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Open task bank. Collection of ideal essays on social science I carried eight kilometers test

Human characterize his actions. However, the same person sometimes can be capable of both unprecedented heroism and a cowardish treachery. In the text, Mikhail Khudyakova rises the problem of contradictory of human actions.

To draw the attention of readers to this problem, the author recalls the case that forced him to seriously think.

"I remember everything, I remember in detail, in detail, in the paints. But still nothing can be understood. " M. Khudyakov describes the boy Sergei Leontyev, who eight kilometers stubbornly carried away on himself a better friend, wound on the banks of the pond. However, when each other opens his secret, Seryozha tells him the whole school. "I still don't know, he saved me or betrayed me," "Hero M. Khudyakova is recognized with sadness, thinking about the act of Seryoga.

Many writers thought over the raised problem. Let us turn to the story of V. Bykov "Sotnikov" and consider one of the heroes, a fisherman, under different circumstances. At the beginning of the work, the fisherman brings out wounded by Sotnikov, he saves him from German soldiers, risking his own life. But after some time, both of his comrades are captured, and the fisherman, frightened torture and death, gives the secret information of their squad, and then with their own hands, Satnikov hangs on the side of the enemy. Like Seryozha from the text M. Khudyakova, fisherman, with one side, is a hero, and on the other - a traitor ...

Consider the image of Aksigni Astachova from Roman-Epopea MA Sholokhov "Quiet Don". For the sake of Grigory Melekhov, the heroine throws her husband, the house, leaves with their favorite farm, just to find happiness with him. For this Axigna is capable of going to any tests. But war begins, Melekhov goes to the front. At this time, the little daughter of Axigny and Gregory dies due to illness. Mount breaks a woman, and she changes Melekhov. Although it is later aware that her heart is forever belongs only to Gregory. That's how the Axigny's love is revealed to Gregory.

The lounge of life is wearing from millions of multi-colored threads, each of which symbolizes our actions and attitudes towards them at different periods of time. All things (both good and bad) are reflected in the picture of human life. How are the inhomogeneous pictures on it.

When you perform the tasks of this part, write down your response in the answer form No. 1 to the right of the task number (B1-B8), starting with the first cell. Each letter or digit is written in a separate cell in accordance with the samples given in the form. Words or numbers when listing are separated by commas. Place every comma in a separate cell. When recording responses, the spaces are not used.

Answers to Questions B1, write down the words.

Specify the way the word education is helpless from Proposition 7.

IN2 I From Proposition 7, write out all the prepositions.

From Proposals 15-17, write out the verification phrase with communication 1 Coordination.

Answers to J4-B8 tasks. Write down the numbers.

IN4 | Among the proposals 16-21, find a complex one, which includes a single impersonal offer. Write the number of this challenging offer.

rD among Proposals 22-28 Find a proposal with a separate application. Write the number of this offer.

IN0 Among the proposals 10-20, find a complex proposal with homogeneous apparent. Write the number of this challenging offer.

27 Among the proposals 22-25 find such that is connected with the previous one with personal pronouns. Write the number of this offer.

Read the reference fragment based on the text that you analyzed by performing the tasks A28-A30, B1-B7. This fragment discusses the language features of the text. Some terms used in the reviews are missed. Insert the numbers to the points of the passes corresponding to the term number from the list. If you do not know which digit from the list should stand at the point of pass, write the number 0. The sequence of numbers in the order in which they are written by you in the text of the review on the site of the passage, write down in the response form No. 1 to the right of the Q8 number, starting From the first cell. Each digit is written in a separate cell in accordance with the samples given in the form. Numbers when listing Separate commas. Place every comma in a separate cell. When recording responses, the spaces are not used.

"The hero M. Khudyakova remembers the case that made him think about much.

Such techniques, like ("Eight kilometers on me", "eight

kilometers ... Need me "in sentences 1, 13, 31; "I remember" in Proposition 5) and

(sentences 3-4), combined with comparative turns

specify alarming-tense tone to all text. Contracted act

Serving Leontheva emphasizes such a lexic agent as

("Savior" - "betrayed" in sentence 32), and such a trail as

("Heart Blood" in sentence 33), transmits the shock of the hero. "

List of terms:

1 )

contextual antonyms

6 ) Dialectism

2 )


7) a number of homogeneous members

a rhetorical question

8 ) Epithet


9) lexical repeat


To answer the task of this part, use the response form No. 2. Record the C1 task number first, and then write an essay.

