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Fruit antidepressants. Useful products-antidepressants

Depression may arise due to many reasons, from physiological to psychological. But there is a simple and tasty way to reduce the risk of development of depression, which at the same time contributes to the "rehabilitation" of the organism. According to this method, it is necessary to regularly, at least 2-3 times a week, consumption of certain useful Products antidepressants.

2. In second place there is a dark chocolate, which is supplied to the body improving the mood of antioxidants and phenethilamine. Fenethylamine is a substance that affects brain cells carrying an answer for a good mood. Chocolate is not only an insanely delicious food, but also very useful.

3. To reduce possible consequences stress, you need to include in the diet antidepressant Citrus, which in the brain comes natural sugar and vitamin C needed to overcome stress. However, the inhabitants of other latitudes can be suitable for sweet fruits growing in their region. Citrus, especially oranges, assist the brain in the fight against the voltage, due to the fact that they are the high content of vitamins and natural sugars. And due to the fact that they are owners bright color and a saturated fragrance, they are called positive emotions.

4. In fourth place in the list of products-antidepressants, there is almonds, which contains zinc, magnesium, vitamins E and B2. When the almond is turned on into the diet, the serotonin mentioned above is produced.

5. The nutritionists are recommended to replace tea with drinks prepared on the basis of herbs, depending on what effect should be obtained: soothing or toning. If you need help in combating stress, it is necessary to include in the diet of the fish, which contains zinc, vitamins of group B and fatty acids omega-3, which are indispensable components in the treatment of nervous system disorders.

6. The list is completed with garlic and broccoli. For garlic, a feature is characterized to reduce the effects of oxidative stress. It is not only effective protection against viruses, but also good to a tool from depression thanks to enzymes included in its composition, which decreases negative impact on nervous cells ambient. Broccoli due to the fact that it contains rich mineral composition, prevents the emergence panic attacks, depression and anxiety. Broccoli is the most positive vegetable garnish. It contains a large number of Folic acid that eliminates us from attacks of an unfortunate anxiety.

The benefits and harm of antidepressants. Lists of drugs without a recipe for children, when losing weight, refusal smoking, cheap, strong.

Man born for joyful life. Only in such a mood it is able to create and create.

True, modernity is the world problem number one called "Depression". It turns out that its symptoms can be leveled for a while, muffled, but it is completely able to completely cure it.

The pharmacy of the "Shchedra" on the proposals of the "magic" tablets from depression. And consumers successfully buy it and take a long period of time, if not to say all your life.

However, is it harmless antidepressants? How much is the benefit of their reception outweigh the long list of their side effects? Let's talk about these and adjacent moments in more detail.

What is antidepressants and how do they act?

Different antidepressants in the piles on the table

Antidepressants are the products of the pharmaceutical industry, designed to level the manifestations of depression.

They are designed to regulate the number of mediators. These are substances responsible for links between neurons. Mediators in a man's brain a lot. Opened scientists were about thirty. Those on which antidepressants affect:

  • noraderenalin
  • serotonin
  • dopamine

In humans, neurons are located in a normal state in such a way that the space is preserved between them - synaps. In a state of depression, it disappears, because it is filled with other neurons, because the connection of the mediators is broken. And antidepressants just this moment eliminate.

Antidepressant action scheme for human nervous cells

By the nature of the action, the preparations under consideration are divided into 2 large groups:

  • Timetics.
    Their appointment is to excite, stimulate the work of the nervous system. Effective for the treatment of states with signs of depression, depression.
  • Timoleptics.
    They soothe excessive excitement arising from depressions.

Classification of antidepressants in the table.

Classification of antidepressants, table

What antidepressants can I buy without appointing a doctor?

Tablets and antidepressant capsules are decomposed on a white sheet

Note that the potent drugs you will definitely not be able to purchase a doctor without appointing a doctor. Causes are a large number or severity of side effects.

And yet are available for buying without a recipe.

