, help perform more and more complex elements.

Of course, its unsurpassed sports art conveys students and recognized master figure skating Group training are organized for children of 4-12 years. The first lesson is carried out absolutely free!


The Morozko figure skating section is an institution of a sports and recreation destination, designed to teach adults and children to this beautiful sport. Classes in it are aimed at improving and fixing the basic skills of riding and on the development of general physical training. In class children are invited from three years.

Training leads such professional and competent coaches such as Alexey Merkulov, Valery Batischeva, Anastasia Diveeva and Elena Pingachev. The level of sports training in the section - from the initial and professional. So any child learned here, easily litter and basic and most complex, available only to very good figure skaters. Those who decide to give their child in Morozko, it is important to remember that the subscription in the section is designed for one month. Missed classes, including due to illness, will not be transferred, and their cost is not calculated from the general one.

How to be what to stop your choice?

Each of the described schools, clubs and sections have their advantages and features. Whatever the school of figure skating in Moscow did not attract your attention, you will probably not be disappointed that they gave their child or even signed up for sports training in it. Looking close to this beautiful sport, you will make sure that it is not just a pleasant pastime, but also a healthy lifestyle, and real art!

Figure skating recently entered into fashion. This is a great way to conduct winter (and not only winter) leisure for children and parents. And it becomes more attractive if rolling can, at least, stand ice skating. And if not? Then the output one - you need to learn this. And better under the guidance of experienced coaches.

Parents should very carefully choose a school or a piece of figure skating. With the arrival of winter, such groups began to work in many parks, on open and indoor ice venues in different parts of Moscow.

We will tell about the most famous schools and figure skating sections, as well as places where lessons on ice for children are regularly held. Perhaps before burning your child in a serious figure skating school, you want him to try his hand during one-time master classes.

Workshops on hockey and figure skating ("Gum-rink")

The central rink of the country is a gum skating rink on Red Square - in the 2019/2020 season invites you to master classes on the hockey world hockey champion of A.Yashina for children over 7 years old and master classes in figure skating Yu.Ochinnikov for children over 6 years old .
Members of the Hockey Master Class will start with basic exercises, the key elements of riding and techniques of ownership of the washer, and will finish the classes by friendly match. Participants of master classes in figure skating will be able to learn the basic elements of figure skating. These are mining, rotation, jumping, steps. And most importantly, children will be able to feel like an artist on ice.
Classes are free, entrance to the rink - on tickets.

School of figure skating (Ice skating rink in Gorky Park)

You can do figure skating on the rink in the Gorky Park. Classes under the leadership of Coach Natalia Molchanova are held for children from 4 to 12 years in a children's skating rink. It is necessary to sign up in advance. The number of participants is 30 people (2 groups of 15).
For children who do not have the opportunity to attend regular workouts, a series of open workshops has been conceived. Under the leadership of the school coaches, any visitor to the rink can descend the basic elements of figure skating.
Classes at school are free, entrance to the rink - on tickets.

School of figure skating (Skating rink in Izmailovsky Park)

Upon weekends, figure skating lessons for children are organized on the silver ice rink in Izmailovsky Park. The program of classes is designed for kids 4-9 years old, which only began to learn. The coach "will put" their skates so that they can ride confidently without the help of parents. Pre-recording is not required. Collection of students on a rink with refrigeration support. Do not forget to take special children's protection.
Classes are free, entrance to the rink - on tickets.

School of figure skating (Skating rink in Sokolniki Park)

Azame skating on curly skates can be learned on the Outdoor ice skating rink, which works in Sokolniki Park. Here, there were classes on which kids aged from 4 years and adults can acquire the skills necessary in order to confidently feel at ice. Together with the teachers, the guys will learn to group when falling, keep balance, slide. Classes are held both on weekdays and on weekends.
The cost of the subscription to 8 classes: 6800 rubles; One-time classes: 1000 rubles.

School of figure skating Anastasia Grebenkina

The main difference between the school of figure skating Anastasia Grebenkina is the author's approach to learning. There are 8 levels of mastery of figure skating. In addition to classes on ice, dance and physical training lessons are organized. Pupils can be children aged 3 years. Game equipment is used to teach kids. Another difference is a rich club life of the school. It is expressed in conducting master classes with famous athletes, on holidays on ice, competitions, organizing departures for fees in Russia and abroad. Pupils have the opportunity to receive sports discharges. Classes, as a rule, pass 2 times a week. You can purchase a one-time ticket or subscription. The place of classes are rollers in different areas.
The cost of the subscription to 4 classes - from 5700 rubles, on 8 classes - from 8000 rubles.

Figure Skating Section "Morozko"

On the basis of the ice complex "Arena Morozovo" there is a children's sports and recreation section "Morozko". Classes are waiting for children over 3 years. Classes for beginners are under the guidance of a professional trainer 3 times a week. The level of preparation in sections - from the initial to professional.
The cost of the subscription: from 8000 rubles.

School of figure skating memory Lyudmila Pakhomoyova

In figure skating school, Lyudmila Pakhomoyov invite children from 3 years. In initial training groups, skaters are recruited up to 5 years. The best disciples are taken into the ranks of MFSK "Young Dynamo". Classes are held in the evening on the basis of the Novogorsk Training Center and the Dynamo Hockey Club in Novogorsk, as well as in LTC "Iceberg" in Khimki. Master classes are held periodically with leading coaches of Russia and Europe. Pupils issue a figure of a figure skater, for which they go on ice.

The school of figure skating "Konk Tchaikovskaya" is headed by Honored Coach of the USSR and Russia Tchaikovskaya Elena Anatolyevna. Young skaters and figure skaters from 3.5 years are invited to the groups. Classes are held in the Ice Palace "Arctic" (Vidnoe, Green Lane, p. 9).

With a list of metropolitan rinks can be found. Read more about the most important open and covered Rinks can be in our articles.

Of course, the presented list of children's schools and shapes of figure skating is not final. We will be happy if you share with us information about other places where lessons for ice are held for children.