Write an essay on the read text.

Formulate And comment on one of the problems supplied by the author of the text (avoid excessive citation).

Formulate The position of the author. Write, agree or disagree you from his point of view. Explain why. Argument your answer, relying primarily on readership experience, as well as knowledge and vital observations (the first two arguments are taken into account).

Operations volume - at least 150 words.

Work written without support for read text (not in this text) is not evaluated.

If the essay is a retracted or completely rewritten source text without any comments, then such work is estimated by zero points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

Option 26.

Part 1

When performing the tasks of this part in the Blanche of Replies No. 1, under the number you perform the task (A1-A30), put a sign "X"in the cell whose number corresponds to the number of your chosen answer.

| What word is the letter denoting a shock vowel sound?

cement 2) claw 3) calls 4) accepted

D.2 | In what version of the answer is the dedicated word used incorrectly?

Jumping from bed at the same time with the call of alarm clock, Anton quickly dressed a sports suit and sneakers and a minute later ran down the stairs, cheerfully having a march.

This outstanding scientist-physicist considered himself a complete ignorant in the literature.

A young teacher with an excitement caught on himself the wise glances of the guys and continued to speak to everyone who had accumulated in his soul.

Between schoolchildren and teachers already in the first days have established good and confidential relations.

Specify an example with an error in forming the word form.

five kilograms of rice


over seven hundred fifty thousand

far villages

Specify the grammatically correct continuation of the offer.

By consulating a height

the proposal structure should be taken into account.

the grammatical structure of the sentence is important.

it is necessary to take into account the proposal structure.

often the proposal structure is not taken into account.

Specify a sentence with a grammatical error (with a syntactic norm).

1) The meadows, fragrant flowers and herbs, were spread around.

All those who have seen the sea of \u200b\u200bthe lunar southern evenings often remember him.

The officer demanded from the station caretaker that he needs horses.

The development of our industry for a long time went through the enlargement of enterprises.

In which sentence, the apparent part of the complex supply cannot be


replace with a separate definition expressed by the involvement of the turnover?

A unique phenomenon in the essay genre was Roman A.I. Herzen "Purled and Duma", which was called "essistical novel, epic, encyclopedia of Essaism."

Nowadays, the volume of information is continuously growing, which is transmitted according to the global lines of the main bond.

The purpose of the abstract is to transfer the main, substantial, new information that is contained in the referee document.

Read the text and execute A7-A12 tasks.

... (2) First of all, marine water itself belongs to them, the reserves of which today are truly colossal and amount to 96.5% of the total volume of the hydrosphere.

(H) Sea water is a kind of "live ore", containing seventy-five chemical elements. (4) So, still the ancient Egyptians and the Chinese have learned to extract salt from it, which is now obtained in large quantities. (b) It is interesting that the salt crafts on the Chinese coast have existed for more than five thousand years and occupy the territory of over four hundred thousand hectares, and the annual production of salt here reaches twenty million tons. ( 6 ) ... Sea water also serves as an important source of producing magnesium, bromine, iodine and other chemical elements.

Which of the suggestions below should befirst in this text?

Most fishing fish and animals in the World Ocean need protection.

The ocean is a huge pantry natural resources.

Scientific managed to solve the mystery of the World Ocean.

The main wealth of the deep-water Ocean Lodge is the deposits of iron and manganese.


Which of the words below (word combinations) should be at the point of passing insixth offer?

Contrary to this 3) on the contrary,

In addition, 4) therefore

What word or a combination of words is a grammatical basis in one of the proposals or in one of the parts of a complex sentence of the text?

salt receive (offer 4)

egyptians learned (Proposition 4)

i wonder then (offer 5)

water serves (offer6 )

Specify the correct characteristic of the second (2) text sentences.

sophisticated with union writing and non-union bond between parts

complex with the union verification and non-union bond between parts


complicated weatherless

Specify the correct morphological characteristic of the word also from the sixth

text offers.

union 2) particle 3) pronouplement 4) adverb

Specify the meaning of the word is obtained in Proposition 4.

mining 2) test 3) acquire 4) import

In which answer is correctly indicated all the figures, on the site of which one letter n is written?