  • tetracyclic group - Maprotilin (Ladiomil)
  • tricyclic group - Paksil (Adepress, Plzil, Rexetin, Sirestill, Plisil)
  • selective inhibitors - Prozak (made, fluoxetine, flood, strawow)
  • if a long-term failure harmful habitsFor example, smoking - Ziban (Nosmok, Wellbutrin)
  • herbal preparations - deprim, Persen, New Passitis
  • finished herbal fees

Tricyclic antidepressants, new generation: list and titles of drugs

Handful of different antidepressants scattered on the table

Today, 4 generations of tricyclic antidepressants are known. The highest distribution has preparations of the third, namely:

  • Citalopram
  • Fluoksetin.
  • Parksetin
  • Seraralin
  • Fluuofsamin

However, we note the fourth generation representatives, since they gradually conquer their consumer segment:

  • Douloxetin
  • Mirtazapin
  • Venlafaxin
  • Milnacipram

Good modern, lightweight antidepressants pills from depression, nerves, apathy, plasticity, anxiety and stress: list

The girl holds an antidepressant tablet in his hand for receiving a plasticity

This type of drugs relates to the fact that free to buying in a pharmacy without special purpose.

List the most common light antidepressants:

  • Prozak
  • Maprotilin (Ladiomil)
  • Rexetin
  • Adepress.
  • Plby
  • Paroxetina Hydrochlochlor Reed Gemihydrad
  • Sirestill
  • Delim
  • Gelarium Hyperikum
  • Doppell Hertz Nervotonik
  • Persen.
  • Mianserin
  • Amitriptyline
  • Amizol
  • Valerian
  • Paksil
  • Docepin
  • Tianeptin
  • Herbion Hipperikum
  • Negrustine

Antidepressants for children: list

Teenage girl sits at the table with the handful of antidepressants

As it is not regrettable, but modern children are also susceptible to stress. As a result, their behavior and psychological health are seriously changing.

Below is a list of some antidepressants for the youngest group of cases:

  • Paksil
  • Amitriptyline
  • Fluoxetine (Prose)
  • SERTRALIN (ZOLOFF) - from 12 years
  • Paroxetine (Adepress) - only for adolescents
  • Fluvoxamine (Fevarin) - from 8 years
  • Glycine - from 3 years
  • Delim (St. John's wort, Gelarium Hyperikum, Life 600) - from 6 years
  • New Passit - from 12 years

Antidepressants when smoking refusal: List

Mountain of different tablets and capsules of antidepressants when smoking smoking next to a pile of cigarettes
  • Ziban (bupropion)
  • CHAMPICS (Varniklin)
  • Northriptyline

Antidepressants strong: a list of drugs without a doctor's prescription

Multiple antidepressant capsules on the table
  • Vellafaxin (Vellaksor, Velaxin, Ephelon)
  • Azona

Antidepressants cheap: a list of drugs without a doctor's prescription

  • Azapane
  • Adepress.
  • Amitriptyline
  • Velaxin
  • Velanxor
  • Delim
  • Meliprammin
  • Paksil
  • Parksetin
  • Pyrazidol
  • Rexetin
  • Stimulus
  • Cipramil
  • Fluoksetin.

Antidepressants with alcoholism without recipe: list

A man is going to take antidepressants because it comes out of alcohol dependence
  • Azapane
  • Amitriptyline
  • Phoenibut
  • Tiaprid.
  • Mianserin
  • Mirtazapin
  • Porlindol - Pyrazidol, Tianeptin
  • Adenosylmethionine - Heptral
  • Mexidol

Antidepressants with menopause without a recipe: list

Handful of antidepressants in tablets on the newspaper
  • Parksetin
  • Fluoksetin.
  • Fluvoxamine
  • Sonpax
  • Etperazin
  • Depakin
  • Finlepsin
  • Coaxilla (Tianeptin)
  • Ephelon
  • Velaxin
  • Velafax
  • Fluoksetin.
  • Profuzak
  • Prozak
  • Flival
  • Poroccetin
  • ActApackasetin
  • Adepress.
  • Paksil
  • Rexetin
  • Plby

Slimming antidepressants without prescription doctor: list

Sad girl sits at the table in front of open banks with antidepressants when weight loss
  • Bupropion
  • Zoloft.
  • Frooxitin
  • Maprolitin
  • Prozak
  • Paksil
  • Delim
  • Azapane

Antidepressant - fluoxetine, feven, amitriptyline, lensin, afobazole, gold: Can I buy a doctor without a recipe, how to take?