Some pictures of the artist Savrasov were small; Write (1) they, for one to two hours, they mark (2) with charm of inspiration (3) improvisations.

1) 1, 2 2) 2 3) 3 4) 2, 3

In which row in all the words the unstressed checked vowel root is missing?

dol..tet, vet ..ran, szh..ring

architectural, Sob..Dedo, to ..

shortiness, UB..Ru, incident

sopost .. view, section..y, update

In which row in all the words is missing the same letter?

pr.. Sustained, etc. Ready, unquestioned

without .. scanty, without .. miniature, super..p

not .. there, pr..mull, r..ssently

rO..CHER, not .. Baable, and..dishka

In which row in both words, the letter is written and?

perekole "Sea, Usa .." 3) Ice ..., Nevid ..

cut .. do, subset .. 4) soda..te, build ..

What version of the answer is all the words where the letter is missing and?

A. Razzhag .. B. Mocking V. Beans .. -hawned

1) b, in, g 2) a, b, g 3) a, in, g 4) b, in

In which sentence does not write with the word picked?

From the middle of the XIX century, Russian scientists (not) once organized expeditions to Kamchatka volcanoes.

(Not) the understandable behavior of the hero is explained by the author in the last chapter.

(No) Anyone is able to behave in a conversation with unfamiliar people naturally.

In which version of the answer, both highlighted words are written in a punch?

The eldest son, Anisim, came home very rarely, only on great holidays, (for), then he often sent the living rooms with countrymen and so (as), like medium, stepon, short letters.

The work of his Sergeev knew and loved her (for) what she was given to him, (by) for this and considered him at the plant a good master.

(By) What do you judge about the culture of a person - according to his manners, tastes, habits? And (from) What are you so demanding about it?

They sometimes silent clocks, for (TO) everyone felt that both were well - and (by) the exactly why they were together.

Specify the correct explanation of the semicollary or its absence in the proposal:

Antiquity in Greece appeared before V.A. Serov in her pure form () and the artist perceived this country as a realized dream of great art.

A complex proposal, before the union and the comma is not needed.

A complex proposal, before the union and need a comma.

A simple supply with homogeneous members, before the union and the comma is not needed.

A simple sentence with homogeneous members, before the union and need a comma.

We have opened a magnificent view: the river goes (1) dim blue through a foggy distance (2 ) In the water-green meadows, and the person (3) in the light breath of spring (4) is growing, the stringent to him breathing, happily in his soul.

1) 1 2) 1, 2 3) 3, 4 4) 1, 2, 3, 4

In which answer is the correctly indicated all the numbers, on the site of which the commas should stand in sentences?

Late in the fall or in winter on the streets of cities (1), as you know (2), packs appear on the melodious chirling, then sharply screaming birds. Here (3) Apparently (4) for this cry and the birds received their name - weselves, because the verb "Smasher" meant "whistling sharply, screaming."

3, 4 2) 1, 3 3) 1, 2 4) 1, 2, 3, 4

Specify the offer in which you need to put one comma. (Punctuation signs are not arranged.)

Nor on the walls either on the windows there were no decorations.

Among the artisans were weaver and armory masters and cereals on the bone.

A powerful "fur coat" around our planet consists of free protons and electrons and is divided into two belts.

Cases and cases completely tortured.

How to explain the formulation of the colon in the suggestion below?

In 1720, Peter I approved new rules for uniforms of troops: Kaftan received

small cloth collar, pocket valves with three buttons, cord on

left Shoulder I.10 Buttons on board.

A summary word is facing homogeneous members of the sentence.

The second part of the non-union complex proposal explains, reveals the content of what is said in the first part.

The second part of the non-union complex proposal is opposed to the content of what is said in the first part.

The first part of the non-union complex proposal indicates the time of the commission of what is said in the second part.

In which answer is the correctly indicated all the numbers, on the site of which the commas should stand in the sentence?

Now all living scenes of travel entered the poem (1) the plot (2) of which (3) was quite uncertain.

1) 1 2) 2 3) 1, 3 4) 2, 3

In which answer is the correctly indicated all the numbers, on the site of which the commas should stand in the sentence?

He continued the path (1) but (2) when only twelve wool (3) was left unexpectedly whistling and ass (4) because there was sharp pebbles on the wheel again.

2, 3 2) 1, 3, 4 3) 1, 4 4) 1, 2, 3, 4

Read the text.

When we look at the painted object, we see not its own color, but the color of the light, which is reflected from this subject. Most of the sunlight (and this mixture of all colors) falling on the subject is absorbed, remains inside. And only the reflected light falls into our eyes, and we perceive it as the color of the subject.

In which of the suggested suggestions is correctly transferredthe main Information contained in the text?

Looking at the painted object, the person perceives the reflected item with the subject of sunlight as its color.

Sunlight is a mixture of all colors absorbed by the subject.

When we look at the subject, we see the color of sunlight absorbed.

Most of the sunlight enters the eyes of a person.

Read the text and perform the A28-A30 tasks; B1-B8; C1.

In winter, the appeal of doctors to the audience sounded in winter from the television screens of Omsk: a donor blood was urgently needed.

People sat in warm cozy apartments, no one knew about each other's affairs, no one was going, and he could not control human actions. (H) Anyone could then say: I did not watch TV, I did not hear appeal.

    But the controller was still the majority. (5) The highest moral controller is conscience. (6 ) But after all, and only! (7) Yes, and only. (8 ) But this is "only", this only selectivity and turned out to be the main one in the next minutes when a person began to act. (9) On trams, on buses, people traveled to the hospital. (U), duty medustors went out to meet them. (11) 320 people arrived in the hospital 320 people. (12) The victim was saved.

    I wanted to meet at least some of these people. (14) I went to their house, talked, finding out the motives of the act, painfully looking for words and felt how not enough of these words not only to me, but also to the donors themselves ... (15) I still feel the awkwardness of those conversations, clarification . (16) The main thing was in another. (17) The main thing was that these people act on their usual ideas about moral debt. (18) They did not have other motives. (19) moral debt - their main motive. ( 20 ) The act of these people is not a bright flash, but the rate of behavior, and toach the motive actions aimed at helping a person who fell into trouble was truly ridiculous.

In fact, it is necessary to explore first of all the moral atmosphere, the situation that allows you to educate in people such an understanding of the sense of debt, similar responsiveness. (22) It is really necessary, for it is important that the manifestation of the humane properties of the human soul has become for every natural need. (23) for everyone!

With particular clarity, I remember the face of my oldest interlocutors at the moments when their act by many journalists was characterized as a feat. (25) No, these people knew well that the feat is one, and the fulfillment of moral debt is another. (26) The journalist also followed to know. (27) As the fact that each of these people, in general, every person who can break the personal well-being to help to another person is capable of much more. (28) This person will not allow the clashes, the conflict between personal interest and the interest of public.

(29) One originates in the other. (ZO) Large - in Malom, Great - in Big.

(In N. Bocharov *)

* Gennady Nikolaevich Bocharov (born in 1935) - journalist, publicist, political observer.

In which sentences the author explains the motives of the act of voluntary donors?

2, 3 2) 14, 15 3) 17, 19 4) 29, 30

Which of the listed statements is erroneous?

Proposals 9-12 presented a story.

The sentences 17-19 presents the argument.

24 Text offer contains a descriptive fragment.

Proposition 30 explains the content of the text of the text.

What proposal uses phraseologism?

5 2) 17 3) 21 4) 24

Part 2

When you perform the tasks of this part, write down your response in the answer form No. 1 to the right of the task number (B1-B8), starting with the first cell. Each letter or digit is written in a separate cell in accordance with the samples given in the form. Words or numbers when listing are separated by commas. Place every comma in a separate cell. When recording responses, the spaces are not used. Ege P. russianlanguage (March 23. 2012 year) every rural ... from above in the center Write a trial EGE-2012 . Russianlanguage Option - All Schools should ... Trial verification fees EGE by russianlanguage Must arrive at 12. ...

This section contains essays from students of secondary schools. In writings there may be errors ...

The problem of betrayal. By the text M.G.Hudyakova.

(1) He used me on eight kilometers.(2) Eight thousand meters around the grilled land,(3) I still remember his hot back, sweat, which, as if acid, drove the skin on his arms.(4) And white distance, as if a starchy hospital sheet ...