Several antidepressants in tablets and capsules scattered on the table

Fluoxetine is available for free buying in a pharmacy without a recipe. It is accepted like this:

  • 20 mg times a day for a couple of weeks.
    Then increase the dose by adding the reception in the evening of a similar amount of the drug.
  • Older people begin receiving a drug with 60 mg.
  • The maximum daily dose is 80 mg.
  • Course duration 1-4 weeks.

Fevarin can be bought at the pharmacy only by prescription.

  • Take with a minimum dose of 1 tablet in the evening and bring to optimal - 2 tablets per day.
  • Squeeze with a small amount of clean water.
  • The maximum reception duration is 70 days.

Amitriptin is available for purchase without a recipe.
Features of his reception:

  • the starting daily dose is 25-50 mg
  • for 6 days, up to 200 mg increases, subject to treatment in the hospital
  • the duration of the course varies within 3-6 months
  • elderly patients increasing the dose only under the supervision of the doctor
  • the best time for reception - the evening, as the drug acts happily on the body

Lenuxin is also available without a recipe for depression suffering. Take it like this:

  • at any convenient time of the day
  • repeating course 2-4 weeks for 6 months
  • minimum dose of 10 mg times a day

Afobazol represents a group of light antidepressants available for purchase in a pharmacy without a recipe.
Features of his reception:

  • only after meals
  • 10mg three times a day
  • maximum daily dose - 60mg
  • course 2-4 weeks
  • if necessary, extend the course to 90 days

Claim can be bought at the pharmacy without a recipe. Features of its application:

  • once a day after food
  • minimum starting dose 25 mg
  • the maximum 50 mg is possible in a week from the beginning of the preparation of the drug
  • course duration from 4 weeks to 3 months

Plant Natural Antidepressants, Products Antidepressants without side effects: List, Best Fruit Antidepressant

Fruits and vegetables are laid on the table, which help to cope with depression

Among plant antidepressants available for purchase in a pharmacy or independent workpiece, we note:

  • St. John's wort is the strongest herbal representative. A number of antidepressants preparations are made on its basis.
  • Claims of lemongrass, the root of Malalia, Rodioli Pink, immortelle, ginseng.
  • Extract of Levzey on alcohol.
  • Sanidian.
  • Infusion of clover meadow, blue honeysuckle, souls, dyeing.
  • Chamomile, dill, cumin.
  • Valerian, Mint Peppermall, Hop, Melissa.
  • Hawthorn.
  • Dyagil medicinal.
  • Calendula.

In a state of depression, people are often drawn to food. The latter are able to ease it and even leve out in the early stages.

Among products with antidepressant qualities, we note:

  • Rich in omega-3 fatty acids.
    This is a fish, for example, salmon, cod, herring, mackerel, sardine, salmon, and avocado, seeds, nuts, vegetable oil unrefined.
  • Sea cabbage.
  • Non-fat meat products, for example, turkey, chicken, pork, beef.
  • Egg white.
  • Bright fruits - bananas, oranges, persimmon, tangerines.
  • Bitter chocolate.
  • Oatmeal, buckwheat.
  • Vegetables and greens - tomatoes, cauliflower, beets, chili and sweet pepper, celery, broccoli, leaf lettuce, eggplant, carrots.

The best fruit antidepressant is the one that has a bright color. Since people are different in their taste preferences, one will delight, for example, banana, and the second is persimmon.

Samples you will find for yourself best fruit To align the mood.

Tranquilizers and antidepressants: What is the difference?

open bank with tranquilizers lies on the table

The first is substances that eliminate the feelings of fear, anxiety, excessive excitement, internal emotional tension by stimulating impact on a special part of the human brain. The latter is a kind of brake for such processes.

Pros in the use of tranquilizers:

  • saving memory and thinking
  • muscle Relaxing
  • elimination of convulsion
  • normalization of the vegetative nervous system, cardiac rhythm, brain circulation
  • reduced arterial pressure

These drugs are effective for treatment:

  • distinct attacks anxiety
  • insomnia
  • epilepsy
  • neurotic and neurosis-like states

An essential minus from a long transcription of tranquilizers is addictive. It launches the inverse processes in the body leading to a significant deterioration in health.

Antidepressants have a spectrum and mechanism of action much wider.

Antidepressants are treated or crippled: harm antidepressants, side effects, is it worth taking?

Picture with the inscription "Is there any benefit from receiving antidepressants?"

Definitely reply to this question It is impossible. Because there are really people really sick, requiring treatment with these drugs and observing a specialist.

Due to the lack of a qualitative experimental base in a particular drug before it is released to the market postfactum, the mass of side effects are detected. Their permanent list marked in the liner of any drug makes thinking. By the way, they are from the lungs - the disorder of the chair, to the lethal - suicide.

Manufacturers favorably fix only the positive reactions of patients with people and not to communicate with such that they suffer from deep depressions.

Most common side effects Antidepressants:

  • diarrhea
  • nausea
  • dizziness
  • dry mouth
  • constipation
  • file disorders up to complete oppression of sex desire
  • lethargy
  • drowsiness
  • humped urination
  • disorders of Vision
  • heart palpitations
  • skin rashes
  • enhanced sweating
  • tremor
  • detained and reduced orgasm, weight gain
  • dry eye
  • high blood pressure fluctuations
  • sleep disorder
  • difficulties in achieving sexual orgasm
  • employ ankle and finger hands
  • ambiguity of vision of objects in sight
  • nervousness
  • excitement
  • insomnia
  • headaches
  • hypotension
  • excitation

Antidepressants and alcohol: consequences of joint admission

On the table a mass of various pharmacy and antidepressants in blisters

Let's start with the fact that these substances are incompatible. Therefore, the consequences of their simultaneous reception are unlikely to delight and remove the manifestations of depression.

The picture below shows the mechanism of their influence on a person.

Scheme of exposure to alcohol and antidepressants per person

In addition to the most unwanted consequences - the death of a person, such:

  • strong headaches
  • insomnia or drowsiness
  • arrhythmia
  • spasms of vessels
  • disorders of cardiovascular and nervous systems, kidneys
  • hypertension to dangerous indicators
  • liver dysfunction
  • incixation of the body
  • lack of forces and interest in life
  • constitution of ears
  • problems with coordination of movements
  • body reactions inhibition

What doctor appoints antidepressants?

Psychiatrist discharges a patient a recipe for the purchase of antidepressants

These medications Assign:

  • psychiatrist
  • psychotherapist
  • senior Nurse Psychiatric Branch

Is it possible to drink antidepressants during pregnancy, breastfeeding?

Pregnant girl holds a handful of antidepressants in the palm in blisters

The answer depends on the source data in each specific situation.

If your mother makes depression, not treatable people's methods, I can't do without pills.

That information that you will find on the Internet, shifts vigilance. It is clear that studies conducted companies not interested in complete abandonment of antidepressants.

And yet they recorded a small percentage of developing intrauterine children with health deviations as:

  • umbilical hernia
  • problems in the work of the right ventricle heart
  • irritability
  • temperature instability

In this case, the antidepressants are fully transmitted through the placenta or spindle water by the child. That is, their dose is equal to the mother.

When mom takes these drugs during the period breastfeeding, they penetrate the crumbs in a smaller concentration.

If you include a sound approach to the planning of pregnancy and breastfeeding, then from antidepressants should be refused in advance. Each baby has the right to the highest possible state of health at the moment of birth and in infancy.

Is it possible to drink antidepressants all your life?

Capsules Antidepressant Prognise Close-up

The answer is yes, if your disease is serious and requires constant correction. And also you understand that similar actions make themselves much benefit than the damage.

Particularly attentive be in questions:

  • liver protection
  • regularity of medical research on their health status
  • dosage preparations
  • consultations with specialists

Remember, the long-lasting intake of antidepressants will leave its side effects. Be ready for them.

So, we considered the features of the reception of antidepressants when delivering from bad habits, menopause during pregnancy and lactation. Compiled lists of drugs for different cases, including children.

Take care of yourself and be healthy and joyful!

Video: Depression and antidepressants

Depression is life on dark side Life. People who suffer from depressive mood, can not live full, happy life And often torment others.