The writing:

You can start an essay in a different way. For example:

M.. The focus in its text argues about the fine edge of the feat and betrayal, asking for a question: the hero or traitor?
Razdashlya on this, the author tells us the story of the boy's life. Although many years have passed, M.Hudyakov writes, the main character still remembers the horror of the moment when Seryozha Leontyev risked the wounded friend, and the boy's condition is still experiencing it as if all this terrible nightmare continues until now. In those moments, the wounded admitted to his friend about the most intimate: about love for her classmate.

(1) He is used for him eight kilometers. (2) Eight thousand meters along the grilled land. (3) I still remember his hot back, sweat, which, as if acid, drove the skin on his hands. (4) And White Dal, as if a starchy hospital sheet ... (5) I remember all this, I remember in detail, in detail, in paints. (6) But anyway, I can not understand anything. (7) And today, after many years, when I remember that case, my wisdom, having lost the balance, helplessly sound in a thick jog of bewilderment: it seems to me the incomprehensible and strange our whole life, especially if you try to understand it.

(8) We were then thirteen - to me and my dusty friend Sergei Leontyev. (9) We went fishing for the thirty lands on the old, crushed pond. (10) I suddenly got refreshing, and I climbed into the water, but did not have time to do and the step, as I cried out from acute pain in my leg. (11) A servant rushed to me, he drags me ashore. (12) I was horror saw that from the heel sticks out a shard of a bottle neck, and on the grass droplets thick blood. (13) Eight kilometers serving me on me.

- (14) Seryen, throw me! - I whispered with dry lips.

- (15) No! - hoarse friend. (16) It was like a movie: a friend takes a wounded friend from the battlefield. (17) Pullets whistle, the shells are torn, and he would at least henna. (18) He is ready to sacrifice his life, give his heart, his soul, ready to give everything in the world ... (19) my head was spinning from weakness, and suddenly, I myself do not know why

i told the serge:

- (20) Seryen, if I die, then give me hello to me pebbles Korshunova! (21) Tell her that I loved her.

(22) Silge, blowing away from the face of a drop of sweat, drove his T-shirt on the flaps and from fatigue, it seems, no longer consumed that I am saying. (23) He dotted me to the hospital, then breathing heavily, sitting on the couch and watched the doctor handles my wound.

(24) And the next day, when I, lame, went out into the courtyard, everyone already knew that before death I asked to convey hello to pebbles Korshunova. (25) And I became the loss of the whole school. (26) My appearance now at all caused the convulsions of mocking giggling, and I, from nature a cheerful boy, became closed and shy to soreness.

(27) 3 And he told them about my hello? (28) Maybe he simply outlined all the details of that case, not supposing that my request would be so laughing? (29) Or maybe he wanted his heroism to look more impressive against the background of my vascular actor? (30) I do not know!

(31) He used me eight kilometers over a sunny heat than a sunny road. (32) But I still do not know, I saved me or betrayed me.

(33) The scar on the leg almost completely bored, but my heart is still bleeding. (34) And when they say to me: "You have handed it out such that," I'm a chain of horror and goosebumps on my back.

(According to M. Khudyakov)

Show text entirely

What is betrayal? What can it be? These questions are given by M. Khudyakov, the author of the text read by me.

Arguing over the questions raised, the author tells the story of two thirteen boys. Two friends went fishing, one of them randomly hooked his leg. Seryozha Leontiev Dog's wounded friend eight kilometer to Hospital. Excoring from weakness, the wounded boy asked for a friend to convey the pebbles to Korshunova, which loves her. Seryozha made a heroic act without leaving a friend in trouble, but unfortunately he was a traitor, since he told the whole school on recognizing his friend. The hero can not understand: why, making the heroic act, Sergei then betrayed him? This case made the author think about what betrayal is.

Copyright lies in: betrayal-worst human quality. Soul wounds are much more painful. In connection with the treacherous act, Seryoga Leontiev in relation to his friend, the boy's heroism remained in the shadows.