Living conditions, such as stress, concern about their existence and mandatory self-expression in the modern world, requires a lot of energy that you need to constantly replenish.

Products for Combating Depression


If oatmeal is a good antidepressant, then chocolate is considered one of the best products to combat this evil, not only because it makes us happy.

This delicious pleasure contains phenylethylamine and theobromine, two substances that. And he, as you know, causes a feeling of bliss and happiness.

Rich products rich

Iron deficiency in the body leads to severe fatigue. Female organism needs larger quantities Iron than male, due to the monthly menstrual cycle.

To maintain this mineral at the proper level, it is necessary to include in the diet of lentils, spinach, red meat.

Consumption for breakfast of oat, wheat bran or flakes will fill the supply of iron for a whole day.

But do not forget that the combination of these products with tea, due to the presence in the last Tanin, significantly reduces the absorption of the mineral to our organism.

Vitamin C

Natural antidepressants containing vitamin C helps to avoid feelings of fatigue and defeat the feeling of sadness.

Products with high vitamin C is also, strawberry, Brussels cabbage, melon, rosehip.


These are the necessary fats for healthy work Hearts. Several studies have shown that they are also useful in the fight against depression, as they are actively involved in improving our health and well-being.

Fat fish, such as salmon, tuna, should be consumed at least twice a week. Do not forget also about nuts and pumpkou.

Recent studies show that exercise can be very useful to reduce or eliminate the symptoms of depression.

These advantages are associated with the secretion of endorphins, natural mood improvers. We cannot ignore the fact that physical activity brings joy.

In any case, when you move, you feel better!

Vitamin B 6.

The deficiency of vitamin B 6 may lead to the appearance of symptoms of depression and irritability. These organic substances do not provide us with energy, but without them the body will not be able to absorb nutrients.

Lack of food for the body leads to fatigue and dullness. And this is a direct path to depression.

Vitamin B 6 can be found in cornflakes, potatoes, chicken, pork, fish and in solid grain products.


The main function of carbohydrates is to fill the body with energy. And if a person is full of energy, what depression can we talk about?

These nutrients, during combustion, leave less waste in the body than any other. Brain cells and nervous system are mainly used for energy only glucose.

Larger carbohydrate consumption will avoid the presence of toxic waste, for example, such as ammonia, which is formed as a result of protein metabolism.

You can fill yourself with energies by consuming such products: quince, beans, dried figs, dates, corn, wheat, pasta.

Magnesium rich foods

Stress associated with work or personal life causes excessive loss of magnesium in the body.

Magnesium deficiency can cause nervous disorders, such as irritability or morning fatigue.

Remember the deficiency of the mineral consumption of nuts, legumes and solid grain products.

Products with calcium

Calcium is required for the balance in the mood. His absence causes fatigue and excitability.

Mineral plays a vital role for the body as a whole and serves not only as a structural material for growth, but also to maintain the balance of fluid, and as an oxygen transporter to cells.

Main sources: milk, cheese, soy milk, squid, oysters.

Missed breakfasts can also affect your mood. Food shortages leads to a decrease in blood sugar levels.

As a result, the cells of the nervous system do not receive required amount nutrientsAnd this leads to a decrease in concentration and attention. As a result, we have irritability and depression.


What is tyrosine? In fact, this is an amino acid that plays an important role in the regulation of mood.

Stress, overwork can lead to a decrease in our tyrosine level in the brain and thus violate our emotions and reduce the ability to concentrate.

In addition to the diet, such products like fish, bird, meat, we significantly increase the content of the amino acids in the blood and this helped themselves to overcome depression.

Tryptophan and phenylalanine

These are amino acids that consume our brain for the production of serotonin, norepinephrine, dopamine transmitters, which stimulate physical, mental activity and act as natural antidepressants.

Main sources: cottage cheese, milk, fish, bananas, almonds, peanuts, sesame, pumpkin seeds.

Natural mood improvers and antidepressants are much better than pharmacy preparations, since they do not have contraindications and are suitable for absolutely everyone.

Products Antidepressants facilitate the symptoms of depression, such as a sense of anxiety, stress, excitability, poor mood.