In the Romana A.S. Pushkin "Captain's daughter" Schvabrin Alexey Ivanovich, a sublore and dishonest man. Doing him betray


  • 1 of 1 k1 Formulation of the problems of the source text
  • 2 of 3 k2

Preparation for writing an essay by the text M.Hudyakov, taking into account the requirements for the task with the expulsion response of the exam in the Russian language. Grade 11.


prepare students for writing an essay-reasoning on the specified text;

to form skills and skills to build text taking into account the requirements for the task with the exam in the Russian language; summarize and consolidate knowledge about the style and type of speech; improve the skills to build a connected monologue statement, the ability to develop the reading activities of students;

to form skills correctly and evolve their point of view; Relieve a sense of responsibility.

Means of education: Text on Khudyakov, Explanatory Dictionary, I.S. Khigova, Russian-Tatar dictionary, slides with statements of outstanding people about friendship, text parsing plan.

Method: Analytical conversation.

Type of lesson: improvement and deepening knowledge and skills on writing an essay-reasoning.


Text is an object for research and thinking.

M. Bakhtin


1. Organizational moment

3. Teacher's introductory word:

- Today, the next lesson for the development of speech, whose task will work on the text and write an essay-reasoning. By definition of the famous philologist M. Bakhtin, the text "is an object for research and thinking."(Reading epigraph)
So, we must analyze the text M.Hudyakov. Material for working on the tables. Carefully read the text.

Original text:

(1) He is used for him eight kilometers. (2) Eight thousand meters along the grilled land. (3) I still remember his hot back, sweat, which, as if the acid, drove the skin on his arms. (4) and white distance, as if an overheaded hospital sheet ... (5) I remember all this, I remember in detail, in details , in paints. (6) But everything can not understand anything. (7) And today, after many years, when I remember that case, my wisdom, having lost the balance, helplessly sound in a thick quagm.
(8) We were then thirteen - me and myopen To a friend, Sergei Leontyev. (9) We went fishing for the old lands on the old, crushed pond. (10) I suddenly got refreshing, and I climbed into the water, but did not have time to do and the step, as I cried out from acute pain in my leg.
(11) A servant rushed to me, he drags me ashore. (12) I saw me with horror that he sticks out a bottle of a bottle neck from the heel, on the grass droplets thick blood. (13) Eight kilometers serving me on me.
- (15) No! - hoarse friend. (16) It was like a movie: a friend takes a wounded friend from the battlefield. (17) Pullets whistle, the shells are torn, and he would at least henna. (18) He is ready to sacrifice his life, give his heart, his soul, ready to give everything in the world ... (19) My head was spinning from weakness, and suddenly, I myself do not know why, I said to the serge:
- (20) Seryen, if I die, then give me hello to me pebbles Korshunova! (21) Tell her that I loved her.
(22) Seryozha, blowing away from the face of a drop of sweat, drove his T-shirt on the flaps and from fatigue, it seems, no longer consisted that I say. (23) He dotted me to the hospital, then breathing heavily, sitting on the couch and watched the doctor handles my wound.
(24) And the next day, when I, lame, went out into the courtyard, everyone already knew that before death I asked to convey hello to pebbles Korshunova. (25) I became the ridiculous school. (26) My appearance now at all caused the convulsions of mocking giggling, and I, from nature a cheerful boy, became closed and shy to soreness.
(31) He used me eight kilometers over a sunny heat than a sunny road. (32) But I still do not know, I saved me or betrayed me.
(33) The scar on the leg almost completely bored, but my heart is still bleeding. (34) And when I tell me: "You put such a hello," I am a chain from horror and goes goosebumps on my back.

Previously, do vocabulary work:

- Bog.
- Potted.
- convulsion.
- Chain.

- What is this text about?
- About friendship.
- About childhood,
- about the betrayal of a friend,
- Disadvantaged, which has passed into pain.
- About the wound, which can be done by the word ...

- What is the impression on you text?
- The text made thinking about the fact that the secrets and secrets of the friend should be stored.
- made a feat for a friend, then it is not necessary to disclose it.
- The word can hurt stronger than weapons.

- Indeed. Lose open Friend is a big loss. But tell me how do you understand the meaning of this word?
- Open friend is the closest friend,
- He is ready for everything to you

Read the excerpt from the text (Proposals No. 8-21)

- Guys, what do you personally invest in such concepts as "friend", "friendship"?
- My friend is a close person to me to whom I can entrust my secrets, even the most intimate, about which I do not speak and parents,
- My friend comes to me on the revenue, when it is necessary, can sacrifice yourself ...
- The task was given to the house: to prepare proverbs about friendship. Listen to them (
Attachment 1 , slide 6)

1 Group:

There are a lot of friends, and the friend is one.