Signs of depression

If you read this material, most likely, you have accumulated fatigue, which has become chronic, I want to sleep all the time, there is a mood jumping, because of any trivia I want to set your hysteria. This is true? Let's talk about products that will help raise the mood, relieve the condition of stress, depression and internal discomfort.

Evaluate the whole severity of such a disease as depression and describe a detailed clinic may probably only the one who acted this disease. Therefore, antidepressants are drugs, against depression, are always selected individually, only a doctor can assign them. Although today people often prescribe their own treatment, based on advertising and begin to completely accept sedative and funny funds, buying them in pharmacies, on the Internet, believing that they are safe.

I would like to warn that it is impossible to experiment with antidepressants, since complications are possible, such as dizzy, rapid heartbeat, loss of sexual attraction, an increase or decrease in appetite and a state can only worsen.

To gain the domestic balance, it is much better to play sports, yoga, refuse smoking, alcohol, find an exciting hobby to escape from boredom and gloomy thoughts. But for most women best tool From depression is a love story, insanely, insanely romantic.

Top 9 products against depression

1. Footiki

They affect the production of serotonin in our body, therefore are excellent antidepressant. Beneficially affect the cells of the brain and blood circuit

2. Bananas

Surely you also noticed that it is enough to eat just one banana to improve the mood. They also improve mental activity, digestion, reduce blood pressure due to potassium content, plus reduce symptoms of PMS.Since soothing the nervous system.

3. Orekhi

4. Meat, Grain Bread, Sea Algae

We are rich in tryptophan, from which the "hormone of joy" serotonin is formed in the body.

5. Milk

Promotes an increase in serotonin production in the body. And the piece of cheese eaten before bedtime will help rapidly falling asleep.

6. Eggs

Rich useful substances, in particular, tryptophan. This amino acid is a serotonic-forming substance. To ask yourself a good mood in the morning - Eat for breakfast omelet or boiled egg. By the way, see an unusual recipe for making an omelet in the egg.

7. Bright fruit

Mandarins, lemons, oranges are guaranteed to raise your mood and make the deficiency of vitamin C in the body, which in itself lowers the level of nervousness.

8. Green smoothies

We give an example of a green smoothie on the recipe of the famous Dr. Oz, who claims that every morning he drinks this wonderful drink.

For his cooking you will need:

  • spinach - 100 grams;
  • half cucumber;
  • celery root - ¼-I part;
  • half parsley beam, mint;
  • carrot - 1 piece;
  • half orange;
  • quarter lemon and a piece of pineapple.

All ingredients mix in a blender and drink.

9. Chocolate

This is our favorite delicacy that actively struggles with the attacks of depression. The only thing is to remember who wants to always be in shape, you should not eat sorrow with chocolate.

Many people prefer antidepressants of plant origin, as an alternative chemical preparations. Natural antidepressants do not cause addiction, with proper and competent use are absolutely harmless, and help no worse than pharmacy of expensive drugs.

But we should not forget that vegetable drugs have a number of contraindications. The first, there is a risk of development allergic reactionsSecondly, with an uncontrolled reception, the risk of gastrointestinal disorders is high. Also, many herbs can reduce the effect of any drugs. Therefore, phytotherapy or any other therapy should be started only after consulting a doctor.

Natural antidepressants may be in pure form (Herbs, roots and decoctions of them) and in the form of combined tinctures. Also, the list of natural includes pharmacy preparations, which are based on natural ingredients.

Natural agents from the pharmacy

Pharmacy preparations, which are natural componentscan be divided depending on the composition:

  • Defin, Gelarium was created on the basis of the Zverboard. It is believed that the Zver wort to the depression helps better than the other herbs, so drugs based on it are used to treat depressive syndrome, psycho-emotional disorders, nervous voltage. Apply drugs of this group for the treatment of concern, depression and unfortunate anxiety.
  • New Passitis, Persents have a large number of extracts of various grass. These vegetable antidepressants are allocated as Melissa, Valerian and peppermint mint. These preparations are effective in the moments of nervous excitation, with neurosis, sleep disorders, during the period of strong emotional voltage.
  • Nervofluk - a natural antidepressant that has a sedative and soothing effect on the CNS. Produced in the form of dry matter for making tea. Its compositions such grass, like mint lemon, lavender flowers and orange, bumps of hops.