You can't buy a friend for money.

2 Group:

The friend is not tested - that the nut is not compatible.

Looking for a friend, and you will find - take care.

3 Group:

Friendship What glass: you break - do not redeem.

Lose friendship is not to spare yourself.

An old friend is better than two new ones.

- We have seen what he speaks of such moral categories as friend and friendship, folk wisdom. In the very wise book about friendship it is written: "The faithful friend is strong defense: who found him, found a treasure. A faithful friend no price and no goodness of his "(Sirah)

- Another group was supposed to compile the Associrm of the Word "Friendship"( Attachment 1 , Slide 7)

Outstanding people of all times and peoples also thought about what a friendship is and who is a real friend. Listen to some sayings:
( Attachment 1 , slide 8)

Blessed is the one who is lucky with a true friend. (Menandr, Poet Comediographer)

Lose friend - the greatest loss. (Publishing Sir, poet)

Without true friendship, life is nothing.(Cicero, politician, speaker, poet)

Remember, a friend: it's hard to find a friend than a girlfriend. Treason to a friend - a crime. Without justifying, without forgiveness. (Lope de Vega, Spanish playwright)

Dieman himself, and comrades (A.V. Savorov)

Slides with statements are projected on the screen. Read students.

Comment Problems . What is the text? How did you understand the content? (sets out a summary)
- Silge of Leontiev, carried eight kilometers on his friend's back. It was like a movie: a friend takes a wounded friend from the battlefield. Pullets whistle, the shells rush. He donated a friend to the hospital. On the way, he told about his secret. And the next day, when a friend came to school, I learned that all his mystery know. From now on, he became closed and shy. And his friend considered the traitor. Now has passed many years, but this event still torments him.

- Guys, what can we say about the first act of Seryoga, how did he appear before you?
"The first of his deed causes our respect, he is a hero who accomplished the feat.
- But the second act Seryoga makes us think. He announced the whole school his request to convey hello to the girl, because of what he became the ridiculous school.
- Your rating about this act Seryoga?
- He did wrong. The second act does not collected it.
- That is, at the beginning of the story, we see a strong, true friendship that consistently turns into betrayal.
- What question is most worried about the author, causes his reflection?
- The issue of complexity and contradictory of human actions.
- So, what problem does the author affect?

- the problem of complexity and contradictory of human actions.
- Next problem affected by the author in the text?
- The problem of betrayal.
- What is the position of the author on this problem
Life, like human relationship, is complex. The same person can be capable of a heroic act and betrayal.
"Now we have to express our opinion about this." You can agree or disagree with the author's opinion. Your judgments, please.

It is necessary to bring at least 2 arguments, based on knowledge, vital or reader experience. What can be considered life experience, and what is the reader?

Turn to the table posted on the board.

- What can arguments lead? (Student stories)
- We have literature, so much who said about human values. What are the heroes can lead from fiction?
- In the story of A.S. Pushkin "Captain's daughter" Shvabrin is the lowest face. First, from the essence insults the honor of the girl Masha Mironova. With each convenient case, slanders on everyone, saving your skin. And this act when he brings the Father Greenwood about the duel, causes only contempt for him. We know that Greenwood received proper education in childhood, because it is important for him to comply with such concepts as honor and conscience. And Shvabrin, apparently, (we do not know anything about his childhood), did not have learned these concepts.

- Today, at the lesson, we talked about such problems that are relevant in our modern world. Of all we talked about, we can conclude that finding a true friend is difficult. And if you found, then take it.

Homework: Add an essay - reasoning, check on the criteria of the exam and put an approximate score (pencil)

For students to everyone on the desk.

(1) He is used for him eight kilometers. (2) Eight thousand meters along the grilled land. (3) I still remember his hot back, sweat, which, as if acid, drove the skin on his hands. (4) And White Dal, as if a starchy hospital sheet ... (5) I remember all this, I remember in detail, in detail, in paints. (6) But anyway, I can not understand anything.

(7) And today, after many years, when I remember that case, my wisdom, having lost the equilibrium, helplessly sound in a thick quagmire ...: It seems to me the incomprehensible and strange our whole life, especially if you try to understand it.