Natural antidepressants

Few people know that ordinary food products are antidepressants. The most widely known from this list is definitely chocolate. It not only contributes to the development of endorphine (hormone of happiness), but also stimulates serotonin production. And the lack of this neuromediator provokes the development of depressive states.

Here the knowledge of the average man ends, and the products of antidepressants occur much more often. Even in the case of chocolate to draw more benefits when using this product, it is better to prefer black bitter chocolate in a liquid form. It is a hot chocolate that is rather absorbed, and it is very pleasant and comfortable in the cold season.

Plant antidepressants and antidepressants of animal origin, which is in the refrigerator at each hostess:

  • Oatmeal flakes, wheat bran, red meat, lentils - iron storehouse. It is iron I. folic acid contribute to the production of dopamine - a substance responsible for satisfaction.
  • Fatty sea fish, avocado, seeds and nuts. These products are rich in omega-3 acids, which, in turn, contribute to the increase in serotonin level in the body.
  • Chicken meat, egg squirrel, pork (low-fat), veal, turkey and sea cabbage. These products are rich in vitamins group B. The lack of these vitamins leads to an incomplete assimilation of other vital trace elements, so such products are required in the diet.
  • Banana. This fruit is not only rich in vitamin B6, but also has in its composition Harman - alkaloid, capable of causing a feeling of euphoria. For prevention of depression, it is enough to eat 1 fruit per day.
  • Honey is a product containing vitamins, useful acids, iron, chrome and other microelements that contribute to a reduction in stress levels. Total 3 teaspoons of honey a day will raise the mood, give energy and strength, get rid of depression.
  • Fresh vegetables and fruits. Any vegetable or fruit contains a huge amount of vitamins and microelements that have favorably affect general state The body, on hormonal background and well-being. Therefore, for preventing depression, vegetables and fruits must be present in the diet.

For example, tomatoes are excellent antioxidants, so that their use accelerates metabolic processes in the cerebral cortex and contributes to the synthesis of "Hormones of happiness". Fruits, like antidepressants of plant origin, are saturated with all vitamins: kiwi, oranges, persimmon - the first fruit antidepressants.

Day diet to combat depression:

  • Breakfast: bran, oatmeal with honey, raisins, kuraga, nuts, banana, egg and a cup of cocoa or hot chocolate.
  • Dinner. Soups with the addition of buckwheat, rice, vegetable soups, boiled chicken (broth) or baked fish, gray bread with bran, tomato salad, tea.
  • Dinner. Vegetable stew, solid cheese.

In addition, it is important to make a snack between the main meals of food: an orange, an apple loaf, a slice of black chocolate, yogurt, nuts, raw carrots, a glass of kefir.

Herbs in the fight against depression

Few people know that right on the beds and at the flower beds sometimes grow excellent antidepressants of plant origin:

  • St. John's wort. Extract of this herb contains many natural drugs. Funds with a beastweight soothing, normalize sleep, derived from depressive states.

Folk recipes Supplements such an application: a tablespoon of the Grass of the Hypericum pour 200 ml of boiling water, boil 10 minutes and leave in 2 hours. Then strain and take 0.5 cups until eating 2-3 times a day. With the same decoction you can take a bath.

  • Peppermint. Enhances immunity, soothes, prevents depression. Folk remedies are preparing for many recipes, but the simplest - mint tea: pour 1 st. Summary of grass 250 ml. Cipely. After 20 minutes, drink small sips.
  • Motherwort. Remove nervous tension, soothes the CNS, dismisses from depression. Folk recipes from depression rarely contain in the composition of one dye, most often it combines it with mint, Melissa and other pleasant stemming herbs. For the treatment of depression, you can use the infusion: 1 st. Supply of grass pour the 5th century alcohol tanks (you can take vodka). Put in glassware in dark place For 7 days, periodically shake. Take a 0.5 teaspoon of means for half an hour before the main meal 3 times a day.

Anyone, even folk remediesMade from vegetable components can harm if they take them uncontrollably. Therefore, before starting therapy, it is better to consult with your doctor.