(8) We were then thirteen - to me and my dusty friend Sergei Leontyev. (9) We went fishing for the thirty lands on the old, crushed pond. (10) I suddenly got refreshing, and I climbed into the water, but did not have time to do and the step, as I cried out from acute pain in my leg. (11) A servant rushed to me, he drags me ashore. (12) I was horror saw that from the heel sticks out a shard of a bottle neck, and on the grass droplets thick blood.

(13) Eight kilometers serving me on me.

- (14) Seryen, throw me! - I whispered with dry lips.

- (15) No! - hoarse friend. (16) It was like a movie: a friend takes a wounded friend from the battlefield. (17) Pullets whistle, the shells are torn, and he would at least henna. (18) He is ready to sacrifice his life, give his heart, his soul, ready to give everything in the world ... (19) My head spisled my weakness, and suddenly, I myself do not know why, I said to Sergeka:

- (20) Seryen, if I die, then give me hello to me pebbles Korshunova! (21) Tell her that I loved her.

(22) Silge, blowing away from the face of a drop of sweat, drove his T-shirt on the flaps and from fatigue, it seems, no longer consumed that I am saying. (23) He dotted me to the hospital, then breathing heavily, sitting on the couch and watched the doctor handles my wound.

(24) And the next day, when I, lame, went out into the courtyard, everyone already knew that before death I asked to convey hello to pebbles Korshunova. (25) And I became the loss of the whole school. (26) My appearance now at all caused the convulsions of mocking giggling, and I, from nature a cheerful boy, became closed and shy to soreness.

(27) Why did he tell them about my hello? (28) Maybe he simply outlined all the details of that case, not supposing that my request would be so laughing? (29) Or maybe he wanted his heroism to look more impressive against the background of my vascular actor? (30) I do not know!

(31) He used me eight kilometers over a sunny heat than a sunny road. (32) But I still do not know, I saved me or betrayed me. (33) The scar on the leg almost completely bored, but my heart is still bleeding. (34) And when they say to me: "You have handed it out such that," I'm a chain of horror and goosebumps on my back.

(According to M. Khudyakov)

Mikhail Georgievich Hadyakov (1894-1936) - historian, archaeologist, folklorist, author of a number of ethnographic and archaeological essays on the history of Turkic and Finno-Ugric peoples.




the line between friendship and betrayal

The problem of careful attitude towards the feelings of people. Why are soul wounds so scary for a person?

1. Introduction

Have you ever thought about what is hidden for one or another act and what consequences can he have in your or someone's life? In my opinion, these questions concern each of us.

2. Setting the problem


the line between friendship and betrayal

The problem of careful attitude towards the feelings of people. Why are soul wounds so scary for a person?

It is about human actions that M.Hudyakov reflects, raising the problem of the impossibility of the unequivocal explanation.

3. Comment on the problem

The author, obviously, relies on his life experience, describing the case that occurred on fishing with him and his friend, rather a former friend. The acts of the last storytellor are very difficult to explain: at first he saves the main character, and then puts on the laugh before the whole school, told about the secret, trusted in an extreme situation. The case of a distant childhood still worries the hero. Indeed, how to explain the act of serving Leontiev: saved or betrayed? Why, having committed in the general heroic act, he then makes meanness?

Khudyakov believes that in such a situation it is impossible to understand true reasons, motives of the act. ... It seems to me the incomprehensible and strange our whole life, "he writes.

5. Your position

6. Literary argument

Each of us combines positive and negative principles, and it is not known what will be dominant at a certain point. So, Rodion Raskolnikov, Hero Roman F.M. Dostoevsky, obeying the impulse of the soul, gives his latest money to the family of marmalades, shortly before that committing the killing of the old-year-older.

7. Any other argument

Favorite Heroes Tolstoy - People who are confused, mistaken, do not always understand why they commit certain actions. Recall the Pierre Probrova ("War and Peace"), who asks himself, how he could pronounce the words of Love Helen.

8. Conclusion

Yes, we are different, and our deeds are a reflection of our essence, which is often contradictory.

So, the questions will always be left over which we will break your head. Although, as M.Hudyakov noted, it is also problematic: "It seems to me the incomprehensible and strange our whole life, especially if you try to understand it."